#it was a group project buddy
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rufflekerfuffle · 5 months ago
oh zerxus, how far you’ve fallen to forget your own hubris
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momentomori24 · 1 month ago
I don't seriously ship Wolfgang with anybody except for Grace however I do definitely fw what Wolfgang/Jean have going on. I like the bromance between those two (especially in the Among Us stream lol)
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greenerteacups · 7 months ago
Hi GT! Any thoughts on GRRM's (now deleted 👀) blog post about HOTD? Both in terms of content and authorial conduct?
My first reaction was some combination of sympathy and cringe. I can see where his frustrations would arise — especially if he's correct that Ryan Condal intended Helaena to kill herself "for no reason," although I doubt that's the whole story (most of the coming seasons haven't been written yet). GRRM was burned badly by the ending of GOT, which is why he's harping so much on the (to be honest, pretty minor) removal of a child who really has no role in the source material except to be the sacrificial lamb prompting Helaena's suicide. He can repeat the words "butterfly effect" until he's blue in the face, but that still won't actually make Maelor into a major character, and it still won't explain why changing Helaena's arc is necessarily a bad thing for the story the show's telling. Helaena in the books is a very happy person whose death by suicide would be uncharacteristic unless prompted by a slew of gruesome personal tragedies. Helaena in the show is much more melancholy and withdrawn, and the audience doesn't need to see (another) one of her children brutally slaughtered in order to believe that she might pull a Tommen, especially since we don't know what the HOTD team are actually planning for her. Getting pissy about cutting Maelor is like finding out someone's replaced all the furniture in your living room — while you watched — and complaining that the upholstery's the wrong color. My brother in Christ, it's a different chair.
Apart from that, I recently saw one blogger argue persuasively that the choice to eliminate Maelor was not just efficient, but a defensible and deliberate creative decision: whether George realizes it or not, removing Maelor puts Aegon in the same situation his father Viserys was before his marriage to Alicent, where his only choices of heir are his daughter (Rhaenyra/Jahaera) or his brother (Daemon/Aemond), the latter of whom has recently proved himself an untrustworthy and outright dangerous candidate (the King of the Stepstones arc in Daemon's case, and the assassination attempt from Aemond). This traps Aegon, because the only laws supporting him as king require that he pass over Jahaera and place his regicidal brother — who has already tried to kill him once, probably having realized this fact — directly in the line of succession. And I'm pretty sure the show is intentionally going for this, because they make a point of telling us that Aegon can't have more children, so unlike Viserys, he can't get out of this by having more sons. Is this necessarily more compelling than the Maelor/Helaena guilt storyline? No, but we don't know if that storyline would have been compelling either. The success or failure of a narrative decision is almost totally in the execution, and HOTD is, crucially, not finished executing yet.
Siloing the question of the post's merits, it's also incredibly unprofessional for one of the most successful authors in history to start publicly beating up on a writer's room that he's supposedly collaborating with. Like, frankly, I don't care what Ryan Condal said. I don't care if he said he was going to kill off half the cast in S3E1 and turn the show into an isekai about his self-insert avatar falling in love with Rhaenyra. You work that shit out in the writer's room, or, if need be, the negotiating table, and not by dumping on the guy's creative decisions on a platform where the core of the show's fanbase hangs on your every word (most of them in the hope that you've announced the completion of the book you're supposed to be writing). It's catty, it's spiteful, and, judging by the content of the post itself, grossly disproportionate to the scale of the creative conflict at play. If I were an industry creative, I would have serious reservations about working with Martin after this, and the level of poor behavior on display should be evident by the fact that any author whose IP wasn't making HBO a bajillion zillion dollars would have been rightfully shitcanned for doing something like this.
If I sound angry at him, I'm not; I think he's just an old guy who's been told by lots of people that he's good enough to be above the rules, and he's consequently forgotten some of the industry etiquette. I'm also, frankly, a little contemptuous, mostly because most creatives I know would give all the fingers of their writing-hand to have the opportunities that George does, and would conduct themselves with significantly more grace and generosity for their collaborators even if they did disagree on adaptational differences.
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takeaguessbuddy · 6 months ago
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viatorkitty · 1 year ago
me: i only have 2 classes left and then i get my degree! might as well go ahead and sign up for these 2 classes since i know some of these people and it looks fun
apollo's dodgeball of prophecy, preparing to hit me with my worst first class meeting yet:
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burntoutdaydreamer · 1 year ago
Things That May Be Causing Your Writer's Block- and How to Beat Them
I don't like the term 'Writer's Block' - not because it isn't real, but because the term is so vague that it's useless. Hundreds of issues all get lumped together under this one umbrella, making writer's block seem like this all-powerful boogeyman that's impossible to beat. Worse yet, it leaves people giving and receiving advice that is completely ineffective because people often don't realize they're talking about entirely different issues.
In my experience, the key to beating writer's block is figuring out what the block even is, so I put together a list of Actual Reasons why you may be struggling to write:
(note that any case of writer's block is usually a mix of two or more)
Perfectionism (most common)
What it looks like:
You write one sentence and spend the next hour googling "synonyms for ___"
Write. Erase. Write. Rewrite. Erase.
Should I even start writing this scene when I haven't figured out this one specific detail yet?
I hate everything I write
Cringing while writing
My first draft must be perfect, or else I'm a terrible writer
Things that can help:
Give yourself permission to suck
Keep in mind that nothing you write is going to be perfect, especially your first draft
Think of writing your first/early drafts not as writing, but sketching out a loose foundation to build upon later
People write multiple drafts for a reason: write now, edit later
Stop googling synonyms and save that for editing
Write with a pen to reduce temptation to erase
Embrace leaving blank spaces in your writing when you can't think of the right word, name, or detail
It's okay if your writing sucks. We all suck at some point. Embrace the growth mindset, and focus on getting words on a page
Lack of inspiration (easiest to fix)
What it looks like:
Head empty, no ideas
What do I even write about???
I don't have a plot, I just have an image
Want to write but no story to write
Things that can help:
Google writing prompts
If writing prompts aren't your thing, instead try thinking about what kind of tropes/genres/story elements you would like to try out
Instead of thinking about the story you would like to write, think about the story you would like to read, and write that
It's okay if you don't have a fully fleshed out story idea. Even if it's just an image or a line of dialogue, it's okay to write that. A story may or may not come out of it, but at least you got the creative juices flowing
Stop writing. Step away from your desk and let yourself naturally get inspired. Go for a walk, read a book, travel, play video games, research history, etc. Don't force ideas, but do open up your mind to them
If you're like me, world-building may come more naturally than plotting. Design the world first and let the story come later
Boredom/Understimulation (lost the flow)
What it looks like:
I know I should be writing but uugggghhhh I just can'tttttt
Writing words feels like pulling teeth
I started writing, but then I got bored/distracted
I enjoy the idea of writing, but the actual process makes me want to throw my laptop out the window
Things that can help:
Introduce stimulation: snacks, beverages, gum, music such as lo-fi, blankets, decorate your writing space, get a clickity-clackity keyboard, etc.
