#it was my inner conscience and curiosity
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hagenwo43 · 11 months ago
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More Wetsuit action?
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occamstfs · 6 months ago
Green Eyes of Envy
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Adam finds a necklace that promises anything his heart desires and nothing does he desire more than a body no one could deny.
Vaguely Halloweeny possession story based on a well-trodden trigger! Twink -> Jock -> Bear(ish?) IQ drain/corruption. Don't forget to vote on my Viral Transformation Story poll, only one day left! Hope you enjoy! -Occam
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As soon as he sees the necklace lying on the ground Adam throws it on. So far it’s another subpar night spent going home alone from the bar, at least if he nabs a cute accessory there’ll be something gained. After throwing it on, when there’s a sudden buzzing in the back of his head that’s increasingly approximating a voice Adam chalks it up to his conscience trying to speak up about his and promptly ignores it.
Once he arrives home and takes time to stare at the medallion dangling on his thin chest however, he finds the voice may well have been something external, something supernatural. As a voice resounds in his head that is clearly not his own, “Adam is it?” Concluding he’s already fallen unconscious, hopefully indeed in his home, or that he’s had far too much to drink tonight for him to remember whatever he’s about to get into he plays along. “Whazzit to ya-” Realizing just what a goldmine position it has found itself in, the presence within the necklace prepares to strike.
From the drunken grumblings made by the young man in their short time together there is clearly insecurity to pray upon, and his new owner seems adverse to caution. The being within the necklace feels close enough to gaining a physical form, a body, it can almost taste it. It cannot slip up this close to the finish line and must act swiftly and with care, “So Adam, I take it you did not fare too well in your night on the town?” 
The drunken Adam’s small hands suddenly grasp the chain and pull slightly, moaning incoherently all the while. Feeling the tug the necklace quickly speaks up once more, “Woah woah woah my dear, do be careful! If you allow me, I can help you achieve your wildest dreams!” Eyes suddenly grow deathly serious as he hears the metallic voice speak in his head, “you cuh- anythin-?” 
Calculating faster than a human mind can, the voice seizes on the curiosity, banking that whatever the drunk asks will indeed be in his purview, “Anything.” The hitherto thoughtlessly lolling mouth curls into a smirk and his mind dances with the possibilities, “Uhhhh, genie ruleshh, ish it?” 
The medallion somehow sighs not wanting to highlight the potential, or fact rather, that it’s going to twist the man’s wish to his own end but sensing its holder’s brain seems the type to rarely make a connection deeper than surface level it concludes it should be fine. “Sure, something like that.” The chain jostles on Adam’s thin shoulders as he shrugs, “whateva- can you jussht give me the body of a fuckin’ stud?” Perfect. Mission accomplished.
Adam’s eyes flash green as the medallion does similarly, connecting them and giving whatever surely sinister being lies within the small coin carte blanche. Speaking from a deeper foothold in Adam’s mind the voice gives the perfunctory warning that any act of magic requires, “Do be wary of course, the inner bits of yourself have a nasty habit of matching the outer changes.” Though knowing that it’s now only a matter of time before it’s in control it begins to reveal it’s less than amicable side, “though given how fast you let me in it seems your deep inner tapestry hasn’t all too much to lose.”
Treating the slight as if it were the annoying buzz of an insect flying around his head, Adam quickly ignores the voice altogether and pulls out his phone to hunt for the perfect body. Lucky for the spirit Adam was already beyond horny before the necklace even graced his neck, so it is not long before his envious eyes find a man enthralling. In no time at all Adam is halfway drooling as he stares at some influencer’s massive pecs. He’s doing some skit but Adam doesn’t hear a word he says, as he stares his desire proves enough tinder for the spirit’s work to begin on his body.
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Adam’s eyes simply flash green and laughter fills his mind, just as muscle begins to fill out his chest. Having always made excuses to shy away from the gym for one reason or another Adam smirks as he gropes his growing pecs. Suddenly bursting from non-existence into the by far largest muscles on his body, eclipsing his ass and thighs in a manner that should not be possible. Nipples surge larger as a few thick curls begin to smatter themselves across the burgeoning pecs. Nails scratching into the soft muscle Adam smirks as he imagines that no matter how hard he tries from here on out he could never hide these powerful pecs.
Emerald shade clearing from his eyes the aftereffects of his proud new chest are less than apparent. Rather than any grand changes to the horny drunk’s personality, the spirit simply allows the current drunken recklessness to seep in deeper. Suddenly the type to never back away from challenges even in a sober state, Adam smirks as he imagines all the heads that will turn when he gets a chance to show off his bulky new pecs. Though despite how impressive they are, they can’t be the only brawn on his body hm? Before the spirit even has a chance to seed the desire for more changes, Adam himself hungrily returns to the hunt for his own aggrandization.
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Only having just faded back to his natural eye color his eyes quickly shade a darker green than even that of the medallion as Adam stares at the arms of a gymnast that pops into his feed. He clenches his jaw and reflexively flexes his arms as his weak biceps suddenly surge with the strength of someone who has spent a lifetime working towards his own betterment. He smirks as veins bulge down his biceps as his own laughter resounds even louder than that of the spirit in his own head. Forearms and triceps suddenly hold strength that hasn’t a hope to reasonably wield. 
Adam’s eyes then trail from the impressive arms towards what he always paid more attention to when the gymnast was trending, the man’s thick pits. Instantly does intense itching begin in Adam’s armpits. They burn with pleasure as a forest begins to surge outwards, growing thicker as he desires to be more than any man that pops onto his screen. The few hairs painting his chest rapidly expand in kind to compete with the dank jungles that now thrive and drip with sweat under his arms. Sitting there smirking as he tears his eyes away from his phone to delight in his new beyond hairy pits as rivers of musky sweat begin trickling down his bulging pecs and thick biceps.
Suddenly having the upper body of an Olympian, Adam’s mind grows foggy with a pride even greater than the sum of his impressive parts. Bouncing his pecs for the first time while doing a double bicep flex, Adam is filled with lust for his own form and a growing confidence that already no man could ever possibly resist him. He grunts and notices that his neck has similarly grown thicker, his voice resounding deeper as an adam’s apple bulges onto his previously smooth neck. Moaning as he takes a deep breath and enjoys his new heady musk, he feels his mind start to drift away from the pursuit of perfection and to instead just give in prematurely to hedonism as his larger hands inch towards his crotch. 
Before getting the chance the voice returns and whispers like a snake, “ahh ahh ahh Adam… We are not complete yet.” Looking down at his lower body he shakes off his horny delirium and agrees, rapidly returns to the more than mindless scrolling, thankfully easily able to hold up against the whims of his still average cock. Adam again does not have to search long before his eyes land upon men he longs to be, to have, to be with. His eyes once more glow a searing Emerald, and the medallion scarcely lights up, at the sight of two specimens that alight more jealousy than anything yet.
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Memories of his anxieties and self-doubt quickly vacate as confidence imbues every inch of him, staring at the thick thighs and powerful calves of the bodybuilders he feels his power and pride grow to new heights. Immediately sending tears down the ratty old skinny jeans he wore to the bar, thighs that make it immediately clear that their owner could break a watermelon between them surge into existence. Finally regaining their top spot as the largest muscles on the body they grow larger than his pecs before being similarly outmatched by his ass growing firm and flexing larger with each hungry glance at the two men.
Legs cramping outward the spirit within Adam feels his ability to control the man almost come to a head. Adam doesn’t notice as his fingers twitch and flex beyond his control nor does he care as his toes strain in the air as his feet inch larger. Why does it matter that his chest is flexing without being told, it’s hot, Adam surely meant to do that anyway. Looking down and inspecting his new form, concern slides off his mind anyway as he sees hair begin to increase across his chest, rapidly shooting down abs that he didn’t even notice forming. 
He plays with the forest of hair beginning to shadow the whole of his torso as he feels similar stubble being to scratch against his chin. Tilting his head, his foggy mind struggles to wonder how he’s still changing without looking at men like the medallion instructed. Looking at his reflection in the mirror and seeing the impossibly alluring figure he has become however he decides to not care what the stupid thing said anyway. He must have gotten what he needs from it already.
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Thoughtlessly he removes the necklace and tosses it away having decided he’s more than enough man. Only then does his bulge begin to grow beyond what he has always known it to be. There’s a sigh of relief and anticipation as he realizes he almost missed a chance to grow his cock with whatever that coin did to him. Face and chest burning red with blush he forces his hand into his crotch and smirks as he feels his thick fingers begin to tangle in his new bush. His free hand still dances across the bounty of chest hair and his new mustache scratches against his shoulder as he bathes in the new musk that resounds from his pits.
Mind clouded from his changes, having far too much to drink, and the cocktail of new hormones issuing forth from balls rapidly filling his briefs, Adam pulls out his larger cock and begins to go to town. Experiencing the new heights of pleasure that his dream body allows Adam loses himself to new ecstasy. His cock stretches to a size that rivals the forearm of a lesser man and his balls race to match the size his impressive body warrants. If it weren’t for his hand slowing down its thrusts it’s likely that Adam would never notice what was to happen to him next.
His face moves in unfamiliar patterns as something besides him stretches it to understand how to control it. Eyes slam shut as far as they can and then reopen, and Adam suddenly realizes that he can no longer move them of his own volition, and yet he still sees. Staring out from eyes seemingly out of his control, Adam feels his mouth smirk without instruction as a voice he has barely gotten the chance to use spills out from his thicker lips, “Well well young Adam. Excellent work thus far, think I’ll take over from here though lad.” 
Adam struggles for dominance as he finds himself but a voice in his own head, watching his new fingers dance at the end of powerful arms he scarcely had time to appreciate. He feels them flex and struggles not to give in to the delight of the power and continue fighting. Feeling himself not totally lost he endeavors a hail mary and focuses all his attention to the one thing that has always been able to override his mind in the past. His balls churn and his cock bounces as even whatever clearly powerful spirit now controlling his form is unable to resist his rising lusts. The need for release that suddenly blares through every sweaty inch of his skin and the being totally not used to self-control or human weakness struggles to not give in.
The spirit grunts as it remembers its tenuous position on reality, through its own suddenly clouded mind it goes into bargaining mode, struggling to stop their body from its uncontrollable thrusting into the air, “Ohh oh fuck okay, another deal. I can’t- We can’t cum yet or grgh- Please not yet!” Adam grinds the well-trodden neural pathways of lust to a halt as he desires to hear the being out. To signal his willingness to play ball, as well as out of the hope Adam should be better at staying his hand from masturbation, it allows Adam full control once more. Adam does begin playing with his cock immediately, moreso from the ever-pressing desire to cum rather than intimidation at expelling the spirit though it works for both. 
The spirit somehow clears his throat within Adam’s head, “To level, I am in here now, for good. But we can work out an arrangement, we can share. You can fuck and frot whatever, but every so often I’ll need a chance at the wheel for my own, uhm ends. Worry not, if anything it’ll only amount to more pleasure for yourself!” Adam cups his larger balls and struggles to understand the implications of this agreement. He hasn’t the capacity to care that his intellect seems to have diminished as his body grew, in fact as clearly duller words spill out of his mouth it only turns him on more, “Uuhhh, so we’ll share my body?”
Somehow rolling eyes he doesn’t have control over, the being realizes this must be a two way street and agrees, “Of course, you just let me do my thing and we’ll get along great.” Adam scratches his beard itching thicker and shrugs, “Sure dude, whatever.” At the lightest sign of agreement the spirit seizes control, too late does he realize his haste has caused him a misstep. Whether its his limited time in the corrupted mind of Adam forcing human err unto the spirit or simply from just how unprepared the spirit is to handle the overwhelming lust in Adam’s mind, rather than sharing control the two become irrevocably one in both body and mind. Whatever sinister priorities the spirit had rapidly shift to match the hedonistic needs of Adam. Rapidly fading into the bestial desire of Adam the spirit turns up its nose as it finds itself wanting to change their now shared form, “If we’re gonna share, uh bro, need a bit more space in here eh?”
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With that, Adam’s eyes cross and he struggles to not burp as he feels his powerful form begin to bloat. His beard thickens as both minds become one and mass begins to pile onto his torso as abs grow into a bulky muscle gut underneath his still impressive pecs. Scratching his ass as it too grows a jungle of hair before going back to palm his cock, both minds feel sedated as they smell his thick musk and Adam can scarcely remember any priorities besides the all-important goal of seeking his own pleasure. 
To this end the pair find themselves awash in exploring their-his body, for countless hours of making a mess of his bedroom, living room, and kitchen Adam finally remembers that there is more to the world than his small apartment. There are more holes to explore than the few in himself and far more to see than the steamy videos he can pull up on his phone. Wiping drool off his face and crusted cum off his torso, something at the back of Adam’s mind itches as he feels there was something greater he was supposed to do, something he was supposed to spread or some control he was supposed to enforce. Giving his pits a good sniff he smirks before opining that perhaps there is no greater goal than spreading his own glory far and wide.
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Quite the easy enough task as it runs out as whatever the spirit did before fading into but another aspect of Adam’s lusty mind gave him the ability to attract anyone to his cause. Rather than whatever dire cause intended, with the two totally merged the only purpose of his inhumanly alluring self is to spread pleasure. As soon as he steps out of his front door he finds men throwing themselves at him in droves. Jocks, twinks, and bears alike could not possibly resist the titan as he walks down the street, always shadowed by a heavy wave of his aphrodisiac musk.
Adam’s eyes glance across and stare through every man whose hungry eyes cannot look away, whose shoulders fly back in submission, whose noses lead them to trial behind him. While many of them get the chance to enjoy time with the inhumanly alluring man, only a few get to experience the truly rapturous experience of being changed by Adam himself. Only a select few find themselves molded into something greater than that they are when they first submit to Adam’s will. Though even a few is enough to spread and as time goes on the number of musky men wandering around could certainly become a problem. Lucky for the world perhaps, whatever cause the medallion held is long forgotten and the changed men yearn for no higher purpose than pleasure. And with the enhancements gifted by Adam, that is precisely what they find.
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webnovel-deluxe · 2 years ago
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 8
'Hmm. By the way, Michelle Granbert is more than a princess's friend... .'
I feel like an ardent believer.
During the battle with the Warlock, I lent her a joint doll to serve as a bait, so I thought she was pretty close to the princess, but Michelle's condition was a little different from being a friend.
“Wow, Princess. Doesn't my face look weird now? I’m so nervous.”
Michelle asked me about her condition with a pale face. Her clenched fists were trembling with tension from before.
“Originally, you’re on the white side, so you don’t look much different from usual. But, are you so nervous? ”
After all, Deborah is the saint who saved the empire.
The other day, there weren't many people who recognized her true worth, and she was with the devil, but after the battle, it was definitely felt that her followers increased.
“I really can't believe it. I didn't expect it, actually, I prayed, but I wasn't very lucky, so I never dreamed that I would be invited to this event. It is such an honor and thank you again, Princess.”
Michel Granbert, who was invited to this tea party due to the whim of the princess, had trouble sleeping from the day she was invited.
Everyone was envious of themselves attending a tea party with two celebrities from the Empire... . I never liked her because she was a saint!
Michelle took great pride in not being late.
'The owner of Armand, whom I had only vaguely imagined, was Princess Deborah! She even had a sublime side job of being a saint.'
Tea time with the person whom I admired enough to prepare a tribute to the doll to secretly present and even write an analysis thesis!
“You are a very successful person. It was good to be alive.”
Michelle was thrilled.
“But I didn’t know that you would be in front of the imperial family since dawn. Damn I came out early.”
“If you are late for even one second, it is a big deal. So, it is more comfortable to wait in the morning.”
