#it was reader feedback that got me to fix that Towards the Sun chapter
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After reading the tags on your latest post I was wondering if it would be possible for you to make a brief overview of the iffy tropes/details your sensitivity reader helped you pick up on? Of course it wouldn't replace doing research ourselves, but I'd love to hear about it regardless!
Have not run it by them yet because it is in no fit state for human consumption at this point; the tropes are just from reading their blog + others on Tumblr + general Internet research including the excellent "blind people walk you through normal activities from their perspective" videos on YouTube. But off the top of my head:
Face touching. Where the blind person gropes someone's face to see? Sighted people made that up. I rewrote a chapter in Towards the Sun when I realized that one. Which makes sense, because why would a blind person be any more inclined to run their hands all up in your facial juices. Eww.
Negating blindness with magic and pretty much ignoring the blindness henceforth. Which is why Zuko isn't going to learn to see with firebending. There are very interesting discussions on how Toph herself fits and doesn't fit into this trope; finding them is left as an exercise for the reader.
Token blind character, AKA only having one blind person in the narrative who represents All Blind People. Going to have a few blind NPCs running around, with various levels of sight and accommodations, to thoroughly negate this one.
Being Depressed and/or Overly Inspirational about the blindness. AKA character devotes a large chunk of the story to bemoaning their blindness, with bonus inspirational "overcoming" at the end. Think about how it would feel if the majority of characters like you spent vast word counts hating the thing that makes them like you. And then solving it, in a way you can't, so they don't have to have the tragic fate of Being Like You. ...So Zuko is not getting cured, and he's also not wasting much time wallowing in an angst puddle.
Basically, I want this to be a story that low vision folks can read and go "that was fun and less offensive than 70% of actual media representations", and sighted people can go "that was fun and hopefully I internalized some positive things that will make me less likely to grab a blind person's arm and forcibly Help Them Cross The Road, Try To Pet Their Dog (and Get Huffy When Asked to Please Not), or Call People Out On Not Being Blind Because They Don't Fit The Stereotypes".
#I am never going to claim to be an expert on this topic#but I'm pretty sure I can do it better than 70% of writers actually getting paid to write a blind character#which says less about my research skills and more about how media favors sighted-friendly interpretations of blindness#worst story I've come across is the blind actor who didn't get a role playing a blind person#because they came off as too competent at navigating the set#surely no sighted person would believe that this actor was actually blind!#...yep#avatar the last airbender#atla#blind Zuko#no specification necessary Toph#actual low vision folks please feel free to correct anything in this post#or my stories in general#it was reader feedback that got me to fix that Towards the Sun chapter#and it is a far better chapter for it
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Chapter 8: Golden Hour
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series

Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: The sun sets on Bucky’s last week of the deal to work on your farm
Word count: 2,138
Content/warnings: kissing, cuddling, shaky voices aka holding back crying and emotions, avoiding a sensitive topic, drinking, pet name usage
Author’s Note: Although this chapter is kinda sad, I think it’s sweet to see how much they care for each other. You can really tell neither is looking forward to the separation but they’re both too stubborn to say something about it.
This is a shorter chapter, too, but I hope you enjoy! I’d love to hear your feedback!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Bucky stayed on the phone with Andy for the better part of an hour to make sure he had all of the information. According to Barber, since the cow was given to you ‘in good faith,’ legally, you could keep it without being considered as in debt to Cole. That was a relief, and throughout the weekend, Bucky was being…well, Bucky. His normal controlling self, or at least as much as he could be while still under your roof.
All you wanted to do was enjoy your midday snack on Sunday afternoon before heading back out to do some minor maintenance work when he gave you an update.
“I’ve already gotten Jensen to set up an appointment with a vet who can scan it for chips or any nefarious devices to make sure we’re not being tracked or listened to.”
You stoped midway through biting your granola bar, gesturing with it out to the side of your house where the cow had been staying in surprise.
“Jensen? My ex, Jensen? You’re really working together? I thought you hated him. Fixing the cave wasn’t a one-and-done?”
Bucky shrugged as he looked through your cabinets for something to satisfy his cravings, already half-tired from starting to repair a shed with you and finding schematics for a porch swing. “Well, I technically do hate him, and it’s more like he’s working for me than us working together, but I saw how he’d give up anything to help you, and someone with that quality is worth keeping around.”
He finally settled on a cheese stick and a couple crackers before turning to face you. “Plus, the fact that somehow you don’t hate him helps a little, but I’m still gonna keep him in check.”
You smiled and nodded, throwing away your wrapper and going for another sip out of your water bottle. “Hm, I see. I hope that new training you sent him through will prove useful for the future. Seal his loose lips right up.”
Bucky stopped mid-chew, afraid to look at the knowing smirk on your face. You really were too perceptive for his own good. “Um, yeah. Be a shame to waste it on someone we don’t plan on using. Now hurry up and finish that water bottle. Gotta make sure you’ve got enough energy to finish the repairs on that shed this afternoon so your little cow has a place to lay her head outside. Plus, Curtis is coming over later to help me with a surprise and I’ve gotta make sure I’m ready for him.”
“I wouldn’t be worried about my energy, cowboy. Hope you can keep up.” And with a wink, you polished off your water and walked toward the door to slip on your boots and get back to work.
After a mostly restful weekend, you woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday morning, the last of the month, the last of- no. You didn’t want to think about that. Instead, you took this early hour as a chance to be productive before you had to get Bucky up. A chance to fill your mind with anything but that thought. You figured you’d get a jump on gathering the eggs. You had time to make a breakfast casserole, that could be good. And then do the crossword from yesterday you hadn’t touched? And maybe read? Really, anything to keep occupied before you had to face the music.
Before you knew it, the oven beeped to signal the end of the casserole’s bake time. You pulled it out and slipped off your oven mitts, running on the cool wooden floors in your socked feet to the staircase and going up to Bucky’s room.
You lightly knocked on the door and cracked it open to see a lump tangled up in the old comforter. As you slowly crept forward over the creaky floor, you could just barely make out the rise and fall of his body. You hated to wake him as he looked so peaceful, but it was time for work, and sleeping in any longer would just postpone the inevitable and waste your valuable time together.
You took a seat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his shoulder gently. “Jamie, rise and shine. Time to get going.”
He groaned and rolled over, squinting at you through the one eye he could pry open.
“Hmmmm. Honey, didn’t I earn an extra five minutes? I’ve been so good and done all the shit you’ve asked of me lately.”
You let out a breathy laugh at his gruff morning voice as he reached out for you, throwing his arms around your hips and shuffling to place his head in your lap. You stroked his hair, basking in the early morning moment.
“Watch your tongue, but yes, you did, and I gave it to you fifteen minutes ago, so get up and ready for the day.”
Bucky grumbled lowly against your jean-clad thigh. “Fuck off, Steve.”
You remained silent until he turned his head up to look at yours at the lack of response. Bucky’s tired eyes were met by your firm warning glance, causing him to backtrack immediately.
“Um, sorry, I, uh… I meant of course, honey, excited to start my ….” His voice began to shake. You could’ve finished the sentence for him. You knew what he was going to say. His last week on the farm. But you didn’t. You didn’t finish his sentence because you didn’t want to hear it either. You simply patted his head and nodded, your eyes slightly more watery than before. You tried to play it off as a yawn before gently lifting him from your lap and standing again.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought.” Your attempt at a snarky reply came out as a whisper, caught somewhere in your throat, where you attempted to clear it out before starting again. “Breakfast is already cooked, just cooling right now. I’ll go ahead and serve it up. I hope you’re dressed and ready, downstairs before it gets too cold.”
By the time Bucky had the chance to process your words and demeanor and nod, you had already turned around and headed back downstairs.
Besides the successful vet appointment, the rest of the days of the week were quite similar to the way Monday went, although Bucky kept getting up earlier, and pushing you to stay up later, not wanting to waste a single second with you.
The farm work went smoothly, much faster than you had recalled your first weeks with Bucky being, considering he couldn’t do a single thing without you by his side back then. The two of you still worked alongside each other, but now it made everything go twice as fast instead of creating roadblocks.
The fields were getting long enough to make hay bales, so you officially got to take Bucky up into the big green tractor and show him the way to properly weave and maneuver through the fields to cut it, turn it, and bale it. You didn’t miss the way he smirked when you told him the piece of equipment you’d be using for the job. That song, ‘Big Green Tractor,’ had played several times in the bar and it didn’t take too long for Bucky to catch on to the innuendo, but he didn’t do anything about it…yet.
For some of the other tasks, Peter came along, too, learning how everything worked. He caught on quickly, which was reassuring because you weren’t sure how things were going to be without Bucky by your side in the coming weeks. The increased speed on everything helped you to finish up earlier than usual, too, giving you most of the night for just relaxing with the two of them. Well, mainly Bucky, since Peter stayed out of the way when he could. You’d had enough time to hang out for a couple hours before dinner, then finish up the evening checks and milkings, and then go back to decompress before bed.
That gave plenty of time for you to go do something with Bucky, just the two of you outside of chores, outside of his scheduled phone calls, to just be. And then each night, after you changed into pajamas, Bucky crawled into your bed with you, his arms wrapped you in a tight embrace, holding lazy, yet deep conversation until the first one between the two of you fell asleep.
This new arrangement with no signs of Bucky returning to his old quarters allowed Peter move into the house. Sure, it may not have been that exact room in favor of one of the other guest rooms, but you insisted that now that the rest of the crew had finished up their work in the mines, there was no sense in him staying alone in the barndiminium. Especially if he was to be here for the foreseeable future.
Another night, another chance for you and Bucky to enjoy the sunset out in the rocking chairs, facing west. Except, Bucky wasn’t the biggest fan of any sort of seating with armrests that might block your closeness, so the two of you sat pressed up against each other on the front porch swing, the surprise for you that Curtis had come over to help Bucky build earlier in the week.
You weren’t all alone in these moments, though. Sure, all the people around you knew to stay away and give the two of you privacy in these times, but it was different for the farm animals. As you leaned back against Bucky’s chest, his arms around your waist and head tucked over your shoulder, satisfied yet worried thoughts filling your heads, the two of you would laugh as the sheep and cattle dogs would run up to you, accompanied by the mini highland cow that you’d decided to let Decks name the next time she visited.
The week had flown by already, full of nights like this, the two of you sitting in the glow of the golden hour that Bucky would surely miss in the city, sharing kisses and everything you could think of.
The air was just cool enough on Friday night when the sun went down to make a bonfire. Cherry had the night off for once, so Curtis had brought her over for a small picnic in one of the fields before joining the two of you by the fire.
You and Bucky had made an ice bucket of beer for the occasion, sipping lightly throughout the easy conversation, your back to his chest as his was against a log, the both of you sitting on an old quilt. Curtis and Cherry were doing the same as you got to know the girl who seemed to be stealing his heart.
“So Houston, huh? How do you feel about here?” Bucky gestured across the fire to her with his bottle.
“Yeah, kind of glad to be out of there, though. Have some time to take it slow away from the city, ya know? What about you? You’re not from around here either, right?”
You did your best to hide your wince at Cherry’s response. Sure, she was just being nice and holding genuine conversation. You couldn’t blame her for not knowing the way you and Bucky were trying to ignore any topics that even came close to his departure or what he was doing here in the first place.
Bucky was much better at hiding his true emotions, though, a product of his livelihood. “Yeah, city life has been good to me. Doesn’t mean I don’t love it out here just as much, though. I think I’ve gained a whole new perspective on this place and the people just from a month.” He gave a small smile with his response which Cherry returned with a nod before Bucky leaned forward to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“I feel that. I kind of already feel at home. But you’re not sticking around, right? Curtis told me this was one of your last nights in town.”
There it was. She said it out loud, creating a pang of pain in both your and Bucky’s chests. He cleared his throat, throwing a quick glance at his stoic pal across the fire, and Curtis seemed completely unbothered. Perhaps he wasn’t aware of how much you and Bucky cared for each other. And maybe he was right for that. As soon as Bucky left, he had to go back to his normal, busy schedule that poor Steve had been maintaining this whole time, and then some. Bucky wouldn’t have space in his schedule to come back here or worry about you for anything but business, right?
You let out a shaky breath as Bucky rubbed his hand along your side, responding just barely loud enough to overtake the crackling fire. “Yeah.”
Next >
Bonus A/N: when things heat up to be pulled apart…I’m sure there a scientific term for that (entropy?)
Series Taglist: @scuzmunkie @openup-yourmind @vicmc624 @hawkeyes-queen @blackhawkfanatic @morgthemagpie @buckybarnessimpp @calwitch @thesarcasmqueen-22 @mrsnikstan
#Bucky Barnes#Bucky Barnes x reader#you catch more bees with honey series#you catch more bees with honey#mob! Bucky x farmer! reader#outta nowhere AU#Bucky Barnes fanfiction#mob Bucky#mob! Bucky#mob Bucky x farmer reader#mob! bucky x reader#mafia Bucky#mafia! Bucky#Bucky Barnes fluff#Bucky Barnes angst
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Prologue - Ocean
There stood a stranger, his face hidden under a dark hood
Darth Maul x fem!Jedi OC Ayane Arinori
Canon Story to 'Fly me to the Moon'
Warnings: none
Word count: 1666
Note: hello hello hello dear readers and welcome to the canon version of 'Fly me to the Moon'! This is the prologue and I will slowly update (and add a Masterlist later on) every chapter! This story is also about my OC Ayane Arinori only this time she stays human and becomes a jedi. So a lot of friends to enemies and enemies to lovers between Maul and Ayane here! I really love this idea and hope you enjoy it with me. As always you feedback is welcome!
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This story is 18+! Minors please do not interact!
A shooting star flew by like a small comet in the clear sky. It went unnoticed by the woman who moved her wet body from the sea to land. Her feet felt the sand, it was finer than that on other planets. The water was salty and more beautiful, the grass greener and the sky on the horizon much more radiant. She let herself sink on the beach and sat down. The sand was still warm even though the sun had set a time ago and night had fallen. Nevertheless, it was never very cold in this part of the planet and the sand probably stored the pleasant warmth of the sun a little longer. She put her head back as she looked at the stars. How many stars were up there? How many planets are there that she has not yet visited? How many species inhabit them?
The woman with raven-black hair, which she had braided into a long plait, took a deep breath and let herself fall backwards into the warm sand. Her hands stroked through it and she let the grains of sand run through her fingers. Her ice-blue eyes stared up at the sky. She tried not to think of the thousands of questions running through her head. No one would answer them anyway.
Once again a small light flickered across the sky, just like the shooting star before. The woman recognised the flames of a ship's engines. Where did it come from? Were the Jedi sending their minions to take her again? She closed her beautiful eyes and sucked the salty air into her lungs through her slightly open mouth. In her mind, she scanned the ship, trying to sense another identity. She tried it again, like she did many times before, like she trained herself. With the power she had, which no one could bring her closer to and explain. The Jedi often came to visit and take her with them, but her father always found new ways to keep her with him. The Force was so strange and uncanny to her and yet a part of her. She cursed it and yet was fascinated.
Sure enough, she sensed someone on this ship. An identity she was already familiar with, but had not met before. At least not in this life. It felt bleak, concentrated full of anger and hatred. Yet she felt a certain trust, a warmth that she had known all her life without experiencing. Who was on this ship?
She heard a voice calling her. It called her in the wide, unknown ocean the Force. What was the voice saying? She couldn't understand the words. It felt like an echo. Like a drop that upset the great sea. It made the sea restless and angry and it felt like the water was burying the land underneath it.
The woman sat up again. She felt her heart beat faster and her hands had become sweaty. "How exciting..." she whispered almost inaudibly to herself. Who was the stranger that visited this planet?
It was a famous and beautiful planet, but not many came to visit and certainly not without reason. She was now standing on the beach, her gaze fixed on the forest behind her. The water was still dripping from her slender fingers and out of hair. Sand got stuck on the backside of her body.
She rubbed off what she could of the sand. Kriff, she wouldn't be able to get all of the sand off without a shower, that much was clear. The woman continued on her way towards the forest and slipped in the simple white summer dress hanging from a tree on one of the branches. That was all she took with her to the sea of Midgard. She needed nothing more than the wonderful air of the sea, the water and the sand beneath her bare feet.
Her path led her through the forest, through a forest that was like a painting. The ground changed and the sand gave way to green grass and flowers. Small insects buzzed and flew around her and the woman wondered if the ship had already landed. It was flying towards her family's estate. She was already a little worried because she did not know who was heading for her family.
Her fingertips run over the bark of the trees as she steps past them. The dress she wore had a light fabric that fluttered in the gentle breeze. The straps were thin and it clung perfectly to her slender body, accentuating her curves. She wore nothing underneath because she felt it would constrict her. Swimming was her great passion. Feeling the water on her skin was the essence that kept her alive and any piece of cloth would interfere. That is why she usually went far away from the estate to be undisturbed. She wore the wet, braided plait over one shoulder. The wetness revealed what was hidden underneath.
Her bare feet touched the cold stone of the stairs of her home. The young woman, who had reached the age of nineteen, leaned against the large entrance door of the property and wiped the dirt off her feet. Then she put her head back and pressed it against the door. Her eyes wandered again over the sky that bore so many infinite stars. The moon hung in the sky, its color was hard to describe. It seemed as if the sun hung on the horizon, golden rays like the crown of a king.
She relaxed her shoulders, bent her knees a little and slowly closed her eyes. A gust of wind brought the salty scent of the sea to her again. The golden light had burned into her eye. Like a dark spot when you look too long into a sun. Slowly but surely, the gold became a round dot. In the center, a black dot like the iris of an eye. The edges of the circle looked as if red, angry flames were beating around it. Her heart began to beat faster, her breathing was restless.
She felt him before she saw him.
She returned her body to a straight position and slowly walked to the edge of the top step without opening her eyes. The woman perceived a presence in front of her. She could not place it, but it was familiar. Cautiously she stretched out her right hand, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. Who was there? His eyes were boring into her body, she sensed it, and it made her tremble. Her fingers twitched in minimal movements, like they danced across the keys of her piano.
Under her delicate fingertips she felt a material that was similar to leather. It was smooth and pleasant. She carefully ran her fingers over it and noticed that a hand was hidden under the material. A pleasant and tickling feeling spread in her stomach. The material squeaked a little as the hand closed around hers. The other hand, the stranger's, was larger than her own.
Very slowly she opened her eyes and her lips parted. There stood a stranger, his face hidden under a dark hood. The woman exhaled through her mouth. The stranger was dressed in dark, black robes. They reminded the woman of the earth-coloured tones of the Jedi, the bringers of peace to the galaxy. But something was different about this man. His head moved slowly from the bottom to the top. His eyes peered over the edge of the black hood. Everything about him was too familiar to her and yet so incredibly foreign. She had never dealt with such a man in this galaxy. Every movement, every twitch of his muscles caught her eye.
Then she looked into the man's eyes. They burned like the lights of the moon. Golden they were, looking directly into hers, and the woman flinched. Still, she did not let go of his hand. What was this strange moment? How could she feel him so intensely? Those eyes…
Like the vision she had a few minutes ago. She knew this man even if she could barely make out his face in the darkness. Something in her wished that this moment with this stranger would not pass. He seemed so mysterious and interesting to her. The way he held her hand was so gentle. As if he had already placed it on his own hundreds of times.
And yet it ended the moment the doors of the large mansion opened. A bright light fell on the woman's back and for a brief moment she recognised the face hidden under the hood. It was a beautiful and attractive face for her, underlined by black tattoos and accentuated by the red skin of the stranger. A Zabrak? The woman did not have much time to look at the face, for standing in the doorway was none other than the head of the Arinori family, her father, Gwydion Arinori. Member of the Grand Senate of the Republic on Coruscant. His deep voice rang out somewhat sternly through his thick beard, which, like the woman's hair, sparkled with a blue glow. Time, however, had already left its mark on his skin and in his hair. Wrinkles stretched around his eyes as well as at the corners of his mouth and gray and white streaks could be seen in his hair.
"Ayane Arinori." he spoke in a low tone.
Quickly, Ayane turned around without letting go of the stranger's hand. Somehow she was afraid he would disappear if she did so. Her father knew she was sneaking away, swimming through the ocean rather than doing her duties. She feared he would reprimand her for it, and then in front of this strange man. Instead, his face brightened and he smiled as he made some space. The old man made a welcoming motion and beckoned her and her mysterious new acquaintanceship in.
"Come in. I have a few things to discuss with our guest.”
Taglist! Tell me if I shall add or remove you
@eloquentmoon @elledjarin @bacarasbabe @marivenah @saradika @pixiestookourstardust @justalittletomato @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @oh-three @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @dukeoftheblackstar
#star wars#darth maul#maul#star wars oc#maul x oc#ayane arinori#darth maul x oc#Spotify#jedi oc#jedi master oc#friends to enemies#enemies to lovers#soulmates#stardustbee#stardust made to shine#beeswritingsw
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mi reina // jay (ENHYPEN)
pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut, crack at some point idk, office!au // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; mentions of Hwiyoung (SF9), Taehyung (BTS) and Lia (ITZY); hyung-line makes another appearance; mentions of body image (getting fit); making out; cunnilingus (twice!); unprotected sex // wc: ~10.2k
summary: in this sequel, you spend more (intimate) time with your secretary and you're starting to notice how deep your feelings for him are.
previous chapter:
part 1 - carmesí
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
author’s note: it took two to three days for me to wrap up writing this, after writing carmesí I really thought I would never be writing another 10k-word fic again but oopsy! here is the sequel.
I appreciate all the feedback I've been getting for carmesí, some of you even took the time to go in my ask box as anons, recommending scenes and telling me the parts you like the most. I truly appreciate it! also, if you're reading this and you recognize the scene being something that you've mentioned to me before, then it probably is! I take people's feedback very seriously and I am happy to mold the story into something that not only satisfies me but also caters to your needs.
I decided to title this one mi reina and you will find out why towards the end. It's part of the lyrics to KESI by, as you guessed, Camilo (ft. Shawn Mendes! omg).
happy reading and feel free to recommend this fic to other people! you can find the rest of my work here.
taglist: @hee-pster @duolingofanaccount @jaylaxies (send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
It was an unusual day at work—you had to go to the office alone since Jay was out of town with his parents. He chose to take his paid time off during the week of his father’s birthday, and you decided that you can manage to go through seven days without him. It was chaotic on the first day, you admitted, having called for Jay several times only for you to see Hwiyoung, your second assistant, peeking inside your office.
Hwiyoung had been working for almost as long as Jay had, but he always had to deal with the affairs that did not concern you directly. When Jay told you that Hwiyoung would cover for him, you almost did not recognize the young man because of how long he grew out his hair. And now you’re beginning to think if one of the reasons you’ve been hiring your staff is because they all look good.
You were in your car, sitting in the backseat as Mr. Lee swiftly drove your Benz. Fixing your hair, you waited as Jay picked up your video call on the other side.
“Hey, Boss,” he chirped as soon as he appeared on the screen. His honey skin was glistening under the summer sun, his eyes squinting as his white tee almost reflected all the light. “Looking gorgeous as ever.”
Your eyes widened and you eyed Mr. Lee, wondering if he had heard Jay’s spontaneous compliment. Jay, noticing what he had just said, slapped his hand over his mouth.
“Did he hear?” Jay was now whispering.
You took a moment to observe Mr. Lee and noticed that he was so focused on the navigation on the dashboard. “I don’t think so,” you say as you reached in for your Buds, not taking any chances and making the conversation private.
“You really didn’t have to send me the meeting prep, I got it covered,” you said, holding your iPad on your other hand, scrolling through the slides Jay sent you a day before.
Jay waved his hand, dismissing you. “It’s my job.”
“You’re on a break,” your eyes glance at Jay on the screen. He looked dreamy with the wind blowing through his hair.
“Well, yeah, but,” Jay put on his orange-tinted sunglasses. “I still wanted to help you.”
You merely smiled at his comment and without looking, you knew he was smiling too. “Where are you by the way?”
“We’re just on a small boat about to cross to another island,” Jay answered, raising his voice. “I don’t know if I can still get service.”
“I don’t want to keep you from your holiday,” you diverted your attention from the iPad back to your phone. “Give your mom and dad a big hug for me.”
“I will,” Jay was looking to someone behind the screen, smiling widely.
“Do they know?” you asked, fixing the position of the Buds in your ear.
Jay took a second before putting his phone closer to his mouth, his face taking up the whole screen in your view. “They know I’m seeing someone,” he then lowered his voice into a whisper, “but they don’t know it’s my boss.”
You snorted and laughed softly. Jay had this really wide smile where you can see the wrinkles in his eyes and smile-line. “You should go,” he said, keeping his smile. “I’ll call you again later.”
You nodded and waved at him, while he blew air kisses and made smooching noises on the phone. You chuckled and shook your head, taking your Buds off.
“We’re here, Miss.”
Taking a glance at Mr. Lee, you noticed the car had stopped and it was time to go to work.
You’ve grown accustomed to Hwiyoung’s assistance and a week flew by. You checked your phone and saw that Jay would be home tomorrow. It was Friday and you decided to wrap things up early.
“Can you push back the two appointments I have to Monday?” you asked Hwiyoung as you stepped out of your office, your bag in your hand. “And let them know that Jay will be back.”
Hwiyoung tilted his head.
“I mean Park. Park Jay. My PA,” you cleared your throat and forced yourself to calm down, wondering why you forgot to call him the way the other staff do.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Hwiyoung smirked, making a scribble in his iPad before closing it and bowing to you.
“Miss is fine,” you chuckled. “Always so formal.”
Hwiyoung smiled and brushed his hair back as he waved you goodbye. “Enjoy your weekend, Miss.”
His tone sounded awfully cheery and you thought that he might have felt relieved that his work shadowing you was over. You didn’t give it much thought as you head down to the lobby, Mr. Lee already waiting for you outside.
“Where to, Miss?” Mr. Lee asked, opening the door for you. “Home?”
You shook your head and told Mr. Lee to drop you at your favorite café, refusing when he offered to wait for you someplace else. You wanted to disconnect and de-stress, to balance your emotions after the busy week you had and to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You were determined to welcome Jay home in the best mood possible because only he and God knows how many breakdowns and tantrums you’ve had that were caused by work.
After ordering your usual drink, you sat in a corner of the café, burying your nose in a new book you’ve been meaning to get into for weeks. When the lights around you turned on, you noticed that it had gotten dark. You saw people walking by the café, some were getting off work, some were already on a date, and some looked like they were in a rush.
Deciding to just walk back to your apartment, you put your book in your bag, your half empty drink in your hand, and stepped out of the café. The barista nodded and waved at you as you left, and you immediately feel the evening breeze hit your face. The scene was so serene and almost like something out of a movie.
When you started walking, however, you cursed yourself for wearing the wrong shoes. Your black Jimmy Choos were digging into your heels and you could feel your skin starting to get blisters. You knew that your walk couldn’t go on for longer, and you were almost home anyway, so you pushed through. Seeing a bench, you opted to sit and put on band-aids before things get worse.
You sat down putting your drink aside and just as you were about to reach into your bag, a pair of hands carefully reached for your feet, taking your heels off.
You would have screamed if you did not notice the young man kneeling in front of you.
“What did I say about wearing stilettos?” Jay tutted. He put your shoes aside carefully and started observing your feet.
“What,” you were too surprised and in pain to comprehend what was happening. “Jay, you’re supposed to come home tomorrow.”
He glanced at you and smiled before attending to your feet again, taking the band-aids that were already poking out of your bag.
“I was going to surprise you,” he calmly answered, ripping out a band-aid and putting it on the back of your heel. “I texted Hwiyoung and he told me you were leaving early.”
“Does Hwiyoung know?”
Jay shook his head. “I said it was a work thing to do,” Jay answered, carefully putting your feet down, done with the fix. “Anyway, I also texted Mr. Lee and he said he dropped you off at the café. When he said that, I knew you didn’t want to be disturbed so I just walked around until it was dark.”
You saw the duffel bag sitting beside him as he continued to kneel in front of you. “You came here straight from the airport?”
Jay nodded. “Like I said. Surprise.”
Tears started forming in your eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. You had everything planned, you were going to see him when everything is perfect.
“I hope those are happy tears,” he said as he noticed a tear drop down your cheek. He moved closer to you and wiped it away with his thumb before turning his back towards you, squatting.
“Hop on,” he instructed.
Jay took his duffel bag and hung it over his shoulder, putting the bag in front of him, making room for you on his back.
“I’m carrying you home. I’m not letting you walk in these,” he tilted his chin towards your Jimmy Choos.
“I can walk barefoot,” you claimed, already taking your heels in your hands.
“Yeah, I’m not letting you do that either,” Jay said, stern. “Come on, now.”
You sighed, noticing he wasn’t going to let you go that easily. Caving, you snaked your arms above and around his shoulder, your heels secured in your grip and your bag already on your shoulder. He then placed his arms under your thighs, pulling you up with ease.
As he started walking, you rested your head beside his. “Thank you,” you murmured. He replied by nudging your head with his, chuckling. “Can’t remember the last time I got a piggyback ride.”
“What happened to the Chanel shoes?” He inquired. “Is there a reason you’re not wearing them?”
“They’re being cleaned,” you sighed.
“Why didn’t you just wear sneakers?” He asked.
“And just leave my collection of heels as décor at home? No way.”
Jay chuckled and lightly pinched you under your thigh. You winced and playfully smacked him on his chest. As you both arrived at your apartment’s lobby, you made Jay put you down, claiming that the floor is fairly cleaner than the outside which means you don’t mind walking barefoot. You said hello to your doorman, who eyed you carrying your shoes and offered to help you carry them, to which you of course declined. Jay smiled at the doorman too and couldn’t help but notice how he was looking at you both until you entered the elevator.
“Does he know?” Jay asked as soon as the door closed.
“The doorman.”
You snorted and shook your head. “I don’t think so? Would it matter?”
“I mean I come here a lot,” Jay said, staring at the number on the elevator screen.
“Yeah, he knows you’re my assistant.”
“Oh yeah,” Jay said with a sudden revelation, almost forgetting that you’re his boss. “All good then.”
When you reached your floor, you walked out the elevator and intertwined your fingers with Jay’s, leading him to your place. The moment you both walked in and closed the door behind you, Jay dropped his bag to the floor and you did too, also throwing away your heels in the process.
You leaped into him and he caught you, grasping your thighs firmly as they wrap around his waist. You were nuzzling his neck, taking in his scent and just appreciating the fact that he was there in the flesh.
“I’ve missed you,” you said, almost a whine, lifting your head to look him in the eyes.
He looked at your lips and leaned to kiss you. You felt his hot breath in your face as you reciprocated, your hands finding their way to cup his cheeks. He kept kissing you until you feel your feet graze the sofa.
“I’ve missed you more,” he finally replied, laying you down on the couch. “It was torture.”
