#which in some ways we can attribute that to karasuno just being that good but theyve dealt with actually good liberos before
red-elric · 4 months
watched the shiratorizawa match w me partner in movie form and noticed for the first time: shiratorizawa's libero fucking sucks LMAO
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Please don’t let me go
Pairing:  Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo x Omega! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, NSFW
Request: HIII my favourite author!!! Happy new year 💜. Wishing you a very happy 2021. Ok sooo i got a scenario In mind. You don't have to write it if you don't want to Reader (half wolf/half omega, and if you don't write half wolf, then omega) in a pack (maybe like you know joint nekoma, fukorodani and karasuno but it's ok if you don't write that, only nekoma then in case) where their pack hasn't exactly accepted them, they're very cold with her. Reader , who has madly been in love with kuroo (cuz I'm such a kuroo lover) for very long, doesn't mind and continues to take care of everyone, making sure their ok and basically like having a soft sweet motherly attitude despite how they treat reader. But at one point reader is just fed up and feels very hurt, thinking they hate them and blames themselves. They also have to keep seeing kuroo bring in other girls for his heat and that Hurts them a lot. So reader thinks they never needed them and slowly stops contacting them. That's when everyone realises they fucked up and tried to find them but they can't. Until one day reader comes to practice and says their joining another pack and apologies for not being enough and all, how would the pack and kuroo, who loves them, stop them, apologize and make it up with them? Angst to fluff, and if you want idk if you write it but nsfw. You don't have to write it ofc! It's just a quick scenario that came to my mind. Please ignore this if you don't want to write it, and sorry if it's too specific and long 🥺
Summary:   You were excited when the other packs joined yours, even finding solace in one of the alphas of one, but suddenly, you weren’t needed. Wanted. Not what he desired. And that hurt. So you do the only thing you can think of. Try to find someone who will comfort your poor omega heart.
Author’s Note: I’m your favorite 🥺 🥺 Happy new year babes!  And I was reading this, and I just kept getting more and more ideas and began writing it right away Hope you enjoy!
Requests: Open!
Keep in Mind! This heavily based off of my Dragon/Shifter! AU from my mainblog! (@Angstyclowns) . The long short of it, is that Shifters have three forms. The first, is completely human. Though the person still has some attributes (Better sight, smell, hearing, etc.) they don’t have any visible features. The second form gives the shifter about half of their features. Tails, ears, wings, fangs, things like that. The third is the “full form”. This is a full dragon, wolf, cat, dog, etc.. You aren’t able to talk in this form, but you do have full control of your actions. I can go into more depth in this AU! if you all want, be sure to let me know!
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Tetsuro Kuroo
➵ The Fukorodani pack was big. Huge maybe. 
➵ It was made up of three different, smaller, packs that had combined for both numbers and power. Karasuno, (the namesake) Fukorodani, and Nekoma. 
➵ You were originally apart of Fukorodani, only really close with Akaashi and Bokuto and had yet to get close with anyone else. 
➵ You still cared for them though. 
➵ You prepped meals in the morning, making enough for everyone. 
➵ Made sure you always had band-aids just in case.
➵ You took the role of pack omega well. 
➵ But people still seemed to hold you at an arms length. 
➵ You at first brushed it off, as they were getting used to being in such a big pack, but as they got more comfortable with Bokuto and Akaashi, you began to feel this sense of unease. 
➵ It was obvious they didn’t trust you, but you couldn’t quite place why. 
➵ It soon got to the point where even Akaashi and Bokuto were spending less and less time with you. 
➵ Your omega was hurt and you felt completely deserted. 
➵ You had no idea what was happening. Did you do something wrong?
➵ You didn’t think so. You just did what you always did. Maybe you were too clingy. 
➵ Too overbearing. 
➵ Yeah, that was it. Right? 
➵ Too much too soon. 
➵ So you slowly began pulling away. You stopped making breakfast (Staying in your nest and feigning being asleep when Akaashi or Suga would come check up on you.). 
➵ Stopped carrying medical supplies. Which hurt at first when Hinata or Noya would excitedly ask you for a cartoon printed band-aid, but immediately frowned when you said you didn’t have any.
➵ You just stopped...caring? 
➵ You went on runs a lot more, staying out later and later and leaving earlier and earlier. There were days when no one saw you at all-- Bokuto ending up crying on those days, almost as if his alpha knew you were pulling away. 
➵ He would make an effort to spend the next day with you but then the process would just repeat itself. He’d be gone with Kuroo for days, weeks on end and you were stuck alone one more time. 
➵ “We always have an opening.” Daishou hummed, stretching his arms out as his forked tongue wiggled between his lips. Your tail swiped behind you as your ears fell back. “We could use a wolf like you. Strong legs, strong jaw, good looks-” 
➵ “Don’t.” You sighed, wrapping your tail around your waist and wringing it gently with your hands. “I appreciate the offer, but I- I can’t. I just-”
➵ “I get it. It’s that damned cat, yeah?” The olive haired alpha smirked, playing with one of his scaled fingers. He chuckled at your red cheeks, licking his teeth all the while.  
➵ It was not secret that you fell for the Pack alpha of Nekoma, Kuroo, quickly. Though Daishou (A snake shifter that you ran into during one of your all day runs) didn’t approve of the crush, he didn’t interfere with it. He respected it, in fact, encouraging it on days he felt good. 
➵ You could honestly say Daishou was one of your closest friends at the moment. He always allowed you into his territory, his pack supporting and loving you all the while. 
➵ He had offered to let you join his pack, in fact, but you turned him down. You were tied with Fukorodani, with Akaashi, with Bokuto. They were your family.
➵ Whether or not they saw you the same way, that was how you saw them. 
➵ Your inner omega kept reminding you that Daishou was also your family. 
➵ You suppose the final straw was seeing Kuroo laughing with some random Beta girl. She smelled like cheap perfume, making you reel. You merely watched as he kissed her neck, nipping her ear, quickly taking her to his room. His rut was around the corner so you knew what was going on. 
➵ Didn’t mean you had to like it though. 
➵ Maybe like a rebellious teenager, this kicked off that side you had been hiding.
➵ Instead of disappearing for a day every few weeks, you disappeared for days, one right after the other. You would pop in for a change of clothes, shift into your wolf and you were gone. 
➵ You were strategic about it too. You made sure one person saw you enter, just to assure everyone else you were alive. You made sure they were far enough away they couldn’t catch you even if they shifted-- which most did. They tried to talk to you, just once.
➵ But you had routes made in the deep of night to get you out of sight, running through water to get rid of your scent, just doing everything to make you disappear. 
➵ And slowly, but surely, Daishou and his pack began considering you their omega, just as you began forgetting about the Fukorodani pack. 
➵ Everyone on the other side just got worse though. More often than not, meals were either ordered in or skipped all together. Alphas snapped on each other, Betas snarled in retaliation, omegas were hissing and closing in. 
➵ While Bokuto and Akaashi were expected to be the worst of this all, they weren’t. While they growled and hissed and snapped, they didn’t snarl. They were recluse and kept away, looking for you day in and day out instead. 
➵ The worst of all was Kuroo. He snarled and snapped, baring his teeth at anyone who crossed his path. That beta girl? She ran out a week ago, bleeding from her hand because Kuroo had bitten her for touching him when he told her to go away. 
➵ Even Kenma had been on the receiving end of a near-close call, making everyone turn their attention to what his issue was. 
➵ They only got their answer on one of the few short trips you made back. You smelled heavily like the territory next door, so much so they could smell it from your room while you were re-packing your bag. 
➵ Your nest had been dismantled and one of the several blankets in there was folded and you began putting it into your bag, only for Kuroo to slam open your door. 
➵ You chirped in surprise, crawling back from the seething alpha. He was angry, you could tell, and you didn’t want to get in his way. 
➵ You bowed your head, quickly zipping up your bag before making your way to the window. 
➵ You couldn’t deal with him right now. Not with your feelings, not with his anger. You just couldn’t. 
➵ “Where the fuck are you going?” He hissed, stomping to your window and shutting it before you could crawl through. 
➵ “I- I don’t- Just-”
➵ He stopped you, sniffing your neck. “You smell like him.”
➵ “Who’s him?”
➵ “That fucking snake! Who else?!” Teeth are dragged dangerously down your neck, making you shudder. “What the fuck are you doing near him?”
➵ “Dai-”
➵ “Don’t fucking say his name. Answer the question. Why were you near him?! His pack?! We are right here. We’re your pack. Not them.” He sounded close to exploding,  making you whine as you withdrew. 
➵ He ran a hand through his hair as he paced in front of you. “Were we not good enough? Huh? You needed another pack? WHY WEREN’T WE GOOD ENOUGH?!” 
➵ You didn’t realize it, but you began shaking, slowly drawing in on yourself, trying to seem as small as possible. 
➵ You didn’t want to make the alpha angry. Why was he so angry? 
➵ “Tell me!” Looking up, you hiccupped as tears began streaming down your face, Kuroo having his own tears dripping down his cheeks. “Why wasn’t I good enough?”
➵ He collapsed in front of you, hands yanking on his hair. 
➵ And while you were hesitant, you slowly crept closer. He was shaking his head by the time you got close enough to hear him whispering “Please don’t leave.” Making your heart and omega whine. 
➵ “I-” You stopped. What was there to say? All of a sudden he wanted you here? Where was he the past however many weeks? 
➵ You wanted to scream at him. Turn and leave through the window anyway. 
➵ Leave this pack, and Kuroo, behind. 
➵ “Don’t leave me. I don’t care about the rest of them-- maybe Kenma-- but don’t leave me. Please. I can’t handle- I can’t handle not seeing you everyday. I thought I could. I thought I could fill the void with meaningless flings, but they couldn’t even touch me before I was aching for you. “ He was sobbing now, tears dripping down his cheeks. 
➵ You hesitantly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, allowing him to cry into your shoulder. He held you tightly, refusing to let you slip through his fingers as he almost had. 
➵ “I-I don’t- I don’t know what you want from me anymore, Kuroo. I-I tried staying, and that didn’t work. I tried leaving, and that didn’t work either. I don’t want to leave but I can’t stay. I’m so touch starved and I can’t keep living like this!” You cried out, frustrated with all the mixed signals around you. 
➵ What did your pack want from you?
➵ “We’ll fix it! I swear, I’ll fix it myself. I swear on my life. I’ll fix it. Fix myself. Make myself that alpha you deserve. Please.”
➵ You said nothing. Only allowing him to hold you close. 
➵ “Tetsuro!” You squealed, laughing as soft kisses were laced down your thighs. 
➵ “Kitten~” He responded, suckling a hickey right near your cunt. 
➵ You were wearing nothing but his sweatshirt and he was rabid seeing you, his pretty omega all nice and ready for him. 
➵ And his cock. 
➵ Sitting up, he pulled you onto his thighs with a swift movement, making you laugh once more.
➵ He smirked down at you once you calmed down, pressing a sweet peck to your lips, making you hum with satisfaction. 
➵ His hands trailed under his shirt to rest on your hips, keeping you close to him. You seemed so ethereal, sitting in the light that filtered through the window-- oranges and reds highlighting your body.
➵ “I love you. I love you so much.” He huffed, leaning his forehead onto yours, feeling the heat of your smile against his lips. 
