#it took me a while to understand the ending
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trashmouth-richie · 3 days ago
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: *✧・゚eddie x female reader | snowed in | 18+ smut [6K]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* sexual tension lingers when you + your bestfriend get snowed in together during the biggest blizzard on record - aka, eddie munson and the blizzard sex in apartment 4D
“So that’s how you would find x,” you say tapping the rubber eraser to your notebook paper, “is this making any sense?” 
When you agreed to come help Eddie study you were glad to do it. Ever since you were kids he had always struggled with school. While he was able to skate through elementary and middle school, high school had been harder for him. And he would be the first to admit that it was you that got him through his final year at Hawkins High. 
Now, many states away, at a college where the only person he knew was you— he was falling behind.
Having a new found freedom of college professors genuinely not caring if you showed up to class or not, he took advantage of that perk and decided to not attend his eight AM class monday, wednesday, and definitely not friday. 
Assignments went undone, tests were skipped and forgotten about. Weekday ragers, mid morning hangovers, and late night shifts as a barback at O’Houllihan’s kept Eddie busy but not enough to excuse his lack of attendance.
The end of the semester was nearing, and Eddie was looking at failing remedial algebra. A class that meant he was already behind everyone else, and if he were to fail— he’d be kicked out left to pack his shit and head back home. 
After an ass chewing over thanksgiving break from a disappointed Wayne, that icy blue stare nearly welling with traitorous tears, Eddie finally decided to pull his head out of his ass and study for his last semester of junior year.
“You’d think after dealin’ for Rick all through high school that math would be a fuckin’ no brainer.” Eddie huffed, sitting back in his desk chair, his long thick fingers folded behind his head, “maybe if they added dime bags and some half ounces, I’d actually understand this shit.”
You snickered, pushing eraser shavings from the page with your fingers, “think Mr. Walter would go for it, he totally ate his fair share of shrooms in the 60’s.” 
“Mother fucker probably invented them.” Eddie agreed, dragging those big hands down his face with a groan, “godddd I hate school.” 
You close the Algebra book and shove it into Eddie’s backpack zipping it up, “oh you poor thing, must be hard to be musically talented and go to college on a full ride scholarship.” Your bottom lip pops out to show your fake sympathy and Eddie returns it with an eye roll and a middle finger. 
“Shit,” he sighs, blowing air through his lips standing and running his fingers over your jacket on the back of his chair, “didn’t even think I’d get in let alone have all of my tuition paid for, besides.. you’re the one who was going to leave me for dead back home Miss This-Will-Look-Perfect-On-My-College-Applic—ow!” 
Your friendship with Eddie was never a casual thing. 
You were friends, sure, but it was somehow more than that. Eddie had dated around in high school and you had too but they never lasted. Summer of senior year you had even been so close as almost sharing a kiss while drunk on Boonesfarm at Byers’ party— something you both denied ever happening. But something you also both stayed up at night thinking about unbeknownst to one another. 
That June night was burned into your brain, and you could still feel the ghost of his lips on yours. 
“I wasn’t going to leave you for dead!” you teased, giggling as Eddie nursed his ‘injury’ after the pencil you had been holding slammed into his soft hoodie, “I told you we’d find a way for you to come with me.” 
Eddie smiled and bit his lip, he was grateful that you were willing to do whatever it took to get him into college. And he was stunned stupid when his creative writing, and an autobiography that was assigned freshman year had gotten the attention of not one, but two of the bigger colleges you had also applied to. 
He swore he never submitted them, deciding at the last minute that college wasn’t for him and that he didn’t want to leave his uncle behind— so you and Wayne both did it for him. Licking envelopes and sticking stamps, praying on a trailer park dream that Eddie could get in. 
“Always lookin’ out for me aren’t ya?” He mused, his cheeks burning with a blush on his porcelain skin. 
“We look out for each other, Eddie,” you say cheerfully, “Always have.” 
Eddie stares as you read through your notes, eyeing the little piece of hair that falls into your eyes, too short to shove behind your ear. He remembers when you got glasses, how you hated them. Loathed the way they made your face look, and how the wire rims sat on your round cheeks. Now they’re pushed on top of your head, pulling your hair back so the light in his room shone on your silky skin. 
You were beautiful. 
Pushing yourself up from the bed, you stretch with arms over your head, fingers laced together. Eddie snuck a glance at you, noticing that your soft cardigan fit too big on the sleeves and the plain shirt you wore underneath was riding up your stomach, showing a strip of skin that he only got to see during the summer time. 
He wasn’t sure when he started noticing you were more to him than just a friend— that’s a lie, Eddie knew the exact moment, the exact second. 
He skipped out on dates, said no when Rick’s girlfriend offered to “show him the ropes” one night when he was waaay too high and was blabbing away about how he didn’t know why he ended things with every other girl he had been with.  
It was obvious why. Maybe to everyone but him and to you. 
“I’ve had enough studying for tonight,” Eddie says, cracking his back, “wanna go to a movie or somethin? Channel 6 said we are in for some snow… I can drive, we can sneak in some shrooms Pete left, I might have some k laying around here somewhere.” 
You giggle reaching back to the bed and gathering your stuff. “Nothing about being high at the movie theater sounds good to me, Eddie.” 
He rolls his eyes, “yeah because you always freak out, weed is s’posed to be relaxing.” 
For whatever reason, weed was never that for you. It left you paranoid and skittish, but mostly clinging to Eddie with wide horrified eyes, whispering about how you couldn’t feel your legs. 
“Thanks, but not tonight,” you say behind your hand as a yawn escapes, “I gotta work in an hour and Sal said if I’m late one more time he’s gonna fire me.” 
“Ppffft, he’s not gonna fire you, fucker can’t afford to lose anyone at that shithole.” 
You grab your bag and look for your shoes, shrugging.
“Tips are good, all I have to do is bat my eyelashes a few times and they fork the dough over. Plus! Mikey always saves me a burger when he shuts the kitchen down. Win-win.”
He stands with a cross to his brows and when he doesn’t say anything you pull at the sleeve on his hoodie, “come on, walk me out. ” 
Eddie hated your job. Hated that you worked at the sleaziest bar in town. The thought of you flirting with drunk guys to make a little extra money made him sick. 
He’s mumbling under his breath the short walk to the door, unlocking the deadbolt and pulling the door open with dramatic flair, he bows with a hand forward to let you exit. You laugh, and before you can say bye, before you’re crossing the threshold Eddie pipes up in a serious voice.
“Tomorrow. Movies. You, me, a bucket of over buttered popcorn… I’ll even buy you a Cherry Coke.” 
Heat warms your cheeks under his stare, and you can’t help but smile back at him. That nagging feeling you couldn’t pinpoint was hung thick between the two of you again, and you looked anywhere but at him. 
Taking time to examine the veins on his hand as it gripped the door handle, the way his eyelashes seem to have their own permanent curl to them…. “add a pack of twizzlers and you got yourself a deal, Munson.” 
He smiles as you step into the soft lit hallway of the fourth floor. “Don’t leave me hanging, sweetheart.” 
You roll your eyes and laugh, he’s standing in the doorway, the door partly closed behind him, “see you later, better hurry—you’re gonna be late.” 
Eddie watches as you head for the stairs. His heart pumping wildly in his chest, but why? You two were friends. What was he even doing?
Shutting the door he slides the bolt into place pressing his forehead into the wood, a low groan escaping from his lips. What the hell was he doing? He runs the conversation back over in his head mocking himself as he strips off his hoodie and t-shirt, tossing them around his shared apartment. 
“You and me and buttered popcorn’ Christ Munson, get it together.” Flopping on the couch Eddie sighs loudly, saying your name out loud and letting a smile quirk on his lips as he drifts to sleep.
❆ ❆ ❆
Frantic knocks pull him from his catnap and he rolls his eyes as the knocks turn to pounding. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep for but it was now dark, his apartment cast into complete inky blackness. 
Pete probably forgot his keys, again, he thinks. Bounding to the door and flinging it open an annoyed expression on his face. But it’s not Pete at the door, it’s you. 
Snowflakes, and chunks of ice were matted in your wind blown hair, your teeth chattered loudly as you tried to force a small smile, wiping a tear away from your eye.
“Jesus! Are you alright?” 
Eddie pulls you inside rubbing your arms to bring warmth back into them. He listens as you sob about getting stuck in the ditch on the way to work, and how the only landmark you could make out was Eddie’s apartment, so you made the decision to leave your car and trek back the way you had come. 
He huffs in a worried tone, flicking on the lights and watching as they sputter to life. You’re gently trying to pry the gloves from your fingers when he steps in to help and unzips your jacket, assessing you further as he realizes you are covered in snow. 
“You walked here?!” 
Eddie always yelled when he was worried or scared, a bad habit that he unknowingly picked up from Wayne. 
The tears flow down your face now in a frozen river, the ache of numb limbs and nearly frostbitten skin has you crying out in pain.  
“I should have st-stayed in the car, but it was so cold Eddie, and th-the snow is coming down so hard, nothing in town is open! N-no one on the streets, not even a snow plow.”
Eddie leaves you to throw open the crooked blinds. Not a single street lamp was on, the city looked deserted except for the howling wind and sheets of snow blanketing the ground, swallowing up the roads. If he were to look hard enough he’d see the waist deep path you had made to get here. 
Doubling back to your shivering body, his mind was scrambling on what to do. “Christ! You’re lucky you’re not dead!” 
“I know,” you wail, unable to stop the clacking of your teeth, “b-but I didn’t know what else to do!” 
Wayne had taught Eddie many things in his time of caring for his nephew. How to fish, how to hunt, how to be a respected man (that he was still trying to master) But something that always stuck with Eddie was the fear of the elements and how you could die from a heat stroke or the opposite—freeze to death.
“You gotta warm up before you pass out or something, your clothes are soaked, they need to come off.” He shakes his head like a parent finding their teen sneaking out of the house. “Go to my room, undress and I’ll make some coffee.” 
Your clothes were stiff and heavy as you peeled them from your body. Clumps of snow littering the carpet of Eddie’s room as you stripped with shaky fingers and shivering limbs. If you weren’t freezing you would have thought about how strange it was to be naked in your bestfriends room, but at your current state you could barely register what you were doing. 
His bed was warm as you sat under a blanket, the entire thing webbed around your head down to your toes, only leaving your face exposed. 
A low ring sounds from the kitchen and you hear Eddie move around to answer the phone. You couldn’t remember a single time where you felt this cold. Even doing your traditional New Year’s eve plunge into Lover’s Lake with Eddie every year was warmer than this. 
It could have been ten minutes or an hour before Eddie came into his room. He was balancing two cups of coffee and a plate stacked with two grilled cheese sandwiches. 
“Alright Frosty,” Eddie jokes lightheartedly, eyeing your heap of clothes. Clearing his throat, his cheeks pink as he starts to ramble, “h-hope you’re hungry, because this is all I know how to make and I can’t go to the grocery store to get anything else.” 
“Smells good,” you manage through shivered lungs and rattling teeth, “thank you.” 
He sets down the mugs on his nightstand, adjusting it so you could both reach as he sat beside you, then deciding to grab one and moving closer, taking a big gulp before he sits back. 
“Probably shouldn’t hold a cup yet, you’ll burn yourself.” 
He waits for your hands to wrap around the porcelain and he gently tips the cup towards your lips. The coffee seems to seep through your bones, warming you up ever so slightly as you convince your throat to cooperate and swallow. It was heaven.
“Always looking out for me, Munson,” you say with a little smile, your eyes meeting his.
He holds your gaze for longer than he ever has, not saying a word just staring endlessly into your eyes. A smile creeps to his lips and he hums softly in agreement. 
A beat passes of Eddie carefully helping you sip at the coffee, and you begin to feel your fingers thaw, yet the chill in your body is still prevalent and you shake beneath the heavy blanket. 
Eddie’s eyebrows pinch again as he contemplates how to help. A hot shower would only make it worse, causing your body to go into shock. But you needed to get warmer. His mind is working a mile a second but it comes down to the same thing, there’s only one thing he knows of for sure that will help. 
Kneeling in front of you Eddie reaches forward and touches your cheek. “Hey, I need you to know that all I’m trying to do is help you okay? Cause right now you are shivering and your lips are changing color… so I need— I … shit, I’m going to hold you, so that my body temperature can help get yours back up.” 
“Okay,” you murmur, glassy eyes barely open. 
“Do you trust me?” He asks almost shamefully, “Because its—”
“Yes, Please.” 
“Okay, okay okay,” Eddie moves the end table and positions himself in front of you again, pulling gently at the blanket wrapped around you until you’re only sitting in your bra and panties, but he doesn’t look. Instead he positions himself behind you and wraps the blanket behind the both of you. 
He winces when your cold skin presses into his chest, “goddamn, you’re freezing.” 
You muster a small giggle in response. His skin feels like fire against yours, almost painful as your body temperature fights to calibrate with his own. 
Any other day you’d have been embarrassed to have Eddie see you like this, mismatched undergarments and looking sickly, and you would definitely feel something more than anything but tired with your bodies huddled together under the blanket. 
His warm calloused hands run up the length of your arms and down your knees to your ankles and up again. You can feel the press of his belt buckle into your lower back, the heat from it almost branding your flesh like cattle on a ranch. 
You welcomed his body warmth with open arms, his hands melted you, and fuck— they felt amazing on your frozen skin. Your teeth chatter as your hands huddle around your mouth, blowing any warmth into them you can, trying to stifle a small escaped mmmf.
Given the circumstances, Eddie is relatively calm. He’s not letting himself register that he is touching you, that his bare chest is against your soft back. That your skin, although ice fucking cold, is smooth like silk, he’s not comprehending that you’re both half naked in his bed. 
No— he’s not doing any of that. Because you are his friend, and you were going to get sick if you didn’t warm up soon, and he was helping you. 
Nevermind that your clothes were cluttered on his floor. 
Nevermind that you were wearing a lacy pink bra, a color that he definitely didn’t know the proper name of. 
It didn’t matter that your breathing seemed to hitch a bit when his hands worked up your knees and skimmed along your waist, his thumbs rubbing over the string of stretchy fabric sitting high past your hips. 
You were Eddie’s friend, he was your friend, and that’s all that matt— jesus christ are y— are you enjoying this? 
No, no. He’s mistaken. His voice was almost gravely when he collected his thoughts. “Is this okay? Are you feeling better?”
Answering with a nod you lay your head back against his shoulder, “feels good, your hands… s’ warm.” 
