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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
turning sexist meme that is actually funny into ageist meme that's hopefully funny.
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flynnswife · 4 months ago
My DOOM 3 Shenanigans Part. 1🌹
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leninova1997 · 2 years ago
Really random headcanon stuff about Doom3guy from my novel (series) 'cause why not
Obviously, he is not and never will be my own character. Yet doesnt mean i cannot work on him and extend his personal depth in the name of creation.
- He is easily fitting into the “silent but deadly” type. Not a huge fan of wasting his time on small talk or somehow have them change their minds: he either takes his chances in action or nothing else (well, for the most part that is)
- From the outside, he can be seem like a cold, distant, unfriendly individual who has no feelings and only has interest in his own things. While in reality, he is just a person who is extremely picking when it comes to trust and reliability (mostly taken from his own experiences). He wont spare anything on those who dont deserve it. His introverted side doesnt “help” the situation either (he doesnt really care since this kind of operating has proven to be more useful in the long run, even with all the disadvantages intact). In fact, he may not be the most easily approachable person, however he has a truly loving heart that has all the place to those who he really cares about. You could even say he has a totally changed personality when they are around: he is talkative, friendly, very supportive, encouraging and smiles a lot. Its a rare sighing yet stunning to see and experience. 
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- He is the type of guy who would stay behind and fight to his last drop of blood just to make sure, anyone who is involved gets to have the change to be saved. He puts everybody in the first place, then himself on the second. It is not rooted in ego rather in his fundamental beliefs: he is the leader, he is the man, he is the father - he has to step up, has to be the strongest line of defence and at the same time be ready for the possibility to give the best of his best or even his life for others. And he is never shy about projecting this kind of view: he is absolutely convinced, this is the reason he is around and the main purpose of his existence. If you ask me, his father had a great influence on him for sure 
- He was born on the 13th of January, 2118 (not friday!). Originally the place of birth was New York City, then decided to ditch the idea for a better alternative and a sharper narrative contrast. I hope one day you get to see why
- He joined the marines right after he graduated from high school. He was not only preparing heavily for the entry test (we all know who notoriously hard it is and i can confidently believe this wont change a lot in the future) during the 4 years but was a huge dream of his (again, his father’s influence since he served the UAC in the same way, for a fairly long time before his death). Before he got stripped from his rank and achievements, he made it to the “sergeant” (and wasnt too far to make it to “staff sergeant”). 
- He got married with his high school sweetheart not soon after he got accepted to join the marine corps. Their connection is much more based on deep emotional and intellectual properties rather than purely on physical attraction (its there though). Essentially they are total opposites who complete each other (like she is an very open, overly kind hearted and emotionally expressive individual yet a little bit naive and shy) but that doesnt automatically mean they cannot attach to the same principles and live by that. Its more about balance and a steady state that they are both happy and confident in. Also, one of the simplest conformations about their dynamic is how they usually sleep: big spoon - small spoon since it not only represents perfectly their inner sides but their relation to each other in the relationship (or because its romantic in this way and they like it a lot, lol)
- His wife and daughter (born in 2138) not only represent a strong pillar in his life but something essential he can always return to find refuge and (emotional) support in. He is a tough guy with a strong personality and enough hard times behind his back, yet he is not immune to the overwhelming hopelessness and sadness that lingers around and even more inside him. This kind of craving for care become much more evident when he returned back from Mars and had to deal with the trauma of the invasion, the truth and the agonizing nightmares that never stopped haunting him for years. His wife worked as a psychiatrist for the Company, although it wasnt truly her expertise in the field that were needed in these cases, rather her affectionate and devoted nature that helped him out the gutter many times. 