➵ “I love you too, Tetsuro.” Another peck was pressed to his lips. 
➵ His heart felt so full, having you in his arms, having you in his grasp. He just couldn’t let you go. 
➵ He had almost done that once. 
➵ But he would never make the same mistake again. 
His cock dragged slowly out of your walls, sending shocks of pleasure and sensation wavering through your body as you shuddered. It wasn’t often you got to see the slow and sensual side of Tetsuro-- the one that would kiss your bond mark, the one that would tear up as he spilled praise after praise into your ear, the one that would hold a hand on your chest just to feel your thundering heartbeat only to pull your hand up to feel his own, which was just as bad--but when you did it left you  just breathless as he always did. There were days when you just needed this side and he always picked up on that, but some days he needed the solace he got with it as well. 
You’d always enable it, purring and whispering your own praises to him, kissing his temples when his emotions bubbled far to quickly for him to properly absorb, spilling over.  
It was times like this, when his forehead rested against your shoulder, did you feel closest. His pants were hot against your already flushed skin, adding already to your sensitive body. 
Running a hand through his hair, you waited for him to give you an indicator of what he wanted. What he needed from you at that very moment. 
When he didn’t move it hit you. He just wanted you close. To keep you close. To remind himself you were still there. To remind himself he won the war. He won you. He finally got the queen to his kingdom. The one he wanted from the star. 
And you would indulge him, running your both your hands through his hair and holding him close.  Even if you pretended not to feel the happy tears falling onto your shoulder. 
Soft sex Kuroo had me  🥺 🥺 
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samwrights · 4 years
Don’t Touch Her [hc]
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OOOH OOH I LIKE THIS ONE! Thank you for the request anon! Who’s ready for some not so low-key possessive babes? 😈
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This dork is far from subtle and we all know it.
He’s also super corny when he wants to be, especially when you come to watch him at a match that he’s invited you to.
Every time he serves, he throws a wink your way or he’ll pucker his lips a little.
No, you aren’t dating yet, but he swears that if they make it to nationals, he’s coming back to confess to you before he graduates.
That’s still ways away, but he has invited you to nearly every practice, practice game, training camp, etc because he just wants to know that you support him even if you aren’t dating.
“Kinda stupid, if you ask me.” Yaku says bluntly, regarding a time that Kuroo was practically gloating about that you promised you would be present for the up coming training camp. “Why not just date already?”
“Gotta keep my head in the game, Yakult.”
“Was it in the game before you met her?” 💀 everybody reading Kuroo to filth.
The training camp comes up—everybody from the Fukurodani academy group + Karasuno is there ofc.
Considering Nekoma doesn’t have a manager, and Kuroo asked you to be there, you act as a temp manager, grabbing water bottles and towels for them when needed.
You really didn’t mind, you liked Kuroo as much as he liked you.
So you’re out filling water bottles and stuff when some dude from Shinzen approaches you.
Homie just starts talking to you, asking how he’s never seen someone as beautiful as you around before. “Uh, I’m just here to help out...”
“Can I have your number?”
“No, I’m good.” You turn away from where you’re standing before trying to carry the bottles back when Kuroo pops his head out to see what’s taking you so long.
His hazel eyes go red when he sees someone from another school tailing a little too close to you.
“Hey, babe, need help carrying those?” His voice comes out like grinding metal as he locks eyes with the Shinzen player and while he is smiling and holding his arms open to you for refuge, you don’t miss the absolutely threat lacing his words.
“If you don’t mind.” However, your voice is sweet and calm and enough to tear him away from the death glare he was giving to the other player.
Kuroo grabs the caddy with the bottles easily with one arm, his free hand dropping to wrap around your shoulder firmly.
“Do I need to keep you locked up or something?” He asks jokingly, looking down at you. There’s a humorous lilt in his voice though the underlying threat is present.
“But I can’t have anyone looking at my girl when I can’t come and rescue her.”
“Maybe you should actually ask me out first.”
“Nah, we’re skipping all that; you’re mine.”
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Continuation from Pining After You 😈
Even after the two of you openly admitted to your feelings, Iwaizumi hasn’t made the move yet.
Sure, you’ve gone on a couple dates and you’re still showing up to all the games and practices, but he’s too chickenshit to actually ask you to be his girlfriend.
Everyone at Seijoh knows that you’re his.
The problem is when you’re spectating, you’re a sitting duck. Sitting alone in the bleachers, laughing at the antics of your best friends are staring at Iwa with little hearts in your eyes.
What other schools see is a cute girl sitting all by herself with no one to defend you.
Not that you needed defending—being friends with the meme team allowed you to develop a thick skin.
The first time it ever happened was during the inter high qualifiers, right when Karasuno entered the gym for their match after you’d already wished your mans and your besties good luck.
Tanaka and Noya hone in on you, wondering when Aoba Johsai got a hot manager. Even though you’re literally not but they’re convinced.
They try cornering you, asking questions about when you became the manager after the match, even though they loss. They attribute their win to your presence.
“I’m not the manager—“
“Really? Then what’s the most beautiful girl in Aoba Johsai doing at a volleyball tournament?”
Really, it should have been obvious because why else would you be there if you weren’t the manager?
Iwaizumi walks out to see you cornered by the two second years, though despite your position, you look relatively calm. Still, his blood is boiling seeing them surrounding you.
“Babe.” Is all he says—his voice strained and heavy and hot. At the use of the pet name, you smile brightly, a sight that Noya and Tanaka would be fawning over if they weren’t fearing over the steam billowing off of Iwaizumi’s hair.
He says nothing else before storming over to you and unceremoniously tucking his arms just under your bottom and throwing you over his shoulder.
Remember how he wanted to pick you up? He got to pick you up.
“Sorry boys, I’m taken!” You call out, waving to the Karasuno second years, even though you’re suspended upside down.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He sighs out when he finally puts you down, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
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This poor boy don’t know how to act when you show up to his games.
He’s liked you for as long as he can remember, but it never dawns on him that you come to watch him because you like him too.
Shit everyone in the goddamn prefecture knows about the two of you.
So leave it to the master instigator of Tokyo and his idiot best friend to try to fINALLY get you two together. Dammit Kuroo and Bokuto.
You’re out at the game, hanging with a couple friends and trying to be inconspicuous while you’re there to watch Akaashi. It’s Nekoma vs. Fukurodani.
When Nekoma arrives at the gym, Kuroo locks eyes with Bokuto, to which the latter captain gestures to an unknowing you. These conniving little fucks.
So Kuroo approaches you and confirms your identity—how or why he knew you was unknown. But Akaashi sees the two of you taking, sees the way that Kuroo is pulling all the stops.
He sees the way Kuroo is making you smile and laugh and the setter sees nothing but green. Akaashi’s trying to focus on anything else but the way Kuroo points to you when he spikes. You may have a huge crush on Akaashi, but you can’t help but feel flustered at the open flirting.
Akaashi doesn’t even realize that Bokuto hasn’t gone into emo mode once, not even when they lose the first set. If anyone’s in emo mode, it’s Akaashi.
He can’t think straight when all he sees and hears is the way you and Kuroo are interacting so informally, so familiar.
After losing the second set as well, Akaashi’s had enough, storming out of the gym without even thanking Nekoma for the game.
Without a second thought, you go after him, leaving behind your friends and both teams, never seeing the high five that Kuroo and Bokuto share knowing their plan worked.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the gym kissing Kuroo goodbye?”
“Who?” The irony is not lost on him when you chirp like an owl. “Akaashi...that dude? Kuroo? He told me him and Bokuto were planning on forcing you to talk to me cause you have a crush on me.”
“Which of course I went along with. I like you too.” Ohfuckohfuckohfuck, his heart is about to explode. Unsure of what to do next, he just kinda stands there, prompting you to take the initiative and wrap your arms around his neck, your noses barely touching. “I like you.” You repeat.
“Thank god, I was ready to punch him.” Akaashi’s voice is a mix between breathless and needy before his hands settled at your waist, bringing you the slightest bit closer to finally touch his lips to yours.
“That’s kinda hot.” You admit when you finally pull away.
“Nobody gets to flirt with my girl.”
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Wanna see a specific character? Or a different head cannon? Want to see a whole story?
Send in requests!
While you’re here, if you guys like my writing please check out a new mini-series I started! Link is right here
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animetrashlord-007 · 4 years
LTAS;; Cliché Lovers
Word Count;; 2.6k
Genre;; Fluff!
Pairing;; Hinata x Kageyama
Side Pairing;; Oikawa x Iwaizumi, Matsukawa x Hanamaki
That chapter in which the boys go shopping, Oikawa continues to antagonise Kageyama, and some heart-to-heart conversations are held.
Published;; 4.14.17
My Masterlist
Lemme Take A Selfie Masterlist
   “Shrimpy-chan! We don't have all day for you to talk to your boyfriend,” Oikawa grumbled, tapping his foot with raised brows as he pointed to the entrance of an extravagant boutique, “We need to buy some clothes for you so we can really get this vacation started!”
   “He's on the phone, Crappykawa, leave him alone!”
   “Oh really, Iwa-chan? I didn't notice!”
   “It’s truly amazing,” Makki rubbed his temples, black rings evident around his tired eyes, “how you manage to become even more annoying with every passing day, Oikawa.”
   Downing the rest of his coffee with a pointed glare at his companions, Mattsun snarled, “Why did we have to come along? It's way too early for this. You're thinking what I'm thinking, right, cutie?”
   The two nodded at one another before offering a small smile to Hinata who was stuck in between the now-arguing setter and ace. Ignoring his pleading eyes and grasping the opportune moment granted by their quarrelling teammates, they didn't hesitate to slink away into the bustling crowd. While Hinata didn't blame them for escaping, spending too much time with the Grand King and his Iwa-chan would take a toll on even the best of people, he was rather envious of their freedom. Matsukawa and Hanamaki had known the other two for so long, they knew to always have a strategy for a hasty retreat prepared and understood how to read the ever-changing atmosphere provided by the rapid-onset disagreements. Now that they had left to enjoy a certain peace and quiet, Hinata would have to navigate the minefield of this rocky relationship he was sandwiched between on his own - something he wasn't confident he would survive, not after dealing with it for so long already that morning. While he enjoyed their company and found the duo to be equal parts sweet as they were perplexing, he didn't understand how they could fight over any (and every) little thing.
   “Are you listening, Shouyou? You should come home already, I wouldn't put it past that jerk just to leave you in Tokyo!” Kageyama’s voice rumbled into his ear, his tone deepening with every word. With all the bickering and whining, he had forgotten that his close friend was on the line still. It wasn't his first time calling that morning, and it definitely wouldn't be the last. The steady barrage of texts and calls from his personal setter was a testament of how deep their friendship had progressed. He found comfort in his concern, though in all honesty, he found comfort in everything Tobio did.
   “I am! I was just dis-”
   “Give me the phone,” Oikawa didn't wait for consent as he snatched the phone from the dumbfounded redhead, an amiable facade teasing his features, “Hey, Tobio-chan!”