You chuckled as you caressed his face, seeing him kneel beside you on the floor. You pulled him by the collar of his flannel, inviting him to lie with you. He hovered on top of you and pushed your hair away from your face before leaning in, brushing the tip of his nose to yours.
He kissed you again and you sighed. He wasn’t even touching you anywhere else, yet you already feel so needy. You tugged his flannel shirt and helped him take it off, only to reveal the white sleeveless tee he was wearing underneath. Your hands travel to graze both his biceps, and he was just smiling at you while you run your hands over the surface of his skin.
“I don’t remember you being this buff,” you said, your voice low from fatigue and thirst.
“I’ve been working out,” he confessed, leaning in to peck your cheek.
“What’s the target?” You pulled him by the nape to kiss his lips.
“Look good,” he said into your mouth.
“For who?”
Jay stopped hovering above you to sit back, taking his tee off. You propped yourself up with your elbows, now seeing him topless and sitting just inches away from you. He sat up straight, muscles flexing and you almost moaned at the sight.
“Do I really have to answer that?” He teased, his fingers now fiddling with the buttons on your shirt.
You let him undress you, keeping your eyes on his hands throughout the whole process. He pulled your shirt off and then your hands, to make you sit on his lap. He got comfortable and leaned back as you straddled him, kissing his lips before peppering his cheeks and jawline with butterfly kisses.
“The whole time I was away,” Jay whispered as he looked into your eyes, his fingers stroking your hair. “I kept thinking about coming home to you. I was already planning to surprise you, you know.”
You pouted and he raised an eyebrow. “I wanted to pick you up tomorrow at the airport. I had the whole day planned. You ruined it.”
Jay chuckled, bringing you closer to him by gently pulling your waist. “I ruined it?”
He then secured a hand on the back of your head and pushed you into him, kissing and nibbling on your lips before forcing his tongue inside your mouth. You whimpered, palms flat on his chest as he continued to abuse your lips, eliciting obnoxious wet sounds.
As Jay pulled back, he ran his thumb over your lower lip, noticing how plump it had become and how your lipstick was gone completely. “Did I ruin it? Or did I just make it better?”
You shyly bit your lip at his question. He had this power over you, the power you basically have on everyone else, making you listen.
“Better,” you replied in a whisper. Jay smiled proudly before running his hands around your body and pulling you into another kiss. As both his hands roam down your waist and up to your chest, you noticed his fingers fumbling in the front, and then towards your back.
“Where the fuck is the clasp??” He asked in pure confusion when he pulled away and you buried your head in his neck, silently laughing. Your body was shaking and by then Jay was grunting impatiently, his head looking over your shoulder to see if he could still unclasp your bra.
“This is a sports bra, you genius,” you said as you grabbed the band of your bra, tugging and then pulling it over your head like a t-shirt. “It has no clasps.”
Jay sighed, almost like he was relieved to finally see your tits on full display. “Please don’t wear that again,” he pleaded, looking up to you.
“I won’t if I’m with you,” you smiled, touching his nose with your finger. “Promise.”
He was quick to leave a kiss on your hand before he dove into your breasts, inhaling your scent and placing kisses everywhere. You could feel his hard-on against your fully clothed core, and when he started sucking on your nipple, you were sure your panties were already drenched. He massaged your waist as his lips and tongue made themselves busy around your chest. He was squeezing you with his hands, sucking your soft skin and leaving love marks around every part that was previously covered by your bra.
“Jay,” you called for him sweetly, already aching to feel more.
“Hmm?” He was always quick to reply, no matter how busy he was, and in this case, your nipple was encased in his lips. He was sucking you a little too hard that you had to tug on his hair. He groaned and looked up at you.
“Take me to bed,” you whispered, “…please.”
Jay knew that you had always been assertive. He had also noticed that no matter how assertive you may be, you always insisted on the importance of politeness too. Hearing you say ‘please’ so sweetly melted his heart, but it ignited something else too.
You and Jay had made love countless times, yet every time you feel like it’s the first time. Jay was always trying something new, if not doing something new he would be fucking you someplace new. There was nothing specifically grand or extreme, and you love how most of the time he likes doing it the way you do—classic vanilla.
Jay picked you up in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands around his shoulders, as he carries you to your bedroom. He lays you down and stays hovering over you, caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he muttered under his breath. “In detail.”
You were already breathing heavily from the anticipation. You gulped before you opened your mouth.
“Undress me completely.”
Jay leaned to kiss your neck passionately and you whimpered, running your fingers through his hair. Your hands are soon empty as you find him traveling downwards, his fingers unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off slowly. You licked your lips as you fixed your gaze on him, seeing him so focused. He then hooked his fingers on the sides of your panties and pulled it down, discarding it completely.
“Done,” he hummed. “What’s next?”
You were not used to him asking for directions in every step of the way, and you were slowly getting impatient.
“Touch me.”
Jay chuckled at the sense of urgency in your voice. He really wanted you to be specific, but you were just so aroused that words were jumbled up in your head.
“Hands,” you brought your own hand to cover your eyes, frustrated. “Your hands. On my thighs.”
You almost yelped when you felt him grip your thighs a little too tightly. “Eat me out,” you say in a whimper. “Please.”
Now how could he refuse when you were being so polite?
You already felt yourself dripping in your core, and Jay was quick to lap up your juices. You flinched when the warmth of his tongue came into contact with your folds. Jay felt you jerk your legs and he quickly rested your thighs on his shoulders as he continued to suck on your cunt. For some time, the only sound in the room was your gasps and heavy breathing, interspersed with the wet and lewd noises coming from Jay’s mouth.
“Stop,” you say, denying yourself of the orgasm building up.
Jay pulled away in an instant, his head shooting up to look at you, waiting for your next instruction. You could see his chin tainted with a mixture of his saliva and your wetness.
“Let me taste your lips,” you reached out your hands, ready to welcome him in your embrace.
With a smirk, Jay crawled upwards until his face was above yours. He was holding himself up with his forearms beside you, and you snaked your arm around his neck to pull him into you, smashing his lips into yours. You could taste yourself and you moaned, his tongue wrestling with yours to make sure you don’t waste a drop.
You moved one hand down his chest, all the way to his abs, grazing them ever so slightly. When you reached his cock, which as you predicted was already rock hard, you squeezed it and Jay almost lost his balance.
“Tell me what you want next,” he said, almost breathless.
You continued to stroke him through the thick fabric of his black joggers and it took everything in him to stay up. As he waited for an answer, he started bucking his hips into your touch.
“Y/N,” his tone sounded demanding. “Words, please.”
“Get naked,” you say, tugging his pants down. “I want your cock inside me.”
He pushed himself away with a grunt, hastily undressing completely before hovering over you again, his dick in his hand lined up to your core.
He looked at you for confirmation and you nodded. When he slid the tip inside, your stomach tensed, and when he was completely inside of you, you sigh in relief.
“I’ve missed you,” you said, voice almost breaking. “I miss you inside of me.”
Jay shushed you, brushing your hair back and kissing your cheek.
“Move, please,” you continued. “Make love to me, fast.”
And like any other errand you had made him do, Jay executed this task perfectly. He started slow, letting you readjust to the size of him, and when he felt your hands on his biceps, he knew you were ready for him to go fast. And, my God, he did.
The time it took for you to cum was a lot less than all the foreplay. In between his thrusts, you told him you were close and he kept his pace until your walls squeezed around him. He made sure to help you ride out your high before he pulled out and finished himself with his hand, staining your stomach with his load.
Jay collapsed by your side and when you turned your head to look at him, he raised his hand, his pointy finger asking for one second to catch a breather. You smiled and leaned to kiss him on his temple before carefully slipping out of bed.
“Wait,” he said, breathing heavily. “I haven’t cleaned you up.”
“You’ve already done so much, Jay,” you said, blowing a kiss at him before disappearing into the bathroom. It took you less than five minutes to clean yourself but when you walked back into your room, you found Jay asleep, his naked body completely exposed, his dick gone flaccid, and his hair all messed up and wet from the sweat.
Only then you realized how tired he must have been, returning from a long flight and going straight to where you were, having to carry you on his back all the way home, and completely indulging yourselves in reunion sex.
You took a clean towel from your bathroom and walked to his side, gently wiping away the sweat and leftover cum around his crotch. He wasn’t a light sleeper, so you knew your movements were not going to wake him up. Still, you managed to quietly tuck him in, pulling the covers up to his chest. He stirred in his sleep but quickly found a position he liked, continuing to dream as he lies sideways.
After staring at the serenity painted on his face, you came to realize that there was absolutely nothing you wouldn’t do for this boy.
You agreed to go for a Sunday morning run with Jay after a week of him being back at work. His fit physique made you slightly jealous, and you vowed to get in shape to boost your own confidence. Jay was supposed to pick you up early in the morning, but after not hearing from him for an hour, you decided to go check on him.
Standing awkwardly and not knowing who will answer the door, you shifted your weight as you waited. The door to Jay’s flat opened, and you were greeted by a guy with silver hair, his head tilting to the side like a curious puppy.
“Hi?” He greeted you, sounding more like a question.
You smiled. “Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m supposed to meet with Jay.”
The guy’s eyes widened in wonder, but before he could reply, he was interrupted by a taller, black-haired guy who snuck up behind him as soon as he heard your name.
“You’re Y/N? Come in!” He said, gesturing for his friend to make way.
“I’m Heeseung, and this is Jake,” he said once you were inside. “We have another flat mate, it’s Sunghoon. I think he’s in the bathroom.”
“Am not,” you heard Sunghoon’s voice from behind you and you turned to see him in the kitchen. “Nice to meet you,” he nodded at you, chewing his cereal.
“Are you going out for a run? Is Jay supposed to pick you up?” asked Jake as he observed Heeseung getting busy, finding an appropriate mug to serve their special guest a drink.
“Yeah, is he still asleep?” You asked, aware that that would be the only reason for him not answering your calls.
Sunghoon took a peek inside Jay’s bedroom and looked at you nodding. “I’m gonna try and wake him up.”
You were about to stop him but then Heeseung held up a mug in front of your face. “Hope you like orange juice,” he said with a smile. You happily accepted his offer and immediately he walked away, following Sunghoon.
“Waking Jay up is a two-man job,” Jake explained, sensing the confusion on your face.
You took a sip of the orange juice before holding the mug tight in your hands. “By any chance, are you Australian?” you asked Jake who was now by the kitchen counter, standing across you as you sat on the stool.
He was surprised at how you guessed his accent correctly. “I spent all my school years there. Are you Australian too?”
You shook your head. “I did live in Brisbane for a couple of years though.”
“No way,” Jake gasped in disbelief. “I’m from Brisbane!”
Your face lightened up as you witnessed Jake’s expressive reaction. The two of you proceeded to share stories of your stay in the same city, Jake’s eyes sparkling and his lips curling up every time you mention a place that he recognizes. You must have been talking for a while because by the time you were done, Jay was already up, pouting and rubbing his eyes.
“I told you guys to wake me up early,” he said, annoyed, looking at his three roommates.
“Believe me, mate,” Jake raised his voice. “We tried.”
Jay staggered towards you and when he finally reached you, he rested his head on your shoulder. You tensed at his affectionate gesture, unsure if his roommates were aware of your dynamic, but Jake smiled at you and gave a reassuring nod.
“Boss, meet Jake,” Jay mumbled, clearly still gathering his thoughts. “Jake, this is my boss.”
You giggled and covered your face with one hand, hiding your embarrassment.
“I know,” Jake replied, already shuffling backwards to leave the premises. “And I like her. She’s cool.”
When Jake left, it was just the two of you in the kitchen, and you shook your shoulder to get Jay off of you. You see him with his eyes half-open, mouth still pouting.
“Are we still gonna run?” You asked as you gently tapped his cheek to wake him up. “You told me you were gonna help me get fit.”
Jay yawned before nuzzling into your touch. “I have other ideas for you to get fit.”
Your eyebrows furrow, wondering what type of work out agenda Jay would come up with. “Like what?”
He stepped closer to you, pulling the bar stool you were sitting on, making a dragging sound on the floor. As he closed the gap in between your faces, you closed your eyes only to be startled by the voice on the other side of the room.
“Get a room!” Sunghoon shouted, his face looking half-annoyed, half-jealous. Jake merely chuckled beside him, patting his shoulder and encouraging him to walk away.
Jay sighed in annoyance and you could feel his breath on your cheeks. You laughed softly and gently nudged him away.
“I’ll go get changed,” he said as he stretched his arms out. “Sorry I made you wait,” he leaned in for a quick peck on your cheek before rushing back to his bedroom.
Heeseung appeared from the bathroom, his face looking brighter than when he invited you in moments before.
“It still feels weird seeing him like that,” he said to you as he opened the fridge, scanning the inside for something to drink.
“Like what?”
“All smiley and shit,” Heeseung settled on a small box of chocolate milk. “He never shuts up about you. I think you really make him happy.”
You were stunned at Heeseung’s sudden confession, thinking that the overwhelming joy that you felt was one-sided.
“Let’s go,” Jay suddenly rushed past you, his outfit changed from pajamas to workout. “Before any of my flat mates keep talking to you and fall for you.”
Heeseung scoffed and you cackled, almost embarrassed at how the boys have been throwing you compliments since you arrived. You saw how Jay immediately intertwined his hand with yours and you looked back at Heeseung, waving goodbye and mouthing ‘thank you’ to him.
The door closed and Heeseung finished drinking his milk as Jake and Sunghoon rejoined him in the living room.
“She’s seriously so cool,” Jake confessed. “Jay really got himself a keeper.”
Heeseung nodded. “We didn’t really talk much but I really like her vibe.”
Sunghoon was staring blankly at his phone, mindlessly scrolling the screen. “Do you think she has any single friends?”
Heeseung and Jake exchanged glances, shook their heads and walked out of the room sighing, leaving Sunghoon alone and confused.
You fulfilled your promise of coming back to Taehyung’s jazz club after its grand opening. You admit it took you literal weeks to go back, but your excuse was valid—you own a company and work gets hectic sometimes.
Jay sat at the booth waiting for you as you went to the restrooms. He took a sip of his drink as he glanced at the band playing live music. It was a whole other atmosphere compared to the opening that he attended with you. It was much more quiet, with people talking softly and the warm lighting shining bright enough for everyone to see everything going on.
“That’s a really nice leather jacket.”
Jay turned to face the source of the voice and found Taehyung, getting a seat beside him. “Wait, I know you,” he said to Jay, eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
“Stop harassing my man,” you appeared behind Jay, protectively putting your hands on his shoulder as you slightly pulled him back. You were too distracted to notice the stupid grin forming on Jay’s face after he heard you call him your man.
“Oh, right!” Taehyung clicked his fingers. “You’re the handsome personal assistant!”
Smirking, Jay held out his hand. “Jay is fine,” he said, shaking hands with Taehyung.
Taehyung then looked at you. “Did you just call him your man? Are you guys dating?”
Jay looked at you and you didn’t know why he needed to ask your permission. Taehyung clicked his tongue and chuckled.
“Okay, ignore my question,” he said as he fixed the collar of his silky button-up. “But if you are then I am happy for you. You deserve love after everything you’ve gone through.”
“Here we go,” you said as you take Jay’s drink from his hand, chugging it down. Jay just stared at you, concerned, as you winced from the burn down your throat.
“You know how it goes, Noona,” Taehyung leaned in to speak in a lower volume. “I need to screen the man you plan on dating.”
Jay decided to lean back and watch the conversation in front of him unfold.
“Yeah? Where were you when I was about to date my last ex?” You challenged Taehyung who was now fully committed to either debate you or give Jay a whole lecture.
You and Taehyung started going back and forth, recalling events and stating facts like you were in a legitimate argument. Jay merely blinked as he sat between the two of you, patiently waiting for the fire to be put out.
“Point is, Noona,” Taehyung cleared. “You need to tell this lovely man about your ex.”
“What’s the point?” you asked, glaring at Taehyung. Your eyes soften as you felt Jay’s gaze on you.
“I just think he deserves to know,” Taehyung nodded, acting wise. The band finishes a song and Taehyung quickly turned his head. “My cue to leave!”
You and Jay stared at Taehyung as he made his way to the stage, seemingly performing a routine where he would sometimes sing for the club.
“You don’t have to tell me, you know,” Jay finally spoke after minutes of just being the listener.
“What?” You looked at him, doe eyes questioning his statement.
“About your ex. Your past is the past and you’re not obliged to tell me anything,” Jay moved his fingers to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
Moved by his gesture, you decided to do the exact opposite.
“My ex was famous,” you confessed. “Is, famous, I mean. He still is.”
Jay nodded and went to his usual stance of listening—turning to face you with his legs slightly spread open. “Okay?”
“What Taehyung was trying to say is that,” you looked at Taehyung and can’t help but admire his singing voice. “I dated him for a while, and we didn’t even start on a good note. The point is, I broke up with him and it was really hard to do.”
“Because you both loved each other?” Jay inquired, starting to guess.
You shook your head. “He didn’t want to break up so I had to be the bitch. Eventually we did, but Taehyung says that he still asks him about me sometimes.”
Jay pouted as he nodded, looking at the stage. “So we’re dealing with an obsessive ex?”
“I wouldn’t say obsessive,” you sighed. “Well, I did block him everywhere on my social media.”
Jay chuckled and took your hand in his. “What are you trying to say?”
“I don’t know,” you said, frustrated. “I don’t know. I just don’t want you to think of me differently.”
Jay saw how fidgety and uncomfortable you got just seconds after talking about your ex. He pulled you by your waist and tilted your chin up to face him.
“Enough about exes,” he said, rubbing his hand on your sides, comforting you. “If you do still want to talk to me about anything, though,” he kissed your cheek and moved his lips towards your ear. “I’m your man.”
You blushed, feeling Jay’s breath tickle your ear as he pulled away, looking at you.
“You really are,” you said, affectionately brushing his hair back.
In the privacy of Taehyung’s exclusive jazz club, you weren’t worried how people might find out about your relationship with Jay. You accepted all his advances and displays of affection, and when you leaned in to kiss him, Taehyung continued to sing his song, now serenading the lovebirds in his club.
Jay was sitting on a bench by the basketball court, watching as Heeseung and Sunghoon play against each other. Jake came running to him, two bottles of water in his hands. He gave one to Jay and happily sat beside him, the two of them catching their breaths.
Basketball on Thursday nights had been a thing for the four flat mates ever since they moved in together. Heeseung was only a year older than the others, so it didn’t take much effort for them to become close friends. They really were the closest friends Jay has ever had, to the point that he shares his concerns with them, and they listen to him with open arms.
“Does Y/N Noona play basketball?” asked Jake.
Jay raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his water. “You call her Noona now?”
“Well, she’s not my boss, what else would I call her?” Jake averted his gaze to the one-on-one happening in the court.
“I don’t think she does,” Jay responded, trying to think of things you might be interested in.
“It would be fun if you ask her to tag along,” Jake fiddled with his bottle as he said this.
Jay chuckled. “Why are you so fond of her? You’ve only met her once.”
“Exactly. And the first impression was so good. She’s so nice and smiley and so good at initiating conversation. Was that why you started liking her?”
Jay pondered over Jake’s question for a while. He started asking himself why and when exactly was the moment he fell for you.
His mind started to travel to that one TED Talk you attended last year. You were invited to give a talk because the theme was about women in power. The day of your talk, you were dressed in an all-grey fit—a loose grey blouse, high-waisted straight pants, and stilettos. Jay held your long coat the entire time you were there, and when it was time for you to go on stage, he found himself a seat in the audience.
He had been to many meetings and presentations with you, and he knew that public speaking was one of the skills that you had mastered. Whenever he asked if you were nervous, you would only say ‘just a little bit’, and then completely ace whatever presentation you were supposed to give.
That day, however, you weren’t there as ‘the boss’. You took on the role of a mentor, and you delivered your speech in a way that was so engaging, so mesmerizing, without it being intimidating. You even took the time to do adlib jokes, out-of-the-script ments that even Jay did not see or prepare in the slides he designed for you. He saw how the audience never took their eyes off of you, a smile plastered on their faces throughout the whole talk. When you were done, Jay almost jumped from the thunder of applause the audience gave you, and he then sprinted backstage to meet you there.
On the ride back to the office, Jay was seated beside you in your car, as usual. He was rechecking your schedule for the rest of the day on his iPad when he started asking you stuff.
“I’ve never seen you like that before, Boss,” he said, eyes glued to his iPad.
You glanced at him. “Like what?”
“Being in control of the whole room. It looked like you were teaching,” he continued.
You smiled as you looked out the window. “I used to teach.”
Hearing this, Jay paused the scribbling he was doing and looked at you. “You did?”
You nodded and proceeded to tell him how, after you graduated college, you immediately took a teaching job and found joy and satisfaction in how the students would pay attention to you in class, and how they would express their gratitude to you at the end of each semester.
“It was the most rewarding thing I have ever done,” you ended your story. Smiling, but still looking outside the window.
“Why did you stop?” He asked, completely immersed and intrigued in this past history of yours he wasn’t aware about.
You shrugged. “Took a pause in the middle of teaching, noticed that the university didn’t need me anymore. I pivoted and took interest in daddy’s business,” you explained. “Fast forward, now we’re here.”
“Did you ever think of going back to teach?” Jay asked full of genuine curiosity.
“In a way I’m always teaching,” you noticed your car approaching your office building. “Why do you think our staff is so good at their jobs? Why do you think I insist on everyone calling me ‘Miss’?”
Stunned by your words and still in complete awe of you, Jay didn’t notice that it was time to go.
“Are you gonna open the door?” You said, tilting your chin.
“Jay,” Jake was waving his hand in front of Jay’s face. “Don’t zone out like that, mate, you’re scaring me.”
Jay blinked and saw Heeseung and Sunghoon wrapping up their game. Jake threw them both their towels as they made their way to the benches.
“Glad you two are done. I tried having a conversation with this guy and he just started daydreaming about his boss girlfriend,” Jake giggled, eyeing Jay and elbowing him in the ribs.
Jay scoffed and awkwardly started brushing his hair back, thinking how he had let himself go just by the mere thought of you.
“You said there’s this fundraiser thing you have to go to with her tomorrow, right?” Heeseung asked, sitting next to Jay. “Do you already know what you’re going to wear?”
Jay’s eyes widened as the sudden realization hit him. Sunghoon cackled and pointed at his funny face.
“You really need to get your shit together,” Sunghoon chimed in. “You’re keeping her life organized but your own is a mess.”
Heeseung chuckled and gave a pat on Jay’s shoulder. “It’s alright. It happens. Love makes you dumb sometimes.”
You stand by the entrance of your apartment, having small talk with your lovely doorman as he keeps you company, waiting for Mr. Lee to pick you up. You told him to pick Jay up first since your place was closer to the fundraising event, and to make sure Jay gets ready on time.
“Your car is here, Miss,” your doorman said as he walked past you, approaching your Benz that was pulling up. He opened the door to the backseat to let you in.
“Thank you,” you smiled and touched your doorman’s arm, appreciating the time he took to talk to you while you waited.
“Right on time, Mr. Lee,” you greeted your driver before turning to look at Jay, who was now pouting.
You furrowed your eyebrows in question and he quickly typed on his phone before showing it to you.
Really? You’re not greeting me first? The doorman, the driver, and then me?
Smiling, you leaned back on your seat as you kept an eye on Mr. Lee. “Looking sharp, Park.”
“Thank you, Boss,” Jay replied awkwardly as he typed another thing in his notes. And then he showed it to you.
You look ravishing.
You couldn’t contain the smile creeping up your face and by now you were certain you were blushing. Jay proudly put his phone back inside his pocket, knowing that he just bumped up your confidence level by a hundred.
A week ago, you were already planning the outfit for the fundraising gala. The moment you received the invitation, you knew you were going to attend it with Jay, and you wanted to show up with the best outfit possible. You had asked Jay for his measurements and he gave them to you without asking any questions. You had your bespoke tailor make an all-black suit for him and shopped for gold cufflinks so he could match your planned outfit. You opted for a full-length black mermaid dress with a plunging neckline, and you had picked gold for all of your accessories.
With the help of a hairstylist friend, your hair was done up in a textured chignon, giving you the ideal look between effortless and well-prepared. Your friend even added gold hair pins here and there to match the rest of your look, and you did your own make up, sticking to your signature shade of crimson red for your lipstick.
Your doorman had complimented you repeatedly earlier, so you knew Jay was going to do the same, but you weren’t aware how much of an effect his three words had on you. And he didn’t even say it out loud.
When you arrived, Jay was quick to open the door for you and help you out. This was the one night he didn’t lecture you on wearing stilettos because he knew you weren’t going to leave his arm and he would be there to support you if you ever get tired. The two of you enter the hotel and if a someone sees you, they would think you were a celebrity couple.
“Is your lipstick transfer-proof?” Jay asked, as he led you down the empty corridor, on the way to the ballroom.
“This gala involves drinking and eating, of course it’s transfer-proof,” you answered, your hand secured in his arm.
Jay took a quick glance around the area and quickly pulled you into an empty hallway that leads to the parking lot. You didn’t even have the chance to say anything before he checked one last time and basically slammed his lips into yours.
Your heart was beating fast, and you moaned into the kiss from how fervent he was, his hands firm on your waist and his lips doing the absolute most on yours. After a couple of seconds Jay pulled back, his eyes glued on your lips.
“Wow,” he said in between breaths. “It’s not ruined,” he grazed a thumb over your lower lip.
You frowned. “You dragged me here to test out my lipstick?”
Jay took out his phone and checked his reflection on the self-camera, making sure he didn’t have any stains. “I wanted to pounce on you the moment you got in the car.”
He looked at you and asked you to smile with your teeth, and then he brushed his finger over your front tooth.
“It didn’t get on me but it’s on your teeth,” he said, facing his phone to you so you could check your face. “All good?”
You merely looked at him and wondered when on earth he gained the confidence to act so bold and at a place so public. You were scared you were going to get caught, but you cannot lie that it was making you feel a rush that you had never felt before.
Jay led you to the ballroom once you both were sure you looked as neat as you were before, and once you entered, you had to separate from Jay to talk to the other people in the room—mainly CEOs from different companies, men and women in power just like you. Jay was worried that you were going to forget some names, but you took the initiative to go through the guest list last night and memorize each name to make sure you did not offend anyone.
You kept walking around the room, greeting and talking to the people you meet, and Jay shadowed you from a distance, keeping his hands occupied with a glass of sparkling water. He had his eyes glued on you that he didn’t exactly pay attention to where he was going, so he bumped into a young woman in a pale yellow dress.
“I am so sorry,” Jay said as he checked if he spilled anything on the poor lady. “I wasn’t looking. Entirely my fault.”
The woman smiled sweetly and brushed it off. “It’s okay, I wasn’t paying attention either. Are you with Vesselsoft?”
Jay shook his head. “L/N Tech.”
“Ah,” the woman nodded in acknowledgment. “I’m Lia. From Song Enterprises.”
Jay accepted her gesture and shook her hand, smiling. “You can call me Park.”
“Executive Manager?” She guessed as she flicked her long black hair back, standing comfortable and leaning in closer.
Jay shook his head and chuckled, looking down to the floor. “I’m just a PA.”
“Alright good, because I am also a PA, and you need to be more proud of our jobs.”
Jay started talking to Lia and the two of them shared their trivial concerns about secretarial work. Both didn’t want to reveal who their bosses were, so they stuck to topics that are unrelated to the jobs. Eventually they began talking about galas and rating the events that they had been to, both claiming that their bosses could make an event that is much better.
“Listen, I have to get your number,” Lia said as she pulled her phone from her purse. “I have a couple of vendors that might be useful for you so I can send you them. And in turn you can give me your list?”
Jay was hesitant at first, but he decided to type in his email instead. Lia waited patiently beside him until he was done typing and gave his phone back to her. He then scanned the room and found you looking at him, from a distance, while you talk to three different men in a group. You held eye contact for two seconds before you turned to the man on your side, smiling and continuing the conversation.
The gala went on for hours and as much as Jay wanted to shake off his new acquaintance, he couldn’t sacrifice his politeness for his bluntness. He eventually lost sight of you, and he felt like you would need him soon, so he finally excused himself.
He found you in the center of a circle of men, giving them a piece of your mind on their business ideas when you saw Jay walking towards you.
“Ah, there you are, Park,” you said in the most formal way possible. Jay almost scowled. “Gentlemen, if you would please excuse me. Leave your card with my assistant and I will be sure to give you a call.”
You turned away just as Jay arrived and the men immediately greeted him, surrounding him as he smiled and struggled to keep the name cards shoved into his hands. He matched their names with their faces, shook their hands and quickly bolted out of the room to look for you.
He saw you walk down the corridor towards the entrance of the hotel. You were walking slowly, partly in pain because of your stilettos.
You did hear Jay call you but you were too tired to even stop and turn around, so you let him catch up to you.
“Hey,” he said, gently touching your arm. “Is something wrong? Is it okay to leave now?”
“Yeah, I met everyone I needed to meet already,” you continued to walk without holding on to his arm. “I’m tired.”
“I’ll go get Mr. Lee.”
“I called him already.”
“Oh,” Jay was stunned and unsure of what to do. He had never seen you in this mood, he couldn’t put a finger on what you were feeling. He had seen you mad, upset, sad, hungry, and you did say you were tired, but he thought that this wasn’t it.
Your Benz pulled up at the lobby and you got in without waiting for Jay to open the door for you. Jay jogged to the other side of the car and got inside. You stayed silent the whole ride home and for the first time, Jay was too afraid to ask. He did keep an eye on you, though, and he noticed how you felt your eyelids get heavy and you eventually slept, your head resting on the side of the door.
The car was almost at your place and Jay noticed Mr. Lee looking in the rearview mirror, noticing that you had fallen asleep.
“Mr. Lee, you can get off here and I’ll just drive around until she wakes up. You can come back on Monday to get her to work. I’ll cover for you over the weekend.”
“Really, Park?” Mr. Lee’s eyes widened, happy about the idea of getting a whole weekend off when he would usually drive you around for your errands. “Alright then.”
Mr. Lee pulled up at your apartment lobby, got off, and was replaced by Jay. He thanked himself for not drinking any alcohol that night, so he drove slowly around the block, occasionally checking on you to see if you were up.
Jay hit a speedbump a little too hard and you bumped your head on the door. Jay winced as he saw you wake up, confused and rubbing your forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and you felt disoriented seeing him driving. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“Yes,” you answered. Your voice croaked and Jay made a mental note to make you something hot to drink later.
Arriving at the parking lot, you waited for Jay to open the door for you. He was about to offer his arm but you started walking without him, into your apartment. His mind started going into overdrive, wondering what went wrong during the gala for you to ignore him like that.
You arrived in front of your door and you almost did not want to let Jay in, but he was the one who entered the passcode and opened the door for you. You came in and took off your shoes while Jay went straight to the kitchen to fix you a drink.
