#it was never about how powerful he was. or how many powers he possed
The original concept for the manga comes true; it all comes full circle.
Deku gets support items. They mimic the quirks of ofa. He uses up his embers and continues to be a hero quirkless. He does not falter and continues to grow and improve. His power is never like it was but his experience and determination are what made him a true hero.
He and Bakugou still compete and they do not give up hope on being a hero duo.
They get a hero agency together and Deku is extremely popular as not only the new symbol of peace but as a true embodiment of how anyone can be a hero. He is an inspiration to quirkless kids and normalizes it. Kids who think they have useless quirks or are quirkless realize that they can do and be anything they want to.
Deku becomes the number one hero and competes with Bakugou as to who can maintain that rank the longest (their ranks are constantly shifting and they are always battling for who’s one and two,, Todoroki gets number one for like a month and both of them lose their minds)
It comes out that All Might was also born quirkless and he opens about it in an interview for a retrospect. He explains how proud he is of Midoriya and how he admires how he continues to fight as he, himself, had lost his spirit to keep fighting after he lost his quirk.
Deku continues to be a pillar of hope. Of the belief of good. Of reform and understanding. And under his influence, the world becomes more like what he embodies.
The essence of what a true hero is.
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blarshwritezz · 3 months
Yandere Victim x Serial Killer Reader
Male Yan x gn reader
TW - general yandere behavior, murder, mentions of suicide, smoking, ghosts/paranormal stuff, technically kidnapping
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Victim!Yan was just a shut-in true crime fan with no direction in life. He didn't have a job, barely any cash left, no friends, no family. A total loser.
Victim!Yan was thinking about just killing himself and getting it over with. Everyone dies anyway, right? And there aren't exactly any cool killers to give him an interesting death like in all the stories he's much too obsessed with.
Victim!Yan was staring out his apartment's window, having what was supposed to be his last smoke. Tonight would be the night...until he heard screams in the alleyway beneath him.
Victim!Yan figured there was no harm in looking down. No reason to either, but something compelled him to do so. His eyes widened when he saw you, silencing those screams by burying a knife into your victim's neck over and over again.
Victim!Yan was instantly smitten. Heat rose to his cheeks as you eliminated the evidence, leaving only the mutilated corpse of your victim. He watched you disappear into the night, hoping and, for the first time in his life, praying that he'd see you again.
Victim!Yan saw the news about your "work" the next morning. Police officers even came to question him, but of course he didn't eat you out! You seemed to have so much fun getting covered in that red blood. Oh how he wished it was his. Those other people didn't deserve to die by your glorious hands!
Victim!Yan kept up with your killings in every way possible. News, podcasts, social media, gossip, every way he possibly could! He learned you, like many prolific serial killers, seemed to have a type when it came to killing.
Victim!Yan did everything possible to become your type. He started going out at night to places he suspected you might show up. He changed his physique, his hair, and even started standing up straight if you preferred him to be taller!
Victim!Yan never gave up, and finally, after so SO long of hoping to be caught by you, there you were! You were even more stunning up close! The way you ran after him on this deserted street was absolutely thrilling! And when you finally caught him, pinning him down with your perfect hands, he just about died of happiness before you even had the chance to spill his blood!
Victim!Yan relished every glorious moment of you stabbing him to death until his breathing finally stopped. He was so glad to see you take a little souvenir off his body...wait, he was still watching you?
Victim!Yan quickly realized he was most certainly dead, but somehow still able to watch you. Even follow you. And you didn't see him? After some initial confusion, he soon discovered he was a ghost. He was so elated!
Victim!Yan followed you everywhere! Even when you thought you were completely alone, he was there too! And you had hardly any idea, until he started to get bolder.
Victim!Yan would wrap his cold arms around you as you slept. He would start messing with your things, closing the doors in your home when he didn't want you to leave. You were so cute all frustrated about these new occurrences.
Victim!Yan only grew more powerful as a ghost, until one night you were even able to see him! You finally confronted him, lunging at him, going for the kill, and for both you and him to be disappointed about you not being able to kill him yet again.
Victim!Yan stopped letting you leave your house soon after that. No one could come in, either. The police thought something happened to you, and considered your killings to all be cold cases after a while.
Victim!Yan wanted to be your last and only victim, but saw how irritable you got now that you couldn't kill. He decided to generously posses things like dolls so you could still have your fun.
Victim!Yan would never ever let you go now. You were all his. His perfect killer.
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And another one done!
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igotanidea · 1 year
Quiet: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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Stubborn like a mule, Dick would never admit he fell for a teammate. Of course everybody knows and with the amount of teasing it won't take much to push him over the edge.
Inspired by Charlie Puth;s song Charlie be quiet.
Warning: it's long :D (20.971 words!) - that part was not planned :D
Seven years ago
„Stop staring.”
„You heard me. Stop ogling her.”
“I am not….”
“Dick.” Donna’s voice was as stern as it possibly could. Despite her best effort she was slowly losing patience with Robin’s childish play of cat and mouse. Everyone, literally everyone, team or not could say he was head over heels in love with his teammate, Y/N Y/L/N, who also happened to posses the power of blue lantern. She was the third one to join the Titans, after the corps decided that the girl, born human, had to be near Earth’s green lantern to get access to her full power. Hal, who was supposed to be her mentor trained her well for a couple of years and despite their differences they become friends. So when the green one left her at the tower, arguing that she needed friends at the same age and with similar capabilities and assuring that she could always reach him if need arises, her heart broke a little. At first she was withdrawn, intimidating and hard to understand but soon her other, lighter side emerged. One thing everyone noticed about the girl was that everytime she was indulged in things that gave her sense of fulfillment the lantern’s blue light surrounded her, making her look ethereal and beautiful. Perhaps that was the thing that quickly caught Dick’s attention. Despite their initial fights and a lot of misunderstandings and communications problem they worked through it. Of course, only for the sake of the team, nothing else. Both Dick and Y/N were individuals who hated being told what, how and when to do, but also knew when to step down. She was the one to make him stop, think and analyze the situation before acting, he helped her in developing her intuition. In no time, he found himself falling for that introverted analyst who always, always had  a plan and was way too much in her own head.
“She’s gonna figure it out. Is that what you want?” Wondergirl mocked, knowing well enough that for the last couple of years Dick was doing everything in his power to keep this infatuation a secret. In his own words, it was not wise to get into relationship with someone who could be called into space at every second. And definitely stupid to love a teammate, which may cause a distraction and damage while fighting. He just kept coming with so many dumb excuses to adore her from the distance. At this point he didn’t even bother to answer Donna’s question since it was obvious Y/N realization of the situation would be the end of him. So he kept it quiet. Y/N was that kind of person who preferred to keep the emotions at bay as well, never giving him any sign she was interested in forming a relationship, more often than not pushing people away when she was scared and worried and stressed and vulnerable. Not really talking about it but separating to gather back her strength and balance. Well, she was the blue lantern, who got power from hope, so what else could you expect.
“Did you guys want something?” said blue one turned around towards her friends “you’ve been standing there for like a quarter now and it’s getting suspicious” she mocked
“it’s fine. We were just trash-talking you” Donna smirked
“Oh thank god, I was getting worried you were saying some good stuff about me. Such a relief” she fake-brushed her forehead. “Anyway, is anyone up for some sparring? I need to keep my spark up.”
“I thought you were  supposed to recharge? I mean… meet with Hal?” Dick frowned and a shadow of disappointment crossed the girl’s face as she shook her head.
“He was called on Oa. Apparently some threat appeared in the north side of the galaxy and Green Corp needs his immediate help. Nothing new, so yeah, I’m gonna go workout. Want to join me, Grayson.”
“Nope.” He felt his heartbeat fasten. Shit, it was getting harder and harder to be around her.
“ Ok. Donna?”
“Sure. I’m game. You can never count on the boys, right.”
“Hear, hear, sister.”
Just as Donna and Y/N left, heading towards the training room, Hank appeared on the other side.
“You did it again, didn’t you?” he let out a laugh “I would love to see you breaking one day.”
“Not a chance.”
Four years ago
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/N eyes went wide the second she entered the lab at the precinct. “it’s all for me?” it took a lot of strength not to jump out in joy. When, after the Jericho incident, the Titans fell apart and everyone went their own ways, she put all her intellectual efforts into science, biology and chemistry, taking first steps on a path to become a Forensic Scientist. With her stubbornness, passion and insight she soon got to be the best in the field. Last year was spend on working with the best detectives and investigators (including detective Chloe Decker from LAPD), getting hell of a knowledge and experience. And now, she moved to new city and easily scored a job at the best precinct in the whole country.
“Yep. All yours. Take your time and when you are ready, come meet the team. It’s quite big if you ask me, may be a bit overwhelming, so at first you’ll only meet with the best of the best. Those will be your regulars.”
“Good. I’m not exactly good with people.”
Half an hour later, the girl finally left the lab equipment, the books and agents and came down to the main office of detectives. With every step the feeling of something strangely familiar of this place was consuming her more and more and that hope of good things to come made her hand glow blue. A single raise of an eyebrow of one the officers was enough to snuff it.
“Y/N! Oh, you decided to grace us with your presence.” Her boss was talking to some man, whose back was turned to her so she did not see his face. “good timing. I would like to present to you our top investigator. Meet detective Richard Grayson.”
“Wha.. what?” she stuttered a little bit, pure shock reflecting in her eyes as the man turned around his expression being a mirror reflection of hers. “Dick?”
“Y/N?” he hadn’t seen her for two freaking years. Hell, he did not contact her in any way, despite a bit of stalking to make sure she was doing fine. And after all this time his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the girl he was still in love with. Time did nothing. And she was going to work with him, again.
“Hi.” She tilted her head and smiled lightly as the first surprise passed
“You know each other?” the captain caught up on the scene happening in front of his eyes
“From the previous life.” Dick said without looking away from her. It was real, she was real and here. He got her back.
“Should I be worried then? Will your past cause any problems in professional relationship?”
“No, sir. Not at all.”
Dick Grayson was always a good liar.
She wasn’t even doing anything, just sitting at the desk, covered with document and samples collected from the crime scene. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red,  clear sign she did not sleep much in the last days, her thick h/c hair a perfect mess. Lack of makeup and lab’s soft light mixed with her blue aura made her look young, fragile and innocent. All those adjectives far from truth given her secret identity.
“Hey Dick.” She smiled softly, yawning and stretching “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“You are?” that was surprising. Maybe she did change during the last time he saw her. There was something more gentle in her action.
“Mhm.” She rubbed her eyes in child-like manner “I need to stand from behind this desk like now. I’m way too sore. I’m going to grab some coffee. Would you mind staying here and watching the documents? Can’t risk anyone getting the confidential information about the investigation. And since it’s yours….”
“Sure.” His heart dropped a little but he did not let it show.
“Thank you.” She hopped down from the chair and suddenly lost her balance. Dick’s instincts kicked in and he was quick to catch and hold her before she fell to the ground. For the first time since the Titans she was so close to him, yet not close enough. He wanted to embrace her fully, stroke her hair, feel her heartbeat next to his, feel her. Sad thing he couldn’t.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked instead, unwillingly letting go.