   “Oi-Oikawa!” Hinata’s shocked voice called out in unison with the vexed grunting on the other side of the call. The taller setter couldn't hold back his laughter at the simultaneous sounds and their stark contrast, only stopping to stick his tongue out at Iwaizumi who had begun to mutter indecipherable insults under his breath and looked mere seconds from blowing a fuse. While green-eyed man didn't make a move to return the phone to its rightful owner, he did crack his knuckles and his glower alone was enough to make Hinata evade his line of sight.
   “Doesn't Shou-chan look so cute in our selfies, Tobio-chan?” He didn’t pause for a response as patience wasn’t an attribute he retained when it came to his kouhai, “No time to chat, I’m afraid! I'd hate to waste any more of my vacation on you. Don't worry, I'll take very good care of your little lover boy! Buh-bye!”
   “Li-Little lover boy?!” Hinata shrieked, crimson flooding his cheeks as he raised his hands in protest. Sidestepping around Iwaizumi, Oikawa powered off the phone and handed it back to the immobilized orange. With a skip in his step as he proceeded to grab the embarrassed male by the collar, he pulled him toward the store he had pointed out earlier.
   “Where the hell are Makki and Mattsun?” Iwaizumi groaned as he scoured the surrounding area, the lack of snarky comments during such an event uncharacteristic of the two, “They bolted without me? They were the ones that picked this store! Inconceivable!”
   “That's so cute, Iwa-chan! You're short like that fellow from Princess Bride too! You should make that your new catchphrase,” Oikawa hollered from within the doorway, using his pointer finger to beckon him forward. The only response he received was a middle finger accompanied by the ace’s signature scowl.
   “I think they needed more coffee, they'll be back!” Hinata lied, trying to cut off any further altercations between the two. He picked up several pieces of clothing at random, not bothering to even look at what he had chosen, “How about these ones, Oikawa-senpai? We can just buy them and go!”
   “I'm taller than that dude, just so you know,” Iwaizumi muttered as he stomped into the store, avoiding the cashier’s intrigued gaze, “and don’t think I'll be watching any of your films again, Shittykawa!”
   Oikawa chuckled, waving his hands in dismissal as the trio made their way to the changing rooms in the back. The store was larger than it appeared from the outside, with many different styles and trends showcased throughout. Some of the designs looked questionable, but Makki insisted they visit at least once during their trip. According to the diva, it was a pioneer in the fashion industry and the future started within these very walls. Anything that Hanamaki suggested would receive an automatic positive vote from Matsukawa, and Iwaizumi tended to agree with any idea that Oikawa didn't like. Outnumbered but unwilling to give in quite that easily, the captain dragged the group out at seven in the morning with the excuse that Hinata needed clothes and he needed them yesterday. If he had to suffer through shopping in a store as pretentious as this, he wasn't going to let anyone else have a good time either.
   Oikawa began to frown as he observed the mess the underclassmen had thrown together. There were two pairs of slacks, some purple snow pants, a leopard-print turtleneck, and three different sizes of the same leather jacket. Of all the items he had chosen, the only one that would have fit was a black dress with silver decals. Facepalming, the brunette tossed the clothes into the returns bin, “Don't be stupid, Shrimpy-chan, those suck! While that dress would have been fun and made an amazing selfie, I'm not spending that much money on so little fabric! I'll find you some decent outfits, and I'll actually pick the right size for you.”
   With a skip in his step, the enthusiastic setter bounded forth toward the daunting selection of endless racks. Hinata’s relieved sigh was overshadowed by the much louder one emitted from the spiky-haired male left next to him. His eyes widened as he watched the ace fall into a chair, exhaustion painted as clear as day across his entire face. With hesitation, he took a step closer.
   “Great Ace of Seijoh!” The orange ball of sunshine chimed, intensity radiating off his tiny frame. Upon hearing a grunt of acknowledgement, he raised his voice, “Are you okay?”
   “I'm fine,” Iwaizumi raised his eyes to meet Hinata’s, and he couldn't help but feel even smaller against his gaze, “and don't call me that.”
   “Sorry, Iwaizumi-senpai!”
   “It's fine, I just didn't get much sleep last night. Trashykawa kept me awake all night. Let's sit here quietly,” he closed his eyes once more, assuming the conversation had ended. A minute crawled by and while he was content with the silence, Hinata was bouncing on his feet, fingers tapping against his hips. A million questions polluted his thoughts and though his curiosity would surely destroy him, he couldn't stop himself. The Grand King and his Iwa-chan had such a bizarre relationship, he couldn't fathom how it lasted. With how absurd the two acted around each other, he could draw some parallels between theirs and his own friendship with Kageyama. Neither seemed like the type that would allow their personal lives to be analyzed, but that had never stopped Hinata before.
   “I probably shouldn't ask, but... why do spend so much time with the Grand King if he annoys you so much?”
   Instant regret clawed through Hinata as he felt the temperature drop ten degrees. An aura more threatening than any Kageyama could ever produce engulfed the seated man. Eyes snapping open, a scowl settled on the ace’s face as he pat the seat next to him. With trembling legs and a shaky smile, the future ace of Karasuno accepted the invitation. Deciding to avoid eye contact, his focus landed on the floor. Shivers shot down his spine as he felt an intense glare baring a hole right through him. It wasn't until he heard his intimidating senpai clear his throat that he looked up, the air void of all the previous animosity.
   “Sorry, it’s just people always assume things. He doesn't annoy me. Sometimes he can be a handful, sure, but… we understand each other. I love all of his flaws. Being with him is as easy as breathing, and sometimes it feels just as necessary. With me, he's different than the person he shows to everyone else. He's given me his true self, and I don't know how I got so lucky. You'll understand one day, little one,” Iwaizumi smiled and it was genuine and pure. His heartfelt confession left an overwhelming bubble of joy within Hinata. Feeling uplifted, he pulled his dark-haired friend into a rough hug. To his surprise, the embrace was returned with a small laugh. Breaking the hug, the ace stated his intention of finding Makki and Mattsun, who were without a doubt pouting about missing the store of their choosing. He ruffled the exuberant youth’s hair as he stood, flashing him one last smile before turning forward. Oikawa’s approach was marked by humming and the occasional whistle, and Iwaizumi’s eyes glistened as he intercepted his beloved.
   “Aww, Iwa-chan! You're glow-”
   “I love you, Tooru. I know I don't tell you nearly enough,” he murmured, cutting his boyfriend off with a quick kiss. His fingers lingered on his cheeks and within his chocolate locks, a thousand words exchanged within a passionate yet fleeting moment. With a nod, he took his leave to begin his quest to track down their comrades.
   Breathless, Oikawa stared after him, lost within his own thoughts. His heart pounded against his chest and he could feel his blood pulsing through his veins. The setter spun around on his heels to face Hinata, whose mouth had fallen ajar, while his fingertips traced across his lips where that chaste but intimate kiss had electrified his entire existence. His cheeks and ears were dusted rose-pink and his eyes twinkled as he swooned, “Wow, what did you say to make him so happy? He never kisses me in public, not that I'm complaining!”
   “Gra-Grand King Oikawa-Senpai! You two- you two are dating?!”
   “You really are dense, Shrimpy-chan!” Oikawa chided, shaking his head in disapproval as he threw some outfits at the younger male. Taking a moment to collect himself, he brushed some imaginary dirt off his clothes and coughed. His eyes betrayed his inner feelings, however, as they gleamed brighter than a diamond, “That's what love looks like, Shouyou.”
   Emboldened by the display of affection shared between such contrasting personalities, Hinata decided to push his luck, “Can I ask you something personal?”
   “No, we will not swing with you and Tobio-chan!”
   “What? No! I just, uh, wanted to know how you two get along so well. You two always fight, and, I-” He averted his gaze when he noticed Oikawa’s confused look, “Nevermind!”
   “As your favourite senpai, I am more than willing to give you relationship advice, Shrimpy-chan! Are you having a hard time with Tobio-chan? I bet he's a tough nut to crack, pun only slightly intended,” the setter smirked at the blush that covered the majority of Hinata’s visible skin.
   “I don't know what you mean, and we're not dating!” His face fell at the admittance, repeating the statement softly, “We’ve had... moments, but we're not dating.”
   “Why do you refuse him if you obviously want him so much? Stop pining and accept his affections already, silly!” Oikawa grinned as he nudged the distressed ball of emotions in front of him. Grabbing his wrists, he dragged him out of his chair and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, “Don't tell me you're that blind that you don't see how much he likes you? It's clear as day to everyone else.”
   “How can you tell, Oikawa-senpai? Please share your wisdom with me!” He beamed up at the setter, revitalised once more by the prospect of his feelings being reciprocated.
   “Hajime and I are brilliant and perfect in every aspect, whereas you and Tobio-chan are both thicker than concrete, so it makes sense that you two idiots haven't realised how in love you are with each other. The easiest way to tell is how he treats you. See, Iwa-chan always treated me differently than he would anyone else. When we’re alone, he's the sweetest person I could ever wish for. You think we fight, but that's just our thing. That's just what we do. That's what we've always done,” Oikawa grinned once more, staring off into the distance as he placed a hand on his lips again, “He's more than I deserve.”
   “So… because Kageyama calls me names... he loves me?”
   “No, idiot, it's because he's the happiest when he's around you! It's in the way he calls you every few hours because he thinks I'm the Devil and he’s worried about you. It's in the small things, like how he'll drop everything to spend time with you. It's in the conversations where he opens up to you and bares his soul to you,” he started picking up the clothes that had fallen onto the floor when Hinata had stood, folding each before placing them back within the other’s arms, “You said you've had moments. I don't know what you mean, and I don't really care, but if you care about him you need to man up and confess. Stop dancing around each other, and get to the good stuff. Making out on the beach, touching in the theatre, screwing in the-”
   “Thank you, Grand King Oikawa-senpai! I, uh, think I got the gist of it. I'll call him and tell him my feelings tonight!” Hinata hugged the clothes to his chest as he bowed. He was flushed and grinning like an idiot as he scrambled into a room. After the initial shock of being cut off in the middle of his advice, Oikawa stalked after the redhead with a pout.
   “Don't interrupt me when I'm offering you advice out of the goodness of my heart, it's rude!” His shrill voice resonated throughout the entire store, earning irritated gasps from the other patrons. Pacing outside the changing room, he waved to his old teammates when they strolled back into the store before turning back to the door. Makki and Mattsun shrugged in an attempt to hide their smiles but to no avail. Not only had Iwaizumi been in an elated mood, but Oikawa had a playful lilt as he lectured their kouhai through the door; nothing made them happier than seeing their friends with authentic smiles.
   “You can't confess over the phone, by the way! But don't worry, we have all week to plan the perfect date for you. Just trust your senpais!” Oikawa ceased his pacing as his three friends lined up next to him. A mischievous grin crossed his features as he turned to face the group, “You know who is amazing at that romantic crap?”
   “Uh, you, Oi-” Hinata jumped as he opened the door, a small squeal escaping his lips at the unanimous shouts of ‘Mattsun’.
   “Mattsun is a hopeless romantic. He'll definitely help you get laid, Shorty-chan!”
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: Here's the Dirt on Every Beef in Haikyu!!
  This article written by Noelle Ogawa was originally published on January 31, 2020
  Sports anime is about many things — the power of friendship, the want to see your fave on top, but also some good old-fashioned sports rivalries. You don't hate your rival, but they sure get you riled up. You want to do your best to prove yourself, but also you want to prove your worth to them by beating them at their own game. To that, Haikyu!! is no exception, filled with a great many rivalries that hurt, that heal, that push everyone to do better. In no particular order, here are some of our faves!