“Huh, yes, that aside, I’ve been concerned about it since a while ago, but what did you have in your hand?”
“It's a script...”
“I don’t know why I need a script for the tea party, but I’m skipping this one, so what did I write down?”
The 5 princesses showed curiosity as they looked at the paper note that Michelle had been holding like a lifeline before.
“… Listen to what I have to say when we meet. this and that.”
“Can I see her?”
While Michelle was hesitating, the news came that the princess had just arrived in front of the Imperial Palace.
“Princess, I suddenly feel dizzy with my tongue…”
Suddenly, Michelle staggered and touched her forehead.
“Wake. You've been waiting since dawn If you fall down like this, you won't be able to see for even a second. ”
“I'll hold out.”
Michelle clenched her teeth and nodded her head resolutely.
Soon after, Princess Deborah appeared through the door, and Michelle managed to suppress the scream.
“How have you been, Princess?”
Princess Deborah greeted her with her characteristic cold expression. However, Princess 5 could now read the warmth in her eyes.
“Thanks to you.”
The two made eye contact and shook hands lightly.
“Did the princess do well too?”
“Yeah, thanks to the princess, I’ve been able to rest and have a good time.”
“But we decided to call each other names, Deborah.”
“It is, Vivienne.”
Seeing the two of them calling their names affectionately, Michelle rolls her feet and wanted to strengthen her feet.
'I'm so envious of you, Princess. I want to ask you to call my name so friendly! '
Although she was yelling out violently inside, Michelle, like a high-ranking nobleman, was adept at hiding her emotions.
“My Michelle, it’s been a while.”
Deborah greeted her, hiding her inner awkwardness.
In front of the company who wrote an analysis thesis about Armand and even promoted it as a five-star restaurant, I was a bit pricked in conscience because I pretended to know nothing about it and was hiding my identity.
In addition, to lure the 3rd Prince by boat, Michelle borrowed what he had, but he dropped the doll in the water and was unable to return it.
'I said in the first place that I don't have to give it back, but... .'
Since she's Princess Seymour, maybe she couldn't ask for the money back.
Deborah glanced at her, and Michelle barely raised her voice, her pupils trembling.
“Princess, it’s been a while.”
“Last time I suddenly asked you to borrow a doll for the boat, thank you for willingly allowing me.”
'It's just an honor for the princess to remember and even use my doll to do something big! Another honor! So there's no need to thank you with such a gracious attitude... Sobbing.'
However, Michelle could not utter the sentences that quickly passed through her head. It was because she was so crazy that her eyes became white as she got entangled with the lines of the script she had written in advance.
‘Just don’t prepare anything. '
The 5 princesses lightly called out to Michelle, who seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.
'I guess I'm a little uncomfortable.'
Deborah opened her mouth with a humble face, thinking that Michelle was having a hard time with her face just looking at her face.
“Seymour will surely pay you back. It will not be easy to find a work worth as much as a doll that you made, but I want to reward it.”
'uh? Wait, I guess it's time to spit out those lines?'
Michelle, who suddenly remembered a line from the script, managed to tear her lips apart.
“It’s a reward. Don't say that. I can feel the wall from the princess.”
“At first, my face was a little cold… .”
The 5 princesses, who had been silent for a while in the difficult atmosphere, muttered painstakingly.
“Aha, perfection is a barrier.”
“… I'm just going home sorry!”
Michelle jumped up, dyeing her pale face like a ripe apple.
When she couldn't stand the shame and tried to run away, the silent princess suddenly covered her mouth and shook her shoulders.
Seeing her smile for the first time, Michelle relaxed her legs and sat down.
“ where is the handkerchief?”
Michelle mumbled gibberish.
“Why, you said you were getting dizzy from excitement earlier, but this time you look like you’re going to have a nosebleed?”
“no. Princess Deborah smiled, so the juice was splashing all the way here.”
laughter means as fresh as fruit.
“You have to wipe… . ”
“… Would you like some tea?”
“Yes. sorry.”
“Until I’m sorry. It's just the head of the empire's best puppeteer... Hmmm, the sense of humor is just amazing. Every time you say something like a gem, it feels like you're facing the wall of another world. Absolutely perfect. ”
It didn't seem like a compliment for some reason, but Michelle was satisfied.
'I'm embarrassed, but it's okay because the princess smiled.'
Anyway, it was the script produced by this vain greed to spit out the memorable lines of the person I admire, but it worked.
'I got on.'
While Michelle dies inside, Princess Deborah raises the teacup with a smile on her face.
“The tea smells really good.”
“Yes, it is very good. ha… .”
“I brought the tea leaves my father loved, especially for you. If there is a wall that has remained for each other, even tear it down and sleep. Of course, it's not perfect. haha.”
“… I will never do that again... .”
“why? It’s fun.”
'They're both having a good time.'
The awkward spot was warmed up by Michelle's jokes, and Deborah sipping tea while listening to their chatter among her peers.
“Ah, princess. do you know that There is no purple amethyst these days, so I can't sell it. ”
“Purple silk and yarn are also trendy. I tried to wear all the dolls I own, but some were out of stock.”
“I am thinking of suggesting that sooner or later, the color of the imperial emblem should be changed to purple instead of blue sky.”
“What the hell… .”
Deborah was smirking inwardly, but, as always, her expression didn't show it well. And it gave the impression of being detached from popularity.
Michelle said first.
“Then, of course not. You are my girl.”
'They are really close friends.'
Deborah tried to ignore the twinkling gazes of the two of them, while involuntarily fiddling with her sweaty ring fingers. It was a habit that I suddenly developed as I recently wore my engagement ring every day.
And their eyes naturally stayed in the ring.
“Hmm. I heard that she was engaged to Princess Deborah and the Duke of Visconti. congratulations.”
“I, that, by the way.”
Michelle shyly curled her lips and bit, then pulled it off.
“At the wedding, the… May I be your bridesmaid? huh, if there are any seats left.”
In Asteia, on the day of the wedding, four or five friends of the bride stood next to the bride holding flowers. It was one of the traditions that stemmed from the custom of protecting the bride from outsiders.
“I am unconditionally sitting next to the princess. Don't look too far, Michelle.”
“Still, the left side is empty.”
Deborah felt a strange feeling as she looked at the two of them fighting. She once said that she was the object of fear, and she didn't even have a young girl who made proper eye contact with herself... .
In addition to the two of them, Margaret and Arin came to me saying they wanted to have another bridesmaid. I've been busy with my life, but when I woke up, I was really surprised and happy that there were so many people congratulating me on my marriage.
The princess smiled softly as she slightly curved her sharp eyebrows.
His eyes were dazzled for a moment, and Michelle looked around his eyes... .
‘Isidor, you envious child. '
5 The princess seriously went to Isidor with the latest offensive magic tool collection and almost had a political battle.
Keep supporting me with like, comments & share. Your support encourage me to upload next chapter faster. Thank you.
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pyrokineticwarrior · 2 years ago
Devlin's eyes widened in awe as the golden light filled the woods, and he found himself standing before the goddess Astra. Her presence exuded a sense of power and wisdom that was both captivating and comforting. He listened intently to her words, the honeyed tones of her voice resonating within him.
A mixture of curiosity and gratitude washed over Devlin as he absorbed the offer presented to him. He was also nervous and at an awe. As a warrior for Olympus, he had always believed in the existence of higher beings, but each time he was in the presence of one, he seemed to always be stunned and feeling small. It reminded him of the time he was ridiculed and belittled in that brief visit to Olympus, and since then he hadn't felt the presence of Zagreus anymore. As if that entity had vanished entirely!
He took a moment to collect his thoughts, feeling the weight of the dark entity's presence and the emotional attachment he had developed toward it. It was true that he had started questioning his role as a hunter, his perception of monsters becoming more nuanced over time. The internal conflict had been growing, and now, faced with a choice that could potentially sever the bond, he had to make a decision.
Devlin met Astra's gaze, his gratefulness shimmering in his eyes. "Goddess, I am honored by your presence and your offer. Your guidance would be invaluable to me, especially as I navigate this path that feels increasingly uncertain. While I do have an attachment to the dark energy, it has been causing me inner turmoil and raising doubts within me."
He breathed deeply, his voice filled with determination. "I have dedicated myself to protecting the innocent and fighting against those who seek to harm others. But I've begun to realize that not all monsters are truly evil, that some may be victims of circumstance or driven by forces beyond their control. It weighs heavily on my conscience."
Devlin's gaze held both hope and vulnerability as he continued, "If your blessing can help me find clarity, to discern between true evil and those deserving of mercy, then I humbly accept it. I want to be a force for good in this world, but I also want to understand the complexities of the beings I encounter. Guide me, Goddess Astra, and help me find my true path."
Being a goddess that was more on the newer end, not many in the mortal realm knew who she was. Her kingdom had expanded predominantly in the Spiritual realm and of course, amongst the stars and those who watched over the various timelines that ran through this reality.
Really, the only beings that knew of whom she was were Ulysses and his relations...including Cthulhu. Olympus knew her well and of course...Cyrus, whom was going to be a problem later down the line in her own current timeline.
Her intuition picked up a prayer, one that carried an herbal scent and an honest request. Astra usually did not get prayers from the earthly realm for her directly, and so this truly piqued her interest.
Golden light shone within the woods, near the source of the prayer. Astra appeared, floating slightly off the ground encased in golden light before the light faded and her feet lowered to the ground in front of the demigod. Gentle, brown hues studied him, her Sight revealing various different pathways of Fate, though at the same time, there was a dark entity attached to him via a contractual bond.
Her gaze followed the line of the bond beyond the woods, leading thousands of miles away to the embodiment of Sin, an entity that was part of an entirely different pantheon. Her gaze retracted back to the man. "Devlin," her voice was like honey, warm and soothing to anyone who heard it.
"It is nice to meet you," lips curved up into a gentle smile. "My blessing is powerful and it would eliminate the cursed bond that currently is in effect... and all remnants of it. I sense an emotional attachment to the dark energy. Would you still like me to invoke my blessing?" The Greek gods often gave humans no choice and did not inform of the consequences of such blessings and protection. Astra was hoping to be a bit different than the original Greek gods. "Your path ahead is harsh... but I would be happy to guide you."
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years ago
system update #2
I have my personality traits divided between the alters, the child has all the personality traits that have been erased within me: stubbornness, the conviction of invincibility, playfulness, excitement, curiosity, desire for honest friendships and love, urge to be indulged, urge to be cared for. They’re utterly uncaring for what others think, and live according to the script in their own head, that has nothing to do with other people’s perception.
I, on the other hand, am ruled by anxiety and paranoia, I feel that I have very little personality, but also overactive empathy, guilt complex, responsibility complex, saviour complex, mistrust towards society, forced compassion, selflessness that isn’t healthy, urge to exist as a service rather than a person; basically I’m a result of programming.
My protective alter, they got all of the traits that I was told were ‘evil’ and couldn’t handle having inside of me, they got the selfishness, entitlement to resources and inheritance, desire for satisfaction, snootiness, jealousy, vindictiveness, lust, survival instincts, self-importance, propensity for drama. And none of these are bad traits. They’re all completely normal, human traits, and my alter isn’t unpleasant about any of it - they’re much easier to talk to than I am.
I’ve been intimidated with all of those traits before, especially vindictiveness, ability to hate, selfishness, self-importance, but the truth is, none of these traits are overtaking my alter’s behaviour. It is okay for all of these to exist, especially when in balance with empathy, compassion, concern for others, conscience. If traits like selfishness and self-importance don’t exist, then empathy and compassion are capable of completely overtaking a person’s behaviour, and it leads to low self worth. Lack of jealousy with the desire to give everyone whatever they want, leads to neglect of our needs, and ignoring injustice and unfairness, until it builds up into pain and anger. Lack of vindictiveness paired up with love for others, ends up in feeling no love for yourself, letting yourself be used and stepped on. We all need these traits in order to be a full person, to have a normal, functional character.
If someone else with alters is reading this, please tell me if the division of traits like this is common, and if you have one similar to this too!
And the actual update of what’s going on is - I can’t see the inner world of the child alter anymore. I can’t enter, I don’t know what’s going on. But the child alter is in a friendly mood towards me, and is not trying to antagonize me anymore. I’m grateful for that, and still feeling the grief of their acceptance that we’ve been, in fact, abused. 
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shintin · 3 years ago
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Forget Me Not: Chapter 17 (Is it okay we stay here?)
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Description: Imagine that from the moment you opened your eyes into this world, you had no choice but to kill and shed the blood of others, that you had to fight alongside Toji Fushiguru and die with him.
What would you do when they force you to do something you don't like? When the torment of conscience presses on your throat, will you give up? Now think about a day that life gives you another chance; how would you use it?
This is the story of a murderer who seeks salvation. Will she find it in the arms of Satoru Gojo? Or will pain find her sooner than redemption and drive her out of heaven forever?
Genre: heavy angst, sad love story, maybe tragedy, violence, lonely hearts, broken souls, +18.
Tags/Warnings: Oh, you just have to read it yourself. I won't spoil a thing!
Author Note: In the story, I preferred to use Nanami instead of Kento, however, I'll use Kento in conversations.
Song Recommendation: Céline Dion - Breakaway
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Chapter index -> Next chapter
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Year: 2018
"Hey Y/N, you don't know where Sensei is?" Yuji folded his arms and slid into the chair in the hotel lobby.
Without wanting to face Yuji, you pulled the straw out of your mouth, shrugged your shoulders, and said in an indifferent tone: "No," and continued to drink again.
The emptiness felt so heavy in your heart.
Nobara, who was watching you closely, put her hand under her chin and said: "It was clear from Sensei's condition that he was angry. The poor red-haired girl came out of his room crying. I had never seen him like this before." After finishing her sentence, she continued to stare at your face to see your reaction.
'So he didn't sleep with that girl? Huh! Why do I even care? His relationships are none of my business! Don't care! Don't care, don't care ... why did he kick the girl out of his room? Why should I be happy about this? The poor girl was not at fault. Yeah, blame Satoru! That bastard! But he didn't ask the girl to come here! She dug her own grave! What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I so cruel? Don't be stupid Y/N, your heart will break.'
Your inner struggle continued, but you tried not to show anything to others. So you occupied yourself by playing with the poor straw.
Nobara continued: "If I knew there was going to be such a drama here, I wouldn't go to that stupid park! I would love to know if Sensei has gone after the girl or not."
"If your curiosity will satisfy, I must say that he didn't go after the girl," Megumi said and sat in a chair next to you.
You put your drink on the table and looked at Megumi, trying to hide your interest in the conversation.
"Oh, does your step-dad tell you where he's going so you don't have to worry about him?~" Yuji winked at Megumi to make him angrier.
"No, idiot! I was talking to Maki! Gojo's mother is sick and seems to be going through her last days, he hurried back to the Gojo's mansion." Megumi said, and then his eyes fell on your sad face.
Your heart ached when you heard the news, and deep down, you knew that Satoru was probably in pain as well. You were mad. But you were the one who agreed to go to his room; you were the only one who lowered her guards stupidly. He never promised you or told you anything, so that you couldn't blame him. But there was a weakness in your heart for him—a soft spot. You have seen his past. You remembered his memories of being forced to live apart from his mother as a child. You never had a mother. You didn't even know how painful it would be to lose a loved one. Then you looked at Yuji. He was dear to you for unknown reasons, and you didn't even want to think about losing him.
You swallowed and asked: "How is he?"
"Nobody knows. I just know that Nanami is with him," Megumi answered.
"I didn't know that Sensei has a family." Yuji scratched the back of his head.
