#it was so important to me seeing a man who was ugly who heard voices who did what he wanted to cover up how inadequate he was
toastydumpster · 1 month
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my hero
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kotoku · 3 months
can i request an aventurine x stoneheart!reader whose cornerstone is citrine? lets say the both of them are close friends and one day in a meeting with the ipc one of the workers try to persuade you (citrine), to go to a date… aventurine sees this and gets jealous … then i’ll leave this to your imagination, i wanna see how creative you are!!! love your writings btw ❤️❤️
ᴘᴇʀꜱɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪꜱ ꜰᴜᴛɪʟᴇ
synopsis - You and Aventurine are close friends and have been working together for a long while from the ground up. Though Aventurine had refused to believe that he had developed feelings for you, he eventually accepted them within time but never took the first step. Your friendship was something that he could not gamble with after all. But when a persistent subordinate makes his attempt at courting you, he can't help but feel that ugly twist of jealousy in his stomach. He had to get to you first.
pairings - aventurine x stoneheart! reader
content - pining, drunk! aventurine, drunken confessions, jealous! aventurine, citrine! reader, reader is done with the subordinates shit
warnings - alcohol, a couple cuss words, mentions of vomiting
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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“You know… A girl like you and a guy like me would make a great pair, don’t you think?” 
Your eye twitched in irritation, the polite smile you tried so hard to keep on your face faltering with each sentence this guy was spouting. The guy in question? Just a random subordinate who was flying a little too close to the sun. 
Diamond had requested a meeting amongst the Ten Stonehearts, so you were only making your wave over to the meeting room before being stopped by someone calling out your name. Thus putting you in the position you were currently in. 
“Er… I- sorry, I have urgent matters to attend to. If you could excuse me…” You tried stepping around the man but he reached out towards your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. 
“Hey hey, what could be so important that you’d have to skip out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” The man smugly smirked, a shiver of disgust running down your spine.
“You must not be aware of who I am.” You yanked your wrist back from his hold. “If you’d like to maintain your position here, I’d suggest you scram and get back to work.” You dropped the polite attitude, not tolerating his persistent behavior in trying to score a date with you. You didn’t have time for this nonsense.
“Huh?? B–” Before he could utter another word, you had already resumed walking in the direction of the meeting room. Thankfully, the man made no attempt at following you so you allowed yourself to relax a bit, shoulders falling. 
“You handled that pretty well, Citrine.” A smooth voice spoke, your head turning to face the source.
“Ah Aventurine, you saw all that?” You sighed, combing a hand through your hair. 
“Mmm, hard to miss when it’s happening out in the open. In the middle of the hallway, no less.” He chuckled, matching your pace as the two of you walked towards the meeting. “You should’ve seen the guy's face, he was absolutely dumbfounded.” You laughed at that, imagining the weirdo’s expression. 
“Good, he needed a reality check.”
You both laughed.
It wasn’t long before the both of you reached the designated meeting area, confirming your identities before stepping inside. Most of the Stonehearts were already in their seats, waiting on those who were making their way over. Immediately, you saw Topaz talking with Jade, seemingly discussing business matters as they both held serious expressions. You and Aventurine had started walking towards them, both of them noticing your presence and giving you a small greeting.
“Citrine! How have you been? I haven’t seen you around lately.” Topaz smiled, concluding the conversation she was having with Jade. 
“Mm, could be better. The last assignment I received was a lot harder than expected,” You answered, taking a seat next to her. “What about you? I heard about what happened on Jarilo-VI.”
At the mention of her previous assignment, she grimaced with a frown replacing her smile. “Ah… We don’t talk about that… Other than my demotion, I’ve been doing fine. There was a new game that came out recently so I’ve been playing it since.” You hummed, crossing your arms over the table. 
“Aetherium Wars? I keep hearing all my subordinates talking about it.” Aventurine spoke, mimicking your actions. “Speaking of subordinates, I’m sure Citrine has an interesting story to tell you both.” He poked your shoulder with his finger, a sly smile on his face. 
Rolling your eyes, you recounted the earlier event to Jade and Topaz, the four of you gossiping about that specific worker. 
“Oh, him? I’ve been hearing a lot about him from some of my female subordinates.” Jade rested her head on the palm of her hand. “Apparently he’s been trying to coax women into sleeping with him. Management isn’t able to do anything about him as these are only rumors.” She sighed disappointedly, “It’s best you avoid him, Citrine and Topaz.”
You made a mental note of Jade’s words, Diamond’s authoritative tone garnering everyone’s attention. You sincerely hoped that you wouldn’t run into him again. 
Walking out of the meeting room, you stretched your arms above your head with a groan. It took forever for it to conclude, but when it did, you were excited to go back home and rest. The meeting had gone over the previous assignments each Stoneheart worked on, recounting specific details from reports and such. However, what stood out to you was the dinner that Diamond invited everyone to take part in, acting as some sort of team bonding experience. 
“Excited for the dinner party tomorrow, Citrine?” Aventurine hummed, the two of you walking down the hallway to head back home. 
“Kinda, I’m excited for the food.” You weren’t really much of a drinker, always the token sober friend at parties who made sure everyone was safe and having a good time. “You think you’re gonna get drunk?”
Aventurine laughed. “We’ll see how I’m feeling about drinks tomorrow night. If anything, you’ll take care of me, right?” He batted his eyelashes at you with an innocent look in his eyes.
Rolling your eyes, you playfully punched his shoulder. “We’ll see. I might just leave you out on the streets if you’re not careful with your words.” Aventurine pouted at you, sighing dramatically.
“And here I thought we were best friends. You wound me, Citrine.” 
“Oh shut it, Aven.”
The next day, you went about your normal routine. Reluctantly leaving the comfort of your sheets to work on copious amounts of paperwork in your office, spending your lunch break with your fellow Stonehearts Aventurine and Topaz, continuing where you left off, and then clocking out for the day. If it weren’t for Aventurine reminding you of the dinner party that would be happening later, you would’ve forgotten and gone straight to bed. So instead of changing into your pajamas, you dressed appropriately for the occasion, making sure you had everything on you before driving off to the meeting point. 
After parking your vehicle and making sure that it was locked, you walked up to the front of the restaurant, seeing your coworkers already gathered near the doors. Aventurine paused his conversation with Topaz, waving you over with a smile. 
“Citrine! You actually showed up.” Topaz grinned. “I thought you would’ve been too tired to come.” 
“Well, someone needs to keep everyone in check, especially this one.” You teased, rustling Aventurine’s blond hair. He swatted your hands away, huffing in annoyance as he tried fixing up his hair.
“Excuse me, I think I’d be just fine without your supervision.” Fixing his bangs, he shot you a playful glare. “You on the other hand… You probably couldn’t hold your liquor even if you tried.”
“Even if I couldn’t, at least I don’t continue to participate in drinking competitions only to end up throwing up all over myself.” You recalled the last time Aventurine drank too much he could hold. The poor guy had ended up puking all over his clothes and the smell could never be washed out. 
“Wha– Shut up about that will you!” Aventurine elbowed you, eyes darting around the area to make sure no one heard that part of the conversation. Topaz laughed at the memory.
“Goodness, the smell was horrendous! You should’ve seen everyone’s faces as we passed them while escorting you back home.” Topaz snickered, covering her mouth with one hand. “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to forget that memory.”
“Shut up! Both of you!” 
When everyone was accounted for, Diamond led you all inside, a worker of the restaurant holding the door open.
The interior of the restaurant gave off a sense of warmth, remaining both homey and lavish. The mahogany wooden counters went well with the beige walls, plants dotting every nook and cranny which gave the place a kind of liveliness. Placing your bag around the chair, you pulled out a seat and sat down, the cushion providing you with comfort. Aventurine and Topaz sat by your sides, eyes taking in the decorations and layout. 
Grabbing a copy of the menu, Aventurine scanned through the various meals and desserts they had to offer, flipping to the alcohol section with a grin. “Citrine, you’ll take care of me in case anything happens..right?” He turned his head towards you, his grin growing wider at your deadpan expression. 
“Duh–” “I knew I could rely on you!” 
Aventurine wrapped an arm around your shoulder, his free hand clutching at his heart. What a drama queen, you thought, letting him side-hug you. You could smell the faint scent of his cologne, a rich but light aroma that held a hint of vanilla. Realizing how close he was to you, you felt your cheeks heat up, nudging him away as you gave him a lopsided smile. 
“Don’t drink more than you can handle, Aven.” “I won’t, I won’t.” 
The dinner, so far, has been going smoothly. The atmosphere was lively and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time together, sharing drinks and laughs, chatting about the latest trends and events, etc… You were talking with some of your fellow peers before you felt the urge to use the restroom. Excusing yourself from the conversation with a polite smile, you quickly hurried in the direction towards the restroom. 
Aventurine, who had been glancing in your direction every couple of minutes, noticed your retreating form. At first, he was a little concerned due to the slight jog you were doing, but paid you no mind as he resumed listening to a coworker talk about his last assignment. 
Yet..something had caught his eye, a familiar man who was sitting at the bar had gotten up from his seat and went in the same direction as you.
Despite him feeling a little tipsy, he knew his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him just yet. It was that subordinate from earlier. The weirdo who had stopped you and started hitting on you, ignoring your attempts at turning him down. What was he doing here? 
Aventurine’s eyes narrowed, barely listening to his coworker at this point. He would never admit it to your face, but when he first witnessed the man trying to shoot his shot with you, he was ready to drag and throw him out to the curb, wanting to give the man hell for his unwavering persistence. His actions disgusted him, his stomach twisting and turning with deep rage when he placed his dirty hands on you. 
Yet you handled the situation well, remaining both calm and professional, something that was undeserving for a man such as him. And though Aventurine would be sure to teach him some manners, he could not, for the meeting would start soon and he needed to hurry. So giving the man a silent glare, he promised himself to never let you come across that man again. Yet here he was, walking towards the restrooms. 
Aventurine already accepted his feelings for you, yet he was too hesitant to make the first move. How ironic since he’s the one who usually flirts with you and teases you every day. The best he could do was give you a myriad of things, from expensive clothes and jewelry to simple trinkets. He knew what you liked, you were his close friend after all. Despite his yearning for something more, he didn’t want to risk the chance of losing you. It’s something he could never gamble with.
“--turine? Aventurine?” A finger snapped in front of his face, bringing his attention back to his coworker in front of him. “Are you feeling alright?” 
“Oh- uh, yeah! I’m fine, just had a little too much to drink…” Aventurine muttered, eyes darting back towards the restrooms every couple of seconds. “I..need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Downing the rest of his cocktail, he stood up from his seat, the chair sliding back with a creak. 
Nearing where the restrooms were located, Aventurine could hear the familiar sound of your voice and a man’s. 
“Must I remind you that I am not interested?--” 
“Come on! Just give me a chance! I know a lovely spot where we could..get down to business.” Hearing those words made you gag, shoving the man away from you to gain some distance. 
“A chance? How about I give you a chance to get the hell out of here before I do it myself.”
“There’s no need for the feisty attitude! Let me buy you one drink, I’ll make it worth your time–”
“I think you’ve heard loud and clear that they don’t want anything to deal with you.” 
Both you and the man’s head snapped towards the direction in which the voice came from. It was Aventurine, with his eyebrows furrowed and mouth twisted into a disgusted frown. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, magenta-cyan eyes burning holes through the man’s head. If looks could kill, that man would’ve been deader than dead. 
“Tch- who are you?” The man snobbily asked, attempting to stand his ground. Aventurine laughed, walking over towards the both of you. You could feel the anger seeping from his being, permeating the air with a thick tension that anyone could suffocate in. 
He was more than angry, enraged.
“I think the better question is: who do you think you are? Approaching members of the Stonehearts so casually and treating them like an item.” Aventurine towered over the man, the pressure weighing him to his spot. “Learn to respect your superiors, subordinate.” 
You could visibly see the color draining from the man’s face when Aventurine showed his ID as proof, tucking it away into his pocket. 
“You know, you’re quite lucky you’ve made it this far without getting fired.” Aventurine adjusted his coat. “But I’m afraid your luck has come to an end, I’ll be changing that.” Lowering his gaze to be eye-to-eye with the man, he gave him a condescending smile, “You’ll be fired, and that starts tomorrow.” Leaning back into his full height, Aventurine walked past him towards you, grabbing your hand and leading you away from the man who had not yet registered the blond’s words.
“F-fired…?” His voice was drowned out by the chattering of people and workers as the two of you got farther and farther away from him.
“Phew, now that that’s settled with… How about we have some fun?” Aventurine gave you a genuine grin this time, his personality taking a huge turn. Blinking at him, you were still registering everything that had happened. 
“C’mon Citrine, the night won’t last forever!”
You stared at him before sighing, a drink could help after all that had just happened. 
“Fine… But I need to talk to you about something later.” His grin faltered but came back just as fast.
“Sure. Now here, I think this drink is something you’ll definitely enjoy.”
As you promised yourself, you only drank what you could handle so you wouldn’t get flat-out drunk. And as Aventurine didn’t promise, he was flat-out drunk. 
The dinner had ended a couple of minutes ago and you were saying goodbye to the rest of your peers, parting ways while lugging a drunk Aventurine behind you. 
“Ugh Aventurine, how much did you drink?” Your nose wrinkled as you could smell the strong scent of alcohol radiating from him. He definitely needed to take a shower as soon as he got home. But there was a problem, a tiny issue.
He didn’t have anyone but himself at home so there was no way you could leave him alone lest he hurt himself. 
“Heh, one too many…” Aventurine giggled, dragging his foot behind him. You shook your head with a small grin on your face. “Clearly.”
Aventurine had originally hitched a ride with Topaz, so there was no issue about leaving a car behind. She had offered to take him home but you felt that it was your responsibility since you’ve been close friends for a while. So with one final goodbye and hug, she left, leaving you with a drunk gambler in an almost barren parking lot. Nothing could go wrong, right?
Opening the passenger door, you helped Aventurine buckle himself up, moving his legs so they wouldn’t get hit by the door closing. After getting in yourself, you made sure everything was cleared before leaving the parking space and heading to Aventurine’s place. 
Occasionally, you would glance in his direction whenever you were at a stop light, making sure that he was ok before looking back at the road. He seemed to be dozing off here and there, body jolting back awake every time he found himself leaning forward. You found it a little silly but decided not to say anything about it.
At last, you could see his house in the distance. 
Putting your vehicle in park, you carefully helped him out of the passenger’s seat and closed the door with your leg. Walking up the steps to his front door, you could hear the faint sounds of his pets from the other side. There was a ‘mrow’ at the door, soft scratching noises coming from behind it. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” You smiled, turning towards Aventurine. “Do you have the keys?”
“Mm coat pocket…” He grunted, leaning on you for support as he fished out his keys. It took a couple of tries but eventually, you were able to unlock the door, pushing it open with your foot. 
Three gray cats greeted you at the front, looking up at the both of you with wide eyes. They happily followed you as you made your way to the living room couch, setting him down so you could take off your shoes. 
“You think you can shower by yourself?” You asked, placing your shoes in a small cubby. Aventurine gave you a small nod, swaying side to side as he walked towards his bedroom. You watched him for just a moment to make sure he didn’t trip, but with the help of his pets, he was able to safely make it to the bedroom and to his personal bathroom. 
With a sigh, you walked towards one of the guest rooms to go find some clothes. You normally left a couple of your clothes in one of his guest rooms since you’d have occasions such as these where he was too drunk to properly care for himself. And the occasional sleepover or game night with Topaz and Ratio. 
Fishing through the dresser, you pulled out some comfortable pajamas and a towel before walking towards the main bathroom. Honestly, you were a little jealous that he had such a big place with a lot of rooms. It made your place feel much smaller.
The steam from the hot bath you just took evaporated in the air when you opened the door, stepping outside with a towel around your neck. You could still hear the water running from Aventurine’s room, assuming that he was savoring the much-needed shower. You knocked on his door loud enough so that he could hear, ear pressed against the door to hear for a response. 
“Aventurine? You okay in there?” 
The shower stopped, curtains shuffling which signaled that he was getting out. “Yes, I’m.. fine.” He softly called out.
“Mm..” Backing away from the door, you left to go make him a glass of water.
Plopping down onto the sofa, you grabbed the remote to the TV and flipped through different movies before settling on one that caught your interest. Soon after, you heard the door to his bedroom open and the sounds of multiple footsteps making their way to the living room. 
“Here, come take a seat. I got you some water, I figured you were thirsty.” You patted the space next to you, watching as he plopped himself by your side with his pets hopping around the two of you. They had settled at the foot of the couch, seemingly interested in the movie as much as you were.
There was a brief silence between the two of you besides the sounds from the TV and occasional yawn coming from the critters. Glancing at a nearby clock, the time had read 10:37 PM, yet you didn’t feel tired. You turned your gaze back to the TV, continuing to watch whatever movie was playing. You hadn’t bothered to check the title or description. 
Aventurine moved forward to grab the glass of water, drinking quite a bit of it before turning to face you.
“..You wanted to talk about something..?” He drowsily asked. Your eyes flickered to his own before settling back on the movie. 
“I wanted to say thanks for.. what happened today. I really appreciate it.” 
Aventurine smiled softly, “What are friends for.”
You smiled back.
He looked like he wanted to say more, but bit his tongue. Would now be the time to tell you? What would he even say? Whatever he drank at the party certainly made him feel bolder than usual if he was certain of confessing to you. 
“_____…” You perked up at the sound of your name, directing your full attention towards Aventurine. Usually, when he called you by your actual name, he had something troubling him. And by observing his facial expression and body language, you knew something was bothering him.
“Is everything alright?” You turned down the volume of the TV.
“I need to tell you something,” Aventurine murmured, hands reaching to grab yours. He seemed awfully clingy, then again, he always is when he’s drunk. 
“What is it?” You interlock your hands with him, squeezing them comfortingly. “I’ll always be here to listen.”
“I—“ He took a deep breath, “—don’t want to be friends anymore.”
You stared at him in stunned silence, feeling a piece of you die right then and there. What did he mean by, ‘I don’t want to be friends anymore.’? Is he finally fed up with all your shit after all these years? Did he— 
“I want to be more than just close friends, _____.”
That makes a lot of sense.
“Huh.” You idiot, is that all you can say? He gave you a flat expression, does he need to repeat himself? Please don’t make him say it again. 