Eddie takes the opportunity to nuzzle his chin into the space between your neck and shoulder, wrapping himself around you in a hug. “For the record, there won’t ever be a day where I won’t look out for you, sweetheart.” 
If your cheeks could heat up they would burn, but right now the frozen butterflies in your belly warm up and flutter around, causing a sheepish little grin to paint your lips. 
“Really?” you whisper, tracing the top of his hand delicately with your finger tips.  
“Yeah,” Eddie scoffs lightheartedly, “can’t imagine not having you.” He goes rigid, stumbling over his words, realizing what he just said, “n—not having you in my life, as a friend.” 
The silence grows loud and Eddie panics, but you haven’t pulled away yet.. in fact you haven’t said anything at all. He was aching to know what was going through your head. 
“Have you… thought of having me another way?” 
Your own heart is pumping so fast all the cold has left your extremities. It was either now or never knowing, and missing this opportunity so perfectly laid out like you had in June years ago wasn’t something you are willing to do again. 
“Have you thought about us.. being more than what we are now, more than this.” 
Eddie, ever the brave, takes a deep breath steadying his hands on your knees in a slight grip, “yeah, yeah I have.” 
“Oh,” you choke out.
Oh? A word of multitude meanings. It’s silent again, only the roaring wind outside to accompany the wild beating hearts in Apartment 4D. 
Before either of you could say anything more, the lights flickered once, twice, and finally went out for good. 
“Shit,” Eddie breathes behind you, and he tries to move but you hold him where he is: with you, holding you, touching you. 
“Do you remember the summer after Senior Year? When Jonathan threw that party at Hopper’s abandoned cabin?” 
Of course he remembered, the smell of your vanilla perfume still stung his nose from time to time, even though you had switched to a different one, Eddie never forgot how your skin glistened, how your hair smelled of sticky honey and vanilla. He found himself drowning in that memory of you often. 
“Yeah,” he swallows, “I do.” 
It's easier in the dark to ask these kinds of questions, easier to answer them also. Like the dark casted a veil of trust and zero judgment. As if whatever you were admitting would stay here forever, in the inky dark, beneath the heat of Eddie’s warm arms and a hand me down blanket.  
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” your voice was small and meek, but beneath your skin your heart thundered. 
He lets out a shuddering breath past your shoulder, one that raises goosebumps against your bare skin. “I didn’t know you wanted that from me.” 
Before you can object Eddie continues, “you made me nervous back then… I couldn't think, and I don’t— didn’t— want to ruin it.” 
“And now?” You ask, moving Eddie’s hands like a puppet master so they skim up your hips and around your middle, cupping just below your foreign shaded pink bra. “Do I still make you nervous?” 
He swallowed audibly, but he took back control of his hands and rested them below your ribs, circling your skin in lazy patterns, his thumb nail catching on the underwire. 
“Well,” he whispers against your shoulder, his lips hovering idly over your pebbled skin, “I’ve had years to fantasize about it.” 
“Mhmm,” he confirms, lowering his mouth impossibly lower to your skin, “can’t get you outta my head.” 
Your breath catches in your throat and your body is pulsating with want, warming from the inside out, no longer shivering from the freezing temperatures but from him.
You needed your hands on him. Now. 
Lifting your arms to escape the warmth of the blanket,  you reach backward to cradle them behind his neck. Weaving them through his soft curls as you arch your back and pull him toward you. 
A groan escapes his lips and you shudder in response, unable to take one more minute without his lips on you, you turn around and balance on your knees between his legs.  
He’s too pretty like this, nothing but the shadows of the storm on his face and bare chest. A haze in his eyes as they roam over your body. A strangled fuck slips from his lips and he’s all but drooling like a puppy at the sight of you like this in front of him. 
“C’mere,” he nearly whispers, gesturing with his fingers and patting his lap with his other hand. 
You straddle his hips and lay your hands on his chest, flicking your thumb nail across his silver chain he never took off, a shy smile on your lips. 
Eddie rests his hands on your lower back, following your spine and finally feeling that the little stretchy fabric he felt earlier on your hips, v’d off into a tiny thong. He was positive he’d have a stroke before this blizzard was over. 
“I wanna kiss you like I should have at Byer’s party. ‘m not gonna stop unless you tell me to, and goddamn baby I really hope you don’t.”  
His lips find yours in the dark and fireworks light behind your eyelids. It’s soft and slow and impossibly sweet. Eddie tasted like coffee and cream and slow Sunday mornings. 
You open your mouth and his tongue greets yours, tangling together into a sleep massage filled with soft moans and rolling hips. Your fingers weave through the hair at the back of his neck and after all this time of knowing Eddie, you can’t believe how soft his hair feels. 
Like silk sheets in a fancy hotel. 
He’s swallowing your little gasps as he grows hard beneath you. Peppering kisses down your neck, across your collarbone and landing back to nip at your earlobe. He’s taking his time, carving his hands along your curves, kissing every surface he can find, growing impossibly stiff beneath your sweeping hips. 
Eddie moans when you call out his name once he has you on your back, his mouth hot against your peaked nipple, your fingers wrapped in his curls. You’re practically writhing beneath him, aching for him to keep going. 
His boxers come off and you can only feel, and judging by the way your hand can’t wrap fully around him— you knew taking him would be every bit of heaven and the best parts of hell. 
He whines with pleasure when he’s pressed into the mattress as you tease him. Kissing the tattoos on his hips, you make sure to take extra care of the warped and mottled patch of skin on his ribs. You knew, despite his protests, that they still itched and weren't as pliable as it had been before the skin was ripped from his body. 
Your hands work his shaft in tandem with your mouth, wrapping as much of him as you could manage, he’s a panting mess when he practically pleads that he can’t take anymore, he needs to be inside of you.
He leaned towards the night stand reaching for a lone condom. But you want him just the way he is. Want to feel everything he has to offer. Want to feel him stretch you open, want him to feel the way you adjust and gasp with each inch of him stuffing into you. 
When he lines up, he looks up just as you intake a sharp breath, watching as your bodies connect, and he practically cums on that sight alone. 
He’s moaning low and practically rumbling out fuck every other word. Your breath is gone, suffocated by being so full you can barely contain yourself. Eddie works you through it, and when he’s fully seated to the hilt, he leans forward and collects your lips whispering how he’s got you, how he’ll take of you, always. And he would forever if you’d let him. 
When he moves it’s slow and steady, his hips moving fluidly like the rhythm to a song. Your hands are clutching onto him, gripping his biceps, leaving moon shaped indents in his skin that only add to his pleasure. 
Eddie picks up speed when your body moves back against him, knowing that you need more, want more and he’s happy to oblige. Pressing a thumb on your clit he rubs slow, then fast. Circular, then up and down. He’s working her like a rotary phone and you come undone, whimpering his name and moaning as tears leak from the corners of your eyes. 
He follows not far behind you, and it’s a shaky, earth shattering high that has him throwing his head back holding onto your hips as if you were keeping him Earth bound. 
You both collapse into a tangled mess of sheets and sweat and discarded clothing. Eddie tries to get up but you pull him back to you, kissing his jaw and reveling in the high of euphoric bliss. 
❆ ❆ ❆
Four days the power flickered on and off as the city worked hard to restore things back to normal. It was the most snowfall the city had ever seen, but you missed it all. Hard to keep track of what day or time it was when you were constantly being fucked into oblivion by a man who absolutely adored you and worshipped your body like a sacred temple. 
You were raw, and stained with presses and laps from his lips and tongue, a deep set of teeth marked the back half of your shoulder that you were extremely privy to. 
Eddie also had his fair share of love bites and claw marks from you. Unlocking a kink you didn’t know even existed a/n: (Does it? Marked men? is that a kink? listen bitch idk but it’s hot)
Neither one of you worrying about anything, barely making time to make a meal before you were back at it again, on the table, the counter, the bathroom floor, Pete’s bed, up against Eddie’s closet— everywhere, not a single surface was left untainted. 
The questions of what comes next, what does this mean for him and for you would be answered another time. 
For now, in the blissful naivety of the shelter from the blizzard in his bedroom of apartment 4D —that would later smell of coffee, and cigarettes and a record set of orgasms: you were tickled pink to be snowed in with him.
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likes, comments, reblogs are loved and adored ** if you want to see more dm’s are always open and welcome, thanks for having me back here after being gone from this space for a few months 🖤💋
All time taglist that i’m dogshit at remembering: @dashingdeb16 @bastardstevie @what-the-jams @lexr86 @pretendthisnameisclever
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nitadllyss · 2 days ago
Cutness agression ɞ
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Hyunjin x reader
Genre: Fluff, Headcanon, Extremely Sweet!
Hyunjin has a serious problem with cute aggression, especially when it comes to you.
• For example, in the mornings
"Good morninggg" you said without opening your eyes, still half asleep, smiling when you woke up feeling Hyunjin hugging you.
"AHH, HOW CAN YOU BE SO CUTE?!" Hyunjin felt like the luckiest person in the world for having you as the first thing he saw when he woke up. He cupped your cheeks in his hands and started showering you with kisses all over your face.
"Hyunjin, wait" you said between laughs, trying to pretend you were annoyed.
"Why?" Five kisses on your right cheek. "How can you be that...?" Another three kisses on your left cheek. "Freaking gorgeous." Lots and lots of sweet kisses on your lips.
When he finally let you go, you were dazed from the overwhelming amount of aggressive affection he had just given you.
"You’re so weird..." you gave him a look, but the smile on your lips betrayed you.
• Or at breakfast
You were eating together while watching a drama.
You were so focused on how the characters were fighting over the female lead, dipping your cookies in milk without even looking and bringing them to your mouth, surprised by the plot twist.
Hyunjin felt like he was going to die from love.
He started making whiny noises, making you look at him immediately.
"Babe, what’s wrong?" you asked, concerned.
"I’m going to cry because you’re so cute" he laughed while trying to continue his fake crying act.
You rolled your eyes.
"I literally didn’t do anything..." you said, not understanding his reaction.
"That’s why I want to cry! How can you look so cute doing literally nothing? I hatelove you so much."
Before you could escape, he hugged you from behind, holding you tightly while kissing your neck.
• Also, when you smile
That day, Hyunjin had brought you flowers without reason. When he gave them to you, you thanked him and smiled.
Big mistake.
"HYUNJIN, ARE YOU CRAZY?" you ran for your life. Hyunjin had just whispered, "I’m going to bite your cheeks off." What was wrong with him??
"Come on, please! I need to vent. You can’t smile that cutely and expect me not to want to bite your cheeks" he pouted while following you. He caught up to you.
"Hyunjin, what the hell…?" You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He was so in love it was starting to get weird.
Then he began to gently bite your cheeks, leaving sweet kisses on them afterward.
• Let’s not forget when you wear his hoodie
After taking a shower, you went for the coziest outfit you could find to stay at home. That warm hoodie of Hyunjin’s looked so inviting, so you put it on.
"Are you trying to kill me...?" he murmured with wide, deer-like eyes, mouth slightly open, looking you up and down.
"Huh?" you looked at him confused.
You blinked, and he was already messing up your hair.
"AHGGG!! You look so cute. Keep all my clothes if you want" he genuinely looked like he was about to explode.
At first, you fought him off, but in the end, you just gave up.
• When you sleep
Hyunjin got home late from work, exhausted and missing you. He opened the door and nearly cried from love.
You were sleeping on the couch, hugging a Jiniret, your mouth slightly open, your lashes pointing down, a little drool at the corner of your lips, your hair beautifully messy.
If it weren’t for the fact that you’d kill him for waking you up, he would have already been on top of you, hugging you and not letting go.
He doesn’t know how, but he restrained himself. He just took a picture and set it as his wallpaper.
• But when you’re doing nothing, that’s his favorite
You were watching TikTok on the couch when, out of nowhere, you felt Hyunjin’s weight crushing you.
"AABSSBSBAHJABABAHAJABABW" he babbled nonsense and started biting your arm.
"Bro, wtf?" you looked at him amused. "Can you explain what’s happening now?" you raised an eyebrow.
"BSBSNDBANZ" he responded, then began kissing your face desperately.
"I just hope you don’t have rabies…"
( There are thousands of situations like this, but it would be an infinite post)
•When you’re cooking and he comes up behind you, trapping you and leaving you no way to escape while hugging you.
•When he sees you doing your makeup and can’t resist kissing your lips carelessly, just because your lipstick made him fall in love and he needs to have that pink from YOUR lips.
•When you come out of the shower and he grabs your cheeks for at least 10 minutes, making your face turn red.
•When you sneeze and he swears you’re a kitten. When you wrinkle your nose, he probably fainted.
English is not my first language, so if you see a mistake, please let me know. 🙏🏻
I'm just a girl in love with Hyunjin and his cute aggression attacks. 😭🫠
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kwamiwayzz · 23 hours ago
I was listening to this song again on repeat and I have so many thoughts after reblogging this for the third time.
Literally everything about this animatic depicts a part of their dynamic that draws me to them. Jecka’s guilt for feeling like she’s responsible for Nicole ending her life—Nicole’s life being somehow tied to Jecka’s.
The looming guilt that Jecka feels for not being there for Nicole after abandoning her in that one (you know the one) route, along with the implication that the trauma of witnessing Nicole take her own life, leads her to take her own (especially when you consider how Nicole says she doesn’t have many friends and seems to rely heavily on Jecka’s support than vice versa).
I know the other main ships in this game are codependent as well, but there’s a flavor of codependency that scratches that itch with Jecka and Nicole specifically that I can’t always put into words very well. I think when I also consider Progman’s take on expanding Jecka’s character to be this savior for Nicole (whether for Nicole’s benefit or to feel better about herself), it adds a tangled web that makes them interconnected to one another. Nicole likes Jecka, and Jecka likes Nicole, but they know they’re technically using each other because everyone else in their school sucks and wouldn’t understand the issues they go through (aside from Emily and maybe Ari).
(Side note: I do believe over time, if they stick around long enough, they would grow to genuinely care about each other past high school.)
While Jecka doesn’t need Nicole as much as Nicole needs her, the realization doesn’t hit her until Nicole is gone. And it puts Jecka back in the same place she was before Nicole came to her school. No one else in her school will really understand her, and now she feels responsible that the one person who did, ended her life because of her (Jecka)—because she never took her friend’s issues seriously. Nicole’s lifeline abandoned her in her time of need, like everyone else in her life (her mom, her dad, any other adults who were supposed to be reliable support systems).