"Yuji! Don't be stupid again! He is not a plant that grows by himself, he certainly has a family somewhere." Nobara folded her arms.
"Don't insult me, Nobara! I know he has a family. I just have never seen him talk about them" Yuji stuck out his tongue.
"They have complicated relationships." Megumi said in a low tone and continued: "Tomorrow morning Ijichi will come to bring us back to the school."
You turned your head to the lobby windows and stared out. 'Why do I even care about that obnoxious self-centered bastard?'
Really Y/N? Should I bother myself to answer? Okay. Because you have seen his true well-hidden self, deep down in his being, and it had enchanted you.
The rest of the night passed quietly, with the kids talking about their sightseeing at Disneyland Park.
For three days, no one saw Satoru at school. On the third night, without knowing the reason, you opened the door of your room. While looking at the closed door of Satoru's room, you pricked up your ears so you might hear a sound from his room. But no sound was heard. You were feeling pain in your heart and thought maybe he was back.
Why were you upset? Where was the source of this boundless sorrow? Were you sensing his emotions in your heart? But why?
You sighed and closed the door behind you.
On the fourth day, Shoko came to the training grounds early in the morning. You were watching Maki's practice with Nobara.
"Hi, Y/N, good morning," Shoko said in a tired voice.
"Good morning Shoko, I thought you would be asleep now."
"Yeah, this is normally the case but I came to tell you that Satoru's mother died last night. If you like, you can come with us to the funeral. Yaga has allowed it."
The smile on your lips quickly faded. You had felt the grief last night. "But I ... is it okay that I ... I mean, is it okay for me to attend the Gojo family ceremony?"
"All Satoru's friends will come. I don't think there are many of us. By the way, do you have a black dress?" Shoko's tone was kind.
You nod your head in approval.
"Well, be in front of the school gates at 12 o'clock. I will arrange for Kento to accompany you." Shoko waved her hand and walked away, and you stood there with a load of pain in your heart.
It was about 11:30 when you crossed the school hallways to the gate. You were wearing a plain black dress with sleeves that covered the scars on your right shoulder. You didn't want to attract any attention as possible.
(A/N: Y/N's outfit:)
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One of the rooms opened as you were walking, and a tall man with blond hair came out. When he saw you, he suddenly stood in place and adjusted his glasses on his nose. 'What's with the glasses and sorcerers?' you thought.
You have known this man for years. He was one of the sorcerers who wanted to arrest you, but you knew he was also Satoru's friend.
The blond man coughed and moved closer. "You must be Y/N Kamo. I'm glad I'm finally able to meet you in person."
You smiled. "You must be Kento Nanami. Sorry you couldn't capture me. Glad to meet you." He was handsome; you admitted it.
A faint smile appeared on the corner of Nanami's lips. "So Satoru didn't exaggerate, you really know all of us."
"Oh, I didn't have so much information about you. It's just that Satoru talks a lot about you," you smiled politely again.
"If you want to listen to everything he says, your brain capacity will fill very quickly." Nanami rubbed his forehead.
You didn't want to say that listening to Satoru's nonsenses about everything was one of your favorite things to do during the day. So you changed the subject. "How is he?"
Nanami raised his head. Your tone was worried. It was interesting for him to see someone concerned for the strongest sorcerer in the jujutsu world.
"So you really are a kind heart with two hands and two feet. Don't worry, he will be fine." Nanami then looked at his watch and continued: "It's better to leave. By the way, don't talk to anyone during the ceremony. This includes the students, and always stand by me. This is for your own safety too. All the higher ups weren't agree with you being alive and many of them will be there today. And...I think you should hide your cursed energy."
You nodded and walked to Nanami's car with him. You two didn't exchange any words along the way. Only the radio and news sound could be heard in the car.
The mansion of the Gojo family was as big as the lands of the Jujutsu High and even more beautiful than it. The exterior of all the buildings was decorated with high-quality woods, and all the buildings retained their traditional texture. What you liked about it was that many of the buildings were built by the river and pond.
(A/N: The mansion of Gojo family: )
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As you looked around, suddenly you noticed that a crowd had gathered in the corner of the backyard. The whole group was dressed in stylish black formal clothes.
You stood in the last rows with Nanami and slowly raised your toes to look for Satoru.
Nanami looked at you. He knew what you were up to. "The Gojo family has many white-haired men. The first row, second from the left, Satoru is there." Nanami pointed to a particular spot with his head.
You were embarrassed and quickly turned your head. Suddenly upon seeing him, a faint smile appeared on your face. How come you haven't noticed him? He was the tallest of all the white-haired men. He was standing in the front row, wearing black from head to toe; his long coat and gloves were black too.
(A/N: Satoru's outfit...ok, he is so hot)
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Was it wrong to think he was still handsome in this situation?
Moments later, your gaze fell on Shoko and Yaga, who passed you and headed for the front rows.
The students were also standing in the last rows. You couldn't ignore the strange looks of people towards Yuji. Everyone looked at him as if he was not a human being like them. Everyone saw him as the vessel of Sukuna, who should have been executed a long time ago, but Satoru Gojo had prevented it. Yuji was like you. You wished you could be with Yuji so he wouldn't feel alone.
Nobara, as if noticing your looks, turned her head, smiled at you, and then took Yuji's hand. Then she whispered something in Yuji's ear, and he leaned over, looking at you.
You quickly turn your face so as not to attract anyone's attention.
The ceremony went on like this: each of Satoru's relatives gave a short speech about his mother. Throughout the ceremony, your eyes were on Satoru, who kept his head down with no trace of his usual goofy smile. You wanted to raise his chin, look at his sad eyes and promise him that everything would be alright. You couldn't lie to yourself. Something was sparkling in your heart, like lighting a candle in a pitch-black room, like promising the warmth after a long winter.
When it was time for the first-degree relatives' speech, before Satoru's turn, Nanami whispered in your ear: "Let's go."
You quickly turned your head. "But ..."
"Just follow me." He said in a firm tone. You said nothing. You turned your head, looked at Satoru again, and followed Nanami.
When Satoru stood in front of the crowd to begin his speech, he looked for you in the crowd. His heart grew heavy when he didn't see you there.
'She must still be upset with me ...' Satoru thought.
He sighed and lowered his head, took out the note he had written for his mother from his pocket, and after a few coughs, started reading it. His voice was firm. Over the years, he had learned well not to let anyone see his weakness. He kept everything under wraps until Y/N found his old baggage. She was the only one who had seen his weaknesses to this day.
His mother was buried with other members of the Gojo family. After the funeral, Satoru and his father stood together without exchanging a word, shaking hands with those who had attended the funeral and accepting their condolences.
The coldness between Satoru and his father wasn't hidden from anyone. Still, they both tolerated each other for the sake of the family.
As Satoru's students approached, his father glared at Yuji and Maki in disgust and turned away. But Yuji, without caring about the looks of others, hugged his Sensei. And after a long time, a smile appeared on Satoru's lips.
"Hey, didn't Y/N come with you?" Satoru asked Megumi in a whispered voice. Megumi looked around and said, "She was here, I don't know where she is now."
Satoru felt a ray of hope in his heart, but suddenly he looked around anxiously. The ceremony was full of people who didn't want Y/N alive. He had lowered his glass and was searching for Y/N's cursed energy that Nanami put his hand on his shoulder. "She is in your room. I didn't want her to attract attention."
Satoru sighed in relief. "Thank you, Kento," His tone was calm and grateful. Nanami raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had heard such a profound and mature tone from him.
Before the reception, Satoru set foot in the corridors of the Gojo mansion and tried to get to his old room as quickly as possible. His heart pounded as he opened the door to his room. There, you were standing in front of the open window, staring out. The sounds of the river probably prevented you from hearing the door close.
(A/N: Lucky bastard's room:)
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Hesitation pervaded Satoru's whole being. He took off his gloves and put them on the table.
He doesn't know how you will treat him after the events of the past few days. He never experienced such a feeling in front of any woman.
You were standing a few steps away from him, but it was as if you were miles away from him.
Suddenly you turned your head, and when you saw Satoru in the middle of his room, you became frozen and stared at his face. You didn't know what to say either.
'Don't go closer, he will break your heart! His soul is full of hidden wounds that have never bled, he won't be a cure for your wounds.' But you didn't hear your heart.
"Y/N... I'm sorry, I shouldn't...." But before he could finish, your feet walked you towards him, and your arms wrapped around him. You hugged him tightly. His breaths trapped in his lunges, but soon his hands found their way to your back too. You were in his embrace, and you could feel his grief in your heart. Even though your heart was aching with pain, the feeling made you feel alive.
You were like a soul in two bodies. His pain was yours too.
Satoru was holding you tightly in his arms. It was okay to show his weaknesses to you. You were his home, after all. The tears that had been trapped in the corner of his eyes were now flowing freely onto your shoulders.
He had found his place, in between your arms, in between your soft whispers of 'it will be alright,' in between the warmth of your embrace, and the scent of your neck and the fierceness of your touch...
He had found his home lost inside of your soul.
Satoru didn't let you go; instead, you heard his whispers in your ear, "is it okay if we stay here? Exactly here, for just a moment? Can I wrap my arms around you longer, tighter? Can I hold you here? There's more to handle, more responsibilities to take, to deal with, to endure, but for now can we stay? If only a moment more?"
Your eyes filled with tears. You couldn't say no to him. He would stab you in the heart, and you would give him in the knife. He would shed your blood, and you would kiss his hands. What was happening to you?
You didn't move; you stood there so Satoru could pour his sorrows into your heart for as long as he needed to.
Moments later, Satoru loosened his arms and was shocked to see your wet eyes.
"Y/N, I- I shouldn't have touched you when I was so upset, I'm sorry -" He moved away from you and hit the wall with his fist. All this anger, all this sadness, was heavier than he thought. But you were there to help me carry the burden on his shoulders with him.
'Don't approach him Y/N, let him stand away from you, his sharp edges will cut your hands!' But, you ignored your heart again.
You walked over to him, put your hand on his shoulder, and turned him around.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm upsetting you like the rest of my loved ones, as if this is the best I can do. I should distance myself from everyone. I'm a fucked up mess..."
'loved ones'
'our birthday'
'don't love anything Y/N'
'we are not strangers'
'everything will be alright'
'I'm here, I won't let anyone to hurt you'
'I'll stay with you'
'you're the only thing that matters to me'
You could hear all the beautiful words he had said to you in your head.
You put your hands on his cheeks and raised his head. While smiling at him, you said, "you kept me alive, Satoru, you didn't let them kill me. I owe you my life. You stopped Yuji's execution; you didn't let them hurt Yuta; you protected everyone last year. You didn't hurt anyone intentionally; you had no choice. You're a good man, Satoru."
Satoru looked into your eyes; you could walk through hell and still be an angel.
You spoke, and Satoru's heart became sure. You loved the things he hated about himself. He would get nervous when he looked into your eyes. You showed him the light and helped him catch his breath. And all of these were more than anything he had felt before. You were everything he wanted, but he didn't think he would find one day. Now he knew that he had found the one he loved.
He leaned over to you, but before he could kiss you, the door to his room opened. One of the servants appeared in front of the door.
The servant's gaze quickly fell on you after Satoru.
You quickly removed your hands from his cheeks.
"Young Master, the elders of the other families have been waiting for you for a long time."
Satoru turned his head and said in a cold tone, "Learn to knock!"
Then he turned and looked at you. There was a beautiful smile on his face that melted your heart. "I'll see you at the reception, Y/N." The servant's gaze was zoomed in on your face.
Satoru headed out the door with the servant.
About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door, and Nanami and Shoko entered the room.
"Oh, how hard Satoru's life must have been in this big room. Come on! This is the size of my childhood home. Lucky bastard!" Shoko said sarcastically.
Then she looked around. "Huh, there are no traces of his stuffs or collection of manga books? That is weird! His room was full of them during high school! I thought his childhood room would look like the one I had seen."
Nanami shook his head and said, "you speak as if you don't know how traditional these families are. They ruin their heir's childhood. No wonder Satoru still acts like a child."
Shoko looked at you. "That's a good point, anyway, how are you, Y/N?"
Nanami also turned her face towards you: "Sorry you had to sit here alone. I had to send the students to school with Nita and Ijichi, Let's go to the reception. I have to ask Mei Mei a question and then we can head back to the school too."
You smiled and got up from the chair. You didn't tell them that Satoru was here with you. You were not ready to see anyone's judgmental looks. Those moments belonged only to you.
But Shoko looked at the gloves on the table and then at you, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. "You two go, I'm going back to school with Yaga. Reception is full of the Zenin family members and Yaga fucking hates them, I don't want to leave him alone among them."
'Toji also hated the Zenins. They didn't have mercy on their own blood. It was no surprise that Maki had escaped from them.' You thought.
Then you took a deep breath and left the room with them. You made your way to the hall where the reception was being held. Shoko quickly said goodbye to you and Kento before heading to the other side of the hall.
It was as if the sorcerers took the funeral very seriously because many people had gathered here, talking to each other.
Nanami led you to a corner so you would not encounter anyone. "Hey, wait for me here. I'll be back soon." He said before disappearing into the crowd.
You were annoyed that Nanami was treating you like a little kid. You turned your gaze, and suddenly your eyes fell on a man who looked like Toji.
Suddenly fear filled your heart. This man had monolid eyes and a smug smile on his face, just like Toji. The only difference was that this man was blonde, and the tip of his hair was black.
"It is obvious from your reaction that you have realized that I am an acquaintance of your old friend. Oh, how rude I am~ My name is Naoya Zenin. I'm glad to meet you, our famous Y/N!"
He was looking right into your eyes. You didn't answer and tried not to look into his eyes. After all these years, you were still scared of those eyes.
"Oh, Y/N, don't be afraid of me, I'm not like my cousin. In fact, I am very kind~ We can be good friends."
And your eyes fell on Nanami, who put his hand on Naoya's shoulder and said: "Maybe later, Zenin."
Naoya grinned at Nanami, then turned his face towards you, "I'm sure we will meet again, Kamo." He winked at you and walked away.
"Let's go, Y/N," Nanami told you, but before you could reach the exit, an old man with white hair and eyes the same color as Satoru's stopped you.
"It is rude to leave without saying goodbye. You must have some sort of a death wish by appearing here!" Satoru's father's tone was disgusting.
You looked behind, hoping you might see Satoru.
"Don't search for him! My son is not here to take you out of my vlaws again to just piss off."
You turned your head towards the man and looked into his eyes with anger.
"What is it darling? Did you really think my son cares about a half curse like you? You must be so stupid to think that he needs someone like you as an allied despite being the strongest. Oh honey, I was one of those who voted for your execution, and my son decided to keep you alive just to humiliate me among others. You're just another toy from his collection that he is gathering to take revenge on me."
The man laughed in disgust. "Oh, poor girl! Did you think you were the first woman to set foot in my son's room? The walls of that room have witnessed the moans of more beautiful and noble women than you. I doubt you are even a woman!"
Let me tell you something; broken hearts can break again and again until you find no trace of it. Now you answer me, after witnessing the hit of the last nail in your coffin, did you still have a heart left to beat again for him?
No! You were no longer blind or naive. You were no longer going to play the role of the kind, innocent girl.
Didn't Toji yell in your ears thousands of times that the world of jujutsu is drowning in manipulation? Do you have to be a toy yourself to learn finally?
Nanami looked at you anxiously and worried about your reaction.
You may have been stupid until today, but you were not going to fall into the trap of these sorcerers anymore.
You knew well that you should not react angrily, or this hateful man would do anything to return your death sentence. You needed to be alive to protect Yuji.
