#it was very well written/felt very genuine and sincere
ninjatrashpanda · 3 days
(Please say to Me) You'll let Me be your Man
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round 2! Day 3 is "Missing Moments." Read on AO3 here!
“So, what is your coffee order, anyway?” Evan asked, lightly bumping his shoulder against Tommy’s. He was smiling that brilliant, adorable smile that Tommy already could feel himself falling for, (He felt like a teenager, and found himself genuinely enjoying it. Maybe there was something to that Katy Perry song after all.) which almost made him a bit weak in the knees.
“Black, no sugar.”
“Ah, okay. So that’s a red flag.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow, feigning shock as he nudged Evan back, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “A red flag? Just because I don’t drown my coffee in cream and sugar?”
Evan laughed, the sound light, warming Tommy up from the inside. They were strolling down the street, neither of them having been willing to part ways after their coffee conversation. (Coffee date? Had it been a date? Had it turned into a date after they had cleared the air?) The sky was a soft, sunny blue, the kind that was usual for Los Angeles, but no less beautiful, and the gentle breeze blowing around them was just cool enough to counter the swelling California heat.
Tommy honestly could get used to this, could see himself settling down with Evan (and maybe that was a little hasty, considering that this was only their second date, but hey, he was forty and wasn’t getting any younger), and honestly, that thought excited him. After he came out, he’d at first thrown himself into the casual sex scene, Grindr profile and all. He’d already been in his early thirties by that point and figured he should make up for lost time. Plus, dating as a firefighter-slash-rescue pilot was a pain anyway. If there was one thing he’d never lied about during his Closet Era™, it was that while his scars attracted people, him getting them freaked people out. It had been true for the women he tried dating in his twenties, and it was true for the few men he occasionally tried to actually build something with inbetween hookups and friends with benefits situations.
But as the years went by, Tommy had started to yearn. He'd found himself longing for something real, something steady, something with someone he could see himself getting married to and maybe even raise a kid or two. Someone who understood what his job meant to him, who could handle knowing that every day bore a risk, who didn’t try to talk him into switching careers.
Someone who could see past the tough firefighter persona and not get weirded out by the guy loving RomComs, monster trucks and craft beer.
Evan seemed like that kind of guy. He was a fellow first responder after all, so he knew first hand how deep the commitment to the job could run, and right from the beginning, he’d just seemed so genuine and sincere that Tommy hadn’t been able to help the butterflies in his stomach. Of course, he had also thought Evan was cute pretty much right away (Just like a teenager. Katy Perry was actually a prophet.) but had brushed it off at first. There’d been more pressing matters at hand, never mind that he’d figured Evan was straight.
Even after they’d kissed for the first time, Tommy hadn’t allowed himself to get his hopes up. He’d been in these situations before, where things just looked right on paper only to crash and burn shortly after, and when Evan had very decidedly not been ready for a relationship with another man at their first date, well, Tommy had been able to shrug it off. Good thing he hadn't gotten overly attached, or Evan shoving him back into the closet the way he did would’ve hurt a lot more than that single, sharp sting in his chest that it had been.
When Evan had called him and asked to meet so they could clear the air, Tommy’s first thought was to decline. It had been less than a week, and it was bound to be awkward. But then he’d figured he kind of owed it to Evan to hear him out, and it had somehow ended with Tommy being Evan’s date to his sister’s wedding.
“Yes, actually, being a coffee demon is a red flag,” Evan said, wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk. “Everybody knows that those who drink it black are super pretentious. I bet you post on Facebook about all the young whippersnappers ruining coffee with syrup and whipped cream.”
Tommy chuckled, shaking his head at Evan’s quip. This was another thing he more than appreciated about Evan, his sense of humor, and the casual way he managed to make Tommy feel welcome. Tommy liked to think himself quite sociable, that he could make people comfortable with him, but Evan was in a whole other league in that regard. He seemed to have some kind of aura that put people at ease.
"Oh, you caught me," Tommy said, his voice dripping with mock seriousness. "Every morning, I log on and rage-post about how the youth of today don’t appreciate the subtle notes of bitterness in a proper brew and how society will crumble over it. It's part of my morning ritual."
Evan laughed again, the sound washing over Tommy like warm summer rain. It was amazing, really, how easily Evan’s presence filled up all the little spaces that Tommy hadn’t even realized were empty. “Besides,” he continued, patting Evan on the shoulder, which caused a pink blush to spread over his cheeks. “Chimney told me about one of your red flags. You don’t watch movies?!”
Evan scrunched up his nose and playfully shoved Tommy. “Hey, that’s not a red flag, it’s just… a quirk. Every time I sit down to watch a movie, I just get bored and want to do something else.” Then, with a slight smile, he added, “Unless I have the right kind of company.”
Tommy felt his heart do a little flip at that, a warmth spreading through him that was both unfamiliar and strangely comforting. Evan didn’t really like movies, but he wanted to watch them anyway. With him. Together. Probably cuddled together so close they’d be about to fuse into a single person. It took all of Tommy’s willpower to not throw Evan over his shoulder and carry him to the nearest movie theater.
“Oh, so now it’s up to me to educate you, huh?” he teased instead, nudging Evan again. He could already imagine it: the two of them on a couch, a bowl of popcorn between them, his arm around Evan’s shoulders, the two of them laughing or crying or raging over some silly RomCom Tommy would undoubtedly choose. (Not ‘Love Actually’ yet. Evan had to experience that movie during Christmas time, under a warm, cozy blanket with massive cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows.)
“I mean, you brought it up,” Evan said, his grin softening, eyes meeting Tommy’s with an earnestness that made Tommy’s breath hitch. “Plus, you actually know where to start. I’d have no idea.”
Tommy chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief at how easily Evan could tease him and be earnest all at once. It was this effortless mix of playfulness and sincerity that drew Tommy in. He'd spent so long compartmentalizing his own life—work, family, dating—and here was Evan, breezing into his world with the potential to make everything feel seamless.
“Alright, I’ll pick a good one for next time. Prepare for your mind to be blown,” Tommy said, his tone light but his gaze lingering on Evan’s face. He let the moment stretch, comfortable in the shared silence as they continued their walk. The city bustled around them, but it felt like they were in their own little bubble, untouchable by the noise and chaos of everyday life.
Evan smiled back, a soft, almost shy smile that made Tommy’s heart stutter, and tentatively reached out to Tommy’s hand, but then quickly pulled back at the slightest brush of their fingers. The contact was brief, but long enough for Tommy to feel a jolt of electricity run through his body. Evan, red-faced, cleared his throat. “I, uh, I’ll hold you to that. But just so you know, I’m picky.”
“Noted,” Tommy said, trying to sound casual, but he couldn’t help the way his voice softened. He hadn’t even thought about it, but now that it had almost happened, he really wanted to hold Evan’s hand. He fought the urge to grab it though. Evan had said he wasn’t sure what he was ready for. Showing PDA with a man might’ve been too much. “We can hold hands. You know, if you want to.”
Evan looked up, eyes widening slightly as if Tommy had read his mind. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Tommy’s face and the space between them, before slowly extending his hand again. This time, Tommy met him halfway, their fingers brushing once more before finally interlocking. Evan’s grip was tentative at first, like he was still testing the waters, but when Tommy gave a gentle squeeze, Evan relaxed, his thumb brushing lightly against Tommy’s knuckles.
Tommy’s heart raced, and he could feel the slightest tremor in Evan’s hand. It was a small gesture in theory, but Tommy knew that this was monumental for Evan. He had only just discovered and come to terms with his sexuality, and had completely freaked out just a few days ago when their first date had been crashed by his best friend. Holding hands with another man in public was big for him.
“You good?” Tommy asked softly, glancing sideways at Evan. He tried to sound casual, but there was an edge of vulnerability in his voice. He needed to know that this was okay, that Evan was comfortable and not pushing himself too far too fast.
Evan nodded, his cheeks still flushed but his smile genuine. “Yeah, I’m good. Better than good, actually.” He took a deep breath, as if he was trying to solidify the moment in his mind, etching the feeling of their joined hands into his memory. “It’s…nice. Really nice.”
Tommy felt a swell of affection that almost took him by surprise. This was new territory for both of them, and it was exhilarating and terrifying all at once. He was used to charging headfirst into danger, running into burning buildings and flying into storms, but this, this simple act of holding Evan’s hand, felt like the bravest thing he’d done in a long time. It was vulnerable and honest, and it was everything Tommy had been afraid to hope for.
They continued their walk, the rhythm of their footsteps syncing as if their bodies had quietly agreed on a shared pace. The sun wandered further across the sky, casting long shadows that danced across the pavement, and Tommy couldn’t help but steal glances at Evan. He was struck by how natural this felt, like they’d been doing it for years, like they hadn’t literally just talked about how they didn’t really know each other maybe an hour ago. Tommy wondered if he should count this as a sign. He didn’t even believe in God, or any other deity, but still. The universe telling him he was doing something right was a nice thought.
Evan glanced up, catching Tommy’s eye, and gave him a sheepish smile. “You keep looking at me like that, I might start thinking you like me.”
Tommy snorted, squeezing Evan’s hand again. “Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s more than just ‘like’ at this point. But don’t get ahead of yourself, alright? We’ve still got a whole list of red flags to go through. Might be a dealbreaker or two in there.”
Evan chuckled, his eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and something warmer, deeper. “I think I’m willing to risk it,” he said quietly, his voice almost lost in the hum of the city around them. “Besides, we’ve got time, right?”
Tommy nodded, feeling the weight of those words settle into his chest. They did have time, and it was a luxury Tommy wasn’t used to indulging in. His job was unpredictable, and he’d seen too many lives cut short, too many futures that never got a chance to be. But here and now, with Evan’s hand in his, the future felt like something he could reach out and touch, something he could build, slowly but surely, step by step.
“Yeah. We’ve got time.”
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behold-the-daybreak · 28 days
noël sure is an episode of television. josh is there having some of the worst nights in his life, and also yo-yo ma is there.
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loveinhawkins · 3 months
gently prise the feeling out
ao3 Written for @steddie-week Day 2 prompt, “hands.”
It’s the movement that catches Steve’s eye: Eddie’s hands flexing gingerly as they walk through the woods.
At first Steve dismisses it as a nervous habit—honestly, he’d say Eddie’s holding up pretty well for someone who recently swam into an alternate dimension—but then his flashlight illuminates the side of Eddie’s face at just the right moment, and he sees the clenched jaw of discomfort.
“Are you hurt?”
Surprisingly, Eddie doesn’t look like he’s been found out; he just looks puzzled. “Uh, no?”