Jecka has to live with that guilt for the rest of her life now, unless she were to put a gun to her head to make those thoughts stop.
The ver with no filtersssss
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mymoonisgrey · 1 day ago
mr. steal your girl
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 in which satoru’s plans to steal you away from your girlfriend work, after a while.
warnings. 18+, smut, cunnilingus, p in v, satoru’s a smart manipulator, ooc, reader is bi and had a girlfriend, polygamy. based on this ask.
wc. 4.3k
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A throuple. A polyamorous relationship. Not once in your life had you ever imagined yourself in one.
You’ve been with your girlfriend for a while now, and she’s wonderful—steady, kind, patient. You’ll admit that.
But a part of you has always yearned for something else. The kind of love that feels all-consuming. A man’s presence—protective, overwhelming, the low timbre of his voice settling deep in your bones, large, calloused hands engulfing yours, that brand of devotion you only ever see in movies.
Then Gojo Satoru waltzes into your life and tilts your world off its axis.
He’s thrilling, all spark and adrenaline. Just being near him sends a rush through your veins. Those striking blue eyes pull you in, make your head spin before you can even think.
It starts as a friendship.
You meet him at a bar, introduced through a mutual friend—Shoko Ieiri, who, for the record, is the human embodiment of lesbian energy. At first, you hang out in a group, once or twice. Then, somehow, it becomes a daily thing. Eventually, you’re comfortable enough to start meeting up with him alone.
“Trust me, you should really try the taro-flavored one,” he says, sliding the boba ice cream toward you with an easy smile. “I’m a sugar expert. And sugar varies, y’know?”
You hug your torso, lips quirking. “I know it tastes good. My girlfriend likes it.”
Satoru stills. The word hangs between you, and for a fraction of a second, his smile falters—so subtly you almost miss it.
Then, his expression smooths out, his interest sharpening into something even keener.
“Girlfriend?” he repeats, slow, as if tasting the word.
You nod, oblivious to the calculations running through his mind. “Mhm! I’ll bring her next time. You can meet her.”
A million possibilities unfold in his head, different ways this could go, all of them leading to the same outcome. Because he wants you—pronto.
His fingers graze the ends of your hair, his smile going languid, lazy.
“That,” he murmurs, tilting his head, “would be interesting.”
You didn’t think much about that interaction with Satoru at the time.
When you finally brought your girlfriend out to meet your friend, the connection between the three of you was instant—undeniable. Before you knew it, you had become a trio.
Satoru was always around, whether at your place or taking you both out. He spoiled you endlessly, never hesitating to drop money on gifts, meals, or spontaneous trips. He was the perfect masculine presence—charming, dependable, larger than life. Neither of you questioned it. Not at first.
You had no idea there was a motive behind it. Neither did she.
Then, one night, he brought it up.
“You know,” he starts, casual, almost offhanded. “We could just—make this a thing.”
You blink.
“Huh?” you mutter, sitting cross-legged, leaning back on your arms. Beside you, your girlfriend’s brows knit together.
Satoru swallows—an act, you realize later. He stares at both of you with a glassy, hopeful gaze, playing it up just enough to seem sincere but not too eager.
“I like you both,” he says. “So, if you’d like… I mean, I won’t take it personally if you say no—”
The word leaves your lips before you can think, your back straightening as you nod.
Your girlfriend turns to you, eyes wide. But when you meet her gaze—soft, certain—she understands.
“…Yes,” she echoes.
Satoru smiles, slow and knowing. Then he stands smoothly, gathering you both into his arms—his grip just a little tighter around you.
It was a slow burn—he did think your girlfriend was cute, but you? You were everything. He could already picture it: kids, a settled life with you, lounging together in his clan’s estate. You, as his madam.
But he was patient. He took his sweet time, gradually pulling you further away from her without making it too obvious. It started small—sitting with you more often than she did, attending to every little need you had, hanging on to your every word. Then, the gifts.
“What’s all this?” you laugh softly, staring at the orange boxes with their fancy ribbons, the velvet-lined cases. You’d never been gifted something so luxurious before.
“They’re yours, honey.” He smiles, genuine, his heart pounding beneath his chest. “I picked everything based on… what you like.”
Your heart soars, your lips curling into a smile as you hug him tightly. “I love you. Thank you.”
Satoru exhales through his nose, his eyes fluttering shut in a rare moment of vulnerability. “Mmm, I love you more,” he murmurs, his voice thick with devotion. He feels your eyes drift around, searching for something else.
His brow furrows. “I got her something too, don’t worry. It’s in her bedroom. When she’s back, I’ll give it to her.”
You nod, your smile warm, though your gaze lingers on the gifts in your lap. Part of you wonders—does she get the same? You assume she does. After all, Satoru’s generous.
He is, but only because he knows exactly what he’s doing. The gift for her? A simple diamond tennis necklace—barely a dent in his pocket. Not that it matters. This is all part of the plan.
It’s been going on for months—slowly, almost imperceptibly, Satoru has worked his way into your life, taking more of your attention, making you feel more at home with him than with your girlfriend. At first, it was subtle—the way he’d help you with everything, anticipate your needs before you even voiced them. But now, you’re beginning to notice the gap widening, the emotional distance growing between you and her.
Your girlfriend is becoming… strange.
She picks fights over the smallest things now—dirty dishes left in the sink, the couch cushion being out of place, your clothes tossed on the floor. It’s like every moment is an argument waiting to happen. Her moods shift at the drop of a hat. “I’m not in the mood,” she sighs. “I don’t feel like it today.” Even her complaints about Satoru—small, unimportant things—start to irritate you.
Satoru, on the other hand, never complains. He’s there when you need him, always helpful, always attentive. He’s not the one causing problems, and he never starts a fight. Everything he does seems to smooth over the tension.
But today… Today something shifts. Satoru’s patience snaps.
You’re out running errands, leaving Satoru and your girlfriend alone in the house. When you return, you find Satoru cornering her in the hallway. His face is expressionless, but there’s an undeniable hardness in his eyes.
“Honey,” Satoru says, his voice smooth, but with an edge that cuts through the air. His gaze never wavers from hers. “We need to talk.”
Your girlfriend glares at him, exhausted. “What now?” Her tone is laced with resentment.
“You’ve been really fucking hard on her lately,” Satoru continues, his voice deceptively gentle. He crosses his arms over his chest, his posture almost predatory. “What’s going on with you?”
“Hard on her?” she scoffs, her eyes flashing with anger. “Oh, so now you’re playing the ‘knight in shining armor,’ huh? Tell me, why does everything have to revolve around you two, huh?”
Satoru’s lips curl into a tight, almost amused smile. He leans in, his eyes narrowing slightly. “What do you mean?”
She laughs bitterly, shaking her head. “You’re always together. It’s like I’m invisible! It’s like I wasn’t even your girlfriend too— she was my girlfriend first! why are you just… swooping in like im not here?!” Her voice cracks with frustration, but her hands ball into fists at her sides.
Satoru tilts his head, his expression cool and controlled. “You’re being irrational,” he says, his tone deceptively soft. “Maybe if you treated her better, she wouldn’t feel like she has to pull away from you.”
Her eyes widen, disbelief flashing across her face. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Satoru doesn’t flinch. His gaze hardens. “I said maybe you should stop acting like a bitch towards her,” he states with calm finality.
Her face pales, and for a moment, she looks like she might explode. “Excuse me?” she whispers, barely holding back her fury. “You think you can talk to me like that? You think you can just come in here, into our relationship, and tell me how I should act?”
Satoru’s smile remains unchanged. “I’m not telling you what to do, but you’re making things difficult for her. You’re pushing her away, and it’s your fault.”
“You have an ulterior motive, don’t you?” she spits, glaring at him. “You’ve been plotting this from the start. You want her all to yourself.”
Satoru raises an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. “Is that what you think? Really?” He takes a step closer to her, his presence overwhelming. “You’re the one who’s been making it hard for her, not me. But if you’re too blind to see that, then that’s your problem.”
She shakes her head, muttering under her breath. “I think you’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?”
Satoru’s smile widens. “Maybe I have.” His eyes flick to the door, a silent invitation for her to leave, to walk away. “But you know what? That’s your choice.” He doesn’t wait for her to respond before he turns, walking away like he’s won.
Your girlfriend stands there, her body trembling with anger and frustration. She breathes heavily, looking at the door, before storming out without another word.
You return home, bags in hand, and freeze at the sight of your girlfriend standing outside. Her expression is clouded, her shoulders hunched, and she looks as though she’s just been torn apart.
“Hey… Are you okay?” you ask softly, approaching her, your voice filled with concern.
Her eyes flash with irritation. “Are you seriously asking me that?” she spits, shaking her head in disbelief. “You really don’t see it, do you? You’ve been so wrapped up in him, in Satoru, that you haven’t even noticed me. I’m right here, but you don’t care. You don’t even fucking care anymore.”
Your heart sinks, confusion and frustration rising. “That’s not true. I’ve been trying—”
“No! Don’t give me that!” she snaps, her voice raw with emotion. “You’ve been all about him. He’s always there, always helping, always doing for you. What about me? What the fuck do I get?”
Your eyes widen as the weight of her words settles in. “That’s not fair. You know how much I care about you.”
“Do I? Because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it,” she sneers, taking a step back. “It’s like you’ve forgotten everything. Like I’m just the other option, the one who gets pushed aside because you want him. You think I don’t see that?”
“Don’t talk like that,” you say, your voice wavering, emotions thick in your throat. “I’m not choosing anyone. I never wanted this to happen.”
“No, you didn’t,” she mocks. “But it’s happening anyway. Because you don’t see it. You don’t see me anymore.”
Tears spring to your eyes, but you blink them away, fighting back the lump in your throat. “I’m not trying to hurt you.”
“Well, you are.” Her words hit you like a punch to the gut. “You’ve already hurt me.”
Before you can respond, she spins on her heel and storms away, leaving you standing there, feeling the weight of her words settle heavily on your chest.
Inside, Satoru watches from the window, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk as he watches the scene unfold.
You rush inside, groceries in your arms, your mind a whirlwind of confusion and emotion. The door slams shut behind you with a soft thud, but the weight in your chest feels heavier than anything you’ve ever carried. You fight to keep the tears at bay, but they burn at the edges of your vision.
Before you even reach the kitchen, Satoru is there—appearing as though he was waiting just for you. His hands are quick, steady, and gentle as he takes the groceries from your hands, setting them down on the foyer table with a careful precision. His eyes meet yours, searching for the storm brewing in them.
You don’t even have a chance to respond before his arms are around you, pulling you into his warmth.
“My heart, come here.” His voice is a soothing whisper, an easy contrast to the fury that still bubbles beneath your skin.
You crumble against him, the dam breaking, and sobs rack your body uncontrollably. It’s as if all the frustration, all the pain, all the love you’ve been withholding explodes at once. His chest rises and falls beneath your cheek, a steady presence, even as your body trembles with the weight of everything that’s happened.
“She’s being fucking unfair!” you choke out between ragged breaths, the words barely making it past the tightness in your throat.
Satoru doesn’t hesitate. His hand brushes through your hair, slow and gentle, as though each stroke is meant to calm the storm inside you. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, his own breath steady and warm against your skin.
“I know.” His voice is soft, tender in a way that makes your heart twist. “She’s not seeing it, baby. She doesn’t see how much you’re doing, how much you care.” He holds you tighter, his grip firm yet comforting. “But I do.”
You pull back just slightly, enough to look up at him. His eyes are sharp, a mixture of understanding and something darker, something protective. He wipes away the remnants of your tears with his thumb, his gaze never leaving your face.
“She’s pushing me away, Satoru. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to make her understand,” you whisper, voice raw, the weight of it all crashing down on you again.
His smile is small, but it holds a certain promise in it—a promise that makes your chest tighten and your heart race. “Don’t worry about that. Let me handle it.”
You open your mouth to protest, but the words get stuck. There’s something in the way he says it, something confident and unwavering. His hand moves down your back, his fingers brushing against your spine in a way that sends a ripple of warmth through your body.
“I’ll fix this, okay?” he murmurs, eyes darkening just slightly. “She’s not going to ruin what we’ve built. Not when we’re this close. You and me… we’re untouchable.”
You want to say something, to question him, but the sincerity in his voice and the way he holds you makes it hard to think of anything but him, anything but this—the safety, the comfort, the feeling that maybe, just maybe, everything could be okay again.
The thought makes you dizzy. And in the quiet of his embrace, you let yourself be swept away by the weight of his devotion.
The three of you sit on the bed, the TV playing in the background, but the quiet tension in the room thickens with every passing second. Satoru’s arm is wrapped around you, pulling you closer, while your girlfriend watches, her hand inching toward his thigh.
Satoru notices first, his eyes flicking to her before he shifts slightly, pulling you into him even more. “You’re getting ahead of yourself,” he murmurs, voice low and commanding. His touch is steady, reassuring, as if to say it’s always been you, not her.
Your girlfriend hesitates, her fingers brushing his chest, but Satoru doesn’t react. Instead, his lips find your neck, kissing you softly, purposefully ignoring her advances. Her frustration is palpable, but she pushes forward, her fingers finding their way to his lap. She leans in to kiss him.
Satoru pulls away slightly, the edge in his voice sharp as he grabs her wrist. “Not yet,” he warns, his gaze unwavering. His attention shifts back to you, his lips capturing yours in a possessive kiss. Your hands tug at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin, to drown in him.
Your girlfriend, still sitting beside you, looks lost. She reaches again, trying to touch him, but Satoru doesn’t let her. With one hand still on you, his other gently pushes her back. “I said no,” he repeats, his voice dark with an authority that leaves no room for doubt.
You moan as Satoru’s hand slides between your legs, slipping under your clothes to find you already wet for him. He takes his time, teasing you, while your girlfriend stares, her breath catching in frustration.
The more Satoru touches you, the more your body responds. His fingers slide inside, slow at first, but he picks up the pace, bringing you to the edge. You can barely keep your composure, his lips never leaving your skin, his movements relentless.
And then, without warning, your girlfriend’s gaze shifts—no longer hungry with desire, but with a mixture of confusion and jealousy. Satoru’s full attention is on you, and he isn’t even looking at her. She’s no longer part of this equation.
As Satoru picks up speed, his breath ragged in your ear, you come apart under his touch, body trembling, desperate for more. He pushes deeper, claiming you fully, making it clear that you belong to him.