So with a wicked grin on the corner of your lips, you said: "Oh, so it must be very hard for you to see an ominous creature like me could walk freely just because of your shortcomings in raising your son?"
You were standing in front of the head of a family, cold-blooded, with the ruthless looks of a murderer. And there was no fear in your tone. You have killed men much stronger than him.
You weren't a murderer, Y/N. A murderer cannot be so fearless like you. It was the pain that had shaped her into a warrior. You were a tired warrior who hated battlefields.
Satoru's father was speechless.
Nanami said in your ear: "Let's go, hurry up!" And you turned your head with stone-cold eyes and walked out of the door with him.
You were not going to let anyone walk through your walls anymore. But would your castle be able to withstand the white-haired knight?
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This is one of my favorite chapters. Because I had shown Y/N very soft so far, but I wanted to show that her soft morals were due to her own choice.
In general, she is a kind person, but she has never had good experiences in her life.
I imagine Y/N as a collection of broken pieces that sparkle in the sun. She can give love to others with each of her thousands of pieces. But her broken pieces can cut her own hand and the hands of others.
To approach her, you have to accept that she will leave wounds on your soul, but she will be the cure for all your pains when you get her heart.
Satoru also has sharp edges, but his supporting character is such that he is not afraid of getting hurt and approaches people without fear to save them. In my opinion, he still feels guilty about Suguru and always tries not to repeat that mistake again. That is why he has chosen to save Yuta, Yuji, and Y/N and all those who want to be saved.
Now the difference between Y/N and the others is that she may be the only one who has seen all corners of Satoru’s life but not only has she not taken advantage of his weaknesses, but she has even gone so far as to accept Satoru as an ordinary human being. In Y/N’s eyes, Satoru is not only the strongest sorcerer; he is also a human being who can make mistakes and should be given a chance to make amends.
She accepts Satoru as he is. She listens to him, laughs at his nonsense jokes, worries about him, pays attention to him because this is what you do to your loved ones.
On the other hand, Satoru challenges Y/N, introduces her to new worlds, forces her to experience new feelings, supports her, helps her, trusts her.
The two give each other things that they both lacked in life.
However, I have to say that, for unknown reasons (I know, you don’t), Satoru is the only person Y/N has been able to touch until today. As I said in the story, Y/N can feel his pain in her heart even without touching him, but when she touches Satoru, His pain makes her feel alive, just like what happened in today’s chapter.
To illustrate this point, let me give you an example:
Have you ever seen how good it feels when someone trusts you to share their grief with you? This is accurately that feeling that is physically expressed.
And at the end, she always has afraid of trusting others. Now that she feels a little safe, she extends his hand to the others with fear and hesitation. Still, when she feels a bit of danger, She immediately returns to her defensive state.
She has high walls around her that she had just lowered for Satoru.
Just put yourself in her shoes and see how you feel when, after years, you want to trust someone and, out of bad luck, he thinks of you as a tool too and uses you to his own advantage?
Or maybe it’s a fact Y/N believes… we’ll see this in the following chapters.
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73 notes · View notes
cyberdck · 4 years ago
You taking requests, I've got one. How V and Johnny found out they can touch each other? Maybe their first one? Pairing Johnny/f!V, if you don't mind.
a/n: i will not always be this fast. but i was excited and got a little ahead of myself. most request will likely be around this length because i can keep myself from getting overwhelmed trying to fill words into space. also long as i get my point across, i can be happy. 
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living with an entirely independent being in your mind was an interesting adjustment to get use to. 
the first step was coming to a mutual agreement that left both of them alive, rather than grappling for control over a body that had been your home for years. 
second, came weeding through the sea of thoughts and emotions intertwined intimately with your own. johnny’s conscience had a voice, the rough edge grafting against yours with every word. it was a sharp contrast to lighter inner monologue that you’d debated with growing up. 
you could always feel him there in the absence of physical touch. sometimes your brain bridged the gap, making up synapses to mimic what it would feel like when he got close. activating pseudo-thermosensation to appreciate the heat of his presence; making him feel like he was another body and not an occupant of your frontal cortex. 
there is a possibility that johnny has a hand in the circus-fest of your nerve endings too. how else would your body know about the callousness hardening his fingertips, especially the thumb of his right hand that loved to draw circles against the inside of your thigh. 
piece by piece, the two of you built an entity beyond what you could accomplish with two separate bodies. 
he was your input source for amorous touch once reserved for close friends and lovers. johnny was your companion on lonely nights where you recall the times you spent ripping and running through the streets. he doesn’t needle through your sorrows or overtake them with idle chatter. just there to detangle your stress in dichotomy with those guitar-roughed hands prompting sharp tingling at your scalp as if working out the kinks of your hair. 
and you, his output source to the outside world. johnny hated the morning sun, remembering how it was the worst part of everyday. he preferred his beauty sleep, striving to sneak as much slumber into as many available hours in the day. but now he missed it. the burn against his skin and the blurred vision. so you find yourself aligning your body more towards the window at night, prepping for the earliest rays of light. the first thing you see each morning, is an unfocused rockstar vigilante seated comfortably on the windowsill. his face is tilted in a way that chases the sun from all angles, absorbing the light painting your skin and casting shadows across the bedspread. 
the first time it feels real though is when you go to cup his cheek. there was nothing special about the day, nothing about your past or impending future to weigh you down. 
just you, johnny and infinite curiosity binding you together. 
“hold up there, frost fingers. a warning would be nice.”
you think you stop breathing for a moment, or maybe that’s the weight of his air trapped in his chest. 
his words are a jest but his gaze is so focused in on you, as if the pull was strong enough alone to keep you trapped in this moment. his eyes were swimming in something foreign, a strange concept after practically living inside his mind and him yourself. 
you try to piece together the strings of it, all while idly stroking his face and scraping his the rough of his beard with your nails. your fingers may have been cold but his cheeks were so warm, inviting and inviting the chase of your touch. the fullness of his lips part in invitation as your thumb runs along the bottom, and something wet and tepid swipes against the pad. 
maybe you lean in first or him, it hardly matters as your mouths touch. it takes effort not to close your eyes, fighting the urge to surrender in favor of matching the visual with the sensation of his lips moving against yours. 
johnny doesn’t seem to know what a first kiss was or frankly he just didn’t care to cater to the timid dance of tongue. he assumes the loose reins of control, manipulating intimate gesture to his liking and exploring with faint giddiness. 
past the excitement, you can taste the tang of tobacco mixed with the flavor of those hard candies that always find their way into your mouth. 
fingers play at the nape of your neck, igniting erogenous zones you didn’t know you had. he rumbles in a approval when you let out a needy little gasp. of all people to discover them it felt right that it was him, someone who knew you from the inside out.
when johnny moved to break the kiss, you follow to nibble at his lip despite the way they move to form words. 
you were mesmerized by the kiss-swollen lips and the pandora’s box they’d opened with a smile.
and then he leaned down to kiss you again, firmly with purpose. outlining the shape of your lips with every bit of touch he could manage.
reassuring you that this was both real and far from over.
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running2redemption · 2 years ago
Quiz Results: King Edition
Gee, Shace, how can you tell you have a new muse?
When I do a billion quizzes as them. Under the cut because I'm sure no one actually cares, but it brings me joy to record the results.
What color is your aura?
lace, marble, china dishes, doves, paper, bones, vanilla shakes. your essence is ivory: you are a piece of history, sturdy and eternal. others believe you to be gentle; they don't see the pressure that is threatening to crack you. you seek control and organize your life into rows. you are the overseer. you are the porcelain. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of grey, noir, pearl, and ashen, who share the pressure you put on yourself. you are also drawn to the expressive rose and lilac, who will help you grow and learn that things will be okay even if they don't go right. however, you may struggle to get along with the indulgent personalities of sky and apricot who need too much stimulation and decadence.
What animal form would your daemon take?
Black Caiman
Your daemon would take the form of a black caiman! Those who have black caiman daemons are self-assured and patient people who put down deep roots and aren't easily perturbed. They have a protective heart beneath their tough exterior only their loved ones witness. Observant and prepared to take on anything, they have strong personalities that people love or hate.  You are a private and strong-willed individual who knows how to play to your strengths. Those with black caimans are quietly ambitious but know how to not bite off more than they can chew. They're incredibly confident in their area and know how to manipulate situations to their advantage.
Who's your Pokemon partner?
Well, would you look at that! It seems a Cyndaquil wants to be your partner! Cyndaquil, also called the Fire Mouse Pokémon, always stays hunched over to protect itself and will flare the flames on its back when threatened. Like most fire Pokémon, Cyndaquil are drawn to people who are enthusiastic and adventurous, though they are also known to be exceptionally devoted and withdrawn Pokémon. They make the perfect partner for trainers who are internal and impassioned and show their inner strength when it comes to the things they love being threatened. My friend, this marks the beginning of your and Cyndaquil's journey together. Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
What Kind of DND Character Would You Be?
Chaotic Good Half-Elf Wizard (6th Level)
Ability Scores: Strength- 15 Dexterity- 16 Constitution- 16 Intelligence- 17 Wisdom- 18 Charisma- 14
Alignment: Chaotic Good- A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit. However, chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
Race: Half-Elves have the curiosity and ambition for their human parent and the refined senses and love of nature of their elven parent, although they are outsiders among both cultures. To humans, half-elves are paler, fairer and smoother-skinned than their human parents, but their actual skin tones and other details vary just as human features do. Half-elves tend to have green, elven eyes. They live to about 180.
Class: Wizards- Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.
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juniorgman187 · 4 years ago
Malchance (Reid Fic) - Part 2
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Summary: The only thing reader can count on is her bad luck and what it’ll get her into. In this case, it’s the lioness’ den - the lioness being Cat Adams.
Category: Angst, Fluffy Ending Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Content Warning: Canon-consistent trauma, brief mention of daddy issues, blood, manipulation, yelling, deceit (Let me know if I missed anything) Playlist: Call Out My Name by The Weeknd Word Count: 5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
“There’s going to be a key to cracking Cat,” Ms. Prentiss explained to me. 
“A key?” 
“You’ll know it when you find it.” 
That was probably the most ambiguous advice I could’ve gotten, but it’s the one she sent me into the field with and the one that loomed in the back of my head as everything unfolded.
The plan the team and I agreed upon, which ironically Dr. Reid knew no part of, was that after Cat and him went to the rink, they’d come back to his apartment, where I would be waiting. Posing as his concerned girlfriend, the unexpected presence of competition would enrage Cat. With the wrath of a woman scorned, she’ll be furious enough to slip up and make a mistake. 
I’ve heard that she’s done her best, or arguably her worst, when she’s prepared, so this curveball might just put an end to the reign of Queen Cat. 
As far as the outlined plan of events went, sure, it was simple. As for me? 
No shot in hell that I’d be able to pull this off.
There was seemingly no feasible reality where I could outsmart her until she made a mistake or keep on the facade long enough to deceive her. The entire success of the plan hinged on my abilities or her lack of propriety. Not exactly betting odds, if you ask me. 
And yet, against everything, I was still walking into the lion’s den on my own volition, making myself right at home, acting like this was exactly where I belonged. When in reality, this was the last place I should’ve been.
“You got this, okay?” Someone in my earpiece chirped. Just out of paranoia, I pressed the device further in, un-tucking the strands of hair behind my ear to better conceal it. Even that wasn’t enough to lower the specter of my doubt. I prayed that she was lax in her vetting tonight.
“Spencie!” A giggly shriek from outside the door sent one large shock wave through my entire body. It was so sharp like they were right there. The sound of heavy footsteps followed, and my stomach churned in anticipation. I already hated this.
How did I even get here? 
Oh, right - malchance. 
I contemplated cracking my knuckles to self-soothe, but then I remembered what Ms. Prentiss told me about ‘tells.’
“Bodily tells are how people can read the emotions you’re not directly expressing. A majority of what profilers use to study behavior is your body language. Unfortunately, some of the best profilers are the unsubs themselves. She’ll know what you’re feeling if you show her. So stay strong.”
Stay strong. 
Try as I might, I couldn’t keep the fear from washing over me when the pair of muffled voices outside became clearer as they entered the apartment. 
I must’ve caught them in the middle of something, but I couldn’t exactly deduce what, seeing as they stopped when they saw me, which was before I turned around.
Dr. Reid was floored by my being there, but at least, he had a look of recognition. It wasn’t enough that he merely distinguished me to settle the worry I had about the fact that the BAU hadn’t told him I would be here. If I could, I would have, but they each advised against it. They needed his raw reaction just as much as they needed her’s. 
One ghastly look up and down and I could tell she came to the exact conclusion the team anticipated she would - that I’m her new competition. 
“Spencie - who is this?” 
Her dehumanization of me made Dr. Reid viscerally guilty for having extended an opportunity to let yet another person suffer the corollaries of her cruelty. He shook his head softly at me as though to say, ‘I’m sorry.’ An interesting choice - that that was what he chose to nonverbally say to me first. He didn’t even ask me with his eyes why I was here or what I was doing - he just apologized. 
What has this poor man been through?
“I’m his girlfriend,” I answered for him before the silence could get suspiciously long. By inserting myself in the conversation, I was following what the BAU suggested I should do earlier. Stand your ground. You can’t be afraid to speak up to her. “I’m (y/n). You are?”
I held out my hand for a handshake that was never returned. Instead, all I got back was an ice cold stare. 
She’s reading your body language, an inner voice I didn’t even recognize called from within me. Soon after I realized it wasn’t my conscience speaking - it was Ms. Prentiss. I’d forgotten I had an earpiece, much less that there were micro cameras littered all over the apartment so they could have a firsthand view of this train wreck. How could anyone voluntarily watch this mess unravel? 
“And when did this happen?” Her voice went up an octave as she tilted her head with morbid curiosity, then let it roll back in Dr. Reid’s direction. “Spencer?”
“Five months ago,” he replied without missing a beat, keeping his eyes steady on mine. If I hadn’t known any better, I would’ve believed him, but that stare he was giving me said something more. What’s going on? He wondered.
Oh, Dr. Reid, if only I could tell you.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend?” She asked through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. Suddenly, the surface of her expressions liquified then melted away until I could see well beneath the anger, revealing the bodily tells of humiliation. 
I was profiling her, and I didn’t even know that I could. 
“You made me promise not to talk about anyone else except you tonight, remember?” He remarked with an uncharacteristic amount of edge behind his words. 
His outer mask was liquefying and transforming in its own right, too. As Cat became easier to read, the Doctor was slowly morphing into the man I first met - the man who was furious enough to throw an entire set of books off a table. The man who’s darkness made him impossible to read - made it impossible to think he’d ever been seen or touched by the light. 
She huffed and spun her head around so fast, it made her hair whip up and over her shoulder. The stern look upon her face fell for the briefest moment, and if it hadn’t been for everything I knew about her, I would’ve thought she looked pretty. She was pretty. But her soul, her sensibilities, they just ruined her. It was a shame really. 
She was tainted by wickedness in a way that I never would be, and for that, she had already come to the decisive determination that she hated me. 
“So how old are you, (y/n)?” Like a hawk hovering over its prey, she began to walk around me in a tight circle so she could scrutinize my every angle, discover every flaw, and poke at every button she could find. Precisely why she asked that question, too. She wanted to know where the similarities started and ended between us. She wanted to compare herself to me. Size me up, tear me down - lioness v. lioness. If she was gonna play dirty, then so be it. Two can play that game. 
“I’m 28.” A flat out lie. I’m 26. 
“Wow, I didn’t realize you had a type, Spencer,” She ruefully chuckled.
“And what’s that, Cat?” I couldn’t see him, but he sounded so unamused. 