“Not sure. I took a nap yesterday, but…”
“What?” she scoffed “to much to do. You know…. the other job…. And it’s not like you are not running around the streets dressed in red and green.”
“Yeah, of course I know. I observe. And did you really think I bought that story about your injuries being the effect of the latest work action? Please, I know you better than that.”
“And I know you. How’s your light doing? Hope still up?”
“Never dying. But I’m not going to lie. Given the condition of the world last two years was a rough ride. I was even summoned by the Blues.”
“You were in space, huh? Why?”
“They thought I was getting weak. Wondered if I deserve the power of the lantern. But you know, the ring know what it does. I was just cut from using it for a bit. Last week of my suspension and then I’m back at my full capabilities.”
“I’m sorry about it.” He took a step closer and grabbed her hand. She didn’t even flinch when he started caressing her palm. It was nice and comforting and moving something inside her.
“It’s fine. We learn from mistakes, right? At least some of us” she shoved him playfully killing the atmosphere in effect.
“Sit down, Y/N. I’ll fetch you coffee and then we’ll talk about my case.”
“Ok, thanks. I want…..”
“Black, no sugar. I remember.”
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Dick and Y/N were standing at the crime scene. Or rather a battlefield scene. Blood and dead bodies were everywhere reminding of horror movies, especially those where the chainsaw was used.
“I’m not an amateur, Dick and this is not my first rodeo so stop it. I’ve seen worse. In both lifes.”
“Right. Sorry.”
“It’s ok. That little protectiveness of ours is touching. And gives me a reason to mock you freely.”
“Don’t you dare” he hissed grabbing her by the waist “I can always go full Robin on you” he whispered his face centimeters from her, unwillingly leaning in, forgetting where he was, who he was and what he was doing.
“Well than, I’ll go full blue lantern on you” she smirked and wriggled from his arms “but now, I have work to do. Genetic material, my favorite kind”.
As Y/N came closer to the one of the bodies Dick was completely consumed by his own thoughts. He loved her even more now and it was getting impossible to hide it.
Two years ago
Two years of working together did not bring him any closer to confessing his feelings. Even when after night patrol he showed at her apartment to get patched up and stayed the night watching her sleep on the other side of the same bed, unable to even close an eye. Her obliviousness was no help, since she was always calling him a friend, a coworker, a team member, even a mate. It was killing him. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she muttered shifting her position  a bit. She knew he was awake and there was no point denying “how are your injuries?” she reached towards his arm covered with fresh cuts almost touching it, but stopping a few millimeters away from the skin. Luckily for him, since he knew her single touch would make him burn. He wanted to kiss her, to do more – to make her feel good, to make her his and only his…….. Dirty thought and images was now creeping in his mind “Dick?” she frowned “you are distracted, officer”. That last word and her body so close made him jump out of the bed immediately, terrified his self-control was failing him.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna get some water. Go back to sleep, you need to rest.”
“No buts. Sleep. I’m taking the couch.”
He did not get any rest that night. Crazy dreams that could never happen were enough to keep him up.
She got hurt. Because of him. Because of his recklessness and distraction. He shouldn’t have left her alone. Y/N was just doing her job, securing the evidences. Every other detective was in the other room of the house when shooters came through the door, firing their guns in every possible direction. Before anyone could react three policemen where bleeding, and one was dead.
“Shit! Y/N!” Dick hissed and rushed to the place where she was hoping nothing happened. He managed to disarm three of the attackers on the way, but judging from the sound she was dealing with the fourth, doing pretty good job. Even if blue lanterns were never considered the fighters, she was an exception, years in Titans and Hal’s upraise giving her exceptional skills in hand-to-hand fight, blue constructs adding to that. She was spinning, ducking and sliding, creating blue daggers and blades, going for the win when she saw him. A second of hesitation was enough for the opponent and she ended up with a knife in her stomach and  blood flowing everywhere. The last thing she felt was a pair of strong arms embracing her and lifting her up, holding close to wide chest whispering the most cliché words – it’s gonna be ok.
And now she was on the ICU, looking small and pale in hospital bed with Dick sitting on the uncomfortable chair holding her cold hands.
“Detective Grayson?” doctor’s voice made him stand up immediately “she’s going to be fine. No serious damage was done, luckily the blade missed the organs by an inch. And this girl, she’s strong, a fighter.”
“You have no idea, doctor. Thank you.”
“Just doing my job.” The MD shrugged but smiled happily “you got couple minutes left, and then she’ll need rest.”
“Ok.” When the doctor disappeared he leaned over girl’s sleeping figure and lovingly kissed her forehead “I’ll take care of you.”
Year ago.
 “I need your help.”
“My help of Blue’s help?” she asked “wait, don’t answer. I know what it will be.”
“Of course you do.” she could tell he rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone line.
“So? what’s the case? Go on. I got work.”
“There’s this girl. Her name is Rachel…..”
“Wait, are you talking about the teenager that run away from the house? The one, whose mother was shot straight in the head?” Y/N voice came up an octave.
“Yes. Wait, how do you…..?”
“So it happens I’m at the crime scene, detective.”
“Right.” Of course, he should have known she would be called there right away. And he did not like the fact that he wasn’t there with her to keep her safe. He didn’t trust anyone else with that.
“Relax, Dick. Everyone’s safe and I know how to protect myself. I can’t understand why do I have to assure you of it every time you are not around. I thought you knew my killer skills.”
“I know, but remember what happened last time?”
“It was a year ago, you fool! And it was your fault.” He went quiet for a bit too long “Dick? Are you still there?”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty.”
“I know.”
“But you’re sulking. We’ve been through this. All is forgiven and forgotten. Now, what about this Rachel girl?”
“She’s like you. She has powers. And she’s terrified.”
“she just lost her mother, no surprise with that.”
“Not only about that. There’s something dark about her. Can you come?”
“Give me an hour.”
“Hey, you must be Rachel? I’m  a friend of Dick.”
“Where is he?” the girl truly was terrified
“Dealing with paperwork. He asked me to watch over you.”
“I don’t think it’s safe to be around me.”
“I can handle myself. Now, since I work on the case of …. Nevermind. Can you tell me what happened?” Y/N held Rachel’s hand trying to reach for the hope inside the girl.
“I…. I……”
“I won’t push you. But I know Dick promised to help you and I’m going to make sure he keeps that promise, all right?”
“Ok. I need help…..”
“What exactly is the case of Dick and Y/N?”  Gar could not hold back the question
“Are you asking me?” Donna raised an eyebrow at the green haired boy.
“Well you are the only one here who knows about their past.”
“Yeah, everyone can tell he’s in love with her.” Rachel added “so why does she keep pushing his limits?”
“Well it’s not my story to tell” Donna scoffed “if you want to know anything you may as well go the subject of this discussion and …..”
“So you are now talking shit about me behind my back?” Y/N leaned on the doorframe and crossed he arms “come on, I;m a big girl I can handle anything. Donna?”
“Nope. I’m out. You can talk to the kids, they seem very interested about your past.”
“Really? Why? Rachel? Gar?”
“Y/N, I love you, but I need to speak with Dick. Gar can explain. Right, Gar?” she eyed him suggestively.
“What?” he frowned but soon the realization dawned on him “oh, yeah, right, sure. I’ll explain.” Rachel and Donna nodded and left leaving Y/N with the boy.
“So, what’s up shifter?”
“Why don’t you love Dick back?” Gar blurted before realizing his words
“What?” she was taken aback “what are you talking about?”
“Nothing.” He tried to escape but she was quick to pin him back to the chair
“Oh, no, no, no, no. You are not running away from me. Talk. Now.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Gar raised both his hands in surrender “but how can you be so oblivious? Everyone knows he loves you and you miss all the signs!”
“that’s absurd! He’s just a friend. Which is a progress, since we were more like enemies at the beginning. And who’s everyone? And since when you are so gossiping?”
“Donna. Rachel. Kori. Me. Everyone! From what I can tell even Hank and Dawn get the message. And I’m not gossiping.” He sighed “Look Y/N, you are my best friend, you know it, right?” the girl nodded “and that’s why I care about your happiness.”
“No, no buts. You are making two people unhappy. Three if you count me. Do you love him?”
“Do you?” he studied her face carefully, his tone now gentle. They only knew each other for a while but he already knew talking about and expressing emotions was not her stronger suit.
“I do….” She whispered looking down.
“Well I can assure you he loves you to. Why do you think Rachel went to talk to him?”
“You two are unbelievable.”
“And that’s why you love us” he grinned “now go talk to him.”
“Dick? Can we…. Can we talk?”
“I’m actually a bit busy.” He was tensed so his conversation with Rachel must have been emotional
“Come on, Dickie, I bet you have five minutes for me.” She came closer and put an hand on his arm from behind gently stroking his shoulder. Out of instinct he leaned more into her touch wanting more. “So, Gar talked to me.”
“About what?” he turned around making her hand drop and immediately missing the contact.
“You. And well.. um.. me being blind.”
“How so?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“You know what!”
“Well maybe I’m tired of guessing!”
“Putting the pieces of information together is your job! So quit playing!”
Instead of soft conversation they were now yelling at each other. Not how it supposed to go.
“I hate you! All those years I held it back but I hate you!”
“Really?” She mocked “what do you hate about me the most?” she started circling him like a predator
“don’t do this.” He warned, his eyes glistening
“my blue light?” she took a step letting some of the aura out “or maybe my hands?” she brushed her fingertips on his arm causing him to close his eyes
“You’re walking down a dangerous path….”
“Sure, what’s new. Oh,I know” she faked surprise “I know what you hate about me the most.” She leaned close to him “I bet it’s my lips, right?”
He didn’t answer as he could not hold back anymore and closed the distance between them crashing his lips on hers. She was right. He hated those soft pink, plump and kissable lips he was dreaming about for so long. He hated her aura, full of hope. He hated her hands that patched him up so many times and that brought him comfort and sense of safety everytime she touched him. He hated what she was doing to him, how she was messing with his head, how vulnerable she was making him, he hated…..
“I love you” he whispered pulling away, letting his arms sneak around her waist, holding her tight, not wanting to let go. “I loved you since the day you showed at the tower. I wanted you for so long.”
“Why did you hold it back? I really thought we were just friends. You were withdrawing every time I tried to…."
“Stop talking.” He pressed their lips together again, drunk on the feeling of her, craving her, tightening the embrace trying to get her closer than it was physically possible.
“Ouch, not that I’m complaining, but Dick that hurts. You’re strong, remember?” she whined as he started to crush her.
“Sorry. But I love you so fucking much. Feels good to say it.”
“Why don’t you let me try then?” she smirked locking hands on his neck and looking him straight into the eyes “Richard Grayson, I love you too. But you are an idiot! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?!”
“I was scared you would run away. You always displaced the emotions, so….”
“Dick, you dumbass. I am a lantern, I thrive on emotions, I just can’t let it consume me. Don’t want to turn into the red lantern, or worse – a black one. Do you know the latter drive on death?”
“Is that possible? For you to change color?"
“Don’t know, but I can’t risk it.”
“Well, I’ll make sure to provide you with hope if that’s what you need. Hope for us, for starters.”
“Ok, Mr. Grayson, so why don’t you kiss me again?”