“I—“ “No I just— sorry. I feel the same way about you, I was just in shock.” You interrupted, palms becoming slightly sweaty.  He let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank goodness. I don’t think you realize how long I’ve been holding onto that.”
“Really, when did you start feeling this way?” You were curious as to when this all started because you had liked him a while back too. Maybe if you had mustered up the courage earlier on, you would’ve been together by now.
Aventurine shrugged, “Dunno. One day you just walked in through the doors and after that, I.. felt differently towards you.” 
“But—“ he continued, “The more time I spent around you the more I started picking up on your little habits, what you loved, how you liked things done a certain way… No matter how big or small they were, I just seemed to notice it and I held onto it longer than I thought I would.” He coughed. “That was a mouthful.”
Laughing, you gave him a tight hug, soaking in his warmth. He hugged you back, clinging onto you as if you’d be gone within a blink of an eye. Oh how terrible that would be if this was a dream his hazy mind came up with… 
But you were here, breathing the same air as him and sharing your warmth with him. This was no dream like the ones he had in previous nights. He couldn’t be happier.
Groaning, Aventurine slowly blinked his eyes open. His head pounded and his mouth felt full of cotton, the fuzzy memories from last night slowly seeping into his conscious mind. 
Right..last night. 
Aventurine slowly sat up, being mindful of the warmth next to him as he peered down at your slumbering form. Small puffs of air left you, chest steadily rising and falling before you shuffled in your sleep. He chuckled, moving a strand of your hair away from your face. 
Swinging his legs over to the side of the bed, he decided he would make breakfast for the both of you.
…After he took some painkillers.
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
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darknight3904 · 2 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖈𝖊
ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴏᴄ! ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ
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ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴛ / ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ /ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
Rhaella is now 15, Aemond 14. Also, I've aged Benjicot Blackwood up he is now 16 in this fic.
130 AC
"I do not see why I must dress like this." Rhaella sighs, pulling at her dress, the corset is suffocating her.
"You are nearing the age to be wed. It is important you look your best." Edric says, "Stop fussing"
"I feel like I am being squeezed to death!" She whines as he hooks his arm with hers.
"It is only for the evening. Then, you will be able to wear your normal gowns." Edric says
"You speak so confidently, it is obvious you have never worn something like this." Rhaella groans
Maester Edric chuckles and gestures to his robe and chain.
"Forgive me, I'm not wearing a corset under all this. Although you never know."
Rhaella lets out an unlady like snort as they walk towards the throne room. King Viserys was hosting a ball, he had said it was just to celebrate his own rule, The queen had told her what it truly was. A way to meet suitors, after all she'd need to create an heir for Runestone. Rhaella hated the idea of marriage. She didn't want to leave the Red Keep and take her castle. Why couldn't Gerold rule for her? She wanted to stay here in the Capital with Aemond, swimming and reading until they fell over from exhaustion.
The ball is as grand as anyone could imagine. Lively music played as guests approached the high table to greet their king and his family. Viserys made a point to show Rhaella every eligible man who presented himself to her. Most of them were boring, all complimenting her beauty or here dress, one of them surprised her and had spoken a greeting in High Valyrian. Of course, he couldn't speak anything other than that greeting and she was left disappointed again.
"You remind me of Rhaenrya as a girl. Always quick to dismiss suitors without a second thought." Viserys says as some golden haired Lannister leaves them.
"Well they're all, twats." Rhaella says
"They are of the great houses of Westeros." Viserys says with a chuckle, "Some of them truly are twats though. Especially that last fellow."
Rhaella looks at Aemond who sits near his mother, Heleana on his left and Daeron on his right. If Aegon hadn't been present, Rhaella was sure he'd be the most bored at the table.
"Are there many more?" She whsipered, leaning towards Edric.
"A few, My Lady." He says sympathetically, "Perhaps you might dance with one, the night will go quicker."
"So they ask me boring questions? I'd rather let Sōna eat me." She laughed
"That might be less painful than a dance with some of them. I believe the Baratheon boy is drunker than even Aegon himself tonight." Edric says looking over at a very drunken first cousin of Lord Baratheon . The Lord of Storms End is trying to rouse his relative who is down for the night. At least Aegon's eyes were still open.
"My King." A voice greets, "My Lady."
"Lord Blackwood." Viserys greets
Rhaella turns her head, expecting another old man, or perhaps even an ugly young child who'd rather be playing with toys than greet the King. Instead, she was met with a tall and slim young man, short black hair sat atop his head, messy with curls.
"Lady Rhaella, I heard you claimed Sōna. I have heard tales that she is a marvelous beast, white as the winter snows from Winterfell." Lord Blackwood says
"She is magnificent, My Lord. Truly a marvel to see." Rhaella smiles, its the first compliment she's received all night that's not about her hair or beauty.
"If you ever have a chance, perhaps you can visit Raventree Hall. I'm sure she'd enjoy Blackwood cows as a treat. I'd love to see Dragonfire with my own eyes." He says
"Yes, that would be nice." Rhaella smiles
What an odd man, suggesting she visit his home to feed her dragon cattle. It was surely a different attempt at courting.
"Benjicot Blackwood, he's the young Lord of Raventree. A good match but his feud with the Brackens would drive any sane person mad." Edric says to her as Lord Blackwood goes back to his table.
"He is the only man close to my age in this hall tonight, and the only one who made interesting conversation." Rhaella points out looking at the room filled with older men and children alike.
"He suggested killing cows with your dragon as a form of entertainment." Edric says, looking Rhaella with questions in his eyes.
"It is better than talking of golden lions with the Lannisters." Rhaella says
"You are correct, my Lady." Edric smiles
Aemond could not believe what was happening in front of him. Rhaella, who had been dismissing suitors all night long with rude look or a comment was dancing with one of them. Benjicot Blackwood was twirling her around the floor like they were already wed and getting ready to celebrate for the next three moons.
"You are turning as green as mother's dress, Aemond." Aegon teases
"Ignore him." Heleana advises looking over at Aegon who shoves a bite of food into his mouth.
Rhaella's red and gold gown glitters under the lights of the many candles that light the room. Her silver hair is tied back, showing off how her face has sharpened over the years, baby fat falling away to give way to piercing Valyrian features. Aemond can feel his eye twitching with anger. Truly there was no reason for his current mood, there was no reason to be jealous over a single dance. Perhaps she was just being polite to Lord Blackwood.
It is when she tosses her head back to laugh at something he has said that Aemond cannot take it anymore.
"Mother, I want to leave. Am I dismissed?" He says, looking at his mother.
Queen Alicent lets out a sigh and gives him a nod.
"Straight to your chamber. I don't want you out with Vhagar now." She gives him a look
"Fine." Aemond conceeds, how did she know he was going to try to go for a nightime flight? A mother's intuition perhaps.
Rhaella laughs again as he's leaving. She leans in to whisper something to that idiot Benjicot as his hands are resting on her waist.
How disgusting.
Aemond hopes they both trip and fall face first into the pie that's being served to the guests. Maybe that would teach that barbaric Blackwood a lesson.
Rhaella finds Aemond the next day scowling in his chambers rather than in the training yard with Criston Cole.
"Are you sick?" She asks when she sits at the end of his bed
"I'm fine." Aemond grumbles
"Then why are you not training? Or at least meeting me in the Library like we usually do?" She questions
"I'm tired. Go away." Aemond groans, pulling his blankets over his head.
He had always been one for dramatics.
"You are acting like a spoiled child. What is wrong? Tell me." Rhaella commands, grabbing the covers and ripping them off him.
Aemond lets out a shout of dissaproval when he's exposed to the sunlight hits his eye.
"You haven't even dressed yet?" Rhaella asks looking at his night clothes "It is past noon!"
Rhaella's eyes are caught on Aemond's eye which is not covered by his eye patch. The sapphire that she had heard whispers about in the Keep was mesmerizing. He hadn't let her see his wound since he lost the eye.
"Don't you have somehwhere to be? A dance with Lord Benjicot Blackwood perhaps?" Aemond asked
Was that what all this was about? Surely Aemond wasn't jealous?
"Lord Blackwood is preparing to return to his home today. I do plan to see him off, but not if you are lying here, like some...self pitying...fool." She says
"I'm not a fool." Aemond says
"Then why are you acting like one?" She asks
Aemond suddenly sits up, Sapphire eye catching the bring sunlight that streams into his chamber. He's staring right at her and Rhaella suddenly feels nervous under his gaze.
"You can say goodbye to him, only if you promise to fly on Vhagar with me." He says
"What do you plan to do if I say no? Lock me up?" Rhaella rolls her eyes
"If I have to." Aemond jests
"I'd scream." Rhaella agues
"I'd gag you." Aemond declares
Rhaella huffs a sigh of frustation, Aemond was a wearisome individual today.
"Fine. One flight. But you're not allowed to let me fall off her." She agrees
Truthfully the idea of flying on Vhagar had always terrified her. That large of a beast taking to the sky was mortifying to her.
"Maybe I'll push you off." Aemond says, tone serious.
Rhaella shoots him a look, letting him know his joke has not been well received.
"Maybe I'll push you off and claim her for myself." Rhaella says
"I'd like to see you try." Aemond smirks
Next part
Guys I almost forgot Daeron was like...a thing so I had to mention his existence. Anyway, I love Bloody Ben so I had to give him a little cameo. Also when was HBO going to tell me that he's 12 during the dance? He is a whole child. Anyway, I've aged him up quite a bit here so its not as weird.
Also, whoever made this, they genuinely had me laughing on Pinterest...
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Poor kid Aemond...
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leodette · 3 months
could u write Lando with an older woman? who maybe already has a kid, or at least with a small child is in her company? thanx <3
Hello, sure I can! The woman is around 30, and since there are no more instructions, the child that accompanies her is her nephew!
I Never Wanna See You Walk Away | LN4
fandom: Formula 1
pairing: Lando Norris x OC (not named)
names/faceclaims: -
summary: Lando takes Mila to the zoo
warning: age difference (older woman x younger man)
requested: yes / no
“Mila! Mila please wait for me!” Lando yelled after his little niece who zoomed away from him on her bright pink scooter, laughing at her uncle’s attempts to catch her.
Lando had a rare moment of peace in his busy season, which allowed him to go home to Bristol for a few days, to see his parents and siblings. And because he was gone so often, hell he lived in a different country, he offered Oliver that he would take Mila in the late morning for a little ‘date’ to Bristol zoo, allowing his brother and Savannah some time with their newborn Athena.
What he didn’t count though was the energy hiding in Mila’s little body, and also the fact that she didn’t care if her ‘Uncle Lala’ was able to match his steps with her excitement.
So he was basically running after the child, trying not to gain too much attention. He was happy to not only have a break to see his family, but also not to be in public eye that much and that often.
He passed by lions and giraffes, his eyes firmly locked on Mila’s yellow jacket in desperate need to not loose her from his sight. A group of people suddenly appeared in her way, and Mila, startled, turned and ran her scooter straight into another child, both kids falling on the ground.
“Shit,” Lando sweared when he heard Mila’s high-pitched cry, running the last few paces and crouching next to her. She has laying in her stomach, the scooter next to her, partly crushed under her, the sleeves of her jacket dirty with mud, and her eyes shining with tears.
“Oh no no no, don’t cry darling, don’t,” Lando carefully lifted her, helping her to stand up and started to look for any kind of injury. In the whole mess, he completely forgot about the boy that Mila crashed into. Said young child was standing up, his hair messy and wet with a dirty water from the puddle that he fell into, the bottoms of his pants dirty. His eyes were shinning with tears, but he seemed desperately determined not to cry. Lando thought he could be around five.
“Buddy? What happened?!” a voice sounded behind them, and Lando turned to see a stunning woman with alarmed face expression. She was wearing black skinny jeans, cute boots on a small heel with a bow in the back, and a long maroon raincoat. Long haired pulled in a messy bun, and horrified look as she knelt next to the young boy, checking him in the similar way he was checking Mila.
“What happened, buddy?” she hugged him closer to her, caressing his cheek and wiping the lonely tear in his cheek. Mila though continued to cry loudly in Lando’s arms, him not being able to comfort her.
“That girl ran into m-me with her sco-scooter, those pe-people there sca-scared her,” the boy let out a few sobs, pointing first at Mila and then at the group of people that calmly walked away, clearly not aware of two crying children behind them.
“Okay, that’s okay, nothing happened,” the woman pressed a small kiss on boy’s forehead, smoothing his hair down.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” she checked, and when he shook his head negative, she turned her eyes to Lando and Mila. Lando expected her started screaming at him for not being careful, but she just smiled slightly.
“And you sweetheart? Are you okay?” she asked Mila, patting her hair. The little girl was watching her warily, still sniffling the ugly tears away, but she shook her head.
“Good. That is good. C’mon, there is no need to cry, okay? Things like this happen, the most important thing is that you are not hurt,” she smiled, and to Lando’s absolute surprise Mila squirmed out of his arms and flew herself at the woman. She quickly closed her arms around the little girl, before motioning with her hand for he boy who squeezed himself next to Mila, cuddling closer to the woman that Lando still didn’t know.
“I’m sorry, I lost an eyesight of her for only a second,” he apologized and stood up, looming over the most unusual trio anyone could imagine. He earned only a smile and a shake of head.
“Nothing bad happened, right? They’re both okay, maybe little startled, but that comes with life,” she gently eased herself out of Mila’s grid, standing up as well, her hands in each of the kids heads.
“Although we can’t tell your Mum, buddy, otherwise she would have Auntie’s neck for that,” she winked at the boy who gave her a big smile back, one of his front teeth missing but not from the collision.
“Okay, so since they both are fine, I guess we should go,” she patted Mila’s hair and let her go, grabbing the boy’s hand. But Lando’s niece had nothing out of it, running it her and grabbing her hand with the determination only toddlers posses.
“No, come with,” she stomped her foot, the last reminders of a crying fit moments ago long forgotten.
The woman looked at her with wide eyes, before bashfully smiling at Lando and turning back to Mila.
“Do you want to go to take a look at the animals with us?” she asked, making Mila nod with all seriousness.
“Yef, animalf,” she pointed towards the nearby camel, and the woman chuckled.
“Well, if your Papa has nothing against it, you can come with me and Maxie here,” she motioned to the boy who smiled at Lando’s niece.
“Oh I’m not her dad, merely an uncle,” the McLaren driver quickly corrected her, feeling a blush warming his cheeks. She was gorgeous. Clearly older than him, probably closer to thirty than to twenty, but the classic elegance and kindness made his stomach tighten and his hands sweat.
“Well, there is nothing like ‘merely an uncle’. You’re basically her Dad in proxy now,” she smiled at him, before offering her hand and introducing herself.
“Oh, eee… Bob. I’m Bob, and this little spitfire here is Mila,” he motioned to the girl who was already standing at the fence together with Maxie, both of them watching the three camels inside with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry again for the incident,” he apologized again but she only waved her hand.
“As I said, nothing happened. No broken bones or knocked out teeth.”
They were quiet for a moment, watching the kids, before Max turned to his aunt.
“Auntie, can we get some snack?” he asked, his puppy eyes out in all force, making the woman roll hers before smiling gently.
“I guess we can. Want to come with us?” she asked Lando, who after a few seconds nodded. It wouldn’t hurt neither of them.
“Sure, why not. But,” he raised his finger, “I will pay.”
That earned him a chuckle from her and excited yells from the kids, and Lando offered her his elbow which she accepted before smirking.
“Well, I guess driving fast cars in circles earns some nice paycheck, right?” she added like it was nothing. But that little comment made Lando sweat, and not in a nice way. Looking at his horrified face she started laughing.
“We’re in Bristol, Mister Norris. You’re a superstar here,” she patted his arm gently.
“Don’t worry though. If you don’t say who you are, I will not. Now, off to the snack! Max wanted those strawberry pancakes they have in the bistro!” she pulled him with her like they knew each other for years, Mila and Maxie walking in front of them, the boy helping his new friend with her scooter.
And Lando? Once the shock from the realization that she knew him disappeared, he relaxed, and maybe… maybe a small hope for leaving with her number in his phone by the end of the day entered his mind.
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sanjifucker42069 · 11 months
OPLA!Sanji x Reader - Blowin'
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Word Count: 4.6k
I cut down some of the less, y’know, important stuff (the plot lol)
Warnings: oral sex (m!receiving), fem!reader, awkward first times, awkward af, the reader is a dipshit. I’m ngl this isn’t one of those cute first time fics where virgin!reader is suddenly a sex goddess, you are legitimately an idiot. As usual, written with a plus size!reader in mind.
Sanji finds out you’re a virgin. You suck his dick. Congrats!
Sanji was going to fucking lose it. Out of all the possible scenarios Sanji never once considered Nami would take you out to a bar to pick up guys. He brooded as he nursed his drink, Zoro rolling his eyes at the display. Sanji just growled. Usopp looked between them.
"How about another round? 'Nother milk Lu? Hey Sanji, why don't you come with me? I saw some hot chicks up at the bar."
Sanji just shook his head brooding. He looked to where you stood with Nami, laughing at some guy's jokes. He felt stupid at how jealous he felt.
"Hey, Sanj, man. Nami isn't gonna reciprocate y'know?" Usopp offered lightheartedly. Zoro scoffed from next to him. 
"It's not about Nami for once."
When Sanji's eyes found you again he saw you alone with the same guy, nursing a drink. Now that Nami was gone he could see the atmosphere had changed, you didn't seem happy like before. He watched as the guy said something and you shrugged halfheartedly. The guy then proceeded to wrap his arm around you. Sanji had known you long enough to see how uncomfortable you looked. Anger flared in his chest. The final straw was seeing the guy trying to tug you out of the booth to leave. You looked so defeated, it hurt. He began stalking his way to your booth.
"C'mon sweetcheeks, let's leave this dump."
"I'm good thanks, I should get back to my friends."
"I already told you bitch, we're going. I didn't spend all this time fucking around to go home empty handed. You're lucky I even stayed once your hot friend left. I'm doing you a favour, so hurry the fuck up."
"No, I really don't want to." You began, the man snarled, grabbing your wrist.
"It wasn't a question. You owe me. I don't go for ugly, but a hole's a hole, and from the back you're probably passable."
You had tears in your eyes from embarrassment. This whole trip was a bad idea. You wish Nami would come back. As the man tugged on your wrist harder you heard that gorgeous voice ring out. You tried to hide your face so Sanji wouldn't see the tears in your eyes. That last thing you wanted was for the crew to think you're weak.
