#it wouldnt matter much because i work 5 days a week anyway
marblecakecait · 9 months
im so sick of the clothes i own, im gonna allow myself to buy one wearable item a month this year so i can fix it
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sucker4sixx · 5 months
Recycled from 2023!
Plot: unlike def leppard nikki makes promises he cannot keep
Warnings: mental breakdown, smut
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Another friday night. You spent the day at home cooking a lovely meal for nikki, he was always disappearing to have a drink with his band but this time he promised to come home, it was different from all the other promises because this time he said he ment it.
You cooked you both a huge chilli, his favourite. And set it out by 7pm. He finished work at 5 but you didnt expect him to come home straight away, that was completely fine. Just aslong as he was home before nine.
8pm. You ass was getting sore from the uncomfortable wooden seat that you waited on and the candles where halfway done. Yeah sure you where nervous but its not exactly like hes done anything wrong, theres still time for him to arrive. You thanked the stars you put the plastic containers over the plates or otherwise they would be cold.
8:30. You where growing impatient, the tight black dress you wore starting to itch. No matter how much you checked your phone you wouldnt call him. Its his job to keep a promise. He is an adult.
8:50. Tears started growing in your eyes "ten minutes nikki. You got ten more minutes" you whispered to yourself.
8:59 *ping* your phone buzzed
Contact name: "nikki"
"Hay baby foing to be a lirtle late back hime tonight, lobe you so much x"
That same message you got almost every second day, your eyes pouring of tears now.
"Fuck you."
Not exactly mature but your brain was racing and it was all you could muster up. Instead of doing what you would usually do, cry in your bed. You picked up the two, well made, plates of food and threw them on the ground.
Screaming all hell. The wine glasses filled with that extremely expensive wine he bought you? Smashed against the wall. You would crush the candles but they had already completely melted.
Your phone rang and rang as you lay on the kitchen floor covered in cold chilly, pieces of glass from the wine glasses leaving tiny scars on your arms. Anyone wouldve thought you where manic, but you thought this was too tame compared to how he really made you feel. You cried your eyes out as if you had no neighbours and you where in the planet completely alone, thats how you felt anyways.
10pm, you didnt move from your position, the melt down slowing but the crying becoming more dramatic.
"How could he do this to me? Im such a great girlfriend. I cook home made meals, i dont expect much of him" you though, only seeing red.
You look over to see nikki standing at the door way, looking at you like you where some sort of monster "babe? Ive been calling you like crazy! What have you done!" He scolded you, walking towards the 'crime scene' as few might describe it. "You have no fucking right to be scolding me!" You screamed back, standing up, feeling light headed from crying and screaming so much "every week, i slave in the kitchen over you" you pointed to the chilli on the ground "baby i promise ill come home tonight you just go cook a fucking meal that will take you fucking hours so that i can stand you up!" You mocked him. You walked towards him slowly, grabbing onto his shirt leaving it covered in chilli "ive fucking had it with you nikki" you said weakly, crying "i-" "dont talk to me right now" you walked upstairs, a trail of chilli staining the white carpet.
You ran a shower and locked the bathroom door so that he couldnt come in. The water pelting against you as you sat down made the feeling go away, the deep feeling of being stabbed in the back. After your long shower you got out and put on your pjs that thank god you remembered to take them in and dried your hair with the hairdryer that sat on the counter.
*knock knock*
You turned round to look at the door where the knocks came from. "Honey?" god he knew you loved when he called you that "what is it, nikki?" "Let me in please" he winced, almost like he was crying "i cant" he just huffed and sat against the door "i know i failed you multiple times" you sat against the door too feeling your eyes tear up "but god if you only knew how much i love you. God if only i could show you then youd know forever" "nikki ive heard it before. Your never going to change" you heard him crying softly "baby please" he pawed at the door, the alcohol becoming more evident. You reluctantly opened the door and he looked up at you like a lost kitten, propping himself up with one hand, eyes bright red and puffy. You both stayed still for a minute untill you got onto your knees, his gorgeous eyes scanning your face for your next move. Softly you kissed him and he brought his hand up to hold your face.
Without warning nikki slowly started backing you up onto the floor, his other hand behind your head. When you where fully on the ground, his hands traveled down to your pj pants to pull them down to your ankles while you undid his tight leather jeans. Soon you where both stripped as nikki sat inbetween your legs, kissing you on the neck making you whimper softly. He grabbed onto your hands tight "please dont leave me baby" he whispered, your hand coming up to tangle your fingers in his hair making him whimper too. He sat up, left arm resting by your head, legs spreading yours to give him more access and his right hand holding his dick. He dragged his tip through your folds painfully slow, knowing how to tease you right "nikki hurry up!" You laughed, you laughter was cut off by a gasp as he pushed into you. He moved down slowly since there was no foreplay, both groaning as he did so "fuck honey, your so tight"
You grabbed him into a tight hug as he finally got right into you, stopping to let your pussy adjust. "Are you okay baby?" You pulled him back in, making his dick go in further, you moan softly "i missed you" as a response nikki started moving out of you and moving back in before he was fully out. Your back arched on the cold tiles as nikkis pace quickened, still in a tight hug. He peppered your face with kisses making your face blush even more"im so sorry baby, im so sorry" he mumbled speeding up, your sweat mixing and the sound of his skin hitting yours becoming louder. You trailed your tongue up his neck making him moan and rest his forehead head on the cold tiles. You brought your hand down to play with your clit noticing that nikki was unintentionally getting more out of it than you, your other hand coming up to tug on his black scruffy hair.
Five minutes later he started thrusting sloppily and you felt the knot in your tummy tighten as he started to hit the g spot, you let out a loud moan and nikki figured you out, pushing in and out harder the exact way he did making you almost cry his name "baby...im going to cum" you winced feeling your vision blur and nikkj picked up his pace"let yourself go honey, cum around me" it was odd not hearing nikki swear and dirty talk but then again it was odd having soft sex and even odder having it on the bathroom floor. Your thighs shook as you felt the knot undo. Nikki moaning loudly when he felt you tighten around him "oh fuck baby, where should i cum" "on my chest" with that he pulled out fast and pumped himself a few times, making deep eye contact.
After a second or two his warm cum splatted on your tummy and rolled down your sides, he let out a struggled moan, hanging his head low.
None of you moved for a minute or two. Your back lay against the cold tiles gasping for air and nikki stayed between your legs gasping too. Both covered in sweat. Eventually he got some toilet paper and cleaned you both up, after, he picked you up carefully and carried you bridal style into the bedroom laying you down gently, no words spoken at all. "Are you alright darling?" He looked down at you "i just need you to be here then ill be alright" you felt your eyes tearing up, he got in next to you, staring at you sympathetically "ill be home tomorrow night i swear on it, ill try even harder" you couldnt help but frown, hearing the same speech again and again was getting tiring "yeah." "what did i say?"
"What you say every day" he stopped to think for a minute "ill try harder this time, ill tell mick. You know him he wont let me stay i swear, I want to be better for you baby i mean it" you felt your cheeks glow but stopped yourself from thinking of any change actually happening.
Saturday night. You spent the day at home cooking a lovely meal for nikki, he was always disappearing to have a drink with his band but this time he promised to come home, it was different from all the other promises because this time he said he ment it. Again.
You cooked you both a spaghetti, your favourite. And set it out by 7pm. He finished work at 5 but you didnt expect him to come home straight away, that was completely fine. Just aslong as he was home before nine.
8pm. You ass was getting sore from the uncomfortable wooden seat that you waited on and the candles where halfway done. Yeah sure you where nervous but its not exactly like hes done anything wrong, theres still time for him to arrive. You thanked the stars you put the plastic containers over the plates or otherwise they would be cold. No matter how much you checked your phone you wouldnt call him. Its his job to keep a promise. He is an adult.
8:30. Tears started growing in your eyes again *CLICK*
"hey baby im home!"...
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1941-crowley-slut · 1 year
Rant incoming
I cannot STAND how my mom talks to me about church when she wants me to go.
For context, we obviously stopped going during covid so we were away for 2-3 years and though she watched the live broadcast every Sunday, I didn't. In fact I always deliberately left the room at that time to stay away from it. At some point I told her I don't believe anymore (honestly I remember having doubts and questions (Crowley coded lmao) since I was a kid but 11-12 is where it really just set in that I don't have that kind of faith). She didn't take ir horribly bad but told me at the time she'd like it if I still joined her at church sometimes. Which, fine. Okay.
Fast forward to when she is actually going back to church and just throws on me the news that I am going too. Doesn't ask, just tells me I'm going. And I'm pissed as fuck the whole day after that, to the point that when she asks me to find my clothes for church I actually just keep looking at my closet and want to tear everything apart. I really avoid conflicts with my mother but this one had me. I was PISSED. So when she finally asked what was going on I told her "I don't want to go". And it wasn't so much that I wasn't willing to do it for her, it's that I felt she had no regard for my beliefs and just wanted her way. A
And funnily enough, she did. Because the reponse to that was: "I know, but I'd already told you I want you to come with me sometimes. Is it so terrible, you can't even make this one little sacrifice for your mother?"
Not me being guilt tripped, but anyway. I don't remember the end of that conversation but I remember other times. Once again for context, I was in 12th grade the year that passed and it was incredibly difficult study-wise. I had 6-7 hours of school every day, then anywhere from 2-5 hours of extra studies (sometimes almost immediately) and then I also had to do homework for both school and extra studies (seperate) and a lot of it was learning things by heart, plus we had tests and exams all the time like ALL the time, some weeks I'd have 5 tests in 3 days and I was going insane. Plus on extra studies we wrote exams on Saturdays. So it was all very very hectic and mom knew that and she was very awesome for the most part, but when it came to church she just didn't. Listen. To me.
She would go "You'll come this Sunday because the next weeks will be harder for you" but the matter of the fact was, she didn't know what weeks were harder for me. She thought for xyz reasons that later it'd be worse, but in reality the times she wanted me to go i was drowning in work and getting anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns cause everything was so much. Too much. And I'd say something like "Well this week's pretty bad" and expect her to get the hint but she'd go "it's just one hour in the morning, how important is it really, you probably wouldnt even be studying then"
(Not to mention it's not really 1 hour cause I need like an hour just to wake up and get ready, then 20 minute drive, the service was either 1 or 1 and a half hours, then it was however long chatting up with all the church people, another 20 minute drive home and then I was tired and we would have lunch and I just wanted to relax and sleep etc etc. So it wasnt at all just an hour. And maybe even if I hadn't gone to church that day, it'd still be afternoon and I wouldn't have gotten started on any work. But at least I would have spent some time for myself and then would force myself to work. But anyway again)
She just does this thing where she doesn't even ask or give me the illusion of a choice. Cause the truth is that church is usually not that bad, I can deal with it, it's fine. But I hate it just because she makes me feel forced to go. If she was just like "Hey, could you come with me to church this Sunday? I'd like that" I would be much happier to go. I know she doesn't want to be by herself and that she worries about what the church peoole will think (which pisses me off as well but thats another story), I don't mind keeping her company. But I mind when she suddenly springs it on me on Saturdays that "We're going to church tomorrow" and even if I show my discomfort with it she's like "Well you have to come sometimes."
And she just she has this way that I don't understand that when she says anything related to me going to church (e.g. "Find your clothes for tomorrow to see if anything needs to be ironed"), she says it in this firm tone and so suddenly that you just even subconsciously know you have no say in this. I don't get to react to this or have an opinion, it's just something I have to do. Because she said so. And if I was to try and react, she'd circle right back to guilt-tripping me (which at this point would be really funny because I have been trying lately to help her in every way I can so it's not like "You do everything for me and I'll do this small favor for you by coming with you", I have been offering to help with chores, I've been offering to learn stuff I dont know how to do so I can help her around the house, I have been helping as far as I can. But nonetheless I know this will end badly if I try to argue)
Anyway yeah it's just. I'm tired. At first I thought it was her desperate attempt to get me back into the church, to make me believe again. Now, though I still think she clings onto some hope about that, I also believe she thinks I'm too far gone for that and really just wants me there for company and for the eyes of the world, so none of the people know I'm not a believer anymore and supposedly think of her as a failed mother.
I'd just like to be counted like an equal person in here. Especially what with reaching adulthood and all. Like she actually scolded me when I said "I'd like to go out with my friends" and waited for their approval, because she said I was just making announcements and she wants me to ask next time. Even though I was still essentially waiting for them to say yes or no, I wasn't announcing anything. And she's said this before too, I'd leave for extra studies a little earlier sometimes to go get bubble tea and I'd tell her and then she'd go "I want you to ask beforehand". Why? She wasnt even home, no one was, and I would've left like 30 minutes later anyway cause I had to, what's the big deal? Or is it just about being controlled, hm? Is it that she can't watch me be an independent person? Feels like it.
