#it was sooo breathtaking haha
elvyn · 1 year
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The most beautiful Bankai
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rioviaa · 1 year
so I finally obtained the last memory for the captured memories quest. therefore I now have all 17 of them. complete. And I just want to jump in here for a second and just. Scream. Cry. Drop to my knees in the middle of a Walmart and die (like link hahaha too soon ueue) sooo..
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his tattered clothing. the stains that are most likely mixed with wet dirt and dried blood. the clear exhaustion in his posture by holding on with the scarce amount of strength he has left. the way he forcefully lifts himself up with every last ounce of strength for the sake of protecting her. even if it costs his life. he stands before her. before the danger. becomes her shield. after months of standing behind her as her personal knight.
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and just the guttural scream she let out here was just. wow. she refuses to stand behind. to stay behind. all her friends are gone. and in her mind she blames herself for it all. for being left behind from all the champions’ progress. from his progress. but no more. now she stands before him. shields him. she will not allow another one of her friends to fall due to her incompetence. no more.
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listen. imagine seeing the stoic but kind knight who always protected you from harms way before thinking of his own safety. that has stayed by your side even during your worst tempers and sorrows. fallen. the rain falling on his battered clothing and soaking them beyond repair. the raindrops on his cheek and hair making the died blood and dirt smudging his features more, his hair damp and tangled. the master sword in an almost painful grip as if it were his lifeline. and it was.
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gods this shot. this one right here. his grip never loosens. but his breaths stagger. his heart slows. the exhaustion of fighting for not only your life but most importantly her life from evening to midnight. a cruel way to loose oneself is by the fate of saving the lives of hundreds in exchange for your own demise while doing so. but he simply must make sure she is safe. must look into her eyes at least once before he feels his eyes give to the very darkness he gave his entire life to destroy. and my god i can’t imagine how Zelda must feel. to loose her last and only hope. but to also loose a friend she had learned to cherish along the way. Now left desperately searching for any ounce of life left inside his lithe body with her hands and sobs to his chest.
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“princess are you alright?” except that’s the last thing on her mind at the moment. isn’t it? when she immediately redirects them to him and risking it all for the slim chance of the possibility of saving him.
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her tone is so assertive here. He is her priority right now. Wow.
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i just. have no words. her tone. was downright threatening. so powerful. the delivery of this line. impeccable. made shivers run down my spine just hearing it. she will have her swordsman saved. zero questions or doubts. an absolutely breathtaking cutscene.
Okay I’ll shut up now haha but god this scene racked my very core. Beautifully made and executed with the music and lighting. the tone and ambiance the voice acting the small details of their movements. yup this one has won my favorite memory.
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little bonus of me trying not to burst into tears as Zelda’s horse nudges link with his snout after seeing the memory ugh im in absolute shambles over this game.
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nordsea-horizons · 2 months
Hi love! First of all, your islands are sooo amazing!! They invoke such a nostalgic and cozy vibe! I was looking through your old posts and absolutely fell in love with the summer version of Nordsea from 2022. I felt quite sad that I wasn’t able to visit it at the time (although your current version of Nordsea is breathtaking as well!). I was wondering if you had a picture of your map from the summer version just so I can get a better idea of how things were set up. Using the map and the pictures, maybe I can pretend that I’m touring it haha! Thank you for all the joy and creativity you bring to the ac community!! 🩷
Hi! thank you soo much, this is the sweetest message💕 i often look through my old island posts but im happily surprised that someone else has done the same!? thats so lovely to hear🥺💛 when i saw this ask i was a bit sad since i thought i would have to dissapoint on the map thing! i never save my maps for some reason(mostly bc i forget but also bc they tend to look kinda “ugly”😅 i never design based on making the map look good haha) But i actually found it deep down in my screenshots! you can def tell that i covered large parts of the island in the in-game path! i tried to fill in what i remember from the “empty” areas on the map!
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i really loved this island, it was the first seasonal island i did, and i always feel sad that the da’s are gone from those old islands🥲 thats why im so happy to have this blog to look back on! tysm for your message again💕 the ac community on here is such a comfort place to me, and getting an ask like this def reminds me why i love this blog and community❤️
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theo4eve · 7 months
Talking to the moon..
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Word count: 1.3k 
Synopsis: You talk to the moon (Seungmin)
I sit on the rocks, gazing up at the moon, surrounded by the shining stars. I can hear the wind swaying through the leaves, the water dripping from the green leaves, drip drip. A tear drops down my face as I look upon the night sky. I take a deep breath, swallow the lump in my throat and start speaking, voice a bit shaky. 
“Hi Minnie, how are you today? Remember when you said I need to stop viewing myself as something I’m clearly not?”
