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CAS Week Video
Password: CASWEEK
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Ever since Year 10, I’ve been part of the Prefect team. A prefect represents the school’s community and must ensure students are cooperating and behaving. The moment I got my badge was when I realized how important the role of a prefect was. Throughout these years, I volunteered in school events such as selling of tickets for the school play. I’m definitely going to miss being a prefect.
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
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Goodbye, Winston!
After 4 years of being part of the Winston team, this has finally ended when our editorial team released our last issues Wednesday. Every week, I looked forward to Winston Wednesdays where I was able to meet up the team and constantly be amazed with their new ideas. Sadly, that time has ended.
In this issue, we’ve conducted 3 photoshoots that resembled the image we wanted Winston to portray. Though it took 3 Saturdays to shoot all 3, it was worth it in the end. I look forward to what the new Winston editorial team has in store for us!
Magazine Link:
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- Open to improvement and growth oppurtunities
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Shows initiative by launching a new idea or process
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This audio is the interview about my Stage 2 CAS experience
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Winston Y13 Term 1
During my last term as part of the Winston editorial team, I had to make it worth it. As our team waited for the release of our second issue ‘Sunny Side Up’, we still made sure to cover projects in between. Luckily with a new set of writers, we were able to make a comeback with posting articles daily on our blog. Moreover, I participated as a stylist in creating a music video for a cover of Sam’s Smith ‘Too Good at Goodbyes’, which was a collaboration between Winston and visual performance arts heads. Fortunately, its release marked the highest viewed video Winston has ever created. Moreover, during October marked the release of our second issue. Luckily, it was deemed as one of our best issue yet, and I could not have been more proud of my team. I will be deeply sad to leave Winston ; however, I’ll make the most out of it during the release of our last issue in January 2018.
*Both music video and behind the scenes teaser video are in separate posts*
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Peer Tutoring: English GCSE
As part of CAS, I decided to apply for peer tutoring under the Senior Leadership Education Team. We were assigned to the subjects we applied to wherein one of them was English.
I, then, joined an after school English session for GCSE students wherein we were assigned to help them for their final drafts of their coursework. As we had background knowledge from our experience in GCSE, we were able to give them suggestion in their coursework based on poems and ‘Of Mice and Men’. What stood out the most from this two weeks of experience was that I was able to meet plenty of people from the year group below and able to talk with them about what to expect in IB
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Readily assists others
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Summer Internship 2017: Candy Magazine
During the summer of 2017, I decided to do my first ever internship in Summit Media, Philippines’ top magazine publisher. Out of all the magazines they publish, I decided to work with Candy, a magazine directed towards teenage girls. I have always wanted to learn how to use Photoshop as I know it will benefit with my school work such as creating an issue for Winston. Therefore, with my little knowledge of graphic editing, I was lucky enough to be able to work closely with Candy’s art director, Clare Magno. She was able to teach me the fundamental tools with photoshop and she even showed and taught me how she made graphics for Candy and their image. I realised the hardships of posting something online as there were plenty of copyright rules. Nonetheless, in my two weeks of experience with them, I was able to create two graphics for their Instagram account.
I was, also, able to work with their entertainment director, Ayessa, and was given the chance to create a book review article as Candy lacked that in content. As I recently finished the last book of a series, I wrote a complete review of ‘ A Court of Thorns and Roses’ by Sarah J Maas.
Not only was I able to have a fun work experience with Candy magazine, but I, also, got the chance with Summit, as a whole. I was able to meet much more interns from different universities and learned from each of their backgrounds. I was able to enjoy the freebies Summit Media would usually get from their top clients, such as McDonalds. But, moreover, I was able to meet different editors from many magazines and learnt each other of their story of rising to success.
