#it was a bit hard making headcanons for them since we dont know enough about them
mintaikk · 1 year
Sada & Turo Headcanons but this is coming from a simp and the headcanons might be questionable at times
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-This isn't a headcanon, but did yall realize they wrote foreshadowing them being AI, throughout the entire game? I find that shit really interesting
-She's a top, and attracted to submissive men (hint hint)
-As she started working in Area Zero more, she started sleeping less and focusing on research more, which made her more wiley and intense all the time. Letting out laughs out of nowhere, switching emotions on a dime, etc
-Has fistfought a wild pokemon before. The craziest thing about that is she won
-She did care for Arven a lot, but her mindset was that the research could help the world better, and she wanted both her and Arven to live her dream. So she ended up focusing on that more than caring for Arven, thinking she could make up for the lost time once her research was complete
-Watched The Croods a lot when she was a kid
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-He whimpers. It'll be groans at first, then groans mixed with growls, and then he'll whimper when he's completely gone
-When he started working at Area Zero more, he ended up losing a lot of sleep, skipping meals, breaks, etc. His mental health deteriorated because of this, and he became more snappy and obsessiv. He also looked a lot sicker
-He's a switch most of the time, but becomes a submissive bottom when it comes to Sada (I'm so sorry)
-Favorite drink is grape wine
-Swears under his breath in Spanish (Paldean) when irritated
-This is for both of them, but do you think Sada and Turo had Arven to represent the present???
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vinestaffery · 2 months
He makes me giddy
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b. zuka x gender-neutral reader
content: secret relationship; mentions of trauma(?); mentions of blackrock; comfort scenarios; basically fluff; mentions of harsh training; insomnia themes; alcohol/drunk; i dont know what else to add!
authors note: i am back from my break! a bit slow still at the start but im doing better then before. i hope this fulfills your request!! :) again!! stuff will be slow so please be patient with me as i try to recover from some personal stuff. thankyou!
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Zuka definitely is hard to impress, especially when it comes to his less expressive personality. With him being more kept close, he does have his moments of making you laugh with his stupid dad jokes; he does these more infront of Rocket to influence that embarrassment.
Rocket has no awareness of you and Zuka's relationship, since you both want to keep it in silence. But, this doesn't stop the interactions between you and Broker because he has a platonic-like for Zuka himself. He adores you though!
Though Zuka won't show it, he absolutely loves you. Adores you even. Something about you unlocked more then what he felt with Rocket, but he wouldn't compare his son against you. He would want to protect you both.
Sometimes he has really bad phantom pains in his amputated limb, so you'd end up massaging it and taking care of it. This embarrasses him but again, he won't show it.
More a listener, not a yapper.
He is a collector though! If he finds something that just shines you in any way, even in the smallest things, he will find himself giving it to you in small packages. It's like a free-surprise toy whenever he treats you things
There are days where Zuka struggles to recognize himself, making situations a bit harder to deal with since he would closet himself, and also shy away from interaction. You understand these, though you yearn for him to communicate, you give him time
It's the same with you, he won't treat you any differently. Need time to just spend with yourself? Go ahead, just make sure to take care of yourself. Need someone just to talk to about how you feel? Go right ahead, he's loud and listening. Just need someone to hold you? Say no more.
Zuka struggles MAJOR insomnia due to nightmares, some of his son and some of you. What if you lose limbs like his son? what happens then? He couldn't be there for him, what changes if it were you? What if you died? He couldn't handle the nightmares anymore. When you didn't live with him, they were horrible that his son started getting concerned.
Now, it just feels more safer. He knows your there, and he may cuddle into your chest. You don't mind, he's a big cuddly bear.
The harsh training he had recieved in Blackrock was enough that he has some scars across his body that paints it in intricate strokes. He gets insecure, but he allows you to see them and let your hands strive through. He doesn't care, your hands comfort the back pain he suffers and calms him down.
Zuka does get drunk, fair warning. There will be times where he may not even be able to understand whats he doing and gets reaaal touchy (romantically). He treats your like that one image where a cat is covered in lipstick and the caption spoke about being excited to see their cat. That's what he does when he sees you.
"Hooneeyyyyy!" Zuka slurred.
You turned to face your drunk-husband, gasping and nearly gagging at the strong alcoholic smell.
"Oooh, my preetty/haandsomeee partner!" He wrapped his hands around your neck, soon pressing his lips against your cheek and neck.
The strong stench of booze made you feel slightly gross.
"Baby, your drunk- please," You muttered, laughing at the ticklish feeling of his chapped lips against your face and neck.
"Buut I need 'ta 'ell mi loooove how much I loooooove them!" His thick accent ripped through his throat as he went to smearing all that he can across you.
You sighed, taking the big ol' grizzily bear up the stairs. He limped, nearly getting you both tumbling down.
It took him aaages to get to sleep. Alcohol really stay awake!
He truly is so lovable, and I'm sure he's panicking how the fuck he got someone like you under his wing.
Also, Rocket found out instantly about you and Zuka's relationship the first time he met you (he knows his father well...)
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silverzoomies · 3 months
Ok so I've been a fan of Evan since days of future past came out. Like, the day it came out. I saw the premier or whatever it's called in theaters so DUH I LOVE QUICKSILVER SO MUCH 😞😞 anyways I know you're not taking requests but like I'm a little bit chubby (this is relevant I swear) and I CANNOT stop thinking about Peter and reader! being in a serious long term relationship, but they haven't gone all the way yet. Like, heavy make out session? Yes! Peter getting painfully hard during said make out session? Check. Make out session turns into peters desperately grinding, letting out the neediest little whines. Absolutely. Him definitely busting in his pants at readers! breathless little moans? Every. Single. Time. Never all the way though. He desperately wants to bone but he's willing to wait as long as he wants to because he thinks reader! doesn't want to, but they're just as desperate as he is but scared of what he would think because they're chubby. During one of their heated.. laundry day inducing make out sessions one thing leads to another and reader! ends up telling Peter why they haven't wanted to go all the way, and Peter proves to them he doesn't think that [;)] and talks reader! through it the whole time.
YOU DONT HAVE TO ADD THIS TO YOUR REQUESTS OR TURN IT INTO A FIC IF YOU DONT WANT TO. I just had to share this with somebody and OBVIOUSLY because you're one of my favorite writers I had to come to you with this (hi I've sent u a lot of messages 🎀) and since you're another huge quickie fan I thought you'd enjoy this :3 SORRY IF THIS WAS SUPER LONG OR IF IT DIDNT MAKE SENSE I'm mad at typing sometimes smh
helllooooooo anon, my lovely !!! i love you so much !! forgive me, i haven't written in a while !! i tried my best to make somethin' out of this because it was such a cute idea !! i hope a headcanon list will suffice !! also, please don't ever apologize for sending me long asks. i'm not kidding when i say they make my day, i love them so much !!
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headcanons || peter maximoff x chubby!reader
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to preface, i think we should consider some key things about our speedy goofball
peter’s a mutant. he knows exactly what it feels like to be alienated for something he has no control over
second of all, the guy’s a little bit of a weirdo
i legitimately doubt he would judge, or think less of anyone for something as superficial as looks
seriously. If he vibes with you, and you’re patient enough with him - you’re sexy as hell
it’s as simple as that, sorry. just bein' honest
so what if you’re a little thicker? he can’t get enough of you
he’s so addicted to you, in fact, you’ve got him trippin’ a little bit
like, he’s kinda goin’ cuckoo
the two of you make out a lot. so much. it’s like you’re glued to one another. any free time you have together usually consists of hanging out, and making out. not that he’s complaining
it’s definitely awesome. and it feels totally great. he does this freaky thing with his tongue that makes you squirm under him every time 
and the way you whine into each smooch - oh, man - you have him longing to get even closer
make outs eventually turn to dry humping. it’s kind of humiliating the first few times...
...since the grinding always seems to end with him busting a load in his jeans. and he whimpers too much...jeez...
but you always praise him for it, which never fails to turn him on even more
things get so heated between the two of you, escalating so often - peter finds himself confused
like…why haven’t you let him…y’know…
once or twice, he hints he wants to go down on you. and there’s no way you misread his signals. he’s pretty blunt about his needs
but you’re always so reluctant. you feign ignorance, or try to distract him with more intense kisses and pretty moans
peter’s never been a patient guy. the fact that he’s willing to wait this long for you says a lot. like, shit…he must really really really like you
but even now…fuck…he’s so worked up. he’s getting a little too bored of being limited to smooching
like, c’mon…do you think he’s ugly or something?? does he smell?? what’s the deal??
he never considered you might be self conscious. his brain doesn’t really operate like that. he’s all impulsivity and living in the moment
in the midst of making out, his hands travel where they don’t usually dare to go. he takes confident chances, fondling your tits over your clothes. but just as things heat up, you redirect his attention again
his blood almost boils. he’s way too hard for this, aching to get closer, and you’re just…gah! why’re you holdin’ yourself back? 
at last, you confess…you’ve been self conscious the whole time
why didn’t you just say somethin’ before? peter tries not to laugh at how silly you sound. obviously, he’s super attracted to you. why else would he spend all his free time with you, tryna get up close and personal?
as things finally move forward, he dials up the sweetness a few notches
and damn, the wait for this was more than worth the uptick in laundry days (thanks to one too many nuts busted in his boxers)
he covers every last inch of your gorgeous body in kisses, as you let him shed you of your clothes
his masculine hands are more gentle than you expect
unclothed together, he doesn’t hesitate to get as close as he possibly can
you’re soft and cozy, and his body is like a furnace
months of pent-up desire leave him so horny, he can’t hold back anymore
through it all, he’s quick to remind you how much of a fox you are. peter teases you with his tongue in ways you never imagined possible. before rocking your world, flowing with the motion of the ocean
and by that, i mean…you bone. balls deep. hellz to the yeah
embarrassingly enough, it ends just as soon as it starts. but as usual, he recovers fast. and his endless stamina means he’s willing to go at it for hours
which he does. until you’re so exhausted, your limbs are like limp noodles. whoops...sorry about that !!
say...uh...no chance you'd wanna go another round, is there?
peter hopes you’ll be more up front with him from now on. so he spends less time dreamin', and more time goin' at it 🤍
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aidlyncanon · 3 months
this is my first actual tumblr post since idk what to do but ive had this idea in my head for a while and I wanted to share 🤗
so heres what I think each sbg characters love languages are. I wanted to include both the love language they express towards other and the type that resonates? with them when expressed by others. i dont know how to word that but I hope itll make sense 🙏
if it's inaccurate im sorry im not great at wording but i did try and make it at least a bit accurate which is hard when im unsure to most of these
— I feel like this may be the only one that properly fits Ashlyn. I could see her maybe also liking acts of service but i cant exactly explain why.
Maybe its because I think its also what she would do for others that I think it would fit. Like I said maybe acts of service like people doing little things to make her life easier.
I have a headcanon that Taylor or Ben has things in their bags for the others (total mom friends) so imagine her shock when she found out someone had ear plugs in their bag incase she needed them?
you get where im going with this?
— I take little to no criticism on this. I can't imagine Ashlyn's being anything else. If she tried getting a gift she'd probably take too long wondering if theyd actually use it. Physical touch is a meh, she doesnt hate it but it wouldnt be her favourite. She said herself she isnt the best with words.
Her gift to people is just her presence. She'd be the type to occasionally need quiet but wouldn't mind being in comfortable silence with someone she likes. I feel like quality time would be her way of showing she cares for someone.
𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌: ???
— This is an idk because im basing these off of what we know about their background and character but we know like nothing so everything about this is based off of pure theory.
The only canon part i can mention is that during his conversation with Ashlyn at the school he mentioned how since he moved around a lot he never really had a true bond with anyone.
"You seemed like the type to only get close with people who mean something to you."
So Aiden didnt just want someone he could feel attached to, he also wanted to feel cared for. Its a two way street with him.
While I could see him loving physical touch as I doubt he got enough of that as a child and he clearly loves being touchy with people I feel like with what we know I could argue really any love language. He'd probably take anything if it makes him feel cared for.
I found a picture of a chart saying "your love language may show what you lacked as a child" and he checked every box so he's fucked.
I ultimately want to settle with physical touch as he seemed shocked when Ashlyn initiated the hug likely due to being the one to always initiate them. Like above he probably just wants his efforts reciprocated.
— Self explanatory we see him being touchy with Ashlyn. He also put his hand on Tyler (idk if this is still fast pass if it is my apologies).
"he did that as a stay away from my girl" stfu. 🤗
— I take ZERO criticism on this.
Were all aware how bad his bullying was so I doubt he heard anything nice about him.
The main thing that makes me believe this is that every time he gets complimented or something nice said about him he gets sort of flustered and blushes.
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This ^ was ben after Ashlyn complimented his bandaging job. A small compliment I know but even after what taylor said about him opening up he blushed there too.
You can't deny it means a lot to him he probably thought about those for a while.
— I talked about this in a discord server briefly but I want to share it here. You know the quote "the quieter you are the more you hear"? Well thinking of that ive come up w the idea that Ben likely is more observant compared to most people.
Hed be the one to notice if someone was looking at something for a while in a store or hear it pass in conversation. Make a mental or physical note of it and get it for them.
I just imagine him being the type to be like "i know you like this" or "this reminded me of you". I feel like he wouldnt be the greatest at expressing it in many other ways so he resorts to getting people things.
Hes also pretty artsy so I can also just imagine him making people little things for them.
Like, tyler taught him guitar? gets tyler a new pick. Logan looking at something in the store? need to remember that. and so on
— Similar to Ben's. I could maybe see quality time being important to him as he hasnt had many people want to stick around him.
I mean his parents didnt want him and barrons group are just assholes so spending time with someone who genuinely cares for him? Doing an activity he enjoys? Hes over the moon.
