#it was not easy loving clark. but it was worth it!
supurman · 1 month
this is how it felt being a superman fan during bvs + injustice era
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clockwayswrites · 9 months
Like Betta Fish Do - Part 29
WC 2500, Masterpost
A Press of the Button:
An Exclusive Interview with Jason Wayne and Danny Nightingale Following the Infamous New Years Eve Choice
By Clark Kent
“I’m going to throw up.”
I’m sure that I wasn’t supposed to overhear that; it’s not exactly an auspicious start to an interview. Here inside of Wayne Manor’s stately halls the noise of the crowd of press outside of the gate has fallen away and the words from the other side of the door are clear. The voice isn’t one that I recognize, so I place it as the young man at the center of the event: Daniel Nightingale.
“Danny, please, I’ve never liked Daniel,” he’ll introduce himself to me once I’m inside the sitting room. Jason Todd is at his boyfriend’s side, looming like an avenging angel. Or, since we’re in Gotham, a very large bat.
When I was assigned the interview, I hadn’t been sure where it would be held. As readers may know, Jason Todd hasn’t lived at the Manor since his miraculous return from the dead. There were, as he said, too many memories in the Manor for him to return. At the time he had still been struggling to overcome the unfortunate amnesia that he had suffered during his brutal abduction as a teenager.
Whatever trauma is still lingering, it’s clear that both young men are taking comfort being in the manor. The proverbial wagons have been circled inside of the family home. Even cleaned up the sitting room shows signs of a rotation cast of family keeping the pair company: a plethora of blankets, stacked board games, feel-good food, and, of all things, a plush trilobite.
As we take our seats, Danny leans unconsciously into Jason’s space like a flower to the sun. His nerves are clear in the way that his fingers fidget restlessly with the edge of his sleeves. The red sweater is far too large for him and hangs off of one thin shoulder. I have to guess that it’s Jason’s sweater and worn today for comfort. I doubt anyone could blame Danny seeking comfort wherever he can find it.
Less than a week ago Danny was abducted from the Wayne’s New Years Eve party by a Gotham villain known as Two Face. The villain came into being after Harvey Dent, a district attorney in Gotham, was traumatically exposed to a toxic chemical. (More about Two Face can be read in the article ‘A Flip of a Coin’.) Danny had been taken off site while a handful of party goers were strapped to an explosive device.
Presented with the horrifying choice between his boyfriend or his father and youngest brother, Jason had pressed the red button connected to Danny’s trap.
Danny Nightingale had been electrocuted to death.
And survived.
It’s the perfect sort of awful story to capture the attention of the public and press alike, and it’s the reason that I’m at Wayne Manor now.
Hoping to make Danny feel more settled, I start off with some pleasantries before going in with a soft question. How is he doing with all the attention that the event has been getting? It must be overwhelming.
Danny glances towards the front of the house where outside lies the front yard, the protective gate, and the press. “It is. I feel like I’m still getting used to living in a city as big as Gotham, so all of this suddenly… yeah, it’s a lot.”
Danny grew up in a much smaller city in central Illinois called Amity Park. He moved to Gotham in the late summer of last year to continue his education at Gotham University. It’s a change that he describes as good, even as overwhelming as it is.
“Gotham has been surprisingly easy to fall in love with. I can see why Gothamites are so protective of the city,” Danny explains with the first hint of a smile on his face that I’ve seen since I came through the doors.
When I ask him if he hopes to stay in Gotham long term, Danny glances at Jason and blushes faintly. “I’d like to, if I can find work. There’s a lot here worth staying for and the city is just part of that.”
The words cause the first blush I’ve seen on Jason’s cheeks since he was new to the Wayne family and a little overwhelmed himself. Clearly Jason is one of the things worth staying for.
We talk a little about how Danny likes the Wayne family. He admits that he’s still getting to know them. He’d only been introduced to most of the family at the end of last year, right before finals. Already, though, there are stories to be told about board games and good food. Beyond the Waynes, Danny has someone else very important in Gotham.
“Your sister is in town, isn’t she?” I ask. “I imagine having her here during this has been nice.”
“It is. I was actually supposed to go and see her after New Years, but obviously…” Danny clears his throat and Jason takes one of Danny’s hands in his. Danny instantly relaxes into Jason’s side. “But yeah, having her here is really nice.”
“I take it you two are close then?”
“She was my anchor growing up,” Danny says with a little smile that’s tinged with sadness. “I wish she hadn’t had to be. Now that I’m older I know how unfair that was to her, but I’m so lucky that she did. She could so easily resent me for it, but she doesn’t at all. It makes it really easy to love her.”
“Not that it’s hard,” Jason adds with a chuckle. “I think her and Dick have already made an oldest sibling club and Damian thinks both Nightingales hung the moon, I swear.”
“Speaking of Nightingale, that isn’t your original last name, is it?”
It’s been an item of note in the recent write ups on Danny that both of the siblings had changed their last name to Nightingale from their birth name of Fenton. Their parents, doctors both, still go by Fenton. In Gotham, at least, the Doctor Fentons would be described as mad scientists. The so-called ‘ectobiologists’ have made their life a study of ghosts. In Amity Park, ‘the most haunted town in America’, they’re just part of the atmosphere.
Danny sighs and glances away. “No. Jazz and I both changed our last names when we turned eighteen. Jazz had wanted me to change it and go with her when she turned eighteen, but she had this great scholarship for college and she’d taken care of me enough. I couldn’t put that on her too, so I refused to until I was eighteen.”
“So you didn’t actually emancipate yourself?”
“Nope. One day late for that. But I moved out the same day I changed my name.”
“How did your parents take that?”
A wry smile twists Danny’s lips. “They didn’t notice until months later when the lab had gotten too dirty.”
“The lab?”
“It was one of my chores to clean it; another thing that I get was messed up now that I’m older and away from there. We, um, think that it was my exposure to all those chemicals that made me a meta.”
By all accounts, Danny’s meta status is how he survived the electrocution. It’s a label that he looks slightly uncomfortable with.
“It’s not that I mind being a meta,” he’s quick to assure me. “It’s just that… what actually made me one was an accident in the lab. I was electrocuted.” He raises his left arm up. The overly large red sleeve pools down to reveal a branching network of faint silver scars tracing his skin. “It’s hard right now to think back to it, after what happened. I really didn’t know if I would survive… either time. I’m lucky that all I have are scars.”
“But you thought that you might survive.”
“I did,” Danny says with a little shrug. He seems almost at ease with that question, unlike Jason.
Jason has to take a moment to press a kiss to Danny’s temple.
���After the first time I was electrocuted,” Danny explains, “I became a little more resistant to electricity— little shocks and things. It’s not like I ever tested it out with anything big. I guess it was just a feeling I had.”
When I ask Danny if he’s alright to talk about the night of the party he looks stressed by the idea but still gives a little nod. As he points out, it is why I’m there.
“I was getting some fresh air,” Danny explains. He’s picking at the sweater again. “The night was really lovely, but it’s just not the sort of thing I’m used to, you know? So I just wanted a moment to gather myself. I guess… I guess they were already watching me, because they knocked me out before I even really knew they were there.
“I woke up strapped to a metal chair. They’d taken my shoes and socks off. I couldn't understand why, but then,” Danny has to pause here and take a moment. Jason pulls him closer. “Then I noticed that my feet were in water and there was a wire in the water too. The wire wasn’t live but it’s… I mean it wasn’t hard to put it all together.”
“That must have been terrifying.”
“Yeah.” Danny looks over at the windows and the gray winter day beyond them. “I didn’t know who had taken me or why. I could hear some people close, talking about waiting for a signal, but it wasn’t much. When my eyes adjusted I could see a camera on a tripod and a laptop. I didn’t know what was going on, not until it turned on.
“Two Face was on it. I guess you know I’m not a native Gothamite that it took me a moment to recognize him,” Danny said with a weak laugh. “He explained what he was doing.”
I ask Danny what his first thought was when hearing the plan.
“Worry for Jason. Which I know sounds insane, but I guess… I guess I had already accepted the circumstance I was in. I just didn’t want Jason to have to go through that choice.”
“And then Jason was on the screen.”
“Jason, what were you feeling at seeing Danny on the television?”
“What do you think?” Jason asks, frustration lacing through his voice. “I was pissed off. I was scared. I was… I hated myself.”
“Because Danny was only in that situation because he was dating a Wayne. Because he was dating me. And there he was, a few seconds from death, bleeding, and… and telling me that he loved me.”
While Danny sounds almost detached talking about it, possibly a coping mechanism, Jason sounds like every wound is still fresh. It paints a terrifying picture of what it’s like to be the one to die versus the one who presses the button.
I turn back to Danny. “You said something to Jason in the video after that. There's been a great deal of debate about your words. Do you feel alright discussing them.”
Danny nods. I read out the quote: You know what you have to do, don’t you?
“Danny, what did you mean?”
“That Jason had to press my button,” Danny says with surprising ease. It’s clear that the order was one that he still stands by.
I ask about that certainty.
Danny gives a little shrug. He tucks himself back further under Jason’s arm, but I'm certain that the move is more for Jason’s comfort. “It was me or a group of other people. That would have been enough. I would never put myself first like that, but then you add in Damian and Bruce being part of that group? I couldn’t ask Jason to choose me over his family and Jason knows I wouldn’t.”
What about the chance of survival?
“Jason and I had talked about my accident before. Death… it’s something we both get, you know? So we both knew that there could be a chance of me surviving, but there was never any guarantee.”
“Are you going on record that you told Jason to press the button, knowing it could kill you?”
And how did that insistence make Jason feel? Right then it seems all Jason can do is curl up around Danny, as if he can shield him from the past.
“Fucking horrible. Danny just looked at the whole situation and made the choice for me. I don’t know, maybe I should think that was freeing, but I still had to press the button.”
I point out that he could have made the other choice and he just shakes his head. “And make Danny live with that? He had made his choice. He didn’t want to trade his life for theirs. I hated it, but what sort of person would I have been if I didn’t let Danny take control of his own life? I knew I wouldn’t be able to live with either choice, so at least… at least I could listen to Danny.”
So Jason had pressed the button, Danny had been electrocuted (he refused to speak on the experience), and Jason had attacked Two Face. The man had ended up with a broken jaw and fractures in the orbital rim. It was while Jason had been sobbing in his father’s arms that they had gotten the word from one of Gotham’s local heroes: Danny was still alive.
“What did I feel? Hope,” Jason said with an almost despairing laugh. “I don’t… hope and I don't do well these days, but I felt hope. I don’t know if I believed it until I was actually holding his hands.”
“I was a little out of it when they got there,” Danny admits, which seems more than fair considering everyone else would have been dead. “But I’m so grateful to Nightwing and the paramedics taking care of me and letting me see Jason before the hospital. I really… I really needed him right then.”
And now?
“I’d like to say that I’m alright, but,” Danny shrugs, “it’s a lot to go through. But I know I’ll be alright. Jason and his family are amazing and I have Jazz here. I’ll keep healing, physically and mentally, and so will Jason. I know the internet has a lot to say about it all, but I think they need to understand that this turned out the best way that it could have.”
Jason kisses Danny’s temple again with a slight smile. He seems to be in agreement with everything his boyfriend said.
“I suppose I have just one more question,” I say after a moment of looking over my notes. “Why do you call Danny ‘fish’?”
I don’t get an answer, but maybe hearing those two able to laugh so soon after such a traumatic event is better than a story.
AN: *flops dramatically* darlings, this chapter is finally done! Thank you to @chromatographic and @mokulule for cheer/beta reading for me. This one was really hard to write since it's out of the normal style wise for me, but it felt like the best way to tell the story right there.
I hope you enjoy it!
I no longer tag, you can subscribe at the masterpost!
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general-fanfiction · 1 year
Hopes And Fears. (Wally Clark x Reader)
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Summary: Y/N’s death is traumatic. So traumatic in fact, she can’t even look at Wally without reliving what happened to her.
Word Count: 3,073
Gif Not Mine. Requests are open!
Warnings: Violence, Swear Words, Hints Of Rape?
I’m not too sure how I feel about this to be honest but it’s my first fic since coming back and I would love to write for Wally more so please send requests! I might continue with this if people like it, I’m not sure yet though.
“Homecoming game tonight. Are you nervous?”
Closing my locker, I look to my left to see Abby, my best friend since elementary school. We’re inseparable. People find it odd that we look like we are complete opposites and yet we are the platonic loves of each other's lives. She’s a very loud and extroverted theater kid, I’m quiet, shy and introverted. Though in a weird turn of events, I became head cheerleader. Kind of ironic right?
“I’m not too worried. We’ve been rehearsing everyday, sometimes twice a day. I think we might actually have our best routine yet, I just hope we can pull it off.”
“You’ll be great, you always are. Besides I heard Spencer is going to ask you to be his date for homecoming.”
Abby’s words catch me off guard. Spencer is the Split River High quarterback. While typically the head cheerleader and quarterback are perfect for each other, I’m way below his level that the thought of us being together is ridiculous. I couldn’t even imagine it, that’s how ludicrous the idea of us is. Not that I would complain, Spencer is model level attractive, an academic genius and of course, insanely popular. Any girl would die to be his homecoming date. Me included.
“Don’t be stupid.” The blush on my cheeks is a vibrant red as I speak, leaning against my locker with my books clenched against my chest.
“I’m being serious. Some of the other football guys were talking about it in study hall. Apparently he’s got some sort of big surprise planned.”
