#it’s about the ‘two idiots who fail to take chances and communicate well’????
Just thought about how Tildy/Peter could act as a narrative mirror for sketchbook. I need to sit down.
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thenerdykneazle · 10 months
Amorous Tension
Summary: Poppy is quite sure her best friend has feelings for our favourite heir of Slytherin. MC is quite sure she doesn't, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. When Ominis asks MC to help him study for an upcoming potions exam, she jumps at the chance. TL;DR: Two idiots in love brew amortentia together.
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who created the audio version of this story. Listen to the first part here and the second here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Warnings: the mildest of hand kinks, kissing, a surprising amount of schoolwork, stressing about exams, failure to communicate
Word count: 4185
You tapped your quill anxiously on the edge of your parchment, forming an ever-growing blot of ink in the margin. You were re-reading a paragraph in Flesh-Eating Trees of the World on a South American anteater-eating shrub. The words made as little of an impression in your mind as they had the first time.
A hand settled on top of yours, startling you.
“You’re going to put a hole in the table if you keep that up. And I doubt Madam Scribner would be pleased,” Poppy said teasingly.
You sighed, setting down the quill before dropping your head onto the table. “I’m going to fail. I know nothing. Less than nothing, even. Garlick is going to laugh me out of the greenhouse,” you said hopelessly.
Poppy rubbed your back comfortingly. “No, she’s not,” she assured you.
You let out a frustrated groan. “I’m never learning the difference between Jacaranda muscipula and Delonix geogalinivorae. They’re both just bloodthirsty ferns.”
A smooth voice came from behind you. “Jacaranda muscipula is native to South America, and its diet consists largely of deer mice. Delonix geogalinivorae is found in Madagascar and feeds exclusively on tenrecs.”
Your head shot up off the table. “Ominis,” you said in a higher pitch than you’d intended. You twisted in your chair to see your aristocratic classmate standing there looking effortlessly flawless.
“Hello, MC, Poppy,” he said with a pleasant smile. “I take it you’re dreading Garlick’s exam as much as Sebastian is.”
You scrunched your nose. “More, probably,” you said dismally.
“Well, I had come to see if you might be able to help me study for Sharp’s exam on Monday,” he said. “I could help you with herbology after. Of course, I’d be happy to help even if you don’t have time for potions practice.”
You gaped at him. He was asking you for help? Amit and Sebastian both had top grades in potions. You’d taken to it quite well, but the two boys had several more years of experience than you did. Garreth knew every ingredient and recipe inside and out, though he almost never stuck to the instructions – you could see why Ominis wouldn’t have asked him for help.
Your stomach leapt at the idea of spending time at the bench – just you and Ominis, brushing elbows at the cosy workspace. It was always dizzying being in such close proximity – the effect of his expensive cologne, surely.
Poppy would probably argue differently. She’d just been pestering you just that morning about your alleged feelings for the sarcastic Slytherin.
“You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, MC,” Poppy said, rolling her eyes as you walked to the Great Hall.
Garreth had just been talking to you out in the courtyard about needing to acquire Thornback Matriarch venom for a new potion he was working on. You had told him he’d probably be better equipped than you were at charming the ladies into giving him what he wanted.
“I think you’re jealous and just need to ask the Gryffindor out, already,” you argued, shooting her a quelling look. “I was just being funny.”
“Mhmm,” she replied sceptically. “Well, I think it’s funny how I’ve seen you flirt with Garreth, Leander, Sebastian, Amit, and even Imelda, but when a certain serpent with stormy eyes and chiselled cheekbones comes around, you turn into a frightened little puffskein. You go all ruddy-faced and start stammering.”
She was poorly suppressing a smirk as she looked at you.
You scoffed. “I do not stammer!”
“Yeah, and I don’t fancy Garreth,” she replied sarcastically. “Admit it, you’ve got a crush on Ominis.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you asserted, glaring at her.
She raised a hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. “Then why’s your face match Garreth’s luscious locks right now?”
“Oh, shut it!” you said, increasing your pace so that Poppy fell behind.
She just laughed at you. “You’re only proving my point, you know!” she called after you.
Poppy elbowed you sharply between your ribs. You’d gone far too long without replying. “Ow!” you hissed at her.
Ominis had a nervous look on his face. “Sorry?” he asked.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t at you,” you said quickly. “I mean, I’d love to study with you.”
His expression immediately brightened. “Wonderful! When are you free?” he said.
“How about now?” you suggested as you began to pack up your things.
“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt,” Ominis said.
“No, it’s fine,” you insisted. You shot Poppy a reproachful look. “I’m suddenly feeling unsafe here in the library.”
Poppy stuck her tongue out at you. “Yes, I need to go help Professor Howin feed the thestrals, anyway. You two have fun,” she said much too giddily.
You sent her one more glare as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “So, shall we use the Room of Requirement?” you asked Ominis.
“That sounds perfect!” he replied brightly.
You led Ominis out of the library and started the long climb up to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower. You were glad to stretch your legs after sitting in the library for so long.
“I don’t know how you can keep those carnivorous trees straight in your head,” you commented as you strode down a long corridor. “They look exactly the same to me when they’re not in bloom.”
“Do they?” he replied, sounding intrigued.
For a moment, you wanted to sink through the floor. Obviously, the fact that the two trees looked alike was of little consequence to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t even thinking.”
Ominis chuckled. “It’s all right,” he said, clearly amused. “It’s strange to think that they seem so similar to you. They feel quite different. The jacaranda tree has very rough bark, and the geogalinivore has waxy leaves. Plus, it has a sweet smell – sort of like oranges.”
“That’s actually very helpful. Thank you,” you said.
He smiled softly at you. You couldn’t help but notice how one of the beauty marks on his left cheek disappeared into his dimple when he smiled. “I’m glad to be of service,” he replied.
You could feel your face flush, though you had no reason to be blushing. You were relieved when you reached the 7th floor and the door to the Room of Requirement appeared. You cleared your throat. “Right, well, we’re h-here,” you said, cringing at yourself for tripping over the words.
Ominis held the door open for you as you entered the Room of Requirement. “I appreciate you helping me practice. Sharp’s class was hard enough when I knew what I’d be expected to brew. Having to prepare to make any one of four potions has been quite stressful.”
“It is a bit ridiculous,” you agreed as you started pulling ingredients out of your cabinet.
“Honestly! It’s hard enough keeping the ingredients for one potion straight – let alone for the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, Draught of Living Death, Veritaserum, and Amortentia,” he said.
“It is a lot,” you said. “Where should we start?”
“Hm…Well, I don’t think I would be very productive after testing potions for sleep or euphoria. We’d best leave those for later,” he replied. “What do you think? Amortentia or Veritaserum?”
“Amortentia’s easy enough to test. We can tell if it’s right just by how it looks and smells. Let’s start with that,” you suggested.
Ominis smirked. “You just don’t want me getting you to spill all your secrets,” he teased.
You chuckled. “You’re right; I don’t,” you agreed honestly. You weren’t exactly a secretive person ever since you didn’t have to hide your ancient magic anymore. However, the thought of not being ableto hide anything if you wanted to was terrifying.
“Amortentia it is, then!” Ominis said. “It’s the one I’m best at, anyway.”
He lit the flame to heat the cauldron before beginning to grind the moonstone with a mortar and pestle.
“So, what does Amortentia smell like to you?” he asked, chatting as he worked.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted as you leaned a hip against the bench.
“What do you mean you’re not sure? Were you holding your breath when we brewed it last week?” he teased. He cracked two ashwinder eggs into the cauldron before adding the powdered moonstone and stirring it together.
“No! I just…Well, I guess it’s that it doesn’t smell like anything to me,” you admitted.
“You must be joking. Surely you smelled something,” he replied incredulously.
“Just the usual musky dungeon,” you joked. “I thought I’d just brewed it wrong at first, but yours didn’t smell like anything to me, either.”
His brows drew together. “That is curious. I know I made mine right, because it…Well, it worked for me,” he said, his cheeks colouring a bit. “Do you just not find anyone attractive, then?” he added casually as he began cutting the thorns off of some rose stems.
“I don’t know. I mean, I used to think I did, but…now I’m not so sure,” you replied. “I don’t know what could be wrong with me to not smell anything if I did like someone.”
“I’m certain there’s nothing wrong with you, MC,” Ominis replied.
You sighed. “I hope not,” you replied before biting your bottom lip anxiously. “I thought maybe everyone was lying about smelling different things, and it’s really just an odourless potion. But I checked three different texts in the library, and they all said the same thing Professor Sharp did about the smell being unique to what each person finds attractive.”
“It’s definitely not odourless,” Ominis replied with a smirk. He shook his head as if to snap himself out of something before clearing his throat. He turned his attention back to the potion.
He added the thorns to the cauldron before beginning on the petals. You watched his hands as he plucked the petals off the stems, stacked them neatly, and rolled them together before slicing them into thin, even strips. He was quite skilled in his technique. Despite sharing a bench in potions all year, you’d never really noticed how fluidly he worked. There was an almost entrancing nature to the graceful movements.
“So, what does it smell like to you?” you inquired as you forced yourself to stop staring at the veins winding over his wrists and across the backs of his hands out to his slender fingers. You had always thought there was something nice about his hands.
“Oh, there is no way I’m admitting that,” he replied.
“But I told you when you asked,” you argued.
He rolled his eyes at you. “Nothing doesn’t count as an answer.”
“But it’s the truth! I can’t help that I didn’t smell anything,” you argued.
“I’m still not telling,” he insisted. He added the rose petals to the potion. His brow furrowed as his fingers skimmed over the fronts of several bottles. “Which is the pearl dust?”
“Third from the right,” you said before letting out a laugh as a realisation struck you.
“What?” he asked a bit defensively. “Did I grab the wrong one?” He shook the sealed bottle by his ear to listen to its contents shift within.
“No, that’s the pearl dust. I just…” You giggled again, and his scowl deepened. “I just realised that’s the last ingredient and the first thing I’ve helped you with. Seems like you barely need me here.”
He relaxed almost instantly, even laughing a bit himself. “Well, it’s much easier to brew here,” he explained. “I know which ingredients are which when they’re in my own containers – and even most of yours at this point – but almost all of Sharp’s bottles are identical. I have to figure out what’s in each one every time I pick it up. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to find what I’m looking for. It wastes so much time.”
“That sounds extremely frustrating,” you said sympathetically.
“It is,” he lamented as he added a spoonful of pearl dust to the cauldron. He stirred it clockwise three times before lowering the flame. “There! It should just need to simmer for a bit, and then we’ll see how it turned out.”
“I’m sure it’s perfect,” you said as you settled into a high-backed chair, kicking your feet up on the ottoman in front of it.
“I appreciate your confidence in me,” he said. “You know, I was even worse at potions when I was younger. I tried summoning the ingredients to myself in the early years, and it was usually a disaster. In first year, we had to brew a burn salve during our exams, and I simply could not find the dittany, even after sifting through all the ingredients on my bench three times. I gave up and summoned it, and it knocked over all the bottles in front of it on its way to me. They rolled all over the bench, and I had nearly plunged my hand straight into my cauldron trying to put them back in order. During another exam, I tried to summon flobberworm mucus, and all the bottles of the stuff came flying towards me at the same time.” He laughed. “It was all over me, my bench, the floor. Amit nearly slipped in it trying to come over and help. Professor Sharp was livid, but I think he felt too badly for me to give me detention.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, as well. “Oh, I’d have died on the spot!” you said.
“I nearly did. It was utterly horrifying,” he said. “I pretended to be sick for three days after that because I couldn’t stand the thought of facing everyone. I even had Sebastian bring me food so that I didn’t have to go out to the Great Hall. But I’ve learned to bounce back from my Blind Boy Moments quite quickly since.”
“Could Sharp not just label the ingredients for you?” you asked.
Ominis scoffed. “No, he insists that every good potions student should be able to identify the ingredients on their own,” he said, exasperated. “He wouldn’t even let me come in beforehand to label them myself because other students might see them. He also won’t let me use my own containers because it’s all got to be ‘standardised’ so it’s fair.”
“Well, that’s quite the opposite of fair! He’s putting you at a disadvantage,” you said. You could feel yourself getting angry on Ominis’s behalf.
“I am perfectly capable of identifying the ingredients. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean I’m incompetent,” he said bitterly.
You were taken aback as his ire turned toward you. “I wasn’t trying to imply that you are, Ominis, I swear!” you said earnestly. “It just seems unreasonable that he won’t accommodate you at all. It’s so frustrating. I have an uncle who’s blind. He wasn’t born that way – he had an accident. And he’s a Muggle. So…it’s a bit different, obviously. But he’s worked in kitchens all his life. When he first went blind, he couldn’t cook anymore. But his boss’s wife, Marjorie, was blind, too. She taught him how to navigate the kitchen again without being able to see. They made adjustments to things so he could keep working there.”
“You have a blind uncle?” he asked, seeming shocked.
“Almost all my life. He married my aunt when I was just a baby,” you explained. “He cooks even better than a house-elf, too! Don’t tell Feenky I said that, though. Or Deek, for that matter.”
“I can’t believe you have a blind uncle,” Ominis said, still stunned.
“Really?” you asked. “Why not?”
He shrugged. “I’ve never met another blind person,” he said.
“Never?” you said, surprised.
“Not once,” he confirmed. “My parents weren’t exactly looking to find me a support group. It’s exceptionally rare in the wizarding world, anyway. So, they sort of just kept me hidden away until school. They hadn’t even expected I’d get a letter even though I clearly had magic. It wasn’t until I figured out how to navigate by wand that they stopped treating me like a doll instead of a child. Even my Aunt Noctua was rather overbearing. No one ever believed I could do something myself until I showed them I could.”
“I can’t imagine how difficult it was going through all of that on your own,” you said.
Ominis gave a haughty huff. “Yes, well, I think I’ve done all right for myself,” he said firmly, crossing his arms protectively over his chest.
“You’ve done more than all right, I’d say,” you argued. “Which reminds me, you still have to tutor me in herbology after this.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry; I haven’t forgotten,” he said.
“You’d better not have,” you said sternly. Your severe expression didn’t last, though. You couldn’t help but smile around him. “Wait, so, if you didn’t have anyone to help you figure things out, did you invent the spell that lets you read books?”
“Ah, well, I suppose I wasn’t entirely on my own. Sebastian found that spell in an old tome in the library. Some languorous 17th-century scholar grew weary of having to keep his eyes open whilst reading,” he replied. “It worked quite well in my favour.”
“If there’s one thing Sebastian excels at, it’s research,” you replied.
“Yes, and it’s been both a blessing and a curse in my life,” he said irritably.
“I feel the same,” you said wearily.
Ominis spun back toward the potions station. “It smells like the potion’s ready,” he announced.
You got up and walked over to inspect it. “Mother-of-pearl sheen. Perfect spirals of steam. Excellent work, indeed, Ominis.”
He blushed at your praise. “Any essence of musky dungeon emanating from it?” he joked.
You laughed. You leaned over the cauldron and breathed in deeply to play along. “Oh,” you said, caught off guard by the smell. “Yeah, actually. It…” You took in another breath. It was masked beneath the cologne Ominis was wearing, but you could distinctly smell the cool, earthy scent that permeated the lower levels of the castle. “It does.”
“Merlin, MC! You don’t have a crush on Professor Sharp, do you?” he asked, aghast.
“Gods, no!” you replied immediately. “It’s not the dungeons, anyway. It’s different. But…familiar.”
You tried to smell it again, but it was still too hard to tell. You hadn’t realised earlier just how strong Ominis’s cologne was that day. Usually, you found the scent rather pleasant, but, currently, it was making it extremely difficult to smell anything else. You grabbed a phial and poured some of the potion into it. “I can’t tell what it is. I need to smell it in fresh air.”
“Are you trying to tell me that I smell foul?” Ominis demanded as you walked away from him.
“No, not at all,” you said before taking another sniff of the potion. “It’s just that your–”
Your voice died in your throat as two realisations struck you simultaneously. The first was that the earthy scent you had identified was the exact smell of the Undercroft. The second was that you still smelled Ominis’s cologne just as strongly even though you were on the opposite side of the room from him. The phial slipped from your hand and shattered on the wood floor.
“Are you all right?” Ominis asked, rushing over to you in a panic. “Did the potion burn you? I heard glass break. Did you get cut?”
He took both of your hands in his to feel for any injuries. The tips of his fingers brushed gently over your skin, and it sent a shiver up your spine.
“Sorry, no, I’m fine. I just–I hadn’t realised…something,” you said. You heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. Poppy had been right. You did fancy Ominis.
Ominis released one of your hands to raise his to your cheek. “Are you certain that you’re okay, MC?” he asked.
Your skin burned hot under his touch. “Y-yes, of course. I was just surprised when I placed the smell,” you said.
He tilted his head in interest. “Oh? What is it?” he asked.
You bit into your lower lip, keeping yourself silent as you wavered on whether to confess. He did seem to be rather doting at the moment. You wondered if he might return your affections.
“Perhaps I should’ve brewed the Veritaserum first, after all,” Ominis joked. “Maybe then I could finally get you to tell me what you smell.”
You laughed. “That’s not necessary. I just…Well, I’m pretty sure it’s, um…the Undercroft,” you said. Your nerves increased with every word, but you felt a flood of relief after getting them all out.
“Oh,” Ominis said uncomfortably. His whole body went rigid before his hands dropped away from you. “I…I see.”
“Ominis, I…” you started, trying and failing to figure out how to take the words back. You imagined the mortification you were experiencing was similar to how he had felt standing covered in flobberworm mucus in front of his peers.
“Well, I suppose I should still tell you what I smell, since you told me what you do,” he said sombrely. “Though, I can’t imagine it will be all that surprising.” He took a steadying breath. “It smells like old parchment, like those dusty pages Professor Weasley had you collecting last year. And I smell the mallowsweet you always carry around with you. And your shampoo. I always smell it when you hug me or fall asleep with your head on my shoulder.” He cleared his throat. “So…there you have it.”
“Are you upset about this?” you asked, bewildered by his tense reaction.
He forced a laugh. “What? No, of course not!” he insisted, but it wasn’t quite convincing. “I’m happy for you.”
“Happy for me?” you repeated, even more confused.
“Both of you, I mean,” he clarified, giving you a pained smile. “Although I’ve never asked Sebastian about his feelings toward you, with the way he flirts with you, I’m sure he reciprocates.”
“You think I fancy Sebastian?” you asked.
“Well, he’s the one who showed you the Undercroft,” he replied simply.
“Ominis, you’re the one he learned about it from. You’re the one I hang out with there. It’s rosewood and jasmine from your cologne that I smell in that bloody potion!” you said.
His brows knit together in confusion. “I thought you just smelled the Undercroft?” he said.
“Well, that’s what I thought when I was standing next to you – and in class last week,” you said. “You were right there, so I didn’t realise the smell of you was coming from the cauldron instead of…you know…you.”
His features went slack. “Oh…” he said awkwardly.
“Yeah…” you replied similarly.
“I’m a massive idiot,” he said, shaking his head at himself.
You smiled. “Yeah,” you said. “We kind of both are, aren’t we?”
“It would appear so,” he agreed. He laughed as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Well, this has certainly been an illuminating study session.”
You melted into him instantly. “Indeed, it has.”
“You smell wonderful, you know,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against yours.
You giggled in response. “You smell quite nice, as well,” you replied.
“I taste even better,” he said cheekily.
Your gaze immediately dropped to his lips. “Is that so?” you asked, your voice coming out husky.
“I can prove it if you’d like,” he said. His breath fanned over your lips as he spoke.
“Yes, I think you should,” you replied. “For…educational purposes.”
Ominis’s lips brushed against yours almost tentatively before he leaned in to interlock them. His heat sank into your body as he held you firmly against his chest. You snaked your arms up behind his neck as you kissed him back. Being held by Ominis – and kissed by him – felt right. You wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever. If you could’ve, you would have fused into him so you never had to be apart again.
You didn’t know how long it was before Ominis broke the kiss, but you knew it was too soon. “I still have to return the favour for you helping me with potions,” he said.
“Yes, right. The herbology,” you replied, still breathless from the kiss. You had forgotten about those bloody shrubs altogether.
“Actually, I was thinking we should work on divination, instead,” he said innocently, but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips.
You arched a brow at him. “Oh?” you asked. “Are you even taking divination?”
“No. I can’t exactly read tea leaves or look in a crystal ball,” he stated. The smirk spread on his lips. “But if I could, I’d see me in your future.”
You laughed. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sebastian,” you chided. “His terrible jokes are rubbing off on you.”
“You’re absolutely right, darling!” he said with a false gravity to the words. “I’d like to fix that as soon as possible by spending more time with you, instead.”
“I’d like that,” you said, unable to stop beaming at him.
“Me, too. Especially if it involves kissing you again,” he said.
You blushed. “I think that could be arranged,” you replied.
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Intelligence Doesn't Equal Morality
Intellect is rooted in ableist systems and stupidity and intelligence are pointless social constructs that don't relate to morals or character.
I try to be a pretty good person, I fight for human rights, I regularly engage in mutual aid, and I care for my community. I try to do the right thing and support causes I care about and make positive changes in the world.
But I also am not very smart. I have several neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as cognitive disabilities. I can’t do simple, basic math, it’s hard for me to remember facts or algorithms, I rely entirely on spellcheck and speech-to-text to write, I failed many classes in high school and I barely passed with a low GPA, I had low pSAT scores and I never took the SATs. I moved around a lot all through school starting in third grade, and I missed a lot of basic fundamentals in learning (like how to do division and multiplication) so when I went to a different school they had already passed it and expected me to know. After my TBI, I could barely read AFTER I was cleared from my “concussion” symptoms because letters and words would flip around and I’d get headaches. Which still happens sometimes.
A lot of people see me as smart because I've learned a lot of academic language and can formulate thoughts into cohesive posts. But I lack a lot of necessary skills and rely on my caretakers to assist me. Things like budgeting and planning are extremely difficult for me. If I need to do simple addition or subtraction, even with a calculator, I quickly get confused and struggle. I forget basic information about myself all the time, let alone other subjects. I'm talking, has to check my ID for my birthday type confused. Doesn't know my name or address or what year it is confused. It happens daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Being able to type out posts like this often takes weeks and many adaptive tools to get there. Focusing is extremely difficult on many fronts, severe chronic pain, ADHD, dissociation, fatigue, migraines, and TBI, are just some of the contributing factors. I struggle daily with many things because of my lack of intellect.
I’m also privileged in the fact that I had some access to education as a homeless youth, that I had some supports in place to help me (towards the end of school), that I was somewhat able-bodied at the time and could walk or bike to and from school when the school system didn’t provide transportation. I was fortunate to have a chance to succeed, and I’m proud that I graduated high school because it was a difficult task for me, and others often aren’t offered that chance or get accommodations. I almost didn’t and I dropped out many times before graduation. I passed on sheer luck and what little privileges I had. 
That all being said, me being stupid (reclaiming it here) doesn't make me a bad person. I don't hurt people because I can't do math. I may mess up things or get confused but it doesn't make me want to harm others.
We often (wrongfully) equate morals with intellect. Being ‘stupid’, ‘dumb’, or an ‘idiot’ doesn’t automatically make someone a bad person. Plenty of evil, awful, and abusive people are extremely intelligent. 
I see this most notably with people advocating for IQ tests to be able to vote. Often from left-leaning people, in hopes it'll make the right (that they view as unintelligent), unable to vote. The reality is, it just hurts some of our most vulnerable members of the community while not actively doing anything to restrict some of the most dangerous members of our community-- those who know what they're doing to harm others and deliberately doing so. My voice matters, and I speak up against injustice and participate in dismantling oppressive systems. Taking away my right to vote won't make the right stop oppressing minorities (which also puts a lot of faith into the two-party voting system, which is a post for another day).