“I saw you with someone,” you claimed as you walked to the kitchen, barefoot, not bothering to put on your house slippers.
Everything then clicked. You were waiting to address the issue at home, refusing to cause a scene. You saw the whole conversation between Jay and his new acquaintance, and how half the time he was smiling and just laughing to whatever she was saying. He was now able to identify what you were feeling—jealousy.
“I know you like people to be straightforward,” he said, putting down the mug he just got out from your cabinet. “So I’m just gonna ask, are you jealous?”
“Yes,” you answered, not missing a beat. “Can you tell?”
Jay sighed and rested his palms on the kitchen counter. He decided to explain everything before you even ask him to.
“The girl you saw me talking to is Lia, she works for Song Enterprises. She’s a PA too, so that’s why we started talking,” Jay stated calmly, as if he was doing a presentation.
“Uh-huh,” you stood straight, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “And when did you realize she was throwing herself at you?”
Jay frowned. “What?”
“The pretty lady was flirting, Park.”
Jay tilted his head and started to put the pieces together. He also noticed that when you’re mad, you tend to address him by his last name.
“I’m pretty sure she wasn’t?” Jay responded, in a manner that was contrary to his statement. “We were talking about office events and vendors and other stuff.”
“Did she ask for your number?” You were now leaning on the counter, chin resting on the back of your fingers.
Jay paused. You smiled.
“Did you give it to her? Were you not aware that in your jacket, I put several company cards for you to give out to people in the gala?”
You swore you could see Jay gulp, not knowing what to say to you next.
“Were you just so enamored in the conversation that you forgot to do your job?” Your tone was now condescending at this point. “Park?”
“Listen,” Jay pushed himself back and shuffled towards you, standing right in front of you and looking into your eyes. “I didn’t give her my number, I gave her my email. I accidentally bumped into her when I was keeping an eye on you, and she just started talking and I couldn’t stop her, and by the time she was done you already wanted to leave.”
You calmly stare at him as he babbled his explanation, almost panicking like he did something bad. He did, you thought. He made you feel ignored. He was supposed to shadow you and he didn’t.
“I’m sorry. I was supposed to shadow you,” he said, the speed in his speech slowing down. You were surprised, thinking he just read your mind.
“I’m very capable of networking on my own,” you said, hopping on the counter to sit on it. “I was just bothered because she was all over you.”
“Trust me,” Jay sighed. “All I wanted to be tonight is over you.”
You squinted your eyes and Jay chuckled nervously, looking down. “You know what I mean.”
“What do we do now?” you asked, a question you often raised whenever you were in a staff meeting and you were demanding your team to fix a mess they made.
“Punish me,” Jay chirped. For some reason his voice was slightly higher than usual.
You almost burst out laughing so you smirked and bit your lower lip. Jay looked at your face and sighed.
“Use me, I don’t know. Do whatever you want with me.”
He was getting frustrated and you shushed him, pulling him in closer to stand between your legs as he buried his face in your neck.
You stroked his hair a couple of times and felt him kiss your neck. At first it was a soft, chaste kiss but then he switched to open-mouthed, wet kisses as he started to grope your thighs. You tugged his hair and made him look up at you. He winced from the slight pain.
“I didn’t say you could do that,” you whispered. He closed his eyes, regretting his actions. “Go sit on the floor.”
He did as you asked him to, and you quickly followed him, pulling your dress up as you straddled him, making him sit with his legs straight and his back leaning on the sofa. You pulled him by the nape and started kissing him aggressively. The poor boy didn’t know where to put his hands, so he sat there helplessly as you initiated a tug-of-war with his tongue. He groaned when you pulled on his hair, finally raising one hand to squeeze your hip.
Your lipstick had been on for hours and it finally gave in, staining Jay’s mouth and chin, reminding you of the first time you made out with him. You leaned into his neck, sucking his birthmark, careful not to leave a bruise. His breath hitched as you moved down to his collarbone, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. His head was now resting on the sofa cushion, looking upwards to let you gain more access to the surface of his skin, and you kissed him everywhere.
Jay felt like he was on cloud nine with your lips all over him, and his eyes were closed shut. You then gripped his chin, tilting his face down to make him look at you and planted a kiss on his now swollen lips.
“You’re going to make me cum,” you demanded. “With your mouth.”
Jay’s mouth was slightly open as he nodded enthusiastically. You smiled, patting him on the cheek before taking your dress off, knowing that the amount of fabric would get in the way when you sit on Jay’s face.
Taking your panties off and leaving yourself with only your nude strapless bra, you fixed the position of Jay’s head, making sure he wasn’t going to strain his neck in the process. You then placed your legs on the sofa, looking down to see if you had aligned your cunt perfectly with his face.
“Give me your hands,” you said, and Jay immediately held both his hands up for you to intertwine your fingers. You lowered yourself and you could feel his hot breath tickling your core.
When his lips came into contact with your folds, you moaned and tightened the grip of your hands. He started kissing and licking your cunt, and his pointy nose was tickling your clit. He licked a stripe and you shivered, looking down while you struggle to hold yourself up. He squeezed your hand as he pushed his tongue inside of you, and you moaned his name loudly.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath. “Keep going.”
Jay started lapping up your juices religiously, occasionally squeezing your hands for reassurance. You started grinding on his face, feeling the delicious friction of his nose on your clit. You started moaning even louder, and that only served as motivation for Jay to make you cum faster. He let go of your hands to grab your ass, guiding you to grind better on his face, which only helped you reach your high sooner.
You came on his tongue, your thighs completely shaking as you let your upper body slump on the back of the sofa. Jay licked your cunt dry before squeezing one of your thighs. You threw your leg to the side, hopping off of him, sitting helplessly on the sofa, almost buck naked.
“Are you okay?” Jay sat up, immediately going to your side to check on you. For someone who just got his face sat on, you really felt like you should be the one asking him that.
You nodded and let him lean in to kiss you, tasting a hint of yourself from the remnants on his face.
“That felt more like a reward than a punishment,” he whispered, face just inches away from you.
You chuckled and lightly slapped his cheek. “Your punishment is that I’m not letting you cum.”
“Yeah,” Jay smiled with his teeth awkwardly. “I wish you had said that earlier.”
You frowned and you looked at his crotch, the area damp and his pants basically ruined for the night.
“You came?” You asked in awe. He nodded sheepishly. “Just by eating me out?”
“I love doing it and the sounds you made were… otherworldly.”
“Oh my God,” you buried your face in your palms and Jay immediately chuckled, trying to pry your hands away.
“Come on let’s wash up,” Jay said, starting to undress himself, collecting the pieces of clothing to put in your laundry room. “Maybe we could recreate the first time you invited me into your shower.”
“Oooh,” you replied, intrigued. “Does that mean you’ll give me a massage?”
“Of course,” Jay leaned down towards you and picked you up bridal style. “My queen,” he whispered before capturing your lips in his for a soft kiss.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
SECRETARY!JAY will return...
read the next chapter: millones
#writtenbynana#fic: mi reina#enhypen#jay#enhypen jay#jay enhypen#park jay#jay park#enhypen jay smut#jay smut#jongseong#park jongseong#jongseong park#enhypen smut#jongseong smut#jay hard hours#jay fluff#enhypen x you#enhypen x y/n#enhypen x reader#jay x you#jay x y/n#jay x reader#secretary!jay#heeseung#jake#sunghoon
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Playing The Hero - Chapter One
Pairing: Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Reader
Summary: Soulmates have a way of seeing and feeling each other’s emotions by a gem that is set in the palm of their hand which glows with magic. The colour of the gem on the palm of your hand, erratically changes between different colours. Unbeknownst to you, every time the gem on your soulmates palm glows blue he feels very over protective and worried. That’s just what happens when your soulmate always plays the hero. Soulmate AU
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of death, character death
Words: 2405
Disclaimer: This gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: This is the first part, thanks again for the amazing idea @annemagus! As I said, I won’t be doing this on a proper schedule because I will be alternating this weekly with another fic! Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know what you think, and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
Gem Colours
Yellow - Happy, Secure, Excited
Red - Scared, Nervous, Unsure
Grey - Stressed, Worried
Blue - Sad, Hurt, Frustrated
Chapter One
It was past midnight when you were woken up in your bed by a pleasant warm tingle on the palm of your hand. Running a hand through your messy hair, you yawned, blinking a couple of times as your eyes adjusted to the darkness. It was deathly silent but you could see the glow of the pretty fairies through the sheer linen of your curtains. Remembering why you were awake in the first place, you looked down at the palm of your hand, running your fingers over the gem that was fixed in it.
A surge of happiness passed through your chest when you saw that it was glowing yellow. Your mum and dad had always told you the tale of soulmates, that you could see and feel the emotions of the person you truly belonged with. It was different for everyone, some people were born with the magical gem set in the palm of their hand and for others, it appeared later in life. Your gem had appeared last year when you were ten years old, and you had been so surprised that you almost stumbled into your algae filled pond.
“Yes!” you squealed, jumping out of bed, suddenly feeling much more awake.
For the past year, the colour of the gem hardly moved off of blue. What had happened to make your soulmate so sad? But now it shone as brightly as the sun and you were ecstatic. Completely forgetting about the time, you threw open your bedroom door and raced down the hallway, your hair streaming out behind you. As you reached the top of the staircase you saw that your parents bonfire outside was still lit. When it was a warm summer’s night your parents would cuddle up outside together, you thought it was awfully romantic.
When you stepped outside you took a deep breath, the air smelled like the lavender that your mum loved to plant and the gentle wind blew at your hair. Your mum grinned and kissed your dad’s cheek before she noticed you and a look of surprise graced her pretty features.
“Y/N! What are you doing awake? Are you having trouble sleeping, sweetie?” she asked but she created a space for you beneath the thin patchwork blanket.
You smiled as you sat between your parents, “look!” you beamed as you lifted the palm of your hand, “it’s yellow! It’s finally yellow!”
Your mum gasped in delight and pulled you closer while your dad kissed the top of your head, “I’m so happy for you, poppet. But maybe I should brush up on those defensive spells that I learned with the Marauders in school,” he winked at you as he pulled his wand out of his pocket and brandished it.
You and your mum exchanged glances before bursting out into laughter, the sounds of your families’ happiness filling the silent summer night.
It was your second year at Hogwarts and you were sitting in the library on a blustery Tuesday afternoon, helping Neville Longbottom with his homework. With a small smile on your face, you watched as Neville scrawled on his piece of parchment, his hand moving at lightning speed, his tongue stuck out with a look of concentration on his face.
After a couple of moments, Neville looked up at you nervously as he pushed his essay over to you so you could read it and give him your feedback. You nodded as you easily deciphered his messy handwriting before smiling over at him.
“This is good work, really good work! It’s amazing what you can achieve when Snape isn’t bullying you!” Neville gave you a shy grateful smile but you could tell that he was pleased with himself.
You winced as a sting of searing pain shot through your palm and you sighed when you saw that the gem was red, the colour of fear. But lately, that was to be expected – if your soulmate was indeed a Hogwarts student – because the Chamber of Secrets had been opened and muggle borns were getting attacked left and right, so most people were scared these days. Hogwarts wasn’t the safest haven anymore.
Neville gave you a worried look as he bit his bottom lip, “are you okay, Y/N?” he asked and you nodded absent mindedly as you rubbed at the palm of your hand, you were worried.
“It’s um, it’s my gem, it’s red. He’s scared, my soulmate is scared.”
Neville frowned at you as he nervously fiddled with his fingers, “how do you know your soulmate is a boy?”
You shrugged, deep down you had a strong feeling about it, “I just have this nagging feeling.”
Neville smiled at you weakly before he looked over your shoulder to nod at someone who was passing by your library table, “hi, Harry.”
“Hullo, Neville,” Harry Potter mumbled back and you barely spared the boy a glance.
If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that the gem on the palm of his hand was grey, the colour of stress and worry.
At fourteen years old, you were sitting in the stands with your friends and excitement was running high as it was the final task of the Triwizard Tournament.
“I can’t wait to see who wins!” Ginny Weasley grinned at you, flipping her long red hair over her shoulder.
You giggled as you looked at the four champions who were waiting outside the enormous maze which was previously the Quidditch pitch. Harry Potter, the youngest and surprise champion looked positively green as he pushed his round glasses up his nose. It looked like he was about to throw up.
“5 galleons for Cedric to win.”
Ginny smirked at you, challenge sparkling in her eyes, “oh, you’re on, Y/L/N! I’m betting that Fleur is going to win,” she offered you her hand and you both shook on it.
With excitement in the pit of your stomach, you watched the champions enter the maze one by one. When all the champions were inside the maze, the trial became a waiting game and you shared Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott’s with Ginny. Krum and Fleur were the first two to drop out of the competition – much to Ginny’s dismay – so now it was just between Cedric and Harry.
A little while later, Harry reappeared on the lawn, the crowd greeted him with cheers and the band started playing. Someone screamed and the band’s music died when everyone realised that Harry was sobbing and clutching a lifeless body. The smile slid from your face like Stinksap and dread filled your stomach when you put everything together. Tears stung at your eyes and an almost overwhelming feeling of sadness washed over you like a tidal wave as you realised that Cedric was dead. Cedric had always been so kind to you even though you hadn’t known him very well. Sadness rippled through the crowd as people began to cry and mutter to each other.
You wiped your eyes and sniffled as you looked down at Harry as he cradled Cedric’s body, Harry glanced up with red rimmed eyes to meet yours for a split second before he was escorted away by Professor Moody. You watched him disappear into the castle with a strong sense of foreboding.
In your fifth year, you had your first kiss in The Three Broomsticks with Draco Malfoy – against your better judgement of course – though you knew that he wasn’t your soulmate. It certainly didn’t feel like he was but you just wanted to know what it was like to kiss someone. Neville had somehow persuaded you to join Dumbledore’s Army, a secret group that Harry had started to rebel against Umbridge.
You had only turned up a couple of times because you weren’t exactly friends with Harry so you felt a little awkward by being there. Also, your fellow Ravenclaw, Cho – an extremely pretty and popular girl – spent the lessons flirting with Harry even though Cedric had only died at the end of the previous year.
At first, it was endearing to watch Harry stammer through the lessons, glancing over at Cho every now and then with a pretty pink flush to his cheeks. It got old very quickly and the sight of their flirting created a weird feeling in your stomach. Why hadn’t you found your soulmate yet? Was he even in Hogwarts?
Right now, you were enjoying your summer break and you were about to go into your sixth year and you were still none the wiser about who your soulmate was. You had been writing to Ginny and she had offered to help you in your search for your soulmate. You were going to find him this year, even if he wasn’t at school with you, you’d find him.
Harry’s spirits were low as he, Ron and Hermione walked down Diagon Alley, it was dark and gloomy with the dirty brick walls plastered with posters of wanted Death Eaters. It was clear the effect that the brewing war had had on it. Harry bit his lip as they walked past the ice cream parlour where he had spent most of his time in the summer before his third year, eating sundaes in the sun. Now it was dark and vacant with a window smashed. It was sad how much the once colourful street had changed in just a few years.
Ron nudged him in the ribs as they turned the corner and pointed towards the end of the street, “there it is, look!”
Harry glanced over to where his best mate was pointing and he grinned at the ridiculously colourful shop that belonged to Fred and George, if anything it seemed to make the rest of the street even darker, the twins certainly didn’t do anything by half measure. He felt relieved that there was still room for some happiness, it was clear that it would lift anyone’s spirits.
“I actually love it,” Harry grinned, threading his fingers through his hair as he watched Hogwarts students file in and out of the shop.
Hermione smiled but Harry could see the fear in her eyes, but when she spoke her voice was quite calm, “how are they even doing it? They could get into serious trouble.”
Harry rolled his eyes as he looked over at Ron with a smirk but his smirk faltered when he saw Ron staring at Hermione, Ron reached out for her but seemed to change his mind at the last moment. With flaming cheeks, Harry looked away from them, it was only a matter of time before they became a couple, but he only hoped that their friendship would be able to take it.
Harry felt a strong sense of relief as they walked into the overcrowded and noisy shop; it was a welcoming change from the empty quiet street outside. Everything was so colourful that it made Harry feel a little dizzy as he grinned at Ron as they headed straight over to the Defence against the Dark Arts section, jumping almost a mile high when a firework exploded over his head.
Ron nodded at the gem on Harry’s hand, shaking a hand through his hair, “it’s on blue, mate.”
Harry grumbled as he looked down at the gem that was emitting a dark blue light and he scowled at it, “yeah, it’s been that way on and off for most of the summer, and there’s nothing I can do about it, I just wish I could do something,” he flushed as he averted his eyes, he almost felt embarrassed talking about this with Ron.
Shaking his head, he quickly turned around without looking where he was going and a result he walked straight into someone, causing them to drop their boxes onto the floor. Harry’s cheeks heated up as he began to stammer out apologies, “Merlin, I um, I’m so sorry,” he chuckled nervously, pushing his glasses up his nose as he bent down to help whoever he had bumped into.
He heard a breathless laugh, a laugh that was almost like a summer breeze, “it’s okay, really. Thank you, Harry,” he glanced up in surprise and found himself looking into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. The girl grinned at him as they both stood up and Harry handed her the boxes back, “thanks again,” she smiled.
Harry nodded before shaking himself out of it, he recognized her from last year, she’d come to a couple of DA meetings, she was a Ravenclaw, “it’s Y/N right?” he smiled when she nodded with a flush high on her cheeks, “yeah, I remember, you came to a couple of DA meetings.”
“Yeah,” she shot him an apologetic look, “I really didn’t want to get into any trouble,” she smiled sheepishly but Harry understood, “are you doing it again this year?”
Harry shook his head as he fiddled with the sleeves of his jacket, “there’s no need, Umbridge is gone,” every time he said that out loud or even thought about it, he felt very smug.
“Thank Merlin,” Y/N giggled; tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she bit her lip, “it was really good of you to bring everyone together like that. I know that Neville and Luna felt at home during those meetings.”
Harry let out a soft chuckle as he averted his eyes, he hardly knew her but he felt pleased at her words, “anyway, I should probably go and find Luna, I guess that I’ll see you around Harry.”
“Bye, Y/N,” he smiled, watching her as she walked away.
“Someone’s got a crush!” Harry jumped when he heard a voice in his ear and he turned to see the smirking face of Fred Weasley.
“Who’s got a crush?” Ron asked as he pushed his way through the crowd.
“Ooh, has someone got a crush?” Hermione piped up before Harry could defend himself.
“Harry’s got a crush on Y/N Y/L/N, the Ravenclaw student,” Fred smirked; he looked too delighted to be the one conveying this news.
“I do not!” it was true, he didn’t have a crush on her – she was very pretty – because he’d only just met her properly.
“She is very pretty!” Hermione grinned.
“I don’t have a crush,” Harry scoffed and scowled at his friends as he made his way to the till to pay for his things. His friend’s raucous laughter following him. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
#harry#harry potter#harry james potter#harry potter imagine#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter fic#harry potter x ravenclaw!reader#harry potter x reader#harry potter x reader insert#harry potter x you#harry potter x y/n#you x harry potter#harry x ravenclaw!reader#harry x reader#harry x reader insert#harry x you#harry x y/n#you x harry#neville longbottom#cedric diggory#draco malfoy#hermione granger#ron weasley#ginny weasley#fred weasley#luna lovegood#ravenclaw!reader#soulmate au#the golden trio#the golden trio era
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The Siren’s Song (c.h)
Where The Storm Gathers - Chapter 3
Pairing: Stable Lad! Calum Hood x Princess! Reader
Summary: A glance of hope stands in the distance as Y/N and Calum set sails to see some old friends, but the waters are not as calm as they seem.
Warnings: Mentions of murder; Torture; Violence; Blood; Abuse; Sickness; Manipulation; Language; Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 7.5 K
Author’s Note: Had to divide the chapter into two, you’ll understand why next week ;) This is the last boring chapter, I promise. Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes help a lot (please help out of this ban!) 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My Materialist // tag list on bio!
Book 2 Materialist || Prologue || Chapter one || Chapter two
Ashton could hear the distant sound of thunder rumbling all over the kingdom. He thought that if he could hear that, then maybe the storm was closer than anyone could anticipate. He hasn’t seen the rain in months, let alone the sun.
He got himself into this mess, he thought. He should’ve fought harder and stopped being so naive in regards to his father.
Ever since Y/N left, he made sure to let everyone know exactly the type of person the King of RoseWood was. Letters were sent and crows were removed from their positions in different courts. Ashton would look for allies to his cause; allies that could potentially help him to take the power from his father once and for all.
It was not Ashton’s plan to take the crown at such a young age, he never asked for this even though it was bestowed upon him since birth. But he would do whatever it takes to keep his family, loved ones, and people safe; and it was more than clear that his father could not provide that same kind of security and comfort.
After the failed attempt to get his daughter married to the King of the Vail and take control of their army, King Richard went into what villagers called “a madman serenade” If the rumors said that he had lost his mind and his thirst for blood was as strong as ever, he would make sure to comply.
Richard brought the kingdom ruin, taking men out of their homes and putting them into training fields. He recruited the most fearless, sadistic men of the crow’s army and put them in charge of his new order. He lost his mind to the delusion that he will run all the kingdoms and turn them into an empire. And Ashton was almost about to uncover his plan when he was suddenly taken in the middle of the night and thrown in the dungeons like a dog.
Accused of treason and deprived of any contact with the outside and its people, Ashton swore he would not let his father win. He endured the tortures with a straight face, not saying a word to anyone that tried to pull something out of him. He spent countless nights without sleep, weeks without food, and days without water, all so that the cause and his sister could be safe.
He knew they would come for her eventually, he just hoped they had more time. Maybe he could’ve escaped by now and warned her, to make sure she and Calum are safe from the deathly grip of their father...
But instead, he was sitting in his cell once again, eyes fixed on the same spot on the wall as his lips were dry and sealed, even when the pain of the iron chains that rounded his ankles made him want to chop his limbs off. Feeling like a failure as he awaited his death. He has failed as a brother and as future King, and right now there was nothing he could do about it except listening to the thunder and the moaning of the other prisoners.
It was the dangling of the keys that caught his attention as it mixed with the sound of the heavy rain. He wondered if he was dreaming every time someone would come into the cell, hoping to wake up from the nightmare he was in, but they all made sure he lived through it. Never too much to kill him, but cruel enough to make him endure it.
“Diner,” The guard said in a monotonous tone and Ashton thought it was weird.
This guard never talked to him in a tone that held anything but pity and desperation, trying hard to win at least some kind of good reactions out of him even when the young Prince would lash out at him. Did he give up too?
Rian Dawson put the tray of food on the floor in front of the Prince. He was fidgeting with his hands, looking nervously at the door, almost as if he was afraid someone might come in at any minute, and Ashton noticed it but didn’t say a word.
“Eat!” Dawson demanded a bit too loud, but he wasn’t looking at Ashton, instead, his gaze moved nervously through the door and the tray.
Still, firm and stubborn as always, Ashton did not move or say anything, not wanting to give the guards the satisfaction of seeing him weak. But at the same time, he knew that the moment he put that piece of bread in his mouth, he might not be able to hold it after so many days without eating properly.
“Your Grace…” The guard then whispered, looking at Ash with a pleading gaze “Please…”
Ashton furrowed his brows. It was not normal for a guard or a crow to be this nervous around him anymore, and he did not trust it. After all, this was the same guard that would come every now and then to change his chains; heal the wounds just enough so that they don’t get an infection; and take him to his next torture. Why did he seem so desperate now?
“Please, I beg of you, Your Highness. Just-” He continued to whisper, but got cut short when a new set of dangling keys could be heard along the hallway “Shit”
“Dawson! What the hell are you doing?!” The Commander asked, standing right outside the Prince’s cell, and, once again, Ashton did not move a muscle to acknowledge him.
“They ordered me to get the traitor dinner, My Lord!” Rian said loudly, standing tall and ignoring Ashton altogether “But it seems like he would rather starve than be useful for once!”
His tone did not convince Ashton in the slightest since he could see through the lie. But it must’ve not been the same for the Commander who started to laugh.
“Let him starve, then!” He said “Before he dies we would have to feed him forcefully until the King says enough. Then he could rot all he wants. Come, Dawson! You are needed on the training field”
And with that, the Commander walked away, but Rian only allowed himself to breathe once the sound of the keys could not be heard over the thunder.
“Your Highness,” He said calmly as before, still keeping his eyes on the door as he started to walk out “Please, please eat. For RoseWood”
Ashton heard the cell door close again and the heavy footsteps disappear in the hallway. Then, his hazel eyes shifted to the tray that contained a piece of old bread and a cup of water. His narrowing gaze suddenly became wide open as his head snapped towards the direction of the door, waiting for any sounds besides the thunder that could indicate someone’s coming.
His heart was beating loudly inside his chest as he leaned forward, placing one hand on the dusty, musky floor, trying to see if he could support himself with his arms without making too much noise with the shackles that imprisoned him.
Slowly, Ashton started to crawl, biting on his tongue to not let out any noise as the pain of his wounded wrist shook through his whole body with every little step he made with his hands until finally, he reached the tray.
With shaky hands, the Prince of Roses opened the bread in half; eyes immediately watering as he had to prevent himself from letting out a cheerful and hopeful sob when he saw the piece of parchment hidden in the crumbs.
“Help is on the way. Let the true ruler of RoseWood be seen again - The Knights of Roses”
Y/N fell to her knees, hiding her face on a bucket as Calum held her hair place soothing movements onto her back with the palm of his hand. It was the third time today, the movement of the waves and the worry set on the pit of her stomach made everything fuzzy and revolving, making her throw up on an empty stomach.
“Love?” Calum asked, wincing as she started to cough through the tears “Y/N, it’s okay”
“It’s not okay, it’s disgusting” She cried, wiping her face with a cloth.
They were kneeling on the floor of their cabin on the Kaleidoscope, the same one they got when they were just arriving at the Crimson Islands. But what once was an exciting, frightening, and adventurous trip, has now turned mournful and dreadful as they made their way to The Vail’s coast.
Two days ago King Alex received a letter addressed to the Princess of Roses, sent by none other than King Luke Hemmings from The Vail, claiming that her brother had been captured and imprisoned by their father, who was now starting to prepare for a war to reclaim all Kingdoms to himself.
Y/N and Calum stood there in shock and tears as they read the letter over and over again, desperately wanting to make all of this just another bad dream. But the nightmare was not over, in fact, it seemed like it was just barely getting started.
King Alex gathered a small crew and together with the couple from RoseWood, wasted no time in preparing a trip to meet with the King of the Vail and his advisor, Sir Michael.
“We cannot let that madman win,” The King said “Say the word, Princess Y/N, and we’ll fight by your side. Anything you two may need, I will gladly provide. I am at your service, Your Highness”
And with that, the Princess and the Stable Lad ended up on the Kaleidoscope again with Captain Merrick; his crew; a few other soldiers; and a few volunteers. Ready to sail and get to The Vail where other rulers are gathering to decipher a plan of attack if Richard won’t back down.
But all this stress; worry; fear and sorrow was too much of a shock for Y/N and Calum even though they tried to hide it from each other. This was not a simple game of sneaking around in the woods, this was a life or death situation with Ashton’s life hanging on a thread if they don’t hurry, that is, if he’s still alive.
“Do you want me to get you anything?” Calum asked once her breathing had calmed down, softly rubbing her back.
“A glass of scotch could be nice” She grumbled, getting up with Calum’s help as she sat back on the bed.
“Are you sure you’re allowed to drink?” Her husband asked carefully, sitting beside her as he held her hand.
Y/N furrowed her brows at him, trying to decipher the meaning behind the gleam in his eyes until it finally hit her.
“I’m not with child, Calum”
“How do you know?” He shrugged, placing a hand on Y/N’s stomach “You were not sick on our first trip to the Isles. And the Maester said-”
“The Maester doesn’t have a uterus,” She shook her head with a glimpse of a smile drawing in her lips “And even so, I know my body. It is not time yet, love. And, dare I say, if my father manages to win… it might never be”
Calum pressed his lips in a thin line, nodding at her words as he moved his hand from her stomach to cradle her hand once more.
“The time will come,” He smiled softly at her “Whenever you’re ready, and probably in years to come, it will be perfect. But, as of right now, my rose, I don’t think a glass of scotch is going to do you any favors”
She rolled her eyes lovingly at him, smiling as she said “How do you know? You’re not a healer”
“Nope, but I’m a guy whose friends would drink themselves to death and ended up exactly where you are right now” He chuckled, getting up from the bed and placing a soft kiss on her forehead “And I’m a husband who wants to take care of his wife, not make her sicker”
“Sometimes I hate that you’re a good husband” She pouted
“I can live with that,” He smiled, caressing her face with the back of his hand. “I’ll get you a beverage, though. I know Zach keeps some for the crew that get seasick”
“I love you,” She said through a sigh “Wish I could kiss you”
“Don’t even think about it, Hood. Get me the beverage and some mint leaves with lemon first”
Calum chuckled, “As you wish”
The stable lad exited the room with a faint smile that quickly disappeared when he closed the door. He hated seeing Y/N sick and he knew that the waves were just an added factor to all the turmoil she must be going through. He knows his wife; he knows she’s hiding all the pain she’s not allowing herself to feel. And he also knows that the stubbornness of his princess is strong and she would never admit it.
It’s all his fault, he thought as he walked towards the main cabin. He couldn't help but feel that he took part in sealing Ashton’s fate even though there was nothing they could’ve done at the moment. They needed to keep Y/N safe, no matter the cost. But why should Ashton pay for the crimes Calum committed by loving her? It should’ve been him the one sitting in the cell, not the only family Y/N has left; not the only family that loved her.
She’s already lost so much; her homeland, her mother, and now Ashton… She didn’t deserve any of it and Calum was more than determined to help her bring him back, no matter what it takes. They will not let Richard win.
He walked up to the deck, already making plans inside his head to let the guilt die down for a second as he concentrated on getting Y/N’s health back to normal when his pace was cut short by someone who purposely stood in front of him.
“Good morning, my Lord. Won’t you say we’re having such a splendid morning, today?”
There was something on Jack’s smile that made Calum want to punch it, something mocking yet sinister that hid something that he just couldn’t figure out.
At first, they couldn’t believe he volunteered for the trip, having just got to the Isles and finding a role in the court. He seemed too eager to go back to the Vail and help them defeat the King of RoseWood, saying it would be an honor to serve the Princess on whatever she would need. And even Y/N had to admit that was a bit off, but they needed all the help they could get.
Still, Calum did not trust him. And after he told Y/N about what happened back on the training grounds of the palace, she also started to distrust the man going by Jefferson. So his presence here brought more questions than reassurances.
“How’s the Princess doing?” Jack, also known as Sir Jefferson, asked; leaning over one of the masts with a glint in his eyes as he looked up and down Calum’s body.