“Gladly.” He would never get tired of holding, touching and having her. He was dead set on making up for the lost seven years.  
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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absolutebuffoonery · 2 years
PT 3 (including finale): I convinced my dad to watch merlin with me and here’s what he has to say
pt 1
pt 2
“They’re loving that.”
“I don’t even wanna know what they’re doing in there.”
-When Merlin and Arthur get caught in the net booby trap
Arthur, to Merlin: You’re the only friend I’ve got and I couldn’t bear to lose you. 
Dad: *literally gasps and gapes at me in surprise*
Merlin: Really?
Arthur: Don’t be stupid. 
Dad: *laughs hysterically*
*uther emerges from the veil*
“Wow, of all the dead people, he got the right guy”
“Was that a reference to fisting?” -the horseplay scene when Arthur threatens Merlin with his fist 
“Okay that was pretty gay.”
(I don’t even remember what he was talking about here, but he was right)
“Arthur’s unconscious again, alert the media.”
“I really don’t know what to make of Mordred.” 
(whenever he said something like this I had to hold in an earth-shattering screech)
“Okay, this son of a bitch has to die” -About Mordred, s5e12
“I am OBSESSED with her.” -about Gwen after she runs someone through with a sword in s5e12
Arthur: “Just... hold me.”
Dad: *just nods his head*
(I think he was simply acknowledging the queerness)
Arthur, during That scene in s5e13: I want to say something that I’ve never said to you before.
Dad: Ohh boy. 
His thoughts after the finale (he wrote an Official Statement for his “tumblr fandom,” including the hashtags at the end):
Well, watching Merlin was a much more satisfying experience than when my kids made me watch Glee with them. Although it was difficult at first to accept the way they bent time to accommodate Merlin and Arthur being contemporaries, I got over it because they succeeded in creating a relationship between two boys-to-men who wouldn't normally exist in each other's worlds. In actual Arthur lore, Merlin is old and wizened long before Arthur is even born. In fact, you remember in an early episode when Gaius references magic being necessary for Uther and his queen to produce a son? Well, in Arthur lore, that magic was cast by Merlin, and Merlin was present during Arthur's childhood. But ok, let's give the BBC some breathing room because they did a good job showing the generational transition from the failings of toxic masculinity (Uther's reign) to the superhuman potential of unapologetic bromance (Arthur's reign). In fact, how many times did I furrow my brow when Uther did something stupid or said something weenie just because he thought he was being strong, but he was actually being...alone. When it was Arthur's turn to do something stupid or say something weenie, he had a posse of good bros by his side to prop him up.
Even in S5E3 when Arthur gets the opportunity to see the ghost of his father and be like, "Bruh, I miss you," Uther instead treats Arthur like shit and belittles him for not being a dick to his people. Respect through fear, I believe is what the ghost Uther was preaching. But that strategy was pretty much self-defeating, given that respect through fear got Uther prematurely dead. Luckily Arthur didn't give it too much thought and decided, "Yeah, nah, I'd rather hug my droogies and marry a servant woman and be respected for doing the right thing, so biyee douchebag." In fact I'm assuming the writers created this post-mortem meeting not as merely another display of magic, but as a tangible means of showing Arthur's wrestling match with his own conscience. Even the playful and boyish banter between Arthur and Merlin (and the way they gaze at each other adoringly) is an example of Arthur's determination to part with toxic masculinity, especially when he gives Merlin the opportunity to be right sometimes without getting his chainmail hoodie in a bunch.
  This could absolutely be a lesson to voters the world over, who have the power to put real leaders in office but choose crusty old assholes instead of fresh, young minds and hearts. All the Uthers in the world are giving AOC and Sanna Marin shit for dancing. Can you believe we actually live in an era when our leaders get chided for dancing? For fucking dancing! Meanwhile AOC and Sanna Marin are attracting loyal followers in New York and Denmark, who would follow them to the ends of Camelot, while the same old self-serving ancient curmudgeons who keep getting elected are busy pulling Agravaine after Agravaine out of their bungholes. Perhaps I digress.
  Their parting from lore that is a little less acceptable is what they chose to do with Lancelot. Love triangle with Gwen and Arthur, yes, but Lancelot's BBC fate was less than satisfying. There are many tellings of how Lancelot dies, both with and because of Gwen, but the BBC opted against putting Arthur's best knight at the roundtable through most of this series. How fascinating. And weird.
Anyway, the end: Avoiding spoilers, I'd say the series ended appropriately. My 20-year-old daughter is traumatized by the ending, but I know enough about Arthur lore to know that the end is appropriate and loyal to legend. Camelot enters a new era, Merlin finally gets the respect he deserves, and a strong woman rises to power (I hope she dances). Satisfying. My parting thought: Walking away from this series, I've discovered a new career aspiration. I don't need to be king of anything, but I really want a job that allows me to say, "Ready the men, we ride at first light" without getting bullied. I mean, that's just really damn cool.
Thanks for all of your comments and responses. It's been fun. 
#Merlin #ArthurAndMerlinOTP #ToxicMasculinityVsBromance #ArthurWasPan #TristanAndIsoldSpinoff
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ebonyslasher · 11 months
Spicy Alphabet: Sephiroth
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Y/n, Clean up time~. And he expects to be spotless as he reclines as you wipe him. Make sure to apply lotion, you absolute beauty. Sephiroth will hold your hand, but let him cover his hair first. And yes, that is your big bonnet he stole.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sephiroth: HIM.
You: Hands. Your fingers were neat and graceful. Watching them wander his perfect body was entertaining. The feel against his soft skin was divine. Bonus points for you if you get them done. Oh y/n, that's fucking arousing. Wrap them around his heavy cock.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Hentai level cum. Purposefully blue balls himself for a colossal load. Sephiroth will hold your legs open to watch his semen flow out of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
While crushing on you, Sephiroth would alter reality many times to pretend you were coming on to him, flirting, being sensual, calling him god.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He tried to be a whore, but didn’t work out. Too standoffish in his youth. Found out he was too picky with his partners. He has a select few (his former close friends) he’s had experience with.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
His version of being goofy is his dry-ass humor… and it's not for the bedroom. You are not amused.
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H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Carpet matches thankfully. Y'all know he's groomed to the gods, the fuck.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Weird to see him intimate. You’ll get moments here and there. Does care, it just shows differently. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
His favorite way is spying on you while doing something regular and he jacks off without you knowing. Sometimes he will actually be somewhere near, but you'll never know
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Worship, size difference, affectionate cruelty, energy play, latex, mind control, mutual masterbation, tease and denial
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Any alternate reality you want, the possibilities are endless. The moon? An ice cave? In a lavish mansion? Tell him what you want.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Call him god. Parade around in a latex outfit. A sucker for taking care of his hair and offering servitude cutely, looking up at him with those pretty eyes. Although, it's pleasing to win submission with a fight.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing that will negatively affect his appearance, if you stop worshipping him, mention anything about Shinra, talk about Cloud and his posse positively
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Would rather receive. Chocking you with his cock is an experience he adores too much. Seeing your cute brown ass struggle to take it in is too much fun. He'll give if you've earned it. Better do a good job to get that y/n.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast, rough, with some sensuality.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Huge Fan. He's passionate about catching you off guard. Wild man.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yeah, he's down! A powerful being like him can do anything you desire. Ask him for permission and he won't turn you down. He’d fuck you in front of Cloud if he wanted to.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
God level. Can go all day. Literally, you've had to gleefully suffer through a full day of sex. Sephiroth was unbelievably horny that day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. He owns a few toys and will use them. He likes to roleplay, so he has props for specific scenes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Head Unfair Bitch in Charge. Sephiroth will leave you unsatisfied if he is not pleased with your performance. AND THEN!!!! Continues to toy with you and edge you at irregular opportunities. He's laughed hearing you dog him out in your mind.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Silent. He will either talk to you or smoothly give orders.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sephiroth will utilize telekinesis to project provocative imagery in your head. Him stroking his massive dick, pre-cum dropping amazingly from his tip. Fingering you open, stretching enough so you could see the inside of yourself. It pleases him to see you stop, your pretty eyes glazing over.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Varies too much to determine a pattern. Good luck and watch out.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does he even need sleep (serious question)??? He won’t  
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interconnectedmatrix · 2 months
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What if...?
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"The Masked Cinderella" — what if prince charming never found his Cinderella? The lovely liege he encountered at the masquerade? What if a simple joke turned to be the most pivotal point in his rule? What if all he needed was to focus his eyes on something other than the mask?
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♡.. Once upon a fairytale story, lived a young prince basking in his new found glory. It goes without saying that Diavolo had it all: his kingdom, his power, his influence and all the riches one could ever dream of. Oh sure the prince ironically possesses a kind soul, but, until then he was never satisfied.
♡.. Part of this many antics was a Fall Masquerade, to which all nobles and lucky peasants gathered around in celebration. What occasion? Even Diavolo wasn't so sure. Wouldn't it be funnier to think that the "prince" was nothing but a pawn in the crowd? How he loved that idea — MC suggested it afterall.
♡.. The prince would give anything to ditch all the formalities.
♡.. The tale was perfect; but who was this fine liege? A black sheep mask adorned in golden highlights. Diavolo introduced himself under a false facade, asking them questions like "how have I never heard of you before?" and "you dance quite well. Where did you learn this?"
♡.. The figure laughed. Could they see through his mask? Could they make out the silhouette of a lovestruck prince pining for their attention in these brief instances? Could they see the stars twinkle in pools of honey — stars that shine brighter than any gold this world posses?
♡.. In a gentle motion, they only teased:
— "Find me, my prince."
♡.. Who knew pretending to be a mere mortal could have someone tug at his heartstrings. Cinderella — they were. To think he chased after them after the event ended; to which all others were looking for him. Prince Diavolo. Ruler of the Devildom. Was it just for a tyrant to feel sympathy? He couldn't imagine chasing after another after his last love. Not until he felt the mask in his hand...
♡.. Porcelain, yet incredibly light to his touch. He felt determined, clinging onto it like his prized possession. He will find this Cinderella.
♡.. Like any ordinary day, Diavolo clings onto the mask, ignoring the concerned remarks of Lucifer or the subtle "ehems" of his butler. He carefully ran his fingers along the frame of the mask. How his black fingernails blended seamlessly with the colour. It felt as if nothing else mattered, not the meeting. Not the exchange program. Nothing. In a soft coo, he muttered, "I'll find you.. You'll be here eventually."
♡.. The only thing that catches him from his trance was a hand on the table, like a gavel echoing in court. Snapping of fingers alerted him to look back at the source of the sound. His favourite exchange student.
♡.. They'd tease, "who's the lucky girl? or guy? You seem pretty focused on that mask owner."
♡.. Diavolo would blush at that statement.
♡.. Days. Weeks pass by. Until then, was it worth ignoring his duties? He had pushed everyone aside. Someday. Someday he'll find them. MC's teasing proved as a sign to keep going.
— "What if they're not a noble?"
— "awww is the prince feeling lovesick again~?"
— "sheesh, you're probably scaring them."
♡.. Maybe when he'll find them... just perchance... in this instance... He'll finally be satisfied.