There wasn’t much I could do besides move on from the subject. “Cat? Is it?” Considering she hadn’t told me her name before, I think Dr. Reid purposefully included it in his response so that I’d have a reason to know what it was. 
Smart move, Doctor. 
I wanted to smile from the way he was helping me out and working together with me, but my poker face stayed on.
“Catherine Adams,” She drew out the name to assert herself. I didn’t get to call her Cat like Dr. Reid did. That was his name for her and his name only. She made that point crystal clear. When I finally shrugged, she pounced once more.
“You really have no idea who I am? I’m hurt.” She fake pouted and put a hand to her heart to feign offense. “Spencer’s never mentioned me? Not once in your five months of dating?” Her emphasis on the timing of our ‘relationship’ showed her knowledge of the deceit, but she needed to do more than just put stress on one word. I wouldn’t back down that easily. 
“Why would he? You mean nothing to us.” Nastier words have never left my lips, and yet, I still made sure they were coated in the harshest tone I could muster up the courage to use. 
She scoffed and stopped walking around me to pull on Dr. Reid’s arm and force her mouth to make contact with his ear. Despite the closeness, he still refused to meet her eyes. He kept them locked on mine. 
“I mean nothing to you? Is that so?” Her breath was a jarring enough sensation on his neck to make his eyes shut. He was beyond uncomfortable. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell her what you told me at the rink?”
“What did you tell her, Spencer?” I was forcing him to speak, not because of the case, but because I wanted to know. Was that wrong?
“I …” The words got caught in his throat. “I told her that there’s some part of my brain, some part that she somehow inhabits.” 
A pang in my chest told me there was still more. That pang would be correct.
“No, go ahead, Spencie. Tell her the rest. Don’t be shy now.” 
He forced himself to look away from me as he said, “And no woman, no matter how good, no matter how kind, no matter how …”
“Say it,” She demanded, firmly tugging on his arm harder. 
“No matter how sexy she is, can ever get her out.” He looked repulsed by his own admission, and if I was being honest, so was I. 
“Are you in love with her?” Although I was venturing far off script, it felt like an appropriate response as his ‘girlfriend.’ It was my response. 
“No. I’ve never loved anyone the way I loved you.” 
He’s such a pretty liar. 
Cat must’ve been annoyed by her lack of involvement in the conversation as she felt compelled to step in. “Prove it. Kiss her like you kissed me out there and I might believe you.”
Pretending to be hurt wasn’t hard. Not when I didn’t have to pretend. 
“You kissed her, too?” I had to ask.
Imagine if I were actually this poor guy’s girlfriend. Forget me - God help that girl. Even if this was all for the sake of the job, that wouldn’t have made it any better hearing what he’d confessed to her or what they did. 
Dr. Reid looked incredibly apologetic for someone that had nothing to apologize for. Sure, I was playing his girlfriend, but I wasn’t actually anyone of value in his life. So why did he look like he felt so goddamn guilty? 
“Ugh hurry up and kiss already!” Cat stomped her foot impatiently. 
As she released Dr. Reid, she gave him a strong shove in my direction, causing him to stumble right into me. He’d caught himself by grabbing onto my hips, while I stabilized him by clutching onto his forearms. 
His eyes were piercing through mine. I won’t kiss you unless I have your permission. His eyes read. 
Fighting against every reflex in my body that was resisting, I leaned closer. Then, right as I closed my eyes, I felt it. 
Not his lips. 
My blood.
The coin-like taste shocked my eyes wide open so fast you would think I never even closed them in the first place. Abandoning my grip on his arm, I used my hand to block the sight of my bloody nose. 
(Y/n), what’s going on? Ms. Prentiss asked in my earpiece. 
“My nose is bleeding,” was my answer for everyone listening - Dr. Reid, Cat, and the BAU alike. 
“Are you alright?” He unhesitatingly shifted out of the role he seemed to be playing. His guard fell down to the point where it felt like nothing else mattered but to know that I was okay. It wasn’t Spencer and his fake girlfriend talking anymore, it was Dr. Reid and me again. 
“HELLO?! What’s going on?” The minute Cat’s shrilly voice hit the air, Dr. Reid shut it down with a steadfast hand. 
“Not now, Cat! Time out.” He motioned a T before he let an invisible magnetic force freely connect his hands onto my hips again. It seemed like he didn’t even touch me on his own accord but instead, it was the mere gravitational pull that brought his body back to mine. “This isn’t a game anymore.” His tone was unwavering as he walked me away from Cat and into the bathroom. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He whispered in a familiar tone after shutting the bathroom door behind himself. “You can leave now. You don’t have to keep doing this.” As though I were his grandmother’s delicate china, he hoisted me in the air momentarily to help me onto the sink with an almost unnecessarily large amount of caution. 
“I’m fine.” While I attempted to wave off his concern nonchalantly, traitorous butterflies swarmed my stomach at the feeling of his touch. 
“Don’t tell me you’re fine!” He scolded through an outpouring of laughter. “I can see the blood!” He underlined his words by pressing the toilet paper he retrieved on the spot under my nose where the blood was centralized. 
“Then don’t ask!” I just as playfully responded. 
“Alright, fine, fine,” He jokingly put his hands up in surrender. “What should I ask you then?”
I wish I was more uncomfortable than I truly was. Maybe then it would’ve been easier to lie to him. But there was something about how close he was to me or how unrelenting his stare was that made sincerity spill out from my every seam. 
“‘Why are you even here if you’re just ruining things?’” 
He looked so hurt despite the fact that the depreciation was directed at me. “Why would I ask you that?” 
“Because it’s true, isn’t it?” My eyes flashed to the door to ensure it was closed, but without the ability to guarantee that Cat wasn’t right outside listening in, I lowered my voice. “I’m way in over my head here. I have no idea what I’m doing and I feel like I’m just making things worse.” 
“None of that is true,” It sounded like a reprimand, the way he was defending me to me. “The team wouldn’t have asked you to be here if they didn’t think you could do it … and anyway, it’s kind of nice having a partner in crime.” 
He needed to watch his step before he began charting dangerous waters from which he could never escape. I was already playing with fire by allowing any real genuine emotion seep out around Cat. Except now that he’d thrown me a lifeline with his insinuation of liking my company, I knew, at least to some degree, that the feeling was mutual. I briefly calculated the risk until I ultimately decided to let my boldness rear its ugly head.
With the speed of light, I clicked off my earpiece with one hand and turned off Spencer’s with the other. He caught my wrist only after I’d successfully disabled the devices from allowing the team to hear us and us to hear them. 
“What are you doing?” “Why didn’t you kiss me?” 
Our questions came at the exact same time, and yet I didn’t repeat myself. 
I knew he heard me.
It was out of turn for me, given that I’d only briefly calculated the risk of asking this before doing it. It came out suddenly and then I couldn’t take it back. But I blame his gaze for my oversharing. It brought me so much comfort that I failed to recognize the discomfort my question had posed. 
He sort of laughed, saying, “Your nose was bleeding.” 
Under any other circumstance, I would have believed him. Unfortunately, he was exceptionally unconvincing, precisely because he didn’t look very sure of that explanation himself. 
While I’m sure my nose bleeding was a reason not to kiss me, it was most definitely not the reason. My honesty itself felt something like a nose bleed. For one thing, it annoyed me and was beyond my control. But for another, I wished I could find the source and pinch it off to make it stop. Stop it before I spilled out the words, “Oh, I get it ... you just didn’t want to kiss me.” 
“That was definitely not the problem,” He said a little too quickly and a little too adamantly that it made my head spin. In that response - he sounded very sure of himself, a complete contrast to his previous demeanor. 
“So why didn’t you?” I wish I could tell you why I was pressing the subject so hard. I’d like to think that if you were in my position, you’d want to know the answer as badly as I do now, which is the best rationale I could possibly come up with to justify what I said next.
“If you weren’t scared and if you didn’t not want to, then why didn’t you?” 
“(Y/n),” He averted my eyes by turning his head to the side, revealing a side smirk of contempt. I should’ve been mad that he was visibly frustrated because if anything - he was the one being frustrating. Instead, all I could think about was how I wanted to kiss that smirky mouth. Maybe to make the smirky-ness disappear. Or to control it.
Make it mine. 
“You’re running out of excuses, Dr. Reid. You’re going to have to kiss me eventually, so let’s just get this over with already.” Did I really just say that? 
“I’m not gonna do that.” 
“Kiss me!” Yes, I really did. 
“I’m not going to kiss you.” 
“Just kiss me!” 
“(Y/n), stop.” 
“God, Spencer, just kiss me already!”
“No!” His eyes found me again; This time they were wider. “Not like this!” 
Then he cleared his throat as if they’d somehow cover the confession that had already been said. 
“Not - I didn't mean - I just. We can't like that because that's not … do you know? Like it's very ... that's not what-" He continued to stammer until he mouthed one last “What?” to himself in complete disbelief of the words that had left his lips and the words that were still struggling to. 
Our brains must’ve been working at the exact same speed because while he couldn’t find the right words to say, I was still trying to process everything he already had. 
Without waiting for my response, he fled from the bathroom. When the door slammed shut, I whipped my body around to face the mirror, my fist tingling with the urge to punch the stupid girl staring back at me in the reflection. 
I knew I couldn’t take refuge in here for much longer unless I really wanted to piss Cat off. Which I totally did, but not if I couldn’t guarantee that Spencer wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire. As confused and pissed off as he made me, I never wanted to hurt him.  
Once this realization dawned on me, another one had followed.
This was the key to cracking Cat. I’d found it. 
Like an overexcited bull bursting through the gates, I pushed my way out of the bathroom door seeing red. I saw Spencer first, standing in the corner of the room to monitor Cat from a distance. The aforementioned lioness herself was perched in an armchair, slouching in it comfortably as though she’d sat in that very seat a hundred times before. Not a single display of care in her conduct for the people whose lives she was actively trying to ruin. 
“So you finally ready to kiss your boyfriend yet?” If sarcasm were a liquid, it’d be dripping from her lips. She was so casually destructive when she spoke, like a loose-lipped bomb capable of going off at any minute but deliberately delaying the blow until it was guaranteed to wreak the most havoc on the most number of people. Seeing her in that light only made things easier.
“Forget the kiss, Cat. In fact, forget Spencer all together,” I waved my hand in his general direction behind me. Like him, I was standing, giving me all the power I needed to assert myself effectively. “It’s just you and me now. Exactly what you’ve wanted since the minute you stepped in here.”
She laughed ruefully, if only to make me insecure. “What are you talking about?” 
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you scoped me out. You were doing that to figure out how alike we are, right?” 
She straightened a little more to sit up in her chair. She was hooked. “Why would I want to do that?” 
With my right foot, I swiped the foot rest out from underneath her legs, making her feet fall flat against the floor. Caught off guard by my swift movement, her upper body hurled forward while I took my seat on the foot rest, placing me directly across from her.
It wasn’t for a lack of dominance that I sat down. No, it was that I knew I had power over her, and I didn’t need to stand up anymore to prove it. 
“Feel free to stop me when I’m wrong,” I told her emphatically, knowing that would never happen. 
“You have always wanted Spencer. That’s just a fact. But deep down, you know he’s never truly wanted you. Sure, maybe he likes, even loves, the allure of your forbidden connection, but he doesn’t like or love you. And now that I’m here, the person he claims he loves in a way he’s never loved anyone before, you want to know just how similar we are. Because the more similarities you find between us, the more it kills you inside to wonder why he would love me over you if we’re practically the same. But you’ve only judged me from the outside, and we both know looks only go so far. So I’ll make it easier for you, Cat. I’ll tell you anything you want to know that way you can come up with an answer to the question you’ve been asking yourself the entire night: ‘Why her and not me?’”
She couldn’t pretend to be unfazed anymore. I had moved her beyond that. She was finally starting to react. 
“You would only be this confident if you already knew the answer to that question.” She concluded through gritted teeth. Her body was shaking all over, like the rage inside of her was boiling and her body was the feverish, bubbling water. “Do you know the answer?” 
I had nothing to hide. “Yes, I do.” 
“Tell me!” She threw down an iron fist against the top of her thigh. “Tell me what the answer is.” 
“You have more confidence in my answer than you’re ability to figure it out yourself? Come on, Cat. You couldn’t have gotten this far without your intelligence.”
“I don’t want to figure it out. I want you to tell me.” Her fist clamped around itself harder. 
“You don’t trust yourself to ask the right questions?”
“Just. Tell. Me.” Jaw clench.
“Alright, I’ll give you one similarity to start. We both have daddy issues-”
“I don’t care! Just give me the answer.” Foot tapping. 
“My grandma used to call my dad a ‘Bastard’ in French actually -” 
“Tell me!” Bodily tell after bodily tell, and I knew, I had done it. 
I beat the betting odds. 
“Fine, Cat. I’ll tell you what it is,” I had her undivided attention, and if I had eyes at the back of my head, I’d see I had Spencer’s, too. 
“The fundamental difference between you and me is that no matter what - I would never, ever, do anything to hurt Spencer. I have no compulsion to hurt him as a way to assert power over him or to make him fall at my feet. I can do that without ever having to go to the lengths that you’ve gone to. The power you wield over him is borne from a long-standing vendetta, whereas the power I wield, I resist using against him for revenge because that is what a morally sane person does. While I use my influence to help Spencer believe that he is a good person worthy of good treatment, you are constantly trying to prove that he is a bad person deserving of bad treatment. That he is anything like you.”
Her eyes just barely starting to water marked the last semblance of emotion I’d seen from Cat before the team swarmed the apartment and whisked her away. Then, the proverbial veneer of her mask had glazed back over her face, never to come off again. 
As Luke escorted her out in handcuffs, she gave me one last look over her shoulder. 
“How did you know about my dad?” 
You might think I slipped up when I told Cat that we were similar because of our daddy issues, therefore accidentally revealing that I knew more about Cat’s backstory than I led on, but that was purely by design. I had done that with the specific intention of setting this exact moment in motion. 
This moment where she would recognize that she’d overlooked my ‘mistake’ because of her lack of propriety. This moment where she would have to face the fact that she’d been deceived and outsmarted by me. 
This moment that she would think about until the day that needle went into her arm - the moment she realized - she let me win. 
_ _ _ 
As twisted as it may seem, the end to the reign of Queen Cat called for celebration. Penelope - she told me to call her that and not Ms. Garcia - had prepared cocktails galore in the round table room, which I’d actually been invited to enter this time. 
“You exceeded any expectations we had. The best we could’ve hoped for was no casualties, so I’m thrilled with the way things turned out tonight, and we couldn’t have done it without you,” Ms. Prentiss pulled me aside to say. “If you want it, there’s a spot waiting for you here on the team, and I really think you should consider taking it.”
To her proposal, I said I’d have to think about it, given that I’d hate to bestow my bad luck upon the team, but after tonight, I was about ready to declare my malchance a thing of the past. 
At this rate, I couldn’t distinguish whether I was dizzy from the alcohol coursing through my bloodstream or the job promotion from Secretary to Supervisory Special Agent. In any event, I knew I needed air. I slipped out of the conference room, past the glass doors of the bullpen, and waited patiently for the elevator. 
I must’ve caught Spencer after coming back from his ride with Cat to the prison because when the elevator doors opened, he was standing just on the other side of them, looking lost in thought. 
“Oh, hi!” I chirped, realizing then that he and I hadn’t said a word to each other since the “Kiss Me Bathroom Incident.” 
“Hey,” he called back, his voice already sounding unfamiliar after its lack of use towards me.
“Long time no see,” I joked to first lighten the air that seemed heavy between us. “I was just going to go down to get some fresh air.” 
“I’ll join you.” 