He looks at me as I glance at the mirror, frowning when I catch sight of myself, he frowns as he realizes this, comes closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder “I know what you’re thinking right now, I’ve been with you for too long, should I chase those bad, naughty, very very bad bad bad thoughts away?” He laughs a little “ You look so beautiful, the most I’ve seen ever, I can’t believe you doubt that jagi, Stop seeing all this-” He waves his hands around my body. I giggle at his shenanigans. “-as something that it clearly isn’t, you’re pretty, cute, handsome, beautiful, gorgeous,” He stops in thought “scrumptious” He wriggles his eyebrows, making me smile more “See that! Sooo pretty!” He pinches my cheeks, “So no frowning when you see yourself, smile and say just one compliment to yourself yeah? You can just say, you’re pretty. It’ll be hard at first but I’ll be there, making you feel better, making sure you never forget you’re breathtaking” He reaches his pinky out to me, as a pinky promise, I laugh and take it, he kisses my knuckles after, bowing dramatically. He winked at me, then took me away to his room…..
 I laugh a little at the memory “Well, I’m saying those compliments every night, when I’m in front of the mirror, even if it’s hard I find one thing about myself I like, compliment it. I’m getting better, for you. I am cooking and baking more! I made some cupcakes. Remember when we tried to bake a cake together?”
I bring out a bowl and read the ingredients we need from my phone, he goes to get them, the eggs, flour, sugar, butter, salt, etc. I preheat the oven “Ok! So we need to add the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt and espresso powder..?” He gets out the flour “How much?” “Uh 1 and ¾ cups” He looks at the measuring cup and adds the flour in (not so) carefully, spilling most of it outside of the cup, all over his face, the table, my clothes “Minnn!” I roll my eyes, wiping the flour off of him “It’s not my fault, the flour just did that on its own!” He grumbles, pointing at the flour, frown on his face. I laugh “You’re blaming the flour now? And It’s only the first step! There’s already a mess” I sigh, shaking my head. He smiles at me “It’s a gift” I roll my eyes again at his winking “Seriously, how do you manage to do that?” I flick some flour to him, he gasps, flicking flour back at me “You little-” ….
A smile creeps on my face “The kitchen was a mess, if someone walked in they would think a wild animal came and wrecked the place haha, but we still managed to get a cake…After a while” I play with a pretty rock I found next to the lake “I visited your parents the other day, I gave them some of the cupcakes I made, they were happy to see me, like you say they like me more than they like you, “favouritism” you say” I laugh “I had a nice meal with them and went to our home, it’s empty without you though..” My smile falters “It isn’t the same without you, there isn’t that familiar comfort, the warmth in the bed, the cleanness, there isn’t someone I can cling on to, talk to, you aren’t there to make my day better just by being there… It’s getting lonely, everywhere I go I see you, I see you in the cute dog plushies in the shop, I see you in the park we went to, I see you in the pouring rain… When we were running with our coats on our heads, trying not to get too wet, laughing and giggling, you dragged me to a nearby convenience store to warm up, holding my hand the entire time, we drank some hot chocolate, we talked and laughed and laughed… It’s one of my favourite memories with you” I smile sadly 
We were walking hand in hand, the sky was really cloudy and it was getting dark. It started to rain softly, I look up trying to catch some, he notices me and laughs “Are you seriously trying to catch them? They aren’t snowflakes dummy” I look at him, a big smile on my face “Anything is possible! And I am a mermaid so I can do anything” I stick my tongue out, he laughs more “How’d I get a gem like you? My dummy” “Hey I’m not a dummy!” “Sure, sure whatever you say” He says, a soft smile on his face, I could practically see the sparkles in his eyes “Whatcha thinking?” I ask, tilting my head “Just how cute you are..” The rain gets heavier, at first the two of us don’t mind until we get so wet, rain pouring and pouring. He takes his coat off and covers the both of us with it, taking my hand and starting to run. I laugh, running along with him. He looks back at me, smiling widely “Well isn’t this fun?” We were drenched, breathless, running to get away from the pouring rain. “Very” We laugh more, he finds a convenience store and drags us into it, panting. He takes me to a seat and makes me stay there as he gets something for us to warm up, he comes back with hot chocolate in each hand, handing one to me “Drink up, love” We drink, talk, laugh, and laugh until the rain gets lighter, until we’ve warmed up. Then we head back home…. 
“I wish you were here, I added some new decorations to ours! I got some pochacco plushies, I wear your old hoodies, your scent is wearing off though.. But they remind me of you, it’s like you’re actually here you know? I sometimes wonder if it was me.. Was it me? If it wasn’t for me maybe you would still be here… happy, with all your friends, with your parents. I shouldn’t think like this haha… I would do anything for just another moment with you.. I wish I could do something, anything… I miss you so much.” I sniffle, more tears collecting, some falling down my face, I wipe my tears, looking at the moon once more 
“The first month or two, I saw the world as black and grey, the colour was sucked out haha, I couldn’t even make myself something to eat, life was pointless, I didn’t see vivid colours, I didn’t smile that smile you loved so much… I couldn’t even talk for the first week… I hated everything,”
“But now, the colour is coming back, I see the pastel colours, the soft colour of the sky, I’m making meals, baking brownies, Felix gave me a lesson, I smile more, I’m laughing too… It’s still so hard, I still miss you more than ever, I still wish you were here, I still wish it were me instead..” 
“My love, Min, I miss you..” I look up at the stars, reaching my hand out, tears falling down my face, not stopping anytime soon. I get up, seeing as it was so late now, I say one last thing before going back to our place.  
“I love you.”