“Your hands,” Steve clarifies. “You keep…” With his free hand, he imitates the motion.
“Oh,” Eddie says. “I didn’t know I was—it’s nothing, man, really, just—” He laughs slightly. “Was swinging the oar around, managed to hit a bat—Jesus Christ, those fuckers are heavy. Honestly, it’s, uh, kind of a miracle I hit it at all, d’you remember how shit I was at baseball?”
“You weren’t that bad,” Steve says—vaguely recalls the days of shared phys ed and thinks, you were just left-handed, and no-one threw the ball at you properly.
Eddie’s lips twitch into a smile. “You’re very generous, Harrington,” he says; the words sound like they’re placed somewhere in between teasing and genuine. As he speaks, he subtly shakes his hands out.
Steve angles the flashlight down to them. “Lemme see.”
Eddie blinks. “You’re kidding.”
Steve stands his ground, just raises an eyebrow expectantly. Robin and Nancy aren’t that far ahead; they’ll catch up again in no time.
Eddie shakes his head in disbelief. Scoffs. “Um, I think I’ll live, Steve. I can’t believe you’re even—like, you’re—” He gestures wildly, and it takes Steve a second to realise that he’s referring to the bat bites.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Steve says with practised confidence; right now, he doesn’t have time to be anything else.
“Then I’m fine, too.”
Steve resists the urge to roll his eyes; he doesn’t want to be locked in a stalemate out of their mutual stubbornness.
“Dude, I could’ve already looked by now.”
Eddie actually rolls his eyes at that. He turns his hands over quickly, darting in and out of the flashlight’s beam like he’s saying ta-da!
“Wow,” Steve says in mock astonishment. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were five.” He makes a beckoning gesture, like an impatient teacher waiting for homework.
Eddie smirks as if he’s trying not to laugh outright. And then he joins in on the act, too, stomping over with theatrical reluctance.
“Watch the vines,” Steve says, amused.
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie says, “that’d be a real stupid way to go.” He stops right in front of Steve—and this time, he shows his hands properly: cupped together, arms outstretched.
“Can you just—need ‘em a little more—” Instinctively, Steve puts a hand underneath Eddie’s, gently pushes them up, further into the light. “Yeah, there.”
Eddie’s skin is cold to the touch; it reminds him of how Robin’s hands had felt the night of Starcourt and, less distressingly, whenever she’s nervous before a practical music exam.
He moves the flashlight back and forth in assessment. It doesn’t seem like anything’s swollen—he remembers the ache of his own hand that night in ‘83: the erratic pulse of Christmas lights as if they were possessed; the crack of the baseball bat; Jonathan and Nancy’s screams.
But what the flashlight does expose is…
“Ouch,” Steve says sincerely.
Eddie’s hands are embedded with splinters.
Eddie shakes his head again. He nods at the bandage across Steve’s middle. “C’mon, man, I don’t—these aren’t exactly war wounds.”
Steve decides not to fight him on it. Opts for a lighter touch, “No more oars for you.”
Eddie chuckles the tiniest bit. It’s a sad sound.
“Yeah, that’s not—they’re from Rick’s. The, um, the boat, y’know? I…” Eddie bites his lip. “It’s kinda… fuzzy, but I’d fall asleep in there, like just for a second, and then I guess I’d—” His fingers twitch above Steve’s palm. “Panic.”
Steve can picture it: Eddie starting awake, hands scrambling across the rough wood, as if in desperation for it all to be a nightmare; that maybe if he kept searching the splinters would melt away, transform into the softness of bedsheets.
“Remind me later,” Steve says, and he pats the unmarked skin of Eddie’s knuckles in reassurance. Keeps his touch there so he’s still partially holding Eddie’s hands up. “I’ll get them out with a pin, I’m good at…” He falters at Eddie’s silence. “I’ll be careful,” he says—it feels important, suddenly, that Eddie should know.
Eddie looks at him. The reflection of the flashlight’s glow flickers in his eyes.
“Yeah, I know,” he says softly.
One of his hands tilts ever so slightly, fingertips brushing against Steve’s palm. Then he steps back, hands falling down to his sides.
Steve resumes illuminating the forest floor. They walk on, and in the quiet, the air feels different, changed—for the better, Steve hopes: like something tender’s been exposed to the surface.
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come-see-our-show · 8 months
I saw an early screening of the Mean Girls movie last night, so here is a summary of my thoughts, comparing the movie musical to the Broadway musical, which I was lucky enough to see live in 2018!
Changed that I liked:
The usage of social media in the Broadway show made it very clear that it was written by adults who didn’t know much about Gen-Z. It was probably one of the worst parts of the show in my opinion. But Tina Fey must have done her research since 2018, because the way the movie uses TikTok, memes, vlogging, and FaceTime to push the story forward worked VERY well. I think there were some influencer cameos, but it didn’t feel they were included to show how “young and hip” they were, It actually added authenticity.
The diversity within the cast and changing last names to reflect the characters’ backgrounds (Karen Smith ➡️ Karen Shetty, Janis Sarkisian ➡️ Janis 'Imi'ike)
Cutting down “Meet the Plastics.” It’s a very exposition-heavy song and doesn’t need to be super long, even though the full version is quite catchy and fun.
All of the new jokes landed so well, probably because Tina Fey’s writing style is better suited for the screen as opposed to the stage.
This is more of a comparison of the musical vs. the original film, but a big change was The Plastics’ weaponized wokeness (which I talk about here).
The production design for most of the songs was very different. The stage musical has a lot of rock songs, which were changed to a pop sound for the movie. I personally prefer rock musicals, but it was a good way to give the movie a separate identity from its predecessor so it doesn’t risk becoming a carbon copy. It worked on some songs (“Someone Gets Hurt” and “World Burn”) but not on others (“A Cautionary Tale” and “Revenge Party”).
Cutting the joke about Regina’s ass being big. It was a very low-brow joke, which I’m not a fan of, and was just really immature. Thank God that was changed to her falling, which still shows her being embarrassed without her body being the joke.
Explicitly making Janis a lesbian! (It’s only implied in the stage show with “It’s not even true… I only have one butt”) And she goes to prom with a girl while Damien dances with a boy! ALSO THERE’S REJANIS LORE AND IT’S SO HEARTBREAKING I LOVE IT
megan thee stallion just… being there
Miss Norbury and Principal Duvall being a couple and owning a dog together!!!
As a low mezzo, I appreciated whoever decided to lower the key for “I’d Rather Be Me.” I felt very represented 🩷
Having Cady be raised in a single-parent household so it focuses in more on her relationship with her mom. Jenna Fischer was so motherly and sincere and brought a warmth to the movie. Their scene together near the end made me emotional (you’re never too old to ask your parent to stay with you until you fall asleep) (also this is my request to make jenna fischer my mom)
Changes that I didn’t like:
Cutting BOTH of Damian’s solos??? (SHE’S LEAVING!!!!!!!! JUST LIKE MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Cutting “More Is Better.” It wasn’t necessarily a memorable song, but it did give both Cady and Aaron more depth, both as separate characters and within their relationship.
While cutting some of the songs helped with pacing, cutting HALF of the score made me forget that it was a musical sometimes, which sucks because I really like musicals!!!
Other stuff:
The movie was marketed horribly. One of my friends didn’t even know it was gonna be a musical because there were no songs in the trailers 💀 (Also, this isn’t just a Mean Girls problem. The Color Purple also didn’t have any songs in the trailer. I didn’t even know Wonka was a musical until I saw it in theaters, so that was a bit of a shock.) If you’re producing a musical movie, maybe your focus groups should be musical fans, because that’s still a HUGE market.
Auliʻi Cravalho’s voice is STUNNING! She and Jaquel Spivey had great chemistry and their friendship felt so genuine!
The opening and ending transitions from the garage were everything to me
Angourie Rice is a great actor and fit Cady perfectly… except for her singing. Out of the entire cast she was easily the weakest in terms of vocals and it was pretty disappointing since she’s the LEAD. I could barely hear her in the new song “What Ifs” because of how quiet and breathy she was. I think it’s a better written song compared to “Roar” though.
Jon Hamm cameo!
Ashley Park cameo!
I cannot stress enough how funny this movie was. I was probably laughing louder than everyone else in the theatre.
I lost my shit during “Meet the Plastics” when Regina unzipped her jacket and Cady was staring at her boobs. She’s just like me fr 🏳️‍🌈
I know that Regina is a horrible person but I couldn’t find it in me to dislike her in the slightest. She just served too much cunt 😩
Christopher Briney is a good actor, but I don't think he was the right choice for Aaron Samuels. I would hate to ridicule anyone for their looks, but it still plays an important part in casting. Aaron is supposed to be a somewhat naive, wholesome, hot jock (and Regina has high standards, so he better be a fucking model). Briney is definitely a cutie, but gives off “smoldering badboy with a secret sensitive side” energy, which isn’t what Aaron should be.
The fantasy sequences (Stupid With Love, Revenge Party, October 3rd). I LOVE when movie musicals USE the medium to tell stories in a way that they can’t on a stage!!!
THE CHOREO!!! Everyone freezing then shaking in “Someone Get Hurt” AHHHH that entire number was HYPNOTIZING!!!!!!!!!!! My friend told me the choreographer’s name is Kyle Hanagami, so shout out to him. (also reneé rapp was so fucking hot while singing that oh my lord)
I will be calling my pimples “face breasts” from now on (avantika ilysm)
why was there a 0.5 camera shot of cady during revenge party 💀
“I’d Rather Be Me” was so much fun and I felt so fucking empowered. And the transition from the song to the bus was just *chef’s kiss*
“donut worry i am still your freend” 🥺
Lindsay Lohan cameo!!!!!!!!!
Overall, the movie was not perfect, but the Broadway show already had plenty of flaws, so it’s understandably how that would affect the adaptation. I still a LOT of fun and would definitely see it again. Go stream Snow Angel by Reneé Rapp. i love women 🥰🥰🥰
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rarityroo · 5 months
Dating Shōta Aizawa HCs
Hey, I haven’t written fanficion in a while (about 3 years) so please be kind and if you have any criticism let me hear it. This isn’t proofread and also written with a fem reader in mind, I whipped this up today while I work on requests! Enjoy!
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You two have known each other since you were teenagers. You both attended UA and became friends after Hizashi introduced you to him properly, having seen him around whether it be in the halls or passing him as you left the school to go home.
It was very obvious you had a crush on him, so Hizashi being the outgoing guy he is, he decided to play matchmaker and do everything he could to get you two together.