Anyway my point was I have to literally ask for everything, like with a "Can I" and a question mark and all, because "We might have something else planned" (which as I said, if they had something planned for us to do would they not tell me? And either way, if something came up I'd just tell my friends I couldn't hang out after all cause something came up and it'd be fine. But no, she insisted.) but when it comes to me she just says "You're coming" and that's it and I HATE it. I HATE IT.
If she thinks she's bringing me closer to church this way someone tell her she couldn't be more wrong.
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therealpontius · 2 years
I mean it
Plot: your boyfriend likes to lie alot more than goes noticed…
Warnings: breakdown/ screaming/ arguing/ crying/ smut/ p n v/ alcohol use
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Another friday night. You spent the day at home cooking a lovely meal for ryan, he was always disappearing to have a drink with bam and novak but this time he promised to come home, it was different from all the other promises because this time he said he ment it. Again.
You cooked you both a huge chilli, his favourite. And set it out by 7pm. He finished work at 5 but you didnt expect him to come home straight away, that was completely fine. Just aslong as he was home before nine.
8pm. You ass was getting sore from the uncomfortable wooden seat that you waited on and the candles where halfway done. Yeah sure you where nervous but its not exactly like hes done anything wrong, theres still time for him to arrive. You thanked the stars you put the plastic containers over the plates or otherwise they would be cold.
8:30. You where growing impatient, the tight black dress you wore starting to itch. No matter how much you checked your phone you wouldnt call him. Its his job to keep a promise. He is an adult.
8:50. Tears started growing in your eyes "ten minutes ryan. You got ten more minutes" you whispered to yourself.
8:59 *ping* your phone buzzed
Contact name: "ry"
"Hay baby foing to be a lirrtle late back hime tonight, lobe you so much x"
That same message you got almost every second day, your eyes pouring of tears now.
"Fuck you."
Not exactly mature but your brain was racing and it was all you could muster up. Instead of doing what you would usually do, cry in your bed. You picked up the two, well made, plates of food and threw them on the ground. Screaming all hell. The wine glasses filled with that extremely expensive wine he bought you? Smashed against the wall. You would crush the candles but they had already completely melted.
Your phone rang and rang as you lay on the kitchen floor covered in cold chilly, pieces of glass from the wine glasses leaving tiny scars on your arms. Anyone wouldve thought you where manic, but you thought this was too tame compared to how he really made you feel. You cried your eyes out as if you had no neighbours and you where in the planet completely alone, thats how you felt anyways.
10pm, you didnt move from your position, the melt down slowing but the crying becoming more dramatic. "How could he do this to me? Im such a great girlfriend. I cook home made meals, i dont expect much of him" you though, only seeing red.
You look over to see ryan standing at the door way, looking at you like you where some sort of monster "y/n? Ive been calling you like crazy! What have you done!" He scolded you, walking towards the 'crime scene' as few might describe it. "You have no fucking right to be scolding me!" You screamed back, standing up, feeling light headed from crying and screaming so much "every week, i slave in the kitchen over you" you pointed to the chilli on the ground "y/n baby i promise ill come home tonight you just go cook a fucking meal that will take you fucking hours so that i can stand you up!" You mocked him. You walked towards him slowly, grabbing onto his shirt leaving it covered in chilli "ive fucking had it with you ryan" you said weakly, crying "i-" "dont talk to me right now" you walked upstairs, a trail of chilli staining the white carpet.
You ran a shower and locked the bathroom door so that he couldnt come in. The water pelting against you as you sat down made the feeling go away, the deep feeling of being stabbed in the back. After your long shower you got out and put on your pjs that thank god you remembered to take them in and dried your hair with the hairdryer that sat on the counter.
*knock knock*
You turned round to look at the door where the knocks came from. "Honey?"god he knew you loved when he called you that "what is it, ryan?" "Let me in please" he winced, almost like he was crying "i cant" he just huffed and sat against the door "i know i failed you multiple times" you sat against the door too feeling your eyes tear up "but god if you only knew how much i love you. God if only i could show you then youd know forever" "ryan ive heard it before. Your never going to change" you heard him crying softly "baby please" he pawed at the door, the alcohol becoming more evident. You reluctantly opened the door and he looked up at you like a lost kitten, propping himself up with one hand, eyes bright red and puffy. You both stayed still for a minute untill you got onto your knees, his gorgeous eyes scanning your face for your next move. Softly you kissed him and he brought his hand up to hold your face.
Without warning ryan slowly started backing you up onto the floor, his other hand behind your head. When you where fully on the ground, his hands traveled down to your pj pants to pull them down to your ankles while you undid his tight blue jeans. Soon you where both stripped as ryan sat inbetween your legs, kissing you on the neck making you whimper softly. He grabbed onto your hands tight "please dont leave me baby" he whispered, your hand coming up to tangle your fingers in his hair making him whimper too. He sat up, left arm resting by your head, legs spreading yours to give him more access and his right hand holding his dick. He dragged his tip through your folds painfully slow, knowing how to tease you right "ryan hurry up!" You laughed, you laughter was cut off by a gasp as he pushed into you. He moved down slowly since there was no foreplay, both groaning as he did so "fuck honey, your so tight"
You grabbed him into a tight hug as he finally got right into you, stopping to let your pussy adjust. “Are you okay baby?” You pulled him back in, making his dick go in further, you moan softly “i missed you” as a response ryan started moving out of you and moving back in before he was fully out. Your back arched on the cold tiles as ryans pace quickened, still in a tight hug. He peppered your face with kisses making your face blush even more“im so sorry baby, im so sorry” he mumbled speeding up, your sweat mixing and the sound of his skin hitting yours becoming louder. You trailed your tongue up his neck making him moan and rest his forehead head on the cold tiles. You brought your hand down to play with your clit noticing that ryan was unintentionally getting more out of it than you, your other hand coming up to tug on his ginger scruffy hair.
Five minutes later he started thrusting sloppily and you felt the knot in your tummy tighten as he started to hit the g spot, you let out a loud moan and ryan figured you out, pushing in and out harder the exact way he did making you almost cry his name “baby…im going to cum” you winced feeling your vision blur and ryan picked up his pace“let yourself go honey, cum around me” it was odd not hearing ryan swear and dirty talk but then again it was odd having soft sex and even odder having it on the bathroom floor. Your thighs shook as you felt the knot undo, ryan moaning loudly when he felt you tighten around him “oh fuck baby, where should i cum” “on my chest” with that he pulled out fast and pumped himself a few times, making deep eye contact. After a second or two his warm cum splatted on your tummy and rolled down your sides, he let out a struggled moan, hanging his head low.
None of you moved for a minute or two. Your back lay against the cold tiles gasping for air and ryan stayed between your legs gasping too. Both covered in sweat. Eventually he got some toilet paper and cleaned you both up, after, he picked you up carefully and carried you bridal style into the bedroom laying you down gently, no words spoken at all. “Are you alright darling?” He looked down at you “i just need you to be here then ill be alright” you felt your eyes tearing up, he got in next to you, staring at you sympathetically “ill be home tomorrow night i swear on it, ill try even harder” you couldnt help but frown, hearing the same speech again and again was getting tiring “yeah..” “what did i say?” “What you say every day” he stopped to think for a minute “ill try harder this time, ill tell april. She wont let me stay i swear, I want to be better for you baby i mean it” you felt your cheeks glow but stopped yourself from thinking of any change actually happening.
Saturday night. You spent the day at home cooking a lovely meal for ryan, he was always disappearing to have a drink with bam and novak but this time he promised to come home, it was different from all the other promises because this time he said he ment it. Again.
You cooked you both a spaghetti , your favourite. And set it out by 7pm. He finished work at 5 but you didnt expect him to come home straight away, that was completely fine. Just aslong as he was home before nine.
8pm. You ass was getting sore from the uncomfortable wooden seat that you waited on and the candles where halfway done. Yeah sure you where nervous but its not exactly like hes done anything wrong, theres still time for him to arrive. You thanked the stars you put the plastic containers over the plates or otherwise they would be cold. No matter how much you checked your phone you wouldnt call him. Its his job to keep a promise. He is an adult.
8:30. Tears started growing in your eyes again *CLICK* “hey baby im home!”…
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grodyego · 9 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!! what do you think influenced u the most (indirectly or directly) when making your specific ocs? i always like seeing people lay out their inspirations
THANK U !!!!!!!!
also i LOVE this question. im trying to be more cognizant when i feel like something inspires me because its actually really hard for me to list any specific examples !!! im under no illusion that anything i make is "100% original" or that outside observers wouldnt be able to trace it back to certain works or concepts or artists, so on and so forth, i am just VERY bad at making the connection myself, lol. i also tend to forget like every single thing ive ever watched or read the minute
UMM ill stick with dove because i CAN remember specific influences that caused me to make him. the first was samurai jack (the show and the character). im not going to derail this ask by opining how often genndy tartakovsky disappoints me with his choices across his entire body of work and how i think if i got to know him in real life i wouldnt be able to stand him, the fact of the matter is samurai jack had a huge impact on me as a kid and i got caught up in the season 5 hype so hard i just had to make a guy about it (not a fan oc, crucially). ive always loved "fish out of water" stories and to me the temporal element is an especially fun way to do it because. aough im having trouble articulating this. people have just always been people i guess, for better and for worse, and everything in between. thats just something i personally think about a lot and its a really good theme to explore in stories, to obvious bias
so anyways i loved jack so much i wanted to make my own guy who was witnessing shit his brain could just barely comprehend but he was so focused on his goal he just kind of made himself go "well, no time to focus on that" and then continue to kind of run on the narrative hamster wheel each week when the achievement of that goal is ultimately yanked from him, in one way or another
the other thing that helped me refine it a bit wassss probably cowboy bebop ? not any particular character, just the show in its entirety. this one's way harder for me to explain. i feel like if you watch the show then you should hopefully see what im saying, but maybe not. also i had dropped dove and his story pretty hard for maybe like a year or two and then i watched cowboy bebop and it somehow instantly rekindled my passion to start it up again and more heavily rework it, so. im sure if i ever put it out one day maybe people will pick up on that. who's to say !
as for why he's a knight: i like them. theyre sexy and cool
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gorewh0re90x-blog · 9 months
diary entries...
TW: substances, ed, TMI situations
im so tired. i havent been this tired since i quit doing dope 7 months ago. i still miss her almost everyday. my one true love. she was with me through everything the last 12 years. our relationship was toxic as hell but she will always be the one who got away. even if (when) i relapse and run back to her it will always end. it might end in death or just another rehab but it will always end. thats the thing with her, no matter how many times i run back i always have to leave, even if its for a little bit. theres no way around it. i start doing good in life and i run back to her warm and beautiful arms. the beginning is always the best, the honeymoon phase, but it doesnt last longer than 6 months. she always asks for more and more. more time, more money, more attention, more destruction. we lay in bed all day and all night as she whispers sweetly in my ear 'you dont need any of this..not this job, not this money, not your friends, not your family, not the outside world..you only need me..' and i always agree because its true, i only need her to be ok with being alive. no matter how many times we go through the same notions, i always listen to her..how can i not? when im with her nothing else matters, nothing means a thing. she makes me feel so safe, so warm, so invincible, so beautiful, so amazing.. its only her, always and forever.. until she takes everything away from me, as she always does, and drags me to rock bottom where the only choice i have left, is to leave her again..
idk whats wrong with me the last few days. im so tired and feeling like crap. it cant be not enough sleep because im sleeping. it cant be not enough food because im eating. im tired, my stomach hurts, im cold until I get in bed and under the covers and then im hot. my head hurts. my body aches, although that could be just me trying to work out too much. it feels like im constipated but im still going a little everyday. consistency of soft serve ice cream, which is super foreign to me. ive been constipated for the last 12 years, going once a week, if i was lucky, and when i did go it was like pushing out baseballs made out of rocks. this whole thing is just strange and exhausting. i just feel like I have the flu. i took dulcolax, my savior, an hour and a half ago and im hoping it clears out everything i ate the last 4 days and not just little swirls of crap that take 10mins of wiping to clean up. gross, i know. i just want to sleep but i don't want to wake up at midnight and be wide awake til i get back from the clinic at 6:30am. maybe ill be able to sleep for the next 6 hours and then just work out some until its time to head to the clinic at 5:30. i took an hour nap earlier around 5pm and had a weird dream.. it had to do with 2 guys breaking in and trying to shoot us unsuccessfully and ended up with me stabbing one and the other getting shot. hopefully its not some premission.. im gonna try to nap.