The room falls silent except for the sound of your breathless moans and Satoru’s steady pace. Your girlfriend sits motionless, helplessly watching as the last pieces of her place in this dynamic crumble.
Satoru wastes no time, maneuvering you onto your back on the bed. His hands are rough, skilled, as he strips you of your clothes with an urgency that matches the fire in his eyes. He kisses his way down your body, his lips burning trails on your skin as he works his way lower, lower, lower.
“Look at these fuckin’ tits,” he growls, his voice low and thick with desire as he takes one nipple into his mouth, sucking greedily. The sensation makes you gasp, your body arching up involuntarily. You can feel his knee pressing against your cunt, the heat of him seeping into you, sending electric shocks of anticipation through your veins.
Your girlfriend, watching from the edge of the bed, stays silent, her eyes narrowed, hands clenched into fists. She’s hot and bothered, her body reacting despite the anger twisting in her chest. She’s fed up with the whole situation—tired of being the afterthought. She hates the way Satoru devours you, but she can’t tear her eyes away.
“Ng—Satoru…” you moan softly, your breath hitching as his mouth works its magic, sucking your nipple until it’s slick and swollen. His lips leave your skin with a soft, wet pop as he shifts his attention lower, his knee pressing harder against you, reminding you of how he owns every inch of your body.
He lifts your legs, spreading them wide as he moves between them, his eyes dark with intent. “Fuck,” you yelp as he finally lowers his mouth to your cunt, his lips and tongue finding your clit with practiced ease. His tongue flicks at your sensitive bundle of nerves, sucking it into his mouth as he hums with approval, the vibrations sending shocks of pleasure straight to your core.
“Pussy’s all mine,” he mutters into your heat, his voice muffled as his tongue works relentlessly. You can barely process the words as your hips begin to squirm under the relentless pressure, his grip locking you in place. Your feet flail, trying to gain some sort of control, but Satoru has you right where he wants you—completely at his mercy.
“Sat—Satoru—” you pant, your body trembling, feeling the tension coil tighter in your stomach. His tongue is relentless, his mouth working you down to the bone, and you’re losing yourself to him.
“Down, kitty,” he murmurs, his voice low and soothing despite the intensity of his actions. “Let me eat.” His words send a shiver down your spine, the commanding tone making your heart race even faster.
Your hands dig into the sheets, fingers curling tightly as his mouth continues to devour you. Every flick of his tongue, every gentle suck of his lips, drives you closer to the edge, and all you can do is surrender to the pleasure. His grip on your hips tightens, ensuring you stay locked in place, and you feel your body trembling, the first waves of your orgasm crashing over you.
As you’re lost in the pleasure, you catch a glimpse of your girlfriend—her expression a mixture of frustration and arousal, her eyes dark with something you can’t quite place. The tension in the room shifts, the air thick with everything unspoken. But Satoru’s focus is entirely on you, making it clear who truly holds his attention.
You’re pulled back from the edge, gasping for breath as Satoru pulls away, his lips glistening, his eyes wild with hunger. He looks up at you, his face smug but tender, a twisted combination of possessiveness and affection. “Such a good girl for me,” he murmurs, his voice heavy with satisfaction.
Your girlfriend, still sitting on the edge of the bed, watches, her chest heaving with a mix of frustration and desire. But she says nothing, the distance between the three of you growing ever wider.
Satoru’s movements slow for a moment as he looks down at you, his dark eyes gleaming with possessiveness and hunger. His thumb traces your bottom lip, tugging it gently as a lazy smile spreads across his face.
“You look so fuckin’ beautiful when you’re helpless like this,” he mutters, his voice dark and gravelly. “Can’t get enough of that sweet little pussy of yours.” He groans, his hips rolling slightly, teasing you just enough to make your body twitch. “You’re all mine, baby. No one else gets to feel this.”
You whimper beneath him, your hands fisting the sheets as his words make your core tighten with need. Satoru lowers himself, his lips brushing your ear as he speaks again, his voice dripping with desire.
“Say it,” he commands, his breath hot against your skin. “Say you’re mine. Tell me you love how I fuck you like this.”
“I’m yours,” you breathe out, your voice a mix of desperation and pleasure. “I love it, Satoru—fuck, I love how you make me feel.”
He chuckles low in his throat, a wicked grin curling on his lips. “Good girl,” he purrs. “So fucking perfect for me. No one’s ever gonna make you feel like I do, not even your girlfriend. You’re mine, and you know it, don’t you?”
You nod frantically, your hips lifting to meet his thrusts, feeling him fill you completely. His words sink deep into your mind, pushing you further into the haze of pleasure. “Yes, Satoru… only you…”
“Damn right,” he growls, his thrusts growing faster, more brutal. “I’m the one who makes you come apart, not her. Every single inch of you belongs to me now. You’ll never be able to leave me after this, baby.”
His hands grip your hips, his fingers digging in as he pulls you against him with each powerful thrust. He watches you with rapt attention, his eyes devouring you as you squirm beneath him, your body moving in rhythm with his. He groans, the sound deep and throaty as he leans down to kiss you again, hungry and demanding.
“You wanna come again, huh?” Satoru whispers, his lips brushing against yours. “You can’t get enough of me, can you? I know you’re close… you’re so fucking tight around me. You love how deep I fuck you, don’t you?”
“Y-yes!” you gasp, your fingers digging into his shoulders. “Please, Satoru, I need you… need more.”
His eyes flash with satisfaction. “I’ll give you more, baby. I’ll make you come so hard, you’ll forget your own name.”
He picks up the pace, slamming into you relentlessly, each thrust driving you closer to the edge. “Tell me how badly you want it. Tell me you want me to fuck you raw.”
“I want it so bad,” you moan, your body trembling as you feel your orgasm build. “I want you to make me yours, Satoru. I want everything.”
With that, he groans, his thrusts growing even more intense as he drives into you harder, faster, pushing you into a state of pure bliss. “That’s it, baby,” he growls, “Come for me. Let me feel how fucking tight you are around me.”
The wave of pleasure crashes over you, your body spasming as you scream his name. Satoru follows close behind, his grip on you tightening as he fucks you through your orgasm, his own release flooding you as he grits his teeth in satisfaction.
You feel yourself being gently lifted, your body weightless in his strong, warm arms, and you’re dizzy from the overwhelming sensations of pleasure. Satoru moves you up the bed effortlessly, his chest pressed to yours as he cradles you in his embrace. His lips brush your temple, soft and tender, as he whispers, “Let’s stay like this for a while. I’ll clean you up and feed you in a bit, my love.”
You nod, feeling a wave of contentment wash over you, your body still humming from the intensity of everything. The soft comfort of his touch is like a balm for your overstimulated body, and you lean into him, closing your eyes for a brief moment.
But then, your gaze shifts, and you look around the room, your mind catching up with the reality of the situation.
“Gone.” Satoru whispers, his voice low and soothing as his lips press against your neck. His arms tighten around you, drawing you closer. You can feel his steady breath against your skin, and for a moment, everything feels impossibly right.
Your heart flutters in your chest, and you hug him tighter, the full weight of his words sinking in. Gone. It’s just you and him now.
“Finally,” he breathes, his voice soft but full of satisfaction.
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for the anon that requested this, i hope its up to your liking and expectations. :) tried my best. pls let me know what you think through the inbox 🤍
© All Rights Reserved mymoonisgrey
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urstruly-ghst · 11 hours ago
the challenge - rook hunt !
in which the challenge you set out for is now in full swing (inspired by epic: the musical with the song, the challenge).
authors note: epic the musical my beloved. i love love love this request submitted by @padf-0-ot ! thank you for waiting; im sorry it took a while, im managing tho
requested ask !
cw: may not understand if you don't know the context of epic/the odyssey
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rook hunt
wearing the crown was a heavy responsibility, it had been placed on you since you were born. it was what came to be with the blood you hone beneath your skin. however, that duty carried was always alleviated with rook by your side. he was the one who made your crown a secod thought, contrary to what you grew up with.
but, it soon occured to you it would be heavy on your head once more; rook hunt was lost in a mission, it was supposed to end quickly, but he didn't return. neither did his comrades. there was no word, no letter, not even a sign from any other kingdom. that worried you, that worried the kingdom. each one of your subjects looked at the empty throne beside you, sharing that worry and fear (or perhaps, they all share the glory of seeing you reign alone.)
each men rally up, their thoughts of ascending to the social ranks clouded their empathy. the suitors know how grievous it must be to be alone, holding onto the hope that rook was not dead, but they also seem not to care. there was no king, no one to share your burdens, surely you'd want company?
no matter their attempts to take the throne, you'd stall. it was an array of stalling, you used up every excuse you can try. first it was grief, second was the state was in a crisis, and now.... they've grown impatient. it has been years, yet the throne gets colder as the king fails to return or send a sign. will he ever return?
"i refuse!" you yell as the council all stare. it was you who had the power, why was the council allowing such arrangements to happen?they sat in front of you, the crown, and begged for you to marry a suitor.
how dare they ask that from you? after all your work to keep the crisis at bay, they repay you with a torturous task?
"your majesty, this is what would further benefit our kingdom. you have stalled long enough." the eldest council proclaimed as they showcased data and news from the kingdom. morale is low. especially after the storm that struck your shores.
you glare as you saw the undeniable problem and the solution was clear as day. you couldn't hold onto the thrown nor the crisis forever, but...
you had hope. rook hunt was out there, you could feel it in your bones. there was no way he'd be dead. the council looks at you, waiting on your next word, your plan.
"i have one more challenge. this is the last one. bring me to the armory." you say as you surrendered. but even if you surrendered, you wouldn't allow them, not even for a second, to think they had their wishes granted.
you glare as you held your husband's bow as the guards open the gates to your throne room. the suitors chattered amongst themselves but soon silenced as they saw you enter.
"this here is my husband's bow." you say as you raised the bow, it was sturdy, comically large, and a symbol of his prowess. "it has long snapped, but none can restring it. my challenge is this,"
you unveil the axes that were lined up, "whoever strings this bow, and shoot through these axes cleanly..." you hesitate, "will became the new king, my new husband"
"that's what those were for" one suitor said, "it doesn't make sense!" the other proclaimed
the mumurs were loud, each suitor boasting or complaining over the challenge, you glare at them as you see them scramble to get to the bow.
among the crowds was your husband, rook, who stood silent by the pillars. rook laughed at how gullible these men were to believe that they can even string the bow. it takes a wit of the hunt's to know how to string it, it was a family heirloom. it curved weirdly, deceiving those who do not know to string it properly.
but he watched, in amusement. it was all their efforts that made it a comedy. rook watched each suitor try and try as they struggled to even get the string on the end of the bow. rook watched as each suitor soon gave up on even the bow, feeling the dismay build up. in his ragged clothes, rook hid in the shadows noting every weakness and strengths of each man.
“such a shame, these men seem to lack the knowledge to know a deception” rook muttered in sadness as he circled around them. the last suitor dropped the bow and screamed in the room,
“screw this competition. don’t you see we’re being played?!” it was an outraged yell as they point at the throne room, as if they’re trying to yell at you for this competition. and by virtue, they were being played, rook can appreciate this from the man. At the very least, one man knew his queen’s wit. 
as the suitors gather around feeling they’re now understanding the consequences of their foolish parade around the bow, rook swiftly takes the bow and strings it with ease. unknown to him, rook was being watched by the sidelines. you were there, seeing him in silence, not recognizing him and had your heart beat in anticipation as the bow was being strung.
the arrow flew gracefully to the end, hitting the target on the wall. the chatter died down, as the riot that was bubbling over ended. the arrow stabbed firmly on the end of the target, it made the suitors shut up. rook revealed his identity by letting his hood and shadow go, revealing a disheveled man who’s eyes were tired but victorious.
“mon dieu! it was painful to watch this challenge be failed by my country’s men, it is a simple test of wit.” rook smiled as he waved the strung bow, and the men were confused, it looked so normal in the king’s hand. 
“how?!” one yelled, the others were scrambling trying to see if this was a trick, did he hide the other bow? who was he? how dare he win the challenge!
“rook?” you whisper as you open the throne room, the light shining brightly.
“mon amour.” rook replied with a smile. 
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holyguardian · 3 hours ago
Aerith watched the exchange with curiousity painted across her lightly-smiling expression. 'Prince Someone'? Her gaze shifted briefly to Somnus — of course he wasn't bothered by such teases, not from a man who he had so enthusiastically embraced.
It felt like this was supposed to be a moment shared only between the two of them. Though neither man allowed her to feel like an intruder, she was welcomed into their conversation swiftly and warmly.
Her body language was a little more rigid around the edges. She held a tense posture, and her gaze shifted like a nervous animal, darting quickly between them. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ser Leander." she politely greeted him.
The grin that spread across Leander's face was immense and immediate. Ser? Oh, he could get used to this. "I'm sure my old friend has told you all about our misdeeds." he further teased, and if he jabbed at his friends ribs with his words any harder he might even bruise. "Please, just Leander is fine." He looked over to Somnus. Oh, Ser was it? He hadn't said a word about him. Though here and now wasn't the time to throw him into a headlock.
The small talk soon picked up. Aerith accepted the offered seat, though she was far from cold. The table and fireplace combined to make the perfect setting for a certain card game. Without much thought, she shrugged her extra woollen layer away, and sat dressed in similar bed linens to those around her.
Then came the offer of a honey cake. It was the perfect little ice-breaker. "Actually, I would very much like one." she agreed, showing her teeth in a sharp little smile when it was delivered to the table. Perfect.
"Ah! Here's the prize." She declared, holding up the small wooden plate. "A sweet honey cake for anyone who can beat me in my favourite card game."
The Lucian soldiers should have realised something was up when the Cetran soldiers began to circle to watch the show. Though they were quite innocent, of course they hadn't realised yet that Queen's Blood was to Princess Aerith what chess was to Prince Somnus.
While said Princess gathered an excited little crowd and explained the rules of her game, Leander took a moment to eye his friend proper. "How are you?" The 'really?' was implied at the end of his well-meaning sentence. So much had changed in a matter of weeks. He hoped that Somnus was alright, to his understanding he would not be returning to Lucis...
... Yet, he was still Leander, even under his thick layer of concern. When he heard Aerith call for her first challenger, he proved his talent for being fast. "Somnus!" he called. "Let's hear it for our brave leader!" The hoots of encouragement and clapping rippled through the gathering. This was what he got for not telling the Princess a word about him. Ser.