Calum didn’t even try to hide his feelings towards him anymore as his hard, brown eyes stared at him with annoyance.
“My wife’s health is none of your business, Sir. Now, if you’ll excuse me”
But at the same time he took a step forward, so did Jack.
“Ouch,” He said ironically, “Thought you would be more thankful, my Lord. After all, isn’t your brother-in-law we are talking about here?”
Calum bluntly ignored him as he walked past the crow, bumping his shoulders as he did. Jack smirk, for his plan of railing up the stable lad, was working and he was also having fun with it, making it a personal challenge so for when the time comes to let all the truth come to shove, at least the fighting will be interesting. So he followed him.
“Who would’ve thought it would come to this?” He said, walking alongside Calum “A mad King, a Prince held hostage… Only, that’s all we know. Maybe things at RoseWood are more interesting”
Calum ignored him, pushing through the crowded deck to get to the Captain’s cabin. Jack’s voice became white noise as he tried to get the medicine he needed and then go back to his wife waiting for him at the other side of the ship. But then…
“Think of how this would’ve never happened if you never left. Or maybe things are finally working out for you”
Jack smirked at the way the stable lad stopped in the middle of his tracks, but quickly hid it the moment he turned around as the crow greeted him with a faux-innocent look of concern.
“Is everything alri-”
“What did you just say?”
Calum was fuming. The hair on the back of his neck rose in anger as a chill ran down his back when he heard those words. His fists were clenched to the sides, knuckles turning white from the grip as he dug his nails into his palms, reminding him to not lose his temper as they stood right at the entrance of the cabin’s hallway.
A shadow hid most of Jack’s face and Calum could swear he saw him smile for even just a second before his voice became soft as he said:
“I’m just saying that if you had stayed in RoseWood then maybe the Prince would not be in the dungeons, am I wrong for assuming that?” He said, furrowing his brows almost as if he didn’t understand why Calum could be mad about it “Royals can be tough, but you knew that before getting involved with the Princess, I assume. And then running away with her… Seemed like a poorly executed plan that started in chaos and, like most things, would probably end in chaos. Unless that’s the plan all along”
“What the fuck do you mean by that?”
Jack gasped, placing a hand over his heart as he blinked at Calum “That language, my Lord, very aggressive”
Calum grabbed the crow by the lapels of his clothing, pushing him against the wall.
“Cmon,” Calum said with his face only inches away from Jack’s “Say what you must, if you dare”
The crow let out a small, sarcastic laugh “Oh, my lord. Was I wrong to assume how this could benefit you? Don’t you think is a little suspicious? Father gets mad, you marry the daughter and then suddenly the prince disappears… Who gets the throne once it’s all said and done? Now that’s a story worth telling, don’t you think?”
Calum’s eyes filled with rage as he banged Jack’s head against the wooden walls, knowing that people might be watching. But he could not let go of that offense as if it was nothing. How could he think that he could do that to Ash? To Y/N?!
“You don’t know shit of what happened,” He said through gritted teeth “You don’t know what we went through, what she went through. You don’t know our story so don’t pretend like you do and start assuming on other people’s lives”
“Calm down, my friend,” Jack said, trying to defuse the tension. “Maybe I’m mistaken but I’m just saying what everyone else is thinking already”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it, too? What does Y/N say about it?”
“What are you talking about?!” Calum demanded in hushed tones, gripping tightly onto Jack’s lapels and making him hit his head on the wooden wall behind him again, but the crow didn’t even flinch as a glimmer set in his eyes, sending chills down Calum’s spine.
“Oh, may the gods bless your foolish heart, Calum” The crow sympathized. “I knew Y/N would be too kind to let you borrow some of her burdens, but for you to be so clueless… Must be a blessing to walk around like that”
“Like what?” Calum was getting impatient.
“Like you didn’t cause all of this”
“My Lords? Is everything alright?” Captain Merrick’s voice came from the end of the hallway as he walked up to them.
Calum let go of Jack in an instant, too shocked by his words to say anything else as he looked at him with wide eyes and an expression that hid too many fears inside of it.
Jack, on the other hand, just smiled at the Captain “Everything’s fine, Captain. We were just having a friendly conversation, isn’t that right, Cal?” He patted Calum on the shoulder and walked away without saying anything else.
“My Lord?”
“I-I’m fine, Captain,” Calum said, blinking a couple of times to clear his thoughts “My- uh, My wife is feeling a little bit seasick, I was wondering if you could help me get her something to ease her stomach”
Zach smiled “Of course, my Lord! Come, I have exactly what she needs in my cabin”
Calum nodded, “Oh, and Zach?”
“If you can,” He said, looking toward where the crow just disappeared “Don’t let that man go near our cabin nor near Y/N if I’m not there to stop him”
An echo passed through her ears as she stood in the empty hallway. How she got there, she didn’t know; but it all seemed so familiar, almost like a dream. Only she didn’t know if it was a nightmare.
The clanking of the chains could be faintly heard from miles away as the hallway seemed to have no end, blending into the darkness.
Y/N took in her surroundings, looking from left to right and finding not a soul that could tell her what was going on. The humidity of the walls started to cling to her skin, making it seem like her gown was becoming heavier and heavier the more time she spent standing on the cobblestoned floor.
Then, a small, faint light came from one of the rooms hidden in the hallway. A candlelight gleam illuminated her path of darkness as she felt compelled to it, feeling the need to follow it. So she did.
The closer she got to the light the more real things started to become. Y/N was starting to feel as if this was not a dream anymore, a memory perhaps? She could feel the warmth of the light gracing her cheeks with every step she could, and, if she paid enough attention, even the sound of laughter would brush her ears.
The laughs were heavy, grave and she guessed it must come from a group of men. They were laughing at something, yet she couldn’t see what just yet nor she could hear anything besides the laugh and a faint sound of a whip, thinking that maybe they were just messing with the horse’s equipment as the drunk guards used to do back at RoseWood; Calum always hated that but they were always nice enough to pay back whatever they might’ve broken.
Could she be back at the stables? Was her mind playing with a forgotten memory?
Still, the crackling of the whip grew louder and louder as well as the laughs that couldn’t hide it anymore. But that's all it was. A whip and laughter, nothing else. So why did her heart beat faster as she approached the slightly ajar door?
From the small crack, she witnessed a group of men dressed in black, a red rose embroidered in their chests as they carried the RoseWood symbol with pride. They were drunkenly laughing at something -or rather someone - that Y/N couldn’t see just yet. She examined the men’s faces and couldn’t recognize them as his father’s guards, they weren’t the guards from the woods nor any that you’ve met before.
Yet, they seemed to be having the time of their lives as one of them grabbed the leathered whip from the other’s hand, laughing as he swung it over his head until it crashed with a surface while the others started to count.
Trying to get a better view - or at least an idea of what was happening - Y/N pushed the door open just a crack, hoping none of the men realized as the wooden door squeaked against the cobblestone, luckily they were still entertained with what was happening at the other corner.
The first thing the Princess noticed once she got a clearer view was the blood. So much blood scattered around the room in little splashes, pooling down in the middle. She felt her whole body tremble, feeling sick just looking at it, remembering the last time she saw so much red when Calum was captured.
Still, she couldn’t look away. It was almost as if her eyes were glued to the gruesome scene, following a trail until it landed on a target.
Her eyes widened and filled with tears; a scream threatened to escape her throat as she covered her mouth with both her hands to silence it. Her knees started to buckle and she felt as if she could throw up all over again, completely horrified at what was in front of her.
With a manacle on each wrist, each hanging from opposite wooden pillars and keeping his arms open wide, unable to sit or to let his body fall from the physical trauma, stood Ashton with his back completely open and bloody.
In front of him stood a small, dirty mirror where Y/N could see how he could barely keep his eyes open anymore; biting on his lip with each crack of the whip, making him lean forward and letting the manacles cut his wrist when he did so. Still, he didn’t say a word as the guards kept counting and Y/N didn’t want to know how many rounds they got before she got there.
Ashton’s hair fell in front of his face, stuck in sweat and blood to his forehead as his face changed with every hit of pain, only adding to his anger.
“C’mon, lads!” One of the guards laughed “Gotta be a lot proper with the royals now, don’t we? Start the count again, and this time do it more… gently”
The guard stood up and handed his friend another leathered whip, the only difference was that this one held spikes at the end, making sure to cut through the skin at just a simple touch.
Y/N watched in horror at how her brother’s back arched as he bit down his tongue, barely even opening his eyes to glance at the small mirror hanging in front of him, and she could swear that just for a moment, his eyes met hers before receiving another blow.
Unable to stand it any longer, Y/N barged into the room, making all of the men stop what they were doing as they stared down at her with eyes filled with fear as the man threw the whip on the floor.
Without wasting a breath, she ran to Ashton’s side and stood in front of him, trying to wipe some of the blood out of his face. But before she could say anything, she noticed how her brother’s eyes changed and were now filled with rage directed at her.
“You did this,” He said through gritted teeth, spitting blood at Y/N’s cheek.
Shocked and scared, Y/N looked around the room and found it empty.
“What?” She asked out loud, looking over at Ashton who also disappeared in thin air.
Her breathing became elaborated as she searched the room, trying to find any evidence that someone was there. Yet, when she turned around all she could find was the mirror and a different set of eyes looking straight at her.
For in that moment, her reflection wasn’t hers; it was her father, looking back with a proud smirk at the monster she thought she was.
The sudden shake of the ship made her jolt awake, taking in her surroundings with wide-open eyes as she tried to remember the dream she just had.
Her mother used to say that dreams are made of people’s greatest desires and fears; they could come from a memory or a premonition of the future and should never be taken lightly, for a dream was just as important as a thought. Dreams are the thoughts we don’t dare to say out loud.
A chill ran down her spine as her father‘s eyes were engraved in her memory; so cruel, so proud… Was she like him in a way when she ran away, leaving the ones she loved behind? Taking the easy way out, would he have done the same?
The simple thought of that made her blood run cold. She was not cruel; she was not a monster. She did what she needed to do to survive and make sure that Calum was safe. She made the only choice she could make but, would everyone understand that? Or would they just see her as her father’s daughter?
The sheets shifted slightly as Y/N’s eyes finally landed on Calum, the only comfort she had. She ran a hand delicately through his shaved curls, thanking the gods that they allowed him to sleep peacefully at least for one night and that she didn’t wake him up with her nightmare. He’s been so restless lately, she just wished to share some of his grief with him. She already put him through a lot, he deserved some peace of mind and she wants nothing more than to be able to provide that for him; let them be just themselves like they were in the woods, away from all fears and terrors and villains… just two kids playing around with fairytales and horse rides, so in love and with nothing to fear.
After a while, it became obvious that Y/N couldn’t go back to sleep so easily. With a sigh, she got off the bed, kissed Calum’s temple as he started to lightly snore, and wrapped herself with her robe as she exited the cabin; looking for a distraction in the middle of the star-filled sea.
Y/N closed her eyes when the cold night breeze graced her face, making her hair fly as she walked barefoot through the deck. All members of the crew and the volunteers were sound asleep.
She got closer to the board, looking straight ahead at the vast sea as her fingers grip the wood of the rails. They were still a few days away from getting to The Vail and once they get there, they have to start their strategies, plan the trips, know how many people to take, embark on the journey… who know how long it’ll be till they reach RoseWood again, but they were determined to do so. She knows Luke and Michael won’t let her down and they’ll do everything they can to get Ashton back and her father out of the throne; she knows she could trust them.
“Can’t sleep, Your Highness?”
Y/N jumped at the sound of a voice coming from the shadows of the quarterdeck, placing a hand over her heart as she watched Sir Jefferson emerge from the dark corner, smiling kindly at her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, Princess” He apologized, raising his hands in defense.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about it before talking from the shadows” Y/N sighed, looking back at the sea “We never know if the person hiding there is a friend or a foe, Sir Jefferson”
“And where would you place me, Your Highness?” He asked, taking a step closer to her “Friend or foe?”
“Am I talking to the same man that hurt my husband in training? Then, I’m not sure”
“It was a friendly match,” Jack said, leaning over the board and placing his elbows on the wooden planks as he looked at the sea as well.
“A match is still a match. You were lucky it wasn’t a duel” Y/N rolled her eyes “Either way, I don’t particularly understand the need men have for violence. For practice and self-defense, I get it. But to draw blood from innocent people… Seems barbaric”
“It’s in our system,” He shrugged. “Men search for violence even when they claim peace. We all know our nature and how far we can go, trying to push it beyond those limits until we reach the glory at the end. Even the most compassionate of men could tell you about the temptations of power and blood, maybe by doing things they know it’s wrong just to have a little taste of what it feels like”
Y/N’s mind couldn’t help to wander over to Ashton again, on how he played a part in scattering crows around the kingdoms in order to favor their father. He said he didn’t know why, but he still went ahead and did it; and even though she believed him, she also wonders if he ever at least had a slight idea of what he was doing.
“And once a man gets a taste….” Jack continued, biting the inside of his cheek as he watched Y/N’s clouded eyes “It becomes part of him”
“That’s awful”
“But it’s true. We cannot escape who we are, no matter how much we try to run away from it. If it’s in our blood, then it’s fate’s design to follow it”
The crow noticed how, suddenly, Y/N’s eyes started to water as she hugged herself even tighter. And for a moment, just a slight moment as the moonlight graced her face, he felt pity for her.
“The sea is quiet tonight,” He said, changing the topic to spare the little Princess, at least for tonight.
“I don’t suppose it makes much noise anyway” She answered, quickly brushing away a stray tear that escaped her eye “It’s just water”
“Careful with your words, Princess” Jack smirked “Or they might hear”
“The mermaids”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows “That’s a fairytale, Sir Jefferson”
“Only to those who refused to believe in them,” He said “My mother used to tell me these stories, about pirates and adventures, but her favorites were always about the women who hide in the deep ends of the ocean. The mermaids are the protectors of the seas. Some legends say that mermaids are women who’ve been thrown out of their ships as a sacrifice to the gods; others, that the creatures were created by the gods themselves as a punishment for those who wander without the purest of hearts. They seek vengeance and justice, luring people of all around the world with their voices and deceiving them as they make them fall in love with fake promises and lust, sinking them into the sea with them. And, once they’ve realized they can’t breathe anymore, that’s when they show their true form. It’s a lesson, I suppose”
“Of what?”
“Never trust the beauty unless you can see the soul behind the eyes,” Jack said seriously, looking at Y/N “There are horrible people out there, Princess, hiding in their pretty clothes and all their riches, thinking they know it all just because they have it all. But no one is sinless, they know what they did”
The wind blew strangely, whistling through the sails as Y/N took in his words. No one is pure of sins, but could they ever repent them? She wrapped herself tighter in her robe, watching the crow’s back attentively as his eyes wandered over to the water, humming to himself an old siren’s song.
“My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold”
His voice was deep and rough as he sunk into a memory, thinking about his mother and all that was taken from him for people like the King; they always have it all yet they don’t care about their people, going on about their lives celebrating meaningless accomplishments as their people die on the streets. If he could get some of that power; if he could make them pay… And he will, by the gods he will.
Jack became no one of many names throughout his life, fighting to be the best in everything he does so when the moment comes, everyone will scream out his name in glory and gore.
“It’s getting late, Princess,” He said after a while, turning his head toward her “You should go back to bed”
Y/N’s lips parted as she stared at him; his eyes held something deeper than just a memory, they were cold and somewhat cruel as he looked at her, but only for a second as his signature smile was back on his face in the blink of an eye, making her wonder if she’d just imagined the familiarity of that glare.
“We still have a long way to The Vail, and around this time of year their days tend to be longer, so there won’t be much resting once we get there” He smiled.
Y/N nodded “You seem to know a lot about The Vail, Sir Jefferson. Have you ever been there before?”
Jack nodded with a sigh as he pointed to the scar on his left eye “Fearless warriors, they say. I have to admit they were right”
“They are a peaceful Kingdom and have been for decades” The Princess questioned him “Their King is one of the kindest souls I know, and to my knowledge, they only use violence for training and nothing more since the wars are over. I still don’t understand how you managed to get that scar on a Kingdom with people like that”
“Well, appearances can be deceiving, Your Highness. You just never know who to trust” Jack said gravely, gracing his eyes to the floor before looking up at her again “But that might be a story for another day, you should get some sleep”
“I don’t think I can, really,” Said the Princess “But that shouldn’t keep you up, my Lord. I’ll be fine”
Truth was, Y/N was still pretty shaken from her nightmare and the words from Sir Jefferson, feeling a sense of warning running through her mind. For some reason, she didn’t feel safe and was relieved when Jack seemed to understand and nod.
“Perhaps I have something that could help you, Princess,” He said, reaching into one of the pockets of his jacket and pulling out a folded handkerchief “I always carry some with me, just in case”
Jack opened the small piece of fabric revealing a couple of dry leaves on it.
“It helps you sleep,” He said with a smile “You just have to put them in water, cold or hot, and drink it after ten minutes. Works like a charm, or at least that’s what my mother used to say and I never found any fails to that logic”
Y/N smiled kindly, taking a couple of leaves in her hands as she looked at them, furrowing her brows just slightly.
“Are you certain this would help?”
She nodded, “Thank you, Bernard”
He smiled at her one last time before she turned around and hurried to her cabin once again, speeding up the pace once she was out of sight from the decks, opening up the heavy wooden door and locking it instantly as her breathing became heavy and beams of sweat started to cover her face.
With heavy hands, she went to the small desk in the room, sitting in the chair and lighting up the candle; wasting no time in grabbing a leaf and burning it.
From the moment she saw them she knew what they were, she remembers seeing them in one of the Maester’s lessons.
“This is called La Torture De Méduse, an ancient poisonous leaf that causes a complete body paralysis, starting from the legs, then the torso and the arms, and lastly, the brain and the rest of the organs. All without the victim knowing since it makes the poor soul who ingested it fall into a deep slumber as their bodies die slowly. One can literally become stone, hence the name of this vile creation of the gods. Luckily, it is easy to identify if you notice the little green dots on the petiole and midrib. Do not ever go near them and if you do…”
Destroy them.
And that’s exactly what Y/N was doing as she watched the second leaf burn into ashes. Her mind was running a thousand kilometers per hour, trying to find an excuse for Sir Jefferson who so kindly and so naively, gave the leaves to her. He said that it helped him sleep, but these could not be the same leaves he talked about. If he ever drank the beverage created with them, then he should be dead already.
Unless he knew exactly what he did by giving her the leaves, expecting to receive the news of her untimely death the next morning when Calum finds her cold next to him. But why would he do that to her? They barely know one another and she has done nothing to wrong him. Nothing made any sense...
“Rose?” Calum’s voice alerted Y/N as she pulled the leaf away from the fire, letting it fall with the remaining others onto the desk “What are you doing, my love?”
She hesitated to answer. She couldn’t lie to him, but at the same time, she didn’t want to accuse an innocent until she got further proof of his wrongdoings, afraid she’ll become like her father.
If she tells Calum about the leaves and what they do, he will kill Jack with no hesitation and he’ll be sent to trial again, only this time he might serve time for real or worse: he’d be sentenced for murder. The law does not care if it was in self-defense, as far as the court will know, Jack never intended to hurt the Princess and it might’ve been just an honest mistake. And Y/N was not ready to lose Calum again.
“I couldn’t sleep,” She tells him a half-truth, leaving what happened with Jack aside “Thought I could use some air and then I came back here”
Calum rolled to his side, watching her with sad, understanding eyes “I know how difficult this must be for you, my rose. And I wish I could take some of that pain away from your eyes and hide it somewhere where you’ll never see or feel it again in your life. But all I can offer you is the promise that I’ll be here through it all with you, my love, we’ll be home soon”
“You’re my home, Cal,” She said “You’ve always been my home”
“Then come back to bed and let me hold you,” He said softly “Let us fight these nights together and share our mornings hand in hand. You’re not alone in this, my rose”
“And neither are you”
He beckoned her with his head and she smiled softly at him, turning around to blow out the candle and hide the remaining leaves on the pocket of her stash without him noticing it, promising herself to get to the bottom of it soon.
Calum wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her close, kissing her forehead as she laid on his chest with her head tucked under his chin.
“You’re the strongest person I know, Y/N” He whispered against her hair as his fingers drew figures on her back.
“Only because I have you with me,” She answered, kissing the side of his neck “I love you, Cal. Please, never leave me”
“Not in this life or the next, my love” He replied, drifting to sleep again with her chest pressed against his “Not in this life or the next”
Still, with Calum fast asleep next to her, Y/N could not phantom getting back to her dreams as she watched the moon disappear into the sea through their small porthole, hoping that the sirens would hear her pray and lure her to sleep in the midst of a dreamless sea.
tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @conversecake @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @fivesecondsofonedirection @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom @lukeisstillapenguin @sadcupofcoffee @superstarmarvel @personalmuyverypersonal @cnco.angels @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @lolzkye @weasleytwinscumslut @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimepogue @wontlastimokwiththat t @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss @darrensos @whywontyoulovemecami @itwouldburnupintheatmosphere @yeah-and69 @fckingpernico @multistann @averageantichrist @a-darneddarling @tpwkcth @f-mu @kindahumanbutalsoinsane @floweronyourskin @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @bittersweetb4by @aria-grace-scott @thestarsandtheircoffee @bvbygxrl @luisa180206 @xxxlaura @iamdayanaz
#calum hood#5 seconds of summer#5sos#suchalonelysunflower#where the storm gathers#calum hood imagine#calum fic#calum hood fanfiction#calum hood au#the sirens song#5sos calum#calum 5 seconds of summer#calum 5sos#ashton irwin#luke hemmings#michael clifford#5sos writing#5sos imagine#5sos fic#5sos au#calum x you#princess!reader#stable boy!calum#Royal au#pirates au
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Forget Me Not (Part 12/15)
Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Reader
Summary: After you wake up from a coma and realize that your memories from the last five years have been erased, Keanu works to bring back what you have lost.
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: Angst, language
A/N: Kinda nervous posting again since it’s been a while, but we’re winding down to the end of this story with only three more parts to go (2 chapters + an epilogue). As always, feedback is appreciated. Thanks for sticking around, and I hope you enjoy!
Part 11
You are home. It’s supposed to be home.
But it wasn’t. To you, it couldn’t be.
This place feels too far from home, too foreign. You had no memories of it, no recollection of the safety and security it offers. Not even the faintest remembrance of the laughter, smiles, and tears; the fondness and the sadness these four walls have witnessed over the years.
You can’t call it home. You don’t know where home is, and you’re not sure you have one anymore.
Not after leaving him behind.
It’s cold and dark when you first wake, sleep weighing heavily in your eyes. A pair of curtains block out the sun from filtering into the room, leaving you to wonder if you had slept through half the day. With a yawn, you stretch, the bed underneath creaking as your body fully rouses from yet another night of fitful slumber. Almost a month back in New York, and it doesn’t make sense to keep blaming your lack of energy on the time difference.
The ache is still ever-present. The pain caused by the void in your heart remains, sharply throbbing in your chest with its refusal to go away. Two heartbreaks, two betrayals, occurring five years apart, but it feels as though not much time has passed in-between.
It hurts to ponder about it, that evening when your seemingly perfect little world came crashing down. Hiding behind rose-tinted glasses, you were unknowingly tricked, fully caught up in a well-crafted illusion. His illusion. Love has blinded you to the sad reality, and in the end, it left you a shattered mess, a hollow shell of your former self.
You doubt you’ll ever be whole again.
Forcing yourself out from under the covers, you reach for your phone on the nightstand to check the time before scrolling through your notifications. Nothing was of interest to you, fortunately; you didn’t have the energy to respond to those you suddenly abandoned. Friends who cared about you but realized you were never close to them. Not in the way it used to be.
As you skimmed over the new texts and emails, you then came across his now unsaved number. The moment you stepped on the plane, you deleted his contact from your phone and blocked him. Yet the last messages he sent to you were still there and haven’t been read since, though you already knew what they could entail—
I’m sorry.
It was never my intention to hurt you.
Please give me another chance.
Let me fix this.
Just come back, Y/N. Come back home.
Home. There was that damn word again. You were beginning to loathe it, even more so knowing that whenever you think of home, you wind up thinking of him.
The last time you saw him was the morning after the storm. Booking a one-way ticket back to the east coast, you then spent the early hours packing as many clothes that would fit in a single suitcase. Tears had long since dried up, having none left as you headed down the stairs, ignoring the look he gave you from afar.
He was dressed in the outfit he had on the night prior; his hair disheveled, eyes bloodshot, and it was quite obvious he endured no sleep. Your resolve nearly crumbles as your gazes connect, bodies close enough that he could reach out the slightest bit, and he’d be holding your hand in the palm of his.
Fighting the urge, you didn’t cave in. You couldn’t allow yourself to fall for it—for him.
No, never again.
As expected, he followed you out of the house, remaining quiet as he watched the cab driver load your luggage in the trunk. You paid him no attention when he approached the vehicle once you climbed in, wanting nothing more than to escape this nightmare. With nowhere else to go and no one to turn to, you decided it was best to leave California, not that you belonged there anyway.
It played out like a scene from a movie—the taxi pulling out of the driveway slowly as the raindrops started to fall. Hearing him call out your name, his voice cracking with each syllable, made you hesitate for a beat. Perhaps you could forgive him, you had thought in that split-second. Forgive and forget; let what happened in the past stay in the past.
But even if you did, the pain’s still there, and it was overpowering. This pain resulting from his deception had been too consuming, too unbearable to move on.
You told the driver to hurry as you couldn’t afford to miss your flight.
The atmosphere in the car was fraught with grim silence. As the house sequestered in the hills vanishes in the rearview mirror, you knew you were running away from it all. You couldn’t stand being here in LA, where every turn, every corner, and every street reminds you of a life that wasn’t truly yours.
As idyllic it once was, you wanted no part of it anymore. Instead, you sought for familiarity, the life you used to have, the one you could only remember.
What you thought was your real home.
Unable to hold it in any longer, you had broken down in the backseat, never feeling more alone than you did at that moment.
You wish you could forget, but it’s not that easy. It’s never easy. Memories of him linger in your mind, still tragically fresh as they haunt you day in and day out. Closing your eyes, you could see him wearing this smile that used to make your stomach flutter. You came to love his smile the same way you had loved him wholly.
Now? Seeing it was a stab to the heart—a reminder of how he took advantage of your condition, your vulnerability. Of every lie you were fed. That smile, the one you previously hoped to wake up to for the rest of your life, had been an act, a facade.
Everything had been a facade.
A sudden knock on the door startles you, and you clicked off the phone screen before announcing to whoever that they could come in. Your mother Nancy enters soon after, her face displaying concern when she realizes you had just woken up. She’s silent as she walks towards the window and then pushes the curtains aside, the sunlight outside immediately washing over the room.
Briefly, you squint to adjust to the brightness, a confirmation that it was past noon already—another wasted day.
“Hey, darling,” she speaks softly as she moves to sit on the mattress beside you. “How are you doing?”
There’s no point in lying, but as much as you greatly appreciated her caringness, you didn’t want to burden her with your problems. They were yours to deal with and yours alone.
“Better.” And that, you were. Just a week ago, you finally stopped crying yourself to sleep. “I might even go out tomorrow and look for a job. Can’t keep freeloading under your roof, right?”
You release a half-chuckle, a small attempt to lighten up the mood. It was comforting when your mother cracks a smile in response.
“Oh, hush. You’re always welcome to stay as long as you need to,” she assures, a loving warmth radiating from her tone.
Lips pressing together, you sense that she has another thing to address. “What’s wrong?”
Nancy pauses to take a breath, shoulders rising and falling. For some reason, you’re on edge, finding yourself bracing for what was to come.
“Have you spoken to Keanu lately?”
Upon hearing his name, you swallowed away the lump in your throat. After telling your parents what had transpired, it stirred up various emotions—mainly anger from your father, sorrow from your mom. Their hearts sank as you recounted the story, tears blurring your eyes that you couldn’t see their faces. It was a good thing, however; you probably wouldn’t have reached the end.
Since then, they’ve refrained from speaking of him and to him. He’s called the house on a few occasions but could never get past the automated answering machine. Pictures of the two of you hanging on the walls were taken down shortly after the revelation, and you were unsure of who had done it.
Your parents still couldn’t believe he was capable of such a thing. He had played them the same way you were, twisting the truth and omitting facts. Painting himself in a way that made them think allowing you to stay with him was the best decision when just months before he treated you as if you didn’t matter.
As if he didn’t love you.
“No.” Curt, you had nothing else to say.
“He’s a persistent one, I’ll tell you that. Left another message last night,” Nancy comments, feeling her stare as you fiddled with the hands in your lap. The next time she speaks, it’s slow and controlled. She’s careful with her words, wary of how you would react to what she has to say. “Hon, the last time you were here, you told me something. Something that I probably should have mentioned the day you woke up in the hospital.”
You tense, eyes flickering up to hers. “What is it?”
She sighs deeply, her smile fleeting and replaced by a taut frown. “I knew you and Keanu were having… problems. Not the full story, but enough that told me you’ve been unhappy for a while.”
“W-Why didn’t you bring this up then?”
“Because the second I saw him in your hospital room, I could see how much he loves you. How scared he was at the thought of nearly losing you—”
“Pfft, sure he was,” you scoff at the statement in disbelief. “What he did—you don’t do that to someone you love. You don’t lie to them, betray them. Hell, if you had given me a heads up earlier, then it would have saved me all this trouble.”
“Don’t you get it? He’s an actor. Of course, he’s good at playing pretend. Got us all believing that things were all sunshine and rainbows. He fucked up and fucked up even more by lying. I’ve always had a bad track record in relationships, so I shouldn’t have been too surprised.”
Tension hangs thickly in the air, an apology murmured at the end of a passing second. You didn’t mean to snap at your mother, to let the anger and betrayal consume you that you began taking it out on others although unwillingly.
But you were just too goddamn hurt. Every day, the memories are suffocating you despite constantly wishing and pleading for them to disappear. That life, the one you had with Keanu, no longer exists, and yet you were still holding onto the frayed remains of it, not ready to move on—to let go.
You grieve. You grieve and mourn for the recent past, the happiness and love you experienced in the time you were left unaware. Never have you felt so complete, so content, and much at ease. You had turned a blind eye to the signs, to the small inklings of doubt brewing inside because you thought that there was no way you could get something else as close to this.
Perhaps you were both to blame after all.
“I thought he was different,” you whisper, sorrow flowing from your words. “I thought he was the one. The man I’d settle down with, marry, and then maybe someday, be the father of my kids. We’d build an entire life together, a family, a future. The kind of life where I could look back on it fifty years from now when we’re old and gray and not regret a single thing.”
