#it’s a fact no one can tell me otherwise.
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linklethehistorian · 10 hours ago
Anyone who unironically votes epithets are personally on my shitlist.
…For clarification purposes this is a joke — have whatever icks you like in fanfiction, and you’re valid for them, as long as you don’t get on some high horse about it and claim you’re objectively right, because news flash:
No matter what you pick, you’re not and never will be objectively correct. Writing is a matter of pure taste and there’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” writing styles — only personal taste. Get off your soapbox; you aren’t special, your opinions aren’t more correct than anyone else’s no matter how many books you’ve read, and no writer fucking cares what turns you off, nor should they, because they shouldn’t be writing for you but for themselves, and what they enjoy, what they’re passionate about, and what makes them happy.
I see so many people claim that epithets are “bad writing” especially in fanfiction and I can only burst out laughing because I actually specifically prefer this style of writing as a reader and will enjoy every fanfic that doesn’t use these far less, and as a matter of fact I enjoyed these types of descriptions so much in books that I adapted from not using them into using them in my writing because I enjoyed them and think they sound way better than any alternative out there I’ve seen, both in fanfiction and in regular books.
Honestly gotta be one of my favorite things ever and I’ll die bloodied and bruised before you’ll ever be able to pry it out of my hands or convince me it’s “bad writing”.
Out of all of the options here, my personal ick is the overuse of “said”, but honestly there is no ick I have to which I can’t make an exception because again, there is no such thing as objectively “bad writing”; it’s all a matter of personal taste, and just because a lot of books in general execute one of these things on the list in some way I don’t enjoy doesn’t mean that there isn’t a fic out there that does use that exact same thing in a way that will suit those personal tastes.
At the end of the day, you like what you like and that’s wonderful. Just don’t get a big ego over it and go thinking you’re any more correct than anyone else, or you’re some superior writer.
And to those who might be discouraged by the results of this poll or the snobs in the reblogs, chin up, my friends; the true reality is that we’re all equals in our craft depending on which person you ask, and fanfiction even more than any regular book writing out there is supposed to be about personal enjoyment. You don’t owe anyone anything and you shouldn’t let anyone convince you your writing is mid if you yourself enjoy it.
I’m a proud, proud epithet user, I’m a fanfic writer of over 24 years, I’ve read many, many books, my writing fucking rules all the more for the use of them, and I bend the knee to no one who tells me otherwise. The only determiner of my worth is me and my own enjoyment.
Make sure y’all do the same. 💞
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sicheslavchyk · 21 hours ago
I want to scream and cry (istg who tf am i lying to, i am already crying)
To every non-ukrainian that reads my tumblr — if Ukraine is going to be given to russia, I will die. For being openly pro-Ukrainian or openly queer — one of those two, definitely. It is, like, a fact. And the possibility of that is way higher then the possibility of me dying right now from a missile or a drone (even though there's an air raid right now, yeah). Fucking crazy, but that's the reality.
Don't want to be spreading defeatism, but the things that happened in the White House today very clearly show that the US is siding with russia.
I believe in our military. They are doing absolutely unbelievable things. They are probably the only reason why I haven't given up on my life yet.
But oh my fucking god, it is so obvious that the US is trying to sell us to russia. Honestly, it is fucking unbelievable. After threatening to sanction the hell out of us in the 90s in order to make us give up our nukes and destroy missiles and military aircrafts, they failed to react when russia broke the Budapest memorandum and attacked us in 2014. They did fucking nothing. And now they are actively betraying Ukraine (sorry, I can't call it otherwise). I hate trump and every person that voted for him. I wish them to spend the next 11 years like ukrainians — actively suffering and with everyone telling them to shut up and die already.
I genuinely don't know what else to say. Support Ukraine, please. If you are not from the US — look up the info about pro-Ukraine rallies in your country. We need the support of other countries. At this point I am literally begging everyone who can read this — push your government to help us. It is crucial right now.
If you are from the US — honestly, i don't know what to tell you. Either hire a hitman who can do their job or riot and overthrow him. Yeah.
Ah, also, yeah, never fucking ever give up your nukes 🙂
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yanderecrazysie · 2 days ago
Bad Choices (Yandere Sakusa)
Requested on Quotev
Title: Bad Choices
Pairings: Sakusa Kiyoomi x F!Reader
WARNINGS: yandere themes, bullying, college AU
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You were finally going to get away.
Away from your family, that old cramped house, your crappy school, and, best of all, him.
Sakusa was somewhat popular at your old school, at least to those who cared about sports. He was a germaphobe but, ironically, couldn’t have been more nasty of a person in your eyes. 
He had never been nice to you- outright ignoring you in your first year, even when you tried to be friendly. The second year, he started to make snide remarks and bump into you on purpose. Third year? He made your life hell.
Snide comments turned to outright insults, little bumps turned to full-out pushing you down... He stuffed you into a locker and left you there overnight. He took an upskirt photo of you without your knowledge and placed printed out copies all over the school walls. He dumped a full cafeteria trash can over your head.
He made your life miserable with his cruelty… but now, he wouldn’t be able to. You were going to a small university in a far-away city. There was no way he’d run into you there.
Or so you thought.
You were in a rush to get to your next class, head down as you ran with your books in hand. Unsurprisingly, not paying attention to where you were going was a bad idea, and you ran face first into someone, spilling books everywhere.
“I’m so sorry!” you gasped, picking the books up, “I wasn’t looking-”
You stopped when you caught sight of the person you had run into. Of course, out of everyone in the world, you had crashed into Sakusa.
“Why are you here?” you demanded to know. 
“I go to this university,” Sakusa replied. Not in a mean way, but matter-of-factly with a hint of an eagerness that left you confused and more than a little concerned.
He was undeniably Sakusa- the face mask, curly black hair, and tell-tale beauty marks- but he had a softer expression on his face, one you’d never seen before. Usually, he had a cruel look in his eyes before he started to torment you, but that expression didn’t seem to be there today.
