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macolethings · 18 days ago
In honor of Clexa's ten year anniversary of their first kiss, @thatonewherelexasachef is sharing some favorite Clexa's kisses from their own stories (from the greats like Quality Ingredients, Might as Well, Slopes, and Rock & Roll).
I think this is a fantastic idea, so I hope Melissa doesn’t mind me jumping on the bandwagon and sharing the first kiss from my story Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living)!
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“Please do not carry this guilt anymore,” she whispered. “We have apologized to one another and moved passed it.”
Lexa’s care brought on more tears. This woman, who carries so much, was now trying to alleviate Clarke’s burdens. The fierce warrior who people cower in front of stood before her with such great care and kindness, only wanting to make Clarke feel better.
Ever respectful, and receiving no response from Clarke, Lexa lowers her hand to step away. The loss of the hand spurs Clarke to move, as she reaches up and places Lexa’s hand back onto her face and takes a step forward into her space. A hint of surprise flashes in Lexa’s eyes, but she doesn’t move, except for a quick glance towards Clarke’s lips.
The slip confirmed everything Clarke needed to know. Reaching out with her right hand, she pulls Lexa in by the waist before closing the distance and pressing her lips to Lexa’s. The movement is slow as Clarke waits for Lexa to register what is happening and reciprocate. Lexa doesn’t deepen the kiss, but Clarke can feel herself getting pulled in closer by the hand on her face.
Nervous that she misinterpreted the flirting and increasing touches, Clarke pulls away to check on Lexa. Frozen on the spot, the only signs of Lexa being conscious is the tear rolling down her cheek and the quivering of her chin. Her eyes finally catch Clarke’s and widen before looking back down at her lips and up again. Lexa opens her mouth, maybe to ask a question, but Clarke can read the “is ‘yet’ now?” in her eyes. Clarke nods and it’s all the confirmation Lexa needs to kiss her again.
This time, there is no hesitation on Lexa’s part as she pulls Clarke into her embrace; her lips crashing into Clarke's. Clarke enjoys the feel of Lexa’s hands holding either side of her head and pulling her closer. Her heart is racing faster than it was when they were doing warmups, and this time it’s worth it. Lexa’s lips are soft, her kiss almost too delicate for what Clarke needed. Wanting to keep the moment going, Clarke pressed into Lexa more.
When Lexa eventually pulls away, Clarke realizes she has never seen a more beautiful sight. Lexa’s eyes, still covered in a sheen of tears, are a bright, almost emerald green. The unbidden smile on her face is beaming, and try as she might, the woman can’t seem to stop it. All Clarke can do is smile back.
“I still want to go over a few things for you to practice on your own.” Lexa said with some remorse to her tone.
“Ooorrr… we could,” Clarke stopped short before pushing a fallen strand of hair behind Lexa’s ear. As much as she wanted to learn how to protect herself, she had found a new, more exciting hobby
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keitrinkomfloukru · 5 months ago
I made yet another attempt today to get my 3d printer working again. Fresh filament roll, yet another new replacement hot end, and it jammed up again within 3 layers.
I've been trying for months. 3 extruders, 3 hot ends, 5 nozzles. I am officially given up. I don't have a 3d printer, I have a $500 paperweight. That's not counting the cost of replacement parts.
Don't ever buy anything from Creality, folks, their products are shit.
