uty-confessions · 5 hours
Continuing from that other persons ask, yeah I’m tired of ppl acting like ceroba doesn’t give a shit abt clover. She only tries to kill them in pacifist because there’s no other option in her mind. She believes it’s what’s best for monsterkinds future, and she has to do it even though she genuinely respects and cares about clover. There’s tears in her eyes as she attempts to deal the final blow.
I think it’s also important to mention this letter ceroba sends them in neutral routes where you spare starlo
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Like. This is from a route where ceroba barely knows clover. Not only that, but their soul is impure, making them completely useless to her goal. Their actions have ruined any chance of her completing chujins work in the foreseeable future, yet she still takes the time to write them a letter warning against confronting asgore as they will almost definitely die (which is proven true in flawed pacifist). Even without the emotional connection she forms with them through venturing the steamworks together, ceroba still clearly cares about their wellbeing.
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uty-confessions · 5 hours
I love Transmasc starlo but hear me out
Transfem ceroba. Trans staroba
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uty-confessions · 17 hours
this fandom needs more childhood staroba content
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uty-confessions · 1 day
About the Starlo writing stuff in the other anon post, earlyzakariya's npd theory describes how I feel about him
He's supposed to be inconsistent, it's part of his character and is extremely in character!
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uty-confessions · 1 day
haha el bailador go brrrrrrrr
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uty-confessions · 1 day
transmasc star is a headcanon and a half….oh lord he sniling…..
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uty-confessions · 1 day
whenever I see people talking about how bad the writing is and undertale yellow, I can't help but wonder to myself if we actually played the same game, or if I'm just the weird one. I tend to look at things from the bigger picture, so when people say that the situation with starlo turning against you is poorly written, or over the top, or contrived, I consider it actually in character--it's very clear that if we look around, clover entering town and becoming the main center of attention for starlo was the last straw, because we know that starlo has been going way too far for a while now, between things like the rock droppers, and the sandstorm fan. on top of this, he's been so wrapped up in trying to keep one person happy, namely ceroba, that he forgot to ask the opinion of everyone else. to the point where he's even forgotten to ask the opinion of ceroba herself, because again, he gets very very wrapped up into things. he's a flawed character that needs to LEARN. the same thing goes for his appearance in vengeance, where he brings rubber bullets to his dual with clover. this makes sense for him, even though it was a very, very stupid thing for him to do. he can't bring himself to kill clover--even in neutral/pacifist, he's literally CRYING when he's at his last bullet. but in vengeance, he hadn't learned the lesson yet that he needs to get his head out of the clouds, take things seriously, and acknowledge the opinion of others. and then we get to the people who absolutely hate ceroba and her arc. and yes I get it, her whole goal was to kill clover--however it's clear that she shows a lot of care for them throughout any route, because she gives them the benefit of the doubt in neutral if you kill starlo. she constantly asks if clover is okay with what's going on in town. and although she just dumps her own stuff onto them, it's not as if clover is one to freely share their backstory. everyone acts as though clover has been mistreated, as if frisk never was ever during their story, but a lot of the characters actually realize the error of their ways and try to ask for forgiveness and make up for it in some way. did we all just miss that part?? did we miss the part where starlo and martlet desperately try to defend them??? and yes, it does make sense for clover to want to give up their soul, and maybe even not regret it. I mean, their whole schtick is justice. they see throughout pacifist that monsters aren't as evil as they previously thought, and that there's no justice in keeping them trapped forever. I don't know, maybe I'm just giving the game too much benefit of the doubt, but undertale has its own contrivances and issues as well. like ceroba and undyne both have similar arcs in that they want to kill you, but all the other characters around you speak positively of them. how is frisk expected to want to be friends with undyne, besides just being the most special of special cases, and wanting to be friends with everyone? we have to allow at least a little bit of contrivances, and suspend our disbelief a little bit. idk. you don't have to like it, but let's not treat undertale like it's perfect and untouchable while looking at yellow like it's significantly worse, somehow.
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uty-confessions · 2 days
I LOVE flawed pacifist as an ending and I think Starlo's reaction is excruciating and yet absolutely understandable given the context and I hate how some people (admittedly mostly on YT or reddit) are weird about it,,, No, self-defense no longer applies when Ceroba is no longer attacking you and Starlo is perfectly understandable in being pissed given you just murdered his best friend. Is he perhaps unreasonable? Yes, but so would most people also be if their best friend was just murdered by someone who they trusted who, up to this point, had never reacted violently to being attacked before. Clover could have killed Starlo and they don't. Instead they befriend Starlo. They become his deputy. They help him get closer to his friends again. And then they kill the most important person in his life when she was in a time of severe crisis. Holy shit,,,
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uty-confessions · 2 days
I think martlet needs more love in the community I barely see her content when I look through the undertake yellow tag and when I do it's a group thing. Like she's just tacked on as part of the main cast.
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uty-confessions · 2 days
Seconding starlo and martlet being parents together, they'd be great parents id think
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uty-confessions · 2 days
the chujin horse confession made me think of starjin (nerd x nerd basically) and whatever the ship name is for star, ceroba, and chujin. for some reason.
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uty-confessions · 2 days
the chujin design thing made me remember that at first i thought he was a horse
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uty-confessions · 2 days
On that note get Starlo one too hell maybe they should raise one together bc both of them have so much ditzy parental instincts
Anyways this household LOVES dadlo and ADORES momlet and I firmly believe they have kids together post canon
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uty-confessions · 2 days
Hi this is the anon with the complaint about Chujins design again. I think his design on it's own is nice, I like that he's not just an orange fox and his glasses give him fun expressions. I just really hate the "fantasy species with extreme variety between individuals but all the couples have both members look the same" trope. Like if Chujin was anyone but Ceroba's husband I would've enjoyed his design a lot more but now it just gives me "we can't make him another kind of monster that would be weird" vibes, you kind of get the maid mariam thing (from disney's robin hood, she's a fox woman in a family of lions but she has to be a fox because she's the love interest for the protagonist who is a fox). Though at least Kanako doesn't look like a clone of one of her parents, I guess the black hair is Cerobas natural hair color and the brown is from the purple mixing with the beige. though kind of a shame a lot of aged up version of her just turn her into a Ceroba recolor.
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uty-confessions · 2 days
Not arguing with past anon, ceroba thing is nore of her being a 'sly fox' but ill be so fucking fr i did not realise chujin was a fox i thought he was a coyote..... also is. chujin is. mmad ugly 🔥
Talking abt this nothings funnier to me than the fact Kanako's fur doesnt match her mum or dads 😭, like she kinda looks like chujin i suppose but overall her fur is very dark compared to both her parents its lowk funny
Also i do agree with the thing the past anon said about mixed monster relationships
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uty-confessions · 2 days
I honestly really dislike Chujins design I think him and Ceroba both being foxes is kind of lazy and has some weird connotations concidering Ceroba immediately fell in love with him. Makes it look less like she actually fell for him for how he was and more like she was just waiting to finally find a fox + them both being foxes makes some fans confused and has them think ceroba is a boss monster too? Idk the "kanako would be hard to design" thing doesn't work since Starlo also has 2 different monsters as parents and they could design him and Orion perfectly fine? I know regular UT also does this stupid trope and I hate it there too but at least UT mostly does it for bg characters and the king and queen both being the same kind of powerful long lived monster at least makes a little sense.
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uty-confessions · 2 days
I love flowey x clover sm
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