— I can see him wanting to help people, i mean he helped Noah (the guy who barron replaced him with). I can imagine him doing little things for the group and people he loves.
He might get a bit embarrassed if confronted about it but ultimately hed do it again.
— This is up in the air but I feel like it fit her the best? I imagine after her dad dying at a young age she grew up knowing that time with people is limited and can end at any moment.
So i can imagine her really appreciating someone spending one-on-one of just personal time with her. But i can also just see her appreciating any type.
My thing is I can imagine her being happy with receiving anything as long as someone had her best interest at heart then she'd become the happiest girl ever.
— Another give in, she does it ALL THE TIME. Its literally her defining feature. Shes very good with words and likes making others feel better about themselves. Seeing people perk up from her words would be enough to make her own day better.
I imagine she too, like tyler, had to be there for her mom a lot. So she probably learnt it from that experience. I also imagine her want to make people happier stemmed from seeing Tyler slowly lose interest in everything around him and wanting to be able to be the person who could make his day just a bit better.
Though like above I could see taylor doing things she knows mean the most of others. Like the moment she realized Ben likes words of affirmations she made sure to compliment him a bit more. After realizing Ashlyn likes quality time she would find a way to do that while also not overwhelming Ashlyn, say a movie or just going on a walk. Shed make an effort to make people happy based off of what they love the most.
— Tyler spent his entire childhood taking care of people so imagine how he would react to being taken care of for once.
I figure like at first hed be a bit reluctant however I think ultimately it would mean a lot to him to not have to always be rhe one taking care of others but being able to rest for once.
Like idk how to word it but I think it fits him, I could also see MAYBE words of affirmation? since he did want that when Logan Ashlyn and Ben found him but then again I dont blame him he was literally sitting bleeding.
— This one has a question mark since im not sure. Taking care of others has just became nature to him, its his factory settings. Its not something he like goes and does to get people interested its just natural to him.
I dont think its something he'd do specifically to express care, he'd likely be unaware how much it could mean to someone since its just life to him.
Im not too sure what his would actually be MAYBE quality time again similar to Taylors in the sense that he knows just how fast someone can lose their lives so he likely would appreciate someone wanting to actually spend time with him.
Even if he wouldnt admit it.
If these are inaccurate then I apologize I did try to make them as accurate as I could but wording my thoughts isnt something i'm great at.
Most of these im unsure of but I wanted to talk about anyway so idk gimme ur opinions on them id love to hear them esp since im unsure for half of these :)
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walnutcookie · 2 months
Infodump on your AUs where Langue has multiple siblings, NOW!
okay so. i shall go au by au
Bredele de Cassonade AU
This one is,, not really an au of mine?? I guess just my friends fanon FHSDKFDK for context bredele de cassonade (or just dele for short) is langue de chats sibling who is owned by @/localhypnofruit!!! zey were originally created and designed by me for an au where langue wasnt born (name will not be mentioned for Reasons) though we loved the goober a bit too much X] Socks has taken ownership and developed deles personality and such, while i adore them i prefer to keep langue as an only child in my own headcanon universe because i feel like it works really well for their character. ALTHOUGH me and socks still enjoy discussing the two,, In short dele looks up to langue since they appear very intelligent and confident and strong but in reality langue is a jealous little fuck who just sees dele as competition and just lies to his face because they can and it makes them feel like theyre better than zem. Langue is a lawyer while dele is a doctor (stereotypical Big Boy jobs) and they are disgusted by deles entire career because they have a weak stomach and cant stand gore of any kind and again they feel like they need to out-perform dele and be better than zem in every way HFSDJF
I dont think that the original Dele au really counts so i wont give it a section but its worth an honorable mention!! They technically arent siblings since langue was never born and thus dele basically replaced them (which of course comes with a LOOT of bitter feelings and EXTREME jealousy) and not even their parents know who they are,, so. Technically siblings but not exactly
Xylitol Langue AU
This was another au me and socks talked about :] well. it was more of a Concept actually we didnt do much with it HFSDJHFSDKJ in short (from my memory) Langue is an alien from planet xylitol who gets sent to earthbread to learn more about it and ends up being adopted by deles family aka their canonical parents. Struggles to adapt and is very homesick but i think they grow very close with dele.? i dont remember and i dont feel like checking so um. hi army if youre reading this sorry if i got it wrong HELP
This is. You guessed it. another au with langue and dele YAAAY!!! thats actually 90% of these aus but they all have very different relationships which is why im still listing them HFJSDHJF in this one langue trains and studies as hard as they can to become a magical (magical girl gender neutral) and then becomes a kingdom-wide celebrity and completely forgets about their family because they are so blinded by their stardom. Sad ! dele misses them dearly </3
Molasses AU
Another langue and dele au <3 in this one their parents ended up dying when they were Very young so they were adopted by one of their parents siblings named molasses,, who is very neglectful. Literally does not care one ounce about these kids and yet still gets pity from the rest of their extended family because he took in the poor little orphan siblings. Langue and dele become very VERY close, literally inseparable and as self-reliant as they can be. langue is confident and Loud enough to speak up for both of them "excuse me they asked for NO pickles" while dele is more emotional and physical support :] since dele is quite quiet and langue sucks at comfort and care. Basically the second they can they get out of molasses' house and move in with each other and langue sues his ass the SECOND they can FHDFHDS the two of them still end up struggling a lot though </3 Langue is still very tough on dele but more in a caring way than just an Im Better Than You way
Choco Family AU
this is SHOCKINGLY not a dele au!! This one is about langue being adopted into the Choco B family (choco bar, choco ball, my oc choco bass and @/vnillatree's oc choco bark :]) Theyre the one Chill One and then their siblings are energetic and athletic and very VERY rough they keep ending up in wrestling matches when they never wanted to wrestle in the first place. Torture langue simulator. Family of annoying athletes and their one nerdy sibling
TYSM AGAIN FOR THIS ASK <333 I appreciate it so much i love being asked things randomly.. The best...... I have more aus but this is all ill list for now hehehe
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jeanstapleton · 8 months
How do you think Munch lived before? Where did he live? Where does he sleep? I wanted some details, because I'm trying to write some kind of fic and I'm not that good at it, what do you think? Where was he before Roy hired him? I wanted to write a fic without all the erotic stuff that part of the fandom does, I want something more serious, about his trajectory. So, I wanted some ideas: did he live by breaking into houses? Did he live on empty plots of land? What was he eating? What did he do on a daily basis? Where does he get cigarettes and so on? Sam said that the idea is that he doesn't carry things with him, because he's the kind of guy who when he needs to, grabs a gun, a cigarette and so on. Like the scene of him picking up the cigarette from the ground, what did he do before? What kind of jobs was he taking? Just kidnappings and murders? What do you imagine? Has he had other "Irma's"? Where did he break in and stay quietly in the person's house? Where did he sleep in the meantime? I would like some insights, I am grateful for your headcanons.
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all great questions!! under the cut since my responses are kinda long:
so according to munch in the finale, he doesn't need to sleep. we can assume his curse has left him biologically frozen in time like a vampire. i think he was still able to rest & eat, but they dont actually serve any real purpose. he's not restored afterward nor would he suffer when deprived of those things. he closes his eyes, but he doesnt relax or dream. he eats, but it just disappears inside him. this makes it tricky to pinpoint why exactly he's a smoker, though. if i had to pull something out of my ass real quick, i'd say its an easy way to confirm his own existence, like how we can see our breath when its cold, or when we hold our hands close to fire. it becomes addicting to him in that sense, rather than his body needing nicotine itself. he wouldn't respond negatively to cigarettes at all, but because tobacco just generally stains anything it's in prolonged contact with, that explains why his teeth are so tarnished.
as for jobs, i genuinely think he was a drifter in every sense of the word. he has an innate need for creature comforts so i think his quests to find those things lead him to kill-or-be-killed situations. money is also a tricky topic bc idk what it'd mean to him apart from a sign that the completion of a job has been acknowledged & properly compensated. he didn't seem to care about roy's money once he acquired it. my guess is, in relation to your "irma" question as well, that he leaves money where it's most needed. he clearly gave some to her when she returned to the house with groceries.
munch might have acquired firearms by brazenly attacking organized crime circles or just stealing off of criminals. i think he'd be efficient & quick enough that the murders would just be reported as internal conflict.
i don't see him as a vigilante but i also don't think he'd just hurt people indiscriminately. he's had centuries for his hatred of the rich to fester, & he's very clearly disturbed by the deaths of innocents re: irma. i understand this is kind of a conundrum where dot is concerned, but again, it's represented through a cycle. munch maintains it by allowing himself to be employed by the powerful to secure that throwaway money. all he knows after being hired by the tillmans is that a rich man wants his wife back, whom he probably assumes is also rich, like bunny lebowski. it's only after he sees how hard dot fights back that he questions the nature of the job.
i think munch has had other "irma's", but not recently. i said this in a previous post, but i think every once in a while back in the day he'd stop by a rural family's home & offer to help them out for a bit in exchange for food & board, which he only took advantage of for a couple of days out of fear that his presence would somehow attract danger. again, this is less of a need to satisfy biological hunger & more about his hunger for companionship & family. losing that which he found in the indigenous tribes that invited him in left him very hesitant to seek it out anywhere else. fleeting moments are better than none at all. something else to dwell on is him assigning irma as his temporary "mama". from this we can infer 3 things:
he misses having a mom, & he wants someone to take care of him. obvious.
calling her his "mama" might be a way of apologizing for scaring her. awkward, yes. ineffective, yes. but the title suggests purity, hardship, and the respect owed to a mother who exhibits those things. another example of his innate connection to women.
he suggests it casually, showing he doesn't feel guilty for breaking in. this interested me for a bit since it makes him partly responsible for irma's death, but the more i thought about it, it makes sense because he is aware of his own power, power he wasn't employing to bully. in exchange for her charity, he promised to protect her. this made her death that much worse & undoubtedly stirred past trauma.
there's also the question of his sudden need for a mama. what about the dot job made him that lonely or scared? my theory is that the kin connection to dot was sparked during their "battle". he didn't know how to respond to it, especially considering this woman was briefly his victim. he figured he could seek an outlet somewhere else, but somewhere incedentally close to dot, in a house in the suburbs. his ability to "know people" must've told him that irma was not one of the suburbanites. she is ignored, her house is falling apart, etc. this is presumably why he didn't break into a more well-off house.
when he doesn't want to go through the trouble of bothering people, he'd most likely find uninhabited homes or buildings to squat in. the little hut in the beginning of episode 9 intrigued me, but nothing about it suggested it was owned by him. it might just be a shed used by ice fishers. it made me think of the one wrench & numbers used in s1 to keep warm.
as for what munch does in his spare time, there's nothing in the show to really drive me in one direction or another, so i like to think he reads. finding books without the use of a library is not uncommon (those little free libraries where ppl leave books for others to take). plus he can just steal & then leave them somewhere when he's done. i like to think reading is how he learned to speak english, even way back in his early years.
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divinity-infinity · 1 year
Social Media Headcanons!
Internet in the Devildom
i refuse to believe that somehow the devildom had technology advanced enough to enable social media right after the great celestial war, much more social media culture so i just kind of. disregard the parts in nightbringer where they mention social media tbh
in line with this i headcanon that the internet culture in the devildom is kind of a bit less updated than the human world's because i wanna think that the humans invented the internet first (because the internet was made for non-evil™ purposes) and a lot of social media in the devildom is patterned after human social media.
the practice of enshittification, while associated with greed, is a human-made practice. the three legged crow group has considered and tried adapting this practice but decided against it because it seems more profitable in the long run for them to give their best services forward because they control practically everything produced in the devildom anyway.
that doesn't mean they didn't try though! they tried to enshittify devilblr because that was steadily becoming the source of good memes and Engagement but it was so hard to monetize so they just let it be.
i also wanna think diavolo, being a good demon prince has introduced some kind of antitrust or regulatory rule to prevent the three legged crow from enshittifying if it ever comes to it (please forgive me for this i havent read deep into if antitrust still works with something the size of the three legged crow but for the sake of headcanoning lets just assume that the socmed situation in the devildom is better than what we have rn)
the blockchain is way less popular in the devildom due to it not being a three legged crow group invention. it was actually mammon's doing, having heard it from some contacts in the human world and recreated it from scratch. it's impressive really that he managed to do that, but it just didn't stick.
