#quake phobos
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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
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(not so) Quickly sketched out this meme cuz I do find it funny.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years ago
(Consider this post a follow up to the Doom Eternal expansion ideas post)
Something i forgot to mention in that "ideal DE expansions" post is if the other playable characters were Crash and Phobos.
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Because they're technically Quake characters first but look like they were meant to expand the setting of Doom and Phobos was not only referenced in 2016 and Eternal, he even got his own Symbiote figure (Which was made as a variation of the Doomguy one).
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But anyway, imagine if these characters had their own campaigns (Expansions, actual games, whatever) and even their own weapons and abilities etc.
Again, this post would be similar to the one i mentioned above but here's another thing: What if they were "classes"?
If Doom ever felt like copying Hexen, i could see that work (And with D2RPG having 2 other characters besides a Doomguy-ish kinda guy, it wouldn't be a first time... and then there's the Doom Bible).
Another thing is the lore because they could differ from a UAC ARC soldier and Sentinel warrior.
Would they be from Doomguy's original setting and also travel through dimensions?
Or would these be different versions of the characters we saw in Quake?
I'm also sure people recall interviews and news where Hugo Martin talks about a female Slayer and how he could play differently from the Doomguy.
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Hey :)
…you’re smiling. I’m the Prince of Nightmares, heir to the thrones of Phobos and Morpheus, and you speak to me and you smile. Have some respect for Phobos, for the fear that should quake through your bones.
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asaltyrat · 6 months ago
Doom 1993 | Why does it play good?
I played the original DOOM when I was 10 or 12 in my Aunt's Dusty Ol' Office with her Dusty Ol' Computer running Windows 95.
I probably shouldn't have been playing it.
But I did, got to plow through hundreds of angry demons through space bases and huge pits of hell. I learned to understand pain-states and got so excited when I finally beat the first chapter in one sitting. Then something strange happened. I kept playing DOOM.
It wasn't like I had a habit of not revisiting my old favorite games. Legend of Zelda, Starcraft, Quake. These games are burned in my brain and I love picking them up for a few days and enjoying a good ol' fashioned adventure, despite that the games themselves havn't aged well with the times. But DOOM is something I would happily actively stream again. Play through again, dive into the dedicated modding community again. Over and over, and I have absolutely no idea WHY it's like this.
Doom is an OLD game. Not exactly old as dirt, old as the land itself, but it celebrated its 30th anniversary not too long ago and it slaps me in the face that this game is nearly as old as I am. And yet it still keeps offering gameplay I'm dedicated to. That I want to keep enjoying and toying with. I've even considered trying to Speedrun the game a few times.
What is it with DOOM that keeps it's fan base positively frothing for new releases? Not just the overhauled, high intensity action that was 2016's DOOM or DOOM Eternal, but even the older fan .wads and, even still. SIGIL from John Romero, and now Legacy of Rust from the folks at Nightdive and a few extremely dedicated veteran .wad makers.
The Ultimate Doom Steam Port is stellar (sans a few strange sound issues) and people are still remixing E1M1 with some very exciting results. I had a variable amount of whiplash when I found out that OCRemix's "Dark Side of Phobos" started back in 2004, 11 years after the game's release.
I don't need to review the game or give a solid opinion. This is more just me absolutely out of my mind because the DOOM Train hasn't stopped, and I don't understand why.
It's no wonder I'm hitting up the full Vanilla release for the next few upcoming streams while making Crass commentary through it.
Stay Salty~
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autolenaphilia · 1 year ago
Doom 3
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Doom 3 from 2004 is maybe the least popular game in the entire Doom series. It doesn’t have the massive influence, popularity and strong modding community of Doom 1 and 2, nor the acclaim of the revival games that followed it in 2016 and 2020.