i decided to let myself get an oreo mcflurry every sunday since ive been doing so well with my diet and exercise. i figured that since i burn more than the 510cal thats in the dam thing every day anyway, i can be a fat fucking pig and have one. theyre just so dam good 😩 cutting out all sugar has been a nightmare over the last month. ive spent the whole time i was an h addict living on sugar so its been rough. it will be totally worth it though. i should reach my current goal weight of 100lbs in the next 10 months or less as long as i keep doing what ive been doing. i cant wait to be thin and beautiful. i dont need drugs as long as im thin 🖤
i ate that slice of cheese pizza i said i wouldnt touch..378cals. 378!! im such a fat pig. disgusting. it doesnt matter that i burned twice as much in calories today. the only thing that matters is that i didn't have enough self control to not eat that dam slice of pizza. i hate that my husband eats the foods i cant have every freaking day. i know me needing to lose weight is not his problem but it still sucks to be put in these situations everyday. if its not pizza its cookies and sweets and danishes and everything else I cant eat. fuck this sucks so bad! starting tomorrow i need to burn more than 700-900cals each day. i need to walk more than 10-13k steps. i need to eat less than 1400cal each day. idc if im technically still losing weight. its not enough. i need to do better and damnit i will do better.
i ate less but didnt get to work out as much as i wanted to. i guess tomorrow will be better. it better be at least. i need to get to sleep before 3am tonight so i dont sleep til 5pm tomorrow.. i have to be up at 530am to go to the clinic 5 times a week and by 11am im so exhausted i need a freaking nap or im falling over on my feet. i think they need to lower the dose on my medicine. this is getting super annoying. i just wanna be thin already. fml.
today was good. i walked over 13k steps, worked out for an hour, burned about 1000cals and only ate about 800cals. definitely getting a hang of this. didnt have a headache either. got a decent amount of sleep too. im definitely gonna ask my clinic to lower the dose on my medication because im sure thats why im tired all the time. im super sore from the gym the other day but tomorrow i have to go either way. hopefully it wont be too crowded because i get really bad anxiety and paranoia around strangers. i hate going outside. goodnight my lovelies, i hope youre all staying on track and getting closer to your ugw 🖤🚬🦋
i had a good day yesterday but not a great night. i burned around 1200cals and had a 90min work out plus 15k steps. less food as well. ordered some stuff off amazon ive been wanting since beginning of december so i was super happy until my husband decided to drink and be..not great. he hasnt been drinking since we moved states 7 months ago except 1 or 2 previous occasions because he gets wasted and acts a fool. he was doing good until he wasnt. it just wasnt a good experience but hes finally asleep. im exhausted from not getting more than 3 hours of sleep the previous night and having to deep clean the whole house and do my workout and now being up all night. i want to go to sleep but i have a few things to worry about due to his drinking so its not looking so good right now.. i fed the stray cats i take care of just now and im gonna lay down and listen to some creepypastas and hope for sleep to come. hope everyone is doing well 🖤🚬🦋
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megismorallysunny · 1 year
i might upload 2 today bc i have a lot, not from today just in general, so much so that i wrote it down. i had science first, turns out the school wanted every teacher for their first class to show their classes the new one way system because they felt it was clogged up. its really fucking stupid and we were supposed to follow it as soon as we left first class.. spoiler alert no one did, absolutely no one, i didnt see any teachers not following but no students are. I feel like using that system its only a matter of time before a 1st year gets hit by a car, your supposed to go outside to get to some classes that would have only been a few metres away now, and the way you go sometimes has cars on it, i seen one going pretty fast just a minute after class started.
i had irish after science and turns out that irish hw i was doing wasnt even the hw, and i had already done the hw a week ago, omg i just cant but it was a-ok. after that was maths, everyone was in for once so there wasnt enough seats for everyone, hopefully 4k4 and his other friend 5k5 dont steal my seat, i worked my ass off for that. a student who came 2 weeks ago, nickname -bluebird, is just annoying, its not that shes done anything wrong its that shes a complete loner, wont talk to anyone, not like ive tried but more in the sense, you wont hear even a squeak. in business she doesnt take down notes, in maths she doesnt do questions (not that i can say much) and in french she doesnt even know ça va and wont do her french hw. so yeah plain infuriating. i did my english hw wrong after i spent an hour carefully constructing only a third of my answer for an hour last night. my friends went to the shop but i didnt bc i wanted to stay in the cspe classroom and eat my lunch and maybe also read trollhunter fanfics, hard enough to find good ones involving a very cute and fluffy relationship between jim and walter. anyways we had to have a fake election in cspe, to try out ballot box voting, in first year for student council i tied with another girl for top votes. guess how many i got this time? yeah thats right a solid one, thinking about it makes me sad, does no one like me anymore??? but i laughed at the time even tho every1 looked back at me, it felt really dehumanising, the only way i deal with bad situations is by laughing and joking, and that situation made me feel a little shit.
made me also feel real great when aprciot turned back at me and said i put you 5, its like he constantly tries to talk to me and be my friend and when i ignore him he gets mad, its not great that i was standing beside granite today and apricot started pushing granite and while he did that his hand touched my tit. great. made me feel just great, it wasnt on purpose he wouldnt even try.. well he did say consent didnt matter today if it was me. he was obvi joking but considering he tried to sa someone before and this day a year ago, "mango" his friend and apples friend sent diorite a voice message saying apricot said he was gonna do a thing to her. idk im sorry i feel uncomfortable typing out the word rape. but yeah thats what he said apparently. doesnt make it better he could walk to her house and he knows where that is. but unfortunately it is what it is no matter how cruel it can be.
anyways, after cspe i fucking raced through the classroom to get to another because it had a door to the outside which was closer to the door to the other outside door to get to or religion classroom, we had a proper sound sub, she was rly nice and i thought she was a bitch because of her hairstyle but she really wasnt, AND I GOT MY FAVOURITE SEAT!!!! mission acomplished, my friend was happy bc i always run to get good seats and i actually did unlike last time where some people were unfortunately quicker.
idk if i mentioned this but i learned about shifting maybe early 2021 and it didnt really go anywhere, id tell you where i have planned out for me to go but it would be embarassing, i have one for the embarassing one and one for a library, filled with extensive knowledge and characters from shows i watch. anyways my body felt like it was floating last night, just like my first shifting attempt nearly 2 years ago now, i nearly did it but i chickened out, opened my eyes and couldnt ever do it again or get those symptoms. when i woke up at 4 in the morning i was half stuck in a dream, and was trying to do my tasks to meet my goal, i dont even remember what my tasks or goal was.
i skimmed the entirety of sex education, it was my first time watching it, it was pretty good, i really liked ruby she was definitely my favourite i also really loved roman but cmon ruby, she was so good also aimee. i redownloaded farmville2 so its time to relive my farmer life whoop whoop. ill do another blog post later. anyways goodbye have a good morning, good day and good night
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ravysu · 3 years
Sannin headcanons and thoughts
The last thing I would like to post for the sannin week. It is still 24.04 here! :D @sannin-central
This is long. Spoiler alert. Mostly Orochimaru, some Tsunade, a little of Jiraiya (because his story is pretty clear and spoken and idk what I can add). Also I recommend to read this meta about Orochimaru, it has influenced me a lot and has some good points. Sorry for any posible grammar mistakes. Also I really should put here a lot of references to the manga or anime but it was something that was piling up for a year and I'm soooooooo lazy. After all, those are just headcanons. Also: Im not excusing Oro's bad stuff here, Im trying to understand the reasons.
Ive already posted some hcs, here, here and here.
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1. First if all, the chronology pic of sannin lifetime based on the info i found on naruto wiki and also some statements about wars from this post. It was tough considering what a mess naruto’s chronology is.
2. Sannin story shows what it cost to be a legend. They're like Team 7 but more realistic. Tsunade literally carried the war but left with nothing and developed a ptsd and have problems to just live on. Also anger control issues. I think she can be pretty bossy and stubborn which is not always nice. Jiraiya is the hero of the day but also very idealistic and can ignore some important details in the real word whether its the fight (he always injured during flashbacks maybe because each time he took too much to handle and on the one hand it's heroistic but on the other is a mistake that can lead your team to situations like in that Iwa cave) or your friends issues (I bet he saw what's going on but thought it's fine until Oro actually got red handed and left). He lives in his world and may have problems to get out to see it through someone else's shoes. As for Orochimaru, it seems like he was a normal guy for 20+ years (I mean, he didn't do crazy criminal shit and had something good in him and it was stated somewhere that it was his teammates influence. It is obvious they considered him as a friend, I don't thinks it was for nothing) but we mostly know his darkest side. Despite being a moster he is a human that have empathy and some ordinary human traits (man just decorates every bit of an environment he is in lol).
3. Tsunade was the leader of team Hiruzen.
4. Tsunade sometimes hit Jiraiya for some stupid things he did or said but never touches Orochimaru even if he did something same. Jiraiya complained about it once and almost got another hit.
5. Jiraiya had problematic parents that didn't care about him much and a lot of time he was wandering in the streets.
6. Judging by the look of Oro bangs and hair, he sometimes cut it off. A stress relief huh? And the fact that he doesn't do it now in Boruto..
7. It was shown that Tsunade and Orochimaru was acknowledged before they become a team. Maybe they did just before, or maybe some longer time before. I prefer the second option and hc that they met because both had no real friends - Orochimaru seemed weird and scary for everyone and Tsunade was Senju so everyone wanted to hang out with her but didn't really care. They weren't seen as what they were - people put the labels on them. But they didn't care about each other's labels and actually saw each other in true lights.
8. Tsunade knew it was an accident and it's not right but still she blamed Orochimaru for Nawaki's death for some time. It was something that seriously damaged their friendship and the team. Orochimaru was mad but also guilty, after all, he was responsible at least as a shinobi since Nawaki was under his watch. So he started to act cold and emotionless and was trying to distance himself from his teammates.
9. Jiraiya was in Ame while Dan died.
10. The whole his orphans mission was a bit irresponsible tbh. They already fought Hanzo and as he stated the conflict between Konoha and Ame is going to an end with Konoha's win. It's weird to stay here for three years in the middle of the war while there were other lands to fight. He left his teammates for some idea. Maybe that caused another crack in their team friendship.
11. If Tsunade would have find a way to live on with her trauma and follow the will of fire and stuff it would affect Orochimaru as well just as her grief affected him. It's like he would get an example that you can live on with this pain. So death isn't above human capability and we are not just the slaves of mortality (sounds stupid but i dont know how else to describe sorry). But as we know what he actually saw is that it broke her crucially to the point she couldnt be herself again. And so the death is above everything.
12. Oro wasn’t just acting as a cold pragmatic bitch in that cave but also tried to save Tsunade. Jiraiya knew it and that’s why he showed this sign to him like "I see what youre doing here" and that stunned Oro because he would prefer to look rather like a cold pragmatic bitch hehe
13. Just a thought. People in the village probably treated Oro as a foreigner or just wouldnt accept him because he looked so differently and had a weird attitude. That's why he sometimes didn't feel that Konoha is his home. After the wars where people were treated as means and tools, even the children, he himself developed this view on people - he dehumanized them and used as the means to his goals, just as his village did. Funny thing some people were straightly dehumanizing him too like Ibiki thought that he was a demon (tho he was a child). And he probably weren't the only one. Anyways the point is that it's logical that Orochimaru don't care about anybody but some few people, he's the product of his era. He's like Naruto that would chose the hatred way. But naruto had some good and understanding people around him and.. Orochimaru had them too, but match how Iruka treated Naruto and this Hiruzen's "I sAw tHe mAliCe in This cHiLd fRoM tHe BegGinNinG". And oro didn't even have a big ass evil fox in him. sry i hate hiruzen
ANYWAYS the moral of the story is not "go criminal if they hurt you" but always treat people like people. Waving my hand to Kant.
14. The reason why Orochimaru didn't pick some good morals to stick with through the hard times no matter what (like, idk, Jiraiya or Naruto) is because 1) I think he is/was pretty depending on people around him 2) the war fucked him and his friends up too much (Nawaki incident + Tsunade) 3) twisted addictions (though I don't think he's that sadistic, we never saw him torturing randoms just for fun, it was always some science experimental shit. He tends to get fun out of cruelty only when it's personal) that maybe developed as a way to sublimate anger and sadness caused by his parents loss (that's what they share with sasuke - unlicke naruto, they knew their parents and it's other kind of pain. Sasuke developed a revenge issue and Orochimaru - cruelty pleasure which... is kinda the same but less epic and more occasional lol).
15. Speaking of that, Orochimaru cared for Sasuke because he saw himself in him.
16. Oro hold grudges against Hiruzen for not choosing him to be Hokage not only because he was ambitious and/or egoistic, but also because Hiruzen was some kind of a father figure for him and his approval was important tho i doubt he was aware of that. He also probably could tell that Hiruzen was suspicios about him when he was a child and that led to many conflicts and was hurting as well.
17. Tsunade knew things weren't pretty with Orochimaru after the wars but she never expected them to be this bad. During the week that she was given in her arc she thought not only about how much she wants to see Nawaki and Dan again despite how wrong would it be but also was trying to bury all the good memories she had left of Orochimaru so it would be easier to kill him.