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- Aware of strengths and weaknesses
- Able to propose activities according to own interests and talents
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
- Increases expertise in an established area
- Shows newly acquired or developed skills or increased expertise in an established area
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
- Recognizes the global implications of local issues
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Tarlac Trip: Litre of Light
From May 10 - 12, my Bayanihan group finally embarked on the trip we spent a whole school year working on, our trip to Tarlac. In the middle of our 3-hour journey heading there, we stopped by the Mayor of Tarlac’s office as he requested for our presence. Unfortunately, he had an urgent meeting so we did not have the chance to meet him. Moreover, the town we were supposed to visit and work with apparently had lights given by another organisation, therefore, we had to visit another town. Moreover, on the first day, we were supposedly arranged to have a medical mission but unfortunately that, too, has been cancelled. Once the Air Force of Tarlac brought us to the town located in the mountains, our plan was ruined. Therefore, during the community meeting, we decided to set some games and activities in order to introduce ourselves and get to know the local village. In addition, we were able to distribute a light to each of the family wherein the Litre of Light team taught them how to effectively use the lights. During that night, we planned our schedule for the next two days - hoping for the better. On the second day, we planned for an educational class with the kids wherein we taught them English, math, and art, as well as play time with the new sports ball we donated to them. However, in the middle, conflict arrived as we realised some families did not receive any lamps as other families took some. We, then, found out there was a social division in the community amongst the indigenous people and the non-indigenous. Therefore, during the second night, we divided all the relief goods and donated goods we brought (as our previous community normally shared their goods amongst the whole village). Nonetheless, the next and last day, we were able to give each of the family in their local church the goods we’ve given and donated.
Overall, I believe this was a very memorable experience as I was able to explore a new cultural background. I learned to appreciate the little things we have as not everyone has them.
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
-Participates in an experience that demands an appropriate personal challenge; this could be with new or familiar experiences
- Is willing to become involved in unfamiliar environments and situations
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Is aware of roles and responsibilities when designing an individual or collective CAS experience
- Shows responsible attitude to CAS project planning
- Is able to develop a coherent action plan taking into account the aim or purpose, activities and resources
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance of CAS experiences
- Demonstrates regular involvement and active engagement with CAS experiences and CAS project
- Is able to foresee potential challenges to the initial plan and consider valid alternatives and contingencies
- Demonstrates adaptability to uncertainties and changes
- Gets involved in long-term CAS experiences and CAS project
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Is responsible for participating in the group
- Is able to identify, demonstrate and discuss critically the benefits and challenges of collaboration gained through CAS experiences
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
- Recognizes the global implications of local issues
- Is able to identify global issues in the local or national community
- Shows awareness of issues of global importance and takes concrete and appropriate actions in response to them either locally, nationally or internationally
- Gets involved in CAS projects addressing global issues in a local, national or international context
- Develops awareness and responsibility towards a shared humanity
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
- Recognizes ethical issues
- Is able to explain the social influences of one’s ethical identity
- Takes into account cultural context when making a -lan or ethical decision
- Identifies what is needed to know in order to make an ethical decision
- Articulates ethical principles and approaches to ethical decisions
- Shows accountability for choices and actions
- Is aware of the consequences of choices and actions regarding self, others involved and the community
- Integrates the process of reflection when facing an ethical decision
- Shows awareness of the potential and varied consequences of choices and actions in planning and carrying out CAS experiences
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Fundraising for Bayanihan
During the last term of Year 12, all our funds for our Bayanihan projects, such as the materials of the lights and relief goods, was covered. However, we still needed to earn more funds for personal expenses such as transportation and lodgings. Therefore, the Fete, BSM’s annual fair, was a perfect opportunity for us to cover our costs. After the success of the Bonfire, we decided to sell cotton candy once again. Unfortunately, an unexpected storm arrived cancelling all the food booths in the middle of the festival. During that day, we were only able to earn 4000 pesos, and couldn't reach our goal of at least 10000 pesos
My team decided to do a Teacher and Breakfast Ordering System. We sent an order form to teachers across BSM, asking them if they would want us to cook and deliver them breakfast for one whole week. We sold a whole range of breakfast foods from coffee to sandwiches. Though we had to go to school earlier than usual, we were able to earn an astounding amount of 15000 pesos revenue. Moreover, we were able to receive positive feedback from teachers-requesting to do another set of deliveries.
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Suggests creative ideas, proposals or solutions
- Integrates reflective thoughts in planning or taking intiative
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
- Is able to foresee potential challenges to the initial plan and consider valid alternatives and contingencies
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Readily assists others
- Is able to identify, demonstrate and discuss critically the benefits and challenges of collaboration gained through CAS experiences
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
- Integrates the process of reflection when facing an ethical decision
- Shows awareness of the potential and varies consequences of choices and actions in planning and carrying out CAS experiences
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MOOD Apparel
One of my career counselor's suggestion was to take part in a school business activity as I would want to pursue a business course for college/university. Therefore, I decided to take part in our school’s clothing company - Mood Apparel. Mood Apparel sells simple statement t-shirts that match the cultural pop trend of our generation. I signed up to be the Head of Production and I am so thankful to say that I am now part of the team.