It was… like coming home. Somnus could hardly describe this. He knew the noises, the smells, the songs, the talks. He had spent the most fun hours back at home with the soldiers in recent years. As Ardyn had been trained more and more towards getting on the throne, it was clear Somnus’ place was with the troops. And he would not have it any other way by now.
Aerith seemed to know some of the soldiers, too. A fact that Somnus watched with curious glances – and a lot of amusement. She definitely would have a bunch of friends, if the Queen only let her.
Maybe it was high time to continue this rebellion for now and stick to it.
They found Leander and Leander found them. Somnus let go of Aerith for a moment to embrace his best friend. Gods. It had been weeks. Sometimes the court and noble laws demanded them not being able to talk to each other for a few days. But this had been different. The last time they had spoken, Somnus had still been unmarried and just complaining about the feast to greet the Cetra royal family being on the same evening they had originally planned to venture into the town’s taverns once more.
Now everything was so different. They stood in a different queendom and war was approaching. Though Somnus was happy to have his ‘brother’ with him. Even if he was already teasing him once more.
Somnus just shook his head with a scoff, before taking Aerith’s hand once more and leading her closer to Leander.
“Aerith, this is Leander. Leander, this is Aerith.”, he formally introduced them both, though he knew they already knew each other’s names. It was quite clear on Somnus’ face that he was genuinely excited for this moment.
And they would not be the only ones to be introduced. The group sitting nearby had noticed Leander wandering off and now recognized Somnus there - and the Princess they had protected on their travels here. Most were a little shyer towards Aerith at first, curious glances, careful smiles. They gauged how she would react, how she was. Though the way Leander had already made this so simple and informal, it was an easy process. Small questions. How she was doing. Whether she felt cold, she was offered a seat close to the warm fire right away, there was gushing about the honey cakes they had eaten today – and of course offers to Aerith for that, too.
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coquitokisses · 1 day ago
Oh, baby! | Dean Winchester
Pairings: Dean Winchester x female!reader
Summary: reader had a one night stand with Dean and they find out she���s pregnant
Word count: 1.4k
A/n: I gotta be honest, this is from a fanfic lmao, which is supposed to be a crossover of Teen Wolf and Supernatural, but I haven’t published it yet and I’ve been wanting to write something about Dean for a whileee so I decided to just edit this lil thing I had and post it here cuz why not?
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“Hey, Cas, you’re back.” You smile sweetly at him once you saw him as you made your way to the library to help Sam with research
“Hi, y/n.” He replied with a small smile that soon turned into a confused frown
You noticed. “Everything okay?”
“How do you feel?” He asks
“I’m fine.” You replied, not understanding his sudden worry
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Cas, why? What’s wrong?” You questioned feeling a little alarmed by the way he was asking
“It’s just that I feel another presence.” He said
“Another presence?” Sam took his eyes off the laptop to look at Castiel
“What do you mean another presence?” Dean’s voice was soon heard throughout the library
“Is it bad?” You ask
“No,” Castiel shook his head. “It’s inside you.”
“Inside me?!” You were so confused right now “But what is it? Is it bad?”
“Is she okay?” Sam asked somewhat worried after hearing Castiel’s words
“She’s fine,” he replied and then looked at you “Can I?” he raised his hand
You nodded giving him permission to do whatever he had to do. Castiel put a hand on your forehead and then began to lower it down your body, but without actually touching it, until it reached your belly.
“Can I?” he looked at you, you just nodded
He placed his hand on your belly and that’s when he realized what was the presence he was feeling.
“It’s a baby,” he said, removing his hand
You almost choked. “I’m sorry, WHAT?!”
“A.. baby?” Sam was dumbfounded
“Wait, wait, are you sure?” Dean looked at Castiel
“Very sure,” the angel nodded
“It can’t be...” you put one of you hands on you chest. “Oh my God..”
“Are you really sure?” Dean asked again
“Yes, Dean, I am one hundred percent sure that I feel a baby’s presence.” Castiel snapped back
“This isn’t happening.” Dean ran his hands over his face “This is.. this is simply not happening.”
“Please don’t tell me you guys…” Sam looked at you both
“Sam, just shut up for a minute, okay?” Dean replied
“I- I need to get some air.” You muttered as you walked backwards like three steps and then turned around heading to the stairs
“Y/n wait!” Sam called out but you ignored him
You got out of the bunker and you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down and not have a panic attack.
“This can’t be real..” you murmured to yourself
You raised your hands to your belly and you’re just standing there in shock.
Of course you wanted a family, but you knew that it was probably not going to happen due to the fact that you’re a hunter and you’ve been hunting basically your whole life. You knew how your life was gonna end. And you made your peace with that. Kinda.
Worst thing about all of this is the fact that Dean is the one who got you pregnant. You two used to hate each other, but throughout the years, you’ve learned to tolerate each other and well, you’ve basically been working with them since they had to deal with the angels pretty much.
He’s always had a crush on you and you knew it, but it wasn’t really that serious. He usually just flirted with you and most of the time you just ignored him.
Until a few weeks ago, while you guys were finishing up a case that Sam decided to let you two handle so you could work on your communication and your anger issues, because the week before that, you have to admit that you were both butting heads every five minutes, and it was driving Sam insane. So he sent you both to deal with a shapeshifter case in Wyoming and with a little assignment to work on your issues and stop behaving like kids. His words.
And you did worked your issues out. You just didn’t think it was gonna be by having sex, but hey, you weren’t complaining at all. He was perfect. And it was the best night you’ve ever had in a while.
And here are the results of that hook up.
It’s clear to say that neither of you are prepared, mentally nor physically prepared to have a kid.
And besides, how were you gonna raise a kid together if you can’t even get along for more than two days?
You got on your car and decided to go for a ride, just to clear your head. And while you were at it, you bought like two boxes of pregnancy tests just to be one thousand percent sure and because you would believe it more once you see it yourself.
You got something to eat after that and decided to use the bathroom at a gas station so you could take the pregnancy tests.
While you waited on the results, you were walking around in the small bathroom, thinking what the hell you were gonna do.
After a few minutes of talking to yourself internally, you decided to take a look at the four pregnancy tests.
“Oh god..” you muttered under your breath seeing the plus sign on the tests
After a while of just driving around, you finally decided to get back to the bunker. Once you open the door, Dean’s head turned to look at you immediately.
“Where were you?” He asked, leaving the book he was reading on the table
“I was getting rid of the little creature,” you replied
“Y/n.” Dean gave your a stern look
“I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes. “I went for a ride and to get something to eat, anything else you want to know?”
You walked to where he was and put your hand inside the pocket of your jacket.
“In case you thought Castiel was lying...” you took the pregnancy tests out of your jacket pocket and placed them on the table. “It’s quite real.”
Dean looked at the tests in front of him realizing that this was really happening. He did believe Cas, but seeing the positive pregnancy tests, definitely made his mind finally fall into the acceptance that this was real. Very real.
Dean sighed. “Look, I know you’re not completely happy with this situation, believe me, I’m not either, but..-
“But we already did it and now we have to take responsibility, I know,” you said taking off your jacket “What I’m still trying to figure out is how you and I are going to raise a baby”
“I don’t know either.” He sighed
“This wasn’t supposed to happen” you pulled out a chair so you could sit and then you brought your hands to you face
“I know...” Dean said in a soft voice and leaned a little so he could look at you. “Hey,” he gently took you by the wrists, removing your hands from your face. “You’re not going to be alone, I’m not going for a pack of cigarettes and never come back.”
That made you laugh a little. “I know you won’t.”
“I’m just.. scared.” He admitted “Scared to raise a kid, scared that I might turn out like my dad and I don’t want that..”
“You’re not going to be like your father, Dean.” You said softly “And I’m scared too, like, I’m gonna be carrying a baby inside of me for the next nine months, I’m terrified that I won’t be a good mom.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
You smiled a little. “That’s kinda comforting.”
“I think we can make it work if we make the effort.”
“We hate each other.” You roll your eyes
He scoffs. “Speak for yourself, I don’t hate you, sweetheart, like, at all.”
You chuckle. “Don’t lie to yourself, you only wanted to get in my pants.” You joked
“Well yeah, but I don’t hate you.” He shrugged
“I don’t hate you either, you’re just.. very annoying.” You said
“You are too.”
You roll your eyes. “Right.”
“In all seriousness,” he started saying “I think we should give it a try.” He looked into your eyes “And you know, we would also be getting out of this life and finally getting a normal one.”
“That does sound nice.” You nodded
“It’s up to you, babe.” He said
You could see in his eyes that he was dead serious about this. He wanted this. He wanted to give it a try with you.
And after a few seconds of thinking, you finally responded.
“Let’s do it then.” You said and he smiled “But we’re not getting married.”
“I’m fine with that.” He said with a shrug which made you smile
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A/n: I think I can make this into a small series, should I? 👀
Likes, comments and reblogs will be appreciated! <3
divider creds @hyuneskkami
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ak319 · 22 hours ago
Dark A.M x fem!reader
-- ★ The Word of Claim ┃ ─𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓─
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Warnings/MDNI: Angst, slight fluff, abuse, extortion, mentions of non-con. // I don't condone such beheviour irl! Syno: Reunions you didn't expect. ✰ 9.2K.
★ Prev I concept m.list
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Charles drove the wagon with steady precision, fast but careful. While you sat in the back, your body was frozen from the pain, and Grimshaw's firm grip was the only thing keeping you upright. The sharp, searing ache in your hand drowned out everything else, past grievances, and future fears. The only thing that existed was the torment of the present. The pain of the wound that you felt in your soul was more than physical.
At one point, as the wagon jolted over a rough patch, you caught yourself thinking, half delirious, half desperate, that maybe they'd have no choice but to amputate. The thought although exaggerated perhaps, wasn't entirely unwelcome. A missing hand might finally convince him to leave, to see you as damaged goods, no longer worth the effort. And no other man would dare approach you either.
But the idea of Arthur walking away, cutting his ties with you at last, made you laugh bitterly through clenched teeth. The absurdity of it. You knew better than to hope for an escape so simple.
You begged them, though, pleaded through the haze of agony. "Drop me off somewhere. Anywhere. Please." Your voice cracked, the words tumbling out in a rush, desperate to find even the faintest sliver of mercy.
But you already knew what the answer would be.
"We can't," Charles muttered, his voice steady but laced with quiet regret.
"Wouldn't do any good, you need to stop clinging on that hope. The sooner you accept....the less you suffer like this." Grimshaw added, her tone sharp this time, though there was something softer buried underneath, something she refused to show too openly. So she had finally said this too huh? Had become frustrated at your whining?.
Not surprised at all.
And deep down, you couldn't blame her. Grimshaw risking her place, her family, her sanctuary, for you? It wasn't a possibility.
When they finally laid you on a bed, the voices around you blurred a distant hum against the pounding in your head. The sheer relief of being off that wagon, of being around people, new people, people outside the camp, lulled you into the edge of sleep. The muffled chatter of the town filtered through the walls, a strange sort of comfort amidst everything.
But then...
That voice. It tugged at something deep in your memory, something warm and long-forgotten. It couldn't be....could it?
Your eyes fluttered open as your body stiffened slightly. The familiarity of her tone, the way it carried... It was her. Edie. Your heart skipped a beat. Your Edie. A friend so close she might as well have been family once before everything fell apart. You had helped her financially and emotionally when she ran away from her family to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine she'd end up here.
Yet even as your soul surged with recognition and warmth, you forced yourself to stay still, to keep your expression calm. Pretend. Pretend you didn't know her. And damn her sharpness, because you knew she was clever enough to already be piecing it together, your circumstances, your forced silence. Her eyes didn't betray much, but you caught the faintest flicker of something. Understanding, surprise, sadness perhaps.
"What's happened here?. " she asked, her tone clinical but careful, as she put on her gloves.
Charles cleared his throat. "Uh... her hand. It's injured."
Edie nodded, her movements swift and efficient as she approached. Her eyes met yours briefly, just briefly, but it was enough to make your breath hitch. "I'll check, just relax." she said simply.
She took your injured hand in hers with a gentleness you hadn't felt in what seemed like forever. Her fingers worked quickly, inspecting, prodding lightly, and each touch sent sharp bolts of pain racing up your arm. You couldn't stop the hisses and whimpers that escaped your lips, but she shushed you softly, her tone soothing as if speaking to a child.
"Hm," she murmured, her focus entirely on your hand. "We'll need to set it properly. Possibly splint it, maybe more depending on how bad the break is." Her voice dipped slightly, quieter, as though addressing you directly. "Do you feel immense pain?"
Your voice came out barely above a whisper, trembling. "Y-yeah. Kind o-of....it's...it feels numb."
"Okay, this might hurt a bit but just trust me." Edie's voice was soft, almost soothing, as she prepared the syringe. The pinch of the needle barely registered in comparison to the ache that had taken over your hand. She moved efficiently, murmuring occasional reassurances as she began the procedure, but you couldn't focus on her words.
Instead, your gaze shifted to Grimshaw. She needed to be out of this fucking room.
Think (Y/N), think---
Your pitiful whimper grabbed her attention. "Yes, dear?" Grimshaw immediately leaned closer.
Thank God Charles was still in the lobby, out of earshot.
"I-I need... some cloth... y'know, for periods," you stammered, your voice barely audible over the pounding in your chest. "Some new ones... Charles brought less than I needed, so can you... go buy them? Arthur gave you money, right?"
Grimshaw's expression flickered with hesitation, her lips pressing into a thin line. "I understand, but-"
Before she could finish, Edie looked up from her work, her sharp eyes meeting Grimshaw's. She nodded subtly, a silent exchange passing between them.
"Don't worry," Edie said, her tone firm but kind. "We'll take care of her. This might take a while anyway, so she'll be in good hands."
Grimshaw hesitated, glancing between the two of you, but Edie pressed on, her words leaving no room for argument. "Also, how about you grab some herbal medicines from the store while you're at it? We're out of stock here, and trust me, they're excellent for pain relief."
She turned her head slightly. "Marlee! Can you give this woman the names of those herbal pain relievers?"
A younger nurse appeared in the doorway, a slip of paper in her hand. "Here you go," she said, smiling and handing it to Grimshaw.
Grimshaw looked at the list and then back at you, her mouth tightening as if she wanted to argue. But after a moment, she nodded briskly. "Alright, I'll get what's needed."
The moment she left...
You both hugged tightly, and the dam you had been holding back for so long broke. Tears spilled freely as you sobbed into her shoulder, gripping her like she was the only tether to sanity in your chaotic world.