Still, that didn’t mean you trusted him. You scrambled to pick up the last book and tried to run past, cutting the conversation short, but Sakusa grabbed ahold of your sleeve, stopping you from running off.
“What do you want?” you snapped.
“I was wondering,” Sakusa brought up a hand to rub at the back of his neck, as though he was embarrassed, “Do you want to go on a date?”
You stared blankly at him for a moment before you started to laugh. Not an amused laugh, but a hysterical “are-you-kidding-me” laugh. You couldn’t believe the words had come out of his mouth.
Surely, this was some kind of terrible joke he was trying to pull. Otherwise, he had to be insane to suggest such a thing.
“What’s the trick to that?” you snarled, “I show up and you dump a bucket of trash over my head?”
“Huh?” Sakusa had the audacity to look surprised, “No, I wouldn’t do that.”
“Uh, yeah, you would,” you snapped, “In fact, you did. Twice.”
Sakusa raised his arms in a sort of shrug, “Why don’t we put the past behind us?”
Fury surged through you, “What? You want me to forget that you were a garbage excuse for a human being and go on a date with you?”
“Listen,” Sakusa said bashfully, “I’ve liked you since our first year of high school. I just didn’t know how to show it.”
“That’s putting it lightly,” you said sharply, “Well, you dug your own grave, so lie in it. I’d rather die than go on a date with you.”
Sakusa let go of your sleeve, “You don’t mean that.”
“I meant every single word,” you told him truthfully, “Now, I have to go to class. Don’t ever talk to me again.”
You stormed off to your apartment. You were already too late to go to class on time and you didn’t feel like learning about molecules anymore.
You didn’t notice Sakusa following you.
A sudden shattering sound woke you up. You sat up straight in bed and immediately started groping for your phone. It wasn’t on the nightstand, you realized with a sinking feeling, which meant you had accidentally left it in your purse on the dresser.
You carefully got up and tried to run across your bedroom to the dresser, but you were blinded by the light from a flashlight. You grabbed your purse and swung it at the intruder, knowing it would do nothing to actually protect you. But if you could only distract them for a moment…
“Ow!” came a familiar voice after your purse connected with their face. The light flicked on and you were horrified by what you saw.
Sakusa held up a pistol, trained on your heart. His normally-perfect hair was plastered to his forehead and he looked somewhat crazed. A drop of sweat rolled down his temple, merging with the white medical mask still on his face.
“Sakusa?” your voice shook as hard as your body, “What are you doing?”
“You said you’d rather die than go on a date with me,” Sakusa replied calmly, “I want to know if that’s true…”
Sakusa took the safety off.
“Now, make your choice.”
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seriousbrat · 2 days ago
how can lily be a good person if she married a bully?
I'm going to break this down because it does legitimately seem to be an issue for so many people. I received quite a few asks about this a few days ago so I'm just going to address it generally here. Apologies for the length of this, I tried to cover everything I could think of. Let's get two things out of the way first:
Firstly, if you truly believe James was an abuser, and you're seriously asking how a woman could ever marry an abusive man, this is indicative of a fundamental lack of understanding about how abuse works. This is victim-blaming rhetoric. Abusers are predatory, manipulative, and often extremely charming, and they have a specific methodology for ensnaring their victims. I highly recommend Lundy Bancroft's book Why Does He Do That for further reading on how abuse works. The reality is that women marry abusive men all the time, and it doesn't make them bad people. If you believe otherwise we simply have nothing to talk about here.
Second, the question of whether or not James ACTUALLY changed his behaviour is irrelevant here, so I'm not going to directly address it either way. The main thing is that Lily BELIEVED that he had changed, whether or not he actually did, and we know this from Harry's conversation with Remus and Sirius. We also know she wasn't aware of the full extent of the bullying, as she didn't know the details about the prank.
For the purposes of this I'm going to adopt the perspective that James never changed, had 0 character development, and was secretly a terrible person the whole time. To be clear this isn't what I believe-- but I think it's helpful to start from a similar place.
Onto the main points:
An overly forgiving nature can be a flaw, but it doesn't make someone a bad person.
Nor does it make them selfish. Even if I concede that James was irredeemably evil as a person, the fact that Lily believed him to be better than he was, even if she was wrong, makes her at worst naive, not selfish. In fact, I'd argue that it's a sign of empathising with someone too much, which is sort of the opposite of selfishness. We know that Lily had an overly-forgiving nature, because she demonstrates that with Severus when she's willing to overlook his associations with the worst people of all time. And as we know from the fact that her friends were openly critical of it, and that she suffered as a result of it, her friendship with Sev was hardly 'convenient' for her. That she forgave him and overlooked his behaviour, and defended him, despite the fact that it was actively inconvenient for her, indicates empathy (and probably too much of it) not selfishness. Being overly forgiving is an established character trait of Lily's, as she tells us she "made excuses for [Sev] for years." Making excuses for someone you love is a flaw, but not one necessarily rooted in selfishness. Again, it was actively inconvenient for Lily to make excuses for Sev. It's also a very human flaw, not one that makes her a bad person-- especially when you consider that Lily's capacity for forgiveness had its limits, as she demonstrated with Snape.
To forgive is an act of compassion... it's not done because people deserve it, it's done because they need it.
anyway with that buffy quote out of the way, lets move on
Lily owes Snape nothing.
I'm sure people will disagree, but, objectively, she just doesn't. They are not friends at this point. He has demonstrated consistently that he doesn't have enough consideration for her to stop rubbing shoulders with people who literally want to murder her, including a boy who attacked her housemate. So why is Lily expected to take into account his feelings and his history with James? Which leads right into:
It's a massive double-standard for Lily to be blamed for marrying James when Snape isn't afforded the same for associating with Death Eaters.