We still had stocks from the previous team, therefore, we had to sell them out.Therefore, we decided to take part in an external selling in the Makati Street Meet. It took place on a Sunday and ,though , we had final exams the upcoming week, some team members were still willing to participate. We were only able to earn a minimal amount of profit as the target market in the bazaar did not match ours - as our products are mostly directed towards millennials and younger. Therefore, I was able to learn how earning profits and managing a business requires more tactful thinking in order to successfully avoid a loss.
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- Is willing to participate in different activities
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
- Increases expertise in an established area
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Suggests creative ideas, proposals or solutions
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Winston UPDATE
During the last term of school, I believe Winston has achieved a lot. We were able to release more articles than ever, thus, receiving more views. However, most importantly we were able to release an issue. We were able to tackle an important topic too that we believe the whole school should be alerted of, feminism and celebrate Women’s History month as a school. BLOOM was a success in terms of the number of views as well as all the comments we’ve received for exhibiting students voice about this issue.
After receiving plenty of praise about BLOOM, we immediately started working on our second issue about ‘growing up’. After hours of planning, we came up with the title ‘ Sunny-Side Up’ set to be released in October 2017. However, our team was aware of the hectic schedule we’ll be having during Year 13; therefore, we planned a cover shoot during the summer.
After plenty of late night chats of planning and coordinating, we were able to find a perfect shooting location. In addition, we were lucky enough Riana, our Head of Photography, was able to buy plenty of new camera equipment. I had plenty of fun coordinating the outfits for both of our models, even if it almost took 9 hours to completely finish the shoot. However, it was still a memorable experience that I will forever treasure.
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Demonstrates knowledge and awareness by building on a previous CAS experience
- Shows initiative by launching a new idea or process
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
- Gets involved in long-term CAS experiences and CAS project
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Shares skills and knowledge
- Listens respectfully to proposals from peers
- Makes valuable contributions
- Is responsible for participating in the group
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One of my goals when I first entered Year 12 was to be a part of the prom committee. I was part of the marketing and finance team, wherein I had to coordinate with the social media accounts/posters and take part in organising ticket selling and ballots for the prom court. I believe this was more challenging than the Christmas Fair as budgeting was difficult to organise as well as contacting with the suppliers. Nonetheless, my team and I worked effectively in order to successfully run what the teachers like to say “ the best prom” ever.
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
- Shows newly acquired or developed skills or increased expertise in an established area
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
- Integrates reflective thoughts in planning or taking initiative
- Is aware of roles and responsibilities when designing an individual or collective CAS experience
- Is able to develop a coherent action plan taking into account the aim or purpose, activities and resource
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience
- Demonstrates adaptability to uncertainties and changes
LO5: Demonstrates the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Shares skills and knowledge
- Listens respectfully to proposal from peers
- Is willing to take on different roles within a team
- Shows respect for different points of view and ideas
- Makes valuable contributions
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Every week, I join the Badminton after school activity. I enjoy playing Badminton as I am able to work alongside with my partner and teammates. Here, I was able to develop my skills as well as work collaboratively with students from other year groups.
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Christmas Fair 2016
After 4 months of preparation and planning, me and 3 other classmates successfully handled the annual BSM Christmas Fair. This was one of the biggest leadership role I had taken as there were many tasks I had to complete before the event such as contacting external providers, handling the programs e.g. music, and arranging the booths from different year groups. On top of that , my Bayanihan group and I had our own stall to raise funds for Litre of Lights. Overall, I am proud of me and my team’s group efforts and can’t wait to see the next Christmas Fair leadership team in 2017.
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
- Is willing to take in different roles within a team
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International Evening Volunteer Work
On February 16, 2017 marked BSM’s annual International Evening, wherein we gather and celebrate different cultures and their diversity. I decided to help volunteer with the international parade wherein I helped carry out the flag of Australia. In addition, I was able to get along with the primary children, who were all dressed up in their national costumes.
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
- Is willing to participate in different activities
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