Hizashi started small, he would make plans with the two of you and either "forget" to be there or "something would come up". Unfortunately, it didn't work quite the way he wanted it to as Shōta would be too nervous to be with you one-on-one for an extended amount of time and would often go home. 
This made you very sad as you assumed that meant he didn't like you romanticly in the way you liked him. Hizashi noticing this decided to go to more extreme measures, he planned to put fake love confession notes in both of your lockers.
Causing the two of you to finally face each other and confess your feelings.....
You look at the note in your hands lightly trembling peering down at it, your heart clenches in a mixture of anxiety and excitement at the thought that this is genuine. A confession from the man you had a crush on for so long, God this felt like a dream! The note says to meet him at the top of the rooftop of UA, this felt unreal, it felt too outgoing and too forward, this was so unlike Shōta. Despite it all a part of you wanted to believe it anyway.
With anxious steps, you go up toward the rooftop, you see him with his back turned to you the wind lightly sweeping his hair, he turns to you with an unreadable expression he pauses before finally saying, "So...you wanted to meet me here?" You're struck with confusion "W-What? I thought-" Completely bewildered by this situation, Shōta looks at you, you look at him, you both blink in bafflement. "Hold on I thought you wanted to meet me here?" Shōta declares, his eyes holding a look of hurt confusion. "I do! Trust me I do, I just thought...you wanted to meet me here." You say. As you stand there, caught in this whirlwind of misunderstanding, "I think Hizashi had something to do with this." you say sheepishly finally understanding the situation. Shōtas confusion shifts to a mix of annoyance and amusement, while you can't help but feel a rush of embarrassment. But amidst the chaos, something clicks inside you. You take a deep breath, gathering your courage.
"Actually, Shōta, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," you begin, your voice shaky. "Even though this whole situation is a mess, I have to say. I... I have feelings for you. And not just because of this note mix-up, but because, well, I've liked you for a while now."
Shōta's expression softens, his eyes widening in surprise. "You... you do?" he stammers, his usual stoic demeanor faltering.
You nod, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Yeah, I do. So, um, would you maybe want to go out sometime? Like, on a real date?"
A smile spreads across Shōta's face, his eyes sparkling with soft admiration. "I'd love to," he replies, his voice gentle yet so sincere. "And... I think I might have some feelings for you too."
After graduating from UA you two stayed together the entire time even getting an apartment together. Despite you and Shōta being proheros while Shōta is an underground hero with a chaotic schedule that usually makes him return home at ungodly hours of the night, you try to keep a somewhat domestic lifestyle. Making him lunches or making dinner and leaving it in the microwave for when he gets home.
You two also have two cats together, a Russian blue named Cheese and a long-haired tabby cat named Azuki. Shōta is an amazing cat dad, after patrol, he sometimes gets them treats and will always get them the best toys, food, and the nicest food and water bowls. 
His students know about you, he doesn't talk about you very often because he values his privacy but Hizashi likes to tease him about his "pretty partner" making Shōta very flustered and annoyed.
One thing you were always sure of is that no matter how difficult either of your days was, no matter how much physical and mental pain both of you were in you would always come back to each other. 
After a long night of patrol, his body was sore and his mind was clouded and tired, aching limbs carry his body into the shared apartment, Shōta looks at the clock on the wall, 3 AM "Damn", Shōta says rubbing his hands across his face in exhaustion, a soft mew pulls him out of his fatigued state. Azuki looks up at him, soft round eyes staring, "Hey Azuki, you keep momma company?" Shōta reaches down to pet the cat's head Azuki meows happily in response. He smiles softly and walks over to your shared bedroom, slowly opening the door not bothering to undress out of his hero uniform. Plops down into the bed exhaustion taking him completely he falls asleep comfortably, Shōta mind feels no longer plagued with weariness and anxiety just peace and clarity always with you. Forever with you. 
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yuzurins · 1 year
# reluctant to love
desc: in which rin writes a long essay proclaiming his long suppressed love for you
warnings: not proofread… lots of rambling, maybe ooc, itoshi brothers are not estranged, minuscule amount of angst but majority is fluff, some curse words here and there, rin is still at blue lock btw!
rbs and interactions are appreciated !!
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‘dear y/n,
i am writing this letter to inform you that i have taken a liking to you for a while now and would like to—‘
rin grumbles to himself as he scribbles out the complete trash of a confession that he had just wrote.
he doesn’t even know why he decided to take this approach at all. it all started because isagi and bachira told him that, “he was beating around the bush,” and “he’d probably win the world cup before being able to utter a word in front of them.”
so of course, rin said some very harsh words in response, leading to isagi challenging him to confess to you before the next match (that was in 72 hours) with his football career on the line.
which is how he found himself sitting at his desk after practice, spinning his pencil around trying to write a stupid love letter for his best friend.
because in the words of bachira, “everyone loves poetic men!”
despite immediately denying the words of his friends, deep down he knew damn well that they were completely right. if he wasn’t forced to, he would probably quit football before ever speaking about his feelings out loud.
but because the itoshi rin can’t risk his ego and pride, he’s reluctantly willing to write a silly letter.
turns out writing that silly letter was harder than any football game he’s ever played.
‘dear y/n,
i remember the first time we met.
it was first day of junior high, and you were sitting on a bench in front of the school with red puffy eyes, fiddling with the little kumamon plush on your bag.
i was late to class that morning, and after seeing you i purposely tried to walk faster in order to avoid any human interaction. but you saw me and grabbed onto my blazer, refusing to let go even though i didn’t spare you a glace. you asked for help getting to your classroom, and because i didn’t know what i was getting myself into, i lead you there (like the kind person i am) expecting to never see you again.
but i guess the world had other plans, because it turned out we were in the same class. you stuck to me like a parasite, annoying me every chance you got and never shutting the fuck up. but i enjoyed the company, though younger me would never admit that.
fast forward a few years and nothings changed. or has it? you’re still yapping your mouth off all the time and clinging beside me in every class. except something’s different, and i don’t know what it is. you laze around at my house after begging me for homework help, we occasionally go get food, sometimes fall asleep together and— [this part is illegible because rin drew over it too hard]
i don’t know. i think around this time i started distancing myself from you because i always felt uneasy around you. my heart was always beating rapidly, my stomach felt uneasy, and i just felt anxious. all the time. nii-chan told me it was because of you, so i just stopped talking to you. i’m sorry.
i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was leaving. that i’d be gone for a while because i got scouted by blue lock. i didn’t mean to because i thought i’d be okay before i left. sorry i’m rambling now. i know i don’t speak a lot in person so i’m writing my thoughts down for you to understand me better.
i was a kid in denial, and sometimes i still am because even now i don’t understand that part of myself. to be honest, i would’ve never confessed these feelings of mine if my friend didn’t push me to. it sounds like a dick move but i swear on my career that everything i’ve written on this stupid paper is genuine and sincere.
and what i am certain of is that i want you to be by my side. i want you to be there cheering for me when i win a game, i want you to be there beside me when i wake up, i want you to spend your afternoons lazing around me, i want you to tell me all about the small unnecessary details of your day,
i just want you
because you make me feel safe
rin’s biting his lower lip now, feeling super embarrassed about how vulnerable he just let himself be on a piece of paper. he doesn’t read over it at all and shoves it into the envelope immediately. doesn’t even check whether he wrote your address right or not because he’ll chicken out if he looks it over at all.
he’s super anxious about this letter, to the point where he’s fucking up his plays, so imagine his surprise when he sees you sitting on his porch the day he finally gets to go home.
you jump up immediately at the sight of him and run to hug him. rin stiffens at the sudden impact but drops his bags a second later to sink into your embrace.
though as if that wasn’t enough of an answer for him, he’s still uncertain about your feelings. you hear the rapid beating of his heart and look up to give him a lovesick grin.
“i love you too, itoshi rin.”
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“i can’t believe you forgot to sign off a letter confessing that you’re head over heels for me.” you giggle as you walk over to your boyfriend, who was staring at his letter that you pinned to your pegboard. “what if i ended up responding to the wrong person?”
rin huffs and turns away, embarrassed that you caught him reading that. “shut up, you have no other friends anyways.”
you smile teasingly at him as you notice his ears turning red. “you never thought about the possibility that someone could’ve liked me during the 10 months you ignored me for?”
he frowns, though you can’t see him, and droops his shoulders down. you know he still feels bad about it, but it’s fun to tease him because in your eyes he looks so adorable, like a big puppy.
and as he still stares at the floor, he turns around and walks over to envelop you in his warmth, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
an endearing smile finds its way on your face as you hug rin back. he’s not a words person; this was his way of expressing his apology.
“it’s okay, you big baby, as long as you’re here with me now.”
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dark-and-kawaii · 10 months
With the way you write Haarlep, I can just picture them being blindsided by Tav giving them aftercare (because we all know that Raphael doesn't) or tending to their injuries after Raphael "disciplines" them. Like after Raphael punishes Haarlep for acting a little too familiar with Tav, she takes one look at the incubus and is doing what she can to make it better. Nothing sensual (at least not intentionally on Tav's part), just honest to goodness tenderness. I'd love to read a thingy about that.
༺ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐮𝐛𝐮𝐬 ༻
Soft Haarlep Prt. 2
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I just want to say thank you for sending in this request because this has became one of my favorites I’ve written!!!! I really hope you enjoy it ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞!!! and would love to hear your feedback!!! I made this as a sequel to the previous Haarlep request!!!
Angst - Comfort - Injuries
- PRT 1 (Click Here) - PRT 3 (Click Here) - PRT 4 (Click Here)
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Haarlep lay on the ground, battered and bruised, their throat burning from the punishment inflicted by Raphael. You were discarded like rotten flesh in the corner, your skin adorned with fresh bruises, your hair matted… And the rest of your body… Well that didn’t really matter because you did beg Raphael to spare Haarlep. Which he did in his own sick twisted way. Haarlep, that’s what mattered at this very moment. Summoning the strength within you to rise from the ground to tend to them, that’s what mattered.
The moment your hand touched Haarlep's cheek, they felt a mixture of surprise and a flicker of warmth amidst their pain. Your thumb gingerly tracing over their cracked lip, and with a soft voice, you spoke, "Don’t move, okay?” Your eyes were filled with sadness, not for your own pain, but for theirs, “I'll be right back." You then proceeded to stand back up on two wobbly legs, Haarlep could see the struggle… It reminded them of a freshly born Nightmare foal -horses of the hell realm- learning to stand for the first time. Just as you were about to lose your balance and collide with the cool unforgiving ground, Haarlep interjected. Their tail pressing against you to help keep you steady for a moment.