Feeling your mother’s hand come on top of yours with a light squeeze, you fought off the tears forcing their way from your eyes. You swore you would never shed a tear for Keanu ever again, but you are crumbling from within. The weak walls you put up are now tumbling down, leaving you even more vulnerable than before.
“I want to hate him. I want him to feel my pain and suffer through it, knowing that he’s the reason why. But I can’t. Somehow, I just can’t.”
“It’s because you still love him. No matter how much it hurts, you’re still in love with him,” Nancy adds solemnly, and you nod shakily. “You’re healing, dear. So far, all you’ve done is put on a bandaid, but it doesn’t mean the wound closes up immediately. It’ll burn, it’ll bleed, and it’ll ache, and right now, that’s what you’re feeling; the pain of a fresh open wound.”
“Make the pain stop,” you mumbled incoherently as you lean against your mom’s side, wet cheeks pressed to her shoulder. “It has to stop.”
“And it will,” she promises, listening to your soft and tired cries. “It’ll take time for the wound to heal, but eventually, it will. Until then, life continues, and you would have to as well. You don’t have to go all-in right away, but don’t let this heartbreak hinder you from living, sweetie. You’re strong, and I believe you will feel that same happiness again, in one form or another. But you won’t find it unless you go out and look for it.”
For the first time in what seemed like a while, you felt something other than loss and despair. It creeps into you slowly, half-expecting a cold, crushing weight to fall heavily on your chest rather than the warmth and light it is. But as quickly as it came, the sensation subsides, a wave of loneliness, emptiness filling the vacant space surrounding your heart.
A shuddering breath released, you then reflect upon what your mother said about time and how time heals all wounds. You wonder how much time is needed until you can finally break free from the remnants of the past and breathe again. Could be days, weeks, or even months more, but it’s right there, waiting for you on the horizon.
You may not have a place to call home, but what you do have is time.
Seconds turn into minutes; minutes turn into hours. The sun sets, the moon rises; bright, blues skies bleed into a fiery red before dimming to an inky darkness. The world spins on its axis as people wake, move, then sleep, and the cycle begins all over again.
Two weeks have come and gone, and life pushes onward. You could tell by the scenery outside where the season of fall has taken charge of the Northeast. Days are shorter, with nights stretching out longer as the year fades into winter. Time was flying by at a brisk pace. Very soon, a blanket of snow will cover the ground you walk on, reminding you to take a step back and admire the natural beauty of mid-November.
The crispness of the late afternoon air is refreshing as it fills your lungs, a welcome change from the hazy summer heat. Leaves that were once lively shades of green are now painted in deep hues of amber and burgundy, and they crunch beneath your boots with each leisure step down the earthy path. The nearby lake is as pristine as ever, sparkling freely underneath the rays of the ochre sun as it waits for the impending frost.
Wandering about outdoors for hours now, you were lost in your stream of thoughts. You honestly felt better, not entirely mended, but just enough that you can step out of the house and explore the quaint little town. A picturesque place, it was a perfect settlement for your retired parents where everyone knew everybody; their faces, names, the street they lived on. Boilding down to more personal details such as knowing the pets they owned, which book club they’re a part of, and any recent travels.
When the townsfolk saw you, you sensed the feeling of familiarity. Those you passed by in the streets waved at you, and though you couldn’t exactly recall your relationship with them, it made you smile. Recently, old friends and family in the area had begun reaching out after hearing you were back. You never gave them the full explanation, only revealing that things in California did not work out, and you figured it was best to leave.
Was it a permanent decision? Most likely. Life here is simpler, quieter. You enjoyed the peacefulness, favoring the calm atmosphere of this town much over the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. It gave you space to think, to focus, to breathe. To reacquaint with yourself, rebuild who you are as a person by taking this journey of self-discovery.
It’s the brand new start you desperately wanted, needed. An opportunity to find your place in this world without the past holding you back. Without the shadow of the woman you once were looming over you. And if your memories don’t ever return, which deep down, you hope they never would, you would be fine with it.
You were tired of being stuck searching pieces of the past. You had to live.
Trekking up the gravel road leading to your parents’ home, a black car sits on top of the hill, one that you did not recognize. Perplexed, you approached the house with hesitant steps, dragging your feet through the pile of dead and dry leaves. There was a moment of panic when you noticed a man sitting on the front porch steps, hands clasped on his knees as he hung his head low, a curtain of dark hair masking his identity.
But you don’t need to think twice, for you already know who it is.
His name slipping out of your mouth feels different now. Gone is the affectionate tone that it was usually spoken in. It held no meaning, void of any warmth or tenderness. Keanu, the name is bitter on your tongue, a poison that could cause you to spiral down yet again, and saying it out loud brought upon a rage that swirls through your veins.
How dare he show up here unannounced?
As you take your breaths, one… two… three... and out, Keanu straightens his posture and meets your stern glare. Slowly, he gets up, the expression on his face hard to read. But aside from that, he looked worse for wear. The bags underneath his eyes were dark and prominent, the beard on his chin was unruly and untamed. He appears gaunt and exhausted, as if he hasn’t slept a wink ever since you walked out of the door and out of his life.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You’re the first to break the thick silence, a testament of your bravery and strength of some sort. Brows furrowing and teeth gritting in anger, it contrasts with Keanu’s lax demeanor as he steps closer. “No, stay back. You have no right to be here right now.”
“Y/N, please...” He speaks calmly, each and every one of his movements measured. “I’m not here to fight—”
“I have nothing to say to you,” you seethed, shaking your head as you stormed past him and towards the door. Tears brew in your cloudy eyes, a sign of how much he still affected you. Seeing him again after all this time only proved that the wound he had inflicted bleeds to this day.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Keanu quickly trails from behind, his voice dripping with utter desperation. “Please, just… give me a chance to talk. All you have to do is listen, and I promise you won’t ever have to see me again.”
The seriousness in his timbre causes you to halt in your tracks. Swallowing dryly, you turn around, sad, tired eyes reaching his guilt-filled ones. Keanu stands before you with a face written in despair, making him barely recognizable. The way he’s staring at you as if he’s hopeless and in pure anguish is unsettling, and you almost pitied him for it.
“Y/N…” He pleads softly, defeatedly. “Hear me out, please.”
You wrestled between your options, half apathetic, half curious of what Keanu had to say. Unspoken words on the tip of his tongue, he mutely begs for you to relent, and if this is all it takes for him to leave you alone, leave you for good, then so be it.
“Ten minutes,” you muttered, low enough that he barely catches it at first. Crossing your arms against your chest, the gentle autumn wind rustling through the trees pierces the silent air as you observe Keanu staggering forward, a hand rubbing at the nape of his neck.
“I’m sorry,” he begins, gazing at you with his searching brown eyes. “I-I know saying it a thousand times won’t make a difference, but I really am sorry. What I did before and after the accident was inexcusable and selfish. I hurt you, and I will never forgive myself that. Don’t expect you to do so, either. You probably hate my guts right now, and flying out here might be a mistake, but I needed to talk to you in person. To say goodbye one last time.”
Brushing his hair back, Keanu then pads over to the trunk of the car, and all you can do is wait for him to come back. It doesn’t take long, but he makes two trips to unload two boxes, setting each of them down in the space separating you two. He instantly notices the confusion etched across your features, burying his hands in his coat pocket with an exhale.
“Are those—”
“All the things you left behind,” Keanu finishes feebly. “Thought you would want them back.”
Stunned, a mirthless chuckle escapes your throat. “You didn’t have to do this. Those aren’t my things anyway.”
“But they are—”
“They’re not mine,” you cut him off with a weary gaze. “Keanu, I’ve said this before; I’m not the woman you fell in love with. Not anymore. Look, throughout those months we spent together, I tried to fit into this life everyone told me I had. A life that’s far from what I was used to. God, it feels like a dream being her. So confident, happy, and successful. Waking up from the coma, of course, I would want that. I had just gotten out of a terrible relationship which left me broken and unworthy of anything and anyone. Then you showed me the love I thought I didn’t deserve, and it kept me from realizing that it was all too good to be true.”
Eyes faltering to the ground, your fingers fumbled with the hem of your sweater, ultimately distracting yourself from the tears threatening to fall. “The truth is, I didn’t know you. You were, are, a stranger to me. You had done things behind my back, hid details that would have been a deal-breaker, but you didn’t care. I’ve thought about it a lot lately; would I have stayed if you told me from the very beginning. I wasn’t sure if I was madder at you kissing someone else, knowing how much it would hurt me, or the fact that you lied to fix this—us.”
There is a moment of silence that weighs over everything. The wind stops blowing; the leaves are motionless. Time seems to slow around you and Keanu as he waits for your next words. Words that you are still searching for since you hadn’t prepared to voice those thoughts out loud. They all came rushing, flooding like a broken dam, too overwhelming to keep at bay.
“Which one is it?” Keanu probes delicately, equally afraid of which answer you’re going to give.
“Neither,” you revealed, surprisingly. “I’m angrier at myself for falling too fast; for being the naive little girl who let herself be fooled, who refused to listen to her instincts even though she knew they were usually right.”
You see Keanu open his mouth to speak, but you weren’t done. “I always believed this accident was a curse. It erased years worth of memories that, at this point, I’ll never get back. But now, I see the good that came out of it. Our fights, our arguments, they were all signs that our relationship was falling apart, but I couldn’t let go of it—of you. I held onto us thinking the bad will just phase out eventually when in reality, I couldn’t bear giving up on you and this life we shared.”
Another pause. “Huh, funny. Looking at it, the same thing happened all over again.”
With that said, you felt relieved, somewhat lighter. Despite previous inclinations, you didn’t shout or yell at Keanu. Nor did you discuss to the fullest extent of the suffering you’ve endured. Strangely, it was nearly therapeutic admitting all of that to him, to yourself. For months, you had been unable to let go and accept the truth, allowing fear and doubt to control your actions.
But that was then, and this is now.
And now, it was time for you to be free.
“Guess this is it,” Keanu sighs dejectedly. He didn’t come here to win you back, knowing there’s nothing that he could do or say to repair the damage. Like you, he’s letting go, letting this be the closure he needs, and you need as well. “I guess this is goodbye.”
“Yeah,” you agreed quietly, “Guess this is goodbye.”
Before you could leave his sight to spare Keanu the awkwardness, he holds up a finger, signaling you to wait a second. Swiftly, he goes to retrieve something that’s lying on the front seat, something that you’ve spent countless hours flipping through. He then reluctantly passes it over to you, and you’re unsure what to do with it.
“Your pictures,” he points out, though you were already aware. “I’m not trying to be an asshole or anything by giving this, but this book is yours. Keep it, burn it, do whatever seems right to you. But I want you to know, to remember, that I did love you. I still do, and these photos are proof of it, even if you can’t bring yourself to believe that I’m telling the truth. You deserve love and to be loved, Y/N. More than anything in the universe. I fucked up my chance to be the one to tell you that every day, but it doesn’t mean the next person you fall for will.”
“Ke…” your voice suddenly breaks with emotion, uncertain of what to add after his statement. It’s because you still love him. No matter how much it hurts, you’re still in love with him, your mother’s earlier words echo in your mind, ringing true in your heart. Even after everything, a piece of you still loved Keanu, and saying goodbye to him more painful than you anticipated.
As you stand frozen, Keanu inches nearer until he’s by your feet, the palm of his hand coming to rest on your cheek. He strokes your face with a tender caress before tilting your chin upwards to meet his gaze, brushing his thumb along your lower lip gently. You allow him to have this moment, to hold you and study you for a final time, commit you to memory as this would be the last.
Eyes fluttering shut, you feel him press a soft kiss on your forehead, the warmth of it immediately spreading throughout your body before he slowly pulls away.
“Take care of yourself, Y/N,” Keanu says, opening the driver’s side door of his rental. You look at each other once more and see the subtle, hopeful smile he shoots your way. “And don’t be afraid to love again.”
You watch as he starts driving away, opting to wait until the car is finally out of view before releasing the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
In your hands is a keepsake of your memories. A collection of captured moments that you had cherished so dearly. But things are different now; mistakes were made, words were said, people have grown apart. You found no reason to linger in the past when there’s nothing left to salvage.
Nothing left to do but heal.
The warmth of Keanu’s kiss eventually disappears, the world around you unpausing, continuing as it was before. You stay standing in place, glancing back and forth between the book you clutched on tightly and the boxes laying on the ground.
Yet in the quietude, the wind still blows. The leaves still fall, and the earth still spins.
Time resumes, bit by bit; passing for life to move forward—
For you to move on.
Part 13
Tags: @penwieldingdreamer @fanficsrusz @toomanystoriessolittletime @awessomness @meetmeinthematinee @ringa-starr @ficsnroses @iworshipkeanureeves @keandrews @greenmanalishi @feminine-machinegun @thehumanistsdiary @lilyette @rdjloverxxx @flaminasteroid @danceoftwowolves @ravenpuff02 @wheretheriversrunintothesea @breakthenight @allie1804-fan @partypoison00
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To Make A Power Couple - 5.5 (knj)
Chapter 5.5: “No. We had our first makeup.”
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Summary- Namjoon and Y/N talk about their relationship.
word count- 2.5k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, slow burn, fluff, smut, strangers2lovers, angst (😱)
warnings- none! just extreme fluff
a.n- This didn’t fit well in the next chapter but I wanted to end the angst in the last chapter on a better note. Let me know what you think.
Feedback much appreciated! 💕
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
Namjoon awoke earlier than the sun the next day, his head heavy and his eyes sore, evidence of last night’s vulnerability etched into his features. Unlike most times you weren’t tangled up in his arms, instead he saw you on the other side of the bed, curled up in a fetal position, one hand between your knees while the other rested under your cheek, making your mouth pout. He frowned at how your eyebrows seemed to be furrowed in your sleep, making you look distressed.
Sighing, he rose up, walking to the other side of the bed to his luggage and digging around for painkillers for his headache. Before he walked to the fridge to grab water, he pulled the comforter higher over you, lightly caressing your cheek, his eyes trailing the necklace around your neck, the pendant resting on the sheets next to your hand.
He sat on the couch, pulling your laptop on the coffee table towards him and turning it on to be greeted by the proposal you were supposed to be working on yesterday. The document seemed to be littered with little comments, and he felt anger flare within his chest as he read them. He knew he was snooping, and he should just minimize the window and go on Netflix as he was initially planning, but he couldn’t help it.
Y/N, are you an idiot?! This is not possible! That is not how this company works
Please fix this. We know you are better than this rubbish.
Let’s discuss this when you get back from showing off in Detroit… this is nonsense.
The comments were too casual and berating to be from your staff and he could only assume they were from your board members. You never talked much about your relationship with the board other than the occasional complaint about wanting to buy them out to have full control, but Namjoon never expected this amount of disrespect from them. As he looked at your sleeping form across the room, he felt a bubble of guilt rise within him. Now that the haze of jealousy and self-hate he was in last night had disappeared, he couldn’t help but realize how mean he had been in his comments to you. If you were dealing with all of this from your board, you didn’t need to be dealing with it from him too. He wondered why you never shared this with him, as he rubbed his face and leaned his head back over the couch. He had seen you become frighteningly more stressed and tired over the last month but he always stopped himself from asking questions, thinking he was projecting his own troubles on to you. In hindsight, he should have known better. Over the past month, Harry had texted him twice to ask if you were doing alright, and even at drinks on Friday, Siwon had pulled him aside to remind him to make sure you relax this weekend. He should’ve known better.
He felt a pang in his heart as he thought about your relationship. It had started with a promise of honesty, of never hiding yourselves from each other, but somehow the distance and the stress had made you both recede into yourselves. Unlike Namjoon, you were the kind of person who never seemed to wear her emotions on her sleeve, and he wondered if you felt similarly to how he had been feeling these past months with your work too. Were you also caging yourself in, afraid to share your stress with him?
“Joonie…?” You groggily traced your hand on his side of the bed to find it cold and suddenly last night came back to you and you feared for the worst. You had thought you had resolved your fight. Sure you hadn’t talked about it fully yet but feeling the emptiness made your heart stop. Was he gone? Shooting up, all traces of sleep were gone as you searched the room for him, eyes still puffy from sleep calling his name again, louder this time.
“What’s wrong? I’m right here, babe.” He walked over and you relaxed watching him climb into bed, his back against the headboard as he kissed your forehead, while you moved to sit cross legged between his long legs in front of him.
“Sorry.” He felt you shake slightly as he smoothed your hair to comfort you. You looked up at him, your palm coming to rest against his cheek. “How are you feeling?”
“Thank you for last night.” He gazed at you, hoping to convey his true gratitude, his hand wrapping arounds yours in your lap. People had always left him alone when he was in that headspace, and he was amazed that you had not only confronted him but managed to pull him out of it. “I’m sorry you had to see me that way.”
“Don’t apologize.” You looked at him sternly before a blush crept on your cheeks and you averted your gaze to your joined hands. Now that he was in a better place, you felt your guilt from last night coming back. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I made it hard for you to believe that I love you.”
“It’s not that… I think I just had a fucked up idea of how girlfriends show love.” He smiled awkwardly, squeezing your hand comfortingly. “I just got insecure about you not being jealous or territorial… I don’t know. It’s pretty dumb” He chuckled humorlessly.
“Oh… I was jealous.” You looked at him with wide eyes as he looked at you with shock. He was sure you were trying to placate him but he wanted to hear your reasoning. “I… I rationalize my feelings. I don’t go off the first thing, you know?” You shrugged sheepishly as you continued. “I feel a thing and then I go ‘hmm wrong reaction, let’s fix that’ so yeah of course I was jealous, are you kidding me? But then I thought it wasn’t an adult response to feel like that so I pretended till I was okay with it.”
Namjoon couldn’t help but laugh at that. He spent two days feeling like he was defected for being jealous of random men, even Yoongi. Of course you had more restraint over your emotions than him. He was in awe of you and he felt like a complete idiot. He leaned forward to pull you closer, arms around your waist to pull him to his chest and kissed you once, before you pushed him off.
“Hey! Stop laughing at me! I’m being vulnerable here!” You pouted, moving your arms around his neck. You knew he wasn’t laughing at you and you were glad he took your confession so well. To be completely honest, you had always felt your trait of rationalizing your feelings was your worst - it created a rift between you and other people who often deemed you as cold and heartless. It pained you that this same trait had made Namjoon so insecure.
Namjoon to his credit, stopped laughing immediately, instead looking at you with a fond smile. “I’m sorry baby. I’m laughing at myself - at how much of an idiot I am.” He once again kissed you, his lips moulding to yours, moving languidly. “I can’t believe that was my barometer for your love. Shit, I’m a fucking idiot.” He giggled, his lips a few centimeters away from yours.
“You’re not an idiot, Joonie.” You frowned a little, cupping his face as you looked into his deep brown eyes. He poked lightly at the corner of your mouth, hoping to remove the frown, looking at you seriously before speaking.
“I hope you know, you don’t have to filter yourself for me, Y/N. You can tell me if you feel jealous or stressed or sad or angry or whatever. I won’t ever judge you.” You felt lighter hearing his words, even though you knew that by now your feelings filter was pretty much an automatic response, it felt nice to hear that you didn’t need to be as careful around him.
Seeing your smile, Namjoon kissed you again, moving your backwards till you laid down under him. His kisses were relaxed, slow, as if he had all the time in the world, and it made your heart blossom. However, you knew that you still needed to talk about his feelings from last night. It wasn’t like you to let things stew, and so before things could get more heated you suggested going to the roof to watch the sunrise. Namjoon finally agreed after a few more lingering kisses, both of you changing into your hoodies and sweats before walking up to the rooftop.
You both laughed when you reached the top of the stairs at the obscenely large no entry sign that was much more evident now that you weren’t in a wild haze of emotions. Choosing to pointedly ignore it once again, you open the door to walk to the edge of the railing. It seemed that the rain last night had cleared the air, the cool morning breeze feeling fresher as you looked over downtown Detroit, the first rays of sunlight breaking over the shiny skyscrapers.
After a few minutes of enjoying the view, you turned to your boyfriend, intertwining your fingers. He had a small smile on his face as he looked over the city, his other hand under his chin, elbow resting on the railing. The first few rays of sunlight reflected off his face, making him look almost ethereal. “Joon, can I ask you something?” Still looking at the view, he hummed in approval. “Why didn’t you tell me you collapsed last week?”
“Probably the same reason you didn’t tell me how hard your board was hounding you for this proposal.” He looked at you pointedly, squeezing your hand, as you let out a sigh.
The cat was out of the bag for the both of you. It felt odd to talk about your stresses after so long, and therein lies the problem. The two of you started this long distance with promises of keeping each other updated but started rethinking that as soon as the stress piled on. Neither of you wanted to burden each other with your stress, but the more you both talked about it you realized the two of you had just been disrespecting each other, assuming the other couldn’t handle your reality and taking away their autonomy to make that decision. You both talked in hushed whispers as if discussing a shameful secret. Well, you guess it was pretty shameful the way you had been hiding in the bathroom at work to avoid talking to people, or that your one glass of whiskey after work had turned to four.
Namjoon assured you he wanted to share your burden and he wanted to share his with you too. He told you about his own shame - of trolling the internet for self-esteem destroying messages - chuckling at your proclamation that you would report every single message till they didn’t exist. It felt nice to finally tell someone, tell you, about his tortuous midnight habit. He also shared his stress about interviews, the anxiety that comes with having to translate for everyone and making sure he does the good job at representing not only his band but his country internationally.
“Okay this cannot happen again. We can’t fuck our communication up this bad every time we do long distance!” you exclaimed after almost two hours of you catching each other up on your less than ideal month. Namjoon was now sitting on the floor, back against the railing as you sat between his legs, your back on his chest and his chin resting on your shoulder. You squeezed his hand in yours. “We need to strategize how to be better!” You turned sideways as Namjoon burst out laughing.
“Damn you really are a CEO. You want to strategize our relationship?” Namjoon had calmed down enough to look at you incredulously.
“Joonie! I’m just trying to make sure we don’t fight again. I didn’t like it.” Namjoon sees your face fall at that as you look to the ground, a little sigh escaping, before he lifts your chin to look at you. You looked at him sadly. “We really had our first fight, huh?”
“No. We had our first makeup” He looks at you with conviction, eye contact not wavering in the least before he kisses you softly on the lips, watching a small smile evaporating your frown. “Okay let’s do it. What’s your strategy, boss?”
And so the two of you came up with three rules to foolproof the rest of your long distance. One, you switched your calls from goodnight to good morning calls, when both of you had enough mental semblance to stitch a proper sentence together (and so you could scold each other if you ended up pulling unnecessary all-nighters). Two, you would never assume the other person was not mentally ready to hear about your stress but would instead ask if they were okay with listening to you. You were to never assume you were a burden on the other person, because you both wanted to support each other. And lastly, your safewords were no longer for the bedroom, instead you both decided to use the colour system on your fights or heavier conversations, giving each other the opportunity to call yellow or red on a topic you weren’t ready to discuss. You didn’t know if this strategy was the best, but you would never know unless you tried it out.
With the sun getting higher and your stomachs growling for sustenance you decided to stand up, looking at the view one last time before venturing downstairs. The city was alive, cars moving around, people rushing to their Sunday plans. It was beautiful. You leaned back, closing your eyes as you took in the sun. “Ah! Healing rooftops!”
“You know, I don’t get the ‘healing power of rooftops’ thing you have.” Namjoon looked at your blissed out face as he put his arm around you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at the view, thinking of last night. “All I see are empty offices. Doesn’t it feel lonely?”
“Nah, Joonie. You’re looking at it wrong. For every empty office that means that that person is home safe with their loved ones. Isn’t that the opposite of lonely?” He was taken aback by your positive spin on the situation. He smiled at you warmly as his arms tightened around you. He loved that even though you always said you were cold and people called you Ice Queen, all he ever saw was a soft-hearted optimist. He kissed your cheek as you giggled.
“I love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too, Joonie.”
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Long Nights - part 7
Neil x Reader
Chapter 7: Wicked game
(see chapter 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
summary: it’s time to come back to life, and sometimes it involves Neil dragging you to a social event
warnings: 18+, language, alcohol mention (beer is considered alcohol, right?)
author’s note: 3k words. It’s not exactly what I had in mind for that chapter, but they have a mind of their own, as always.
Almost there.
The song for this part is Stone Sour - Wicked Game (acoustic, live)
Enjoy and let me know what you think, please? All feedback is greatly appreciated.
Tag list: @cxnnienikas @neutron-stars-collision @ergunbilge @invertedneil @wanderedaway @i-wanna-b-yours @wonderwoman292 @buckysgoldenheart @townmoondaltwistle @theriverbeneaththeriver (please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the list)

It didn’t matter how many times you saw him do that, the effect the sight had on you was pretty much always the same. Filling your mind with thoughts that were quite counterproductive, one could say.
The veiny patterns covering hands and forearms. The long fingers running through the buttons. The tilted chin, extending the neck, drawing attention to that impossible jawline. The slight pout. The brows drawn together in concentration--
You smacked your tongue and shook your head
“Y’know what, those shirts of yours are so rude, but the way you wear them, the rolled-up sleeves?”
Neil looked at you through the reflection in the mirror, puzzled. “What about them?”
“Abso-fucking-lutely disrespectful,” you sighed heavily and leaned against the door frame.
Playful lights danced in the blue eyes. “Oh yeah?” he teased, giving himself a final glance-over before turning to you. “And what you’re gonna do about it?”
“Nothing,” - you shrugged, crossing your arms - “because you insist on dragging me to a social event.”
The faint resentment ringing in your last words didn’t get lost on Neil.
“So boring of me,” he said as he closed the gap between you, trying to keep a straight face. He put his hands on your waist and smirked. “But maybe after that we can come back here and continue the conversation.”
As you fixed his collar, a shade of smile hid in the corner of your mouth.
“Really wanna listen to me listing all the things that drive me mad about you, huh?” you asked smugly, gliding your fingertips along the delicate stripes of the greyish beige shirt.
Neil’s thumbs brushed over your hip bones as he hummed, “I have a feeling it might lead to a rather pleasant conclusion.”
When you let out an amused scoff, his lips captured the snarky comment that was bound to follow. He pulled you closer and lifted you up, and the next second you were sitting on the edge of a vanity cabinet, breathless from the kiss, tugging at the striped shirt.
A buzz right next to you.
You jumped, startled, and glared at the phone. “Is it too late to tell Matthias the Uber driver that we’re not going anywhere?” you asked without too much hope as you nuzzled your face to Neil’s neck, breathing in his scent, unwilling to let this moment end too quickly.
Neil chuckled and stroked your arms. “Come on, it’s gonna be fun.”
You still didn’t know where he was taking you - he’d assured you that it would be casual, and that was basically all you cared about. He knew you enough, and you trusted his judgement, after all.
“It better be,” you pouted, pulling back, but as soon as you met the bright blue eyes your heart sang in your chest. After spending all that time in the darkness, not sure if you’d ever see his face again, you caught yourself taking an extra second every now and then, just looking at him. How the light played on his features, now soft in the elaborately illuminated hotel bathroom. How his lips curled whenever he found your gaze. How utterly stunning he was.
Smiling gently, you ran your fingers through Neil’s disheveled mane, taming the blonde mess if ever so slightly.
“Let’s not keep Matthias waiting, then,” you sighed and slid off the cabinet.
The afternoon was quite warm for late autumn. As you were arriving at your destination, you watched the sun shining through the scarce leaves left on the trees, adding vibrance to their colours. Too mesmerized to pay attention to the route, you recognized the place only when the car stopped. The training site. You turned to Neil in confusion, but he just wiggled his brows and proceeded to thank the driver and got out of the car. You followed him out and right through the gate of the now-empty paintball outdoor facility which served as a front for the agency’s base, hidden a bit further inside the forest.
“Picking up something on the way?” you asked, matching his pace as you strolled towards the training grounds.
Neil shook his head and smiled mysteriously. “Not really.”
“Alrighty then, keep your secrets,” you snorted, rolling your eyes. “Aren’t we a tad overdressed for a little playground fun, though?”
“A rematch?” he pondered and smirked. “Didn’t plan on that, but it’s tempting.”
Indeed. “I’m kinda out of shape, but keep those baggy trousers on and I’m game - wanna beat you fair and square again.”
Neil let out an exasperated huff. “Baggy?! They might be a bit loose but --”
You giggled at his offended expression as he got busy looking down at the target of your remark, ready to defend his fashion choice. Your laughter was enough to stop Neil in his tracks, and when he met your playful gaze, he reached out and drew you into his arms for a tight hug. After a brief moment of perplexity, you eased into his embrace, moved by the force of sudden affection.
When he pulled back, you touched his cheek. “What was that for?” you asked, searching the blue eyes, but finding nothing but joy there.
“Being cheeky.” He scrunched his nose while tapping the tip of yours. “And brilliant,” he added, and for a second you were sure there was something else he wanted to say; instead, he laid a gentle kiss on your lips. “And maybe stalling a minute longer before I’d have to share you with all these people.”
You gaped at him, about to ask what people, but Neil already grabbed your hand and led you around the corner of the building - and you heard them even before you spotted them.
“Oi, there they are!”
“We’ve just considered sending a rescue party in case you got lost in the woods!”
The unexpected eruption of cheers and greetings made your fight-or-flight reflexes kick in, but as you instinctively took a step back, Neil squeezed your fingers reassuringly.
A split-second exchange of looks.
All right?
When he saw your tiny nod, he let go of your hand, focusing on the team gathered at the makeshift chillout zone. “Not everyone has your poor sense of directions, Seb,” retorted Neil, flashing his teeth in a grin.
The young man’s protests got drowned in laughter as you approached the group together.
"Luckily not the case with our rogue here,” said Ives, elbowing his way in between other people. He shot you both a disapproving look, toned down by a smile dangling in the corner of his mouth. "Really, roofs? Didn't know you had it in you, mate."
"Me neither,” admitted Neil, going in for a clasp of hands and a brief hug. “When I saw that gap, I was sure that was it. Someone convinced me otherwise."
“The secret is to avoid looking down,” you shrugged, meeting the commander's amused gaze.
"Thanks for bringing our favourite nerd back in one piece." As Ives extended his hand, there was something serious about his expression, mixed with a sense of relief, and you realised he must have been in the response team Neil had called for help.
“My pleasure.” Beaming, you shook his hand. “Thanks for providing backup.” And scraping me off the pavement.
Neil’s gasp was almost theatrical. He smirked and nudged Ives lightly. “Aw, I’m your favourite?”
“Careful, that privilege may be revoked any minute,” grunted Ives in a weak attempt at keeping up appearances, but he couldn’t fool anyone. Now that you had a chance to observe them in the after-hours situation, the bond between the two men was clear as day, and your heart warmed up at the thought.
Waving back at Mahir, you scanned the group for other familiar faces. Wheeler, a couple of people you recognized from the HQ halls, and a bit isolated from the others - the big man himself, manning the barbecue station.