I mean, think what you want, but to me being a mass murderer intent on exterminating an entire subset of the population (talking about Voldemort and other DEs here, not Snape) is like, maybe, a tiny bit worse than being a bully in school. But what do I know. Snape willingly joined up with such people, knowing perfectly well what they wanted to do to Lily, the woman he loved, and everyone like her. If Lily's choice in husband makes her a selfish person, then by your own logic Snape is completely irredeemable and you should probably delete your blog about how misunderstood and babygirl he is.
Sometimes people marry or befriend terrible people.
Similar to the first point, lack of judgement is a flaw but not one that directly indicates selfishness. Again, remember, Lily believed James to have changed. She believed, whether or not she was wrong, that redemption is possible. It's extremely common for women to date and marry terrible men, unfortunately, and to be blinded to their flaws. There are many possible reasons for this. I guess you can argue that the desire to be loved is inherently selfish, but that still wouldn't make Lily notably selfish at all, rather just a normal human. Plenty of people have had the experience of dating someone who is terrible or being friends with someone who is terrible at some point in their lives, and it doesn't automatically make them terrible themselves. People make mistakes and have poor judgment occasionally. Her actions in SWM suggest she would not have tolerated nor validated any cruelty from James towards others, had she been aware of it. Anyway, once again if you're holding Lily responsible for James's actions you need to also hold Snape responsible for the actions of his buddies. If it's selfish for Lily to associate with a bully (who she believed to have reformed) it's straight up devoid of any humanity whatsoever for Snape to KNOWINGLY associate with people like Mulciber, Voldemort, and Bellatrix. I don't actually believe this btw, I'm just following the logic through.
Furthermore, it's completely unfair to blame Lily for, in particular, the past actions of her husband.
As we clearly see in SWM, she did NOT tolerate his behaviour during the years before they started dating. James's behaviour is simply not Lily's responsibility, and neither is Snape's. It's not her job to fix them nor pay for their mistakes, nor should she have to investigate and tally up all their past wrongdoings when making her own choices. If James was actively being a menace and Lily was just watching going 'teehee' I'd understand this more, but again, she was NOT aware. Based on her behaviour in SWM, this would be out of character for Lily.
Someone having a moral stance you personally disagree with doesn't automatically make them a bad person.
If your moral stance is that James's past actions are completely unforgivable, and you could not personally date someone who did what he did, no matter how he evolved as a person, that's perfectly fine. As I've established, Lily was not aware of any continuing wrongdoing, nor would she have validated or supported it had she been aware. Lily's belief was that the person she was currently dating was a good person. She believed in redemption and second chances. If you personally do not believe in redemption or second chances, I'd question why you even like Snape, but ultimately that's your prerogative. However, believing otherwise doesn't make Lily a bad person nor selfish, even if you personally disagree or think she was wrong. People are allowed to be mistaken.
Snape was probably less relevant to their lives than you think.
Like to be quite honest, they were fighting a war and priorities had shifted, as they often do in adulthood. Lily ended her friendship with Sev, and after Hogwarts James and Lily almost certainly had no association with him whatsoever. Is Lily expected to continually self-flagellate over Snape for the rest of her life? Is she expected to take him into account in every decision she makes, forever? Believe it or not James and Lily existed separately to Snape, rather than as extensions of his character. They moved on. Snape didn't, that's what makes him beautiful-- and yes there's a reason why Snape couldn't move on, but, again, that is not Lily's responsibility. It seems reasonable to me that, particularly given the extreme nature of her circumstances, Lily would take into account first and foremost the actions she observed from James in the present, rather than what he did in the past. See above re: Lily owes Snape nothing.
Being selfless, kind, or a good person doesn't make one perfect.
When I say Lily was selfless, I do NOT mean that she was flawless. If this is your takeaway I worry for you. Also, enough about the Virgin Mary lol. Anyway, humans are complex, and selfless people are capable of selfishness on occasion. Everyone is. A certain amount of selfishness is not only normal, it can be a good thing and necessary for protecting yourself. When Lily ended her friendship with Sev, it was something she was doing for herself, so in the most technical sense (and it's still a huge stretch) it can be viewed as selfish. Nobody is or should be 100% selfless all the time. So even were I to concede that she was selfish in marrying James (which I don't) it doesn't preclude her being a selfless person in general.
Being selfless, kind, or a good person doesn't make a female character 'unrealistic.'
What even is this argument, honestly. Like do you just not believe in the existence of good women irl? Suspicious. I would gently suggest that if you find it unrealistic (or boring) for a woman to be a good person, that's maybe something you should take a closer look at. If your automatic assumption about a woman is that she must have married a man for his money, I would also interrogate that belief.
idk she was a teenage girl, pls develop some empathy
once you come down from your podium in the unholy tribunal, it might be worth considering female characters (and women in general) as human, and not just avatars who simply react to the emotional turmoil of men. At absolute worst you could assume that she was tricked by James (which I still disagree with, but it's a slightly more generous reading) or was blind and naive. All of which are more understandable than, for some reason, assuming she was a conniving bitch who wanted to hurt Snape and selfishly marry into wealth. Ultimately her decision to marry James probably had nothing to do with Snape at all. She was 21 when she died. Bad judgment is common at that age, and it's not necessarily a product of selfishness at all. Look, I'd understand this whole thing more if everyone was in their 30s. But is it not the teenage girl experience of all time to date an asshole? Do you have no empathy for that situation? Like I said, I'm arguing this based on the idea that James was completely irredeemable; would an abuser not abuse his girlfriend too? Would someone who is evil and cruel in all respects not also display cruelty to his wife? Can you not summon up an ounce of empathy for a 17 year old who might have thought, as many young girls do, 'I can fix him?'
To conclude, I think that the idea that Lily marrying a bully makes her a bad person is just rooted in lack of empathy for her as a character. Despite spending hours dissecting every last thought process a man might have had, there's no attempt at all to try and understand Lily's motives, rather they're considered exclusively from the perspective of Snape's emotions. This is unfair.