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tul1ps1 · 2 months
𓂀 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑜𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒. 𓂀
satoru gojo x y/n angst.
tw: overdose, grieving a dead loved one
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nights with you suddenly turned into sleepless nights alone. satoru laid in bed, the time was now 4 AM. only the sounds of raindrops and thunder roaring were heard outside. a tear slipped down his pale skin as he scrolled through a photo album of you two. he clicked on a video where you were eating ice cream. your laughs almost brought a smile to his face, yet stabbed his heart. how long has it been without you? he missed the way your warm lips felt on his. the way your light up any room you walked into. how soft your skin felt. how a simple touch would warm his body. it wasn’t fair. how could you leave him like this? he didn’t know if he was more mad at the world, himself, or you. no, he could never be mad at you. anytime satoru felt alone, as if no one understood him, you always reassured him. you held him, took care of him, and loved him. so much he questioned if you were real sometimes. even though it hurt, he continued to scroll through the album. the more pictures he saw of you two together, the more tears he cried. he remembered how frequently you complimented his eyes. you said they reminded you of the deep blue sea. you said they gleamed in the moonlight, and shined in the sunlight. he knew that you wouldn’t want him to be like this, to be crying so much, to be hurting. no, you would want him to be happy. unfortunately, you were his happiness. he physically cant live without his one true love. his other half. if only he could go back. to see you once more. that beautiful smile and those breathtaking eyes. he cant stand listening to your voicemails anymore. hearing your voice through a recording wasn’t the same.
“satoru! my love, pick up the phone it’s urgent!”
january 23rd, 2024
“hi love, im waiting on some friends and ill be back home soon, dont stay up late waiting on me. i love you.”
march 15th, 2024
“baby i miss you soooo much. im stuck at the airport but ill see you sooo soon. i love you satoru, bye!”
may 31st, 2024
“im on my way home toru, im taking a uber so dont worry about picking me up haha. be there soon. i cant wait to see your handsome smile. see ya, i love you.”
may 31st, 2024
why? why did you have to uber home? why couldn’t he have just picked you up? you could’ve still been here. crys turned into sobs. satoru couldnt do anything now. he cant go back in time and save you from that car accident. he closed his eyes and saw you. for the first time in a while he felt peace. the sight of you brought him comfort. but when he opened his eyes you were gone and the throbbing pain retuned. he knew what he had to do. theres only one way he could be with you once more. there would be no more pain. just you two together forever, like it should’ve been. he got up and swallowed as many pills as he could find. followed along with his mental pain, was now physical pain. it didn’t matter to him. satoru went back to lay down. he closed his eyes once more and saw you again. he saw your beautiful soul again.
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hobidreams · 9 months
So I just finished MLT on Ao3 and how did I miss that fic!? I can only assume I was in a tumblr slump at the time but WOW, that was breathtaking.
It's been a while since I absolutely devoured a story like that, my partner even came in to ask if I wanted dinner and I just HUMMED at him. Didn't even realise until I went to speak to him and he was like "Good book I take it?"
The attention to detail and RESEARCH that went into this story was just top-notch and I love how you managed to capture a happy ending whilst keeping the piece period accurate.
- Luna
(I would comment on Ao3 but I prefer Tumblr most of the time when it comes to interacting; old habits die hard haha)
hello luna 😭😭😭 thank you so much for this sweet note omfg i can't believe you were so enthralled with the story AHHHHHH i am so so touched and appreciate you taking the time to leave me this kindness 💗💗💗💗 the research was sooo fun even though it was difficult at times hahah. same i love tumblr's interactive function so much more than ao3!
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cochart · 1 year
Your artworks are so amazing!!!! 꺄>< they are so cute and I really like these korean stuffs you put out. (금쪽이페아노르🐘) I am sooo blessed to see your breathtaking arts!!! Thank you so much for making my life much brighter!!!
Thanks so much! Haha I guess I haven't drawn fan comics in Korean for a while (except my original ones lol). I'm happy my weird comics are making you happy :D
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astarionposting · 9 months
Please don’t stop posting content anytime soon. Your content of Astarion and your Tav’s are breathtaking. I wanna reblog everything but I don’t wanna spam. 🥺
You’re so sweet!! 🥹🥹 I’m sooo happy that you like what I post. I don’t mind spam haha! I usually keep my notifs off during the day anyways, so it doesn’t bother me :)
Thank you for being so supportive and kind!! <3
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parsapuff · 1 year
Omg I've been searching for Sims 4 CC for Honkai impact for sooo long, I've always seen Genshin but no Honkai (that wasn't star rail) so I wanted to say THANK YOU! They are absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking.
I was also wondering (hope you don't mind me asking) would you be interested in doing any CC sets for Pardofelis (her pink outfit) as well? I am not going to lie I'd be willing to pay for her and a Herrscher of Sentience set for Sims 4 haha. They are on my mind fr...
Have a great day!