Additionally, legislative measures that discriminate against intellectually disabled people such as IQ tests for voting are also rooted in racism and classism. 
Yes, education can be a vital tool when it comes to addressing discrimination and creating safer communities. But the kind of education that is measured with an IQ test (or any test) isn't the same. Building compassion and caring for others can (and should) happen at any IQ level. We can all practice this, we can all participate.
It harms our communities and stagnates our progress when we equate intelligence with high morals.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Stealing each other's clothes for Julie/Anyone. You know why.
The problem with a communal building laundromat was that it tended to end up with your clothes getting stolen. Case in point, when Julie came down to get her load from the dryer, she found not her favourite yellow sweater and distressed jeans, but instead a pile of clothes that looked about five sizes too big for her, and not her style at all.
She frantically searched all the dryers, but no luck, all her stuff was gone. She knew the law regarding unattended machines, but she had only left for two minutes to get her mail. Okay, maybe five minutes because she ran into the super and she had the chance to corner him about the burn out bulbs in her hallway.
She really wanted her sweater back though. It had been a gift from her mom, something bright and cheery in Rose's favourite colour. "Like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day," she had said. And once the chemo got worse and worse, the days all seemed cloudy, and the sweater became like a hug from a mother who barely had the strength to lift her head, let alone her arms.
After Rose passed, Julie almost lived in the sweater, treasuring it as a final gift from her mom. It was still big on her thanks to it being so oversized and Julie's growth spurt failing to really kick in.
She dragged herself from the basement, and up to her apartment, thankful she still had a pint of Chunky Monkey left, and decided to drown her sorrows in heavy cream and sugar. Plus maybe some re-runs of Friends or maybe the new season of Queer Eye and judge Bobby's love of beige.
Only when Julie got to her door, there was a familiar figure leaning there-in her yellow sweater. A figure who made the sweater look devastating but maybe that was because no matter what Kayla wore, Julie thought she looked amazing.
"My sweater!" Julie exclaimed, then stopping because Kayla had that cute little smirk and the rest of Julie's clothes in a hamper under her arm. "How?"
"I was coming down to do a load, and I saw some idiot start tossing your stuff," Kayla replied. "I told him it was mine and rescued it. Figured you'd want it all back."
"You're a life saver," Julie said, taking the pile of clothes from Kayla and opening her door, laying the hamper down and taking the pile to her room, shutting the door so Kayla couldn't see the chaos inside. "Thank you so much!"
"You'd do it for me," Kayla said with a shrug.
Julie knew that Kayla probably wanted to get to her own clothing, but she really did want to thank her properly, and maybe snuggle into her while she was still swimming in Julie's own sweater. "Do you wanna maybe stay, watch some TV?"
"I have to get laundry done, unfortunately, and then I've got a night class," Kayla replied. "Rain check?"
Julie was sure her face fell in disappointment, but she quickly schooled it back to a small smile. "Sure, maybe another time."
"How about Friday night?" Kayla offered. "We could get something to eat, put on a few flicks, have a cozy night in?"
"That sounds lovely," Julie replied.
"Then Friday it is," Kayla said, grabbing her basket, and then impulsively perching up on her tiptoes to kiss Julie's cheek.
Julie's hand flew to the sticky lip print there, sure she was too giddy and blushing and tongue tied to even say anything.
"Besides," Kayla said as she got to the door, shooting Julie a wink. "I need to come back to give you your sweater." With that, she was out the door, leaving Julie a little bit bowled over.
And Friday night, sure enough, Kayla wore the sweater, and Julie found she really liked Kayla in it-it made her super soft and snuggly, plus she smelt quite nice-powder fresh with an undercurrent of vanilla.
But in the end? Well Julie thought Kayla looked even better out of it-and everything else-spread out over her freshly laundered sheets.
And it seemed, Kayla agreed.
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rexaleph · 1 year
Doing poorly so i'll finally be breaking my silence on the bachelor with nick viall from 2017.
So id never seen the bachelor before, but in 2017 people on the internet were laughing at this weird woman contestant with her adult nanny and cucumber snacks + she also was really hot, 100% my type at the time + turns out griffin mcelroy and his wife had a podcast abt the bachelor franchise and were following the season episode by episode, so i decided to check it out.
The bachelor that year was a 36 y o man called nick whose job was being on the bachelor. He had previously been on 2 seasons of the bachelorette where he got p far but was not chosen, and then he went on bachelor in paradise, which i dont super understand what it is but he failed to find a gf there as well, and basically that is what his life had been for multiple years at that point. He was p attractive, however any time he tried to do serious relationship talk to the contestants he was supposed to pick his wife from it was like listening to a 14 y o boy say lines he'd heard on tv. Like he'd be thoughtlessly rude to a woman, she'd try and bring it up and he'd mumble canned lines like you call me on my shit, that's what i love about you while looking at his hands. Incredible manbaby, what a prize.
So coming back to the weird girl contestant. Her name was corinne, she was 23 (none of the women were over 31 to nick's 36) and lived with her parents allegedly helping out with their mystery business. They employed someone she called her adult nanny, who made her cucumber snacks and cheesy pasta. On the show she came off as childish, silly and very sexually aggressive, she took off her bikini top and made nick hold her tits in a photoshoot, sprayed whipped cream on herself and made him lick it off i wanna say the very first night, told the camera that while her heart is gold, her vagine is platinum. And nick loved that shit!! She'd rudely monopolize him and barge in when he was with someone else and he'd just follow her like a puppy. And the other women would get upset and he'd lamely apologize but it was clear that corinne was whom that idiot man wanted and deserved. The show was making her out to be a reality tv villain, and the crazy thing is that even the normal smart people i knew who watched the show kept getting mad at her for the antics. Like how dare she make him lick cream out of her cleavage on the meat market show? How dare she take her top off on the show with the dedicated sex episode where i think you have the officially sanctioned chance to test drive 3 partners in a special fuck room? Bizarre.
There were 2 other leading contestants, a teacher and an attorney, both 30+, established beautiful people. and like okay, i get that they can't be like, ah, i do not in fact want to marry a professional dating show contastant babyman. They had to do the show. But why do you, as a feminist critical reality tv enjoyer, want a woman you like be saddled with someone like nick? I guess you wanna see the good guy win, but winning here does mean accepting nick viall's marriage proposal. Nick choosing corinne would have been a victimless crime, they were completely on the same level, she might have outgrown him eventually, but really who cares, they're reality tv people. I was rooting so hard for those two beautiful idiots to make it, true stupid lust against reality tv convention where the good guy had to win. But ofc nick was weak, he did not follow his heart and ended up choosing the teacher who i wanna say spoke 3 languages, was a pillar of her community and throughout the show kept trying to talk to him like a grownup. Which like tbf she can't have been doing that great if she's going on the bachelor, but still miles and miles beyond anything nick had any right to hope for. She accepted his proposal and they broke up a couple months later.
Right after that season the bachelor franchise went fully down the toilet iirc, there was like grotesque overt racism with the bachelorette and i think sexual assault on set, so it stopped being a semi-respectable guilty pleasure. I certainly never watched anything other than that one season. But i still come back to thinking abt corinne and how bought in the people who treated it as a guilty pleasure and considered themselves above it were into the weird horny-prudish adolescent logic of the show.
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Binded by Fate
Summary: Your soulmate was strange, but you found yourself falling for him all the same. Though, you question if your stomach can survive his cooking.
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Notes: I love soulmate aus! After talking to a few friends, I felt inspired to write it. 💚🌺
Tag List (open, just let me know if you want to join): @justeclem44​ @coraldelusiondaze​ @h0n3ysgh0st​ @thatdazaikin
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·      Your soulmate was a weird one.
·      Then again, having a soulmate was a strange experience.
·      Back in your world, you didn’t have soulmates…well, maybe you did but not a way to identify them.
·      Here in Twisted Wonderland, soulmates were a normal occurrence.
·      Everyone had one, platonic or romantic.
·      And to find them?
·      Each one was unique: some couldn’t see colors, some had red strings of fate, others had their first words written, and many more.
·      This world decided to give you a soulmate when you woke up here.
·      Which you hadn’t known was a thing until Ace and Deuce had pointed it out.
·      And yours?
·      Yours dealt with communicating…through writing on the skin.
·      Well, it could have been worse.
·      And communicating through writing at least was easy, and you could do it anytime.
·      Well, besides washing the ink off.
·      Sometimes that wasn't very pleasant.
·      As to why your soulmate was weird?
·      Well… his shopping list was questionable: shrimp, chocolate, pickles, and milk.
·      “That better not be for one dish.”
·      “And if it is?”
·      “Depends, what were you thinking of making with them?”
·      “Cake.”
·      “You’re banned from the kitchen.”
·      “But why? You have to give me a chance!”
·      “No.”
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·      When you initially found out about your soulmate, it was a surprise.
·      You were bored and were doodling on your arm.
·      What you didn’t expect was the doodles right next to yours.
·      You had screamed.
·      Ace, Deuce, and Grim had run to your side.
·      “YN!”
·      “What’s wrong?!”
·      “Someone’s writing on my arm!”
·      Ace flicked you on the forehead.
·      “That’s probably your soulmate, idiot.”
·      “Soulmate?”
·      Resulting in a conversation of soulmates, and you becoming more and more incredulous.
·      “I can solve your problem right now; just let me put some choice words on your arm.”
·      Ace grinned deviously as he held a red pen up.
·      You threw a pillow at his face.
·      “No! I would rather get to know my soulmate before finding out who they are. Thank you very much.”
·      Deuce had a thoughtful, “YN is right. It is better to be safe and get to know the person first.”
·      Ace sighed dramatically, “You two are no fun!”
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·      You had several candidates on who your soulmate could be.
·      That is if you were right, and they attended NRC too.
·      You stared as the tweels bulli-well, persuaded a fellow student to meet with Azul.
·      As they left, you couldn’t help but take a pen and write on your arm.
·      “You wouldn’t have a certain…obsession with mushrooms or shrimps, would you?”
·      “I don’t, but they make great ingredients in brownies!”
·      “There are so many things wrong with that sentence.”
·      “You haven’t even tried it!”
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·      You were currently struggling with your alchemy homework.
·      “How good are you with alchemy class?”
·      “You could say I’m an expert. ;)”
·      “What would it cost me for you to give me the answers?”
·      “Eat something I make.”
·      “No, thanks. I’ll gladly fail.”
·      “You wound me, my dear! T_T”
·      “My stomach will thank me in the long run. Besides, if my three stooges found out I cheated, I would never hear the end of it.”
·      “Oh? I, too, have three stooges of my own.”
·      You couldn’t help the smile that came across your face, laughing to yourself a bit.
·      “Do they also share one brain cell?”
·      “One brain cell is too much for them; they share half.”
·      You burst out in laughter.
·      Homework could wait a bit.
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·      You were tired.
·      It was one of those days where Headmaster Crowley literally made you do his job.
·      Your body ached.
·      You just wanted to sleep for a month after today.
·      Thankfully, Ace, Deuce, and Grim had taken pity and helped you.
·      But even then, it wore you all out.
·      “How good are you at hiding bodies?”
·      “Very good. Need help?”
·      “Don’t tempt me; I might take you up on that.”
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·      You were walking around your backyard.
·      It seemed Tsunotarou was too busy for your nightly walks.
·      But you couldn’t sleep.
·      You were thinking about your soulmate.
·      You had fallen for your soulmate.
·      But how to confess?
·      You raised your arms to the sky.
·      Staring at your inked-up arms.
·      You didn’t want to erase them today.
·      You stared at the messages.
·      “What if I told you I like you?”
·      “I would tell you I like you back.”
·      You startled.
·      You turned around.
·      “Lilia?”
·      Lilia smiled.
·      He was floating behind you.
·      His arms holding a bouquet of flowers.
·      “Hello, my dear.”
·      “What are you doing here?”
·      Lilia handed you the flowers before taking your hand and kissing it.
·      “I came to confess. I hope you don’t mind, my dear, but I am rather old in my ways of courting.”
·      You laughed.
·      “I don’t mind at all. In fact, I enjoy it.”
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·      “I’m still not eating your cooking.”
·      “You haven’t even tried it!”
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Hope you enjoyed 🌻🌺
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hello! Lots of love to you. 😘 can I request GoM+ Takao thinks reader is going to breakup with them but is actually not. It can be funny misunderstanding or angst anything really. Happy ending.
A/N: Lots of kisses for you my dear anon! 💋 I tried to keep them all the same length, but guess what?? I failed (✌︎ ՞ਊ ՞)✌︎ Hope you’ll enjoy these nonetheless!! <33
Tags: GoM and Takao x reader ✅ SFW ✅ fluff ✅ angst ✅ jealousy ✅
image/art source: Takao -> Pixiv (by もいさま)
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Being in a relationship with Kuroko was filled with nothing but tranquility and love. The two of you rarely had any type of conflict with each other, but one very urgent problem you’d always had in mind was the lack of communication. Because your boyfriend was so silent and barely complained whenever something was amiss, you tended to misunderstand each other…
One morning after you’d entered Seirin’s school building, you immediately caught a glimpse of your blue-haired boyfriend, and just as you were about to go up to him and greet him with your usual hug, he wordlessly turned his back to you and disappeared in the crowd. His behavior was quite unusual, but you figured that he just didn’t see you and went on with your day.
Unfortunately, the young man kept showing you the cold shoulder on that day, and by the end of his team’s basketball training, he’d even gone back home before you.
“Did something between you two happen?” asked Kagami as soon as he saw your dejected reaction to the unexpected news. Your grip on your school bag’s rims tightened and you simply shook your head.
“Not that I’m aware of anything…”
“Then why don’t you just ask him?”
His teammates stared daggers at the tall young man who had once again said something insensitive, but to you, it was a simple summary of the constant problem between your lover and yourself, so you couldn’t help but giggle at his question and nod.
Just where have you hidden yourself Tetsu?!
Annoyance had distorted your usually calm facial features and was chasing away any of your classmates that hoped to approach you for whatever reasons. After Kagami had given you the necessary push you needed, you made it your mission to find your lover and confront him once and for all, but he was nowhere to be found. No matter who you asked, where you went, what you did, it was as if he never came to school. At times such as these, his low presence proved to be pretty useful and a damn nightmare for you, but you stayed vigilant and even decided to make use of some…unexpected tactics.
During the second break, you sprinted to your lover’s classroom, knowing fully well that he was already gone, and called for his partner, who only very reluctantly agreed to accompany you during your search. The plan you’d forged relied entirely on Kagami’s strong presence that - according to his teammates - was so strong that even the people who saw him daily couldn’t help but stare at him. You knew that Kuroko was more or less immune to this and preferred to look down at his book, so you were positive that with this plan you’d find the odd one out of the crowd pretty easily.
Luckily for you, the plan was a success and after just a couple of minutes you’d caught sight of the familiar blue hair, but when you locked eyes with your loved one, a sharp pain ran through your chest. Kuroko looked heartbroken and had to bite his lip to hide his anger and tears.
“(Y/N), this is your chance! Go! Run!”
The unexpected encouragement from the man next to you managed to wake you up from your trance and not even a second later you were running after your lover. Fortunately for you, he wasn’t that quick and on top of that, you were convinced that he ran extra slower than usual because somewhere deep inside of him he wanted to talk to you as well.
“We can’t continue like this Tetsu,” you began and intended to take a small breather before you continued, but the anxious face of your counterpart made you reconsider, “what I mean to say is, that we can’t ignore our constant misunderstandings due to miscommunication. I love you Tetsuya and whenever I am with you everything is nearly perfect, but we need to do something about your aversion of expressing your opinion and my reluctance to speak up about it.”
You couldn’t blame him for being so surprised that he couldn’t answer instantly since you surprised even yourself with how direct you were. Just as you were about to break the uncomfortable silence between you two, Kuroko unexpectedly wrapped his arms around you in a hug.
“Thank god…I thought you wanted to leave me for Kagami-kun.”
“Excuse me, what? Why would I-” you stopped for a moment and remembered the scene he saw just a couple of minutes ago before you corrected him, “…I needed his help to find you, since all of my earlier attempts were futile against the legendary Phantom Sixth man, you know?”
And with that small joke, you both chuckled, kissed each other, and decided to spent the rest of the break hand-in-hand, while you resolved the small thorn in your relationship.
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Being Kise’s lover was pretty tiresome and restricting. Since he was a famous model a lot of rules had to be followed by not only him but you as well.
Any selfies you took are not to be shared with anyone and not to be published. Bragging about him as your boyfriend was out of the question. Public dates? I think not.
When his manager had first thrown all of these at you, you were pretty stomped and ready to burst with anger, but he stopped you and after your talk, Kise reassured you that you would still do the majority of the things “normal” couples do, but you’d simply have to be more careful and aware of your surroundings than others. You trusted him of course and he didn’t lie, in fact, he made an enormous effort to provide you with a proper love life, one that you deserved. Much to your surprise, everything was working out just fine and you got used to the abnormalities of some situations pretty quickly, but as we all know life can rarely be filled with nothing but sunshine and rainbows…
That was the headline of one of the many magazines your boyfriend was featured in. You always made sure to show your support for his career by buying almost every issue that had a section dedicated to your blond lover, that and the fact that the photographers and designers always made him look hotter than he already was. With a big grin on your face, you browsed the magazine until you found the corresponding pages and began reading yet another interview.
At first, the questions were pretty standard and tame, asking the young model what his future plans were, how he manages school, basketball club, and modeling without being stressed out at all, and many more similar questions such as these. Being his significant other, you caught a few lies of his that he had to make up in order to keep your relationship a secret and even though it didn’t sit entirely right with you, you brushed it off since you knew that he couldn’t help it. With mixed feelings, you read on until one particular question and answer caught your eye.
-` Q: A lot of your female fans have been constantly speculating about what type of boyfriend you’d make, what’s your take on that subject?
-` A: (laughs) Well you see, I hate to break it to everyone, but I like the type of women that don’t tie me down. I just can’t imagine myself being with the same person every single day, it’d be quite suffocating, you know?
You stared at that answer for a while, hoping that the words would just merge into something that didn’t sound so…ruthless, but to no avail. Just as you were about to continue your lecture, the front door to your apartment opened and the familiar voice of your lover echoed, filling your home with more life than before. While the blond removed his shoes and jacket you quickly hid away the magazine and forced yourself to smile, hoping that he wouldn’t notice…
“You damn idiot, what were you thinking?!”
“Oh (Y/N)…what do you even see in him?”
“I have never been more pissed off to be in the same team as you…”
The moment Kise had entered the gym to participate in today’s training all of his teammates had surrounded him and had begun reprimanding him for something he couldn’t quite understand because of how chaotic everyone was. It took a while, but when they became more or less calm he used to chance to find out just what’s got them so pissed off.
“Isn’t it obvious you imbecile?! That over the top answer of yours is what we’re so mad about”
“Kasamatsu-senpai I can’t quite follow…what answer are you referring to?”
After being kicked down by the shorter man and lectured yet another time, Kise finally understood just what this fuss was about. You’d been quite out of it since his latest interview got published, so the guys decided to find out what had you so bothered and the answer was, of course, Kise…who else?
“B-But I didn’t mean it! It was just for show an–”
“Does (Y/N) know?” interrupted Moriyama with an unusually serious tone. Your lover intended to answer fully confident that you were aware, but a small voice inside of his mind stopped him in his tracks. How were you supposed to know that he didn’t mean it when he never explained himself? What if the reason you’d been so absentminded these past few days was that you were planning on leaving him?
N-No…I can’t let that happen…i-if we break up then what am I–
“Excuse me, is Kise here?”
At the unexpected sound of your voice all of the members instantly shut up, turning to you, but before anyone could answer you, the blond took off sprinting right towards you and wrapping his muscular arms around your body.
“Please forgive me (Y/N)-cchi, I…I figured we’d been over this and that you know that no matter what I say to the press, I never really mean it. It’s all supposed to be a façade to make me more attractive to the public, b-but you know me, right? The real, insecure, weak, and ambitious me…the one that’s no good without you…”
Even if he’d taken you by surprise with his sudden hug, his words rendered you pretty much immobile and left you with no choice but to listen to his desperate apology. He held you tighter and buried his face in the crack of your neck. The moment you felt something wet drip down on your clothing, you wrapped your arms around him protectively, gently caressing his head, and kissing his temple all the while he whispered one apology after the other, begging you to never leave his side.
“I won’t ever leave you, Kise…I promise”
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“…and with that, we’re coming to today’s last and unfortunately most unluckiest signs of all…Cancer!”
At the sudden announcement, Midorima flinched, grip tightening on his iPod, as he continued listening to his daily horoscope. His sign being the unluckiest out of all was quite the rarity and that alone was worrisome, but the fact that today’s misfortune was predicted to be in his love life made the man the more afraid. Usually, he’d ignore any prognosis that went beyond his career, but the moment you had become his girlfriend, Midorima couldn’t help but lend an ear every time the presenter of his favorite show mentioned the word love.
Your lover’s flame for you has been near extinction, I suggest breaking up with them before they do, or else this pain will haunt you for eternity…
With heavy steps, the green-haired man made his way to his school, lucky item in hand and a never before experienced fear deeply rooted in his heart. If possible he’d try to avoid you as much as possible today, so that you couldn’t break things off with him. He was aware that his behavior was quite over the top, but that was his way to cope with the anxiety of losing you - his most important person. In Midorima’s eyes this was a solid plan, but putting it into action was harder than expected.
Every time you jogged up to him with your angelic smile, your big and beautiful eyes that sparkled the moment you saw him, the energetic way you waved to your boyfriend when you spotted him across the hallway were so adorable and heart-warming that whenever he had to act extra cold towards you, it felt like his heart was being torn apart anew every single time. While he was beating himself up over his behavior, you simply shrugged it off and figured that he was on his usual tsundere trip for some reason and decided to ask him about it after basketball practice.
“Shin-chan sure is acting weird today, huh?” asked Takao with a hint of amusement in his voice as he sat down next to you on a bench in the courtyard. You simply looked up at him and nod with resigned smile on your face as you answered: “I’m somehow used to his antics, but something must’ve happened for him to act so…distant.”
The boy next to you studied your expression and despite his usual enjoyment of watching a misunderstanding between the two of you unfold, he could see how much the green-haired man’s behavior was weighing on you, so he broke his silence and told you about Midormia’s plan that he’d schemed following today’s horoscope.
“Midorima Shintarou, we need to talk…now!”
Your loud and sudden order startled the young man in gym clothes, who was mere movements away from throwing his umpteenth three-pointer, as well as his teammates. If it weren’t for the serious tone in your voice, he would’ve come up with some kind of excuse to dodge the upcoming conversation.
Now that the two of you were outside of the gym you didn’t beat around the bush and got straight to the point: “Are you seriously avoiding me all day because of Oha Asa’s words? Is that how little you believe in me and my feelings for you?” Your boyfriend never quite knew how to deal with such straightforwardness and seeing how with each question you uttered, the tears in the corners of your eyes grew, pushed him even further into a corner until he couldn’t handle it anymore and just needed to shut you up. Out of nowhere Midorima took a tight hold of your shoulders, seizing your frantic movements, and pressed his lips firmly to yours, kissing you in the process.