Her grin is wide, clearly happy for me, though I can’t match it. I still don’t believe it, that sort of thing does not happen to girls like me. Guys aren’t interested in girls like me. That’s just the way high school works, maybe I’ll blossom when I head off to college at the end of this year but for now, guys keep their distance. My mom always told me that high school guys like girls that are easy and that because I know my worth, guys don’t even attempt it. I’ve always hated that idea though. If nothing else but for the slightly sexist and anti-feminist ideals that it pushes.
“Not to alarm you Y/N but he’s walking down the hallway.” Abby tells me, grabbing my forearm tightly, obviously excited. “I think he’s headed this way so that’s my cue. Have fun, text me all the details!”
With that she scurries away, flashing me a cheesy smile over her shoulder as she speeds down the hallway. Almost bumping into several other students as she does so. I laugh slightly, always entertained by her antics before hearing the metal of the locker next to me clang at the sound of somebody leaning against it.
“Mind if I steal you for a second Y/N?”
Spencer’s voice is charming and smooth, a relaxed smirk on his face as he stares down at me. His eyes are intoxicating and I feel as though I’m drowning in them. There’s no way Abby could be right. God, if she is I’ll never hear the end of it. Maybe I could live with that though, especially if it does result in Spencer potentially being my boyfriend.
“Sure, yeah, okay.”
Spencer’s smirk grows wider, and as he leans in to take my hand in his, I catch a whiff of his cologne. A dark musk that matches the darkness of his eyes and hair perfectly, it takes everything in me not to collapse right then and there. My senses are completely heightened and I can feel the roughness of his hand against my palm. The butterflies in my stomach make me feel as though I’m about to explode from my nerves and before I know it we’ve made our way to the old block of showers that were closed in 2004, following an incident involving an inappropriate relationship between a student and gym coach. New showers were remodeled and these were left to decay.
Spencer takes my books out of my hands, placing them on the bench that sits in the center of the room before turning to face me. His hand gently cups my cheek and although his smile is soft and loving. His eyes hold a mischievous glint. Without saying anything he leans down to kiss me, unprepared and a little shocked I step backwards.
“I didn’t know you wanted to kiss me. I didn’t even know you liked me.” I tell him, shuffling backwards again as he continues to approach me.
“Everybody likes you. I’ve just been wanting to save this for a special occasion, and what better time than homecoming?”
With my back pressed against the wall, a soft smile forms on my face as he cages me in. Though it doesn’t feel threatening, it feels new and exciting and my insides are on fire waiting to see what happens. I feel as though I finally understand what the cringey teen movies are talking about when they discuss sex and love and passion.
“I really like you Spencer.” I whisper, voice barely audible, gazing up at him through my lashes.
He laughs, pushing his hair out of his face before leaning down once again. This time his lips do touch mine and it’s nothing like I imagined. He’s rough, hands moving down to grab my breasts , almost painfully. The softness from before clearly disappeared. As much as it is a dream come true to be making out with the guy of my dreams, I’m still disappointed that this is how my first kiss turned out. His tongue forces its way into my mouth and its uncomfortable, I know this isn’t how it is supposed to go. As I try to pull away, to allow myself some air, his hand grips my throat, holding me in place. Continuing his almost aggressive movements.
“Yo Spence, did you get the bitch?”
Finally, he pulls away. I manage to take in some air despite his hand still wrapped around my neck. He’s looking over his shoulder, nodding his head. The rest of the football team stands in the doorway, menacing looks on their faces as they see me in such a vulnerable position. I hear the click of the door lock, and the butterflies in my stomach don’t feel so good anymore. The energy in the room shifts to one of darkness and evil, no trace of kindness and love.
Spencer looks at me, and for the first time in my life, I fear for my safety. This is not the same guy that I was obsessed with. There is no sign of human emotion on his face, no sympathy or pity. Gripping his hand to try and pry it away from my throat, I feel the tears begin to prick in the corners of my eyes and upon seeing my reaction, he smiles. My pain is his pleasure. Despite my attempts at removing his hand, his grip only gets tighter and I’m pushed further against the wall.
“Let’s have some fun boys.”
A dull ache radiates through my body, pushing through the pain, I force myself to stand up. Staring at the room around me, I wonder if I was dreaming. However, with no sign of my books on the bench, I take that as confirmation that what I experienced did truly happen. Blood splatters the walls and floor but with no sign of injury on my body, I refuse to believe it’s mine. Sure, what happened was bad, but not that bad.
Not wanting to stay in this room any longer, I quickly make my way to the exit, pushing open the door with more force than necessary causing it to slam against the outside wall. Making the shy looking boy who happens to be standing outside jump. I smile apologetically, about to make my way past him when I notice what he’s wearing. Clad in double denim with round glasses, he looks straight out of Friends.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to come in because I thought you might feel kind of exposed but I wanted to introduce myself.” He says quietly, holding out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Charlie.”
Shifting my gaze between his hand and his face, my mind can’t really comprehend what is happening. Why am I suddenly meeting someone new? By the old shower block of all places, especially after what has just happened to me. The confusion on my face must be obvious as he smiles before revoking his hand.
“You haven’t worked it out yet have you?” He asks, almost as though he doesn’t want to push me.
“You’re dead, cherry pop.”
Looking to my right, I spot a girl sat against the wall, blue lollipop between her lips that has stained them ever so slightly. Wearing a black turtleneck with a matching cap and pinstripe pants, she’s the kind of girl that would intimidate me had I seen her walking down the street. Who am I kidding? She still intimidates me.
“Rhonda, Mr Martin told us to be gentle with her!”
“I’m sorry, I actually have somewhere to be but you two look great.” I tell them, beginning to walk away and head towards the main school building.
“Did you not hear me? You’re dead, you don’t have anywhere to be.” The girl, I’m assuming Rhonda, shouts after me, causing me to stop in my tracks.
“Look I don’t know what sort of joke this is, but it’s not funny. Seriously, go find some other kid to pick on.”
As I walk into the school building, I begin my mission of searching for Abby, hoping I can find her in the auditorium or even the costume department. My search doesn’t take too long, as my assumptions proved correct. She is sitting on the stage, the theater club’s newest script in one hand and her phone in the other. Our text thread open on her screen, as I sit myself beside her, she doesn’t even acknowledge me, eyes flicking between her phone and the script.
“Abby, I need to tell you something but you have to swear you will not tell anyone.”
She completely ignores me, flipping the page of her script. Its as if I’m invisible to her, a joke that isn’t funny. Waving my hand in front of her face in an attempt to get her attention also proves futile as she doesn’t even look up. Glancing at her phone I notice she’s messaged me multiple times asking me of my whereabouts, telling me she’s seen Spencer but she didn’t see me with him, asking me if I am his homecoming date.
“Abby, seriously? This is important, your show can wait.”
“She can’t hear you.” Charlie says, him and Rhonda standing in front of me, arms resting on the edge of the stage. “Or see you, we’re invisible to them. Nothing you do is going to change that.”
“I don’t get it, why isn’t she answering me?” I ask, panic starting to set it as I grow more and more confused at my situation.
“Oh my god, do I really have to tell you again? Are you that fucking stupid? You’re dead. D-E-A-D. Deceased. Not living.” Rhonda speaks slowly, using a voice you would use for a child.
“I can’t be dead. There’s no way, it’s just not possible.”
“Yeah it takes some getting used to, but we’re all friends and you’ll come to terms with it soon enough. Mr Martin’s support group helps too.” Charlie tells me, smiling encouragingly as I watch Abby walk away with some of the other theater kids.
“Support group?” I ask, hopping off the stage to stand with the only two people that can see me.
“Come on, we’ll take you.” Rhonda states, almost as if it's more of a chore and not like she offered to take me.
Sitting in a circle with the rest of the group, I can’t help my heart racing as I spot the football player sitting amongst everyone. He reminds me of Spencer and that’s what makes me nervous, or maybe it’s just the fact that he plays football. Either way I can’t help but feel on edge, hence why I placed myself in the furthest seat from him.
As I take in the rest of the room, I notice the basketball team playing further down the court. Not aware of the existence of the group of ghosts sat in a circle like they’re in an AA meeting. It feels so surreal, almost like an intricate nightmare that I will wake up from at any moment. Yet everything I’ve seen so far has been pretty real.
“We have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?” The only teacher, who I am guessing is Mr Martin asks, as I feel all eyes divert their attention towards me.
The football player has a gentle aura around him, smiling at me as he waits for an answer to Mr Martin’s question. I look away quickly, unable to face the feelings of sickness in my stomach that I get when I look at him.
“I’m Y/N.”
The group mumbles a chorus of welcomes as I stare at the floor, still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I am actually dead.
“It’s hard at first, but I’m grateful that you decided to give the group a shot. It helps us all to move forward instead of focusing on our deaths and the past.” Mr Martin tells me, offering a look of sympathy. “Charlie, Rhonda, thank you for being Y/N’s guide, I’m sure it was very helpful.”
“So how did you die? In the old showers clearly, but that’s gotta be an interesting story right?” Rhonda asks, her eyes piercing into me as she places the lollipop back between her lips.
“Rhonda, you can’t just ask people that. Let her get used to us at least.”
His voice startles me, it’s as gentle as his aura. Soft and ever so charming. The protection in his tone is obvious as though he doesn’t wanna frighten me away and I glance at him for a moment. His football shirt sits perfectly against his toned chest and a gold chain hangs delicately from his neck. He’s beautiful. Truly beautiful.
“I’m Wally by the way, Wally Clark.” His voice is directed at me, staring at me intently.
At that moment, I can’t help but be transported back to before. Remembering my screams and pleads for them to stop. Praying someone would hear me and come to my rescue. They never did. They never stopped.
Jumping up from my chair, I feel myself getting worked up as I sprint out of the room. Terrified of reliving the past. Finding myself in an abandoned hallway, I slide against the wall until I’m sitting on the cold linoleum floor. Staring at the lockers as I try to calm my breathing.
“Hey, hey, are you okay?” Charlie asks, crouching in front of me with a concerned expression on his face. “Wally’s shitting himself thinking he did something wrong. I told him to hang back while I spoke to you.”
I let the tears fall down my face as I stare up at Charlie, feeling guilty that I’ve potentially upset an innocent boy because of my own trauma. I can’t go back to the group, I know I can’t. It would be in the best interests of every other ghost if I do my best to simply avoid Wally. That way nobody gets hurt.
“I’m sorry Charlie. I can’t do it, I can’t go back to the group. I can’t see him in that fucking uniform. I just can’t, I’m sorry.” My sobs are uncontrollable and I feel bad even just for putting Charlie through this when he’s known me for all of two hours.
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Is it the uniform, we can get him to change I’m sure, I know it’s not the best look but it is all he had since he died in his shoulder pads and all.”
I can’t help but let out a small laugh, wiping the tears from my face with the sleeves of my jumper. Charlie offers me his hand to help me stand up which I take graciously. He places a hand on my shoulder as a sign of encouragement, along with a gentle smile.
“I mean it Charlie. I can’t go back to the group. I don’t want to relive the memories.”
“She’s adamant she’s not coming back.” Charlie tells the group, all of them awaiting the answers he has for them as to why the new girl ran away. “I don’t think it’s anything personal Wally but she said she can’t see you in that uniform and I think she may have had something happen regarding the football players. I don't wanna speculate though.”
“So, what? Her footballer boyfriend cheated on her and now she can’t look at poor, innocent Wally because it reminds her of him?” Rhonda asks, unimpressed by the lack of answers Charlie has.
“No, I think it’s something more than that. Something deeper. I’m sure she’ll tell us when she’s ready but for now, I would stop wearing the uniform Wally.”
The footballer didn’t need to be told twice, he instantly pulls the shirt over his head leaving him in only a tight, white tank top. Charlie smiles in appreciation, while Rhonda scoffs slightly upon seeing his muscular arms.
“Okay, so I’ve ditched the uniform, should I apologize or what?” Wally asks, looking at the group to gauge their reactions.
“Maybe now isn’t a good time Wally.” Mr Martin states, trying to think rationally. “I’d give it a day or so.”
“Or maybe just leave her alone for a while. Let her come out of her shell a bit first.” Charlie interjects.
“Yeah, let's not hurt cherry pop’s feelings.” Rhonda replies sarcastically, staring directly at Charlie.
As the rest of the group session continues, Wally stays silent, playing with the football uniform in his hands as he attempts to figure out different ways to apologize. To help her feel more at home in her new life, and potentially help her overcome the trauma of her death. Despite not managing to come up with a good idea, he does decide one thing. He will do whatever it takes to make her feel safe and become her friend.
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writing-ca-ira · 1 year
DC various x Reader
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Just some of my favs and what I think their first dances at their wedding would be like. What song they would choose, if they’d cry or not, etc.
Reader is gender neutral.
Contains: wedding dances, romantic relationship between character and reader, a shit ton of fluffy mushy thoughts, DC men are allowed to cry because yes.
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Clark Kent — Easy choice; Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. I can imagine this song being Jonathan and Martha Kent’s song when they got married. He has a 60% chance of crying; 70% if he catches a glimpse of Ma and Pa holding hands, softly singing the lyrics to each other. There’s also a game that wedding DJs will sometimes do to see which guests have been married the longest (if you aren’t familiar, they’ll call up all of the married guests to dance, and they’ll periodically say, “if you’ve been married for X amount of years, sit down.”), so I can imagine At Last by Etta James beginning to play after your first dance, and you and Clark would be smiling as you watch the last couple standing; Jonathan and Martha Kent.