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mozz14 · 6 months ago
Promise me (it's gonna be alright)
Chapter 26 - POLIS MECHANIC - Raven's point of view, for a change.. (read here in AO3)
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Thanks to @thecrimsonknight for the moodboard, Shalli for beta support and @macolethings for listening to me whinge a lot (if you haven't already done so, go check out her canon divergent multi chapter that just updated - Sonraun Rein Kiken (a life worth living)
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ao3feed-clexafic · 5 months ago
The Scare
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/60209530 by Macole85 Six year old Lexa dresses up as a werewolf for Halloween to scare another Trikru kid that wronged her. (Note, this story has spoilers if you haven't read through Chapter 5 of Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living).) Words: 2501, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The 100 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Lexa (The 100), Original Characters Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa Additional Tags: Clextober24, Halloween, Werewolf, Young Lexa (The 100), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/60209530
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clarkesjourney-blog · 8 years ago
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Clarke Griffin - once a Skygirl, now a Grounder. A Nightblood. A Survivor. Hope. Do we think Clarke will still be referred to as Wanheda by the Grounders living in The Bunker once they are reunited? Their mindset, after living underground for more than 6 years, will have changed to some extent. To me, Clarke is no longer The Commander of Death, she has become the Giver of Life/Hope. Clarke has always done what she thought was best for her people. In the final 2 episodes, Clarke was uncertain the Nightblood running through her veins would even work against the radiation poisoning. She knew it saved Luna, but would it work so she could live for 5 years in a world destroyed by radiation? She knew about her mother's vision. Still, she didnt give up. She literally took the weight of the world on her shoulders in those final crucial moments, accepted her fate and climbed that tower. Clarke was not only fighting to save her friends, but fighting to save humanity. A true leader always puts their people first. Clarke was born for this, afterall. I'm still not over that amazing finale. Cast & crew are back in Vancouver August 12th to start filming S5. We should see a premier date late February/early March 2018. Fan art by: Elewings Art. #ElizaTaylor #ClarkeGriffin #TheChosenOne #Savior #GiverofLife #sonraun #hope #survivor #Nightblood #scifi #anewearth #postapocalypse #leader #Wonkru #theflame #bornforthis #The100fanart #eligius
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clara-seikatsu · 8 years ago
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim
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azhefa-archived · 5 years ago
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@stellher​ wrote:  “  when will it be enough?  ”
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          gaze flickers away from the sight of his dead world, a quick glance towards the skaigada before his eyes simply drop to stare blankly at his reflection in the window. he looks as marred as the earth. scars littler his hands and face, the mark of his royalty contorted, burned by black rain. in azgeda, they said to be proud of ones scars. it shows you survived. it shows you lived. but what do you do when you didn’t want to?  how can he celebrate a reminder of his failure?   
“  i can’t tell you that,   ”  honest, words come out gruffly. maybe it should be. he should be more grateful to be alive. everyone else here has people to miss as well, things they have lost. but it feels as if it’s still enough to them, to have some little family up here. they are each other’s people now and he supposes they are his but...it still doesn’t feel right. he doesn’t belong here. jaw clenches as his gaze shifts around a moment, arms crossing over his chest he had not meant for this burden to be on anyone else’s shoulders but his. perhaps, he is not as good at hiding his struggle from the rest as he thought. at least not from her. 
“  it wasn’t supposed to be me. and everyone knows that.  ”  a small shrug as he finally lets his eyes settle on raven. he is only here because clarke isn’t. he was the one that was supposed to die. fate really has such a funny way of twisting things, doesn’t it?  he was ready to go. he thought it was over the moment everything went dark in that arena. but instead, he woke up here, with a life he did not ask for. with people that are not his. he has to wonder when they look at him, do they just see the person he isn’t?  “   too many lives have been traded for mine.   ”  
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azhefa-moved · 5 years ago
another one
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maddajuliana · 3 years ago
Cataloging all FF14 drawings I've made over the past months. Heda Sonraun as a cyber RedMage in Oct 2021. I didn't even know how RDM should look at the time.
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macolethings · 2 months ago
Sonraun Rein Kiken (A Life Worth Living)
Ch. 16 - Reunited
Clarke finally arrives to Becca's island after a failed attempt to bring the remaining hydrazine to Raven. Lexa and Clarke are finally reunited.
Read here on AO3
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Thank you @mozz14 for reviewing this in less than 12 hours!
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komwamplei-blog · 7 years ago
🕑: Favourite Season?🕒: Favourite time of day?🕓: Apple or Android?
munday questions
🕑: Favourite Season?: definitely fall and winter. i love cold weather and that chill in the air that hits you straight to the bone and almost makes it hard to breathe. it sounds terrible, especially when you have to walk from class to class but i love love love the change from fall to winter so much.
🕒: Favourite time of day?: yeet. probably a combination of super late a night (1 am - 4 am) because it’s super solitary and it feels like you’re the only one in the world that’s awake (clearly not true) or early in the morning ( 6 am - 9 am) when you first wake up after sleeping really well because it just feels so… good and happy and pure
🕓: Apple or Android?: 1000% android. i’ve always had a galaxy well as soon as i got a smartphone and i will forever buy android products over apple because i like the customization and how much more it feels like you can do with them.