“…now that I finally have your attention, allow me to explain myself, will you?” he asked and waited for your nod before he continued “Look…I know I overreacted and to be honest, my behavior bothered me more than you think. I was just…j-just so afraid to lose you. Up until now everything Oha Asa said came true, s-so–”
Before he could finish his sentence, it was your turn to kiss him on the lips and use his moment of confusion to stop the train of negative thoughts that were about to overwhelm him. “I love you Shintarou…more than any horoscope could ever hope to calculate and sure, every time you listen to this show it all comes true, but did you forget that my sign is on that show as well?”
Your sudden question caught him a little of guard, but the moment you pulled something small out of your pocket he couldn’t help but smile to himself as a light blush spread across his cheeks.
“Unfortunately for you, today is my lucky day and your beloved presenter advised me to be more assertive than what I’m used to, and show my lover just how much he means to me.”
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With quick steps, you neared the basketball club’s gym while frantically looking around for your boyfriend, who’d once again decided to ditch today’s training and laze around somewhere.
“Captain, we might have a problem!” you shouted out the moment you entered the building, ready to break the unpleasant news to the young man in glasses, who looked surprisingly relaxed, even though one of his best players was missing yet again. But before you could even say anything he simply put his hand up, motioning you to look behind him with his head, and there you saw the wanted man, crouched down while reading something.
With a heavy sigh, you joined Imayoshi and Wakamatsu, who was looking at the power forward with hopeless and annoyed expressions. After explaining to them that you couldn’t find him at his usual spots, you asked how they got him to join practice that quick.
“Oh you know…the usual” the blond said as he tapped a few times on his mobile phone, searching for something, and the moment he found it, he showed you the typical photo with which they always managed to catch Aomine: one of his favorite gravure magazines being held above a candle’s flame. You eyed the image a tad longer than what the men next to you were used to and then replied drily: “I see.”
The two players you were standing next to, were quite surprised by your reaction and couldn’t tear their eyes from your back as you walked towards the bench where their coach and manager were seated. They wanted to brush it off at first but the moment you had sat yourself down, your sad expression managed to guilt-trip them to such an extent that they immediately walked to the dark-skinned young man to lecture him.
“Aomine, you idiot, stop reading these things already!”
Said man didn’t even flinch at the sudden scream from the blond and continued looking through his magazine. Wakamatsu was already agitated enough and ready to throw punches at his sitting teammate, but the captain stopped him with an unobtrusive head-shake and took his chance not short after: “Ya see…your cute girlfriend’s over ‘ere and she looks mighty disappointed at the fact that ‘er boyfriend gives some random women more love ‘n attention than ya give ‘er. If ya keep that up, then who knows what could happen.”
It didn’t take much to annoy or upset your boyfriend and if you were as tactful as Imayoshi, you could do it whenever you felt like it, but this time he intended to make the man before him aware of what seemed to be a minor problem.
The two of them watched as Aomine finally closed his magazine and stood up, a terrifying glare fixated on the wall before him, and hissed out: “My relationship with (Y/N) has nothing to do with you, so don’t even butt your noses where they don’t belong.” He turned and just as he was about to leave and enter the practice match, he stood beside the man with glasses and stared at him with the same amount of bloodlust he had whenever he faced a strong opponent, and whispered: “Call her cute one more time and see what happens, captain”
What the hell is going on?
With a furious expression and gritted teeth, Aomine’s eyes followed your frantic movements in annoyance. He watched how you held Sakurai’s hands and whispered something to him to calm him down, how Wakamatsu ruffled your hair as thanks for bringing him a bottle of his favorite drink and a towel, and how Susa and Imayoshi patted your back while praising you. Today was the first time he actually noticed this, but now everything was making sense.
Since the beginning of this week, Momoi told him that she’d be away for two weeks and couldn’t manage the team in that timeframe. Her childhood friend wasn’t interested, so he didn’t ask any further details such as why she going away or who’d take her place for the time being, but now he wished he would’ve.
During her absence, he didn’t receive any of those dreadful SMS and for the first few days, he was living his life, skipping every single practice day. He did ask you a couple of times whether you wanted to ditch your class and come hang out with him, but he got rejected pretty quickly. Additionally, he rarely asked you out himself so the lack of messages from you wasn’t surprising to him, of course until he heard some of the substitute players comment something about how well you were doing your job as temporary manager.
“So that’s why you were so busy, huh?” he asked in his typical monotone voice the moment you had come back to the bench where he and the coach had taken place. Without sparing him even a single glance you took your clipboard and began explaining something to the older man. Seeing how you ignored him, paired with your cold attitude made Aomine involuntarily remember his captain’s words.
If ya keep that up, then who knows what could happen.
Your conversation with the coach was quickly wrapped up and not soon after just the two of you were left sitting on the bench. Your boyfriend’s deep blue eyes glanced briefly at you and observed how you were writing something in a small pink notebook that most likely belonged to Momoi. He never considered the fact that you would actually lose interest in him or perhaps even break up with him, but your recent behavior change matched exactly that and it scared him more than he let on.
The moment you finished writing and intended to pack everything up, a big hand took a gentle hold of your wrist. Slightly startled and taken aback you looked at the man beside you, who was covering his lower face area as he murmured something that only you managed to hear and understand.
Please don’t go…d-don’t leave me
A small smile slowly adorned your lips as you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers, and squeezing it ever so slightly. You figured that the reason he was hiding his face was because of the blush that had painted his cheeks in a shade of dark red. An unusual but very welcome sight as well as a great reward for the plan the entire team had come up with alongside you. The goal? Teaching your lover a small lesson that he’s surely not forgetting that quick.
Mission accomplished…
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“Hey Atsushi, my friend told me they’d be opening a new store in–“
“Mmm…I don’t wanna go (Y/N)-chin”
You were stunned at the sudden refusal of your boyfriend even before you’d finished your sentence and couldn’t help but giggle to yourself as you looked at his slightly annoyed face.
Of course, he’d say that…
And with that prompt rejection, the conversation between you two died down and you wordlessly continued watching the movie you’d put on for tonight, while gently caressing the purple head of the large man who was using your thighs as a pillow.
“Eh? You rejected (Y/N)’s invitation again?” asked the black-haired young man while he handed his gigantic friend a tissue for his sticky fingers. With a slightly annoyed glare, Murasakibara snatched the handkerchief from him and hurriedly removed the honey residuals from the snacks he had finished a couple of minutes ago, before answering: “Of course I would…I’m not in the mood to go shopping for hours in this heat.”
The man’s laziness never failed to surprise Himuro everyone who has ever talked to him was aware of his quirks and despite it all, no one has ever left his side. The same goes for you as well. Since the first time you’d seen him, your heart already belonged to him. It was easier to pursue him than you’d expected since his team liked you very much and always helped you out by telling you about his schedule or when he’d come to practice. He was pretty cute once you got to know him better and unbeknownst to you, he had also fallen in love with everything about you. Your smile, the adorable way you tried to follow his basketball practice, the way you panicked when he told you that he didn’t like the type of candy you’d picked out, and everything else about you made his heart thump hard against his chest.
“You know Atsushi…if you keep your indifferent attitude up, your relationship might end pretty soon.”
“W-What do you mean…?”
With a perplexed expression on his face, Himuro took a glance at his friend who had panic written all over him, and reluctantly explained how you could feel neglected by him, or even think of leaving him because he seemingly doesn’t want to spend time with you. The purple-haired young man opened his mouth, wanting to protest but anything he said was immediately rebutted by his friend who told him that he was the wrong person to tell this to, and with that, Murasakibara sprinted out of the room. His destination: your home.
You were just out of the shower and preparing yourself to go to bed, when suddenly the doorbell starts ringing furiously, scaring you in the process. With a thumping heart and silent steps, you made your way to your door and took a glance at your peephole, needing less than a second to recognize just who had decided to spontaneously visit you this late at night.
“Atsushi, what are–”
“I’m sorry (Y/N)-chin, please don’t leave me! I-I promise I will go to that store reopening with you a-and to any other event you’d like, I’ll even do it without you having to buy me over with sweets, just–”
Thrown aback as you were, you took a tight hold of Murasakibara’s arms, squeezing them while you screamed at him to hold on and stop talking. Despite your reassuring words it took him a good while to calm down, so you made use of it and prepared some soft drinks, and put a couple of his favorite snacks in a rotating multi bowl set. After putting everything down on the small table in your living room, you got your boyfriend his favorite blanket, covering him with it, and finally sat down next to him.
“Now then, I’m almost afraid to ask you this, but…why are you pleading with me to not leave you?”
With his big and almost puppy-like eyes, he looked at you and asked with a slightly trembling voice: “S-So you really w-want to l-leave me?”
“Heavens no! Who even gave you that idea?”
The moment these few words left your lips, the tension finally left the young man’s body and he slumped back on your couch with a relieved sigh, whispering a silent thank god before massaging his closed eyes. You had never seen your lover being as worried as tonight and you figured that whatever has been bothering him must’ve been quite serious, and that made you in fact even more curious than before. Despite that, you figured you’d wait for him to start his explanation, or at least that was what you’d planned, but after a couple of minutes of nothing but silence, you decided to speak up and reassure him first.
“I’m not quite sure what happened, but it seems like you’re feeling bad for refusing my invite from some days ago, and well…I was kinda disappointed about not being able to go with you there, but I’ve known you for so long now and truth be told, I was prepared for such an answer so I’m not pissed off or anything, you know? You’re just the type of person to prefer staying indoors while lazing around…that’s just how you are and how I love you, so…”
You got embarrassed after a while and the young man’s missing reactions didn’t make it any better, so you eventually stopped mid-sentence and called out to him.
You put your hand on his shoulder and gently shook him, causing his arm with which he was covering his eyes to fall to the side, revealing his slightly puffy eyes and sleeping face.
D-Did he…fall asleep…?
Who would’ve thought that your reassurance alone would have such an impact on him and cause him to fall asleep?
You giggled to yourself and gently caressed some strands of his hair away from his face, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek as you silently wished him a pleasant nap. A few seconds passed during which you contemplated whether you should go to your room or snuggle up to him, you picked the latter and as carefully as possible, leaned your head on his shoulder, closed your eyes, and missed the small smile that adorned Murasakibara’s lips.
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Akashi usually isn’t one to get jealous of other people, since he is quite confident that there is no one better suited for you but him. And yet whenever he sees how you talk to Mayuzumi he can’t help but feel a tight pain in his chest and notice how his mood instantly drops. He’d immediately turn away from the sight of the two of you and go somewhere else, preferably the gym where he can either let his frustrations out on the ball or on some of the unmotivated basketball club members. When you were close to him during one of his bad days he was prone to behaving rather rude and harsh and even though he regrets it seconds after opening his mouth he just can’t stop himself. One day though, he truly lost it.
Everything was seemingly going well and then he saw both Mayuzumi and you come in the gym together, hand in hand, laughing, and worst of it all: you were blushing. The red-haired young man watched how his upperclassman helped you sit down on the bench and the way you two looked at each other made the captain feel sick. That’s when a certain thought entered his mind.
What if (Y/N) is planning on breaking up with me for….
While you laughed alongside the older member of the basketball club, you noticed out of the corner of your eyes the way Akashi approached you two and immediately sprung up to calm him down. “S-Sei, please calm yourself down!” you pleaded as you held onto his wrists, but no matter what you said he wasn’t listening, he only had eyes for the man behind you.
Out of desperation you wrapped your arms around the slightly trembling body of your boyfriend and began whispering how nothing was going on between the two of you, how Mayuzumi had only helped you reach the gym since you had sprained your ankle on the way, and how he had teased you for loving the captain too much. As if released from some sort of spell, the young man came back to his senses and returned your embrace in slight confusion. While you were quick to forgive and forget the sudden snap of your boyfriend, the grey-haired man behind you wasn’t in the mood to just forget how the first-year would’ve stabbed him with a ballpen if it weren’t for you. Luckily the other main team members came to calm their teammate down, while you excused yourself, took Akashi by the hand, and went out for a walk to help him calm down.
Holding tightly onto your boyfriend’s hand you dragged him off to a more remote area where you could properly talk to each other and resolve any type of doubts that seemed to sprout inside of his already restless mind as a sudden and unexpected whisper caught you off guard. You halted mid-step, turning to the young man behind you, and asked him to repeat what he’d just said.
After a short moment of reluctance, he nodded and did as asked. “I’m sorry for losing myself back there.” His sudden apology caught you quite off guard and made you forget your initial plan. The Akashi you knew rarely showed such enormous remorse for his actions, he might have finally found inner peace with himself and his insecurities, but that didn’t mean that he was now a completely changed man who’d thrown his entire pride away. Not being able to hold back your curiosity, you asked why he felt the need to apologize.
“The way I was ready to lash out at someone older than me, in the same way, I did with Kagami back then was uncalled for…not only that but your expression,” he paused, softly caressing your cheek and continued with a silent voice “that fearful expression you had when you saw me…I-I don’t want to see it ever again.”
Now I get it…
A sad smile adorned your lips as you squeezed his hand tighter. You were secretly thankful for his small outburst right now because it showed you not only that he indeed loved you as much as he usually told you, but also that despite his perfectionism he was very much flawed. He was afraid of losing you and equally afraid of you hating him for expressing these worries. Without saying anything you wrapped your arms around him in a hug and held him tightly as soon as he’d returned your embrace.
“Seijuro…please don’t try to tackle every worry you have on your own. That’s why we are a couple, right? Anything that bothers you, no matter how trivial or serious it is, please share it with me instead of tackling that burden on your own, ok..?”
His sharp yet beautiful eyes looked directly into your own before he leaned his forehead on your shoulder and murmured: “I know, it’s just…I’m still not used to having someone so dependable as you by my side, offering me so much support that I don’t know what to do with it.”
You giggled at his statement and kissed his head, thankful that you had more or less resolved one part of his issues, but more than anything you were happy that from now on he’d involve you more in his worries and problems.
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Everyone from Shuutoku warned you multiple times that being lovers with Takao would cause you to have severe trust issues and you didn’t believe them at first, but after a couple of weeks, you finally understood their warnings. The lively young man was surprisingly a jokester and tended to take certain things not serious enough for your preference, but since it was a part of his personality, that you’d fallen in love with, you decided to overlook it for the majority of the time.
Usually, his jokes were kinda misplaced and sometimes even more sympathy-inducing than fun, but they never failed to make you crack even the smallest of smiles. But lately, though his jokes started focusing on love and were constantly dealing with the topic of breakup or cheating and it made you quite anxious and hurt that he took these two so lightly without considering your feelings.
Day after day you put up with them until you just couldn’t take it anymore and interrupted him, saying that he should just stop talking for a moment. You were so agitated that you failed to notice his taken aback expression.
“Hey (Y/N)-chan, you do know that I’m just joking, right? There’s no need for you to take it seriously!”
There he goes again with the same excuse…
The young man attempted to take your hand in his, an usual gesture he made every time he upset you, but right now this was the last thing you needed. When his slender fingers brushed yours, you slapped his hand away.
“Not this time Kazu-chan…I’m sorry” you whispered and hurried off, leaving your boyfriend behind who was blown away by your reaction.
A few days passed since your little outburst and you’d been avoiding Takao ever since, afraid of being confronted with what you’d told him. You felt bad of course for treating him like that, but you were just not ready to talk to him yet and needed some time to come to terms with your thoughts first.
“What’s with you two always gluing yourselves on me whenever you have some kind of problem?” asked the green-haired young man who you’d forced to stay by your side since then. You responded with a giggle and told him that thanks to his confident behavior and direct words you felt placid and could sort your thoughts in peace. He simply sighed and looked at his lucky item for today, a silver ring with a small green jewel, which he’d once again gotten from his captain, who told him that it was yet another merch of his favorite idol.
“You shouldn’t avoid Takao so much. We both know that he makes jokes to hide away his insecurities and weaknesses and what do you think might happen if he sees us right now?”
You bit your lower lip and slumped forward, leaning your elbows on your thighs as you nodded a couple of times. Nothing good would come out of you brooding over this on your own and having Midorima with you wouldn’t make your little “fight” with Takao just disappear. Seeing you so lost in thought, the young man behind you had an idea, one that he didn’t entirely like, but right now all he wanted was to make you feel better, so he swallowed his pride and handed you the ring.
“Take it…i-it’s not like I’m giving it to you forever s-since it’s not mine and all…b-but Oha Asa said t-that Scorpio might need some k-kind of symbol o-of…love so” he stuttered as he held out his hand, the fragile ring between his bandaged fingers. You were at a loss for words at his gesture and all you could do was whisper out his name in surprise.
“Shin-chan! What do you think you’re doing?!”
Suddenly someone took a hold of your slightly outstretched arm and tugged on it, causing you to stand up and fall against their chest. You looked at the face of the person and it was none other than Takao who was glaring at his friend through glassy eyes. As if bitten by a bug Midorima jumped up and began protecting himself, but all you could focus on was the man who had his arms wrapped tightly around your body. While the two men insulted each other and bickered you realized just how stupid this entire situation was and couldn’t help but smile.
You placed your hand on your boyfriend’s cheek and turned his head, so that he was now facing you, and kissed him, shutting both of them up almost instantly. It took the young man a shot while to return your kiss, but when he did he also took the opportunity to properly embrace you.
“I’m sorry for overreacting Kazu-chan, it’s just that I-”
“No, don’t apologize (Y/N), I know I went too far this time. You know I love you more than anything else in this world and that I’ll never think about leaving you.”
The smile that adorned your lips widened as you nodded energetically and reassured him that your love for him is also one that will most likely last forever.
While you two made up, smiling at each other, the green-haired young man looked at the ring and grinned to himself.
I knew it…Oha Asa is never wrong
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mollysdarkthoughts · 3 years
To Solidify our Bond
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Pairing: Sesshomaru x Reader.
Genre: Fluff, angst, Comfort maybe?
TW: AFAB reader. Reader had a hysterectomy, one curse word, and angst. Mentions of wanting a child.
Summary: Sesshomaru has grown fond of Y/N from the human world. So much so that he wishes to be the father of their child. When he is able to be vulnerable around them, they unfortunately have to find a way to tell him that they can't physically give birth.
Words: 3,161
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Sesshomaru was not known for his kind and loving nature. He was numb to the idea of emotions, whether that be the feelings of others or just his own. You could never tell what was going on behind those cold yellow eyes. He spent many nights just staring out into the sky, eyes glazed over like a smooth stone. He spoke no words; he would only glare up at the bright moon above.
Deep down in his demonic soul, there was a chance that he felt deeply for others and not just his power. When he had taken Rin under his supervision, it revealed a strange new side of him that had not existed prior. A parental role, a somewhat protective nature. Was this his way of showing care and love? We might not ever know.
And the strangest thing was you. You had appeared in Sesshomaru's life out of nowhere, and you were of no use to him. You came from the human world, an accident from falling too far down a well and resurfacing thousands of years back in time. He had discovered you from passing a village. You had become the town curiosity, with how you dressed, how you acted, how you talked.
Sesshomaru was no idiot. He knew where you were from just by glimpsing at you. He cared not at the time. You were but a human; what difference would you make to his life? As it appears, a large one.
Rin was the one to approach you, also curious about this strangely dressed human. You began talking with the child, and a friendship bloomed. Rin didn't have many friends before.
Next thing Sesshomaru knew, he had been cajoled by his somewhat adopted child into bringing you along on his little search for power.
For months, he had simply been irritated by your presence. Because you were extremely stubborn in your pursuit to talk to him. Since your arrival, he had set the groundworks; you were to take care of Rin, tolerate Jaken and stay away from him. He believed them simple rules for a human to follow. He underestimated your insubordination. You spent the next several weeks poking and prodding him verbally to get a conversation out of him.
No one had ever spoken to him the way you had before, and it was annoying. The constant insistent on being around him, on talking to him, to do something with him. What a pest you were.
Who would have thought that the pest would grow into something less restricted? Bit by bit, after several failed attempts, you were able to get him to willingly converse with you for over a minute. Next, it was five. Then ten. Then thirty. From there, the time you spent together grew more and more, and though he still was adamant on his façade of coldness, you knew that if he genuinely despised you, you would be long dead.
Conversations were his highlight (Though he'd never admit it). Between his won battles and his fight for the Tessaiga, he took peace in the times when Rin and Jaken had long since fallen asleep, and you would sneak up to him against the tree; and you would just sit down together. Sometimes you would talk, sometimes you would just calmly sit in silence. Oddly, both felt natural to him.
When he confessed his affections to you, it was blunt and emotionless. You didn't know how to quite decipher his strange way of communicating, whether or not he was serious or…whatever else he meant. Mattered not, because since then, you two have been an official couple (Mind you, when you said that the first time, he had no idea what a 'couple' was.)
Though, through everything you had gone through together, he still found it challenging to be vulnerable with you. For the last few days, he had been lost in his own thoughts. Or, more so than usual. You had tried to calmly ask him what was on his mind, though he refused to answer.
And now, here you two were. Alone together under the starry night sky. He had pulled you away from the camp, out into an open field of grass. He did not give you any reason; you could only trust that he had one.
"Well this is…gorgeous." Your voice was coated in nervousness and uncertainty. Don't get me wrong, the field was gorgeous. You were just unsure as to why you were here and what you were to do.
"It is adequate, but I believed you would enjoy less shrouded scenery." Easily translated from Sesshomaru to English: 'it's not my thing, but I thought you might like it.
It was easy to tell he meant well, so you offered a smile as you could show very little else. "Thank you sessh. It's really beautiful."
"…You are welcome…Y/N."
There was something new in his eyes. Less rigid and pointy, and softer. He wasn't looking at you; he was more looking into you. They shined with a new emotion that you had never seen before. Something deep and powerful that had only surfaced now.
"Sesshomaru…" You reach out a hand to him, landing slowly on his shoulder. You approached him cautiously, unsure how to tell what was happening inside him right now, "Is everything okay? Do you need to tell me something?"
There was a brief silence before he reached over his shoulder and grabbed the hand you had placed there. He brings your fingers up to his face and gently, ever so slightly, puts his lips against the knuckles.
Heat had bloomed across your face almost instantly. This was something new. Affection was something that Sesshomaru was only starting to get used to. You were barely able to get him to hold your hand in private. But here he was, caressing and kissing across your fingers, with this newfound love and tenderness that had come across him.
"Sessh?" You had called out to him. His eyes, still glazed over with this new feeling, stared back deeply into yours in answer. The intensity caused the words in your throat to cower.
"I have something to tell you (Y/N)," He says quietly. His voice, though still his usual tone, held something more. "Something that…I have been inquiring about for a while."
"Well…Shoot." You cringed at your own awkward reply. He did not seem to notice, finding your modern world dialect endearing in its own way.
"For as long as I had known to breath, I had despised humans. And…Half breeds."
The emphasis had you questioning. Was this something to do with his brother?…
"My father had left my own mother for a human woman. It was detrimental to me. I hated him for what he had done. And most of all…I hated the son he had created and the woman that took him.
"I can't tell you when it changed, but something shifted inside of me. Sometime after your arrival. After spending so much time taking care of Rin, and all the moments spent with you."
As he spoke, he began slowly pulling you towards him. Inching towards an embrace. Your first-ever embrace. You stood stunned as he wrapped his arms around you loosely as if he was afraid to restrain you. To scare you away. This wasn't a command; he made his love a choice. A choice you had to make.
"I am not sure how to love. The idea is foreign to me. But…I want to try. I want to make something of this connection we have created."
He pulled away only slightly, your hands in his as he brushes his forehead against yours and speaks those final words.
"I want to make a family with you. To bear a child inside you. I want this to solidify our bond."
Your heart dropped to your stomach, and it becomes harder to not stare up at him in horror.
