#it was fun to theorize about
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iamumbra195 Ā· 1 month ago
So I was watching episode 129, which is when Haibara was introduced and in the episode, they show a list of names of people that have been given the drug, all being confirmed as dead besides Shinichi (At least until Haibara changed his status to confirmed before she took the drug).
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Now I don't know Japanese but I was curious so I put the image through a few image translators and two names in particular stood out to me because they were the most consistent in the different translations were 'Haneda Koji' and interestingly enough, 'Ooka (or 'Oka') Masahito'
Now we already know that Haneda Koji was killed by the BO but the Ooka Masahito part stood out to me. The name isn't fully in the image so it's likely it's a mistranslation but I also looked at the manga versions of the list and all the ones I found either don't have the name or don't fully show it.
Now we only know one character with the surname Ooka and that's Ooka Momiji, whose father is not mentioned in the series despite the fact that we met her mother and butler. We also know that her retired grandfather is a former Prime Minister and that the Ooka family is the third most wealthy after Karasuma Renya and the Suzuki Family, so they're fairly influential.
What does this all point to? I think Ooka Masahito is Momiji's dad, who died when she was young because he or her grandfather discovered something they shouldn't have about Karasuma Renya or the Black Organization and he was killed to permanently silence him or to serve as a warning for the grandfather to keep his mouth shut unless he wanted his whole family dead. I think Momiji also suspected that there was something more to her father's death and that's why she's such a good detective and is interested in other good detectives (i.e. Heiji).
TDLR: I think Ooka Momiji might have some actual plot relevance besides being a second love interest for Hattori Heiji.
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akanemnon Ā· 10 months ago
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We didn't even get an answer, and we never will (at least it's not determination)
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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shepscapades Ā· 17 days ago
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Uhhhhh. Uh. Do you ever think about the fact that Welsknight is the only member of the Evil Empire that joined simply because Xisuma convinced him to, and that heā€™s the only one there who is never directly manipulated, controlled, or corrupted by Evil X (Android 24)? Completely unrelated thought but I wonder what itā€™s like to be surrounded by the people you trust most slowing becoming brainwashed, the only ā€˜soberā€™ one as you watch their familiar faces slowly become unrecognizable
Alternatively: I got possessed by my corner of the magmaboard and the incomprehensible horrors Freakin Got Me
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luminous-orb Ā· 9 months ago
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doodle comic i made just before beating VLR. not to worry, I Know Now :)
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blossoms-phan Ā· 8 months ago
radical conceptussy: dan continues the tradition of tour film dumps. they post ig stories all the time, but film dumps are few and rare, one for every month or so or general area of the tour. think about the wad tour dumps: pictures are a mix of silly fun travels, solo moments before and after shows, and soft pretty moments, captured lovingly by crew and friends. except this time, theyā€™re touring together. this is dan and phil ā€œall grown upā€. how open is the door going to be? think about all the devastating moments weā€™ve experienced in the last few months, but add the fact that phil essentially said they dgaf and he wants to live life to the fullest and not take anything for granted. this tour is going to be sooooo different and life changing for us as phannies yā€™all I can feel it in my bones. anyways back to the photos I had the clearest vision of the softest most adorable picture of them cuddled up together sleeping on the tour bus chucked into the middle one of those dumps casually because itā€™s not the craziest thing and I could definitely see them saying fuck it and deciding to share something like that. much to think about
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sleepypdng Ā· 6 months ago
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I made three friends today. I became friends with the man clothed all in blue. I became friends with the little man, with white beard and red hat. And I became friends! With someone else. You will meet her very soon. Don't worry :)
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summershouto Ā· 2 years ago
the exploration of crocodiles gender is so interesting. Because, like, a lot of people interpret him as trans based on his stuff with Ivankov. And taking it a step further with crocomom stuff he is often theorized as assigned female at birth, having a child (luffy) then later transitioning via Ivankov. Which is solid, agreed, makes sense.
But also itā€™s fun to think the potential of croc identifying as nonbinary..he never felt a strong attachment to any gender or specific pronouns. BUT , as noted with zoros backstory and kuina, women donā€™t have the same opportunities as men do. Kuina was smart- she knew people would underestimate her and croc would conclude the same.
Crocodile wanted power; wanted to be strong, and he knew he couldnā€™t accomplish that in their world as a woman. He places an emphasis on gender now (SIR crocodile) that he doesnā€™t care about for himself, but because of how he wants the world to perceive him in order to be taken seriously.