18. She poisoned Jiraiya exactly because she knew he would not let her do it. Jiraiya was always hesitant to kill and inclined to forgiveness, while Tsunade, as mentioned by Orochimaru, could be merciless (so much so that he was not surprised when Kabuto suggested that she wanted to use Jira for Edo Tensei).
19. That was one of her traits that scared Jiraiya and fascinated Orochimaru.
20. Remember how Oro grabbed Jiraiya's neck when the latter was trying to cover with hair jutsu? On the snake, in Tsnade's arc. Orochimaru could have easily kill Jiraiya by pulling the sword out of the mouth (arteries are right there) but he didn't. As well as he could kill Tsunade when she was still shaking - just aim for the neck or the heart. Instead, he just injured her lung and kicked her which is not a big deal for the kind of shinoby like her at all.. Also he helped Anko not accidentally kill herself but it would be way much profitable to let her do it. "Orochimaru has no feelings".
21. The reason he suddenly wanted to kill Tsunade instead of forcing her to heal his arms as it was planned (which is weird since it will not going to get him heals and he kinda said that he wouldn't want to kill her just minutes ago) is that not only she refused to help him (he thought he could work it out) but she also prefered the village over him (from his point of view). Out if everyone she was the closest to being able to understand him since the village caused her painful losses too but nevertheless she agreed to be on it's side.
22. He wasn't fighting her back in the end partly because he thought he deserved that. Somewhere deep inside hahah.
23. Tsunade got a fear to develop deep bonds so they probably weren't very close with Shizune (also the way she knocked her down in this hotel.. oh).
24. Orochimaru will be here when she'll die.
25. Orochimaru's eng dub to Tsunade: "I often wondered what it would be like to ring that pretty neck yours". No comments.
26. Orochimaru is either bi/pan or ace. Anything or nothing lmao
27. Hiruzen knew about at least some of the Oro’s illegal experiments and was okay just as he was okay with the Foundation all the time. Because it’s useful. Then he has discovered he went too far OR he knew everything and oro just became too inconvenient because of his methods. The way Orochimaru tells Sasuke about reasons they are well treated as the criminals is based on in his experience with Hiruzen.
28. As you may know the lyrics in Orochimaru’s music theme goes “don’t talk with the silence of the heart”. It was taken from one Indian song that also had lines like “don’t question life too much”, ”pain arose somewhere in the chest”, “don’t speak to the wounds of the heart”. Though I’m not sure 100% because I was translating it with some hindi dictionary with like zero knowledge of hindi
29. I like to think that this “silence of the heart” theme and the fact that he called his village a hidden sound village are somehow connected. The hidden sound is the possible explanation of all things waiting to be listened to but the truth is silent and you know it deep in your heart and it bothers you. The world is silent just like the life is meaningless but people can only hear. *Sigh* anyways
30. Orochimaru’s journey is the one about accepting death. When he saw Karin released her chains while was trying to get to Sasuke he understood that the death is a part of human’s strength.
Can’t wait to feel that everything I wrote is wrong or not enough or stupid and obvious lol. Anyways, it’s something that I wanted to share until I move to some other fandom.
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helpfulbug · 3 years
can you do jotaro for the character hc thing? 👀
OUH i just saw the first part 3 german dub episode and entered sdc brainrot once again so u KNOW im thinking of him.
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Headcanon A:  realistic
we didnt see it but hes super different w holly after sdc. not in a super obvious way but his mom can tell hes more alert about her after everything. its a real conflict for him to leave home and when he lives in america he still calls home always. he goes fully silent on holly too when hes getting into stand business but unlike his wife who just gives up after a certain point holly ALWAYS giving him a talking to for leaving them in the dark about everything
in short i know jotaro and his mom have a super loving relationship w her being able to understand the less typical ways hes caring towards her and im super upset we didnt see more of it
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
i know its been a while but im still a big enjoyer of the "my wife took x in the divorce" meme and ofc. jotaros wife took star platinum in the divorce. they both dont realize until like 2 weeks after. jotaro is trying to get star platinum to check if the graphics in his powerpoint are actually centered meanwhile his ex wife has just accepted she has a cool superpower and puts possessed by a ghost? in her tinder bio
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
i cant get too into it bc. this would get like 40 pages long but wahwahwahwahwah jotaros disregard for his own life. even in sdc josephs "final" message to him is "save yourself i dont want you to die fighting dio you need to survive. you beat him by living on" and jotaro is like idc i will do it regardless it doesnt matter. and ofc how much worse it has gotten in diu like hes not accepting any help from the main gang he only talked to josuke to tell him to not get involved he almost sacrifices himself for koichi in the sheer heart attack fight bc he feels guilty for even taking him along and ohhhhhh lets not even get started about part 6 jotaro...he knew he fucking KNEW it was a trap when he went to get jolyne in stocean and still he was like. doesnt matter i need to get her out im not waiting on any back up im going in on my own. and he didnt even care if he died he just wanted jolyne out of there. he doesnt even seem sad about her not believing he cares for her at all hes just resigned about it he doesnt say anything to her until hes literally 10 seconds from dying WAHH its all too much. just part 5 confirming hes been fighting stand users all this time and leaving everything behind for that..thinks about how erina was trying to break the cycle w joseph and cries so fucking hard bc jotaro was still in it but SPOILERS FOR PART 6 his daughter is the one to end it all which is also very poetic but lets not get into jolyne/stone ocean
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
JOLYNE KNOWING HER FAMILY u cant tell me holly wouldnt have gone crazy the moment she was a grandma and ofc her little step brother is one of the first people she tells (theyre on very good terms (works very well w the whole holly goes to morioh instead of joseph in part 4 but alas i might work it all out some day)) and so jolyne visits/gets visited people from all over the world she learns to speak japanese and maybe a bit of french (abdul and polnareff fighting over which french dialect is valid to use) and is one of maybe 3 ppl that can calm iggy anyways even if jotaro wasnt always there for her she deserves to be loved by his family and friends all over the world
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rydeszegras · 4 years
hospitals make miracles - r.donovan
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hi guys ! this is my first fic and its not good whatsoever but figured id give it a shot haha, hope you enjoy !
wc: 1,623
warnings: minor swearing, mentions of injuries
you were a senior at andover high school on a roadie up to your annual trip in duluth. youve been taking this trip since your freshman year as you were one of the first players to ever make varsity as a freshman. that being said, this was your year, this was the year you had to show out. being named captain this season not only did you have to step up and lead the team, but you also had to focus on your game as it was your year to get scouted. you’d been looked at by minnesota-duluth, boston college, and minnesota, but all you wanted was to go to wisconsin, and this was your year to make it happen.
“y/n/n, are you ready to see all the hot duluth boys this weekend? i heard their varsity team plays at the same time of us and they have the wisco hot shot ryder donovan.” lilly said bouncing up and down in the seat next to you. you and lilly had been best friends ever since you met eachother at little wild camp 12 years ago. “y/n are you even listening”, “oh yeah sorry lil, just thinking about this weekend, did you know wisconsin scouts are gonna be there, i dont know if i can do this lil, i cant mess up, my future relies on this weekend” you exclaimed, trying not to freak out. “y/n/n you’ll be great i promise, but we should get some rest, weve still got 1.5 hours left and we’ve got a big game against east tonight.” you nod your head in agreement, dozing off into a deep sleep.
after an hour and a half of driving you arrive at the rink, getting up you fix your hair and adjust your sweats and parka and get ready to go grab your bag. after grabbing your bag, you start to head into the rink when you hear lil and ken start screaming, turning your head you see what all the fuss is about. and there he is. standing right before your eyes. ryder donovan. you’ve seen him in pictures as you followed him and some of his friends on instagram, but wow he was even prettier in person.
stumbling into the rink you make your way into the locker room gearing up to take the ice for warmups at duluth heritage. stepping onto the ice you complete your typical warmup of one-timers, slaps, and some stretching before noticing two big things in the stands. wisconsins top scout, and wisconsins top recruit, ryder. you didnt like it, but you just couldnt take your eyes off him.
the game begins and you take the ice playing your heart out making a clean goal through the five hole and racking in two more assists. after taking the ice to begin the last 20 mins of play, you get ready to take the faceoff for the third period. you win the faceoff clean and go to prepare to set yourself up to take a one-timer on the net. thats when tragedy strikes, when bringing your stick back to recieve the one-timer, before you know it you’re slammed into the boards on a cross check. tumbling down you hear a snap, a snap so loud that you watch the scout and ryder jump to their feet. as the athletic trainer scrambles to try and get you off the ice, you’re taken off the ice on a stretcher as you cant seem to put any weight on your right leg.
on the way to the hospital all you can think is why me, why now, why today. knowing it was probably your acl, you knew you were done for the season, that was it, it was over. scrolling through your twitter you saw your team won 5-2, which put your team in an excellent spot to start the season.
you arrived at the hospital and settled into your bed when a quite familiar but unfamiliar face walked into your toom. left speechless you see the 6’3 brunette standing in your doorway. “hey im ryder, i know you probably dont know me but i know you, you’re all the wisconsin scout has talked about for the past year and as im committed there i knew i had to see what the girls team is gonna have to offer and let me tell you, you looked incredible out there” ryder says shakily, messing with his fingers. you thank ryder and invite him into your room to sit on the chair. “trust me ryder i know you, youre all the girls have talked about after finding out that we played east this season, and youre committed to my dream school so theres that too, but theres no way the wisconsin scout wants anything to do with me, especially now that i have a double torn acl” you said, pointing down at your stitched up and wrapped knee, trying not to cry.
the next day, lil picked you up to bring you back to your hotel. on the car ride there you told her about everything that happened last night but when telling her you felt you sounded crazy, theres no way that thee ryder donovan went to visit YOU at the hospital and there’s absolutely no way that the wisconsin scout actually liked you. that was until you saw the instagram notification pop up on your screen... rydesdono would like to send you a message. you were shocked, theres no way that actually happened, but you opened the dm anyways to see what there was to say.
ryder donovan:
hey cutie, i never got your number last night and i was hoping we could catch up a little bit sometime if you feel up to it, i know with your knee it might not be easy, but i figured i would ask:)
you sat speechless. theres no way last night absolutely happened and there was absolutely no way he just called you “cutie”, but of course youre gonna meet up with ryder, no matter how much work it is
hey rydes! id love to meet up with you again ! heres my number 952-***-****
thinking he might not actually text you because thats what hockey boys do, but sure enough you were proved wrong
maybe: ryder
hey y/n its ryder, pick you up at 6?
absolutely, cant promise it’ll be easy with my knee and all, but i’ll make it work:))
how about i pick us up food and bring it back to your hotel room, that way you can still have dinner with me but you can rest your knee at the same time;)
that sounds great, ill make sure to leave the door unlocked
speechless you instantly call lilly and tell her everything, who freaks out the second you mention his name. as much as she doesnt believe it, you dont either. how is it that getting injured led you to a hot shot hockey player that is committed to the same school you are (yep thats right, wisco gave you an offer!!), one who’s actually genuine and nice AND insanely attractive. its mind blowing, but knowing theres no way this goes anywhere, as youd have to take the 2 hour drive back to andover in two days and probably wouldnt see ryder again until next year when you were both at wisconsin.
about an hour and a half later you hear two quiet knocks at your door, yelling “come in” at the sound. from your bed you see the cute hockey player who walks in from the doorway carrying the bag of food he got from grandmas, which happened to be your favorite restaurant in duluth. ryder sets the food on the table getting your food prepared so you didnt have to get up. he brings your food over to you and you invite him to sit next to you on your bed. you turned on your tv to the umd vs minnesota game as you rest your head on ryder who had just put his arm around you after you both finished eating. after talking for hours, that really felt like 10 mins, ryder decided that he should probably get back home and even if you didnt want him to go, you agreed.
for weeks after that you and ryder talked and talked for hours on end nonstop whether it was through snapchat, messages, or facetime. even though you only lived two hours apart, your schedules clashed too much to ever be able to meet up with eachother again. eventually after a year later you had completed your physical therapy and were ready to start your first year as a badger, but most importantly you were eager for ryder to get into town so you could hug the gorgeous brunette again.
when arriving at labahn, you were preparing yourself for the first day of practice and your next meet up with ryder, as the boys were using labahn as well as kohl center was undergoing some remodeling. you pull your bag out of your grand cherokee when you saw the brunette, and just like the first time you saw him your heart stopped. dropping your bag you ran in a dead sprint to see him as he dropped his bag and ran towards you wrapping his arms around your shoulders as if its been decades since youve last seen him as he held you for what felt like forever, when ryder whispered into your ear, “so hospitals really do make miracles happen” as he picked you up to kiss you before making your way into practice, knowing that without your injury you may have never found eachother the way you did.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, Yours. (5)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: family AU, hapkido teacher AU
Word count: 3.1K
Warnings: cursing
a/n: Finally I am updating this little story! I havent updated it in a long while for which I apologise, it wasnt my intention :( But there will be a slight twist in their “planned” pregnancy so... I cant wait to have a little fun 😁  I am always eager to hear your opinions.🙌 Stay safe!