In fact it’s controversial, mainly because it is a change of pace from the first two games. You are still a Space marine fighting off an invasion from literal Hell, this time on Mars itself of Phobos. But instead of a run-and-gun action-packed game, Doom 3 is a slower-paced tense horror game, with monsters hiding in the dark, and a stamina mechanic incentivizing slow exploration. For critics, it’s the game that betrayed the series’s roots, and the 2016 game put the series back on track. It’s the mirror image of the fandom controversy over Resident Evil 4, where an exploration-based horror series changed tracks to become an action-focused shooter.
And just as I’m on the pro-RE4 side, I’m also on Doom 3s side. Doom 3 rules. It’s an excellent horror first person shooter. In fact I think most of the criticism is either wrong, or in fact a strength of the game. Despite its mixed reputation, it was a massive commercial and critical success at the time, and I think that reception was well-deserved.
Now Doom 3 is a different game from the first two Doom games, but that’s because it’s attempting to revive a series a full decade after the last main release of Doom II in 1994, and 7-8 years after the non-Id developed spin-off games Final Doom and Doom 64, and the former was basically a fanmade map pack for Doom II given official blessing and the other was a Nintendo 64 exclusive.
And in the meantime, the market for first-person shooters that Doom had createdhad changed completely, and in a more sophisticated direction. Already in 1994 there was System Shock, which had far more complex and intelligent storytelling than Doom, and on a technical levelactually was a full 3D game. It was two years before Id themselves would reach actual 3d with 1996’s Quake. And of course, in 1998 Half-Life was released, almost killing the “doom clone” type of FPS in a single stroke. It set a new benchmark for immersion, storytelling and technical accomplishment in the FPS genre.
So when Id Software started development on Doom 3, the question was how they could make a game that acknowledged and learned from the massive leap forwards in both technology and storytelling in the past decade, while still retaining a distinct identity? And Doom 3 tries, and mostly succeeds. It’s the Doom series trying to become more intelligent than its simplistic run-and-gun origins, and I like that.
Of course Doom 3 did its own technological leaps forward, it was a graphically advanced game for the time, and its engine Idtech4 a technical marvel. The game still looks good. The character animation however is rough, and pales compared to the excellent facial animations in Half-Life 2 released the same year, but again overall the game’s visuals hold up well. This is due to the excellent art design, which takes full advantage of the capabilities of engine. The game has this coherent aesthetic that continues classic Doom. The art design only grows better as the game goes on, as the the sterile mechanic sci-fi environments of the Mars base and the grotesque gothic and disturbingly fleshy Hell environments melt together during the invasion.
Storytelling-wise Doom 3does borrow both from Half-life and System Shock. The low-key actionless intro to the game has a similar feel to Half-life, where the Doom marine is reporting for duty at a research facility. Just like its inspiration, the game takes its time setting the scene before things go wrong, hell literally breaks loose and the action starts. And once you get into the game, you find the base runs teleportation experiments and its scientists have studied and toyed around with Hell before the game even started, just like how Black Mesa did with Xen in Half-life. Although the teleportation experiments gone wrong and leading to an invasion was a plot point that Half-life borrowed from the original Doom in the first place.
Still, I think Doom 3 use of its influences from Half-life. Mostly because its story has a very different feel. The game leans more on the horror aspect than Half-life does. Yet the game doesn’t take itself too seriously, you are fighting literal demons from Hell, and the human villain is a guy named Dr. Betruger (iterally Dr. Deceiver in german) who just reeks of evil. The game is horror, but it’s b-movie horror. And its fun.
There are also PDAs with audio logs lying around explaining the plot and lore of the game, just like in System Shock. The logs are of decent quality acting-and writing-wise. Id brought in an actual novelist named Matthew J. Costello to write the game’s script, he was also the writer behind The 7th Guest.And exploring the PDAs you find will get you keycodes for lockers containing health and ammo pickups, which is a neat feature rewarding exploration and attention. But the audiologs make me wish the game had subtitles, or clearer audio mixing, you can’t hear them once you get distracted by the demon fighting. It isn’t the best implementation of audio logs. The game overall has excellent sound design, despite voices being kinda lost in the mix. The noises in this games are properly unnerving, especially in darkness.