Add variety: write in a new location, try a new idea/different story for a day or so, switch up how you write (pen and paper vs. computer) or try voice recording or speech-to-text
Gamify writing: create an arbitrary challenge, such as trying to see how many words you can write in a set time and try to beat your high score
Find a writing buddy or join a writer's group
Give yourself a reward for every writing milestone, even if it's just writing a paragraph
Ask yourself whether this project you're working on is something you really want to be doing, and be honest with your answer
Intimidation/Procrastination (often related to perfectionism, but not always)
What it looks like:
I was feeling really motivated to write, but then I opened my laptop
I don't even know where to start
I love writing, but I can never seem to get started
I'll write tomorrow. I mean next week. Next month? Next month, I swear (doesn't write next month)
Can't find the time or energy
Unreasonable expectations (I should be able to write 10,000 words a day, right????)
Feeling discouraged and wondering why I'm even trying
Things that can help:
Follow the 2 min rule (or the 1 paragraph rule, which works better for me): whenever you sit down to write, tell yourself that you are only going to write for 2 minutes. If you feel like continuing once the 2 mins are up, go for it! Otherwise, stop. Force yourself to start but DO NOT force yourself to continue unless you feel like it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to get started
Make getting started as easy as possible (i.e. minimize barriers: if getting up to get a notebook is stopping you from getting started, then write in the notes app of your phone)
Commit to a routine that will work for you. Baby steps are important here. Go with something that feels reasonable: every day, every other day, once a week, twice a week, and use cues to help you remember to start. If you chose a set time to write, just make sure that it's a time that feels natural to you- i.e. don't force yourself to writing at 9am every morning if you're not a morning person
Find a friend or a writing buddy you can trust and talk it out or share a piece of work you're proud of. Sometimes we just get a bit bogged down by criticism- either internal or external- and need a few words of encouragement
The Problem's Not You, It's Your Story (or Outline (or Process))
What it looks like:
I have no problems writing other scenes, it's just this scene
I started writing, but now I have no idea where I'm going
I don't think I'm doing this right
What's an outline?
Drowning in documents
This. Doesn't. Make. Sense. How do I get from this plot point to this one?!?!?! (this ColeyDoesThings quote lives in my head rent free cause BOY have I been there)
Things That Can Help:
Go back to the drawing board. Really try to get at the root of why a scene or story isn't working
A part of growing as a writer is learning when to kill your darlings. Sometimes you're trying to force an idea or scene that just doesn't work and you need to let it go
If you don't have an outline, write one
If you have an outline and it isn't working, rewrite it, or look up different ways to structure it
You may be trying to write as a pantser when you're really a plotter or vice versa. Experiment with different writing processes and see what feels most natural
Study story structures, starting with the three act structure. Even if you don't use them, you should know them
Check out Ellen Brock on YouTube. She's a professional novel editor who has a lot of advice on writing strategies for different types of writers
Also check out Savage Books on YouTube (another professional story editor) for advice on story structure and dialogue. Seriously, I cannot recommend this guy enough
Executive Dysfunction, Usually From ADHD/Autism
What it looks like:
Everything in boredom/understimulation
Everything in intimidation/procrastination
You have been diagnosed with and/or have symptoms of ADHD/Autism
Things that can help:
If you haven't already, seek a diagnosis or professional treatment
Hire an ADHD coach or other specialist that can help you work with your brain (I use Shimmer; feel free to DM me for a referral)
Seek out neurodiverse communities for advice and support
Try body doubling! There's lot's of free online body doubling websites out there for you to try. If social anxiety is a barrier, start out with writing streams such as katecavanaughwrites on Twitch
Be aware of any sensory barriers that may be getting in the way of you writing (such as an uncomfortable desk chair, harsh lighting, bad sounds)
And Lastly, Burnout, Depression, or Other Mental Illness
What it looks like:
You have symptoms of burnout or depression
Struggling with all things, not just writing
It's more than a lack of inspiration- the spark is just dead
Things that can help:
Forget writing for now. Focus on healing first.
Seek professional help
If you feel like it, use writing as a way to explore your feelings. It can take the form of journaling, poetry, an abstract reflection of your thoughts, narrative essays, or exploring what you're feeling through your fictional characters. The last two helped me rediscover my love of writing after I thought years of depression had killed it for good. Just don't force yourself to do so, and stop if it takes you to a darker place instead of feeling cathartic
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stealingyourbones · 6 months ago
Danny hangs out with Steph after being paired together in a group project in a gen class. They become study buddies. It takes over a year of consistent hang outs and getting to know each other for Danny to reveal he’s a meta. Danny expected maybe shock, surprise, or even anger. Out of all of the reactions Danny expected, Steph doubled over laughing wasn’t it.
“I- wheeze- I’m sorry, oh man,” She wiped a tear from her eye and waited a moment to stop giggling. “I knew since week 1 Danny, I didn’t think you were even hiding it.”
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timmydraker · 3 months ago
During a Gala for raising awareness about women’s healthcare, a few heroes show up in both costume and civilian persona.
Wonder Woman is proudly walking around in a Greek style toga and talking about how the women of her home land care for one another and never doubt each others word on health issues. She is shamelessly challenging the men in the audience to better understand the women they claim to love and advocate for.
She’s the most obvious one in attendance, though if you look closer you will see Raven and Miss Martian talking with a the most obviously sexist group of men and making them all sweat bullets.
Others, like Zatana and all of the Bat kids, are in their civilian uniforms.
The most important guest in this line up, in the sense that her husband is making Bruce pout like an angry kitten, is Dinah.
Because Dinah is there to make a speech so naturally her husband Ollie is there to support her.
Yet when the speech is done and the wandering around begins, Bruce watches as Ollie hangs around one person like they’re old pals.
Tim Drake, Bruce’s most professional son during public events, is laughing and clinging to Oliver Queen like he’s some kind of celebrity or cousin he only gets to see once a year. The blond man had his arm around the younger Luke a parent and is chatting away with Tim as the two half talk with business partners and other socialites or so obviously just between themselves that the other people politely leave them to it.
Bruce had never seen Tim so relaxed at a Gala, the growing young man usually taking the time to go full business and organise meetings, deals or just the usual routine of holding reputation.
Yet there is Oliver Queen acting like they’re old friends.
Like Tim is his son.
Naturally, Dick and Barbara notice how Bruce is glaring at Queen and trying to hold back a frown of genuine hurt and jealousy. Part of them feels bad, but Tim and Oliver Queen are both made for this world, so it makes sense they get along in it.
But then Diana, who doesn’t mean any harm and is just talking to Bruce Wayne about how she approves of his work on the ecosystem casually leans down and whispers to him as Batman, “It’s always so nice to see how those two get along.”
Bruce’s eye twitched a little and he doesn’t bother trying to feign curiosity and grumbles out, “explain.”
Wonder Woman laughs loud and cheerful, which the room is now sued to hearing and jsut assume Brucie Wayne is trying to flirt with an Amazon which is not at all surprising.