PARTS: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5
This time, Baekhyun was the first one to be awake. Stirring a little bit around, he turned to his right side where your back was facing him, your hair splayed out on the pillow like a wild willow tree.
Scurrying a little closer, he brought his pillow to yours, his arm finding your sweet middle as he breathed in your fresh scent. He really liked moments like these, when the sun had yet to rise, the clock had yet to struck 6 and  you had yet to wake up, while he could just indulge in looking at you without being interrupted by anything or anyone.
Plus, the fact that few days had already passed since both you and him found out about your state did not mean he got used to the idea of suddenly three people occupying this bed. What a miracle, he thought. What a blessing.
Baekhyun carefully maneuvered himself out of the bed, his feet gently tapping on the wooden floor as he tiptoed to your side to turn off your alarm clock. He wanted to be the one to surprise you and wake you up with healthy breakfast in bed before both of you would have to head out to your work places.
Today he had a hapkido class with university students and as much as he loved the class, he just wanted to spend time with you.
He was just in the middle of pouring thick and rich pumpkin porridge into the last bowl when he heard you open the bedroom door.
“Baekhyun, what are you doing up so early?” you murmured, your voice low and heavy. “Sorry, it seems like I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. I would have done the breakfast myself,” you continued walking to his side to take the big pot out of his hand so that you could do it instead of him.
Baekhyun continued his job, not budging once at your prying hands. “Why are you up if your alarm clock didn't go off? I worked so hard this morning to turn off your alarm, and yet here you are beating the nature clock.”
“You turned off my alarm?” you asked, surprised.
“Of course I did!” exclaimed Baekhyun, as he put the pot back down on the stove and reached for the drawer to take out two spoons. “Now go back to bed, we have a breakfast to eat and you still owe me a face of surprise when I bring the food in,” he said, preoccupied with putting the bowls on the tray.
You held back the giggle that was threatening to spill at his antiques. “Alright, let me just pee real quick.”
By the time you were back, Baekhyun was bouncing on the bed, eagerly waiting for both of you to indulge in the hot porridge that was one of your favourites. You made sure to look completely taken aback when you sat down on the bed, giving him a loud peck on the cheek before making yourself comfortable. “You know this is the food we have after a hangover,” you murmured, taking a big spoonful and swallowing it in one.
“Oho, slow down, hungry cub. You will get a tummy ache if you eat so fast,” scolded Baekhyun gently, making you smile.
“Yes, chef.”
He gave you a wink. “And anyway. You love this porridge, might as well please your taste buds.”
You nodded, devouring a spoonful after another until you were done before him. And that rarely ever happened. “Done!”
he shook his head at you, trying to swallow the last bids of his porridge.
“Look at me! I rock today,” you laughed loudly when he pouted.
“It isn't fair,” he whined, putting down his spoon into now an empty bowl. “I am alone while you guys are two!”
Your laughter halted, melting into an endearing smile. Warmth spread through your insides. “I don't think its the matter yet,” you responded. “It has long way to grow for me to eat for two, you know?”
“No, it doesn't. It still counts.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you reached over the tray to mess up his bed hair. “Alright, whatever you say, mister. Still does not change the fact that I win for today, ha! And now, you better hurry, you need to be at the university in an hour!”
“First a kiss,” he demanded, crossing his arms on his chest.
Smiling, you pressed your lips to his warm ones, tasting the porridge. 
“Love you,” he murmured.
Once Baekhyun was out the door, you rushed to prepare for your work only to end up with your head in the toilet, throwing up all the porridge and more. 
You made it your absolute, utmost priority to keep your blessed state as far away from the workplace as possible. Not only was it all so fresh and new, but you also needed to wait till the first trimester was over to be 100% sure the pregnancy was safe and actually happening. Besides, you would lose your job immediately if your boss as much as whifs a baby around you. Thankfully, he was not the smartest man, as much as he insisted himself.
It only got proven when he called you into his office few days later, his meaty index finger pointing at the contract in front of him. It was a deal between yours and a Chinese company, but it was written in English. “I am sure there was a mistake on their side,” he mumbled, frustration slowly, but surely boiling in his facial features as he was gripping the piece of paper. He chuckled bitterly. “And they think I wouldnt find out? Just who do they think they are? I find out everything,” he seethed through gritted teeth as he suddenly snapped his eyes up at you, catching you off guard in the process.
You winced, taking a cautious step back, trying not to give too much attention to the meaning behind his words. “Sir, I believe this is correct,” you tried to explain gently, “the deal does not have any mistakes in English, we have already skimmed through it.”
He frowned. “But the calculations aren't correct. There should be one more zero.”
As calmly as you possibly could, you explained to him that he, indeed, bought much more than he actually thought. Making business was not always rainbows and unicorns, and today this fact seemed to dawn on your boss. “You were in a conference call last week,” you kept reminding him, “and because they offered you a good deal, you decided to buy more. Therefore you had to pay more, and we received less.”
He snatched the paper out of your small hands and gave you an ugly stare. “Whatever. I know my things,” he mumbled, turning his face back to the table.
“That is my job, sir.”
He whipped his head back at you again, but you only bowed at him politely, turning to walk out of his office when he started: “I still haven't scolded you for lying to me.”
Raising your head from your bow, you looked at him with worried eyes. “Lied to you, sir?”
He scoffed. “You lying about having a boyfriend was not the best move. Even if it is a white lie, I don't want any of it in my office. Nor in this company.”
You nodded, fully aware and guilty. You saw this coming sooner or later.
“And,” he started, giving you a side-look. “You plan on getting married?”
Holding back your breath, you knew you could reply to him truthfully. “No. Definitely not anytime soon anyway. As you know, it is a pricey matter.”
“Well, if you keep up the good work here, you might be able to save some money for such occasion,” he replied, his poker face giving you a slight unease. “Besides, I'm sure your handsome boyfriend would earn loads with that face of his.”
To that, you did not want to reply. Baekhyun, indeed, was a handsome man. This was a fact ever since you got to really know him back in the high school days, when he already graduated but still would sometimes visit your school for physical work around the building. The girls would be drooling and swooning in the big hallway windows during break, but he saved his handsome boyish smiles only for you,  always giving you a wink that would swoosh away the unwanted company of other girls.
When your boss realised he wouldn't get an answer from you, he ended the conversation on a very straight-forward note. “Whatever. Just don't get pregnant with him. Or anyone. No pregnancy in this company.”
It has been a few weeks later that the battle with the rollercoaster of your emotions had gone downward. There were still no direct signs of a small human being inside of you, but oh my goodness, were your hormones and emotions acting up. Tired of constantly puking your guts out on the morning, then rushing to work, dealing with the moody bastard of a boss, being either desperate for Baekhyun's touch or just plain hating his presence in the same room was driving you up the wall. 
Countless times you ended up bawling your eyes out in the bathroom in your work, or in the shower at home, because you didn't see a way out of this. Plus, the stress of accidentally revealing your pregnancy even to the ever-so-kind Sukyeong left you with a heavy soul. You needed to talk to someone of your age, you needed some help but your own independent self couldn't as much as think of such an option.
Another issue was scaring Baekhyun away from you and him leaving you alone in this mess that HE created… No, scratch that. Your slight change in weight made you feel so utterly unattractive that you were trying not to physically shudder whenever he complimented you about your looks. And the poor boy hadn't even a clue about your internal turmoil.
You sighed.
“You look freaking gorgeous, love.”
He said it again. And he meant it, he honestly did. You saw it in his eyes.
Being now almost past the first trimester, you and Baekhyun were both dressing up for your scheduled ultrasound at the doctor's. Although you were a bit nervous, you were thankful Baekhyun was always there throughout each check-up you had. And yet, here you were pissed at him, but you said nothing.
“Are you alright?” he asked you carefully, knowing how your mood could change within a nanosecond. He came closer to you as you were standing in front of the mirror you had in your tiny bedroom.
Swallowing harshly, you nodded, but did not look into his eyes. Ever so gently, through your tight dress, you saw a gentle baby bump. It could easily be covered up (and you did passionately cover it up for work) but it was there. Solid. A prove that it was real.
“Do we want to know the gender, honey?” asked Baekhyun gently, as he made another step closer to you and he let his hands hold your hips before his wide palms ever-so slowly slid over your stomach where he let them rest. Then his chin came resting on your shoulder as he turned his face to give you a gentle kiss to your neck.
You heart-rate picked up and it wasn't because of the high blood pressure you had been experiencing recently. “I don't know,” you whispered looking at him through the reflection in the mirror, “do we?”
This topic has been on your mind for the longest time. Do you want to be surprised? Or do you want to be prepared? Surely, in the nature of the village life, the answer would be an immediate: yes, we do want to know. Poor villagers always wanted certainty, and it was only understandable. But maybe this unpredictable city life of Seoul made you more adventurous. You might have not wanted to know.
He hummed, the vibrations in his chest sending electric shocks down your spine, causing you to squirm in his arms. He let out an amused laugh through his nose before he whispered into your ear: “So sensitive, my love.”
“You fucking tease,” you glowered, but leaned back into him.
He gasped softly and squeezed your body. “Now there, sweet cheeks, we do not swear with a baby inside of you.”
“Then stop teasing, love” you snapped back and he laughed now with an open mouth. “You know exactly what you are doing. You're sneaky.”
“Sure I am. You know me, hun. And now back to the point,” he emphasized, and you rolled your eyes but smiled anyways. “I don't mind if we get surprised. But if you want the gender to be revealed, I am supporting that as well.”
You nodded as you held his hands on your belly, letting your fingers caress the top of his knuckles. “Alright,” you said, nodding. “I think I will, ehm, see how I feel once we are there?”
He hummed in approval before he turned his head again, waiting for you to turn your face to see him. So you did. And then he gave you the sweetest smile of support before he leaned in and gave you a breathtaking kiss, ending it with a loud smack. “Shall we go then?”
Usually it was always an uncomfortable experience to sit in the waiting room of your doctor with other pregnant ladies. When you weren't pregnant, you felt so out of place, despite you having an active lovemaking life. That was why you were sitting there, right? Even at those times, Baekhyun was going with you, just because he wanted to be responsible and also to support you. He knew how much the village ladies didn't go for regular check-ups.
So now, sitting there with your tiny belly as your hands were intertwined with your boyfriend, it was a completely different feeling. You were still shy to as much as lie on that stupid chair, let alone spread your legs in front of a stranger - even though it was a woman and a doctor. But now it just felt right. You were eager. Excited. Happy. Curious. And Baekhyun felt your excitement as your knee was bouncing up and down. He was excited as well. The sparkle in his eyes was proving it.
Once finally inside, you both took a seat opposite your doctor, who gifted you with a kind smile as she also took a seat and skimmed through your papers. “The lovely couple I could never forget,” she noted, briefly looking at you and Baekhyun before diving back into your records. “And the unplanned baby. So!” she exclaimed, folding quickly the papers before she rested her laced hands down on the table. “Any abnormalities?” she looked at you, obviously expecting you to answer her questions.
Squeezing Baekhyun's hand under the table, you shrugged, not sure if what you were about to say was an abnormality. “Crazy mood swings. Emotions are a mess. Throwing up is still on, but thankfully not so often… And my boobs hurt,” you mumbled the last sentence, looking at your hand engulfed in Baekhyun's, a slight blush creeping up your cheeks. This time Baekhyun squeezed your hand, although you didn't notice the affectionate look he sent your way. You dared to look up when you heard the doctor laugh.
“Those are all completely normal signs. Is your blood pressure still acting up?” she asked and as she was waiting for your reply she turned in her chair and grabbed the little machine. “I will check it now.”
You nodded but Baekhyun answered for you. “She had a couple of dizzy moments, but it wasn't as severe.”
The doctor nodded and checked you up, writing down the final results. “It's normal today. But if it will get too high, you need to go to the hospital. You know that, right?”
Not the happiest with her advice, you nodded.
“Good,” she replied cheerfully. “Any questions before we start the ultrasound?”
You were just about to shake your head when your boyfriend cleared his throat, stopping you from doing the action. You gave him a wary look, and he squeezed your hand again when he spoke: “How is it with, eh, sex? As the baby is growing, we are not sure how far we can go or if we should even do it. And I wouldn't want to hurt my girlfriend or the baby...” he trailed off, his ears growing pink. You felt your heart swell with love for him as you smiled like a little high school student.