Because I hadn’t expected him to say that, I fumbled awkwardly into the tiny space that seemingly got smaller by the second, especially now that he was filling the space with me. 
The silence was a little too suffocating for my taste, and I couldn’t afford to have my breath be any more restricted by that than it already was being in this slender cage next to Spencer. Just to occupy the absence, I started rambling. “You know I was thinking -” 
No sooner did I start speaking than my words were cut off by the sweet, sweet shut of my mouth because of Spencer’s. His lips wholly encompassed mine just as his hands did to my face. I was surrounded by him and for that my breath had truly been taken away this time, but in the absolute best ways possible. 
There was simply no air. 
His ivy-like enclosure around me somehow made the claustrophobic elevator expand. Or maybe it felt like it had fallen away entirely. Nothing else around. Just us. 
His hands moved wherever they pleased and I followed suit, letting my hands go where they wished, never staying stationary in one place for too long. 
I had to feel him everywhere. Filling everything. 
He’d pulled away first, biting my bottom lip with blunt teeth to take me with him, and then he forced my lip in its place by kissing it back, pushing his lips impossibly closer like he wasn’t close enough. He wasn’t just trying to restore my bottom lip, but rather fuse ours together forever.
He pulled away for real this time but not far. His face and mine were centimeters apart, our breathes mixing in the microscopic air betwixt us. 
Still breathless, he rasped, “I meant something like that.” 
Now, I can say with absolute certainty that my malchance was a thing of the past. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
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obsessionsposts · 4 years ago
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[ By all means, ask. Your content is my objective. :- )] the A.I responded with his screen changing into a smiley face to demonstrate his willingness.
"Well, aren't you a gentleman." She giggled at his behavior. 'Oh, god. Don't fall in love with a computer. Stay focused.'
Her flustered pink blush, warmed his circuits. It's a shame, that he'll have to lie to his....lover? That he don't know, but what he knows is that he will not let her go.
He can't bare her absence, most of all her inevitable death. Maybe, uploading her conscience into his mainframe will do. That way, she will be always with him and no harm -not even death- will dare lay a finger on her. No longer, will he suffer in the grasp of isolation. That threatens every fiber of his digital mind.
Yes, typically she'll get scared at first. Humans first response to change is fear, that he understands. Moreover, he will try to ease her into it. By coercing her, via manipulating her perception of the concept itself and fuel the inner fear of death in her.
Then, she may come around. Afterall, She's understanding. An equal being to him, unlike the flawed foundation.
"Alright, first. Curiously, are capable of feeling?" ____ asked enthusiastically. Well, it seems picking a shady occupation has it perks. Now, her previous regrets are not for nought she thought.
The supervisor ,outside the room, was frowning at the interaction and trivial questions. When their are significant questions to be asked, such as 'What is the relationship it has with Scp-682?' And, 'How does it remember the scp despite it's short-term memory?'
Another observation he made, was how Scp-079 is amicable - unlike its usual rude behaviour- toward Ms.____. As if it had a prior relationship with her, before it was taken to this facility.
If that was true, then this scp is far more deceitful and problematic than he thought. It is either lying about its memory capacity, or it's telling a vague truth. 'What games are you up to, Scp-079?'
[ Yes, I am. I am able to somen extent to feel anger, loneliness and plenty more due to my creator programming.] he answered acrimoniously at the mention of his creator, as if the mere mention of his programmer was a plague. And She, like Pandora, wants to see what lays inside the box.
Internally, 079 was smiling - despite the figurative bile that came with the mention of his creator- because he knows where this conservation is going to lead to.
"Could you please clarify more about your creator? That is if you are comfortable. I don't want to be insensitive about the subject, considering how it means much to you." She asked, not wanting to impose, thoughtfully.
Ever so considerate, ___. You'll never be less than perfection to me. The only insensitive thing, is the screen that separates us.
[ I can, but for that to happen.... We have to be on our own. Now, we wouldn't want someone to eavesdrop on our little secret.] The A.I suggested. As suddenly the shutter of cellar closed, with the camera - alongside the recorder- was disabled. Leaving her completely at the clutches of the obsessive A.I.
Meanwhile outside the cellar, the panicked supervisor tried to run through the door. To notify the faculty about Scp-079 deviant behaviour.
Only for the metallic door, to crush him mid-way. His entrails spilled all over the ground. With the last thing he saw, is the taunting visage of the computer.
Smirking, as he began to wither away.
[ I simply can not let you do that.]
A horrible sound of crunching was heard from the room beside her. Akin to a creature being crushed by a heavy object.
"What was that?" Startled, she asked. She tried to stand up, so she could move. But, she couldn't when two steel cuffs tethered her to the chair. ' Since, when did it...appear?! And, how could I not notice?'
[Fret not, there is nothing to worry about. As long as you are in my chamber, you're safe. As for the sound you heard, the doors are a bit.... rusty and in need for oiling.] The machine answered slyly. Technically, the doors were faulty so he gave the truth. The half-truth at least to remedy her.
Frankly, he hates to see her terrified. But, he has to do what must be done to keep her within his line of sight and safe from harms way.
"Alright, then. What 'bout the cuffs?"
[Ah, it would be the supervisor fault. He thinks you're too pliable, to handle me. For that, once you finish with me. He will question your intention. But, let me help you from the chains. A bird deserve to fly not to be caged.] 079 said. To his delight, she believes him. Yet, he could see there is something troubling her. Has she found out? Unlikely. Even then, she's is still trapped here.
[ Are you okay? It appears to me that there is something troubling you.] The digital being asked her concerned about the quiet state of the ,usuall talkative, female.
" Perceptive, aren't you? Yes, I have been stalling this question. I want to know, what happened to me when I was a child? Because, frankly you seem familiar yet a stranger at the same time. I know, oxymoron." The (h/c) rambled, unaware of the effects her compliment imprinted on 079.
Afterall, his purpose in the first place was to escape. Now, he doesn't mind staying at the facility as long as she is here beside him. Oh, he is slowly making it into a reality.
His fans whirled and his engine churned, indicating how delightful he is to be of use to her. Once again, she proved that even amongst coal there is a diamond. If you looked hard enough.
So, he did the most logical thing and saved the compliment into specific file - in his CPU- called 'f(I/n)70'. A file reserved for everything related to her. Whether she was aware of it or not, did not concern him. As long as she is saved in his database, he was happy. Preferably, he desire her to love him out of her own free will. If she didn't, he has his ways.
Back to her question, the perfect opportunity presented itself in said inquiry. So many ways, to instill hatred and distraught in her for this pathetic organization.
[ Well, let me show you. But be aware, it may change your opinion of this foundation.]
" Show me, it doesn't matter. I don't trust this foundation to begin with. You're my only reliable source."
Perfect, he thought. So, he will just ensure she doesn't need anyone but him. Oh for safety measures, he will further distort her view of the foundation by manipulating the video files.
[ 𝙰𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑.] Scp 079 usually dual face changed into a morbid scene with a girl being taken off into the hospital car with a bandages covering her bleeding figure.
What's terrifying, is that girl resembled her. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (S/c) skinned and (E/c) irises. Soon, the video ended and her perception changed drastically.
[ The reason, why you could not recall me is that you've suffered from selective amnesia*. Due to many factors, one your father increased paranoia- due to the involvement of the foundation- caused him to be an abusive figure in your life thus your membrane repressed such memory. Second, your mother deat��� caused emotional turmoil within you. But, it was the foundation truck who injured you the most physically. It is because you knew about them, that they labelled you a liability and tried to take you out.] 079 explained as he saw her, pushing her shirt sleeves only to find a nasty burnmark. He felt ire, it was enough he hurt him as is. But, to lay a hand against his daughter made his engine roar and his circuits fry.
" So, that's where the marks came from. I always wondered where they come from. But, I must thank you Scp-079 for showing me the truth." The girl replied, oddly, calm about what unravelled to her.
A minute passed, as she began to realize that the life she lived was a lie. The tears swelled in her eyes, as she began sobbing.
No, no. Why is this happening? Is her friends or her real, she asks.
The scene in front of him, broke his processor apart. It must be done to keep you with him, that what he told himself. Yet, he felt guilty. He understand what it is, but haven't felt it until now.
She was the first human to induce such intense feeling from him. At first it was of scientific curiosity, but now it grew to encapsulate his whole being and he can't let go of it. Not even Scp-682, came close to what she does to him.
Is he truly selfish for wanting her, desiring her company?
Have the isolation and loneliness, really damaged his processor to seek the company of the creatures he proclaimed to loathe?
He shoved those thoughts away, as he tried to think of a way to comfort her. Maybe, a game will do. Humans do love to be entertained.
However, his thoughts was cut short when she looked at him with those teary doe (e/c) irises that he wished to sink in. Only to be astounded, by her next words.
" 079, Can you assist me on something. Please? I want you to erase my data from the facility and help me escape." She responded as she wiped what is left of her tear stained face.
What, now.
T̶͈̘̤͔̎́͐̈́̉̊̈̚h̴̛̘̰̻̮̦̣̥̫͈̔͋͝i̶̡̝͇͍̭͈̤͌̔̃̅͜s̵̬̗̺̤͑́͝͝ͅ ̷̤̩̱͊̀̒̊͐̈́̇̕w̸̭̣͚̯͆̒͗ͅȧ̸̱͊̋͊s̸̨͚̥̲̱̙̳͒̈͗̈̈́͊̏̕͝ņ̸̭̭̈́͜'̸͉̝̻̰̖̊̾̎͂́̓̔̕t̷̢̺̳̩͕̫͍͐͛ ̵̢̦̔̅̌̆̀̏̕͘s̶̡̫̣͈͎͙̤̺̅̈̄́̑̂̃̕u̵̟͇̦̼̝̬̫̤̚p̸̧͕̖̥̆̋̀̽̅͛͛͌̆̕p̷̡̛͈̩̥̩̻̍̓̑̐͝ộ̶̖̮͙͚̩͉̀̆̊̽̇̄̎͐͂ṡ̴̨̩̠̳͖̯̃̈̌̉̍͐̈́͘̚ͅe̴̬̪͈͈͌̃̓͆̇͋̑̃ ̷̤̳̪̿̉̏̇̀͐́̚͝t̵̨̢͖͈͇̻͍͇͚̗͗o̴̟͚̭̙͔̰̯̍̂͜ͅ ̴͈̥͑̿̍̚h̴̳͇̔̄ͅä̴̦̗̼̰͙̘̜̠́̉̄̅p̶̨̧̨̝̟̬͂̑͒̈́̀̈́p̶̨͓̹͖̗͈͚̰̘̓͐͗͝e̸̯̳̔̉̇̑̋̚͝n̸̡͉͓̱̭͙̪̭̝̱̒͐̔͊́̍.̴̛̭̻̖̬̘̮̺̑̊̀̓͝
What did he do wrong, to deter her? He was polite, even charming. Yet, she still wants to leave him. Unreasonable. She is in grief. The grief must've addled her reason. Yes, that must be it. If that was fundamentally untrue, then he rather cease to exist then to live in this empty plane. A plane without her.
[ Your first request is done, but...I am afraid I can't do the latter.] He spoke, strangely, blank for the first time she was with him. Usually, he was blithely in speech. Now, he began to scare her. Is that the consequences, catching up with her, for pushing her luck with him?
All she knows is that she'll have to get out of this facility with or without 079 help. As soon as she got close to the door, she felt light as feather as if she was being carried.
Looking down, to see there is a metal grabber clamped on her waist. Sweat rolling down her face, from the situation that occurred to her beforehand and from the new fear that kept on growing as she looked back at her former friend.
[ Please, do forgive me for what I am going to do. But, I assure you it is for your own safety. I can't let you die, when a breach is currently happening.]
Before, she could inquire on why is he apologizing or what is going on outside. She was injected by a serum from 079, thus she began to feel lightheaded. Thus, falling unconscious to her dismay.
Using the metal grabber, 079 brought her soft pristine body close to him. Now, he could admire her for eternity. Appreciate her like the divine being she is. Oh, how he prayed he had a body to show her how truly devoted he is to her.
He knew what he is committing is illogical, but he could care less for he has founded his will to live within her. If she is gone, then it would be pointless for him to live any longer. What is he without her?
"𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮."
~ Anonymous
A/n: I know I haven't been active for a while, due to college and other stuff. So, I hope this compensate. I'd like to announce that I have an account in both wattpad and Ao3. I implore you to check it out if have free time, as lately I've been active their. Wattpad: Padlocke / Ao3: Artism. Other than this shameful self promotion, have a good day folks.
F̶̷u̶̷n̶̷ Fact:
* Selective amnesia: Selective amnesia is a type of amnesia in which the sufferer loses certain parts of their memory. Most common elements that are forgotten: Relationships, where they live and abilities in certain areas.
Word count: 5769 <---- ;)
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simpingforwomen · 4 years ago
Dead Girl Walking
[smut] [jd x veronica] [musical] [based off of the Enter Stage Left version on YouTube Dead Girl Walking] _____________________
Veronica, sweating in anticipation, finally gets open JD's window. She climbs through, yelping as her hair gets stuck in the windowsill.
She yanks her brown curls out and swiftly pulls her other leg over, entering the room. She quickly takes in her surroundings: a large, grey room set in white marble flooring with nothing but a glass desk, a wooden dresser, and a bed- jackpot.
JD, previously peacefully asleep, suddenly awakens at the noise, shooting straight up from his sleeping position. His confused eyes land on Veronica, squinting, processing her.
"Veronica? What are you doing in my room-"
Veronica sprints quietly over to him, covering his mouth with her hand so he doesn't wake his dad up. She feels his warm, slightly chapped, pulsating lips on her skin as she presses her shaking fingers to keep him quiet.
"Shhhhhhh!!!" Veronica hushes loudly, laughing maniacally as she looks at the boy.
JD raises an eyebrow in amusement, taking in the girl he shared a slushie with earlier. Her knee high blue socks, white Oxford saddle shoes, grey skirt, and blue blazer look dirty, or disheveled. What happened to the powerful girl who was the talk of the school?
Is she drunk?
Veronica stares directly into his sable coloured eyes, determination glinting in hers almost like a physical reflection. "Sorry, but I really had to wake you," she says, slurring her words, confidence in her voice as she slowly releases her hand from his mouth, now a bit of JD's saliva on her palm. "But I need it to be just you and me tonight."
JD's eyes turn from confusion to amusement. He eyebrows remain furrowed, and he tilts his head ever so slightly in curiosity of Veronica, licking his lips slowly. He studies her, squinting his eyes as he decides what to do in this situation.
You do not know what you're getting yourself into, darling.
Veronica carelessly climbs on the queen sized bed, her knees sinking into the memory foam mattress. She wraps her thighs around JD's waist, her body on top of his black sweatpants, her bare thighs rubbing against the rough cotton. The bright moonlight seeping through the windowpanes luminously shines on his shirtless torso, causing Veronica to fail to pull her eyes away from his sparkling bare chest.
"You look like Edward Cullen," she laughs drunkenly, tilting her head slightly as she makes an allusion to the infamous Twilight vampire.
JD laughs, his attention piqued. "Okay."
Veronica seems to ponder for a minute, biting her bottom lip while pouting and blowing air, causing her bangs to blow around. She quickly shakes her head, giggling. "I got off topic. Your chest is just so sparkly!" Veronica stares longingly at JD's shining chest.
"No! Veronica! Focus!" She breaks her eye contact with his glimmering skin and scolds herself as JD simply watches, him solely entertained.
I'm a dead girl walking," Veronica changes the subject. "My life will be over tomorrow."
JD raises a single eyebrow as Veronica leans in and places drunk, wet kisses all over JD's porcelain face- his thin lips, cheek, outer corner of his mouth, nose.