Overwhelmed by the attention you got from the team, you excused yourself and walked up to The Protagonist. You couldn’t help but smile at the confident vibe he radiated with as if he spent every weekend doing nothing but this.
“So dad of you, boss.”
He flopped a sizzling piece of meat to the other side, glancing at you humorlessly.
“How are you feeling?” he asked with polite concern.
“Grand, healed up nicely, thank you.” You circled your shoulder and grinned. “Not in a marathon condition, mind you, but that’s not exactly new.”
“That’s good, Neil was worried about you.”
Not sure if it was the lack of eye contact or something else in his presence, but you decided to stop ignoring the gut feeling.
“You don’t like me,” you said, tilting your head. A mere statement of the fact; you weren’t hurt, only curious. “It’s okay, you don’t have to, just been wondering why.”
TP sighed heavily. And when he finally met your gaze, the dark eyes were sad, only deepening your confusion.
“I’m sorry.” Then something cracked and a shiver ran down your spine, because suddenly, in front of you there was a man who’d seen a lot, suffered too much, and cared even more. The weight of it all slumped his shoulders, and for a short while, he seemed almost helpless. Taking a quick look at the hollering group, he sighed again. “It’s not your fault, it’s--“ he hesitated, searching for the right words. As he found them, there was no sign of the vulnerability from a moment earlier. “It’s a stressful business.” He sent you a crooked smile. “And I’m still mad about that watch.”
The lie was obvious. But the things you saw in his eyes made your chest clench painfully, and…did you really want to know?
Besides, that might have been a truce offering, and you weren’t bent on holding a grudge. Not with him, anyway.
“Hey, wasn’t it technically your idea?” you grinned, shrugging off the weird sense of dread.
A smile finally reached the dark irises. “I guess it was,” he admitted and patted you on the arm. “There’s some beer in the mini-fridge, could you --”
“On it.”
When the clank of bottles sealed your peace treaty, you caught Neil’s happy stare. You pointed at the beer in your hand in a question and he nodded, so you grabbed one more and joined him and the others.
That unfortunate mission must have been some sort of rite of passage in these guys’ eyes because out of the blue, you were no longer an outsider. The Cavalry accepted you with open arms as one of their own, and you couldn’t wrap your head around it. It was a nice feeling, though. Like you belonged. You saw some curious glances, but they came from a good place, and even the suspicious voice in your mind gave in under the cordial, jovial energy of the group.
Soon enough, you were joking with a young medic, having a balancing stand-off with Wheeler, or listening to crazy stories from some old operations, until everyone had enough booze in their systems that allowed them to direct some of the questions to you, as well.
“So is Neil a decent locksmith now?”
You puffed out your cheeks in a musing grimace, but when you spotted Neil’s raised brow, you started laughing. “I’d say even more than decent. Honestly? I don’t think there’s much more that I can teach him, he needs to polish his skills in real life now.” Mocking a teary sniff, you added, “They grow up so fast!”
Nobody would know that you did so while actively ignoring a faint sting in your heart.
You refrained from meeting the attentive blue eyes, though. Just in case.
“Oh cool, then what about a little contest?” Seb clapped his hands cheerfully. “You versus Neil, we could time you, and to make it fairer we could put a blindfold on you --” as he stopped for a breath, he realized - with some help from Wheeler’s elbow to his side - the slight faux pas.
But you barely acknowledge a curse and a mumbled apology cutting through the awkward silence, too busy exchanging amused looks and stifled giggles with your student.
“Neil, would you like to explain?” you asked, schooling your features.
He bowed his head as if he was accepting a great honor. “Gladly.” Neil took a deep breath and his eyes lit up. “See, my dear friend, had you known anything about lockpicking, you’d learnt that sometimes it’s easier to do that with, for example, your eyes closed. You need to listen to what the lock has to say because it’s all about feedback--”
You watched as Neil gave a full lecture, citing your own words from what seemed to be a lifetime ago. He did it with passion and understanding of the craft you’d never dreamed to see in someone else, and yet was so familiar when it came to him. Absentmindedly, you placed a hand over your chest, as if it was enough to stop it from bursting.
You couldn’t be more proud.
Neil finished his rant and looked at you, only to be met with all the appreciation and validation in your gaze, and he beamed even wider.
“All right, damn, we can cover Neil’s eyes then,” sighed Seb, a total resignation in his voice sparking a roar of laughter from the group.
As much as you enjoyed the energy of the team, your social batteries were getting drained, and you needed a moment for yourself before you could carry on.
Walking right outside of the periphery of light from the garlands, you let your gaze slide across the training equipment, now barely visible in the moonless night. The leaves crumbled under your feet as you smiled at the memories. Maybe one day you would actually complete the full run? You pulled on the sleeves of your sweater, hiding your hands from the cold evening air.
“Mind if I join you?”
You glanced over your shoulder at Neil, keeping his distance, ready to give you space. With him, it was always in the details he’d picked along the way, effortlessly weaving them into everyday life. “Not at all.”
Neil perked up and joined you in the shadows, inhaling deeply.
“Funny how the scent of the forest changes with the seasons,” he mused and you grinned, turning his way.
“That’s what I call a pick-up line,” you snickered and drew a long breath. “But you’re right, it’s too easy to forget that once you become a permanent city creature.”
He chuckled and lightly rubbed his hands up and down your arms.
“Are you warm enough?” he asked softly, fixing your oversized scarf.
“Yeah.” You brushed your cheek against his fingers, longing for his touch, now that you were somewhat hidden from the prying gazes. “You?”
Neil moved closer and wound one arm around your waist, then cupped your face gently, pressed his forehead to yours, and murmured, “Now I am.”
You hummed happily and slid your hands under his open jacket, resting them at his chest, and closed your eyes. Only then realizing how tense you were, you relaxed in his embrace, savoring his closeness. A steady heartbeat under your palms. The warmth carrying undertones of Neil’s cologne. A featherlike graze of his thumb over your cheek. His nose nudging yours.
But soon enough, you had to break a stolen moment. Trying to stifle a yawn, you hid your face in his shoulder to muffle the sound.
“Oh, my poor baby,” he cooed, biting back a giggle. “That tired?”
“I’m fine,” you mumbled against him on the verge of another yawn.
“Sure you are.” He kissed your temple. “The party’s almost over anyway, judging by decreasing amount of idiotic ideas per hour. Gonna call us a cab soon, all right?”
As you nodded, Neil tightened a hug and reluctantly let you go.
“Be right back, I’ll check if there’s any coffee left,” you said, gesturing towards the tables with beverages.
As your luck would have it, there was just enough for one sip.
A sudden sneer was enough to wake you up, though.
“Hell froze over.”
Mahir walked up to the mini-fridge to grab a beer and you met his mocking stare with furrowed brows.
“Vincent must be chattering his teeth now,” you joked, unsure where the conversation was heading. “Why?”
Mahir scoffed at the remark about your old associate, but he was still studying you closely, confusing you further. “Congratulations, by the way.”
“Dude, you’re killing me today,” you sighed, wiping a hand through your face. “Thanks, but what for?”
“You and Neil?”
And when you shot him a puzzled look, he waved his bottle at the place where you stood together a moment before.
Breaking out in a cold sweat, you deadpanned, “Oh.”
Bloody hell.
“I thought you weren’t doing the whole love thing anymore.”
The pulse pounded in your ears, although not loud enough to tune out the sirens blazing in your head.
It came out harder than you felt it. “I’m not.”
No, no, no, no, no.
Mahir grimaced doubtfully. “Uh-huh.” He looked over your shoulder at the team gathered together in the distance and raised a brow. “Does he know that?”
You couldn’t force yourself to follow his gaze. The panic drained your face of all colour, and that was enough of an answer for your friend.
“I see.” Mahir shook his head, losing the enquiring manner. His features softened as he patted your arm. “Neil’s a good guy.”
Please, no.
“They always are,” you choked out bitterly.
Not again.
“You know what I mean,” insisted Mahir, searching for your eyes.
That the history was not gonna repeat itself?
...or that he didn’t deserve any of it?
“Yeah. Maybe.” You faked a smile. “Excuse me.”
Pushing past him, you went inside the building. You needed to be alone.
Oh, the irony.
Weeks of deliberately avoiding the topic. Tricking yourself into thinking that you can keep it casual. That it didn’t matter that much. That it was nothing but a self-indulgent fling.
You couldn’t breathe.
Lesson learnt, huh?
Barging into one of the restrooms, you got to a sink. Clenching your hands on the cold ceramic, you fought nausea tearing through your body.
The gasp for air turned into a sob.
...and then everything went quiet.
You raised your eyes to the mirror.
Your reflection was staring back at you with determination.
It was time.
(next chapter ->)
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The Unraveling
Part 2 to Notebook!
Summary: Where house rivalry begins to crumble and attraction begins to bloom
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!reader
A/N: I just want to say thank you so much to all those who’ve shown support for the notebook! I didn’t really expect much from it, but it makes me so happy to know that it was enjoyable :) It seems that there will be another part to this, so I’ll definitely be brainstorming. Hopefully this one is just as good as the first. Once again, feedback is very much appreciated!
Prior to meeting you, Draco only knew you by face--small glimpses of your face, that is. Your name had been thrown around here and there, but it was never enough to conjure any thought or interest within him. You were merely another student at Hogwarts who so happened to be in Gryffindor. Nothing more, nothing less. It was never in his mind that he’d ever become so intrigued by your presence, making the boy recall the first assignment you’d ever work on together.
The duration of your transfiguration class was coming to a close, and by now everyone was chattering amongst their friends, allowing the information that had been taught to slip away. McGonagall drew their attention once more for a final announcement.
“Before you leave today, I will be partnering you up for a group assignment: An essay on vanishing charms. Please listen for your names! Once I call you, you may go!”
The professor was going through her list swiftly. You faced Ginny in hopes that you’d be paired up with her, however that was dashed when McGonagall associated her name with Seamus’s. A frown was plastered on your face, ‘Damn. Who could my partner be?’
“Draco Malfoy, you’ll be working with Y/N Y/L/N.” You immediately felt your mood fall even more. With disappointment, you slung your bag over your shoulder, stood up, and took a brief glance at your partner before making your way to the door. You didn’t know what to expect out of this experience. You were aware of the boy through the eyes of your friends, but you never actually engaged with him before. Because of this, your first impression of him leaned towards the more negative side.
You weren’t thinking about anything except getting to your next class until you heard a shout, “Y/L/N! Library! Lunch!” Turning to the boy, you signalled an “ok” and gave a forced smile before walking away again. Draco stared at your figure as it grew further and further away down the hallway.
“Blaise, do you know anything about Y/L/N? She has quite the attitude doesn’t she?” He asked, slightly annoyed with your nonchalant behavior.
“Oh her? Pretty sure she’s friends with Potter and his bunch. Also known for being bloody good in transfiguration and DADA within our year. What’s it to you?”
Draco shrugged, “Never heard of her before. We’re paired for this essay.”
“Are you bothered that she's not giving you much attention as her other friends?” Blaise retorted while Draco scowled in response.
“I’ve got to be really desperate to want attention from someone like her.”
He made his way to his own class with Blaise following him shortly. He was confused by how indifferent you were to his presence. If you were really a part of the Gryffindor bunch, then surely you would have the same views as them when it came to him...right? Deciding to assume so, he continued on with his day without giving it too much thought.
You were released from your class a little earlier before lunch started, so you made your way to the library, hoping to get started right away on the research. Once you got there, you were met with an empty hall and the scent of old books--a comforting scent, really.
You weaved your way through countless shelves until you found yourself in the reference section. With your focus concentrated on your essay topic, you selected books you thought would be useful. Unknowingly, you’ve begun to accumulate a stack of books, so much so that you weren’t aware of the presence of a particular platinum-haired boy.
Draco cleared his throat, “You really think we’re going to need all that?” The suddenness of the occasion made you jump and stumble backwards as you held your hand over your chest.
“Merlin, Draco! Give me a warning, won’t you?” You closed your eyes. You were so startled at the moment that you didn’t realize how easy it was for you to say his name. You made a mental note to watch yourself more carefully. To your surprise, however, the boy let out a light chuckle (oddly enough, he liked the way it sounded from you). When you looked up at him, you couldn’t help but notice how warm he looked. It was different from his usual demeanor, but you welcomed it, giving a slight smile.
“Well we can’t get any work done if you plan to keep sitting there, Y/L/N” Scratch that. There he was.
“Well maybe if you helped me carry these books instead of standing there, we’d get to a table faster.” You said sarcastically. You handed him two of the texts and stood up with the rest. It didn’t occur to you how close he was until your eyes were met with his due to the small proximity. ‘Silver, how pretty’. The both of you felt a weird heat flush against your cheeks, a slight skip in heartbeat, and a certain difference in the air around you. To abolish the awkwardness you cleared your throat and apologized, starting to look for a table that was available. You settled for one that was near the window. The sunlight that shined through it looked really beautiful from afar.
Without any hesitation, the two of you settled. Draco sat himself in the seat next to yours, while placing the books in the space in front of him. You imitated his actions and went to work right away. Once you opened the covers, you were absorbed into your own world. With a piece of parchment resting beside you, you took your quill and began taking your notes on pieces of information that you felt were important. You were so concentrated that you didn’t notice the gaze that the boy had fixed on you.
Draco had only known you through brief passings in the hallways. He’d known you as a classmate, as a Gryffindor. But today--with the way the sunlight was casted on your hair and facial features--this was the first time he actually noticed you. The sight of your focused expression was enhanced by the way the sun illuminated your cheeks, how it graced your eyelids, even the way it softly landed on your lips. You looked ethereal, beautiful, far beyond than he expected. That moment was only for his eyes. He took a mental picture of it.
He also took notice of the way your hair was falling in front of you. He then mindlessly reached out to you and tucked the strand of hair behind your ear, making your eyes go wide. A blush threatened to spread across your cheeks again.
It took Draco a second before realizing what he had just done. Keeping in mind his reputation, he straightened up, struggling to string words together.
“Don’t get me wrong Y/L/N. That random strand was itching to be pulled back.” He turned his attention to the book in front of him.
“Ah...thanks. I guess.” Your hand gripped your quill a little tighter as you tried to process what the heck just happened as well as why you were getting so impacted by his actions. Both of your hearts were pounding now.
Perhaps it was because of the fact that the way he acted just now didn’t seem like the same person who would mercilessly bully others, let alone your friends. No. Instead, he was warm, and it shocked you. You definitely did not expect this from him. In fact, you wanted to question why he was acting like this, but you knew that deep in your heart you actually liked it yourself. Coming to the conclusion that the question was just a waste of energy, you shoved it in the back of your mind.
A few more minutes of writing had passed, and you took a look at the parchment, proud of the progress you’ve made so far. Out of nowhere, your stomach let out a huge growl, inducing a smirk coming from Draco.
“It seems that someone’s hungry.”
“Well what do you expect? It’s lunch and I haven’t eaten all day. I was kind of looking forward to the menu today, y’know?” You cradled your stomach, trying to shush it from making any more noise. The way your lips formed into a pout made the boy’s heart flip. He thought to himself, ‘What the hell is going on with me?’
Suddenly remembering the cookie he snagged from breakfast that morning, he took out the small form of sustenance and chucked it to you.
“There. Hope you like chocolate chip.” This topped it for you. You were practically stunned by how sweet this boy was at this very moment.
Without thinking you asked him anyway, “Why are you being so nice to me? I’m not really familiar to this side of you.”
He glanced at you and plainly stated, “You’re weird that’s why.”
‘Well gee, thanks.’ You thought. You rolled your eyes and smiled at his kind gestures. It was awkward and clumsy, but it slowly untangled the first impressions you had of the boy. You decided to tease him because of this.
“Draco Malfoy, soft? I’m not used to it, but I think it suits you.” You said smiling at him. It was different from the forced smile you gave earlier. He never would admit it, but at that instance he felt the desire to keep that smile in his life.
“Don’t get too used to it, Gryffindork.”
“You have my word, Slytherin.” You raised your right hand before unwrapping the cookie and breaking it in half. “Here, you must’ve been waiting to eat it.” You said, offering his piece to him. He took it with a small smile, and you two basked in the moment.
There was a first for everything, and without giving the scene any more thought, the both of you had begun noticing one another from that point on.
part 1
A/N: So, what’d you think?? My goal for this chapter was to portray Draco in a way that was slightly closer to his portrayal in the movie. I personally feel like if he wants to show kindness then he would. Maybe not in the way that is typical, but rather in his own Draco kind of way. IDKKKKK aha. Well I hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @m-winchester-67 @bbeauttyybbx @un-limit-edd @poetontheblock @tttyrus @stretchyice
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The Pogues - Prologue
Pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: toxic relationship, swearing
Word count: 2k
Summary: You were a kook, born and raised but when a messy breakup with your boyfriend takes place you find comfort in the people who you’d been taught to despise and keep away from your entire life, the Pogues.
(A/N): Soooo here it is the prologue to my upcoming series i’ve literally been working on this for the last couple of days and the first chapters are almost finished but I just wanted to post this as a kind of introduction to the story and the life around Y/N,, and pleaseee don’t be afraid to give me any feedback I love when y’all come in my inbox (not my gif creds to the owner)
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You were seated out on your patio opposite your mom and dad enjoying the nice weather, your tanned skin practically glistening in the sun rays “so Y/N, is Rafe going to be escorting you to Midsummers?” Your father asked, you groaned at the idea of even having to go there mostly at the part about Rafe being your escort “do I have to go” you frowned playing with the salad blades that lay untouched on the plate before you “we’ve already talked about this Y/N you’re going” he replied sternly, annoyance evident in his tone. Most of the time you could talk your way out of almost every single one of these events but since Ward was your fathers best friend and the event was practically being held in his honor you had to go otherwise it would ‘reflect badly on your father’s image’.
You and Rafe had been an on and off thing for about a year now, maybe even longer since it was hard to keep count of all the breakups, currently you guys were on another off stage after you’d found him and another girl going at it in his bedroom when you had planned to surprise him on his birthday but instead ended up crying yourself to sleep in Sarah’s room who held you as you sobbed and being the loyal friend she is she ended barging into her brothers room to yell at him as soon as you fell asleep.
You and Sarah were the same age and had been best friends long before you and Rafe got together, considering your fathers were close friends you spent almost everyday over at the Camerons when you were younger and now you two were glued at the hip, you didn’t know what you’d do without her since you’d done everything and anything together since the age of 3.
“Yeah well I don’t think Rafe’s gonna be my escort, we broke up” you stated blatantly, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked back up at your displeased father “come on Y/N can’t you fix it just for that night and then you never talk to him again I don’t care but it’ll look really bad for me if my daughter ditches my best friends son at an event that’s being held in his honor” you looked over at your mom hoping she would back you up since there was no way you were going to get out of this without her help, but instead she just sat there pretending not to notice your lingering glare.
“Fine i’ll fix it” you mumbled knowing that there was no point in arguing with your father “thank you sweetie” he smiled “whatever” you rolled your eyes pushing the chair out from behind you and making your way back inside and up to your room. Closing the door behind you, you sat down at the edge of your bed dreading dialing Rafe’s phone number since you really didn’t want to be the one crawling back after he cheated, you had some respect for yourself.
It’s for dad you thought as you pressed call on his contact your back colliding with your mattress as you felt your heart sink more and more with every ring. Just as you were about to hang up he answered “hey baby” the nickname made you sick to your stomach, did he have no recollection of your break up “can we talk?” you asked getting annoyed as you heard nothing but silence on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah uh i’ll be home in like ten minutes want me to pick you up or something?” he asked, it was obvious in the way he spoke that he had no interest in going out of his way to come get you, you rolled your eyes “no Rafe i’m perfectly capable of getting myself to your house by myself thank you very much” you spoke before hanging up groaning as you went and got dressed pulling a black hoodie over the white crop top you’d been wearing and struggling to get into your converse attempting to squeeze your heel into them as you trudged down the spiral staircase in your house.
You grabbed the keys to one of your dad’s cars, opening the front door you slammed it shut behind you making your anger evident to your mom and dad.
Walking out into the cool summer air you quickly unlocked the car and pulled the handle, opening the door and placing your self down into the drivers seat. You turned the engine on dreading the soon to be conversation with your ex boyfriend as you slowly backed out of your driveway and out onto the main road.
As you stood outside of the Cameron house you contemplated driving away and never looking back but knowing you’d have to face the wrath of your father if you did that was enough to make your knuckle connect with the door and slowly but surely tap onto it, seconds later Rafe’s deranged figure stood before you moving out of the way allowing you to walk in, you put on a fake smile as you followed him up to his room.
It was silent between the two of you when he closed the door behind him neither one of you knowing what to say as you both stood facing each other “Y/N i’m really sorry for what happened the other day I-I was drunk” he stumbled over his words the lie evident as sweat started to form at the top of his forehead “I don’t care, I don’t want to get back together” he looked puzzled at your words “then why are you here?” he questioned sitting down onto the bed that was placed in the middle of the room.
“We’re going to go to Midsummers together and then we’re over and you’ll never hear from me again” he simply sat there not giving you any reaction whatsoever, so you turned to walk out but before your hand could reach the door handle he grabbed you and pulled you back to him “so we’re over just like that?” he practically barked down at you fingers tightening around your wrist clearly not pleased with your words “yes, my dad just wants me to go to this stupid thing with you and I know you want to impress your dad just as much as I do mine so it’s a win win for both of us” ripping your hand out of his grasp you tried to read his facial expression but it was blank the part about his dad clearly striking a nerve within him “whatever” he stated coldly turning away from you. You had to admit it hurt after almost a year of being with him that he didn’t even try to stop you or fight for you, but what were you expecting it’s Rafe.
You exited his room tears profusely falling from your eyes, you weren’t crying because you guys we’re no longer together but because you had just now realized how toxic the entire relationship had been and you were more then disappointed in yourself for letting anyone treat you that way for that long.
You made your way down the stairs towards the front door but before you could reach it an arm grabbed you stopping you from moving any further, thinking it was Rafe you turned around prepared to cuss him out but immediately calmed down once you noticed Sarah standing before you, it was obvious by her facial expression that she knew something was up with you and Rafe.
“What happened?” She frowned as she pulled you into a tight hug, you quietly cried into her shoulder as your arms rested weakly on her waist. “I don’t know what I ever saw in him” you sniffled pulling away from the hug so you could look back up at her “you know what I don’t either” she smiled wiping away the few tears that continued making their way down your cheeks.
“Come on lets go do something” she smiled intertwining her hands with yours dragging you out of the house behind her “like what?” you asked opening the passenger side door of her car and stepping into it not to worried about leaving yours behind, you’d come and get it later. Sarah got into the drivers seat shortly after you “first we go eat, can’t do anything on an empty stomach” she replied putting the key in the ignition and turning the car on “there’s this place that I absolutely love it’s called The Wreck” she spoke as she exited the driveway “isn’t that the restaurant that Kiara’s parents own?” you questioned raising an eyebrow at her since Sarah had told you about their previous feud multiple times. “Yeah but i’m pretty sure she’s not working right now and either way it doesn’t matter if she is i’m a customer so i’m sure we’ll both keep things strictly professional” she huffed causing you to chuckle your mind quickly forgetting all about Rafe and his stupid antics.
As Sarah parked in front of the wreck she involuntarily groaned noticing Kiara and the rest of her Pogue friends all sitting in front of the entrance enjoying their fries and hamburgers some you recognized, some you didn’t. “Shit” Sarah mumbled “strictly professional” you joked copying her words from before, she lightly hit you in the shoulder before grabbing her purse and getting out of the car you following behind shortly after.
As you walked past the Pogues and toward the entrance all you received were dirty looks and glares especially from Kiara, the only one who wasn’t glaring was JJ who not so subtly let his eyes wander up and down your body, Kiara clearly noticed as she hit him in the back of the head scolding him, “what the hell” you heard him mumble as he rubbed the back of his head causing you to let out a small chuckle.
The only reason you knew who JJ was, was because of the multiple fights you had to break up between him and Rafe, you could never understand how two people could hate each other that much.
Turning away from them you followed Sarah inside the restaurant and just your luck you were seated right next to the window that was facing them, “Oh god” Sarah groaned hiding her face behind the menu that had been placed in front of her “she’s still staring” you looked over your shoulder, and sure enough you got a perfect look of Kiara’s face and oh boy if looks could kill you’d both be dead by now.
“Is this all seriously because you didn’t invite her to your birthday party?” you questioned turning back around “yup” Sarah replied resting her chin in her palm “I kind of miss her though she was fun to hang out with, you’d like her” Sarah smiled causing you to look back one more time making direct eye contact with JJ who subtly winked at you, you felt heat rising to your cheeks and quickly turned away eyes diverting to the menu in front of you.
“So what do you wanna do when we finish eating?” you asked looking up at Sarah who only gave a shrug in response “you wanna go buy some dresses for Midsummers, I literally have nothing to wear?” she groaned taking a sip of her water giving you a hopeful look “sure” you chuckled looking out the window once more only to see the Pogues were no longer there, you felt slightly disappointed at the lost sight of the Maybank boy.
I’m gonna make a tag list for this series so let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!! xx
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The Runaway—Ch. 3

It was supposed to be like any other bounty. Just another job. But when Din Djarin meets a runaway trying to escape a tragic past and a bleak future, everything changes. (Set after the events of Season 1, no spoilers for Season 2)
Din Djarin x f!reader (no y/n)
Series Warnings: Language, canon-typical violence, mentions of abuse.
AN: Near-death experience in this chapter, but that’s the only extra. Feedback is always appreciated!
Din squints into the darkness, hardly able to see even with the adjustment his visor makes to the steadily dwindling light. He doesn’t show it, as he leans up against the rough-hewn entrance to your makeshift home, but there’s a stiffness to his muscles after the journey here—his legs aching underneath the weight of the armor, and the sun had been inescapable, beating down on both of you like the wrath of god. Although it’s setting now, the heat hasn’t abated in the time since and underneath his armor Din’s clothing is clinging to his skin.
“It’s around here somewhere,” Din can just make out your shape now, a dark smudge against blacker surroundings, but you move with confidence and quiet surety as you search around the small space. “Ha! Here it is,” there’s a faint click, and the little hovel you’ve led him to is filled with a yellowing light that stutters against the walls before steadily growing brighter. You swing the flashlight around in small, sweeping motions and Din takes it all in, his heart shriveling in his chest like a life-vest with a leak.
“It’s not much,” you say quietly, watching him out of the corner of your eye, “but it’s far from the worst place I ever lived.” Din doesn’t want to know what those places were like.
You’re hunched over, practically in half, but the dirt of the roof still scrapes at the top of your head, little crumbles of dust nesting in your hair as you move. He has no idea what stuff you’ve planned on grabbing—there’s nothing here worth taking. You’ve got a meager supply of food, stacked against the far wall, high off the ground to keep it away from any pests, but no table, no place to build a fire. There’s no bed, either, just a mat and a blanket so threadbare it seems to be made of holes. He can’t take his eyes off the blanket, the blood draining from his face; for a moment, he thinks he might be sick. His fingers curl in on themselves, twin fists resting at his sides, and he wishes that your father were here, right now. He’d end him.
“Hey,” Din turns at the sound of your voice and finds you kneeling at the edge of the back wall, near the mat and you’re looking up at him expectantly—Din wonders how many times you’ve tried to get his attention. You wait for a moment, and he nods to show that he’s listening. “Can you help me with this?” He’s not sure what this is, as you point at the wall—a gesture that gives him no helpful information—but he agrees, the child following closely behind as he takes his first step inside.
Din crouches, but only manages one or two half-steps before falling to his knees, which is all it takes to cross the distance from the door to the place where you kneel. You push the flashlight into his empty hands before lowering yourself to the ground.
Starting in the bottom corner of the room, you rest your palm against the wall, stacking your hand one over the other with careful precision and Din shines the flashlight in your direction without asking any questions. About halfway up the wall, you begin to move towards him, walking your hands along the wall until you’re leaning over him, your body stretched across his without ever moving close enough to touch.
The light falls across your face, your lips moving silently casting strange shadows on the wall behind you before you stop just on the other side of him, the tip of your finger carving a soft x in the wall. “There,” you say quietly, just a soft puff of air against the side of his mask.
You lean back, taking the flashlight from his hands, sitting back on your legs, looking at him expectantly. Din is at a loss.
“I need you to hit the wall where I marked,” you say, characteristically cryptic, “really hard.”
Din looks at the wall, examining it more closely; unlike the rest of the packed-dirt structure, this side seems rock-solid underneath the caked-on, crumbling dust. He hits it hard enough, he could break some fingers, at best.
You see his skepticism through the mask, shuffling a little closer, “it’s a false wall,” you say, retracing the x with your fingers, “I built it myself when I first came here—couldn’t just leave my stuff out in the open.”
“Why didn’t you keep it under your mat?” Din asks, still hesitant. That was the standard procedure for most of the criminals that Din had encountered, although he’s not sure that you fall into that category. Thieves among thieves will target their own if needed, but it’s futile to try and steal from anyone who sleeps on top of their possessions. Especially when there’s a blade under their pillow.
You roll your eyes at him, “because that’s the first place everybody looks.” Din makes no move to do as you’ve asked, and you examine him more closely, your eyes searching the mask for the answer to a question that you haven’t yet asked. There’s a pause, a shift in the momentum of this conversation, this partnership, “don’t you trust me?”
Din sighs, rolling his eyes at you and he thinks some part of you knows because you smile as he pulls his fist back, his eyes on the carved x.
“Then again, my hands could have grown in the time since-” you blurt out in warning, but Din’s already loosed the punch. He closes his eyes, unwilling to watch the impact, waiting for the snap of bones, but it doesn’t come, his hand crashing through the wall amid a shower of dirt.
It’s not a large break in the wall—Din can feel both edges of the space you’ve created without much movement, the tips of his fingers brushing the back wall while his wrist is still visible. He pulls his hand from the crevice, brushing the dirt from his glove and you fill the place immediately, shining the light and digging around in the illuminated opening.
“Here,” you shove something into his hands, still focused on the crack in the wall. Din takes it, glancing down.
His eyes blow wide when he sees the item—a necklace like a collar, made of woven gold and blood-red gemstones. It’s caked with dirt, but still sparkles in the evening light, each stone throwing fractured ruby streaks against the walls of the room.
“Is this real?” Din asks, unable to keep the awe out of his voice. He’s not sure what kind of material the necklace is made of, but it looks expensive. He starts the mental tabulation: fuel costs, food, repairs that need to be made. New weapons to be purchased, toys for the kid. Maybe even an upgrade for his armor.
Before he can finish the thought, you’re shoving more jewelry his way—handfuls of glittering stones and expensive metals. Din sways on his knees, light-headed.