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Sorry, i had to put this gif here because its so beautiful  😭 😭 😭
- He has his own interest in many things, but the most important was always drawing to him, especially in an illustrative way. He has a great photographic memory, so combining this with his skills, it often results in well made even stunning art pieces. He kind of neglected his hobby when he become the member of the army, but after his daughter was born, he started to return back to it more and more. He didnt really imagine himself doing this for long or for life, however the entertainment value never seemed to fade away
- He is a huge fan of travelling, specially in tropical and/or warmer areas such as the Mediterranean peninsula, Central and South America and some parts of Southeast Asia. Wasnt the best experience for him though when he had to serve in such places like Syria, Libanon and Libya since the temperature and the environmental conditions were unbearable at best (along with the warzones he had to anticipate in). But to prove somewhat he is an actual admirer: he had his honeymoon in Portugal (it was a short weekend) which he still likes to relive to this day. 
- He is a great grandson of a somewhat “famous” individual (who is NOT polish and have nothing to do with WW2, rather was active during the difficult era from the early 2030s and later 2040s). His first name comes from his deceased uncle to honor his remembrance (thanks to his father) who was suffering from Duchenne dystrophy and died in an early age. His name was given when Mars and colonization was a hot topic during the 2090s and many parents named their child after or in connection with the planet. 
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I hope you liked my mindblowing post, hope to make more in the future. I guess
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thathomestar · 7 years ago
I wonder if anyone has ever went through the effort to make Doom 3 a good game ever since id released the source code
i imagine you could make doom3guy more fun to play as but it’d completely trivialize the main campaign
there was a mod called “classic doom 3″ which remade E1 from the original doom, it adjusted a bunch of damage/health values and gave you infinite sprint
it was pretty good but it’s still doom 3
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imx-doomer · 8 years ago
I like the idea of original doomguy being that protector. Like what if he did visit the doom3universe. He was that mighty warrior who crossed/followed hell and banished it? Every time a portal/link is open in hell, he always tries to close it. I like to think doom3guy is the timeline where he went come to pet daisy.
That sounds nice, and it would also explain his absence.
Like having something you never wanted, but you never knew how much you needed it, I guess?
Bunnies are cool
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dark-drawssss · 1 year ago
Doom 3 shitposting
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All of these are from last year (the video is the only one that's recent)
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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
A daily reminder that we were robbed of demonic monkeys in Doom 3.
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Actually I did want to see regular monkeys in the game (don't ask why, source: trust me bro) so you know what....
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Fuck it, let's just make a Doom 3 shitpost AU where the game's events are happening but there's also a smol, non-demonic monkey as a partner to the Doom Marine (who is very obviously a vampire, because fuck it he does look like he would be one) and his quest to stop the invasion.
I've had that doodle in my gallery for some time now, yeah.
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dark-drawssss · 1 year ago
Something that I find amusing is how in TMOD3 book it's stated how, with the protagonists' appearance and behavior, they wanted to avoid "making another mean looking anti-hero".
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The audacity to call him "not a badass" I will-
Funnily enough, they seemingly still wanted to have an anti hero in the game, but with another character.
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Bit of a wasted potential there....
Anyway, the reason I find this all amusing is because of ROE, specifically, this cunt:
because if y'all paid attention, the protagonist himself acts as an anti hero and I would gladly kill him myself-
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Showing no remorse for his teammates he killed (yeah he didn't kill them directly, but he does not show any regrets either), stealing souls from dead people, seems pretty tempted by the artifacts power once he learns more about it (he would've likely became a villain had he given into it).
Before I end the post, here's a clip that for some reason is only in the Doom's official Discord server (if anyone can find the original interview please do share it):
Sorry I've been thinking about this for a WHILE and placed it in my drafts last month but kept forgetting to post it-
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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
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Here, have some Crash (Quake 3) and Doom Marine (Doom 3) because they're cool friends.
(used a shading technique in the lineart that I'm never using again because my hand hurts-)
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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
Aw man the BFG Edition aged everyone down :c
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Got Kelly's images from the wiki, too lazy to install the BFG Edition for a shitpost.
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leninova1997 · 2 years ago
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‘Guys can’t stop being hot’ ~ starter pack
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leninova1997 · 2 years ago
"Doom3guy/Doom marine now got his own name, backstory, relations and well deserved character depth." Will you keep his name a secret until you release the novel?