"That's no way to win hearts Sunshine. So uncouth, and frankly, disgusting behaviour."
"Who the fuck are you? How about you mind your own business?"
"And watch such a beautiful lady be treated that way?"
"Beautiful lady my ass. The only thing you can know for sure about girls like this is that their pretty pussy is untouched." The man barked out a laugh causing you to wince. He snaked his other arm to cup your breast over your dress. You saw something flash in Sanji's eyes. "And I know I'm gonna really enjoy these."  
You squirmed, before biting the man. He howled in pain, releasing his hold on you. You quickly made your escape, rushing to cling to Usopp and Luffy, crying. You felt pathetic. Embarrassed that all eyes were on you.
Sanji saw red. You blinked back tears as you called out to him. Sanji was protective of all of you, but he seemed especially so of you. You knew it was because he saw you as some kind of little sister. "It's okay Sanji. Really, let's just go home. Please."
"No." He fixed the drunk man with a freezing gaze. "You dare touch someone so out of your league? I asked you nicely to piss off, but now I'm going to fucking kill you."
Before you could react Sanji had kicked the man in the chest. You watched as he began ruthlessly kicking and stomping the man, muttering profanities and sentences you couldn't understand. With a final stomp he huffed. Zoro finally pried Sanji away. You saw Nami returning, fuming. If you weren't so traumatised by the night you would have laughed at how Zoro pried Nami away too, holding the two brawlers by the scruff as they fought against it, looking like wet cats.
You don't remember how you got home. You remember Usopp covering you in his coat and dragging you out of the bar. You remember apologising to Usopp, crying that you needed to go back. The last thing you remember was Luffy running to join you, scooping you up and starting the walk back to the Going Merry, you, falling asleep in his rubbery arms.
"Ah my dear, you're finally awake. I made you something to eat."
You smiled tightly at him, thanking him. The way you played with your food tugged at his heartstrings. You looked so mournful. He pulled up a chair, sitting backwards on it, gripping the backrest. 
"C'mon lovely, don't make me have to feed you myself." He winked. Your lips twitched upwards performatively. Sanji frowned. "Look (name) about last night-"
"I'm sorry."
Confusion. "What?"
You cringed inward. "I'm....I'm sorry I ruined everyone's night."
"You didn't ruin anyone's night, that good for nothing prick did. Don't understand why you'd even go for a guy like that to be honest." He added bitterly. You frowned.
"I wouldn't normally. Everything moved so fast. He seemed nice...It was too late before I realised it's because he wanted Nami." Silence. "Once Nami left, I, well, I didn't want to cause a scene."
"So, what? You were just going to let him take advantage of you?"
You jolted, shocked. "No! No, I- there was no way he was going to-” 
“(Name), love, I know you can be a bit naive but-”
Your voice was small. “He said so himself! He..." you trailed off. "He didn't 'go for ugly girls'. And besides…he was right."
Sanji frowned, angry at the world. How could anyone make you believe that you weren't beautiful? That you didn't deserve some guy trying to take advantage of you? He took a deep breath, steadying his resolve
“There's no such thing as an ugly girl (name), and if there was, I can assure you you're not one of them.”
“Not that.” Sanji took in how you winced, trying to make yourself seem smaller.
Sanji felt the wind knocked out of him.
You're a virgin?" He asked, clearly shocked. You bristled with embarrassment.
"Well...yeah, but I understand how it works! It's not such a big deal, I mean...I've just, I've never had the chance."
"Have you ever...y'know, at all? Not even a handy?" You shook your head. He flushed, you were completely pure.
He felt slightly sick at how his perverted thoughts twisted that. He could be your first, ruin you for all other partners. He could be the one to take your innocence. His cock twitched at the thought. Shame flooded him. You were his friend, his, admittedly, very cute friend. He shouldn't be thinking about you this way. His mind was racing with all the obscene thoughts he'd ever had, the deviant things he dreamed of. He was disgusting. You were too innocent, he'd felt guilty before, but now he felt like he was defiling you just by thinking about you.
You took his silence as pity and pointedly looked away from him, taking a deep breath.
"It's not like I don't want to. I do. But, ugh, it's so silly...no one has ever shown any interest. I'm not exactly a goddess like Nami."
"Darling, I don't believe no one has ever shown interest." He offered a smile. Gods if you only knew how badly he ached for you. How hard you made him. Now wasn't the time for him to blow your friendship over him thinking with his dick. You were being vulnerable.
"I don't need your pity Sanji. It's okay. You don't have to give me the 'everyone's beautiful in their own way' speech. There's more to me than my lack of experience! I'm a good fighter! I have talents, I don't need to be pretty. Just, sometimes, it'd be nice.". 
This wouldn't do. He had to try to fix this. He took your small hands in his, trying not to lose his breath at how warm they felt. Swinging them lightly, he stared into your eyes.
“You are a beautiful girl, you deserve way better than some kind of bastard like that. Men are pigs (name), you shouldn't trust any of them."
"I trust you."
Sanji froze. You peaked up at him shyly. He looked conflicted, and that caused you to smile sadly, misinterpreting the look. You withdrew your hands, fiddling with them in your lap. "I didn't mean that you should take one for the team Ji, I just meant that, well, I trust you. I don't think you're a pig."
"You shouldn't trust me." He lowered his voice. You stared at him, clearly taken aback. "I'm just as bad."
"No, you-"
"No. I'm an absolute pig darling. You aren't that dense surely."
You frowned. "Sure you flirt a lot with other girls, but that's just you! It's charming, non-threatening. I don't see you acting like-"
"I flirt with you too!" He tried, clearly exasperated. You smiled.
"Exactly! You make cute comments to me, and call me cute things like darling, but you're just naturally flirty."
Sanji groaned. Your smile slowly faltered. Sanji screwed his eyes shut. "I'm not 'just naturally flirty'...I mean, I am, I suppose, but I'm actually trying to flirt with you. I thought you were just being polite, but are you really that dense?"
"I....you are?"
"Are you kidding me?!"
"But, I'm..." You gestured to yourself. "You're more friendly than flirty to me?" 
"You're too innocent, it's not like I could just waltz right up and tell you that I think you're hot, can I?" He bristled. 
You felt electricity surge down your spine. Hot? Sanji thought you were hot? Sanji? 
Sanji took your silence as disgust. "See! That's exactly why I couldn't tell you."
"You think I'm hot?" He nodded. Your grin spread, hurting your blushing cheeks. Your eyes sparkling. "You think I'M hot?!"
"Yes, okay!" He sounded almost angry.
"Sanji, you're gorgeous! I'm too awkward. Too fat. Too plain. I'm not a model or some kind of beauty. And you're telling me someone as handsome as you, thinks I'm attractive!? And I-"
You stopped, really thinking about what he said. "Innocent? I....well I suppose. I'm not that innocent though."
Sanji's nostrils flared. "Not that innocent? Please love! You prance around in those low-cut tops and shorts in front of everyone, thinking that they ain't gonna go ballistic? You're too trusting of men, thinking that we aren't all beasts inside."
You laughed, still riding the high of his praise. Sanji snarled, banging his fist on the kitchen table. "No! It's true. You think someone doesn't see the way your tits look and salivate? You don't think you would make anyone insane? You don't think I got so fucking hard when you told me you're a virgin?"
He froze, blood turning to ice, clearly regretting blurting out that last bit. You stared at him, eyes round with wonder. He avoided your gaze, cringing at what you said next.
"I...I make you hard?".
"I'm sorry (name), that was very ungentlemanly of me. I didn't mean to say that last part." 
"But you did." He felt warm hands prying his open and playing with his fingers. He flitted his eyes up to see your face red, staring at him with your eyes practically sparkling with mirth. "God, I've wanted you to fuck me for ages, and now you're telling me you've actually wanted to this whole time?"
Sanji stiffened, cock twitching. He ached painfully. He felt parched, throat burning. This had to be a joke. "You...what?"
"Yeah. Fuck. I, mean, the clothing was purposeful at first, I wanted you to notice me. I had no idea it was working though, haha!"
"Yeah, I thought you knew? You never noticed I only wore those kinds of clothes when you were around? You never noticed how I tried to cling to you in the kitchen? I just assumed you knew and thought I was gross, so I pulled back." You laughed. "Did you seriously think that because I'm a virgin I can't think sexually?"
"But you've never-"
"You've never said anything raunchy to me like you do to other girls. I thought you saw me as a little sister. It'd be weird if someone you saw like family told you they want to suck your dick."
"Fuck." He hissed. 
"Oh this is too good! Have I been torturing you?" You laughed, running a hand up his arm. "You must be so frustrated."
"You have no idea." 
"I could help you." 
Sanji groaned. "You can't say things like that."
"Oh." You pulled back, back to being timid. Even if it was at his expense, Sanji felt the loss of your confident persona. Fuck he really was a masochist, wasn't he? "I, um, I'd need you to guide me. But if you did want help, I'd like to be the one."
"God, you have no idea what you're doing to me." He heard you giggle lightly. He opened his eyes to see you biting your lip, staring up at him through thick lashes, a blush adorning your chubby cheeks. He throbbed.
"You could show me? I promise I'll be gentle! Please Sanji? Can I pretty please touch your dick?"
Sanji felt like he was going to explode from how cute you were. 
"Fuck. Please."
You squealed in excitement, jumping up from the table, both his arms in hand. He wanted to laugh at how innocent you looked, but instead he felt a lump in his throat. You didn't notice, pulling the seated man into an awkward, crushing hug.
"C'mon! C'mon what are you waiting for? Let's go!" 
"Go where?" He laughed at your eagerness. "In case you haven't noticed darling, we aren't exactly alone."
The way you deflated was comical. What wasn't was the wicked glint that formed in your eyes. Sanji gulped, that was never a good sign. He watched as you quickly dashed out of the kitchen. Sanji looked around, confused. Minutes passed. He got up from the table, moving over to the kitchen island, hiding his lower half behind the counter, lest one of the crew wandered in. He sighed, willing his boner away. 
The door flew open. Sanji jumped. There you stood frantically in the doorway. Your hair a mess, breathing heavy, and that wicked glint set on him. He watched as you closed the kitchen door, taking a chair and boarding the door. You grinned, stalking towards him.
No. There's no way.
"We aren't going to be disturbed." You were practically vibrating in excitement.
"What? No. Not in the kitchen. We. Eat. Here." Sanji hissed. You peeked up at him, lip pouting. 
"Please? I'll make sure there's no mess left." You pleaded. 
No mess? Sanji closed his eyes and groaned when he realised what you meant. You were going to be the death of him. When he opened his eyes you were in front of him, staring at him shyly. He startled.
"Can I kiss you? Or is that too far?"
Too far? He wanted to cry. You really had no idea what you were doing to him. He bent down. You grinned. He wrapped an arm around the back of your head, pulling you closer. You tipped your head up. He smiled softly before placing his lips on top of yours.
Your lips locked together like the last piece of a puzzle. You sighed, eyes flitting closed. You pushed further against him, trying desperately to pull him closer. He tasted like cigarettes but you didn't mind, an addictive taste for an addictive man. You wanted more of him. You kissed him feverishly, reluctantly pulling back for air. You stared at the taller man through lidded eyes. He gazed down at you lovingly, a blush high on his cheeks. His blue eyes studied your face closely. 
Sanji laughed as with both hands you pulled his face back for another kiss. His skin was hot, your hands now cold against his cheeks. You tasted sweet and he wanted to devour you so badly. You were too cute. He felt you pull him closer to you. You were kissing and sucking at his lips before you felt it. Sanji bit back a groan, feeling your hips brush against him. He felt pure embarrassment as he heard your breath hitch, pulling away. He opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by a groan as you experimentally pushed your hips against him harder.
"Oh my gods." He heard you whisper against him. He froze. "Oh my gods it's so-"
"We can stop if it's too much dar-LING!"
He squeaked as he felt both your hands rake down his chest, you humming contently as you kept yourself pressed against him. He felt overwhelmed at how eager you were. He'd never had someone so upfront in wanting to touch him. His cocked throbbed. You mewled lightly, causing another throb.
"Oh my god it moves?" You giggled. He cracked a smile back. You were so innocent.
Sanji had made one crucial mistake though. That was thinking that just because you were inexperienced, that meant you would be submissive. He felt you cage him against the countertop, the wood digging into his ass, your hands on him. It wasn't that he didn't like it, the dissonance was making him dizzy. He felt your hands find purchase on his waist. You breathed out a dreamy sigh.
"God your waist is so fucking tiny."
Sanji bristled with embarrassment. He tried to address it without upsetting you. "Love, that's not exactly what I want to hear."
You giggled. "I can't help it, it's so hot. You could kick my ass if you wanted, but holy fuck you're just letting me feel you up. Gods I've seen you fight, I've seen how thick your legs are, but fuck your waist is so little."
Sanji hissed. He'd never experienced anything like this before. Your hands migrated upwards, resting on his pecs. Your slow pace was driving him insane.
"Can I?" You gestured to his shirt.
"Fuck, love, I'd love to, but maybe when we have somewhere more private okay? Don't want to be too unclothed if someone tries to come in. Same with you okay? Don't want anyone to see something so gorgeous." He smiled at you. You nodded your head, practically buzzing at the idea of this happening again. He winked at you. "You could take off something else though."
Sanji was shocked and delighted at how quickly you dropped to your knees. You began playing with his belt, figuring out how the clasp worked. Sanji scrunched his eyes shut. Fuck, you were so eager! He never would’ve expected it to go like this. Despite your eagerness you were so gentle, as if you were afraid of touching him. He was going to prompt you, but instead you softly pulled his zipper down and began drawing the fabric down till it sat mid thigh.
Oh, fuck. There he was, huh?
You looked at his clothed cock, studying It like it was some kind of strange bug. You wanted to laugh at the comparison. Above you Sanji was flushed, embarrassed by your staring. You ran a finger over the bulge. He hissed, his dick jumping lightly. You couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out of your throat. 
"It's so cute the way it jumps."
"Maybe this was a mistake."
"No no no! I promise I'll be good. Can I, um... do I?"
"Just...hah...do what you think is right. I'll...correct you."
Sanji let out an undignified squeak as he felt you lightly grab the clothed bulge. You massaged it, feeling what you could, watching with curiosity how the man above you writhed. Exploratively, you moved your hand further back, cupping his balls through the fabric. The friction of the fabric against bare skin was pure torture.
"Oh shit!" Sanji whined. You withdraw your hand like it burnt. "That's, god, that's really sensitive okay? You're killing me sweetheart."
"Sorry." You mumbled, placing a kiss to his bare thigh. The "strange bug" jumped again. You began peppering more kisses to his thigh. Once you reached the inside of his thigh you breathed deeply, he smelt musky, it made your mouth water. Experimentally, you licked the inside of his thigh. Sanji's thigh tensed. You licked upwards in long stripes until you reached the leg of his underwear. You gave a quick moment of hesitation before you blew air over the bulge. Sanji hissed. Smiling, you placed a kiss directly over the top of his bulge. 
"Did you just kiss my dick?"
"Mmhmm. Watch, I'll do it again." You placed an open mouth wet kiss over Sanji's clothed cock. The man above you threw his head back, whining softly. The fabric was dampened with a mix of your spit and something else. You saw how taut the fabric had become. You cooed. "That looks like it hurts." 
Sanji nodded. You looked up at him.
"Can I take them off?"
He shuddered. "Fuck. Please (name)."
With curiosity you began dragging the wet underwear down his hips, settling them at his mid thigh. His musky scent overpowered you, and you watched with fascination as Sanji's cock slapped against his stomach. Looking up at him you saw how tight his eyes were scrunched, knuckles gripping the countertop. You noticed how he shivered lightly at the exposure. Sanji's cock stood, large, imposing, and leaking. You breathed out a curse. It looked gorgeous, just like him, long and lithe. His happy trail led to a neat little patch of dark hair. You salivated. Eyes drawing to your prize, you winced at how red and angry the head looked.
Sanji thought he was going to kill you when he felt you tap his cockhead like a microphone. Instead he bucked his hips away, humiliation colouring his face. "Stop that! I know you don't know what you're doing, but please use your brain dearest." 
You mumbled an apology before rubbing your hands together, trying to warm them. He watched as you wrapped a hand around his dick before moaning lowly. You studied him, absolutely enraptured, as you gave a test pump. The man above you crumbled. 
"Do you always get this way?"
"No." He panted.
"Just for me?" You tried sultry, trying to muster up some quote from a smutty novel you once read. Sanji peeked one eye open before groaning.
"No." His voice was strained, breathing heavy. You tried pumping him, but the rhythm was sloppy. "N-no. You're...it's a lot right now. I'm not used to it being this slow…or clumsy."
"Do you like it?" You looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Unfortunately." He muttered. With a burst of pride you tried pumping him harder. Sanji squealed, grabbing your hand. "Fuck (name), I really need you to spit in your hand. Th-that's painful."
"Oh...sorry." You offered. Sanji watched as you perversely spit in your hand, wrapping the digits back around his cock. You tried setting a rhythm, it was sloppy, but you focused on giving him consistent squeezing pressure. Sanji moaned lowly at the squeezing, hips rocking. 
Soon you reached a steady rhythm. You watched with bated breath before you slowed down. Sanji began to whine from the loss, only to keen loudly as he felt your lips enclose his cockhead. He began spluttering, eyes rolled backwards. He'd take anything right now, fuck he wanted to cum so bad. He sucked in a breath.
"No teeth, okay love?" 
You laughed, the vibrations tickling him in the best way. He moaned, trying desperately to not fuck your face. His eyes were so tightly scrunched.
You slowly forced yourself further down his length, squeezing the base. Sanji swore. You froze, taking a deep breath through your nose. When he didn't stop you, you continued your devotion. 
"Ack!" You choked, throat burning. You felt Sanji's hand patting your head. You retreated off him, coughing.
"Darling don't take more than you can okay. We don't want you to choke now."
You gazed up at him, eyes wet and throat hoarse. "Let me try again!" 
Your raspy voice made Sanji quiver, but the way you looked up at him, absolutely wrecked, made him burn. As quickly as he noticed it, it ended, and you unceremoniously inhaled his cock. He could feel you try to smile. 
"Fuck!" His voice was high as you sucked hard, adding your tongue to flatten against the underside of his cock. "(Name)! Baby, fuck, I-"
"Hey why won't the door open?" Zoro's voice rang through the wood. Sanji stilled, holding your head. The two of you looked at each other frozen. Sanji tried clearing his throat. 