Honestly I was shocked that there was no honkai cc out there at all so I'm happy to make more of it! Also Herrscher of Sentience might be getting a set since its been very asked and honestly I live the design so much that I'm probably going to be making it 💖💖
(Btw I dont play Honkai Impact 3rd so idk who most of these characters even are 🥹🥹 Idk who Pardofelis is but I'll Google them and see if I'd be interested in making a set)
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mirohtron · 1 year
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then it send to the last ten people in your notifications (anonymously). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity. ♡
this is sweet :) ty !
ok uh no. 1 i love music
so i took singing classes so i can hold a note decently but i have a tendency to go flat nowadays but like yaaaa music is just so versatile n i love it lol I adore lyricism poetry storytelling the care people take into producing songs it's great i love it, and the years of work people put into their voices or mastering their instruments is admirable. i actually wanted to be a singer when i was young but it's not a viable career soooo
no. 2 i love cinema haha who would've guessed
anyway tbh the arts in general is very VERY fascinating to me because unlike stem there's no "correct" answer if you will bcs everyone is free to be interpreted i think that's great. also cinema is also sooo diverse ?? when it comes to storytelling it can be such a beautiful medium & i love it some of my favourite movies are killukkam & interstellar & badhaai do i rlly think these movies r just sooo good and fun to watch... it's amazing to see how film has evolved over the years and stuff
^ the arts is just so beautiful imo performance & visual arts have their own unique quirks that make them stand out individually i think that's great
no. 3 i love writing
this list is in no given order but like yaaaa arts again I've become really attached to some of my ocs now and i just really love how writing can touch one's heart deeply i love it i love writing i love you books i love you folklore i love you storytelling i love you
overall though creating meaningful stories & worlds is such a fulfilling thing for me like i adore creating all types of characters within the genres ive played with till date it's so fun and it really really opens ur eyes honestly... just doing it makes you think critically as you try to dismantle certain tropes or archetypes in a way you're happy with or satisfied with it's actually great and i love writing
theres a couple books that have straight up Fucked Me Over and i forever thank them for it 🙏
no. 4 space
no joke space is great i love space i adore all these planets & galaxies & clusters & nebulas we've found & the work and time and money we've put into exploring this universe it's actually admirable i adore earth i adore all the planets we've named after figures in myths etc i love our solar system and think it works in beautiful ways the countless phenoma we've discovered are simply breathtaking i love you black holes i love you jupiter i love you space objects which defy what we know of physics i love you i love you so much
no. 5 nature
i think the balance that nature on earth has created is beautiful i love trees i love ecosystems i love how the earth works & i adore the fauna & flora it has i love megadiverse countries i love diverse green fields i love waterfalls i love crevasses in glaciers i love how horrific nature can be sometimes god is good
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celestie0 · 7 months
i love that i could understand gojo, yayyy!!! oh my, there are only a few reads that i’m looking forward too; next week’s jjk manga release, kickoff, the recent fic that you’ve teased. yep! thats the list.
i wont spoil which chap it’ll be but im alr so curious how you will receive it dear reader given how deeply youve given his character thought 🫶🏼💕
this makes me so curios, you don’t understand. i’m eager enough to invent a time machine, though idk if ill go back and experience reading kickoff for the first time all over again, or read the next chapters. super confused, i’ll probably experience it for the first time once more and them edge myself for the next releases.
you’re a folklore/evermore girlie too? SAME WOMAN SAME!!! my favourite songs ever are cardigan and august, oh and i very religiously vibe over you’re on your own kid and innocent, what are your favourites?
i actually enjoy the dynamic between gojo and his father so much, it makes me sniffle and giggle all the same. such a good man, papa gojo was 🫶🏻 i hardly ever find myself connecting with any sort of fatherly dynamic in fics unless its kafka’s father, but damn you wrote papa gojo so sweet and heartfelt that i break down :((( i really want more of him! he makes me feel what my own didn’t.
it’s absolutely adorable how much passionate reader is about her career, and it never ceases to amaze me how much dedication she has towards filmmaking, it’s hard to find such passion in today’s fast paced world, only a few can see their dreams to the end. also gojo’s relationship with soccer and how it originated? hands down the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful thing i know of.
they both need each other, and i need my own kickoff gojo, gonna manifest him for myself. (runs to her abracadabra-zoobiee-zoobaa-hoo-haa-room.)
THANK YOU AGAIN SM FOR YOUR WORDS I HAVE SM FUN TALKING AB KICKOFF W YOU omg its got me out here emotionallll. that’s so lovely you write poems my dear i could TELL honestly haha you have such a breathtaking way w words n deliberation
aww love, lots of warm hugs and fuzzies for you!!! your words uplift me so much, they make my entire day, like thank you so much!!!! you’re the sweetest ever ❤️
also im sorry for such late response, i haven’t been doing well the past couple days.
the fact you’re looking forward to my works that much makes my heart feel so full 😭💕 thanks lovely. AND NOT THE TIME MACHINE HAHHA i’m screaminggg ur too flattering skskdjdhdhd
OMG cardigan is one of my absolute favesss pls. i also love exile, betty, tis the damn szn & rwylm. yoyok is sooo good def my fav off midnights ahh. i also adore red album in general i love her acoustic sounds. atw ten min is my FAVE SONG OF HERS. are you excited for tortured poets dept?? 🫣
ouuu im happy you love papa gojo 🥺 i got butterflies when i was writing ab how he met gojo’s mother haha it’s a love story i want so bad 💕 there will def be more of him, mostly in gojo’s last pov chap i’m super excited to explore more of himm. i’m glad you’ve connected w him :”)
plsss you’re so real haha i’m manifesting a kickoff gojo for you (version of him once he’s gotten past his commitment issues tho LOL)🕯️ you deserve ittt.
no worries dear i’m sorry you’re not feeling well still 😭 is it like a fever now? i really hope you feel better!! i’ll be thinking of you
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lettersfromandie · 8 months
South Korea 2023: Day 2 - Mt. Seorak, Everland, N Seoul Tower
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First destination of the day: Seoraksan National Park. Currently it is in the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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Black and white may not be spring colors but I'm liking my sister's outfit.