Bruce Wayne — Just Breathe by Pearl Jam, and he’s 100% crying. That’s what happens when you make eye contact with a misty-eyed Alfred. He wouldn’t do any fancy spinning or dipping with you because he’s too busy holding you close (both to hide the fact that he’s crying and because he never wants to let go). Other songs that may start playing afterwards range from Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings and Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (a surprise for the both of you). Also, a picture of your first dance may or may not end up on the cover of some tabloid magazine, despite any of your efforts to keep your wedding from the public’s eye.
Hal Jordan — No one was surprised to hear Stand By Me by Ben E. King start playing for your first dance. However, what they were surprised by was how watery Hal’s eyes were. He has a 50% chance of crying during your first dance, though he’d cover it up by laughing as he let you goofily twirl him around. The last minute or so would just be you two with your arms around each other, foreheads touching, eyes filled with love and adoration for each other… and then the beginning of Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey would cause you two to collapse into each other with fond laughter. Expect to see Hal absolutely shred the air guitar.
Dick Grayson — You’d probably have to get through a few ABBA songs before your first dance (because Dick is The Dancing Queen™), but it’s worth it when All of Me by John Legend starts up. I’d love to think that the two of you have slow-danced to this song under the stars as a date, so of course you two would agree on this song. Has a 75% chance of crying (despite crying earlier during the actual ceremony) because you’re just so stunning to him while you sway in each other’s arms. He’d probably want a more upbeat song to play afterwards, like La Da Dee by Cody Simpson or Sugar by Maroon 5, and he’ll absolutely dramatically sing the lyrics to you.
Jason Todd — A lot about your wedding may differ depending on if Jason is comfortable with an actual ceremony or not, but one thing that stays consistent is Falling Like the Stars by James Arthur as your first dance song. He’d probably have a 30% chance of crying in front of other people, but if your wedding something more private, that number easily spikes up to 80%. Be prepared to be held tight against him. Heck, he might not let you go even after the song ends. If you have a traditional wedding, he’d have an arm around you as the two of you sit down and watch everyone else dance to Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.
Tim Drake — I can see First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes being your song. Tim’s not exactly a dancer, so it may be the two of you just swaying back and forth, but he’d gladly let a spin or two happen if it makes your face light up. The odds of him crying are pretty low at 25%, meaning the most you’ll probably see is the slightest shimmer in his eyes (but Cassie, Bart, Kon, and Dick are 100% in shambles as you two dance). He’ll stare at you with complete adoration, contempt with just being with you, along with a giant smile gracing his lips for the duration of your dance. Something punk-rock/emo like Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down by Fallout Boy has to be the follow-up song. I don’t make the rules.
Wally West — Because I imagine your first date being a Disney movie marathon, Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John fits perfectly. He’d probably hum the melody while bringing your foreheads together, eyes sparkling if you hum along with him. Be prepared to be twirled or dipped unexpectedly (he loves catching you by surprise). I’d say there’s a 50% chance of him crying, since he might be able to hold it together until something preppier plays like Shut Up and Dance by WALK THE MOON (and yes, much like Dick, he’ll dramatically sing the lyrics to you). You two will do so many goofy dance moves together, I can guarantee it.
Victor Stone — “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is an underrated movie date idea, which is why I declare your first dance song to be Moon River by Audrey Hepburn. Slow dancing with Vic is so soft; he’ll gently sway with you and hold you so delicately. Not a big crier, so you’re at a 40% chance of that, but it’ll easily jump up to 60% if you rest your head against his shoulder or chest. Afterwards, I can totally see something like Without You by David Guetta playing. The energy on the dance floor would go from 0 to 100 when the chorus hits, everyone jumping on the dance floor like it’s a concert, while you and Vic spin each other around with warm laughter.
Kara Danvers — A few Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson songs later, you’d find yourselves dancing to Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers. It’s a classic, and I can totally see you two having your first kiss at an ice cream parlor with this playing in the background. I’d say there’s a 45% chance of you seeing happy tears in Kara’s eyes. There’d be a big smile on her face as she let you spin her, your arms wrapping around each other. And of course Teenage Dream by Katy Perry plays afterwards. Clark will come up to you two with a teary congratulations, and you’ll start doing a goofy three-way dance, and that somehow evolves into a giant conga line with Clark in the lead.
Jaime Reyes — I have this feeling that Jaime gets really insecure about himself, so Corazón Sin Cara by Prince Royce is the natural choice. It’s a reminder that you’ll love him as he is, just as he’ll love you as you are. While there’s a 60% of him full-on crying, there’s a 100% chance of him getting teary-eyed at the lyric, “solo sé que yo te quiero así” (I only know that I love you like this). He’s big on hand holding — he loves to rub his thumb over the back of your hand — so he’ll have at least one of your hands in his through the entire dance. After Royce fades out, I can see either Kiss You by One Direction playing, or Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (you both forgot about the conversation you had about how funny Rick Rolling your guests would be… effectively Rick Rolling yourselves).
Zatanna Zatara — Like I’m Gonna Loose You by Meghan Trainor has that swing sound that Zee loves to dance to. She’d get a little playful with dips and spins, but that’s only to cover up the fact that she’s at a 75% of crying; you can tell by her breathy chuckles as she rests her head against your shoulder. I think it would be really cute if she did a spell to make the air sparkle like fireflies around you two near the beginning of the song. And she’ll definitely whisper an I love you backwards to you, something I’m sure you’d be familiar with in your relationship. Also, Magic by B.o.B was suggested by you as a joke, but Zatanna was like, “that’s actually so good,” so that’s the song playing afterwards. Whoops.
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Kiss Me First
summary: you keep a student after class to work on their late english homework, but coach teague wants his star quarterback at practice
paring: jason teague x female teacher!reader
rating: R for language
word count: 0.9k
warnings: reader’s last name is smith (simply because it looks better than ‘miss.y/l/n’), absolutely no spoilers for smallville so if you haven’t watched it that’s okay
author’s note: just some jason teague fluff because i haven’t seen any on here and that makes me sad
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Being the 12th grade English teacher and dating the football coach had quite a few perks - a quiet office to make out in, carpooling to and from the school, and most of all getting to spend so much quality time together. But, you and Jason butted heads when it came to the importance of actual school. Jason insisted that his football players didn’t need great grades, they should focus on the sport instead. Obviously, you disagreed. So, that ended you here; a student of yours, Clark Kent, had four late assignments. Instead of giving him four poor grades, you offered he could make it up by working on the assignments after class. He agreed and was now thirty minutes late to football practice.
“Y/n! You’re the teacher keeping Clark after class?” Jason asked when he walked into the classroom. “He’s the quarterback for fuck’s sake!”
“First off, we’re on school property and there’s a student in the room; watch your language. Second, hello honey, how’s your day going?” You smiled, not looking away from the papers you were grading.
Jason sighed and rolled his eyes, “My day’s going fine,” he grumbled. “Especially lunch, whew! God, the most beautiful woman surprised me in my office and we-”
“Okay!” You turned on your chair and looked at him, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“I knew that would get your attention,” he replied and walked up to your desk. “Seriously, though, can Clark please come to practice?”
“Jason! C’mon the kid’s gonna fail this class!”
“I’m gonna fail?” Clark exclaimed from the desk he sat at near the back of the room.
“You will if you keep this up!” you replied. “Football is not as important as grades, Mr.Kent.”
“Don’t listen to Miss Smith here.” Jason shook his head. “Football is way more important than any English paper.”
You groaned loudly and put your face in your hands. “You’re an idiot Coach Teague. And I’m not forcing Clark to be here. I’m grading three week’s worth of homework over the weekend, if he doesn’t get these assignments in by the time I leave here, it’s an automatic zero. Shouldn’t take him more than two hours overall.”
“Please?” Jason pouted. He bent down and kissed you. “We’ve got a big game next week, the team needs to practice as a team!”
“Jason, I love you, but I can’t in good conscience let this kid fail my class this semester!”
“I love you more,” he mumbled and kissed you again.
He turned to walk back out but you gripped his hand and stopped him.
“Clark, I’ll give you another extension for these assignments,” you told him, Jason smiled widely.
“Thank you, Miss Smith,” Clark replied before throwing his things in his backpack.
“They’ll be due Monday, okay?” you asked, he nodded and thanked you again before leaving the room.
“Thanks, hun,” Jason said. He once again turned to leave but again you stopped him.
“Oh, don’t think for a second you’re getting off that easy, mister!”
“Sweetheart, I love you but I really gotta go!”
“Kiss me first?” you asked, flashing puppy dog eyes that made it impossible for him to say no. He pulled you to your feet and kissed you; your hands roaming up his chest and resting on the back of his neck as your fingers played with his hair.
“God, I love you so fucking much!” he whispered against your lips. “So goddamn much!” His hands roamed down your back and rested on your ass, squeezing it gently. “You’ve got such a perfect ass, honey, anyone ever tell you that?”
“Yeah this one guy keeps telling me!”
“Yeah, he’s got these beautiful green eyes that turn into a shade of brown when the lighting is dim, an adorable nose, and an array of freckles painting his overall perfect face.”
“Painting? You really are a writer,” he mumbled and kept kissing you so you couldn’t protest his comment.
“God he’s got the most perfect lips, too!” you smiled. “They’re perpetually this gorgeous shade of musty pink-”
“Are you gonna keep talking or can we make-out properly?”
“Don’t even get me started on that voice of his, good fucking lord!” You kissed down his neck then back up to his cheek. “And when he smiles he gets these little eye-wrinkles right here.” You kissed his eye wrinkles as his smile deepened.
“Okay, now you’re making me blush sweetheart.”
“Awe, are you worried all your big, tough athletes out there are gonna see you all smiling and blushing?” You teased him.
“Nah, they all know you make me crazy,” he said quietly and kissed you again. “I really better go before they come looking for me though.”
“Mkay, I love you,” you replied as he broke away.
“I love you too, and I’ll be back here to take you home in,” he checked his watch as he walked toward the door, “one hour and twenty-four minutes.” He smirked and pointed at you as he entered the hallway and said, “I love you!” With that he jogged away.
The realization slowly set in that you really let Clark walk out when he was nearly one month behind on homework.
“God fucking damn it,” you groaned and you slumped back down into your chair; shaking your head with a slight smile.
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thevindicativevordan · 2 months
My Adventures With Superman: S2 Review
Another season down and it's time to take stock. SPOILERS BELOW!
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My feelings fresh off the finale has me just as high on the show as I was last season. MAWS continues to be the best adaption of Superman since the Donner films. Furthermore I've realized that MAWS is extremely close to what the original Ultimate Marvel was. Everything in the 1610 universe ultimately came back to the Super Soldier Serum. Here everything connects to Krypton: all the villains in some way tie into it, Superman and Supergirl obviously are it's Last Children, Krypton reshaped the entire galaxy - potentially having wiped out the GLC and fought Apokolips! It's an entire universe built around exploring the impact of an imperialist Krypton and that's what sells me on the concept. Strikes me as funny in the wake of "Absolute DC" trying to offer an Ultimate DCU around the same time. Now moving on to the three major areas of concern:
The Trio
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Clark - Our boy did not have an easy time of it this season. Constantly being faced with xenophobia, struggling to find a place for himself, relationship issues with Lois, his cousin turning out to be a brainwashed warrior, and then the evil AI that ran the Kryptonian Empire trying to turn him into a weapon. His character arc from S1, learning to embrace the weirder sides of himself instead of suppressing them, continues this season. Literally so in the case of unlocking his remaining powers like arctic breath, but also mentally. Brainiac attacks his self-image in order to undermine his sense of self-worth. Telling that even a Kal raised in a fake simulation of Krypton doesn't fit in with Kryptonian society any better than he does on Earth. I love that Lois gets him to believe in himself again by inverting the famous Lois & Clark line. Here, Superman is not what Clark can do - Superman is who Clark is. By believing in himself and following his heart, this Superman comes to realize that home isn't a place but the people you're with. Home is Ma, Pa, Lois, Jimmy, and at the end of the season Kara too.
Lois - Last season only began to unpack her daddy issues, and that was the focus of her arc this season. She loves Clark and she loves her dad but she can't overcome her massive inferiority complex caused by her dad's treatment of her growing up. She could never count on him to be there for her and she ends up projecting that on to Clark. Also she has a bad habit of emulating her dad's paranoia, she's willing to go right for the kryptonite to take out Kara, and doesn't trust other Kryptonians off the bat. Her arc culminates when she affirms her love for Clark in the Black Mercy and when she urges Kara to overcome the Eradicator programming, instead of doubting Kara's inner goodness.
Jimmy - Finally gets his own romance storyline with Kara and it was as cute as Clois! Glad Jimmy stopped being a third wheel to the Clois drama and got his own relationship difficulties to cope with. Also glad that we got that episode where Clark and Jimmy bro'd it up at the Science Expo and Clark told Jimmy how much he valued their friendship. Was asking for that in S1, and we finally got that moment here. As expected. Jimmy lost his billions but I think getting a Kryptonian girlfriend and saving Superman from Brainiac were worthy trade offs.
The Villains
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Brainiac - Completely won over on this Brainiac. Emerson might have supplanted Burton as my favorite Brainiac voice. Eschewing the typical cold and emotionless Brainiacs, this take is joyfully malevolent. He takes pleasure in Superman's shock and outrage over the enslavement of the Kryptonian Empire's Foes for use as training fodder, he spitefully targets Earth first after stealing Superman's body, he gaslights and mocks Kara for daring to stand up to him, he's overseen the genocide of multiple planets (including Krypton) - he's pure evil. Even monologues at one point about how he's been "infected" by compassion on account of raising Kara and he needs to purge himself of that weakness. Brainiac alone justifies MAWS going with an imperialist Krypton instead of the usual isolationist take, we wouldn't have gotten this fantastic performance otherwise.