♡.. But alas, was it a lost cause? Barbatos knocked on the young master's door. A long sigh could be heard, before bringing the dreaded news. "My lord, I believe we have found Cinderella."
♡.. The Prince's smile then faltered into a solemn expression.
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To quote: "He lost his breathe. He's losing conscience. Yet undeterred, he always comes to their feet no matter how bad the fall."
Sadly the prince isn't exempted from the author's rampant desire for angst 😔
This idea was actually one of the more fun but difficult ones to think about. I personally like to believe that Diavolo would purposely pretend to be a lower ranking noble just to get away with some of the formalities — it's a masquerade, afterall! Wouldn't the fun be ruined if you knew who the other person was?
I'd leave the interpretation of the ending for you guys :3 fair warning that this is one of my more sadder stories
Plus I am actually working on this as my own personal project, so stay tuned! ^^
That's all for this author's note! And have a great day 🫶
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partywithoutsmiling · 30 days
in the rock beast au, how does barb and the rest of the audience react to the beastification of branch?
In short answer, absolutelly horrified XD
The long answer, well, none of the trolls expected the string being capable of something like this.
Sure, they all had their cautionary tales; not exactly about 'zombification', but roughly that the Strings united are able to dominate and supress other genres, like Pop did back in the day
Honestly, bit of curiosity about that, as we can assume the strings, while in the Lyre of Harmony, were not overwhelmed by one genre or another- only until the Pop King (we can assume a direct blood descendant from the very first Pop Leader, creator of the Pop String) forcefully took hold of the Lyre did the Strings changed.
What we see in the Funk history lesson, however, is that the Pop leader played the Strings and sang- but aimlessly, the Pop 'miasma' released freely into the air around everyone, and not targeting any particular troll. A siren's song, if you will- meant to be heard and ensnare.
Rock trolls however, from the very start of the movie, are shown that they use their instruments as weapons- and powerful weapons at that. Apart from the Funk trolls, none of the other genres use their music like that- so naturally, Barb would have never used the strings any other way, than to focus them on singular target.
And for a minute or two, it looked like it worked- Branch was encased in stone shell, untill it cracked open, and he came out, zombified- but then he started to contort, not unsimilar to the way you'd expect a werewolf transformation to happen really XD
So that put the fear of the devil into the audience, the absolute violent way this change happened; the only difference is, the Rock trolls knew this was not part of the plan, especially as Barb started barking orders to subdue Branch and haul him away (with unconscious Poppy, as the Power Chord slammed branch into her cell and caused it to fall, knocking her out in the process).
The non-rock trolls, on the other hand, now feared Barb more than ever; they were not able to see her face as she had her back turned to them, but this convinced them that Barb's threat is on whole another level.
Many of them thought they would keep their wits by them, even as they lost their genre- now that is no longer a surety they posses.
So if anything, that fear of what they witnessed makes them rather meek and compliant to Barb's following orders- after all, none of them want to end up the way Branch did; witless, senseless and no better than an animal.
Bonus of Barb stunned at what is happening to Branch:
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miasudare · 6 days
This is one of my delusional cotl theories, I worked about a few days for it so don't wait too much. It's very long, just so you know
Today, our subject is the bishops. Though in cult of the lamb wiki's story segment states a few events, no evidence and connection is shown. And considering that wiki pages are written by people, it's not a %100 correct.
Death of bishops
Ever wondered why Narinder is the only bishop you can make a follower before Mystic Sellers appearance? Or why don't the bishops end up with Narinder when they die? Let me tell you.
When we kill a bishop, they don't end in the death realm but end up with Mystic. That's why we can only get them back after being introduced to the seller. They own them.
And Narinder? He already lives in the death realm and if you notice, you don't entirely defeat him until the option segment, his life bar still having a bit of hp. You only hurt with him until he can't fight. When you choose to kill him, he then gets sent to Mystic for us to claim him later on.
Mystic's thoughts
"I recall Leshy. Prior to yourself, he was the last to bargain with me. Adept as he was, he rose quickly to the challenges of Godhood, aided by his siblings. Many were drawn to his chaotic ways."
Mystic Seller seems to observe and know everything that had gone through Leshy's godhood even moments of help from his siblings. Tho, not the first godhood.
"I am not inclined to emotion, the way your kind are. Though if I were, Heket would certainly inspire amusement. She was perhaps the most vicious of them. Wicked beast."
No matter how badly the Mystic Seller spoke of Heket's actions, they seem to find sadistic inspiration in her actions. They do not have characteristics such as emotion, but observation expands their world. Which is weird, because that's probably a look you'd wait for Leshy.
"It did not matter to Kallamar that his ears were lost, for he was never inclined to listen. Foolish though he may have seemed, he wielded the power of his Crown without discrimination."
We all know Kallamar's cowardice. But Mystic does not see this as cowardice and even interprets this fear, which has become a self-protection mechanism, as a strategy. Cause Mystic has no emotions and can't understand fear.
"Shamura and I did not barter much. In truth, they need little from me. Truly, 'twas shame what became of them."
Mystic and Shamura seem to actually talk and have a conversation unlike the other siblings Mystic talks about. And Shamura is the only bishop that Mystic sees higher, thinking that Shamura didn't need them at all.
"A toy for you. Benefactor, comrade, malignant foe... redemption or punishment, 'tis yours to confer as you see fit." Gifts you Narinder as a Follower in his exclusive Follower Form. (Without the immortal trait)
This section is important because Mystic doesn't say anything about Narinder's past. While they normally talk about an event that happened in his siblings' own lives, Narinder doesn't seem to mean much to them. They neither belittle him nor exalt him. Narinder is very unimportant to them.
Now, I'd like to think that Mystic were there. Before the whole argument, it wasn't only the 5 bishops. Mystic saw it, Mystic heard it. Maybe even lived with them. Raised them, even. Mystic Seller, is the creator of them. Yeah. I said it. God of gods. How else can you explain him just replace the very gods you killed and put them back in their purged realms? Or idk, carry the ex god of death by their little tiny winy legs? Literally posses the body of the new god??? Tho, it seems like they are not the same realms anymore as if those places were... Altered.
Shamura. Wanna talk?
Shamura is both refered to as the god of war and god of might, which are quite the opposite of each other.
War, is something that grows from misunderstandings, greed and not thinking straight, which isn't very fit for god of might. And well, that made me think... I think... The bishops didn't/was supposed to have these roles before their fight with Narinder.
"I am not what I once was. Though no longer wise, I am no fool."
Shamura is aware that they are no longer the god of might, yet something another.
So this might mean, before the betrayal, the bishops had opposite godhoods. Or were supposed to have these godhoods.
Kallamar = God of health
Heket = Goddess of abundance
Leshy = God of peace
This makes sense when you consider the people that follow them. Why would someone follow a god who just means nothing but trouble? Even in our cult, we teach people about death and after life, reassure them or teach them. We make sense.
"I introduced him to ideas of change; for my domain is knowledge, and it is ever evolving. An organic state of being for myself, but for him… most unnatural. Death cannot flow backward." -Shamura
This. That green? Yeah that one. That's when Narinder's betrayal happened. Shamura, showed Narinder that there was a way to change things, which Narinder ended up doing so. And what did he do? Death cannot flow backward, he tried to give life. Narinder, the only member in the family that probably ended up with such negative thing as being the god of death, tried to make life.
"Bonds of familial duty, turned instead to chains. Most voracious of appetites, curbed and contained. Most infectious of ideas cut off and cauterised before given chance to rot and spread. Cruel, verily. Alas, what other recourse was given? How does one kill Death? ... Alas. One cannot." -Haro
Haro also seems to confirm this. The infectious ideas said there are, or rather is, Narinder's wish to change. Narinder's idea to change his own godhood. Tho, why would the bishops be so against it?
Notice how Haro has a "fallen" crown? Haro, probably back in the day, was the owner/god of Darkwood at some point. His unused animation also looks a lot like Leshy's transformation animation.
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Haro, is possibly the first god that tried to change their godhood. In return, he got punished by loosing his crown and getting expelled from his godhood. This would explain why Leshy is the youngest, because he was a replacement.
"But as millennia wore on, he grew discontent with his role. He began to question. He was gluttonous in his ambition. And in my imprudence I loved him. For it, I lost my mind. For it, he lost his freedom. Can you fathom such betrayal, Lamb?"
Shamura knew what happened to Haro. After showing Narinder that there was a way to change things, they regretted it. Shamura genuinely loved their brother, no matter if it was by blood or by creator. The idea of Narinder might end up like Haro was what made Shamura loose their mind. Killing Narinder wasn't a punishment, it was a way to protect him and the remaining ones. The betrayal Shamura say is not Narinder's hostile acts but rather the way he thinks even tho Shamura had warned him.
Now, i know. I said that Mystic knew it and saw it and blah blah. But Mystic were there after Leshy lost his eye, Heket lost her throat and until Narinder's imprisonment. We can understand this from their dialog of witnessing Leshy and Heket's godhood and them saying "It's a shame what become of them" for Shamura is their disappointment of knowing someone like Shamura have ended up like this (Explained at timeline section)
Haro what do you have to say?
"Eons agone, these lands were rife with gods and their adherents. What befell this pantheon? Alas. 'Tis the nature of beasts to forget, and of Gods to be forgotten. Mayhap they left. Mayhap they slept. Mayhap they devoured and were devoured in turn. Those few who remained spread roots, spun webs, molded this world to meet them and theirs. 'Twere a land of many Gods once. Hundreds. Now..."
(the ones below are theories I can't really prove)
1-Haro, was probably the oldest, along with Shamura, god. He might be one of Mystic's first creation.
2-Haro seems to be talking about fox. Or kinda refers to him. The fox is known for taking Ratau, eating him. So this also makes the fox, or people like the fox known and been around.
3-Hundreds of gods, he says. Currently, we only have 10 (At the bottom) So, there was a class fight.
A little thing about Narinder and the twins. Heaven and hell, does in fact exist in the cotl universe. You can see it in the ascension and sacrifice rituals. Going above and going below. Fly to heaven and dragged to hell.
Which means dead souls are being sorted. Considering the fact that Narinder is restricted to move anywhere, that job ends up with the twins. Baal, obviously with his kind and respectful attitude, works in heaven. Aym, on the other hand, is very aggressive and intimidating so works in hell.
A hundred gods, roamed on realms. For various reasons, they died of or how I like to refer, ended up in Mystic's hands.
Mystic created Shamura, Haro, Kallamar and Narinder. Understood them, talked with them.
Allocer and Astaroth were given to Shamura then to Kallamar, to encourage them into godhood and cult culture.
Heket was created, tho wasn't crowned.
Haro lost his godhood by disobeying, altering. This lead to the creation of Leshy.
After creation of Leshy, Mystic was not there to attend and see Leshy and Heket stepping into godhood.
Shamura took care of his siblings and helped them into godhood. Tho it's questionable on how good they managed that.
Agares and Bathin was given by Shamura to Heket and Leshy, to teach them about the same culture.
Shamura introduced Narinder to idea of change. Narinder refused his role as god of death and tried to be god of life.
