#it was probably bc of scout
calygocat · 3 months
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ms. pauling art 😻 (that i still never finished 😪)
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kdval · 11 months
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› Character posters pt.2
See pt. 1
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elvisqueso · 9 months
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"...What is it?" "The drums...they mean trouble. I shouldn't be here—" "I want to see you again—" "I can't—" "Please don' t leave—" "—I'm sorry." "..." "...I have to go now."
—Pocahontas (1995)
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foalfangs · 10 months
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old man yaoi
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yayy (pt2)
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catgirl-kaiju · 3 months
Why did I get a picture of you when I searched up "transfem scout tf2" on tumblr
I mean your pretty cool so I guess I'll stay
it's because i'm transfem scout tf2 in real life heads up chucklenuts or whatever he says
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tsarjozinzbazin · 1 year
May i get a headcannon driller and headcannon scout interaction?
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he forgot his lunch box
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birbwell · 2 years
Yoooo Scout in stop for the colour palette challenge???
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im not particularly susceptible to eyestrain but dear fucking god
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t4t-scout · 5 months
oddly, one of the best things about joining TF2 soooo late means when I see TF2 references/characters in the background I get to point and be happy about it !!
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red-elric · 4 months
watched the shiratorizawa match w me partner in movie form and noticed for the first time: shiratorizawa's libero fucking sucks LMAO
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bunnyb34r · 2 months
We went to the big garage sale yesterday and this one guy had an absolutely beautiful set of pink depression glass and I wanted it SO BAD but I kept looking at each item like... what would I even do with this? They're too pretty to use and where would I display them? Like here's my depression glass ice cream sundae/soda float glass (I was considering that one so bad) its next to my collection of barbies! Or my connection of Cherished Teddies sgdgdgdg like my mom has a small cabinet for knickknacks but it would still look so out of place 😩
Plus since it was an individual guy selling it and I had a bag full of shit to ring up at the front counter table, it felt weird sggddgd
But it was so pink and so pretty 😭 I wanted the whole set bc it looked so stunningly perfect as a set all together but god I dont have that kinda room for that sgdggdgdgd and again too nice to use 😥
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liquidstar · 1 year
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lunar flare textposts ^_^
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paperconsumption · 2 years
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lilacevans · 8 months
Omg babe are you doing better now? Should I bury those doctors for making you sore 😡 Need me to have a talk with your pain? 🥺💕
-Curtis' 🐕
honestly, no. had to call the dreaded ex over bc i am way too unwell & all he keeps doing is complaining about how unwell he is.🙃. he’s literally fine, why do men do what men do🤣. i feel like i’ve been beaten with a sledgehammer and he’s like oh my tummyyyyy. fuck off
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
Cakey is in the Unreality au however they work at a knock off of Dunkin's with Scout and they're work buddies and surprisingly the knock off is much better than the original dunkins
(bc shout-out to the Dunkin's I used to work at falling apart and having a bug infestation that no one wants to deal with/sarc/neg)
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a-romanic · 10 months
Guess who's broken a new sims record (played the same sims family on TWO separate days)
#the duck quacks#i usually suffer from making new families over and over but now im actually having fun#im on the second gen rn altho the third gen are toddlers!#i started with whats the name. uhh those sims who hate jobs and want to live of the land#i actually..forgot my own sims name but she had that trait + vegan + focused on family. lived in evergreen harbor and ate from the trash#up until she had kids and it became kjnda impractical. especially for toddlers. so she got a fridge#the house was still of the grid tho and she was very green. also she had 6 kids. only one had the happy infant trait. the othrrs had unhappy#i kinda stopped focusing her when the oldest/heir grew up into a kid! her name is robin and she was rll fun to play with!#she maxed out social butterfly and even scouts she was v skilled which was suprising for me when i have short lifespan#as a teen she did get hit by a meteor snd died but i added her ghodt to the fam! i planned to continue as a ghost eith her but she couldnt#age to an adult so i just decided to revive her after a little while#as an adult she moved out. she was still besties with her entire family and honeslyy. that girl helped raise those kids ALOT#all teens judt got appointed to infant duty#good for them that the sims doesnt gave a trauma system bc raising hr siblings after ur mom passed out again is probably.#not good for a teenager. hm . yeah.#anyways robin moved to the city where she still libes today! she is. so fucking talented i LOVE her#she has responsibility emphathy and politeness maxed out she makes instant friends and has lke 20+ at this point#she is on the charity branch of the politica and almost at lvl 10#she completed worlds friends and currently working on the art aspiration! she is at lvl 10 in cha and art#she also married today! i forgor her husbands nsme but hes just a chill clumsy dude who loves to garden and kids#they were v romantic. got toghether on love day. engaged during love festival. married in a 6x3 room in their apartment.#(their wedding was so silly. the apartment is v cramped and full so the routing was SUFFERING)#speaking of routing issues. they got twins! Starling and Sparrow! i lofe them but dear lord is Robin a bad parent#rheir room was small bc apartemenr and the routing was the WORST AND SHE KEPT STARING AT HER BABY WHILE SHE SOBBED ON THE FLOOR EVEN THOUFH#I TOLD HER TO PUT HER INTO THE XRIB 3 FUCKINF HOURS AGO#i gave up soon and aged them up. Sparrow has the unhappy baby trair RIP. honestly before this i thought they would be WAY too doting parents#but ig not.#rn im veru curious to see how the twins grow up bc i alwaus randomize traits n stuff. also! they got a cat and dog! and will get a new rat#when the todds age up. the dog was avtuallt rll impractical bc it cant ride the eleveator alone and pees in the house all the time ..oops#anyways this is the first time in genuinely excited to play again. rip my studies i gotta grind on the hunderd family!!
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