Characters' Social Media
the individual devilgrams and fab snap videos we see in-app are actually mostly posted by asmo, who keeps curated accounts for his brothers.
lucifer is a demonbook mom. most of his pictures on the site are of him, lord diavolo, and barbatos hanging out. he also has a linked-in-hell account that he keeps tidy and well-updated.
mammon has a curated devilgram for his pictures and magazine shoot promotions. he also had a twithell that he used to try selling nft collections based on his brothers.
levi is a stan dewitter user for sucre frenzy. he's also a devilblr user since 2012. has a devilcarrd with a really short dni that just says, "dni normies". has a dwitch for his streams and a deviltube for cross-posting. has a devilcord of course, for talking to gaming buddies he's also a devilcord moderator but we dont talk about that, and no hes not that kind of devilcord moderator.
levi is also a manager of sorts for a nonprofit, ao3 equivalent of the devildom called the akumarchive. diavolo is well aware of the existence of the akumarchive and sometimes looks up all sorts of fanfic on there because "the kids are so creative making their own endings and alternative stories!"
satan is most active on book review and media sites (think: thestorygraph and tvtropes) but also has a secret dewitter and mastodemon account for book blogging; he runs a formal blog website for his book reviews and then posts the updates on dewitter and mastodemon. he also has a secreter devilblr account for his fursona, and even more secreter fanfiction.hell and akumarchive accounts for fanfic. (satan wrote my immortal)
satan's also pretty active on devilpedia, contributing research mostly about spells and curses.
satan personally knows the human furries who communicate with the three legged crow to help run the devildom internet.
asmo has every socmed possible and can social media manage like a real socmed manager. fab snap, devilgram, deviltube, and dewitter are his top socmed!
beel has a devilgram for his posting about his workouts, and uses mostly the story feature. he also has a devilbook for posting family pictures and moments <33
belphie was on the emo side of devilblr when it first launched, and he's a devilblr veteran, having been there even before levi! now just uses his devilblr as a status symbol of being one of the first accounts on there. has a sideblog dedicated to heritage posts on the site, and another sideblog for pissing off and arguing with 14 human-year old demons.
belphie also used to have a diespace and devilcities but because theyre now defunct he moved to spacehell and demoncities and still remains mostly active on there. i also saw an hc once about if belphie had his d.d.d. with him in the attic he'd make traumacore edits and now im taking that hc with me to this and he now posts his traumacore edits and pages on his demoncities and spacehell.
also headcanon that satan and belphie wrote a dialuci fanfic on the akumarchive under an alias as a prank but it got so popular it crashed the akumarchive for a moment
diavolo is a demonbook dad! always tagging lucifer in everything and also he's an avid shareposter of Youthful Minion Memes™. has totally read and enjoyed the dialuci fanfic that satan and belphie wrote. no he doesnt know it was them. yes he showed it to lucifer and barbatos. barbatos thought it was cute, lucifer thought it was a huge disgrace. no lucifer doesnt know who wrote it either.
barbatos is a demonbook dad as well, and also runs the official rad demonbook page. occassionally makes cooking tutorials for deviltube as well as "cleaning hacks" and "rat extermination hacks" videos.
solomon has a devilcord server for keeping in touch with the demons he has pacts with. i also just know he's a frequent user of deaddit, and he has a deviltube that he uses to make "study with me!", "learn magic with me!" and "lets cook together (gone wrong!!)" videos. joined devilblr for the shitposts, stayed for the chaotic devilblr culture.
simeon is yet another demonbook dad, and is the source of the Youthful Minion Memes™ that diavolo shares.
luke shares his social media accounts with simeon because he's still a child, but has secret accounts for lurking and following beel and barbatos. uses deviltube for kids mostly.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
More ask from this acc (no dms through) anyway
I was thinking about smth while dinning with my family...and such thought has less than a minute.
If recovery girl's job is too hardous for her age (which hori never shows this but healing people can be tiring) why not ask help?
Ok lets explore some ideas here:
1) lets assume RG is indeed the ONLY person who has the le healing quirk. Ok and we wont enter in the whole "where is her family?" (If we dont know who was AM's mom...who is to say about RG?)
She should be more sought as she is, in this hypothesis, but it seems she only worked for AM.
Well...if the work in ua is so tiresome...why she accepted the work? There no other way to take care of students? Like we canonical see robots...why not program a medical bot ?
2) ok. The work is more than RG imagined (odd since we only see Izu in the medical ala) why not ask help to others healer users?
If we go to "RG is the only one in all Japan who has such quirk " well, AM has good relations with the US...why not ask for more healers from them?
Which can make me think how people would react if AM protects foreigns. Japan is not know to be very open mind in this regards (to be fair, many countries fall to this too) and like this alone could serve as a good commentary. Healers from another country doing their jobs but people like Redestro and maybe Nighteye are looking down on them "not japanese enough"
Maybe no one cares for this aspect but imagine the healers's reactions to see how UA gives no shit to the students. The cultural clash!
3) ok. Japan has others healers...why ask a woman, an old one, who seems to not like her job or heal students?
"She is with AM's entourage"
Which ok but this means she is in to heal one person. Not everyone and well she is only seen healing Izu...and seems to resent that.
I thought about this in less than a minute.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
Honestly, as Recovery Girl's power uses the patients own energy to accelerate their healing there's no reason why it should be hard for her to be a healer even in her old age.
However what is a problem is that she is shown to be the only healer to an ENTIRE SCHOOL! Wtf Hori?
Let's go through your ideas because you have good ones here;
1) To paraphrase - Why didn't super smart Nedzu think to organise a whole team of assistants for Recovery Girl? Or even make a MediRobot to assist her? - Oh indeed why not. Well, because Hori says no technically. I can't imagine Recovery Girl refusing the help (unless she's a bit like Aizawa and instead is trigger happy with firing her assistants? Maybe?) So in which case why not a robot to help her? Nedzu has the money and should have utilised it here. Hori says no and is too lazy to give Recovery Girl focus beyond her handful of scenes (most of which make her look like an ass.)
2) Why not ask for help from other healers? Again another plot hole! She should have! And if AM brought in a lot of American healers, it could actually influence this version of MHA's society to be more tolerant of other cultures but I could still see Redestro and Nighteye acting that way.
3) If Japan has other healers why ask Recovery Girl who doesn't like her job? Maybe she's the best healer? Maybe she's the only person who got a hero licence to use her quirk as a Doctor? Maybe, Maybe, Maybe. Either way there could have and should have been better people to fill the role, how resentful RG was to heal Izuku always rubbed me wrong. (Imagine how many abuse victims came under her care and were berated for 'being clumsy' 'hurting themselves' or 'being accident prone,' when really they were being hurt at home and that was the excuse they provided her.)
I wish instead of Recovery Girl, we had a team of Medi-Bots led by Todoroki Natsuo because I loved the headcanon that had been floating around of him training to be Doctor. And it would have brought the other Todosibs more in focus.
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Do you think that the Denali’s learned each others’ languages. Like did Kate, Tanya, and Irina learn Spanish when Carmen and Eleazar joined? Did everyone learn the languages of Tanya, Kate, and Irina’s respective tribes because I don’t think the Slovakian language existed when the girls were humans
I feel like my Denali headcanons differ so vastly from happy, maybe I'm getting more sadistic... but you know when you go to family/friend reunions and talk to people with smiles but the second you stop you want to roll your eyes or you silently get irritated at the forced proximity?
💗The Denali Coven and their Native Tongues💗
Its not to say there is no love for one another but I mean, if you want to criticize how Carlilse thinks being a vampire condemns him to hell and then continues turning people, I mean I can at least make the argument that he was saving someone's life in a sense. But Sasha turned Tanya because she was in some way related and she wanted the company of another female. Tanya was from what we know okay with the transformation so I could see that she probably learned whatever language Sasha grew up with. I could also see Tanya not necessarily teaching Kate or Irina and wanting to keep something special between Sasha and herself.
I think Tanyas transformation changed something in Sasha, I think the curiosity of living with another vampire changed into a desire she may not have known she had originally. I think she wanted to become a mother. Maybe even felt like she was robbed of that chance like Rosalie feels. So a hundred or so years pass and they come across Kates caravan and they stop to feed. Sasha sees Kate is loyal, willing to die to protect the person she was assigned to most likely knowing it was useless, she also sees Kate bears a striking resemblance to Tanya and you know what? Tanya could use a sister right? This is where things a bit awry. Keep in mind none of these girls are children except maybe Irina, I cant check they took away the free online book I was using as reference 🥲 anyways. I just cant buy that all three women again, except maybe Irina, who grew up with families and lives were just happy with Sasha taking them away simply because they look related. All of this is to say, I dont think Kate ever shared her language with anyone until Garett. I also think that she stayed with Sasha and Tanya because, where the hell else was she going to go. Even though she was in her twenties I could see Sasha and Tanya treating her like a grumpy teenager. And Kate probably doesnt mind the label. Her and Tanya probably fight quite a bit, until she develops her powers. Then I think they just leave Kate to her devices.
Then comes Irina. Irina is supposed to be a peasant girl from a farming village, so I could see her maybe really attaching herself to the family story she gets shoved down her throat. I think Kate being so short and probably the actual younger sibling gets Kate to come out of her bubble. Irina brings out a protectiveness in both of the other sisters and it brings to a more neutral state, at least in the sense that they can be in the same room without hurling remarks at eachother. They absolutely know her native tongue just to make the transition easier. I do think once Sasha is punished by the volturi they stick to one language, and since they settled in Alaska they probably learned some Inuit and English. I do think in order to flirt with Laurent, Irina tried to speak french but her accent was pretty strong and thats why Laurent found her endearing
I think since these kinds of vampires cant sleep (which sounds so miserable pls) I think they probably pick things to learn about so I'm sure they are fluent in more than one language even if it may be hard to bring to memory. When it comes Carmen and Eleazar I think the Denalis definitely knew enough spanish to probably communicate with them but with the world changing and Eleazar being in the Volturi, they were the ones to adapt how they spoke. But I feel like Carmen thinks out loud and mumbles when shes upset and most of the time, she does this in spanish.
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frostbite-the-bat · 6 months
what if major player and duck shuffler just stopped talking, what would happen to HR? Would it just be that one divorce meme of what divorce does to kids
well, there's no high roller "canon" since he literally isn't supposed to be canon, but in-game he IS a fusion Canon Non-Canonically of dave and buck, so without them she genuinely can't exist so it's more like. divorce makes the child disappear except the child is a grown overpowered piano duck robot. THATS THE ANSWER! hr fuckin deaded :sob:
though if you care about my 'guzmas personal headcanons story lore for ocs and other shit' high roller than theyre a seperate entity from dave and buck and have existed and continue to exist without buck and daves presence so i dont have to rely on those two while writing (though i do admit it leads to interesting stories and ideas but its not my goal so i changed it)
so if those two stopped talking as a friend (not kid or anything) of them both, my hr would be a bit upset probably by it but its not his deal so like nothing changes hr keeps existing
but like jshjshjs as hr is right now they cant exist without the two*
*(but has some history on its site/profile on cogs inc?? like the comment on someone meeting him before. did dave and buck in this theoretical hr is canon and exists only as a fusion universe fuse just to fuck around as high roller in places? to have a show? how often do they meet up for this shit since hr seems to have scheduled shit and be famous. shit hard to manage if you have your own life outside of being a fusion.. yeaug not meant to be taken seriously on the page most likely. its not meant to be looked into it's supposed to be an ohh mystery haha funny joke it's april fools. with hr as a character u gotta cherry pick or accept there's worlds craziest shit goin on with what dave and buck do to keep hr around while maintaining their own shit. well they're both wacky zany enough it wouldn't be that ooc for them. i just know they're girly giggling about this shit brough 😭 i mean they do fuse in the first place so it is shit they would do bc They Do Do It. but still would make an interesting story but lorgd would it not work with how ttcc currently is probably lool. gotta love the lore statis we are currently in but i'm not going into that Now. i do appreciate the bits and pieces left there to make place for fanwork however. which i do no read nor write! i just Yap abt it)
(gets asked joke question) (answers seriously and in a lenghty manner) apologies, i am autistic. you followed the high roller autism guy
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leninova1997 · 1 year
Really random headcanon stuff about Doom3guy from my novel (series) 'cause why not
Obviously, he is not and never will be my own character. Yet doesnt mean i cannot work on him and extend his personal depth in the name of creation.
- He is easily fitting into the “silent but deadly” type. Not a huge fan of wasting his time on small talk or somehow have them change their minds: he either takes his chances in action or nothing else (well, for the most part that is)
- From the outside, he can be seem like a cold, distant, unfriendly individual who has no feelings and only has interest in his own things. While in reality, he is just a person who is extremely picking when it comes to trust and reliability (mostly taken from his own experiences). He wont spare anything on those who dont deserve it. His introverted side doesnt “help” the situation either (he doesnt really care since this kind of operating has proven to be more useful in the long run, even with all the disadvantages intact). In fact, he may not be the most easily approachable person, however he has a truly loving heart that has all the place to those who he really cares about. You could even say he has a totally changed personality when they are around: he is talkative, friendly, very supportive, encouraging and smiles a lot. Its a rare sighing yet stunning to see and experience. 
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- He is the type of guy who would stay behind and fight to his last drop of blood just to make sure, anyone who is involved gets to have the change to be saved. He puts everybody in the first place, then himself on the second. It is not rooted in ego rather in his fundamental beliefs: he is the leader, he is the man, he is the father - he has to step up, has to be the strongest line of defence and at the same time be ready for the possibility to give the best of his best or even his life for others. And he is never shy about projecting this kind of view: he is absolutely convinced, this is the reason he is around and the main purpose of his existence. If you ask me, his father had a great influence on him for sure 
- He was born on the 13th of January, 2118 (not friday!). Originally the place of birth was New York City, then decided to ditch the idea for a better alternative and a sharper narrative contrast. I hope one day you get to see why
- He joined the marines right after he graduated from high school. He was not only preparing heavily for the entry test (we all know who notoriously hard it is and i can confidently believe this wont change a lot in the future) during the 4 years but was a huge dream of his (again, his father’s influence since he served the UAC in the same way, for a fairly long time before his death). Before he got stripped from his rank and achievements, he made it to the “sergeant” (and wasnt too far to make it to “staff sergeant”). 
- He got married with his high school sweetheart not soon after he got accepted to join the marine corps. Their connection is much more based on deep emotional and intellectual properties rather than purely on physical attraction (its there though). Essentially they are total opposites who complete each other (like she is an very open, overly kind hearted and emotionally expressive individual yet a little bit naive and shy) but that doesnt automatically mean they cannot attach to the same principles and live by that. Its more about balance and a steady state that they are both happy and confident in. Also, one of the simplest conformations about their dynamic is how they usually sleep: big spoon - small spoon since it not only represents perfectly their inner sides but their relation to each other in the relationship (or because its romantic in this way and they like it a lot, lol)
- His wife and daughter (born in 2138) not only represent a strong pillar in his life but something essential he can always return to find refuge and (emotional) support in. He is a tough guy with a strong personality and enough hard times behind his back, yet he is not immune to the overwhelming hopelessness and sadness that lingers around and even more inside him. This kind of craving for care become much more evident when he returned back from Mars and had to deal with the trauma of the invasion, the truth and the agonizing nightmares that never stopped haunting him for years. His wife worked as a psychiatrist for the Company, although it wasnt truly her expertise in the field that were needed in these cases, rather her affectionate and devoted nature that helped him out the gutter many times. 