Another aspect that the game borrows from Half-life is linear game design. Doom 3 is maybe the example case of a “corridor shooter”, the game goes in a straight line from beginning to end, including a detour through Hell. The scares comes from scripted events, often from monster closets opening and releasing enemies triggered by your progress through the levels. And this is a frequent point of criticism. Yet as I said before, linear doesn’t mean bad. It’s tight, very well-paced game design, and works for the same reasons Half-life works. Doom 3 reminds me of Max Payne 2’s metafictional comment on its own linear game design. “A funhouse is a linear sequence of scares. Take it or leave it is the only choice given” And its even more applicable on Doom 3, it’s really is a linear sequence of scares, a funhouse, or a dark ride, and enjoyable as such. There is reason to prefer it to much of the level design in the first two Doom games, which was often relatively “open” but very labyrinthine. Those games could sometimes become confusing and frustrating keyhunts. While it was the Barons of Hell that looked like minotaurs, the gameplay was a minotaur-simulator at times.
Another common point of criticism is the darkness, and the flashlight mechanic. The levels of this game are infamously dark, often hiding monsters that can surprise you. You do have a flashlight with infinite battery, but you can’t hold it at the same time you hold a weapon. This is a constant source of tension, do you hold a gun to defend yourself, or do you use a flashlight to better find supplies and see the enemies? Yet many found the darkness frustrating. The game’s engine Idtech4 has truly impressive lighting for the time, and the game has been accused of being a glorified tech demo, with the excessive darkness meant to show the lighting effects off. One of the most popular mods at the time as a result was the “ducttape” mod, which enabled you to use the flashlight with a gun (presumably with the help of ducttape). And when the game was re-released in 2012 in the “BFG edition”, the mod’s idea was incorporated into the actual official game, and the separate flashlight was removed. The game was also given a lot more light as part of its remastering.
Yet this is kinda like modding Resident Evil 4 to make Leon able to aim/shoot and move at the same time. The flashlight mechanic in the original Doom 3 is not a mistake, but deliberate part of the game design to increase tension. The game is built around darkness to create a tense atmosphere. The game gives you plenty of ammo to fight off enemies, and you are meant to kill every enemy, but the darkness and the limitations of your flashlight still makes it scary, as they have the cover of darkness to their advantage. And it’s still not as frustrating as it might otherwise be. Many of the demonic enemies do give off light, especially during attacks, to guide the player during combat in the dark. You also have the excellent sound design to guide you.
The game’s combat overall is underrated, and has a lot of the classic Doom feel. You do have a sprint button, and are encouraged to use quick movements, because a lot of enemy attacks are slow enough to be dodged. It’s something alike to the fast moving Doom combat of old. The infamous shotgun of the game seems designed for this. Due to its ridiculous large spread of its pellets, it’s only effective at point blank range, so you are meant to run up to the enemy, dodge its attacks, and fire it. It still has bad RNG for its damage, but I get the point of it.
Now your stamina for sprinting is limited, which encourages you to save it for combat. So the exploration between combat encounters is meant to be at a slower walking pace. It’s a slower experience, meant to build tension for the next combat encounter. And it rewards exploration by giving you supplies. This exploration is then punctuated by the fast-paced combat. It’s a well-paced game, which deliberately tries to vary itself to not wear the player out on one thing.
And how the game tries to scare you is all in classic Doom. The dark areas, the monsters jumpscaring you from closets, and the weird noises from unseen enemies, it’s all there in Doom Iand II. This is how the game retains its identity as a Doom game. The returning enemies have been redesigned to fit the darker horror mood, but imps and zombified human soldiers fill basically the same function as in the first two games.
Doom 3 far from being a complete reversal of its predecessors is more a shift in emphasis. The horror elements were always there in Doom, they just wasn’t emphasized, partly out of technical limitations. And the action that Doom is known for is still there in 3, it’s just balanced more with the horror elements.