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If you catch a falling cherry blossom petal, you'll have a boyfriend, they said.
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The scenery in Seoraksan is a sight for sore eyes. Every area is just picturesque. It's nice to walk around here and appreciate the breathtaking views.
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And now we're at Mt. Seorak! We rode a cable car and hiked a little to get here. It was so cold and windy that I had to take out my hot pack. We walked as high as we could despite the steep terrain.
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The moment we stepped on Mt. Seorak I can feel almost being carried away by the wind. Smiling as if I'm not afraid I might fall.
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It was really so steep that I had to sometimes sit and hold onto the rocks sksksks
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No matter how scary it is to stand almost at the edge, the view up here was absolutely majestic. There's something about being on a mountain that makes you feel high.
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It was so cold but we still ate ice cream! Our Korean tour guide actually told us that Koreans eat cold food during cold season, and hot food during the hot season. Of course we had to feel like we are one of them haha but the cold never bothered us anyway (for a while) because we love some dessert.
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Seafood for lunch! And in one of our stops during our three-hour-long bus travel, we got some hodugwaja. It's a walnut-shaped pastry with red bean paste filling. It was probably the best snack I've ever had.
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And now we're here in Everland! Since it's spring season, we were able to catch the Tulip Festival.
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Spring season is flowers season!
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Finally had my first taste of jajangmyeon! Been wanting to try this since I often see it in k-dramas. Now I get why they devour this. It's sooo good.
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Ordered some warm sweet drinks. I was almost worried because the cafe says your order number in Korean huhu so I immediately searched how my order number is pronounced in their language. My listening skills were definitely being tested.
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Parang nasa States
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Hopped in the bus and finally arrived in N Seoul Tower! We're about to see thousands of love locks.
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in April with those trees covered in love locks.
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But it also looks like every day is Valentine's Day when you're up here.
And that's a wrap for Day 2!
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Hi hi!! I'm asking 2, 3, 8, 9!!
hihi right back~~ thank you for the ask!! under the cut <3
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Only sometimes if it's been long enough that I don't remember every single line haha~ When it can feel a bit fresh, and I can read it with a new eye kinda deal. Buuuut, not super often, I'm not the biggest fan of reading my own work, usually I'll just see all the things I'd change or that I feel I should have done differently~
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Ooohhh- hard one! It changes based on the mood I'm in, I have to admit, but right now I'd say it's probably Obedience. I just think, even in the few months I've been doing this, that I've grown a bit in my writing, and I'm kinda proud of how this one turned out! Plus, honestly, I just had fun with it!! (Poni had an AMAZING prompt~) Sooo, right now that's probably my top, but likely that'll change as I keep writing and hopefully keep growing in my own style/voice!!
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
So many!?!?! Okay if "currently working on" means actively writing, then only three, a Soukoku fic (that I've been putting off for too long 😭) and a couple MushiRanPoe requests. Trying to get back into the swing of writing, while still having fun! But if "currently working" just means 'have an outline' then uh.... like over 15 haha~
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I do write every day, but I do not write well every day, or keep what I wrote~ Sometimes I just force myself to write a little just to see how it flows, and if it's not flowing well, then I just stop. But other times I just kinda write outlines if the actual phrasing/prose isn't flowing how I want it to! (or just ideas~)
One Sentence Written Today: Dazai can’t pull his gaze off the breathtaking display, Chuuya’s posture almost regal as he prepares himself for-
<3333 always love seeing you in my inbox
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cupidstan · 2 years
team stan + craig and clyde reacting to you wearing platform boots that make you taller than them
tags: established relationship(s), height differences, simping, based on that one clip of minx walking out of the curtains and quackity freaking out but shhh
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
doesn’t realise because he’s looking at his phone (aka at a meme kenny sent him) and when he looks up he literally JUMPS
you point at your shoes and he lets out a sigh.