“Oh, Bruce. Haven’t you noticed how Tim follows Jim’s round whenever they are at the tower? He’s like a little duckling. One time I heard him asking if Ollie wanted to come to his school event to see his science project!”
She goes on to talk about how Ollie must seem like an uncle to him and doesn’t pay attention to Bruce’s internal spiral.
By the end of the night Bruce looks like he might start crying, though only his children can see that.
Tim and Ollie finally make their way towards him after having a talk to some older woman about something or rather and Bruce puts on a mask quickly, acting as if he isn’t about to strangle Oliver Queen as they get ready to leave.
Dick steers Damian away and asks Duke to get the girls and wait in the car, knowing full well Bruce is going to embarrasses himself.
Rather quickly, Tim picks up on his distress and pulls away from Ollie’s side hug and approaches Bruce, “Is something wrong?”
Bruce smiles a terrifying thing, full of teeth and hidden malice, “Not at all. Tell me, when did you two get so buddy buddy?”
Oliver pales a little, but luckily Dinah is there to stop him from saying the wrong thing.
With a smooth voice she speaks, coming forward to press a kiss to Tim’s head and then back to her husband, “Tim and Ollie met at one of the Drake’s charity events years ago. This really was lovely, but we must be going, I don’t trust the younger kids to bot cause you or with Captain Marvel.”
With that there gone while Bruce is faced with the fact that Oliver may ah e met one of his babies before him.
But Tim isn’t a fool and he loves his dad, so he hugs Bruce around the waist and clings to him like he’s ten instead of twenty two. He leans back just slightly and gives a cheeky grin with a softness in his eyes, “I love you, dad.”
Dick coos while Barbara snaps a photo as Bruce squeezes his son and somehow manages to not cry.
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wonderjanga · 3 months ago
Hunting Trip
A little add-on to my Marvel and the Supernatural post from a long time ago. I also took a little bit of inspiration from @yazz-frost’s reposts. It also has inspiration from someone else’s post. I don’t remember who wrote it but they use the characters I used so I want to credit them as well.
Bruce thought over Marvel’s offer. After stewing over it for a couple days, he(Alfred) came to the decision that he would go with the Captain and the rest of his “buddies” to go hunt a bunch of Wendigos. His “buddies” turned out to be Raven and Jason blood.
Jason Blood: “The Batman, a teenage girl, and the Champion of Magic. What a wonderful group we are.”
Marvel: “Oh, and you can’t forget the demon!”
Raven: “I’m also a demon, Captain.”
Marvel: “Hmm
 Then you can’t forget the guy that transforms into a demon.”
Raven: “I can also do that.”
Marvel: “Hmmmmm
 you can’t forget the guy that’s like 400 years old and has fought in numerous wars.”
Jason Blood and Raven: *both give him a thumbs up*
Batman: *already lamenting his(Alfred’s) decisions*
They go full family camping/hunting trip for this. They got the SUV, they got the road trip songs, they got the magically enchanted weapons brought specifically for Bruce because of his lack of magic. They’re set and for once, Bruce is not the dad in this situation. Weirdly, Marvel is? Both Blood and Raven are brooding in the back like teenagers. They’re also playing tic-tac-toe against each other on Raven’s phone. To be honest, Bruce doesn’t really know what his dynamic is in this group.
Batman: *shoots a Wendigo with a magical crossbow and kills it*
Marvel: “You’re a wonderful shot, Mr. Batman sir!”
Batman: “Thank you. I have the Tibetan monks I trained with to thank for my accuracy.”
Jason Blood: “You and Tibetan monks, man
Raven: “What do you mean by that?”
Jason Blood: “I mean, he uses that excuse for literally every skill he has. Astral Projection? Tibetan monks. Blocking mind control? Tibetan monks. Blocking mind reading? Tibetan Monks.”
Marvel: “Wait, the is it the Tibetan monks in Shangri-La?”
Batman: “Yes actually.”
Marvel: “Oh I know those guys! Raven do you remember the time we went there together?”
Raven: “Yes. Their mental techniques are really useful.”
Jason Blood: “Oh my God, you know them too?”
After curbing the Wendigo population

Jason Blood: “Captain?”
Marvel: “Yes?”
Jason Blood: “Are you gonna take the Wendigo skin?”
Marvel: “Nope. You can have it all if you want. Unless you want some Batman?”
Batman: *sounds a little disturbed* “No thank you.”
Marvel: “Great. By the way, be careful when you’re skinning them around the eyes. Raven wants them.”
Jason Blood: “Aye aye, Captain.”
Batman: “Actually, wait, Blood, can I have a little bit so I can study it later?”

Jason Blood: *looking at the others, all covered in blood, including himself*
Marvel: *humming a jolly little tune as he packs up their stuff*
Raven and Batman: *looking broody(their normal selves*
Jason Blood: “One of us is not like the other.”
Marvel: “What was that?”
Jason Blood: “Nothing.”
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gtwscratch · 4 months ago
Okay I'm switching to lowercase so I'm not just screaming at you guys haha
[EDIT] Guess who’s fully elaborating on this AU with Subject files and a fic? :3
Project X Master Post
Imagine Martyn curled up in the corner of his cell, covering his ears bc he doesn't know how to block things out and everything is so loud.
Imagine Scott transforming from an aquatic creature back to his regular form, but he still has gills, and he panics when he can't breathe.
Imagine Jimmy turning in invisible for the first time and not knowing how to turn back, and he thinks he's stuck that way forever.
Imagine Ren transforming the first few times, but there's always something off about him. He looks eerie, like something from uncanny valley.
Imagine Scar not knowing his own strength and jokingly punching Mumbo, only to send him flying into the wall and causing his death.
Imagine Cleo trying so hard to get Mumbo and Skizz to act the way that they used to when she summons them, but it's never truly them. Something is always wrong.
Imagine BigB being terrified when he summons the creaking for the first time, not realizing they're on his side and thinking they'll attack him.
Imagine Gem astral projecting as an escapism, talking to Mumbo and Skizz and "leaving" the facility, but she can't truly leave.
Imagine Impulse and Tango nearly getting to escape with their powers, their friends cheering them on from inside their cells, and just when they're in the clear, Impulse gets tranquilized and falls unconscious. Tango can't bare to leave his buddy behind. They both get collars that block their abilities and heavy monitoring after that stunt.
Lizzie feels bad about her power. She's tried to escape as well, but when she realized the blindness affected her friends, it freaked her out so much that security was able to catch up to her and take her back to her cell.
Imagine Bdubs sleeping diligently through every night and dealing with nightmares of the hell they've all been put through so his friends don't.
Imagine Pearl wishing she could fly out in the open air, desperate for that kind of freedom that she knows she will never have.
Imagine Etho trying to bring down his mace to pretend to hit Bdubs, and when he move to the side to dodge, it actually puts him in the way of Etho's strike. The absolute terror that fills Etho is so bad that he never jokes like that again, even if it barely hurt him.
Imagine Joel looking around and analyzing the rooms, thinking of how he could scale the walls with his ability to escape through an air vent, but he can never bring himself to do it because he refuses to leave Lizzie.