Mouthing thanks to them, you make your way to the center of the room where the bath was. You grabbed the nearest cloth, dampened it, and returned to Haarlep's side. With gentle care, you pressed the cloth against the bruises on their neck and their tender skin. Haarlep's tail, instinctively swishing back and forth, reflecting their initial amusement at the irony of a vulnerable mortal attending to them, an incubus whose very nature was one of darkness and desire.
"How utterly amusing," Haarlep began with a weak chuckle, trying to mask their inner bewilderment. "The crippled mouse tending to the cat that led it to its own demise." The familiar playfulness of Haarlep’s nature collided with the unfamiliar tenderness they felt towards you. They couldn't fathom why you would show such kindness to them
Your eyes brimmed with tears, your lips trembling as you fought back a cry. Witnessing their cracked lip bleed, a single tear cascaded down your cheek, "I'm so sorry, Haarlep. This is my fault," you whispered, your voice trembling with genuine remorse.
A laugh escaped Haarlep's lips, but this time, it lacked mockery. It held traces of vulnerability, an acknowledgment of the empathy that defied their role. "Ha! What a perplexing situation," Haarlep smiled, their tone still of his nature but with a tinged of newfound sincerity. “What am I to do with such a fragile little thing.” Their hand embracing your chin gently as their head cocks to the side, their fiery eyes still locked onto you, “Why stay and tend to a fiendish creature like myself, who hails from the very depths of the hells?" It was only for a fleeting second, but Haarlep’s fingers kissed your chin with a tender caress just before their hand fell back on their knee.
Your sullen gaze softened as you continued to tend to their wounds, your hand unwavering, "You're trapped here, aren't you? Bound and alone," you said softly, your voice carrying an unmistakable truth, "No one deserves to be alone, not even an incubus."
Haarlep sat in the silence watching you. Despite the darkness that surrounded you, your kindness and understanding had silenced Haarlep. They didn’t know what to say nor do, it was the first time they’ve ever experienced such a gentle and pure soul even after Raphael’s assault. Your body was more broke than even Haarlep’s yet you sought to comfort them first…
Haarlep's tail, a physical extension of their emotions, gently moved to rest against your thigh. Their unspoken way of saying thank you, expressing the depths of gratitude best they could.
Taking notice of the feeling of Haarlep’s tail, your eyes wander towards it. Placing your hand atop of their tail, symbolizing acceptance, “I won’t leave your side, I promise Haarlep.” With that, Haarlep decided to bask in the comfort of your touch, their eyes closing as you pressed the damp cloth to their temple.
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slitheringghost · 3 months
Voldemort Fic Recs, Part 2
Part 1 is here.
colours by @allthepeculiarthings (900 words, T)
Rec: A beautiful Tom character study, and I love the detail of Merope's green shawl.
It was Mrs Cole, herself only a young girl at the time, who had thought to take his mother’s shawl from around her shoulders, and bundle him in it instead. His mother, after all, would have had no use for it, resting under a few feet of soft earth. It was a frayed and ragged thing, and the green dye of the crocheted wool faded further and further into the dangerous territory of grey each year, but Tom clung to it nevertheless. His shawl, his name, and his life – he clung onto all he had inherited from his mother like a starved dog guarding its last meal.
time turns and tells them by @slashmarks (Tom & Abraxas, 1.4k, T)
Rec: The most fascinating version of how the Death Eater cult started - from a Tom that never really planned on it or on becoming Voldemort.
Hogwarts uniforms were a great class leveler as long as you were a student. Afterward, of course, the Wizarding World sorted most of the upstarts straight back out. Tom hadn’t needed to be sorted, being the best and brightest, except that he would have gone out buggering a lethifold before he resigned himself to pushing papers at a Ministry desk to buy first generation class privilege without even the paltry efficiency of doing it with a fountain pen instead of a quill. Magic in Britain, he had long ago concluded, was wasted on the magical. They had no imaginations at all. - Abraxas was the only one of his friends he’d let keep calling him Tom at school, less as a sign of intimacy and more because ‘Voldemort’ was terminally wasted on him. Abraxas’s great gift for amoral calculation was marred only by a dire lack of romance in his soul. But he was also the only friend Tom still saw regularly, have retired the Voldemort character when he no longer needed to keep a dorm full of pureblood morons in line.
a learning experience by @laeveteinn (Tom/Hepzibah, 9k, T)
Rec: I love Tom's voice and characterization in this, with an unexpected twist on Hepzibah Smith.
“Tom, my boy,” Slughorn exclaims, all well-meaning, smothering concern, “you can’t work at Borgin and Burkes!” This, naturally, is the moment Tom decides he will.  (He learns that his disdain for boundaries extends far past the realm of magic.)
the tiger’s lady by slashmarks (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 4.8k, T)
Rec: A Voldemort tells Bellatrix about Merope fic. The portrayal of cyclical violence will make you ache, with Bellamort playing out Merope's past. I requested this; you can request fic from slashmarks in return for a pro-choice donation here.
“My Bella," he said, softly and directly into the back of her neck. She had missed this, or else it had come suddenly, this switch into the most dangerous of his moods. "You lie very well and very often, do you not?" She didn't know what to say, but the words came out on their own, responding to a lifetime of instincts built for just this sort of situation – when saying the wrong thing was better than saying nothing at all. "My lord knows I am a Black... And generally appreciates it." She felt him tense behind her, and for a moment she expected him to fling her into the hot stove, but instead he moved back, and he was laughing – a real, sincere laugh, a sign of genuine relaxation, and her shoulders also relaxed
The Pleiades by @saintsenara (Bellatrix/Voldemort, 2.8k, T)
Rec: Beautifully written, another version of Bellatrix and her finding strength in Merope that makes me ache.
But she could still see, as she hugged herself for warmth, the seven sisters engaged in their celestial Quidditch match. She muttered their names each night like a prayer. Alcyone Maia Sterope Taygeta Celaeno Electra Merope - ‘Do you like Quidditch?’ she asked the Dark Lord, as she levitated a coffee tray into the study. He didn’t look up from the wanted posters of himself he was inspecting at Mr Lestrange’s desk. ‘No.’ This didn’t surprise her. For all his magic, so strong that it seemed to roll off him like the waves which could be heard from the open window, there was a brittleness about the Dark Lord which made it unlikely that anyone would describe him as sporty. A healthy whack from a bludger would probably snap him clean in two.
Still Water by deslea (Bellatrix/Voldemort, Bellatrix/Rodolphus, 2.2k, M)
Rec: A post-Azkaban Bellatrix fic with an equally heartwarming Belladolphus and Bellamort.
"Show me," she said. Just that. He frowned for a moment, but then, he nodded, and then images and impressions exploded in her mind. His near-annihilation, and the struggle that followed. His boundless, relentless will to live, to find a way. To find a way back. Years alone with his own mind, with no other input to sustain him. He'd reflected and re-reflected on himself, his life, his nature, until it was like eating himself alive. And then, finally, rebuilding himself, cell upon cell, bone upon bone, skin upon muscle. To her, his body before her seemed like a work of art, the work of a great creator. That he was still himself seemed a miracle.
stray shard of soul by Laeveteinn (Tom & Delphini, 100 words, T)
Rec: An excellent Dadmort mini fic.
He hates this child’s screaming. It jangles long-numb nerves, and he considers igniting her crib. (Old habit.) But when he considers another harming her, some faceless enemy, he burns. He’d incinerate them. Next, the world.
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fernlessbastard · 2 months
You guys aren't ready for the conversation of how Quackity sincerely loves bottoming
I'm not at all saying he wants to always bottom, I'd say he still prefers topping most of the time, but whenever he's down to get something up his ass, he's DOWN to get something up his ass, if you know what I mean
(the switching applies to position only, tho. I sincerely can't see him genuinely enjoying subbing, and neither can I see Wilbur actually domming unless they're both being influenced by years of internalised homophobia and patriarchy and all that bullshit, but even then it's just cringe and they're just both pretending it's not cause it's easier that way (and the sex itself isn't like, actively bad, not to mention that it provides some degree of an emotional connection which they both desperately crave), plus it's still basically vanilla just with a little bit of dirty talk - that's how i see them in Pogtopia (with Q bottoming - if you want another huge post on their Pogtopia dynamic let me know cause I have so many thoughts on it and how their traumas affected them and their relationship and how complicated it all was))
That being said, man's 10000% intensely fucking traumatised
(tw personal hc and following the logical path from canon implications idfk)(also exaggeration) like, if he were ACTIVELY evil and had ZERO (even personal) moral code, then the amount of anger he feels towards Schlatt for taking away the enjoyment of it is probably enough to ignore all ethics and torture Dream so utterly unimaginably he ends up violating entirety of the Geneva convention, and then having 50 new ones written specifically to condemn his actions, just to break every single one of those as well on the way, just so that Dream gives him the revival book so that he can re-kill Schlatt with his own hands
Also he absolutely re-traumatised himself with Karl and Sapnap cause he was for sure like "I shouldn't be having an intense panic attack right now, I'm going to push all my energy into pretending that everything's ok and that I don't want to cry and scream and rip my skin off. I'm just being silly and dramatic anyway ha ha" which just resulted in them unknowingly hurting him all over again. I take no criticism. Q's got MASSIVE communication issues when it comes to validating his feelings and Karl and Sapnap are "everything's fine"-ing way too much on the daily. And whole Quackity should work on his issues, it IS a partner's job to at least try to check up on the other(s) (and vice versa), and Karl and Sapnap clearly always preferred to ignore any hints that something might be wrong as a general life rule. The relationship was immaturely focused on "fun and good vibes" from the very start, so any bad topic obviously felt out of place. It started off with lack of communication and it died cause of it too.
That's also actually why I will always firmly stand by the fact that Wilbur (during las Nevadas era) is the only person with whom he could ever heal, btw (yes, including Charlie as a hypothetical romantic interest). Cause Schlatt's abusive, Karl and Sapnap "deserve better" in his eyes (so he pretends to be fine until shit hits the fan and everything falls apart)(that also applies to his hypothetical relationship with Charlie). But with Wilbur there's enough distance to feel safe and call out his bullshit without retaliation in form of abuse, and on the other hand he doesn't care to pretend to be perfect - hell, he probably purposefully shoves his issues onto the guy cause he's like "you think you're so strong and stubborn you can handle me??? You think???? Think again." (Wilbur does the same btw). They're purposefully trying to push each other away, destroy the "relationship", show each other just how fucked up they are. They're psycho-competitive. Even being the first one to be "too much" and get abandoned turns into a competition.