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    Kageyama vs Hinata
The one that started it all! This rivalry seems to propel the series forward, and despite them working together for four seasons to beat some really powerful teams, they still really annoy each other. Hinata and Kageyama started out on opposite sides of the court and have kept that mentality despite being mutually beneficial when it's game time. But that's the fun of Haikyu!!, right? They are constantly pushing each other to climb higher and they probably wouldn't evolve if they weren't butting heads and comparing each other all the time. With Hinata in an especially sour mood now that Kageyama is at a special training camp, it'll be really fun to see what Hinata does to try to get the upper hand.   
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  Tsukishima vs Hinata
The sun and the moon, which one shines more? Tsukishima has a natural gift, being one of the tallest members of Karasuno, but what he has in talent, he lacks in motivation. To him, volleyball is just a game, and games don’t need his full attention or effort. It's an attitude that can cost him early on. On the flipside, Hinata doesn’t have the height to give him an advantage, so he has to work twice as hard. Hinata loves volleyball despite the odds. That high energy and enthusiasm is nothing but annoying to Tsukishima, who for the longest time, held himself back. There's also no avoiding Tsukishima's sharp remarks and verbal daggers, which Hinata has no defense for. Spirit's not enough to block a well-timed insult. 
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  Hinata vs Ushijima  
Not only is Shiratorizawa extremely powerful, but they also consistently sweep the Miyagi competition to go to Nationals. It's not hard to say they're one of the biggest threats in Miyagi, if not more than Seijou. One of the top three spikers in the nation, the powerhouse Ushijima Wakatoshi, has long since believed that results speak for themselves. Ambition without any backing is pointless, and so Hinata challenging him really grinds his gears. Hinata wants to win and will work as hard as he needs to succeed, and even confronts Ushijima on his own territory. Talk about bold! The battle between them isn’t just about skill, but about ideals and whether the determination to break through is enough. Force vs force!
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    Hinata vs Kenma
Who will become the true dark horse to make their way to the top? Nekoma and Karasuno are fated to fight; the battle of the trash heap has been building for years. They may be friendly, but eventually, only one of them will come out the winner. There are many standout matchups in this fated duality — the polite yet firm annoyance between Kuroo and Sawamura, the mutual tough respect between Tanaka and Taketora — but there’s something brewing between Kenma and Hinata. The two are friendly, but Hinata has the rare privilege of being one of the few people to get Kenma motivated. Kenma's a bit of a slacker; he's the furthest thing from a jock, and he's not very ride or die for the sport. But when he puts in his all, he can outsmart everyone on the court. The brain of Nekoma surely has some tricks up his sleeves. The resulting clash between these cats and crows is sure one to remember.
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  Bokuto vs Kuroo
They’re friends, they’re rivals, they’re both maniacs who stay late to practice the sport when everyone else takes a break. Bokuto, as one of the hardest-hitting spikers, is a threat, and Kuroo is one of the few people capable of shutting him down. Bokuto and Kuroo are a fun pair, they play off each other well and are good friends. On the court, they get rid of the formalities and fight to their heart's content. Knowing someone well also means knowing what they're capable of, and neither gives the other a single chance when they get serious. Bokuto has raw power, able to smash the ball all the way into the crowd, but Kuroo's got a sharp brain and some quick defenses. Sword against shield, friend against friend, and only one walks away the winner. 
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      Kageyama vs Kindaichi
The King of the Court once had subjects who rebelled against him and toppled his reign. For Kageyama, that betrayal was a wound that still hasn't healed, and the title of King haunts him to this day. Kindaichi and Kunimi still feel that resentment, but are working to be players in their own right. At the same time, there’s still a lot of bitterness there, one that sparks into a conflict. They’re on different sides now and they have to defeat the other in order for their teams to advance. There's so much missed potential here. They could've been great, but it didn't work out, and everything's turned sour. For now, it isn’t just how they work to defeat each other, but how they all manage to grow away from each other.  
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  Kuroo vs Daisho
The two of them clearly have some sort of history. Kuroo is cunning and two-faced (and has no problem making fun of Daisho getting dumped by his girlfriend) but Daisho is cunning and two-faced as well. While Nekoma operates in letting their strategies trip up their opponents, Nohebi relies not on their team strength, but through the judge’s goodwill. Daisho knows that the referee is making the calls and people love a nice and charming young man, don't they? They are model and polite, and sympathy is a weapon that can be wielded to gain the upper hand. Worst of all: it works. We all know the annoyance of seeing that in action! It’s a battle of the brains, who can outwit the other, with underhanded tactics galore. 
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    Oikawa vs Kageyama
The ultimate showdown of talent vs hard work, of senpai (teacher/master/upper classman) vs kouhai (student/lower classman), of setter vs setter. The first two seasons built up to this stellar face-off. Although Kageyama has always looked up to Oikawa’s abilities, Oikawa saw Kageyama’s budding talent as a threat. Their beef isn’t just about who deserves to carry their team to Nationals, but who is truly deserving of the title of setter. Building all the way up from middle school, this rivalry has history. It's an explosion that's been years in the making! Theirs is a heated rivalry, through which we see the true might of a setter and how it’s up to the conductor to orchestrate the movements on the court. It shouldn't be forgotten that this bad blood runs so deep, Oikawa showed up to the Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa match just out of spite!
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       Oikawa vs Ushijima
From the very start, Oikawa has been cornered by two geniuses: his kouhai Kageyama and the insurmountable wall Ushijima. Seijou is plenty of a powerhouse on its own, but that is constantly thrown into doubt with Shiratorizawa’s supremacy. Ushijima, being the same age as Oikawa is another reminder that genius can often power through effort, that sometimes your all isn't enough. They're both driven, they're both highly devoted to the sport, and they're both true menaces from Miyagi that are out to defeat each other. Oikawa hits hard with his cutesy nicknames and taunts, and Ushijima ... he's as frank and polite as ever. They're rivals alright, but it's definitely more one-sided from Oikawa's side. 
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  Hinata vs the World
Hinata has a lot to prove. Not only is his height seen constantly as a disadvantage, but he is on a team that is long past their former glory. As a result, nobody expects anything of him, and this season, we see that most people see his results as something largely attributed to Kageyama’s help. Hinata may have the spirit, but he needs to prove himself to everyone who doesn't believe in him to show that he can be as much of a small giant as the legend he's chasing. After all, most of the series tends to be Hinata inadvertently picking fights with people. Show the world what you've got, Hinata!
  What's your favorite rivalry in Haikyu!!? Let us know in the comments!
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      Noelle Ogawa is a contributor to Bubbleblabber and Cup of Moe. She can be found on Twitter @noelleogawa.
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By: Guest Author
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Season 1 Episode 2: Karasuno High School Volleyball Club
This episode picks up one year after the last one, which was the fateful encounter between Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama Tobio. Both are fired up to compete with one another, but come to realize they will be, for the foreseeable future, teammates.
We also get introduced to the three strangers from Karasuno who watched the match between Yukigaoka and Kitagawa Daiichi- Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi and Tanaka Ryuunosuke. They were the only members of the team looking at potential players who could be joining Karasuno. This, and the fact that the tournament Hinata and Tobio played at was the first one of the academic year, brings me to the conclusion that they match between Date Ko and Karasuno had already happened before Hinata and Tobio’s match, and so Asahi and Nishinoya had already left the team.
One thing I really enjoy about Haikyuu is that there’s a very strong level of consistency- Hinata doesn’t magically get better in one year, Tobio doesn’t magically stop trying to dictate every aspect of the game, Karasuno doesn’t magically rise to the top and Daichi magically doesn’t become the reliable captain he is. Some of this shit is set up right from this episode.
Daichi tells us where Karasuno is at right now- they’re in the top 8 in the prefecture. So they don’t totally suck, they’re just lost in the crowd of teams. Daichi also already shows the attributes of being a good captain, even though he’s barely been one for a few months at this point. - He can spot potential in individual players, like Hinata, who he only saw play one game. - He can see the potential in Hinata and Tobio being on the same team, from one game he knows that Hinata is the spiker Kageyama has been setting for all this time. - He’s intuitive, he knows what led Kageyama to Karasuno and how that could be a problem. - He’s ambitious, even in the face of seeming failure. Nobody thinks Karasuno can make to the national level tournament. Except Daichi. - He can take things lightly when needed. Most importantly though, he understands and emphasizes teamwork. And knows how to push his teammates to be better.
I love how Daichi knows exactly what Kageyama’s pride is- it’s in being a setter, not like Hinata, who just wants to play. Kageyama is, at this point at least, a control freak, and the setter is the control tower for the team. He knows Kageyama could play at any other position- the guy has an innate sense for the game, he could pick up even the libero position if push came to shove. But Daichi knows for a fact that Tobio wouldn’t want to play any other position than setter, so he sets the stakes that high- knowing that Kageyama would either meet his demands, or die trying.
Kageyama needs someone like that. Had Oikawa not been that jealous of Kageyama when they were at Kitagawa together, Oikawa would’ve been the one to shape Kageyama up into being a team player. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, and so it’s up to Daichi to make Kageyama understand what it takes to be a part of a team, and how to bring out the best in his teammates.
Daichi knows he can’t do it all on his own, though, which is why he enlists Tanaka to help. Because Tanaka’s not the type to back away from a confrontation, ever. And typically in every interaction Kageyama has had with teammates, they’ve been too intimidated to tell him to shut the fuck up directly. Tanaka holds great value to the seniority of members in the club, and so if Kageyama oversteps a boundary, Tanaka will be more than happy to put him in his place. Which is why he needs to be on the same team as Kageyama during the 3 vs 3 match, or Kageyama will simply ruin his own chances of being the setter for Karasuno- which none of them can let happen.
Overall from this episode, we get a sense that Daichi isn’t going to let Kageyama do things his way, since it’s never going to work out for him- not even with Hinata there. Hinata’s pretty much in Kageyama’s shadow during this episode because of his sheer incompetence, so you know this boy is going to do his best to upstage him sooner or later.
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In this house, we love and worship Kiyoko.