Imagine Grian being physically and emotionally strained trying to learn everyone's powers and how to properly use them, wishing he just had one of his own instead.
Imagine Skizz and Mumbo both dying (Skizz due to the intense tests and Mumbo due to the effects the testing had on Scar) before they had a chance to gain powers of their own. Don't imagine those powers being just what the group needs to escape.
I think I might write each of these as a one shot. That would certainly be a LOT of fun :) lmk what you guys think please!
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weiweific · 3 months ago
jaemin fic recs .₍ᐱ. .ᐱ₎
ok hello hello this is just a list of my fave jaemin fics in no particular order!
(m) smut | (f) fluff
one shot
i love hot nerds by @domjaehyun | m | 8.7k college au, perverted and nerdy shy boys jaemin & haechan author summary: when your professor pairs you with the two smartest students in your class for a group project, you find yourself making an interesting deal with them. or, alternatively: the one where you have to help two nerds learn to get girls so you can pass your class.
just so you know by @sluttyten | m | 20.9k friends to lovers, poly mmf with jeno and jaemin author summary: you’re kinda with jeno, but when you realize his best friend jaemin is in love with you too, well it complicates things
angel baby by @neopuppy | m | 8k alpha/omega dynamics, pregnant y/n, neighbour jaemin cookie jar by @neopuppy | m | 7k dubcon, stuck in dryer au, jeno & jaemin stepbrothers stepcest
this untitled jaemin oneshot by @haetrack | m | 6.4k pwp, inexperienced y/n
diet pepsi by @mochidoie | f | 10k flirty jaemin, the tensionnnn author summary: Accidentally walking in on your best friend’s hot housemate half naked with a towel around his waist in the bathroom was never in your plans. But maybe, it was in his?
persimmon problems by @starsstuddedsky | f | 18.3k uni/college au author summary: fantasy crushes are all fun and games until it stops being a fantasy and he’s really talking to you. but what are you supposed to do when he invades every part of your life?
hush, hush by @domjaehyun | m | 19.5k foursome ft. jeno, haechan & jaemin
besties (gone sexual) by @tyonfs | m | 43.4k college au, best friends to fwb to lovers author summary: na jaemin, resident playboy and serial heartbreaker on campus, thinks he might have a crush on you. this is concerning because he’s slept with your roommate before, who called him something along the lines of “a waste of a human.” another reason why this is concerning is because you happen to be jaemin’s best friend of seven years, and you know far too much about him to ever consider dating him.
stargirl interlude by @tyonfs | m | 5.9k influencer y/n, strangers to lovers author summary: and i shouldn’t cry, but I love it, starboy / i just wanna see you shine ‘cause i know you are a stargirl
j.crew by @sluttyten | m | 11.4k gangbang ft. johnny, jaehyun, jungwoo, jeno & jaemin
sniff by @guanana | m | 7k sniffing kink, pwp poly!nomin one shot by @jenosbigtoe | m lots of drabbles as well!!! linking their masterlist here
f4 by @starryhyuck | m | 4k+ slight dubcon, featuring mark, jeno, haechan and jaemin as f4 author summary: the most popular guys at school are wanted by everyone and anyone. the problem is
 they only want you.
Drippin’ [Dream ‘00 line] by @ncteez '00 line x reader, mild dubcon, birthday sex author summary: “It’s too late to run away, you started this game first.”It was a joke, you swear. Sharing something like that with your group of horny man-friends was definitely a recipe for disaster. That one little tweet sets off a string of events that prevents you from pretending that you wouldn’t fuck your friends. Because you would, and they know it.  or the one where you’re considered a tease with the shit you share privately online, and they’re just about fed up with the way you act innocent and uninterested in what they’re packing. 
talk to my skin by @fadedncity | m | 13.8k college au, friends to lovers, fwb + pt. 2 if you let me (18.6k)
strawberry cough by @hazyhae | m | 9.1k plug!jaemin, friends/plug to lovers ahh, weed use author summary: when your longtime bestie and plug moves out of town, he recommends one of his buddies to fill your weed needs. jaemin is glad to deliver that and maybe even more. + pt. 2 sour tangie (6.3k)
quarantine chronicles by @domjaehyun | m | 3 parts | 126.7k featuring jaehyun, johnny, jungwoo, mark, haechan & jeno author summary: fourteen days, five roommates, and five remarkably high sex drives. what could go wrong?
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onelittlespiral · 1 year ago
FML: Video
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“Shoot, I don’t know about this. Something about watching this feels weird.”
My bro just kept holding my face, “You said you wanted to be one of the bros dude. Just keep watching, this video will tell you everything you need to know”
“Yeah, you said that, but this is just static and nonsense, and something about it has me on edge. Just let me get out of here.”
“But don’t it speak to you? Isn’t there something you want to let out jock boy.”
no, no I
 I can’t
 stop, what’s happening?”
“Jock boy is about to learn what being a bro is all about. Jock boy wants to listen carefully to his bro and watch the video.”
“No no no
 but, it
 it sounds so
“Yeah jock boy, just like a mind vacation. Just let it happen. Good jock boy.”
Sometimes it takes a little convincing, but eventually they all fall. Their eyes grow wide before their muscles go limp and mouths drop open. It usually only takes a little bit for them to process. But when they finally do come too, it’s like a whole different world in there. The first one I did by accident. Found the weird file and sent it to my roommate as a joke. It wasn’t until I got back from class that I saw just how much power I now had.
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Gone was the theater kid, in his place was a souped up bro ready to knock back some cold ones, and get sweaty in the gym. It was a surprise when he began rubbing my thigh in the sauna, and pulled me in for a kiss. I melted in his arms as he positioned me on the bench and began stretching me out. I was so relaxed he slid in with no lube, fucking me raw and hard as his tongue kept my mouth distracted from moaning. Thought I just got lucky there, happened to get a gay guy. But I quickly learned for him now, “any hole’s a goal.” And it was confirmed when I tried it with a second guy:
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Good old Southern boy, and as straight as they came. Thought he was hot shit in class. Sent him the file when we were on a group project together. By the next day when he came in, he couldn’t add two numbers together with a calculator. He was still smug as hell but in bed, let’s just say he earned it. He was about as thick as an ear of corn, and he knew how to plow a field and spread his seed.
I had tried a couple others since then. A scholarship rival here. A group mate there. A couple disappointing dates that ended up really turning the night around. But my friend had finally gotten curious and started asking some questions. I didn’t need someone to question what was happening. I needed a lifting buddy. This was my first time trying to edit the file to get some different results.
“Hey, bro? What happened last night? I feel hung over as fuck..”
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Holy shit he was massive. “Nothing too much bro. You just got fucking shit faced.”
“Huhuhu, yeah,” he gawfed, “sounds right.
It was time to try the trigger and see how much the changes worked, “Hey, jock boy, tell me your name.”
His laughter stopped as his eyes glossed over, “My name is Jack, but my friends just call me Jacked.”
“What do you want more than anything, jock boy?”
“To serve my bros,” he replied.