"A…a child. You want a child?" The words felt thick in your mouth. You had thought this would have been easier to do. Explaining that you were incapable of having children. Your hand instinctively went to your stomach, to the womb that had been removed several years prior.
"Yes. For all my existence I have never cared for another living creature as much as I care for you. I wish to be a father to our child and be better than my father was."
This was the first time in history that you had ever seen this man be vulnerable and caring towards you. And it was sad because you could never give him what he wanted. You could never bear his children.
You tested your words carefully, afraid of what might happen. Afraid to ruin this moment, to tell the truth. "Sessh…I-I can't, uhm the thing is, I'm not, not…" The words won't come out. They refused. And slowly, Sesshomaru's eyes were coloured in confusion. He had thought you would want this as much as he did. You felt the shift in the air. 'you idiot, you've ruined this. You've ruined everything. He will never care for you like this again.'
"I-I can't, I can't do this… I'm so sorry!" You were slowly stepping back from him before you panickily ran back in the direction of the camp where you were set up, disappearing amongst the trees.
Sesshomaru made no effort to try and stop you. What would he do? What would he say?
For the first time in his life, Sesshomaru had made a mistake. His first ever blunder. Sesshomaru never failed at anything, never slipped up, kept everyone at arm's length to keep it that way.
This new feeling scratched away at his already torn heart, and he is left standing in the dark by himself. Not moving. Not blinking. Just standing there, feeling the numbest he's ever felt in his life.
You had passed out somewhere behind a tree next to the camp, waking up sore and glum against the rough wood. You walked the rest of the way to camp to see that Sesshomaru was already with Rin and Jaken, both of which turned to look at you as you approached.
"Where were you?!" Jaken cries out angrily, waving his staff around. "Sesshomaru ordered specifically that no one was to leave the forest!"
"Y/N, why weren't you sleeping next to us last night?" Rin asks, tilting her head in question.
"Just had to go for a walk. Nothing serious, don't worry about me." You dodged the question quickly and went to dress her and get her ready to leave the forest. Other than Jaken's squeals of anger, there were no words exchanged between any of the group. Sesshomaru's eyes dug into your head, but you did not look at him. His presence near you caused a sinking in your stomach that caused emotional pain beyond anything you've ever felt.
You all began walking, Sesshomaru in front, you tailing behind the group. Usually, you would be walking by his side, leading the group together. Today wasn't the day for that, though. Neither of you was emotionally ready for that yet.
Rin was confused by the quietness in the air, seeing the tension between the two with ease. Though she did not understand why, she would plan to ask you when you were alone.
You made a few brakes in between, with stray demons trying to fight and the occasional food resupplying. Eventually, the night would fall, and you made camp in an abandoned village, using the lost materials to set up a bed and fire. You were preparing Rin for bed when she had ushered you to come closer to her. When you were close enough, she began whispering to you.
"Do you still love Sesshomaru?"
"Huh?" You questioned out of surprise. She rolls her eyes like it's the most obvious question in the world.
"Are you and Lord Sesshomaru still in love?"
You were not prepared for this question. You looked up slightly to see that the man in question was staring at you from the other side of the room, eyes burning into yours. They were empty now, no longer filled with admiration like that night.
Your feelings for him never wavered, not once. He was the Sessh that you knew and loved, and you couldn't ask for anything else. You still loved him, even if he might not love you anymore.
"Yes…Things are just a little strained right now." You never lied to Rin. It's hard to notice, but she's more observant and intelligent than she is given credit for. "Now, it's time to sleep. Have a good night, Rin."
"Night night, Y/N. Night night, Lord Sesshomaru!"
He didn’t respond. He only turned his back and left through the door, standing guard outside as he usually does.
You sighed to yourself as you stood. You needed to speak with him; that was undeniable. He deserves a proper answer, and you deserve closure on where you stood. Would he still love you, knowing you can't have children? There was only one way to learn.
You stepped outside in the cold air to see him sitting on the steps, looking out towards the trees. His posture was stiff, unmoving like a statue.
"Inside," he demanded, voice devoid of emotion or care. It stung like a bitch, but you weren't going to let this get to you.
You went to sit silently next to him, exchanging no words. His eyes dug into your face, and it takes an unmeasurable amount of strength to meet them. They were lifeless. As much as they had been the day you met.
"You probably don't want to talk to me right now…." You began, hands playing with the edges of your clothes, "But I think that a discussion…is important."
"There is nothing to discuss, human." That hit harder than anything he could have used against you. He had not called you that in a long time.
You gulped the lump in your throat, knowing that you had to be strong enough to talk without crying, "Sessh, we both know that there is."
There was a brief interval of silence as you both conjured memories of that night. Maybe it was your imagination, but you almost swear you saw a flash of grief in his eyes.
"Why did you run away?" That was his first question—the hardest one.
"Because…I wasn't sure what else to do." This answer seemed to strike a nerve.
"if you were so repulsed by me, then you could have simply stated that. I would have been fine."
"I'm not repulsed by you!" You exclaimed, about to reach a hand towards him, but retracting it as soon as he shuffled away. You had to deal with this gently. "Sessh, I don't hate you. I never did. I just…" 'just rip off the band-aid Y/N. It will all be over. "I can't have kids."
His eyes did not waver, and he said not a word. He was ushering you to continue, but where do you go with this?
You decided to speak, even though you had little clue what to say. "Two years ago, before I came to the feudal era, I had a…surgery done to me."
You instinctively reached towards your stomach, a reminder of the choice you made. A choice you don't regret.
"I was terrified of having kids. The idea of getting pregnant caused me to panic. I didn't want that. I still don't. So…The doctor removed my uterus."
"And that is?" He asks. You are reminded that medical advances are way behind, and most likely, he has no idea what you're talking about.
"It's where the babies made when a woman gets pregnant." Your explanation caused you to cringe. You were explaining how babies are made to an over a hundred-year-old demon.
He examines you for a while, eyes empty. You had no idea what he was thinking, and for once, you didn't want to find out. He turns away from you eventually and speaks, "You cannot bare my children."
You sighed, "No, I can't."
"And you did not inform me about this prior, because…?"
"Because at the time it was none of your business," You say honestly. You weren't going to lie to the man that could turn around and decapitate you in seconds. "It was also very personal…People get upset when they find out."
You take a leap of faith, and ever so gently, you reached out towards his hands and let your own rest against it. His pale, untainted skin was in contrast to your own darker human ones. It fascinated you, the minor differences that distinguished you from him.
Luckily, he did not flinch away and was himself enraptured by your sign of affection. Emotion began to return to his eyes as he lightly curled his fingers around yours, not fully holding your hand. He needed time to rebuild that trust. And he hopes that you would give it to him with time.
"…If I had known..." He never finishes, as Sesshomaru has no idea what he would have done if he knew. For once, he didn't know what to say.
"If you don't care for me anymore, I need you to tell me now so I can get ready to leave." You say, somewhat sternly. You are aware that you are not at fault for what happened; neither of you was. But you were not going to force yourself to love a man who can't love you simply because you can't have children. You were better than that.
He finally looks up at you, and back comes a sliver of emotion from that night. The care and affection trapped behind his cold façade were leaking out. "…I do care for you…I do not believe I could ever stop."
"So… you're not upset that I don't want kids?"
"Being 'upset' as you say would be beneath me. I would like to be a father, but I would much prefer to be your mate. That is my priority beyond any child I could ever want."
You expected to be shunned, despised. You expected the look of a disgusted demon lord who couldn't even look at you for the fact you were willingly infertile. He had reacted better than anyone in your world had…
"You're grinning." He points out nonchalantly. You did not realise you were smiling until he had spoken. You didn't care. You got to continue loving your strange demon mate.
You tested your luck and slid closer to his side, resting your head on his shoulder. He accepts your advances, though he still doesn't feel comfortable enough to hold you back. That's okay for now.
Lord Sesshomaru was not known for his kind and loving nature. But he was trying, with all that he had in his way, to show his love for you. He did not need a child to do that. He only needed his beautiful human.
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Day 125.4: Accidental Bonding (Part Four)
(You can start at Part One, if you’d like.)
"Come on," Harry begged, the following Friday. "Please come to dinner." The bond had only seemed to strengthen in the past eighteen days and Harry found his mind turning to thoughts of Draco almost constantly whether they were together or apart.
And touching the other man was almost second nature at this point. They spent all day every day touching the other without thinking; they sat with their ankles pressed together under their desks, hands brushed against shoulders and backs as they walked past each other, they frequently held hands without even talking about it first, and Harry couldn't remember the last time that he'd woken up without being wrapped around Draco's body or vice versa. Yes, the bond wasn't showing any signs of weakening.
"Your friends hate me, Potter," Draco reminded him as he pulled a wine glass down out of the cupboard.
Harry sighed, "But they wouldn't if they got to know you."
Draco leveled him with a glare, the kind that Harry had learned to recognize as a shield of sorts that the other man used when he was feeling insecure. "They have good reason to hate me," he said as he filled the glass.
"Not anymore," he protested.
The other man rolled his eyes and took a large swallow of his wine.
"Come on," he said again. "If you're there no one will flirt with me."
Draco face twisted in disgust, it was unpleasant for both of them if someone touched one of them with certain intentions.
"If they're rude, you can leave right away," he added.
"What's in it for me?" Draco asked.
He thought for a moment, "A foot rub," he offered, remembering the night that Draco had drunkenly been complaining that his feet hurt and Harry had drunkenly offered a foot rub. There'd been something immensely satisfying about it, he assumed it was something to do with the bond and not with the look of rapturous delight on Draco's face.
(Read more below the cut)
Draco's eyes narrowed, "And I can leave immediately if they're unkind."
"And you'll give me a long foot massage?"
He laughed, "Yes."
Harry grinned at him. "Excellent. Let's go then, they're meeting us at The Night Owl."
"How did you know I'd say yes?" he asked, looking affronted.
"I didn't," Harry lied, even he'd had a strong suspicion he could convince the other man. "They could eat there without us if you didn't want to go."
He didn't seem entirely convinced but he allowed Harry to take his elbow and he apparated them to the apparition point closest to The Night Owl.
Ron and Hermione were already sitting at a booth when they arrived, and Harry slid his fingers through Draco's as he headed over. "Hey," he greeted brightly.
His best friends both looked up, smiling at Harry before doing a double take when they saw Draco standing there beside him.
"Malfoy," Hermione said, eyebrows lifting. "What a surprise!" she said, glancing at Harry.
He could feel Draco's nervousness like it was a tangible thing. "Yeah," Harry said, widening his eyes meaningfully at her, "I told you he might be coming."
"Yeah," Ron said, "But we didn't think he actually would."
"Well," Draco said, detaching his hand from Harry's, "This has been fun but I'm going to-"
"No," Harry said, turning toward him and grabbing his hand again, "It's fine," he said, glaring at his friends, who he had told to be on their best behavior and to just give the other man a chance.
"Yes," Hermione piped up. "Stay, please. We were just surprised."
Draco looked at Harry for a long moment, obviously arguing with himself before nodding once and sliding into the booth.
Harry slid in next to him, the first (and hopefully largest) hurdle out of the way.
Dinner went surprisingly well. Hermione and Ron obviously struggled a bit but Harry had asked them to give him a chance and they seemed to be trying.
Everyone seemed to relax a bit once they'd had a few drinks and when Draco got up to use the loo, Harry turned to his friends, "So?" he said eagerly, "He's different, right?"
Ron and Hermione looked at each other before Hermione said carefully, "I think it's too soon for me to tell."
"Yeah, mate," Ron agreed, "I know you've always had that thing for Malfoy but," he shrugged, "it's hard to know what's real and what's an act."
"You do know that he like cut ties from his parents, right?" Harry asked incredulously, "he believes that all of that pureblood nonsense is garbage."
"Does he though?" Hermione asked, "Or is that just what it behooves him to have you believe?"
"He lives in a tiny flat!" he protested. "He said that he was so compelled by your arguments about house elves that he couldn't bring himself to have one for his flat."
"Are you sure?" Ron asked, "Or does he just hide it from you? House elves are wicked good at magic."
"He knows how to cook," Harry said, "From scratch. And he knows cleaning spells," he added. "Why would he have to know cleaning spells?"
Hermione looked at him thoughtfully, "Maybe you're right-"
"Just give him a chance," he said. "You won't-"
"Better talk about something else," Ron interrupted, "He's headed this way."
"Well, I tried to get Lugnok to speak with me about the discrimination that Goblins have been facing for ages in the wizarding community, but he wasn't very forthcoming," Hermione started as Draco slid into the booth once again.
"Oh," Draco said as he pressed his shoulder against Harry's and they both relaxed into the pleasant hum thrumming through the bodies, beginning at their shoulders and radiating outward. "I read the last article that you published in The Daily Dilemma," he said excitedly. "It was fascinating," he added.
"Really?" Hermione asked, sounding surprised.
He nodded, "I always wanted to learn more about Goblin magic but good information is so hard to find. When I was young, I'd hoped that it was something they'd teach at Hogwarts-"
"Yes!" Hermione agreed emphatically. "I have been trying to convince Minerva of that for years."
"We don't know nearly enough about magic that other beings possess and honestly," he said, lowering his voice slightly, "I don't know why any other magical being puts up with us. I can't understand it." He shook his head, "I mean for all intents and purposes, their magic is stronger than ours and they've got better control of it. A house elf, for example," he said, "when they want to apparate somewhere it's just a snap of the fingers. And their blind apparation is loads better than ours," he shook his head, "And that's just one spell."
Hermione nodded, "It's never made sense to me."
Draco swallowed, "I'm sorry about that, by the way," he said, not quite meeting her eye, "for making fun of your organization." Then his mouth twisted, "For a lot of things, really," he continued. "Many that were worse than that."
"Thank you," Hermione said after a moment. "I appreciate your apology."
He nodded once. "You probably know this already, but Henri Laurence is a real advocate for changing the way we treat other magical beings. He could probably help your causes."
"Who?" she asked, brows furrowing as she tried to place the name.
"Henri Laurence," he repeated.
She shook her head, "I'm not familiar with that name."
"He works in transportation," Draco replied.
"Why would I talk to someone in transportation?"
He gave her a wry smile, "Henri works closely with a lot of department heads to schedule their trips. He's very amiable and everyone loves him," he added. "More than one political career has risen and fallen by his words. He also works with the Minister quite a bit, the Minister is quite fond of him."
"I never would have thought to start there. Thanks for the tip," she said, giving him a cautious half smile.
"Of course," Draco said automatically. "I'd be glad to give you names if you're ever wondering the best way to get things into people's ears. I'm afraid I can't do introductions, though," he said with a self depreciating laugh.
"Thank you," Hermione said, sounding genuinely grateful. "That would be so helpful."
Draco gave her a little smile and Harry felt hope bubbling merrily in his chest.
As the evening drew to a natural close, Harry couldn't help but think that everything went exceptionally well.
Draco was still talking about Hermione's current project with the Goblins at Gringotts as Harry headed back toward the bedroom, Draco trailing along behind him. "It's invaluable," he said as he started to strip so he could put on his pajamas. "This research could change the way that we think about other beings. We could really have the opportunity to understand them better and then maybe we'd understand our own magic and our own limitations better."
Harry nodded, "You sound just like her. I thought you two might hit it off."
"Did you?" Draco asked curiously as he crawled into bed.
He nodded, sitting at the bottom and pulling Draco's left foot into his lap, pressing his thumbs up the curve of Draco's arch. "You're the only other person I know who likes to talk about Magic Theory."
He let out a low moan as Harry's thumbs rubbed the ball of his foot, "Potter, you are really good at that," he said, thoroughly distracted from the conversation they'd been having.
Harry laughed.
"I'm serious!" the other man protested. "If the whole saving the world, one idiot at a time thing fails, you can go into foot massages."
Chuckling, he shook his head, "Can you imagine?"
"Yes," Draco replied, closing his eyes and settling further into the mattress, "I'd come see you every day."
"Ah, in that case," Harry teased, "maybe I should think about it."
"You do that," he said, in that distant voice that meant he wasn't listening to him anymore.
"Read something," Harry said.
The other man opened one eye to look down at Harry, "What?"
"Read me something," he said. "Grab a book off your nightstand," he said, nodding to the pile, "And read. But don't pick something boring."
Draco reached over and plucked a slender book off the nigh stand, "I think you'll like this one. He gets everything wrong but it's delightful." He cleared his throat, "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit..."
Harry listened as he read, a smile tugging at his lips, his chest filling with warmth.
This was nice, Harry couldn't help but think. Living with someone, sharing meals with someone, having someone in your bed when you went to sleep and when you woke up. It was nice to have the sound of someone else's voice and the feeling of someone else's hand in yours.
He wondered if he'd miss it when the bond ended in twelve days.
More importantly, he wondered if Draco would miss it.
Part 3 | Part 5
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ragingpancake · 3 years
Another alien planet, another "ceremonial" wedding. Only they want Rodney to marry Ronon. Rodney's resigned to it (maybe even thinks it is a little funny). Ronin's rolling with it too. John isn't jealous. No siree! Not at all.
Sorry this took me so long to write! Thank you so much for sending in the prompt! <3 @exuberantocean
He’s not jealous. He’s not. What’s it to him if the Bheirats have decided that this is the perfect time and place to celebrate a marriage, just because, you know, they came through the ‘Gate and Ronon immediately scruffed Rodney to keep him from tripping over that stupid root.
And just because Rodney couldn’t stay on his own two feet, they’ve clearly decided that the reason they’ve come is to take part in their very secret ceremony and that Rodney has to be Ronon’s intended because, you know, Ronon kept him from chipping a tooth or spraining an ankle. John doesn’t care, no matter what Teyla keeps trying to communicate with her expressive eyebrows. But if he’s a little sullen as the Bheirats lead them into their village… well, that’s nobody’s business but his own. ---
“So, I think next time, we should probably, you know, weed out the planets with super secret wedding ceremonies,” Rodney says because this is their what, seventh one this year? He looks annoyed, though vaguely amused as a Bheirati woman tries (and miserably fails) to thread flowers through his hair. It’s their seventh one, but the first time Rodney’s been married to anyone but John. John’s not keeping count or anything like that, but it does think it says something that four out of those seven marriage ceremonies had Rodney marrying him, so suck it, Dex. Not that John cares. “You know, we could just… not go along with it,” he suggests and he mentally high fives himself for how not jealous he sounds, like he hasn’t got a care in the world. “You know we must take part in the ritual if we wish to trade with them, Colonel,” Teyla admonishes gently and John’s face screws up in a look of annoyance. “I just don’t think we should force Ronon to do anything he doesn’t want to do, that’s all,” John says and Ronon shrugs. “’m good with it,” he says and there’s a smirk that makes John think that maybe Ronon knows he’s not good with it, the traitorous bastard. “Hey,” Rodney says, hands flailing as the Bheirati woman finally gives up and instead plops a flower crown on Rodney’s head. “What do you mean if he doesn’t want to do it?! I’ll have you know, I’d make an excellent husband!” No one in the room agrees with that, but John grimaces. “Look, I’m just saying that we don’t have to get married on every damn planet with a ritual! That’s all.” “Uh huh,” Ronon says and he raises his eyebrow in what almost looks like a challenge. John absolutely does not like that look. “What did you tell me about weddings on your world? Someone has a chance to stand up and challenge the marriage, right? You wanna challenge?” “I didn’t say that. He’s all yours,” John retorts, because he has some dignity and is he imagining it or does Rodney’s face fall just a little? “Good,” Ronon answers and that smirk is back. He claps McKay roughly on the shoulder, enough to nearly knock him out of his seat before he squeezes gently. “Guess we’re doin’ this then.” “I guess we are.” --- It reminds him very much of this Catholic wedding he’d been forced to go to once, in that it drags on forever. John stands stoically beside Ronon, some version of a best man, while Teyla stands beside Rodney, hand never leaving his shoulder as if trying to soothe him. John, for his part, tries (and mostly fails) to keep his eyes ahead and not look at Rodney, but every so often, he glances over and meets Rodney’s eyes for a split second before the other glances away again. John wonders if maybe he has something on his face. That’s the only reason Rodney would keep looking at him like that. Right? --- “You know,” Teyla says much later that night while they’re all celebrating the marriage, “these things would go much more smoothly if you would just talk to Doctor McKay about your feelings.” John glances at her, eyebrow raised. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” She hums and John gets the distinct impression that if she had her bantos sticks, she’d beat the shit out of him for that. “Do you remember M3-X456?” “Yeah, the place that made you marry me. I remember.” “Mmhm,” Teyla responds, glancing over at where Rodney and Ronon are sitting, flower crown sitting atop of Ronon’s heavily dreaded hair where he’d plopped it earlier that night. “Rodney was very put out that the Drivots chose me to partake in the ceremony in place of him.” “What are you--…?” “I am simply saying that I do not think you are the only one who would’ve preferred to take Ronon’s place tonight.” She pats him gently on the shoulder. “I shall leave you to think on that one, Colonel.” But there’s nothing to think about, because clearly Teyla is mistaken. Rodney doesn’t--. That thought dies as he lifts his gaze and finds Rodney glancing over at him again. Huh. --- They make it back home without incident, save for Ronon’s major hangover that had him
puking up his guts in the gate room, but John thinks that it’s probably serves him right. An uncharitable thought, but a thought anyway. And it has nothing to do with jealousy! Nothing at all. Except maybe it does, just a little, and that can be the only explanation for why John calls Rodney to his office later that afternoon, looking supremely uncomfortable when the other arrives. “Listen,” he says, slouching against his desk, but he doesn’t get a chance for anything else before Rodney’s cutting him off. “No! You listen, Colonel! Just because I might not be your cup of tea doesn’t mean that others are incapable of noticing my charm and, and, and the fact that I might have more to offer than just my brain! Frankly, I’m offended that you think Conon wouldn’t want to marry me! What, do you think he’s too good for me?!” “What? Rodney, no, that’s--.” “Well! I’ll have you know that you were wrong! If anyone didn’t want to partake in that stupid ceremony, it was me! If these people are going to continue to force us into these damn things, we should at least get to choose who we marry!” And John stops short at that. “… who would you choose?” Rodney goes red at that. “No one. Absolutely no one. I have to go.” He turns and palms the door open but John stops him with a hand on his wrist. “Who would you choose, Rodney?” “… if you have to ask more than once, then you already know.” “Yeah,” John says and he tugs Rodney back to him, a hand on his shoulder to turn him around. “I’d choose you too, McKay.” John’s imagined before what it would be like to kiss Rodney, but never had he expected the butterflies and for a moment, it leaves him breathless. “Would you really?” Rodney asks when they finally break apart, blue eyes meeting hazel. “Absolutely,” John says, voice raspy, breathless even. “I mean, I’ve already married you on like, what, four other planets? I call dibs.” “You—what?” John kisses him again. “Dibs,” he murmurs against Rodney’s mouth. “But seriously, you think we can go back and get them to annul your marriage?” “You’re an idiot,” Rodney says, but there’s a fondness there. “Yeah,” John agrees. “Doesn’t hurt to check though, you know?” “Shut up and kiss me again, Sheppard.” John doesn’t need to be told twice.