Shamura knew what would happen to Narinder if the crown giver, Mystic Seller, learned about this. This caused an argument, most likely because Narinder believed that Haro was judged unfairly. So, there it came "see no evil, say no evil, hear no evil, think no evil"
The siblings lost their original godhoods. "If that's my destiny, you're coming down with me" kind of stuff.
Leshy and Heket stepped into godhood by the help of Shamura and Kallamar to be able to protect themselves. (Their rapid transition to godhood explains why they were defeated more easily than Kallamar and Shamura. They are inexperienced gods. If you notice, after the battle of Heket, Kallamar's battle is actually surprisingly difficult and fast.)
Witnesses hid in respective realms.
Mystic Seller came back. Narinder was not present yet what he left behind was. He saw the other bishops. Mystic Seller knew Heket and Leshy as the gods they were know. Not as what they were supposed to be. 
"Five points to a pentagram, five portents of doom, five siblings stood abreast, five gods and one tomb..." Shamura's summarizing of the whole story. Their family and how it doomed. How the remaining bishops and Mystic had to kill Narinder and trap him in after life, the gateway being his tomb.
Shamura learned about the prophecy after a few centuries or more. That lead to the geno¢ide of sheep.
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The gateway/tomb of Narinder before defeating bishops. 5 chains, gray ones belonging to bishops and golden one belonging to Mystic Seller.
A basic classification of the types of deities that we have in cotl:
Mystic Seller: Creator, above gods
Mystic Seller's guards: Deities that exist out time and space and work along Mystic Seller, above gods
Narinder: God of death
Shamura: God of war (formerly god of might)
Kallamar: God of pestilence (formerly health)
Heket: Goddess of famine (formerly abundance)
Leshy: God of chaos (formerly peace)
Aym: Disciple of Narinder, demigod (guider of sinners)
Baal: Disciple of Narinder, demigod (guider of winners)
Haro: Ex god, currently a messenger
Chemach: Eldritch Goddess, One of the oldest remaining Goddess. [She (yes Chemach is a girl) has an Eldritch crown and the crown has eyes. Just like the bishops'. This makes her a god considering her ability to turn living into power, essence and remnant to be used for something else afterwards. (relics)]
Clauneck and Kudaii: Gifted with immortality possibly by their sister, or are gods.
Midas: Golden touch asshole king
The fox: Most likely a demon/god from underworld, considering his soul deals and Haro's dialog.
Ratoo: I can't class him but considering he is living without a whole ass organ and still stays alive, he isn't mortal
Nah, it's just what I think of course also, please check my witness theory too!
If you want to add to this theory, you can by doing a reblog. I'm preparing a crown theory too, so this is kind of a part one! If this gets popular, I might make a video for it, who knows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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disassociationdive · 11 days
Post includes spoilers for all chapter.
I went back to read the chapter and here are some rough notes I took while reading. I’ll probably make it a little more coherent in time, but this is rough. Basically footnotes for future reference.
Lucas - Iggnaim / barrier (as per Hyde)
“I could have sworn the bullet had been coming straight for us. But the instant before it hit Luca, it vanished, as though swallowed by some invisible force”
Kaito - Can see auras (as per Hyde)
Academy of Ghouls
Chapter 2
- Taiga on a mission. When did they lose permission to go on missions?
- What is Taiga’s power, Crunched glass and blood into his gun?
Chapter 3
- Haku when Taiga prepares to throw us out the window- “come on, man. Don’t do that in front of me.” — “I’m just saying. I’ll have to tell the academy, and no one wants that.”
- Haku acting as inspector? This why Sinostra grounded?
- Haku blows flute ans smells of rain with bubbles coming out our throat. Does his power transport people from red dimension to regular dimension?
Chapter 4
- “Wasn’t it nighttime when I left the concert?” -mc “I had a bad feeling when I heard Taiga was heading this one. Glad I cordoned everything off” - Haku
-Is the change in dimension the “new moon” mentioned in prophecy?
- Haku on the phone “Hello? Yeah, slight emergency. No, not Taiga… well kind of him, I suppose” talking to professor Nikolas as per chapter 6
Chapter 7
- “… then someone with a gun showed up… then he attacked me too for some reason, but Haku saved me” MC “No way. Taiga did what? Sorry, gonna have to pretend I didn’t hear that part.” Professor Hyde
Chapter 9
- (Regarding the anomaly and Taiga) “That anomaly is very troublesome. That’s why we chose Hoshibami, one of the more aggressive ghouls, to handle it. But he failed to capture or even defeat it. What’s the point of ghouls students if they can’t do what’s on the tin?”
- “Ghouls are not ordinary humans. They are physically tougher and posses certain special abilities”
- Only ghouls can become special admission students
- “The mesmer matches aren’t working on you. perhaps the curse is cancelling them out. If the matches worked, then she wouldn’t be cursed anymore” (they take away curses as well as memories????)
Chapter 10
- We will need to check your belongings, so please leave everything here
- “(…) General student house reassignments today, prophecy research, and Clash clean up ASAP (chancellor to himself)
- “The chancellor told me I was going to die in a year” “Darkwick is on the cutting edge of anomalous research. Unfortunately that means your diagnosis… is likely quite accurate” prof Nicholas
Chapter 11
- “I hurriedly grabbed a nearby piece of black fabric, pulled it over my head, and held my breath
Chapter 13
- Talking about veil “oh this is a keepsake from my mother” “Oh… I actually have something like that too!” -Kaito (pendant?)
- Kaito “huh? It’s usually super crowded around here… where did everyone go? What’s going on? Maybe someone posted about it on Wickchat”
- Kaito “my gram always told me to believe in destiny. Maybe I was born to protect you.”
- (In courtyard) Kaito “No one here either?Weird…”
Chapter 16
- Hera’s Snakes
- “Hera’s snakes? I feel like I’ve heard that name in class…” -Kaito
Chapter 18
- How many times do I have to tell you? If you can’t pay… just hand over this pendant instead!!” “How many times have I gotta tell you, this is the one thing you’ll never get from me!!” Romeo and Kaito
Chapter 19
- Why are you wearing Hera’s Snakes
- When alarms went off the three ghouls thought the anomaly had appeared. Alarms were blaring because you were wearing an anomaly while jumping the platform, not because you tried to jump the platform
- Romeo grabbed aggressively our arm while yelling at us and the veil attacked with tentacle’s
Chapter 20
- Veil only attacks when MC believes she is in danger, not if someone touches her . “Protect me from people with malicious intent”
- Can’t remove veil from self. Luca and Kaito were able to move it
Chapter 21
- “The cost of this veil’s power is that you can’t remove it yourself” Luca
- Luca pledged to find a cure for the curse
Chapter 22
- Veil starts glowing and floating. “It’s warm” MC reaches out with her hand. “My finger is burning” then ring appears on MCs hand.
- Romeo aimed gun at MC. Luca takes MC wrist. Ring glowed. Luca uses his power. Black veil tentacles protects as well as Luca’s powers. “Something feels.. wrong…” -Luca. Huge monster appears. Can MC see monster? She was the only one to not react to monster. “You… what did you just do…?” -Luca
- “Mr. Lucci! I have a bone to pick either you over this and over your captain’s recent behaviour! Chancelor to Romeo
Chapter 23
- “Professor Nicholas! Please try removing the ring from her finger” “W-what?! That’s Hera’s Snakes, right…?” “Just be gentle and you’ll be fine! Probably. (…)”
- Ring does not move at all when Prof Nicolas tries to remove it. Chancellor says we need to take the stigma test
- “I’m sorry I didn’t notice how scared you were” (…) “please don’t worry. I’ll do my best to make sure you have as much freedom as possible” -Nicolas
- Screen goes black. MC name plate “or so he said…but now this…” I think the dark is the blindfold that is put on MC. Not a narrator/foreshadowing screen
- Regarding the examiner. “When they (shoe sounds) were inches away, they stopped, and a sweet smell like incense tickled my nose”. MC does not recognize the voice. Refers to voice as “he”
Chapter 24
- Regarding the tea Hyde brought to the Chancellors office. “when I inhaled the floral scent wafting from it, suddenly I felt strangely calm” hyde mentioned it has « Epione’s Flower «  and that it was good for nerves and anxiety. Tea was made by Nicolas
- “It seems that you … … possess the ability to enhance ghoul’s stigmas!”
- Regarding ghouls “do you recall the students you’ve encountered who possessed exceptional combat abilities” Chancellor
- “”Ghouls transcend humans in both ability and aggression.”the evidence is irrefutable” Chancellor
- Ghouls referred to as “special admission students” they have “devoured a demon”
- “Since time immemorial, humans have sold their souls to demons in exchange for the granting of a wish. We call this a demon pact. But the realization of a wish… comes at a price. Usually, the pact maker dies a gruesome death. Even if they manage to escape death, they eventually becomes a soulless husk. This is because the soul of the pact maker… … is devoured by their demon. However! Although they are extremely rare, there are some individuals… who survive their pact completely unharmed. Those one-in-a-million exception… … are the ghouls whom you met today (at this point we have met five ghouls. There were 5 characters in the OG concept. Curious if that is related to the OG concept)
- “We are still in the thick of our research, so there are unknowns remaining, of course. But the leading theory is that they acquire inhumain powers by devouring demons” chancellor
Chapter 25
- “Through our research we may be able to get to the bottom of how they survived unharmed … … and indeed, what the true identity of these entities we call demons is!” Chancellor
- “Unlike humans, ghouls possess enduring physical strength. They also possess a special ability gained through devouring a demon. Essentially, they have a superpower. We call that power a “stigma” chancellor
- “Another interesting thing about ghouls is their incantation. They seem to have to need it to trigger their stigma. Some have to say it out loud, whereas others can just say it in their heads”. Hyde
- “I believe Mr. Kamurai (Jin) used to say it out loud when he was a first year, but after a while he stopped needing to” Chancellor “I think it has something to do with their level of proficiency using their stigma, and with their mental state” Hyde
- Watching video replay of the Luca arm holding incident. “Huh…? That monster should have been standing right above us there… Why isn’t it in the video?”
- That ring on your finger is most likely the Sage’s Ring “who would of thought it would be disguising itself as Hera’s Snakes” chancellor “We thought Hera’s Snakes was a dangerous anomaly that caused the death of it’s wearers. And yet here you are. I think it’s safe to assume that you have been chosen by the ring
- So there was no Hera’s Snakes to begin with, just the ring pretending to be a veil and killing the unworthy?
Chapter 26
- While travelling on the train, you had the misfortune of encountering an anomaly that curses people. Anyone who sees its eye is cursed to die in one year’s time.
- If you can forget the eye the curse will be immediately broken. (AKA mesmer matches that don’t work on us)
- Our Mesmer Matches can erase one days worth of memories, but the curse is too powerful, so they don’t work
- Inspector = compiling mission reports
- An Inspector? Are you sure I could do something like that?