Amanda Waller - Never been more hateable than she is here. She tries to kill her old friend and colleague Sam with zero hesitation or remorse, experiments on civilians and is willing to kill them to cover it up, treats her underlings like crap, no surprise she and Lex hit it off. At least by the end of the season she's been deposed and is on the run, finally gets some measure of comeuppance for her actions.
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Lex Luthor - To no one's great surprise, "Alex" did indeed turn out to be Lex Luthor. Amazing how MAWS pulled off exactly what DCEU Lex was trying to be, an evil techbro in the Zuckerburg mold, and in doing so reinforced how absolutely terrible the DCEU take was. Lex here is recognizably Lex: he's ego-driven, weaponizes xenophobia against Superman, reveals he was the one who actually created the Parasite suit, synthesizes kryptonite cores for the Metallos, acquires his business competition AmerTek, and is generally a condescending dickwad. Love that whenever he's being particularly evil, we get the iconic anime villain shot where the glasses become opaque. After this season he finally has the Lexcorp building Only thing left to do (besides give Lex a shave) is really develop the feud between Lex and Superman. Right now Supes doesn't even know Lex, and Lex has merely been using Superman as a sacrificial lamb for his own advancement. I do not want a sympathetic Lex, I want this to be the guy that Supes actually dislikes intensely.
Deathstroke - Fully settled into his role as the designated jobber at this point. Admittedly it's fun to see him be smug only to repeatedly get his ass spanked by Superman and others, but I'm not happy that they're keeping him around for S3 as Lex's underling. He's no threat to Superman at this point!
Damage - Weird choice, bad design. Don't really care if he shows up again or not.
Atomic Skull - Sounds cool, looks cool, only complaint is that he barely got any use! Showrunners I am begging you to bench Deathstroke, or outright eject him from the show, and start focusing more on the actual Superman villains. Since Waller's Task Force X seems to have been disbanded, could we possibly see him get a job as a cop like in the comics? I would support Atomic Skull being the anti-Superman element in the Metropolis Police Department while Maggie Sawyer finally debuts to contrast with him.
Livewire & Heatwave - After the heist and finale episodes I'm fine with them exiting from the show. Livewire in particular felt completely jarring and disconnected from how she was characterized in the AmerTak episode, she went from being willing to hurt kids to giving Lois a pep talk on the power of Love and saving Metropolis. Mitigating circumstances to be sure with Brainiac trying to destroy the Planet, but the S2 finale definitely felt like the show redeeming the S1 villains and shooing them out.
The Supporting Cast
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Kara Zor-El/Supergirl - Now I can't say she's my favorite Kara yet, but I can share that like most of the MAWS cast, she easily could attain that status if she keeps getting used in S3. Poor thing, she exchanged the trauma of being old enough to feel Krypton's loss acutely for the trauma of having been brainwashed into being a worldkiller. Benefit of that is the show wrote them more like siblings because they were the same age, and I adored that. Episode 7 was one of my top 3 favorite episodes of the series thus far, watching them tease each other was heartwarming.
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When Superman realized she had a crush on Jimmy and started to tease her, that was one of my favorite Superman/Supergirl moment ever! Both her and Kal are looking for the place they belong and they find it in each other by the end of the season. Excited to see what becomes of their relationship, and Jimmy's romance with Kara, next season.
Perry White - Remains the GOAT Perry. His evil laughter when Jimmy complained to him about the new interns not listening had me laughing right alongside him. Oh and changing the nickname Jimmy gives him to "Per-Per" instead of "Chief" goes a long way to justify why Perry finds Jimmy annoying and hates his nickname. Showing up to take Waller to task for arresting Jimmy and Lois in the penultimate episode, distracting her while Steve jailbreaks them? Most badass thing any version of Perry has ever done.
General Sam Lane - Complex is the only word I can use to describe him. Clearly he loves Lois and we get an entire episode dedicated to showing that, but he's still a bad dad who is responsible for her attachment issues. By the end of this season he's come around to Superman's side, and I have to admit I'm not a fan of that. Wish he was staying as an antagonist, but as long as we don't have Superman working with/for the government in S3 then I'll cope.
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Cat and Steve - Ronnie was a non-entity again this season, I don't think she even appeared, but wow did Cat level up to be my favorite take on her alongside MAWS Steve being the GOAT Steve Lombard. Cat's speech to Lois about how as reporters they cover the story but they don't become the story shows that underneath her gossip exterior lies a woman of principles. Steve meanwhile cemented himself as the best bro you could ask for, and I loved his pep talk to Kara
Vicki Vale - Her shonen style rivalry with Lois over the AmerTek story gave me life. Conceding gracefully to Lois after being outscooped and offering Lois a job in Gotham, plus appearing in the penultimate episode to support Perry confronting Waller made me actually respect her. Still don't like her for smearing Superman in S1, but you can see that she is what Lois is on the road to becoming - albeit with more principles.
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John Henry Irons - My guy in the flesh!!! Needs a proper war suit and to get that shield filled in but he's here and a pretty straightforward adaption to boot! Worked at AmerTek, built weapons for them, realized they were corrupt and has to atone by taking them down. Seeing him show up again in the finale was thrilling, I hope that he continues to appear in S3 as an ally of Kal and Kara. We've got a proper Superfamily being built up, now all we need is Kon.
General Thoughts
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Blatant Darkseid tease or misdirection? Sure looks like an Omega Beam, but Brainiac makes it clear he's the one who "destroyed" Krypton. Jor-El was trying to negotiate a peace treaty with "their enemies" which does leave open the possibility that said enemies were Darkseid and Apokolips, and Brainiac has the Parademon mind scan.
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Brainiac says he used "Krypton's greatest weapon" against Krypton, and that did not seem to be Kryptonite. Could he have sent the entire planet to the Phantom Zone instead? Would certainly align with the line about "casting Krypton into hell".
S2 ends with Superman being pretty much as happy as can be. He and Lois are back, he saved and redeemed Kara, Waller is deposed, he doesn’t appear to have any emotional problems left. I’m thinking S3 is going to have Lex and Zod as the Big Bads, and instead of being a conquerer, Zod is going to break out of the PZ and be utterly ruthless about bringing all of Krypton with him.
I bet the show does a take on the New Krypton storyline, with S3 having Zod succeed and then Kal and Kara have to choose between their adopted and birth worlds (maybe even their adopted and birth parents in the Kents vs. Els for maximum drama). Do they want to go live on New Krypton with the Els or stay on Earth? Plus Zod will probably be revealed as Nemesis Omega, and they'll set up a war coming between Earth and NK with Sam Lane and Zod leading the two armies. Then S4 will be Darkseid, with Apokolips having learned that their old foes are still alive
Metallo needs to get a proper adaption next season. I know these weebs have watched Cyberpunk Edgerunners, give me Metallo in the vein of Adam Smasher!
PLEASE BRING IN BLOODSPORT, he's in the bloody comics for God's sake! No excuse not to have him next season.
They better have plans for a proper Jack Nimball Toyman because that Winslow Schott take was lame
Bring Parasite back next season, not having him at all this season made me realize how great he was as a villain. Oh and bring Mxy back too!
Kryptonian armor enhancing Kryptonian abilities like heat vision sold me on the concept. Funny how right as the live action take reverts to the trunks, MAWS gives Superman a new suit without them. I like the new suit myself.
Lana ended up being the one person on the leaked voice actor list to not show up is odd. Was her part cut perhaps, or was that the one fake name on the list?
Wyatt has said that when MAWS Superman becomes the confident self-assured "Superdad", that's when the show is over for him. Keeping that in mind I feel like S3 needs to kill some characters, specifically the Kents. Right now Clark has his safe space in Smallville, a loving relationship with Lois, a brother relationship with Jimmy, and a good reputation in Metropolis, and now Kara too. Logically he should be confident and self-assured, meaning they need to undermine that if they want the show to continue. Clark suffering the death of his adopted parents, right around the time his birth parents return and offer him a place on New Krypton? Certainly would be how *I* would blow up his new happy status quo.
If Superman is no longer going to be fighting the government, you know who would be a great villain to bring in? Red Cloud. Having a villain work at the Daily Planet in undercover mode like Superman would be a perfect way to keep the focus on the Planet cast.
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macolethings · 1 month
For anyone interested in my list of completed and in-work stories, see below the cut for the names, summaries, and links! Everything is on my AO3 account here. You can also click on any title name below to go directly to that story.
Current WIP
Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living)
Summary: Lexa and Clarke deserved more time and a happy ending. But in this world, and with the responsibilities these two have, it won't be easy. And more than one event will work to tear them apart. Experience these two learning about one another, falling in love, and taking on the world together.
Canon Fix-It that starts the night after Lexa fights Roan and kills Nia in season 3. There will be romance, angst, attempted humor, unexpected friendships, and maybe a few other surprises.
#sonraun on tumblr
Completed Works
Witch’s Chimney
Collaboration with @mozz14
Summary: Lexa is living a quiet life in the woods away from her past. Clarke and Madi are seeking a new life on the other side of the mountains. Truths will be revealed, lessons learned, and hearts captured, as the Darkness haunting Lexa returns.
#witch’s chimney on tumblr
Imperfectly Perfect Series
#Imperfectly perfect AU - tumblr tag
The Woods Are My Home
Summary: Lexa has spent months planning the perfect weekend camping getaway so she can propose to Clarke at sunset on a cliffside. But, just like her life, the universe seems to have other plans, and Lexa realizes that perfection cannot be planned.
Karma, Friend or Foe
Summary: Lexa and Clarke have been working together for a month and Clarke is confused on how she feels about the newest member of her team. What happens when she accidentally overhears Lexa having a private, loving, conversation.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
AEW/ NJPW Wrestlers Pregnancy Headcannons
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Main Masterlist
Wrestlers Mentioned: El Phantasmo, Drilla Moloney, Clark Connors, PAC, Jon Moxley
(Mentions of abortion)
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El Phantasmo
It was no secret Riley had been going through a touch time. He was depressed, he felt alone. All his friends had moved on from New Japan yet he coudn't get himself to leave the place he called home for so many years. When you found out you were pregnant you were shocked. You didn't think it would happen so soon. Sure you and Riley talked about wanting to start a family but now that you were pregnant you started to have second thoughts. When you told Riley you were pregnant he was over the moon. It was like he was relieved. His mood was instanly changed. He was instantly out of his depressive state. RIley was so exited to be a dad, he was contanly buying things for the new baby and woudn't leave your side. He was so supportive and encouraging during your whole pregnancy. There was nothing he woudn't do. The two of you ended up having a son and he and Riley instantly became best friends. It was almost like your son saved Riley.
Drilla Moloney
You were terrified when you found out you were pregnant. You and Dan where nothing more than friends that sometimes slept together. You didn't want to tell him about the pregnancy, in fact you didn't even want to keep the baby. Your friends convinced you to at least tell Dan about the baby before making any decisions. When you told him about the baby he was mortified. He was in no state to have a child. Dan was supportive during the process, he went with you all your appotiments and was understanding when you told him you didn't want to go through with the pregnancy. At the end of the day your relationship grew closer due to all of it.
Clark Connors
When you found out you were pregnant you knew it was more than likley you would have to do it on your own. Clark was terrfied when he found out he was going to be a father. All he did was party and do drugs, simular to what you did. He saw how easy it was for you to get your act together and get clean after finding out you were pregnant but knew he wouldn't be able to follow suit. For the majority of your pregnancy you were alone. It was hard, it was depressing. You didn't know how you would be able to raise a daughter on your own, especially in this economy. You called Clark dozens of times but it was no worth it. Two weeks before you have birth to your daughter Madaline, Clark showed up at your front door in tears. His hands were filled with gifts as he begged for foegiveness. He explained how he checked himself into a rehab and got sober. He admited to being a jerk and was genuinely sorry. He wanted to be apart of you and your daughters life. Clark would end up being a great dad. He spoiled your daughter and would play dress up with her. In fact he was such a good Dad you would end up having 3 more kids together.
Pac and his son were best friends. It was like you cloned your husband. Your son Wyatt was a absolute menance, he was a little bastard like his father. I just know Pac and his son would get up into trouble. The two of them were in a constant prank war to see who could scare you the most. He would teach Wyatt how to hunt, fish, fight and more than likley some illegal things aswell. When you told Pac you were first pregant the look on his face told you he was planning on knocking you up. You wondered if he replaced your birth control for sugar pills. I feel like Pac would be obsessed with your pregnant body, he loved the way your skin glowed and body changed. He wanted to keep you pregnant all the time.
Jon Moxley
Mox is such a girl Dad (I mean look at him and Nora). He would spoil your daughter to death. From a far he looked scary. He was always that sketchy looking guy at the park that often scared the other parents. But up close he loved your daughter. He would spend hours playing with her. She would play dress up with him, do this makeup and play with dolls together. Mox's soft spot was his daughter. Even though he did lots of "girlie' things with your daughter he made sure to teach her every sport. He would teach her Death Jitsu and how to fend for herself in the scary world. When you told him you were pregnant he was so happy. He coudn't wait to be a dad. He truly is the best father.
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
Bruce comes to a sudden realization.
He’s with Clark, Dick is with Wally, Jason is with Roy, and Damian is with Jon. All of them are alphas.