“nice. you look good!” he’s so nervous djdksjhskak
feels a little patronised when he holds your hand (he’s a sucker for pda)
if anyone makes fun of him for being shorter than you (even if it’s not true) he will probably cry a little 😭✋
tries to ignore all the teasing from his friends (esp cartman) and focuses on something else; i.e playing arcade games with you and getting you a prize (it was a little sanrio keychain that he thought you’d like im ascending-)
finds himself resting his head on your arm when standing beside you but then remembers he’s meant to be ‘masculine’ and stops 🙄
after you two walk home together he’ll quietly ask you to wear them on private dates instead of hangouts with friends because he feels so smol (he’s not complaining he just doesn’t want constant teasing </3)
flustered 👏 as 👏 hell
face is so red
stammers a little shdbrisibw
“y-you look great! i mean- wow!” djsjskkxjndfk
is such a huge fucking simp- he’s constantly admiring your fashion sense but he’d never guess you had platforms
likes resting his hand on your hip when you’re doing stuff- but now you’re taller (even if it’s only a few inches) he finds it so much more endearing??
he is pretty tall for a teen (6’1) so you being taller is such an attractive trait for him (even if it’s temporary)
will literally fight cartman if he tries to come for your style- PLS
if y’all are on a private date he gives you sooo many compliments
but if you’re hanging out with friends he dials it back
god forbid his mum sees you 💀
she’s very “a man should be taller than his partner” (aka old fashioned)
he’ll assure you that you’re perfect and your fashion is breathtaking <33
is grumpy about it
he wants to be the taller one considering he’s not very tall to begin with!
makes snide comments with his arms cross but it grows on him
hides behind you when kyle yells at him
“haha! my badass partner’s gonna beat you up!”
actually tries to steal your shoes at one point. like y’all are sat in the diner and eric ‘drops’ his fork- you feel something tug on your ankle and look down to see his hands tugging your boot 😭
explains after that he loves how they look but hates how you’re taller than him
if you insist on wearing them he’ll bite his tongue and endure it for love <3
horny bastard man
is immediately like “that’s hot”
asks you to step on him as a ‘joke’ (he’s /srs 😨)
hand. on. hips.
he loves holding your hips as he presses to your back; now that you’re taller it’s harder for him to rest his chin on your shoulder but he manages
like stan he asks you to wear them in private, but for a very different reason (wink wink)
arm around hips and pulling you to his side- will go feral if you respond by resting your hand on his back/shoulder fjfksjmdoch
wants to see your collection and then surprises you with a new pair that you don’t have yet (rip his wallet) 🤭
best boyfriend you can’t change my mind
will ask you to wear them more often, he loves it
“holy shit”
that’s all he says. doesn’t comment on it bc in reality he doesn’t really care about height. he’s secure like that
if people try to tease him he just flips them off and turns away
however- when people start making comments towards you, that’s when he gets annoyed
“don’t listen to them, babe. you look great” <3333
will probably fist fight a guy for making a snide comment about you being a ‘freak’ just for having a different style
asks you to wear them more if you like them fjfkdrjodjsfm
loves it if you wear a colour coordinated outfit based on your shoes (it’s the little things for him <3)
will look more into the style to match you, i.e he’d wear matching band shirts and skinny jeans if you’re into that but he won’t wear platforms (he tried it once and found it uncomfortable)
freaks out
literally a mushy mess, hides behind craig jokingly bc he’s never seen you taller than him
when he’s done joking around he immediately hugs you and showers you in compliments <3
he’ll probably give you similar shoes (like kenny), his love language is gifts/acts of service so he’ll literally drown you in whole fucking outfits
hugs your hips now that he doesn’t have to reach down as much (he’s so dramatic)
low-key loves it, always wants you to wear platforms around him now <33
he loves tall partners he’ll just never admit it dndnsnmsixnf
will silently pretend that you’re actually taller than him and not wearing boots bc he’s a dork
loves resting his head on your shoulder/chest, it makes him feel safe and secure *melts*
will cry if made fun of tho
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buckgasms · 2 years
Hii 😍 OK, am I sorry for another Buck imagine?
Nope haha, I love Wakanda bucky too much 🙊 I thought about an idea where you’re a technician and you get send to Wakanda to help Shuri with Buckys new arm. During the time there you get really close to Buck and he starts opening up to you and recovers really fast. One night he sees you then sitting at the lake where his cabin is, watching the stars, so he joins you and you end up sharing a meaningful kiss and maybe mooore? 😏😏😏 The next morning Shuri looks out for you and sees you both coming out of his cabin with a grin and barely clothed? (he's sooo Fucking hot during his time there, I couldn't resist to think about that idea haha)
Okay I hope it's okay to send you this request, but I love your writing so much! ❤️ It would be something where the reader (fem) is staying in Wakanda when bucky is there to be freed from the words, and at the night he's finally healed (like the poor gif where he cries) she is with him and holds him and he clings to her and just really fluffy (cause of course they have feelings for each other). Then at the attack of Wakanda they get separated but he finds her, just to see she got badly hurt. Then he stays with her till she's better and they finally get together. I hope that's okay 🥺
I combined these two lovely requests because they kind of melted together as I was writing one of them ❤️ thank you to beautiful @tieddown-withbattleshipchains and the lovely Nonnie that sent these requests in. Very much appreciated and I liked thinking about this Bucky because he is fiiiiiiine 🤭 also he does not turn to dust in my story 😬
Warnings: sex, fluff, angst, injury and Wakanda Bucky 😬
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You sat at a slight distance from the fire, legs bouncing with nerves as you watched Bucky stare into the flames. Ayo was waiting for Bucky to be ready before she began. You were about to hear the dreaded words for what you all prayed would be the final time.