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venusbled-archive · 8 years
meta repost ( incomplete )
i've organized all my mini essays into sections for easy reading, and also because i don't expect many people to want to read this entire analysis. there's so much i've packed into here about shimizu's characters, and perhaps only one of these many topics interests my followers. so, for the sake of organization and accessibility, here are the various categories upon which i will touch:
i. beauty + subsequent reactions of the public ii. body image + public reaction iii. ( internalized + externalized ) reaction to rumors / whispers / affections iv. shimizu as a nominal fanservice character v. personality traits ( meyers-briggs, moral alignment, etc. ) vi. astrological sign traits vii. the irony of shimizu's character ( misconceptions, surprises ) viii. the irony of shimizu's character ( comedic appeal ) ix. connections between other characters ( friends and teammates / adults ) x. abilities xi. roles ( canonly ) xii. roles ( based on hq extras ! ) xiii. positivity + pros of shimizu xiv. negativity + cons of shimizu xv. what happens when she's gone ?
also, i try to source everything i mention in this meta from either the manga or the anime. so for reference, my abbreviations are as follows:
- vol. for volume - ch(s). for chapter(s) - s. for season - ep. for episode
i. beauty + subsequent reactions of the public
furudate makes it well-known to the reader that shimizu is an attractive character. through the use of special panels, characters' reactions, and common beauty tropes, he defines her as one --------- if not the most --------- attractive character of haikyuu!! of course, this is always open to opinion, but based on the context which he's given us throughout the manga, it would appear that only shimizu and oikawa, who constantly receive attention from the opposite sex no matter where they are, are the characters that furudate pointedly and explicitly marks as attractive.
common beauty tropes that shimizu shows are in her size, her beauty mark, her glasses, her style of dress, and her facial expressions. she's one of the taller female characters in haikyuu!! --------- a trait which has her pegged as different, in a good way. it's one of the more defining physical characteristics which separates her from being "cute" and instead alters people to describe her as "sexy" or "beautiful." something about height inherently changes the words with which one can be described, and because her taller stature is also paired with other beauty tropes, shimizu is considered more attractive than other characters. what do i mean by this?
well, her beauty mark is remarked as being an "erotic" feature rather than a "cute" one (yahaba, vol. 2 ch. 11). in nearly every experience she's had at practice matches with other schools, training camps, or official tournaments, people always call her "beautiful," and once yachi joins along, she officially becomes "beautiful" whilst the word "cute" is reserved for the younger, shorter, less-composed manager. 
shimizu's glasses also make her out to be sexier than she might've been seen without them. in lots of official art, her glasses are a key symbol of her, and label her as the type of "sexy/hot librarian" trope that one constantly sees in modern day media. furudate has even remarked in an interview that when he created shimizu's character, he had intended for her to be a "secretary" type (hence, the glasses --------- a stereotype of secretaries). we can infer that the glasses, in addition to the decision to make shimizu a "secretary," separate her from cuteness and allow her to mature to beauty and erotic appeal.
her style of dress also lends itself to her relative attractiveness. while she's a conservative dresser, never showing her legs, the fact that she's so fashion-forward in official art where she's OUT of school (chs. 78, 150, 219 coloured covers), and has such a nice physical form (crow's angels side story, vol. 13 promo images), she's seen as more attractive physically. she's able to pull off different styles, and even when wearing her regular uniform, tracksuit, or manager outfit during tournaments, she's always presented as extremely attractive (s.1 ep. 2 @14:48-14:55).
additionally, her facial expressions, though reticent and not varying much, are always common focal points for other characters whenever they meet her. for example, terushima says that he loves shimizu when she "looks shy," and even the slightest blush from her sends tanaka and noya into a stupified state (source unavailable; i can't find the name of the extra).
overall, it's undeniable that she's physically attractive and it's nigh impossible for a character to not --------- at one point or another --------- have pointed out her attractiveness (all karasuno teammates except kageyama, tsukishima, kinoshita, narita, and ennoshita have at one point or another been thrown off by her beauty; and in addition, it's not uncommon for her to be gawked at whenever the team travels and she's subject to being seen by boys from across the prefecture). however, there's a distinction in her attractiveness that makes her more "hot" than "cute," and it's likely a result of her self-presentation, maturity level, and appearance in comparison to other female characters in the series.
ii. body image + public reaction
i previously mentioned in the section about shimizu's beauty that she's remarked as having a beautiful figure and always portrayed with a beautiful body no matter what she seems to wear (crow's angels side story, vol. 13 promo images, s. 1 ep. 2 @14:48-14:55). she's canonly a healthy weight for her height, and like many female characters in manga series, is well-endowed in the bum and breast regions, and thin at the waist.
but this also, obviously, leads to a lot of inappropriate comments by other characters regarding her body, and while for certain this can't be attributed to the fact that she dresses somewhat conservatively and always covers her legs in official art, it may influence shimizu's behavior. the volume 13 promo images include her dressed in a sarashi, the only thing that prompts bokuto, kuroo, and oikawa to participate in the promotion. at the end, bokuto exclaims that he got shimizu's pictures while she was dressed in the attire, and immediately both kuroo and oikawa ask for him to send them the photos. shimizu is shown in a small panel as looking upset, with her arms crossed and a frown on her face -------- either in disapproval, discomfort, or distaste for bokuto's actions and kuroo's/oikawa's response. then, in the that's absurd! extra, again, bokuto and kuroo are infatuated by shimizu's body, and appear at the movie premier in order to see kiyoko-chan's skintight body suit. however, most of her movie/extras costumes are rather revealing, though this may be attributed to fanservice rather than her personal preference. nonetheless, she's never voiced any canon concern for her manner of dress, nor does she seem to be affected in any way by the many boys that point out how sexy her figure is, or how erotic she looks at any given time.
iii. ( internalized + externalized ) reaction to rumors / whispers / affections
it would be nearly impossible for shimizu to be unaware of her influence on boys, given the amount of attention she receives on a daily basis (not just from tanaka and nishinoya, but also other first and second years, and even girls). by virute of being a center of attention, though unintentional, shimizu must have some sort of self-realization and thereby be aware of her influence. however, while she may notice how she affects others around her, she's never acted upon the whispers she must hear day-to-day.
for example, the most obvious cases in which she blatantly ignores the attention she receives are whenever tanaka and nishinoya tell her, "kiyoko-san, looking beautiful as ever today!" or some other variation, and she walks away without responding to them (vol. 1 ch. 1), or when terushima asks for her number and she would rather just leave without engaging in conversation (vol. 12 ch. 105).
additionally, shimizu has never been shown to turn her head in public whenever those around her comment on how beautiful she is (vol. 5 ch. 37, vol. 9 ch. 72); yet if tanaka and nishinoya attempt to be protective over her to keep these suitors from approaching her, shimizu tells them to stop, which insinuates that she had at least heard the whispers before and therein knew why tanaka and nishinoya were surrounding her. in general, she keeps composed and ignorant of these affections, and doesn't so much as blush whenever she must hear them.
i've also mentioned how rumors have shaped her life as karasuno's manager. in vol. 2 ch. 11, yahaba is talking to kindaichi on seijou's campus about a beautiful manager from karasuno he'd heard word of. assuming that karasuno hasn't been to seijou in POTENTIALLY 2 years (as yahaba is a second year and obviously hadn't seen shimizu in person, but oikawa's current concern had listed that when he tried to talk to shimizu she ignored him --------- something which may  insinuate that they had met as first years, or may just be that they met in their third year), rumors of her beauty had still spread across the prefecture to seijou and ended up in yahaba's "circles." because seijou is one of the top four schools in the prefecture, and --------- at the time --------- karasuno was considered a school of "flightless crows," it's incredible that rumors of shimizu's attractiveness could actually reach seijou if karasuno's practice matches were limited in the past years to other lower-level schools. AND it's incredible considering the fact that seijou COULD BE all the way across the prefecture (though technically we don't know the canon locations of all schools and their geographical relations between one another).
iv. shimizu as a nominal fanservice character
i have to bring this up because i think this meta would be incomplete if i didn't address the elephant in the room: the sexualization and tailored appeal of female characters in manga to suit the "fanservice" role of women. i would be stupid to deny that shimizu doesn't serve as a fanservice character, but even stupider if i said that being a fanservice character was all she was. nonetheless, i still feel that it's necessary to bring up WHY she's classified as one and what her fanservice role entitles.
i've mentioned facts about her appearance --------- it's a subject that isn't brushed over when shimizu is described in the manga. she's obviously attractive both bodily and facially, and to bat, her personality does at first fulfill a fanservice trope of being passive/shy/quiet. granted, there are other types, but shimizu is what i would describe as the "shy bespectacled beauty" (as we can't forget the trump card of her glasses: one of her more defining characteristics which incidentally classifies her as a certain type of character). she's now physically and mentally very attractive and appeals to male readers.
additionally, though the manga isn't sex-centric, there are still lots of sexual references or questionable material. s. 1 ep. 2 @14:48-14:55 includes shots of her bum and her breasts, in the "sparkling anime background" meant to set off characters as being otherworldly or worth mention. many of her outfits in ennoshita's movies are revealing, and even her roles are rather sexualized for the sake of a potential increase in viewership (skintight bodysuits in crow's angels and that's absurd!, a very revealing costume that shows off most of her cleavage in final haikyuu!! quest, the "stoic yet sexy military officer" in haikyuu!! fighter, and even the nun in house of crows). this also occurs in special manga covers (chs. 36, 78, 86, 99, 111, 131, and 179) and in the vol. 13 promo,  so although the manga is tasteful in not including too much sexualized material, the extras try to make up for this by sexualizing shimizu and making her a more visually appealing character, thus subjecting her to fanservice.
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Quiet Voice — Chapter IV
Universe: Haikyuu!!
Title: Quiet Voice
Chapter: Chapter 4
Author: mayphenix
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, OCs, Oikawa Tooru, Hanamaki Takahiro, Matsukawa Issei, Aoba Jousai
Pairing(s): Iwaizumi Hajime x OC
Genre(s): Romance, Friendship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family
Overall Rating: K
Summary : Shy, socially-awkward Akiyama Kiku never was noticed by anyone. She didn’t speak up and the gods forbid ever making eye-contact with anyone. So, she couldn’t understand why Oikawa Tooru suddenly decided that she was the perfect match for his best friend. Iwaizumi Hajime would never admit outloud how grateful he really was to his friend.
Chapter warnings/triggers: /
(This fanfic can also be found on fanfiction.net here ; I am the same author)
Table of Contents
Chapter I  — Chapter II  — Chapter III — Chapter IV
CHAPTER IV : Witchcraft?
“Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.”
― Emma Goldman
“There's a big difference on being wise and being crafty. The former is the attribute of God, and the latter is that of Satan.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
“Cats are cute. Cats are adorable.” Iwaizumi suddenly said out of nowhere.
The three other third-years glanced at him with wide eyes. The only sound that was heard was the slurping sound from Matsukawa as he swallowed the noodles through his lips all the while staring, a little dumbfounded, at the Ace.
“Yes?” Oikawa answered hesitantly, not quite understanding where this was going.
“But there's nothing wrong in thinking that? Like… it doesn't mean that because you think a cat is cute you're emotionally attached to it or anything?”
“What the hell? Do you want to adopt a cat or something?” Hanamaki asked.
“But you don't want to be seen as a cute little guy who loves cats, you still want to keep your tough looks, that's it?” Matsukawa continued.
“Uuh… I don't want to adopt a cat.”
“But you want a pet.”
“What the hell?” Hanamaki said once again with a confused look – it gave a good summary of the conversation.
“Iwa-chan, are you all right? You've been off during all day and practice…” Oikawa said, staring worriedly at his friend.
“Do you have a fever?” Matsukawa asked.
“You were missing your usual setter, is that it?” Hanamaki added.
“No I don't have a fever, and no I didn't miss Oikawa!” He growled annoyingly, scooping some noodles with his chopsticks, “And yes I'm all right. I was just thinking about stuff.”
“Don't think too much without a brain or you'll get an actual fever, Iwa-chan. ATCHA! It HURT Iwa-chan!!” Oikawa exclaimed after being elbowed harshly.
“That's for insulting me, Assikawa!” He hissed back.
Once they had finished their ramen, they all went their separate ways to go home.