“Will you do anything for them?”
His mind flickered for a moment. I saw a look of confusion pass over him. He looked down, “Hey, what
 WHAT HAPPENED? What did you do-“
I walked up and held his face“JOCK BOY, STOP.”
He tried to fight it, his mind pulling him back to the abyss. But as I watched his body slowly relax, I knew I had won even before he said, “Ye-yeah. Sure thing bro.”
“Jock Boy, will you do anything for your bros?”
His face broke out in a shiteating grin, “Fuck yeah, anything for my bros.”
“New exercise routine. You, face down, ass up. My bed. Now.”
He excitedly ran back to my bedroom. I heard the bed squeal under his weight. Good to know I could edit things. Can’t always let my bros have all the fun.
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minus-plus-zer0 · 7 months ago
"And They Were Roommates" University Version Headcanons
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Bakugou would rather die than live in a frat house, so he looked around his housing options for university and eventually settled upon living with you.
Immediately, he knew that this was going to be a rough time. You were cute like he’d never seen before, and you were so affectionate and sweet and NOSY that he found it difficult to ignore you when you’re constantly offering to help with the housework or listen to how his day went or whatever.
He really adores you, you’re better than any roommate he’s heard about on the market. But he can’t let you know it in case you don’t feel the same, and that makes living with you even harder.
However, he wouldn’t want to move out. He enjoys being with you and seeing you work hard for your grades.
And he knows you’d be sad if he left. For whatever reason, you seem attached to him as well despite your opposite personalities.
It doesn't really cross his mind that you might like him back...
He wants you to want him, but the way you talk about the fellow students at school make him doubt your love.
Among the ground rules that were already established, you both agreed not to bring anyone over to sleep with. He was surprised you agreed, because if you did want to do the deed then where the hell would you do it if not at home? Actually, he didn’t really want to think about it.
But you kept your promise and now he doesn't really know what your love life is like. He's afraid to ask, so he acts like it doesn't matter.
At home you like to cook together or cook for each other, but he makes way too much spicy food. You've built a tolerance to it based on how often you've had to eat it.
You also don't always have a lot of privacy. Sometimes you want to call Ashido on the phone and talk about your feelings for Bakugou with her, but Bakugou is right there in the other room and you KNOW he'd hear.
Since you guys share classes at your university, you two end up going over your lessons together in one of your bedrooms, or even in the living room!
You're so happy to have a friend to go over your work with you. But sometimes you get different answers to your problems and you end up arguing over it. All in good fun, of course. Still, you two can get pretty competitive over your grades...
Your professors aren't always great, so Bakugou gets into fights with whoever tries to give you a bad grade. It makes you so embarrassed, but you can't scold Bakugou for wanting to support you.
And whenever you get the chance, you usually end up being each other's partner during projects. If you need more members, you often take up the Bakusquad or even people from Deku's friend group. Bakugou doesn't like that.
You end up visiting their dorms and houses sometimes when you get the chance and you even go to a few of their parties. Kirishima throws great ragers with his frat buddies (but he doesn't fit the frat stereotype, he respects women!). However, Bakugou usually stays at home and lets you go alone, as long as he knows you're safe.
Sometimes he goes to parties, but only to take you home while you're drunk out of your mind. The next morning you're always afraid you accidentally babbled out your love to him during your drunken sessions. But you haven't made that mistake yet, instead Bakugou just recounts to you all the weird shit you said and did, such as telling him scientific details about every breed of dog.
One time you ended up accidentally sleeping at Jirou's dorm room without telling Bakugou and he got insanely worried thinking something happened to you. Jirou saw your phone buzzing and managed to text Kirishima to tell Bakugou you were fine. Jirou even sent a picture of you to boot. You ended up apologizing to Bakugou the next day, who was in equal parts both angry and concerned over your well-being. He's not controlling so you don't always have to tell him where you are, just at night at least.
After befriending Jirou, you ended up starting a band together and managed to get Bakugou and others to join. You've had a few performances at school, with one of them live on campus.
It was really hard to train for that performance, considering that you and Bakugou never agree on what songs to play. You wanted love songs, he wanted none of that. But you sat on his lap and crooned the lyrics to him, and he just couldn't say no.
Bakugou has also invited you to some of his games since he's an athlete at your university. He was pretty disappointed you’d never heard of his feats on the field before, especially considering he's regarded as the star of the team. They've reported about him in the school newspaper before too! But he doesn't give them the interviews they want.
You want to show your support so you go to his next game. Seeing you in the stands cheering for him made him go wild on the field. Nobody could stop him now.
He really likes seeing you in a cheerleader's uniform that you tried on just for him that day. He's not into cheerleaders just in general, but it makes his heart swell knowing you're supporting him, above all else.
You also like sneaking out together at night to wander around the university. You look for hidden secrets left by other students, try and see if any doors are unlocked, observe the lovely raccoons running around (if any), and have a good time. The campus is very spooky around nighttime, but you have each other if anything goes wrong. You won't let each other get hurt.
Sometimes his parents visit your house, especially when holidays are coming up or if Bakugou needs something delivered from home. They like checking out what you've done with the place and how you've decorated your temporary home with Bakugou. They're very curious about how your relationship is progressing.
You tell them it's going great. Bakugou looks at you like you're his whole world. He feels very cocky knowing that he snagged such a great person in his life. But it's not really ever enough. He wants to be more than just friends.
Once your time at university is finished, he'll likely find a nice apartment more close to wherever his new workplace is and then he'll ask you to move in, maybe a little bit more permanently.
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in-the-belly-of-dragons · 8 months ago
I truly believe that a part of Wyll considers snapping and going apeshit, but then he stops, takes few deep breaths, and makes an active choice to maintain who he is. I think that a huge part of his character and how he got through the years with Mizora is just working really hard not to let her break him. He is the way he is because his attitude is the only thing he can control and he'll be damnrd if he let the bullshit keeps happening to him, break him and his sense of self. That sense of self is all he's got so he's gonna find the best in every situation
And yeah he is the closest to being the Hero Archetype out of the origin characters! But I also think that is his choice, he actively works on being a dashing hero out of adventure novels (I bet he sometimes cosplays as his favourite book characters as he's doing a dramatic entrance speech). It's easy to dismiss him as the Hero Guy but he's actually more than that!
I think he's commitment to being a dashing hero figure is a part of how he maintains his sense of self with all of Mizora's bullshit and after getting kicked out by his dad
I think a person like him is really needed in a group like the origin characters, he would bring them together and help them to not succumb to their darkness
I think when people dismiss wyll as being the Normal Guy companion they are overlooking a key piece of his character which is that yeah he's pretty normal in comparison to the rest of these messes but have u considered how much Effort it would take to stay that normal while putting up with mizora every day of your life. This guy isn't normal because he's boring, he's normal because he has moral fortitude rivaling that of every god. The fact that he's still so normal after what 9 years of being trapped in an insane psychosexual torment nexus is a HEROIC ACHIEVEMENT. This one will only make sense to the disco elysium fans out there but Wyll's volition stat is through the fucking roof. Nothing can shake this guy and it's not through luck or chance it is through more strength of character than any other person ever born. Wyll ravengard u will always be famous
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chaerrisin · 3 months ago
boynextdoor as your high school lovers âŠč˚. ♡
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୚ৎ they call this puppy love.
fluff! (includes skinship, kisses, petnames, but nothing explicit...) âŠč àŁȘ ˖
a/n: in honor of woonhak being almost done with high school soon... i did this based of how i would expect them to be! double drop today hehe...