And crocomom bc ofc - this is especially true after luffy is born. If croc let the world know, he would always be a Mother first and his achievements fell second.
so he identifies as a male. It has the double advantage of hiding the babyā€™s mother and he could start fresh as a man before the world knew his name. He never cared how he presented or how others perceived himā€¦he just wanted to succeed above all else
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inkyantace7 Ā· 8 months ago
Something I love thinking about with CCCC is that Heart and Mind are consistently referred to as halves, even though Soul is right there and therefore they're actually thirds. So I see three reasons that could be (there's definitely more, but these were the ones I thought of):
Soul was the original Whole (something I've seen a lot of people do) and therefore doesn't count as a half
They just keep forgetting Soul exists and that he's one of them
Or the most depressing option:
3. They see him as an object and not one of them (kinda supported by the whole controlling the Soul thing)
And I adore the fact that there's so many interpretations that can be taken for... literally everything in this album
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lennjamin-o7 Ā· 1 year ago
"Oh, Team Soulfire are the bad guys!"
"No, Team Bolas are actually the villains!"
"It's Green Ninjas that are the bad guys"
My dudes. The only bad guy is the Eye. It's the Mastermind behind Purgatory. Every team is running off of limited information and just trying their best to get the eggs home safe.
I would bet money that at least one team is making a big mistake that will have dire consequences. At least one team is going to look back at purgatory with some regrets. But bro, WE don't have enough info. We don't know enough to understand what is or isn't a mistake.
Everyone's trying their best and there is no need to demonize a team that has come to a different conclusion on what needs to be done to rescue the eggs.
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justyourautarch Ā· 7 months ago
Some lil thoughts on the new GenLoss videos as of recent
In the ā€œFrom the desk of the founder videoā€ code (thank you random deleted channel for the decoding), to me itā€™s pretty obvious the founder is talking to Ranboo. Talking about how he (Ranboo) was special and could be used for something more, which would be Generation 1
- The founder also talks about how Gen1 was one of his favorites in ā€œWelcome to Gen 0ā€ and considering how special he talking about someone being special in Gen1, we can assume itā€™s ranboo
I really think that what happened with Ranboo inspired the founder to create the other generations, as it was the first of many. He wanted to recreate a situation like what happened with Ranboo and make it perfect (What perfect means to the founder, I have no idea yet)
Whatever the case is, this founder dude sounds like he (?) has a sort of obsession with these generations and making them beautiful/perfect, which Iā€™m guessing is gonna mean theyā€™re just as messed up as Gen1
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fumifooms Ā· 16 days ago
I literally just revived my tumblr so I can like and follow along with your dunmesh analysis. Thank you so so so soooooo much for making chilchuck's master post bc I've been searching far and wide on how to cope from little no info in the manga ending, like EVERYTHING abt his wife and much less his daughters. It was a great half day reading for me and all the tidbits of your hc just makes me squee, giggle, and kick feet now and then. My question is the extra drawing kui-san post of halfoots portrait and one that look like chil's wife canon?? Like confirmed? most post online saying its official (even wiki) but I can't find the sauce on it
Thank you this makes me so happy to hear!! u//_//u This made me rush to the wiki in fear but no it actually explains the situation well- I did have a hand in editing her wiki about the topic of her appearance a while back so I was worried for a hot sec gdbdg
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It's not confirmed or canon, and left intentionally so. I show the translated quote and link the QnA source here for easing finding. It's simply a popular fanon theory because it has some support. Notably the daughters' appearances like stated, but also the chapter 52 cover showing a kid that looks suspiciously like Chilchuck with a kid that looks suspiciously like her, and also because Kui has a tendency to fill the portrait pages with background characters, like all the tallmen portraits, so it sounds like her to sneak something like this in.
I do really like this, I've talked about it before but I do think she left it ambiguous for story and theme reasons too. Chilchuck has a thing for blonde women, so is his wife blonde or not? Left up to everyone's opinions. Seems unlikely to me, and I love the themes of his wife not being blonde but still having facial features like his succubi's soo much, what's acquired taste and what isn't? But hey anyone who wants to theorize she looks more like Marcille's self-insert as a half-foot sure can! The story gives us very little details on what actually happened on purpose, because people would get caught up in their heads about "she should have left him" and "she shouldn't have left him" and "she should forgive him and take him back" or "he doesn't deserve her forgiveness" and it's not about that! It's not the what his arc's about, it's not what it's trying to say! Do they reconcile or not? Who knows! How much do they still love each other? How much did he neglect her for her to have left like that? Some even take the possibility of her not being blonde if true as proof he's a shitty husband that looks for eyecandy elsewhere and just! So much judgement so many biases that the story is trying to avoid, to offer a fresh slate to nudge the readers towards what the focus should be.