He wants to be able to give them the opportunity to father children, if they want it.
(And they want it)
So he goes shopping at the nicest Stables in Gotham for a suitable broodmare.
They’ve got to be strong, healthy, fertile, attractive, and preferably one from a good bloodline. So he only bothers with the Stables that stock the best-tested, obedient, with a registered pedigree.
One catches his eyes. Its genetic testing is good, hormone levels are perfect, and it’s even of Drake stock.
And the omega is beautiful, with nice wide hips, a full, plump mouth, delicate hands, soft breasts that will swell with pregnancy, sharp cheekbones, long silky black hair, sharp blue eyes, and a delicious smell. Well behaved, but not yet fully trained-all the better; he’s a traditionalist and likes to do that in-house.
Expensive, but worth it.
He calls Alfred to tell him to air out the suites that contain the Wayne Stables and pulls out his checkbook.
!!!! the other bats being so excited and happy to see bruce has bought a broodmare, they coo over how cute he is, learning that his name 'timmy' was so sweet and perfect for him. bruce tells them about how tim was young and still a little untrained so to be gentle with him, of course they immediatly want to test him about. they've never fucked an omega before afterall!
and it goes well, tim is so easy to please and makes the cutest noises, they gush to their alpha partners about him, telling them about how cute and sweet the omega is and how he'll make such pretty little pups for then. little betas and alphas that will be nursed and his baby omega tits.
bruce has told him they can't breed him quite yet that they still need to do some last minute culling in his wombs to make sure no omegas are sired, of course the eggs will still be kept on ice in case their children want to breed from the same line afterall bruce paid top dollar for timothy because they all deserved nothing less.
tim is a beloved little pet and broodmare and it makes him a little spoiled as the years pass but he makes them such pudgy cute little babies that they don't mind how he gets huffy at them sometimes.
tim is a fertile little omega and reproduces well, he also bounces back easily and his heats always arrive perfectly on schedule.
he is a well loved broodmare for many years to the point that bruce purchases a plot for him in the family cemetery rather than one of those pet cemetary plots you can get for pennies on the dollar meant for animals and broodmares. tim will be buried right next to him and clark and bruce will treasure him and the pups he gave them forever. when people find out about bruce planning to bury his beloved broodmare beside him its passed off as basic rich boy eccentricity ❤️❤️❤️.
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soulmuppet · 4 months
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THIS IS AN UNPARALLELED AGE. A galactic age. An age of bounty hunters, vagrants and bleeding-heart outlaws.
This is the NEW REBEL ERA, and the only thing worth a damn is the sweat off your back, the bullet in your chamber and the fuel in your tank. The galaxy is a lawless expanse, known as the FRONTIER GALAXY, and you are an INTERSTELLAR OUTLAW. Together with YOUR SHIP and YOUR CREW you have to eke out a living in the Frontier Galaxy, and chase down the intergalactic dream of freedom and success.
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ORBITAL BLUES is a lo-fi space western roleplaying game from SoulMuppet Publishing, written by Sam Sleney & Zachary Cox and illustrated by Josh Clark.
A roleplaying love-letter to off-beat sci-fi, vintage music, and cooperative old-school styled roleplay, Orbital Blues allows you to play out rules-light tabletop adventures in the style of space westerns such as Cowboy Bebop, Firefly and Guardians of the Galaxy.
With quick and easy to learn rules and a whole range of adventures to get your started, Orbital Blues is the perfect ttrpg to pick up for a session and continue for many years to come.
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frecklenog · 10 months
ok again i’m only like 2-3 hrs into the 7h Monster Vid on who’s lila (it’s good.) but i hqve. things 2 say
content warnings: discussion of incest, csa, rape, and mental illness both in general and as a means of telling horror stories
will explicitly says that he had a decent childhood with his mom, after his dad ran off
however, it’s implied during the interrogations that will’s past is… well, Not That. not really.
sure, he loves his mom. he cares about her. but there’s also the fact that, when he was fifteen, he brought home a girl — annie — and ms. clarke proceeded to tell her things about will that will doesn’t go into detail about, but says that some parts were true, and some were not.
whether or not that was a lie is up for debate, but i think the fact that he says some of what she was saying was true is worth keeping in mind, especially as it can be implied via the context of annie being a potential romantic interest for will that the things ms clarke was saying were sexual in nature. given her being routinely described as having a strict, overbearing nature, i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she had abused him not just psychologically, but sexually as well.
due to this being a recollection of a conversation rather that something explicitly shown, i think it’s fair to assume that this could’ve happened at any point between will’s early childhood and him being fifteen.
even if the abuse will faced never took on a sexual nature, his relationship with his mother was traumatic, and will is clearly impacted by it. it’s common to read him as autistic, with his difficulties surrounding properly expressing his emotions (ie. game mechanics regarding his expressions and general reactions), but nothing is explicitly stated, and, to me, as an autistic dissociative, i see reflections of myself in him.
i also want to reiterate a point made by flaw peacock — that being that will can, and does, emote on his own. this can be interpreted similarly to any other rpg protagonist, as it mostly happens within dialogue branches, with the player only influencing will’s expression at certain points.
further demonstrating this is the fact of the game’s difficulty setting. setting the game to “easy” disables the will’s ability to try to move his face on his own, which does its job in creating more difficult gameplay, but also lends glimpses into the individuals who originally steered the body that the player now controls.
i can’t neatly tie this in yet, but will’s presence in a horror game as a character with very clear symptoms of very real mental illness (that i can relate to) strikes me as being very reminiscent of evan kelmp from dimension 20: misfits and magic. evan is an arguably autistic character, but over the course of his life has been subjected to curses that go unexplained throughout the series, but draw direct parallels to “scarier” disorders, such as schizoaffective symptoms — and, in all honesty, may have been misdiagnosed as such.
(personally, i think it’s far more interesting to have characters like this written as both. it’s refreshing to see a character who is genuinely unwell be treated by the narrative in a way that feels good to those of us who can see ourselves in them, and be accepted and come into themselves in a world more fantastic and frightening than our own, just the same as anyone else. it’s part of why i love mismag, and definitely contributes to my own storytelling)
this is far from all of my thoughts, but it’s what i have the energy to write down rn
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mia-studyhaus · 1 month
Studyhaus' Summer 2024 in Books
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It was truly a hot girl summer because look at these absolute gems that I got to enjoy from a variety of genres and styles:
Anon Pls. by Deuxmoi [Fiction, Contemporary, Pop Culture]
The Fairytale Life of Dorothy Gale by Virginia Kantra [Fiction, Contemporary, Romance]
Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams [Fiction, Contemporary, Romance]
Storm: Dawn of a Goddess by Tiffany D. Jackson [Fantasy, Young Adult, Marvel]
Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle [Fiction, Contemporary, Romance]
Goddess Crown by Shade Lapite [Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance]
Ageing: A Very Short Introduction by Nancy A. Pachana [Non-fiction, Science, Health]
Ready or Not by Cara Bastone [Fiction, Contemporary, Romance]
The Fastest Man Alive: The True Story of Usain Bolt by Usain Bolt [Non-fiction, Sports, Biography]
Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow by Alex Segura [Fantasy, Young Adult, Marvel]
Inspiration and Motivation for Runners by Ali Clarke [Non-fiction, Fitness, Self-help]
Healthy Menopause: How to best manage your symptoms and feel better than ever by Liz Earle [Non-fiction, Health, Women]
Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I'd Known Earlier by Kevin Kelly [Non-fiction, Philosophy, Self-help]
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear [Non-fiction, Psychology, Self-help]
My Big, Fat Desi Wedding by multiple authors (Edited by Prerna Pickett [Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance]
All these books are worth a read but my top pick would be Atomic Habits. Let me know if you have read any of these below or if you read any books this summer that you recommend me to try out!
Follow @mia-studyhaus for more book magic!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!
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nerdzzone · 1 year
Worlds Apart
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Chapter Four
Summary: Single mom, Bridget Clark, thought that she was fine by herself. Moving her son to a new town and out of the hustle and bustle of Boston, she thought that life would be quieter and simpler, but a chance encounter with a certain Hollywood actor only a week after their big move had her questioning everything. Bridget was faced with the ultimate decision of head vs heart, but would letting her guard down prove to be worth the risk?
Series Masterlist
Note: I just want to say a big thank you for all the comments and love this story has received so far! It's been so motivating and has made it really hard to stick to my 'only one chapter a week' schedule 😂
“Landon, wait for me, please!”
Bridget’s voice carried down the sidewalk as she hurried after him, the tall heels of her shoes clacking on the ground as she tried to match his pace. Reluctantly, he paused to let her catch up, but she could see from the strain on his face that listening hadn’t been an easy choice.
“But, I see Daddy!” He protested. “He’s right there!” 
He pointed down the sidewalk towards the restaurant they were eating at that evening, but even though she could also see Landon’s dad - Marcus - and his husband - David - she stuck by her original request.
“I know, but there’s a lot of people around,” she pointed out as she took his hand in her own. “You have to stay close to me until Daddy sees you too.”
A sigh fell from his lips, but the way Landon squeezed her hand told her that he’d heard and understood and she smiled as he stayed by her side until his dad was just a few feet away. As he let go of her hand and sprinted towards Marcus with a cry of ‘Daddy!’ leaving his lips, Bridget felt her heart warm at the sight. Even though they weren’t together, she was always grateful that he was such a great dad and that Landon had such a close bond with him. She smiled as Marcus scooped him up in his arms until she caught up to the group and stole everyone’s attention.
“Happy birthday!” Marcus cheered, reaching out his free arm to pull her into a hug. “How does thirty-one feel?”
“Not too different from thirty so far,” Bridget admitted. “But Lando made sure I had a great day, didn’t you, buddy?”
“I did!” Landon nodded eagerly as a proud grin slid onto his face. “We went to the park and then we had ice cream in the sun!”
“That sounds like a lot of fun,” Marcus chuckled before shooting a sly glance at Bridget. “Who paid for the ice cream?”
“Landon did,” Bridget informed him as she slipped out of his grasp and thought back to how confidently Landon had pulled the money out of his pocket earlier that day. “So, thank you for that.”
“It was all Lando’s idea,” he assured her. “We were talking about what you might want to do today and the idea was all his, I just made sure he had the funds.”
“He was really excited about it,” David chimed in. “He was determined that you were going to have a fun day.”
“Well, he succeeded,” Bridget assured them, feeling grateful that they’d helped Landon reach his goal of making her day special. “We had a really great day together.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
David’s words were genuine as he pulled her into a hug as well and mumbled his own birthday wishes into her hair. Despite the unfortunate way that their relationships with Marcus had overlapped, they had managed to build a strong relationship of their own over the years. Of course, Bridget had been resentful at first. It had been hard to watch Marcus be happy with the person he’d left her for - even if his sexuality had been the biggest motivating factor - and it had been even harder to see them become a perfect little family when Landon was born while she was all alone. But both men had been apologetic about how the situation had unfolded and they were both amazing dads who loved Landon very much and that made it easier for Bridget to let it go after a little time had passed, and the friendship she’d had with Marcus grew stronger as she made the effort to form one with David as well.
“I think Molly is already inside,” Marcus told her as she stepped away from his husband. “We saw them heading in just as we got here.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Bridget smiled. “Let’s get this party started.”
Landon let out a cheer of agreement that pulled a laugh from all his parents as they went inside to join the rest of their group. They were almost at the table when Molly’s husband, Robbie, spotted them and flashed Bridget a grin.
“Well, look who it is,” he greeted them. “It’s the old lady of the hour.”
“Old?” Landon questioned, his brow creasing with concern as his dad helped him climb into a chair at the table. “Mommy, are you old?”
“She sure is, kiddo,” Robbie informed him. “She’s officially over thirty.”
“Barely,” Bridget protested. “I’m only thirty-one.”
“Are you gonna die?” The follow up question from Landon had Molly choking on the glass of water she’d been sipping as she fought back a laugh and an indignant ‘what?’ from Bridget prompted him to elaborate. “My friend, Johnny, says that old people die so if you’re old, are you gonna die?”
“Look what you’ve done, Rob,” Bridget shot him a playful glare before reassuring Landon. “No, buddy, I’m not gonna die any time soon. Robbie was just teasing me because I’m getting older but I’m not old yet.”
“Are you sure?”
The suspicion in his voice had Bridget leaning down to kiss the top of his head as she assured him that she was fine and wouldn’t be going anywhere in the near future. 
It wasn’t an unusual situation. Robbie and Molly had been together for almost ten years and he’d quickly settled into a brotherly role in Bridget’s life. When Landon was born, the shift into the goofy, antagonistic uncle role had been a very natural transition and Bridget spent a lot of time explaining away the ridiculous comments he made to wind Landon up. Landon adored him though and she was grateful that he had so many trusted role models in his life.
As everyone settled at the table - with David, Marcus and Landon on one side and Bridget, Molly and Robbie on the other - Bridget took advantage of the distraction of everyone catching up to nudge Molly as she sat beside her, catching her attention.
“I have news…”
She murmured the confession low enough that no one would overhear and she hoped that the sudden look of excited curiosity on Molly’s face wouldn’t give them away. She hadn’t mentioned anything about their date - or even meeting Chris - because she’d decided she wanted to wrap her head around it before she shared the news with anyone, but as soon as she saw her closest friend, the need to share was almost overwhelming and Molly’s clear excitement only made it even harder to wait.
“You do?” She questioned, matching Bridget’s secretive tone. “What kind of news?”