"(Y/N)..." Edie murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. "Oh God! I had heard what happened, from Edna. She told me what happened at your wedding. Otherwise, I wouldn't have---God, look at me." Her words stumbled over themselves, her hands gripping your shoulders to steady you and to take in the sight of you. "What have they done to you?! God...you look so different. Did he do this?!"
A faint nod was only what you could muster.
"Oh...my..." Edie's voice broke as she hugged you again, her arms wrapping around you with such ferocity, as if she could shield you from the horrors you had endured.
"The things they're saying about you and him back there-"
"D-don't! NO! Please!" you whimpered, pulling back, shaking your head frantically. "I don't wanna, I don't wanna go through this again! Please..."
Her face softened instantly, guilt flashing in her eyes. "I get it. I get it. I'm sorry. So sorry," she whispered, her hand brushing soothingly over your hair.
"Li-listen to me," you stammered, gripping her wrist tightly, desperation lacing your voice. "I'm gonna tell you the location, and you're going to my parents and telling them where I am, alright?"
Her eyes widened slightly, then hardened with determination. "Hm, got it. Got it, (Y/N). I'm with you."
"Have you been in contact with them though?"
"No," she admitted, frowning. "All of this...all the information about the tragedy, I got it from Edna through a letter. But don't you worry, okay? I'll go to Sable Creek today, right away. I promise."
And with that, you gave her the directions, which she quickly noted down before returning to bandaging your hand. Her voice dropped to a hush, soothing and steady, both of you painfully aware of Charles' presence just outside.
"Listen, take this too."
Before you could question her, Edie slipped something into your pocket, quick, deliberate, and leaving you no chance to inspect it.
"It's for preventing pregnancy," she whispered sharply, her eyes darting to the door.
"Wha-" Your voice rose, but she cut you off with a firm glare.
"I'm doing this for you. What if you can't come back-"
"No, I get that, idiot," you hissed back, shaking your head. "But why would you even think, do you really think I'm gonna let him touch me? No way in hell!"
Edie's gaze softened, though her expression remained grave. "(Y/N)...speak facts here. What if he does? Would you be able to stop him?" Your eyes welled up as a shiver ran down your whole body. Painful whimpers shook your body. "I don't wanna hurt you but I am helping you by telling the truth. So be practical. It is for prevention and it is...taken after...God forbid-."
Your throat tightened due to fear and disgust but also realization as you had totally overlooked this part, and you couldn't stop the trembling in your voice. "G-got it. Thank you so much-"
"Shh...it's fine. Relax. Just take these herbs in a little amount with tea. Remember , little amount."
The door creaked open just then, and both of you instinctively fell silent, slipping into the facade of normalcy. Susan stepped in with a warm, reassuring smile, her voice soft as she began asking questions about your health.
And just like that, Edie had to step away.
When it was time to leave, you couldn't even say a proper goodbye to her. The ache in your chest was unbearable, but you swallowed it down, telling yourself it was fine. It had to be fine.
Because soon...soon, you would be free.
The shopkeeper glanced from the quiet, starry night outside to the tall, broad-shouldered man now examining a rack of ladies' clothing. It was an odd sight, this burly figure flipping through fabrics and inspecting delicate jewels as if weighing their worth.
"Need a hand, sir?" the shopkeeper asked, more out of curiosity than necessity.
"I'm good," the man replied, not looking up.
Fair enough. The shopkeeper watched as the man added a few dresses to his growing pile. This was turning into quite the shopping spree. Last customer of the night, and judging by the variety of items he was grabbing, jewels, perfumes, and now clothes, it seemed like he was sparing no expense.
Finally, the man strode up to the counter, dumping his haul unceremoniously. Without missing a beat, he pointed at a shelf behind the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper followed his gesture. "The shampoo? Which one, strawberry or vanilla?"
"Your lady's a lucky one. Here you go," he remarked, handing over a neatly folded scarf as requested.
"She ain't. I am. Why you think I'm buyin' these?"
The owner chuckled at the response. "I bet, sir. Anything else?"
The shopkeeper began tallying up, muttering numbers under his breath before hesitating. "All of this would be well... $200-"
"I-s-sir, don't-"
"Now?" Arthur lifted the revolver just enough for the shopkeeper to see the glint of silver, all while keeping it angled away from the store's windows.
The shopkeeper's face paled. "F-f-free!".
Arthur chuckled, a low, menacing sound. "That's what I like to hear. Now pack 'em. And properly. Otherwise, you're the one getting packed tonight."
"I-uh-yes! Please don't-" The shopkeeper's hands shook as he hurriedly wrapped everything, his eyes darting nervously to the gun and then to Arthur's face, hoping for some sign of mercy.
When the parcels were finally ready, the shopkeeper slid them across the counter. "T-there you g-go, sir."
"I'll take some chocolates too on the way out... if you don't mind of course." Arthur holstered his revolver with deliberate ease, taking his time as he gathered the packages. "Good night, Mister," he said smoothly, tipping his hat with a smirk before entering the cool night air.
Arthur went through the motions clinging to the routine like it might steady him. A nod by the fire. A stop at the camp fund box, tossing in whatever he had. A quiet word with Dutch, though neither of them really said anything, and then to Ms. Grimshaw...
"She'll be fine," Grimshaw said when he mentioned you, when he asked, low and almost ashamed, about your hand. "The doc said it'll heal, but it'll take time." She paused, a flicker of sympathy softening her sharp tone. " She's been... quieter. More than usual. Not eating...and just...holed up."
Arthur nodded solemnly, muttering his thanks, but the guilt in his chest only grew heavier.
Time. Healing. Pain.
He hated every damn word of it.
"Bill," The man glanced over from the fire, raising an eyebrow. "What?"
Arthur stopped a few paces away, crossing his arms. "Anything happen while I was gone? Any fights? Any trouble?"
"No. Ain't been much of anything. The camp's been quiet." He took a swig from his bottle and shrugged. "You'd think it'd be good for once, but it's been downright dull."
"You're sure?"
Bill sighed, waving a hand. "Yes, I'm sure. Nobody's said or done nothin'. Least, not that I know of."
Arthur didn't answer right away. He glanced back toward the tent, then shook his head. "And (Y/N)?"
"No screamin' or fightin' this time."
Arthur huffed at his words but nodded and finally, he reached his tent.
He stepped inside, bracing himself, his hands heavy at his sides. But instead of finding you curled under the covers, as he'd expected, you were sitting upright on the edge of the cot.
You didn't look up when he entered. Your shoulders were hunched, your bandaged hand resting in your lap as your uninjured fingers absentmindedly toyed with the edge of the fabric. Suki lay curled beside you, her head resting on your thigh, but you didn't seem to notice her either.
Arthur froze, his throat tightening. Seeing you like this, quiet, defeated, looking so damn small, hit him harder than any blow he'd ever taken.
Now what?
Stop being a coward, Morgan.
He cleared his throat, a low, awkward sound breaking the heavy silence. "Hey," he murmured, his voice softer than he intended.
You didn't flinch, but you still didn't look at him, your eyes fixed on your lap. And that, somehow, was worse. He took deliberate steps toward you, his thoughts muffled as he sat down beside you. Clearing his throat gently, he murmured, "I'm back... much to your dismay." He awkwardly held up the bags of gifts, his grip tightening as he noticed your lack of reaction.
Suki perked up, her tail curling up faintly, and Arthur nearly smiled. At least she seemed calm.
His eyes drifted to you again, your figure still hunched and quiet, and his heart clenched. "(Y/N)? You... okay?" He reached out hesitantly, brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face, his hand lingering near your cheek. What surprised him most was that you didn't recoil, didn't push him away or claw his hand off. The absence of resistance stung more than rejection.
"I... lost myself that night," he muttered, his voice thick with regret. "I... I am sorry. You jus' said his name and I-how can I just...listen to that. You need to understand. That is not something I will tolerate-"
"You were right." Your voice was steady but hollow, each word cutting through him like a blade. "Remember what you... said? That I had nothing.....That was true."
His heart twisted painfully. 
"I... I was a fool," you interrupted his spiraling thoughts, your tone flat and resigned. "A fool to think that as a woman... I could have anything."
"That's....not true," You have me. Arthur rasped, his hands curling into fists, but you didn't seem to hear him.
"I thought... one day, I'd be sitting where my dad is now," you continued, your gaze fixed on some far-off point as if you were speaking more to yourself than to him. "I thought I'd build something... be someone."
Arthur froze, his hands curling around the bags as his chest tightened. He didn't know what to say. Stop it. The pain he felt hearing the emptiness in your voice was too much. He didn't like this. He didn't like it one bit seeing you like this. It broke him more than he ever thought it could.
"Please..." he murmured, his voice soft and almost desperate. "Look what I brought for you." His movements were rushed, almost clumsy, as he went to the hamper like an eager child, pulling out items and presenting them to you with trembling hands.
"Look, everything you told me you like," he said, his voice gaining a pleading edge. "Your favorite chocolates, the ones you liked as a child, they were so hard to find but I got em', and... look at this. This set. It's yours." He held it up, a delicate piece of jewelry, then a neatly folded fabric, but his eyes weren't on the gifts anymore. They were on you, on the way you sat there, unmoving, fragile. That's when it hit him.
You looked...weaker.
"Did you eat at all when I was gone?" His voice dropped lower, tinged with worry, but you didn't respond. "(Y/N)? Look here, at this stuff while I go and bring food, okay?"
He waited for a moment, hoping, praying for even a flicker of acknowledgment. But there was nothing, and his patience snapped. 
Arthur hesitated for a moment outside the tent, running a hand over his face. Something wasn't right, he could feel it in his gut. You hadn't spoken much, barely reacted to his presence, and now that he thought about it, the whole camp felt quieter than usual. Your silence was the loudest thing he encountered till now.
"Arthur! C'mere!."
"Yes...Dutch?" Arthur's reply was quieter, his eyes darting to Molly, who sat quietly on the cot behind Dutch, who returned his nod.
"Well, you weren't here...and the girl, y'know, I just couldn't bear to see the state she was in. So...I took her to see her parents. Hosea and I handled it."
Arthur's stomach dropped. 
They what? 
"Dutch--but why?-"
"What? Got a problem?"
"No- I just-"
 "She needed that, Arthur. A proper closure. And... needless to say, due to certain rumors now circulating about you two... well, it's affected them. They think she should stay here. For the better. And that's all it took for her father to say this and for her to shut herself...." Dutch trailed off, but the implication was clear. "She hasn't eaten or spoken since."
Is that why you said all that..?
Arthur felt the blood drain from his face. He wanted to yell, to demand why Dutch had taken such a step without him, but... what could he say? Maybe Dutch had meant well, he always means well,  and maybe it was for the best, but knowing what you must've heard, the rejection from your family, the weight of those rumors... it crushed him. How could you bear it? He couldn't fathom. He should have been the one who took you. Guess, it was for the better, it would have been worse if he had been there.
"Yes... Dutch," Arthur muttered, barely finding his voice.
Dutch's hands clapped onto Arthur's shoulders, his grip firm but meant to be comforting. "I care for you all, alright? She's part of us now, Arthur. And I want you to be happy, too, son. Just... take care of her. Make sure she's eating, resting, and you need some rest yourself."
Arthur nodded stiffly, his lips twitching into a broken semblance of a smile. "I will."
"And, um..." Dutch paused, tilting his head slightly. "Also, Mr. (L/N), well, I came to know he's facing some problems with the O'Driscolls. So I figured it'd be best to offer some help. And the price would only be that he stops funding Pinkertons to find us. What do you think about that?"
Arthur blinked, his breath hitching. "W-what? Since when?"
"Just some days ago before the girl's wedding was about to happen. When we went to meet him, he brought it up. Turns out, it's true. So, what do you say? We help him out? After all, they're your in-laws now, aren't they, boy? And getting rid of those pieces of shit is always worthwhile."
Arthur swallowed hard, forcing himself to nod. "Yes, Dutch. 'Course. I'll do it myself if I have to."
But the words felt hollow, like he was agreeing to something he couldn't quite understand. All he could think about was you, what you'd heard, how you felt, and how he could even begin to make it right. But somehow he also felt responsible and protective of your family. It's the least he can do...after this. Protecting them...was protecting you, you were once a part of them.
"I know you can. But remember the boys and I are here as well so when things get too much, we are available. Maybe (Y/N) will appreciate that too, y'know. See? We can be all nice when we wanna be." Dutch leaned back with a satisfied smirk. "I'll keep you updated if I hear anything about the 'Driscoll boys. Now, go on, go to your girl."
Arthur gave a brief nod, his jaw tight, and turned on his heel. He grabbed a bowl of stew from the fire, his movements mechanical as his thoughts churned.
He appeared back at the tent but you were under the covers already....and somehow he expected it...
Arthur hesitated for a moment, the bowl trembling slightly in his hands as he stood over the cot. "Here," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You need to eat. Please, they told me you ain't swallowed a single bite. At least half...please."
Again no response which only left him the option to sigh and put it aside.
He wanted to say more, to bring up the meeting with your parents. But the words caught in his throat. How could he comfort you about something that, in some twisted way, he had set into motion? The rumors, the whispers, the decisions made without you or him, it all tied back to him, to his mistakes.
He took out his journal, desperate to get these thoughts out of his mind as he began scribbling.
"I miss you, (Y/N).
Miss your smile, your laugh, the way you’d go on and on about things and make jokes out of anything.
I know you miss it too. The life you should be living. Not this. Not with me. You should be wrapped in silk and drowning in gold, not stuck in the mud beside a man like me. You should be surrounded by normal people, not outlaws and killers. You should be sleeping in a fine bed, not lying awake beside the same bastard who ruined you.
But don’t you see? The more you fight it, the more you tear yourself apart. And I can live with a lot of things. I can live without your laughter, without your warmth. But I won’t live with you shutting yourself away from me.
And you, you, should’ve known better than to utter another man's name..."
His pencil halted as he realized what he had written. His mind had gone in another direction. The other side. The one he hated to acknowledge but couldn't ignore. A primal side that found a grim satisfaction in the fact that your parents had pushed you away. That closure, painful as it was, came from them. Maybe now, with nowhere else to turn, you'd stop clinging to the past and start... accepting this. Accepting him. He hated himself for the thought, but it lingered all the same, buried beneath layers of guilt and shame.
It was necessary.