"If you keep making noise out there, I'm gonna explode, Mosshead!"
You snorted, trying hard to not laugh. 'Yeah you're gonna explode,' you inwardly snickered. 
"Whatever shitty waiter." 
Silence. Sanji looked down at you. "Darling, maybe we should stop. It's okay, we can try again another day." He froze at the frustrated look that overtook your features. "Fuck." He whispered.
You sucked harshly causing Sanji to bite his hand hard to avoid screaming. He felt you try swallowing, watched as tears pricked your eyes. You didn't slow down on your work, sucking harshly and hands wandering. You grabbed a fistful of his asscheek, other hand tracing circles on his inner thigh. You felt him tensing, quivering. His hand reached for your neck, trying to coax you off. He was so close.
"Oh god!" Sanji gasped. "Baby I'm gonna cum, you need to hop off-AH!" 
You sucked harder, milking the man through his orgasm. It was like music the way he spluttered and grabbed the back of your head, nails scratching your scalp. You felt hot, thick liquid painting your throat. It wasn't pleasant, but fuck his reactions were. Some dribbled out of the corner of your mouth and Sanji wiped it away with a thumb, a fucked out expression on his features. He pulled his softened cock out of your mouth, and watched, breathless as you swallowed his seed. You made a grimace afterwards causing the man to laugh.
"Was it okay?" You asked, shyness taking over you. 
"You're lucky I don't mind a bit of torture. It was good for a first try." He gave you that flirty grin and a wink. "I think you need more practice though."
You laughed, outstretching a hand so he could help you up. You tried stretching your legs, noting the numb pain in your knees. You wrapped your arms around his middle. "Was I that bad?"
Sanji pulled his underwear and pants back up, zipping his pants closed. He pulled you closer. "Nah, you're just something else entirely. Silly." Kiss. "Torturous." Kiss. "And I am smitten with you."
"We've wasted enough time, better get back to it." You smiled against his lips. 
"I'd love to pay you back."
"Later loverboy, we're gonna have the whole crew in here soon if we don't hurry."
"I'm so glad there's a later."
You winked, straightening your clothes and heading for the door. You stopped, turning to stare at the man.
"For you baby? Always. Oh, can you make souffle?"
"What? Why?"
"I told the guys we were making a souffle and needed the kitchen completely silent."
Sanji laughed. You definitely kept him on his toes.
I'm not going to lie, some of this is coloured by my first time hahaha! I am an incredibly awkward person, and yes I did also once tell a guy how cute I thought it was when dicks jump. He also told me I was fucked for that ha!
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 7<-
Part 8
Tumblr media
Pairing: Chan x reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, unprotected sex (just don‘t), daddy kink, praising, pet names
Word Count: 3.8k
(Had to reupload this part, cause Tumblr wouldn’t let me edit it)
Note: Here you go, you thirsty little creatures! God I love my readers xD hope you like my twisted little fantasies. I love reading all your comments and requests. Also suddenly I‘m married to several people because of this story. So thank you… I guess ~much love!
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
"Did you see that, hyung? That asshole just wanted to get into her pants!", Seungmin snapped as Mr. Jang left the room.
You were still packing up your things and waiting for someone to pick you up to be taken outside. As soon as you had been alone, Seungmin had jumped up and his suppressed anger had just poured out of his eyes.
"It's okay, guys. He will fund your project and that's the most important thing", you dismissed it and shoved your Ipad into your bag. You were just tired and disgusted. But you had reached your goal and that's what you were here for.
Briefly, you looked at the card in your hand, which had the rich man's number on it. But before you could put it into your bag, Chan snatched it out of your hand.
"No way! We'll get the money anyway. You won't sell yourself for it!", he said, and now the friendly mask fell. You only now noticed how angry he really was.
His hand was clenched into a fist and his jawline twitched tensely as he had to restrain himself from smashing any of the ugly decorations in the room into a thousand pieces. Chan was incredibly intimidating when he was angry, you just realised.
"Maybe he really just wants to drink coffee and talk about business", you tried to calm him down, but Chan shook his head and his eyes shot lightning bolts. That protective side to them both made your heart flutter.
"Didn't you see him staring at your tits the whole time? He wants you naked in his bed, nothing else", Chan spat out and you couldn't help but stare at him. His muscles tensed dangerously under his shirt as he tore up the card and threw it emphatically into the trash can right next to the desk. He was incredibly sexy when he was angry, and that realisation was a bit strange.
Seungmin also ran a tense hand through his hair and growled: "That fucker... I would have loved to punch that asshole in the face when he stared at you so greedily."
"Let's just get out of here", you said, now that you were getting heated by their protective presence. The way the guys cared about you was way too attractive and you automatically imagined Seungmin choking your neck with his bare hands instead of the back of the chair and immediately your knees went weak.
On the way back, Seungmin's hand was on your thigh again, only this time not gently and lovingly. His grip was harsh and he grabbed your inner thigh so tightly throughout the ride that it made you dizzy.
Only when you got out of the Uber you could breathe a sigh of relief. His fingers had left red marks on your leg. as well as a burning sensation in your lower abdomen.
Just as you walked through the entrance of the JYP building, you got a call from one of the company's executives.
Nervously, you answered the phone and indicated to the guys with a wave to go ahead without you.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Y/L/N. We already heard that the conversation with Mr. Jang went very well."
The older woman's voice was unfamiliar to you, but you knew exactly who she was. Mrs. Chung was a very big deal at JYP and mainly handled the hiring and matters of the staff, as well as all social media matters.
„Yes. He even plans to fund more projects as well", you said, stopping in front of the elevator so you could speak in peace.
"That sounds like a big success. Very good! But I'm actually calling about something else. Could you come to my office on floor three?"
Your heart slipped into your pants and you nodded until you remembered that she couldn't see you.
„I'm already in the building. I'm on my way", you said and by then she had hung up.
You went up to the third floor, your heart pounding, unable to imagine what she wanted to discuss with you.
In front of the office you took a deep breath and knocked. Immediately you were called in and the woman, who reminded you strongly of a librarian with her kind eyes and pinned up hair, smiled delightedly.
So it couldn't be anything too bad, could it?
After a brief greeting, she offered you to sit down. She closed the laptop that was in front of her and folded her arms on the table. Then she pushed her black glasses on her head and said:
"Have you settled in well with us yet?"
"Yes. I really like it a lot."
"That's nice. I hear you're a great asset to Stray Kids. There haven't been any problems since you've been here."
„I try my best!", you assured her, almost bursting with curiosity by now.
"Were there many problems before?", you asked curiously and she chuckled slightly.
You know the boys by now. So far no one has been able to tame them...“
She sighed like an overworked mother and shook her head.
"I saw that you're a talented dancer and have done a stream about that with Hyunjin“, she began then and you restlessly kneaded your hands in your lap.
"I'm very sorry if I wasn't allowed to do that... We thought the fans would like it."
Quickly, Mrs. Chung waved a hand in the air as if to scare away the misunderstanding like an insect.
"Oh it did! We had four times the number of viewers and got many new followers in addition just because of the stream. Also the little private moments in the videos and vlogs that go viral between you and the guys inspires speculation. That polarizes and brings attention. It's beneficial for JYP and Stray Kids as long as it doesn't get too much."
The last sentence was accompanied by a warning look and you pressed your lips together.
Of course, they were going to use the attention you brought them. Obviously, it was your luck that the fans reacted so positively to you and shipped you with the guys rather than hating you.
"But that's not the point at all. Bang Chan approached us with a request and we decided to give you a platform."
Completely irritated, you clawed at the tabletop.
"You are allowed to upload streams or dance covers as part of JYP and Stray Kids, if you want to. It's really important to us to promote talent."
She pulled out a sheet of paper and placed it in front of you with a pen. It had your name written on it, and it was actually an employment contract. You could hardly believe your luck. This had always been your dream.
What had Chan done now? How did he know that you always wanted to share your talent with the world? This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
"If you sign the contract, we'll cover all the costs for future projects."
You were starting to feel stupid for all the questions, but it was too surreal to believe.
"The fans want to see more of you. So we're giving it to them. JYP gets 30 percent of the revenue, and in exchange you get to publish through the official channel, as well as your own JYP Instagram account that we give you. What you do with that is up to you. However, it must not affect your work as the manager of Stray Kids.“
Now you were speechless.
"Are we agreed?", she asked with an amused smile.
"Yes, thank you very much. I don't even know what to say", you said, unable to suppress the wide smile.
"Don't thank us. Bang Chan brought it up to us and pointed out what an advantage you would be to JYP entertainment if you were allowed to show your face. And of course your skills."
This man always managed to surprise you. Without further ado, you signed the contract and clarified a few more questions. You would receive access to your account in the next few days and if you wanted to release a dance cover, you simply had to send the video to Mrs. Chung and she would publish it on the official JYP Entertainment YouTube channel.
Completely flabbergasted, you walked out of the room and without another thought, your legs carried you to Chans studio. Your heart almost burst with joy and you pushed the door open without knocking.
You couldn't wait, you had to see him and thank him. Actually, you had no idea what you were about to do. Your mind went blank and you just wanted to see his face.
Alarmed, he jumped up from his chair. He was working on a beat again and looked at you in amazement when you just came rushing into the room.
"Y/N? Are you all right?", he asked, unable to get another word out as you had already thrown yourself at him. He stumbled back a few steps as he caught you, but then held you tightly as you pressed your lips wildly to his.
The kiss was messy and you pulled his body closer to yours. Immediately his hands were on your hips and even though you completely surprised him, he kissed you back with the same intensity.
Your hands wandered into his hair, running through his curls and tugging lightly on them. His cinnamon-y smell mixed with his spicy cologne completely filled your perception and you immediately wanted more.
When you broke away from him, he looked at you like a deer in headlights.
"What was that for?", he asked with a puzzled look on his face, not letting go of you.
You clasped your hands in his neck and he warmed as you looked at him through your thick lashes with those sparkling eyes.
"I just went to Mrs Chung.... Why are you always so damn nice to me?", you asked desperately, pressing your body against his.
You could feel his strong torso against your chest and wanted to explore each of his muscles with your fingers.
He enjoyed your body heat and casually let his fingers brush over the thin fabric of your dress.
"Because you deserve it."
"Channie this has always been my dream. To dance and show it to the world.... How did you know?"
An embarrassed laugh escaped him, and his dimples charmed you all over again.
"Hyunjin told me how good you are at dancing, Felix and Jeongin came up with the idea. I just made it happen."
You realized once again how lucky you were to have gotten this job. To meet the boys who made your life so much better.
He dreamily examined your body and enjoyed how you trembled under his touch.
All day long he had wanted to tear your dress off and when the rich asshole had stared at you so lustfully, he would have loved to fuck you on his desk in front of his eyes so that the guy would understand who owned you and what he would never get.
These extreme thoughts had surprised him himself, but when you were around, he just couldn't help himself.
"I want to show you how grateful I am", you suddenly said then, pulling him closer by his belt.
Chan watched your expression as you seductively bit your lower lip and undid his belt buckle. It was too much for him.
Your dress hugged your breasts perfectly and your pretty face, with intense eyes gave him the rest. Before he could stop you, you pressed your lips on his again, sliding your tongue into his mouth and he jumped at it like a needy puppy.
Your fingers undid the buttons of his shirt so quickly that he exhaled loudly as your cool fingers suddenly stroked his bare abs.
He hadn't expected you to be so boisterous and dominant, and it only fueled his lust for you even more.
While you slowly slide to your knees, you spread kisses all over his firm abs and his skin tasted addicting. It tasted deliciously sweet and savory at the same time.
Immediately he threw his head back and enjoyed every touch of your full lips on his skin. When he managed to look at you again, something exploded in his head.
You on your knees, in that tight dress, looking at him through your thick lashes with that greedy look on your pretty face, made his length in his pants become painfully hard and by now he couldn't stand the friction against the fabric of his pants.
"Really? Here? With me?", escaped him and you smiled such a beautiful smile that he had to control himself not to bend you over his table immediately.
"As the leader, you have the right to claim me first."
'I'm the first of us?", he asked with a calm rasp, in his voice. You nodded and stuck your fingers in his waistband.
"The first to fuck me. I want you to be."
That sentence with your soft voice was enough to make his impatience win.
"Shit, babe I can't wait", he hissed as you pulled down his pants.
He grabbed you by the sides to drag you back up to him. Even though he would have loved to feel your lips around his hard cock, by now he was sure he wouldn't last that long.
He lifted you onto the edge of the table with ease. He pushed your legs apart and pulled you closer again by your face before kissing you.
The kiss was more sensual and deeper than anything you had experienced before and you melted in his firm grip.
He slid your dress over your hips and then took it off completely. Briefly, he took a few seconds to just look at you.
"Fuck... You're so fucking beautiful."
His voice deepened with each word and the excitement in his eyes gave you goosebumps.
Immediately he kissed your neck, sucked on it and cupped your breasts with his big hands until you whimpered with desire.
He looked up at you and put a hand on the clasp of your bra.
"May I?"
You nodded, your head already spinning and he was still the respectful gentleman. With a tight smile from him, your bra landed somewhere in the room and he took one of your nipples into his mouth.
He kneaded your other breast until you couldn't take it anymore and rubbed your soaked core against the bulge in his boxers.
He let his fingers brush over the wet spot in your panties and expelled his hot breath against your skin.
"You're going to keep that pretty mouth shut. Understood? Otherwise we will be caught."
He pulled back, looking at you nod furiously.
You were still at the company and if you would get caught, you would probably loose your job and Chan would be in big trouble.
Unfortunately that risk made it even more exiting.
He turned you around, pushed carelessly his holy laptop and the recording equipment away and bent you over his desk in one swift motion. Slowly he circled your clothed clit with his thumb, what made you whimper underneath him.
"Fuck you're so soaked...“
He grabbed the flesh of your asscheek with one hand and pushed his thumb even harder onto your clit.
Immediately you moaned and arched your back.
"What did I say?", he questioned, covering your mouth with one hand and bluntly pulled your panties to the side pumping his finger into you making you gasp against his hand. Electric shocks pierced your body with each reentry of his finger.
"Already this loud with just a finger? How am I going to fuck you?", he groaned into your ear.
His raspy voice sent chills down your spine, you've never seen this side of him before. So dark and dominant. It made you even more aroused.
"Channie, please...", you whimpered with your fingernails digging into his desk.
"Do you want me to fuck you, babygirl? Say it!"
His demanding tone made you squirm and you pushed your throbbing core at him.
"Yes, please. Fuck me, Channie!"
"Good girl", he smiled, as he ripped down your panties to the ground.
He lined himself up behind you to enter you. Teasingly he slid his tip along your folds and you rubbed yourself against him. With one hand he pushed you down to the table and the other hand grabbed your hips, as he moaned, pushing himself in:
"Fuck you're tight."
You gasped, as he stretched you out and clenched your teeth, as he didn't slow down while pushing his length into you.
Because at this point there is no doubt about it. Chan doesn't just have Big Dick Energy. Oh he is big.
So big that you almost fainted. And he knew exactly how you would feel it all.
After he managed to bury himself entirely into your pussy, he began to shove himself into you. After a few thrusts, that made you feel like he would rip you apart, the sensation was feeling more pleasure than pain, although he slid every time deeper inside you.
He soon speeded up his pace, hitting all your sweet spots making you pornographically moan.
The room was filled with the sounds of your whimpers, his growls, and the slapping of skin, as he pushed your hip with each thrust rougher against him and fucked you hard against his desk.
You could see your reflection in the dark screen of his computer and almost blushed because of the fucked out expression on your face.
He carried on fucking you senseless from behind and didn't stop a second. You moaned his name several times, which made him slam even harder into your wet core.
You whined, as your body began to tense around him.
"Are you going to cum?", he asked grabbing your arms and pushing them behind you to hold your wrists with just one hand fiercely pressed against your back.
"Not yet!", he ordered, as he managed to fuck even deeper inside you. Without your hands you were completely at his mercy and your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as you tried to stop yourself from coming.
"Channie, please... I can't... You're so big...“
Slowly tears were welling up in your eyes and oh he loved your desperate begging.
"Please. Daddy."
The words escaped you with a sob unaware and released by Chans dominant behaviour.
"Holy fuck...", he let out and you obviously found a secret trigger that made him go feral. Grabbing your hands tighter he slammed into you and pushed you up the table. He watched your boobs bounce with every move.
"You want to cum for daddy, babygirl?", he growled at you.
"Yes", you cried.
"Daddy, please! Let me come!"
Just as you thought, that was enough to push him over the edge.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum."
His thrusts became sloppier, dick twitching inside you.
"Come with me, baby!", he let out before he spilled himself inside you. And you did. Your orgasm washed over you like a tsunami and left you with trembling legs and faltering breath.
As you both came down from your high, he pulled himself out of you and turned you around, to lift you on the table again. He grabbed a tissue box and cleaned you and himself up.
"Are you okay?", he asked and the sweet and charming Chan was back. You had now idea what just happened.
Exhausted you could only nod and Chan smiled softly as he gave you a sweet kiss on the lips and gently wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumb.
"Your fucked out face is so pretty", he teased and pulled you into his arms until he was sitting in his chair again, you on his lap, stroking your back affectionately.
You locked at him with a wondering smile.
"Never thought you would be so dirty... Daddy", you teased him.
"Hah", he chuckled and wrapped his big arms tighter around your body.
"Just a little."
Oh after what you just experienced, he wasn't just a little dirty. That boy had a kink that you wouldn't have expected. And of course he fucked you better than anyone before.
Later that day, after you've gotten dressed again and slipped into your office like nothing ever happened, Chan joined the others in the dance studio to practice the choreography.
He was the last one and started to sit down on the floor next to Lee Know to follow his example and stretch.
Jeongin and Hyunjin were already standing in front of the mirror going through the first steps, while Han, Seungmin and Changbin sat on the couch, talking quietly and waiting until they could finally start.
Felix came over to Chan and offered to help him and so they stretched together, Felix pushing Chan's legs apart with his.
"Why are you so late? We wanted to start an hour ago", Hyunjin asked and Chan tried to avoid eye contact and focus on the pain in his legs so as not to give himself away immediately.
The conversation between Han and Seungmin fell silent and Chan only said:
"I had something else to do.“
Then Han and Changbin suddenly giggled and poked each other as if they were sharing a naughty secret.
"Oh you definitely had something to do!", said Han with a grin. The others all looked at him now.