“Exciting news,” Bridget wiggled her eyebrows as a hint towards the juicy nature of what she had to share, but when the action earned a suspicious glance from David from the other end of the table she knew she needed to wait until they had a more private moment. “I’ll fill you in later.”
Molly reluctantly agreed and let the subject drop as the waiter came to take their drink orders. Usually, Bridget wasn’t particularly into drinking. She’d indulged enough when she was younger to learn that the suffering that followed wasn’t really worth it and after Landon was born her life seemed so busy that there was rarely a convenient time for a hangover. However, she would occasionally partake in a drink or two and on special occasions - like her birthday - she let herself get a little more carried away. The bottle of white wine that she’d decided to split with Molly was evidence of that as she knew it was just the beginning of the evening they had planned.
Originally, the plan had been very subdued. It was her week with Landon so she’d figured that they’d probably just stay home and order takeout, but when Marcus had found out what she had in mind, the frown that took over his face told Bridget that he was unimpressed by her lackluster plans. By the time she was dropping Landon off at his house at the end of that week, Marcus had made them all a reservation at a nice restaurant in Boston, told her to invite Molly and Robbie to join them, and offered to keep Landon for the night and drop him off at his daycare in the morning so that Bridget could go for a few drinks with Molly after dinner without worry. Molly had immediately and enthusiastically jumped on board and Bridget was grateful that she had so many people who were eager to celebrate with her.
Considering it had been a while since they’d been together as a group - or even really had any time to hangout individually - they quickly fell into conversation as they caught up on each other's lives. Even Landon was included as he regaled them with tales from his wild days at ‘school’ as he called his daycare and excitedly told them how well his first night of Little League had gone the night before. However, as their main course arrived shortly after Landon had told them all about the new baseball glove he’d been given by his Grandma and Grandpa, the mention of Marcus’ parents reminded him about something else.
“Speaking of Landon’s grandparents,” he caught her attention as Robbie and David remained distracted by Landon’s detailed explanation of the rules of baseball. “I saw your dad the other day.”
The touchy topic immediately had Bridget on edge, but she hid the way her annoyance made her jaw clench with an exaggerated cringe.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it wasn’t too unpleasant for you.”
“It was fine, he always liked me,” Marcus shrugged and Bridget had to admit that it was true. As a physiotherapist, Marcus had easily earned her dad’s respect simply by having a profession that he valued more than he valued hers. She’d always felt that he would have much rather kept Marcus in the family after their break-up than her and that he was probably quite relieved that he saw more of Marcus than he did of her as Marcus often ran into him if he was called in to the hospital to treat a patient. Her assumption was only solidified in her mind when Marcus continued. “But he didn’t even know that you’d moved.”
A wave of indignation washed over her and although she knew it wasn’t worth letting herself get upset over, she couldn’t hold back the roll of her eyes that his words caused.
“He absolutely did,” she insisted. “I told them when I went over for my mom’s birthday dinner just before Christmas.”
“Really? He seemed completely clueless about it.”
“Yeah, well, he usually is,” Bridget huffed. “They both are. The birthday card they sent Landon last year was for a six year old so if they can’t even get his age right then I’m not surprised that they don’t care about keeping up to date on where we live.”
“That’s so ridiculous,” Molly scoffed disapprovingly as Marcus nodded in agreement. It was no secret to Bridget what they both thought of her parents, but it was always comforting to be reminded that her frustrations with them weren’t unwarranted. “Have you heard from them at all today?”
“No, not at all,” Bridget admitted. “But I doubt they even remember when my birthday is.”
“Fucking assholes…”
The words were mumbled under Molly’s breath, but loudly enough to earn a stifled laugh from Bridget before she flashed her a smirk.
“Careful Molly, Marcus doesn’t like it when people swear around Landon.”
“She’s not wrong,” Marcus reluctantly agreed. “But Bridget shouldn’t either.”
“Bridget has more important things to worry about.”
It was a weak defense and Bridget knew that Marcus immediately saw right through it as he playfully rolled his eyes.
“Or is Bridget just too lazy to break her bad habits and watch what she says?”
“Bridget would like to remind you that it’s her birthday and you’re supposed to be nice to her today.”
“Why is Bridget talking about herself in third person?” Robbie questioned, breaking up the bickering. “Is it a sign of old age? Are you losing your marbles? Should we put you in a care home now so you can get the help you need?”
The exaggerated distraught tone to his voice had a laughter rippling through the group as Bridget shot him another glare.
“You’re older than I am,” she reminded him. “And you’re not as funny as you think you are.”
“I think Robbie’s really funny,” Landon defended him despite being clueless about the rest of the conversation. “He makes me laugh all the time.”
“And that’s the only opinion that really matters,” Robbie decided, a smug smile sliding onto his face. “So, thanks, kiddo.”
Landon mumbled a quick ‘you’re welcome’ through his mouthful of food and despite her apparent loss of the argument, Bridget couldn’t help but smile at how nice it was to have most of the people closest to her all together for once.
“Okay, so spill. I’ve been dying to know what your ‘news’ is all night.”
The demand came from Molly as she joined Bridget at the table she’d been waiting at, placing a margarita in front of her. The rest of their dinner had gone smoothly and been a great time, but both women were eager for their chance to split off from the group and catch up properly without any prying eyes. Molly had held off long enough to buy Bridget a birthday drink, but wasn’t willing to wait a minute longer to get the gossip.
“I went on a date.” Bridget tried to hide the grin on her face with a sip of her drink, but the squeal of glee that her admission pulled from Molly had a laugh falling from her lips. “Relax, it was one date. Don’t get too excited about it yet.”
“Oh, I am excited,” Molly insisted. “It’s been years, Bridge! You haven’t been out with anyone since you and Marcus broke up five years ago! This is a huge deal and I am going to get very excited about it even if you never see the guy again.”
“Well, that is a possibility,” Bridget informed her. “So, let’s reign in the celebration just a little bit.”
Molly's smile faltered slightly at that added bit of information, but her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she seemed reluctant to dull down her excitement.
“Why is that a possibility? Did you not like him?”
“No, I really did like him,” Bridget assured her. “But he’s just left town for, like, two months because he has to travel for work so who knows how he’ll be feeling about things by the time he comes back.”
“He’s travelling for two months straight? What kind of job sends you on a business trip for that long?” Molly questioned, her brow furrowing in obvious displeasure. “That seems a little fishy.”
“It’s not,” Bridget smiled. “It makes sense for the industry that he’s in.”
“And what industry would that be?”
Going into the conversation, Bridget had planned to keep Chris’ identity a secret. She knew that the fact that she’d gone on a date with anyone would be a big enough shock, throwing in who exactly her date had been had the potential to overwhelm Molly entirely. However, she’d always found it almost impossible to keep any secrets from Molly and she was hoping for a little advice that would be hard to get without sharing all of the details.
“The film industry,” she admitted, bracing for more unbridled excitement. “He’s an actor.”
As expected, Molly’s eyes visibly lit up as she leaned in closer.
“An actor? Like, a good one?”
“In my opinion, yes. I think he’s a good actor.”
“So, he’s famous enough that you’d seen him in a movie before you met him?” Molly mused before a scoff fell from her lips. “Wait, why am I trying to guess? Just tell me who it is!”
“Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone…”
Bridget gave Molly the sternest look she could muster, but the genuine offence on Molly’s face was all the reassurance she needed.
“Of course, Bridge. You know I’ve got your back, I wouldn’t share your secrets with anyone.”
Steeling herself for another enthusiastic reaction, Bridget forced the words out of her mouth before she could change her mind as she confessed, “I went on a date with Chris Evans.”
“Oh my god.” It was a softer response than Bridget had anticipated, but after watching Molly blink a few times as she tried to wrap her mind around what she’d just been told, she could see the moment when it really sunk in and her voice raised to the octave that Bridget had originally anticipated. “Oh my god! Really?! The Chris Evans? As in, Captain fucking America?”
“Shhhhh,” Bridget hissed, glancing around the room to see if anyone had noticed her outburst and feeling grateful for the loud music that she’d - embarrassingly - worried would give her a headache when they’d first walked. “Not telling anyone includes not screaming about it loud enough that everyone in this bar can hear you!”
“Sorry, sorry, I just wasn’t expecting that! I don’t know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t that.” Molly shook her head in disbelief, taking a sip of her drink to snap her out of the state of shock she appeared to be in before continuing. “Okay, tell me everything. How did that even happen?”
With a smile on her face, Bridget eagerly launched into the explanation. How they’d met at the grocery store and then seemed to run into each other everywhere. How he’d helped her connect with his sister and then offered to paint her house. How he’d then spent an entire day helping her and asked her out at the end of it.
“So, we went out for dinner last week and it was really nice. He’s super down to earth and easy to talk to, we had a great time and now I think I have a stupid, giant crush.”
The grin on Molly’s face spread until it stretched almost from ear to ear and had Bridget almost wishing she hadn’t mentioned anything at all.
“That’s amazing! It’s like the start of a romantic comedy,” Molly gushed. “But now I’m still wondering why you think it’s such a possibility that he won’t want to see you again.”
“Because he’s gone for two months,” Bridget reminded her. “It’s the premiere of the new Captain America movie tonight and then he has to travel for all the press. By the time he gets home I’m sure he’ll have forgotten all about me.”
“I don’t think that’s true or he wouldn’t have put in the effort to get to know you before he left,” Molly pointed out. “Have you heard from him since your date?”
“Yeah, he messaged me later that night to say that he’d had a good time,” Bridget admitted. “And he messaged me on Friday when he got to L.A. and we talked occasionally over the weekend.”
“So, it sounds like you made a pretty good impression on him too.”
“I think so, but two months is a long time.”
“It is,” Molly agreed. “But if he’s interested then it’s not an insurmountable problem.”
“I know,” Bridget nodded, sipping her drink as she tried to think about how to phrase her next admission. “But his interest might wane while he’s off travelling the world and being adored by every woman he meets.”
“Well, then you’ll know not to waste any more time,” Molly shrugged. “I know that would be disappointing, but at least that will tell you where you stand. For now, I don’t see the harm in seeing where it goes.”
“There could be plenty of harm,” Bridget frowned. “Even other than just getting my feelings hurt and self-esteem shattered, I have Landon to consider and I need to think about how getting invested in Chris - or anyone - could affect him.”
Molly opened her mouth to respond, but even though she shut it before she actually got any words out, the look on her face told Bridget that she clearly disagreed with what she’d just said. However, she was grateful that she’d taken the time to compose a diplomatic answer before she spoke.
“I think you might be getting a little bit ahead of yourself,” she gently warned her. “But this could be kind of the perfect opportunity in your situation. He isn’t here so you don’t have to worry about him being around so much that Landon gets attached and by the time he gets home you should have more of an idea if it’s something that’s going to fizzle out or if it’s something that might go somewhere, right?”
“I guess so…” Bridget anxiously chewed on her bottom lip as she mulled over Molly’s words until a sigh fell from her lips. “I just don’t know how any of this is supposed to work and I don’t want to do the wrong thing and let Landon down.”
“I’m confident that whatever happens between you and Chris, you won’t let that happen,” Molly assured her. “You’re an amazing mom, Bridget. You always put him first and I have so much respect for you for that, but you’re allowed to be more than just a mom.”
“I am…I’m a librarian too…”
It was a weak protest and Bridget cringed as she heard the words leave her mouth and saw the amused smile slid onto Molly’s face.
“Yeah, but you’re allowed to want more from life than just work and your son.”
“I know that,” Bridget nodded. “But things are good right now. Rocking the boat is scary.”
“Of course it is, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth doing. You deserve to be happy and sometimes you have to take scary risks to make that happen.”
“I am happy…”
“But could you be happier?”
The question caught Bridget off guard and she took a minute to think it over. Saying that she was happy was an honest answer. She loved the career that she’d chosen and she’d settled in nicely to her new job. She loved her son and was genuinely enjoying spending time with him as he was starting to explore the things he was interested in and try new things. She was truly content with her life as it was - especially now that they’d moved out of the city - but that didn’t mean that there wasn’t room for more.
“I could be,” she admitted. “I don’t think I realized how much I missed dating and romance until I met Chris. I’ve gotten very used to being alone and doing things by myself, but this whole situation has reminded me about what else is out there.”
“So go for it,” Molly shrugged. “Let yourself enjoy it and see where it goes.”
“Okay, but everything else aside, our lives are so different,” Bridget pointed out. “I’m worried that he’ll get bored so fast when he realizes how uneventful my day to day life is.”
“Maybe boring is what he’s looking for.” Molly’s suggestion earned a scoff from Bridget and she rushed to clarify. “Not that I think you’re boring, but the life of an actor must get pretty draining. Maybe he wants something a little quieter than what he can find in Hollywood.”
Another sigh fell from Bridget’s lips as she thought about what her friend had said and agreed with a soft, “Maybe.”
“Or maybe,” Molly flashed her a grin. “He met you and was so blown away by how funny, sweet, intelligent and sexy you are that whatever he thought he wanted completely changed and now he wants whatever you’re offering.”
The idea had Bridget barking out a laugh as a blush covered her cheeks, but it succeeded in putting a smile back on her face.
“Okay, now who’s getting ahead of themselves?”
“Not me,” Molly insisted. “Clearly, he’s smitten and to celebrate that fact, I suggest we do some shots.”