Shutting his journal he laid down beside you. He wanted to reach out, to hold your hand, to apologize, hell, to beg if that's what it took.
"I know... it ain't easy," he murmured after a long pause, his voice rough with emotion. "But... I'm here, alright? Always will be."
But who was to tell him that the real truth was a trip that had resulted in you having a gun barrel pointed at your head.
Few days ago.
It was the third day since he had left and thank God he still wasn't back, nobody told you when he would be and you didn't give a fuck to ask anyway. The camp was...empty almost. Dutch, Hosea, and the women resting in their places. The boys had been sent away to different jobs. Oh yes, Bill was here too.
That's why you now sat beneath the shade of a tree, a book resting in your lap, one you had finally felt sane enough to read. Suki lounged by your side, her soft purring a rare comfort. She got it so easy huh? Free to go wherever... whenever. An animal is in a better place than you. But even as you tried to focus on the words on the page, your mind refused to stay quiet.
Did Edie make it? Did she tell your parents? And if she did...why-
A sharp cough pulled you from your spiraling thoughts, accompanied by the faint smell of a cigar. You didn't even need to look up to know who it was, the shadow looming over you confirmed it.
One bitch out of camp, so what? The bigger one's still here.
"Ms. (Y/N), there. Happy?" Dutch greeted, his tone casual as he crouched down, extending a hand to pet Suki, who sniffed him indifferently.
"I wanted to..." He trailed off for a moment, the smirk transformed into a complete look of shame, shocking you.
"To ask you something," he finally continued, his eyes meeting yours. "I feel like maybe I was a bit harsh that day. So, as a form of compensation...How about I take you to meet your parents?"
No way.
"Yeah. You ready?"
"He isn't here and he won't be for a few more days. I figured you both needed a break, so I sent him for a good amount of time. No need to thank me." He stood up with a gentle smile.
"See? I can be nice. Now, missy get up and I'll be waiting for you at the stables."
Slowly, you made your way back to the tent, Suki trailing at your heels. But as the hope began to settle, so did the gnawing pit of anxiety bubbling in your stomach. What if this was some trick? Or worse, what if this wasn't?
You sank down onto the edge of your cot, your hands trembling slightly. For a minute, you just sat there, staring at nothing in particular, trying to calm the storm that raged inside you.
What if... you go there and, like-
Your mind spiraled, the what-ifs circling like vultures. If Edie had already informed your parents, you shouldn't even be here right now. This could have been the perfect time for help to arrive. Arthur isn't around, but now Dutch is offering to take you there himself?
But then again... what if Dutch finds out about Edie through your parents?
No. You shook your head, forcing yourself to breathe deeply. You're overthinking. Relax. Your parents aren't fools. They would know how to handle themselves.
Just... get ready and leave.
Still, the pit in your stomach didn't ease. It churned with a deep unease, one you couldn't shake even as you tried to calm yourself.
You sat stiffly behind Bill as the three of you finally reached town. The journey to Sable Creek had taken half an hour or so, but your home was still a few minutes away. The familiar surroundings should've been comforting, but the unease bubbling in your chest refused to settle. How would your parents react and...how would you calm yourself in front of them?. The pain was bubbling over the surface, ready to be spilled in the form of tears and broken words in their embrace.
"Why are we stopping here?" you asked, your voice cautious as you slid carefully off the horse, mindful of your injured hand.
Dutch dismounted gracefully, tying up his horse with practiced ease. "A work needs to be done first. C'mon."
You shared a hesitant glance with Bill, who offered a grunt in response, ignoring you completely.
The building in front of you came into view, and your brows furrowed. A notary office?
You knew the place well enough, Mr. Mason was the officer, and you'd been here before for work-related errands. But what on earth could Dutch, of all people, want at a notary office? The man and legalities seemed as mismatched as oil and water.
"You can go in now. Mr. Mason is awaiting you," the receptionist announced to him with a polite smile.
As the three of you entered, Dutch greeted Mr. Mason first. "Oh, Ms. (Y/N), a pleasure to meet you," Mason said, gesturing awkwardly toward a chair. "Um, please, have a seat."
Warily, you lowered yourself into the chair opposite Dutch, who was already leaning back with somewhat a serene expression. Whilst, Bill lingered quietly near the wall.
"So," Dutch began, exhaling a puff of smoke from his freshly lit cigar, "let's get to business, shall we?"
"What is going on here?" you interrupted, turning your gaze sharply to Mason. "Mr. Mason? Care to explain? You know him?"
Mason hesitated, smoothing the papers on his desk with trembling hands. "Well, yo-u could say, Ms. (Y/N), that we are... acquaintances-"
"Excuse me?"
"Now, now," Dutch cut in smoothly, waving his cigar like he was conducting a symphony. "Calm yourself, missy. Let's just get the work done, shall we?"
Before you could respond, Mason pulled out a stack of documents, sliding them across the desk toward you and Dutch. Also, you didn't fail to see a certain...a certain fearful look in Mr. Mason's eyes too, the most jolly man you had come across. Your stomach churned as you reached for them instinctively, your fingers trembling as you flipped through the pages.
Dutch, unbothered, leaned back in his chair, puffing his cigar as if this was just another leisurely evening for him.
Your eyes darted across the bold lettering,
Grantor: Ms. [Y/N] [L/N] (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor").
Grantee: Dutch Van der Linde (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee").
Your breath hitched.
"What. The. Hell. Is. This?" you demanded, glaring at Mason, then at Dutch, who remained infuriatingly calm.
"Huh!?" Your voice trembled, the words barely forming as your eyes scanned the papers again. "What is this?".
Your hands trembled as you scanned the document again.
Your land. The plot in Cinderpoint. Nearly an acre of pristine property, yours. A perfect spot, rich with greenery, near the railway. And you knew exactly why Dutch was doing this.
He could afford to buy land elsewhere, hell, in the Heartlands, where an acre went for as little as fifteen dollars. Even this plot wasn't much more, maybe four hundred and fifty at most.
But this wasn't about money.
It was about being on the safe side.
He wasn't buying it and being a criminal he couldn't, that was too risky and too much work but having it "granted" ...it couldn't be easier.
And by having the deed, in his name, Dutch gained three things, legal cover of course, on paper, the land would belong to him, resale power, he could do as he pleased with it, and worst of all, long-term security if he planned to develop it, which you feared was his real goal.
No. This can't be happening.
"Now, (Y/N), listen," Dutch began smoothly, leaning forward with that predatory calm that made your stomach churn. "What we're doing here is mutual business. Since you live with us now, it's only natural, makes sense, really--that your property remains safeguarded. With us. With you. No?."
"You son of a bitch!" You exploded, slamming the papers onto the desk with your uninjured hand. "You think I'd hand over my assets? To you!? Are you out of your damn mind? This is mine! And what the fuck do you mean by 'safeguard,' huh? Just say it, say you're fucking looting me! You need it because then the law can't arrest you for illegal occupation!"
"Ms. (Y/N)-" Mason began nervously, his voice faltering under your glare.
"No! You---shut up! How can you do this, Mr. Mason? You... you know Dad, right? I've-I've worked with you. Please, don't listen to these people."
Dutch chuckled darkly, dragging his chair closer with a deliberate scrape against the wooden floor. "I'd say the sooner we get done with it, the better, darlin'. I am doing this for all of us. Including you. And looting? I prefer the term, 'acquire'."
He leaned in, his leg brushing against yours, boxing you in completely. You were trapped between his looming presence and the desk, his cigar smoke curling lazily around you like a noose.
Just then, the door burst open.
Another man entered, blond, with the weirdest mustache you'd ever seen.
"Ah, Micah, come on in," Dutch drawled, not even glancing up. "We just got started."
Micah smirked, his sharp eyes flicking to you like a predator sizing up its prey.
"Did the bitch agree yet?"
Your breath caught in your throat. The sheer disgust and fear this man evoked made your skin crawl.
"W-who th-!"
Before you could finish, the back of his hand cracked across your face. The impact sent you reeling, stars bursting in your vision.
"P-please, don't treat her like this," Mason stammered, standing abruptly. "Please-"
"Did we ask for your permission? And I am gonna do much worse to your wife Masey, now sit down!"
Your ears rang. The world tilted, your vision blurred by pain and humiliation.
Then, warm breath ghosted over your ear.
Micah's hand gripped your chin, forcing your face upward. His voice dripped with mockery.
"Arthur must be coddling you like some baby, but not us, sweetpea. We are, you could say... a bit tougher. So how about you be a good girl and sign-"
"Go to hell."
With a sharp snarl, you clawed at his hand, drawing a hiss from him.
You didn't hesitate.
Your fingers darted for the pen on the desk, gripping it tight, ready to stab-
"Sweetheart, cursing ain't gonna get you anywhere." Dutch's voice dripped with mockery, smooth and unbothered, as if this were all just a friendly transaction.
The cold barrel of his revolver pressed hard against the side of your head.
He winked at Micah, who stood right behind your seat, his hands gripping the back of the chair, fingers just barely grazing your shoulders.
Bill remained silent. Micah, on the other hand, let out a wheezing chuckle.
Your pulse pounded in your ears. Never in your life had you felt so... degraded. So helpless. Locked in a room with three men who could do whatever they wanted with you.
"It's just paperwork," Dutch continued, as if the gun against your skull was merely a formality. "Sign it, and you can rest easy knowing your little patch of paradise is in safe hands."
Safe hands.
"I am not doing it. I am NOT giving you as-sholes anything! You tricked me into coming here?! How low can you possibly go?!"
Micah clicked his tongue, then suddenly grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head back.
You flinched, a sharp gasp escaping you as you thrashed against his hold.
"Now, now, Micah," Dutch drawled, not even looking at him.
Micah scoffed but obeyed, his grip loosening before he shoved your head forward again.
"As you say... boss."
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself to steady your breath. Your heart told you to fight, but logic whispered otherwise. You were outnumbered. Cornered. And Dutch still had his gun pressed against you.
For now, you had no choice but to play along.
But for now wouldn't last forever. You prayed. God is with those who are patient, right? You have to remain strong.
Be strong...please.
"We're not leaving this building until you sign. And as for Mr. Mason here, well, sweetheart, it doesn’t take much to bribe a government officer… or to persuade him through other means." He exhaled a thick cloud of smoke, letting it curl in the air between you. "So, what’s it gonna be? Are we doing this the civil way, or…" So that's why Mr. Mason looks disturbed. The bitter scent of his cigar filled your lungs, making you gag.
"You don't know half the things I'm capable of. Don't worry, though, you'll learn everything soon enough and then you will be thanking me. Now, sign the papers, or I'll blow your brains out right here. And after that... let's just say that poor little cat back at camp won't be so lucky either-"
"Don't! Le-eave her outta this! Ple-ase!.."
"Sobbing isn't going to change anything, so quit it. Just. Sign. The. Damn. Papers."
"You'll regret this. One day... you'll pay for t-his, you animals."
With trembling hands, tears streaming down your face, you signed.
Just like that?
Your heart pounded, a dull, heavy ache in your chest as Dutch slid the pen from your grasp, his smirk stretching wider, the smirk of a winner.
"Wasn't so hard, was it now, pumpkin?" Micah sneered. His voice, his breath, everything about him made your skin crawl. He finally stepped back, standing behind Dutch this time, watching him sign with a look of twisted satisfaction.
When will this end?
"There. All done," Mason muttered, clearing his throat. His movements were stiff, reluctant, but he stamped the papers nonetheless, finalizing the transfer of your land.
He slid them across the desk. "There you go, Mr. Van der Linde."
Dutch leaned back, examining the documents with a pleased nod before turning his gaze to Mason. "And the security matter?"
"Handled," Mason confirmed, though his tone lacked enthusiasm. "You won't have any problems with the law. My contact's taken care of it, and your real name won't be on record.. Just present these original documents, and that'll be proof enough. After that, you can use any alias you want, so if the law comes sniffing around, they won't have a clue. And even if you use your real name, they can't just arrest you for owning this land."
Dutch grinned, tapping a finger against the papers.
Your head remained frozen in time.
Memories blurred into the present, forcing you back to that day, the day you turned twenty. The day your father handed you the deed with a proud smile. You had visited Cinderpoint once, offhandedly mentioning how much you liked it. That was all it took for him to make it yours.
And now... it was gone.
A sharp knock broke through the silence. The trio stirred, but you remained motionless, no more than a hollow shell in your chair.
Dutch chuckled, his voice thick with amusement. "Mhm. I think it's who I think it is. Well, gentlemen, let's give Miss (Y/N) some privacy. She does deserve this sweet reward now, doesn't she?"
Their laughter echoed as they shuffled out, the door creaking shut behind them. Muffled voices faded into the distance.
Your father who rushed in, didn't speak right away. He just looked at you really looked at you as if memorizing every bruise, every tear-streaked inch of your face. His lips parted, but whatever words he wanted to say never came. Instead, he reached out, hesitantly at first, before pulling you into his arms.
The moment his embrace tightened around you, he broke. A choked sob escaped him, his body trembling against yours as he buried his face into your hair. His breath came in ragged gasps, and you felt his tears soak into your shoulder.
"I failed you," he whispered hoarsely. "God help me, I failed you."
You wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, that there was nothing he could have done. But the words wouldn't come.
Your hands clenched weakly at the fabric of his coat, gripping it as if holding on for dear life. He held you for what felt like forever, gently rocking you back and forth as your sobs wracked through your body. His calloused hand ran over your hair, smoothing it down like he used to when you were a child frightened by anything.
"Shh, my girl, my sweet girl. You're safe now. I'm here."
His words, meant to soothe, only made your chest tighten further. Safe? When had you last felt truly safe? His arms might have shielded you now, but what had been stolen from you, your land, your dignity, your freedom...it was too much...
You felt him take a deep, shuddering breath, willing himself to calm down before pulling away just enough to look into your eyes. He cupped your face, his thumbs wiping away the lingering tears on your cheeks. "Breathe with me, sweetheart," he whispered. "Just breathe. I am here."
You tried. Slowly, painfully, your ragged gasps evened out into something steadier. Your father did the same, his forehead pressing against yours for a fleeting moment of quiet understanding.
And then, at last, he spoke.
"Just... a month before your wedding, I began having trouble with some of my merchants and clients being robbed on the trade routes. I kept it a secret as I didn't wanna worry any of you, especially you. It was the O'Driscolls," he started, his voice heavy with regret. "So, of course, I began funding the Pinkertons to deal with them..."