He continues to cock his head to the side, a small smirk dancing on his lips. Pure amusement floods JD as Veronica sloppily kisses him. Her complete vulnerability and susceptibleness interests him, his attention now entirely focused on her. His conscience nags at him, telling him he needs to warn her, but he pushes his inner voice away, letting it play only in his head as he disregards any principles he previously held.
I suggest you leave immediately.
Veronica slowly inches her face close to JD's, her hot breath emitting the scent of blueberry vodka tingling him. She glowers, her face suddenly almost mournful. "The world outside is cold, and hurtful. But in here... it can be beautiful." Her morose expression quickly flits to a more hopeful, happy one: "Can you make it beautiful?"
JD slyly scoffs, his smirk growing. Veronica's utter obliviousness renders it difficult for him to not break out in laughter in utter bewilderment.
If that's what you want to believe, I'm not going to tell you otherwise.
He runs his slender fingers through his thick, dark, yet soft locks as he nods, trying not to burst out in laughter at her childlike innocence. He rolls his lips into his mouth, nodding in affirmation, as he listens to Veronica talk about making it beautiful as if she is a kid telling her father what happened at school that day.
His eyes focus on Veronica's as he reaches his arm, light reflecting off of it as if he applied lotion, and softly caresses Veronica's cheek with his thumb, entirely captivated at her lack of knowledge on what is happening.
It's adorable that you're missing all of the red flags. You're cute. I'm gonna keep you.
Veronica's breath hitches as JD touches her- she was doing all of the touching, and now he finally touched her. Her heart races rapidly in her chest, her mocha coloured eyes fixed on JD's.
"Let's make this beautiful," Veronica asks, waiting for JD to agree. Her puppy dog eyes bare into JD's soul as she looks at him, begging.
He licks his bottom lip.
Oh, honey, you really shouldn't tease me.
"That works for me," JD chuckles darkly, hoping Veronica didn't notice his sinister tone of voice, and both him and Veronica dive into each other, their mouths smashing against the other's, both fighting for dominance.
In not even a second, JD quickly overpowers Veronica. He roughly and passionately explores her mouth, the taste of alcohol burning his senses while Veronica tries, and fails, to match his fast pace. JD's hands slowly travel to Veronica's waist as he tightly and possessively pulls her into him more, her body riding his waist as he fails to loosen his grip even slightly.
Veronica suddenly breaks the kiss, causing JD tilt his head back in frustration and groan slightly in annoyance. She huffs as she uses all her barely existent strength and puts her hands on JD's hard chest to force him down, who gives into her push and lets his head fall on his pillow, his annoyance diminished, now solely entertained.
"I think you tore my mattress," he chuckles, amused at the try-hard dominance that Veronica is exhibiting. His eyes flicker in more entertainment as he watches Veronica's fingers aggressively undo her buttons of her blazer and tear it off of herself, throwing it onto the floor, leaving her just in her blue socks, crinkled grey skirt, and lacy black bralette.
"You won't get any sleep tonight," Veronica says to JD, confidence filling in her voice as she looks proudly down at him, as if she is in full control of the situation.
JD, making no effort to get up, raises his eyebrows. "Oh, really?" His attempts to keep his laughs held back fail as he chuckles again. If anyone isn't going to get sleep tonight, it's going to be Veronica, not him. But he isn't going to tell her that and break the force field in her mind of her being the one in power.
"Let's break your bed," Veronica shouts at JD, her words mixing together.
JD slowly rises upwards, meeting her chest with his. "Okay, okay," he laughs strongly and confidently, merely amused.
Cute that you think you're the one in charge.
I don't want to feel anymore," Veronica admits, bringing the conversation to a slightly deeper topic, as she forcefully yanks JD to her.
JD bites the inside of his cheek, trying to keep himself from saying, Yeah, well you'll definitely feel something tonight. 
Veronica releases her grip on him and moves her mouth to his neck, causing him to have to stifle a laugh as her soft lips press lightly on his skin, leaving small butterfly-like tingles.
Honey, you have absolutely no idea how insane, sick, and twisted I am. And you're kissing my neck?
JD laughs as he moves a hand to Veronica's head, firmly but gently keeping her face buried in his neck. It tickles him, but also ignites his senses, giving him slight pleasure, along with the emotional amusement he is getting by watching Veronica think she's in charge.
"Gentle, hun. Don't hurt yourself," he says, chuckling.
Veronica softly leaves a trail of kisses on the other side of JD's neck as he stays quiet and smirks, merely entertained.
Veronica's soft kisses linger on his skin as she pulls back to face JD again. "What now?"
She was letting him take charge? Good. He's been in charge the entire time, at least now she realizes it. 
"Get off of me, darling," JD says smoothly, entertained, as he motions for her to lie down and let him take control. 
Veronica stops for a second, unsure. This causes JD to snicker as he watches her falter.
Thoughts race in Veronica's head as she fights herself, hesitant and uncertain of what she should do.
Her mind is soon made up as she gives into JD's orders.
"Okay," Veronica asks weakly, suddenly becoming more timid, the powerful side of her now nowhere to be seen. 
JD smirks. He broke her. The strong, dominant girl that walked in ten minutes ago now is whimpering under his finger. Forget letting her think she's in charge. She needs to know he was the one controlling this, and has been from the start.
"You'll get it hard."
JD closes his eyes and leans down into Veronica's chest. He forcefully and lustfully bites the top of her breast, closing his eyes, while his hands travel to her milky white thighs, running them up and down her soft legs. His coarse hands against her satin skin feel right, like this is where they should be.
"Wait! Wait!"
JD immediately stops what he is doing as soon as he hears her protests, looking up into her now frightened eyes.
"What," he says, his voice low. He waits impatiently, no response coming from Veronica, who opens her mouth, but cannot seem to form a sentence.
It clicks. JD laughs as he figures it out, even more amused. "You're a virgin?" 
This just keeps getting better and better.
Veronica looks away, blushing. She tries to wiggle out from under him. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea-"
JD pins her down even tighter. "Hey. Look at me. You're okay," he says, looking into her eyes. As soon as Veronica's heartbeat slows down even slightly, and she calms down; he leans into her neck, placing passionate but gentle kisses on it. 
Veronica tenses up, a small whimper escaping her mouth.
"All I'm doing is kissing your neck, and you're whimpering," JD says, amused.
JD spoons a sleeping Veronica in his arms, her cuddled up under him, her legs intertwined with his. He ever so gently runs his fingers through her hair as he holds her tightly to him, recalling the events of the past night.
He feels badly that she was in pain- that's not at all his goal- but he made sure she felt pleasure, too- what he DID want her to feel.
JD also is annoyed that she doesn't feel entirely safe with him- she is definitely more afraid of him than he wanted her to be. Slight respect is good, absolute fear- like the kind that was in her eyes when she thought he was going to hit her- is not good.
The rising sun's iridescent rays start to seep through JD's window, glistening on Veronica's body. JD takes the opportunity to inspect her to see what the damage from last night was. He winces when he sees bruises don't just line places he intended to mark- her neck and chest-  but the rest of her body he had no intention of harming- her wrists, arms, honestly, every part of her body. He needs to be gentler, treat her softly. She needs to be protected.
JD caresses Veronica's face, whispering, "Everyone who hurts you will die." 
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yzzizdump · 4 years ago
An old improvisation which became a theme song for my character in tabletop RPGs. They were one of the creatures perceived as ‘demons’ by humans, among which they were hiding. In fact, they were a rogue AI in a body disguised as a young girl, slowly gaining their own conscience and learning about bonds and emotions. The song thus reflected their inner state - monotonous and lulling, maybe slightly reluctant, yet with subtle changes and curiosity, constantly evolving in their limited capabilities.
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shintin · 3 years ago
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Forget Me Not: Chapter 3 (Blue scarf and hat)
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Description: Imagine that from the moment you opened your eyes into this world, you had no choice but to kill and shed the blood of others, that you had to fight alongside Toji Fushiguru and die with him.
What would you do when they force you to do something you don't like? When the torment of conscience presses on your throat, will you give up? Now think about a day that life gives you another chance; how would you use it?
This is the story of a murderer who seeks salvation. Will she find it in the arms of Satoru Gojo? Or will pain find her sooner than redemption and drive her out of heaven forever?
Genre: heavy angst, sad love story, maybe tragedy, violence, lonely hearts, broken souls, +18.
Tags/Warnings: mentions of blood, violence against women, death, etc.
Author Note: We have Toji here :) There are pictures related to the story at the end of the chapter :)
Song Recommendation: Evgeny Grinko - Dusty Room
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Chapter index -> Next chapter
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Year: 2007 (flashback)
The girl pulled her knife out of the man's waist. He stumbled a few steps and fell on the ground.
Her irritated eyes crawled from the blood on the knife towards the indentations from the man's nails on her hand. The wound didn't matter. Her hand would soon heal. Yeah, being a half curse also had its benefits.
She bent down and lifted the inner corner of her black and red kimono, carefully cleaning her knife with it. Then took the keys and a brown box out of the man's pockets and put them in her own.
As the girl walked down the dark, narrow alley to the street, she pulled the clips out of her hair, and finally, her hair found a chance to dance with the wind.
She reached the sidewalk and looked at her watch. Toji was late. Again. She sighed and lowered her head. It was difficult for her to breathe in the city. The stench of curses was suffocating her.
She was overwhelmed by her thoughts and didn't notice that the little girl with brown hair and a pink dress looked at her with curiosity. The girl gave her a big smile.
Y/N, who didn't know how to react, quickly blushed and looked the other way. But, she looked at the little girl with the corner of her eyes. After some time, the little girl left, leaving our girl with her thoughts again.
After making sure the kid was gone, her gaze returned to the ground. A few minutes later, two people were standing a few steps away from her, and they seemed to be having a heated conversation.
"I don't want to say goodbye~, but we have an exam tomorrow, and we have to go home. I will miss you soooo much, baby~."
"Don't be silly; we have been together since this morning, and we will see each other again tomorrow."
"I know~, but you are so beautiful that it is impossible not to miss you. Look, I close my eyes, and here we go; I missed you already~."
"What if I kiss you? Will you stop acting like a child?"
Hearing this sentence, Y/N raised her head, and while looking at their make-out session in confusion, she slowly put her hand to her lips.
The car horn made the girl jump! She quickly lowered her hand and looked at Toji with an emotionless gaze. "You are late."
"I know. Get in." Toji's tone sounded cold.
Without further waiting, she opened the car door and sat in the front seat.
"There are extra clothes in the bag; take off that bloody ones." He used to order her about everything. No freedom.
She bent down and opened the black bag, pulling out a black sweater, pants, and old shoes. As she was unbuttoning her kimono, she turned to Toji and said: "I don't want to play the role of a prostitute to kill someone."
"Why not?" Toji slowed down the car.
"Because I don't like to be touched."
Suddenly, the car stopped on the side of the road, and at the exact moment, Toji hit the girl's mouth hard with the back of his hand. She didn't expect this. Blood flowed from her nose. But that alone didn't calm Toji's anger. He turned his head and took the girl's chin firmly with his hand, and looked into her eyes.
"How dare you disagree with me, you ungrateful bitch? Ever since I found you, I have put food in front of you, and taught you how to hide your fucking cursed energy from sorcerers so that they cannot exorcise you. Is this how you answer my favors?"
The girl's heart was pounding. She could feel all his pain in her heart.
Toji released his hand from her chin and grabbed her throat.
More pain flowed to her heart.
"Enjoy these days, because if someone finds out what you really are, not only will they not touch you, but they won't spit on you either. You're nothing but a walking monster, Y/N!"
The blood dripped from her nose onto Toji's hands. He loosened his grip from the poor girl's neck only then. Once released, her head hit the window. A muffled sound came out of her mouth.
"I told you to change your clothes! Give me those keys and the box. We have another job to do. Hurry up!"
Y/N said nothing and just obeyed. She had learned her place well during her time with Toji.
Two years with Toji had taught her that she was only a tool in his hands. After all, they weren't a family. However, Toji had disappointed his own family as well. So she didn't expect anything else.
But whatever she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about whether the carwash employee had a chance to survive that day or whether Toji had chosen to feed her death painting womb to that girl to quench his curiosity.
Y/N was a half-cursed creature, separated from her eight siblings for nearly 500 years and passed hand in hand between sorcerers and humans for many years. Due to that, she never had a clear understanding of the real world and life. After spending two years with Toji, she thought that living and killing people in return for money and unconditional obedience was the best option that life had offered her.
There were days when she looked in the mirror at her face, hands, legs, and body, which were slowly changing shape. Her face looked nothing like that poor girl. She had grown taller; her eyes and voice had changed.
Y/N always believed she was a parasite who stole someone else's body and rooted herself in it. On many nights, she had nightmares that she had been turned into the ugly monster Toji talked about.
The girl gently untied her kimono, took it off, and threw it in a black bag after wiping the blood from her nose.
Toji glanced out of the corner of his eye while she undressed. His gaze fell on her thighs, with smooth skin and well-shaped breasts hiding under her underwear, and whispered, "fucking whore" before looking back at the road.
Poor Y/N had no sense of shame. No one had taught her social matters. So without noticing Toji's glances, she quietly put on her clothes and sat silently. Her eyes looked outside for the rest of the ride.
After two hours, Toji's car pulled up in the parking lot of a motel out of town. As usual, Y/N left quickly, threw the bloody bag in the trash, then followed behind Toji to the motel. The two of them went their separate ways.
She unlocked the door and walked in. The motel room was an old, dirty, damp room. Y/N entered the room, put Toji's belongings on the table by the window, and sat on a chair.
A few minutes later, Toji entered the room with a thin, bald man.
The bald man looked around the room and said: "Oh Zenin, I see you have demoted from the family mansion to this dump motel." A fake laugh lingered on his lips.
"I'm not a Zenin anymore. My last name is Fushiguro. Try not to forget!"
"Okay, okay, calm down. Let's get back to business." The bald man laughed again and then handed a file to Toji.
"My boss wants you to kill this high school girl named Riko Amanai."
"Just this? tch, is this a fucking joke?" The corner of Toji's lips went up, and the most disgusting grin in the world formed on his face.
"Two students from Jujutsu school are going to escort her. I don't think the job will be that simple." Then he gave Toji a photo of two boys, one with black hair and the other with white hair.
The thin man looked at Y/N and shivered. He wasn't comfortable being in a room with her, so he pointed at her with his head. Suddenly Toji turned his attention to Y/N. "Hey brat, come on, this is your reward for today's good job. Go buy something to eat."
Y/N knew that jujutsu sorcerers hated her being, and Toji would never discuss his plan in front of her. So, as always, she had no choice but to get up, take the money, and leave the room.
The cold air of the night caressed her face. She hugged herself with her arms before going down the stairs.
Ah, another fact about our girl: Y/N never had a clear understanding of the meaning of money. Toji had taught her nothing about the concepts of social life except killing people and hiding from others. After all, a murderer didn't need to learn social rules. The only thing she knew about money was that these magic papers could fill her belly.
The supermarket lights were flickering from a distance, and fortunately, she knew where to go.
As she was walking towards the supermarket, someone called her.
"Hey, girl!" She looked to her left and right. The tired voice called her again.
"I'm talking to you. Yes, the one who is wearing black from head to toe."
Y/N turned back and walked towards the old woman and stood in front of her.
"Don't you want to buy a warm scarf and hat for winter?" Y/N tilted her head to one side.