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qsphyxias · 3 years
if you fetishize mlm/nblm relationships, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; you took a reckless bullet for your ever so beloved detective/partner, and shuichi isn't too happy about it. understatement ; he was fucking devastated
warnings ; hospitals, gun violence, getting shot, inaccurate depictions of police and police negotiations, cussing, major angst, male! reader uses he/him pronouns
note ; the first one-shot of this blog, everybody dance ( the imagine isn’t based on the song, but i just thought it had the same vibe ig )
words ; 4k
⊱ ────── {⋅.𝐢𝐝𝐟𝐜 - 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫.⋅} ────── ⊰
ring, ring.
ring, ring.
what's that noise?
ring, ring.
why won't it stop?
ring, rin-
"hello?" gratuity washed over your body, the feeling causing you to relax as the obnoxious noise had been replaced by the gentle tone of the one you love. suddenly you didn't feel as bitter as you did before; when you had first awoken from your slumber. "ah... yes, this is... detective shuichi saihara."
your head shifted towards the sound of shuichi's voice, eyes flickering to him and back to the small dot on the ceiling you had first caught sight of.
shuichi darted his eyes over to your turned back, hands cupping the phone as he tried to muffle the authoritative tone your shared boss had been emitting. "... but he's still recovering. no, i don't think that that's-" the anxious detective's voice grew a little louder out of panic, causing him to immediately lower it back down to a whisper as his mind reminded him that you were still sleeping — or so he thought. "just... at least give him one more day. please. i'll take all his work for that day."
you blinked, brain whirling as you tried to process the information that seemed to be dripping from shuichi's lips. who's he talking about? you groaned quietly, feeling as if an anvil and a hammer had been clanging obnoxiously at your head.
shuichi whipped his head towards you, sad eyes widening as he had caught your groan, however soft it was. "s/o?" nearly dropping the phone, he tightened his grip and spoke into the receiver again, quickly wanting to end the call so he could go check on you. "oh- um, th- thank you so much, yes- okay, thank you again." without hearing his boss's reply, he abruptly ended the call and kept in mind he would have to hear the scolding later — however, it wasn't like he really cared at all in that moment.
"sh-?" you paused, shuffling to sit up from your waxy, cotton hospital bedsheets as you finally decided to announce your consciousness. fuck, how did the rest of his name go? come on brain! he just said it!
shuichi had been repeating and reversing what he had wanted to say to you the moment he saw you shuffle up and groan, as well as what you needed to hear. his head was sure to detonate, each second that passed by brought him closer to his limit.
despite shuichi's selfish desire to hear your lips say his name again, he held his greedy urges back ; he needed to talk to you first. "no, you ...you don't have to talk. actually i... need to talk to you first." that's right, shuichi. stay calm, don't scare him, he's still recovering.
you furrowed your brows at him, feeling yourself slightly perspire at his serious tone ; he was usually a pretty calm, serious guy, so you weren't sure why you had been so nervous. this was quite common, however, talks like this happened a lot at his demand ; he believed communication was key — and since then you were always at his mercy with his sweet and honest sentiments.
however cringe-worthy they may have seemed, he never failed to make you flush from his honesty ; though the embarrassment he caused you had been nothing but unintentional, or at least...you believed it to be.
laughing nervously, you opened your mouth to say a stupid joke to lighten up the mood, but the throbbing feeling of your shoulder being detached, reattached, pulled, strained, and yanked stopped you from doing...well, practically anything. wincing, you gripped your wound instinctively.
"s/o! i- i said not to talk...!" the sudden, yet the revolting sound of his chair scraping against the floor hit your ears, but shuichi's hands cradling your face distracted you from the gross sound. "s- shuichi?" his touch acted as a brain restarted, as your pupils suddenly dilated ; memories of yesterday coming back to you and hitting you like that bullet you took for him.
that bullet you took for him...
"i- i did it out of love! just- just let me go! i can't go to jail! i just fucking can't!" with blurred and fuzzed vision, there stood the perp, a small pistol held improperly in his quivering hands as he spewed out excuses and nonsense.
"listen, it's going to be okay...! just put down the gun, and i promise, we'll try and work this out ; i'll talk to the judge about your prison time, just...trust me, okay?" right...you remember now. you could remember so vividly how beautiful he looked, even as he was practically sweating out of his fancy turtleneck, he still somehow was able to keep a calm attitude.
he was...he was such a nice guy. well, that was an understatement.
despite his amazingly calm and reserved speech, the perp remained unconvinced, yet also unsure of what he was supposed to do. that much was obvious when he kept darting his eyes all over the room indecisively picking one spot to focus on.
as you held your gun firmly and pointed in your hands, you flickered your eyes back onto the perp, despite wanting to stare at the detective for hours ; you had a job to do.
you sidestepped towards the detective that had kept his golden eyes glued onto the perp carefully, leaning your head into his side as you whispered something into his ear, "you know you can't actually do that, right?" you could see his adam's apple bob in response.
"i'll... i'll figure something out." shuichi adjusted his grip on the gun he held, eyebrows furrowed in such a breathtaking way. you could feel your knees buckle.
"what are you guys- what are you guys talking about, huh? talking about- how-how i'm such a pathetic piece of shit!? huh?!" you threw your head back to the shaking, wary man, gun tightening in your grip. "we weren't. just take his offer, it's the best thing you can do." your tone had been firmer than shuichi's, not as kind, but hey ; that was your whole dynamic.
"we really weren't." shuichi agreed, sincerity was written all over his face. a small part of you felt envious of his stare.
"stop-stop lying to me!" the perp's frantic switching of his gunpoint, seemed to halt to a stop as he directed it at shuichi ; causing an unwanted panic to rise up in the both of you, but mostly you.
"hey, you seem pretty nervous there. say, when was the last time you had any contact with drugs or alcohol?" you questioned in a condescending tone, a smug smile adorning your face and irking the already unstable man. looking back at it now, you should've kept your mouth shut. even so, shuichi's life was in danger, and if you had to risk your life for his ; well, you'd take any chance to do that.
the perp seemed to take the bait and aimed it back at your chest, lucky or unlucky for you two. "shut up!" an unreasonable relief washed over you as shuichi had been put out of danger.
shuichi looked over at you, communicating with his eyes as if he was pleading for you to stop and let him handle it instead. however, there seemed to be an itty bitty miscommunication. your ego seemed to betray you, as you started spewing out things you probably shouldn't have been saying ; all so you could impress the very nervous and quite frankly, unhappy detective.
"cocaine? heroin-?"
shuichi glared at you, mistakenly taking his eyes off the perp for once. "s/o, what are you doing?! i have this under control...!" he suddenly barked at you, breaking his composure as he had gotten a tidbit angered that you had been interfering with the negotiation.
"shut up! shut up, shut up, just shut the f-fuck up!" a gunshot rang out.
"watch out!" without thinking, you had shoved the frozen detective away from you, even if the gun had already been pointed at you ; you had no business risking his life.
jesus, you were probably the most idiotic man known to humankind.
next thing you know, you've been knocked onto the floor, head throbbing and wheezing from blood loss as shuichi has to determine whether he should chase after the perp or stay with you.
the decision had been more than easy ; he took barely one second to decide that your life was more important. dialing back-up in one hand, he crouched down to assist you with the other. taking in one shaky but deep inhale, shuichi nervously fiddled with his radio, shaky eyes glued to you. "officer down, i repeat officer down."
"the hell are you doing, saihara...!? he's going to get away!"
"i-i can't just leave! what if you- no, i-! just...just here," he handed to you a handkerchief he held in his shaky hands. "press it onto the wound, okay? please?" he wasn't going to take no for an answer, one more beat and he would've been doing it for you.
grunting, "shuichi, i'm happy you're worried about me but you're being hella stupid right now-" you cut yourself off, grunting at feeling the strain of talking.
"w- why did you do that? i had the situation under control...!" he sounded upset, that much was clear.
"he...he aimed the gun at you and i guess i panicked, i don't- i don't know, look- just go, alright? back-up's coming for me, and you know you can't let him get away." you could feel the adrenaline from getting shot wearing off, and with it, the pain getting worse. sweat formed on your brow ; it felt like the more you breathed, the more the searing pain worsened.
you knew deep down you didn't want him to go, that you were scared you could actually die within moments, yet you hated yourself for that feeling. it was extremely selfish. it wasn't fair. you could remember the way he looked at you.
"i'm not going, that's final. we're going to... we're going to wait for back-up together, okay?" it was weird to hear him use his asserting tone when talking to you, it was weird to hear him so confident with you too ; yet you couldn't ignore the strange sense of pride you held.
suddenly out of the blue, a wave of exhaustion hit you, causing your eyelids to flicker shut. you knew you weren't supposed to sleep ; especially not when you were bleeding out from your shoulder, but you told yourself, hey, one 10-minute nap couldn't hurt, right? back-up would come anyway.
before shuichi could even stop you, you're already out like a light, and causing sudden arrhythmia to shuichi's chest. "s/o! w-wake up!" with his words echoing throughout your dream-like state, your smile only seemed to widen ; he may have been screaming at you to not leave him — but his voice still kept that same, soothing tone to it. it was like a lullaby, to a man seconds away from death.
comparing his tone and reaction from the incident to now, it had certainly been different. you wondered what had changed... maybe he was mad? understatement of the year it seemed ; he was probably pissed the fuck off. you did ruin the negotiation after all, and for what?
"you don't seem very sad that i got shot ; i knew you were a pretty stoic guy but i didn't peg you as cold-hearted." you teased, to which shuichi held a neutral face, eyebrows creasing as he stared you dead in the eye. for a second you worried if he could tell you were joking.
"... i cried for days, s/o." his voice broke, and you could feel your heartbreak piece by piece as he frowned at you.
blinking in response, you didn't seem to believe him ; why would he cry over you? your head was probably just fucking with you. promptly ignoring the blood bag hanging beside you wondered if it had been the blood loss. "you- you what?"
it took you a few minutes to process what he had said, and for good reason. days? had you been asleep that long-? wait, he was crying? over you?
sometimes you forget he has emotions from how calm he is ; you swear you've only ever seen three sides of him ; anxious shuichi, serious shuichi, and calm shuichi. along with the occasional happy shuichi when you make him laugh with your shitty jokes, but that's a secret you keep between the two of you. or more like for yourself.
"i was- i mean, of course, i was devastated- you're sp- i mean- look, why did you- what made- that w- s/o, you- ah-" he stammered over his words frustratingly, hand rising to fiddle with his hair out of habit.
you watched him sympathetically. "hey, where'd mister assertive go?" you grinned, tone playful as you essayed soothing his anxiety. "...listen, it's okay, just take your time ; i'd prefer it if you did anyway, you're probably just gonna scold me, right?"
shuichi took strange comfort in your words, golden eyes staring straight at your hospital-gown covered chest as he tried calming himself down. "y-yeah...thanks." something was unsettling about how you seemed to be smiling in a situation where you nearly got yourself killed — even so, it was refreshing to see it.
he missed it. he missed you.
you had been sleeping for two days, so it would make sense that you were refreshed and well-rested enough to be back to your regular self.
whilst you had been peacefully sleeping and recovering in the nasty smelling hospital, shuichi had been in agony. those two whole days had been hell for him. crushing guilt and his anxiety attacked his head 24/7 ; even when he knew you probably weren't going to die in your sleep, 'probably' wasn't very assuring when you were shuichi saihara.
he would fret for hours and cry in the shower about whether it was his fault or not ; despite it being so obviously your fault, he couldn't help but wonder what he could've done differently. he shouldn't have been so weak, he'd tell himself. this was a normal thing that happened as a police officer, getting shot in the line of duty, it was normal. but it... it was completely different when he knew it was you who had been taking the bullet.
his eyes widened as he felt your hand clasp upon his. "don't look so guilty, shuichi. you're breaking my heart." you pouted, apologetic eyes staring at his kicked-puppy-like eyes. "sorry, i just- i know you said you...you said you panicked when the perp aimed the gun at me ; who, um, thankfully got captured by one of our back-up team." he could hear you sigh in relief, which frankly, irked him a little.
you were still worried about that? he, himself was a workaholic but not to the point where he would sigh in relief as there was a large bullet wound inside his shoulder.
"but uh, i don't...i don't think i understand why? i mean, he- he wasn't going to shoot, i had it under control—"
"i know you did, and i trust you but...i just couldn't take any chances, you know? i'm...honestly i don't really regret much." you smiled sheepishly, hands gently fiddling with his cold hand that rested on the very end of your hospital bed.
"i mean, i get to see you worried about me." you chuckled, "it's cute, i have to admit." you forgot all about your wound at this point.
his guilty expression didn't change a bit ; eyebrows only furrowing deeper down as he eyed you questionably. "you think it's...cute? you almost got yourself killed, s/o. you know you can't be that reckless. to get yourself nearly killed just because you didn't want to take the chance of me in danger...s/o, i was terrified. when you fell asleep, i thought my heart was collapsing — you shouldn't have done that for me—" his worries spilled out of his mouth like fluid, the words coming to mind easier, and quicker at the cause of your hands being a good distraction.
"saihara." you snapped him out of it, tugging his arm further towards you. "don't cry, okay? i'm okay. if it makes you feel better, i'll...try not to do that again. please, just..." you swiped your thumb at his face, flushing as he instinctually leaned into your hand.
shuichi sniffed in response, hands coming up to wipe his own face as soon as he realized he was, indeed crying. "...i'm sorry."
"i know i'm too reckless for my own good, but i just didn't want for you to get hurt. you're...you mean so much to me. more than you could ever know." you confessed, eyes averting as you tried to avoid his reaction.
"um, i don't know what i'm saying — maybe it's the painkillers? they put in the right blood type for me, righ-?" you took your hand away from his and to the back of your cold neck.
"i made sure they had the right one — but um, what did you mean by that? just earlier?" shuichi stared up at you, pouting as you only seemed to look away from his detecting stare.
you knew one look in your eyes would show everything you felt for him ; and you weren't sure if he even wanted to see that emotion. so you settled for a temporary solution.
"um, is- is that a bee outside? i like bees, though they are going instinct — haha, the human race is fucked-"
"s/o, why are you avoiding the question?" he dealt with many guilty perps, thus knowing when someone was guilty ; and that right now, had been you.
you grunted underneath his stare, sinking further down into your sheets as you sighed defeatedly. it's not like you could hide from a detective for long. "i- uh, i just meant like," your confidence seemed to deter ; and for a second shuichi almost felt bad. almost.
his job as a detective meant he wouldn't stop until he got answers ; and that applied to his daily life as well, his daily life that included so much of you.
damn him and his adorable crying. "i think i...since the gun thing, and i don't know if this will comfort you in anyway but this has been seriously e-eating at my brain and i finally know- i finally know what this feeling is. i feel kind of dumb for not knowing earlier ; i mean, was my career as a detective nothing?" you gazed at him from underneath the 'comfort' of your uncomfortable paper-thin sheets.
"getting off-track, i just meant that i-i think that i really really like you." your voice had been slightly muffled by the sheets, but shuichi heard you clearly nonetheless. he made sure he did.
"you- me? r- romantically?" he flushed bright red as you nodded in confirmation.
you hoped he was as embarrassed as you were because you felt like you would dissolve into the sheets from the pure humiliation if he wasn't. "youdon'thavetosayanything,ijustthoughti'dletyoukno-"
"n-no, that's not it! i- i like you too! i...haha, to be honest, i thought this would go differently." he chuckled, scratching his cheek awkwardly as he eyes your shoulder wound.
jerking up, you briefly ignored the searing pain in your shoulder as you leaned way too close to him for comfort, a look of pure devastation and worry on your face. "you already knew?"
he couldn't help but think your worried pout was nothing but adorable, unsuccessfully stifling a goofy smile. "no, i..." honestly he kind of did already know, but he never thought it was something possible ; thus clouding his judgment.
"i planned to confess, actually...i was planning to-to talk to you about it during one of our-"
you made an 'o' shape with your mouth, a thoughtful look in your eyes as you nodded understandingly. "-talks, of course."
huffing quietly, he sent you a worried look. "what, are they bad? communication is key, you know-" his informative, but light-hearted scolding had been cut off as you reached to tussle with his hair, erupting a hiccup out of him.
"they're not bad ; you're just...you're a real saint."
"a-ah, i wouldn't say that..." you laughed at his nervous reaction, retracting your hand to his dismay.
"that's what a saint would say." he pouted at your teasing tone, grabbing your arm gently with his hand as he kept in mind your disability.
you cut him off as he opened his mouth, seemingly about to defend himself. "don't worry too much about it ; i actually sometimes like our talks...though i spend most of my time staring at you as you talk, it's still pretty fun." oops.
"s-s/o..." he squeaked, looking at you pleadingly for a reason you hadn't been aware of yet.
"what? i didn't say anything wrong, did i?" blinking at him, you tilted your head.
"n-no, but- um." he wasn't sure how to tell you how much he wanted to kiss you right now. those talks proved to be nothing but useless as he couldn't find the words he desperately wanted to speak.
it was only then had you noticed he had leaned half his body over you, nearly climbing into the hospital bed with you. the sudden realization caused you to widen your eyes, as you awkwardly hovered your hands in the air. it was like your body had been telling you to touch him, cradle his head but you didn't know how, or where.
the awkwardness had caused a small, nervous chuckle to erupt from your throat ; prompting shuichi's worried glances. were you laughing at him?
you felt him shrink away, and out of panic, you let your heart act before your brain could. your hands cupped his face, a quiet clapping noise echoing throughout the white hospital room walls and only seeming to make everything more strange than it had been.
shuichi held a shocked expression on his face, as you had practically been melting from how much you were sweating. fuck, did i mess this up?
no words had been exchanged, both of you, too bewildered and too nervous to say or do anything — the situation grew so bizarre that it literally left them speechless. with both pairs of eyes glued onto the others, neither of you moved — no matter how sore shuichi's arms had been getting from holding himself up not to crush you, and how with each agonizing second, you weren't sure whether or not to tighten your grip on his jaw.
"a-are you going to kiss me? or just stand there?"
"i-i can do that? really?" shuichi watched you closely for confirmation ; and you swore you felt him lean in closer to you — not that you were complaining. in any way. whatsoever.
"um, y-yeah. i-i consent, ha— mmf-!" shuichi hadn't bothered to hide his eagerness, lips already pressing and moving against yours like it was instinct, like it was something he had been waiting for for years.
your fingers ultimately tightened around his jaw, and you made the move to bring him further down onto you — to which wasn't a very good choice.
"w-wah! s/o, w-wait a second!" he muffled through your lips, golden eyes revealing themselves as he lifted his eyelids in a panic as you started pulling him down to you. he was unreasonably afraid of accidentally putting you in more pain ; but the electrifying feeling you had felt from his lips on yours had had the same cause and feeling as 10 million painkillers — you felt like you were in cloud 9 with a million tiny shuichi angels swimming and flying around you.
you promptly ignored him, craving more as you used one of your arms to hug him close to you — the position probably looked like you were trying to strangle him, but your lips on his said otherwise.
you two probably spent 30 minutes making out in your assigned hospital bed, but hey, it's not like anyone was waiting.
...i mean, just ignore the nurse awkwardly standing at the doorway and you're fine.
⊱───── ❝ thank you for reading! ❞ ─────⊰
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Officially Missing You by Tamia
Summary: When Tsukishima realizes how much he needs you even if you just started dating
Pairing: Kei Tsukishima x fem! reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 5.8k
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"Yes! Of course, Kei!"
It's only been two weeks when the blonde finally received your sweet approval of being his. You probably wouldn't have guessed to see the harsh boy with red cheeks and a smile on his features on that day, but it was safe to say it was a sight to remember. Icons and nicknames changed instantly when you two got home, the giddy feeling in your hearts making the new lovers stay up and talk until the dawn. You also couldn't forget the look on Yamaguchi's face when he saw you two holding hands when Tsukishima was walking you to your bus stop for you to go home, the green haired boy rushed to you immediately hugging you, genuinely happy his best friend finally found someone.
Even if it was only two weeks ago, it felt as if it should've happened a little earlier than that.
The only downside to this new found love was that you didn't exactly go to Karasuno unlike your boyfriend. You went to Nekoma high unknowing they were soon to be Karasunos opponent but you disregarded the idea and still decided that he was in fact, good for you. So every morning, he calls you when you two when you were on your way to school. He insisted on this little habit knowing you two never really have the time to be around each other since he was busy with training and so that he can spend time with you without his annoying teammates scramming around that he has a girlfriend.
With you being hours away from him, it was only right to text or call him whenever you arrived, reassuring him you were safe and sound. Even when you two were walking home, there was no way for you to end the call, cautious of the time you spent even if it was through FaceTime. In a short amount of time, this little habit was already embedded in your relationship. Tsukishima even managed to take notice of your schedule the minute you got home. When you've finally made it back to your house, you were bound to finish all of the requirements so you can talk to him all night once you're done.
You also managed to slip in a little gesture for the boy, sending him audios of you greeting him good morning or overall reminding him to take care of himself. Telling him it was his little good luck charm, something to remember you by whenever he was training. Surely he shouldn't be affected by something so simple but since it came from you, his heart never fails to flutter whenever he hears your sweet voice, greeting him so early in the morning with your little giggle when you went to talk about a dream you had.
As far as Tsukishima knows, he hasn't really made it clear to his teammates he was in a relationship. He didn't want to hear the never ending questions of the mysterious girl or even how it started. Even Yamaguchi doesn't ask questions about you knowing Yamaguchi was the only person Tsukishima even introduced you to- well was forced to introduce you since he really couldn't find an excuse as to why he was a holding a girls hand late in the afternoon.
"T-tsukki?" Yamaguchi utters, his eyes switching back and forth between your hands that were intertwined and to you in general. He wonders if he was dreaming, there was a huge chance of that but remembering how his best friend mentioned a girl in one of their conversations he can't help but blink wondering if you were the girl he was talking about. You look up to Tsukishima while he lets out a sigh as he pushes his glasses forward.
"This is Y/N my uh..girlfriend." You smile at the familiar boy and remove your hand from the blonde before sticking your hand out aiming to shake hands with him but instead arms were wrapped around you shortly catching you off guard. You hear a tch behind you but your hands were clasped into his shaking it excitedly.
"I'm Yamaguchi! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
On your side of the story, Kenma didn't really wanna intervene but when he sees you smiling at your phone he can't help but wonder if it was a game. Which lead you to admit that it was just your boyfriend and hearing the words slip your mouth, he just continued on with his game not even asking who the boyfriend was but soon Kuroo found out about the little secret at practice when it was just the two of them knowing you trusted Kuroo as well.
"Y/N promised me she was gonna ask something about chemistry. You know where she is?" Kuroo asks but he only receives a shrug from the smaller boy.
"Probably texting her boyfriend." He says nonchalantly and Kuroos eyebrows furrow but once he realizes that Kenma was actually being truthful, a smirk appears on his face.
"Ah! A boyfriend! That's interesting, I wonder who the bastard is. Do you know?" Kenma shakes his head no but Kuroo only lets the sly smirk on his features as he thinks about the next day, ready to bombard you with teases.
Kuroo stuck to his promise, urging you to spill who the lucky guy was but you only remained quiet with flustered cheeks as Kenma slightly glares at him wishing he'd stop the jokes, fully respecting your decision of not letting Kuroo know who the boy is.
Up til now, no one really noticed that their tallest teammate was in love since Tsukishima really didn't show an ounce of adoration on his features and he was entirely caught up in improving his moves and mocking the first years so his love life was kept behind doors.
But even if his features didn't show, his heart says otherwise.
How can his heart skip a beat when he sees you? What is that happy feeling in his stomach whenever you hold his hand? What is that anxious feeling when your name flashes on his screen? Needless to say he was new to everything, but nothing beats the feeling of having him make his way home to your arms when you two meet. All his exhaustion from long practices vanishes quickly when your arms were around him, your scent rubbing off him, and especially when your lips press to his cheek.
Disregarding his crave for your presence, he was still in denial of being clingy. He never really liked the idea of a person acting in such a way so he assumed he wouldn't act like that but when a girl comes strolling into his life, of course he was bound to act different but then he remembers a certain conversation between you and him.