“I think that’s the last of it,” you turn to face him, shifting into a sitting position. You hold your hands out, and Din lets the collection fall into your waiting palms. You begin to sort the baubles into small piles, brushing the debris from each sparkling surface. Din stops your hand as you’re about to place a set of delicate silver bangles next to a jewel-encrusted hair pin.
“What is all this?”
Your eyes flicker with confusion, trying to interpret Din’s response, and honestly, he’s doing the same. His hand stays on your wrist, his grip loose enough that you could break it if you tried, but you don’t, your stare fixed right where his eyes would be.
“You told me you didn’t have anything left. That you sold it all.” His voice shakes as he looks at the extravagant spread, the necessities and indulgences he had been calculating earlier multiplying ten-fold. With this sum, you could buy . . . anything. But when he looks at you, your expression pained, he’s immediately chastened. There were some things that had no price.
“I lied,” you say gently, watching as the child wanders over to inspect the treasures. Din moves to grab him before he can reach any of it, but you hand him something to play with—a simple golden chain—and he’s mollified for the moment, pulling at the object with his little, green hands.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You both pull your attention away from the kid when Din speaks, and you sigh, brushing a few stray hairs away from your face with a rough hand.
“I didn’t know if you could be trusted. For all I knew you were going to take it all and turn me over to my father anyways.” A huff of air escapes Din’s lips at your statement. There’s plenty you’ve left unsaid, words that weigh heavy on Din’s shoulders, a trust that he can’t fully fathom. It’s not just your life that you’ve placed so fully in his hands—it’s his, too, and the kid’s. With this, and the bounty your father had offered, he could buy a better life: no running, no danger, no bounties. He could find the child’s people, make sure he was safe. And then, after that, he could do anything.
You knew all of this, when you brought him here. Din feels very small, sitting on the floor of this dingy dirt hut in the middle of nowhere, and this choice, this offering, feels much too large.
You push the piles towards him, scooping them all together in your hands. “I want you to have it,” you say through shaky breaths, “for helping me.”
Din makes no move to take it, although he could. He grabs the strap of his satchel instead, tossing it into your lap.
“Hold onto it for now,” he commands, “I don’t take any payment until the job is completed.”
You don’t move, lips parted and eyes on him. He thinks he might see the barest hint of tears pooling at the corners of your eyes, but they fall closed, and for the first time, Din can see what this means to you. You want to live. You want to be okay.
You begin clearing up the jewelry, packing it into the satchel, slinging it over your shoulder. That’s when Din hears the noise, footsteps crunching over the terrain outside. He stops you with a finger to his lips, pulling the flashlight towards him and flipping the switch, throwing the room into darkness.
His visor adjusts to the shadows and his eyes follow soon after. You seem to know that something is wrong, and he can see you in the eerie green light that the mask offers as you pull the child into your lap, looking up at him with wide, worried eyes.
Din moves quickly, back on his feet and out the door in mere moments, scanning the black horizon with careful eyes. He catches their flickering light source first—three people, he assumes based on the cadence of the footsteps and the soft chatter between them. The shortest one carries the torch, walking a few steps behind the others, and Din stands casually, waiting for them to notice him. His hand hovers over his hip, and he unlatches the strap on his holster.
“‘S that you, Mando?” The familiar voice, one that grates like gravel against his ears, calls over the distance between them. He was right before; three people approach, but the man in front is the only one he recognizes, and everything gets more complicated.
“Hello Tate,” Din keeps his voice even, folding his arms over his broad chest, and the light from the torch flickers dangerously off the beskar. He hopes you’re hidden from view, with the child and the satchel. Din could get you all out of this with relative ease, as long as none of them notice your presence.
“Greef told us you were on the runaway job,” Dev says, and then he chuckles, “he actually told us not to bother.” He shifts his weight, leaning on one leg more heavily than the other. He’s got a blade in his hand, but his grip is casual, and he rests it against his hip. The other two have weapons as well—the zabrak on his right has a dangerous-looking club slung over his shoulder, and the twi'lek on his left carries a blaster in the hand not holding the torch. None of them seem too eager to use them just yet, and he’s not planning on giving them any reason. Still, he shifts again, resting his hand on his own hip, just above his blaster. Better to be safe.
“We decided to take our chances anyways,” Tate continues, eyeing the change in Din’s posture, “and with a bounty like that, can you blame us?” The others laugh, but the smiles don’t reach their eyes. “Somebody on the way to town told us to look for her out this way. We thought we might find you here.”
“The place was empty when I arrived,” Din gets straight to the point, “I think she might have left it abandoned. I’ve been waiting for her to return.”
Tate smiles, “I thought you might say something like that.”
It happens quicker than the light flashing against his armor—weapons are drawn and he’s got the barrel of a blaster resting at the edge of his mask. Din keeps his own blaster aimed at Tate, but he watches the others in his periphery, tracking their movements.
“You gotta get a more subtle look, Mando, if you’re gonna be tellin’ lies like that. We heard from a few different people that they saw you chasin’ the girl out of the cantina.” He steps closer, twirling the blade with surprising dexterity given the meatiness of fingers, and from this distance, Din can see the dirt caked into the creases of Tate’s face, see the shadow of a beard growing over his skin.
“So now I’m forced to wonder,” Tate continues at a whisper, “where you’ve got her stashed if she’s not here, hmmm?” Din keeps silent, shifting his grip on his blaster, putting the slightest amount of pressure on the trigger.
“Where is she, Mando?” he asks again, but his gaze flickers to the zabrak, a movement so minute he almost dismisses it, until he shifts to check on the twi’lek. Din lets out a low sigh through his nose. Tate thinks he’s got the upper hand on him based on numbers alone. In his mind, he’s already won.
“She back on your ship?” he asks again, growing impatient with Din refusal to accept defeat, “she out there with that little green freak you stole?”
The sound of the shot booms in response and Tate stumbles back, hand at his midsection, checking for the burn of the blaster bolt, but it’s the twi’lek who falls, eyes rolling back into her head before she lands with a thump, the blaster falling from her hand.
Din’s already aiming again, for Tate this time but the shot goes wide as the zabrak catches him on the shoulder with the club. His knees buckle and he fights to stay standing, blocking the next swing with his forearm. Wood clangs against beskar and Din grunts at the impact, pain sparking through his armor.
He’s hardly recovered before he hears the metallic slash, feels the burn in the open space where the pauldron meets his chest plate, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees red.
One of them hits him in square in the chest, and then there’s a boot at his neck. He places one hand at the heel, but the other isn’t cooperating—a strange tingle travels from the tips of his fingers up to his shoulder, and it burns, dead at this side.
“Gonna ask you one more time, Mando,” Tate leans over him and Din sees black around the edges of his vision, fighting for every breath, “where’s the girl?”
Din says nothing, willing some kind of life into his arm, struggling against the weight of the world for one more lungful of air. He hopes you’ll keep the kid safe.
There’s a streak of red that shoots across his vision, and it’s funny to him; no one ever mentioned that as a part of dying, but he’ll accept it. There’s another—he lets his eyes fall closed. And then the weight is lifted, and he can breathe again, and he falls into a deep and restless sleep.
#the mandalorian x reader#the mandalorian x you#the mandalorian fanfiction#mando x you#mando x reader#din djarin x reader#din djarin x you#din djarin fanfiction#din djarin fic#mando fic#the mandalorian#my writing#the runaway
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 6)

Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: It seems as if a witcher came home after having his midnight pleasures from the brothels; leaving you in having a sleepless night. The witcher seemed to be distant after his argument with his child of surprise which left you completely confused because you’ve did nothing and have been anything but mean to him. Some questions were answered by a fortune teller as to why you came from another dimension; but the witcher was stubborn enough not to believe him and his intuitions. Leading to another event which would get everyone's life on edge, especially yours.
Warnings: Cuss words. Old times where men treat women like shit. Irked, frustrated, confused Geralt. Emotionally hurting reader. Naive reader about the whole medieval era. Jaskier finally being comfortable around the reader. (I don't know why this is a warning? 😂)
Words: 5,800+
A/N: AAAAAAAAHHHHH! I need me some actionnnnn! LMAO. XD This chapter was supposed to be posted on April 18 but I couldn't help it and I wanted to post it right now, So y'all can have something to read about. Heehee! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT, TATERS! Btw, this is one of my favorite chapters and chapter 7 too which will be next to this. Ahonhonhon! Dang, I can feel we’ll reach 25 chapters before this ends. 😂😅 jkjk. I’M SO THIRSTY FOR GERALT, IS THIS NORMAL?
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren't from moi as well.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!

You haven't seen the outside world; like you've been a cast in the 'Big Brother reality show' that you were watching back at your apartment. It was a lot more different in their city; much more barbaric; lively but actually mirthful.
When you've arrived at the marketplace there where tons of people, absolutely crowded with all forms of life walking around. There were white tents where merchants have been selling their goods and a lot of buyers hollering for their attention.
You've remembered the night before when Cirilla has hugged the life out of you all night. She'd cried herself to sleep but eventually let the wrath fade away early in the morning; acting like nothing happened as she'd asked Geralt for her weekly training in swordplay before the morning comes.
Up all night and you couldn't sleep. Cirilla has offered her bed to keep you comfy rather than the table out in the kitchen. You've said your disagreement to the offer because of her status. She was a princess, so you've thought that sleeping beside her would not be possible. Though, she was persistent and asked you if it was okay to hug you while she sleeps even just for the night.
You've eventually said yes; but had to keep your eyes all open especially at the bothered feeling of your heart from the facts you've heard from Cirilla. Even adding more effect to your sleepless night was from a witcher who happened to went home before the morning twilight rises. His reasons were unsaid but the booming voice of Jaskier in the small living room was enough for you to know that he'd gone somewhere...fun, exciting and pleasurable.
Thus, that kept you up all night even more.
Your heart seemed to be a lot more bothered after he arrived maybe with a pang of a peculiar sting inside your chest that made you pout all through the night.
Nevertheless, you've ignored that feeling because maybe it was just a stomach bug that you've had since then. The morning after, you wore your winning smile as you've shown yourself to the men of the household with a beam you hoped that seemed to be convincing that you had a good night sleep.
But, Jaskier being Jaskier; he'd pointed out those horrid eyebags you've appeared to be nastily wearing. The Witcher had said nothing other than a wavering look which felt so different. So distant and withdrawn like he wasn't capable of smiling. Well, he had reasons not to after what has happened in his life and probably realizing how much of a baggage you are for even living in their home like you popped out of a chicken's bottom and gave them eggs to bear.
The connection lasted for two seconds as Geralt studied your face before breaking whatever overwhelming feeling that the butterflies in your stomach has been trying to say. He'd then avoided being in your presence and went out to feed his horse as he got ready for the morning activities.
Jaskier gave you both a look of wonder before you'd given him a reassuring smile like there was no uncomfortable feeling running in the veins of your heart. You were the best at it; faking a smile that is.
The way towards the marketplace was much farther than the way to Cuthbert's house. Obviously, because it was almost like a city or the center of the kingdom for the walk of life. You've walked alongside with Jaskier as Geralt had Cirilla on his horse.
It was the first time you've appreciated Jaskier's talkativeness because if he wasn't then the whole journey would've been serene and awkward by how the witcher was giving one word answers to anyone's questions or statements.
Well, he certainly slept on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Literally, because he'd slept on a different kind bed with a woman.
You've tried sparking up a conversation; tried saying your sweetest good mornings when he was outside and talking to his horse, but when he'd felt you were there. It was like the wind changed and he didn't want you to hear him talking to his horse nor even breathing.
A simple good morning and how he was were asked; but a simple, lackadaisical answer of the word 'fine' was given to you; not giving you those enchanting golden eyes and just the wide statuesque of his back were shown.
So much for going outside to try and talk to how he was because he seemed to be in need of more people who cared for him.
You've ignored the way your heart fell at how he was putting up; acting like he wasn't trying to comfort you the other day when you were having one of those panic attacks you have. Here you thought, he was actually starting to treat you as a friend even just for the time being but it was like the world shifted and he was treating you like a stranger.
Maybe, you were right. Your presence was beginning to become a burden of his surprise obligation for even paying for your clothes and letting you stay in their home. As much as you've remembered that night, you would only stay for a day and leave to find the airport. But, the airport was nowhere to be found as you've finally realized how you actually magically appeared on a different kind of earth and in a timeline you weren't accustomed to.
You didn't know what to do. No matter how much you wanted to go home and leave the family you were currently living with; it was like you were left with no choice but to stay because you didn't know how to come home.
There was no coming back, as of now.
"Why, who's this small lass?" The feebly, doddering woman croaked as she accepted coins from a Kaedwenian child before she'd finally turned to look at you from head to foot, her expressions unreadable when she'd noticed how you've looked more of a hobo then their peasants who lived anywhere and had no place to live. Though, you were cleaner than the rest.
It was like there was a garage sale in the marketplace; tons of stuff laid on the tables as you didn't knew what the uses of it were. Your eyes were scanning the things that laid on the table; one by one until your attention caught a silver necklace that had a leaf as a symbol and coral green stones wrapped around the linings of silver. You've picked it up and examined the jewelry; being charmed by the mere necklace and lately realizing that the stones were twinkling like no other; having no explanation at how it was twinkling or glittering against the sun like magic was consuming it.
"It's a fae," Babeth cut you off your reverie. You've snapped out from being enchanted by a simple necklace. It was a pretty one, definitely can be used everyday and the way it twinkled was strangely beautiful. You didn't expect for them to have these kind of necklaces, "---Serves as an amulet for bad luck that is bound to come. A sorceress has said her incantations to that necklace; keeping you away from ill-fate,"
Babeth gave a weak smile, the wrinkles on her face thoroughly evident as she continues to mindlessly fix her goods in front of you. You blinked back at her, a beam raising your lips as you tried to get a good look at her, "A fae, ma'am--??"
The woman has completed your sentence for you, raising her gaze to meet your eyes and noticed it was a beautiful, light forest green, "You can call me Babeth, Elfin!" she sweetly yelled over the loud chatters of the crowd.
She suddenly gestured behind you, nodding her head as her smile widened, eyes also twinkling like how bright her smile have been; like she was happy with her life and family, with no worries. "What's your connection in being a travel companion with a witcher, elfin?"
You blinked out of surprise, betwixt and between turning half your body around when you've felt Geralt's presence looming behind you. You've resisted the urge to face him and just stared at Babeth instead, ignoring the fact that he was already staring at your head; longer than he ever did since this morning. However, you didn't know he was even looking.
"Ughm," you hesitatingly started, thinking of another statement other than saying that you were figuratively an alien in their world. The witcher wanted to save you from saying anything weird that can get them speculating that you weren't from their world and tried to butt in, "She's---"
Jaskier came to your aid; despite of not asking any help because you certainly didn't need saving in anything. He'd slid beside you with a more added effect and subtly wrapped an arm around you, in between you and the witcher who was sky scraping from behind.
"Geralt's destiny," the bard confidently finished for you both with a dramatic gesture of his free hand; giving Babeth a smolder when he did open his mouth to utter lies at the sweet, old woman.
Geralt's attention went straight to Jaskier's arm wrapped around you; lately becoming aware of what he managed to tell the merchant. It made him growl beneath his chest, giving the bard a scowl from behind. But, it seems as if Jaskier's persistence didn't falter as he continued to smile at the seller before them.
"Bard," Geralt roughly scolded with his jaw tensing.
Babeth's facial expressions seemed to even be happier, if that was even possible. Finding the news thrilling and exciting for her to hear; her eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky, "Oh! A lover!" she gave a clap full of mirth, "---I didn't know when you'll become serious with yer' life and thought you just do yer' whores!"
Your smile wavered at the last mention of that word. So, he was also infamous for that. Probably always in brothels since Jaskier has always been saying. To make things straight to the point, Geralt was one of the fuck boys in earth. Typical men.
Well, he isn't a prince from the start so technically that explains it. Withal, there was no prince' and only in fairy tales despite that you were living in a fairy tale surprisingly.
You've felt Jaskier's hold on you grow tighter when you continued your explanation for the poor, old merchant who was smiling like she'd seen her favorite OTP finally be together, "Oh--Babeth--I'm not--" a loud cough erupted out of your throat as the bard scooted closer, his arm now around your neck as he added pressure like he was choking you, "Ja-Jaskier!" your eyes bulged out of your eye sockets, grabbing onto his arm and violently clawing them away.
The merchant went on with that adorable smile of hers, never guessing if you were both playing nor trying to kill each other already. Jaskier was smart enough to distract your loud huffs of breath through his fake laugh; topping those loud complaints of yours, "Oh! Hahaha! Aha! you know how tender...love...and care can change a person! Perhaps, got the witcher soft somehow!" he gestured with his thumb towards the Witcher who was throwing daggers behind his back.
"Is this your compensation because we've brought a Hirikka at home?!" you hoarsely whispered, struggling to get away from his hold.
The bard laughed louder before lowering his voice down and muttering in between his cackle, "I'm making it easier for everyone! Shh!"
You were close to biting his arm until it bleeds. But, you didn't want to ruin his very elegant and flamboyant clothing that you only see in the medieval period, "Well, you're not!"
Jaskier slanted his head to take a peek of your reddened face. Due to his arm choking and also probably the fact that he'd been trying to tell the merchant that you were Geralt's other half, "Then, why do I see a blush?"
The merchant waved her hand from the banters, giggling at the way you both looked like you were playing before giving her attention to a new customer who'd rudely demanded for her attention. Thus, it was the perfect time for Geralt to wrench Jaskier's arm around your shoulders, strongly pulling him from his back as the witcher sighed in frustration.
Jaskier tried to battle with his strength, though it was no use because apparently; the witcher was stronger. "Ge-Geralt! What?! I'm making everything easier by controlling your foolishness while you're being an utter boor!"
Their voices died down, constantly being covered by the lively noise of the marketplace. The boys were probably going to the Tavern they needed to visit as you were now left with Cirilla who was picking new dresses for her and for you.
She'd pick up a cute princess like strapless dress that will certainly reach above your ankles. Cirilla held onto the beautiful dress and showed it to you, her grin painted on her pretty face, "Say you didn't like dresses, Y/N?" you've blinked back at the dress like you couldn't believe it was real and actually cute. A satisfied nod was given to the child, "Well..That is certainly an exemption," you pointed out and excitedly grabbed onto the dress, placing the clothing in front of you to see if it would fit perfectly. It does and you couldn't help but think how it was normal to wear these kind of dresses without people looking at you weirdly like back in earth.
Cirilla continued her ransack through a hill full of different types of clothing and grabbed onto a red, sheepskin cloak that had the right length for you; adding it to the items that should be bought. She went on in finding more clothes that will fit you, "---Also, they have leather pants, boots of your size and half sleeved shirts you may want?"
You saw how concentrated she was with picking clothes for you to wear; like she was more excited to dress you up. However, no matter how much you wanted to buy those clothing, you understood and accepted the fact that you haven't brought your wallet with you and they probably had a different money currency as well.
"But, I don't have any coins for these..." your train of thought ceased; index finger pointing at the pile of clothes she was carrying on her child-like arms.
She gave all the clothes to an awaiting, smiling Babeth. The Ashen haired child patted herself as she was searching for something, "Cease the worry, Y/N!" the latter fished out a medium sized black bag full of coins, "---Geralt has it covered!"
You've had your face in a twist; screaming its negations over the fact that it was the witcher's money that was going to be used. Though, there was no use of a protest when she was determined and was a one word woman.
All the clothes that has been bought was inserted in Cirilla's beige ransack that was strapped on her back. You've offered to carry it for her as she'd seen Ethelia who hollered for her attention. She was also the same age as her; even as beautiful as the princess but she had brunette hair, hazel eyes with freckles all over her nose. Ethelia was as pretty as a picture; same goes for Cirilla.
One fact that you learned about their world was that it was full of lovely people and you were thinking that you were seeming to be out of place for it.
Cirilla informed you that she would be playing with her and the kids not far away from the tavern. You've given her a thumbs up but you were actually worried for leaving her in a place you didn't know and felt sketchy because of how it wasn't your ordinary; leaving you feeling anxious for her well-being.
Hence, the tavern didn't looked better as well. You were used to strobe lights, the smell of cigarette or sweat and the moribund heat that backs you away from stepping in a nightclub; never dreaming to come close to one ever again.
But, here you are; standing in the middle of an hostelry looking like the small elephant in the room as people who wore old-fashioned clothes and armor were staring at you like an alien. So far, they didn't know that you were actually one because you didn't belong to their world.
You were trying to find anyone you knew; even trying to look for a certain white haired man who seemed to be not in good terms with you for unknown reasons. There, you did saw him seated on the farthest end of the pub looking mighty with his sword laid beside him as he drank Ale, listening to a man who appeared to be reaching his elderliness.
Geralt's whole being has ever been so ostentatious like you were watching a scene unfold from a television series. You didn't notice you were already observing him from afar until he'd blinked and slowly turned his head to you, eventually catching you gawking. But, being lucky at the most awkward scene of gaping at him over the other end of the roadhouse has saved you from your embarrassment when a well built villager wearing tons of heavy armor accidentally bumped into you; making you break away from watching the witcher. As the man bumped into you, his mouth was as nasty as he looked and tried to tell how peasants like you who had no crowns deserve to be sold to a brothel keeper because of how poorly you were dressed; also, probably because it was only your worth.
So, women were treated rather poorly in their era. Your consciousness talked back and gave you the reality of it all.
You were also lucky enough to catch Jaskier's attention and saved you from being sold anywhere.
As you sat down with Jaskier and his pixie friends that had elf ears; it was stunning to see a live fantasy gnomes sitting in front of you and drinking till their heart's content. You'd realize how survival was a difficult task in their world as the poor were treated like they were the lowest of the low and people with crowns were treated rather fairly.
Hence, living in their world can officially be a nightmare for you. A daydream of showing how much of a nightmare was to live back in the old times.
"So, this is what a bar looks like in the medieval period," you murmured to yourself as your eyes scanned the whole buzzing place. They were heathen people and there were loud chatters and laughter like there were tons of stories to tell; even the bard himself does as he was sat beside you; chattering with a man who weren't hobgoblins; but was sat around your table. "You sure Ciri is fine with the kids?"
Jaskier waved a hand to wash away your worries; giving you a once over as he smiled a big one, "Ow, shush. Yes she is. Stop being a mother hen and enjoy my singing out here with the lads," the bard grabbed onto his lute that was strapped behind him, swinging the instrument and actually hitting you on the shoulder before he apologized and started to strum a melody in which you've heard when he was trying to annoy the witcher who lived in the house you were in.
So, that's what its called. Toss a coin to your witcher. The bard already forcefully let you hear the song and you were pondering if people really toss coins to a witcher who slays beasts, like literally.
You playfully rolled your eyes at his attempt on entertaining people in the tavern, "Your singing sucks ass, Jaskier." But, it was actually just a playful banter because his voice was amazing, believe it or not. However, you weren't there to give him compliments and shower his ego after calling you rat for so many times.
The bard gave you a look of curiosity, his blue eyes sparkling like how the sun cascades through the oceans, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
You tried the Ale that Jaskier has given you. You've smacked your lips a lot of times to taste it better and subtly noticed the bitter taste that it had more than a typical beer. It definitely had more alcohol content than a Heineken, "Bad as how Geralt calls your singing like a pie with no filling,"
Jaskier faked a surprise, stopping from warming up before he starts singing epics, giving you his war face and a coltish glare as he humorously spat, "You are certainly the living nightmare in my life for saying that!"
Jaskier's singing grabbed all of your attention. Thus, you were oblivious of a particular individual who was lurking behind you as he seated and talked to Durriken who continued to ran his mouth on the heed-detached witcher.
Durriken's ginger hair was shiny against the light of the sun that reflects from the windows, the elderly man shakily continued his story as he studied who the witcher was gazing at that even got him giving a damn when he ever does not, "---The villagers had seen the beast on the swamps in the south! Had my lads killed as they've stabbed it with their swords! It was a poisonous monster and wounded my people with a burn that could let ye' see their bones!"
The witcher gave a disgruntled hum, his jaw clenching like he'd seen something awful.
Durriken ceased his stories; sipping on his ale as he bluntly asked and ripped his eyes away from him with a knowing smile, "The trouble and strife, witcher?"
Geralt couldn't help but want to roll his eyes at the incessant accusations they had between the two of you; giving abrupt malice to your presence as you tagged along with them, "Why do people always tell me this," he gruffly mumbled to himself, finishing his shot of Ale in one gulp as he dropped the cup with a thud.
"Have ye' seen the way you look at er'?" Durriken's smile was unwavering as he could remember you from his dreams; like the whole scene was dejavu.
The witcher gave him a tight-lipped frown, sitting completely composed; but with his blood boiling for whatever reasons he doesn't understand, "She's been dragging me in to more horseshit than I can ever get involved,"
Durriken heedlessly caressed his goatee; seeming to be in deep thought to what his next words would sound like and if it will be better to be said rather than keep it to himself and watch the future unfold without alarming the other, "Ye' wouldn't be complaining if you realize that she's actually your destiny, Witcher."
Jaskier stopped strumming his lute after finishing one song; planting his ass on his seat as he laughed out loud with the villagers of Kaedwen. The adorable hobgoblins lending their elfin ears at the bard who had memorable tales to tell, "I've been the witcher's travel companion decades ago!"
You were unaware of somebody patting your hand like he was consoling you because of your consciousness was solely on the bard who kept on getting everybody's attention. That being so, you jumped on your seat as Jaskier hurriedly slapped the man's hands that rested on top of yours as it was laid on the table, "And---Hands off, Belerick! You don't want to vex off a witcher and have your adorable little body thrown in the swamps,"
The dark eyed gnome raised his voice to groan out his frustrations, caressing the hand that Jaskier has attacked; eyes exclusively on yours alone, "She's just so cute and my type!" Belerick mirthfully announced with his eyes giving you the hearts. You kindly smiled back at little guy, "Say, munchkin; wanna spend the night with I?"
A soft giggle was sent to the latter and it was enough for him to sigh like a man in love, "You're a cute one, Belerick." your smile softened as you saw him grin like a cutie pie and tried to reject his offer in a very nice way, "---But, I'm good for the night. There are other women out there who would want to,"
Everybody who sat on the table in a circle cooed. The spot light suddenly on you, "Aww! She's a kind one!"
The little guy irritatingly huffed, growling at his companions who kept on teasing him that he was rejected, "Nobody does, Y/N!" Belerick snapped with a bitter tone as Merek hopped off his chair and leaned his short elbows on the table; giving you a kissy face, "Aye! Maybe Y/N would want to spend the night with me a lots more than ye', Belerick!" Merek teased the other little guy who kept making a fuss, "---Cause ya' got a small dick!"
Both gnomes had their hands choking each other as they fought for your unavailable hand. You couldn't help but chortle from their sudden fight; entirely unaware of their intoxicated self controlling their minds.
Jaskier emitted a loud sigh beside you; dramatically rolling his eyes at the scene, "Oh gods, you are all signing your death wishes,"
Another giggle was sent to the people surrounding you, trying to infect them with your naivety, positivity and kindness; "You guys are cuties! Thank you for finding me...nice-looking, though I don't actually," you started again, looking at the set of barbaric men seated around you and Jaskier, "I look like a potato, boys. You need to get your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist,"
"A what?" Now was the time for Jaskier's brows to tighten.
"Ye', don't look like a potato!" Belerick and Merek uttered all together in chorus, giving you the heart eyes.
"Yet, you look a little different!" another leprechaun crowed named Carac. He had his medium length hair tied on the back in a makeshift ponytail. Carac paused for more added mysterious effect. Both you and Jaskier blinked back at him; unnerved because of how the lad was scrutinizing back at you like there was something wrong.
Until such time, he'd open his mouth and vaingloriously claimed that made everybody groan out in exasperation and utter cheesiness, "Ye' look like my future missus, Elfin!"
You and Jaskier blew out a breath you were holding; the thought of finding out you weren't from their dimension now disregarded. You've apprehensively giggled and pointed a finger at the little man giving you a smolder, "Oh, that was smooth." Carac pouted his lips more, wiggling his eyebrows in a frisky way, "Do I deserve a kiss?"
A nod of fascination was given to the latter. You've given him a grin and shook your head at his sudden twentieth century kind of flirting, "Very smooth,"
"You know, he can hear you right? He's a witcher, you oaf!" Jaskier gave the dwarf a look of disbelief before you'd suddenly stood up out of nowhere and drank the last of your ale. "I'll check Ciri outside," you declared and put down the empty cup after burping in a low tone and it was enough for Carac, Belerick and Merek to sigh like a boy in love as their eyes were trying to melt you down. Jaskier scoffed at how they looked and nodded with a smile as he waved you off, "Alright, try to keep out of trouble, rat. I'll follow you soon,"
Moments have passed and stories were told, Geralt has understood Durriken's offer as he tossed a bag of coins to the witcher in which he caught it with his bare hand, his expressions twisted in a way that can tell people he wasn't in a good mood. The real question here is; when did he ever looked like he was?
The bard was already off his seat, Geralt saw you went out minutes ago and Jaskier began to tail like a cat to the rat; even began to feel a little comfortable with you since this morning and it was slightly bothering him to no reason.
Thus, Durriken even had the chance to tell him things about destiny that even rattled him more.
"I don't believe in utter bullshit," the witcher spat to his utmost discontent, sighing as he does so. He was tired of hearing it over and over again. It even lead to having Cirilla in his life; he wouldn't want to include you as well. Especially that everybody who gets involved with him; enters demise without him knowing. It was like a link to death when one person even tries to want to know him better.
He was already having a difficult time protecting Cirilla and Jaskier from harm; it would kill him more if you had the plausibility to meet death without even coming home to your homeland.
"Destiny will always come to you, Witcher," Durriken cheerfully muttered in spite of Geralt's gloomy state; his smile never faltering, "---As much as the princess did,"
The witcher languidly closed his eyes; asking himself what he has done to receive all kind of destiny thay gives him a rough time. "Once...is enough," he seethed through gritted teeth. Annoyance ticking his features, "Twice is destiny playing fucking tricks on me,"
"It's been two years, Witcher. The elvens; they will never cease." Durriken announced as a matter of fact, trying to remember his dreams that he wanted to forget because it never fails to happen. "---Say, that elfin of yours isn't from our world, aye?" the latter added with a cunning smirk, "---She has created more chaos to our dimension. Opening a door to the continent which has never been seen before,"
Geralt's forehead creased a lot more to what he was saying, looking completely at loss. Never trying to look guilty that you actually really didn't come from their world. He didn't know if Durriken was just guessing or not and he didn't want to be cocksure.
Durriken continued, his voice lowering a pitch as he whispered; "---It is like a whole new era to the conjunction of spheres. Revealing unaccustomed beasts you haven't seen nor fought with, but has all been taught back in Kaer Morhen," he leaned his elbows on the table, pursing his lips as he eyed the witcher who gave him his unconcerned attention.