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wonderswritings · 4 years ago
Fighting For... Resurrection
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Summary: We survived the war. With little to no resources, we managed to defeat the grounders. But it came at a cost. Bellamy and Finn are gone. My sister and the others are missing, vanished into thin air. Raven is dying and I’m all alone. I should be used to being alone. I spent my entire life locked in the skybox, but a month on the ground has given me hope, only for it to be squashed in one night. I thought we were done fighting, but it turns out I was wrong. Because we’re still fighting but this time, we have help, or we believe we have help.
Warnings: The 100 Themes so blood and gore I guess
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Reader, Clarke Griffin x Twin!Fem!Reader
Fighting For… Masterlist
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“You’ll go to Tondc in my place. Lexa respects you and YN, doesn’t entirely hate you.”
“If YN gets upset, Lexa might have someone kill her. Lexa likes her. They’re friends.”
“We know they can see us, or they can see along the mountain. I think they let me in because I had one of their men.”
“Keep her klir Banto, kom your sonraun.”
“Come on, I know we’re besties. You’re always following me around.” “Shof op.” “I know what that means and that’s just mean! And rude!”
“Tell me, did you by chance happen to see her sister? The red head?” “No. She wasn’t there. She must still be with the grounders.”
“Octavia’s in Tondc for the meeting and YN hasn’t been back since we went to Tondc. Why’d you lie?” “Bellamy can’t be distracted. It helps no one.”
“Where is YN? I’m not leaving without her.” “YN left earlier. I told her to take a walk, Banto went with her. A hunting party found Banto. He was barely conscious when they found him. He told them that they took her.” “Who? The mountain men?”
“With Clarke and the Commander dead, the savages can go back to killing each other. And since we have YN, her people will do whatever we tell them to keep her alive and then we can retake the ground.”
“I can’t wait till you wake up my guiding light. We’re going to have so much fun together.”
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Groaning, I winced at the bright lights. I tried to sit up, making a face when I couldn’t move.
“What the hell?” 
The door opened, causing me to scowl as Cage walked in, smirking as I tried to free my wrists.
“You’re awake, good.”
I watched him as he walked towards me, stopping beside me, pressing a button that rose the top of the bed. I looked down, seeing metal shackles over my wrists and ankles. I huffed, slamming my head back, causing Cage to grin.
“I told you, I would get you back. We’re not quite finished with you just yet.”
I went to say something when the door opened, a guard stepping in.
“I’m sorry sir, but there’s a situation.”
Cage huffed, looking down at me, grinning.
“I’ll see you soon my dear.”
He walked towards the guard, stopping in front of him.
“Prepare her for transport. The doctor is waiting for her.”
He turned towards me, smirking.
“Sedate her if you have to but under no means are you to undo her restraints.”
The guard nodded, looking over at me.
“Yes Mr. President.”
Glaring, I looked over at Cage.
“I got out before Cage, I’ll do it again. And this time I’ll keep my promise.”
Cage glared, grabbing the syringe the guard was fiddling with, stalking towards me. He placed the needle at my arm, grinning.
“You won’t be going anywhere my dear. But please, keep dreaming. It will be easier for you if you dream.”
I huffed, glaring at him as black spots filled my vision.
“I will ki-kill you.”
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“So, what’d she say?”
Banto huffed, grinning slightly as he shook his head. I grinned, knocking my elbow into his arm.
“Come on, I know we’re besties. You’re always following me around.”
Banto grinned, slightly shoving me.
“Shof op.”
I gasped, hitting his arm!”
“I know what that means and that’s just mean! And rude!”
Banto laughed, shaking his head.
“You talk a lot.”
I gasped, placing my hand on my chest.
“When’d you become so mean? I swear, you’re a big cuddle bear in the village but you're just mean to me.”
Banto grinned, looking down at me.
“If you say so.”
He nodded, motioning for me to walk ahead of him.
“Lets see if you’ve gotten any better.”
I grinned, walking ahead of him before I turned, waving at him, sticking my tongue out.
“Come and get me you big cuddle bear!”
I laughed, turning on my heel and taking off running, Banto shaking his head.
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Coming to, everything was relatively blurry as I looked around. I was in a different room than earlier, the walls a dark grey, the walls bare. There was a big light above me, but it wasn’t as bright as it was in the other room. My back was to the door, and I clenched my fists when I heard the door screech open. I glared as a doctor came into view, watching him walk towards the cabinets. 
“What are you doing?”
He didn’t answer, causing me to huff as he turned, walking towards me.