But it backfires. They bond. They're real with each other. They're stubborn, they're determined enough to stay just long enough to see each other's walls crack. And once they do, the feelings are quick to spill. They're each other's only people to be GENUINELY themselves with - no masks, no manipulation, no bullshit. Just themselves. And that's the first, CRUCIAL step to developing a healthy relationship (or at least healthier than all their other relationships).
So with Wilbur he probably only tries to bottom either once he ACTUALLY begins to feel like he could maybe try to reclaim it, or even if he tries it in a self-destructive way, (considering their history+patriarchy and shit) Wilbur'd know and care enough to realise Q's just trying to hurt himself. And as shitty as Wilbur can be sometimes, he's not a bad person - he'd stop Q if things'd go too far, or give him (at least a temporary) safe space to safely go through a breakdown without hurting himself like that. He wouldn't take advantage of such a low moment, and he would know enough to recognise it's a low moment in the first place.
Anyway once they figure all that out and Quackity's genuinely comfortable with it again, it's for sure not uncommon for him to enjoy some nice aggressive pounding, all the while having one hand in Wilbur's hair, pulling it to hold him close, and the other hand on Wilbur's neck, lightly choking him as they're intensely making out
All that to say Q's a massive sadist but he's also a huge massochist and he'll absolutely have Wilbur on a nice leash and call him a pathetic, desperate, horny dog or something like that as the man's (purposefully) sloppily thrusting in and out of him, causing the most "carnage" he can (Wilbur will be double fisting Quackity and Quackity will be just looking at him unfazed like "your hands are small" (they're not)/hj)
Oh btw to clarify [TW ok more direct talk of SA so please be careful and take care of yourselves]- yes, I'm absolutely saying Q got repeatedly SA'd by Schlatt throughout their relationship. The guy was canonically generally verbally and physically abusive, AND basically the whole point of his character is that he's like, the epitome of everything wrong with society. Add to that the sexual comments which were constantly used to demean, insult, and objectify Q, as well as Quackity's intense, palpitable discomfort which noticeably grows each time the topic comes up when they meet after Schlatt's death during Las Nevdas era, it's a pretty safe bet to assume Schlatt didn't stop at "just" verbal and physical violence. Sexual violence is almost a guarantee when you consider all that context - it's hardly even "reading between the lines". And you can't tell me that in our society that views being penetrated during sex as something negative, especially for men, while viewing penetrating someone as an act of "conquering" and "winning" and all that a character who's supposed to embody as many of this world's faults as possible wouldn't shove his dick where it's not wanted, even just purely to prove he can despite lack of consent.
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ratsinyourskin0 · 7 months
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Nighty night!
This will be the sixth fic I’ve ever written! Warning; Smut, sadistic Enmu, I guess kinda non con? (Enmu forces you into a dream), fem bodied reader, breath play, spanking, masochistic Enmu, talk of eating flesh and blood sucking (Just like a vampire not like genuine bites) scratching, biting, bad grammar and punctuation.
2.9k words
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You won’t lie and say you miss your life as a human, perhaps every 5 months you miss the savoury taste of chicken but you forget about that when the taste of heavenly flesh washes over your tastebuds, or when you get reminded just how fun being a demon can be.
This is not one of those “fun times” you were sent out on a mission with quite possibly the most annoying man to ever walk this earth- he stands right beside uppermoon two on the scale of annoyance.
Enmu, the sadistic dacryphile, the man who takes any chance to get into your pants, he’s tried hypnosis, force, seduction, and things to spike arousal, Not a single one has worked.
You were lucky enough to not see him for almost an entire year until the lower moon meeting- unless you count some odd times when you got bored and dozed off during the day which lead to some awful stress dreams about him, all ending with his hand in your chest gripping your heart or him eating your intestines, even your subconscious knows to avoid him. Anyways, you two got sent off to track down some hashira that was seen boarding a train, you sincerely doubt that you two will have any luck, You two are the only lowermoons that were left alive! And that’s because instead of talking back you rode Muzans cock to escape the same fate the other lowermoons did! You just pray if you stroke his ego again he’ll call you to the infinity castle before Enmu manages to get himself killed.. and probably you as well.
You sat on the train, you haven’t seen Enmu since he climbed on top of the train, you sighed and looked around.. your one cart away from the flame hashira and three very loud boys, one of them has hanafuda earrings and is holding a very large box with demonic energy inside it. You grit your teeth in annoyance as you try to keep your eyes on the window ahead of you, you don’t know why but something about that hanafuda kid makes your blood boil, almost like you’ve met him before. You can hide your aura well enough to come off as human, but if one of those three brats gets any closer there’s no way they won’t be able to sniff you out.. you sit for a few minutes impatiently waiting for Enmu.
You look off to the side for a millisecond and accidentally meet eyes with one the boy wearing hanafuda earrings, his eyes widen and it’s painfully apparent that he’s trying to play off the fact he just made you out, he smiled sweetly and waved before turning to speak to the hashira, the visible chill going down his spine and his spiked heartbeat makes it evident that he’s noticed your a demon, how impressive!
You quickly stood up to go to the next cart, however as soon as you stood up you felt unbelievably dizzy.. your vision began darkening, you looked around and saw the humans in your train cart and the next train cart slumping over and falling on their faces- Enmu must be activating his blood art, but why's he affecting you? You looked around for his stupid hand to silence it, you saw it on a seat,it began running off as soon as you saw it, you followed behind it.. although slowly, you almost managed to grab it before you finally tripped over a sleeping man, falling asleep as soon as your head smacked against the ground.
You expected to just be forced into nightmares, but instead you wake up in the same spot you passed out on the train, you know it’s a dream because the people are gone and your bloodart just isn’t working. That itself is shocking, normally Enmu likes seeing you struggle to defend yourself. You stood up once more and begun walking through the train, you looked out the window and saw instead of the forest landscape that was out there before the train seemed to be floating through the night sky, it’d be pretty if you didn’t feel Enmu’s eyes on you- and didn’t know Enmu was looming around.
You groaned and sat down on the train seats, trying to count how long you’ve been stuck in here.. 30 seconds, who knows what’s actually happening in the real world? What if the hashira awoke and is about to behead you! You close your eyes and try to relax before you feel hands on your thighs, you open your eyes and see Enmus ugly rat face staring into your eyes with that weird smile on his face.
“Hello, Y/N!”
He said with a wide smile and slid his hands up your chest, suddenly your limbs felt very heavy.. you struggled to move them.
“My my, who knows what’s going on in the actual world? Maybe you’re dead! Who knows, you certainly won’t unless you do me a tiny favour.”
He said with a knowing grin, you already know where this is heading and you can’t help but shake your head in disgust.
“And what’s that?”
Enmu said teasingly before putting his hands on your hips tightly, squeezing hard enough to cause a bruise- you aren’t shocked Enmu is trying to hurt you, he is sadistic. You try not to react but that only made him smile even more, he then softly gasped- although it sounds like a moan mixed with it.
“High pain tolerance?”
“You don’t get the pleasure of seeing or hearing me in pain.”
Enmu looks like he’s about to cum on the spot at your words, he’s panting and you feel his hands sliding up your sides, you thought he was about to grope your breasts but instead he began pushing down on your ribs, you were confused at first before he applied pressure very suddenly, knocking the wind out of you. His mouth fell into an open smile, before you could even blink his hands were wrapped tightly around your throat, he’s squeezing so hard his knuckles turned white, you gasped for air but nothing came out.. as a demon you aren’t often scared of death, but suffocation is different.
You feel like you're on death's door as your vision darkens, drool comes from your mouth and your eyes began pulsing out of their sockets, you feel your heart beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst, only desperate gasps and whines escaped your throat. The worst part shockingly isn’t the suffocation though, it’s the fact that he’s making your limbs feel like they’re being weighed down by thousand pound boulders and yet nothing visible is weighing them. Your eyes began watering, the only thing you could see through the fog of darkness was Enmu’s grin, he almost looks like he’s drooling. the sound of your heartbeat and his panting filled your ears. Before your vision could go completely black he released his hold on your neck, putting one of his hands on your shoulders and the other one held your jaw so he could watch life be sucked back into your lungs.
He caressed your jaw and put his lips against yours, sliding his tongue into your mouth to entangle it with yours tongues, in return you bit down on his tongue so hard your teeth went through part of his tongue, blood filled your mouth and Enmu shivered in pleasure and moaned deeply against your mouth, as soon as your teeth released their hold on his tongue he went right back to making out with you, he put his knee between your open thighs and began to grind it against your pussy, The taste of his blood heavy on your taste buds, you can control yourself enough to not swallow it, normally you’d invite the taste of blood but the thought of him being inside you— through cells or through body parts make you want to claw your skin off.
He pulled away eventually, his mouth smeared in his own blood, he sticks his tongue out and the spot you bit a hole through is still very much there, the blood drips onto your chest as his tongue heals up, he wipes his mouth and stares down at your cleavage before leaning down and licking the droplets of blood off your breasts. Suddenly you feel the weights lift off your hands, your hands find their way into his hair, not out of pleasure but anger, you rip a chunk out of his scalp and his eyes roll up into the back of his head and a pleasured whine. It's so hard to fight a masochist.
The clump of hair you pulled out slipped through your fingers as the hair on his head regrew very quickly, you began trying to shove him away but it’s almost like he’s a ghost, your arms go straight through him when you try and push him away- and yet he can touch you, although you noticed he doesn’t stop you from hurting you, you deliver a hard slap across his face which makes his cheek redden and his eye water. Once more your body feels like it’s being weighed down.
He ripped apart your top and sat on his knees in front of you, he began licking and kissing your nipples, sucking harshly on them- making soft gasps escape your mouth, once more you try and pull him away by his hair but instead he ended up biting down on your nipple, Not hard enough to draw blood but enough to make you jolt, He continued sucking harshly on your breast before eventually moving to the skin around your nipple, sucking on the supple skin around it, leaving hickies where his mouth trailed.
He kissed up your neck and began nipping on the skin, then he bit down hard- you feel his canine teeth sunk into your skin and he began suckling on the broken skin, he hummed against your neck, you feel his smile on your neck- his eyes closed and his hands begun sliding up and down your bare sides.
He pulled his teeth out eventually and he began licking the exposed blood off your skin and pulling away with a smile.
“Normally demon blood doesn’t taste good, but the sounds you make are making me so excited!”
If you could ever hear what the embodiment of arousal sounded like, it was his voice currently. You didn’t understand what he meant until you stopped and listened to your breathing, every breath sounded like a pained whimper, You quickly put that to an end and stared at him- you looked visibly displeased, he just smiled and pinched your cheeks.
“Don’t look so bitter!”
“You are putting our lives at risk for sex and I’m supposed to be happy?”
“You’ll die satisfied?”