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Sorry, i had to put this gif here because its so beautiful  😭 😭 😭
- He has his own interest in many things, but the most important was always drawing to him, especially in an illustrative way. He has a great photographic memory, so combining this with his skills, it often results in well made even stunning art pieces. He kind of neglected his hobby when he become the member of the army, but after his daughter was born, he started to return back to it more and more. He didnt really imagine himself doing this for long or for life, however the entertainment value never seemed to fade away
- He is a huge fan of travelling, specially in tropical and/or warmer areas such as the Mediterranean peninsula, Central and South America and some parts of Southeast Asia. Wasnt the best experience for him though when he had to serve in such places like Syria, Libanon and Libya since the temperature and the environmental conditions were unbearable at best (along with the warzones he had to anticipate in). But to prove somewhat he is an actual admirer: he had his honeymoon in Portugal (it was a short weekend) which he still likes to relive to this day. 
- He is a great grandson of a somewhat “famous” individual (who is NOT polish and have nothing to do with WW2, rather was active during the difficult era from the early 2030s and later 2040s). His first name comes from his deceased uncle to honor his remembrance (thanks to his father) who was suffering from Duchenne dystrophy and died in an early age. His name was given when Mars and colonization was a hot topic during the 2090s and many parents named their child after or in connection with the planet. 
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I hope you liked my mindblowing post, hope to make more in the future. I guess
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krappykawa · 4 years
fake dating headcanons with atsumu, oikawa, and kuroo
ANON ASKED: “hi i really like your writing 🥺🥺 could i request fake dating with atsumu, oikawa, and kuroo? like they told their teams that they have a girlfriend but they dont lmao so they ask one of their classmates to pretend to be their gf so the team can meet her? and they end up falling for her along the way :)) i look forward to reading more of ur works!! 💖”
atsumu x f!reader, oikawa x f!reader, kuroo x f!reader
genre. fluff
warnings. language
word count. 6.3k
note. DAMN this one got away from me ... 6.3k words for a headcanon post ...... sorry anon i’m not sure if you wanted a long post but i mean, here we are lol 
note 2. had to repost because something was up with the tags lol i hope it works fine this time
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- the team has a favorite twin and it’s osamu, we all know it
- one day after practice, the team finds out that one of the first-years managed to get a girlfriend
- most of the inarizaki vb team is single at that point in time so it starts a conversation about relationships
- somewhere in the conversation, aran says, “osamu, man. I can’t believe ya haven’t gotten a girlfriend yet. yer easily one of the best-looking people in the school.”
- osamu just shrugs, but atsumu’s like “huh??”
- “hey ‘samu and i have the same face. don’t cha mean that we’re some of the best-looking people in the school??”
- the guys in the locker room exchange glances
- aran‘s like “look, atsumu. don’t blow up on me or anything, but most girls don’t really want to date you.” (keep in mind that aran’s strictly speaking about the girls that aren’t a part of the miya twins fan club)
- “and why the hell not?”
- at this point, aran’s looking at literally everyone in the room and pleading with his eyes for help because he doesn’t want to start a fight with atsumu
- suna takes pity on aran and says, “hate to break it you, miya, but girls don’t want to date a guy who’s a massive asshole”
- now, atsumu could care less if the entire goddamn world thinks he’s an asshole, but it rubs him the wrong way that his teammates think that osamu’s a better catch than he is
- sibling rivalry pride or whatever
- so atsumu goes “i think my girlfriend would disagree because oh will ya look at that, she’s dating me!”
- he was most definitely not dating anyone
- osamu raises an eyebrow at him because to his knowledge, atsumu didn’t have a girlfriend
- “since when did you have a girlfriend?”
- osamu looks at atsumu with knowing eyes and smirks. “yeah sumu, who’s this girlfriend of yours? I don’t think i’ve met her yet.”
- atsumu knows he’s gotten himself in some deep shit
- but still he’s still full of pride, so he says, “i’ll bring her by to practice tomorrow.”
- now miya atsumu has a dilemma because there are some things he just shouldn’t lie about (because now he’ll never live it down if he can’t figure out a way to get himself out of this one)
- atsumu knows that he’s got that fanclub that would probably be more than willing to date him, but the thought of being in their presence for longer than two seconds makes his skin crawl because he doesn’t think he could handle the excessive screaming
- so that night he decides to go to the bakery down the street that he frequents because they have some of the best macarons in town
- you’re one of the bakers at that bakery that works the shift when he usually comes in for his weekly macarons so you two are acquainted
- you also go to inarizaki, so you hear the rumors that circulate around atsumu, but you don’t really pay much attention to them because he’s not that bad whenever he comes into the bakery
- like sometimes if he tries to only order 2 macarons but notices that there are only 5 macarons left, he’ll buy them all just to make your life easier
- when he comes in that day, he has this troubled look on his face. “hey y/n. can i just have my usual? oh and an iced matcha.”
- you like to keep tabs on your regulars and what they order, so when he orders an iced matcha, you know that something’s probably up (he never orders drinks from there because he said that his brother would kill him if he didn’t bring him home a drink too and having to carry the two drinks up to their apartment is hassle enough)
- you’re in the middle of making his drink when you decide to ask him what’s up “everything alright?”
- it’s almost time to close up and you two are the only two left so you figured you had time for small talk
- “i may have outright lied to my team about havin’ a girlfriend.”
- “you don’t?” that surprises you because so many girls at your school have a crush on the miya twins (you would know because your best friend is practically in love with osamu)
- when atsumu shakes his head dejectedly, you don’t quite understand what he’s so down for
- “you do know that there are like 50 girls that are practically lining up to date you right?”
- “yeah, but they’d expect a real relationship and i’m no good at those.”
- “why not?”
- “i’m too argumentative, let's just say, plus i’ve been told that i kinda come off as an asshole.”
- “and volleyball right?” you would know since he always comes into the bakery after a practice and he looks like he’s both dead and alive
- when you hand him his matcha and packet of macarons, he pauses
- “listen, don’t take this the wrong way but yer single right?”
- you almost smile to yourself because wow for a guy so attractive, his way with words isn’t great
- “i am.”
- he stands there for a good 20 seconds just looking at you with that look in his eyes that tells you that he’s trying to ask you something but he doesn’t know how to do it
- “you want me to act as your fake girlfriend don’t you?”
- cue atsumu chuckle @%EUTYDJBCJWER)*&# hhhhfs
- “ya know, i’m kinda seein’ why i get called an asshole all the time. it doesn’t sound as great when ya’ say it like that.”
- you agree to pretend to be his girlfriend, but on the condition that your best friend will be able to tag along if osamu’s gonna be there
- and that’s the start of it
- you visit his practice the next day before work and his team looks at you in surprise because they were 100% sure that having a girlfriend was just another one of atsumu’s lies
- they all kinda stare at you a little extra too because you’re really pretty
- “aye, get yer asses back to volleyball and stop starin’ at my girl like that.”
- you know it’s all fake, but him saying that kinda makes you blush anyways
- when you first agreed to fake dating him, you weren’t expecting that you’d have to spend too much time with him (he did tell you that he wasn’t looking for a real relationship) but that changes because osamu’s insistent that atsumu should at least try to be a good boyfriend and eat lunch with you and stuff
- you’re both aware that osamu doesn’t buy your little arrangement one bit
- atsumu’s got this raging pride when it comes to his twin brother, so he actually listens because now he’s made it his personal mission to convince osamu that you and him are actually dating
- it takes a while for you two to get into the hang of it, but once you do, it’s like a regular routine
- you and your best friend eat lunch with the twins (you and atsumu both watch as your best friend fumbles her way into talking with osamu), you drop by before work to give atsumu a kiss on the cheek before practice, he drops by the bakery after practice nearly everyday, and you come to his games while wearing a jersey that he lent you
- his teammates like you a lot and tease atsumu all the time because they claim that you’re way too good for him
- surprisingly, he always gets a little protective when they say things like that and always slips an arm around your waist
- one day when you’re over at his apartment, you help atsumu learn how to make macarons (with some help from osamu)
- it takes a while because he would get mad at the macarons when they would come out in weird shapes
- “stupid macarons! they got it out for me i’m tellin’ ya! they’re being like that on purpose!”
- you learn to like that about him though
- dates with him are usually on the weekends (you both drag osamu and your best friend out with you) and it’s always something fun that osamu suggests because atsumu wasn’t joking when he said he sucks at real relationships
- most of these dates consist of holding hands as you walk around the streets until osamu sees a restaurant he wants to try out
- he always insists on feeding you at least once in your meal
- he also loves doing the walrus-chopsticks face?? (he only started doing it because he liked hearing you laugh)
- as time passes, you two start going on dates without osamu and your best friend (atsumu always claims that it’s because he wants to show osamu up, but you start to notice that osamu doesn’t even find out about these dates most of the time)
- you secretly like these dates better than those with osamu and your best friend because atsumu feels more at ease and will develop a softer tone around you during these dates
- eventually, he starts to always greet you with a forehead kiss whenever you’re in public (you’re not sure if he does it just because his brother is watching, or if maybe he might be starting to like you)
- you try to make your brain forget that most of the time, he kisses your forehead before osamu even walks in
- one day after practice, you’re waiting for him because you didn’t have a shift at the bakery that day
- he walks out of the club room looking mildly pissed and you’re a little wary
- but then he gets to where you’re standing and just pulls your waist towards him and full on kisses you
- mind you, this is your first kiss on the lips with him
- it’s not a quick peck either, like you can hear the wolf whistles from his teammates in the back and you’re left breathing hard and flushed pink afterwards
- damn if that’s what his kisses are like, you suddenly wish he’d do it more often
- “what was that for?”
- “nothin’”
- sometime in the future you find out that he did that because his teammates were once again talking about your relationship and one of them joked that atsumu paid you to pretend to be his girlfriend
- he knew that what you had wasn’t necessarily real, but he just had the urge to kiss you then (he swears to you that he doesn’t know why)
- he does know why. it was because it was starting to slip his mind that your relationship was fake and the reminder made him a little mad at himself
- he realizes that maybe he’s fallen in love with you when osamu brings it up
- atsumu had asked for osamu’s help because he wanted to surprise you by making you mochis for your upcoming four month anniversary of being his fake girlfriend (typing this out was so funny, this man is so whipped he doesn’t know it)
- “ya know, when i first met y/n, i was sure that it was all fake and that you’d slip up about it one day. i guess i was wrong.”
- atsumu doesn’t say anything to that because in his head he’s trying to convince himself that “no. this is all still fake.” but it’s hard to convince himself of that when his hands are covered in the rice flower that he’s using to make your favorite dessert for your four months of faking being together
- he tries not to think about what osamu said when he gives you the gifts later that night
- he tries not to think about it when he gets that funny feeling that he’s been feeling for a while now when he sees the way you light up upon opening the box of mochis
- he most definitely tries not to think about it when you accidentally give him your second kiss of the relationship because you were caught up in the spur of the moment
- it’s on the way home back to his apartment that night that he realizes he’s fucked
- because good god he’s fallen for you
- he tries to break it off after that
- you’re confused at how sudden it is, but you let him break it off because at that point you’re already in love with him and are still too scared to say it because you keep remembering how he always said that he didn’t want a real relationship
- he tries to go back to normal after that
- but for the love of everything he just . can’t
- his eyes always linger a little too long on the door right before practice because you would always come see him before going to work
- his feet would instinctively move in the direction of the bakery after practices until he realizes what he’s doing and forces himself to go home
- his eyes would scan for your figure wearing his jersey during games until he remembers that you probably weren’t there and that you most definitely wouldn’t be wearing his jersey
- he wants to kick himself because the reason he asked you to be his fake girlfriend in the first place was because he didn’t want a real relationship
- yet here he was. wallowing because if there’s anything more he wants, it’s a real relationship with you
- osamu gets fed up with him eventually
- “take yer ass to the bakery right after practice. i’m not letting you into the apartment until you see her.”
- and surprisingly, he actually listens to his twin brother
- he walks into the bakery for the first time in a while and says “hey y/n. can i just have my usual? oh and an iced matcha.”
- you look up at him then because you vividly remember that night. how could you not?
- you’re in the middle of making his drink when you decide to ask him what’s up “everything alright?”
- “i may have outright lied to myself about loving you.”
- you nearly drop the drink in your hands
- “‘tsumu? what are you on about?”
- “i know i said that i’m no good at real relationships. but i’ve found that i want to learn to be good.”
- a pause
- “i want to learn with ya.”
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- this poor boy is always the butt of the jokes that come from his team
- seriously though. it’s always “tease oikawa day” (he teases them back so it’s all good)
- but one day, they’re all in the locker room when hanamaki brings up this girl that he’s planning on asking out because he’s not sure how to do it
- oikawa, being the little shit that he is, goes “step one, makki. have my face. step two, have my amazing personality. step three, ask her out.”
- he barely ducks in time to miss the shoe that comes flying towards his head
- “makki! such unbecoming behavior! my advice is perfect!”
- matsukawa snorts and says “perfect advice my ass. you can’t even get anyone to like you. let alone go out with you, crappykawa.”
- “don’t spread lies, mattsun.” oikawa clicks his tongue like a mother scolding his child. “or do you seem to forget the dozens of confessions i get on the daily along with the girls that you three complain about all the time because ugh shittykawa’s gonna make us late if he keeps talking to them” (he’s so dramatic lol he says that last part in this weird, whiny voice)
- iwaizumi scoffs. “doesn’t count when you reject every single one.”
- “i do not!”