I don't doubt that it hurt Snape's feelings for Lily to date and marry James. But Snape's feelings are no longer her concern. She owes him nothing. Sev called his best friend a slur publicly and joined an organisation that wanted to murder her, with no respect for her feelings at all. They are no longer friends, and he has no right whatsoever to expect her to consider his own emotional needs anymore, and her choices no longer have anything to do with him. Nor should they have.
Whether or not you think it was a mistake for Lily to marry James, that's Lily's problem. Not Snape's. If you truly believe James was a monster, logically it's Lily you should be feeling sorry for. The fact that there's no empathy for her to be found, and that people revert so quickly to the Top 100 Misogyny Classic of 'she must be a gold digger' speaks for itself.
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that-hippie-user · 1 day ago
Without hypnosis, how would you encourage someone to become a diaper-addicted bedwetter? What’s the best argument you could make to win them over?
i'd like to answer this in the form of a ramble. no hypnosis, no traps, no triggers. literally just a lesson from me to you. click below if you're curious.
some folks describe the world we're in as one that tries to fit you into a mold, to shape you a desired way.
but a mold is a very simple process, pour liquid substance into a vessel with the desired shape, let it solidify, and its done. taking an otherwise shapeless thing and giving it shape in a very easy way.
life is not a mold, but an extruder.
a length of meterial is sent down a tube, which itself gradually shifts from the original shape, to the desired one.
the process is gradual, the material shapes itself almost as if it were meant to, but it's being guided to that shape by the tunnel its in.
you werent given a role from the start and made to fit it, you were gradually acclimated to that role until it became normal.
its the small things. being corrected on how you sit, or how loud your voice is, or telling you to stop tapping your feet, or saying particular interests dont fit your role.
i used to naturally cross my legs, i had an interest in pink, i loved made for dvd cartoons like strawberry shortcake or tinker bell. turned out i was transgender, and the role of "boy" was one i was shaped to be through peer pressure.
now, what does this have to do with diapees?
put simply, you NEVER had a say in potty training.
kids often have no say in a lot of things, its taken for granted that a kid needs guidance if they're gonna be safe in this world. but potty training is a universal lesson.
how did YOU react at the time? to being told you have to "graduate" from diapers. were you agreeable? upset? did you try to rebel? it doesnt matter, all roads lead to you being potty trained.
its so deeply ingrained in our society its practically a core foundation. think about this for a moment, KINDNESS is not mandatory. sure, as a kid you're taught to share and care, but how many people do you know who carried that into adulthood? in fact, in a capitalist sense, kindness is a weakness to the goal of profit.
so, we live in a world where you CANNOT under ANY circumstance choose to be diapered, unless you "need" to, like, if there is no alternative. and yet you can live life as the biggest jerk in history and you're not even guaranteed a reprimand for it.
and yet... everyone ALSO agrees that being a kid is the best thing in the world, and you should enjoy it while you can because it wont last, you cant go back to that.
and that much IS true... but you CAN go back in some ways.
oh sure, you WILL grow up. lessons get learned, fears develop, motor function improves, your body gets taller and stronger, and your brain naturally develops as it goes, that much is ALL true...
but... you CAN still wear diapers... in fact, it almost seems like you're gently encouraged to? cuz like... every store with a pharmacy has a nearby section for adult diapers, they got ENTIRE ISLES of diapers. in every size you'd need.
because as much as society tries to tell us diapers are meant to be left behind, we cant deny that sometimes they are necessary, stores NEED these if they can have them.
and if thats the case... if systems are in place for people to wear diapers... what exactly is wrong with using them?
and furthermore, its probably the ONE holdover from childhood you can always go back to.
no matter how big you get, you cant change one universal fact. diapers exist, they have an intended function, and you CAN use them, if you are brave.
and if you do? you're being a TRUE rebel, moreso than most really. you're doing the ONE thing adults must NEVER do, the thing that potty training was MADE for.
if you wear and use diapees, you are choosing to reject an instinct of adulthood in favor of your own personal rebellious joy, and that is BADASS.
and why shouldnt you? if gender is a social construct, then so is growing up. you CAN redefine what it means to you. you can decide for yourself what it means.
and if you do... you ALSO have the option... to take it FURTHER.
because you know... training like that can be UNDONE too.
not fully, mind, your body now has the ability to know when it needs to go, that much stays.
buuuuut. your ability to hold it CAN be undone.
;3 and thats not even hypnosis, all you have to do is use your diapees! X3 im not joking, peeing yourself outside of a bathroom scenario gives your body and brain permission to do it elsewhere.
UwU and with time... it gets harder to hold it. ;3 how long does it take?
3 weeks of continued diaper use is all it takes to lose control.
but why? why lose control? what point is there is making you wet yourself? (or mess if thats your thing. X3 its certainly mine!)
because if using diapers is rebellion, then unpotty training is FREEDOM
its the ultimate middle finger to the training you were given, a sound rejection of the thing you were taught is most important.
and once you reject that... the skies the limit!
do you have any idea how much CONFIDENCE it takes to willingly make yourself a puddlepants?
if you're willing to do that, no force on this earth can stop you. gender? redefine it as you please. fashion? you wear diapers for underwear, wear whatever you want. hobbies? passions? do what you like! ;3 not like bathroom breaks can stop you anymore.
so go nuts! have fun! live life on YOUR terms.
diapers are fun, diapers are soothing, diapers are freeing, and diapers are YOURS to wear.
be free, be a mushtush!
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virginiaisforvampires · 19 hours ago
When people say Louis doesn’t love Lestat , I go back to the scene in particular after The Love Letter of all Love Letters being read by Lestat’s apparition, and his face? He’s definitely reliving the beautiful moments in their love story and the love he has for Lestat even after all this time, even as he thinks he’s responsible for their daughter’s demise. Which is crazy. I wouldn’t even think lovingly about anyone I think was responsible for my child’s death! Oh my Loustat! That love is beyond.