“Do you feel ready for the practice match against Karasuno?” Oikawa asked.
“Of course I do. Kageyama or not, we'll win.” Iwaizumi answered grumpily.
“By the way, the doctor said that by next Tuesday, I might be able to use my leg! So maybe I'll get to play after all – sorry, Iwa-chan, you might not get to be the Captain!”
“I don't care about that. But don't push on your leg if you do play, got it?”
“Aye, aye~”
“Did you tell Kanemoto about what happened?” Iwaizumi continued, referring to the almost sponsor of Oikawa.
At this question, Oikawa's smile faded and his shoulders dropped. He glanced away, a distressed and slightly pitiful expression on his face…
“Yes… She scolded me… Even over the phone, thousands of miles away, she can be scary…” Oikawa murmured.
“Of course she scolded you. At least, you have one person able to whip you in shape.”
“I always get scolded! By you, by Aya-chan! You're all just cruel!”
“Perhaps you just deserve it?”
Iwaizumi smiled lightly to himself, amused by his friend's reactions no matter how many years went by. Oikawa never seemed to understand that he was being teased.
“By the way, Iwa-chan, your weird question from earlier, about cats…”
Iwaizumi stiffened lightly, hoping that keeping his hands hidden in his pockets would help him go unnoticed.
Tooru watched him very carefully and even if he noticed the way his shoulders stiffened lightly, he didn't comment on it. He just smiled knowingly before continuing:
“Is this because I remind you of a cute kitty~?” Oikawa asked.
“UH.” Was Hajime's only answer with a massive rolling of eyes.
“Oi! What is that supposed to mean?!”
“You're far from being as cute as a cat!”
They've arrived in the building where they both lived and after saying goodbye, they both went their separate ways. Being neighbor with Oikawa meant spending much more time with him but also being closer than anyone else. Thinking back on Hanamaki and Akiyama being neighbors, Hajime wondered how they could be neighbors without knowing each other more than just acquaintances.
His phone vibrated suddenly and he checked it, an avalanche of pictures sent to him by Oikawa. Pictures of cats and kittens. Hajime rolled his eyes, waiting for all the pictures to be sent but his friend was apparently having a lot of fun – especially when he added some selfies in the middle (but that wasn't surprising).
Am I not as cute as these kittens~ Here, have some more cute cats! Oikawa sent, more cats' pictures arriving.
“What the hell am I even supposed to do with all that, dumbass? I don't want a cat…” Hajime muttered to himself, still mildly amused by the pictures of cats and his friend's antics.
Suddenly, a picture that was not of a cat or Oikawa arrived. Iwaizumi almost screamed and jumped, his phone almost dropping until he caught it at the last moment. He almost had a heart attack when he had received a picture of Akiyama Kiku – how the hell Oikawa even had a picture of this girl on his phone?!
What the hell, Trashykawa?! Iwaizumi typed quickly.
Ah~ Iwa-chan, you finally react! I knew you'd like this picture in particular~
No I don't! How did you get it anyway?! Have you never heard of the word privacy?!
I just asked a friend of mine to take a picture of Kiku-chan for me a few days ago~ You know I have lots of pictures from lots of people~
That's just down right creepy!!
But aren't you glad you have this picture now?
No I'm not!!
Deciding to ignore his friend to give him a lesson, Hajime threw his phone on his bed and ignored it vibrating for long minutes afterward. Then, it stopped – Tooru must have gotten bored by this game. For some reason, Oikawa had taken a liking in Kiku – or rather, he had taken a liking in teasing Iwaizumi about her.
For a short moment, he wondered what Tooru had in his mind before shaking his head, not wanting to think about Trashykawa or his classmate. Even if Hajime had thought that Kiku was adorable for a short moment, that was it. It was true that he had been observing her ever since he had noticed her – by hitting her with his bag – but noting a few things about people wasn't a bad thing. It just meant he was observant. He could note lots of things about his friends and his other classmates, it didn't matter. It wasn't like he was particularly curious about Akiyama Kiku or anything. She was a mystery in several ways – she was always alone and no one seemed to be willing to put up with her, he didn't know a thing about her and no one else seemed to know but Hajime could tell there was more to her than just the shy and socially awkward girl everyone avoided. She had some passion – for her club or wherever she was going after class – and if she had looked at him with the demon-eyes it meant she had more strength than what people gave her credit for.
“Oi… idiot, stop thinking about her…” He muttered, trying to think about something else.
He kept repeating to himself 'stop thinking about her' until he felt comfortable again – but his thoughts were then invaded by Trashykawa's injury. Hajime couldn't tell which was worse.
On Thursday, lunch time…
Hanamaki and Oikawa were arguing about where they'd go have lunch with Matsukawa and Iwaizumi, the last two just watching them in slight annoyance.
“But it's so sunny outside! I want to eat under a tree today!” Oikawa exclaimed.
“Why not eat on the roof as we usually do? There's wind up there!” Hanamaki replied, crossing his arms.
“Iwa-chan! Mattsun! Where do you want to eat today?!” Oikawa continued, whipping towards them.
“Don't care…” Matsukawa answered with a shrug, “I'm hungry…”
“Uuh… don't care either… but outside would be a nice change – plus it'll be faster to get there than the roof…” Iwaizumi shrugged.
“Then I choose outside.” Matsukawa remarked at the simple fact that he'd eat faster this way.
At once, an overly smiling and happy Oikawa turned towards Hanamaki, giving him the sparkly eyes.
“Tch… Thanks for the betrayal guys…” Hanamaki mumbled before grabbing his bento, “Let's go outside then…” He sighed.
“Yoohoo!!” Oikawa exclaimed, jumping up and down.
“Easy on your knee, dumbass!” Iwaizumi cried out at once.
They went outside with their bentos, chatting about everything and anything when Oikawa suddenly stopped.
“Ah, isn't it Kiku-chan over there?” He asked, pointing at a wooden table.
No one was surprised to see her eating alone, headphones in her ears.
“She's all alone…” Oikawa added, sounding almost mournful.
“So? It's not surprising?” Makki said with a shrug.
“That's the girl you were talking about the other day?” Matsukawa asked curiously, “Your childhood friend?”
“We're not friends, just acquaintances. I'm sure Iwaizumi knows her more than me.”
“Uh? I don't know her at all…” He muttered, raising an eyebrow.
“Then! Why not get to know her?” Oikawa exclaimed cheerfully, clapping his hands together.
The three other young men glanced at him sparkling happily.
“Where did that come from, Oikawa?” Iwaizumi asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at his friends.
He was now sure that Oikawa had something planned – otherwise he wouldn't be obsessing with Akiyama so much.
“But, Iwa-chan! She's your classmate, shouldn't you worry a little bit more about her if she's all alone? I won't let an innocent young girl be–”
“This tree is a nice spot to eat, right?” Matsukawa interrupted him, pointing at another tree.
“Let's go then,” Makki agreed, already walking there.
“Wait! Mattsun! Makki! Let's invite Kiku-chan to eat with us!” Oikawa exclaimed, jumping in front of his two teammates to stop them from taking another step.
“Why?” Makki asked.
“Who cares about this girl?” Mattsun added, raising an eyebrow.
“This is why you don't have any girlfriend…” Oikawa said very seriously.
The two suddenly felt a vein of annoyance popping but Oikawa ignored them – they wouldn't hit him the way Iwa-chan always did. Realizing that said Iwaizumi wasn't saying a thing, he glanced over at his childhood friend. As surprising as it was for the three young men, he was staring at Kiku from afar. Of course, Tooru was overjoyed by it.
Sensing glances on him, Hajime looked back at them, confused when he noticed them staring.
“Ah, she's leaving,” Makki said, “Let's sit on that table then,” he decided.
“Ah! We're too late…” Oikawa muttered but everyone ignored him, walking past him, “Nee! Iwa-chan!” He called, grabbing his arm.
“What is it?”
“Do you really not feel guilty to see her eating all alone?” He asked while the girl went back into the building and disappeared from view.
“…It's not like I can change anything about it anyway… If you want so badly for that girl to not be alone anymore, go talk to her or something…” Iwaizumi said with a half-hearted shrug, not understanding why Oikawa kept rambling on and on about Akiyama.
“But I'm not the one in her class.”
Iwaizumi stared at him, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before joining their teammates to avoid answering any further. Annoyed by his reaction, Oikawa clicked his tongue then followed him, the event forgotten as they continued their initial conversation.
It was only when they went back into their classrooms that Oikawa's strange behavior once again left his teammates confused.
“We're at your class, Iwa-chan!” He exclaimed cheerfully, “Then, we'll see tonight at practice!”
“Uh? But there's still time left before the end of lunchtime…”
“Ah? Yes, but I wanted to discuss something with Mattsun for a while – about blocking!”
“Uh?” Matsukawa said.
“I'll stay with you then,” Hanamaki told Iwaizumi.
“AH!” Oikawa screamed, grabbing Makki's arm, “And I need you for a new theory! A new form of attack we'll need to try when I'm back!”
Silence fell on them, all staring at the setter.
“…Oikawa,” Iwaizumi started with a dark voice, “Are you trying to avoid me or something?”
“Avoid you, Iwa-chan? But I would nev–”
“You know what? Whatever, I don't care. Do whatever you want.” Iwaizumi said angrily, entering his classroom.
Oikawa swallowed hard before glancing hesitantly into his friend's classroom. Iwaizumi sat angrily, arms crossed and right at his side was Akiyama Kiku who startled when he sat so suddenly.
Smiling, Tooru turned around, starting to push his two friends away from class 5.
“Oikawa, what are you planning?” Hanamaki asked.
“It's not like you to push Iwaizumi away. You usually cling to him like a child to his mother.” Matsukawa added, both of them staring at the setter in confusion.
“I am ensuring Iwaizumi's happiness, that's what I'm doing,” Oikawa answered.
“Even though he must be relieved when you're not around to annoy the hell out of him, I’m pretty sure you didn't make him very happy by telling him to fuck off on his own…” Makki remarked, “What are you planning exactly?”
Feeling a little guilty after hearing these words from Hanamaki, Oikawa realized that he had been acting a little weird – and that Iwa-chan probably didn't like the way he was kept away from the three others.
“Well… I am planning for Iwa-chan and Kiku-chan to start dating soon.” Oikawa answered.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa took a double-take, not understanding at first what he meant. Then, their Captain's words echoed in their heads and they almost choked.
“What the fuck?!” Mattsun started.
“WHY?!” Hanamaki screamed, eyes wide in shock.
“The hell you're thinking?!”
“No way he'd fall for her!!”
“Calm down, please!” Oikawa exclaimed when people started glancing at the three of them in the hall, “Keep it a secret from Iwa-chan!!” He pleaded, clapping his hands together.
“NO WAY!” Makki immediately shouted.
“You can't just go and try to decide of his love life for him!”
“That's just wrong!!”
“Shhhh!!” Oikawa exclaimed, shushing them.
They finally stopped screaming while Oikawa glanced around and sighed in relief when people ignored them.
“They're the perfect match for each other – they just don't realize it yet!” Oikawa said, hands on his hips.
“No, no, no. Akiyama is a perfect match for no one. She's not– she's just… she's so not… she's not a dating possibility for anyone in their sane mind…” Hanamaki said with wide eyes, not even wanting to imagine his friend with this girl.