Can you talk a little bit about his personality?
It's okay if you prefer not to share due to spoilers, I'm just curious but I respect if you prefer to keep it a secret.
Hey, thank you so much for the questions! 😍😍😍
Well, yes, it is going to be a big-big secret. 😂😂😂 Not because the name is anything mindblowing, its more about teasing from my side. Im pretty sure though some people will be surprised by it (maybe just a little bit). And no, it has nothing to do with the OG canon names like Taggart and Blaskowitz. Its standalone in a special way
Oh boy, his personality. Where do i even start? 😁😂😂
I always described him as a cold, heavily determined and straightforward person. Mostly he only cares about accomplishing his task (when he is in the "zone"), anything else can wait and will wait. This never could be possible without hardening during actual conflicts. The years while being on the battlefield taught him a few very valuable lessons about warfare and himself too. This kind of control always elevates his distant and calculating side along with low emotions and high concentration. He wants to be as invulnerable as possible, no matter how much he has to shield his human side. But in such deadly conditions, who can blame him?
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He is a badass, no doubt. Not many people even with his experience, expertise and self regulation or with much more would have been capable of carrying out such an act as he did. Im sure he was surprised to some extent when he returned back to Delta and had a moment of peace for himself while leaning next to the wall.
Then, theres his other side that is much more caring and kinder than anyone would expect. Most people wouldnt even guess this because his "naturally shown" behavior toward strangers is also very distant, argumentative, detached, restrained when it comes to communication and connections. But for special people, like his family, wife (yes, in my headcanon he is married) and daughter he is like a total opposite. He is not only always there to support but to become a reliable example of trust (and very often he is). He takes care of his family as seriously as possible (like how he does in the military) and doesnt mind if he has to sacrifice his own needs in the process. He believes its the responsibility of the head of the family and refuses to even question this line of logic (thanks to this, he sometimes becomes too overprotective).
He also likes to present his inner emotions to them in the most honest extension. Its very noticeable how much he smiles (which suits him very well) and laughs during these times. Or share his worries and pain with members who he expects some encouragement from. Or maybe, he just needs some comfort from his memories and/or the hypocrisy of society/the world. Its truly rare, however, such simple things will help him out tremendously.
He also has a huge heart and not afraid to aid those who deserve it. He cannot stand immorality and corruption: if something or somebody shatters his faith (like his belief in the corps), nothing will keep him around in his soul anymore and wont obey in the way he used to (doesnt care if this brings danger to his life).
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This is still not the whole picture though, but i hope this essay/posting means enough aid to get to know him better in my writing. 😊
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leninova1997 · 2 years ago
Talking about my Doom 3 based novel because i can
Since i dont have too much time recently to work on my project, i decided to share a few basic points about it for amusement. Im like, why not. There, enjoy:
- The novel is pretty much follows an alternative timeline, taking it as if the monorial accident in the base game was much more severe than it actually was. And how this simple change escalates whole new circumstances and situation (like no other before). 
- Back in the day, i finished 5 chapters out of 13 around 2020 (staring in 2017), then i threw it all out since it wasnt up to my standards. Looking back to it, the stuff was truly lame as hell
- The story not only concentrates heavily on gore and action but on technology, advancements, worldbuilding, social and economical problems etc. 
- Doom3guy/Doom marine now got his own name, backstory, relations and well deserved character depth. Anything to make him as realistic and multi layered as possible
- Rage, Quake 4 and Prey 2006 can be considered as “connective cannons” in my imagined literical product 
- Maybe i will finish this before i turn 30 (LOL)
- I treat chapter(s) like if those were individual maps. Every section has its own twist and characteristic detail similar to the game when it came to presentation and atmosphere for example in the environment’s matter. 