- Of course! Since the Mesmer Matches don’t work on you, if anything, you’re the perfect candidate. -Chancellor
- Those troublemakers sure are creative with their interpretations of “reasonable use” - hyde
- Anomaly that cursed us is Class B
- Granted scholarship to cover academic and personal costs
Chapter 27
- Chancellor asks Hyde for the Kudan at entrance ceremony
- Kudan = beast of prophecy
- Weighing of souls. General students at orientation. Ghouls/special admission at entrance ceremony
- “But where the ghouls go affects the power balance of the houses. It’s kind of a big deal, so they usually do it at the entrance ceremony -Kaito
- There’s seven houses this year
Chapter 27
- Take the hand of this mannequin, and envision your ambitions for your time here” - chancellor to new ghouls for weighing
- “I’m not in Frostheim…? Has there been a mistake? - Ritsu when put in Sonostra
- Even the general admission students in Sinostra are a shady crowd.The whole house has a bad rep. - Kaito
- Taiga and Romeo not at entrance ceremony.
- Judging by the state of the chancellor, I bet Sinostra’s gonna get in trouble
- “One for Vagastrom… The dissidents will be happy. 😠- kaito
- Dissidents…? Are there factions or something? MC
- Something like that, yeah. Kaito
- Vagastrom is a delinquent stomping ground. You should stay away from there, Sam. Apparently they gather in some room under their house every night and do crazy stuff… And I heard their captain was arrested for theft or murder or something before he came to Darkwick. - Kaito
- Before??
- Jabberwock’s in charge of looking after all the anomolous animals in Darkwick’s custody. The Academystopped general admissions for Jabberwock recently, so all the students are ghouls.
Chapter 29
- The year’s only just begun and it’s one calamity after another. MC will need to roll up her sleeves!
Chapter 30
- The professor seems flustered. Has there been a problem? -Luca
- Oh, yeah. Let’s just hope there not already a fight over the new ghoul assignments… - Kaito
- Kaito regarding Hotarubi student “they feel kinda fake…. They’ve gotta be hiding something, right?!”
- Regarding Mot.. “they major in specialized medical fields like anomalous medicine.
- Kaito regarding ghouls “our bodies aren’t the same as regular humans. Mainstream medicine doesn’t work for us.
- Always connected to Academy even after grad for health treatments?
- It’s the newest one of the current lineup. There’s no general students, and even most ghoul students can’t join it. Let’s just say it’s special. You can’t be assigned there via the Weighing of Souls. I don’t know much about them either, but rumour has it their captain was the one who- (Kaito)
- The clash???
- Memory pot.
- “ The whisper of the new moon shall lead the champion to the academy on the solitary isle. So long as the champion resides there, the world shall be sheltered from profound tragedy.” (Prophecy)
- The prophecy of the Kudan is a bastion of hope that has been entrusted to us. Chancellor
- The whispers of the new moon refers to the tidings that bring us to the birth pf a new ghoul. The academy on the solitary isle is, of course, Darkwick academy. The ghouls who have been gathered here by the new moons whisper… shall save the world from profound tragedy! They are our champions!
- She posses a special gift-the power to enhnce your stigmas just by touching you! The Mesmer Matches that you carry for missions don’t work on her. The details of the missions she inspects will be accurately recorded with absolute accuracy. That means you can tidy up the little ambiguities that have persisted in your reports up until now. - Chancellor to student body
- We cormed this theory based on the results of seceral tests and my own professional opinion. Tragically, Sam has been cursed by an anomaly she encountered by chance. If the curse isn’t broken, she’ll die in one year. As the Chancellor explained, Mesmer matches don’t work on her. It can be reasoned that the curse is cancelling out the effects of the matches (bc if we forget the eye we aren’t cursed anymore?) (…) Of course, Darkwick can’t allow the properties of a fatal curse to remain unknown. -Hyde
- MC notes the atmosphere in auditorium got tense, felt she wasn’t welcome.
Chapter 31/32
- Collapsed after the end of chapter 30 while onstage
- Dante new Frostheim house adviser
- Not ready for a mission yet. Focus on classes as per Dante
- “A new phone? What happened to my-“
- RIP MC’s phone, hope you enjoy lockup
- “I HATE THIS PLACE!! I didn’t ask to be a ghoul!! (…) I can’t take this anymore… I want to go back to being an ordinary human. -Kaito w pissed off face for first part
- Didn’t know consequences of pact or didn’t make one?
- I swear to you that I’ll turn you back into a human. So please, stop crying. (…)This is an ordeal that has been imposed upon us. Kaito, I’m sure that you can overcome it. Luca to Kaito
- Gonna be honest, I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about… (kaito) That’s fine, for now. (…) eventually you’ll understand the reason for this suffering. Until then, I’ll do all in my power to protect you both -Luca
Chapter 33
- ….Was it a demon that cursed you? Luca. When I looked over at Luca, it was as though the moonlight had disappeared from his eyes. A shover ran up my spine. I’d seen that expression before.
- Brother curse by demon? Or some other reason for vibe change?
- Seen the expression before from Luca or somewhere else?
First pic - Chapter 30showing the ghouls in attendance. Towa, Jim, Ed, and Haku not pictured.
(Thought Halu had attended)
-engineer “one of you is a demon” (Luca?)
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artistsfuneral · 11 months
The Road to Kaer Morhen - p. 7
(There's coloring pages for this fic in my ko-fi shop now!)
Jaskier sighed, his face softening. “I am your friend, Aiden. I know we haven't been traveling together for long, so it might not mean that much to you yet, but I am your friend and I protect my friends, Aiden. That's the only important thing right now.” The Cat stared at him with a horrified frown on his pretty face. But unable to accept the bard's sketchy reply, he started to argue, “That is not an answer! Look at you, fucking- look at what you've done! I have never met any creature with such destructive power!”
“I am not a monster, Aiden!” Jaskier gasped, suddenly feeling just as frightened as the witcher in front of him. “I'm not some creature from your bestiary that you're hired to kill because I go about eating children for breakfast!”
Almost immediately after realizing the words that had left his mouth, Aiden wanted to apologize for them. Just how many times had he been on the other end of this exact same conversation? How many times did he have to justify his mere existence, simply because he was a witcher, a Cat Witcher of all things? How many times had people turned on him after they'd seen him fight, after they'd seen him fall into a haze of blood lust? How many times had friends betrayed him before?
And what kind of monster had tears in their eyes after being accused of such things? Aiden felt like an awful person. “I- I'm sorry, Jaskier, you're right, it's just-” he couldn't help but to take a glance at their surroundings; the destruction and chaos left behind. Next to him Jaskier sniffled and willed his tears away. “I know. It can be a lot, I'm sorry if I scared you, sunshine, but I promise- I would never hurt you. I'm a protector, not a fighter.” Aiden sighed before rubbing at his tired eye to further ease the stinging. “Alright, dandelion, I will trust you to protect me then,” he said, certainly not expecting Jaskier to fall around his neck and hug him tightly. “Thank you.”
Later, Aiden watched with a mix of apprehension and curios fascination as the bard walked around the soldiers' campsite and cleaned up a big portion of the mess he had made, to prevent attracting necrophages and the like. The Cat was entirely intrigued by the fact that Jaskier, who was more than a head smaller than him and had the slim physique one would expect from a traveling bard, seemed to posses the strength of a full grown, healthy witcher. Though, he wouldn't doubt Jaskier being even stronger than that. “Can you carry a horse?” Aiden blurted out, without really thinking about it too much. The bard froze on the spot, both hands full of several heavy metal pieces that were part of the redanian armor. He looked at Aiden, then at the four horses that were now calmly resting a bit further away from their initial spot, then back at Aiden. “Why would I carry a horse?”
The witcher snorted, “It's not about the why, it's about the ifs and coulds.” Jaskier blinked at him once, twice, before shaking his head and returning to his task. “If I ever feel the desire to carry a horse around for fun, you will be the first to know.”
“That's all I ask for,” Aiden grinned, for now satisfied with simply watching Jaskier flutter around the camp like a little bird. Every now and then the bard would find something worthwhile and place it either near their packs or right into Aiden's lap, like the sword he had mentioned earlier, a new, clean tunic, or a pair of sturdy leather boots that fit him surprisingly well. It didn't take long until the bard had them both cleaned up and wearing two new outfits. Although Aiden wasn't exactly comfortable with the distinctive lack of armor, the bard was quick to reassure him that that was taken care of as well, he just wanted Aiden's injuries to fully heal this time around, before making him carry any extra weight. Which made sense, even if it left Aiden feeling weirdly exposed.
Not that Jaskier was looking any different. Somehow the bard was wearing even less than him. Whereas Aiden's short sleeved honey colored tunic could still be worn in town without leading to some sort of kerfuffle caused by public indecency, Jaskier had somehow managed to squeeze himself in a sleeveless, skin tight garment that would have Aiden drooling, had it been his lover Lambert in front of him. Though, he admitted he had stared at Jaskier for quite a bit, when the bard had walked back towards his resting place. When he asked the bard about it, Jaskier proudly declared that it was his own design. Of course it was, Aiden thought with fond exasperation.
“Now, I don't think you'll object to us heading further east into the forest before we make camp, given the whole,” Jaskier waved his hands in a way that indicated the entirety of their surroundings, “situation.” Aiden chuckled, “Can't say I'm fond of the idea of cuddling.”
“Oh gods, no,” the bard shuddered before extending his hand to help Aiden up. He accepted without hesitating. “Alright then, now we just have to decide which horses we will take with us.”
Jaskier gasped, looking at the witcher in shock. “Which ones? Aiden, no.”
Somehow the witcher had a bad feeling about this.
“Aiden, they're friends. We can't separate friends, that would be cruel.”
“You can't be serious about this.”
“They'd make a nice present for Vesemir, don't you think?”
or: how many horses will the author have to draw? (why am I doing this again😳)
please like and reblog if you voted
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"But they're friends Aiden", Jaskier said with the biggest, most adorable puppydog eyes, knowing full well that Aiden still felt guilty about earlier. (Such an evil little man ❤)
If you have any ideas on what J might've looted in camp lmk!
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dsaf-confessions · 6 months
So like after making that I think Steven's tragedy is overlooked confession I realised it isn't just him but also everyone else . Including Jack & Dave the most popular characters in this fandom
So like Dee. She was a child. I think around 6 years old. Idk but Im sure she wasn't even 10. And she also died in her birthday??. So like imagine being so young going to a pizzeria to celebrate your birthday, and then, you get killed by a pink fuck, in a place you thought was supposed to be fun and harmless children entertainment fun. And then said pink fuck, FORCES your soul in an animatronic. So like you spend decades, trying to save other children so they won't end up like you. Jesus, she tried her hardest to save other children, to help give them their happiest day that was taken away from them at such young ages. But it was a cycle of failure. She couldn't save them. She was still, a child, like them. A child that was forced to mature at such young age. Can only do much. It's so fucking tragic. I love her I rlly wanna hug her.
Peter. People seem to say that he abandoned Dee and Jack. But I don't think he did. He just moved on with his wife. That's kinda what married people do. Just because he wasn't there, doesn't mean he outright abandoned them. If he had. I don't think Jack would had run off to his place for help after his and Dee's death. Or that Henry's line about his family dying just to get away from him, and that he meant more as a phone guy than he did to his family when he was alive. Would had affected him, if he actually tried getting away from them. He feels bad for not being there for them. I don't blame him. He was a working man. He probably COULDN'T be there at Dee's party cause of work. Fazbender's is a shit ass place to work at anyway. He still blames himself. For his family falling apart. For leaving. He spent many years slaved at Freddy's while also having flashbacks/memories when he was alive. Sounds awful. His suicidal outburst in the evil route isn't talked about enough. He wanted to die. If it meant he'd see Caroline again. Oof
Even Jack and Dave's tragedies are overlooked.