"It definitely sounded from outside the door like that too!", added Changbin and both giggled again.
That's when Chan slowly realized it. He remembered the message from Han on his phone, where he had written to him that he would not come to the studio beforehand.
The message came while he was busy fucking you from behind, so he didn't think much of it.
As Chan still stared in confusion, Changbin began to moan in a high-pitched voice:
"Daddy, please! Oh, fuck me daddy!"
Han immediately joined in by slapping his hand on his thigh to imitate the sound and also repeating the naughty words Chan had heard from you only minutes before.
"Chan fucked Y/N in the studio?", shouted Hyunjin and by now Han and Changbin were holding their stomachs laughing as Chan buried his face in his hands and shook his head.
The others also smirked and couldn't help but tease their leader as well.
As Han slowly regained his breath, he explained:
„We went to pick up Chan, and just as we were standing right outside the door, that's when we heard how hard he was really working.“
The sarcasm was unmistakable and Felix now had to hold a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
Even Jeongin couldn't help but annoy Chan:
„The walls are probably not as soundproof as we thought.“
"I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff, Hyung", Seungmin chuckled and Lee Know joined in with an evil grin:
"Or should we call you daddy now too? Would you like that, hyung?"
By now his face was burning and he just wanted to run away.
"Can we just start practicing? Please?", Chan asked sheepishly, and they did.
However, not without teasing him about it all evening.
->Part 9
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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take-taker-taken · 8 months
could i please have comfort fluff with a quiet, shy reader who cries sometimes from feeling ugly and like no one likes or cares about her with 1997 lord of darkness taker? she doesn't want to bother him with her troubles but he wants to hear her
maybe a bit erotic too..
Ok, so whenever I try to write Ministry!Taker, what comes out is a Lord of the Manor type. I find it hard to write him within a wrestling universe due to the nature of the character, so it always ends being in an AU with an air of magic powers and mysticism - I hope that’s OK! I also didn’t quite get there with the eroticism, so I’m sorry about that - just felt that if I’d tried to add it then it would have seemed shoe-horned in and rushed.
Obsidian & Lilium
You didn’t realise that you could be heard. You thought you’d found a quiet spot when the sadness overtook you and so when the door to the under stairs cupboard opens you squeak in shock.
“Now, what do we have here?” The deep voice rumbles and then his head and shoulders appear in the now open doorway.
Your eyes go wide and your throat freezes up when you realise that it’s the master of the house. Unable to respond in the moment you hurriedly wipe a hand over your face.
“Out you come, girl.” His tone is gentle but firm and then he steps back, allowing you room to slink out of your hiding place. You stand before the giant of a man, the head of the Ministry of Darkness himself - the one known as The Undertaker, and try desperately to stop crying.
He steps away briefly as your tears reduce to sniffles and you notice that he’s at the sink. He turns back and presents you with a cool, damp cloth which you take and wipe over your face. You remain in stunned silence as he takes your hand and leads you to the table, taking a seat and indicating that you should do the same.
“Perhaps you’d like to tell me why you’re crying?”
You lift the cloth to your mouth and try not to get overwhelmed. The very idea that the Lord of Darkness is here with you ‘below stairs’ is enough to send you reeling, never mind that he’s talking to you as well.
You shake your head and mumble behind the cloth, “It doesn’t matter.”
His expression remains neutral but he reaches out and plucks the material from your hand, dropping it to the table. You glance up at him guiltily, realising that you should be showing more respect and add, “It’s nothing, sir.”
He taps his long, pale fingers gently against the table top. “Enough to have a member of my ministry hiding away in a cupboard and crying. I should say that matters.”
You stare at the digits in fascination, seeing for the first time how many of them are bent as though they’ve perhaps been broken. You notice the faint freckles that pepper the back of his hands and his short, neat nails. You’ve never been this close to him and find it surprising that you don’t feel particularly scared.
“Something has upset you,” he continues. “Has anybody spoken unkindly to you?”
You look up at him and a sigh escapes before you can stop it. He doesn’t react beyond a twitch of that pierced eyebrow and so you elaborate. “Nobody speaks to me, sir. Why would they?”
“I cannot imagine why they wouldn’t, little one.”
Your eyes raise to him in surprise at the mild endearment and he nods encouragingly. You pick up the cloth again and dab at your eyes but then shake your head as you say quietly, “It’s not important. Please, I - I shouldn’t be taking up your time like this.”
He reaches across and strokes a lazy circle on your hand with one finger. “I get to decide how I spend my time - no one else.”
Your hand seems to tingle at his touch and it’s clear that you’re to keep talking. You concentrate on the pattern he’s drawing on your skin and let the words fall out, even though the reality of it makes your voice crack a bit. “Nobody really likes me, sir. There’s no one to care about me - it’s not as if I’m pretty or anything.”
“Nonsense.” He waits for you to finish but is quick with his simple rebuttal. “I’ve spent only a few moments in your company and I find you perfectly likeable, so why shouldn’t others?” He continues on as you sit in rather stunned silence. “I myself care about each and every member of my ministry, and as to your last point, well…” He stops tracing his finger over your skin and instead takes your hand in his. “You are most definitely a pretty little thing. I expect even nicer without red eyes from all those tears.”
You stare at your joined hands, his covering yours completely and then glance up at him. His expression is inscrutable and you swallow. “It’s very kind of you - too kind, sir - to say that but,”
“I never say things that I do not mean, little one.” His interruption is quiet but firm and then you’re astonished to see that he’s smiling. Not the cruel or sarcastic smirks that you think you’re used to seeing sometimes on the faces of those around you, but a genuine smile - albeit small, but that somehow makes it even more real. Unbidden, you feel yourself returning it. “There, now - such a pretty smile.”
“Thank you,” you reply as you feel yourself blushing. Doubt still nags at you, however, and you say wistfully, “I wish it were true, sir. It seems that being attractive is valued more highly than anything. And that will never be me.”
He stands up without releasing your hand and so you have little choice but to get up with him. “Valued by those without the brains to value much else,” he says. “I would like you to take a walk with me.”
It’s a question and yet not one, given how he presents it with such finality - of course, he is used to being obeyed. You’re not about to try and resist his will, so you nod and with one hand in his and the other clutching the cloth, he leads you from the room.
He takes you up the stairs and through the main house which makes your head swivel around as you take it all in. The next familiar sight you see is the gardens - you love it when you get the opportunity to walk near here, though you’ve never seen it properly. You wish it wasn’t dark and it seems silly to stroll about when it is.
“A walk in the gardens when it’s dark, sir?” You can’t help voicing your doubt and then you squeak and then giggle as he turns his free hand palm up and you see a gentle glow emanating from it. It’s enough to light the way immediately ahead of you and makes you step more confidently.
“Certainly when it’s dark, little one.” There’s that tiny endearment again and it makes your heart swell a little. “Night blooming lilies are quite beautiful.” He leads you down a few more paths and then when you round the next corner you gasp in wonder because there they are - rows of bright, white lilies glowing in the moonlight. There’s a pond too, with yet more wide open flowers sitting atop the inky black surface as water trickles down a stone feature into the pool.
“I’ve never seen anything so pretty,” you whisper, utterly transfixed by the sight before you.
He lets go of your hand and you stiffen slightly as you feel him stroking his fingertips up your back. “I have,” he says softly. “And I’m standing with her at this very moment.”
You turn and look up at him, no longer feeling shy or like a lesser person. “Thank you.”
The statement seems too small but it’s all you can manage for now and you hope it’s enough. It must be, you think to yourself, because then he’s leaning down and brushing his lips against yours. You know and understand in that moment that everything is going to be alright.
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yunjardi · 2 years
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my heart bel♡ngs to daddy [series]
[young sugar daddy jake x fem.reader au]
[click here for this series's masterlist to read previous chapters, general warnings, and playlist]
[‼️chapter warnings‼️: smut [mdni], DADDY KINK, angst, family issues are mentioned (the plot thickens??? 👀👀👀), degradation kink, reader gets lifted up by jake, unprotected sex, spanking, oral, rough angry sex]
*sorry for any grammar errors
chapter 11: pretty boys, ugly consequences
"so yeah, i'm freaking the fuck out right now!" you exclaimed over the phone to yeji while you paced around you bedroom.
"okay so you mean to tell me," yeji started, "that you unknowingly slept with one of jake's friends?"
"yes, that's exactly what i'm saying," you sighed as you flopped onto your bed, "what am i supposed to do? should i tell him? do you think his friend told him already? oh god i have so many questions." your mind was in a state of panic as you quickly hopped off your bed and began pacing anxiously again. "and, to top everything off, his huge birthday dinner get-together thing he does every year is next weekend! that makes me not want to tell him even more." you groaned, annoyed at yourself for your past actions.
"i know you already know this but," yeji sighed, "i think you might be fucked, and not in a good way." she managed to joke and lift the mood.
"okay, i'm just gonna distract myself by working on our project because i do not want to think about this right now," you declared as you began to set your notebooks and other school supplies down on your desk, "i'll see how much work i can get done before we meet up with innie again. i'll talk to you later, yej."
after hanging up the phone, you turned it face-down so that you could put your full focus into this final project, in mind that it was practically your ticket to graduation.
'jake is the least of my worries right now,' you reassured yourself, 'you don't need him; you can stand on your own. so what if he gets upset at you?'
you tried to instill those thoughts in your mind to ensure that you kept your eyes on what's really important.
but that left you to wonder:
what is it that's important to me right now?
it was your first time back at work after finding out that those videos of you and jake were leaked, and you couldn't help but notice that you were getting a few side-eyes and stares from people who may or may not have recognized you.
you were just doing the usual: wiping down the marble countertops as if there was anything to wipe off, making sure the crystal wine glasses looked overly presentable, serving shots and hoping that the customers were shamelessly horny enough to give you tips; basically just minding your own business and doing your job.
that was until you heard the bells on the entrance door jingle, signifying that customers had just entered.
"hi, how can i help you-" you stopped yourself as your voice weakened.
after ages of not seeing them, the girls were back. well, not all of them. this time, it was just the main girl who usually instigated everything; the ringleader of the other girls. you tried to hide your nervous gulp as you slapped a smile back on your face.
"hello again," you started your greeting over as if nothing happened, "do you want to look at the menu or do you know what you want to order or-"
"what i want is for you to stay away from jake, that's what," she said sternly with a straight yet evil-looking face, "you really thought that no one would confront you directly about those videos and pictures? i'm not sure if i'm the first one to say this, but dirty whores like you with these dead-end jobs don't deserve a classy man like him. i knew who you were from day-one when i first walked into this bar with my friends, and if you think that you can just swoop in and use jake for his money then-"
"i'm gonna have to respectfully ask you to leave," your voice stiffened, "this establishment does not tolerate the harassment of their employees no matter the issue, but if there is a real problem, meaning with my service, feel free to call management. i would think a supposed 'woman of class' like you would know how to act in public and how to treat people, but behold, i stand corrected."
you have no idea how you were able to curate the speech on a whim, especially with the tears that were threatening to leak from your eyes.
"if you still want to have a word, we could at least step outside to avoid disturbing the other guests," you said, maintaining your professionalism although all you wanted to do was yank her hair out and claw her eyes until her eyelash extensions came loose, "then after that, you may leave."
"sounds great," she said with blatant sarcasm, though still agreeing to your proposition.
you stepped out from behind the bar and began leading the way out, trying to remain calm and maintain your professionalism though you could feel yourself about to combust.
right when you guys stepped outside to the back of the bar where it was private and no one could see, she immediately started to take her anger out on you.
"good, now i can say more without anyone batting an eye," her tone coming off cocky and honestly mildly demonic, "i'm gonna need you to step out of the picture, got it? if anything, you're embarrassing yourself by thinking that you, a nobody, can kiss all over jake and manipulate him to give you money. yeah, i've seen you two wearing little matching expensive clothes that i know for a fact he bought, and it makes me laugh every time knowing that it's the only time that you'll ever get a mere taste of luxury. jake doesn't love you; he just needs a random whore to fuck every now-and-then. you are not special."
you were absolutely appalled at the audacity that this girl had, and for a second you were literally speechless, but you had to think of a response. fast.
"you don't know me, and you especially don't know what's going on between me and jake because that's no one's business. am i ashamed that those videos leaked? yes, i am. but are me and jake gonna move past it? yes, we are. oh yeah, and i also don't appreciate the fact that you came all the way over to my workplace to start a fight. it's completely immature of you, and we should just stop because there's no point in-"
your world felt as if it stopped spinning the second her hand came in contact with your face, and it took you awhile to regain sense of what was happening. you two just stood there in front of each other, her face red with rage and breathing heavily while your face was frozen in shock.
"this is the last time i ever try to make sense of a commoner's actions," she mumbled as she stormed off, the fur on her coat fluttering in the cold autumn wind. meanwhile, you stood in place for what felt like hours, not wanting to move in fear of encountering her, but you decided to push your fear-induced thoughts out of your mind and head into the bar from the back door.
once you finally stepped inside the building from the back door that lead into the employee break room, your adrenaline rush from the dramatic string of events came to a screeching halt. finally, the tears that you'd been holding back began to trickle down the cold skin of your face.
you decided to burst into the employee bathroom and make yourself look like less of a mess to go ask your boss if you could head home because you aren't 'feeling well.' technically, it wasn't a lie, so you didn't feel that bad about doing it. thankfully, she agreed, seeing that you kinda looked rough. you thanked her for letting you go home before speeding out the back door.
today was enough humiliation to last you the rest of your life.
you found yourself curled up in a thick blanket for hours, barely moving at all, and just staring blankly into oblivion.
you still hadn't fully processed what the hell just happened but from what you did know, you weren't having any of it. how and why did you just let her get away with disrespecting you like that? you felt weak for not saying or doing more but also felt embarrassed for what you did do and how pathetic it must have sounded. overall, you felt so stupid and ashamed for simply living your life. the first time you ever felt like this was because of your "family", and now a complete stranger has made you feel like the empty shell you were back then.
lost in your thoughts, you didn't even realize that your phone was buzzing on the other side of the bed. you groaned, annoyed that you had to move from your comfy blanket cavern, and reached over to check your phone.
2 missed calls from jake🤍
your stomach sank, feeling uncertain of whether or not you should call him back. but then, not even a second later, you found yourself hitting the 'call back' button and hoping that he'd pick up the phone. the phone rang twice before you were greeted by his cute aussie voice.
"hey, princess. are you doing okay? you haven't texted all day," jake said with a bit of a pouty voice, "i miss you."
those three words made your heart feel warm and fuzzy. jake had a way of simply making you feel all smiley and stuff despite the shitty day you had.
"aww, puppy," you gushed, "i'm sorry i was just caught up with work, that's all." you swore you could see his smile over the phone.
"well..." he trailed off, "can i come over? please, please, please?" he begged cutely. you were nervous to say yes considering that you still looked a mess from the shitty day you had, but you figured jake wouldn't care so you eventually agreed.
"i was hoping you'd say yes," jake chuckled, "i'll be there in a few." he said before hanging up the phone.
were you even ready to see him again?
it began to settle in how nervous you were to see jake. you were trying your best to shake out the thoughts of that girl who basically told you to never look at jake again, and the fact that you fucked one of his friends without knowing it.
before you could let your mind run wild even more, your thoughts were interrupted by a ring.
you let out an annoyed sigh when you realized you had to leave your cozy blanket cavern to answer the chime of the doorbell. tossing the blanket off of yourself, you walked over to the door and opened it up.
even though you'd seen it, jake's new black hair still took you by surprise since you were so used to his blond, golden retriever-like hair. another thing that took you by surprise about his appearance was the fact that he was embracing his naturally wavy hair lately, which you liked quite a lot.
the first thing jake did upon entering your house was cupping your face in his big hands and giving you a soft kiss on the lips. "you looked stressed," jake said softly, justifying his actions. "a little bit," you admitted as you put your head on his chest, "i wanna lay down." you said with a muffled voice. "on your bed or the couch?" jake asked after scooping you up in his arms, which took you by surprise. "bed, please," you responded to which jake brought you over to your bed and gently placed you back on top of your cozy blanket.
you quickly curled up in the blanket again as jake dug through his designated clothing drawer to change into some comfy clothes. after he changed, he cozied himself next to you in bed.
"wanna talk about why you're stressed?" jake asked as if he knew that you were about to explode if you didn't get a few things off your chest. but you couldn't just tell him as if it was nothing. you couldn't just say 'well i feel guilty for sleeping with one of you're friends even though i had no idea he was your friend when i fucked him,' or 'i got verbally and physically assaulted by a girl while i was at work who's seemingly obsessed with you.'
it wasn't that simple.
so you just decided to spew some mild bullshit instead of fully telling him why you feel as if you're being eaten alive by your own thoughts.
"work was kinda crazy today," you said casually as if you didn't spend an unusual amount of time thinking about how you were going to respond to such a simple question, but at least your answer wasn't a complete lie. "my poor princess," jake pouted as he put his arm around you from behind, "do you want me to take some of that stress away?" jake asked with a small blanket of seduction in his tone.
you didn't think much before nodding your head in agreement. you knew you wanted him, but you just felt a little guilty having sex with him. but god, you really needed him at this point in time.
gently, jake sat you up before bending you over into a doggy-style position and placing a pillow underneath your stomach for extra comfort. jake had a way of being attentive toward unspoken things; he could tell you weren't in a mood to be all bent up in different positions, so he opted for just making sure you were comfortable while he fucked you.
this was another one of those times where you wished jake wasn't such a sweetheart to you.
being so lost in thought, you didn't notice that you were beginning to drift off to sleep in this comfy position jake put you in, which made jake chuckle at how cute you are.
"falling asleep on me?" jake questioned as he reached over to run his hands through your hair. "no!" you said with a sudden spark in your voice, "i promise i'm not, please fuck me." you begged with a whine. it never occurred to you how needy you were for jake until this very moment; literally pleading for him to fuck you.
"i'd never deny my princess of something she wants," jake chuckled sexily as he slipped your panties down with one of his hands and pulled down his sweats with the other. you arched your back for him, wanting him to hurry and fuck your wet pussy. jake noticed your nonverbal queue and smirked to himself, beginning to tease you by rubbing his veiny cock on your ass before toying with your clit with his tip.
eventually, he pushed his tip passed your entrance, making you let out a gasp at the way his tip stretched you out. "mmm, fuck," you moaned out through your bitten lip, surprising jake considering that he was barely inside you.