You sincerely doubt that, almost as if Enmu can sense your doubt he ripped your pants in two effortlessly, he ran his nails down your thighs- digging hard enough to leave deep cuts along your thighs, he began clawing your inner thighs to make blood soak into the train seat, he leans down and spread your folds with two fingers.
“I wonder, is it just biology that’s making you so wet? Or are you actually feeling aroused, Y/N?”
He asked with a smile before leaning down and began flicking his tongue against your clit, your legs trembling at the sensation, your limbs somehow feeling weaker. You wonder if your body is just telling you to enjoy this or if Enmu is deciding to weigh you down. He delved his tongue into your soaking wet pussy and began slurping at the sweet nectar.
Soft moans escaped your mouth, Enmus hands slid up your body, he began tweaking and pinching your nipples. You gasped in response and your entire body jolted when he bit down on your clit- not hard enough to cause genuine pain but hard enough to cause discomfort, he roughly squeezed your breasts roughly, his nails digging into your skin. He released his hold on your clit and stood up, your wetness smeared on his mouth.
He chuckled quietly and began rubbing his thumb over your clit, he kept his eyes down on your pussy as he played with your pearl. He hummed and began watching your legs twitch and jolt in response, you don’t know how you're getting such a reaction from his fingers until you look down at his hand, the backside is pressed against your pussy and the mouth that's on his hand is lapping away. His free hand began unzipping his pants and letting them fall to the ground- along with his coat and his dress shirt.
“Such a reaction from my hand!”
“N-not the same..”
“Of course it is, it is my hand after all?”
He mumbled with a small laugh and lifted you up, he maneuvered your body in an uncomfortable position over a middle seat, your slumped over so your ass is up and your face is almost pressed against the seat of the train seat behind it, you felt him sliding the head of his cock up and down your pussy- teasing you, occasionally going over your clit, his mouthed hand doesn’t stop its attack on your throbbing clit either, you feel a knot in your stomach that’s threatening to snap. He pushed his length into your pussy- you felt him angling his hips before pushing your ass up- his cock finally ends up where he wanted it, pushed harshly against your cervix before he almost pulls completely out before he pushed back in completely, he began pounding against your cervix at a fast pace, his hand still on your clit and his other hand trailing up your spine and up to your neck, he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled it back harshly, you felt the skin of your face get pulled back.
“Such pretty sounds!”
He almost howled out, he laughed and the hand on your clit bit down softly- shockingly that was the thing that pushed you over the edge, the knot in your stomach snapped and your limbs tensed, the world looked like it was spinning and you felt white hot pleasure, a loud moan escaped your throat and you barely registered him taking his hand away, you get pulled out of your bliss very quickly when he spanks you hard, not hard enough to leave a red hand mark but hard enough to leave a purple bruise, your entire body jerked and you yelped, he continued thrusting into you despite.
“Your pussy is clenching around me! Do you like pain more than you let on?”
He teased and you felt tears filling up your eyes, maybe out of pain or embarrassment- either way you can tell the tears did something to Enmu as he began thrusting with renewed vigour- hard and uncomfortably fast, he slapped your ass once more- forcing another yelp out of your throat, and again and again and again until your ass was throbbing and you were trembling and sobbing. Enmu eventually released his grip on your hair and put both hands on your hips again, his nails digging into the flesh before a gasp escaped his throat and he finally spurted hot cum into your womb, you sighed in relief as he finally pulled out.
“I’m so sad you regenerated, I would’ve loved to see all the pretty blood..”
He said in a fake sad tone, he sighed dramatically and pulled your paralyzed body back up, he put you on his thigh- your pussy pressing against him and making cum pool out and lube up his thigh, he began rocking you back and forth, ensuring that your clit was stimulated with every move.
You felt that familiar knot coming back, much faster than last time.
Every time he moved you the knot grew tighter, sending shockwaves through your body- each wave a more painful pleasure stronger than the last until your legs were trembling. Soft gasps and pants escaped your mouth while your eyes squeezed shut, just as you were about to reach your peak Enmu pushed you off his thigh and you fell through the floor of the train, with a gasp you woke up right where you had fallen— awake this time, the experience you just had very much fake but the knot in your stomach that’s slowly fading away is still very much real.
“Fucking Enmu..”
You gritted your teeth and stood up, you look down at your clothes and notice some wet spots on the back of your thigh, you feel it and heat Enmu Giggle- the giggle echoes through the entire train, the wet spot is almost certainly cum.
You groan in annoyance and look at the four men in the next cart over, to your dismay you see the boy in hanafuda earrings gasp and jolt awake- you also see a small girl who seems to be cheering for him waking up beside him.. you sense she’s a demon as well, how interesting.
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foxy-eva · 1 year
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Summary: Spencer knows exactly how to make it up to you after being late for date night
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: (18+, minors DNI) facesitting / oral (fem receiving)
Word Count: 1k
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Even though you already told him on the phone that you wouldn’t be mad at him, Spencer still felt bad when he arrived at your apartment two hours later than promised. He hated to make you wait, especially now that it was too late to still catch the movie you really wanted to see. 
When he entered your living room he looked at you with guilt written all over his face. 
“I am so sorry I’m late,” he sincerely apologized. “Hotch wouldn’t let any of us leave until we finished our paperwork.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a chaste kiss. “It’s okay, Spencer. I’m not angry at you.”
He still wasn’t convinced. “Are you sure? I feel bad for making you wait this long. I know how much you wanted to see that movie.”
With one raised eyebrow and a smirk spread over your face you suggested, “Well, you could always try to make it up to me.”
Spencer recognized the playful tone in your voice instantly, purring “Tell me how. I’ll do anything.”
Your lips found his, not wasting any time to deepen the kiss. It was then that he understood that the movie wasn’t the only thing you had been waiting for. With your hands roaming over his body Spencer had trouble keeping up with the pace of your actions. The urgency you displayed was unusual for you but still very exciting. 
He would have been happy to take the lead in your encounter but it seemed like you really wanted to be the one in charge tonight. 
With your hand around his wrist you led him to the bedroom and demanded, “Take your clothes off and lie down on the bed.” 
The harsh tone surprised the both of you but Spencer didn’t hesitate to unbutton his shirt as he chuckled, “Yes, ma’am.” 
The new nickname let heat rise to your cheeks but it was nothing compared to the warmth spreading through your body as your boyfriend revealed himself to you. It was obvious by his growing desire that he really enjoyed following your lead. When he was completely bare, he lay down on his back in the middle of the bed. You let your eyes wander over his body, smirking when they landed on his erection. 
“So pretty,” you snickered while beginning to undress yourself. 
You locked eyes with him but he couldn’t stop himself from glancing over your body as you slowly shed each layer. Once you had gotten rid of the last piece of clothing, you joined him on bed, straddling his lap. 
“So here’s the deal. You are going to make me come twice, one time for every hour you made me wait for you,“ you explained to him. 
Keen on doing as he was told, Spencer reached out his hands to touch your breasts. You stopped him by grabbing his wrists and pinning them down on the mattress. 
He sounded genuinely confused when he asked, “How do you want it?” 
To his surprise, you moved up along his body, positioning your hips right above his face, one leg on each side of his head. Spencer couldn’t move his eyes from in between your thighs, your folds already glistening and looking so ready to be tasted. 
Before he could start you told him, “Just tap my leg if you want to stop, okay?” 
He wrapped his arms around your thighs to pull you down, chuckling, “That won’t be necessary.” 
“I don’t want to suffocate you,” you snickered. 
“I’d die a happy man.” 
That was the last thing he said before burying his face between your legs. He let his tongue glide through your silken skin and you instantly started to rock your hips against his mouth. With one hand in his hair and the other grabbing the headboard of the bed you tried to keep balance. However, there was no way to stop your legs from shaking once he closed his lips around your little bud and started suckling. 
“Fuck, Spencer, you’re doing so good,“ you praised him and he hummed in delight. 
You ground your hips against his face at an accelerated pace, your arousal covering his chin as he pleasured you devotedly and relentlessly. You let out a whine and dared to look down to lock eyes with him. 
“When I saw your pretty face for the first time...,“ you paused to catch your breath and let a sigh fall from your lips. “...I knew I had to sit on it someday.“ 
Spencer smiled against your heat for a moment. When he noticed the telltale signs of your impending climax he tried to keep you steady with his arms tightly wrapped around your thighs. Your whole body shook when you found relief, whimpering when Spencer still continued to move his tongue. Only when you tugged on his hair did he stop, giving you a chance to lift your hips slightly as you leaned against the headboard with a heaving chest. 
Even from this angle Spencer stared at you in awe, letting his eyes roam over your body as if he had never seen anything more beautiful. When you lowered your hips once more, you felt like a queen finding her place on her throne, ready to be worshipped. 
Spencer was gentle at first, making sure you were ready for him to keep pleasing you. When you started rocking your hips against his face again, he didn’t hold back any longer. He focused his attention to your bundle of nerves, still swollen and sensitive from your previous high. You were quick to come undone a second time, moaning as you reveled in the sensation of pure ecstasy.
When you had caught your breath again, you moved away from his face to lay down and curl into his side instead. 
“Date night is saved,” you snickered and Spencer joined you in your laughter.  
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If you enjoyed reading this story you should check out the other smut blurbs in my Blurb Collection!
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malevolentcast · 2 years
you probably already know about this but an articles been put out about rusty quills shitty business practices and general shady behavior. if you havent already, you might be getting messages about it soon. just wanted to send a heads up in advance
Yes I saw and read it.
I'm choosing to believe the motivations of those involved, in spite the poor optics of them being from another network (and even quoting what "they" pay as an example of "good" companies), were an attempt to be morally just. That is to say, I have no ill will towards the author, their editors and everyone who contributed.
To be clear; if Rusty Quill has treated employees poorly they should be held accountable, I say if not as a way to not believe those affected but because "alleged" is used more than a dozen times in the article.
Additionally, no employer should ever yell at an employee. Again, if that happened, they should apologize and do better.
That being said…
I don't appreciate articles speaking on behalf of me or, frankly, trying to rope me in without my consent or request. I recognize they weren't attempting to give me a voice, just those who are affected, however the author has only now allowed shows to reach out, after the damage has been done and chose to speak for me nonetheless. Additionally, the article says that if I remain silent, it's because I can't speak out - which is just nonsense.
From my experience; I've had nothing but great experiences with Rusty Quill. They're a network. They host my show. What else do I need them for? Contracts, NDA's and all the legal aspects that the article seemed to make such a big deal about… are very normal. I think this is part of not understanding how large companies work.