“What are you doing?”
He spared me a glance as he grabbed my arm.
“Finishing the process.”
I tried to pull my arm from him but it was no use as he tightened his grip, placing an iv in my arm. I made a face as everything started to become blurry.
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I had found a tree that had an opening in the trunk, big enough for me to slide through it. I grinned when I saw Banto running past, watching as he looked around before he stopped. I made a face, watching as he ducked into some bushes. I was about to come out when I heard a twig snap, seeing a group of men walk into the clearing. 
“She should be here. Whitman saw her leaving.”
“Spread out. Search the area.”
I watched as they all moved, biting my lip to stifle my gasp. None of them were wearing hazmat suits. I clenched my fists when two of the men neared the bushes where Banto was. I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding when they walked off. My eyes widened when they turned, firing. They stopped, walking back into the bushes. I gasped when they pulled Banto out, seeing the growing red spots on his shoulder and leg. They threw his to the ground, forcing him onto his back, aiming their guns at him. 
“Where is she? Where is YN Griffin?”
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“You killed two of my men, injured two. If you weren’t important to our cause, I’d have already killed you.”
Groaning, I tried to blink away the blurriness, seeing Cage standing at the foot of the bed. 
“Go ahead. But we both know you’re scared.”
Cage grinned, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh really now?”
“My sister and the Commander are coming here to kill you and everyone who stands in their way. You don’t stand a chance.”
Cage grinned, walking around the bed, stopping beside me. He reached out, grabbing my face and applying pressure.
“That’s just it, your sister and the Commander are dead. Along with your army. There’s no one coming to save you.”
Scoffing, I tried to lean back, glaring up at him.
“Says you. You don’t know anything.”
Cage grinned, letting my face go, causing me to fall back against the bed, groaning. He turned, the man from earlier handing him a radio before Cage lifted it, watching me with a grin.
“This is President Wallace talking to the kids who just killed ten of my men. I thought we’d try something a little different this time. There’s only twenty minutes of oxygen in Maya’s suit. I know she’s a friend of yours. In twenty minutes, your friend will either suffocate or burn. But you can save her, and your other friends I have, all you have to do is surrender.”
Cage grinned, lowering the radio.
“What do you think they’ll do? Do you think they’ll surrender?”
“Fat chance.”
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Bellamy pushed the trash chute open, waving at Maya.
“Get her in here! Come on!”
Jasper helped Maya into the trash chute, climbing in after her.
“Go! Go! Go!”
Jasper jumped up to his feet when they landed, rushing to Maya’s side as Bellamy landed behind him.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
Decontamination complete. All clear.
“Dad? What are you doing here?”
Vincent sighed, hugging Maya.
“What your mother would have done.”
Bellamy grabbed Jasper, turning him towards him.
“Listen to me, YN and Clarke are coming with an army of grounders.”
“We have to keep all of you safe until then.”
Jasper grinned, tiling his head to the side.
“Don’t tell me Finn finally got his peace talks.”
Bellamy sighed, nodding tightly as he offered Jasper a small smile.
“Something like that. Come on, we got a lot of work to do.”
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Cage was clenching his fists as he walked back into the room, throwing something to the ground.
“They chose. They picked Maya’s life over yours.”
I shrugged, watching as he smoothed his suit out.
“They don’t know I’m here. Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you called me a friend.”
Cage huffed, shaking his head as he looked behind me, nodding once.
“She’s ready. Prepare the transfusion.”
Cage walked out of the room, and I watched as another man walked into view, his back towards me.
“If you touch me, you’ll be the first person I kill after Cage.”
They laughed, shaking their head as they turned, walking into the light, causing me to gasp.
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Bellamy looked down the hall, sighing.
“All clear.”
Miller walked towards Bellamy, walking beside him as they walked down the hall.
“Won’t they see us?”
“Relax, Monty took out the cameras.”
“Yeah well, we’re still sitting ducks in a group like this.”
“You’re right. That’s why we’re gonna split up.”
Monty made a face, shaking his head.
“No, we do this together. We survive together.”
“Bellamy’s right.”
“They don’t trust Maya anymore. Who’s gonna help us now?”
Bellamy grinned, nodding as they rounded a corner.
“They are.”
“We’re gonna hide you. Not everyone here agrees with Cage, not by a long shot.”
Vincent stepped forward, waving the kids towards him.