"---Her existence has created more beasts that cannot be slayed nor controlled. Warning mages, elders and sorceresses from other peculiar changes," pause. "---She shouldn't be here. But, your future has made everything possible, Witcher."
On the spur of the moment, the grandsire looked around as he was trying to find someone. Also, getting a gist of an uncomfortable feeling and a blurry image of his future. His ability already has certain limitations he couldn't control rather than years ago when he was younger.
"---Only one wish shall be required for it to be permanent," he suddenly blurted out of nowhere, eyes falling at the scowling, confused, ivory haired witcher.
"Durriken, you are talking shit," Geralt grumbled beneath his armored chest, a brow raising for the incredulity slipping through the man's words.
"I am a fortune teller, am I not?" Durriken boastfully affirmed with a shaky chuckle, "---When do I fail at reading the future?"
"Today, you are." the witcher mumbled beneath his deep breath, shaking his head at the fortune teller's intuitions.
Durriken was tapping on the table with his index finger as he looked away; like he was lost in his own world. The old man breathed a deep one as he closed his eyes and felt his temples twitching; trying to remember his dreams despite of how blurry in ended, leaving answers to himself that he couldn't quite understand, "Keep her away from a cunning queen and a greedy sorceress," he admitted with a whisper, "They'll know her existence and it'll bring you a much more unfortunate fate, Geralt of Rivia,"
The witcher studied him, waiting for him to laugh out loud for all the lies he had said. However, he received none and only a smile that tells him that Durriken was never lying from the start. His statements were processing inside his head; thinking so hard on how it was possible. You, a mere human who suddenly popped out of nowhere now had a destiny linked to his.
"Witchers are known to have no emotions," the ginger head, old bloke shared with no shame, "---Yet, I never believed that. You have been capable of achieving more, Geralt." he'd snapped his head to look out the door as a barbaric combatant or considering a root of the kingdom's military forces sauntered in; they were some of the people doing the dirty work and Durriken knew what was happening like he had seen this already, "---She is about to be taken as a strumpet right now by the Kaedwenias," he continued to fixate his eyes on the gallant who loudly demanded for Ale towards his older daughter at the bar.
Fate moves in mysterious ways. He'd believed that when he'd seen the witcher's future turn exactly the way he saw it; seeing how it molded and bended his beliefs like no other was a miracle. Durriken subtly pointed at the door with his thumb as he saw Geralt's face mask with aggravation, shock and disbelief. "---With your Cirilla outside. Yet, she has been saved by the purity and selflessness of your woman's heart. You owe her your life because your Cirilla was close to being captured,"
The witcher hurriedly stood up in a trice at the aforementioned warning; heedless of Durriken's smile that was filled with felicity and mischief; a mix of both when he noticed how Geralt grew tense; letting the fortune naturally go like he eventually does.
"---You will love her like no other," the fortune teller promptly delievered with sincerity. Geralt halted from drifting away, his wide-width shoulders on display as he never saw how the witcher's face was now filled with bother and perplexity.
"---Nevertheless, your beautiful destiny is always masked with an unbearable truth and thus waiting for a price to pay, Witcher."

Taglist: @alyxkbrl @himarisolace @barkingbullfrog @ayamenimthiriel @hellodevilslittlesister @vania-marie @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us @nympeth @amirahiddleston @gabethelobster @dreaming-about-starfleet @uncoolcloudyhead @melaninstylezz @psychosupernatural @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer @marvelousell @kingniazx
#geralt of rivia#geralt of rivia x reader#geralt of rivia x you#geralt of rivia x y/n#geralt x you#witcher jaskier#jaskier#witcher#witcher geralt#cirilla of cintra#witcher cirilla#geralt of rivia fanfiction#geralt of rivia fic#the witcher fic#the witcher fanfiction#the witcher fanfic#the witcher#henry cavill#henry cavill x you#henry cavill x y/n#henry cavill x reader#geralt of rivia series#modern era#Witcher of the night#witcher of the night series#seb-owns-these-tatas#tatastalks#tatasmasterlist#tatasworks#muse: geralt
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balancing on breaking branches | chapter 2

☾ A/N: I know i said i was going to take a break but i will after this chapter. I hope y’all like it! please leave feedback bc validation fuels my motivation :)
☾ Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader x Quentin Beck
☾ WC: 1.6k+
☾ Warning(s): swearing, mentions of alcohol, angst, very minimal violence, (let me know if i missed something)

Y/N walked up to the river. She saw her reflection through the water and sighed deeply. Her hair was a bit frizzy, and her mascara had worn off. Y/N shoved her hand into her back pocket and dug out her phone. She squatted down and ran the light over the water but like before; she saw nothing. She huffed and turned off the flashlight on her phone, stuffing it back into her pocket.
“Oh, Hey! Y/N!” Quentin smiled. Y/N quickly stood and faced him, giving him a small smile. “You still looking for what’s making the pulse?” He questioned, his eyebrow rising slightly.
“Hey, Quentin. And I am, but unfortunately, there’s still nothing.” She shrugged and pushed her hands in her jacket pockets. She twirled the hotel room keys between her fingers as she spoke.
“Well, do you want to go ahead and go get drinks?” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of a bar sign. “I mean we’re already out and together,” He added, putting his hands back into his pants pockets.
“Yeah, might as well.” She lets out a small chuckle.
Quentin and Y/N walked alongside each other, both taking in the environment. Once they arrive, Quentin opened the door for her, and she walked in. Y/N looked around before taking a seat in one of the booths near the window. The bar wasn’t too crowded but enough for it to be semi-loud. A karaoke machine sat in the corner next to the jukebox that only had 80’s Italian rock music. A young, dark brown-haired woman walks up to them with a pen and a pad of paper, her name tag reading,
Carina. Beautiful name...
“Ciao! Cosa posso offrirvi due?” Carina smiled. Y/N looked over to Quentin, who just blinked. Y/N giggled,
“She asked what you wanted.”
“Oh, well, I’ll have a beer then,” Quentin chuckled, smiling at the waitress. He ran a hand through his dark hair and shifted in his seat.
“Ciao! Potrebbe avere una birra e io vorrei una root beer, per favore?”
Carina nodded and scribbled down their order, walking away.
“I didn’t know you spoke Italian.” He said while leaning back against the seat. Y/N shrugged and waved her hand dismissively,
“My teacher thought it would be good for me to be bilingual, so she taught me different languages. So far, it’s helped me a ton when I travel.” Y/N sat crisscrossed in her seat, resting her hands on her lap. She could hear the summer wind outside, shifting the leaves on the trees outside and the soft music playing under everyone’s voices. As Quentin moved again, a flash of gold on his ring finger caught her eye,
“You’re married?” She asked, and Quentin’s expression shifted. From what was a smile turned to a frown. He looked down at the gold band and began twirling it.
“Was married. My family died from an attack by an Elemental.” His voice somber. Y/N’s face softened and rested a hand on his.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I know it’s hard losing family.” She pulled her hand away as the waitress came back with their drinks.
“Ecco I tuoi drinks.” Carina said, placing the drinks in front of them, “Vuole qualcos'altro?” (would you like anything else?) Quentin looked over at Y/N and gave her a questioning look.
“She said, would you like anything else.”
Quentin shook his head, and so did Y/N. Carina nodded and walked away. Y/N turned back to Quentin, smiling.
“So, what’s it like on your earth?”
Y/N slowly opened her eyes. The birds chirping, and the sun shined through the balcony window. She yawned while stretching her arms upward. Her phone began to ring, and she lazily reached for it, pushing the accept button.
“Hello?” Her voice is hoarse as she rubbed her eyes.
“Hi, did you see anything last night when you went again to the river?” Fury asked bluntly. Y/N sighed and shook her head,
“No, I didn’t. I don’t know what could be making that pulse unless I physically got into the water.” She ran her fingers through her hair, kicking off the blanket. “And before you say it, I can’t go in the middle of the day.” She added quickly.
Fury grumbled and sighed, “Fine. Just keep looking. It’s getting stronger by the minute so maybe stay in that area.” He huffed and hung up. Y/N groaned as she slid her phone back onto the nightstand.
I chose to do this. Just get up. Get some coffee and you’ll be fine. ______
Y/N sat on a bench near the river and looked around. Two kids ran past her, giggling away as the dad tried to catch up with them. She smiled to herself, remembering her dad chasing her dad around like that. Y/N quickly shook the memory out of her mind and looked in a different direction. Then she spotted Peter. He had just walked out of what looked like a gift shop with a small bag in his hand. She wanted to talk to him and she was going to but MJ walked up to him. So she looked away to spare herself from the jealousy.
Let it go. He likes MJ so just get over it.
Her thoughts raced as she tipped the coffee cup lid to her lips. Just as she finished her coffee, the ground began to shake. Y/N stood quickly when she heard screams coming from a street down.
As she ran toward the screams, she pushed the button on her bracelet. Activating her suit in seconds. She launched herself in the air while dodging some people. One of those people being Peter. She could have sworn that she heard Flash screech as she flew past. That made her chuckle. Y/N turned her focus back on the situation and saw that Quentin had just arrived.
“Take the left and I’ll take the right!” She shouted over the loud roars the creature was making. It’s liquid fist colliding into a building. Cracks began to form alongside the tower. Just when she thought it was going to fall over. It didn’t. Something or someone was trying to hold it up. Peter. Y/N thought.
Quentin flew to the right and Y/N flew to the left. Her repulsors charged up and she fired over and over. The elemental was getting angry and it began swinging its arms rapidly, almost colliding with Y/N a couple of times. But the last blow sent her into a downward spiral. She slammed into the tower with so much force, Peter’s grip on the tower faltered and the tower began to fall. Peter quickly jumped out of the tower and onto the nearest roof. Y/N tried to crawl away but the tower fell on her.
A strangled scream from Y/N made Peter act quickly. Peter swung his way to Y/N and began pushing rocks and rubble to the side.
“Y/N!” Peter cried out, his hands shaking. “Y/N! Are you okay!?” He finally saw a glimpse of red armor and quickly pushed the rubble away.
Y/N groaned in pain as the rock was removed from her leg. She could hear Peter’s voice but could barely make it out. “Peter?” She whimpered, trying to move her leg. Peter pulled her out and held her close to him. Y/N retracted her suit and groaned, grabbing at her leg.
“Thank god, you are okay!” He hugs her tightly and sighed in relief. “I was so scared.” Peter’s is filled with concern and he doesn’t let go of her for a few long seconds. She hugged him back and sighed.
“I’m okay, Pete.” Y/N reassured him and rubbed his back. “It’s okay.” She pulled away and winced at the white pain that shot up her leg.
“You’re hurt though.” He said, looking for blood.
“I’m fine. I might have just fractured it. It’s okay.” She rested a hand on his shoulder. Y/N tried to sit up but hissed as pain shot through her calf.
Quentin lands beside them. “You alright?” He asked, worry filling each of his words.
Y/N nodded and looked around. Her heart sank when she saw all the destruction. She looked up at Quentin again. “Did you get it?” Y/N asked. Quentin nodded and held out his hand for her to take. She took his hand and he helped her balance.
“I have a bunker set up with supplies if you want me to take you to it to get fixed up?” He asked gently, taking most of her weight as Peter helps by wrapping her other arm around his shoulders. Y/N nodded and Quentin picked her up bridal style. Peter’s hand squeezed her arm lightly and he smiled.
“Text me, okay?” Peter asked, concern heavy in his words. Y/N gave him a small nod as Quentin carried her to a black car. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at him through the fishbowl that was on his head.
“I thought you would fly me there?” She asked curiously.
“My power needs to recharge so I think the car would be best.” He said tiredly. She nodded and winced as he moved his arm to open the door. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and leaned her head against the leather seat. Her eyes began to droop. It felt like all her energy was sucked out of her but she fought to keep her eyes open.
“You can sleep, you know?” Quentin said softly. Y/N groaned but gave in and closed her eyes, letting herself drift to sleep.
{Taglists under the cut!}
B.O.B.B. taglist: @icyhollands @slutforjjmaybank @hotel-colson @ineedabifriend @mranthonyedwardstark @bluegirlusa1
All Taglist: @ariistotles @preciouspparkers @deans-daffodils @hollandharrison @fineline-stateofmind706 @chloecreatesfictions
Peter Parker Taglist: @halfblood-princess-505 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @trueherosneverdie
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To Make A Power Couple (knj) | 5.5
Chapter 5.5: “No. We had our first makeup.”
previous | masterlist | next
Summary- Namjoon and Y/N talk about their relationship.
word count- 2.5k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, slow burn, fluff, smut, strangers2lovers, angst (😱)
warnings- none! just extreme fluff
a.n- This didn’t fit well in the next chapter but I wanted to end the angst in the last chapter on a better note. Let me know what you think.
Feedback much appreciated! 💕
gif is not mine! :)
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
Namjoon awoke earlier than the sun the next day, his head heavy and his eyes sore, evidence of last night’s vulnerability etched into his features. Unlike most times you weren’t tangled up in his arms, instead he saw you on the other side of the bed, curled up in a fetal position, one hand between your knees while the other rested under your cheek, making your mouth pout. He frowned at how your eyebrows seemed to be furrowed in your sleep, making you look distressed.
Sighing, he rose up, walking to the other side of the bed to his luggage and digging around for painkillers for his headache. Before he walked to the fridge to grab water, he pulled the comforter higher over you, lightly caressing your cheek, his eyes trailing the necklace around your neck, the pendant resting on the sheets next to your hand.
He sat on the couch, pulling your laptop on the coffee table towards him and turning it on to be greeted by the proposal you were supposed to be working on yesterday. The document seemed to be littered with little comments, and he felt anger flare within his chest as he read them. He knew he was snooping, and he should just minimize the window and go on Netflix as he was initially planning, but he couldn’t help it.
Y/N, are you an idiot?! This is not possible! That is not how this company works
Please fix this. We know you are better than this rubbish.
Let’s discuss this when you get back from showing off in Detroit… this is nonsense.
The comments were too casual and berating to be from your staff and he could only assume they were from your board members. You never talked much about your relationship with the board other than the occasional complaint about wanting to buy them out to have full control, but Namjoon never expected this amount of disrespect from them. As he looked at your sleeping form across the room, he felt a bubble of guilt rise within him. Now that the haze of jealousy and self-hate he was in last night had disappeared, he couldn’t help but realize how mean he had been in his comments to you. If you were dealing with all of this from your board, you didn’t need to be dealing with it from him too. He wondered why you never shared this with him, as he rubbed his face and leaned his head back over the couch. He had seen you become frighteningly more stressed and tired over the last month but he always stopped himself from asking questions, thinking he was projecting his own troubles on to you. In hindsight, he should have known better. Over the past month, Harry had texted him twice to ask if you were doing alright, and even at drinks on Friday, Siwon had pulled him aside to remind him to make sure you relax this weekend. He should’ve known better.
He felt a pang in his heart as he thought about your relationship. It had started with a promise of honesty, of never hiding yourselves from each other, but somehow the distance and the stress had made you both recede into yourselves. Unlike Namjoon, you were the kind of person who never seemed to wear her emotions on her sleeve, and he wondered if you felt similarly to how he had been feeling these past months with your work too. Were you also caging yourself in, afraid to share your stress with him?
“Joonie…?” You groggily traced your hand on his side of the bed to find it cold and suddenly last night came back to you and you feared for the worst. You had thought you had resolved your fight. Sure you hadn’t talked about it fully yet but feeling the emptiness made your heart stop. Was he gone? Shooting up, all traces of sleep were gone as you searched the room for him, eyes still puffy from sleep calling his name again, louder this time.
“What’s wrong? I’m right here, babe.” He walked over and you relaxed watching him climb into bed, his back against the headboard as he kissed your forehead, while you moved to sit cross legged between his long legs in front of him.
“Sorry.” He felt you shake slightly as he smoothed your hair to comfort you. You looked up at him, your palm coming to rest against his cheek. “How are you feeling?”
“Thank you for last night.” He gazed at you, hoping to convey his true gratitude, his hand wrapping arounds yours in your lap. People had always left him alone when he was in that headspace, and he was amazed that you had not only confronted him but managed to pull him out of it. “I’m sorry you had to see me that way.”
“Don’t apologize.” You looked at him sternly before a blush crept on your cheeks and you averted your gaze to your joined hands. Now that he was in a better place, you felt your guilt from last night coming back. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I made it hard for you to believe that I love you.”
“It’s not that… I think I just had a fucked up idea of how girlfriends show love.” He smiled awkwardly, squeezing your hand comfortingly. “I just got insecure about you not being jealous or territorial… I don’t know. It’s pretty dumb” He chuckled humorlessly.
“Oh… I was jealous.” You looked at him with wide eyes as he looked at you with shock. He was sure you were trying to placate him but he wanted to hear your reasoning. “I… I rationalize my feelings. I don’t go off the first thing, you know?” You shrugged sheepishly as you continued. “I feel a thing and then I go ‘hmm wrong reaction, let’s fix that’ so yeah of course I was jealous, are you kidding me? But then I thought it wasn’t an adult response to feel like that so I pretended till I was okay with it.”
Namjoon couldn’t help but laugh at that. He spent two days feeling like he was defected for being jealous of random men, even Yoongi. Of course you had more restraint over your emotions than him. He was in awe of you and he felt like a complete idiot. He leaned forward to pull you closer, arms around your waist to pull him to his chest and kissed you once, before you pushed him off.
“Hey! Stop laughing at me! I’m being vulnerable here!” You pouted, moving your arms around his neck. You knew he wasn’t laughing at you and you were glad he took your confession so well. To be completely honest, you had always felt your trait of rationalizing your feelings was your worst - it created a rift between you and other people who often deemed you as cold and heartless. It pained you that this same trait had made Namjoon so insecure.
Namjoon to his credit, stopped laughing immediately, instead looking at you with a fond smile. “I’m sorry baby. I’m laughing at myself - at how much of an idiot I am.” He once again kissed you, his lips moulding to yours, moving languidly. “I can’t believe that was my barometer for your love. Shit, I’m a fucking idiot.” He giggled, his lips a few centimeters away from yours.
“You’re not an idiot, Joonie.” You frowned a little, cupping his face as you looked into his deep brown eyes. He poked lightly at the corner of your mouth, hoping to remove the frown, looking at you seriously before speaking.
“I hope you know, you don’t have to filter yourself for me, Y/N. You can tell me if you feel jealous or stressed or sad or angry or whatever. I won’t ever judge you.” You felt lighter hearing his words, even though you knew that by now your feelings filter was pretty much an automatic response, it felt nice to hear that you didn’t need to be as careful around him.
Seeing your smile, Namjoon kissed you again, moving your backwards till you laid down under him. His kisses were relaxed, slow, as if he had all the time in the world, and it made your heart blossom. However, you knew that you still needed to talk about his feelings from last night. It wasn’t like you to let things stew, and so before things could get more heated you suggested going to the roof to watch the sunrise. Namjoon finally agreed after a few more lingering kisses, both of you changing into your hoodies and sweats before walking up to the rooftop.
You both laughed when you reached the top of the stairs at the obscenely large no entry sign that was much more evident now that you weren’t in a wild haze of emotions. Choosing to pointedly ignore it once again, you open the door to walk to the edge of the railing. It seemed that the rain last night had cleared the air, the cool morning breeze feeling fresher as you looked over downtown Detroit, the first rays of sunlight breaking over the shiny skyscrapers.
After a few minutes of enjoying the view, you turned to your boyfriend, intertwining your fingers. He had a small smile on his face as he looked over the city, his other hand under his chin, elbow resting on the railing. The first few rays of sunlight reflected off his face, making him look almost ethereal. “Joon, can I ask you something?” Still looking at the view, he hummed in approval. “Why didn’t you tell me you collapsed last week?”
“Probably the same reason you didn’t tell me how hard your board was hounding you for this proposal.” He looked at you pointedly, squeezing your hand, as you let out a sigh.
The cat was out of the bag for the both of you. It felt odd to talk about your stresses after so long, and therein lies the problem. The two of you started this long distance with promises of keeping each other updated but started rethinking that as soon as the stress piled on. Neither of you wanted to burden each other with your stress, but the more you both talked about it you realized the two of you had just been disrespecting each other, assuming the other couldn’t handle your reality and taking away their autonomy to make that decision. You both talked in hushed whispers as if discussing a shameful secret. Well, you guess it was pretty shameful the way you had been hiding in the bathroom at work to avoid talking to people, or that your one glass of whiskey after work had turned to four.
Namjoon assured you he wanted to share your burden and he wanted to share his with you too. He told you about his own shame - of trolling the internet for self-esteem destroying messages - chuckling at your proclamation that you would report every single message till they didn’t exist. It felt nice to finally tell someone, tell you, about his tortuous midnight habit. He also shared his stress about interviews, the anxiety that comes with having to translate for everyone and making sure he does the good job at representing not only his band but his country internationally.
“Okay this cannot happen again. We can’t fuck our communication up this bad every time we do long distance!” you exclaimed after almost two hours of you catching each other up on your less than ideal month. Namjoon was now sitting on the floor, back against the railing as you sat between his legs, your back on his chest and his chin resting on your shoulder. You squeezed his hand in yours. “We need to strategize how to be better!” You turned sideways as Namjoon burst out laughing.
“Damn you really are a CEO. You want to strategize our relationship?” Namjoon had calmed down enough to look at you incredulously.
“Joonie! I’m just trying to make sure we don’t fight again. I didn’t like it.” Namjoon sees your face fall at that as you look to the ground, a little sigh escaping, before he lifts your chin to look at you. You looked at him sadly. “We really had our first fight, huh?”
“No. We had our first makeup” He looks at you with conviction, eye contact not wavering in the least before he kisses you softly on the lips, watching a small smile evaporating your frown. “Okay let’s do it. What’s your strategy, boss?”
And so the two of you came up with three rules to foolproof the rest of your long distance. One, you switched your calls from goodnight to good morning calls, when both of you had enough mental semblance to stitch a proper sentence together (and so you could scold each other if you ended up pulling unnecessary all-nighters). Two, you would never assume the other person was not mentally ready to hear about your stress but would instead ask if they were okay with listening to you. You were to never assume you were a burden on the other person, because you both wanted to support each other. And lastly, your safewords were no longer for the bedroom, instead you both decided to use the colour system on your fights or heavier conversations, giving each other the opportunity to call yellow or red on a topic you weren’t ready to discuss. You didn’t know if this strategy was the best, but you would never know unless you tried it out.
With the sun getting higher and your stomachs growling for sustenance you decided to stand up, looking at the view one last time before venturing downstairs. The city was alive, cars moving around, people rushing to their Sunday plans. It was beautiful. You leaned back, closing your eyes as you took in the sun. “Ah! Healing rooftops!”
“You know, I don’t get the ‘healing power of rooftops’ thing you have.” Namjoon looked at your blissed out face as he put his arm around you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at the view, thinking of last night. “All I see are empty offices. Doesn’t it feel lonely?”
“Nah, Joonie. You’re looking at it wrong. For every empty office that means that that person is home safe with their loved ones. Isn’t that the opposite of lonely?” He was taken aback by your positive spin on the situation. He smiled at you warmly as his arms tightened around you. He loved that even though you always said you were cold and people called you Ice Queen, all he ever saw was a soft-hearted optimist. He kissed your cheek as you giggled.
“I love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too, Joonie.”
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The Beach House - Chapter 1
Tom Holland Imagine (Tom Holland x Reader)
Word Count: 1,424
Warnings: Language, Angst, Fluff
Summary: Harry and Sam tell you something that you just can’t believe is true. They must be messing with you. You spend some time by the pool where some interesting things happen.
A/N: Tumblr is being a pain again, I really have no idea what is going on. So here it is, I had to repost it again. Let’s hope it works Thank you also much for the support, I am blown away by the response I got on the prologue. I had so much fun writing this one and I am so glad you all enjoy it. Feedback is always welcomed.
Previously - Prologue
Your door swings open and the twins walk in, "Rude, ever heard of knocking?" You say but you have a smile on your face. "You finally came back!" Harry grins as he plops down on the bed with you. You scoot over to make room because Sam plops down right next to him. Next thing you know you're sandwiched between them and they're crushing you in a tight embrace, "Why didn't you say hello when you got in?" Sam asks with a frown, "Clearly you didn't miss us at all." "Of course I missed you guys." You hug them back separately and fiercely. "You were asleep when I came in and I didn't want to wake you." "Well we had to hear about it on the beach. We overheard Tom talking about you." Harry shrugs, "So we came back up to the house." Tom was talking about you? That's weird. "I'm sure he was just saying how big of a nuisance it is to have me back," you roll your eyes and close your book. Clearly you won't be getting any more reading done today. "That's not what he was saying at all." Sam says and shares a look with Harry and both of them start grinning. Oh, god. "What was he saying?" You ask curiously. You assume it can't be anything good, especially with the look the twins just shared. "He will kill us if he finds out we told you." Harry says, a mischievous look crosses his face as he looks from you to Sam. "But we're going to tell you either way." Sam shrugs, he has the same mischievous smile on his face as Harry. "He was telling Harrison how stunning you looked when he saw you up here." Harry tells you with a smirk. "Yeah, I swear I saw drool coming out of his mouth." Sam adds with a chuckle. "Oh, stop it!" You laugh and shove both of them. You're sure they're just pulling your leg. They know about your once was crush on Tom. "No need to tease me anymore. I am no longer crushing on your older brother." "We're not teasing you. It's the truth." Harry tells you. "You may not be crushing anymore but he definitely is now." Sam laughs. "And he is crushing hard." You shake your head and hit both of them, which you should have known not to do. It's two against one. Next thing you know you’re on the floor of your room, getting tickled by both of them and you try to wrestle them off but you're too weak from laughing so hard plus they are both stronger than you. The three of you look up to the door as you hear someone clear their throat. It's Tom. The twin's hands still and you sit up quickly fixing your dress from where it was hiked up your thighs from movement as you tried to fight off the boys. "What's up?" You ask. Was Tom's eyes on your legs just a second ago? "Um," you watch as Tom gulps, his eyes meeting yours, "your brother is about to start grilling by the pool. Mom wanted me to get you guys." You see Harry and Sam share another look before they get up. "Thank god, I'm starving." Harry says at the same time Sam says, "I'll go help him." Then they squeeze past Tom and are out of sight. You stand and dust yourself off, "Thanks for letting me know." You walk over to your dresser and pull out your bikini, the top is a baby blue color and the bottoms are striped black and white with the same baby blue color on the sides. You had to have it when you saw it and you might as well swim while you wait. You turn to go to your door to shut it so you can change but Tom is still there. "Uh, what?" You ask freezing in place. Tom shakes his head, "Oh, nothing. See you downstairs." He closes your door as he walks away. *** Bikini and swimsuit cover on, which is basically just a see-through black dress, you walk out the back door to the pool. You see Harrison nudge Tom whose back is towards you as you come out. Tom turns and smiles at you as you walk over to Harry. Sam is standing by the grill helping Will with the food. "Hey, Y/N!" Harrison calls out, "How have you been?" "Good. You?" You call back without looking at them. You hear Harrison say he's been good as you get to Harry. "Your brother is acting so weird," you mumble. Harry opens his mouth to respond but then his eyes widen as you feel arms go around your waist and you're lifted off the ground. You look up to see Tom, that’s when you realize what is happening. "Tom, don't you dare!" You squeal trying to get out of his arms. You can feel his chest rumbling as he laughs, "You're going in." You were planning on going in, just not in your swimsuit cover. You manage to get your arms around his neck and you hold on tight. "Then I am taking you with me," you say as he starts to throw you in, he tries to free your arms from his neck but it's too late, he loses his balance and falls into the pool with you. When you break the water’s surface you spot Tom rubbing water out of his eyes and you splash him, "Jerk," you mumble walking over to the stairs. You were shivering, the water is so cold. Summer just started so it hasn't really had time to heat up. As you start to climb the stairs hands grab your waist and pull you back in. "Tom, it's cold!" You exclaim, teeth chattering. "You'll get used to the water the longer you're in it." He says, pulling you further in and you fight his hands off your hips as your brother yells, "Tom, stop flirting with my sister. It's weird. Come help me." "I'm not flirting!" He calls back and you splash him as he gets out of the pool, he just ignores it. You follow him out, your swimsuit cover sticking to your body so you pull it off as you shiver. As you are wrapping a towel around you, you hear a big crash and look up to see Tom on the pavement, a pool side chair knocked over next to him. "If you paid attention to where you were walking and not my sister, that wouldn't have happened either." You hear your brother say with a laugh. "Dude, shut up!" Tom says, annoyance dripping with every word, his cheeks are pink tinged as he stands up and fixes the chair. You shake your head, boys. You dry off a bit and sit in a lounge chair and relax, feeling the sun hit you as you close your eyes and work on your tan. *** After dinner you are laying in Harry's bed with him. His laptop in his lap, you leaning against him as the two of you watch a movie. Sam is downstairs playing a video game with Paddy. In the middle of the movie you hear Tom call, "Hey Harry," his footsteps are heard coming down the hall, "do you know where-" he falters as his head pokes in the twin's room. "Oh, hi." He says, his eyes landing on you. "Do I know where.. what?" Harry asks as he pauses the movie. "Never mind." Tom walks in, "So what are you guys doing?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed which makes you scoot even closer to Harry trying to make room. "Watching a movie." Harry says shortly, "Do you mind?" He gives Tom a look. "Sorry," Tom holds his hands up and stands. "Y/N, Harrison and I are going to the beach, want to come?" You look down and gesture to the fact that you're in your pajamas, "No thanks. I'm staying in for the night." Tom nods, "Maybe next time," he says and walks to the door, he turns and gives you and Harry this weird look before walking out. "Damn, he's got it bad." Harry laughs. "Got what bad?" You ask, scooting back over a little to give Harry a little more room on the bed. "The hots for you," he shrugs. "He does not!" "Oh please, Y/N. Don't be so naive." Harry shakes his head and hits play on the movie.
Chapter 2
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed:)
@averyfosterthoughts, @artsyle, @photoshopart15, @peterisparker, @rebekkah4766, @jackiehollanderr, @myr5heart, @143amberrose, @mendes-fan, @peteparkersdarling, @jdroman5432, @stxfxniexreads, @nightxshadex201, @literalfsngirltrash, @livingforbarnes , @stretchkingblog97, @headlights95, @parkerpeter24, @okami-the-oaktree, @ohhh-boo-tiful, @kpop-wuver, @thevelvetseries, @heroes-die-young, @jillanaholland, @llamaluverlizzy, @greenarrowhead, @iwastornsincethestart, @adayasgeorgia, @spn-assemble-seven, @musicandbokkslovingweirdo, @broimjustvibin
#tom holland#tom holland imagine#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland fanfic#tom holland x reader#tom holland x y/n#tom holland x you#peter parker#peter parker imagine#peter parker fanfiction#lovabletomholland#the beach house
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