#it was me barry
tamamita · 2 months
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Hehe yeah, I remember saying that
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
It was ME Barry
I was the one who twinkified all the Superman villains!
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legitimatesatanspawn · 5 months
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sonicspeeddemon · 9 months
“Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend, and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me kuma, I jerked you off at super speed so it'd seem like you nutted at just a womans touch!”
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rayfishandchips · 6 months
which dcau movie is that "it was me Barry" clip originally from?
someone please tell me
edit: found it. It's Justice league: the flashpoint paradox
thank you @i-think-ill-miss-you-forever for telling me in comments :)
second edit: Flashpoint paradox is SO GOOD gotta be my fav dcamu movie
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tanz423 · 2 years
What if Reverse Flash just goes back in time, follows Barry around, waits for something bad to happen to him, then goes into the present and says it was him.
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zeroducks-2 · 11 months
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it was me, barry. i spoiled your milk.
So two weeks ago I did a camp and in my group were two really cute guys that likes the same stuff as me, but that's not the main part. One of them, his nickname was Dom, he loved the 'It was me, Barry' Reverse Flash meme. So I want to talk about it here.
If you don't know who the Reverse Flash is, here's a good video:
But anyway, back to the meme. Basically, there's this HUGE meme surrounding it, and I found another funny video:
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turbobyakuren · 1 year
just read Flashpoint and not only is it a really good comic but it also made me so mad because they had _everything_ to make a good live action adaptation of it. and they fumbled the bag so fucking much. it’s so fucking evil.
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badmotherhuberd · 1 year
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random-movie-ideas · 9 months
Flash Villain Movie Ideas, Part XVII: Godspeed
August Heart AKA Godspeed is a relatively newer Flash villain but one with a solid complex story. He was a close friend and ally of Barry Allen, whose brother had been murdered, but the evidence had been destroyed in the same accident that created the Flash. Later, during a Speed Force storm, August gained speedster powers himself, initially working as an ally of the Flash, but eventually becoming power hungry and stealing power from other speedsters, while also tracking down the person accused of his brother's murder and exacting his revenge. In the end, it is revealed that his brother's actual killer was none other than the Reverse Flash. Because of course it was.
Origin Movie: Strangely, he could work well in an origin movie, with him and Barry both gaining powers from the accident, and August going after the murderer himself because the evidence was destroyed. The only real problem would be doing a Flash origin and having Godspeed be the villain of all people over Grodd, Cold, Reverse Flash, Zoom, Trickster, Thinker, Captain Boomerang, Golden Glider . . .
Sequel Movie: Now, if the first movie just gave Barry his origin, and August was just a supporting character who turns to evil toward the end because the justice system and/or Flash failed his brother, and then gains powers himself in the sequel, that could be more reasonable.
Finale Movie: Now I could see Godspeed in a finale if, say, we had to deal with someone like Reverse Flash in the sequel, caused a speed force storm due to the battle, and then August gets caught up in it, kicking off said finale.
Supporting Villain: Clearly he and Eobard would be part of the same relative story, but otherwise, there's not too many he'd have to work with.
Here are my rankings:
Finale Movie: Both this and sequel are pretty strong.
Sequel Movie: Same.
Origin Movie: He's just the worst pick for a starter villain.
Supporting Villain: Meh.
What do you think? Who should I cover next?
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matthew-zard · 1 year
The irony in the fact that the “it was me Barry” meme came from the one time it wasn’t reverse flash’s fault.
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jamieq2027 · 11 months
you may be wondering who pissed in your cornflakes this morning. i did. i pissed in your cornflakes, barry.
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sonicspeeddemon · 8 months
It was me Barry! I told oda to make Jewelry Bonney 12 years old so that when you looked up porn of her you’d be made into a lolicon!
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It was me Barry
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