"feeling sensitive today, baby?" jake questioned sensually, "you're already moaning for me and it's just my tip." having him point it out made you slightly embarrassed. he could tell that you'd been sensitive when it came to sex the past few times you guys had fucked, which only made him want to fuck you even more.
"it already feels good," you moaned quietly as he continued to push his thick tip further into you. jake let his head fall back once he bottomed out, already feeling your wet walls tighten and pulse around him.
he gripped onto your hips as he began to thrust in and out of you. he didn't go too fast, but he didn't go too slow either; he went at a perfect pace, making his girthy tip poke at your g-spot with every long stroke.
"you're taking me so well, baby," jake praised you while kneading your ass and adoring your pretty body from behind, "is daddy making you feel good?" "so good, daddy," you whimpered again, loving the feeling of your ass bouncing against jake's hips, "w-wanna cum so bad."
hearing you say those words always made a switch go off in jake's brain, making him even more motivated to make you cum.
he pulled his soaking cock out of your pussy and slammed it back in, the pleasure traveling from your core down to your inner thighs. to speed up the process, you snaked your hand down to your clit and rubbed gentle circles around it while jake continued to pull himself out and roughly ram himself back in.
it didn't take long for you to start creaming on his cock, whining his name as you threw your ass back at him, fucking yourself on his arousal-soaked member. "daddy," you mewled out, "you make me feel so good."
he bent forward to plant a kiss on your shoulder, smiling to himself as he began to thrust in and out of you again. he watched you grab onto the blanket as you moaned from overstimulation. "aww, baby," jake cooed, "is it too much? do you want daddy to stop?" he asked, caressing your inner thighs. "please d-don't stop," you begged, "want daddy's cum first." jake smirked as he kneaded the soft flesh of your ass, already knowing that you didn't want him to stop until you were pumped full of his seed.
after getting clarification, jake began fucking you again, focusing on reaching his high so he could give you what you desired. "mmm, jakey, right there!" you unexpectedly moaned out loud as jake thrusted in and out of your overstimulated hole. "is daddy hitting your little spot again, hm?" jake cooed again as he kept pushing his thick cock deep into you. "m-mhm," you mewled shyly as you bit down on the bedsheets. "keep moaning my name like that and i won't be able to stop cumming inside you," jake said lowly as his thrusts grew sharper yet sloppier.
eventually, he unraveled, his warm cum filling you up just the way you liked it. jake let out a string of deep groans as he dug his nails into your hips, leaning forward to give you more kisses before finally pulling out.
the two of you shimmied back into your original cuddly position and got cozy again. 
“just a warning,” jake started with a light chuckle, “i’m not sure if i’ll have the same self control i had tonight later this weekend. let’s just say that the night the two of us are going to have after the guests leave the party is gonna be adventurous.” you let jake tilt your head to the side so he could kiss you, the two of you smiling into the kiss at the thought of that night until it hit you;
you’re definitely gonna see that guy again.
you didn’t know if you should be excited because this would basically be your first time going to a ‘family function’ with jake or if you should be worried because it was basically written in stone that you were going to see the mystery man who you hooked up with who is apparently one of jake’s best friends. were you even allowed to have a good time at his little party when you were withholding such a big secret from him?
that basically summarized all the thoughts you were having the entirety of the time you were getting gussied up for his birthday gathering hosted by his parents at their huge manor. 
even the fact that you looked like a princess in the pink dress and faux fur shawl thingy that jake wanted you to wear couldn’t distract you from the likelihood of tonight turning out to be a disaster in terms of your relationship with jake. then again, maybe things were meant to fall apart this way; maybe this was how it would all end. it was supposedly a good thing that this situation may or may not drive a wedge between you and jake, considering how you experienced first-hand the consequences of mingling with the rich when you’re dirt compared to them, but why did it make your heart wrench hard enough to make you cry your small bit of makeup off?
another big kicker was the fact that he asked you to pack a bag because you two would most likely be staying the night at the manor. what did that mean in terms of your “relationship” with jake? his whole family is gonna be there and may assume that you guys are dating if you were staying the night there, and that was a whole other ordeal that you had to mentally deal with.
your thoughts hadn’t stopped eating away at you from the second you woke up to begin getting ready, and it was quickly becoming tiring. but still, you put on a bright and happy face once you heard the doorbell chime.
“happy birthday, handsome,” you greeted jake with a kiss on the lips upon opening the door. the birthday boy was clad in a pink satin button-up, that perfectly matched your dress, and dark trousers held up by an expensive-looking leather belt; he looked absolutely to-die-for, especially with his wavy black hair. everything about what he had going on with his look tonight was the move.
"you look so beautiful, y/n," jake said breathlessly as he adored the way you looked in your pretty pink dress, “it may be my birthday, but you’re gonna be the main event with how gorgeous you look.” jake’s comment, plus the fact that he said your name, instantly made you blush.
“don’t be cheesy,” you pouted as you tried to hide your face. “okay, okay,” jake chuckled as he picked up the large (designer) overnight bag you packed your clothes and essentials in, “shall we go?” you nodded, stepping out of your house and locking the door behind you.
things were about to get interesting.
pulling into the obnoxiously long and large circular driveway of the manor was enough to make you feel so nervous that you were sick to your stomach, so what more when you actually got out of the car to go into the party?
jake could sense your tension and discomfort and decided to give you a kiss on the forehead to calm you down. 
“relax,” he smiled lightly, “i promise it’s not gonna be as bad as you think.” you gave him a sheepish smile before he got out of the car to open the passenger's-side door for you. 
the two of you began your walk from where jake parked his car all the way to the fancy entrance of the manor, the cold autumn wind brushing past you as you got closer and closer to the front door.
“ready?” jake asked, looking over at you before ringing the doorbell. you nodded, tightening your hold on his arm that was hooked around yours. jake reached out to press the doorbell button while your stomach churned nervously, hoping that the house was so big that it would take hours for someone to come and answer the door, but alas, the door opened sooner than you hoped. 
“ahh! our sweet birthday boy is here!” a female relative exclaimed with excitement before engulfing jake into a tight embrace to which he let out an “umph” in shock from how tight she seemed to squeeze him, “guys, c’mere! come say hello!” she motioned over to where the three of you stood. the sudden noise of small, pittering and pattering feet on the hardwood floors soon erupted, little kids running over from the play area to come greet jake. the kids crowded around him, hugging his lower body because that was all they could reach before jake crouched down to give each of them a squeeze. 
“you’re all growing up too fast,” jake pouted as he scooped one of his toddler-aged nieces up into his arms, giving her a kiss on the cheek, “stay being babies longer, please.” the little kids smiled and giggled before going back to playing, jake still holding one of his nieces in his arms. 
seeing jake interact with little kids made your heart melt as your head filled with thoughts of how he would be such a caring father to his children in the future. you couldn’t help but hope in the back of your mind that you’d be the one he decided to have kids with, and you also couldn’t help but develop feelings of jealousy at the thought of him being with any other girl but you. but you had to remember what your role in jake’s life was: not a girlfriend, not a wife, not a lover; you were simply someone who he spoiled in exchange for sex. although your thoughts were quickly turning gloomy, you still plastered on a beautiful smile as you shyly greeted the members of his family who came up to the two of you.
“still doing okay?” jake asked you sweetly after he let go of his niece, letting her go back to playing with the other kids, “i know it’s a little overwhelming.” he let out a sheepish chuckle. "i'm okay," you responded with a smile, hooking your arm around jake's again, "still a bit nervous, though." a small pout formed on his face before he gave you a kiss on the cheek as a way of telling you it was gonna be alright.
you two began moving around the area again, greeting a new person every 0.5 seconds. you were beginning to cool down and get used to the heavy social interaction until jake began to lead you over to two specific people.
his parents.
"don't worry, y/n," jake calmed you down quietly, "i promise they'll be kind." that didn't stop your stomach from forming knots as the two of you got closer and closer to his parents. 
“mom! dad!” jake exclaimed happily once you guys were close enough to them. the family pulled each other into a group hug once jake’s brother noticed that jake had finally arrived. 
“happy birthday, my sweetheart,” jake’s mom gushed at her youngest son, “i’m so happy we’re finally all together in one place! it’s been so long, right?” jake’s mother asked, looking at jake’s brother and father to which they nodded. “i know, right? i’ve missed all of us being together.” jake let out a happy sigh as he looked at his family.
a tight-knit, happy family was such a foreign sight for you considering that your family consists of pieces of shit. it almost made you feel... jealous?
“guys, i’d like to finally introduce you to y/n,” jake beamed, the sudden introduction catching you off guard as you put a smile back on your face.
“hello,” you bowed, “it’s great to meet you all. your son, h-he’s a great guy. yes, and very generous as well.” you stuttered out awkwardly, still trying to keep your composure. “it’s great to meet you as well, y/n,” jake’s father warmly smiled back at you, “we’ve heard so much about you from jake whenever we’d all see each other.” you could see jake turning red from the corner of your eye as his brother teased him for getting shy, which you found sweet. “oh, really? i had no idea that jake talked about me to you guys,” you smiled shyly and sheepishly. “oh, of course! after all, he’s told me that you two spend a lot of time together; you must be quite close friends!”
that word stung you to hear, especially from jake’s mother. 
“yes, very,” you responded, trying hard to keep smiling. 
“w-well, i’m gonna go greet more people, yeah? you and my mom can keep talking, y/n. get to know each other while i’m away for a bit, okay?” jake sputtered, clearly trying to remove himself from the awkward situation as he walked away with his dad and brother beside him, leaving you with his mother.
“oh, um,” you spoke up once jake was far away enough, “i-i just wanted to give my sincerest apologies for the u-um whole video scandal. i had no idea that it would happen, and i’m deeply sorry if it did damage to your reputation. i-i really didn’t mean any harm, and-”
“relax, sweety,” jake’s mom said softly as she comfortingly put her hand on your shoulder, “this type of stuff happens sometimes, and it was out of you and jake’s control. from what i’ve heard, you’re a kind girl, and i know that you didn’t mean any harm. don’t you worry about it anymore, alright?” 
the amount of relief that washed over your being felt unreal. this was very far from the reaction you expected. the entire sim family was so kind, again, something that felt so farfetched to you. 
in perfect timing, jake came back to you, wanting to introduce you to some more people. you waved goodbye to jake’s mother and went on your way.
“now you’ll get to formally meet my friends; i know halloween was a little awkward since they only stopped by for like 5 seconds,” jake chuckled as he put his arm around you waist, leading you to yet another part of the manor.
‘shit,’ you thought to yourself as you gulped. well, there isn’t anything you can do now. 
turning a corner before entering the area where his friends were was enough to make you pass out in pure anxiousness. before you knew it, there you were: face to face with his friends, the pale-skinned male immediately catching your attention once again. 
“ayy! there’s our birthday boy,” one of them cheered as he raised his glass of what you presumed was alcohol. “sup, guys,” jake said with a lower tone of voice than you were used to, “let’s get introductions out of the way so that you guys can get comfortable.”
the boys began to introduce themselves around the circular formation they were sat in. 
“hi, i’m jay.”
“hey, i’m sunghoon.”
finally. you knew his name. 
“i’m y/n, but i think you guys already knew,” you chuckled sheepishly, wanting so badly to jump out of one of the manor’s many windows.
“there’s usually more of us, but some of the guys couldn’t make it because of business related stuff. but see? now we can all chill together,” jake said with relief in his voice, “but... maybe later. i’ve still gotta walk around the manor until everyone decides to leave, you guys know how it is. here, y/n, just stay here and i’ll be back before you know it.” you felt your face turn cold at what he just said. 
stay? here? with this rando that you fucked who happened to be one of jake’s closest friends?!
in your state of panic, you didn’t even realize that jake had already walked away. 
awkward silence fell over the group of guys before the sunghoon guy opened his mouth. 
“so, when do you plan to tell him?” he instigated, your eyes widening as you looked at each of the guys individually in shock, “chill, these two already know.” he seemed so nonchalant about the whole situation, almost careless as if it wouldn’t possibly affect both of your relationships with jake. 
“don’t you think we should do it at the same time or something?” you asked, still shocked.
“i’m down if you are.”
“guys, what?” jake asked as you all sat him down, you and sunghoon sitting next to each other across from jake.
you and sunghoon looked over at each other. “you say it,” sunghoon huffed, sounding a bit childish. “um, no, i think you should,” you raised an eyebrow at him with an argumentative tone. “no, you do it,” he argued back.
“well, somebody fucking do it,” jay sighed out deeply as he took another swig of alcohol. 
“okay fine!” sunghoon put his hands up, “we fucked.”
a wave of the most awkward blanket of silence fell over the group. 
“wait, what? how? when? ...why?” jake questioned all at once.
the two of you tried your best to recall that night and explain everything to jake even though that night was a blur to you at this point; it didn’t seem to be a blur to sunghoon, though, so you let him do most of the talking.
“so basically what you’re trying to tell me is y/n went to a sex club because she was feeling some type of way for whatever reason, and you just happened to be the dude she fucked?”
“yeah, i guess we could’ve just put it like that,” sunghoon shrugged nonchalantly while you sat stiffly. 
“hm... we’ll be back in a minute. y/n?" jake looked you straight in your eyes as he spoke and motioned for you to stand up.
jake didn’t speak a word to you as he lead you into the room that you two were staying in for the night.
at this point, there was no one to bother the two of you because everyone, including jake’s parents, cleared out of the house, you, jake, and his friends being the only ones staying in the manor for the night.
“jake? please say something...” you muttered quietly once jake closed the door behind him. 
“before we spend some time apart, i need to spend some time inside you.”
before you could take another breath, you were already on your knees before jake, listening to him undo his belt and pull his pants down in front of you as you watched his already hard member spring up. “c’mon, you know what to do,” jake said, impatient. 
slowly and shyly, you put your mouth around his hard cock as jake pulled on your hair. he gently thrusted his hips toward you, his cock passing deeper into your mouth while he groaned. 
he wanted to praise you, tell you how pretty you looked with his dick shoved in your mouth, gush about how cute and innocent you looked on your knees in your puffy pink dress, but the frustration and jealously building up inside him wouldn’t allow it. so for now, he’d just channel his jealousy into fucking you until the bedsheets pop off the corners of the bed.
after he was over you sucking him off, he pulled you off your knees and pushed you onto the bed then practically tore your clothes off. intending not to waste any time, jake positioned you against the headboard of the bed, quickly licked a stripe up your entrance, and put himself inside your already soaking pussy. 
the sudden feeling of pleasure in your core made you let out a loud moan as jake began to roughly thrust his hips into yours.
“fuck! f-feels so good, daddy,” you moaned out while subconsciously wrapping your legs around his waist. “i know,” jake growled, “no one could ever fuck you like i do.” you whimpered and nodded as you looked each other in the eyes. 
in a swift movement, you were suddenly pulled over to the edge of the bed, bent over and ready for jake to put his dick back inside you. jake pounded into you, making you grab onto the bedsheets for support as he blew your back out. 
“please don’t stop,” you whined out, your cum already running down your inner thighs, “f-feels so good.” jake chuckled sexily as he pulled you up against his chest. “i know how much you love when daddy pounds your g-spot,” jake taunted you as he slowed his thrusts, “i’m the only one who gets to fuck you like this; you’re mine.” jake growled lowly into you ear. “y-yours,” you mewled in response. “yeah, that’s right, my good girl,” jake smirked against the soft skin of your neck starting to fuck you again so that he could reach his high, which didn’t take long. in a matter of minutes, his cum was spilling into you as he groaned and reached over to grab his belt, spanking you with it and making you jump slightly at the feeling of the leather making harsh contact with your skin.
almost immediately after he was finished cumming inside you, he pulled out and wiped himself clean with tissues from the bedside table. you heard him put his bottoms back on along with his belt that he was just spanking you with a few short minutes ago. you looked back at him after climbing onto the bed and having a seat on your knees, watching him straighten out his shirt. 
“jake? w-where are you going? are you still upset? please say something...” you asked, your voice cracking. he looked over to you after straightening out his whole outfit in the mirror. “i’m gonna go downstairs and have more drinks with the guys,” he responded casually yet coldly, his body halfway out the door.
“and as for being mad, let’s put it like this:,” jake started “there are so many girls who’d kill to be in your situation right now, but i chose you. i don’t think you realize that even after all this time. let’s not fuck this up. i’m doing my part, so it’s up to you now. think about that for a little while, y/n.”
a/n: hey gang, i hope you had a good holiday season :) i’m still running very behind on this series, but i hope you’re still enjoying it <3 i’ll be back in no time 
taglist: @axartia @jjhmk @valiantwastelanddelusion @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @lhsng @i-dalso @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @l0st-h0p3s @leeis @muffinminnie @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @tum73er @sjakewrld @markleeisdabestdrug @futuremodeldiary @jeondolly @lil-iva @lalalalawon @noirgray @jckeplanet @teddy-lhj @meinapricity @jjkshies @bubbleseo @cherryunie @mqndnolia @bently-baby @fluffypiesstuff @ihrtk1ve @wonkiluvr @teti-menchon0604 @lovienikitty @rjsmochii @omgjwon @sunshine-skz @wy1999t @lv4rin @oceanyocean @nyfwyeonjun @mxshimoo @multifandombtvh @donghyckl @iloveoceaneyesss @jakeswhore
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albenyx · 2 years
Don't marry him.
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pairings: albedo x reader
warning: not proof-read, grammatical errors, sort of self-indulgent, arranged marriage trope (not w albedo)
summary: a marriage for convenience, an unavoidable event for you as you were forced to walk down the aisle—to vow to be your groom's wife, that is until the love of your life came before it was too late.
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People say your wedding day would be one of the happiest days of your life, they say it would be one of the most important events you'll experience. Not for you though, you were about to be wed to a man named Arche.
Ugly name.
There was nothing happy about this wedding day, not when you were getting married to a man you don't even care about— you don't even know him. A forced marriage.
You hated your parents, you hated the fact that you couldn't fight hard enough to refuse this engagement. It hurt to even know that the man you love hadn't said anything to you after you told him the news, much less even made an appearance.
He simply disappeared.
What can you do though? You understand. You hurt him with the news and now he wants to get away from you, but archons did it hurt when you think about it. When you think about how Albedo easily gave up.
Am I not worth fighting for?
A knock had brought you back to reality, you use the mirror to glance at the door and see your mother with a smile. "Hello dearest. How's my little girl doing?" You suck in a breathe as you force a smile for your mother. "Never been better, mother."