It’s a quick shot but it lingers and you can see Louis’ chagrin and longing. How subdued he becomes. Incredible performance by our Jacob btw. I felt it immediately. And I think it’s him realizing no matter what he says in that interview, what he omits (what he can sans Armand’s meddling), that love was reciprocal and deep. Because I’m sorry , no one can write a love letter like that if it wasn’t mutual. Worse than death is being away from him? They were literally under each other’s skin. I can’t . Love your blog btw ❤️
Thank you! ❤️🥰
You mean this moment?
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Because YES! YES! YES!
That episode was laden with meaning, and it sort of culminated in that moment of Louis remembering the real Lestat with the letter.
We were shown Louis' and Claudia's initial encounters in Paris with Armand and the coven. We were shown how Armand had stalked them and was lying to Louis and isolating Louis and manipulating Louis from the start. We were shown that, even after Louis and Claudia turned up at the theater, the coven continued to stalk them as Armand knew Louis had went to see Roget and told him (in a not-so-subtle threat) not to seek out anything pertaining to Lestat again (red flag isolation tactic). We were shown that Louis conceded and called him “maître" only for Armand to turn on the gentlemanly charm to tell Louis he didn't have to call him that. It was all meant to be a giant red flag of foreboding danger with Daniel previously pointing out to Louis it was all a red flag, including the Lestat shrine at the theater, and Daniel saying outright to him “really Louis?!”
And then! Contrast all that mess ^^ with the magnitude of love in the letter, Louis' pained and broken reaction to it back in Paris, Louis' reaction to it in Dubai, because in Dubai, Armand continued to control Louis’ access to what little pieces of Lestat he had left as evidenced by the fact Armand had the controls to the iPad, which controlled everything in that penthouse including the music i.e. Come To Me, the bookshelves being cruelly kept away from Louis, the missing diary pages being withheld from Louis, the blatant reprogramming of Louis anytime Armand felt Louis had an inappropriate "outburst" i.e. the lone tear at the end of 1x01 in which Louis was remembering another real piece of Lestat — their marriage!
Louis remembered a piece of the truth with that letter. He remembered the real Lestat, and Louis could not handle it. He subsequently turned the tables on Daniel, because he was lashing out. He was full of decades of unprocessed trauma, grief, heartbreak, repressed memories, and rage, and Lestat was always the trigger, which culminated with the revelations in 2x05.
Louis was suffering without Lestat. He was still going to Lestat for all his comfort and support despite everything. Their love was simply too strong for anything to ever dim it — hello Dubai DreamStat! 🥹
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On top of that, Louis also had these fragments showing the real Lestat, but his mind was being repeatedly turned into numb, robotic mush by Armand to the point nothing was making sense anymore for Louis. He knew deep down Lestat truly loved him, but he was being forced and manipulated to think otherwise by Armand's bullshit, which is why the revelation of Lestat saving Louis at the trial was so earth-shattering for Louis. It was the confirmation of what Louis had always known — Lestat LOVES him.
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 days ago
In the spirit of commenting more on fics/supporting authors, I’ve finally decided to stop lurking, and say, hey, hi, hello there!
How are you doing today?
I just wanted to say you’re one of my all-time favorite DPxDC writers—in fact, I’ve been following you and your work since The Bakery is a Front!…right?'s first chapter back in June 2023, and it’s been such an amazing ride getting to read all of the wonderful stories you’ve created! They’re all so very creative (and hilarious!), the pacing is always great, and I love how your way of storytelling is easygoing and mellow; it’s so casual and cozy and easy to get into (for lack of a better phrasing)!
And can I just say how much I adore the way you write each and every single character, and their reactions/inner thoughts/dialogue about whatever’s going down in the plot, be it an ongoing story, oneshot, the tags, or those adorable little “From a fic I never wrote” tidbits? 10/10 every single time! (Your dialogue’s super great!!!!!!!)
I can’t count the number of times I’ve gone and reread everything you’ve published, nor how much time passes by whenever I do so. All I know is that my worries go away whenever I read your stories; they’re quite comforting!
Your stories provide so much inspiration, it’s even gotten to the point where I made a mini analysis for Danny’s Grill, and two playlists for Danny Fenton’s Ex and The Adopted Son (though that last one hasn’t been updated, since I haven’t had a chance to officially finish the last three? parts lol; that, and both playlists share a lot of the same songs), though all of those were either unpublished or kept private.
(They’ve also given way to many plot bunnies lol)
It’s a sentiment that bears repeating: you are an amazing writer, you’re so big brained, and I love everything you’ve ever written; don’t let anybody tell you otherwise!!!
I wasn’t sure how to end this, aside from hoping you have a good day or whatever time it may be for you, so I’ll leave off with a quote from one of my favorite songs, from one of my all-time favorite musicals, that’s hopefully… er, comforting? Wasn’t sure how to describe it (and if it isn’t, then I apologize for that):
“Just keep moving on. Anything you do, let it come from you, then it will be new. Give us more to see.” — Dot (Sunday in the Park with George, “Moving On,”)
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can't believe you enjoyed those aus so much you made playlists and mini analysis, but it makes me so happy that you did.
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thewrightstuff · 2 days ago
I don't really have a 'normal' blog to put this on but it's so accurate, so I wanted to recreblog it somewhere and share my experience with doctors as a plus sized person.
As soon as I hit puberty I began to mysteriously put on weight and none of my doctors were able to really tell me why. When I was in my senior year of high school, I was having pains in my right side that my doctors (both my at the time pedi and my gp) attributed to my weight and would shrug their shoulders and refused to do any sort of further investigation of.