- I have explanations for almost everything, especially that were in connection with my scientific studies (okay its like cheating or something) or the books i have read in interest (almost 2 so far out of 30)
- Bonus: i cannot shut up about this thing, like, ever. Its part of my life at this point. And i love it
Thats all for today. Maybe i will share more things in the future without any actual spoilers. Since i dont wanna ruin the fun before it even starts. Cheers!
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leninova1997 · 3 years ago
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124 more years from now on and demons will take over Mars 🔥😟🙏Prepare the chainsaws   
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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
the idea of every Doomguy being together and causing chaos sounds like a fun AU idea. but I've seen you include only 4 of em, and I'm pretty sure that 'arenaguy' is suppost to be Doomguys much younger self, but I could have my lore knowledge wrong. do you intend on maybe adding more of them? like Phobos (character), technically not Doomguy but he's still cool. or John Grim from the movie, or ROE and TLM guy's from Doom 3's expansions, or even Stan from DooM rpg2. not having Joan Dark is fine tho
lol thanks, and yeah I do want to include more. Also the ArenaGuy IS the same person as the Doom Slayer (before the events of the first Doom game happened), but I only found out that later one since before that I thought that he's basically an alternatively ver of him (same way that Doom Marine/Doom3Guy is alt ver of him, but they're still different as people). Now, onto the actual question:
Phobos - tbh, I didn't even knew that he was an actual character and whenever I saw him I just thought that he was recolored ver of Doom (ArenaGuy's name in Quake 3) and that it might've been an inside thing between Quake fans. I do feel bad for him, and his lack of trust and more personality traits make him hard to fit in to the AU, but I could come up with something (sadly, it would prob be on my Insta story since I talk about the AU a lot there, sorry :c). John Grim - Yes I did watch both of the movies (wouldn't recommend but it's not too terrible) and I do like John (he's the only reason I even cared about his-somewhat-bitchy-sister staying alive), but I don't think he deserves the nickname that is "DoomGuy" (at least yet), needs to work on his demon killing. So for now he's an "eh" on whenever I think of adding him. ROEguy - Oh this fucker.... I'm sorry but he fucking sucks: shows no remorse for killing his friends, taking souls because he needs to show down time for a bit, survives only because of the plot armor, seems like an bigger asshole than he shows, and the worst of all, he stole Doom Marine's kill! The only positives I can give about him is that he shows a tinybit more personality than the Doom3Guy, by actually being interested in the Marian history and smiling. However his interest is something I didn't know about until reading about it, and him smiling is either smirking in that one scene (cocky bi-a-ch) or smiling to his friends (because he has friends, while the Marine was new and didn't know anybody). If anyone else likes him that's fine, at least his pants are kinda cool I guess. TLMguy - At least ROEguy HAS a personality and characteristics, this mf doesn't even show his face and I couldn't tell you anything about his character even if you held a rocket launcher in front of my head. Not to mention that you really expect me to believe he made it through all that alone when they and their team got their asses kicked by Imp's 6 hours after the invasion just began (not to mention the ending messing with the "Doom Marine is the only survivor", but I hc that their ship got shot down by demons because they could warn people on earth about Betruger's whole plan). Safe to say, neither of these two are close to even dreaming of being "Doom" Stan Blazkowicz - Sorry but I'm not familiar with Doom RPG yet so I'm unsure, but I am praying that he's a good "DoomGuy". And Joan Dark - She's a bitch and another "strong female character" that shows slightly more emotions than them, but still either bland or an asshole. Sad to say that so far, Crash isn't having another girl join the gang.
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leninova1997 · 2 years ago
I highly doubt Doom3guy is a virgin. He is too much of a good looking guy (or gigachad to be meme coherent) to never have sex in his life.
But thats just my opinion, haha
Doom Gang AU Stories cuz Insta
Since Instagram requires you to have an account to view stories I thought that I'd share the Doom Gang AU highlights here.
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Yeah I make shit tons of stories and I hate how you need an account to view them, so for those here that don't want to make an account here y'all go. If you got any questions feel free to ask.
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