“Come with me. We’ll divide you along the way.”
Jasper turned, walking towards Bellamy.
“Hey, we’re coming with you.”
Bellamy sighed, shaking his head.
“No you’re not. They still don’t know I’m here and I need to keep it that way.”
“So what do we do?”
“Stay alive, be ready to fight. War is coming.”
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“Where are they?”
I groaned as Cage slapped my cheek, forcing my eyes open. He grabbed my face, leaning closer to me.
“Where. Are. They.”
I made a face, attempting to shake my head.
“I-I don’t k-kn-know-”
Cage growled, squeezing my face.
“Don’t lie to me. You have to know something.”
I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes.
Cage scoffed, turning.
“Start. Let’s see if her friends will come out of hiding when they find out she’s here.”
Cage lifted the radio, grinning.
“To the kids still at large.”
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Bellamy was walking down the hall when his radio came to life, causing him to stop walking.
“To the kids still at large. I have someone that belongs to you. Clarke Griffin managed to escape-”
Bellamy made a face, tilting his head to the side.
“While her sister found a way inside. Today, we brought her back.”
Bellamy felt his heart stop as he tightened his grip on the radio.
“YN Griffin will be our guiding light. She has a few words for you all.”
Bellamy jumped, not prepared to hear YN screaming.
“Unfortunately, it seems she’s unable to talk. But you can end her suffering, all you have to do is surrender.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, shaking his head.
“Fat chance.”
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no-damsel · 4 years ago
The after
Clarke paced back and forth, muttering the same words over and over. “We killed her. We killed Harrianna and her family.”
“Clarke, we didn’t kill them.” Raven said sternly. “Finn did. You didn’t put the gun in his hands, he chose to massacre that village. Not us.”
It pained Raven to speak about Finn in a such an away, but it was the truth. It has taken Raven a long time to come to terms with the reality of what her boyfriend had done. Harrianna death was on him, not them.
“None of this makes sense...” Clarke whispered, as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
Raven gave her a worried look. The blonde seemed to be falling apart at the seams. Ever since Harrianna informed them how she ‘died’ the night before, Clarke had become increasingly paranoid. “Clarke, you just need to take a moment to breathe and think straight.”
Clarke stopped pacing and turned to face her. “Do you realize he’s came back to kill me?”
“Who? Bellamy?” Raven asked with a sign.
The brunette looked over her friend's shoulder to look at Octavia wide-eyed. She needed back up, but Octavia was too concentrated on playing with the young boy. Her nephew. It was strange to think that the Blake family had gone from being one person to four in a matter of days. Raven was happy for O. It made things easier knowing Octavia had her family back.
“Raven, did you listen to a word I just said?” Clarke asked, now standing in front of her.
She shook her head. “No, sorry my mind was somewhere else.”
Raven leaned against the wall and zoned out again while Clarke continued to ramble. Yep, her friend was coming undone.
“Sonraun moves ona en so beda osir.”
Murphy spun his head fast to see who was standing behind him. He rolled his eyes when he saw Harrianna, Bellamy’s...person, sit down beside him by the fire.
“Life moves on and so should we. It’s something my parents used to say.” Harrianna said softly.
“Yeah, before my people killed them.” Murphy turned back to face the fire before letting out a small yelp. He frowned at Echo who had just kicked him in the back of the leg for being rude. “I just don’t understand. How is being sent back here to earth a punishment? You get to live.”
The green-haired grounder cocked her head to the side. “And die. Earth is the most dangerous place in the world, this is the ultimate punishment.”
“Could you not die before?” Echo asked curiously. A place you couldn’t die didn’t sound that bad to her.
Harrianna sighed. “You would only transcend once the elders have fulfilled your duty. But down here? A fall, a stray bullet, fires. Any number of things could kill you.”
“So you’re just pissed about being human?” Murphy spat.
Echo kicked him again.
Murphy jumped to his feet fast. “Do that one more time! I dare you!”
“That’s enough!” Emori shouted, jumping in front of him. “I’m sorry Echo, I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Come, take a walk with me.”
“I didn’t mean to...”
Echo smiled at Harrianna. “Don’t apologize, and I wouldn’t worry about what a member of Skaikru has to say.”
Harrianna nodded before politely excusing herself. She could tell that something was off. The people she was seeing weren’t the same people Bellamy had described to her.