“That's just awful to say, Makki…” Tooru murmured, eyes wide in astonishment.
“I don’t know that girl but I agree that she's not… if you want Iwaizumi to date someone, pick a girl more… less… Uuuh… whatever she is…”
“You can't even find out what you think is wrong with her! Why do you reject this idea so vehemently?” Oikawa exclaimed with a scolding tone.
“What's wrong with her?” Hanamaki started, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows, “Other than her personality and complete inability to speak up with anyone, ever, she's not pretty. She's… even shorter than average, she's not thin at all and she's so…”
He made his cheeks puff out and his arms spread out to show that Kiku didn't have a body he considered attractive in the slightest.
“Just say it – you find her fat.” Matsukawa said bluntly.
“Exactly!” Hanamaki exclaimed, nodding.
“Just because she's rounder than average doesn't mean she's fat. Plus, Iwa-chan isn't the type of men to judge a girl by her appearance!”
“But even someone who doesn't judge by appearance wouldn't want of this girl! Even a blind man! She never says a thing, she's awkward and just… crazy! Ask anyone who tried befriending – and I know what I'm talking about because I live five meters away from her – she's messed up!” Hanamaki exclaimed, shaking his head.
Oikawa seemed thoughtful for a moment before speaking up again:
“With all due respect, Makki, did you talk to her – really talked – since you were children for anything other than casualties? Did you try to get to know her? Did you ever see anyone going to her home and befriend her? Did you ever see anyone with her?”
“…No but that just proves she's not normal…”
“No, it just proves that you're only prejudiced – just like everyone else.” Oikawa concluded.
Sighing, Hanamki and Matsukawa glanced at each other, not knowing how they could convince Oikawa that he was making a mistake.
“Iwaizumi doesn't seem interested anyway. There's no way he'll be from now on.” Hanamaki finally said.
“Ah AH! And that's where I – Iwa-chan's childhood and best friend – get to disagree!” Oikawa piped up happily, putting his hands on his hips proudly, “Iwa-chan's type is… short and cute girls!!”
The wing-spiker and middle-blocker glanced at each other before looking back, unimpressed, at the setter.
“And you base that knowledge on what exactly? He never had any girlfriend before and he never had a crush he told us about either.” Matsukawa said.
“Iwa-chan always turns around and stares at short, cute girls when they walk by him. Also, when we talk about girls, he only ever mentions short, cute ones – and his favorite actresses usually are short, cute o–”
“Ok, ok, we get it. His type is short, cute girls. Akiyama may be short, but she's not cute.” Hanamaki cut Oikawa, shaking his hand disdainfully.
“Here you go again, being a meanie!” He scolded, frowning lightly at his friend.
“Nope, just being honest.”
“The pitiful choice of a girl aside – why do you suddenly want Iwaizumi to get a girlfriend?” Matsukawa asked.
Shocked, Oikawa took a step back, putting a hand on his heart, faking a hurt look on his face.
“Is my best friend's happiness not reason enough…?” He asked with a trembling voice.
“…You're Oikawa Tooru. You must have another reason in mind.” Hanamaki said, Mattsun nodding in agreement.
“I'm hurt…” He replied, a deadpanned expression on his face before sighing, “But if you really want to know… I have personal reasons to wish for Iwaizumi to get busy with a girl.”
“Personal reasons? What sort of reasons?” Matsukawa asked suspiciously.
Oikawa put one hand on his hip and the other up, shaking his finger 'no' while ticking his tongue.
“Ta, ta, ta. I won't tell you for the moment. Just promise not to say anything to Iwa-chan, ok~?” He said with a wink – which, unlike his fangirls, didn't work at all on his two teammates.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa stared at him before sighing deeply.
“It's going to slap you back hard, Oikawa…”
“But well, if you really want to keep it a secret – it'll be a great show to watch…” Matsukawa said with a shrug.
“You're the bests~” Oikawa hummed happily.
On Friday, 3rd year class 5…
“Everyone, quiet!” The History teacher exclaimed when he entered the classroom.
The conversations quieted down and the few students that had been standing took their seats. Everyone turned their attention to the teacher who spoke up:
“Before starting today's lesson, there is something I want to talk to you about. You will have some papers to do that you will present in front of the class.”
Iwaizumi heard a pen drop and when he glanced at his left, he noticed Kiku looking pale before taking her pen back in her trembling fingers.
“You will be in group of two or three that I will choose–”
Almost everyone started whining at once at this, they were bound to be paired with people they didn't get along with. But when the teacher continued, most people shut up to listen to what he'd say:
“On the other hand, you are free to choose any topic that we will be studying this year. It will be only a ten minutes presentation but I want you to work seriously on it – it will be a fourth of your final mark.”
“No fair!”
“No way!!”
“Stop complaining!” The teacher scolded, hitting lightly the blackboard to bring back attention, “I want your topic by Monday – decide it this weekend and it won't hurt to start working on it as well. I will now give you the pairs and the date you will present your paper. Listen carefully because I won't be repeating.”
He started calling the students' names from a sheet he was reading on. A few minutes went by, some chatting about their temporary paired classmate.
“Akiyama Kiku.” The teacher called, making the girl startle nervously.
At once, all the students who weren't paired with anyone yet glanced worriedly at the girl – of course, no one wanted to be paired with the awkward girl in the back who never talked and even less to have a fourth of their final mark depending on Akiyama when she couldn't speak up in front of anyone. She moved her fingers anxiously while the teacher stared at her before opening his lips to speak up the other name of the person she'd have to work with.
“Iwaizumi Hajime.”
Iwaizumi was yawning in boredom when he heard his name and choked. Everyone else sighed in relief while he stood up abruptly, almost making his chair fall over.
“W-what?” He asked, eyes wide.
“Stop sleeping in class, Iwaizumi-kun – you're paired with Akiyama-san for the paper. You'll present it on Thursday in two weeks. Then…”
The teacher continued while Iwaizumi felt his heart beating a little too strongly as he glanced down at Akiyama. She glanced up at him at the exact time, looking a little relieved to be paired with him but baffled by his earlier reaction.
And I didn't want to think about her anymore…! Oikawa will have the time of his life teasing me now! He thought to himself, flushing in embarrassment and glancing away.
He sat back awkwardly, not daring to glance in Akiyama's direction.
What the hell? Was the only thing he could think of for the rest of the History class.
Once the idea that Akiyama and him would have to work on a History paper together settled in, Iwaizumi didn't really mind. He just hoped she'd be able to speak on her own without too much trouble. And also that she'd choose an interesting subject of paper.
At the end of class, almost all pairs gathered around tables to discuss their papers.
Iwaizumi glanced at Akiyama who was fumbling awkwardly with something around her neck – was it a necklace?
She glanced at him and when she noticed he was staring, she quickly pulled her necklace back behind her uniform ribbon.
“So… uh… you have an idea of paper?” He asked, head resting on his palm.
Akiyama seemed hesitant before opening her History book. She looked for something for a moment until finding a page she had been looking for and finally, turning it towards Iwaizumi.
“W-would i-it… be… a-all right…?” She asked in a low voice, pointing at some samurai from a History lesson about the Edo era.
Overjoyed about working on samurais, Iwaizumi instantly lit up, a huge grin spreading over his face.
“Yeah! I like it! Let's do that!” He exclaimed.
Kiku grinned brightly when he liked the subject, making Hajime take a double take at her face brightened by her smile. He blinked but almost instantly, as fast as it had appeared, the smile had disappeared from her face and she quickly turned away from him.
Some time later, while changing clothes for practice, Iwaizumi mentioned the paper he'd have to work on with Akiyama, making Hanamaki and Matsukawa blink at him in disbelief – Oikawa was sparkling excitedly at another side.
“Uh…? Repeat that?” Hanamaki hesitated, blinking.
“The teacher paired Akiyama and I for a History paper – I'm glad she chose to work on samurais! Never thought she'd like this sort of things though…” Iwaizumi said with a little smile, “I'm going ahead, hurry everyone!” He said with a little wave.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa followed him, staring at his back as he walked off.
“I can't freaking believe it…” Matsukawa muttered, eyes wide.
“Do you think Oikawa paid the teacher to pair them together?” Hanamaki asked in disbelief.
��Nah, it's more like witchcraft…” He answered just as Oikawa waltzed by them proudly.
“It's called fate~” He answered with a wave, “Iwa-chan~! Wait for me~!” He shouted, following his best friend.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa glanced at each other before going to the same conclusion:
“Witchcraft,” they said in one voice with a nod.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Here's the Dirt on Every Beef in Haikyu!!
    Sports anime is about many things: the power of friendship, the want to see your fave on top, but also some good old-fashioned sports rivalries. You don't hate your rival, but they sure get you riled up. You want to do your best to prove yourself, but also you want to prove your worth to them—by beating them at their own game. To that, Haikyu!! is no exception, filled with a great many rivalries that hurt, that heal, that push everyone to do better. In no particular order, here are some of our faves!
  Kageyama vs Hinata
The one that started it all! This rivalry seems to propel the series forward, and despite them working together for four seasons to beat some really powerful teams...they still really annoy each other. Hinata and Kageyama started out on opposite sides of the court, and have kept that mentality despite being mutually beneficial when it's game time. But that's the fun of Haikyu!!, right? They are constantly pushing each other to climb higher, and they probably wouldn't evolve if they weren't butting heads and comparing each other all the time. With Hinata in an especially sour mood now that Kageyama is at a special training camp, it'll be really fun to see what Hinata does to try to get the upper hand. 
Tsukishima vs Hinata
The sun and the moon, which one shines more? Tsukishima has a natural gift being one of the tallest members of Karasuno, but what he has in talent, he lacks in motivation. To him, volleyball is just a game, and games don’t need his full attention or his full effort. It's an attitude that early on can cost him. On the flipside, Hinata doesn’t have the height to give him an advantage, so he has to work twice as hard. Hinata loves volleyball despite the odds. That high energy and enthusiasm is nothing but annoying to Tsukishima, who for the longest time, held himself back. There's also no avoiding Tsukishima's sharp remarks and verbal daggers, which Hinata has no defense for. Spirit's not enough to block a well-timed insult. 
  Hinata vs Ushijima
Not only is Shiratorizawa extremely powerful, but they also consistently sweep the Miyagi competition to go to Nationals. It's not hard to say they're one of the biggest threats in Miyagi, if not more than Seijou. One of the top three spikers in the nation, the powerhouse Ushijima Wakatoshi, has long since believed that results speak for themselves. Ambition without any backing is pointless, and so Hinata challenging him really grinds his gears. Hinata wants to win, and will work as hard as he needs to succeed, and even confronts Ushijima on his own territory. Talk about bold! The battle between them isn’t just about skill, but about ideals, and whether the determination to break through is enough. Force vs force!
  Hinata vs Kenma
Who will become the true dark horse to make their way to the top? Nekoma and Karasuno are fated to fight; the battle of the trash heap has been one building for years. They may be friendly, eventually, only one of them will come out the winner. There are many standout matchups in this fated duality: the polite yet firm annoyance between Kuroo and Sawamura, the mutual tough respect with Tanaka and Taketora, but there’s something brewing between Kenma and Hinata. The two are friendly, but Hinata has the rare privilege of being one of the few people to get Kenma motivated. Kenma's a bit of a slacker; he's the furthest thing from a jock, and he's not very ride or die for the sport. But when he puts in his all, he can outsmart everyone on the court. The brain of Nekoma surely has some tricks up his sleeves. The resulting clash between these cats and crows is sure one to remember.