It was a suggestion that was entirely unsurprising given her knowledge of what a night out with Molly was like, but she let out a groan of protest anyway as she tried to convince her that it was a bad idea. She knew she was fighting a losing battle though and it didn’t take long for Molly to have her tossing back the last of her margarita before she disappeared in search of another round - complete with several shots of tequila.
And it was those shots of tequila that she blamed on the message she sent later that night.
Chris had been on her mind all night - even more so after her conversation with Molly and the many questions she’d been asking - but she knew he was busy and had managed to resist sending him any drunk texts. However, when Molly went to the bathroom just before they left the bar, she let herself indulge just a little by looking online to see if there had been any pictures posted from the premiere. Of course, there were plenty and what she found had her heart beating a little faster in her chest. 
He looked so good. She’d found him attractive every time that they’d met, but he cleaned up well and it almost felt unreal that the well dressed man on a red carpet posing with all his celebrity friends was the same man that had helped her paint her house and taken her out for dinner. And it seemed even more unreal that a man as handsome as Chris had actually kissed her at the end of their date.
Inspired by the flush of attraction rushing through her and the alcohol she’d consumed, she found his name in her phone and sent him a message before she had time to change her mind.
I saw some pictures of the premiere and I’ve gotta admit that you look amazing in that suit. Please thank whoever styles you for such a delightful birthday treat.
She regretted it almost as soon as she’d sent it. Reading it over, it felt silly and fangirly and her use of the word ‘delightful’ immediately made her cringe. However, Molly came back before she had time to think of some way to take back what she’d said and she tried to push it from her mind before Molly started asking questions and she had to explain what she’d just done. With the time change, she figured Chris would be too busy to respond any time soon anyway and hoped she had her wits a bit more about her by the time that happened.
Unfortunately, that wish didn’t entirely come true as the reply from Chris popped up on her phone not long after they got back to Molly’s place. She was surprised - considering it was barely after nine pm on the west coast and she assumed he would be too busy to answer her for most of the night - but she was grateful that she’d at least had enough time to get a late night snack and some water in her system before she opened the message.
Ha! Thank you. And it’s your birthday?! You never mentioned that!
She hadn’t even realized that it seemed like she was fishing for birthday greetings in her message and felt an immediate flush of embarrassment as she quickly answered.
It is, but it’s no big deal. Just another day really.
She waited with her phone in her hand for a moment, but felt a wave of disappointment when no response came. Flopping back on the bed in Molly’s spare room, she let herself have a moment to fret and ponder her next move before forcing any doubts out of her mind once again. Considering that Robbie had to work early in the morning, Molly had decided to bunk with her and she knew that she’d be appearing at any moment and that even in her intoxicated state, she’d be able to sense any disappointment or stress that Bridget was feeling from her exchange with Chris.
His response had been as enthusiastic as she could have hoped for given the initial ridiculous message that she’d sent, but she could feel her anxiety rising about the fact that she’d messaged him at all. Throwing in the fact that she’d brought up her birthday like she was desperate for even more of his attention had her ready to accept that she had probably just ruined everything already. However, just as she was about to throw her phone across the room to force herself to stop staring at the screen as if she could will him to respond, the screen lit up with another notification from Chris. But this time it was some kind of video attachment.
She quickly opened it, but felt a wave of confusion wash over her when Paul Rudd appeared on her screen.
“Uh, hi Bridget,” he smiled at the camera. “I hear you’re a good friend of Chris’ and any friend of his is a friend of mine so I just wanna say happy birthday! I hope you’ve had a great day because I’m sure you deserve it.”
A laugh slipped from Bridget’s lips as she thought back to the conversation they’d had while he was painting her house. It was obvious why he’d chosen that particular superhero to send her a birthday greeting and she could barely contain her giggles as she played the video again just as Molly walked into the room.
“What?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow at Bridget’s goofy behaviour. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” Bridget smirked. “I’m just enjoying my personalized birthday message from Paul Rudd.”
“Paul Rudd? How did you…” She trailed off as a look of realization washed over her face and she let out a soft gasp. “Oh my god, Chris sent it to you?”
“Yeah, I messaged him about the premiere and let it slip that it’s my birthday and he sent me this.”
“Let me see!” It was more of a demand than a request as she scrambled across the bed, but Bridget was happy to share the message. She tilted the phone so that Molly could see and hit play, unable to keep the grin off her face and laughing when the video ended and Molly shrieked, “Oh my god! Paul Rudd actually just wished you a happy birthday!”
“Shhh,” Bridget giggled. “But it’s actually kinda cute because I mentioned that Paul Rudd was probably my biggest celebrity crush and obviously he remembered that.”
The look that slid onto Molly’s face could only be described as one of judgement as she questioned Bridget on that statement.
“You told him that you have a crush on one of his co-workers? Wow, Bridge, we need to work on your flirting skills,” she teased her. “I know you’ve been out of the game for a while, but that’s usually not what people want to hear.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Bridget blushed. “I didn’t realize that they even knew each other and it was before our date so he clearly didn’t mind - especially if he was still willing to ask him to send me a birthday message.”
“Okay, that’s true,” Molly relented. “Did you answer him yet?”
Bridget shook her head, but the door of the spare room swung open before she could reply and Robbie stepped into the room.
“Sorry,” Bridget flashed him a sheepish smile. “Did we wake you up?”
“I heard you guys come home,” he admitted. “And I was going to go back to sleep, but I always like to check in when I hear my wife screaming another man’s name in bed.”
“Paul Rudd’s not here,” Molly rolled her eyes. “But I do have something to tell you. It’s a secret though so I’ll have to tell you when Bridget leaves or she’ll be mad at me.”
“Molly!” Bridget protested. “That’s not how secrets work! You’re not supposed to tell anyone at all, not just tell them when I’m out of earshot.”
“I know, but it’s Robbie! I tell him everything, you know that. Just like I tell you everything about him.”
“There are no secrets here,” Robbie smiled. “But if you don’t want me to know whatever Molly is so clearly desperate to gossip about then I will do my best not to listen.”
Molly whined in displeasure at that claim and Bridget swatted at her playfully.
“You can listen, I trust you not to tell anyone,” Bridget told Robbie as he let out a yawn that reminded her of the time. “But you should go back to bed, I’m sorry we woke you up.”
“It’s alright,” Robbie shrugged. “I’m glad you had a good night. Do you need anything? Have you both had some water?”
They both pointed to the glasses beside the bed and smiled at his concern before saying goodnight and letting him get back to bed. After all the excitement, it didn’t take long for Molly to start drifting off as well, but Bridget had one more thing she wanted to do before falling asleep and she opened her conversation with Chris once again.
Oh my gosh, best birthday present ever! Even though, I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see your beautiful face too, but I don’t want to be greedy so I’ll just say thank you.
Emboldened by the alcohol that she could still feel in her body, she added a little kiss blowing emoji at the end and hoped that he wouldn’t think she was being too forward. Molly’s words about her confession of a silly crush on Paul Rudd were floating in her mind and even though she was fairly sure that Chris wasn’t bothered by the situation, she hoped her comment would be a little reassurance that her interest remained focused completely on him.
She tried to fight off the need for sleep that was weighing down her eyelids as she wanted to stay awake long enough to see if he was going to reply, but considering the video he’d sent appeared to have been taken at some kind of after party, she knew he was probably busy and after a few minutes passed with no response, she let her eyes flicker shut and drifted off to sleep.
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ao3feed-superbat · 11 days
what is love if not a risk worth taking
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cl1QDWC by sulky_croissant “Just go easy on him, please,” had been the heart of his request. “He's not used to this type of thing.” “What type of thing's that, son? Meeting the parents?” Jonathan had asked, with a wry chuckle. They'd met Bruce before, of course, although the wide majority of those occasions had actually been as Batman. This would be their first time seeing him, though, since he and Clark had started dating, and certainly his reputation in his personal life preceded him, even if they knew better than to believe all the things the tabloids wrote about him. But Clark's expression had turned soft, and a little pained. “Uh,” he'd said, rubbing his neck. “Parents in general, I think.” Or: Martha and Bruce talk on the porch. About Clark, and love, and what it means to take chances for the person you love. For Superbat Week 2024, Day Five: We Are Family / Meeting the In-Laws Words: 4296, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of isn't that the way that love's supposed to be? Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Martha Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Relationships: Martha Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Established Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Established Relationship, Bruce and Martha talking on the porch about Clark, that's about it, Superbat Week, Superbat Week 2024, as always it is very soft, Martha Kent POV, and a little Bruce Wayne POV at the end read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/cl1QDWC
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
'I'm No Nancy Wheeler'
Steve has never fallen for a type like you. Never.
"How long does your hair take you little fucker," you yell at your brother as he puts in the finishing sprays of some Farrah Facet hair spray.
He had already been in there for half an hour. You still had to basically do everything but change. It didn't matter how long he took at this point. You were always late to class. He never was.
"One more damn minute in there, and you're going to be very late to your favorite class," you want and Dustin burts out of the bathroom, hairspray in hand.
"You wouldn't dare," he says and points the bottle at you. You scoff as you get into the bathroom. He was convinced you would never do something that serious. Mr. Clarke was his favorite teacher, Dustin worshiped the man.
"I would," you say as you shut the door. Your hair was, there wasn't the right word for it. It was a mess.
"Son of a bitch," Dustin yells as you begin working on the mess of hair resting atop your head. Dustin was definitely going to be late.
You finish up and look at your watch, 7:40am. Shit you were a lot later then you had wanted to be. You groan as you walk into your room and grab your backpack.
You take a last look in the mirror, tight flare jeans and a Bowie Tshirt. Bowie wasn't one of the main bands you listened to, but your brother persuaded you to listen to something less metal.
You slip on a black leather jacket before waking into Dustin's room. You notice his alarm clock says 7:42 A.M.
"Dustin, why is your clock set early?" You ask. There is no fucking way he would set your clock an hour ahead. He wouldn't.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Dustin yells and grabs his backpack. He did.
"I didn't want to be late," he reasons. You scoff and go to grab your backpack before storming to your car.
Dustin gets in shortly after and you tear out of the driveway. He made you lose an entire hour of sleep. Why? So he wouldn't be late.
"Fuck off, I'm no Nancy Wheeler," you say to Steve harrington. He was a total asshole. He expected to get whatever he wants whenever he wants it.
"I'm not with Nancy Wheeler, plus I don't want to be. I want to be with you," he says and you cringe. Ew.
"So. You went from Nancy Wheeler, to Yn Henderson?" You ask him motioning to your attire. Did Nancy Wheeler even know what Bowie was?
"Look, I'm over her," Steve insists. You raise an eyebrow and scoff.
"Okay, what do I have to do to prove it to you?" Steve asks. He was so hopeful you would say something easy so he could just kiss you.
He loved your 'fuck off' attitude and was instantly pulled into a choke hold by you. He hated the fact that he fell for the biggest outcast in the school, but you were worth it.
He was getting over having to deal with all of the pressure of keeping his reputation perfect. Being king Steve wasn't easy.
"Fine. Fuck off and I will think about it," you reply and stalk off. You left to walk to some class you had, either history of math, and thought about it.
The answer was no.
It had been two years since you had rejected Steve Harrington. He respected your wishes and waited for you to come to him. You hadn't.
That all changed when you saw working at scoops ahoy in that stupid uniform. Honestly, it should be illegal to look that good.
Steve and his stupid, slutty thighs. Steve and his stupid, slutty waist.
You walked over to the counter and rang the bell. Steve turned around and blushed.
"Get it over with Henderson," he said with a groan. You smiled and let out a little laugh. He had so idea you thought that that stupid uniform was hot.
"I don't know. Maybe you could help me?" You ask and lean on the counter. "I'm thinking cherries jubilee, maybe a banana boat sundae?" You say with a smile as Steve's eyebrows hit his hairline.
"I'm sorry?" He asks. He was very clearly shocked. "is this a stupid prank?" Steve asks.
"I did not plan this. Blame that slutty sailors outfit," you reply with a wink. Steve's jaw drops. You tap your finger under his chin so it doesn't literaly hit the floor.
"So, pick me up at,- what time do you get off?" You ask. Steve is still in shock as you fold your arms over your chest.
He couldn't believe it. He couldnt. You were different
There were a few small tattoos adorning your arms, and your black jeans clung to you. Low on your hips. Steve snapped back to reality and kept his mind from wandering.
How many nights had he pined over you? Wishing and hoping for a single kiss. A single hug even.
"Um, ten," he blurts and you smile before grabbing his hand and writing your number.
"You can pick me up at 11, maybe we could go to the arcade. They are open late on Saturdays during the summer," you say and give him a kiss on the cheek before walking off.
Steve stands in shock. H-
"You rule Harrington," Robin says with utter shock. How had Steve had a girl, a very, very, hot girl come up and basically ask him out?
"I rule?" Steve says and hears a groan.
"Was that my sister?" Dustin asks. That was when it hit him.
Steve had gotten a date with his sister. You despised Steve? Or did you?
Dustin didn't want to find out.
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
🪽I just remembered birds will often preen and flash their wings to show off for their mates and can't get the idea out of my head of Demon!Lexa absolutely using her wings against Clarke's obvious weakness for them. Just stretching them full out to their magnificence every now and then to see Clarke go all big eyed, fluffing them up whenever Clarke compliments her, letting them swish around a little more freely when Clarke is watching, flexing and snapping them in arguments or when she's protective of Clarke 🪽
The ride out is deafeningly quiet.
Heavy in the settled weight of it between them, the fog of unspoken words only broken by the swish and thunk of too-new wipers that squeak across the windshield in maddeningly timed intervals.