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orangeyouglad8 · 5 years ago
Won Sonraun Au
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The festival has begun in the streets below. The lights below dot and decorate the structures, flickering up in the darkness. Pieces and ripples of music and laughter will float their way up to the tower window, not enough to be understood beyond their greater meaning: joy.
Spring has shown its face after a long and dark winter where storms and snow were more plentiful than they had been in years. Her people are happy now, though. On the other side of hardship. With the ground that has softened and the trees that have bloomed and the life that renews. This summer they will have to work hard to replenish their stores and repair their houses, but now, right now, they can relax and be happy.
Lexa should make an appearance. Should walk the streets and join in the revelry even if only for a few moments. There will be food and mead and treats that are only made for this festival celebrating spring.
And yet, she cannot bring herself to move.
[Read More]
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sometimesrosy · 5 years ago
It was revealed that the title of 7x01 is From the Ashes. Do you think the episode might mostly be about Sanctum and the aftermath of 6x13?
It’s almost guaranteed to be about the aftermath. No i take that back. We don’t know if it’s directly after or if there’s a little time jump. We’ll find that out.
But the titles usually touch on all the storylines to some extent.
From the ashes is part of Niylah’s quote from 4.
NIYLAH.May the Earth and ash become one. Body and spirit, old life and new.Hofli graun en folau na gon won. Medo en keryon, kriken sonraun en branon.
NIYLAHFrom the Earth, we will grow… From the ashes, we will rise.Kom graun, oso na groun op… Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
This is like the rallying cry of the post apocalyptic survivors for me. It’s about rebirth. It’s about the phoenix rising from the ashes. It fits all the storylines in season 7 I think.
Not particularly about Sanctum, as far as I can tell. They kept Sanctum from burning, didn’t they? Octavia crashed into that human torch to save the bar where everyone was, yes? 
I mean, Russell tried to salt the earth they left behind and steal the ship with their frozen bodies for reincarnation in storage. That’s not really ashes.
But I could see why the sanctumites might feel it that way. But also why earthkru might feel that way. And the COGs. 
And I have to say, we have a character named Ash. That no one knows about, so I feel that Echo’s secret might also have something to do with that storyline. That’s actually her second first ep that shares her name. Of a sort. And 4.01 did have to do with her. So did a lot of s4 tbh. She’s a very symbolic character. So what could this title mean for her character? She’s going to be honest about who she is, but what will that mean?  
I think the title might actually be about the whole season. This is it. This is their last chance to bring humanity back from the brink. 
Let’s see. How have the ep1 titles informed the season?
1. Pilot (I guess it might be considered “the 100″)2. The 483. Wanheda4. Echoes5. Eden6. Sanctum7. From the Ashes
To be honest, each of those seems to set up the whole season. If I think about it, not only do the titles tell us about the beginning of the season and the first ep, but there’s also some resonance in them for the LAST episode of the season.  S1 has us meeting the 100 and also has them go missing at the end. S2 has us searching for the 48 at the start, and then them coming home at the end. S3 Wanheda has us learning of Clarke’s myth at the start and has Clarke risking humanity by killing ALIE at the end. S4 has the echoes of the past wars and apocalypses affecting everything and then at the end Clarke is talking to no one getting only echoes back (yikes).  S5 has us meet this eden like valley, then after it is destroyed meet a new possible eden to start over at the end. S6 has them landing on sanctum and also returning to sanctum at the end as a sanctuary from battle.
So what will From the Ashes mean? IDK, but I like it for my return to earth theory. Yes I do.
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azhefa-archived · 5 years ago
@setofheda​  ||   s.c. ♛
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         “  dei don tona yiron kom don,  ”  it’s a quiet mumble as light hues shift away from the young girl. that past often feels like a distant dream these days. fate has led him down a strange path and this is never where he would have expected it to wind up, but it’s where it brought him nonetheless. the last time he was in this place he was a different man. this land was prosperous and beautiful. now it feels haunted. but then, all of the earth does. a part of him would rather not revisit his past. at least not the parts of it which bring the painful memories of his exile. yet all they have are stories now and she deserves to know more of her people. she is the last of them.  “  ai don ste hainofa,  ”  he finally adds before she gets that disappointed look when he refuses to tell her something.  “  ai sis don hod bakkova in kom yu kru.  ” they used to produce the most coveted, colorful dyes. many nobles used to pride themselves for having the ability to trade for the flashy clothing.
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