- “right. right. as if you don’t make them cry because you’re so nice about rejecting them too.” (oikawa frowns at that one because he doesn’t mean to make them cry)
- “yeah, shittykawa, you’re pretty bad at love in general. i’d die before listening to your advice.” (this one is from matsukawa)
- “there’s also the fact that the girlfriend’s you did have all broke up with you because you would rather cuddle with a volleyball than cuddle with them.” (this one is from hanamaki)
- oikawa scowls at them “i don’t cuddle my volleyball.”
- “sure you don’t. just like you most definitely don’t have a name for it either.”
- “leave iwa-chan the second out of this!” (he drew an angry face on his volleyball too because he claims it looks like iwaizumi)
- iwaizumi groans. “i hate you. so so much.”
- at this point, oikawa knows they’re right, but he’s also really prideful. “and besides. i would suggest taking my advice because i got a girlfriend just today!”
- he most definitely did not
- “sure you did. hey mattsun, i bet a week tops until she breaks up with him.”
- “nah i’ll bet five days.”
- after practice, oikawa came up with a plan for the next day to get himself out of the hole he dug for himself
- he usually got confessions before school, so he told iwaizumi that he was going to school early to practice and instead waited for a girl to confess to him
- but the moment he saw this second-year walk up to him with a little box, he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it
- he couldn’t do that to this innocent girl
- and he tries to say yes to her. he really does.
- but he can practically hear his older sister’s voice yelling at him about how “even when you get popular and get confessions from people left and right, i don’t want you leading anyone on. you only accept a confession if you actually like them.”
- he’s probably more scared of his sister than he is of his own mother, so he says no to that second-year, even when she starts to frown and walk away
- he’s leaning against the gym and rubbing the bridge of his nose when he hears you
- “everything alright?”
- you two were pretty close because he found out that you had a crush on iwaizumi in your second year and tried to set you two up (it didn’t work because he’s pretty bad at being a wingman)
- even when iwaizumi rejected you, oikawa had already grown to like your presence, so you two stayed friends despite how his best friend broke your heart
- “y/n-chan! what are you doing here so early?”
- “just returning a book to the library before the librarian knocks down my door and kicks my ass for having an overdue library book. what are you doing here so early?”
- “would you believe me if i said that i was practicing volleyball?”
- you look him up and down, and the smell of fresh cologne reaches your nostrils. his uniform is neatly put together.
- “looking like that? no, no i would not.”
- “well, what would you believe?”
- “i don’t know .. the truth maybe?”
- “the truth is embarrassing and is defamation to my good name.” that makes you raise your brow at him.
- “okay now i only want to hear the truth. i will not accept anything but the truth. now tell me, what kind of embarrassment have you proved yourself to be this morning?”
- “so mean, y/n-chan! now i see why you so very adored our precious iwa-chan.”
- you groan because you don’t want to remember that rejection. “oh just hurry up and embarrass yourself instead of embarrassing me.”
- “but it’s quite embarrassing.”
- “come on, spit it out.”
- “i may or may not have told iwa-chan, makki, and mattsun that i have a girlfriend when i don’t have one.”
- you look at him like he’s the dumbest person you’ve ever met, because at that moment, you really believed that he was. “couldn’t you just … i don’t know … accept one of your many, many confessions?”
- oikawa tells you about his fear of his sister and the second-year that just confessed to him
- you find yourself admiring his sister because she’s probably the one person on this planet that can humble oikawa tooru (the next person to be able to do so will be you, but you don’t know that yet)
- after hearing his explanation you get an idea. “can’t you ask someone to fake being in a relationship with you? you know, so you don’t get the angry sister devil/angel thing on your shoulder?” (LOL if you don’t get what the angel/devil thing that i’m talking about is, it’s like when you have an imaginary angel and a devil that sits on your shoulders and criticizes every choice you make)
- “are you offering, y/n?” he has that shit-eating grin on his face again, so you know he’s mostly joking
- “hmm, i don’t know. i think you’ll have to formally ask me to be your fake girlfriend. it’s only polite after all.”
- oikawa blinks for a second because he didn’t actually think you were serious. “what?”
- “are you going to ask me to be your fake girlfriend or not? maybe throw in a flower and i’ll say yes.”
- oh. oh.
- well, he wasn’t going to let what might be his only opportunity to get someone to fake date him pass by
- he looks around and sees a small flower on the ground and picks it
- he takes both your hands and puts the flower in one of them before saying, “y/n-chan will you, take me, oikawa tooru, as your loving pretend boyfriend, and save me from irrevocable embarrassment?”
- you laugh in his face because he’s trying so hard not to laugh through his “proposal.”
- “minus points for not getting on one knee but i guess i do.”
- you mainly did it because you may have already gotten rejected by iwaizumi, but you did like the possibility of being friends with him, and fake dating oikawa would probably let you do that
- you also kind of felt bad for oikawa, knowing that he wasn’t exaggerating how embarrassing it would be if his teammates found out he was lying
- when you and oikawa walk up to the seijoh third-years while holding hands, makki and mattsun are jostling each other while iwaizumi looks mildly surprised
- “see matsun! pay up!”
- oikawa and you both look in surprise as mattsun reluctantly shoves a few bills into makki’s awaiting hand
- oikawa’s looking between them both. “what bet did you use me for this time?”
- “i bet mattsun that you and y/n secretly liked each other.”
- blink blink
- iwaizumi sees the mildly awkward situation brewing so he says, “anyways, y/n if you ever get tired of this dumbass, you’re more than welcome into our group. we’ll just kick oikawa out.”
- after that, you and oikawa fall into a dating routine easily (you have a pretty busy schedule too so both you and oikawa understand each other schedules well)
- usually this is where oikawa’s relationships fail. he spends so much time with volleyball and the team that he doesn’t really spend time with his significant others
- it’s different with you though. maybe it’s the fact that the stakes aren’t so high because it’s only a fake relationship after all, or maybe it’s because unlike his past significant others, you don’t mind spending most of your time and “dates” with the other seijoh third-years, or maybe it’s because he remembers that locker room conversation and he wants to prove to makki, mattsun, and iwaizumi that he can be a good boyfriend (even if it’s a good fake boyfriend)
- dates with oikawa are usually laid-back because he’s tired from practice (so like walks in the park, getting ice cream, or study dates where you don’t get much done because you spend most of it just laughing and cooking in his kitchen)
- you find that he’s secretly a decent cook (the only thing keeping from saying that he’s a good cook is because he can’t cut vegetables for his life, and he also managed to accidently burn the onions you were trying to caramelize).
- neither of you acknowledge the fact that since nobody’s there to see those dates, you two technically don’t have to go on them since it’s only a fake relationship
- oh and takeru LOVES you
- seriously. he thinks you’re probably the coolest person ever (he tells you one day that he thinks you’re even cooler than oikawa and oikawa is a pouting mess the rest of your day. you can only pull him out of his slump when you jump on his back and force him to run to the bakery and buy milk bread)
- sometimes you’ll come with oikawa when he needs to watch takeru
- as takeru teaches you how to receive a volleyball, oikawa will watch you two with a little smile on his face (this loser is so whipped like man people passing by reminisce on how they were young and in love once because oikawa looks at you like that. oikawa doesn’t notice that he’s doing it though.)
- you sometimes spend time at his house with iwaizumi or on select days just by yourself (mostly for study dates or for watching weird sci-fi movies that oikawa seems to love)
- since you’re at his house so often, oikawa’s mother takes a liking to you because “you finally got her boy to care about something that isn’t volleyball.”
- it’s when oikawa groans a “moooom” in response that you start to feel those pesky butterflies
- oikawa will run up to you after games and just hold you tightly (he tells himself that it’s because his fan club and the team are watching, but really it’s because he can’t thank you enough for being there because he just plays better when you’re watching)
- my god, dUDE . he has no idea that he loves you like . MAN .
- mattsun, makki, and iwaizumi always tease oikawa about how you’re so much cooler than him
- oikawa whines to you and says, “y/n-channn they’re being mean again!”
- “what do you want me to do about it?”
- oikawa pouts like the baby he is and says, “kiss,” while pointing to his cheek. you give in and a round of groans comes from mattsun and makki. oikawa looks so smug and those pesky stomach feelings come back. iwaizumi is smiling to himself.
- speaking of iwaizumi
- you two become best friends after he finds you looking dejected as you wait for oikawa to get out of practice. you confided with him about how your relationship was all pretend. you might have also told him that you may be teensy bit in love with his captain
- iwaizumi tells you that, “there are some things you just ... can’t fake. the way that shithead looks at you is one of them. trust me.”
- he also tells you that his suspicion that you and oikawa had this weird spark was what kept him from ever reciprocating your feelings and why he rejected you (oikawa literally tried being your wingman before by texting iwaizumi things like “did you see how pretty y/n was today? don’t you think she was pretty?” and “iwa-chan! y/n is so funny and that’s coming from me, so she really is funny! i think maybe you should talk to her to see what i’m talking about (≧◡≦)”)
- at this point everyone knows that you’re in love with oikawa for real (except for oikawa himself)
- everyone also knows that oikawa’s fallen for you (except for oikawa himself, and you because you refuse to believe it)
- the moment he realizes he’s in love with you is on another one of those dates that you both know you don’t have to have but still choose to have anyway
- you’re making milk bread and he’s helping to measure the ingredients when he turns around to see you covered in flour and he just kinda stops
- and he realizes
- like yeah he’s been getting that small tugging feeling with you a lot over these past few months
- but now he finally realizes it’s because he’s in love with you
- he’s staring for a long time and for a second you think he’s going to make fun of your flour-coated self, but he’s staring at you with that look and you’re confused
- “everything okay? is there something wrong? did you mess up the measurements?”
- then an idea hits him
- “something’s wrong. it’s kind of embarassing though.”
- “what is it?”
- “no but it’s really embarrassing.”
- “what .. what is it?”
- cue cheeky little grin. “i think i might’ve fallen in love with my fake girlfriend. i don’t have another flower to ask her out though. i hope she doesn’t say no.”
- you kiss him for the first time then and take pride in the fact that you get him covered in flour in the process
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- it happened the second day that you were at the tokyo training camp
- kuroo was with bokuto and a few of the karasuno first-years when bokuto started telling the first-years that kuroo had a girlfriend because he saw kuroo helping you carry your bags the day before (listen . this man is like . clueless when it comes to emotions sometimes i’msosorry)
- kuroo got this confused look on his face because he thought he would remember getting a girlfriend. “i do?”
- “don’t you? remember the girl you were holding hands with yesterday?”
- this was all some big misunderstanding
- so basically what happened was this: you’re shinzen’s team manager and you were tasked with carrying bags of equipment to the training center. kuroo was waiting for kenma to finish talking with lev (more like trying to avoid though lmao) and noticed that you were struggling so he came over to help
- kuroo figured that bokuto must’ve seen him holding the bags for you and assumed that something must’ve been going on (or maybe he looked over for the split second when kuroo held your hand in order to transfer the bags to his hand)
- he was about to clear things up when lo and behold, you walked into the gym
- “kuroo look! it’s your girlfriend! hey, come join us!”
- bless bokuto’s soul. bless that poor, oblivious soul.
- you walked up to them and looked at kuroo like “what??”
- you remembered him from the day before, but you didn’t remember ever agreeing to being his girlfriend of any sort
- he smiled apologetically at you and asked to talk to you on the side
- “what’s going on? why did he call me your .. girlfriend?”
- “look i’m sorry, bo’s a little … i don’t know. he saw me carrying your bags yesterday and assumed. i’ll clear things up, don’t worry.”
- when you two headed back to where bokuto is standing, it was obvious that kuroo’s smooth-sailing explanation wasn’t happening anytime soon
- because lev was there, and so was yaku
- “KUROO-SENPAI? THIS IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND? SHE’S VERY PRETTY SENPAI!” (bless lev’s soul too. another part of the extremely oblivious club.)
- yaku took no hesitation in teasing kuroo. “since when does kuroo ever get any girl to like him? this is new. no offense, of course.”
- kuroo tried clearing up the air by saying, “guys- listen this has all been som-“
- hinata doesn’t let him finish either lmao “YOU’RE THE TEAM MANAGER FOR SHINZEN!” (extremely oblivious club member number 3 here)
- “a team manager, kuroo? what’d you do to get her to say yes? is she a chemistry nerd too?”
- “bo-“
- they kinda just went like that back and forth, and kuroo kept getting interrupted
- you were just laughing to the side because it was kind of funny
- you also kinda felt bad for kuroo because damn his friends had like no faith in his romantic skills at all??
- maybe that was what made you say it, but after his friends were done teasing him you said, “he’s kind of a catch though, don’t you think? nerdy and funny is a girl’s dream isn’t that what they say?”
- kuroo blinked at you because what??
- once kuroo got you alone by asking you to take a walk outside of the gym, he asked, “so … what does this make us?” (surprise, surprise, he never got the chance to tell them about the misunderstanding)
- you just shrugged because really how bad could this be? “i felt bad at how much they were teasing you, so we could keep up the fake boyfriend/girlfriend thing for the week. it shouldn’t be too bad. plus it’ll save you the embarrassment of having to tell your friends that you didn’t actually get a girlfriend.”
- you guys did pretty good for the week of the training camp
- you’d cheer him on in secret if he got a spike or a block during a practice game while simultaneously still watching shinzen’s game
- you two walked around the halls when bokuto was watching just to keep up pretenses
- you learned that he’s a major nerd during these walks, which you found really endearing
- on the last day of camp, he tried to throw pieces of broccoli in your mouth (he didn’t stop until he finally got it in after his 9th try)
- you guys initially planned to “break up” after the camp was over
- but here comes bokuto again
- “hey y/n! kuroo, akaashi, and i were gonna go out for karaoke tomorrow if you wanna join.”