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| sungho ꩜ .ᐟ
sungho who is always early, waiting for you by the school entry doors. sungho who grabs your hand and tugs you close the moment he sees you. sungho who pats your head every time you mention an accomplishment. “i’m so proud of you, y/n.” sungho who always brushes back your hair as he rests his chin on your shoulder while you work. sungho who will always be your study buddy, actually helping you with your work, then kissing your forehead when you show your progress. sungho who always prepares a lunch for you to eat, watching fondly as you eat it. sungho who always keeps you updated about classes or reminding you to do work. sungho who walks you to every class and picks you up every time with a, “i’ll miss you,” or “i missed you.” sungho walks you home with your arm linked with his as he asks you about your day. sungho who always makes sure you’re on the side furthest to the road, always cautious to protect you and make you feel comfortable. sungho who will always greet your family when he drops you off home. sungho who cups your cheeks and presses a kiss to your forehead, nose, and lips before murmuring, “good night, my love. i had a good day with you, again.”
more members below the cut!
| riwoo ꩜ .ᐟ
riwoo who is always quietly observing you, smiling fondly. riwoo who will always offer help on your homework. riwoo who always provides you with things you need for emergency, he just knows you well enough and is always prepared. riwoo who wait outside your class and open his arms when he sees you come out, knowing you’d go straight into them. riwoo who is quietly protective of you, always checking on you and reminding you to take breaks, very insistent of maintaining your wellbeing. “c’mon y/n, it’s break time, or you’ll burn out.” riwoo who loves playing with your fingers in class, always outlining yours with his own. riwoo who always reassures you, saying, “good luck!” with his first up before you take an exam. riwoo who walks with his hands in his pockets before giving up and grabbing yours, squeezing it from time to time. riwoo who loves to make dad jokes about the subject you're studying when he realizes you’re having a hard time. riwoo who will always drag you into the convience store as you walk home to spoil you with your favorite snacks. riwoo who will always watch get excited at the first bite and tell you, “you’re so cute, y/n.” riwoo who refuses to let go of your hand when you need to go inside. “fine
 i’ll see you tomorrow. sleep well,” before kissing your hand and letting it go.
| jaehyun ꩜ .ᐟ
jaehyun who also greets you with an arm around your shoulder. jaehyun who always leans his head on yours as you work, looking down at your paper, already praising your work even if it’s only your name written. jaehyun who will always choose you for partner/group projects and letting you take over as he helps. jaehyun who will always save a spot for you in class or at the lunch tables, patting the seat when he sees you. “come here, saved you a seat!” jaehyun who loves to ruffle your hair when you let out a groan after getting the wrong answer. jaehyun who walks with his arms around your body somehow or with his hands in yours, swinging them as he walks with a rhythym and his eyes only on you. jaehyun who always makes sure you’re in a good mood, checking in on your status when you’re studying. jaehyun who will interrupt your studies to show you quickly show you something, but he really just wants to squish your cheeks and mess with you. jaehyun who always tells you did well, making sure your efforts were all worth it. jaehyun who will always mention you to his friends, “y/n did this for me yesterday. they’re so cute.” jaehyun who is the first to cheer you on at an award ceremony, “THAT’S MY Y/N! WOOO!” loud for everyone to know you’re his. jaehyun who holds you close as he walks you home, finishing it off with peppering your face with soft kisses, “i’ll be here when you’re ready tomorrow.”
| taesan ꩜ .ᐟ
taesan who walks with your shoulders touching and hands brushing. taesan who shares his earbuds with you as you two study together. taesan who secretly holds your hand under the table, his thumb rubbing your skin, ever so often bringing it up to kiss the back your hand when no one is watching. taesan who always steals glances at you, already smiling softly with a fond look in his eyes — especially when you say something in class. taesan who tells you, “take a break,” as he runs his fingers through your hair. taesan who will try to act nonchalant when his friends ask about you, but he can’t help but get soft as he talks about you. taesan who always walks you to class first and is already waiting outside your class once it’s over. taesan who brings you up the rooftop during breaks, embracing you with his lips murmuring sweet randoms on top of your head. taesan who always carries extra materials for you if you need them. taesan who admires everything you do, even if it’s just looking at the board. taesan who brushes your hair behind your ear when your focused on your work. taesan who walks you home and ends the night with a small kiss on your lips, saying, “good night, my love. don’t work too hard, alright?”
| leehan ꩜ .ᐟ
leehan who always had something new to show you every morning. leehan who holds the school doors open for you. leehan who held the umbrella over you, letting his shoulder get soaked, on rainy days. leehan who will always check up on you, making sure you don’t overwork yourself. leehan who stands behind your seat as you work, his hands gently massaging your shoulders as you work. leehan who always insists on carrying your backpack for you. leehan who always asks, “how was class?” leehan who send you looks from across the room in class, making faces just to see you smile. leehan who would lay his head down, watching you study as he plays with your hair. leehan who walks you home with his fingers intertwined with yours. leehan who will always back you up when you point something out in class. leehan who kisses your forehead every time before you walk into your home, saying, “get some sleep for tomorrow, pretty.”
| woonhak ꩜ .ᐟ
woonhak who would wait for you at the usual bench by himself, looking around, waiting for you with his round eyes whenever he arrived before you. woonhak who loves poking your cheek as you talk. woonhak who always waited at a designated spot for you after every class. woonhak who likes to nudge your arm with his elbow in the middle of class just to show you a little note he wrote on paper for you. woonhak who keeps his energy up to relax your mind from studying too hard. woonhak who always carried your favorite snacks in his backpack and hand fed them to you as you two walked together after school. woonhak who will always pull you into a tight hug first. woonhak who will always celebrate your scores, no matter how low. woonhak who will forever praise you, calling out “oh yeah, my y/n is so smart,” to all his friends. woonhak who gets shy when his friends tease him after catching him peck your cheek. woonhak who loves swinging your hands as you two walk in between classes. woonhak who would walk by your side all the way home and pout before hesitantly saying goodbye, lingering a while after you close the door.
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thank u for reading. please do not copy!
© chaerrisin, 2024.
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caffeinatelove · 3 days ago
àż àż”:dating reo and nagi
𝐛đČđ«: these are just headcanons! female reader, polyamory, intended lowercase, includes swearing, possible out of character / mischaracterisation, fluff, very reader-centred and indulgent, suggestive & sexual themes!