"How was your day?" He asks and he can see through his screen you were shuffling in your bed hugging a pillow underneath you, your cheeks resting on the soft material and Tsukishima smiles slightly at the appeal.
"All good, Tsukki. Did you miss me?" You teased with an eyebrow raised. He rolls his eyes when he hears your little giggle, making his heart jump at the sound.
"You really didn't miss me?" You chuckle again but you look at the camera to see him staring right back.
"Pft..Of course I did, dumbass but I'm not the one to be clingy." He states and you run your fingers through your soft h/c hair. "Its okay to be clingy, babe. I really wouldn't mind having my boyfriend be crazy for me." He chuckles at your comment but shakes his head before adjusting his glasses.
"Sucks for you then, you can't expect me to be clingy that's for sure." You pout and his lips merely broke into a smile. How cute. He thought.
"Then maybe you are crazy."
"Oi!" And your laugh just echoes through his ears, a sound he found addicting like his favorite song.
Now that texting was your usual way of communicating, he wonders what it'd be like to be around you all the time. If only you were in the same school as he was, he wouldn't dare to pass up the opportunity of being with you 24/7 even if he has to be with his teammates, he'd still pick you over them in a heart beat.
With your father switching between Miyagi and Tokyo, it was beneficial for you two to meet at a location while your father was at work, waiting for him to pick you up. After school you would just ask him to take you to your school then picks you up in the afternoon so he can finish his job at Miyagi. With pure luck, you'd arrive at Miyagi at 7:30pm, wherein they've yet to finish training so you spend time with him when you're able.
So here he was after practice, bidding goodbye to Yamaguchi with his phone in his hands messaging you if you were here. You replied a yes and he was already on his way to see you, eager to experience your embrace.
And this is part of the day that he loved.
Ending the day, exhausted and worn out, just to feel refreshed when his eyes land on her figure. His heart swells with joy when he sees her sitting on the bench with a longing expression of her face. Then light is brought upon his world when her eyes met his, forming a smile onto her features as she walks over to him, slowly wrapping her arms around his tall figure. A sigh of relief is expressed and he reciprocates the embrace immediately his chin resting on top of your head as his hands caress you waist gently.
"You wanna eat before you go home? You look tired babe." You say and he just mindlessly nods, lost at the sweet tone of your voice. You step away from the embrace, grasping your hands with his before walking inside the convenience store. As you two pick up the food to eat, you were back at the bench with your head to his arm while you two feast on the snacks enjoying the night sky.
"Kei?" You turn to him and he looks right at you the minute his name slips off your lips.
"I might be busy for a bit. There's a group project and an individual presentation for me to do. Is that fine with you bub?" You ask and Tsukishima rests your head on his arm once again.
"Of course I'm okay with it, idiot. Just don't over work yourself got it?" You nod and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"What about you? Still training with Yams and the others?"
"Tragically, yes." He comments making you laugh. You threw the wrapper into the trash bin at the corner, Tsukishima following your movements as well. You both stood up, linking your arms with his as you two walk.
"I'm assuming they're not as bad as you make them to be. I mean Yamaguchi is so nice." You say earning a scoff from the boy.
"I promise you that two of them are little delinquents from hell-"
"Kei!" You slap his arm gently and he laughs at your gesture before planting a kiss to your hair, catching you off guard and making your heart leap with excitement.
"Okay, some aren't bad but you don't need to meet them. It's too chaotic and I know Hinata would not stop when he meets you." Tsukishima comes to a hault when you've received a notification from your father who was ready to pick you up. As expected, you immediately hug Tsukishima before pulling away and landing another peck to his cheek.
"I'll see you when I see you, Kei. Thanks for tonight." You say and he too lands a kiss upon your forehead before muttering a stay safe underneath his breath. You smile at his words before walking away from him, turning back to wave at him once in a while. Once you were for sure out of his vision, he smiles to himself, satisfied of another happy night with you.
As five days pass, he's yet to hear from his lovely girlfriend, not even meeting him in the morning now that she's driven to school by her father later than the time she usually goes with him. He's received texts later than he expected but it just proved she had a lot on her hands. He was the one who said to take her time so why's he missing her this fast? So he put his thoughts into practice knowing there was a practice match happening soon and he was expected to do his best.
"Oi, focus." Kageyamas voice detaches him from his thoughts earning a glare from the blonde. As the practice went on, his thoughts remained to be consumed by you.
Once they were back in their classroom, Yamaguchi takes a sit in front of Tsukishima who was busy scribbling some notes he'd missed when his mind was distracted by the thought of you.
"Did you and Y/N fight? You've been distracted all morning." Tsukishima crosses his arms to his chest, leaning back on his chair with a scoff to his expressions.
"No we didn't."
"Then what happened?"
"It's nothing serious." Tsukishima exclaims making Yamaguchi shrug before grabbing his snack and munching on it.
"Well that's good then. I like Y/N for you." Tsukishima playfully pushes Yamaguchi while his friend laughs knowing he made the taller boy blush.
When practice came to an end, he was expecting a message from you claiming you've gotten home safe, but all he saw was his wallpaper staring back at him, not even a single notification displayed or even a sound indicating a message. Beside him, Yamaguchi sneakily peaks at where Tsukishima was looking and he smiles to himself.
"Looks like somebody's missing Y/N-chan too much." He says earning a scoff from his friend.
"Shut up, I don't miss her."
"Your face says the opposite." But I do miss her, she's just really busy and I won't bother her for it but what if she's not at school? He thinks to himself. Worry rushing to his mind but his pride of messaging her stopped him.
"She's probably busy. Why don't you leave a message for her then?" Tsukishima rolls his eyes before plugging in his headphones that were around his neck.
"Like I didn't thought of that. I got to go." Yamaguchi bids a goodbye to the blonde before riding his own bike, heading home. Tsukishima stayed behind, hands gliding over his phone picking a song for him to listen to since his usual companion wasn't there.
"I like this song, do you have a playlist?" You asked while you walked alongside him. He nods making you smile.
"Can you send me your playlist?" Kei knew it was just a innocent question but it was enough to make his heart triple it's speed.
"No. Low class people like you don't deserve my music taste." He jokes making your remove the shared ear bud and slapping his arm playfully.
"You're a pain in the ass."
"Geez, thanks Y/N."
Once he arrives home, he laid in bed with his phone clutched to his hands, still waiting for the notification sound. The more he hears the annoying ticking of the clock, he unlocks his phone hurriedly before clicking on your contact typing away his anxiousness.
Oi, answer the phone dummie
Minutes turned into hours and soon his message was left on delivered.
I hope she didn't overwork herself. He thinks before wearing his headphones hoping his nerves wash away with every song but with every melody who does he think of?
It was all you. He even wonders if it was healthy to miss a person like this. He opens his phone swiping continuously, gazing at every picture of you two taken from his phone. He'd see the photos of your cute little smile when you two were out on dates, you casually holding his hand, or even pictures with him when his arms were around your waist. He finds himself chuckling at photos you told him to delete but to him they were all adorable. From staring at the ceiling with memories replaying in his head, he falls asleep.
For Tsukishima, it was rather weird to step into your school knowing you didn't even expect him to be there.
"Hinata can you shut the fuck up?" Tsukishima groans as he tries to block out the excitement of the tangerine haired boy. Hinata was rambling on about how he was ready to beat the team against them but Kageyama wouldn't shut up as well making the conversation last longer than expected. The bus stops making them all step out, face to face with the Nekoma boys volleyball team.
"I've never seen you in your school uniform before. What school do you even go to again?" Tsukishima asks while you fix your tie. This was the first time he was seeing you after school. He couldn't really ignore the dark colors of your uniform.
"Nekoma High. Did I really not mention it to you?" Tsukishima shakes his head and Y/N giggles. In every date, you disregarded conversations about school since you two always had a nick for talking about songs and movies so it was no surprise the question slipped through his mind.
"I'm sorry I didn't mention it before, my parents went to Nekoma so I'm assuming it was only an obligation for me to follow in their footsteps."
"Following them to be the shortest student in Nekoma then?" Tsukishima teases and you roll your eyes.
"Says the fucking giraffe."
"Oi, say that again."
"A gira-" Tsukishima flicks your forehead with his fingers before walking ahead chuckling to himself before you caught up to him smacking him with your backpack.
He watches as Kuroo and Daichi shake hands, Yamamoto and Tanaka looking like a brawl was bound to happen, and Yamaguchi beside Tsukishma as they both watch the two teams.
"Someone can finally see their girlfriend~" Yamaguchi teases and Tsukishima rolls his eyes before looking around to make sure no one heard Yamaguchi.
"Shut up and lower your fucking voice, she's probably in class anyway."
"What if she watches us then? I bet you'd lose focus huh?" Yamaguchi laughs beside him and Tsukishima smacks the back of his neck playfully making him groan in pain.
"Let's get going everyone!"
"Holy shit!"
You stare at your phone with a miss call and message from Tsukishima but you couldn't respond as fast since you woke up late. Staring at the wall beside your bed, you got off your bed immediately and rushed your way into the bathroom to take the fastest shower you can take. Exiting the bathroom and wearing your uniform not even bothering that droplets from you wet hair created a trail around your room as you pack what you needed for school.
You went downstairs and bid goodbye to whoever was in the room and immediately opened the door to reveal your father, impatient with his hand on the steering wheel.
"I'm really sorry!" Your dad chuckles breaking his angry facade as he opens the door for you as you step in panting at how your energy was drained from moving so fast.
"You didn't eat did you?" You shake your head and your father hands you your breakfast. "I saw you passed out on your table I figured you'd be late so I went ahead and bought some." You smile at him, thanking him as he starts the engine and you pray that you weren't late and that you were able to compose yourself for the presentation.
When you made it to school you were already greeted by cold winds and you clutch onto your blouse, irritated that you couldn't bring a jacket but then you remembered a certain boy had your jacket. You decided it was best to find the jacket after your nerve wracking presentation since now you were focused of keeping away the anxiousness that was creeping up on you.
As you walked into the classroom, you were greeted by your also nervous classmates cramming around you asking if you were ready to which you responded too defensively letting your confidence collapse. You desperately wished the teacher would just cancel the presentation or even continue it some other day but she just had to pursue it tdoay and now it was affecting everyone.
"Good morning everyone!"
A voice echoes through the room and you swore you can hear the silent groans from your fellow classmates but a good morning was their response back. Your eyes land on the wall clock above the board and you bit your lip wishing it would all finish alreasy.
"Is everyone ready?"
"Nice kill!" Nishinoya shouts as Tanaka hit another successful spike. Everyone had their guards up especially the Nekoma boys, overwhelmed at Karasunos quick attack from the first year duo. Kenma, observing every teammates and reading the game as he usually does and Kuroo looking as intimidating than usual.
The bell rings and you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You place all of your belongings back to your bag and immediately leave the classroom knowing you were freezing to death. The presentation went better than what you expected, not a single stutter in your presence but deep inside you were crumbling with every word you manage to say. The minute you sat down, your heartbeat never came back to its original pace and the sweatiness in your palms didn't go away either but now that the class is officially over, you can finally have a moment to properly breathe.
You wandered around classrooms searching for the quiet setter to retrieve your jacket but he was nowhere in your sight. You assumed it was because he was still in training so you grabbed a snack before walking to the Nekoma gym.
With every walk, the more chills ran up your spine, cursing you were forced to wear a short skirt as a uniform. By the time you've reached the doors of the gym you already wanted to beg for Kenma to give you your jacket.
Your voice echoes through the gym as heads turn to your direction. The game to a hault suddenly and a certain pair of wide eyed golden brown eyes were stuck on you. Yamaguchi's eyes land on you before changing his gaze to Tsukishima who had a very obvious surprised state in his expressions. Yamaguchi chuckles as Sugawara looks at the boy.
"Who's that?" Sugawara asks as his curiosity watches you from afar as you make eye contact with your boyfriend, whose heart was picking up a new pace with every second your eyes remain on his.
"Ah Y/N! Come watch-" Kuroos eyes gaze at you and Tsukishima. He wonders if this was what Kenma was talking about, but you've never mentioned a boy like him, especially from a different school and with this assumption in his mind, an idea surfaces to his mind making him smirk.
The game finally resumed and you hear your heartbeat all too loudly as you took a seat watching them. Why is he here? A practice match? Why am I suddenly nervous? You assumed that the reason you felt nervous was because you haven't seen him in a week and you certainly did not expect to meet him like this, especially when Kuroo was there.
Kenma waves at you from where you sat and you awkwardly wave back as Karasuno wonders who you were.
"I bet it's their manager." Tanaka replies as his hands came contact with a ball, receiving it. Daichi glares at him and Tanaka quickly turns his head avoiding his gaze and Kuroo takes another look to where you were, eyeing your worry to a possible member of the opposite team.
The sound of the volleyballs colliding with the floor is a sound you should be used to considering every match Tsukishima has, you have to be there. Now that this was your first match you see him in, it was very unexpected that you came in such a random time. Even if you were late to this match, what mattered to you is that you finally get to see him. You certainly didn't mind watching him in such a focused and skilled state.
Your eyes linger to his teammates, seeing Yamaguchi in the corner and you waved to him and he flat out ignores you and you wonder why. Sugawara turns his attention to you giving you a warm smile before returning to watch the game.
They all look kind, what is Kei even talking about delinquents from-
A loud sound caught you off guard as two Karasuno members shout knowing they've once again succeeded with their quick attack. You turn to see number 9 and 10 as the others compliment them on the move.
Is this what Kei was talking about?
You began to turn your attention to the two watching them play as if every move was planned beforehand, moving in synch with each other. Kuroos confusion now grows as he watches you switch back and forth between 9 and 10. At that moment he wanted to give up in finding the mysterious boyfriend but once a ball suddenly hits a certain player, his assumption was proven to be correct.
"Tsukishima-" You watch as your boyfriend winces when a ball harshly passed to his fingers making Tsukishima look over to you, seeing your face painted with a weary expression. As he reassures his teammates he was okay, a rotation begins and he was face to face with the captain of Nekoma.
"The boyfriend huh?"
Tsukishimas eye's widen at Kuroos words but the second he realizes he was being serious, he lets out a sigh before returning his focus to the game not wanting to disappoint the team.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Tsukishima replies before eyeing the ball carefully as Kuroo manages to spike it past him. Tsukishima glares at the captain but Kuroo laughs staring him down.
"Okay then four eyes. You better not be lying to me then." Kuroo says and Tsukishima sighs once more before forgetting the conversation that just happened, desperately wishing your relationship wouldn't be announced in this way.
Despite having to switch back and forth between classes and to the gym, you really wished the practice match ended already. You had no other choice anyway. With every visit to the gym, your eyes were still fixated on Tsukishima. He knows you were staring right at him and the nerves catch up to him the minute you watch him.
Now it's different, finally the practice match came to an end as you went to Kenma, tapping him slightly on the shoulder. He turns to you but another figure comes beside you two.
"Y/N. This is Shoyo." Shoyo excitedly shakes your hand with his and you smile at him and take in his features.
"Are you Hinata?" Shoyo happily nods but his head comes to a tilt when you mentioned his name knowing Kenma didn't exactly introduce him that way.
"Do we know each other? Oh! You're the girl who entered the gym! I'm so sorry I didn't notice you though!" He rambles on and you giggle at him, understanding why Kei was irritated at the small boy.
"Well not really but-"
"Oh Y/N, I forgot here's your jacket. Sorry for keeping it too long." Kenma hands you your jacket and you smile, hugging the fabric close to you.
"Thanks Kenma! I actually wanted to get it from you earlier, I didn't know you were in a match." Kenma nods to you and he signals you to move close to him. You awkwardly obey as he whispers into your ear.
"I think Kuroo knows who your boyfriend is." You chuckle at his words but when you pull away you notice a certain friend was staring down your giant of a boyfriend.
"T-thanks, Kenma." Now, you weren't humiliated of your relationship, what you weren't ready for was Kuroos endless comments on how you've finally settled on a boyfriend.
As Karasuno entered the bus, Tsukishima desperately wanted to stay behind so he can walk you home now that school ended but coach Ukai insisted on training once they were back. You wanted to talk to him but his entire team was caught up with talking to Kuroo and the others and you didn't wanna interrupt. Tsukishima didn't even notice when the teams were all gathered, you were already gone.
But now he's caught a familiar figure with hands stuck to their phone with earphones plugged in with their eyes calmly set ahead of them. Tsukishima stands up with his duffel bag catching the sleepy Yamaguchi off guard as he quickly makes way to his teacher asking if the bus could stop. Takeda questions the tall boy as the rest of the boys woke up slightly wondering if they were at school already.
"Sir please, I promise I'll make my way back to the school for practice. This is um- important." Tsukishima pleads and Takeda nods giving in the boys request.
"Are we here?" Tanaka lazily asks, rubbing his eyes and he watches Tsukishima making his way outside the bus. He was half awake so he mindlessly lifts his duffel bag in his shoulders thinking they've arrived but he watches through the window of Tsukishima catching the attention of a girl. Takeda eyes Tanaka wondering if he was going to leave as well.
"Look Tsukishimas with a girl.. WITH A GIRL?" His scream awakens half the team but they groan and once Nishinoya lays eyes on the pair he was up on his feet, face near the window.
"TSUKISHIMA HAS A GIRLFRIEND- OH WAIT THAT'S THE GIRL FROM THE NEKOMA RIGHT?" Nishinoya shouts and Daichi runs a frustrated hand through his hair, now all the members of the Karasuno volleyball team had their curiosity to the window. Once they saw the girl give a peck to Tsukishimas cheek, they were all wide eyed and interested in what was happening.
"Are you sure she's isn't held hostage?"
"Yo, she looks hot-"
"Oh she's the girl Kenma was talking to!" Hinata exclaims and then they all look at the boy.
"Didn't know she was Tsukishimas g-girlfriend though!" He says and Ukai is confused as to why all the boys were all staring at the window, it's also been three minutes since Tsukishima left and the bus was still not moving. Sugawara looks over to Yamaguchi who had no reaction whatsoever so he nudges him.
"Did you know about this?" Suga asks and it was a moment of silence until Yamaguchi felt a dozen eyes land on him, suddenly feeling like he was gonna faint from how intense Tanaka and Nishinoya was staring at him.
"He- I uh.. m-met her already.." He shyly says earning a scream from the two years as they surround him.
They scream and Suga and Asahi laugh at the two years but smile as they watch Tsukishima walk with the girl, hands together with the afternoon sunlight shining on them.
"Let them be everyone. Sorry about that sir, we can go home now. " Daichi says and Tanaka and Nishinoya finally left Yamaguchi. Before the bus moves, Tanaka decides to bring up a plan for the blonde boy.
The trip finally resumes and once the couple was in their sight again, casually laughing, Tanaka opens the window with a goofy grin on his face along with his partner Nishinoya as the rest of the team open the window ready to tease the poor boy.
"I'm Sugawara!"
"I'm Kageyama."
You didn't really understand why the Karasuno team was introducing themselves to you, especially when you were on the walk with your boyfriend who has been blushing the entire time, badly wanting for the earth to swallow him.
"I'm Y/N! H-hello!" You say with a giggle, laughing at Tsukishimas expression and he walks ahead, hands to his pockets with head low as you catch up to him with the bus still slowly following you two.
"YOU'VE GONE SOFT YOU BEANPOLE TAKE THAT HA!" Hinata screams and once Tsukishima hears his voice, his head snaps looking at Hinata before Hinata grabs onto Tanakas jacket tugging on it and yelling for someone to drive and leave now. Before Tsukishima can even run to him the bus drives off leaving a very happy Hinata and an embrassaed boy.
You link arms with him again, still laughing at what he just had to go through. Tsukishima hides his face from you and you pull his hand making him stop as you stood in front of him with that gorgeous smile he adores.
"Kei, seriously they're gone. Stop blushing already." You say making Tsukishima drop your hand as he walks ahead making you shake your head before chuckling.
"I'm not blushing, dumbass." He says stubbornly and you pull him by the hand again bringing him close to you. You were 5'7 so it was enough for you to place your delicate hands to his warm cheeks and before he can respond you've placed your lips onto his for the first time, and you can sense how shocked he was. You pull away with a cheeky smile as you walk ahead of him while he was still in deep thought of what just happened. He couldn't really put into words how his heart practically went in loops at the gesture.
If this is what he receives after days of not being with you, then maybe he'd consider being clingy.
"Huh, first time you've got nothing to say." You teased as you continue to walk laughing at the impact your kiss hand on him. He looks at you before a smile creeps on his lips, then catches up to you pulling you by your waist and now he was standing in front of you, his figure towering over yours.
"Oi, you think you can just pull a stunt like that pipsqueak?" You happily nod as he lowers his head making you roll your eyes knowing this was his gesture when he was ready to throw some insults.
But instead of an insult, all you got was a pair of lips on yours before it vanished before you, the blonde pulling away from the peck as he flicks your forehead like he always does, with his fingers dragging you out of the daze.
"Are you coming with me or not?"
".. of course I am, Kei."
"Good cause it looked like you wanted something else-"
When he walks back to Karasunos gym, he was greeted by his teammates standing in front of him all lined up, as he lowers his head, Yamaguchi laughing silently at his friends embarassment.
".. yes she's my girlfriend-"
Then the sound of chaotic screams and endless questions has begun.
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Silent Treatment
An Uchiha Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Sarada one shot
All he has to do whenever he comes back to Konoha is be with his wife and daughter. All he had to do is spend as much quality time with them and make memories, especially Sarada, he should know her more as much as she should know him more.
But no, he has the worst temper ever and the foolishness that he has decided to get mad to both of his girls.
He went home that early evening thinking the dinner he will get to share with his family after a long time, just great home-made food cooked by his wife and all the stories Sarada and Sakura will tell him, however when he went home Sarada is going out with bag on her shoulder as if she is going to sleep somewhere else.
“Sarada,” He called.
His precious daughter looked at him, her eyes slowly rounding in shock and her smile beaming as she ran towards him. Of course, he hugged her with his remaining arm and his one knee on the ground leveling his eyes to Sarada. He tucked the escaped hair to her ear.
“What’s with your bag?”
“I am having a sleepover at Chouji’s tonight, Papa.” She said, with an opened smile on her face.
“Did you tell Sakura?” On all means, he hoped that she didn’t so he has a reason not to let her yet she nodded with confidence.
His brows furrowed, “Are you sure?”
“Hm, Papa! Before I went home from the Academy I went to Mama’s work and I told her. She agreed,”
Sakura did?
“Though she had a lot of reminders.” She pouted.
Sakura knew he is scheduled to go home today, be that as it may that he told her it is morning and it is night now, nevertheless it still counts as today. She knew how much he wanted to spend time with Sarada as much as he stayed in Konoha following what happened the last time she tailed the Hokage to look for him.
It confuses him why Sakura let Sarada, knowing he will be home. And it is 6pm, she should be home by now. Does this happen often, Sarada alone under the dark skies to the comfort of their home? What if someone tries to kidnap her?
“You can’t go, Sarada.” He said, calmly.
The moment he saw the crease on her forehead, he instantly wants to take it back. His pride just won’t let him. He wants to be with Sarada, as he only will stay for a week this time. The sleepover can happen next week.
“P-Papa? Mama already said yes!”
“But I didn’t. Now, I am telling you that I don’t consent to this.” He tried to hold his daughter’s arm but she stepped backward.
“But we are planning this for weeks now, Papa. I did everything to make Mama agree.” Sarada’s face is in a whole frown, upset and angry.