- you grew to like bokuto too so you said you’d come
- it was actually a really fun night
- you and kuroo sang a duet together
- he also stole some of your ramen
- you took a video of bokuto as he serenaded akaashi
- when you guys are leaving to go home, bokuto goes “you two are so cute. y/n do me a favor and don’t break up with kuroo until after the qualifiers would you? i wanna play him at his full game.” (again. seriously, he basically is the greatest accidental wingman ever)
- “we can’t break his heart, can we?”
- “no, we can’t.”
- and so your fake relationship starts
- you don’t get to visit each other often because you don’t live in the same vicinity, but you guys text often (it’s a friend thing, you both swear to yourselves)
- on weekends when kuroo’s not spending time with kenma, he’ll ask you to meet him at a park or a cafe (you two always send selfies to bokuto during every date)
- dates with him are always really fun because he’s spontaneous and also very active so sometimes he’ll take you by the hand and just drag you places
- he is not afraid to smear different colors of ice cream on your nose and call you some obscure name from some really old movie that he may have watched that week
- he also makes you push him on the swings
- the little kids get mad because what is this rooster man doing taking up a swing when he’s so old
- you laugh at him when the kids eventually come up to him and ask if they can use the swing
- dates will usually last the whole day because you’re both fine with just walking around and randomly finding stuff to do
- with all that time spent talking, you two also get to know each other really well
- like basically your life stories
- it took him a while to open up and at first he insists that you tell your story first, but after a while you notice how he starts letting little things about his life slip here and there until he starts telling you bigger portions
- you also get really close with kenma
- not close close the way him and kuroo are, but kenma would probably see you as his second closest friend
- that’s why sometimes kenma tags along with you guys (it doesn’t feel like third wheeling or anything because both you and kuroo enjoy kenma’s presence as much as each other’s)
- eventually, once you two got the hang of it, you’re like the couple that everyone likes
- because you’re both pretty funny and overall just have nice vibes
- his team starts to call you mom and dad as a joke because sometimes when shinzen doesn’t have practice, you’ll stop by at nekoma at the end of practice just to say hi
- they’re not wrong about the mom and dad thing though (it’s a really cute dynamic though i swear)
- your team used to not like him at first because they were protective of you, but eventually they reluctantly warmed up to him
- they threatened to demolish him if he hurt you though
- you guys have lots of study dates too!!
- since you’re both busy because of volleyball related things, a lot of your schedule lines up with each other (this also means that kuroo knows when you haven’t had time to study)
- you’ll be sitting on his bed on your stomach with your legs draped across his thighs as you read your textbook and he’ll be sitting against his bed frame reading one of his assigned readings (i also like to think that kuroo has glasses for these readings that only you and kenma have seen)
- sometimes, when you finish studying before he finishes, you’ll come up behind him and just start to play with his hair
- his hair is actually really soft despite looking like a bird built its nest in it
- you also have two of his jackets that are just lying around your house
- he likes when you wear them because he thinks you look so cute (he doesn’t tell you that though)
- after a while, it’s like both of you have forgotten that this was all a ruse just so bokuto wouldn’t get heartbroken after you two break up
- at this point, kuroo has learned all your quirks, habits, and has also memorized your schedule
- like … he doesn’t realize that he’s fallen for you until someone points it out
- he realizes he’s fallen for you on the day that shinzen loses in the tournament (this would be your last match)
- now nekoma just played a game, but kuroo’s first instinct is to check whether or not shinzen won (he’s been doing this for every game in the tournament)
- when he sees that you lost, he knows that you’ll be sad and in need of a pick me up
- as kenma and him are packing up, he says, “shinzen lost today. i probably can’t make it to your house tonight. y/n will probably want to go out with her team for a bit, but she’ll probably crash at my place. do you think i should make her a strawberry cake? or maybe she’ll want onigiri? no, she’ll probably want the cake. she always gets the little smile with her one dimple whenever she eats my strawberry cake. makes me proud.”
- kenma’s just looking at kuroo with arched eyebrows because HIS BEST FRIEND IS WHIPPED
- kuroo doesn’t get why kenma’s looking at him like that because he thinks about things like that all the time. “what??”
- oh kenma knows your relationship is fake
- so he just looks at kuroo and says, “try to refrain getting down on one knee today. i doubt you have a ring, and i’ll bet that y/n will want a confession of you being hopelessly, madly in love with her before you propose by the way.”
- kuroo kind of freezes and blinks at him.
- “wh … what?”
- “kuro, do i really need to spell out for you that you’re totally smitten with her? you have been for a while now.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- “have not.”
- “yes, you have.”
- at this point, kuroo knows that kenma’s onto something, but kuroo doesn’t wanna jump to conclusions until he sees you again
- when you knock on his door and run straight into his arms that night, he knows kenma’s right
- like you’re balling into his chest and he gets that feeling that he wants to hold you forever and never let go
- and he knows. he knows.
- after you start to calm down, he offers you the cake that he made just for you
- he swears that he feels ten times lighter after he sees that exact smile with the exact dimple on your face
- now kuroo may be loud, and rambunctious at times, but when he loves, it’s quiet, simple, but not any less there
- as you finish eating the cake, kuroo notices that there’s a few pink crumbs on your lips
- and he kisses you
- like a “slow, hand on the cheek, nose touching after he pulls away” kind of kiss
- “i made a realization today. kenma told me to hold back on proposing, so i’ll go with confessing instead.”
- you’re looking up at him with your heart beating hard in your chest
- “i think you might’ve made me fall in love with you.”
sorry if there are any mistakes lmao i tried catching all of them but ... 6k words ...... yanno. .....
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4townlove · 2 years
Headcanons for the 4town boys if their s/o wants to break up with them (in the end they actually break up lol)
it's once again time for a bit of angst, 4Townies. here we go. now presenting...
4⭐Town Headcanons: You Want To Break Up
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given how romantic he is, he is very optimistic about your relationship. his love language is acts of service and giving gifts, and since he does both at such a grand scale and you seem so overwhelmingly surprised every time, he doesnt feel the need to question where you stand
you however, have been feeling too overwhelmed by everything. the more Robaire does, the more it all feels like a performance. he is charming and caring and romantic yes, but all the surprises and flash mobs and seranades in public... soon it becomes too much, so much that even being around him makes you nervous about what he might do. you never wanted it to end this way but you cant deny that you need some time away from him, even if it hurts to do so
when you call Robaire to a small quiet corner of the company building to talk, he is a little nervous but not in a bad way. his heart skips and his clears his throat to prepare for to sing out of nowhere, as usual, but when he arrives and he sees you, he knows something is wrong. 
you dont hesitate to be honest with him about how you feel, maybe talking too fast as to not give him a chance to cut you off with anything, but when you're done and you say you need some time away, he is silent for once. both of you are, you with relief but Robaire with complete heartbreak. you wish him well and quietly leave him as he stares into nothing, second guessing everything he ever did with you and questionning where he went wrong.
he is a considerate and doting boyfriend for sure, always including you in everything he does and especially in his kids' life and they are just as excited as he is to have you there. being with you is a joy for all three of them (i like to think he has twins) but the more you are with them, the more pressure you seem to feel from Jesse to keep the relationship moving forward, to make it more serious, to become a proper family together
he brings you to his kids' sports events, to their school plays, to help him when they have birthday parties, to days out at the beach or amusement parks, and at first it was fun but when you started appearing in pictures with them that he'd frame and put around the house, and he invites you to tag along when they have a parents consultation at their school, you realise everything is going too fast. its suffocating to be rushed and it saddens you to even have to consider ending things but you have to.
you pull him aside as soon as you are able, which unfortunately happens when he again invites you over to dinner at his place. you lead him out onto the front porch for some privacy, and when he realises youre upset and takes your hand as he asks what's wrong, it all spills out. you tell him that you think things are moving too quickly, that you truly care for him and the kids but you feel like youre being pushed to make things more serious when you're not ready. Jesse blushes with embarassment, apologising profusely but when you say you need some time away, his heart breaks. he looks away, kicking himself for not realising how uncomfortable you were but respects your decision. as you leave he looks on after you, taking a little while to breathe in the cool air before returning inside to his kids
excitable, enthusiastic and full of adoration for you, Taeyoung is prone to shower you with love and affection as much as he is able, wanting be to with you always, to talk to you and eat lunch with you and spend every waking moment with you. its no doubt that he's fallen hard for you and makes a point to show you with all his kisses and holding your hand and hanging off your arm whenever he can. if he cant, he always makes sure you're close enough to be able to see him doing whatever he's doing, and he gushes when youre eyes are on him. he wants you to be with him always , 24/7, 365 if possible but you...
you do like him alot, you didnt start dating him for no reason, but you cant help feeling so claustrophobic when you're with him. he never lets you go, never is out of sight or lets you out of his. you have no breathing room, no time just to yourself because he is always within your reach, no time to catch your breath because he is there at your side, his hand tightly clutching yours. you know it would break him if you ended things, but you dont feel like you can breathe being with him anymore, so stealing yourself internally, you decide to make it clear
on an afternoon similar to every afternoon for the past few months, you're sat with him on the couch in his dressing room, snuggled under a blanket, arms linked while he rests against you, gushing about the doves you're both going to see after practice. you hesitate over and over until you squeeze your eyes shut and blurt it out that you need a break. of course, he sits up and stares at you, tears filling his wide auburn eyes but you ignore them and explain how youre feeling. he apologies quickly, begging you for another chance, promising he'll let up, pleading for you not to leave him but you insist. 
of course he starts to cry, and as he does you give him one last kiss to the forehead before hugging him and getting up, quietly leaving the dressing room and at last, taking a breath
⭐Aaron T
everyone and their mother, their cat, their 16th cousin four times removed and their gods know about you and Aaron T's relationship thanks to Aaron T's enthusiastic declarations of it everywhere he goes. he is determined to show you off and make it known that he will do anything to make you happy. it was charming at first, and always brought some light into your day when he'd start pranking you specifically and laugh when you did, but over time, the more he continuously teased and joked and made fun of (lovingly) and pranked you, the less funny it became for you
T didnt know that your smiles were pained, that your laughter was forced and when you teasingly begged him to promise for this prank to be the last were all serious requests. he took them as challenges, that next time he'd get you so good that you would be even more shocked than before.
the more he persisted, the less you could hold up the facade, snapping a little more every time and being afraid to go anywhere knowing he'd likely try and prank you, especially in public. you didnt like the feeling of dreading his company but it was becoming egregious. but on the day he spooked you before him and the other members took to the practice stage to prepare for an upcoming show, you couldnt take it anymore
plainly you stated that you wanted to break up and Aaron T, thinking this was you pranking him in turn, laughed it off and tried to hug you but when you persisted, your tone firm, he blinked in surprise. you explained how tired you were, how it hurt for him to make your relationship feel like a joke all the time, to never take things seriously. everyone was watching you, the members, the managers, the stage hands but you didnt care. again, you said this was enough, that you needed time away from him, and finally Aaron T seemed to realise. you walked away from him, out of the studio and the building, leaving him frozen on the stage, confused and more deeply, feeling like he'd just lost something he wasnt sure he'd ever get back. 
⭐ Aaron Z
when he is with you, Aaron Z seems to come out of his shell. he talks more, laughs more and opens up to you about nearly everything he's worrying about, thinking about and planning towards. being so close to him is nice, knowing that he trusts you enough to be so honest is encouraging and when he tells you he loves you, you believe him without a doubt. the guys are surprised to see him so... alive (for lack of a better term) thanks to you and Z doesn't want to lose the joy you bring into his life. 
it isnt long before he invites you home to meet his grandmother and immediately you hesitate. he promises it's nothing serious so you agree, but after the dinner with his grandmother (and she is just the best btw), he takes you on a grand dinner date at a fancy restaurant. never had he ever seemed to be the kind to like this kind of thing, if anything you'd expect it from Robaire, but when he comes to pick you up, he's dressed a suit. he looks great but you cant shake the ball of nerves in your gut.
the restaurant is definitely something you know Robaire suggested to Z. its so much, so fancy, the menu is so unbelievably expensive you nearly lose your appetite and when he finishes the date, he presents you with something that rocks you to your core: a promise ring. 
it's then that your whole being locks up with fright and you stare at him, asking why he's acting so out of character. when he just replies that it's because he loves you so much, the anxiety inside you trembles through your skin and you shake your head, telling him that he needs to stop, that this is all too much, the meeting his grandmother, super extravagant dates and now the ring... you tell him that it hurts to say but you just need things to slow down, and maybe stop for a while.
Z is quiet, seeming to blink out of his daze and realise how he'd made you feel. he puts the ring away, clears his throat and you finish your meal in silence before he drives you home. when he pulls up at your house, he apologises for hurting you. you accept his apology but get out of the car alone, heading inside while he, after a moment to scold himself quietly, drives away in a deeper silence than he'd ever been in before.
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an nsfw alphabet from Jason todd of titans please
pairing: jason todd x fem!reader
warnings: smut → nsfw alphabet
headcanon 🖤
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests for the sleepover are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
smut night masterlist
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jason would be super cute!!
He’d run a bath, ask if you’re okay, cuddle
If you were feeling sore, he’d get a cold cloth for you
And would pepper you in kisses bc he knows how lucky he is to have you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Tits and ass — I think that’s a given with Jason ahah
His favourite body part of his would probably be arms i suppose
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
ahh he'd love to make you cum!
honestly i think it's like a hobby for him - to make you feel good, not because he feels he has to, but because he knows he can
i'd imagine he'd love cumming on your tits
and my lord, don't get me started if you ever squirted (not that he'd expect you to, but if you ever did homeboy would just be like :o)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i feel like jason would have a big thing for pda - to be able to show you off (not like a trophey kind of thing / controlling way) would be of considerable value to him
it would be more to show everyone that you're together - that he can show everyone, including you of course ahah, how good of a boyfriend he can be for you
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You know what, probably not a lot
Maybe he’s experienced sex with a previous girlfriend, but that’ll be about it
I think with you, he’d be a little bit more open to experimenting things??