“Oh my god, please do have sex,” replied your doctor, her eyes worried as she gestured with her hand to you. “She might not be showing it, but the sexual frustration can get out of hand, to put it nicely,” she continued, her stance confident. “Paying attention to your pregnant lady is very important in every phase of pregnancy and it is completely safe. Of course, around the due date you might want to be more careful, however it does not necessarily affect the baby in any way, so there is no need to worry, Baekhyun. It is more than healthy,” she laughed loudly, making you and Baekhyun giggle in the meantime.
“Any more questions? No? Good! Then let's get to it,” she clapped her hands, swiftly getting up from her chair and walking to the bed where you lied down, now familiar with the process. Baekhyun was sitting on a chair just where your head was, and he ran his fingers through your hair, giving you a reassuring smile while you tried not wince at the cold gel touching your hot skin covering your stomach.
“So do we want to find out the gender?” she asked as she spread the gel evenly, now digging into your tummy while she was already looking at the screen.
You contemplated quickly but before you could answer the doctor cut through: “Or do you want to know how many babies you would have?” she asked, but her voice was light but a bit unfocused as she stared at the screen. 
Not seeing Baekhyun's frown, he asked: “What do you mean?”
It was silent for a little longer, your doctor going through the same trail on your belly again, probably to double check whatever she saw there. Letting out a tiny laugh, she turned to look at your puzzled looks. “Well, this is fantastic!” she exclaimed and for some strange reason you had a feeling this might not be the best news, nor the news you were expecting when you were coming there. So when she uttered the next words, you felt your world crumbling down on you, and this time you could be sure Baekhyun wasn't as confident either. “You are expecting triplets!”
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cloudielyds · 4 years
theo raeken x fem!reader
warnings : some language
key : y/n = your name (can also be nickname, whatever you prefer.) l/n = your last name
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y/n’a pov
as i sat down in class, i could feel someone’s presence next to me in the chair that used to empty. i looked over and to my surprise, it was theo raeken, the person scott had told me to stay away from since the first day he’d seen him back in beacon hills. “hey.” i heard theo say with his normal smirk planted on his face. “hi?”
“you’re staring.” he noted with a chuckle before turning his attention towards the teacher. i copied him and saw the teacher had written some things on the blackboard, some things i didn’t understand at all. i sighed before turning back to theo, i had to ask him why he had sat himself next to me. “theo.” i whispered quiet enough for only him to hear. he hummed. “why are you sitting next to me?” i asked.
“because, it was the only seat that were empty and i find you attractive.” he shrugged, not looking at me once. “wha-” i was about to say something but the teacher interrupted.
“ms. l/n, anything i can help you with?” he asked. all the eyes of my classmates were on me, with a panicking heart i shook my head as i held my head low. my heartbeat slows as i tale a deep breath, i hate this teacher. “you okay?” theo asked and looked over at me with a concerned look in his blue eyes. i nodded. “why do you ask?”
“your heartbeat, it was sky high.” he answered. “ohh...”
before i could say anything more the teacher spoke up once again, not to me this time luckily. “so, we’re going to work in pair.” he told us. “you and the person next to you are partners and you won’t have enough time in class so you must find time within the next week.” he explained firmly.
“of course.” i mumbled. i had to work with theo, hurray. the sarcasm in my thoughts made me happy theo couldnt read minds. “so.. mine at 5 pm?” theo suggested as the bell rang. “sure.” i gave him a quick smile before heading to next class. this time both scott and stiles was there so i wasnt stuck with someone i didnt want to.
“guys. you wont believe what just happened.” i exclaimed frustrated as i approached my two best friends. scott and stiles looked at me confused. “what happened?” stiles asked, leaning against the lockers. “i got paired with raeken himself and now i have to be at his place at 5 pm today.” i groaned loudly as i rolled my eyes by the thought of theo.
stiles snorted. “theo must be overly happy at the moment.” he laughed and scott joined. i stood there confused. “what do you mean?”
“theo’s head over heals for you, y/n. you should hear his heartbeat whenever he sees you, it’s hilarious.” scott told me as the two continued to laugh. i wasn’t laughing. “whats so funny about it?” i asked, feeling utterly confused about myself. why would theo even like me the slightest, he’s so good looking and.. hot, and i’m just an average girl, nothing special about it. “its funny because you would never like him back.” stiles said and scott agreed as the laughs died out.
“i mean..” i thought for a second if i should say anything about it. because theo was, as said, incredibly good looking and i wouldn’t mind dating him, but i knew he was bad. scott and stiles looked at me in horror. i oit my hands up in defense. “calm your titties. i was just going to say that he’s good looking, but i wouldnt date him.” i assured them with a matter of factly look. “but, you would let him fuck you.” stiles commented. “that was unnecessary.”
“anyways, we should head to class so we dont end up getting detention, again.” scott said and both stiles and i agreed.
as school ended i went to my locker and out all the books i didnt need in it and replaced them with the ones i needed in my backpack. “don’t forget, 5 pm.” i heard someone whisper in my ear, sending shivers down my spines. “theo.” i growled quietly as i saw him exit the school building.
i went home and did the other work before checking the time when it neared half past four. “great.” i mumbled before packing what i needed and headed out. since my dad had taken my car after i came home earlier i had to go, luckily it wasnt the longest way. i took a shortcut through the forest and arrived at theo’s house. i knocked on the door and waited.
“hm, 5 minutes early?” theo acted surprised as he opened the door. he lead me to his room and closed the door behind us. i sighed and dropped my bag on the floor. “do you want anything before we start?” theo asked softly. “no thanks.” i smiled at him. he seemed much nicer here when we were alone than when we were at school.
we worked for a while and it was actually nice. i really got to know theo how he really was, if he wasnt playing with me. by the end i had to ask. “is it true what scott and stiles says about you?” i asked, looking away but i could feel his eyes on me. “what do they say?”
“that you.. like me?”
he was quiet for a while. the silence in the room was hanging over me, it felt like it was suffocating me. “yes.” theo said suddenly, making me flinch as i wasnt prepared for another noise for at least another five minutes. “what?”
“you asked if it was true that i like you and... yes, it’s true.” he answered truthfully, i could tell. “oh...” i breathed out, feeling some color spreading across my face. “yeah.. but, y/n, look. i’ve changed, i promise. i haven’t done anything bad in a long time, i- i swear, you have to believe me.” he pleaded. i looked up and my eyes met his, i could see there were no lies lurking behind an act, he was telling the truth.
“i know.. theo. i just...” i paused. “i just don’t know what scott would say about it. he still don’t trust you, and neither do stiles, i... i really do believe you, but i dont think stiles and scott will.” i told him and look away, folding my hands in my lap. i could see in th corner of my eye that theo nodded understandingly. “you don’t have to like me back, y/n. i know you don’t. just, don’t believe everything scott and stiles says, please.”
“trust me, i know. and..” i thought for a second. “are you free on friday? or saturday morning?” i asked. he looked at me confused. “maybe you’d want to watch the sunrise with me?” i suggested shyly, biting my lip nervously. i didnt know where all this nervousness and shyness came from but it definitely wasnt good for me. “your heartbeat-” theo chuckled. “and yeah, sounds good.”
i smiled at him before checking the time. “shit, its so late.” i exclaimed before packing my stuff quickly. “see ya!” i said to theo, giving him a quick peck on his cheek before hurrying out. running all the way home.
(i haven’t proof read, im sorry.)
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yyxgin · 3 years
i think what bugged me the most is i could say ‘they’re literal depression pills/they made me depressed’ and could reel off the side effect word for word (1/10 will experience mood swings (sometimes in the form of depression)) which was literally the first fricking side effect listed and the most common and she would still refer to it as me being sad literally seconds later in a convo. okay i never went to the doctor but when it occurred to me that, hey, something isn’t right, we were in the middle of a fucking pandemic!! i mean, we still are, but you get the point. this was right at the beginning when they basically closed everything as well so even if i wanted to i wouldn’t have been able to go see someone about it. but it’s whatever now, i don’t take them and i don’t have to give her any advice about them ✌️ i completely get the lack of validity about your emotions. that’s exactly how i felt.
i work so im not bothered about seeing people as i see them enough by my standards already but there is a helpful little voice in the back of my head reminding me that i still need to see my friends!! from before i got a job lol. i worked like 55 hours? my first proper week when i wasn’t on reduced hours and now i work maybe 30? which annoys me so i’m gonna ask for more bc i wanna buy a car and insurance. you still go to school, right? i feel like you’re more stressed about work considering you’re studying too. or were. have you just broken up from school? i don’t study, thank fuck, anymore, so i can do full time but i always get put on evenings so i’m thinking of getting a 9 to 5 bc then i can get the money i need.
a woman was rude to me bc her takeaway wasn’t ready bang on the clock when she turned up to pick it up. man it took literally every fibre in my being not to tell her to fucking leave me alone bc i’m a waitress?? what does she expect me to do??? i found out after but apparently our website tells you to allow a 15 minute slot when you order takeaway to pick up. i checked on this woman’s takeaway and told her it’d be ready in 10 minutes and she said sumn along the lines of ‘so 10 past 8?’. imma tell you straight i wasn’t looking at my phone so i assumed that meant the time was 8pm! (it wasn’t) she said to me ‘and i assume you’ll be knocking money off of the bill for that?’ and i politely replied ‘i can’t do that.’ bc i literally cannot. has to be a managerial figure. bearing in mind she’s already paid in full online???????? n she replies ‘do you wanna go suggest that?’ and nods towards the kitchen and i said no and walked off. the AUDACITY??? anyway i told my manager and she rolled her eyes and was like we don’t do partial refunds and said she’d talk to the woman when her order was ready. this woman was all up in my face saying ‘do you think that’s a reasonable time?’ asking if she should come back at 8:10 and im like idfk?? i have things to be doing can you fuck off?? no i didn’t say that but she says ‘i’ve got kids in the car with the engine running’ and i deadpanned ‘i didn’t tell you to leave your kids in the car with the engine running’ bc it was the first thing my brain thought of that wasn’t ‘sounds like a you problem to me’. in the end she left and came back but when she came back she was properly shouting at another waitress i work with and the girl was like 😄 your food was ready 20 minutes ago but you didn’t leave your details to be able to ring you to tell you it’s ready. she even re-mentioned the kids in the car saying they were starving and it was all our fault and the girl was like hmm okay. and then the woman said she was gonna leave a bad review on trip advisor!! and the waitress was like 😃 you do that bestie!! another great day on the grind :D (i forgot to say we were swamped on saturday so that’s why everything was so busy but she was literally the only one complaining that bad, like literally everyone could see we were struggling but they also were saying to wait staff things like ‘i know you can’t make things go quicker back there’ while we were apologising for the phat delay on their food).
another funny one (that made the barman laugh when i told it to him) was a grandma and a grandson in my section. the grandma was dictating his life jesus 😭 (not important but made me go 😳) but one of the girls cleared the table partially when i was doing sumn else so i finished it off and when we get back to kp she tells me the grandma complained the food was cold and without hesitation i said ‘well she fucking ate it all so tell her to fuck off and talk to someone who gives a shit’. she went quiet and i was like,, man i hope i didn’t scare her. but like. they cleared their plates. there was no food left. she didn’t call someone over. she didn’t say anything to anyone when they ask if it was okay. why wait until the end?? anyway i told thé barman and he giggled (he’s got a lovely laugh in my opinion bc it sounds like he’s snickering at everything). i was NOT going to tell my manager bc there’s literally no point. same day, later on, a man said his mussels were cold, i took them back and the kitchen cooked them again. i’d barely put the food down before he called me over (this one is a good one bc he hasn’t eaten EVERYTHING before complaining and therefore we can do something about the problem‼️) respect to that guy.
one of the girls gave me a lift home last night n the barman directed her right to my house without ever having been to my house before (his cousin used to live in the flats down the other end, he says) and when i messaged her later on thanking her and saying it was a bit sus that he directed her perfectly to mine n she said ‘hmm ben seems to go to yours more than he does his own home 🤔🤔🤔🤔’ bc apparently he was absolute shite at giving directions to his flat 😭 n e way he’s a sweetheart n he says he doesn’t like christmas anymore n he made me sad after he said that n i said i’d post coal through his letter box n he said i might as well n i was like okay this is an actual problem n now i’m gone be super nice to him at christmas bc he deserves so much more that the hand he’s been dealt. this convo happened after i let him try this herbal tea he said smelt nice n i said it tasted like christmas to me. he’s such a good person (despite literally everything he tells me about his past) n i cannot have him being a little humbug. god i think this crush i joked to you about is becoming a soft core friendship. like every fucking wattpad story out there. me n the girls agreed someone has to love him 🥺
okay im signing off now ily ~ 🌻
 i am glad you are feeling better though, nobody deserves to suffer. and nobody deserves to have their emotions invalidated. remember that your emotions matter at all times. <3
yesyes i am still in school !! altough my summer break started on july 1st so i am not that stressed about managing many things at once anymore hh,, also you are working so much ??? damn ?? please remember to take some breaks and relax !! and meet your friends !!! have fun. i know you are saving up money but please dont overwork yourself !
wHY ARE PEOPLE SO RUDE OH MY GOD I SWEAR,,, i learned that while working with people. i just,, it feels like they are all looking down on me just because i am young and work there part-time. like bro,,chill. also i feel kind of bad when they ask me where stuff is and i cant tell them bc i have no idea but at the same time if people were all introverts like me i wouldnt have this problem. :) dfjk jk jk i should improve on that. i wish people were more nice to you !!! who do they think they are ?? like,,,,,why are you rude. this is clearly not your problem.
i like it when people tell you respectfully. like the guy you mentioned. because clearly what are you going to do about the cold food when they’ve eaten it all. where’s the logic. 