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getting together wasn’t something any of you had planned.
perhaps you went to hakuho high as well, crossing paths with the two by getting into group projects and sharing bento at lunch. or maybe you were hired as something like a health nutritionist for blue lock, having to essentially babysit them when reo would huff about his experienced palate not allowing him to stomach such cheap side dishes and then nagi who would barely eat due to his own exhaustion.
either way, one thing became clear immediately: you had caught their attention.
reo made it obvious from the start. or at least he tried to.
he was charming, confident and somehow always knew what to say. time and time again he found ways to be around you. shamelessly complimenting you. shamelessly spoiling you. just the mere thought of having two people to pamper and look after had his delusional heart soaring. so to say he was doing everything in his power to get you? would be an accurate statement.
but truth be told, you were a bit oblivious to his advances. under the impression that reo was just a very charismatic man who had more money than sense you figured that he acted this way with all of his friends. because he sure did act like it with nagi.
but oh boy, how wrong you were.
then nagi, on the other hand, took way longer to confront the fact that he might be interested in two people at once. it wasn’t that he didn’t like you, but he just didn’t know what to do with the feeling. and the confusion only intensified once he noticed how worked up reo was getting over you.
liking one person? sure. but two? that was a thought he needed warming up to!
the realisation hit him like a semi truck one day, whilst watching you and reo laugh together. something unfamiliar bloomed in his chest, realising that he didn’t want to indulge in that moment with just reo.
but you, too.
it took months of forced proximity, lingering touches and moments where it was clear that the three of you were happiest when together, for nagi to finally accept it.
and by the time you made it official? nothing really changed since the three of you had been each other’s for a long time.
anyways, being in a relationship with the two left you constantly showered in affection. because while the boys did have their own moments together, and lots of them, their mutual obsession with you was what truly defined the relationship.
nagi is clingy as hell, especially. not in the traditional way because he’s not really whiny or needy about it, but if you’re within reach? trust that you’re getting cuddled like a doll.
the first time it happens you’re really caught off guard. you assume he’s too engaged with some video game on his phone to even notice you walking past, but without looking up, he’ll mumble. "ah, y/n. sit with me."
pleasantly surprised, you move to sit next to your boyfriend on the couch, but that’s when he balanaces his phone in one hand — grabbing your waist in guidance and pulling you casually onto his lap with the other.
incredibly flustered, you try to balance yourself on his broad shoulders. "seishirou, i can’t really see what you’re doing like this–"
he’ll rest his chin on your shoulder, pressing his chest to your own as he continues to play. "just stay. please?"
it doesn’t matter if he’s playing video games and suddenly needs a new form of motivation. or if he’s just doomscrolling on his phone and needs someone to share his love for mindless media consumption with, or even if he’s half asleep in bed and needs a cuddle buddy. if you pass by, he’s tugging you into his lap. as well as claiming that it’s too much effort to sit alone. (somehow)
because that’s just the clingy boy that he is. reo, on the other hand, is definitely more outright romantic. in a teasing way.
i feel like he’s big on those sickeningly sweet pet names, and princess is his trademark favourite. sometimes it’ll be innocent, merely calling out to you. sometimes he’ll say it with a smirk, and sometimes it’ll be whispered against your ear to fluster you.
it’s kind of like a secret weapon — he enjoys how you get embarrassed so easily. and it’s kind of satisfying to see his charm get put to good use again after having to face nagi’s constant nonchalance. which can be a bit of a confidence killer.
and on the note of embarrassed, no matter how much you insist you don’t need something, reo will still find a way to buy you whatever you want. whenever you try to disregard it, it kind of just makes him want to get it for you even more. what you can do? the boy loves a good challenge.
"reo, this is way too much. i swear, i’m not spoiled, i don’t need it.” you’ll ramble, unable to tear your eyes away from the price tag on the vivienne westwood purse you initially swooned over.
he’ll snort. "that’s cute, princess. now tell me which colour you like best, just so i can go and buy both anyways."
nagi, who’ll also be chilling during the mini impromptu shopping spree, chimes in. "i think the leather one suits her more."
"great taste, treasure. here, i’ll get someone to ring up both."
your mouth falls slack in a gape of exasperation.
reo has stated that he’s a guy who typically gets what he wants. and what he wants? you. you and nagi, wrapped up in the little world the three of you built together.
and you guys barely go out anyways, unless it’s reo dragging you to some new expensive place he wishes to visit.
"this is way too fancy." you’ll mutter, looking around the luxurious restaurant. from the candlelit dinner to the impeccable view of the city hanging just below you. it was indescribable.
"it’s not often that we get time away from blue lock. besides, you deserve the best." he’ll smile at you, pretty smug as he can tell how enthralled you are by everything.
"mhm. she does." nagi will hum, biting into his wagyu with surprising energy.
reo will laugh under his breath, turning to face him now although the adoration in his gaze doesn’t waver. "you just like that i pay for everything."
"mhm. i do." nagi responds, completely unbothered as he shoves another piece into his mouth.
when you’re not going on dates dressed to the nines, though, most of your time together will be spent chilling at home. and in the off chance that they’re free for a whole weekend, you’ll usually wake up completely sandwiched between your two boyfriends'.
reo loves spooning you, burying his face into the back of your hair and pressing soft kisses where he can reach. while nagi would be pressed against you like a koala until his long limbs reach reo, totally trapping you in the middle.
"err, guys, i need to get up." you’ll grumble once the time comes, unable to free yourself from the vice-like hold of two athletes.
"no, you don’t." reo will sleepily counter.
and if anything, you saying that just makes nagi tighten his hold. "mmm. stay.”
domestically wholesome moments like that were truthfully your favourite, and as more time went on, the more they occurred.
upon lounging in his house one day, you noticed that nagi had his own 'pet' cactus, named choki. you asked reo about it, not really expecting your other boyfriend to have anything
 live, but once he explained it to you, you thought it was totally adorable. it was surprisingly thriving, too. which showed that that your boyfriend actually did have the willpower to take care of things!
even if a cactus was extremely low maintenance.
you found yourself buying a 'pet' flower of your choice to match. bringing it round to nagi’s house often and watering it next to his, as if it were an actual pet going on a play date. he adored this, and entertained the thought of it completely.
reo, who quickly caught onto the whole thing, also bought a succulent of his own in order to not be left out. it only took a few days of him bragging about how his was the healthiest, until nagi quietly pointed out that his succulent was actually fake.
they totally argued about it, reo growing heated in defence and nagi trying to prove himself right by lazily tugging on one of the succulent leaves. it wouldn’t budge, showing its synthetic material, but reo would just swat his boyfriend’s hand away, telling him to lay off his child. you watered your flower in the corner, sheepishly humming to yourself.
yeah, your boyfriends' were very silly. but in saying that, it was also majorly why they were very loveable. and you often found yourself wanting to repay all the love they’d shown you up until now. one day, whilst shopping alone — because you knew that if you went with them it’d be a day to never end — you stumbled upon possibly the cutest sanrio plushies known to man, and you decided to pick one out for both of them.
you land on grabbing a gudetama plushie for nagi. you think it’s extremely fitting seeing as they’re both severely sleepy creatures. which was mostly the driving force behind choosing it. then, going a bit niche, you decided to get a plushie of tuxedo sam for reo. they both looked put together and very handsome. so you thought: why not?
reo pretended not to fawn over the gesture of you getting him a plushie, and a childish sanrio one at that, but he definitely sleeps with it every night. nagi just straight up uses it as his pillow. unapologetically.
now hear me out i feel like they also have moments where they compete against each other just for fun and just because they can.
like one day, you steal one of reo’s hoodies just to relax in, and he absolutely loves it.