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy ahaha
I bet he could fuck harder, faster, and generally better when you’re on all fours in front of him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ahh Jason would love a good laugh
Like I don’t think sex with him is all serious anyway
i kind of feel like he wouldn't believe that you had to be serious in order to be intimate ya know
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Um probably ahah I mean have you seen how he does his hair?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
as mentioned before, i think he'd just take the moment as it is
whether the two of you are having super cute, intimate sex or whether you guys are simply fucking
that being said though, jason would be super into special occasions, be it either one of your birthdays, any anniversaries, or even after a cute date
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
lmao it's pretty much cannon that jason jacks off so i'd say he'd do it a fair bit
however, since the two of you got together (or if you're fwb), he doesn't really feel the need bc he's got you
but on some occasions when you're not available or not even at the tower bc you're working with donna or something and he really needs you, that's when i reckon he'd do it
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I’ve actually talked about this before 🥰
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His room for starters
But would love sneaky sex in the tower bathroom, especially in the shower
Bet they’d be one time when everyone was out, leaving you and Jason alone in the tower and you’d fuck on every piece of furniture there is ahah
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you tease him!!
when you and him are training and it gets competitive
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably anything that’ll make you uncomfortable tbh
Plus maybe unusual kinks like golden showers or anything like that
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving! Giving! giving!
He is such a giver
And honestly he would go down on you for hours if he could
He loves having your thighs shake around his head while he’s eating you out or how your body would shake when you cum around his cock while he fucks you
but i mean that being said, he'd also love when you go down on him too aha
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Okay so here’s the thing: I think it depends
As much as Jason loves hard and fast, I feel like he’d also love slow and sensual
Especially when the two of you are first becoming intimate with each other
Bc I feel like we can’t deny the fact that he’ll be nervous as hell sometimes
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Literally before training
Or after training when the others are in the shower or eating in the kitchen
Before bed
When you wake up
Literally anytime you and him are alone, you’re either fucking or doing actual cute stuff like watching a movie or something
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
lmao yeah just like i said before, he'd love risking it in the kitchen / bathroom - especially when the others are home
jason would be pretty open to experimenting too tbh - sex is quite the exploration task, isn't it?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
That boy has stamina, are you kidding me?! Like have you seen him train?
Homeboy could go for hours
But I feel like it would switch between you two of you being on top ya know
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he’d be open to toys like vibrators and handcuffs - i mean that boy seems super kinky, right?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
orgasm. Denial.
He loves watching you plead, squirm, whine — literally do anything to cum
He’d love taking his hand away, or taking his cock out at random moments, watching you with such cockiness and arrogance as you beg him to make you cum
I feel like he’d love sensual play too — teasing you while your tied up and/or blindfolded would be such a kicker for him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Soft — anything ranging from grunts, to small moans that slip through his bitten lip
honestly, he'd rather hear you than hear himself moan lmao
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
jason would have a thing for hearing you beg
i can imagine it's such an ego booster for him - i mean he's arrogant and cocky enough, and having you beg and whine for him just boosts it
ooh also when he's fucked you so good, you're lying on the bed completely fucked out and exhausted
and bonus points if you can't walk all that well the next day lmao
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
lol i think he'd have a pretty nice cock ya know
not too big, not too small
he'd know how to use it though
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ahaha I think we all know he’s one horny bitch
So literally anytime you feel up to it, he’s ready
Or even just any chance you get to fuck, he’s already prepared ahah
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i dont think he'd fall asleep straight away
like he'd maybe wait for you to fall asleep while he plays with your hair
on some occasions though he might be super quick to fall asleep, especially after a rough and/or hard day of training and he's just super exhausted
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Heya! Congrats on the 100+ followers!! Your writing is really good and I enjoy reading your works!
If you dont mind, what would be your headcanons on the TWST dorm leaders of what prefrences they have for a S/O? Like what would they want in an S/O? (Also Im sorry if this has already been asked Im also kinda new to your blog as well ;w;)
Hii!! And thank you 🥰🥺💕 that means a lot to me!! I hope you stay and continue to enjoy yourself here!This hasn’t been asked before so I hope you enjoy!!! ;w; I hope you all enjoy I had a fun time (and a difficult time) writing this out! I think I made it too long, again ;w;
I made this SFW uwu just some fluff!!!! But please keep in mind before you follow me, I MOSTLY POST NSFW works.
Warnings: slight story spoilers for episode 5, for Idia’s part, if u squint
Pairings: Dorm Leaders x Reader
I put things under a cut for length!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would probably want a partner who does well in school - at least someone who tries to! It would go against his own desires to do well in life if he has a partner who doesn’t have the drive to succeed like he does.
He isn’t particularly fond of people who have a lot of potential yet waste it on being lazy. Like I said before, it goes against his own morals.
I also see him wanting someone fun-loving! Riddle grew up in an environment where fun was essentially taboo so he would be drawn like a moth to a flame to someone who has so much energy in them. Remember one of his best childhood friends is Che’nya so he would probably not hate the idea of joking around and being silly once in a while!
Someone who would love sweets like him! Not too often so he could maintain his shape, but someone who would love to indulge him once in a while!
Riddle would love to see an S/O who makes time for him and the unbirthday parties that Heartslabyul hosts! He feels like a good dorm leader and seeing you make an effort to come makes him feel like a great boyfriend too!
“Ah, Y/N, I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to make it today.” Riddle sighed to himself in relief. He feared his rose would come to the party late. “Ah, sorry Riddle! I was late because I was studying for Professor Crewel’s exam but I lost track of time!” You breathed out, a bit exhausted from running.
The redhead only nodded and smiled at you. “Don’t worry about it, my rose. We’ve only just begun the party, so no need to fret.” Riddle’s gentlemanly ways never failed to make your heart soar. “No no, I’ll make it up to you! I’ll bake you a tart sometime, you’ll let me right?” You playfully nudged at your boyfriend’s arm and smirked.
Riddle could only blush furiously. “Th-that would not be a bad idea. I suppose I would accept the gift graciously, dear, but only if we can cook it together. I believe it would be beneficial to both of us to learn!”
Leona Kingscholar
Someone who loves to nap with him like all the time
Leona would definitely want someone who is willing to praise him a lot. Growing up he never really had that and felt like he was overshadowed by his big brother, so this guy needs validation like crazy. Tell him how strong he is, how much you love him, how warm he is… he’ll scoff and look away but you could see the faintest blush on his cheeks. He secretly loves it.
I feel like Leona would like bratty tsunderes, for some reason. He would be the perfect teasing type for them and I think I can just picture Leona and his S/O getting into play fights that lead to something more, if you catch my drift.
Someone who can be “refined” enough for show so that when he brings you home to his family, they can accept you fully. The last thing he wants is his family pestering him about how his potential mate isn’t a good fit.
As tough as he may be he def wants someone at the end of the day to stroke his head and calm him down after a long and stressful day.
“Oi, herbivore, come here and be my pillow.” Leona’s gruff voice broke the silence of his room. He was sitting up on his bed while you studied on his desk. Giggling, you made your way into his bed, crawling over to where he was. Leona pushed your torso down gently and started nuzzling his head on your chest, and you could feel the vibrations coming from his body that was like a low growl. Or was it purring?
“Of course, anything for my big strong boyfriend, the best Magift player in the school, my one and only love~” you endlessly praised him, smiling at him as if he were a rare diamond. Leona only huffed as he wrapped his muscular arms around your form, effectively preventing you from leaving.
“Tch…. Damn right….” Leona mumbled. “Why don’t you tell me more while I start drifting to sleep?” Leona smirked. Running your fingers through his hair carefully, you obliged, feeling Leona’s breathing become more calm as you continued.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul would ALSO want someone who praises him, due to his years of being bullied. Call him beautiful, smart, tell him he’s the most cunning man on campus. He EATS IT UP. This man will swear on his life for you.
He also would want someone who has the ability to work hard… what? The Mostro Lounge needs extra workers sometimes! Azul thinks that if he can own the lounge, manage contracts, AND study hard for school, his S/O should be able to match him!
I can see Azul absolutely praising/spoiling his S/O too. Since you give him so much happiness in his life he should pay it forward, no? What would you like, a new dress/suit? A new piece of jewelry?
Someone !!! Loyal!!! Azul wants someone who he can feel secure with in a relationship, so he probably wouldn’t want you to flirt with anybody else since his insecurities will SPARK UP like crazy!
Azul wants someone who loves him for who he is, unconditionally!
“Angelfish… hello, good evening. I’m sorry if I am a bit more tired than usual, I just finished with ordering more inventory for the lounge and dealing with some paperwork.” Azul sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. You dropped your bags on one of the chairs of the VIP room and walked over slowly to your octomer boyfriend. Bringing your arms to his shoulders, you slowly begin to knead and massage his arms gently. Azul groaned at the contact, muscles aching.
“How is this, Azul? I know how hard you work, you deserve to take a break too, sometimes…” you spoke gently into his ear, kissing the shell of it. The contact gave him slight goosebumps. “Ah, I would love to but, I have so much more to do… I know it’s going to be a late night for me, so why don’t you head on to sleep?” You tsked, upset with his answer. “I know it’s late Azul, that’s why I’m here. You know, if you keep doing this you’ll get wrinkles, right?”
“Ahem! Well. Then, this might be a good place to stop if that’s the case…” Azul huffed, standing up quickly to retire to his room, you in tow.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim wants someone who is cheerful! They may not be a ray of sunshine like he is, but I honestly can’t picture him with someone smug/gloomy. Kalim might be dense but he isn’t THAT stupid. I think he would be able to notice if you were upset which makes him upset.
Someone who is down for anything, Kalim would love to take you on a ride on his magic carpet at random hours of the day so be prepared to drop whatever you’re doing if you want to appease your impulsive boyfriend!
A fun loving person for sure, who isn’t super self conscious about what people think. If he asks you to dance with him he would really love for you to join! He wouldn’t want you to say something like, “oh, but I’m a bad dancer…” Kalim would shake his head and ask you why you would say that! It’s all about having a fun time together, right?
A patient lover is what Kalim would want as well, someone who’s kind, too. At the end of the day when Kalim is ready to sleep after his crazy antics, he wants a partner he can be able to lay next to and feel like himself.
Someone who loves him even if he weren’t rich, Kalim would want someone for their personality and not materialistic things or beauty. Kalim sees someone for their heart ! (*´꒳`*)
You yawned heavily while rubbing your eyes. Was that a tapping noise coming from the window? “Ugh…. What time is it?” Checking your phone, you saw it was 1:30am. You also had a text from Kalim.
*tap tap tap*
You groggily walked over to the window and opened the curtains to see Kalim sitting on his magic carpet with the biggest grin upon seeing you. Opening the window, you giggled lightly. “Good evening Kalim, fancy seeing you here so late.”
“Hi, Y/N!! I woke up and felt bored so, you wanna join me on a night ride around campus?” Kalim practically beamed at you, even this late at night. His smile never failed to make your heart flutter. The boy’s positive energy also transferred to you, effectively waking you up.Stepping onto the carpet from your window was your answer. After getting situated, you kissed Kalim’s cheek and held his hand. “Of course Kalim, I would love to.”
Vil Schoenheit
Someone who can tough out his callous words and treatment. Vil might be a bit much, but the reason why he does this is because he does it with the goal of ultimately helping you. He only wants to see the best out of people, including but not limited to his little sweet potato!
Someone who is patient. He knows he checks who the most beautiful person is quite often and he doesn’t do it to annoy you, it’s just for his own personal validation issues. Lay a hand on his arm, back, or head to give him praises and let him know he’s beautiful to you no matter what.
Someone who is willing to pepper him lightly with kisses (not the face though, he has makeup on!). He definitely eats it up and loves it so much, he feels like you are treating him like a king. He’ll pay that back tenfold and give you beauty treatments, it’ll feel like you’re at the spa on a weekday!
Vil is constantly posting on Magicam, depending on whether you’re comfortable enough to be posted on there he would want to make sure you are okay with him constantly taking photos to be posted on there. Whether it be food you cooked, matching couples outfits, or even pictures of you without makeup, be ready to face comments of all sorts coming from his fans.
“Mira Mira on my phone… Currently, who is the most beautiful of all?” You heard Vil speak outside of his room. Currently you sat on the small chaise at the foot of his bed. Vil told you he needed to step out for a second, so you could get ready for bed now. After putting on your sleeping clothes, Vil finally came back in, seeming more irritated than before. His eyebrows furrowed and his body looked tense.
“Vil, are you alright?” You questioned him as you made your way to his bed, slipping under the covers. Vil only sighed and exchange a quick “Mm.” as he changed into his pajamas and came to join you. He was turned so his back was facing you and he was a bit distant. You knew he didn’t get the answer he wanted when he got those search results back. You didn’t know how to convince your boyfriend otherwise but you decided you needed to talk to him.
“Vil, darling…” you spoke gently as you nuzzled closer, your chest pressing into his back. Your arm wrapped around him to pull him closer, to which he responded with finally relaxing in your touch. “You’re one of the best things that’s happened to me, Vil, I don’t know if you realize how lucky I am to have such a loving, caring, and talented boyfriend like you. Your beauty is simply the cherry on top of the person I fell in love with. To me, you’re perfect. I love you.” You ended your tangent by placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder, dozing off.
You couldn’t see Vil but he trembled lightly as tears silently fell down his face. “Thank you… I love you too, my sweet potato.” Vil whispered into his pillow. With you, he always felt like the most beautiful person.
Idia Shroud
Personality wise, I don’t think Idia would be picky. He’s a shy person and honestly would be surprised he could get an S/O at all! So is Ortho!
Speaking of Ortho, Idia wants someone who is kind and loving to his little brother. Knowing his partner loves his brother would only make him fall for you harder!