  Bokuto vs Kuroo
They’re friends, they’re rivals, they’re both maniacs who stay late to practice the sport when everyone else takes a break. Bokuto, as one of the hardest-hitting spikers, is a threat, and Kuroo is one of the few people capable of shutting him down. Bokuto and Kuroo are a fun pair: they play off each other well and are good friends. On the court, they get rid of the formalities and fight to their heart's content. Knowing someone well also means knowing what they're capable of, and neither gives the other a single chance when they get serious. Bokuto has raw power, able to smash the ball all the way into the crowd, but Kuroo's got a sharp brain and some quick defenses. Sword against shield, friend against friend, and only one walks away the winner. 
      Kageyama vs Kindaichi
The King of the Court once had subjects who rebelled against him and toppled his reign. For Kageyama, that betrayal was a wound that still hasn't healed, and the title of King haunts him to this day. Kindaichi and Kunimi still feel that resentment, but are working to be players in their own right. At the same time, there’s still a lot of bitterness there, one that sparks into a conflict. They’re on different sides now, and they have to defeat the other in order for their teams to advance. There's so much missed potential here: they could've been great, but it didn't work out, and everything's turned sour. For now, it isn’t just how they work to defeat each other, but how they all manage to grow away from each other.  
  Kuroo vs Daisho
The two of them clearly have some sort of history. Kuroo is cunning and two-faced (and has no problem making fun of Daisho getting dumped by his girlfriend), but Daisho is cunning and two-faced as well. While Nekoma operates in letting their strategies trip up their opponents, Nohebi relies on their team strength, but through the judge’s goodwill. Daisho knows that the referee is making the calls, and people love a nice and charming young man, don't they? They are model and polite, and sympathy is a weapon that can be wielded to gain the upper hand. Worst of all: it works. We all know the annoyance from seeing that in action! It’s a battle of the brains, who can outwit the other, underhanded tactics galore. 
  Oikawa vs Kageyama
The ultimate showdown of talent vs hard work, of senpai vs kouhai, of setter vs setter. The first two seasons built up to this stellar face-off. Although Kageyama has always looked up to Oikawa’s abilities, Oikawa saw Kageyama’s budding talent as a threat. Their beef isn’t just who deserves to carry their team to Nationals, but who is truly deserving of the title of setter. Building all the way up from middle school, so this rivalry has history. It's an explosion that's been years in the making! Theirs is a heated rivalry, through which we see the true might of a setter, and how it’s up to the conductor to orchestrate the movements on the court. It shouldn't be forgotten that his bad blood runs so deep, Oikawa showed up to the Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa match just out of spite!
       Oikawa vs Ushijima
From the very start, Oikawa has been cornered by two geniuses: his kouhai Kageyama and the insurmountable wall Ushijima. Seijou is plenty of a powerhouse on its own, but that is constantly thrown into doubt with Shiratorizawa’s supremacy. Ushijima, being the same age as Oikawa, is another reminder that genius can often power through effort, that sometimes your all isn't enough. They're both driven, they're both highly devoted to the sport, and they're both true menaces from Miyagi that are out to defeat each other. Oikawa hits hard with his cutesy nicknames and taunts, and Ushijima... he's as frank and polite as ever. They're rivals alright, but it's definitely more one-sided from Oikawa's side. 
  Hinata vs the World
Hinata has a lot to prove. Not only is his height seen constantly as a disadvantage, but he is on a team that is long past their former glory. As a result, nobody expects anything of him and this season, we see that most people see his results as something largely attributed to Kageyama’s help. Hinata may have the spirit, but he needs to prove himself to everyone who doesn't believe in him, to show that he can be as much of a small giant as the legend he's chasing. After all, most of the series tends to be Hinata inadvertently picking fights with people, huh. Show the world what you've got, Hinata!
  What's your favorite rivalry in Haikyu!!? Let us know in the comments!
Noelle Ogawa is a contributor to Bubbleblabber and Cup of Moe. She can be found on Twitter @noelleogawa.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Here's the Dirt on Every Beef in Haikyu!!
    Sports anime is about many things: the power of friendship, the want to see your fave on top, but also some good old-fashioned sports rivalries. You don't hate your rival, but they sure get you riled up. You want to do your best to prove yourself, but also you want to prove your worth to them—by beating them at their own game. To that, Haikyu!! is no exception, filled with a great many rivalries that hurt, that heal, that push everyone to do better. In no particular order, here are some of our faves!
  Kageyama vs Hinata
The one that started it all! This rivalry seems to propel the series forward, and despite them working together for four seasons to beat some really powerful teams...they still really annoy each other. Hinata and Kageyama started out on opposite sides of the court, and have kept that mentality despite being mutually beneficial when it's game time. But that's the fun of Haikyu!!, right? They are constantly pushing each other to climb higher, and they probably wouldn't evolve if they weren't butting heads and comparing each other all the time. With Hinata in an especially sour mood now that Kageyama is at a special training camp, it'll be really fun to see what Hinata does to try to get the upper hand. 
Tsukishima vs Hinata
The sun and the moon, which one shines more? Tsukishima has a natural gift being one of the tallest members of Karasuno, but what he has in talent, he lacks in motivation. To him, volleyball is just a game, and games don’t need his full attention or his full effort. It's an attitude that early on can cost him. On the flipside, Hinata doesn’t have the height to give him an advantage, so he has to work twice as hard. Hinata loves volleyball despite the odds. That high energy and enthusiasm is nothing but annoying to Tsukishima, who for the longest time, held himself back. There's also no avoiding Tsukishima's sharp remarks and verbal daggers, which Hinata has no defense for. Spirit's not enough to block a well-timed insult. 
  Hinata vs Ushijima
Not only is Shiratorizawa extremely powerful, but they also consistently sweep the Miyagi competition to go to Nationals. It's not hard to say they're one of the biggest threats in Miyagi, if not more than Seijou. One of the top three spikers in the nation, the powerhouse Ushijima Wakatoshi, has long since believed that results speak for themselves. Ambition without any backing is pointless, and so Hinata challenging him really grinds his gears. Hinata wants to win, and will work as hard as he needs to succeed, and even confronts Ushijima on his own territory. Talk about bold! The battle between them isn’t just about skill, but about ideals, and whether the determination to break through is enough. Force vs force!
  Hinata vs Kenma
Who will become the true dark horse to make their way to the top? Nekoma and Karasuno are fated to fight; the battle of the trash heap has been one building for years. They may be friendly, eventually, only one of them will come out the winner. There are many standout matchups in this fated duality: the polite yet firm annoyance between Kuroo and Sawamura, the mutual tough respect with Tanaka and Taketora, but there’s something brewing between Kenma and Hinata. The two are friendly, but Hinata has the rare privilege of being one of the few people to get Kenma motivated. Kenma's a bit of a slacker; he's the furthest thing from a jock, and he's not very ride or die for the sport. But when he puts in his all, he can outsmart everyone on the court. The brain of Nekoma surely has some tricks up his sleeves. The resulting clash between these cats and crows is sure one to remember.
  Bokuto vs Kuroo
They’re friends, they’re rivals, they’re both maniacs who stay late to practice the sport when everyone else takes a break. Bokuto, as one of the hardest-hitting spikers, is a threat, and Kuroo is one of the few people capable of shutting him down. Bokuto and Kuroo are a fun pair: they play off each other well and are good friends. On the court, they get rid of the formalities and fight to their heart's content. Knowing someone well also means knowing what they're capable of, and neither gives the other a single chance when they get serious. Bokuto has raw power, able to smash the ball all the way into the crowd, but Kuroo's got a sharp brain and some quick defenses. Sword against shield, friend against friend, and only one walks away the winner. 
      Kageyama vs Kindaichi
The King of the Court once had subjects who rebelled against him and toppled his reign. For Kageyama, that betrayal was a wound that still hasn't healed, and the title of King haunts him to this day. Kindaichi and Kunimi still feel that resentment, but are working to be players in their own right. At the same time, there’s still a lot of bitterness there, one that sparks into a conflict. They’re on different sides now, and they have to defeat the other in order for their teams to advance. There's so much missed potential here: they could've been great, but it didn't work out, and everything's turned sour. For now, it isn’t just how they work to defeat each other, but how they all manage to grow away from each other.  
  Kuroo vs Daisho
The two of them clearly have some sort of history. Kuroo is cunning and two-faced (and has no problem making fun of Daisho getting dumped by his girlfriend), but Daisho is cunning and two-faced as well. While Nekoma operates in letting their strategies trip up their opponents, Nohebi relies on their team strength, but through the judge’s goodwill. Daisho knows that the referee is making the calls, and people love a nice and charming young man, don't they? They are model and polite, and sympathy is a weapon that can be wielded to gain the upper hand. Worst of all: it works. We all know the annoyance from seeing that in action! It’s a battle of the brains, who can outwit the other, underhanded tactics galore. 
  Oikawa vs Kageyama
The ultimate showdown of talent vs hard work, of senpai vs kouhai, of setter vs setter. The first two seasons built up to this stellar face-off. Although Kageyama has always looked up to Oikawa’s abilities, Oikawa saw Kageyama’s budding talent as a threat. Their beef isn’t just who deserves to carry their team to Nationals, but who is truly deserving of the title of setter. Building all the way up from middle school, so this rivalry has history. It's an explosion that's been years in the making! Theirs is a heated rivalry, through which we see the true might of a setter, and how it’s up to the conductor to orchestrate the movements on the court. It shouldn't be forgotten that his bad blood runs so deep, Oikawa showed up to the Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa match just out of spite!
       Oikawa vs Ushijima
From the very start, Oikawa has been cornered by two geniuses: his kouhai Kageyama and the insurmountable wall Ushijima. Seijou is plenty of a powerhouse on its own, but that is constantly thrown into doubt with Shiratorizawa’s supremacy. Ushijima, being the same age as Oikawa, is another reminder that genius can often power through effort, that sometimes your all isn't enough. They're both driven, they're both highly devoted to the sport, and they're both true menaces from Miyagi that are out to defeat each other. Oikawa hits hard with his cutesy nicknames and taunts, and Ushijima... he's as frank and polite as ever. They're rivals alright, but it's definitely more one-sided from Oikawa's side. 
  Hinata vs the World
Hinata has a lot to prove. Not only is his height seen constantly as a disadvantage, but he is on a team that is long past their former glory. As a result, nobody expects anything of him and this season, we see that most people see his results as something largely attributed to Kageyama’s help. Hinata may have the spirit, but he needs to prove himself to everyone who doesn't believe in him, to show that he can be as much of a small giant as the legend he's chasing. After all, most of the series tends to be Hinata inadvertently picking fights with people, huh. Show the world what you've got, Hinata!
  What's your favorite rivalry in Haikyu!!? Let us know in the comments!
Noelle Ogawa is a contributor to Bubbleblabber and Cup of Moe. She can be found on Twitter @noelleogawa.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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