IT SOUNDS LIKE HE IS OVER AT YOURS EVERY OTHER DAY DFJAKL that’s so funny. also i am bad at giving directions to my flat as well lmaoo poor ladies that drive me home from work sometimes. also i hate christmas as well lmaoo i feel that boy. its a little hard for me and i hope he doesn’t feel as bad during christmas this year when he has you around hihi,,, i fully stan this friendship. altough i am a big fan of friends to lovers if you know what i mean. in the energy of wattpad :))
ily !!!
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
New Beginnings Are Good For Everyone Ch.5
Waking up the next morning was one of the easiest things she ever done, which was weird because she hated monday mornings so much. But getting up and going through her morning routine just to make sure everything is right before she heads out for her first day as member of the Chicago PD Intellgence Unit. Kim had a little extra pep in her step and she was happy about it because it hadnt been there in a long time. She grabbed her jacket & keys ready to walk out the door. She stops for coffee to make sure that doesnt hit a wall in the middle of the day.
Kim walks into the station and she sees Sargent Platt, she decides that the best thing to do is to talk to her and to see what she is suppose to do. She stands there silently as Sargent Platt finishes the conversation with the officers in blue. When Trudy looks up and notices Kim she tells the officers to move along. She welcomes her back and asks if she is ready for her first day.
Kim replies happily that she was more than ready to prove herself to everyone. She kept small conversation with Trudy until Trudy looks behind her and notices one of the members of the Intelligence Unit.
Yes Sargent?
You know Agent Kim Burgess?
Yes I know Kim
Well would mind buzzing her upstairs with you just until we can get her into the system.
Of course, follow me Kim and show you where you are going to start spending most of your time
Oh I cant wait.
I promise you that will change, I love my job but you have no time for a personal life.
I guess that it is a good thing that I am a woman focusing on her career right now and not a romantic relationship.
They carry on with their conversation with their small climb of the stairs, Hailey walks her to Voights office and wishes her good luck even though she knows she will see her in just a couple mins.
Kim welcome to your first day as a memeber of intellgence, just want to go over a few things while we wait on the last couple people to show up. He starts going over the rules and not that there was many rules but he lives strongly by the few rules that he has.
Kim has noticed that Hank Voight is not your normal Sargent but she wasnt wanting normal she was just wanting to serve justice for the city of Chicago. She continues to listen intently to what Voight is saying taking everything he was saying to the heart so she knows what not to do to get on his bad side. I am going to give you a few weeks to study everything, I have set up your test in two weeks for you detective exam. The moment finally comes to where he asks if she had any questions
I will make sure that I study up on everything that I need to know so that I can pass the test of my first try. I say things like that so I can keep it in my mind that I will pass the test and that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I know that everyone is partnered up with someone, I was just curious who my partner was going to be? I know that no matter who I am with that I will have a great partner. This team just seems like they have each others back no matter if they are actually partners or not.
That we do Kim we are family here, Whatever one member of the intellgence is going through everyone feels the pain, I know that it is weird to say buts it true. We have our fights like any of family but at the end of the day we will have each others back no matter what.
That is exactly what I want because at the FBI yes it was everyone worked as a team but at the end of the day everyone was only watching out for theirselves and if they had the chance to do it they would throw someone under the bus in a heartbeat. That was until Erin came I knew that she would have my back no matter what and she was the only thing that I was going to the miss about it and that was it.
Good to hear Kim, he looks out the window and notices that the whole team is here. Come on lets go out to the bullpin and I will let everyone know all at once who you are going to partnered with.
The door opens and everyones eyes looks toward the door and sees Kim and Hank exiting, Hank finally speaks up, So as everyone of you know Agent Burgess as of today is officially a member of Intellgence and I think she is going to be an amazing addition to the team and I want you all to make her feel at welcome. So as of today Burgess you are going to partnered up with Halstead, Upton you will be with Ruzek and Atwater you will be Olinksy.
Hailey showed Kim where her desk would be, which was actually her old desk. Hank liked the partners to be close to each other that shows they can work as a team not only on the street but in the close quarters of an office.
The first couple hours was kind of quiet just everyone going over cases they had been working on. When Voight walks out of the office and catches all of their attenion.
We have a case, We are looking at a small drug smuggling team that is somewhat new to the city, and one of the leaders of the team is trying to look normal or something because he has a nine to five job and he doesnt live in these high priced homes to make it not look so obvious but the others, they are staying hid very well because there has been no trace of any clues as to who any of his partners are. This is Lorenzo Lopez he is best known as Enzo.
Kim finally looks away from the file in her hands and takes a look at the picture hanging on the board, and her eyes go huge. She looks over a Jay and they share this look knowing that this was the neighbor that Jay thought was very sketchy. Voight must have caught onto that look, cause he questioned them.
What is that look the two of you just shared?
Well it turns out that he lives in our building and right next door to Kim. He just moved into the apartment a few weeks ago and he seemed kind of sketchy but I never really thought anything of it.
Kim was just lost in her thoughts that she didnt really hear the conversation that was going on. Until Jay tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She slightly jumped that never happens, she just thought that she left him in the past and now she was going to be apart of the team to send him to prison and honestly she cant say that she was upset about it. It was one of the main reasons that she left him she knew that the business that he was in wasnt legal and there was no way in hell that she was going to let him mess up her career.
Kim are you alright?
Yeah, Im just thinking about someway, anyway that we can take him down.
Jay wasnt buying it but it was her first day he wasnt going to push the boundaries just yet. So he just let it go for now.
Halstead you and Burgess go talk to your CI'S and see if they know anything about this. Everyone just keep digging into his past and see what you can dig up.
Kim heard the last sentence and knew that she had to tell someone about her connection to the suspect before someone actually figured it out and wonder why she didnt tell them, so who is best to tell then her partner.
They get into Jay's truck and head out and she knew that if she didnt talk about it now that she never would. She lets out this deep breathe
Jay I need to tell you something.
You can tell me anything. Im here for you
Its about the suspect that we are looking into, you know last night when I said something under my breathe about our sketchy neighbor
Yeah, what about it?
Well, what I didnt tell you is that I know Enzo very very well
How well?
As in we were together for over a year
Yeah, when we first met he was normal like any other guy but then the longer that we were together its like I just didnt get the same vibe from him that I used to. When we would spend time together I would feel uneasy that something could go wrong at any minute. So after that night I just told him that I think that it was best if we seen other people and that I didnt see a future with him. Lets just say that he didnt take it the best and i had to end up moving somewhere else but a few weeks before I found out that I got the job here I felt as if I was being followed and yet somehow we end being neighbors. I didnt want to think nothing much about it when I first set eyes on him but it just seems like he found out from someone that I was moving here and just thought that maybe if he lived here first that I wouldnt think nothing about it.
Kim you definetly have to tell Voight about this
I know I just didnt think that I would ever see him again
Even though you never thought you would see him again doesnt change anything he is our main suspect and you could be the reason he is in Chicago and that may actually lead us to him, I would never actually make you do anything that would put you in danger I hope you know this
I do know this, but whatever helps put him behind bars quicker I am willing to help
Jay talked to a couple of his CI'S and they were not much help, So they started back toward the station when Halstead got a message with an address to meet the rest of the team. As they arrived they seen the team surrounding something on the ground and as they made it to their side they seen that it was a woman who couldnt have been not much older than 25 and she was laying there with a cut throat.
Do we think that this has anything to do with Enzo and his men? Kim questioned
We wont know anything until we get the autopsy back. Says Voight
Sarge is there anyway that I can have a word with you
Yeah, sure
They walked far enough away that nobody would be able to hear what they were talking about. She told him everything that she told Jay and hoped that whatever she told him would help.
Kim I know that wasnt easy to say but I am glad that you told me before we had to find it out on our own and then it would have looked bad on your end and looked like you were hiding something.
Thats what I thought and Jay told me that I should tell you right away and I feel so much better now that I did.
They join back up with the team and all head back to the station. Once they make it back to the station  everyone gathers around the board and Voight feels the team in on everything you told him and they tried to figure out what was the best way they could get his guards down long enough for someone to get into his place to bug his apartment or even his phone.
Kim was the first person to speak up.
I think we know the only person that he is going to even let into his apartment is me
Kim you dont have to do this...Voight and Jay say at the same time
Your right I dont but I know that this is my job and that it is the right thing to do. You could always be close enough to that if I feel threathened that you will be right there.
If you are sure that you want to do this then we will do it
Its the furthest from what I want to do but its what I know needs to be done.
Alright everyone we will put everything in motion tonight. So get ready
Kim cant believe she is the one that thought of this but I think in the end its the only thing that would have made sense, Its the only way they will be able to bust him 
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
work related stuff
tl;dr -- i’m kinda enjoying work, but its very draining on me since i havent had this much exercise since i worked at my first job which is over 1 year ago and a couple of months now. also my supervisors deadass keep moving me all around the place??? while the other new workers in my group have only been in one area as opposed to 3-4 areas
ramble/rant ahead for those curious about my first 3 days at work
okay so here’s a lil bit of backstory and setup
during this week, i had my orientation for my new job at the post office (which lasted around 3 days). there were 4 different work groups related to the company -- drivers, support, clerks, and mail handler assistants -- MHAs, aka the job i signed up for
during orientation, i befriended a dude who i’m gonna refer to as T, and on the first day of training/work i befriend a girl who i’ll call R
day 1 of training/actual work -- a lot of walking around; i was placed in the area that’s referred to as the “docks” with R, and its basically the place where parcels and mails gets loaded onto trucks. the docks area that i was in mostly focused on cargo that was probably gonna end up going to other cities in my state, unlike the mail that was going to board planes to get to places.
now, i knew that as an MHA, we were most likely going to end up working in a bunch of other areas of the plant. so i wasn’t too surprised when me and R were being moved to an area that i affectionately refer to as the “conveyor belt area” when really it’s just a machine conveyor belt sorting the mail into bins based on the area codes. its was pretty simple work, but it required a lot of walking. thankfully it didnt require me to push heavy carts onto a ramp into a truck or anything -- overall, a fun first day
day 2 of training/actual work -- more walking around, more lack of communication between the daytime supervisors. R and i were no longer working in the same place -- she was learning something new, and i was learning something. vaguely.
so i was told to stick to a different supervisor for my day 2 work. before that, i was learning how to put regular boxes filled with letters/simple mail onto a different conveyor belt. thrilling work, clearly.
anyways, i stick with the other supervisor. who brings me over to this area where people process the mail more closely (as in, we’re actually looking at the local area code on packages and mail and putting it into the bins with the same area code). and the dude tells me to just stick with this one girl. now, this was fine for a while
until it was 11pm and the girl i was sticking around with left. but that was fine, there were 2 other guys who showed up and we were getting things going
and then it was 2:30am and the machine (which felt like how i imagine airport conveyor belts to look like ngl) was shut down and suddenly it was only me, the area code bins, and the packages in the bins waiting to get sorted
i was, basically, completely alone for 30 mins. and i wouldnt say it was terrible, but this is a fact: i’m new and the scanners wont accept my card because i’m new
so i find someone willing to let me scan their card, and im slowly going through the mail thinking about wanting to go home
by 3am, the overnight crew starts showing up and immediately get to work and i know none of them, but what matters was that i went home
day 3 of training/actual work -- i started at the docks, but the area i was in was slow so i got moved to placing boxes of letters onto the conveyor belt from day 2, and i pretty much went back and forth from that to the docks. thankfully, the supervisor of the lovely conveyor belt area, as i affectionately call it, told me at the beginning of my shift that i’m supposed to head over there at 11pm and that i’d be staying there til i went home
now, as im walking through the building with my bag and coat (note: it took me 5 minutes just to reach halfway across the plant), i run into T who was working in an area that i’m unfamiliar with. we saw each other earlier that day when i had to go pick up a scanner, but this was our first conversation since the few minutes before we started our first day
we exchange pleasantries. i tell him that R and i have been running all over the place, and that we were both mainly at the docks or the conveyor belt area
and he tells me that the supervisors have only been keeping him in this one area
which is when i start feeling very much annoyed at how R and i have been running around the plant for the past few days like a headless chicken, and the other new MHAs dont even have to rush through all that shit when we’re supposed to be in training for 2 weeks (i think)
anyways so we say our goodbyes, with me telling him that he looks like he hasnt aged in years, and then i leave the building after 3 minutes
another thing, btw. so on day 1 the evening supervisor asked me and R about which days off we’d like to have ideally, if the schedule allowed for it. i asked for wednesdays off. low and behold, when R and i are finally added onto the schedule, they give me R’s requested day off, and they give R my requested day off. now, i’m willing to ignore that cause to be fair supervisors have a lot of shit to do and have to remember a shit ton of names
so i’m not too torn up about it, but when i got off work earlier and just found out that it was only me and R thats being made to run around? yeah, that did Not help my mood
thankfully, it was resolved since R and i told our supervisor that it was supposed to be the other way around
regardless, now i’m just happy that i don’t have to spend countless hours on my feet
i actually have to invest in a fanny pack, maybe a new pair of work shoes, and some cold compresses. i’m pretty sure that i’m also going to need a compression sleeve for my leg -- i know that it’s unlikely but sometimes it really does feel like my right leg is gonna snap like a twig just for walking for hours. and some ankle compression socks or whatever, mainly just so i can wear it when i’m home
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godrics · 4 years
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gif made by x
UNDER READ MORE  (bc it’s actually really long now that im on tumblr)
okay so the concert started with the vcr/video from the dream show ..