"Oh! I can't wait to see you marry Arche. He's a good man, he's perfect for you." Your mother beamed, kissing your cheek as she looks at you up and down. You could only nod and give her a tight-lipped smile. You didn't want this, sure you dreamt about getting married, but you didn't want Arche. You didn't want him as your groom, someone else fit the role and that someone isn't Arche.
"Now now, be happy! It's your wedding day dear, bright smiles. It's time to go." Your mother says, and you just wanted to rip off the stupid smile on her face. You nod, standing up, you don't trust yourself to speak. In fear that you might say something you'll regret. You could only follow your mother as she leads you out the room, your wedding dress dragging on the floor.
The wedding dress you wanted to wear for your future wedding with the man you actually love.
It hurt to think that day wouldn't come anymore. As you walk down the aisle, you see some of your friends give you sad looks on their faces. They knew. They knew you didn't want this.
And as you stand in front with your soon-to-be husband, as you listen to the priest ask him if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. "I do." All you could ever think about is 'I'm getting married?'
The priest turns to you and smiles, asking you the same question he asked Arche. You glanced at your friends then your mother who gave you a knowing look and nodded. "I-"
The church doors opens.
"Stop the wedding." A familiar voice could be heard, and you immediately look at the source with wide eyes. He's here. Albedo.. was here.
"[Name] Don't do it. Don't marry him." Albedo catches his breathe and stands, looking at you in the eye. "I love you." The bouquet in your hand falls. "Don't do it." He looks at you in the eye. "... Why.."
"I love you." Albedo repeats, and you could feel the need to run into his arms grow stronger. ".. Bedo I-.. Why?" Why now? Just why? That was all you could think of. Why? What took you so long?
"Marry me." He goes down on one knee, and presents you a ring. You had unconsciously backed away from Arche as you stared at Albedo with wide eyes, you glanced at Arche who furrows his brows as he looks at you.
"You're going to be my wife-" "Marry me." Albedo cuts him off, you look at your friends who nodded to you. Encouraging you to go, go run into his arms.
And you do, you pick your dress up and run. You run to Albedo who immediately engulfs you in an embrace, kissing your forehead as he does so. You tighten your arms around him, afraid he'd let go. He'd disappear again. But Albedo doesn't disappear, he only pulls away and slips the ring on your finger. He then cups your cheek and kisses you, in the kiss he pours everything he wanted to say.
'I'm sorry. I'm sorry for disappearing. I'm sorry for making you think I left you. You're worth it. You deserve so much better than this. I'm not gonna leave. I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here.'
You melt into the kiss, kissing him back. You understood, you understood what he wanted to say. You could hear your friends cheer as you two pull away from each other,
"Let's go, shall we Mrs. Kreideprinz?"
"We shall, Mr. Kreideprinz."
Albedo stands up and assists you, before gently pulling you with him out the church. The two of you laughing and smiling like idiots. Little you had disliked the thought of becoming a runaway bride as it seemed 'sad' for the groom' but now, now that you think about it.
Being a runaway bride isn't so bad if it meant being with Albedo.
Your friends had held back your mother and Arche, your father in the other hand only smiled as he witnessed everything, he too was not very happy with the forced marriage but he couldn't prevent it either.
My little girl is all grown up. Take care of her Albedo.
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Tagging: @sevynnee @kaemiya
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kit-williams · 7 months
Night Out
Female Lead: A necromundian named Smoothie Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marine Canon Status: I dont have any Yandere Custodes so not canon yet?
Note: This one was HARD because I don't exactly have any Yandere Custodes made. I'm still figuring out how to portray the Custodes and how much from Fanon/funny vas (like DreadAnon/My Golden Buddy/TTS) I'm going to be incorporating. (But this is less about how it is and more of what I'm trying to do)
She missed Necromunda that much was obvious as some glammed up tall boy told her she was going to be the cause for some great triumph. Yeah Smoothie heard that one before of some drugged out man getting higher then the spire. That was some really good shit she smoked too!
She crawled up the vent as she was going up and away from the area that made her nose bleed. She lived in a hive long enough to know if something was making you bleed you were most likely already dying but hey a little bit of radiation here and there wasn't going to kill her any faster. Though she was confused as she fulfilled what she needed to do... she had a kid... gross little thing with a grosser man but whatever if the Throne man said her kid was going to become important then she'd do it.
The glam man had asked her a funny question. Why she wasn't so torn up... a kid should be something that brings good memories about a good time. Everything in the lower hives was about survival and well having a kid was no easy choice like those upper hivers getting to have kids like its no one's business. She wasn't torn up because she didn't really care about the guy she had the kid with.
Maybe she shouldn't have answered and just fucked off then she wouldn't have been dragged to Terra. She grinned as she knew he was probably trying to find her, serves him right for putting trackers into her.
Smoothie crawls up the vent before kicking the gilded piece of metal open and breathing in the relatively clean air this high up. "God my tits are freezing." She mutters as she pulls herself up and stretches as she sits down on one of the golden gargoyles and waits for. "There you are big guy took ya long enough to find me."
She feels his massive hand grab the back of her jacket just like he did back in the hive. A man doesn't grab a lady like that for no reason... hell the rations he got for her always tasted better and she'll admit she was getting pampered here with some fancy golden collar. She smacked his hand, "Fuckin sit down feather brain." She says in reference to his plume.
"Smoothie." His voice rumbled with some slight annoyance.
"Just fuckin sit with me and enjoy the night out." She says lighting up some scum lho as she looks out at the golden sea. "Its pretty aint it..."
She feels him wrap her in his purple cloak as she is plucked from the gargoyle and into his lap. "Why did you need to come all the way out here."
"When we were coming in the first time I saw this... first time I saw anything from so high up." She says and her eyes sparkle with the same glow that she held when they were above terra at night when she was arriving. "I'm so use to being under everything seeing all the wires and the ugly underbelly and all the shit they try to hide but this... " She lets the blue green smoke roll out of her mouth. "It's pretty... and not so gaudy like everything else here. Who the fuck even decorated it's so much gawkin gold." She says with a chuckle as his massive arm wraps around her.
"Thank you for giving me a reason to... have a... night out." He says with a sigh as his stuffy demeanor melts a little as he holds her tightly and Smoothie just chuckles.
"Of course big guy I mean least this sewer rat you brought home can do for you." She kisses his faceplate grinning as she leaves a neon green kiss mark on the gold.
Fluffuary Taglist: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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300yearschallenge · 9 months
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5
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"My God!" Charles Elias said. "That's awful! The poor girl..."
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"Oh, yes, yes," the maid said, "Very tragic. But to see a troll! Could you imagine? There's whispers she might be cursed, troll-touched as she is."
"Are you done?" A voice rang out across the kitchen and a bolt of ice ran down Charles Elias' spine.
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"Oh, Laura!" The maid said. "This young man here was waiting for you."
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"I can see that," Laura said, glaring daggers at the maid, "You didn't think to come fetch me?"
"Oh, no," the maid said, "I was sure you would turn up soon enough. Besides, the poor man ought to know what he's getting himself into, don't you think?"
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Laura and the maid both turned to look at Charles Elias at once, and he desperately wished for the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
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"I see..." Laura said. "So he's a gossip too, then? That's good to know."
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"A gossip, hah!" The maid laughed. "He seems perfectly fine to me. Don't you agree, young man?"
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"Oh, forget it!" Laura snapped. "Come on, Mr. Park. We're leaving."
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5
Summary of Part 3:
The maid told Charles Elias about an incident in Laura's childhood. Her and her mother and father had been traveling by wagon back home when their horse startled and the wagon fell off a cliff. In the aftermath only Laura survived, albeit wounded, and when she was rescued she told people that what had startled their horse had been a troll.
Historical Info
Let's talk about trolls and superstition!
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Art by John Bauer (1882 - 1915)
So the troll in Scandinavian folklore/superstition is a creature of the wilderness. There's like a quintillion different troll stories and their appearances and behaviour can be quite varied from place to place, story to story. Sometimes they're hostile, sometimes they're friendly. Sometimes they're human-like, sometimes they're very not.
In The Genre of Trolls by Camilla Asplund Ingemark, she summaries the varied views of trolls based on location in the following way:
"The Central Swedish trolls dwell in mountains, those in Southern Sweden inhabit mounds, and Norwegian trolls live in the high mountains. The looks of the troll may be pictured in various ways, but its ugliness is a common feature. In Central Sweden the troll can be of human height, whereas the Northern and Western parts of the country favour huge trolls (Hartmann 1936: 60–65)"
Since there's a lot of research that has been done into folklore by smarter minds than me, I won't make any further proclamations on the workings of trolls as a whole. Other than to keep in mind that views and stories were varied and different, but the throughline seems to be that trolls are often to be feared and avoided.
In the story of what happened to Laura's family we have a horrific and traumatising accident attributed to a troll. Obviously trolls aren't actually real (although Laura and others believe them to be) and so whatever she truly saw was most likely twisted by trauma and injury into something she had heard of in stories.
In my pictures I chose to have the troll look like a mix between a goat and a man, inspired by the following quotes from the previously quoted text:
"The ambiguity between human and animal characteristics is an important one"
"One troll from the Åland Islands shows itself as a he-goat with terrible horns and a beard enveloping the entire hill where it lives (SLS 59: 48–49)"
It intentionally looks almost like very typical depictions of the Devil, since after Sweden became Christian "the troll was assimilated into the image of the Devil"
Now you may be wondering why Laura is being treated so poorly when she was simply the victim of a horrible accident (and supposed troll encounter).
Partially this is just basic human cruelty. Laura, for one reason or another, was seen as an acceptable person to mistreat.
It is also a matter of people fearing those who have had encounters with trolls. People surviving a troll encounter can be viewed in a few different ways. Sometimes they are simply victims of unfortunate circumstances, other times they are transgressors who get punished.
Often in the stories mentioned by The Genre of Trolls the people who have encounters with trolls where they survive (relatively) unscathed are in some ways tied to the trolls. Whether it be a troll expecting a future favour or gift, or wishing to re-capture a previous victim. Sometimes in stories where someone has a non-deadly encounter with a troll they may be gifted a "second sight" of sorts, allowing them to see through troll-made illusions or tricks. In these cases the people are "trapped between different versions of otherness, first a supranormal otherness, then a socially defined alienness".
In Laura's case she is not quite thought to possess any supernatural abilities, but the people in the village see her as someone who could be at risk of either a repeated troll encounter (which could put others at risk) or someone who could unknowingly owe the troll something since she lived when others didn't.
In essence her being mistreated by others is them seeing her connection to trolls as a sort of 'otherness', and as we all know many people in the past and now don't appreciate those who do not fit in.
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soo0mi · 1 year
🫂 。゚⊹ you’ve built a home in my heart — 10. drunk confessions
:: u got up at 2 am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street. for your inconvenience, you quietly opened the door to meet a peculiar sight, someone trying to sleep on the floor across the hallway because their roommate has their gf over .. ?
warnings ⚠️ none
word count ‼️1,043 / 1k wrds !!
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yunjins apartment, 09:47 pm
the rest of the day was boring. from seven am till now, nothing eventful as happened, hyunjin wasnt even home so you decided to visit yunjin. honestly, you forgot about drinking till you saw rikis twt
“oh” how thoughtful it was for him to remind you,
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10:06 pm — drinking w yunjin
“yunjiiinnnn, this isnt faiirr!!” you sulk, face is hot and sweaty from the soju. “that shouldve been meeee..”
“ynnn, what if shes his sister or something??” yunjin pats your hair, “its okay baby, we’ll ask him tomorrow”
“but i wanna talk to him now, we havent talked since yesterday” you can’t believe youre acting so soft for a Man..
“no ml, uve already had too much to drink” she snatched your phone out of your hands, and damn you wish you hadnt been so stubborn that night
quickly, you took your phone back from her grasps and opened imessage,,
🔍 search : my loser baby 🙈🙈 🎙️
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riki didnt even realize he dropped everything he was doing just to come and take care of you,
“im so doomed..”
1:38 am
ding dong, the doorbell rang and yunjin went running to it
“thank god youre here, just go straight n take a right and she should be over there”
“alright, thank you.” he bowed as a sign of respect, “im riki, btw” reaching his hand out to the brown haired girl in front of him
“yunjin” they shake hands
whys he so sweaty… - yunjin
“ugh hes so pretty its so annoying.” you yelled from the room you were in, not realizing you were shouting “i cant keep pretending like i dont wanna kiss his plump ass lips when i see him..” you cried out, tears falling down your cheeks
“youre so dramatic, yn!” yunjin made sure u heard her, “why are you crying!?”
whos she talking abt ..? — riki
suddenly, you felt a hand lift your chin up, forcing you look up to riki with teary eyes. the sight tugged his heart strings, he cant bear to look at you like this. he took a seat beside u, and with a gentle touch, he reached out and wiped away the tears from your cheeks, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than usual, a flicker of romantic tension between you two
“stop crying, u look so ugly”
“why were u crying anyways”
“cause i fuckign hate you”
“wtf did i do”
“i hate you so much, u do all of this just to get my hopes up” you punch his chest
“what..?” rikis heart skipped a beat
“i dont even know how i liked you in the first place, youre such an ass to me.” what a blatant lie you just told, even he treated you better than most of your exes
“you make me jealous even though you arent mine,,”
“yn, youre drunk go home” yunjin cuts you off but was too late to save you from the embarrassment in the morning.
rikis car, 2:22 am
riki watched as you stumbled out of yunjins apartment, steps unsteady and words slurred. concerned, he approached you with caution
“yn, are you alright?” riki asked
you looked up at him, eyes glassy and cheeks flushed. you giggled, swaying slightly as you tried to maintain your balance
“riki!” you exclaimed, voice overly enthusiastic. “i have something important to tell you!” the anger from earlier left your body
“yn, maybe its best if we wait until youre sober,” riki suggested gently, his voice filled with concern and nervousness
you pouted, your expression morphing from excitement to disappointment. you leaned closer to him, he can smell the alcohol from your breath
“why do u have to be so cute..” — riki
he sighed as his heartbeat raised, “lets get you home, and we can talk about this when you’re feeling better, alr?”
you nodded, eyes still filled with a mix of nothing and everything at the same time. riki guided you gently, supporting you as you walked into his car. the silence between you two felt heavy with tension, both aware of the awkwardness that hung in the air
your apartment, 2:48am
upon reaching your doorstep, riki helped u unlock the door. you stepped inside, and flopped down on the couch, head spinning from the alcohol
“hyunjin??” riki looked around the apartment for him, looking for someone to take care of you when he leaves, but he wasnt there “ig ill do it..” his ears turned red
riki gently led u to the bathroom to help u freshen up. with a warm washcloth, he began wiping away the remnants of the night, gently dabbing at your flushed cheeks and smoothing ur disheveled hair (niki husband material era😍)
with u cleaned up, he led u to the bedroom. he helped you settle under the covers, making sure you were comfortable. as he turned to leave, your hand shot out, gripping his tightly
“dont go,” you pleaded, voice vulnerable. “stay..”
riki paused, his heart fluttered at your touch and your words. he could sense the sincerity in your plea but he also knew you were drunk. like yunjin said, u werent able to think on your own yet
“i dont want to take advantage of you, yn” riki replied, his voice filled w concern. “youve had a lot to drink, ill be back in the morning dw”
your grip on his hand tightened, your eyes pleading him not to leave
“i know im drunk, riki,” she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability. “i have known ever since you washed my face. i dont want you to go, i need you here with me, please”
riki looked into your eyes, searching for sincerity and clarity amidst the haze of alcohol. in exchange, he saw the raw honesty and the fear of losing his presence.
“alr then,” riki conceded softly. “ill stay with you but we need to promise each other that we’ll talk abt this conversation when ure fully sober”
you nodded, relief washing over your features
as your breathing steadied, riki stayed by your side, hands intertwined. he watched over you, his presence offering solace in the midst of your vulnerability
“goodnight, yn” he whispered gently as he thought about everything
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did u guys miss me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🩷🤍🩷
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taglist (open) !! @aernx @namelesssuser @alicesolengg @woon2u @dearyjw @beomgyusonlywife @maybemiko @yourmyst4r @j-wyoung @yumilovesloona @astrae4
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
to all the guardian angels watching over me --
for you, my treasures, i am working on a gift,
something to lift our spirits while i lift this curse.
( god, i wish i had taken PE a bit more seriously. )
now, it's not much...
but because i've been experiencing alot of stress/panic attacks lately, if you are looking for a little hurt comfort, but mostly comfort, i am writing up a little think piece about Ravesey!Style X Anxiety, what situations/subject matters might be stressors, nervous tics/tells,
and, naturally...
...what the other boy might do to comfort them. <3
again, it's not much ( i wish it could be more, but alas, i have been trying to write for months and my hands hurt almost as much as my heart does ), but i wanted to try and ease back into writing things again, i am inspired endlessly by your requests/questions, would like nothing more in the world than to answer them and hopefully heal the world with a little hate...from ravesey style.
( so you better smile, pendejos. )
but first, a sappy, crappy thanks from ur poorly functioning uncle.
many of you have asked what my days are like ( i'm sorry i got a little graphic and morose down here, but on the bright side, i'm only five ft, so it's far less stuffy than six feet under, right? khlks. what can i say! even as a gallows girl, i'm shallow. <3 call that preposthumo(ro)us. )
buuut anyways, a lot asked how to make my dog days better but tbh? i'm a cat person ( i miss lily :/ ), so i don't need compliments.
your company is more than enough.
( tho, i do 'preciate the gifts you're leaving on uncle death's doorstep )
...so, um...
*rubs neck nervously and accidentally strains it*
Thank You. :'}
on terribly hard days, ( any sans you ) when i wake up with the skin on my face red and broken open after another round of failed antibiotics from another lazy er diagnosis that i don't have/but must because my voice shakes when i talk and i pick my skin when i'm scared, my body heavy, puffy and yet far too light from exertion, a disgusting jaundice yellow against the bruise blue tile of my bathroom floor, trying not to gag as the nauseating, patronizing voices of ugly male doctors echo in my ears with this horrible thing brewing in my body like poison...