I sighed, “Sarada, I said no.”
“No, Papa!” Sasuke almost held his chest in shock of Sarada, “I did so many things just to have Mama agree for this night, and you cannot just ruin that by coming home and disagreeing!”
Before Sasuke could react, Sarada was already out of the door. He didn’t fail to see the tears that she shed as she ran outside the house. His fist clenched. He just made her cry again, and just right after he met her for a long time again.
Sasuke is in despair, his elbows on both his knees as he buries his face to his palms. That is the scenario Sakura went home to. A smile is plastered unto her face seeing the figure on their home’s couch.
Slowly, Sasuke raised his head to look at his wife. He knew she was coming. He sensed her chakra, and so did she. Sakura walked to his direction in delight, completely not noticing Sasuke’s mood. Or perhaps, she thought he was just tired.
“Have you eaten? I’m sorry I was stuck in the hospital again, but I can buy some outside. It would only take a minute.” Sakura suggests.
Sasuke exhaled. Sakura leaned back, noticing now the odd behavior of her husband. No matter how tired Sasuke has been whenever he returns, he doesn’t fail to at least have physical contact with her. Be it his hand on her waist or shoulder, or mostly hugging.
“Anata, are you… okay?”
“Is this the time you normally go home?” Sasuke asked, his face unreadable and cold.
Sakura’s brows furrowed in confusion, “Mostly. Why?”
“And Sarada is alone?”
She gets it.
“Sasuke-kun, Sarada is a strong girl.” She softly coaxes him.
“What if someone- someone who wants to get revenge tries to get her?” Sasuke’s question is in slits.
“Sasuke-kun…” Sakura tries to touch his arm to calm him.
Sasuke stood up, avoiding her hand.
“And you let her sleep somewhere else when you know I will go home today? Sakura, what are you even thinking?” He spats every word.
Sakura stands up now, her happy expressions now long gone. She is serious as she gazes back at Sasuke's sharp glares.
“Now, she is mad at me because I told her not to go just because you allowed her!”
The missing suffix didn’t go unnoticed, making Sasuke shift on his feet.
“Sarada’s fine. I am also adamant about it but she assured me that she will be wary of her surroundings and considered that as her training too. I don’t go home at this hour everyday, just once in a while and Sarada knows what to do whenever that happens.”
Sakura sighed, “About that sleepover, I apologized. Sarada told me about that for a long time and ultimately gave her things to accomplish before I could let her. When I received your letter, I told Sarada not to go but she went on saying how am I not granting my promises to her. I just couldn’t break her trust and not trust my words anymore, so I let her. I’m sorry, Sasuke.”
Sasuke blinked. Sakura looked away with pure sadness and a hint of longingness in her green expressive eyes.
“I’ll be at Ino’s tonight.”
Before Sasuke could react, Sakura is past the door and nowhere to be found anywhere. Probably went to Yamanaka already. Sasuke badly wants to kick the couch but he knows it will infuriate Sakura more, though she demolished their entire house last time.
Sakura poured sake to her glass as she stared into nothingness. She feels hollow the longer the time she is here with Ino, and away from Sasuke who just arrived after months. However, their first conversation after a long time makes her upset. She can’t believe Sasuke just spats those words easily to her, he didn’t even give her time to tell him what happened.
“You know, if you’re going to be like this it will be better for you to go home and talk this out to him. The man went home after a long time to his family and the two of you left him alone there because he is an idiot, I’m sure he already contemplated his actions.” Her best friend, Ino Yamanaka, said.
Sakura eyed her, “I thought you said to let him suffer to teach him a lesson?”
“Oh well, my husband just told me something out there in the kitchen.” Ino pointed something in her back, where the kitchen and where her teammate is.
“I’m too upset to face him. I can’t believe he said those words to me. I feel so less as a wife to him and as a mother to Sarada.”
“Hey,” Ino held her hand, “You’re a great mother. You don’t want Sarada to not trust your words anymore, you only did what you think was right. I think Uchiha Sasuke is only sad because he wants to spend time with the two of you and you let her sleep somewhere else.”
“I know that, but it does not hurt me less. Do you think I am overreacting?”
“No, your feelings are valid. You just need to understand each other and communicate.”
Sakura’s thoughts went to her husband. He must have felt so alone and lonely right now, probably angry at himself. She knows him so well. Though there’s a chance he might go to Naruto to not be alone, a huge chance is he is tormenting himself at home.
“I think I will go home now. I’ll probably not just look or talk to him.” She said to Ino.
Ino smirked, “Well, goodluck to that. I hope it doesn’t make him less lonely knowing you’re doing silent treatment to him.”
Sakura smiled. She is sure it will frustrate him but her feelings should be pointed at a cross, and she thinks words are not enough to tell Sasuke that she is not only a wife to him but she is more of a mother to Sarada now and her feelings matter more to her. She will stand to her decision of letting Sarada go.
On the other hand, Sasuke went to Ichiraku to eat quickly. His stomach is rumbling like crazy and it infuriates him that he looks forward to the dinner but here he is, eating the dinner alone. He knows he is at fault as he thinks about the situation, and he blames his wife because the situation doesn’t favor him.
“Oh, Teme~” A voice suddenly appeared.
The owner gushed at his arrival, “Lord Seventh!”
Sasuke did not even look away from his food, determined to finish as soon as possible and go home. Sakura or Sarada might go home and he doesn’t want to waste time making it up to them. He needs to apologize, especially to Sakura. His heart aches with the mere thought of his wife mad at him.
Several customers also greeted the blond Hokage, and some tourists fangirls over him.
He felt a hand tapped him at the back.
“Dobe…” He acknowledges Naruto’s presence, but still does not spare him a glance.
“One of the usual…” Naruto told the owner before going back to the raven-haired man, “Why are you eating here? Did Sakura-chan kick you out?”
“That would be better.” Sasuke mumbled but enough for Naruto to hear.
“What? Do you mean you kick Sakura-chan out of the house? Why are you the one out of the house, then?” The Hokage questions, concerned.
“Idiot. She walked out.” Sasuke told him, then ate another slurp of the noodles.
Naruto scoffed, “What did you do, stupid? You must’ve done something big for her to walk out... Wait! You did not have another affair, don’t you? Because I swear I will break your other arm!”
Sasuke glared at his best friend. He could never do that. The mere presence of the Konoha 11 still shifts him in an uncomfortable feeling and the whole socializing gives him a headache. Sasuke could never even stand women, except of course his wife and slightly the women of Konoha 11. Besides, Sakura is someone he holds dearly with his life. He will choose to die for her. She is his salvation, his light, his irreplaceable partner and his wife.
“I’m not answering that stupid question, Dobe.”
“I know it’s out of you. I’m just teasing you.” Naruto snickered.
His order arrived and he slurped his way through his bowl and even before Sasuke could finish his bowl, Naruto was already on the way for his second. Hn, something never changed.
Sasuke stood up after his meal, “I’m going.”
“Yeah, apologize to Sakura-chan and I am sure she will forgive you. Well I think she already did.” Naruto shrugs.
“Hn,” Sasuke then jumped to the roof all the way to his house.
“Sasuke-san did not leave his payment so I assumed you will pay for him, Lord Seventh.” Ayame told Naruto, smiling.
The blond’s eyes widened, “Teme!”
Sasuke just arrived and settled on the couch to sharpen his kunai, when he felt his wife’s chakra signature on the way to their home. A nervous feeling aroused him but the thing he is sure is he will apologize and make up to her.
The door opened and Sasuke unknowingly stood up to welcome her but he was met with a cold stare before she walked past him going to their shared bedroom.
Is she…?
Sasuke slowly walked up the hallway leaving all his precious kunai to go to his wife. He did not try to hide his footsteps instead he wanted her to know he is on the way to her. Sasuke opened their bedroom as Sakura closed their bathroom’s door.
He is sure he could smell a faint of sake, and knew immediately she had a drink with her best friend. The thing is Sakura could hold her liquor more than anyone he knows, so he is not worried about her drinking but the reason why she drank in the first place which is him.
Sasuke contemplates deeply whether or not to go after her in the bathroom. She might feel invaded, though they are married and have seen more than their naked bodies but this is different. Sakura might want space, nonetheless Sasuke also told himself that he will not waste time and apologized to his wife.
Sakura could sense Sasuke outside the bathroom, the shower pouring into her back. She breathes deeply, trying to calm herself that she should understand her husband but her thoughts always go back to the moment Sasuke did not even try to ask her first before starting to throw those words at her. For her, it says something about their marriage.
Her head snapped when the knob turned all of a sudden.
Sasuke’s breath hitched when he realized that the door was locked. They never lock their bathroom. Whenever they are using it, the other is always welcomed to come inside no matter what the circumstances. There’s no reason for them to hide anything anyways.
Is she that mad…?
“Sa-kura…” Sasuke tried to call on her, but she heed no response.
He sighed, this is becoming more uncomfortable. He is not used to this. Sakura never got mad at him this way, it’s always words and he will listen but now she is silent and he needs to do the words. Those words really hurt her.
Sakura took her time to relax on the water and Sasuke, whatever it may be, will not leave their room and missed the chance of talking this out to her. He could accept any curses, words or punches but not this silence from his wife.
The bathroom door finally opened. Sasuke stood up from the edge of their bed, his hands fisted on his sides. Sakura, on her towel only, did not even try to look at him and went to her cabinet to get some clothes.
“Sakura,” Sasuke called. Should he close the space between him and her back figure, or what? No, he already concluded he will receive her punches just to stop this silent treatment. But the moment he stepped is when she walked to the bathroom again with her clothes.
She will change clothes in the bathroom? Since when did they do that?
It is a tormenting minute for him, when Sakura went out of the bathroom she did not waste time on anything or anyone. She went to her side of the bed and laid down, with her back on him.
Sasuke can only watch her, when he decided to shower himself to cuddle his wife after and maybe he could apologize. He can’t believe his first night at home after months of longing for it will be like this.
His daughter is in another house sleeping while mad at him, and his wife is not speaking to him.
When he went out of the bathroom and changed to his sleepwear, he slowly laid beside his wife. Although his wife’s back is on him and she is almost at the edge of their bed, it only takes an arm wide for him to reach her. He scooted closer to her, his hand already on her waist.
“Go to sleep, Sasuke.” Her cold voice has frozen him.
“I-I am.” He stuttered. Uchiha Sasuke stuttered!
“Then sleep on your side. I am tired.”
A familiar pain shoots at him. Tired? What kind of tiredness?
“I’m sorry… for everything.” He whispered, hoping to melt her coldness.
He is met with silence. Sasuke laid on his back and stared at the ceiling, with his heavy heart.
“You said we will never sleep if we are not okay.” He mumbled to himself feeling so dejected and hopeless. He made plans for his stay this time for her, and he is sure this is not one of them.
Sleep is far for Sasuke, he only shifts his look to the ceiling to his wife’s back. She must’ve been really tired with the hospital and instead of easing it out for her, he did the opposite. His eyes darted on their window, the sun almost peaking and rising.
Sasuke gives up his sleep and proceeds to the kitchen. Instead of moping he probably should make breakfast for her for once. His thoughts went to the time he isn’t here and Sakura needs to wake up early to pack lunch for Sarada while she is also tired from her hospital shifts.
I am taking her for granted again.
He decided to cook some eggs and something else available in their kitchen. He is so busy that when the door of their house opened, it made him jump. Who was it? It’s only 5:00am, who goes to their home without even knocking at this hour today?
Although all questions were answered when his daughter appeared. She has a solemn look on her face. Her hands were on her front clasped together. She’s looking away while she stands outside the kitchen but enough for him to fully see her.
“Sarada, you’re home.” Sasuke said, “Good morning. I cooked breakfast.”
“Papa,” She called. Sasuke gave her his full attention. “I’m sorry for walking out on you yesterday. I didn’t mean it but I am just so upset and I am sorry that I didn’t put it on your point of view. I know now that you only wanted to spend as much time with me now that you’re home. I’m so so-”
Sarada stopped when his father crouched down and using his only arm, he wrapped it around her and embraced her.
“No, Sarada. I’m sorry, for everything.”
Sarada frowned, “But Papa-”
“It’s okay.”
She embraced him back before she pulled away, “Papa, why do I smell something burning?”
The two were in the kitchen waiting for Sakura to wake up. Sasuke offers Sarada to eat first since she needs to go later for his morning training but his daughter insists on waiting for her Mama. He checked the time and it’s almost 6am and he knows that anytime Sakura will wake up.
“Papa, do you think Mama will talk to you after this breakfast?” Sarada asked him.
Sasuke took the burden of telling his daughter the situation he is in. Of course, his daughter understands her mother’s reaction to Papa, but she also knows her Papa’s side. All she wants is for the two to reconcile since her Papa will only be here for a week.
“I don’t know. She is stubborn, but I hope so.” He admits.
Sarada felt happy seeing his father agitated to her Mama. He looked so nervous because Mama was not talking to him. It felt nice to see him as a father in the house today.
To Sasuke, this is probably the most uncomfortable he ever felt inside this house. The house is where he is the most comfortable at, where he can freely express himself to his wife and daughter. However, since he acted like a jerk he knew he had all the right to be uncomfortable since Sakura rarely did not talk to him. They always reconcile at the end of the day. This is the first time in their marriage that he felt heavy sleeping at their home.
“Papa, calm down.”
“Hn,” But Sasuke can’t stop feeling nervous because he is. Sarada watched him, and if his eyes weren't playing to him he could see the amusement in it.
The door creaked open, making Sasuke abruptly stand up and turned the coffee maker on for her. He waited for her to appear and she did. She is all prepped up for her day at the hospital.
“Mama, good morning!” Sarada greeted her mother.
“Oh Sarada, you arrived early? Good morning.” Sakura smiled at her daughter. She still did not see his husband, but when she turned she saw him warily watching her. He is standing beside the island where a coffee is being brewed.
“Papa prepared breakfast for us today! Let’s eat all together, Mama.” Sarada cheerily said.
“Your Papa did?” Sakura looked from her daughter to his husband. Her eyes shift to the feast on their dining table. Sasuke prepared all this early? The one who loves to sleep in?
Sarada nodded with a grin, “He did. It looked so delicious, isn’t Mama?”
“It is. Have you eaten, Sarada?” Sakura asked. She slowly went to her place and sat at the chair in front of the feast.
“Not yet, Mama. I think we all should eat together since Papa is here!” Sarada seated beside her mother, “Papa, the coffee!”
Sasuke jumped and quickly got Sakura’s coffee, then put his own next. He placed the mug beside her. His eyes did not leave her.
“Your favorite.” He murmured.
“Thank you, Sasuke.” Her wife almost whispered the words. Sarada jumped out of her chair and went to the refrigerator, probably getting her milk.
“Your welcome, Anata.” Sasuke took the chance to be out of their daughter’s hearing, and said her endearment for him.
Sakura looked baffled. She looked at his husband.
“I’m sorry…” Sasuke whispered.
Sakura smiled. Her hand went on top of Sasuke’s hand on the table.
“You’re forgiven, Anata. Good morning.”
“Good morning, Sakura.” He mumbled. Sasuke looked at her daughter who’s back was at them, she’s taking her time on her milk huh?
Sasuke leaned forward and captured her wife’s lips on a quick but full mouthed kiss. Sakura smiled after and grinned.
“Are you really Sasuke-kun?” She teased.
Sasuke stands straight, “Tch, stop it.”
He went to get his coffee, but the moment he turned his back from his wife a smile played on his lips. Unfortunately, he caught his daughter’s smirking at him and he went back frowning.
“I love mornings like this, don’t you Mama?” Sarada said, going back to the table. Sasuke followed and joined his family on their breakfast as a family.
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illuminatedquill · 3 years
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Nevertheless, Episode 9
More Thoughts/Analysis
“So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.”
- E.A. Bucchianeri
Jae Eon’s Self Sabotage
Chekov’s Gun is the dramatic principle that details within a story will contribute to the overall narrative. You might have heard of this before in its simplest form: if there is a gun shown in Act 1, it absolutely must go off in Act 2 or 3. In episode 9 of Nevertheless, we have this scene right at the beginning:
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Yes, that scene. Park Jae Eon sees Yang Do Hyeok standing off to the side as he waits outside Na Bi’s apartment to retrieve his stuff. Na Bi doesn’t know Do Hyeok is nearby. Jae Eon makes the calculation in his head and manipulates his way inside Na Bi’s apartment, knowing exactly what it looks like to Do Hyeok. It’s petty revenge for seeing Na Bi and Do Hyeok together on campus from earlier.
This is the gun. And it backfires on Jae Eon big time. Throughout the entire episode, his acts of sincerity towards Na Bi seem genuine and heartfelt, yet his action in that one scene undermines anything he attempts. It doesn’t work; to his mounting frustration, Na Bi and Do Hyeok continue to talk and meet as if nothing happened.
(We know that’s not the case as seen from Do Hyeok’s alone time but I’ll talk about that later in this post.)
It’s a ticking time bomb and it goes off at last in the rain scene. Nothing is working for him. He is desperate not to lose Na Bi. And he goes off in a drunken rage on Na Bi after she returns home on that fateful rainy night.
And he loses her. The gun goes off. Everything sincere he did turns rotten in Na Bi’s eyes after he reveals his actions. Actions have consequences, always rippling forward and affecting change in moments not yet experienced. He ruined his chances because of his petty cruelty towards Do Hyeok in the beginning. His sincerity only extended towards Na Bi and it was only to get her attention once more.
Jae Eon lost. Not so much to Do Hyeok, as he lost to Na Bi, who cares about him deeply. He underestimated her feelings towards Do Hyeok, assuming, like so many other viewers, that he was an an irritating distraction that refused to go away.
He can’t fathom why Do Hyeok still seems to like Na Bi after seeing them enter her apartment together. Is he really that incredible a person? What makes him so special?
Well, let’s talk about it.
Do Hyeok’s Crisis Playbook
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We see from Do Hyeok’s time alone after his initial visit to Seoul that he is taking it pretty hard; I can’t really blame him, considering what he saw that night. His struggle is open, honest, and raw; like Na Bi, it affects him to the point that he can’t focus on his work (anyone seem to notice that Jae Eon’s work never seems to be affected by his feelings?).
It’s jealousy and insecurity eating away at him. Just like Jae Eon. He’s also desperate not to lose Na Bi but doesn’t want to do anything untoward or overboard because he’s afraid of ruining their friendship. Once again, his consideration is for Na Bi and how she feels, but he cannot ignore what he saw and how he feels about it.
So, what is our favorite Potato Boy to do? Park Jae Eon already made his move by staging that whole scene of him and Na Bi going into her apartment together. How does Do Hyeok fight back? What’s his playbook in this time of crisis?
He doesn’t fight back. And that’s how he stays in the game. Do Hyeok is not a player like Jae Eon; there isn’t a manipulative or deceptive bone in his body. Do Hyeok does what he always does and doubles down on his sincerity, on the strength of his feelings, and his faith in Na Bi.
Do Hyeok doesn’t play the game Jae Eon tries to involve him in. He always lays it all out on the table with Na Bi so there is no room for misunderstandings. That’s one of the reasons why their relationship works so well; they talk more. Not just about feelings or romance but about school or their day to day life. What they’re building now is something that can last a lifetime.
So he talks to her about it. And admits his jealousy. She wasn’t even aware that he had seen them and yet it sounds like he’s the one who is apologizing (even though he never let his hurt feelings show in his conversations with Na Bi, DO HYEOK YOU ARE TOO GOOD). He lays himself bare to her once more. We don’t see Na Bi’s response other than her shocked and guilty expression, which is annoying because it would definitely be interesting to see how she reciprocated his frankness.
(Underrated super cute scene between them in this episode; when they meet up at night and bring drinks for each other. It’s even the exact same drink. I was grinning like a maniac.)
But Na Bi is familiar with Jae Eon’s game. And when she finds out how badly Do Hyeok was hurt by Jae Eon’s actions (and how he involved her in it) Na Bi finally is snapped to her senses and severs the thread still binding her and Jae Eon together.
Na Bi’s choice isn’t shown as a redemptive or heroic moment. It never was supposed to be. Although I’m sure a lot of us were cheering in that moment, her moments of unrestrained grief alone afterwards are the sobering reality that love, as always, comes with a price.
Nabi’s Choice (The Review)
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This is a follow up to my earlier post before episode 9 came out. So, now we see what Na Bi decides and, maybe, how it will all play out in the next episode (barring any last minute twists).
First, let’s address the still ongoing criticism I see regarding Na Bi and Do Hyeok’s relationship: lack of passion, no romantic vibes, blah blah blah. I wrote at length in a previous post why that isn’t true - at least on Do Hyeok’s part (one of the reasons why we don’t get internal monologue from Do Hyeok is because what else is he thinking about other than Na Bi?).
Na Bi, on the other hand, is still ambivalent about her feelings towards Do Hyeok. Episode 9 provided more clarity for her stance towards Jae Eon - he’s the dog shit she stepped on and was promptly wiped away in the grass - but Do Hyeok is still a mystery. Yes, she’s friendly, she cares, and genuinely enjoys being with him but the spice, the passion is missing. And that is kinda important for a romantic relationship.
Well. Look no more. Na Bi has spice for Do a Hyeok and it shows not once, but twice this episode. Where’s the passion? Jae Eon fucked around and found out. Very kind of him. Turns out Na Bi, like all of us who like Do Hyeok, will not tolerate any Do Hyeok slander and I am 100 PERCENT here for it.
There’s a scene shortly before the climatic rain fight where Na Bi is having another meeting with her assistants: the junior (does he have a name? Jin-su?) and Jae Eon. The junior talks to Na Bi about her and Park Jae Eon: the usual tired gossip of whether or not they’re dating. Na Bi waves it away like dandelion fluff.
And then the junior mentions Do Hyeok. “What about the noodle shop guy? Ever since the camp meeting, people have been saying there’s a higher chance you’re dating him.”
And Na Bi just . . . we’ve never seen this from her before, even when she broke up with Jae Eon in episode 5. Her whole demeanor turns ice cold and her voice is wicked sharp as she proceeds to shut down that avenue of questioning. The junior physically leans back from the force of her anger and wonders aloud why she’s so upset (you’re talking about her love life as gossip, idiot, why do you think she’s so upset). Jae Eon walks in and doesn’t see the foreshadowing; he just hears Do Hyeok and it feeds his jealousy.
There it is, everybody. Evidence of Na Bi’s feelings for Do Hyeok and what he means to her. Her protectiveness over him and her refusal to let him be involved in the drama surrounding herself and Jae Eon. Her desire to be the better around him; not because he asks (and he would never) but because his feelings for her make her think she might be worthy of such a love.
And then there’s the rain scene. Na Bi and Jae Eon, vulnerable in the rain. Na Bi admits to her faults in the relationship, how she brought this upon herself. No, she hasn’t been nice or good this whole time; in fact, she’s been kind of terrible. But Jae Eon revealing what he did and how it was to hurt Do Hyeok wakes her up and convinces that the time has come to end this “game”. It got Do Hyeok hurt because of her inability to end it with Jae Eon and good people don’t let that happen to people they care about.
So Na Bi ends it with Jae Eon and chooses herself. At last. And to do so, she has to cut out this malignant tumor of a relationship and, God, does it hurt so much to end it, but she gets it done and takes the first step to being a better person for herself.
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The cinematography in this drama is top tier and we see her situation presented so viscerally. She’s alone, in the light, but it’s not a warm, redemptive light; it has a sickly, yellow tint and is surrounded by darkness.
But she’s still there. She still made it.