Doom 3 really works as a sequel. It takes inspiration from what happened in the genre while the series lay dormant, but it does so in a way that continues its roots. it is not just a good game, but a good Doom game.
Resurrection of Evil
The game got an expansion pack in 2005, Resurrection of Evil, developed by Nerve Software. It’s an excellent example of how good old-school expansion packs were, compared to modern DLC. RoE is more of the same for sure, it uses the same engine and basic gampelay and a lot of the assets from the original. And it’s short, it took me around 4 hours on a first playthough, while the base game took me 13 hours.
Yet it’s a fully-fledged if short game that tries to justify its own existence by adding new weapons, mechanics and enemies. There is an artifact that allows you to slow down time for some slow-motion action. The super shotgun from Doom II makes its return, allowing you to fire two shotgun shells at once for devastating firepower. There is even a rip-off of the gravity gun from Half-life 2.It’s fun, there is an ambition here that serves this expansion pack well.
Writer Matthew J. Costello returns and the expansion pack wraps up the dangling plot thread from the base game, so if you were put off by the base game’s cliffhanger, you’ll get your resolution here.
And the level design is if anything better than the base game. There is more classic Doom-style action (as signified by the return of the super shotgun), but also excellent use of darkness and slow exploration to build horror and tension.
It’s not sold separately from the base game on digital storefronts, so it’s well worth it to play it if you enjoy Doom 3.
My recommendation for playing this game today is the Dhewm3 source port. It enables widescreen and EAX-like sound effects by default. The port was enabled by Id software wisely releasing the source code for Doom 3. It’s now an open source game, which is nice. And it’s available for all kinds of operating systems, including Linux. It’s even in the official Debian repos. There is an official 2012 re-release, the BFG edition mentioned earlier, I haven’t played it, but it seems to have nerfed the game in ways that I think misses the point of the original game. The Dhewm3 source port is the way to experience this game on a modern system that is still close to the original experience
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hellsite-yano · 1 year ago
As usual: The List of Completed Games 2023
Arrival (DOOM) Sunder (DOOM) Mibibli's Quest Action Doom (DOOM) Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl (DOOM) Assault on Tei Tenga (DOOM) Maptroid: Worlds Demons of Problematique (DOOM) Demons of Problematique 2 (DOOM) Newgothic Movement (DOOM) Newgothic Movement 2 (DOOM) Legacy of Heroes (DOOM) TNT Revilution (DOOM) /pol/ (DOOM) Equinox (DOOM) Thunderpeak (DOOM) Pizza Tower Automaton Lung SMBNext: Sunset Shores Heart of the Killer Elderand Kama Sutra (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin: The Lost Temple (DOOM) Metroid Fusion: Special Edition No End in Sight (DOOM) Counterattack (DOOM) Consolation Prize (DOOM) Golden Souls 2 (DOOM) Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition REKKR The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 Castlevania: Simon's Destiny (DOOM) The Legend of Dark Witch 3 Micro Slaughter Community Project (DOOM) Cave Story 3D Plutonia Revisited Community Project (DOOM) 200 Minutes of /vr/ (DOOM) Hell Ground (DOOM) Mutiny (DOOM) Diabolus Ex (DOOM) Rusted Moss Dread Templar The Machine (Knytt Stories) Ashes 2063 Enriched (DOOM) Carnage Oasis (DOOM) Ashes Afterglow (DOOM) MAYhem 2048 (DOOM) Doom 2 Redux (DOOM) Bungle in the Jungle (DOOM) Anomaly Report (DOOM) MyHouse (DOOM) Dementium Remastered HROT BACULUS (DOOM) Doom 2 Reloaded (DOOM) Vracks Botanicals (DOOM) Resurgence (DOOM) Invasion UAC (DOOM) SuperDoom (DOOM) 2048 Units of /vr/ (DOOM) Cydonia (DOOM) Happy (DOOM) Tetris Effect: Connected Moonblood (DOOM) Liminal Doom (DOOM) Tetanus (DOOM) Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 (DOOM) Shadow of the Wool Ball (DOOM) Monuments of Guilt BABBDI NaissanceE Post Void I wish it was morning all the time HOLEHOLE MAZEMAZE Kowloon's Curse: Lost Report South Scrimshaw Part One Outcore: Desktop Adventure Nyaruru Fishy Fight Viewfinder Sludge Life 2 Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer Herald of Havoc Pseudoregalia Deadlink Lone Fungus Fox Flares Turbo Overkill Blasphemous 2 AMID EVIL - The Black Labyrinth Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Inscryption Neyasnoe Northern Journey Wonderputt Forever Super Junkoid (Super Metroid) Manifold Garden Contra 4 Metal Slug 7 Space Invaders Extreme Space Invaders Extreme 2 Outer Wilds Ion Fury: Aftershock Submachine 1: the Basement Submachine 2: the Lighthouse Submachine 3: the Loop Quake II - Enhanced Edition Escape Escape PRIPRI MELLOWOLLEM Submachine 4: the Lab Submachine 5: the Root Submachine 6: the Edge Submachine 7: the Core Venturous (DOOM) Devotion Good Morning Phobos (DOOM) Winter's Fury (DOOM) OBZEN (DOOM) Rush (DOOM) HAPPY WORLD SJ-19 Learns To Love! Graze Counter GM Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams Beeny The Sun Will Rise Again
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leninova1997 · 2 years ago
Hey Leni, let's make theories about Doom and Quake chronology?
I was thinking.. As we know, the demons invaded the UAC in 2145 and the war raged on for some years. Scott Voss from SMC was born in a Martian Colony in the year 2203, that is, relatively shortly after the first demonic invasion. Would Mars have had a peaceful time after all the chaotic events of Doom (to build safe colonies on Mars)? Do you think the other Doom events are part of the same timeline? or that's impossible? (I know there's controversy, but I want to know your opinion).
Curious to know your thoughts on this! Leis. ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔノ゙
First of all, thank you so much for the question. 😍 I always wanted to be a part of such conversations so this truly means a lot to me. 😍😍😍Second of all, let me establish 2 pathways: what is possible in "natural" circumstances and what i use for my novel and for future followups as a standalone timeline based possibility.
Normal version:
If we take Doom 3 as a closed title along with all the other games/expansions being connected to it, then its fairly obvious to point out, humanity had the time to recover from such losses. Mars City, Phobos labs etc. were lost to the population measures but not in technology. Hidrocon was still there to bring advancement to a whole new level, and im pretty sure they didnt miss out on it even behind the blood soaked history. Over years and maybe after a few high levels of power struggles within the Board they finally got themselves together enough to restart Mars City as an actual human settlement (with a few added advances to make sure nothing comes over again/wont be as deadly as it can be). This also brought the chance as soon as possible to have the city thrive along with other human colonies which in connection meant a new future for our species. Without Mars city there was no continuation and they knew this all too well: sacrificing decades of hard work over fear and paranoia was too much of a luxury to be committed.
In Quake 4's retrospect, im pretty sure Doom 3's events can be considered as canon, even from line to line (if you mind). My philosophy often comes like this in such cases:, "just because people dont talk about it, doesnt mean its not there". From this point, things can be explained even with multiple altitudes: the UAC has gone bankrupt and the secrets have fallen to the grave alongside with it. Or: people over time got to know about the demonic invasion and they live with the truth. Or: the UAC is still there but under a different alias and thanks to this, they are not standing out publicly. Its only a matter of imagination what you can consider as a direct lead to the main story. And this is just one of the examples out of hundreds you can twist in any way you would like for a perfect fitting.