Probably someone who would give Idia his own space until he finally felt comfortable and wanted to take it further, he would prob take a few days to even kiss you!!!
Idia wants someone to be his player 2 :) like actually, come over and game with him and he’ll probably be the happiest boy ever.
Big big bonus if you love anime, cosplay, gaming, etc. It’s one thing to be an otaku like Idia but when he has a partner to fully indulge in his interests with?? It’s a win-win situation for everyone! He wants to do a couple cosplay one day if he gets the courage to ask you.
Someone who won’t pressure him too much. If you remember how Riddle pressured Idia into trying to speak publicly, you know how much of a scary situation it put Idia in, even though he was able to do it. Stressing him out is just gonna make him unhappy :(
Someone who enjoys spending as much time inside as he does! I’m not talking a hikikomori but someone who wouldn’t be opposed to staying inside with him 99.9% of the time lol
“Y-Y/N-shi, would you like to g-go on a date with me soon?” Idia fumbled with his fingers, looking away as he asked you. You raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Idia, this is the first time you asked me to ‘go on a date’. Don’t tell me, are we actually going out somewhere?!”
“Eek! D-don’t be ridiculous, Y/N!!” He almost screeched the words out. Suddenly he pulled out a couple of VR headsets with hand controllers, and handed one to you. “Fuhehe, I just made a bunch of simulation locations. We could go to the park, a restaurant, even an amusement park..!” He grinned showing off his teeth.
You giggled at Idia’s enthusiasm, loving the way he gets after speaking about his own creations. “What a wonderful idea, Idia. Maybe we could take Ortho to the ‘amusement park’ too? We’ll be a big family.” You mused. Idia’s face brightened and a faint pink tinge covered his cheeks.
“F-family, huh? Ah, Y-Y/N-shi…. That would be n-nice…” Idia blushed as he considered what the future would bring for the both of you.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus would also mostly not have preferences on a person’s personality. Like, he wouldn’t say something like: “I want someone shy vs someone bold.” Anything his child of man does is interesting to him and he’s entranced by you!
That being said, Malleus would not tolerate rudeness, disrespect to him, Lilia, or his fellow dorm mates, etc. He may love you but he values those bonds more, especially Lilia’s and his grandmother’s.
Malleus wants someone who is willing to teach him human tendencies, since he is curious about them. Malleus will also probably never stop asking you about your life in the previous world, and listen passionately as you describe the hobbies you had, family members, etc.
As long as you continue to love and treat Malleus like a normal person and with kindness, he will continue to love you endlessly. He’s so unused to it that he will feel so special as you only coo in awe instead of fear away, if he showed you a magic trick or maybe donned more of his draconic features like his tail or long claws.
You walked with Malleus under the bright moonlight in the woods near Ramshackle dorm. His height and charm never failed to impress you. And his face, he was so very handsome. His striking green eyes always made you feel hypnotized and his horns were so well taken care of, you almost wanted to reach out and-
“Hm, Child of Man… you do know it’s quite rude to stare, yes?” Malleus chuckled and suddenly broke the silence, making you gasp. “Ah, sorry Tsunotarou. I-,” searching your thoughts, you just couldn’t think of anything quickly enough. “I just couldn’t help myself. You’re very attractive.” You murmured, admitting defeat.
“Oh? Do I not intimidate you, my dear? Usually humans and even other fae fear my features and tend to shy away…” Malleus looked down in thought as he continued walking. You wrapped yourself around one of his arms as he walked, effectively stopping him in his place. “Well, you don’t intimidate me! I like being around you, so, let’s keep it that way. I want to stay with you for a long time so don’t get too tired of me okay, Malleus?”
Hearing you say his given name only made the fae’s heart beat harder in his chest. Surely you knew what you did to him. He smiled down at you, green eyes softening in your gaze.
“I assure you I won’t, little human.”
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for chuuya having a crush on someone who's dense? like he could ask them out in the most straightforward way possible and it would still go over their head?
yes, yes of course you may!
sorry this took so long! my computer was out of commission for abt a week (or two..??)
but this is also my birthday writing piece for chuuya!! (4/29/21) i even added a small drabble thingy in addition to the hcs for the occasion hehe
from where i am, it is about fifteen minutes past midnight so it’s officially chuuya day here!!
happy birthday chuuya i love you! you deserve the whole world and everyone is willing to fight tooth and nail to ensure your happiness! we love you! 💗💗
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! i kinda had some writer’s block but it was still a lot of fun to write! there might be some mistakes, but i’ll scan over it again later. reader is gender neutral! have fun!
Tumblr media
chuuya having a crush on a dense! reader
nakahara chuuya x gn! reader
im cackling somebody help him
he’s frustrated bc you can’t take a hint or a thousand but he can’t even be mad bc he’s whipped
“look at you all dressed up today, wanna go out later? my treat?”
“oh really? thanks chuuya-san! you’re such a nice friend. i’ll go invite the others right now, i’ll see you later!”
fast forward to later in the evening and he finds himself at a little restaurant with the black lizard + higuchi and akutagawa
in unison all of them go, “thank you for the meal chuuya-san!” (except aku and hirotsu are quieter & and gin just a nods hehe)
“no problem” (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
gin only pats him on the back in sympathy
he spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make it absolutely and undeniably clear that he has feelings for you
he always fails
“(y/n) i like you”
“i like you too chuuya-san”
“t-then will you—”
“you’re a really great friend! and superior too”
“oh were you saying something?”
“nah, just forget about it”
tachihara is laughing in the corner of the corridor
dont worry, chuuya made sure to get back at him
chuuya’s been pinning after you for years and frankly, his failed attempts to woo you has lead everyone to the breaking point
and i mean everyone
yes, even aku
hell even dazai
but dazai also thinks it’s funny, so he doesn’t mind all that much
okay bye bye dazai-san this headcanon set isn’t abt you rn
they knew even if he kissed you, you still might not get it
so they decided to help him
super secret mission get chuuya and (y/n) together is a go!
they’re still working on a proper mission name, don’t mind them
they had a super secret strategy meeting!
you can bet your ass that they nearly got nothing done
akutagawa & kaiji weren’t much help, neither was higuchi, mori, or elise
tachihara nearly got killed for a thoughtless comment
“just tell them chuuya-san!”
“i already fucking did you ass!”
gin, hirotsu, and kouyou were the most helpful !!
hirotsu and kouyou both agreed on the idea that chuuya should try courting with bouquets of flowers instead of flat out asking you bc they knew you found them pretty
(even if you don’t identify as a female, flowers are for everyone no matter gender or sexuality! so let’s normalize giving flowers to everyone <33 )
gin didn’t speak but she used cards to communicate
everyone knew that you weren’t stupid (you wouldn’t have survived in the mafia if you were) but they did know that you were only stupid when it came to all this lovey dovey stuff
i mean, if chuuya gave you flowers every so often, there’s no way that you wouldn’t piece it together at some point
but kouyou assured him that even though you wouldn’t get it right away, you’d appreciate the gestures and that he’ll stand out more
she even said that if someone gave her flowers, she would appreciate it, whether or not she reciprocated their feelings
it takes guts to be so up front with your feelings after all
gin and hirotsu only nodded with her explanation
once again, this only provoked a reaction out of tachihara
“what do you know gin? i get the old man and kouyou-san, they’re grown, but you? what do you know abt courting? or flowers? what are you a girl?”
akutagawa choked on his cough, higuchi on air, and on the other side of yokohoma at the ada, dazai is cackling
yes, dazai somehow placed a listening device onto chuuya’s hat and was listening in
don’t ask how, it’s dazai
the next day, chuuya did what was barely discussed and for once, things actually started to look up
until they started look to down again
at first, it actually looked like you understood his intentions after he gave you a bouquet of flowers
literally everyone was leaning against the opposite hallway you two were in and then they got excited !!
especially chuuya !
but then your expression sort of changed...??
and then in their heads they simultaneously went, “oh no”
they knew that expression
it was very familiar when you tended to friend zone chuuya
but boy let me tell you what you said next made them facepalm and or make their jaws drop
“ah, so you really are friend zoning me huh chuuya-san; what a shame, i really did like you”
you liked him??
him of all people??
he wasn’t complaining, no of course not, but he still couldn’t believe it
but that wasn’t what he was really focusing on right now
what in any form or language did it say he was friend zoning you?!
flower language apparently
chuuya chose to buy the bouquet of yellow roses, pink carnations, and yellow carnations bc he thought you would appreciate the brighter colors, and so that you’d remember them better (because remembering them, meant remembering him)
but ooh boy
altogether, they meant the exact opposite message he wanted to send
someone help him pls
“you see chuuya-san, yellow roses mean friendship, pink carnations mean gratitude, and yellow carnations mean rejection; sooo in a nutshell, these pretty much say ‘thank you for being my friend, but im rejecting you”
no one can tell if tachihara is crying or wheezing
and dazai is having the time of his life
yes, he started listening in on him again
and chuuya is just stunned
like speechless and unmoving stunned
is he just bad at this whole courting/dating thing?? it’s only been one day and of it and somehow he was the one doing the rejecting??
“thank you for the flowers chuuya-san, i’ll be going now; i’ll make sure to let this affect our friendship. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you passed by the not so subtle group of people
“tachihara-kun..?? are you alright?”
just for context, he was leaning his forehead against the wall using his forearm
again, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or wheezing
“i-im okay (y/n)-san...i think c-chuuya-san has it worse than me”
he’s still frozen poor baby
but it’s okay bc after like 5 more seconds he’s chasing you down the hallway you were walking in
kouyou, with a knowing smile on her face, ushers everyone away towards the opposite direction
she received some whines (ahem, tachihara and mori) but silenced them by summoning golden demon
but it’s okay
if they run fast enough, they can see what happens through the security cameras
chuuya caught up with you and tried to explain everything but he was exhausted
emotionally, physically (bc since when did you walk that fast??), and generally just tired with the whole situation
he just wanted to call you his; was that too much to ask??
as explosive as he can be, he can be calm and collected too
and he really did try to be that way as he talked with you but it was very difficult at the moment
the dumbfounded and confused look on your face his face twitch with annoyance and his heart started beating faster bc god you were cute
thank goodness after what seemed like years, you finally somewhat understood what happened
you didn’t understand completely but it was something
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The two of you stood in the middle of the unusually empty hallway facing each other, you with the bouquet still in hand. It was quiet as you and Chuuya assessed the situation.
You looked at him skeptically and he stared right back you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“...So you do like me Chuuya-san??”
“And you were trying to court me just now, not friend zone me??”
You got most of your questions out of the way, but there was something that you’ve been wondering about for quite a while.
“...So you’re not gay for Dazai-san??”
“Yes, im not wait—GAY FOR DAZAI?? THAT MACKEREL??”
Chuuya did a double take. What in heavens name made it seem like he liked that suicidal maniac?? Why would he choose him if he had you?
Like he would choose him anyways; or ever consider him as a possible romantic partner.
“Oh, so you are?”
“Well yeah, but I thought you liked Dazai-san too. As annoying as he is, he can be quite charming—”
He was out of patience at this point (nope definitely not because you were talking about Dazai who told you that?) and just decided to kiss you.
You immediately melted into the kiss and kissed him back with the same amount of love and feeling.
Letting the bouquet fall to the ground, you wrapped you arms around his neck and his put his on your lower back and brought you closer to him. After a few more moments, the two of you broke apart for air.
The two of you, slightly out of breath, leaned your foreheads against each other and just basked in each others presence.
Chuuya looked into your (e/c) eyes and asked you just a little bit above a whisper, “Now do you get my intentions and feeling?”
You blinked at him before breaking out into a grin, “Hmm I’m not sure; do you wanna do that again Chuuya?”
The red head only blinked back at you before rolling his eyes, a smile present on his handsome features, his heart fluttering at you using his name with the honorific.
Smiling cheekily at him, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and started dragging him towards the lobby to take a walk around the building perimeter, knowing that the two of you can’t be too far from work.
The way down to the lobby was mostly in comfortable silence until you said something that made Chuuya want to bash his head against the wall.
“You know, you could’ve just told me you liked me Chuuya. It’s not like I would’ve said no.”
Once again, as the rest of the more power mafia members watch from security cameras, it is hard to tell whether Tachihara is crying or wheezing of laughter.
omake !!
The two of you just started making your way around the building when suddenly a very familiar voice came from Chuuya’s prized hat.
“Chuuyaaaa!! It was about time you stopped being a chicken, Chibi!”
Removing his hat from his head, he started yelling at it not knowing exactly where the listening device was planted.
“And (y/n)! I would congratulate you, but I think I would rather offer you my condolences. Why him?! He’s just a slimy slug. OOH OOH how would you like to join me in a double suicide?! A shame it won’t be a lover’s suicide but it’ll annoy Chuuya so I think it’ll be worth it! ”
“And please don’t kiss while I’m listening in. You made me lose my appetite! And it was such a shame! I was eating crab using Kunikida-kun’s money! Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”
“Ah! Kunikida-kun is here! I have to go!”
You can hear something is the background that vaguely sounds like, “DAZAI YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES STOP USING MY MONEY”
The click sound from the hat revealed that Dazai disconnected.
Chuuya twitched and glared furiously at his signature hat hating that the voice he hated the most came out of it.
“Aww, I didn’t get to talk to Dazai-san”
Chuuya whipped his head towards you, a look of mock (or real) betrayal showing on his features.
You laughed at him before taking the hat out of his hands and placing it on his head.
He shyly looked away before muttering a thanks making you smile wider. Just as the two of you were about to start walking, a small explosion erupted from his hat; it was likely that Dazai made the listening device self destruct.
At the Armed Detective Agency, a certain suicidal maniac hid from the wrath of his current partner as he thought about the wrath his old one.
“Hmmm I wonder if Chuuya would finally stop wearing his ugly hats if I blow all of them up...”
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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