One Last Observation, I Promise
Last thing I noticed from this episode that I want to talk about: the professor’s critique of Na Bi. She specifically mentions that a good artist can inspire others and Na Bi, whether she realizes it or not, actually does do that.
Na Bi helps Do Hyeok with his videos, giving advice that helps boost their popularity and making them better.
Jae Eon is inspired to make the butterfly bracelet for Na Bi and gifts it to her.
The difference between the two? Do Hyeok actually thanks Na Bi for her help and points out that it was her influence that made his videos better.
Jae Eon obviously means his gesture to be romantic and sincere but he again fails to talk about why he’s doing it. The implication is there but Na Bi needs more than some vague nonsense.
Communication is at the heart of this episode and how, without it, relationships stagnate and fail. Bit Na + Gyu Hyun and Soljiwan couple - their relationships only progress because the couples voice their concerns and fears to one another. And instead of being rejected or being hurt, it allows their partners to reassure them and move forward with their relationship.
Why do Na Bi and Jae Eon fail? They. Don’t. Talk. Na Bi is stuck inside her head and Jae Eon relies on vague gestures and sexual chemistry to express himself.
Why do Na Bi and Do Hyeok succeed? Because they talk. About everything. Their dialogue is clear and honest and sincere without any hidden meanings or motives. And you see why Na Bi is rapidly moving more and more towards Do Hyeok and not Jae Eon.
(The preview does raise some questions about how it will all end but I don’t think the show is going to pull a bait and switch and have Na Bi end up with Jae Eon. I also don’t think it’s likely they’ll have an open ending, either. I’ll talk about that in another post.)
My next post will be what I envision to be the best version of a Na Bi and Do Hyeok endgame and what I mean by that since Na Bi shouldn’t be dating anyone right now. So, look forward to that.
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Until next time, everybody. Thanks for reading this long ass post. Hope you enjoyed it.
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apexland · 4 years
Bloodhound x Reader 
Warnings! Swearing, Violence
Might be a few errors here and there, still need to go through it properly!
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Preparing for the drop every legend had a different pre-game ritual that helped get them in the zone before the beginning of every match, some more questionable than others such as Octane who uses the time for gaming, completely strange but I think it would be more concerning to see him sitting still or the likes of Revenant who always disappears before the drop, Mirage always says he’s away skinning something or doing something murderous. Bloodhound though they have always been a scary legend to come face to face with in battles, before every match they sit sharpening the edge of axe that they always carried along with them. Bloodhound always kept their cards close, never giving much away and I think that was the scariest part, being unpredictable. At least with Dr. Caustic you knew he wanted to watch you die a slow and painful death within his toxic gas. 
My ritual before the drop was listening to music, eyes closed, I found it easier than talking to the people I was about to face off with in the arena - it made it easier to pull the trigger without hesitation. 
As I let out sigh I took out my ear buds, knowing from experience the exact time of the drop, opening my eyes I was met with the blank stare of Bloodhounds mask from across the room the slight red glare that stained the glass looking right back at me. 
I peeled my eyes away once the squads flashed up on the screen. “Race you to the LZ” Octane’s rang out from beside me as we stepped on the platform. I rolled my eyes at him.
“You know we don’t have to race if we are on the same team Silva” He was still jumping on the spot the sound of his legs clanking against the ground. 
“Where’s the fun in that amigo?” 
“Let’s break some circuits” Wattson giggled from the other side of me. “Man, I really need to get a phrase” I said, fixing the strap of my boot, before the floor began to open and we were lowered above the destroyed land of World’s Edge, a chaotic mix of the epicentre that lay thick with snow, the dome that was surrounded by deadly lava - making it all the more scarier to fight near it, one wrong move and you would be cooked.
Octane - the adrenaline junkie that he is decided that fragment west would be the best option. The most popular landing spots amongst old and new legends and the spectators favourite spot to see a quick bloodbath. But, luck was most defiantly not on my side today scouting two floors and still having no weapon was not ideal. 
“I need a weapon” I said over the comms, sighing at all of the ammo that was one the floor but no gun.
“There’s a Mozambique here” Wattson’s voice came back over the comms.
“Hey! Isn’t that Chey’s line” Octane laughed. I picked up a few more syringes and cells before letting out a sigh followed by a quiet ‘dibs’. It was a good gun but nothing compared the dominant R-99 or the Volt, which judging by my luck the enemies would already be kitted with.
We moved to another building but it was long before the sound of footsteps sounded around us. “We’ve got friends here” I said quietly, a glimmer of luck started to appear when I found a hemlock of the lack of heavy ammo was disappointing. 
Wattson had put up her fences, the loud sound of the burning electricity warned the enemies off slightly. I peaked through one of the barred windows, spotting wraith who was focused on another door of our building I took the shot but she was quick to phase away. 
“Careful Horizon’s probably going to throw her ultimate over here” I warned my squad mates but Wattson quickly replied “I’ll take care of that”
“Wattson now!” I shouted as I seen newt being thrown towards us along with the deadly gas of caustic but luckily the pylon zapped them both down.
“Let’s go!” Octane yelled as he jammed the syringe into his leg before speeding off and we quickly followed, “Watch for traps Silva” I said, trying to catch up with him. I spotted Wraith trying to portal them out of the building, taking it back as she got the warning in her head. I quickly placed down on of my spike traps, pressure sensitive that once stepped on will send a deadly spike usually through the leg disabling the legend, which is exactly what it had down to Caustic as he was the next one to appear through the rift. 
Quickly taking him out, not giving him a chance to put down one of his traps as he muttered a ‘damn you’. Focusing back on the other two, Octane was already pushing to the building along with Wattson and taking care of the rest of the squad.
Finally getting better loot, I started feeling more positive about the match until the sound of Bloodhounds scan and us being in range. “Shit” I whispered. “We need to move now!” 
We scrambled back into the building, but Wattson had been took down by a triple take, I looked behind be to see the same stained red glass looking back at me as Bloodhound lifted their head from the scope of the sniper.
Quickly getting to work by putting down traps at the doors, taking a peak out of the barred window I quickly ducked back down as a bullet skimmed past my ear from the same gun that took Wattson out. I felt the blood from where the bullet grazed but my attention was diverted by the door across from me opening and then scream from Loba as the spike was deep in her leg, taking my chance I used the mastiff that I picked up from the other team to quickly end things. 
One down, two to go. 
“Careful Silva, Bloodhound has a triple take” 
Rampart was the next of their squad to reveal herself as I heard the distant sound of a barrier being placed up along with Sheila’s red laser scanning the walls ready to shred someone apart. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me” I groaned, just as another one of Bloodhound’s scan revealed us yet again. 
“Can you distract them Silva?” Pulling out one of my most deadly traps, once it hit the ground it sends out a wave of spikes that usually without fail impales the enemy long enough for them to need to heal and just the perfect amount of time for me to take them amount.
There was silence from Silva before I seen the green flash of him flying across the other building from his jump pad, that must be the distraction. I quickly snuck out of the building as I heard them both firing at the adrenaline junkie, quickly pulling the pin of the trap with my teeth, I tossed it in the middle of the pair. Octane had went down because of being lasered with Sheila. Getting closer I finished off Rampart, but as I was about to search for Bloodhound, they found me. 
The scary roar of his beast of the hunt sounded out.
Making a run for it, I didn’t get very far before a bullet got me right in the stomach, wheezing out for air at the sudden impact. Pulling myself up, my back leaning against the wall, the hunter came closer just like a predator stalking their prey. 
They bend down in front of me but as I waited for them to put me out of my misery I felt a hand caress my cheek, confusion washed over me. The hand moved to ghost over the tried blood that had trailed down the side of area and followed the trail on to my neck, goose bumps appearing after every touch. “You fought well, felagi fighter” My heart was thumping, they were so close it was almost making me forget that I was basically bleeding out, which I eventually did but the comfort from the hound made it less painful. 
Waking up in the respawn chambers up, I sat up with haste but immediately feeling the pain in my abdomen which made all of the events from the match flood back to me. Did I imagine it? Did it really happen?”
Then it came to me.
Making my way to the control room, where the cameras got all the footage the process of editing and making sure it’s ready to be aired to the spectators. I knocked on the door waiting for a response before the door flew open. 
“Hey Ezekiel, can you get me my body camera footage from the last match” He looked at me with a tilt of his head”
“Sur- is everything ok?” He asked, looking at me with concern. 
“Yeah, I just missed a few shots and want to review the footage in training” He nodded before turning around and handing me a USB.
“Thank you, appreciate it”
Taking the drive and heading to my room before plugging it in and clicking on the file with my name labelled on it. Skipping all of the footage until I got to the last fight. It did happen and I didn’t imagine it, I closed the screen of the laptop before biting my nail trying to think of what I should do.
Was I overthinking everything? But they didn’t kill me. They should have, like they had done to both of squad mates.
“Hey Anita, have you seen Bloodhound?” The solider was sat down with one of the weapon manuals that was lying around the communal area, building on her already extensive knowledge of every weapon to ever be created.
“Last time I seen them was in the training yard” I gave a quick nod. “Thanks, Anita”
“You’re welcome FNG” Pausing as I looked at her. “I’m not the new one anymore, you said you’d stop calling me that” 
She shrugged at me “It took you long enough to figure out what it meant, you think I am just going to let that go”
 I rolled my eyes at her mumbling ‘funny’, followed by a laugh from Anita “You’re right it is” She always loved when people didn’t follow her military talk, it meant she could basically speak in her own language without anyone knowing it was meant to make fun of them. 
Making my way to the training yard I pushed the door open, there was few other legends training but everyone usually kept well spaced apart because nobody wanted to get dropped in the training yard, that would be embarrassing. 
I spotted the tall frame of the hound, they were on one the last rows.  
Stopping behind them as the Raven’s bite axe flew to the target landing right on the dummy’s heart, I swallowed. Quickly putting my fear aside before I looked like an idiot just standing ther-
“How can I assist you?” Their voice rang out. Of course Bloodhound already new I was here, walking to the target they collected their axe finally looking at me as they walked back to their original standing position. 
“Ah- I just wanted to ask you something” I said, trying to look anywhere but at the intense gaze that was starting back at me. They nodded, giving me the go ahead to continue.
“Why didn’t you kill me” I asked 
“Did you want me to kill you?” They asked, sounding almost puzzled. I let out a sigh “No- I don’t mean it like tha-” I stopped myself, feeling like an idiot I should have just left it alone. 
Bloodhound tilted their head “You know, never mind- it doesn’t matter” but as I was about to walk off i felt a hand on my wrist, stopping me suddenly. “If it is bothering you, tell me” Bloodhound came closer, the close proximity throwing me off once again.
“Like you did with Wattson and Octane” I paused for a second trying to ignore how close they were to me and gather my thoughts “You took them right out, with no mercy- but you waited with me”
“I didn’t want you to suffer” They spoke, the hand came up to push my hair behind my ear, revealing the small stitches on the top of my ear caused from the triple take bullet. The same movement had that they had done in the match brought back the same feelings, causing me to hold my breathe trying to keep my composure. 
Their hand moved to my stomach grazing over the same area of where they had shot me. “The same reason I shot you here, because it would only wind you and the pain would be minimal” 
The touch sent Goosebumps all over my body, my heart hammering in my ears as I looked up at Bloodhound. “Why” I whispered, both of us lost in the moment because we had managed to get even closer barely any space between our bodies.
“You are special, the Allfather has blessed me with you” Their thumb tracing over my bottom lip then falling to my jaw tracing the few dotted cuts on it slowly, “that is why I could not kill you”
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fandomscombine · 4 years
Baseless Jealousy
Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley
BG: Fred and y/n’s relationship is currently 3 years long strong. After a summer apart, it seems to be a 3rd party had become closer to y/n. Is it something that Fred has to worry about or is it just baseless jealousy?
a/n: The pairing the won for this fic is Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous! Fred Weasley, Thanks so much for voting!
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You and Fred started dating 3 years ago. Fred would like to believe that the relationship is strong, other people believes it so too. However ever since the start of 5th year, something started to get on his nerves, or should he say someone.
See, Fred had noticed you getting closer to his Quidditch captain, Oliver wood. He didn’t want to blame it on the summer you two spent apart but he could quite help himself. You had spent the entire apart, no letters whatsoever. At first, he tried to be understanding, it was after all a summer you and your family spent in Italy while attending your aunt’s wedding, you had told him that this was the first time in 8 years that the whole side of your mother’s family was present as they were all scattered into various parts of the world. He understood the importance of family so he had let it slide that you and he hadn’t communicated in the past 2 months- besides, it must be really exhausting to overwork the owls to post cross country.
Which was why he was so excited to finally see you in person at Platform 9 ¾ on the first of September, to his dismay, you had arrived with Oliver Wood. Back then he had pushed his jealousy aside and concluded as a coincidence that you had turned up together at the barrier. You and Oliver are just friends, he told himself, and that was completely fine.
Fred had sneaked a hug behind you and whispered into your ear. ‘Had a great summer?’
You had jumped at the touch but once you realised who is was from you relaxed. ‘Ohh Freddie!’ You turned and hit his chest. ‘Don’t scare me like that!’ Earning a laugh from him. ‘I did, I had such great times catching up with my cousins! You wouldn’t believe how much trouble we almost got into. But of course.’ Your fingers played with the back of his head. ‘I missed having my love around.’
‘Hey love I’m off to Quidditch practice now.’ Fred informed, kissing your cheek. ‘Will you be there?’ Ever since you and Fred got together 3 years ago, you would go cheer him on during Quidditch practices whenever you can.
This year however, more are at stake.
During the semi-finals, Quidditch matches are dotted with professional quidditch team mangers in hopes to scout for potential recruits to join their team upon graduation.
It is rumoured that the manager for Puddlemere United would be attending the next match, Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Puddlemere United being Oliver’s favourite and dream team, he had been pushing the team with more frequent trainings then ever, hoping to perform the best game they would ever play, to further increase his chances to chosen to be part of the team.
You looked up from the letter you were writing. ‘Yep, just gotta make a quick stop to the owlery. I’ll soon you soon okay?’
Arriving at the owlery, a large parcel instantly caught your eye. ‘Oh mum..’ Examining for any potential damage, which thankfully weren’t any.
The barn owl nearest it hooted. ‘Alright! Alright! I was looking if there were damages.’ The owl flapped its wings in annoyance. ‘Here,’ offering your owl some treats. ‘You’ll need to store up some energy on the way back.’ Another hoot sounded, this time from a grey owl, that you recognised belonged too your mother. ‘There’s some for you too.’ After the 2 owls finished their food, you attached your letter your owl’s leg. ‘This is for mother, a thank you note on behalf of Ollie. I’ll write another when we see his reaction to this-I can’t wait.’ You bid the 2 birds goodbye, watching until they disappear unto the horizon.
Now you turn to face your major problem. You had thought that your mother would have had it placed in a box, rather what you got was a large parcel that is clearly wrapped with parchment, with no subtlety in hiding what it truly is.
You had finally manged to sneak the parcel into the Gryffindor boys’ locker room, though it had taken a lot more effort than you thought.
You were just leaving when you had bumped into someone.
‘oopf! Sorr-‘
‘y/n love! What are you doing here?’  Fred wondered, looking over your shoulder, trying to figure out what you were up to. ‘You missed the whole practice.’
‘ohh it’s nothing really----Ayyeee! Not so fast!’ You grabbed Harry’s shoulder, preventing him in enter any further. In all honestly, you hadn’t hidden Oliver’s surprise well, there aren’t a lot of hiding places in the changing room. Determined to not ruin the surprise, you need, you must get Oliver to see it first. ‘Had any of you seen Oli-‘
Right then you heard his unmistakably Scottish accent. ‘I’m just saying George, with this new and improve game plan, we are for sure going win the House Cup!’
‘Oliver!’ You shouted, pushing your boyfriend and Harry aside to reach him. ‘Come quick, I’ve got something to show you!’ With all your strength you hauled him to move faster.
‘What is it now y/n? Can’t you see I’m……..’ Oliver had come to a stop. Based on his sudden lack of complaining, you knew he spotted it.
‘It’s a gift from mum and dad. We thought it would future help your chances to be in the professional league.’ You noted. ‘I wasn’t sure which one of these was your locker, so I decided to just hide it behind the benches.’
Oliver hurriedly torn away the wrappings. ‘Oh my…. y/n! A FIREBOLT!’ He turned towards his teammates with eyes watery. ‘A FIREBOLT, A 1993 EBONY WOOD WITH BIRCH TWIGS FIREBOLT!’ He declared with glee.
Too caught up in your cousin’s precious reaction to your gift, you however had failed to noticed Fred displeasure.
‘I think I’m gonna be sick. So much for a girlfriend.’ He grumbled to George. ‘Excuse me.’ Shoving his broom to Harry, Fred walked out of the locker room.
The next thing you knew, you were spinning through the air. Oliver had lifted you in celebration, ‘Thank you y/n thank you so much!’ He mumbled into your hair. ���Pass on my gratitude to Aunty and Uncle.’  
‘Wait? Did you just say Aunty and Uncle?’ voiced a very confused Harry.
‘Yea.’ Confirmed Oliver. ‘Y/n is my cousin.’
George’s bafflement turned into a startle. ‘You’re joking right?’
‘No, why would be joking George?’ You frowned. ‘Didn’t you know?’
‘Nope’ He replied, popping the “p”. ‘Now it clears everything up. Freddie is going to be--.’
‘Speaking of, where is Freddie?’ You scanned around, wondering where he might have gone to. Which was when you spotted Harry holding up not one but two brooms. ‘Harry…’
‘y/n listen…..Freddie is uhh ’ George was trying to come up how to break it to you gently.
When Harry blurted out. ‘He left.’
‘He whot?’ demanded Oliver.
‘He left, said something about being sick of his girlfriend.’ Commented Harry frankly. ‘owhh!’
Even though it would have been too late to stop Harry from spitting out more wrongfully worded sentences- the damaged has been done- It still made George happy to put some sense into him. Praying that a smack on the head would have made Harry shut up, George took control of the situation, hoping it could still salvage the weakening remain of his twin’s and y/n relationship.
‘Listen y/n. Regarding my idiot brother, you got to know that he, like everyone else in the room, had thought that you and Oliver were flirting with each other.’
‘eww!’ You couldn’t control your reflex.
‘yeah, his emotions got to the best of him when he witnessed everything that got down here and stormed out because of jealousy.’
‘Oh gosh.’ You head towards the door, you could see a red figure walking towards the castle, kicking at fallen leaves every now and then. ‘I’ve got to get to him.’
You felt someone grab your arm ‘No let me handle this y/n.’ voiced Oliver. ‘I’m part of this… complication after all, besides I bet Fred’s fuming right now and as your older cousin, I am willing to take the heat and make him see reason until he has finally calmed down to talk to you with a clear head.’ He explained reassuringly.
‘No buts.’ Oliver kissed your forehead. ‘Stay here and send for him back so all this misunderstanding could be sorted out. Now…’ he addressed Harry to get his new firebolt. ‘I’ve got a relationship to fix.’ Oliver hopped on the broom and sped away.
‘Fred! Fred!’ Screamed Oliver.
Fred choose to ignore him, picking up his pace.
Leaving Oliver with no choice but to cut him off.
‘WEASLEY!’ Oliver jumped off his broom.
‘Get Out of My Way Wood!’ Fred raised his hand to shove the other boy away but met with resistance. ‘I SAID GET OUT!’ Fred tried to free his fist from Oliver’s grasp, but the older boy was much stronger.
‘Not until you calm down and listen to what I have to say.’
‘Fine.’ Oliver let go of him, he raised his arms high in surrender. ‘y/n sent you, didn’t she?’
‘No. I came here on my own will. I told her to stay behind to protect her.’ Oliver confessed.
‘To protect her?’ scoffed Fred. ‘From what? From me?’
‘Yes, as a matter of fact.’
‘Oh of course, it’s HER who needs protecting and not me. Not me, after I see you both shamelessly act so close to one another, closer, might I tell you then her own boyfriend! If was as if I wasn’t there’
Fred brushed his hand away, ignoring Oliver’s interruption. ‘When did you two get so close anyway? You know at first, I tried to pass it off as friendship but as time when on, I could help but think-‘
‘Y/N IS MY COUSIN!’ blurted Oliver, unable to hear another person thinking that they were other than family. ‘THERE’S NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN US!’
‘Apparently for some reason most of you lot don’t know. George and Harry were just as surprised too. But yes, y/n is my cousin, on my father’s side. My father and her mother are brothers and sisters. I thought with all these years we’ve known each other that you’d know we’re related. Guess I was wrong.’
‘I….I didn’t know.. I’m sorry.’
‘Apology accepted but we both know there is someone more deserving of hearing that apology.’ Oliver nodded towards the locker room. ‘She’s there waiting.’
‘Thank you, Oliver.’ He held out his hand. ‘Friends?’
‘Friends’ Oliver shook his hand, the stared straight into his eyes. ‘BUT…’
‘But if you hurt her again Weasley, you have me to answer for, that is of course after she’s done her share.’ Without another word, Oliver flew off, testing out his new gift.
Fred ran full speed ahead, praying that he didn’t completely ruin a wondering 3-year relationship with the girl of his dreams. Before entering the room, he conjured up a bouquet of your favourite flowers, hoping that could help out his image.
Testing the waters, he called. ‘y/n? are you in here love?’
‘In here’ you sighed. He hated hearing you so sad. He hated it more that it was him causing you to feel that way.
Cautiously he made his way to you with arms outstretched. You accepted the flowers, to that he let himself relax a bit, bringing them up to you nose, you noted. ‘They smell nice, thank you.’
Fred was grateful that you hadn’t scolded him off on his baseless jealousy, still he knew he had to apologize and win his girl back. Kneeling in front where you sat, Fred took your hands and poured out his heart.
‘Y/n, I am sorry. I made a huge mistake, I… I got jealous of how you had gotten close to Oliver this year.’ He confessed.’ Ever since the start of this year, I thought that Oliver was stealing you away from me. I thought that perhaps you two had something going on behind my back.’
Chuckling to himself he continued. ‘I didn’t even realise that you were cousins until he told me just now. I feel so stupid. 3 years together, 5 years of knowing you. It was so obvious.’ Fred closed his eyes.
‘Still, with my worries, I should have asked, asked what you and Oliver were.’ He stressed. ‘I should have come and talked to you, to sort this out like what a, healthy, trusting and understanding relationship would. But instead I keep all my doubts and insecurities brew, I went deep into my own conclusions that were without evidence, I let my jealousy get the best of me.’
Fred brought your knuckles to his lips. ‘y/n love, I’m sorry. I love you and if you want a space, I understand. But there is no a day in this world where I would not rather be back in your loving arms. I hope that you could forgive me.’
‘Freddie, I forgive you.’ You cup his tear stained cheek. ‘It was just a stupid misunderstanding.’
Gesturing for him to sit beside you ‘I thought it was common knowledge that Oliver and I are cousins. Apparently not. Yes, we weren’t that close before.’ You admitted.  ‘But we really did get to know each other in the summer. 5 weeks either being sounded by adult relatives or small children, we hung out often, being the only 2 cousins similar in age.’
You return back into a more serious tone. ‘Of course, I did wish you had voiced it out, we could have avoided this conflict altogether. So, promise me this. Whatever problems may arise, before we delved into our own assumptions, we would always talk it out. Alright?’
‘I promise.’
Taglist [All/General]: @gruffle1​
Tagging also all those who voted for the~Oliver Wood Cousin!Reader x Jealous!Fred Weasley~ Thank you! @jenniweaslee​ @ najiler @ im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @ gweaslvy and the lovely anons!
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