For example; I saw tweets upset that people shouldn't have to sign an NDA to look over a sample contract which… is exactly what you do when you're looking over a sample contract.
I was a General Manager of a small rental company for 10 years prior to trying my hand at Audio work and renting a water cooler had more stipulations than RQ's agreement. Contracts are meant to be all encompassing. If you don't agree with stuff, you cross it out and ask it to be changed. If you’re upset at the way large companies work, your fight is misdirected with addressing just one company. The article also mentioned something about "Taking Money Upfront" and stuff like that, which failed to mention you don’t HAVE to take money upfront - furthermore - most shows on RQ did not do that.
In any case, this isn't meant to be a dismantling of the article. I don't want to invalidate anyone's experiences or frustrations. Who knows what more may come to light, all I can speak of are my experiences and frustrations.
So why I'm frustrated? Well, I saw a few tweets and posts boycotting RQ shows, which included mine. So that sucked.
Overall however, I think the article was done in poor taste and felt like virtue signaling more than something trying to be helpful. I think, personally - and I say this with all the genuine sincerity - it seemed written from a perspective of inexperience and naivete. It is not the Watergate scandal people think it is.
And for the people who are upset that "peoples lives were ruined" when they were let go… yes I'm sorry people lost their jobs. I lost the aforementioned GM position as well when the owner of the company sold the company out from under me. Not because I did a bad job or because I made a mistake, just bad luck. It sucked, sometimes people lose their jobs. That doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on what I feel is an article meant to stir the pot. After all, shouldn't I express my perspective as a show on RQ (which, like, isn't that what the article was meant to be about?).
Anyway, those are my thoughts. For what it's worth I think you should still read the article! It has some great thoughts…
…but with all things, read it with an informed opinion; remembering that it was written by the Director of Marketing for another Podcast network, who references their own network within their "expose" as an example of a network with "good practices", during a time that they're recruiting for new shows and that every single show on that Network has openly supported the article - retweeting it almost instantly, during the final days of their competitors successful Kickstarter.
The disclaimer on the article about the Authors association with F&F wasn't put until AFTER they were called out. Odd that an expose on uncovering the truth would be less than transparent when posting…
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simplydnp · 2 months
So OKAY here are a just few parts of dans birthchart that made me scream into the void because of how scary and crazy accurate it is (disclamer: This is is actual birth chart and was not written by a phannie even if looks like it is bc accuracy lmao.)
''His neck and upper chest are erogenous zones. He generally doesn't jump into a new relationship. If he does, they feelings grow gradually. A partner who makes him feel safe and secure is ideal for him. Once committed, his love is long lasting and sincere. He has have strong values and others will find it hard to sway him in this area. Sensual, the world of touch and smell is most appealing to him. Complex or mysterious partners are not as intriguing as simple and genuine ones.'
''He is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover but a passionate one with a strong temperament. He is demonstrative in love, and usually fully enjoys healthy pleasures and life to the full.''
''He is hard or reserved at times, and doesn't always know how to express his emotions. He may be frightened of showing his love, and this can lead to disappointments, break-ups, lack of satisfaction. He has doubts, can be suspicious, worries too much, possibly jealous but more likely insecure. He will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with himself and to control his jealousy or gain more assurance and sense of self-worth in the second half of his life, possibly thanks to a mature person, who helps him learn to trust.''
''He must have a job that allows him many freedoms, something non-routine. He likes change, possesses a lot of energy and knows how to influence others in spite of his originality. He may have difficulty expressing himself, especially when young. He does not talk much, he does not speak just for the sake of it, but when in the mood, can talk a lot in a big burst of conversation. He may prefer to work in remote and quiet places. He is discrete and philosophical.''
''In the first half of life, he may hold onto his past, childhood, or the freedoms of life when there are fewer responsibilities. He is sensitive, loyal, and wonderfully warm and nurturing. However, happiness and satisfaction come from accepting and embracing responsibilities. Denying his need to excel in the outside world has a way of holding him back. Learning to be more self-sufficient improves his life many times over.''
''He is good-hearted and generous, possessing a good character. He likes well-being, comfort, a life of ease, without problems. He has good relations with his social circle. He is easy to approach. All the same, he may fall in love easily. He has a successful partnership and professional life. People usually trust him.''
''He has a love-and-friendship union. An unproblematic, quiet relationship. A few hiccups, but nothing really serious. Faithfulness.''
''He loves to court and be courted, and needs to feel very special. Warm, generous, and even grand. Though really quite loyal to partners (remember that love is THE most important thing in his life). Thrives on attention from lovers or love interests.''
So... are you screaming with me? LOL
one of my favourite things is to pontificate about love and how it's seen, felt, and shown. security seems to be something important to dan, so seeing it brought up here repeatedly is fascinating. along with the desire for performance/entertainment. (á la needing to feel special too)
the 'does not talk much' was throwing me for a bit of a loop, but i think it's fair to say that we really only experience dan when he's comfortable and willing, therefore open to being more talkative.
'complex or mysterious partners are not as intriguing as simple and genuine ones'.... well. i think we all know who that pertains to 🥺 'he has a love-and-friendship union' something something real best friends companions through life actual soulmates
'he will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with himself and to control his jealousy or gain more assurance and self-worth in the second half of this life, possibly due to a more mature person, who helps him learn how to trust' something something for the first time in my life i felt safe.
my only dispute is that dan's talked about enjoying having a purpose (& how touring wad was great bc of it), so while he enjoys the freedom of a 'upload whenever' mindset, i think he likes having more structure. not the pressure of it being entirely set in stone, but a framework.
now, i don't intend to come off as rude or insensitive so i apologize if i do:
generally, i don't put a lot of stock into stuff like this--birth charts, tarot cards, psychics. it's something i struggle with as a very science & logic minded person. however. there is something to be said in that the stars are gay for dan and phil. cause the more angles we look at it, the more we can't deny the destiny of it all
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natsuo not forgiving his dad but making peace with his past and moving on was actually really great; and i liked where endevour ended up -- even now its hard to say everyone's fully moved on from his abuse -- becuz thats not how it works, i think ive said it before but endeavors redemption arc always confused me becuz compared to characters like bakugo, his was so weak -- and that i thought (and still do) it was done on purpose
bakugo's growth is shown at a very slow and gradual process, when he apologizes to izuku, he's not only realized he was awful, he's already been actively better and he's already grown -- also bakugo's pre-arc self doesn't compare to endeavor who literally abused his entire family, leading his wife to a breakdown, his son to death and then villiany, along with many other things -- im only comparing them becuz they both had redemption arcs written by the same author not becuz i think theyre comparable
bakugo's actions werent good by any means but he, per every arc, gradually changed over and over, not only how he treated izuku but how he thought of him and how he acted overall (all the while retaining his loud personality lmao)
endeavor on the other hand essentially got what he wanted, realized he was a piece of shit and /then/ tried to make it up -- it wasnt like bakugo who was already being better when he apologized -- who was waiting to apologize -- endeavor's arc, in that way felt insincere
altho the scenes where endeavor tries to be a better father and todoroki ignores him are funny, they also show that endeavor just kind of tries to flip the switch -- there's not gradualness, no process, one day he's just like "well enough of being awful" but the thing is, why would siblings who have been hurt their entire life not want some aspect of love? of course it makes sense that even tho natsuo was the least likely to be willing to forgive endeavor, some times u thought that maybe... but natsuo could never forgive him, could never pretend that nothing happened and that they were family now, and that was perfect for him becuz he didn't owe endeavor anything
even when the dabi-touya reveal happens, endeavor fails to actually take action/responsibiltiy over his abuse of his family -- he's vocal about wanting to change, he tries to play up some reselblance of a father, but he fails to genuinely show growth most of the times (not to say he's never had moments where his regret is obvious, just that there are a lot of moments where he should be doing something but doesnt)
endeavor's arc is a show that sometimes u regret what u've done and u try to change, but u fail at it, sometimes apologies dont account for anything, sometimes people dont forgive u -- its a show that no every character arc is meant to end with the character forgiven --- endeavor says that he'll continue apologizing and give reparations for his crimes for the rest of his life, he accepts that that means nothing to natsuo and that natsuo wants to move on w/o him, he says he'll take the blame, that he chose to dance, so he'll take the consequences -- its a very bleak ending but it fits his arc the best -- endeavor was not able to really fix anything -- he did not fix his family, he did not save touya, he did not earn the love of his children, but he finally became ready to actually repent, without expecting anything in return
to clarify, i dont think that endeavor's regret is insincere, by the way, i think he does regret what he did to his family, however his regret for the abuse he forced hsi family through does not dictate how his family should react, no matter how sincere the regret, the apology, or the love, no one is required to forgive and move on -- and natsuo could not do that, but at the very least, becuz of endeavor's change, he was finally able to have some peace with it all
finally, the touya situation
the todoroki family is genuinely hell for me, the touya/dabi-shoto interaction killed me, i think ppl forget that touya's so called hatred for shoto is stemmed from the endeavors actions and abuse, touya is able to recognize that its not really shoto's fault but he cant /help/ but have all that anger in him anyway becuz of endeavor -- all of touya's siblings were born for the sole reason of being his replacement
in another life, the todoroki siblings would have loved and cherished each other, in another like touya would have been shoto's big brother and shoto would have been his little brother, they would have had soba together, they would have trained together, they would have all been a family
the "shouto im sorry" and touya crying was the worst and best thing horikoshi has ever done
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bookinit02 · 2 years
bookinit’s byler fic recs
happy new years! to celebrate, i’m posting a list of some of my favorite fics of this year, sorted by word count. i tried not to include a bunch of super well-known, commonly-recced fics, and of course, there are SO many more that i didn’t include just because there isn’t enough time in the world. but i really wanted to lift up some amazing authors, my friends included, as well as some more underground fics. happy reading!!🥳
my top byler fics of 2022
1 - 10k
- it’s a choice (getting swept away) by @wiseatom. i just skimmed this again to see if i wanted to include it, and even just SKIMMING, i was having goddamn heart palpitations. there is something so special about healthy communication and resolving misunderstandings with emotional intelligence and kindness instead of anger. don’t get me wrong, big dramatic blowups are lots of fun to read, but this one stands out for how quiet it is. how gentle. not only is the willel done FANTASTICALLY, but byler here is so soft and tentative, and i was eating up every minute of it. as always, with thea, a phenomenal read. (categories: post s4, mileven breakup, painting conversation, getting together, willel)