Dave's backstory is so messed that it actually makes me sick in my stomach. No kidding. (Not saying it's bad or anything) So I'd prefer to not talk too much about it. Hope you understand .But in a nutshell. It's about someone who never had any kind of love growing up desperately trying to get the approval/love of the people he loves. And even considers family. So much that he's willing to take any kind of abuse, fucked up experiments, manipulation and literally killing him. To be with them. Cause he never had any love. He thinks they care for him. And that's enough for him to literally cheat death and posses his own corpse, over, and over, and over again. Just to be with them. That he was willing to murder. For them. Cause they told him he was doing good. Jesus. It's messed up.
Jack's own tragedy, and blackjack's, he lost his parents and was left as an orphan to take care of his sister at an actually young age. I think he was in his 19-20s when that happened. In fact Im sure he wasn't even old enough to drink on the state he lives in. Which I think already explains how messed up his mental health actually was. And then one day he messed up. He left Dee and that led to her death. He tried to find her, to save her. It cost him his own life. He was dead, soulless, people didn't saw him as human. They knew him as the ' scary orange man/guy'. But he made a promise. It's sad, one of the very few times he's actually acknowledged as human. Is the dsaf 3 good ending. Aka where he literally did everything for everyone knowing that in the end he couldn't pass on and get his own happiest day. And blackjack's regret. It was so strong that it gave him the power to go back in time. Just cause his guilt to turn back the clock and save Dee was that strong.
I think people should start seeing dsaf as something more than just "haha funny orange and aubergine guys have sex in Vegas". There are so many other things to it than davesport. For a series that's as much of a shitpost as dsaf. It's actually filled with angst. And so much potential only for the fandom to focus only on one part of it.
Anyway hi.
Can you guys that I like angst by now?
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mouschiwrites · 5 months
HIIIi love your writing so much so here i am making a request with promp 12. or 19.?? maybe combo or you can choose whichever youd like with the character Zane from Ninjago
when maybe with prompt 12 where Zane has some sort of panic attack so the reader is there to help him??? THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU DO HAVE A GREAT DAY AND DONT FORGET TO DRINK AND EAT UP😼😼😽
YAH thank you sweets!! One Zane fic, compliments to the lovely anon!! <3
Word count: 1.3k
Ninjago - 12. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” and 19. “Your hair looks so soft.” (Zane) (300 follower event)
The market was alive with noise and movement. The torrent of people was thick and powerful; if you stepped into it, you were bound to be swept away. So you and the ninjas made sure to stay on the outer edge, using alleyways as they were available instead of braving the main street.
Zane was never a fan of large crowds. They caused him a faint anxiety, especially when he was with people, as that added the responsibility of keeping track of them. You, of course, knew about this, so you were holding his hand to ensure you wouldn’t be separated. You still saw the occasional flicker of worry in his eyes, but you knew it couldn’t be helped.
“How far did Ronin say it was?” You asked, getting a little impatient. “We’ve been wandering the streets for hours.”
“That’s the thing,” Lloyd sighed. “He didn’t say how far it was. He just said to ‘look for a cart in a caravan with a blue feather painted on the door.’”
Jay rolled his eyes. “How specific of him.”
“I still think our best bet is the market. Where else would a caravan be in such a huge city?”
“Nya’s right. We’ll keep searching here,” Kai agreed as they emerged from an alley into a new portion of the market.
Before you stepped into the noisiness again, you paused, leaning in to speak softly to Zane. “Doing okay?”
He gave a sincere smile, squeezing your hand. “Yes. Thank you.”
You smiled back, hurrying to catch up with the others before they got too far.
You traversed several more streets before you found anything; the market was like an endless maze, seemingly never ending no matter how many twists and turns one made.
Your blind trek finally came to a conclusion as the sun was beginning to flush the blue from the sky with orange, and the people were beginning to head home. Many vendors had also left, but fortunately for your party the caravan appeared inhabited still.
It was a posse of quaint carts, each not much bigger than your average camping trailer. The intricate blue feather painted on the door distinguished the one you were looking for, and Jay practically bounded up the steep stairs to pound on the door.
There was no answer. Jay’s fists clenched. “If Ronin sent us on yet another wild goose chase—!”
“Are you looking for Natalia?”
Everyone turned their heads to see a young boy peering out from behind the cart. After exchanging glances and shrugs among yourselves, you turned helplessly to the boy. “Is this Natalia’s cart?”
“Yes. I will tell her she has visitors. She will be a while. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you waiting inside.” The boy disappeared as quickly as he had come.
Jay opened the door just as you had opened your mouth to ask if it was a good idea to go inside. You hadn’t missed the way that Zane’s hand was tightening around yours, and you had a pretty good guess as to why. It had been a long day full of stress, and now he was being packed into a little cart with six other people. The strong smell of incense wafting from the open door wasn’t promising, either; you could tell before even stepping inside that you’d be choked by the smell.
And choked you were. The oppressive heat in the cart (partly from the several sticks of incense burning in the small space) only worsened the smell. The numberless trinkets and furniture impossibly crammed into the little space made it twice as claustrophobic as it should have been, what with seven people now crammed inside.
It was the smells. The colors. The heat. The voices of the ninjas. The voices of the remaining people out on the street. Everything. But most of all it was the stress of being on a mission in such a place. Zane had been trying to keep serious, knowing that what they were doing was important. But it was too much. It was all just so noisy.
Zane suddenly let go of your hand. Even the feeling of your skin on his was making everything worse. He tried to close his eyes, but it didn’t help, so he opened them again, and that didn’t help, either. It seemed that whatever he did, he was making the panic worse.
You knew what was up the second he stopped gripping your hand.
“Guys,” you spoke over the others, sounding as casual as you could. “Why don’t you go and keep a lookout for this ‘Natalie’ person?” You nodded at the door.
Jay opened his mouth to protest, but Kai, who seemed to suddenly notice Zane, smacked his shoulder before he could speak. He ushered the others out quickly, sending an encouraging look your way before stepping out himself.
You turned to face Zane when you heard the door close. By now his breathing was ragged and he was shifting his weight uncomfortably, his fingernails digging roughly into his palms.
“Hey,” you spoke quietly. “Zane. Just look at me.”
His head snapped up, distressed eyes wild as they bored into yours.
“Good. Now focus on me. Look in my eyes. It’s just you and me.” You seamlessly wrapped your hands around his, wedging his fingers out of his palms to entwine with yours as they relaxed.
He nodded subtly, but his breathing was only growing faster. You repeated your last line a few times, making sure to keep your tone calm and encouraging.
Zane’s hands gradually unclenched, and after a while his breathing finally began to slow.
“You’re doing great. Deep breaths. Here, just follow my lead.” You breathed deep too, letting him synchronize his breaths with yours.
Tears started to brim his eyes, and you could see the exhaustion of the day taking its toll on him: his knees wobbled a bit, so you guided him to a chair.
“Just take it easy,” you whispered, pulling up another chair beside him.
You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, letting him put his head on your torso. You felt him start to shake, and though he was clearly trying to keep his breathing calm.
“Your hair looks so soft,” you murmured. “Can I touch it?”
Given a small nod by Zane, you reached up a hand to stroke his hair. This seemed to help keep him relatively calm as he trembled, working the remaining anxiety out of his system.
It was a while before he tried to straighten himself. He suddenly pulled away from your chest, looking into your eyes with a sincere smile. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice a little unsteady.
You just nodded, bringing the hand that was buried in his hair down to cup his cheek. “Of course.”
Zane placed his hand atop yours, adding pressure to quell the shakiness. He turned his head a little to kiss your palm as he leaned into your touch.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You blushed a little, making Zane’s smile spread wider.
“Do you want to go back?”
“No. I’d like to finish the mission. I feel much better.”
You eyed him warily, prompting him to grab both of your hands and hold them on your lap. “Trust me, I’m fine now.”
You didn’t like the twinge of exhaustion you saw in his eyes, but ultimately you respected his judgment. You gave a small nod.
Not two seconds later a knock came at the door of the little cart. You heard Jay’s voice on the other side. “Guys! Natalia’s coming!”
You both shot up, you scrambling to the door, Zane following a step behind. You paused as you grabbed the handle, looking back at Zane one last time.
“Let’s go out,” Zane insisted. “The smell in here really is oppressive.”
You laughed, affirming your agreement by swinging the door open and hopping into the fresh air outside.
When on flat ground, Zane held your hand once more, once again aware of the (admittedly smaller but still not insignificant) bustling market.
Kai sent you a look that asked: All good?
You gave a thumbs-up, earning a confused yet innocent smile from Zane.
“All good,” you said, kissing Zane’s hand quickly before getting down to business; Natalie was approaching, and the mission had to go on.
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Thank you so much for participating in our event!! And thanks for reading, take care guys <33
(divider by saradika)
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uty-confessions · 21 hours
something about the blurring between the man and the myth, the actor and the play. the things that north star would do, but starlo wouldnt, and yet theyre one and the same. where does the line draw? how can you untangle yourself from lies youve told so many times they become true? when your act becomes your entire life, whats really left? he wanted to be anything but himself so, so badly. he left his old life behind, crafted a new name, a role, and personality. he is north star. but he will never be north star.
he got everything he wanted, really. hes entertaining the underground. hes got power, status, a posse, and a whole town. but hes still starlo. starlo cried getting to his last bullet when fighting clover. starlo let clover shoot first after theyd massacred hundreds of monsters. no matter what he does, no matter the pressure he puts on himself, starlo wont go anywhere.
but north star isnt going either, not anytime soon. how do you live after a choice like that? how do you live after making an opposite of you within yourself?
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rhiannons-bird · 3 months
I‘m only about halfway through but I need to rant
- it‘s incredible how well cassie manages to lend a unique voice to each of her characters every single time. she just doesn’t miss does she?
- lin caster is the awesomest girl. i just love her because she reminds me of other cc girls in the way that she is kind of a very typical heroine on the surface but you can actually feel her emotions and she’s very believable & flawed & human and you just can’t help rooting for her + i love her friendship with mariam
- everyone is bisexual & it’s completely normalised i love it here
- lin & conor??? apparently they are the flagship which I know because I took a peek at the tag after they had two scenes together because the ENERGY OMG
- ahh yes, conor 😌 another pretty man with issues who’s in a lot of trouble and likes to cover it up with sarcasm, pompous behaviour, fancy clothes & vanity- you just can’t help but love it
- but also he‘s the biggest prick and i want him to have some sense beat into him by everyone around him
- like he qualifies for a huge growth arc but it could also go downhill and turn into sth ugly
- anyone had a weird sense of déjà vu about him and lin after that one little excerpt about adessa and suleman? like, she’s an ashkar with probably immense magical potential let’s be real i see where this is going and he‘s a prince (future king) with marivent blood 🤔🤔🤔
- conor‘s frat boy posse make my blood boil- especially with the way they talked about antonetta in that one scene 🤢🤮
- falconet is the nicest one by far but he‘s sus as hell i know he’s up to sth 🤨 but i rly wanna like him 😭
- the ragpicker king is just a cool dude who dresses emo and has people murdered on the regular i guess i love him. he’s hot. - kaz energy but also very different at the same time. can‘t wait to see more of him. and there’s def more to him.