I was in the early stages of appendicitis, and it wouldn't have been discovered had I not eventually had a colonoscopy due to having IBS and specifically requesting it from a Gastro. I was exhausted all of the time and run down and sick. It took five years for them to discover this after the pain in my side began. I could have gone septic very quickly if this was not discovered, and it would probably have been fatal because my pain and sickness had been written off because of my size as being a side effect of being fat.
Additionally, it took over ten years to be diagnosed with PCOS because my doctors prior to my current care provider insisted that my extreme pain symptoms and bleeding to the point of being diagnosed with period anemia was due to me being, you guessed it, fat. My mother had PCOS and I highly suspected there was more going on and kept pushing hard to be tested for the condition. My androgen levels were *double* what the normal level should be for someone my age, and that could have been found out at any point in those ten years with a blood draw. It also means I likely have insulin resistance which impacts how my body gains, carries, and loses weight and is a huge contributing factor to why my diet (balanced meals as guided by a dietician with the rare occasional treat) was not able to help me lose weight.
I feel like it's important to point this out because even if you have genetic or medical conditions that impact your weight, it does not matter to a doctor. There are a large number of doctors who do not take your symptoms seriously and will just tell you to lose weight, even if that is an uphill battle you have no questions for. In fact the amount of times I have been refused care for serious medical conditions because they want me to "lose weight first" is ridiculous, because I can tell when something is wrong with my own body. I also feel like it's worth noting, I'm otherwise perfectly healthy - my tests come back normal and show no signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.
I also want to point out, when I was seeking a breast reduction (because of how badly it has impacted my health) I was refused one because of my weight. HOWEVER, ironically, my doctors that same year recommended I get a gastric bypass surgery because somehow my weight didn't disqualify me from that surgery. Fatphobia is very, very real in the medical and insurance fields.
I will continue being mean to thin people because the entire world is made for you but people like me can't get a diagnosis without threatening to sue the doctor <3
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babybearnation · 2 days ago
Lando in Assassins creed Syndicate (random HCs)
hehehe thank u for indulging me :3
assassin!lando norris x gn!reader (assassin's creed syndicate au)
lando knew better than to get involved with non-assassins
after all, his work was far too dangerous to risk letting someone else get hurt or letting someone get too close and then have to live through his death without understanding what happened
he wouldn't allow it
but you... you wiggled your way into his heart without realising it
his sister had warned him against getting too attached to you
but when you continued to supply them with stuff they needed and they constantly ended up spending time with you...
well, it was rather difficult for lando to resist your charms
you'd already connected the dots as to what lando and flo were, but you never brought it up because how could you
and then lando's worst nightmare comes true
your store was ransacked & destroyed by the templars and neither lando nor his sister knew where you'd been taken
little did they know, you had been raised as an assassin & had gone undercover after your mother was murdered and your father fled like the coward he was
you escaped from captivity and made your way to lando's place, a previous delivery allowing you to know its location
lando and flo were shocked to come back from another attempt at finding you, only for you to be asleep on their floor, badly beaten up but otherwise alive
flo leaves lando to stay with you whilst she prepares the stuff she needed to patch you up
you end up explaining everything to the siblings as flo patches you up, lando pressed close to your side the entire time
lando is absolutely enamoured by you and finds himself obsessed with the fact that you hid your past from them
when flo leaves, lando kisses you before he can stop himself
he thinks you're gonna push him away and tell him to fuck off, but you don't
instead, you smile sweetly at him before leaning in to kiss him again
it makes your ribs ache and lando is a bit of a wet kisser, but it's one of the best kisses you've ever had
so, of course, you kiss him again
© all rights to babybearnation 2025.
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ametunns · 2 days ago
THIS CONCEPT IS SO FAMILIAR WITH THE CAGE. And this idea can't leaving me-
Below I'll discuss the character Keeper in the BATDR; some guesses about the role of this new character in the Cage. Enjoy reading!
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# The Keepers. In the BATDR >>>
ofc in the ink world this versions of the Keepers are works because -
a giant gear in the spine is not bad for balance when picked up a weight stuff in forward;
the third hand is nice for supporting a thing or a person (not just for correcting its back lol/j);
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ability to flying is actually about movement, way to make a painful high-speed strike by massive left hand / catching by right hand. Рerhaps "crawling" on appendages rather than legs makes it easier to walk around the ruins of the studio. And once again - they can fly.
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Despite the fact that they have yellow inside, which indicates the presence of a soul, they do not react to the Signal Towers. I can only suggest that Wilson created "Yellow ink", and inside Keeper are not "Golden ink". Otherwise the Golden ink would have provided a link to Demon power, and metal octopus would have been against Wilson sooner or later.
...I personally think that it is easier to get the lost one's soul with the help of saws, and then start changing the soul in order to place it inside something. Like make a "soul semblance" - "Yellow ink" as I called it; get fairly similar minds, which is ideal for Keeper.
In case he's design looks silly, slowly moved, pretty blind because of the game mechanic-
but if you take them as those who can:
performs certain tasks,
move through space almost without interference,
catch the intruder,
conduct an experiment,
or even performing small construction work (for example, conducting power grids through a train tunnel)-
Within the framework of the lore of the world, these creatures, as they are, have done a lot.
# But what about the previous version of Keeper? Let's check out >>>
This creation is much more complex than would be seen...
Yes, we saw how Boris was turned into Brutal. That the mind can be partially rewritten. The sawing process also has a rewriting process. But-
A hybrid of a living mind and metal structures for the first experiments...it sounds like rewriting biology so that the body doesn't go crazy and start self-destructing because of unperfected souls and the realization of what they has become. And even Wilson can't make a perfect soul if he invited Audrey in the Cycle.
...Aaa-and also can tell about the REAL HUMAN in IT'S CREATION AND BLOOD...but a little later-
Attempts to create Wilson own being is unstable...and that is why we'll can meet them in a Cage!!! :D
# Details in the photos >>>
First thing - is another hoses behind;
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Second - he had 3 hands, and maybe one of them (as possible 4 hand) is free from the lockers; you can also see that the lower hand is thinner and the plate on the outside of the palm glitters;
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Last thing - a familiar detail.