Ayo had been helping Bucky before you arrived in Wakanda and it felt like a great honour to be brought into this place. Bucky trusted you and Ayo knew you could handle yourself should the Winter Soldier become unmanageable.
But tonight, after a long stretch of hard work and commitment, it was hoped that the words wouldn't have their effect anymore. You crossed all your fingers and begged for his freedom. He had been through enough. "I'm ready" he said softly, eyes never leaving the fire. Ayo nodded at you and began pacing the circle.
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"You are free"
Those magic words made Bucky sob and it wasn't until you touched your face that you realised tears had been streaking down your cheeks. As he laughed you tentatively walked over to him. He stood up and grabbed you, pulling you into a crushing hug and swirled you around.
"You did it Buck, you did it" you whispered and held him tight. You both laughed and he placed you down, you went over to Ayo and hugged her tight, surprising the normally stoic warrior and she grinned.
You walked with Bucky, holding his hand back to his little hut by the lake. You sat together by the water and you couldn't help but laugh at everything, your moods so lifted by the events. Eventually things fell silent between you, you leaned against his shoulder and looked at the stars.
"I can't really believe it... It's out of my head. After all this time, all the suffering. It's over just like that."
You glanced up at him, seeing a few fresh tears well in his eyes. "You can start afresh now Bucky. Properly. You don't have to be worried about the 'what ifs'. You can just be you. The one we all love."
He blinked for a moment and looked down at you. "Love huh? I'm not sure about that sweetheart..." You head lifted of his shoulder and you grasped his cheeks. "Yes, love you" and before you could stop yourself you planted a gentle but breathtaking kiss on his lips.
When you finished he was grinning like a fool and took hold of your chin, pulling you back. "This might just be the best night of my life for about 90 years."
You sat beneath the stars until the balmy night turned chilly. You had shared several kisses amid the peaceful silence, broken only by the occasional goat noise from nearby. You shivered and Bucky held you tight, kissing the top of your head. "I know you normally stay up in the city but... Could you stay we me tonight? Here?" He squeezed your arm nervously and you tilted your head up and kissed his lips.
"I'd love to."
You were a little suspicious of the little cabin he had been staying in but when you went inside you were pleasantly surprised at how homely he had made it. His little book and some pictures of him and Steve had been propped up on the side. He also had an impressive little library of both old classics and modern history books. All were well worn and nearly organised.
As you nosed about his things you also saw a cute picture of you and Bucky from your first few weeks of being in Wakanda with him. You blushed, knowing the same picture sat by your computer in your own bedroom. You turned to face him as he walked up to you and without thinking, or talking you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. This time he was slightly more prepared and returned it eagerly. His tongue swiped against your lip and you moaned, allowing him to deepen it. Your fingers gripped his hair and he squeezed your hips with his hand.
He smiled at you. "Wanted to kiss you for so long y'know. Can't believe you beat me to it."
You both tugged at each others clothes, making quick work of removing them, until you were both in a state of undress and panting as you kissed each other. He pulled you into the bed and laid you down, pressing kisses over your chest, lavishing attention to your breasts before kissing your tummy and finally, almost agonisingly slow he licked a stripe along your slit and sucking at your clit. You moaned and grabbed his hair, "Oh fuck Bucky!" Your thighs shook as he slid a finger into your soaking pussy and he growled into your sweet heat. "Baby you taste amazing" he groaned and pulled away as you whined. He then pulled you up and guided you to sit on top of him. "Come on baby, wanna see you ride me". You leaned on his chest and ground your heat on his hard cock, making you both groan at the contact.
"Don't tease baby, please, gotta have you now." His hand gripped your hip as you sank down on him and he moved your hips as you slowly started to bounce up and down on him. "Oh my god, buck, it's so....so big...fuck" you moaned, leaning forward and gripping his chest. He growled and rutted up into you, pawing at your chest, before pulling you down and kissing you, making you moan again.
"Baby, you feel so good... Jesus squeezing me so tight..." You hands grabbed him where you could as he held you tighter and you came closer to your peak. "Bucky... Buck... M'gonna...gonna" you whispered and he growled at you, "let go baby, let go for me." It was all you needed and you were moaning as you came around him. You stilled your movements and clung to each other while you both panted. You managed to lift your head high enough to kiss him, before falling back down with a giggle as you both drifted off to to sleep.
The next morning Shuri was coming to speak to Bucky, probably about the success of the night before when she stopped in her tracks. She grinned as she saw you leaving Bucky's hut, his face plastered with a stupid smile as he followed you out, hand in hand. She was pleased to see you both happy.
Bucky had never seen a battlefield like this one in his long life. Aliens, racoons, trees, robots and whatever the hell else was out here. Everything hurt, even for him, the strain was insane.
He spotted Steve every so often but he could not spot you anywhere. He had run as fast as he could around, searching for you, occasionally running into other familiar faces, but never the one he wanted to see the most.
He stormed through the forest, breath coming in short sharp bursts as he searched for you, whilst fighting off more alien nightmares. Finally, when they had gone quiet he listened and with a pang to his chest he heard you call out for him.