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The goal is ambiguity, the goal is not knowing- because only then can you put yourself in Chilchuck and Marcille's shoes for their arc. Only then can you put yourself in Marcille's shoes theorizing about her and trying to gauge whether she's being too charitable or not hopeful enough, only then can you put yourself in Chilchuck's shoes where he doesn't know why she left, where he doesn't know if he still has a chance to win her back. Does he? Who knows! But that's not important, the point is that after canon he's learned that the risk of shooting his shot, of fighting for his love, is worth it, if there's even a chance that it could work out then it's worth the possible price of rejection and the terrifying horror of vulnerability. Being hopeful, the value Chilchuck needed to learn, requires not knowing the outcome, so the story forces it upon us, even with meta. Chilchuck is a man who has assumed the worst out of everyone and the world for so long, who consistently spoke confidently about how if something can go wrong it will, so him learning to let go of that pessimism as a defense coping mechanism into embracing uncertainty is actually huge! And it's that same lack of closure readers must learn to make their peace with, just as he has.
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falmerbrook Ā· 2 months ago
I don't think I have it in me to be a youtube Video Essayist (like, I have the autism for it, and i love pacing around my house pretending I am, but I do not the mental ability to handle pushback), nor do I think i have the thorough academic/analytical knowledge on this topic atm to handle it the way I'd want to, but every time I see discourse about the topic of lgbt characters in video games I yearn to make a video about queer characters and tes and how tes handles them
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chirpsythismorning Ā· 2 years ago
For the last 24 hrs Iā€™ve been trying to find the real motel from that production assistantā€™s s4 bts picā€¦
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ethereal-blossom Ā· 5 months ago
I have a new suggestion for Victor's possible fairytale after the second Halloween event! I'll put it under the spoiler cut for people who don't want JP spoilers šŸ’Œ
After Victor's first birthday event and now the second Halloween event, it seems clear Victor has a curse that revolves around death. I googled "Fairytale death" and it brought me to Godfather's death written by the brother's Grimm.
I only read the Wikipedia synopsis, but it's about a poor dad with twelve children finding a Godfather for his thirteenth and last son. God and the Devil offered to take on the role yet the dad declined both as one condones poverty and the other deceives mankind. The dad finds Death and makes him the child's Godfather as Death takes away the rich and the poor without discrimination.
Death promises to the son that the son will become a famous physician. So when the son visits a sick person, he can tell whether that person is going to die based on where Death will appear: at the head if the person is going to live, at the feet if going to die.
One time, the son visits the sick king and Death appears at his feet. Feeling pity for the king, the son turns the king around so Death is now standing at his head. The son gives the king the special herbs and he lives. Death is angry but doesn't punish the boy because Godfather privileges. However, if the son does it again he'll die.
But then the princess gets sick and the son does it again because pretty privilege turns people into simps. So, he tricks Death again and this time the son does die because for every life that is supposed to die yet lives another life has to be lost.
So, what I think is interesting is that Heaven, Hell, and Death are themes in Victor's events. The introduction event Wrapped in Wicked Romance starts like this:
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(God = Heaven, Devil = Hell, Grim Reaper = Death)
And with the mention of royalty in the fairytale I immediately had to think of Queen Victoria. So, is this maybe the fairytale that Cybird chose for him?
People have noticed that Elbert plays more of a Snow White role in his route even though he has the curse of the Evil Queen. It makes me wonder if Victor will also share more similarities with the son despite having the power of Death (although I don't think Death is a villain here. It's just trying to be a Godfather and keep the order of life in balance). In this post I talk about my theory of Victor also coming from poverty and being sort of adopted by the queen. But also, someone in the comment section talked about the theory of Victor's curse playing a role in her death (as Cybird is hinting she's dead) and I feel like that could definitely work with this fairytale!
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kingofmyborrowedheart Ā· 11 months ago
The most jarring thing about the 2 am drop was that we had all of these track titles we had never seen before and had absolutely no idea what to make of them.
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jennyfromthebes Ā· 7 months ago
no okay so in Jenny From Thebes, the song Only One Way references Distant Stations off All Hail West Texas, which is a song about a person missing someone who was in a way a mentor figure to them and someone they loved in some way who symbolised safety, and we know that people who have needed help are the most likely to then later offer help to others; thus I believe that rather than Distant Stations being someone else talking about Jenny, it's Jenny talking about someone who was that for her, before she was the person we know and love in JfT. and in Cleaning Crew, Jenny references Portland as a place that's significant to her/that she has some tie to, maybe as a place that she used to live and/or where someone who's important to her lives? the album Transcendental Youth is also directly tied both to Portland and to Jenny, an album about people who "madly, stupidly, blessedly, won't stop surviving", an album that's very dark and depressing but bookended by songs about how you have to stay alive. the album opener, Amy aka Spent Gladiator 1, has the line "people might laugh at your tattoos/when they do, get new ones in completely garish hues" which can be seen as a parallel to Fresh Tattoo, and "make up magic spells/we wear them like protective shells" which can be seen as a parallel to Murder at the 18th Street Garage. I don't actually think that either of those (or really any of this) means anything but they're a fun connection. circling back to Portland, Jenny knows someone there, yeah? I think that the person she knows in Portland is the person who helped her when she needed it and that person is Amy. no wait why are you walking away I have more to say about this
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