- also no, andreyen, i don‘t understand either what people mean about ji-an having an off putting manner i‘m pretty convinced she‘s never done anything wrong in her entire life 💗except for the murder what murder
- kel can only be described as a calmly unhinged cinnamon roll. he reminds me a little of james (especially with his „mask“) but if you orphaned him & janked up the loyalty & sluttiness by a hundred
- like fr he is so confused just running around threatening and/or kissing people wtf 😭✋🏼 he just has chemistry with everyone he interacts with lol
- kel & conor remind me of matthew & james but if there was a big power imbalance and a everything is a little more fucked up 🙃
- generally the way power & power dynamics are portrayed and handled is very interesting i like it
- antonetta has my entire heart ❤️
- I need more of her but as an individual not just through kel‘s pov, so far i’m not very big on whatever is being hinted at with her and kel
- I adore merren just like everyone else, he‘s kind of giving a weird mix of christopher/matthew/wylan and I‘m here for it. plus: autism coded character yeass
- also nice to see some jewish rep. (i did not know cassie was jewish before lol) the ashkar are really interesting (& as far as their treatment by the rest of the world goes at times infuriating😤) to read about and add a lot of depth to the world building.
- i love how we see the complexities of their culture portrayed through lin who on the one hand is deeply ingrained in it and holds/has received a lot of love & care for/from her own people while also having been wronged & ostracised by them and how both can be true simultaneously
- as someone who‘s very familiar with multiple romance languages the languages in this book are incredibly entertaining to me
- SO MANY SECRETS & political intrigue hehehe rubbing my little hands together can’t wait for all this to escalate (because it most certainly will) 😈
bottom line
I’m really glad i finally started reading this.
it took me a while to get into it & I’m still holding out on a final judgement since it seems very slow but i’m a patient reader and i appreciate a good setup.
also I want a creepy black crocodile pool in my house now.
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russenoire · 4 days
7, 14 for the ask game :) 🌻
from this MP100 ask game! :}
7: what’s the most hilarious moment to you?
[note: i'm terrible at picking 'one favorite thing' as a general rule, and have too many Most Hilarious Moments to count (anime and manga). so i'm just gonna list random ones that kill me if more ppl ask me this question.]
and i called it! i will answer question 7 as many times as people ask; i simply adore this story's flavor of dry humor.
anime: in s1e8 during ritsu's attempt to pick a fight with shigeo, shigeo sincerely congratulates ritsu on finally obtaining ESP after his younger brother attacks him with it. he then launches into embarrassing parent mode and starts describing, for anyone within earshot, how ritsu used to bawl his eyes out when they were younger because he couldn't bend spoons. ritsu doesn't deny this; he just says, 'that hadn't changed up until recently.'
manga: the meat omake. OMFG. i can't decide what's funniest about it: shigeo's absolutely based refusal to clarify an awkward misunderstanding, or teru's emptying reigen's wallet and hanging it out to dry.
14: are there any MP100 fanfics you HAVE to rec?
my tastes lean towards deep character study and the whump side of angst, so take that as you will. most of these are ongoing/incomplete. in no particular order:
kegare (can be translated as 'spiritual defilement' in japanese) by zillasafe. an organization looking to solve the global energy crisis kidnaps shigeo after the confession arc for their aims. skilled scrambling of narrative chronology and use of an unreliable narrator, visceral depictions of the effects of long-term sensory deprivation. [mature, graphic violence, 95K words]
a breach of trust by phantomrose96. what if mogami'd sunk his claws into shigeo early... and he and teru never crossed paths? preternaturally naturalistic dialogue, willingness to challenge fanon interpretations of canon characters, thoughtful examinations of how trauma can warp the psyche into violence, OCs that give me life. it's a serious long-read. [teen+, graphic violence, 384.6K words]
the brassica heresy by scribefindegil. captures the unnerving atmosphere of the psycho helmet arc perfectly. what if psycho helmet got his wish? and why doesn't anyone remember shigeo? a mystery from tsubomi's perspective, and she's fascinating. [teen+, creator chose not to warn, 27.5K words]
a murder of crows and a kaleidoscope of butterflies by redberrysoda. slowly sketches out a seductive world of palace intrigue and burgeoning trust/love between the princes of two kingdoms. shoumob. i'm not much of a shipper, but i found myself wanting more of this pair in this world. [teen+, 23K words]
blackhole by dmyy20. river-of-consciousness internal monologue that ripped me apart in all the best of ways. what if dimple hadn't been there to talk shigeo down after he saw his family in the fire? [teen+, graphic violence, 2.1K words]
childlike wonder, in the palm of our hands by nanayon. high school slice-of-life in which shigeo stretches his wings tests the limits of his ESP, with ritsu's help. exploration of dissociative identity disorder/system dynamics, lovely sibling bonding, shigeo learning to enjoy his powers for once, dammit. [gen rated, 11.6K words]
can i recommend one of mine? i'm proudest of this one... a friend described it as melancholic fluff: kain no shirushi (the mark of cain). it's a slice-of-life story where thirty-something shigeo's quiet intensity and his powers end up intimidating others unintentionally... and then later on purpose. from my summary on AO3: 'Inspired by that scene in canon where high-school boys attempt to bully young Shigeo and he ends up saving them from his posse. There, he isn't yet sure how to defend himself without causing others physical harm. Here, he's managed to figure something out…' [teen+, 2.9k words]
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mintyfrostyart · 1 year
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Oh boy you know who it is my favourite boy <33 I've gone into detail about his character below the cut >:}
Reginald strikes me as an odd character since his personality is formed around insecurity; the slave of his own mind, and that of his own people.
You see, royalty is a special case in this universe. Despite the name being “medieval AU”, its more magical and foreign. The Copperbottom family is a line formed from two royal houses, and has prospered for 5 generations. What makes royalty so special is that they’re gifted in many ways.
Magic is an odd case study, since its formed, quite literally, in the blood stream. If a royal had a cut, their blood would be speckled with magic. The colour of said magic is also visible within the lower half iris on a royal’s eye, and all magic casted by a royal will be of that colour. However, royals are only hosted to one power each. These powers are special, however. They usually consist as the ability to conquer a specific object, or set of objects, out of magic. King Galeforce, for example, posses magic in the shade of green, and has the ability to create any weapon of his choosing. Prince Jullian (an OC) posses magic in the shade of pink, and has the ability to create mirrors that can reflect either the true, best, or worst version of people.
These powers are said to be a gift from the stars, and can only be matured through the greatest pleasure in life: laughter.
For most royals, this is not a problem. As babies, there is a lot to laugh about, is there not? Most royals develop magic very easily from a young age.
2. Height and Strength
Royals have more power than your average citizen. Most royals range in height from 6’2-7’. They’re usually built (and trained) to handle any kind of weaponry, with their body type usually reflecting whatever magic they happen to possess. This, perhaps, is how they were able to get themselves into power; for who could take down someone who had the strength of 10 men?
The Copperbottom has a long history of strong, powerful rulers who have never been apposed, even when facing war. Hense, what made Reginald’s life so, er, fundamental.
He was the last of the Copperbottoms to survive. His parents met a tragic fate when he was a young boy, and he is the last left. But that was the thing about it, he wasn’t a traditional royal. At his full height as an adult, he barely reached 5’1, and he had not a scrap of magic to his name. Believe me, ladies in waiting and carers for the prince when his parents passed did everything they could think of, but nothing came to light. People speculated that the passing of his parents didn’t allow his magic to develop correctly, but nobody knew. Reginald was simply a quiet child who never spoke a word.
He wasn’t like other royals, he was *different*. Terrifying, I know.
Reginald was taken under the care of Admiral Dmitri Johannes Petrov, who very much cared for the boy as his own son. Dmitri had lost his wife and son in childbirth (eyup bi-Dmitri lets gooo). The kingdom didn’t have a ruler at the moment, and since Dmitri was indeed admiral, he offered to take care of him until he was of proper age to rise to the throne.
In the current day, Reginald is 25, and very mysterious as it is. Terrence was his parent’s regent, and he accepted taking the throne in their late becomings. Terrence’s character is a whole other can of worms to get into, and I’m going to go into heavy detail of his origins in another post, but for now, Terrence remains the king as of now.
But why? Well, its half Terrence’s fault and Reginald himself. For the sake of brevity, I’ll simply talk about Reg here.
Reg is 5’1 and powerless (and a Twink). The two things that make royals, well, royal, he doesn’t have. No one *knows* why, that’s just the way he is. Reginald’s quiet, he had a stutter growing up, and he’s freckled across his face. Royals are a simple of good manners and good behaviour, and for a royal who can’t speak nor represent his family, then who even is he?
But at the same time, the castle is terrified. Reginald is the *last* of his family, and everyone who lives and serves the Copperbottom family wants to keep him safe. The walls around the castle were put In place to ensure no harm could come to the prince. Terrence is an easily swayed man, and if someone gave him a reason to tear down those walls, he would. But no one has. No one wants to risk him getting hurt. 
From Reginald’s perspective, he feels unworthy of the throne. Reginald feels as though he must do everything in his power to make up for himself. He is the last of his family, and he’s a *dud*. He’s a royal that lacks anything royal looking, and so he feels eternally guilty. His unhealthy habits of drilling himself into work are of his own poison; he believes it owes it someone. He believes he had to put in more work than anyone at the castle because of the mess he has made of his family.
For if he is powerless and lacking of power, then he had to make up for it somehow, right?
Reginald does not have resentment for his upbringing; its been told to him about what he *should* have been, but he just isn't. He is a quiet fellow, but kind. Not many can form an opinion about him since he's a mystery. He's either doing work or out in his gardens where he's usually lost in thought. But in conversation, he does try his best to please crowds.
For someone who has never been outside, no one knows his face, only his name. A lot of commoners assume he is powerful, and that the castle was hiding him for his protection. Commoners are scared of him; if he is such a mystery, then he must be greatly powerful, yes?
Reginald’s character is complicated. He’s genuinely a very kind and sweet soul, but it’s very overshadowed by his crumpling self-image, but he sincerely tries to make up for it by pushing himself to the very limits. His first action of doing something for himself was making an escape from the palace, which is the beginning of the main series.
What I adore about Medieval Copperright is that Right teaches Reg that indeed has to learn to love himself. Right sees beauty in every single feature he has, and Reginald is blind to it. Right drills in the fact that Reginald doesn’t owe anyone anything for simply being himself. Their relationship is really slow, and I love that, because Reginald learns to love himself and love the things about himself through someone who views him as him. It's only when Reginald learns to care about himself that he begins to develop feelings about Right, as he can finally see himself as worth being in someone else's life.
The first person that sees Reginald as himself makes him realise that he isn’t simply an object for the throne, but as someone with a dream to be alive.
Right again is another story entirely, but I hope you’ve enjoyed this ramble !! <33
If you guys have any questions, please hit me up! I would love to go into more detail :D
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