My version:
In my series, things are nothing but grim. After ROE, Earth got attacked not soon after, and the demons started immediately taking over as much as possible (not just the planet, but other colonies and space stations were in great danger). Even if i consider the heroes winning after the years of a brutal, almost annihilating war, humanity still needs an extraordinary amount of time for rebuilding and even more for restarting colonization. The pace is the most important factor in this, however for me its not unimaginable to have a well functioning martian city in the beginning of the 23rd century. Its almost 50 years to spare so its highly unlikely they will lick their wounds for this long. From this on, Quake 4 can be its own very thing, not even mattering if any importance (like the origin of the Strogg or the demonic invasion) has been altered during an alternative timeline.
Fun fact: i consider all Id Tech 4 based games as one big canon where things have different kinds of impacts on each other. Yes, even Prey 2006. 🥰 The differences always start when one game becomes dominant and begins altering other games/storylines. Everything can happen as it is intended but the questions are rather: how many are there (compared to the original) and how much has been changed to allow a proper existence for something new?
Thats the right of the author.
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canadianlad123 · 3 months ago
Races and Species of Despair Empire
This is What Races and Species within Despair Empire a Multidimensional Empire includes branches, Subunits and Divisions that I made which it consists so far I am still planning to add more in the future
Races and Species:
Clones and Bots (Mostly Team Fortress 2 Mercs and Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair Characters excluding Hajime, Chiaki and Monokumas)
Halo Species (Unggoy, Kig-Yar, T’Vaoan, Sangheili, Jiralhanae Mgalekgolo, Yanme’es Huragoks, Prometheans and Spartans)
Half Life Species (Xen, Race X, Synths and Transhumans)
Star Wars Species (Human Like, Humanoids, Semi Humanoids, Non Humanoids and Droids)
Warhammer 40K Races (Space Marines, Abhumans and Mutants, Tech Priests, Skitarii, Sisters of Battle, Chaos Marines and Daemons, Orks, Gretchins, Snotlings and Squigs, Tau, Kroots and Vespids, Tyranids, Genestealers, Necrons, Eldar, Drukhari and Leagues of Votann)
Warhammer Fantasy Races (Skavens, Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Choas, Dark Elves, Greenskins, Beastmen, Vampires, Undead, Ogres, Trolls and Giants)
PS3 Races and Species (Conduits, Helghast and Chimera)
Gears of Wars Races (Locust and Swarm)
Team Fortress 2 Freaks, Robots and Mercs (Evil Neutral, Chaotic and Lawful Beings and Mimi Sentries, Mini Chans, Dell Spencers, Dispenser Ladies, Sentry Bruxters Ambie the Ambassador Girls, Teleporter Twins, Sapphyre the Sapper Girls, Sasha The Minigun Girls and other Girls and Boys including Deathmatch Mercenaries)
Transformers Species (Cybertronians, Dinobots, and Quintessons)
Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor Zombies (The Infected and ZEDs)
Oddworld Industrial Species (Glukkons, Sligs, Slogs, Outlaws, Gloktigis, Vamps, Vykkers, Interns, Wolvarks, Oktigis, Clakkers and Chroniclers)
Sonic the Hedgehog Races (Mobians, Badniks and Black Arms)
Zenless Zone Zero Races (Thirens, Bangboos, Androids, Robots and Hollow Spawn)
TMNT Races (Mutants, Kraang, Triceratons)
Fallout Creatures (West Coast, East Coast, Midwest and Texas)
Alien vs Predator Races (Xenomorphs and Yautjas)
Mass Effect Races (Both and Non Citadel Races)
Lord of the Rings Races (Uruk-Hais, Olog-Hais, Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Trolls Balrogs, Nazgûls, Black Númenóreans, Barrow Wights, Wargs and Great Spiders)
Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem and Serious Sam Creatures (Demons, Monsters, Aliens, Robots, Cyborgs and Humanoids)
Resident Evil Bio Organic Weapons (Zombies, Tyrants, Hunters, Las Plagas, Majini, J’avo, Mutants, Reptilians, Amphibians, Mammalians, Antropod, T-Abyss, Uroboros, T-Phobos, C-Virus, A-Virus, D-Types, Mold and Cadou)
Prototype Creatures (Walkers, Hunters, Goliaths, Juggernauts, Hydras, Flyers, Super Soldiers and Evolved)
Murder Drones Species (Worker Drones, Disassembly Drones and Sentinels)
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good-morning-czernobog · 10 months ago
This is one of the more unique templates I've seen i couldn't not give it a whirl
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For the tropes, the top left 4 are Veko while the top right 4 are Amy, bottom 2 are both of them
Veko's character inspo list: Doomguy (Doom), Crash (Quake 3 Arena), The Heavy (TF2), Qian Sui (Gunfire Reborn)
Amy's character inspo list: Artemis (Smite), Phobos (Quake 3 Arena), The Sniper (TF2), D'Arci Stern (Urban Chaos)
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hiii I made a ship template for me and my friends bc I wanted to compare our oc's aesthetics lol
a higher quality + transparent version is available to download on my ko-fi for all your editing needs ^_^
tagging is not required, but please do not remove my watermark!