..i open your messages, i read your kind words, tell all the loud men in lab coats to shut up, i put the dnr down, and decide...to save myself.
i sit up slowly so i don't get whiplash or come crashing down to earth, ( yk, i've heard it hurts to fall from heaven, but then, hells not far off. )
i think about how if i don't do this, no one will relentlessly hit on my rant park girls and ruin their day, i think of what little silly drink i will weakly brandish in my hideous, chewed up hands for my bev check that day, it helps if i imagine us all together at a picnic table one day, laughing, smiling, drinking our drinks, just dillydalling the day away,
a perfect, beautiful day.
talking about our perfect, beautiful boys.
just me and my perfect, beautiful girls.
but right now...
it's just Fucking. Me. again.
and this biohazardous BITCH who won't pay rent.
and i finally make it up for air, i savor it, then hold my breath so i don't scream at god or waste my very important air on another stupid arrogant man who won't listen and doesn't care, gritting my teeth so hard, all sound and movement softens ( a very sick kind of kindness ), stupidly clinging to my sweat-laden shirt, all cotton and rotten hope,
trying very hard to be 'good', to be a positive role model even outside of the classroom full of small children i loved very much but was too sick to send off to off to the kindergarten i prepped them for...these weird, funny, odd, special, tiny little people i raised in place of their rich, idle parents; tied their shoes, sang them songs, taught them to spell their names...and will probably never, ever see again.
-- but who would want me to practice what i teach and be brave and not cry as i try to remember which parts of the lymphatic system will release pressure in each sagging limb, painstakingly putting my broken doll parts back together by myself in that cursed fucking bathroom which knows me better than any ex i've ever had...
...and because of your strength, my loves,
i remember everyday why even though i am some woman's annoying, inept, yappy purse dog pomerainian that accidentally got dumped on the side of the busy highway, a dumb, useless, fancy, fluffy, fussy thing, doomed from the start, dead on arrival, taken and afraid, shaking in my siren clog hello kitty crocks, scared shitless, with no survival skills, no self-preservation, no strength, that somewhere, way past this horror movie scene, far beyond night that never ends...
crimson dawn B R E A K S.
and it looks a lot...
Like Your Smile. :)
-uncle nina xx
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sexylazymess · 10 months
Dark!Elsa x fem Reader
Chapter 2
The wind blew relentlessly, making you clutch the cloak around your body even tighter in fear of it flying off and leaving you with nothing to protect yourself from the ongoing blizzard. The white coat of snow has already reached your knees, and in few hours, people might start getting burried alive. This is what became of Arendelle. A once thriving kingdom, with blossoming flowers and lush trees an entire year became an ugly land of mud and bare trees. Quite litrally a graveyard for the living. Once you were finally home, you pushed the door open to be met with welcoming warmth. 
"Auntie is here!" A (your hair colour) haired little girl shouted joyfully, earning her twin brother's attention who came running to hug you "Autie, you're back!" you smiled in return and ruffled his fluffy hair "Of course Jude, I told you I'd be back soon." It was like this everytime you left the house. The kids would wait for your return instead of going to bed and jump in delight as soon as you were home. It was heartwrenching, how at such young age they were aware of the callous weather behind many deaths, including their mother's. "and look what I got here with me." you pulled out two apples from the groceries bag for the twins, receiving simultaneous 'Apples!' and 'Thank you!'s.
"I love apples." came Flora's soft, tiny voice. 
"I'm glad you do, Flora" you went to put away the rest of the groceries. Luckily, you could get your hands on some fresh fruits and meat, otherwise the market in Arandelle was in a miserable state, the food production nearly non-existent. But how could one raise animals and plants in such climate. It was a risk not worth taking for farmers. You almost wanted to tear up when the shopkeeper told you that they don't have the medical herbs you requested since you ran out of them, so you bought meagre ones instead. "Grandpa was coughing a lot. like 13 times." your niece stood by your side, while you lit up a fire under a pot of water to brew a herbal drink "is that so?"
"Yes, I got worried. it means he's not getting better" your eyes met her own big ones, while Jude was highly optimistic, Flora was a realist. She doesn't accept something unless she sees it, but she looks up to you. She takes your words to heart. "Coughing means his body is fighting." you gave her a tiny, reassuring smile "and that's a good thing. every medication I give him will help him be stronger, but do you know what's the most important and efficient remedy?"
The girl scratched her head thoughtfully "uhm, sleeping well? I heard you talk about it last night."
"Well, that too, of course. there's also the state of the heart, our feelings affect our health. The happier one is, the higher the chances of recovery." Her eyes lit up in awe and wonder, and hope. "So...if we make him laugh, we're actually healing him? Like you do?" 
"Of course sweetie, you two have an important part as well." Once the drink was ready, you poured some in a mug and went to your father's room, the old man was laid in bed, looking sickly pale and tired. He saw what you were holding and groaned "Oh no, no more of that awful thing." 
"I added some honey this time. It should be bearable." You patiently said. In your many years of practicing medicine, you've encountered a good number of difficult, stubborn patients. Honesty, you cracked sometimes in the beginning, crying behind a big bush or in a brooms' closet, but you eventually learned to get your way and keep a clear conscious. "Come on, I didn't go all the way out there for nothing." 
"...Fine. but I'll drink it on my own pace!" you chuckled, partly satisfied with his response "As long as you do drink it, old man." you placed his mug on the bedside table and turned to leave when his voice spoke again "and (y/n), thank you... I saw the new clothes you got for the kiddos. they needed them for a while now...I couldn't-" 
"It's good." You couldn't let him loath himself further for not being able to provide for them as a parent should. As illness striked him, your father worked extra hard and past his limits, so much that when he got bedridden, he couldn't walk "It really is. Their happiness means the world to me." 
You knew he still blamed himself for that cursed day. The day your late sister offered to go get groceries instead of him. As soon as you received his letter, you gathered your belongings -eyes puffy from crying and lack of sleep- and took the earliest ship back to Arendelle. 
A rough knock on the door grabbed your attention, glancing one last time at the man "I'll go get it." the twins were peaking from behind the curtains of the kitchen's window and let out audible gasps "Oh my god, they carry swords, so cool!"
The visitors were no other than the royal guard, four men in significant greenish robes which had the kingdom's symbol the Crocus, and long columnar shaped hats. Swords safely and readily strapped to their hips. "We came to speak with Doctor Isaac Karlsen." the one at the front said. 
"Yes?" you said.
And he arched an eyebrow at you, sarcastically "You're Isaac Karlsen?"  
"I'm his daughter. Tell me what you want to say and I'll deliver it to him." you politely smiled, at such times, the royal guard was no good news. 
"Right." The guard faked a smile "Don't waste our time and bring him here. It doesn't concern you."
"It does, in fact. He's sleeping." 
"Oh I'm pretty sure He will want to wake up once he finds out it's an order from her majesty, queen Elsa." 
You internally cringed. Similar to your father, you disliked Queen Elsa. It's why he bought a house at the border of the capital after retirement, where life was peaceful and simple. He couldn't depart from Arendelle but preferred to be as far as possible from the icey palace and its surroundings. Serving poor people without charge until he fell sick. 
"What is the order and why involve my father?" 
You seemed to be getting on his nerves "It doesn't concern you." He firmly repeated, moving to walk past you but you blocked his way. His hand instantly flew to grip the hilt of his sword threateningly, and out of nowhere, the kids appeared behind you, eyes gleaming with excitement and admiration. "Hello guard sir good sir!" Jude blurted out. "you guys are awesome. I want to be like you one day!" Flora joined in "slashing enemies with your swords and protecting us!" 
"kids, go back inside. now." out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the guard hesitating at the sight of children and his hold on the weapon dropped with a sigh "An ill person in the palace is in need of a doctor, urgently." He plainly explained to which you nodded. 
"Very well, I'm doctor (Y/N) Karlsen. I've been working for a while. I'll be there first thing in the morning." you extended your hand for a shake and received none in return, just a bewildered and sceptical glare from the man. Another, friendlier looking guard stepped in to whisper something in his ear that he didn't like from his reaction, he replied with "Are you serious?" and slowly faced you again, both hands on his hips "Very well. pack as much clothes as you need, we will be waiting." 
He grinned at your dumbfounded expression "No occasional visits. the doctor is required to live in the palace and be by the patient's side 24/7. That includes not leaving the palace boundaries for uh weeks, perhaps months." 
"I can't." you shook your head "Impossible. I have kids to take care of and my father is old and bedridden. They have nobody else. I can't leave them for months at once!" 
"Auntie is leaving already?" A crestfallen Jude tugged at your dress and Flora tried to comfort him despite her own sadness. 
"We can't keep her majesty waiting." The guard spoke. "sir Erik, we have to tell her highness-" The other man went quiet when their lead guard, who's apparently called Erik, raised his hand "It seems you have to make a decision and quickly, miss (Y/N). We'll give you one day to think about it. but I suggest to start packing your things." With that, they left and you closed the door, still shaken from the encounter. 
"Aw you both..." you bent down to hug them "A hurricane won't separate me from you. So don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." 
"But the queen. she's powerful isn't she?" Flora whispered. It was true, in her few years of ruling, the young dictator has done terrible things to her enemies and opposers that made even the most fearless of men tremble and give in to her. She was a cruel and merciless tactician with a stone, cold heart. 
"And your auntie is smart and capable of handling herself." The girl was embarrassed that she doubted you for a second and nodded "She is." 
"Uhm, by the way auntie." Jude timidly interrupted your moment "Please don't get mad but..." 
"hm, what's wrong Jude?" 
"the tea you made was awfully bitter, it had veeery little honey." he put his index finger and thumb closely together "the more sweet, the better!" Flora snickered at him "It's called 'sweeter' Jude, not 'more sweet'". 
"Okay but where did you get that tea from? I didn't make any tea." you asked.
"Grandpa gave it to me." 
you were unimpressed, and highly disappointed with your father for giving his herbal medicine to the little boy so he wouldn't have to drink it. And for a moment there, you thought maybe you should've let those guards take him. 
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tamayula-hl · 1 year
Show Ominis making the baby 🥵
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 Of course I will draw it one day! I want to draw it so badly! In fact, I have written a scene in my novel where Ominis is about to make a baby! Below is a relatively wholesome excerpt from that novel that I translated. It is a machine translation, so there are probably some unnatural parts. I hope one day to turn this novel into a manga ...
Before I knew it, my body had risen from the sofa and I found myself hugging (Y/N) tightly. I don't know what reason I gave her a hug. But right now, if I didn't hold (Y/N)'s body like this, I was so anxious and uneasy that I couldn't stand it.
I hear (Y/N) gasp again at my sudden impulsive action. Her body was clearly strong as if she was surprised, but there was no room for me to care about her like that now. I just put my arms around her, driven by anxiety, and (Y/N) let out a thin voice like a rat about to be strangled by a snake.
"…, I'm in pain, Ominis…. What's wrong…?"
She calls out to me in a completely bewildered manner. The body shook as if it was struggling in my arms.
I know she is doing so reflexively because the hug is too strong. But I foolishly imagine that this is what it will feel like one day when my beloved girlfriend hates me and rejects me.
"I want to make love with you right now. I really want you right now, I can't stop wanting you…" "I……." "Please take my love right now… please…"
I beg for forgiveness, but I don't even have time to wait for the answer, and I put my face to (Y/N)'s lips as it is. The most important thing to remember is that you can't see it, but it's a magnet. Even though I couldn't see it, I easily caught the position of her lips as if they were attracted by a magnet, and I roughly placed my own lips on top of hers as if I was going to smash them.
The warmth and softness she knows so well - I feel their rawness through her lips, and I am instantly filled with pleasure. It seems that the lips are the second most sensitive part of the body to touch after the fingertips. For me, as a blind man, it was very important to kiss her body in this way, in order to understand the current state of my beloved girlfriend. I taste her lips, which should be tasteless but for some reason feel irresistibly sweet, and peck at them roughly and urgently. As I relaxed my arms with the satisfaction that welled up behind the ugly feelings, I felt the strength in (Y/N)'s body disappear. A kiss that was too mature, jealous and hasty. (Y/N) does not reject me in such a one-sided way, but just quietly accepts me. The moment I felt those lovely lips gradually becoming hotter and hotter - I finally couldn't resist and lifted her body up while continuing to kiss her.
"Ominis…" "I'm going to take you to bed. I want to touch you as much as I can right now." "But… I need to take a shower…" "No need. I can't wait any longer. To tell you the truth, I don't even want to wait to go to the bedroom like this.
I hold her body in my arms, but we don't forget to keep our faces close to each other, and in no time at all we reach the bedroom. I have never been so grateful to have only rented a small room due to financial problems. I place (Y/N)'s body on the bed as gently as possible while suppressing my impatience, and then without hesitation I cover her up. I heard the inorganic creaking of the cheap bed somewhere in the distance and resumed rough kisses, making sure to wrap my fingertips around both of her flaming cheeks.
'… haha ……… kissing you is really perfect and great… Even after all these years, just kissing you like this makes me the most horny ……."
Even though I'm just assembling her on the bed and kissing her, I'm overcome by a strong arousal that seems to shake every cell in my body, and my breathing naturally becomes shallow. And it's not just me - (Y/N), who's being left under me, is breathing hard too - I can't help it anymore, I can't stand it.
"(Y/N)…… all I've ever known is kissing you… That kiss in the Undercroft of Hogwarts was my first kiss. (Y/N) would you be the same as me…?"
Although she is a little confused, she nods her head in embarrassment (Y/N). The moment I felt that with the friction between my fingertips and lips, I felt a strange, eerie sense of pleasure welling up inside me - and my spine shivered slightly.
"I'm so glad… I'm the only one who knows how wonderful these lips feel. ……"
My own mouth tried to draw an arc as if to pull back. I try to hold it back somehow, but however I could not hide the ecstasy in my own muttering voice. A rapt, dark sense of pleasure runs through my body, along with the blood invaded by arousal.
"Y/N, you even gave me your Virgin. I was really happy at that time. …… I knew that you loved me enough to do such a reckless thing, and I didn't want to let you go again. You gave me your first kiss, your Virgin, your love for me, everything, and I… never want anyone to steal it from me…'
While I was taking away (Y/N)'s clothes one by one, I revealed my feelings to her in a whisper, but like a stormy wave.
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beevean · 8 months
Mactor + Escape :)
call me the spanish inquisition the way I pop up when you least expect it forgive me i have to physically brawl with my brain to get shit done
Happy birthday bestie <3
"Hector, come with me."
Mathias extended his hand towards his knight, frozen in surprise by his sudden request. Only the rustling of the dead leaves could be heard in the courtyard, but Mathias waited with all the patience that was necessary.
"Lord Cronqvist... You can't mean..."
"But I do. When the Count finds a way to send me back home... I ask you to join me."
A soft gasp escaped Hector's lips.
Perhaps he had expected him to propose to run away from the castle, like an eloping couple. Mathias had considered it, in the past days. But he was no fool: of the many, displeasurable things he had learned ever since he had been brought into the far future, the worst and most important one was that Count Dracula made fire and brimstone rain from the sky when something took his possessions away from him.
Only seeking refuge in another world would protect both of them from the monster's ire.
Hector, poor eyewitness and victim of said ire, still hesitated to respond, his gaze darting back and forth. Mathias held onto the thought that the knight was not rejecting him in full, ignoring what his racing heart was screaming at him.
"I understand your apprehension. To be flung in a different century, so far in time as to almost be a different world... It's disorienting. Nothing will be the same." He shook his head. "But surely it would be better than this life you're living."
Hector's fingers flew to hide the ugly purple bruise on his neck, hardly concealed by his uniform. His Lord was growing more shameless by the day - and it did not escape Mathias' notice how the vampire's nostrils flared like a hound's every time Hector approached him, and how he'd shoot a deadly glare at the younger Lord that nearly soured the sweet taste of Hector's lips on his.
Mathias had a tendency to keep his loved ones close to him, that was for certain, but it disheartened him to learn how petty he'd become in the future.
He no longer had the words to express the sickness that took his stomach when Hector returned to his quarters, pale as the undead creatures that roamed in the castle and with eyes just as devoid of life. There was only so much his embrace could do to soothe the shivering man.
They were both prisoners in that cursed castle, at the mercy of the Devil. But Mathias did not have the heart to seek freedom for himself, leaving the man that had captivated his soul behind.
A good Lord would do anything to protect his most important knights, and it was high time Hector learned it.
"I... It would be betrayal," the man finally whispered, in that tone typical of children terrified that their parents might overhear.
"Betrayal of what?" Mathias snapped. "Of a mindless slaughter of your own kind? Of a monster who only sees you as a meal to satiate his filthy appetite with? Do you truly want to place your loyalty in the claws of a creature who doesn't even deserve to gaze upon you?"
The Count's icy, cruel voice resounded in his head, cackling and wicked, that Mathias was not the one who saved the boy's life and thus had no right to claim him as his. What could he hope to achieve, after only a handful of months, while the vampire had years of time to shape Hector to his leisure and fill his mind with despicable lies, such as that he loved him?
But he could hope that he had done a good job as showing Hector what love truly was. The way the knight was balling his fists, instead of rebuking more, comforted him.
"Hector, please. You're too precious to waste yourself in a place like this. And you know it." Mathias refused to hold back: he approached Hector and put a hand on his shoulder, on the armor that marked him as one of Count Dracula's Generals. "You're one of the bravest, most noble men I've had the honor of meeting."
"Even if I'm a sinner rejected by your own God?" Hector asked with a wry smile, that Mathias reciprocated in full.
"Especially because you're a sinner, dear."
Count Dracula may have done his best to ensnare Hector's body and soul, but Mathias highly doubted that he had ever seen him with such warmth in his icy eyes, a deep sentiment that surpassed the mere loyalty of a knight. That sight was for Mathias and Mathias alone, and he nearly swelled with pride.
Hector's fingers brushed against Mathias' hand on his side. But still, he did not grasp it.
"Lord Cronqvist," he sighed, "you're asking me to live with humans. I can't do that. I do not belong with them, no matter in what time and place. I'm not a mere sinner: I'm a cursed being."
Mathias suffocated the wave of fury inside his chest. He wished he had crosses and holy water with him, to reduce the vile Count to ashes for what he had done to such a pure man, for the shackles he had put on his mind.
"I'm not. I'm asking you to live with me, my Hector."
The most he was able to do was to offer Hector the key to escape his prison.
The rustling of dead leaves was deafening, now. Hector looked at him, through him, eyes no longer warm but whet with sharp determination. Then, he took Mathias' hand with his ungloved, callused one, and placed his lips on its back, and took the key.
"Very well... my Lord."
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