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Nothing more...
but a general similarity to the concept
# His role in the Cage. Theories and thoughts >>>
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It's interesting things...Let's back to the thought that it can be a human. How much it will affect the story? Well-
Role #1 - He's a living proof about experiment of humans.
...the Gent corporation literally drowned people in ink ("Fade of Black");
And there is a temporary antidote to ink in the form of the chemical "iron oxide", which also resembles blood ("The Lost Ones");
It seems that through chemistry and past research, Wilson was able to create colored ink, a way to get back to the real world, and in collaboration with Alice, who lives in half of his house, and with Ink Machine, he was already beginning to think about creating a Keeper. About getting "the first good soul"...Pick out the right clothes, became anyone from Arch Gate Pictures, not just a humble cleaner. But after understood the difficulties (let's say, with blood) and maybe managed to update the methods for creating ink creatures...And my theory "Yellow ink" from Lost Ones.
Due to the details, a human being in the creature is doesn't't look like something unexpected, but it would definitely be intriguing.
Role #2 - If he's able to talk, new information about the corporation. Maybe even about Alan Gray. Maybe gives some hints of how getting away from the Cage idk just a thought-
A human being who was trapped into a monster for someone else's purposes it's pretty similar to Henry...ahem
Role #3 - Abilities of the blood. Perhaps we'll see hints of blood power in Lone Wolf. But in essence - there will definitely be something new...and something more powerful.
...What role will he play for the Henry.. it's unclear:
It's easy to say - this is the enemy who thoughtlessly wants to kill the hero.
It's easy to say - we can have a possible "free it" quest for game necessaries.
Possible to say - two points together 🤝
The last thing what I wanted to say:
‼️ I'm praying LIKE HELL he's not leaked FOR A COUPLE OF SECONDS like it was with all the new BATDR characters. Like Sammy-🥲
thank you for reading! If you have any ideas or thoughts, comments please! I'll be interested ⭐
☕ Have a good time!!
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thatgirlsworld36 · 20 hours ago
Pablo Gavi NSFW aphabet
(minors DNI!!!)
TW: NSFW themes; read it only if you feel comfortable. English is not my first language. 
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A= Aftercare(what they're after sex)
Gavi is attentive and nurturing when it comes to aftercare, often cuddling and whispering sweet words in your ear. Buut i see him as really  energetic man. Like he can’t be at one place for too long. So most of the time he cuddles you for a little, makes sure that you are alright and all cleaned up and then he gets up to do something else.  Like he can’t stop his mind off. The only time he will go straight to sleep with  you is when  you guys have gone through many rounds and he get a little bit too tired.
B= Body part(their favorite body part and also their partner's)
I think this man is obsessed with his face. His smile, his jawline, his nose… Just his head in general. That means his hair too. We all can see that he is taking care of himself. He also really like his thighs. He is proud of them because they show how hard he train especially after his knee injury(also have knee injury and surgery, this man should be proud with his legs)
He is definitely an ass guy. You can't tell me otherwise. He loves to squeeze it, bite it, leak it, slap it… But like, I feel that he likes your whole body. Your breasts, your belly, your hands, hair, etc… BUT STILL AN AVERAGE ASS ENJOYER!!
C= Cum(anything to do with cum basically)
Pablo approaches this topic with a playful attitude, seeing it as a natural and intimate part of their connection. He enjoys the shared laughter and closeness that such moments bring, viewing it as a celebration of your passion. I think he prefers to come outside of you, like on your stomach/face. He loves the sight of you “dirty” from his sperm. And if he comes inside he uses protection. Like, I see him very paranoid about you getting pregnant. He does not want kids rn.
D= Dirty secret(pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret they desire)
Gavi has a playful and somewhat surprising dirty secret- he has a “mommy kink”... He hated being seen and treated as a baby because of his baby face, but something about this in the bed makes him want it. Like, not all the time, but half of it.  He wants to be told what to do and do it without thinking so he can please you. But if anyone finds out he might die at the moment, straight on his feet.
E= Experience(how experience are they?)
He for sure have experience. (Like 4-5 girls) But this girls was more like….sex without attachment(??). So he is not so sure how to be with you. Not like he didn’t care about you, oh no. He is just not so sure what to do when he actually loves you. Maybe that's one of the reasons he have mommy kink?
F= Favorite position(again, pretty self explanatory)
Let's face the facts- this man is short. I mean not short-short but short(you got me?). So the moments when he wants to be on top he prefers doggy. It just makes him feel more dominant. He can pull your hair, whisper things in your ear or if you are in front of a mirror he can make you look at his body standing tall behind you(cus you are bend, duuuh)
But when his sub side come along he prefer you to ride him.(of course *me* it's obvious). That’s the moment he literally can’t take his eyes off yours(and your bouncing boobs). Yeah, I think he likes this more.
G= Goffy (are they more serious in the moment? do they joke during it?)
Pablo's playful nature shines through during intimate moments. He often lightens the mood with silly jokes or playful teasing. But sometimes it becomes too much. There are even times when the whole mood was killed because of his mouth being unable to shut up.  The only time he is more serious is after a hard loss, no matter if it's an official game or at a training session… but even there they are one or two jokes.
H= Hair(how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc)
Gavi takes pride in his tousled hairstyle, which reflects his youthful energy. He loves running his fingers through your hair, finding it an intimate way to connect during tender moments. Buuut i feel like down there he doesn’t have much hair. Like a little bit of hair so he feels manly. I THINK this man is a little… boyish(??) on the theme of you having hair down there. Like he loves you and wants you to feel comfortable, but if it depends on him he will choose you to shave down there.
I= intimacy(how intimate are they during it?)