- the body is a blade by inblue. this author is severely underrated—incredible prose, such unique fics, and so much genuine emotion in such a short space. i sincerely recommend all of their works!! phenomenal, and despite their short length, they’ve stuck with me since i read them—this one in particular. (categories: poetic, unique, character study, will byers needs a hug)
10 - 20k
- i’m caught up in you by @wiseatom. the first half of this is genuinely novel-worthy—beautifully written & crafted, to the point where i couldn’t stop writing down sentences as inspiration. the second half kicks you into an apocalyptic adventure, filled with byler banter, miscommunication, wound tending, a Painting Debacle™️, and literally everything you could want out of byler in the upside down. thea’s byler is SO much fun to read—they absolutely are best friends, and they don’t let you forget it! the banter is so realistic and snarky and fun, and i’ve read this a million times over at this point. infinite kudos always💗💗 (categories: byler in the upside down, miscommunication, angst & fluff, tension, wound tending, will has a gun)
- i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) by blackdeathmamba. a classic, and for a good reason. great tension & pining, super butterfly-inducing, with a twist at the end that simultaneously had me yelling and giggling into my pillow. ADORABLE. so, so wonderful. (categories: pining, miscommunication, college byler, roommates, fluff)
- running up that road by @smoosnoom. i had a really hard time trying to figure out which of moon’s fics to rec bc i feel like all of them, in general, defined my 2022. and of course, everyone and their mother has recced tearing you asunder! but going back over the fics, i think this one truly had the biggest impact on me. first of all, it was the first fic i ever read while listening to the accompanying playlist, and that experience literally changed my life. it is so hard for me to read without listening to music now😭 but seriously reading this w/ moon’s song choices felt like watching a movie. second of all, i really got inside mike’s head here. his character was great, and the fic displayed some of his more unpleasant qualities that some people might shy away from, like anger or resentment. this was just a very real portrayal of byler, and of mike in general. and a lot of the scenes in here—specifically the beginning and end—have stuck with me since i read them. overall, incredible experience, and i’d read it again in a heartbeat. (categories: post s4, character study, mike centric)
20 - 30k
- the gaps and the silence by delusionaltogether (whyyyyy) aka @parkitaco. i read this last night and cried my heart out—not big dramatic sobs, but more of a silent & continuous cry that would pop back up without warning. this was just so exquisitely written—the best of parker’s work that i’ve seen, which is such an impressive feat because i love absolutely everything they publish. the resolving of miscommunication, the healing of byler’s fractured relationship, the responsibility taken on both sides, and the love that still persists through all of it—this is a masterpiece. it is a triumph of human emotion, and a truly excellent mark of good writing. cannot recommend enough—along with absolutely all of parker’s other works. (categories: angst, miscommunication, reunion, college byler, first dates, mutual pining)
- mike wheeler’s guide to falling in love with a superhero by @smoosnoom. this was my first introduction to spiderwill, and i loved every minute of it. this is fun, fast-paced, a little crazy, and just SUCH an enjoyable read. plus, i get a cameo as bagel girl, which in my opinion, is the best part!! but fr this was honestly so well done and even as i’m writing this, i’m getting the urge to read it again. loved, loved, LOVED. (categories: spiderwill, fluff, light-hearted, energetic)
30 - 40k
- you can hear it in the silence by @astrobei. there is truly not enough praise in the world for suni’s fics, or her writing in general, but this one was really something special. mike in this fic is one of my favorite mikes ever, and i think about his big conversation with robin at least once a day. this is truly just a magical coming of age romance. it is so soft & tender & real, and i genuinely could read it every single day and never get bored. also, as someone who worked in food service, i appreciated the accurate portrayal🫡 but also. never again. customers can suck my dick. getting off track here :) (categories: coming of age, friends to lovers, mutual pining, soft)
- i know, i know, i know by aude_sapere. season 4 rewrite!! the writing of this is incredible, the plot is fantastic, and it was one of my first really notable reads in this fandom. really gives will his main character moment, as he deserves!! (categories, s4 rewrite, main character will, pining, action)
40 - 50k
- i’ve come home, i’m so cold by @astrobei. this one is just. ohhhhh my god where do i even start?? this is my ideal college byler fic. it’s literally so perfect, start to finish. will’s narration is incredible, and additionally the plot is just so, SO interesting?! there’s something about suni’s writing that i just can’t get enough of. she writes exactly the way i think and it results in prose that flows effortlessly and is so much fun to read!! i am just chomping all of her fics up one by one and i am still hungry☹️ i think suni needs to write just for me forever & always actually. (categories: college byler, mystery, pining, best friends to lovers, roommates)
- boys don’t cry series by @padmedala. this series is so special to me, specifically the first installment. it was one of the first works i really read that focused on will’s queerness in other terms than his relationship with mike! there was so much queer joy & healing & growing up in this series, and it was really beautifully explored in a way that left me crying, but still unable to put my phone down. really, really wonderful, and criminally underrated. (categories: coming of age, season 4-5, queer joy, healing, romance, pining)
50 - 100k
- chiron in gemini by babydraygen. this was one of the first season 5 fics that i read, and i still think this is a REALLY interesting take on it. eddie’s alive, mike is kind of a dick, and the apocalypse is in hawkins, but everyone’s pretty chill about it. i think the characters here were so complex and interesting, and i was honestly hooked the whole time. (categories: season 5, coming of age, angst, getting together)
- there is a season by ghostlin. yet another s5 fix-it, mike-centric this time. really well written, great character development, and truly so much fun to read. to quote my original bookmark: this is, without a doubt, one of the best fics i’ve ever read. writing is impeccable, everything (EVERYTHING) is perfect, and i cherished every single word. this is my season 5. if you are reading this right now, stop and read this fic. yes, me too. read it again. (categories: s5, character development, slow burn, apocalypse, drama)
- i’ll find a new place to be from by @andiwriteordie . clearly i have a thing for s5 fics, but this was honestly so amazing!! i think about it a lot, and am definitely pulling inspo for my own eventual s5 fic (hopefully coming next year!) andi has written so many (and i mean SO. MANY) wonderful fics for this fandom, which is a gift in itself. but there’s nothing that i think about more than this one. (categories: s5, drama, will byers has powers, getting together)
100k +
- you are the heart by touchthesky. i spent months reading this one, chapter by chapter, as it uploaded, and i don’t regret it one bit. this was such an interesting, complex, and well-done take on season 5. there were some really shocking plot twists, gripping moments of turmoil, and satisfyingly resolved arcs for every single character. the action sequences are god-tier, the internal dialogue is fascinating, the worldbuilding is INCREDIBLE, and i honestly just cannot say enough good things about this fic. will probably be giving it another read soon! (categories: s5, angst, the full package, slow burn, will pov, intense worldbuilding, main character death)
again, there are SO many more—and yall are always welcome to search my bookmarks on ao3—but those are the ones i was thinking about today. here’s to more great fics in 2023!!🥳🥳
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ducktracy · 10 months
Conspiracy theory I didn't come up with: Part of why Hollywood is so weird with Looney Tunes and Muppets is that they resent the voice work involved. Even dumbass execs know you need Kermit to sound like Kermit and Daffy to sound like Daffy and they HATE that they can't just recast them with some random celebrity.
HMMMMM… i unfortunately don’t know enough about the Muppets to throw my two cents in there, but with LT—i both see where you’re going with this and somewhat object at the same time.
i guess my point i’m about to bring up just as much proves you right, but they DID get away with some celeb stunt casting with Space Jam 2 (lol) thanks to Zendaya and Gabriel Iglesias. and hell even going back to TLTS, you have Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen… Frank Gorshin voices Daffy in Superior Duck.. so there IS the fair share of celeb stunt casting with these characters, which i guess does in a way sort of prove your point, but to me still makes me think it’s not entirely it
one of my biggest complaints with modern LT revivals IS, however, that they never seem to write the characters with Mel Blanc in mind. i realize the man has been dead for 35 years and we obviously can’t raise him back, but the originals were so often written to cater to his voice talents and his quirks and his specificities, and while you have incredibly talented voice actors like Eric Bauza or Bob Bergen or Jeff Bergman or Joe Alaskey (RIP), the one little ingredient missing from their deliveries is because they aren’t written with Mel in mind. Mel’s involvement is just as important to the characters and their personalities as the directors and writers and animators
which leads me to my next point in that i just think that nobody understands the Looney Tunes characters, simple as. they don’t! they are not some big happy family à la the Muppets, who, in turn, are not some big happy family. likewise they are not mindless drones who drop anvils and blow each other up and repeat the same 2 bits over and over and over again. i don’t think Space Jam 2’s ineptitude is a product of execs losing their minds over the inability to stunt cast—i just think you don’t know your Looney Tunes if you’re going to genuinely play up a Bugs Bunny death scene as a sincere, heart felt moment. come on!!!!!
i still think a lot about the excerpt in Jerry Beck’s 100 Greatest LT Shorts book where one of the contributors—whose name escapes me—had a WB exec tell him in the ‘90s that nobody likes Porky because “people don’t like pigs”, and his quip in the book was “well, i’m people and i like pigs!”. likewise the whole political correctness bit in Back in Action is true to life! the Speedy complaint surprises me less but the whole “first they tell me to lose the stutter, then they tell me i’m not funny” actually happened! WB hasn’t known what to do with these characters for half a century at this point and it’s unfortunately nothing new. i wish it were just a matter of grievances at celebrity voice casting, but i really do think it’s just because nobody knows how the hell to characterize or approach the characters.
likewise, that is very much by design. the original run is lightning in a bottle. its brilliance is the product of so many ultra specific circumstances and benefits and histories and trial and error that you just can’t really replicate. i mean, you can, but even with the most meticulous studying and planning and adaptation and mathematical calculations and all that other jargon, even if you put all that into your work… you’re still not Chuck Jones with Chuck Jones’ life experience, you’re not Bob Clampett with Bob Clampett’s life experience, not Friz Freleng, not Bob McKimson, not Frank Tashlin…
i am a loud proponent of thinking that honoring these characters correctly and accurately and respectfully is possible. i think it can be done. i think it is possible to study all of the quirks of the directors, of the writers, the animators, the characters, how the characters talk and walk and play off of each other, how the directorial tone is dictated. you have to be a complete nut to do it, but i think it’s possible. but that just goes back to the original question of: well… why try and make carbon copies of the originals when the originals are right there? (which, i admit, is another question that i myself get huffy about and am like “just because!!!! why not!” but i can’t act like i can fully deny it either. it’s a valid question.)
ANYWAY. i just went on a huge tangent, some of which is completely unrelated to your ask and your point so MY APOLOGIES! i do think you have something there, but i really do think the main perpetrator is just a lack of understanding and awareness. or, we do have adaptations that show potential and they aren’t given the light of day to be realized and help set the course a little because we need to think of our tax write-offs first. god forbid!
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