rory's little scene was her as a teacher !!! so cute
OOH and then the transition into her into her teacher clothes into a suit .. thats my girl
her hair is still like this. much more vibrant than it was because she redyed it oops
first song was GO!! change ur ways
she was wearing this [ black cargo pants, a black crop top, belt, along with chains lmao idk how to describe. oh and black boots ] for go, drippin', we go up, and stronger performances!
it was kind of awkward at first but then she saw nctzens' faces so she was happy
"to the world, this is the nct! we are nct dream”
she clapped excitedly, jumping up and down
"beyond the dream show~"
when haechan asked the time where the fans were, she read the comments, squinting funnily at the screen before gasping
"one of the czennies said it was 3am!"
the other boys gasped in shock before clapping slightly
"thank you for watching us even though it's 3am!" rory said to the fans. "but go to bed as soon as this is over~ or whenever you're feeling tired, that's okay too!"
"for our global fans, we prepared something special, right?" haechan said and rory nodded, smiling
"so we prepared our greeting in various languages"
rory's greeting was in french! fans went crazy bc she sounded SO good and her pronounciation was good too
after that she says, "renjun took english from me" in english and playfully glared at the older boy who laughed.
she turned to the fans and said, "but um, wendy-unnie taught me that so .. if it sounds bad it's all her fault." she claps as the other boys laugh
when they were talking about how they felt, rory said "i watched superm and wayv's concerts so i was excited because i knew we'd hear from the fans just like they were here with us in person. they were really loud, too" and laughs
when renjun told them to scream, she hit him lightly and said "yah, don't you remember what i just said? some fans it's 3am there!"
"oh dont scream then," renjun laughed, making her laugh before she went back to waving at the fans as they waved their lightsticks
when the fans appeared behind them, her eyes widened and she immediately ran to the screen, waving in all directions
she noticed when she got close to a fan's screen, they'd start waving their hand/lighstick even harder and it made her laugh
"rory, come back!" jaemin laughed, tugging her with him back to where the other 5 were
"wow, pretty grass" rory mocked mark as she stared at the lightsticks where the audience were supposed to be and on the screens
haechan had to hide a laugh
then there was we go up performance
woo fun
then stronger! she loves that song is2g
okay for the next vcr
she was in a school uniform standing in between jeno and jaemin
"you guys suck," rory laughed, watching the boys try to succeed
when renjun comes over and succeeds in under one minute and one hand, she gasped in shock lightly before watching him walk away coolly and put his head back down on the desk
jaemin nudged her as she laughed, "you guys are just losers!"
and then it ends on her walking over to renjun and bending down to face him and tapping him on the shoulder
he jumps from how close she is and she laughs, grinning at him, "that was cool" before going back over to the boys and he watches her
next video of the vcr oo
she gets hit in the head by the basketball(she's after chenle) and luckily saves it before it falls to the ground and throws it towards the basket, renjun jumping up to hit it in
why is she always getting hit in the head rip rory's head
next performance is dunk shot!!!
she hated the outfits tho jfc
she was wearing white loose shorts that ended midthigh and a pink button up over a white t-shirt
yeah super plain im so sorry rory that the stylists did you dirty like that
(to be fair the boys looked bad too like what was that matching .. there was NONE)
she hyped up jisung so loud during his solo dance
and had a huge ass smile on her face during it
she was in the middle of renjun and chenle at the bottom
"i think chenle changed the most" rory laughed, talking about the difference from now and almost four years ago when they debuted
"you changed a lot, too" chenle poked her and she huffed out a laugh, choosing not to respond to him and shook her head
when it was time for the interactions, she had to hide her wince because since she watched wayv and superm's, she was worried about how it would go because some fans' wifi connections were bad(so were sm's but anyways--)
oh luckily the first fan spoke korean !!
"hi!" she waved excitedly at the fan
when the fan said her name, she quietly repeated it to herself but it was still heard from the mic
"there's a song called 7 days in your album. what do you guys mean to each other?"
rory's mouth went dry at that question as she rubbed her hands together, looking at the boys silently as they ahhed and oohed
she smiled slightly as she saw how big their smiles got at the question
chenle said that the members were his family. they're literally siblings
she laughed at that
hyuck said that the members were apart of himself and that he grew up with all of them
jisung said bc they're older than him, they're like his younger siblings
rory had to look away in order to not laugh at his answer LMFAO
she couldnt contain how big her smile got when jaemin said that he couldn't live without them
she literally almost cried from tears of laughter from jeno's answer "onion"
renjun said that the members are youth to him
and him bringing up the stupid bottle to his face . i s2g she quickly yanked that from him so quick while laughing
and then finally it was her turn
"um, thank you for the question, siyoung!" she clapped slightly before continuing. "to me, the members are .. my childhood" she nodded slightly as she spoke. "we all grew up together so each of them have a piece of my childhood that i dont want to leave"
renjun pulls her into a side hug as jeno says "cute~"
wolfies(rory's stans) cried
when the fan said she'd stick with nct dream seven days a week, she laughed from the sudden overwhelming feeling at her words and bowed towards the fan, keeping her eyes to the ground so the camera wouldn't catch her teary eyes
too bad the camera did once she looked back up
"nct dream have 8 members--" when haechan said that, rory smiled big and nodded her head
"infinity" rory cheered, the members following behind
the next caller was up!
"ooh, poland" rory smiled
the fans question was "what are your biggest dreams" which she translated for them
rory's answer was "i have no doubt that nct dream will stay together forever so ... i my biggest dream is nctzens staying with us forever. even when we all grow up and have our own lives, i hope nctzens will some day think of nct dream and smile"
jaemin literally walked over and pinched her cheek, cooing at how cute she was
rory rolled her eyes playfully but let him
ah yes to this day he's still the only one she'll allow to give her skinship in public
rip other boys
she felt so sad when the third caller's connection was bad
"ah ... difficult technicalities"
she put a thumbs down
anyways next was don't need your love!!!
she LOVES this song so much guys its unreal
her place at the start is right in between renjun and jisung again lmao
shes leaning against chenle and jaemin
she loves hearing the boys' english btw
also in this version she has more lines but im not gonna tell which ones that's too much work
and next is we young!!
watching the part when they take a pic .. made me cry so it made rory very nostalgic
rory's wearing a professional suit but like . with a skirt i forgot what its called rip
she's standing in between hyuck and jeno
when jaemin laughs she laughs
she has that pic in her phone case btw
along with an ot8 pic
when they're talking abt the 50 years later OO im gonna . cry again
"so we can see how we change"
"um, we're gonna look older" rory laughed
btw grandma rory literally still looks good as hell sorry i dont make the rules
rory: "chenle would look like steve jobs but like .. chinese"
chenle was so offended bye
rory: "jisung if you grow a mustache i will never forgive you"
"bc you'd look stupid i cant be seen with someone looking stupid"
the other pic where renjun jumps .. her face is literally so genuinely shocked in that pic LMAO she didnt expect that
btw she was wearing a black blazer but it was shorter .. and another black skirt with a white crop top underneath rip
so theyre uneven rn right?
so instead of her being a third wheel(not really)
when it's her part, she's backstage and as she's doing her part, she reached into an open closet and .. pulls out a cutout board of mark :((
yeah she cried too when she thought of it and luckily sm let her!!
at the end of her part towards the end of the song, she smiles and says, "right, mark-oppa?" and forms half a heart up to the camera
(taeyong later sends her a video of mark reacting to her parts and when she does the heart he puts half a heart up next to hers <3)
next is candle light! they dont really have a choreo to this one either
anyway candle light wouldnt have been her first choice bc she'd prefer to perform dear dream .. BUT ANYWAY
next is PUZZLE PIECE and 7 DAYS!!
the camera catches her and jisung doing their little handshake . so cute
she then hugs chenle so he wouldnt feel left out
end posing of puzzle piece, she's in between chenle and jisung AGAIN SLDJDJL
they form a heart with her doing the bottom and chenle and jisung doing the top/sides
when they read the comments after performing jeno reads one that says "rory is so talented, her vocals are so good"
and then hyuck read "rory's parts in best friends was so cute"
she blushes so cute
when they talk abt the album
rory says in english, "thank you for supporting us and we hope you guys enjoyed listening to the album as much as we enjoyed making it .. think of it as our gift to you for always loving us!!" cute baby. and then gives a little finger heart
special guest is mark, jungwoo, and doyoung!!
she expected mark but was surprised about jungwoo and doyoung
she couldnt stop smiling the whole time because literally all she had to do was see 127 and smile immediately like they dont even got to do anything
the technical difficulties .. rory said in english again "i think you need to get your wifi checked, mark"
"no mark-oppa?" he teased and she laughed
when they were complimenting them, jungwoo said that mark really enjoyed rory's parts in best friends and she full out giggled from nervousness, blushing from embarrassment
doyoung complimented her vocals and rap and shes never been so proud of herself
compliments from 127? her greatest achievement
jungwoo then said she was so cute wow more blushing
she found the challenge boring and wouldve preferred if 127 picked the damn challenge themselves bc then it wouldve been funnier and more fun but alas .. sm >:(
she picked puzzle piece tho
THE FUCKING NEXT VCR .. so emotional when she watched over it
she literally just watched her and her friends grow up in literal seconds
there's a clip of her from chewing gum on mark's back while he's riding the hoverboard
.. also somehow they got a clip of her hugging jaemin when he came back sigh
emotional manipulation!! she was kinda pissed that was in there bc it was supposed to be private but what can she do .. it's sm
there's a video of her chasing jeno during we young era while on the mv set
and another one of renjun literally dragging her on the ground because she wouldnt let go of his legs in mfal era
in mfal era she's seen running over chenle when he's out of their little cars
its funny he almost fell if jeno didnt catch him LMAO
but its ok dont fret he was in the grass
mfal era where hyuck tries to make a basket but fails and she steals the ball from him and makes it in .. he pouted FOREVER after that
the video of them in chewing gum era and then goes to ridin' era ..
her clip is her smiling shyly at the camera WITH HER CUTE PIGTAILS OH MYGODDD SO SOFT SO BABY
and then it goes to her in ridin' era with her leaning against the car and a lollipop in her mouth, staring dead straight at the camera somehow intimidatingly
n then ofc the music changes and the videos go more recent
theres clips of her behind the scenes in we young, go, dnyl, and boom
also some of her at that dream show concert
the ridin' stage was prerecorded but anyway she's wearing the same outfit she does in the mv
she saw a clip of the car cg and she yelled at the members jokingly saying it almost ran her over
wearing same outfit for quiet down which was live
they had one more song after :( she was really sad and she made sure nctzens knew that
"i wish we could perform more songs for you guys but .. only one more :(" and then sighed really loudly
"i wish you guys were here in person as well but your health is way more important and until then .. well, hopefully we can see each other again in the future! i miss seeing all your pretty faces" she then pouted as the other members oohed loudly and she laughed
after the other members continue she then reminds them all to "wash their hands and wear their masks over their noses if they have to go out"
when renjun says bonjour her eyes widen and she says "wow, so you stole my english and now my french?" she jokingly raises her hand to hit him but all he does is laughs and grabs her hand to 'stop her'
last is boom!
they shouldve performed dear dream or mfal but i guess booms good too not like they havent had to hear that song for 9 months
at the end she sneakily gives the camera a finger heart
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