Depend. I don’t think that he likes to get it too intimate. I mean he likes to have sex, the way he likes to eat, sleep and train. If it's some more special event he will get REALLY intimate, but at the other time he is more casual. Like he will kiss your jaw and tell you how good you feel, but nothing special.
J= Jack off(masturbation headcanon)
He still do it pretty often. Not that you arre not enough for him. No. He is just the type of person who likes to do it no matter what. He feels it like HIS time. So he doesn't have such a big problem when he is away for a game. Or when you’re still sleeping in the morning and he is awake with morning wood he will just jerk off. You fell too tired? He will take care of himself. Gavi is young and I'm sure a lot horny so don’t worry, he will always have energy for you.
K= Kink(one or more of their kinks)
 MOMMY KINK- said it before, would say it again.(and i don’t have shame about it)
I think he will also have something about mutual masturbation. As I said just seconds ago, he loves “his” time so he would also enjoy watching you have Your time. But what is better than just watching you masturbate? Doing the same thing while you are. 
Humiliation and praises. Two different poles, I know. But like he is SUCKER for your praises, but there is something that makes him feel more powerful when he humiliates you a little. But dw, he won't forget to praise you too!
But let's not forget he won’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable.
L= Location(favorite place to do it)
He enjoys the comfort of your home, so he prefers his bed. Like that’s the place he feels more safe to express himself. If you two are not doing it in the bed he also likes to do it in a chair so you can ride and dominate him.
M= Motivation(what turns them on?)
You just have to touch him and he is ready. Stroking his hand without any intention, kissing his cheek just to show him love. It’s soo easy. He also loves to see you support him by wearing his T-shirt during a game or just simply being with his clothes at your home.
N= No(something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
When it comes to other men, he would go FERAL. He doesn’t like sharing and he doesn't joke about it. When someone is just simply talking to you, he would do everything in his power to make sure you belong to him. He would degrade you and punish you until you can't think of anything else but him.
He also can’t think about breeding you. Gavi is just not ready to become a father, so he is trying his best to not happen.
O= Oral( preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc..)
Pablo enjoys both giving and receiving oral, approaching it with eagerness and affection. He takes pride in making you feel good, often experimenting with different techniques to enhance your shared experience. So yeah, he would prefer giving, making you arch your back and scream his name is one of his favourite things. He also likes the praises that come with it…
But when you give him a blow job he often tilts his head, soft little wimps coming from his mouth. His hands in your hair, scratching your scalp a little and pulling it. Oh yeah, he also likes receiving.
P= Pace(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
He prefers a balanced pace during intimacy, starting slow to build anticipation before transitioning to a more passionate rhythm. This approach allows both of you to enjoy the moment thoroughly. But when he becomes rough… He is slamming into you like there is no tomorrow. Your nails digging his back. Let's say you are not bored with Gavi.
Q= Quickie(their opinions on quckies, how often etc..)
Gavi finds quickies exhilarating, especially when time is tight. He enjoys the thrill of spontaneity and the rush of passion that comes with a brief, passionate encounter. In the car when you picked him up from practice. Right before a night out (or in the bathroom at the restaurant). He loves the relief he gets from being inside you.
R= Risk(do they take risk? How far are they ready to go?)
Pablo does not like taking too much risk. It happened sometimes to do it in the locker room or some public(restaurant) bathroom but would feel more safe to be himself in his home and bed.
S= Stamina(how many rounds can they go? how long do they last?)
Gavi has impressive stamina, often surprise you with how long he can go. He enjoys taking his time and ensuring that both of you feel satisfied and fulfilled. He feels like a king going on and on until you can't take it anymore.
T= Toys(do they own toys? do they use them?)
He is open to the idea of incorporating toys into your intimate moments, viewing them as a fun way to explore new sensations and enhance their pleasure together. BUT everything has limits and he doesn't like you to use them very often. More like a celebration for something.
U= Unfair(how much they like to tease?)
A lot. Sometimes- too much. He makes you cry and beg for more but if the tables turn and you are dominating he hates you being unfair to him. That’s not fair Pablo(Op got it?) He also likes to tease you when he knows you can’t do or say anything. like resting his hand soo high on your thigh or playing with the edge of your skirt. Such a tease…
V= Volume(how loud they are during it?)
During intimate moments, Gavi is expressive, often sharing soft moans and sweet nothings. His vocalizations help create an intimate atmosphere, making you feel desired and appreciated. He becomes a little too pathetic when you are riding him or sucking him off. A little whips and catched breaths. When he come, he would let out loud and higher pitched moans, so passionate it almost sounded like he is in pain. The longer he was with you, the more confident he got in letting you hear how you made him feel.
X= X-Ray(let's see what's going on under those clothes)
 Even though he is not big or enormous, he knows how to use it. He uses the help of his hands to make it a remarkable experience for you.
Y= Yearning(how high is their sex drive?)
Pablo has a strong desire for connection and intimacy, often feeling a deep craving for closeness. He enjoys exploring each other's bodies and emotions, making your encounters fulfilling.
Z= Zzz(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards?)
After an intense session, Pablo loves to cuddle up and drift off to sleep, feeling a sense of contentment and closeness. The peaceful moments that follow intimacy are just as cherished, allowing you to bond further before resting.
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dancing-with-stars · 2 years ago
do you guys ever just sit on the kitchen floor and suddenly feel like everything will be okay?
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sweetyaoigirl · 5 months ago
Kakashi turned into Sukea just so Obito could fuck him
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bucks-ring-cutter · 5 months ago
The way Bobby was unfazed whenever Chimney Told him Buck put gerrard in the hospital just went “oh yeah, That seems like something my son would do, I won’t even bat an eye” And moves on
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bonetrousledbones · 24 days ago
saw some fanart that reminded me so very strongly of the mishap au that it had me reminiscing over it like a long lost lover. the one that got away..................
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vypridae · 8 months ago
i love being a multishipper when it comes to kokichi he kisses like half the cast of v3 and also some characters from the other games too
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