"is that mine? you look so good in it. you know what? keep it, princess." he’ll immediately insist, practically drooling over the sight in front of him.
nagi will notice it too, of course, but he doesn’t say a word.
the next day, you wake up with a different hoodie draped across you. blinking curiously, it takes a moment for you to realise that it’s actually nagi’s. it’s basic and black so you don’t come to that realisation for any particular reason other than the fact that you’re practically swimming in it, due to how oversized it is.
"did you put that on her while she was sleeping?" reo will sigh.
"maybe." nagi hums.
"oh my gosh." you stifle a laugh, bunching the sleeves up to your elbows.
reo will heave a laugh, turning to his boyfriend, "you’re unbelievable."
"mmm. but she’s wearing mine now."
jealous nagi is a real concept! like maybe you go to reo specifically for help one day, before praising the boy on whatever it is that he helped you out with.
nagi overhears the entire interaction, simply staring blankly at the two of you, and you think nothing more of it. because that is classic nagi behaviour if you’ve ever seen it.
until later on, you decide to ask him for help with something, maybe like opening a jar or grabbing an item that you keep on the very top cabinet. and he’s fully aware of what he’s doing when he tells you to "go ask reo."
the sheer pettiness in his words makes you giggle, and you can’t help but to ruffle his white locks. "ah, you’re not jealous, are you?"
"i don’t know what you mean." he refuses to help you out for a solid ten minutes before eventually giving in to your head scratches.
and no, these sweet moments you share with your boyfriends' aren’t limited to just time spent away from blue lock. whenever you’re there, in the compound, you’re always checking on the two specifically.
even going as far as to be their cheerleader when you had the time.
reo loves when you call out his name mid-game. he acts all cool on the field but the moment he hears you screaming at the top of your lungs his ego is fully restored.
meanwhile, when you cheer for nagi, it kind of distracts him. but in a way, that kind of gets his head more in the game once he realises it. it’s like your voice elicits a subconscious urge to play harder.
the moment their match is over, their attention is focused on one thing, and that’s on immediately jogging over to you. before you can even react, you’re being attacked with affection. reo kisses you first, it’s deep and full of energy. then nagi follows instantly, pressing slow lazy kisses along your jaw.
of course this prompts immense curiosity from the rest of blue lock. as, whoever was unfortunate enough to witness such a display of public affection, realises that isn’t just some weird bromance you intruded on, anymore. no. something was there. and that’s what led the three of you to eventually confess the truth about your relationship.
“so, uh
 how does that even work?"
everyone’s supportive, of course. chigiri snickers, saying something along the lines of how he knew the entire time. kunigami is taken aback by the weirdly modern relationship style, but he gives the three of you a strained smile regardless. gagamaru nods curtly. bachira bounces with excitement for the happy revelation. even rin seems to just shrug at the news.
but isagi’s blunt question still echoes in the confined room. his curious gaze alters from nagi to reo before finally settling on you. you can tell that he’s just genuinely curious about the dynamic when he adds on,
"like, do you guys take turns? or–"
igaguri suddenly shouts from next to him. "what kind of a perverted ass question is that, isagi?! i know you’re curious, but have some decency like the rest of us!"
"what?!" the other boy immediately turns into a defensive flustered mess. "i didn’t mean it like–i wasn’t talking about that! not a very holy assumption for you to make!"
you can’t help but to bury your face into your hands. reo simply snorts. nagi couldn’t care less; at least everyone knows now.
there were some disadvantages that came with it, too, though. like the occasional bad reaction from the other jerks that happened to reside in blue lock for the time being.
"three people
" kaiser would scoff in his thick accent, eyeing you in judgement once word got around to him. "some relationship. is this not just glorified cheating?"
"not really, no." nagi would hum calmly.
noticing his disinterest, kaiser then tries to provoke your other boyfriend. "aren’t you a mikage? guess that explains the predicament. people with their daddy’s money always crave for more.”
"hey! don’t assume such things." reo barks. he was wholeheartedly about to square up, had nagi not been holding him back.
ignoring them, he then tilts his head mockingly towards you. "and you. so selfish you really need to have two boyfriends? women these days. never satisfied."
kaiser’s misogynistic insult hits you with about the same impact of a soggy tissue. you just look up at him in amusement. "yep."
that was quite a loaded statement to make. seeing as you were more than satisfied with your boyfriends'.
in fact, isagi wasn’t entirely in the wrong to ask such a question. the truth was, you did tend to take turns. it was 
less overwhelming that way. although less was subjective. because when it came to reo and nagi, neither of them knew when to stop.
you recalled a few nights ago. how reo would exhale a worn out laugh, sprawled out on the bed, knowing he’s already had his way with you and then some. "hey, treasure, careful. you’re gonna overstimulate her."
nagi would hum, still lapping at your spongy walls despite your last orgasm having washed over you a good few moments ago. "mmm. she likes it." he argues. knowingly.
he’d been eating you out for the better half of twenty minutes. how his jaw wasn’t tired yet was still a mystery. turns out mr hassle man really did have energy for things he deemed important. and turning you into a complete mess? was of utter importance. and it was a victory that came rather easily. maybe you’d be holding up a bit better if reo hadn’t been previously pounding into you at a merciless pace.
“guys.” you’d whine, helplessly reaching for reo who immediately takes pity on you, shifting closer so you can cuddle him, "but i already
 three times..."
reo coos, a heavy palm settling on one of your boobs as if to remind you that this is far from over. "you wanted both of us, sweet girl. don’t act like you can’t take it now."
his words make your face flush in embarrassment. and simultaneously, leave arousal coursing through your veins.
“now, you gonna be good and come again for nagi?" his thumb runs across your sensitive nipple, toying with it.
just when you’re about to confess that you don’t think you can handle it, nagi seems to use the last slither of effort he has stored up inside him. lifting his head up slightly, he parts his lips before gently wrapping them around your clit and sucking on it.
with a surprised moan you claw at reo’s chest, entire body trembling at the sheer intensity of the sensation.
“there it is. come on.” reo coaxes, noticing the familiar shiver in your body. yep. you’re close again. you don’t get much sleep at all that night. but let’s just say, your boyfriends know how to take care of you.
the next day, at the blue lock compound,
"woah, l/n-san, is everything okay?" bachira would wonder aloud, noticing the very obvious limp in your step during breakfast.
"yep!" you’d squeak, unable to face the boy without shame settling on your face in a warm red hue.
while you never really paid much thought to polyamory in the past, you wouldn’t change a thing about your relationship now. you loved your two boys, and that wasn’t going to change. àȘœâ€âžŽ ㅀᰔ
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