Clarke grips the wheel in a loose fist. Easy, careless. Relaxed and unbothered. Everything her insides are not.
She glances over to her passenger, sat hunched and just as silent as she'd been when they'd pulled off, merely watching endless field go by.
Clarke turns down another deserted road and feels the wheels crunch along wet dirt and gravel.
"Baby." She reaches for the hand clutching an endlessly bouncing thigh. Pries it free from its death grip. Fingers turn and twist in a dance that requires no thought at all that point, just enough to slip easily in between the spaces of Clarke's own.
Eyes turn to her, looking so much more grey than their usual enchanting green under the dreary backdrop of skies that spit rain and rolls of thunder.
Lips pull tug up at the edges in a woeful attempt at a smile, looking foreign aand uncomfortable on such a normally deviously pleased face.
"Are you okay?" Clarke asks, squeezing the hand laced with her own.
A single slim shoulder lifts in a shrug. "Of course."
"Are you though?"
"Because it's okay to not be okay."
"I know."
"But I'm just saying. If you're not—"
Lexa's next smile is more genuine, somewhere between fond and fondly exasperated as she takes Clarke's hand and lifts it to her lips to dust it with a kiss. "I know, gorgeous," she whispers against Clarke's skin, nipping a bite of her teeth to Clarke's knuckle for good measure. "But I'm fine."
The tickle of her lips makes Clarke's skin tingle with ever sweet, plump brush.
Clarke smiles back at her girlfriend, pulling her closer and chancing the safety of their ill-gotten means of transportation for moment when she leans over to steal a kiss directly from the source.
As a treat. And a promise to let the subject rest. Because as much Clarke wants to be the dutiful girlfriend— supportive and soothing and all that other therapy-talk crap she could think of, the truth is that hearing Lexa's confirmation that the plan was still on sent a wicked thrill racing up Clarke's spine.
Because she'd been waiting for this shit for months.
Months of gently prodding and encouraging, of blatantly pandering to Lexa's insatiable fucking ego, of sweet words and shamelessly trading promises for sexual favors. She'd been relentless, in an entirely loving and supportive kind of way she'd insist, but single minded in her pursuit nonetheless.
And now it was here and, fuck, it was all Clarke could do not wiggle in her seat as she pulls back to send her girlfriend a fang-capped smile.
Lexa's eyes brightened at her obvious excitement, even if the palm in her grip stays clammy. But the air feels lighter between them as Clarke eases the car off the desolate road and takes them out further into the clearing surrounded by a thick boundary of woods.
The rain had all but stopped by the time she parks, only a few sprinkles refusing to give up their southern march. They get out in a flourish, Clarke's speed born of pure excitement, Lexa's of a deeply misguided desire to gallantly always open Clarke's door.
Arms wrapped around her waist the second they met in the middle at the front of the car.
Clarke decides her pout is more than worth the disappointment.
She doesn't give Lexa time to dwell on it anyway.
"You ready?" she breathes instead, running her hands over the tightly coiled muscles where her girlfriend's unyielding shoulders meet an elegant neck.
Lexa simply nods with a sigh, pulling Clarke closer until they're flush, skin warming against the chill autumn air that rustles through the open patch of field.
A purr explodes low in Lexa's chest, vibrating in deep sensual rolls that shoot straight down to Clarke's core. Lips find hers and sweet her up in a punishing, demanding kiss.
Clarke loved when Lexa gets like this. When she teeters on the knife's edge between damnation and saint. When the demon inside of her that sits quiet and patient on most days came forward to rattle the hinges of its cage and threaten to pull Clarke down with it.
Her moan dies on the wind as Lexa moves to cradle her jaw, holding her captive as she licks into her mouth. Clarke's hands squeeze the swell of Lexa's perfectly round ass, earning a grunt of satisfaction at the way it made hips grind deliciously against hips.
It is a promise.
An oath.
A vow of things yet to come; a depraved sacrament sealed in lips and tongue for it all to be fulfilled later.
After this little shit got her ass off the ground.
Clarke pulls back from the kiss with a stinging bite to a plump lip, smirking at Lexa's hiss of pleasured pain.
"Stop stalling," Clarke says with a quick lap of her tongue to catch the trickle of blood before the wound can completely heal right before her eyes.
Pools of black glitter under the canopy of clouds as Lexa hums and smirks right back. "Not stalling," she lilts, fingers toying with shorter curls around Clarke neck. "Just tasting what's mine. It's the lord's day after all. Think of it like an act of worship."
"Baby." Clarke leans in and whispers against Lexa's lips. ".... You are so full of shit."
Her angel's laughter was light. Breathy, airy, and sweet, teeth flashing sharp and deadly in the richness of her joy.
Clarke traces her hands in loops along the holy ground nestled between shoulder blades. Expectant. Wanting. Waiting to give comfort to raw and reddened skin exposed by Lexa's loose fitting tank top like so many times before.
But as always, Lexa surpises her instead.
"Would you mind if I walk for a minute? I think," Lexa says around a thick swallow, "I think I need a moment to myself."
Clarke fights the crease of her frown, searching within the abyss of twin inky eyes and finding only resolution and calm. "Oh course, baby. Do you... Do you want me to go?"
"No," Lexa says quickly, extinguishing the embers of disappointment and alarm before they can set. The sloped tip of her lips is easy when she smiles, when she leans down and gives Clarke another lingering peck, when she pulls back and rests their heads together and releases a shaky sigh. "I always want you here, my love."
Clarke's arms hug Lexa tighter at the poorly concealed plea within the endearment.
The one that still makes Clarke's heart pound even after all these months of living in blissful sin.
"Okay, baby. Whatever you need," Clarke says in a silent promise right back, knowing Lexa hears the unspoken assurance that she's not going anywhere loud and clear.
They release each other with only a little nod of agreement. Clarke climbs onto the hood of the car when Lexa shakes her limbs loose and takes her leave, uncaring of ass prints or dents as she settles in for the show. The rain that clings to the paint seeps through her jeans, but she pays it no mind, eyes focused and forward on the retreating figure.
It wasn't entirely a surpise.
Because Lexa had been honest, had told her hesitation and why she hadn't truly used her wings in so long.
They'd been laying naked in bed, sweat cooling on their skin as they twisted and curled into each other. Sated sighs had given way to contented hums and sex-muddled grins as they'd rested on outstretched bed of feathers. Clarke's fingers slipped through the satiny black. Watching the plumes rise and fall like tiny cascades of water under her touch.
She would never get over their softness.
And she'd listened when Lexa had said just how intensely she hated them. How she wished every day that they were gone. How she loved Clarke touching her in every way possible... but kind of hated the sight of her touching them.
The idea of it broke Clarke's heart.
Because Lexa was beautiful, and so were her wings, and she knew in her soul one couldn't exist without the other. They were a pair, a holy union of flesh, feather, and bone; a devastating tableau gilded straight from the very heavens that had damned her. They'd endured an eternity of wrath and ire, and carried the scars of brimstone laden hellfire, and without their menacing shadow, Lexa would never be whole.
So Clarke had pushed.
Had worked to mend the tattered relationship between them in soft encouragement, and reverent touches, and a steady stream of praising words of devotion for the last true thing that tied Lexa to the place she'd never be allowed to call home again.
But this boundary, this final line of reconciliation... she knows there is nothing left for her to mend.
This last step was something Lexa had to do on her own.
The minutes tick by on breezes and sputters of mist as Clarke watches Lexa amble about the open space of the field. She watches her angel stop at every flower patch, pausing to pick a bloom or two, only to stand and twirl it between her fingers.
Crush it.
Cast it aside and move on.
A clap of thunder rolls off in the distance as Lexa comes to a stop in the center of the field, head tilting back in a whip of curls as Lexa lifts her face toward the sky.
The earth goes deathly quite.
Hands ball into fists, muscle and sinew tightening with the strain, and though Clarke can't see the welts crack and bleed from such a distance, she knows the heat and feel of their rawness well. Black blooms like inky puddles from Lexa's shoulders, dripping in midnight shaded curls that stretch and wind out to the sides. The wings unfurl and fluff themselves into existence in a sinister display of opulence, sleek and deliciously lethal against the field's serene backdrop.
It's enough to have the air catch in Clarke's throat, leaving her struggling around a breath because somehow the damn things seem... bigger.
Enormous, in fact, if her amateur artist's eye is to be trusted and the little demon voice in her head makes a joke about how her girlfriend is apparently a 'grower'.
Because now the wings stand tall, stretch wide to double their normal size and jesus christ why hadn't Lexa ever mentioned that those fuckers can get bigger?! Those wings that have caressed her and held her close, that have warmed her skin with their silken touch. Now they suddenly look so ominous. So lethally beautiful in their grandeur.
Slack jawed and gripping the hood of the car beneath her for dear life, Clarke watches as Lexa visibly breathes a sigh of relief once the whole ordeal is done. And she looks small, so painfully small standing there under the proud crown of feathers that have settled in a menacing halo around her back.
Face still turned up toward the heavens, Lexa takes a set forward in the clearing as her arms slowly rise at her sides.
She's a vision of all things holy, a Hadean picture of the damned and divine, an annointed messenger bearing witness to the gospel of heaven and hell standing right here on earth.
A gasp rises and dies in Clarke's throat when feathers span and stretch out, and with a ominous downward snap of her wings, Lexa takes off into the air.
The sudden whoosh of wind cracks across the clearing, kicking up fallen milkweeds and splintered grss blades and sending them spiraling through the air. The force is enough to have Clarke sitting back in surpise as her hair blows back off her face in a rippling puff. The trees sway and whine with the force, branches swing in protest of dancing leaves that flip and scatter on the wind.
Clarke's heart races at the sight of it.
At the sheer power of those wings bending the earth to their will.
It's beautiful. Ethereal. Terrifying to behold.
Clarke watches Lexa rise higher with each graceful flex and fold of them, wings stretching wide, lifting upward in an elegant arc only to swoop down in a rumbled clap of air. One leg bends at the knee as Lexa crests the tops of the trees, arms still relaxed and crooked at her sides as though she's floating on air.
She knows no virtuous salvation could ever rival the ecstacy of bearing witness to such a heavenly figure.
The clouds are truly a blessing in that moment, the stark white and grey of them throwing Lexa's wings into haunting, darkened relief. All black plumage looking as grimly void as the cosmos of space as they take flight across the upper crowning of trees.
Lexa flies steadily upward, gaining altitude in steady lifts and sudden bursts of wing-thrust. She loops sideways on breath of wind and barrels downward like slingshot, only for wings flatten and curl and whisk her skyward again.
Clarke's stomach lurches in commiseration, faintly imagining what it must feel like to be so high and so free. Feels the churn of their breakfast roll uneasily in her stomach every time Lexa takes a sharp turn, stops short to hover and look out over the world before taking off with another graceful whoosh of her wings.
The moments pass in the unsteady palpitations of her heart as Lexa disappears beyond the skyline only to reemerge again. She dips low along the tree tops, slices meticulously through their branches, and soars high enough to be nothing more than a speck among the clouds.
It's as terrifying as it is beautiful, and it makes Clarke with the knowledge that that's as close to the heavens as her lover will ever be.
Clarke clambers down from the hood when Lexa coasts close enough that she can feel the air swell with each beat of her wings.
Jet black eyes snap to her. Hold her. Pin her with their stare.
A stare gleaming with silver and gold speckles she's convinced her love has snatched right from the star strewn edges of the cosmos above.
She doesn't think she's ever seen Lexa's eyes look so alive.
The wind whips around the opening in lazy gulfs as Lexa descends back down toward earth, wings now beating a lazy rhythm that matches the slowing thump in Clarke's chest.
Lexa lands in flutter of feathers, all wild, windswept tendrils curls of brunette as her feet kiss the wearied grass blades below without a stumble or falter to be seen.
Before Clarke's world can stop spinning in the awe coursing through her veins, Lexa lurches forward, lips drawn back in a snarl and razor sharp teeth bared to the sky. Jet black eyes flash with murder as she collapses to her knees. A guttural growl rips through the serenity of the air as Lexa slams her fists to the earth in an echoing boom.
It's enough to make the very ground shake. Jolts Clarke straight through her bones. The ground cracks beneath them with the force of the blow, fracturing in tendrils that wind out from her fists and explode in a dirt-laden ploom.
The mud and dust settle in an eerie calm unbroken by even a songbird as the earth seems to still in the wake of Lexa's fury.
It is as thrilling as it is devastating to witness the full scale of Lexa's strength in the remnants of her heartbroken destruction.
Clarke inches toward her wild thing. Moves in slow, shuffling steps to not startle her, clinging to the last vestiges of her calm because at least one of them has to be, as she watches Lexa stay hunched there. Shaking, wings twitching with each labored breath.
She eases down to her knees, careful of the cracks that scorch the earth as she shuffles in as close as she can get through the protective crown of feathers that hover above. Her fingers ghost over chesnut curls that flutter madly in the wind to slip under the steeled bend of Lexa's chin.
Something in her breaks at the sight of her, face so angry and so lost and so achingly small in the towering blanket of her wing's shadow. Twin pools of black that look up at her beneath the hang of lashes. Looking so hallow, so haunted, wet with the tears that threaten to break loose and spill over.
"I thought I'd hate," Lexa croaks in a watery whisper through the sludge of emotion that clogs her throat. "I wanted to hate it... But I missed it."
The sting of her eyes turns Clarke's vision hazy as she gives a jerky nod of understanding and gathers the broken pieces of her angel into her arms.
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