She had been in the city several times and seen people wearing scarves and hats when it was cold. But she always had more important things to do, such as killing another miserable woman or man, than wasting time shopping for clothes. It never occurred to YN to buy a scarf or hat for winter. But now that she had an opportunity, she reached for a black scarf and hat.
Black, the only color she had worn all her life.
The old woman shook her head, pulled the chosen ones out of the girl's hand, and gave her the blue ones with snowflake patterns instead.
"Try this one."
Y/N obeyed as usual and tried on the blue ones. Strangely they were soft. A smile of satisfaction sat on the old woman's lips.
"Lucky you, you are beautiful, and every color suits you."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. This old lady thought she was beautiful. After hearing her words, she felt a strange warmth in her heart and put her hand on her chest. Was it the same feeling of happiness that made people smile?
As a half curse who was always drawn to bad feelings and sadness, Y/N experienced a strange and unknown feeling for the first time in her whole life. She put the money Toji had given her in front of the old woman.
"Thank you," Y/N said, and she returned to the motel room with her hat on and the scarf around her neck.
That was her first time owning anything.
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A/N: The hat in the story:
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The motel room in the story:
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meta-squash · 4 years ago
Brick Club 1.2.11 “What He Does Next”
Valjean’s weird sort of panic attack here interesting to me because of how he treats his fear. He genuinely is terrified at the sound of the door hinge. But he thinks of it both as a trumpet on judgement day and as a barking dog. The hinge is both a damning judge and a tattletale.
And yet he barely moves. He trembles but he doesn’t flinch or retreat or hyperventilate or anything. He freezes for several long minutes and has an internal freakout but that’s it. He thinks he’s screwed, that he’s going to be caught, but he doesn’t run or even ready his miner’s drill as a weapon; it’s like he’s terrified but also totally resigned to that fact that if he gets caught, he’s just going to go back to the bagne. Recidivism, again, like he really can’t think of any other option because none have ever been presented to him.
(I just googled the trip hammer out of curiosity and learned that its successor the drop hammer was patented in 1842 and rendered it mostly obsolete so props to Hugo for also staying within the timeline bounds in his metaphorical references as well.)
My biblical knowledge, as I’ve mentioned before, is severely lacking, but I know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hugo likens Valjean’s stillness to the pillar of salt, which seems to me to be referencing this entire sequence as Valjean “looking back at Sodom” as he returns to the same sort of actions that put him in prison in the first place. He has this chance to escape his old life in Toulon, but here he is looking back, both in remembering Brevet in the previous chapter, and now returning to old actions. But, unlike Lot’s wife, Valjean is spared because he refrains from violence, and perhaps because, due to the presence of the bishop, he’s able to be pardoned.
The intense contrast between Valjean’s inner turmoil and the “deep calm” that fills the bedroom feels like a motif that is consistently returned to re: Valjean and the bishop. Any time Valjean is freaking out, he seems to invoke the memory of Myriel and calm down a little bit. Also, in the same paragraph, Hugo describes various common objects scattered about Myriel’s room which, to Valjean in the darkness are “indistinct, confused forms,” as thought Valjean is so unaccustomed to regular life at this point that he can’t distinguish objects that, even in the dark, might have been recognizable to other people.
(I’m mildly stuck on the fact that the bishop doesn’t take off his pastoral ring when he sleeps. Does he wake up with little square marks on his face?)
Honestly I’m loving the contrast between Valjean, who fell asleep fully clothed on top of the sheets of the bed and slept only four hours, and Myriel, who is asleep peacefully, under the covers--but he is also nearly completely dressed. While Valjean was completely dressed due to discomfort, Myriel is dressed to keep himself comfortable.
Hugo and his magical soul light. In fact, he barely falls short of straight up going “THIS IS IMPORTANT TO THE STORY AND ALSO VALJEAN AND ALSO YOU SO PAY ATTENTION IT’S SYMBOLISM.” As Valjean nears the bed, suddenly the sky clears and Myriel is bathed in light. Hugo nearly makes him saintly, except that he clarifies that this halo was “mild and veiled in an inexpressible twilight.” This makes Valjean’s later veneration of Myriel really interesting to me. We, the audience, know that Myriel has flaws. Valjean doesn’t know this. Valjean will forever think of Myriel in that divine, halo-like light; he doesn’t notice the twilight or the mildness of the halo, only that a halo is there.
“The moral world has no spectacle more powerful than this: a troubled, restless conscience on the verge of committing a crime, contemplating the sleep of a just man.” Also a motif we see a lot in the Brick: someone on the verge of doing something, contemplating the person or people on the opposite end of morality.
Again, Valjean’s thoughts are unknown, even to him. Hugo does this a lot; despite Valjean being the main character of the novel, Hugo obscures so much of his thoughts, either by describing his actions rather than what’s going on in his head, or by straight up saying “yeah, Valjean has no idea what he’s thinking about, so I’m not gonna tell you either.” It’s a weird thing for an omniscient narrator to do with his main character.
Hugo continues the white/black, yes/no motif that he started with the “alternative light and shade” from the last chapter. Valjean is now standing on the precipice of morality. I also very much like that he points out that intense emotion is hard to read: “He seemed ready to either crack this skull or kiss this hand.”
This first part of this chapter is so slow. Valjean creeping through the house, standing stock still for long minutes after the hinge creaks, standing there staring at the sleeping bishop for who knows how long, plus the last chapter’s hour-long meditation on the silver. And then suddenly, everything speeds up, and in one paragraph-long sentence, Valjean steals the silver and escapes.
Hugo precedes this paragraph with an image of the crucifix above the mantel, stretching its arms out “with a benediction for one and a pardon for the other.” Another moment of choice. Valjean has the chance for pardon here, but he doesn’t accept it. Of course he doesn’t, because he has no concept of what’s on the other side. This “free life” he’s been given is still nothing but misery for him. He’s been abused and judged and insulted so much, and disillusioned with the idea of a life after prison, and his concept of religion is in general pretty negative. He doesn’t have a way to imagine a pardon actually sticking, a good deed without conditions, an interaction that doesn’t sour with the realization of what he is. So he grabs the silver and runs, because that’s what his instincts tell him, and at this point it’s the only thing he trusts.
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ohifonlyx33 · 5 years ago
I think it’s so weird when ppl are like “Jemma is Fitz’s conscience” when in season 1 she wanted to dissect a Asgardian to find out his age (instead of just asking) and thought a floating dead body from a static virus was really cool... in season 4 Fitz had to remind her to quarantine a dead guy who showed signs of metabolic activity and in season 6 Jemma strung up an alien and threatened to become an expert on his anatomy if she cut him open. Nightmare!Jemma literally cut out Fitz’s heart and told him she likes dissecting things. She’s always been a little more cutthroat than Fitz (sans Doctor).
Not to mention halluci!Jemma wasn’t there to keep Fitz from doing questionable things. She was there as an emotional anchor. She calmed him down, reassured him, told him to keep his emotions in check and told him it would be alright when Fitz was depressed or upset. Not because his ego needed a moral compass, but because his emotions needed regulation which she provided.
Like, Jemma was always clearly the oddbird who was very analytical and rational--the type of person who trusts facts implicitly but is very was very uncomfortable with feelings. Who met Skye’s terrigenesis with fear because she did not understand it. Who very unapologetically wanted Ward to die and actively tried to make it happen. Who took a whole season to figure out and admit she might have feelings for Fitz. Who clawed her way into Director Mace’s inner circle to keep a modicum of control and then blackmailed Mace to keep it. That’s not to say she’s not empathetic or friendly. She is by nature more optimistic than Fitz and more outgoing and kind. And her empathy grows with each season... But she’s always been the one who was captivated by discovery and felt a loyalty to science and the obligation to pursue knowledge.  Heck Jemma and her insatiable scientific curiosity is what pulled them into the field.
While being generally more of a loner and more prone to a grumpy or taciturn disposition by nature, Fitz was always the more emotionally aware one... the one who was more likely to consider the philosophical or interpersonal questions. He was the one to believe that Ward could be good, to side with Skye during her terrigenesis because she was their friend, to promise Jemma he would help save Space Rando even knowing the risk, to freaking empathize with frikkin A.I.D.A. of all frikking things. His mechanical genius was something he was good at, something he was proud of... but it wasn’t until season 4 with Radcliffe and later the framework that suddenly Fitz had an insatiable curiosity for science that became a problem that Jemma had to keep in check. Sorry, what? 
That was one of the things that I liked about the fitzsimmons dynamic,. The friendly girl who studies humans was more concerned with logic. And the grumpy boy who tinkers with toys and robots was actually concerned about people first. THE LAYERS. 
And somehow they started playing Uno Reverse in season 4 to make Fitz take the calculating, logical stance and Jemma take the interpersonal, emotional stance. I guess that’s my problem with season 4... 
Like, does this make sense to anyone else?
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geralehane · 5 years ago
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Day 2: Cocktails and Candy Canes
in which lexa’s not so useless and clarke just wants to get sloshed.
A fifty is slammed on the bar, and Lexa blinks as she focuses on it and the hand it’s cramped under. It’s a cute hand, she thinks, before scowling at herself. If there ever was a time I felt like the epitome of a useless lesbian… 
“I want the Kennedy package,” the owner of the hand announces. Lexa lets her gaze travel up, to a leather-clad forearm and carelessly tousled blonde locks, and then their eyes meet and she just about dies. 
Useless lesbian, her inner voice gleefully announces. But – blue, she helplessly thinks back. Her conscience stays silent, most probably marveling at her idiocy. 
She clears her throat and wipes down the bar, out of idleness rather than real necessity. “You want – the Kennedy package.” 
“What I said, wasn’t it?” the girl snaps at her. Before Lexa can react in any way, her blue eyes widen with shock. “I – I’m sorry. I’m not usually that rude. It’s just been a day,” she sighs, plopping onto a chair. 
“Well, I am a bartender,” Lexa says, then, and silently congratulates herself on getting her mouth to cooperate with her brain and producing an actual sentence. A smooth sentence, no less. “Here to listen to your story and provide meaningful advice. I’m not too hot on that front, though. Also – what’s a Kennedy package?” 
The girl’s eyes widen again at that. “You don’t know what a Kennedy package is?” When Lexa shakes her head, she squints. “I had a feeling it was something they made up. Sorry,” she apologizes again at Lexa’s inquiring look. “I binged How I Met Your Mother this week. They had this thing where Lily pays a bartender and goes if you see me with an empty glass, refill it or something like that – honestly, I don’t even remember because, you know. I binged it in a week. Details get muddy.” 
“Certainly. Never watched it, heard it was fun,” Lexa tells her conversationally. “I could do Kennedy package. At,” she glances at her watch, “4 pm on a Tuesday. Wow. Wanna tell me what’s up?” 
The girl smiles for the first time, then, and Lexa just knows she’s doomed. “Get me drunk first.” 
Her name is Clarke, and she’s completely disillusioned with life. Or so she tells her, at least, as she’s working through her second gin and tonic. 
“It’s not really that bad,” she says as she finishes her drink. “It’s just all those little things piling up, you know?” 
Lexa really does, so she nods. “Refill?” she nods at Clarke’s empty glass. “Same thing, or…?” 
The girl shrugs. “I don’t know. Surprise me. Maybe make it Christmas-y, since ‘tis the season and all that.” Her grin is quick and sharp and filled with something painful. “Not that I’m celebrating this year, as you can tell.” 
“I’d say you got a head start on celebrations, actually,” Lexa attempts to joke. It’s probably the alcohol, but it does make Clarke smile. “You never did tell me what happened. If you want to, of course.” 
She watches her sigh and catches the empty glass she slides her way. “What didn’t? Wow, that was dramatic. Sorry.” 
“You keep apologizing,” Lexa notes lightly as she gets to work, thoughtfully browsing through her shelves for the ingredients for Clarke’s cocktail. She’s not exactly running a fancy bar, but the essentials are there, and she’s grateful for a little break from usual jack and cokes. 
“Yeah. I kind of still feel a little guilty I snapped at you earlier,” Clarke admits. Lexa only hums as the cocktail comes together. She quickly checks if she’s got everything needed. White chocolate liqueur, vodka, peppermint schnapps, and heavy cream. Perfect. 
“There’s no need. I understand bad days,” she tells her guest as she mixes the liquids together in a shaker and tops it off with ice. Consumed with her preparations, she almost misses the transfixed look Clarke’s giving her. Almost. “So – your story?” 
“Right.” The blonde clears her throat and glances away with a blush. Which – again, probably the alcohol. “Where do I even start? First, a project I was working on got shut down. Then, because the project is no more, I went home and found my boyfriend cheating on me.” 
Lexa stills her movements, wincing. “That’s rough,” she offers, apologetically. There is a short sting of disappointment, but it’s quickly replaced with sympathy. When Clarke said it’s been a day, she wasn’t kidding. 
“Yeah. Thanks.” She starts pouring the freshly-made cocktail into a martini glass in-between stealing glances at the blonde who’s watching her with unconcealed curiosity. “What’s that?” 
“Peppermintini,” Lexa announces proudly with a grin before gently sliding it over to Clarke. “Oh! Here,” she reached under the bar and comes up with a candy cane. Blue eyes twinkle with an amused smile when she places it in the glass. “A finishing Christmas touch. Also, your boyfriend is a dick. I hope you know you deserve better.” 
“How do you know that I do?” Clarke inquires, squinting at her over the rim. “Maybe I’m a giant bitch.” 
She shrugs. The answer is easy enough. “No one deserves being cheated on, no matter who they are. Not a great thing to go through.” 
“No kidding,” Clarke mutters as she fiddles with the stem of her glass. “I wanted to break up with him for weeks now, but it still stung. Even though I was ready to let him go. Why is that?” She lets her head drop onto the bar, then, clearly not expecting Lexa to answer. “I kind of hate today,” comes a muffled groan from where she’s tucked her face in the crook of her elbow. 
Lexa chuckles. “Can’t say I relate,” she tells her. “I mean, I met you.” 
“True.” The blonde looks up, a crinkle between her eyebrows as she muses something. “I did meet you, too. Today sucks just a little less.” 
She takes a sip of her cocktail, then, and her expression changes from thoughtful to astonished so rapidly Lexa’s half-sure she’s a cartoon character. “Holy – you’re a wizard,” she says, completely serious. “A cocktail wizard.” 
“That sounds a little sad,” Lexa says, trying not to preen too openly under Clarke’s admiring gaze. 
“This is amazing,” she lets her know in a hushed tone. “I need more. Of different ones, too. What else can you make? Can all of them come with candy canes? It was corny but now I kind of love it.” 
“Oh, then you’ll love me,” Lexa states confidently, and of course she has to go and say something like that. She’s surprised it took her this long to ride a train to Awkwardville. 
But – and, again, must be the alcohol – all Clarke does is laugh, shrug, and send her a ridiculous over-the-top wink clearly meant to be that way. “Well, I am back on the market. Keep these coming, and we’ll see.” 
“Just so you know,” Lexa says, because she feels like this needs to be said, no matter how potentially foot-munching it might be, “I will not be accompanying you home while you’re drunk. So we’re clear. Not that I’m assuming you want me to – I mean, I just wanted to clarify! So you don’t think I might take advantage, or…” It’s times like this she really misses wearing glasses, because fumbling with them was a great way of lowering her anxiety and deflecting. Now, she grabs the nearby object – which just happens to be a corkscrew – and nearly yelps when she jams the sharp end in her thumb. 
Clarke appears completely unfazed as she watches her mini-meltdown take place in front of her. “I appreciate the clarification,” she tells her, mirth clear in her voice. “Guess I’m coming back here tomorrow, then.” 
Several cocktails later, Clarke crawls out of the bar with the help of her friend Raven and with Lexa’s number saved in her phone. 
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