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expvrgction · 2 years ago
Permanent Starter Call Masterpost!
This is a master post for all available starter calls. You may choose from the following links to them under the cut:
Terror of Tyrants (William Joseph Blazkowicz)
Unchained Predator (Doom Slayer)
Ruler of Hell (Davoth)
Maelstrom (Kira Morgan)
Sarge; Cigar; Doesn't matter. (Stanley Blazkowicz)
I am where I belong (Valen)
Cerulean Heir (Kahann)
Mind-Seeing Ruler (Tulip)
Marine Mom (Crash)
Feeb'os (Phobos)
A little on the small side (Deimos)
Now On Air (Venus)
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devileaterjaek · 2 years ago
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Doom skins
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dark-drawssss · 2 years ago
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I'm no shipping artist but since pride month is ending I wanted to draw a Doom/Quake3 ship I really liked.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year ago
In a way, Doomguy having a family (As seen in that photo found in the Fortress of Doom) is weird.
One reason being because of when people had predictions for Doom 4 and assumed they'd do a "boring father plot".
Specially in that period of "realistic" military FPS games where some had some sort of family related plot point, like a soldier having a daughter to care about.
Mostly as a way to humanize the player character before you go back to shoot faceless boring enemies in a linear FPS game.
When people made copypastas and memes predicting how a modern Doom game would be in the 7th generation, the "father plot point" is something people expected.
But with the direction of the series, it seemed like Doom went the opposite direction of trying to be more "fantastical" with sci-fi and fantasy elements.
That and how Doomguy having his tragic backstory involving a rabbit instead of a family making him more unique in that regard.
(I guess something similar can be said to Ranger because of QC when in Q1's manual, he had to wake up at 4 AM when the main events happened).
This point is also tied to the Sentinels in general and how Doomslayer can feel like a different character.
Because even with confirmation that he is Doomguy (And the behind-the-scenes/fanservice/meme reasons for it), the focus on the Sentinel makes it seem like Doomguy doesn't really care for his origins as an Earthling (But he still focuses on saving Earth obviously).
Besides Daisy references, it's not like Doomguy seems to have flashbacks to his UAC days or even characters people assume would get along with Doomguy like Crash and Phobos from Quake 3.
Maybe it's because there's actual lore behind why the Sentinel get to have ghostly figures of themselves.
Or the fact that the new people at id are used to their version of Doom, so they don't feel the need to explore classic Doom that much (Specially in case someone would complain they didn't do something right and bring up fanmade content as some examples).
I guess i just think it's weird or something.
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genzoman · 5 years ago
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Phobos from Quake and Selene from Panel de Pon. Commision.
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kulshedra97 · 4 years ago
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The rendering looked fucky so flats it is.
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caco-bro · 5 years ago
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