"Buck help me please" you called out and he rushed over to you, dripping down you his knees and pulling you into his arms.
"Hey baby, hey, I'm here, I gotcha" he said, wiping the hair and blood from your face. You sighed in relief, gripping his hand with yours. "It hurts Buck, I'm...I'm scared" you whimpered as he shook his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead and clamping his free hand down on your stomach, making you wince. "Don't you worry baby, you're gonna be fine, nothing we can't fix huh?" You shiver, clinging to him as tight as you can as he checks the area, making sure nothing is creeping up on you.
Over the radio he hears that Thanos has been destroyed and his army is fleeing. "Just a little while longer baby and we'll have you bandaged up and back on the move ok?" You whined and tears slipped down your cheeks as you felt yourself drift to sleep. The last thing you heard was his desperate voice, "just hold on Sweetheart..."
You woke to the sound of beeping and a sharp pain in your side. You were also aware of the vice like grip on your hand. You blinked your eyes open and you found yourself in one of the fancy hospital beds in Wakanda's city centre, with a very tired looking super soldier with his head on your lap, hand gripped around yours.
You managed to sit a little further upright and run a hand through his hair. You giggled when he sat bolt upright and shouted something unintelligible before looking at you. "You're awake, my girls awake" he yelled before leaning forward and kissing you as hard as he possibly could. You kept laughing through his kisses as he told you to never scare him like that again and other words to that affect.
"Hey!" You said, finally catching his attention properly and you stroked his beard. "Sorry for scaring you" you croaked, your voice still stuffy from lack of use. "What happened after I passed out? Is everyone ok?" You watched as some of the remaining colour drained from his face. "It's... There's been a lot happening sweetheart. I'll tell you it all, but only when you've rested a bit more. It's a lot to take in..."
You looked at him sadly and nodded, afraid of what you were going to learn when the time came. "Do you think we could just go back to your hut and stay there forever with your goats instead of dealing with the real world?" you whispered, gripping his face between your hands.
He nodded and kissed you, "That's a great idea sweetheart. I'll gather the goats" he winked and kissed your forehead.
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blogger-yura · 3 years
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Entry #19 Sept 9th '21
#YurasLife #ThrowbackThursday #Travel #NewYork2019
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𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 - 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩!
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Hello hello my lovelies!!! How are you doing this wonderful Thursday? I hope everyone is well and taking care! Did you remember to drink some water? Have you snacked in the last 3 hours? Are you sitting straight? Remember to open a window for a little and let the air around change!
Today I bring you guys a little fun post, a throwback post! I've been sitting at home and going back and forth to the studio for the last few weeks and to be honest I miss the road a whole lot! (╥﹏╥) If you know me, you known I LOVE going out on small trips around the country and sometimes even overseas! I was going through some pics with one of my closest friends today and we stumbled upon our New York trip pics! It was sooo long ago and I can't wait for having new adventures!
I guessed since I can't travel right now, I could at least reminisce about it with you! So let's get started on that ♡
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[SoHo, New York]
First day on New York! We went there as a Christmas gift for ourselves I remember. We spent there something like a week? Maybe 10 days? So we didn't want to waste a single second. We arrived at like 1pm, rushed to the hotel and went out again right away. It was so cold tho! But we enjoyed a lot that first day hahaha! We went to SoHo and honestly shopped SO much for a first day there- No regrets though.
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[Brooklyn Bridge]
These are some of my favorite pics from the trip! (๑>ᴗ<๑) The Brooklyn Bridge was awesome, really! There was a lot of people which was fun, but also we were all tourists so no one looked at me weird for having a photoshoot in the middle of it LOL!!! I gotta admit that I was a bit confused on why we would visit a *bridge* but honestly once I was there it was just breathtaking- I underestimated the size of that thing!
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[Times Square]
Last but not least, Times Square!!! We went there last of all because we knew we would be broke way too soon otherwise. Regardless!!! We did have a really fun time and still shopped a lot there too LOL I think half of my clothes to this days are from New York and honestly? Best investment I've ever made.
Have you guys been to New York or any other overseas country? Do you like traveling at all? What's a place you'd love to visit someday? I'd love to visit New York again! Italy is a dream of mine too. And Australia! I would travel the world if I could haha!
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed today's post and that your day ends on a nice note today! Remember to be kind to yourself! I'll see you all around my little birdies! All the love -Yura ♡
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🧡: @vitoria-oc @archangel-oc @shin-haneul @lunaaofthemoon @moongoddesselene @jinju-oc @ochouse @esmeralda-oc @eujun @cbville
@cb-museclub @achillesunwoo @whimisicalfairies @ares-bc @warblerchangmin @mafia-chae @greenwitch-felix @unseelie-dejun @skzcbspam @betrayerjongup @ppg-3ye @moonlightchn @temptationcb @demigodnct @vampiremomo @suburbanbots @everglowcb @antiromantic-jun @roommates-bot @modelyonghee @floristyujeong @literature-bot @markhyuck-roomies @wonderlandxskteez @thexkims @eunwoo-bot @hopelessromantic-juyeon @smcoven @madmanwoodam @silvernightcb @artistbella @choipaths @botuniverse @modelsora
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