He paused, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "And... after-" His voice broke as he wiped away a tear. "After they took you away from me, I began paying for you to be brought back too but...I was also suffering a lot of losses in business. The agency was demanding too much from me and doing so little. Then Dutch...came, and he told me I needed to stop. Instead of wasting my money on Pinkertons, I pay him half to...fight the Driscolls. If I didn't stop interfering, if I didn't pull them back, then the next shipment to disappear wouldn't just be goods. Dutch will also start looting my clients. Will kill them. It'd be...bloody. My men. My family. And especially you, (Y/N)...even you and I just-- I couldn't!"
His voice cracked slightly, but he forced himself to go on. "So I had a choice. Keep funding the Pinkertons, who were looting me in their own way, keep fighting against Colm who already had me by the throat, and risk losing everything... or cut my losses and trust that Dutch, twisted as he is, would at least keep to his word that he'd deal with the O'Driscolls himself for me...." He exhaled sharply as if disgusted by the words leaving his own mouth. "It wasn't much of a choice at all."
So...he is valuing his money right now? Is that what it is? You just can't understand anything at this fucking point.
He looked at you now, his eyes pleading. "Please, (Y/N)... you have to understand. I didn't just fold because I was scared. I did it because there was no winning against him. Not like this. And I want you to be safe among those vultures! I can't sleep knowing that...they might do something to you!"
"Stop it, Dad," you interrupted sharply, your voice trembling but firm. "Just stop."
He fell silent, his shoulders slumping as though the weight of it all had finally crushed him.
You reached for the glass of water on the table, the cold liquid doing little to soothe the fire raging inside you. Setting it down with a clink, you stood up, your gaze distant.
"You're giving up, aren't you? Edie must've come to you, and that's why you didn't send...any help? Because business is everything to you? You just believed his....silver tongue? He manipulated you Dad! That's all he did! That's all he knows to do!"
"You were my ideal dad." A whimper escaped your lips as you stepped back, your voice trembling with pain. "So perfect... I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You weren't just my dad, you were my best friend. And now? You kept me in the dark about this?" You gestured around you, the betrayal evident in every movement. "Tell me, was staying here, this business, this country...was it worth more than me?"
"(Y/N), when I make decisions, I have to think of everyone," he replied, his tone heavy with pity and pain.
"Your mother-who, I might add, is still in trauma-and Rayan-"
"Was it worth it?!" you interrupted, your voice rising to a shout that reverberated through the room.
"Leaving and starting over from scratch isn’t easy. And right now, with the recent robberies, it’s even worse. My most valuable clients… they’ve lost trust in me, (Y/N). And of course, they’ve heard about the whole incident." He exhaled sharply, frustration lacing his words. "Now they think I was in bed with outlaws all along, that I’ve been using them to loot, to scam them, God, it’s all a mess." His voice wavered, quieter now, but no less burdened. "That I gave you away… as some kind of prize-"
"Not just me, (Y/N)… you too. You were my partner, after all. They’re raising questions-"
A heavy pause.
Your chest burned with the new, agonizing reality that settled in, your breaths coming in shallow bursts as you stepped back, as far from him as you could, though the room felt like it was closing in. The space between you both, once filled with warmth and trust, was now an abyss you couldn't cross.
"These people... they may be heartless," you continued, your voice trembling, "they may have destroyed me because that's what they do. They're criminals, Dad. Bu-t you? You were supposed to be my father. You were supposed to p-rotect me."
He opened his mouth to speak, but his words faltered, breaking on the edge of his throat. "I still am, what more can I do?! I am stuck here." he pleaded.
"No, you're not! You did not..." The words tore from you like a scream trapped in your chest. "If you had, I would've been in my house. In the arms of Mom. Not with a gun to my head, not being tossed around like a ragdoll by a man who calls himself my husband! I thought...you are the most capable man to do that...Dad. There must have been a way! You always had a s-solution for everything! Taught me everything and yet... " Tears blurred your vision as you looked at him, your voice trembling with fury. "Do you see this? He-he did this! And now this? You're giving up everything for this?" You gestured wildly, as though you could point to the ruin of everything he had once stood for.
His face twisted in pain, the guilt heavy on his brow. "Forgive me, but... I can't. You have to accept reality, (Y/N). If you don't--if I don't-then we're all dead. At the hands of either Dutch or that bastard Colm. I can't suffer more losses. I don't even know anymore what's right or wrong. These people--they're targeting everyone. And you...you were too supposed to be sensible. Did I raise you to hang around with an outlaw? And tell me... tell me why? Why did you--Doreen told us about you meeting Arthur! Why did you? Why did you let it go that far? Your mother even warned you! Do you know how disappointed she is? Where were your senses at the time?! How can you be so foolish (Y/N)?! You took advantage of our trust!. And this went on for a whole year?! Then what the hell did you expect?!". His voice cracked with now anger and confusion.
The rush of guilt hit you like a wave, and your hands shook, gripping the armchair in an attempt to steady yourself. You shook your head, frantic. "I--I know! It's ALL MY FAULT, isn't it?!" The tears came then, hot and fast, as your chest heaved with the helplessness and sorrow you couldn't contain. "Oh my God. I can't..." Your vision blacked out for half of a second making you nearly fall on the table.
"(Y/N)?!" His voice cracked with concern, and he moved closer steadying you. "I'm sorry. Please, don't..."
"No....I am sor-ry...M' so sorry. I shouldn't h-ave..."
Your words, your hurt, they couldn't be contained. And so, you let them spill out in a torrent, once again in his chest, not caring anymore whether he understood or not.
"Omar?" Your voice softened, cracking as you remembered the horrifying day once again. "Omar, Papa-?"
"Dear..." His voice faltered, a tear slipping down his cheek as he tried to explain. "He--he tried. He tried to find you. But his family... they weren't having it...weren't happy he was in contact with me and the law regarding you and just....took him to another state with them. They left. But he... he did try. I know he still loves you."
Not for long...he'd find someone else, a normal woman, with good reputation, with no connection to any gang and live happily ever after...
"At least he... tried," you muttered bitterly, pulling away from him. Your chest tightened, the ache inside growing deeper, suffocating you.
He pulled you closer, his fingers trembling against your arms. "Please, (Y/N)... one day, things will be different. I promise. I-I’ll find a way. When I can afford it. These people will be caught, and you’ll come back. I know you will. We will never turn you away."
Empty words. Promises...
"So… it’s your clients, then? Your business. Society mattered to you, after all-"
"Yes, one way or another, it does. It was a tragedy the first time, something we could all move past. But this time, you chose to be part of it. You shouldn’t have, dear. You shouldn’t have."
You see it now. He isn’t fighting for you, he’s asking you to accept it. To wait. To bear it for as long as necessary. Maybe forever.
It's over.
"Do you--are you hearing yourself? I can't take it... papa. I ca-n't-"
A loud smack on the door made you both jump. It was no less than a siren, indicating your return to hell.
This is it then...
A strained silence filled the room as you both matched eyes one last time, your heart heavy, more broken than it was before. There was nothing else that could be said to lessen the pain, no wish to be made, no comfort to be found. And here you thought you might have had a peaceful reunion with your family...
"Tell Mama and...Rayan...I love them."
The ride seemed endless, the hooves pounding against the dirt road a cruel rhythm to the vile words surrounding you. How long were you supposed to endure this? These men... these animals.
It wasn't until the camp came into view that he cornered you again, this time pinning you against Bill's horse. And you, despite the trembling in your hands, met his hardened glare with all the strength you could gather.
"If he can break one hand, I can do worse."
"Dutch!? What are you, stop it! And you both--fuck off!" Hosea came running, intervening immediately. He stepped between you both, and his voice panicked. He shoved Bill and Micah away. "Why didn't you inform me before leaving Dutch?! I was gonna go too! You couldn't let me-" But Dutch silenced him with only a lift of his hand.
"Not everything needs to be handled with gentleness, Hosea. And make sure she understands," Dutch said, his voice cold. "Listen here now, Arthur, he's not to get wind of this. Nobody does. You keep it to yourself missy. He'll know when I want him to know."
"Now you see everything, don't you?" Dutch's voice dripped with mockery. "Your father is practically grateful to me for agreeing to defend his caravans from the O'Driscoll boys. So you'd better be grateful, too. Because if your family can eat and sleep safely to this day and comin' ones, it's because of me."
"You see these people?" Dutch gestured toward the camp. "They have my name attached to them. You are a Van der Linde first and a Morgan second. That means you listen to me. And you'd better damn well listen because if you think for a second I can't harm your family, you're sorely mistaken."
His words hung in the air, suffocating and filled with poison. They twisted the air around you, wrapping themselves around your chest, making it hard to breathe.
"But trust me, you'll come to realize this is all beneficial for you, too. When I build on the land, I'll make sure you and Arthur get the most spacious room. After all, you deserve nothing else."
A gasp of pain escaped you as Dutch left, Hosea's voice drowning around you. His hands reached out to comfort you, but you violently shrugged them off, backing away, further and further, until you were now curled into a cocoon on the cot, shaking like a leaf.
Greedy sons of bitches.
That’s all they are. That’s all they will ever be.
The night was deathly quiet, the kind of silence that gnawed at his insides. Arthur lay on the cot, staring at the ceiling of the tent, listening to the faint rustle of the wind outside and the soft, uneven sound of your breathing. You were finally asleep, or at least, he thought so.
He couldn't stop seeing your face from earlier, the emptiness in your eyes, the way you barely reacted to anything he said or did. It haunted him. That hollow look, sunken eyes, that broken silence, it wasn't you.
Arthur shifted, propping himself up slightly to look at you. Your hair was a mess, splayed across the pillow, your bandaged hand resting limply near your face. Even in sleep, your brows twitched, as if the hurt followed you there too.
It was unbearable.
His hands trembled slightly as he moved closer. He didn't care if you woke up, didn't care if you lashed out, screamed, hit him. Hell, maybe he deserved that. But he wasn't going to let you lay here like this, drowning in whatever torment--- the world, had handed you that day.
Arthur slipped an arm around your waist, his touch cautious at first, but then firm. He pulled you into his warmth, pressing you close, his chin resting lightly against the back of your head. His heart pounded against your back as if it could somehow beat hard enough to protect you from the woe and despair that were clawing at you.
You stirred slightly, before settling again. Arthur's breath caught, but he didn't loosen his grip. He couldn't. He wouldn't. Even if you woke up and pushed him away, even if you cursed him for this, he couldn't let you go. Not when you needed this, even if you didn't want it.
He tightened his hold, his hand smoothing over your arm in slow, steady motions, as though trying to will away the hurt through sheer proximity. "I gotchu," he whispered against your hair. "I gotchu, darlin'."
You're not gonna sleep so broken. Not after whatever you heard back there.
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─AN: Interactions are always appreciated and I will always love reading your guys' comments. To be added or removed from the tag list you can mention it. I hope this chap fed you guys well-〒▽〒 (●'◡'●)
★ tag list: @m1stea @warmsideofthepillow03 @thatoneraeder @marzintears @nxttaru @cazzacarm @she-is-my-unrequited-love34 @nulixity @poll-u @bajabish @cheesycheddarr @luzzbuzz @dilfsarelife @ninastyless @claire-is-here @raeraypoca @hopingtoclearmedschool @lain3iwakura @bashfulcowgirl87 @catjsashrine @bipolarbitties @lizynownow @littlebirdgot @heloixe @summerdazed @meheheasasa @necktattooed @jbrownta
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zorodrafts · 3 days ago
PUMPKIN DOMAIN .ᐟ ✷ ﹙sukuna﹚
⎯⎯⎯ ぉ。 dad!sukuna × fem!reader
𝒄. pumpkin being a brat, dad!sukuna is actually patient in this | 𝒈. fluff ⟢ 748 words
𖹭 notes .ᐟ hi!! ik i disappeared and all, but... i think i'm back? i can't really say that, because, i'll be honest, this blog depends on my mood, especially since i'm not that into anime anymore. but i hope you can understand and be patient with me :( i'm writing a few things so i hope you like it!
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Sukuna never thought he deserved a blessing like this. Like you.
You were his angel—his perfect match. Beautiful, brilliant, kind, and endlessly patient. Somehow, you always saw the best in him, even when he struggled to see it himself. Sometimes, he wondered why you stayed. How could someone as radiant as you choose a man like him—someone with a past drenched in blood and regret?
And fatherhood? That was something he never imagined for himself. A ruthless, relentless force of nature, feared by all… reduced to this.
Which begged the question—why was he sitting cross-legged on the floor, squeezed into a dress that barely fit, his face covered in glitter (an attempt to “highlight” his markings), wearing earrings that dangled awkwardly and a tiara that kept slipping off his head? And, more importantly, why was he being bossed around by a six-year-old?
“Daddy, you’re doing it all wrong!” his daughter huffed, standing up dramatically for the fourth time that hour. “You have to hold it like this!”
He sighed, utterly defeated, shifting uncomfortably after sitting in the same spot for what felt like forever. “Pumpkin, I’m trying, but this cup is way too small for my hands.”
Tea parties were not his strong suit, but for her? He'd endure anything.
Let her paint his nails? Sure—even if more polish ended up on his fingers than his nails.
Try a new hairstyle? Fine—even if she yanked his hair so hard, he was sure she’d pluck out a few pink tufts.
Cover his markings in paint? Whatever—though the last time, she’d used the wrong type, and it took weeks to fade.
But this? This was your domain. And today, you had left him to handle it alone.
“Ugh, you’re so useless…” she muttered, crossing her arms.
Sukuna scoffed, rolling his eyes as he yanked off the tiara. “And you’re the most annoying brat I’ve ever seen. Even worse than your mother…”
“I’m a what now?”
Your voice rang through the room, and suddenly, Sukuna’s four eyes went wide.
“Mommy! Finally!” Your daughter abandoned the tea party, racing toward you and latching onto your waist. She looked up at you with big, dramatic eyes, ready to tattle. “Daddy doesn’t know how to behave at a tea party! Look—he doesn’t even know how to dress or hold the cup right!”
“I swear I’ll burn down alive whoever invented these fucking tea parties—” Sukuna muttered under his breath as he got up, yanking off the ridiculous dress.
“Language!” your daughter scolded.
“And burn alive? I thought we agreed you were done with that?” You gave him a deadpan stare. Deep down, you knew he had changed. He wouldn’t do anything reckless… not anymore. Well, unless it didn’t affected the both of you.
Sukuna strode over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist while the other gently shoved his daughter away, keeping her at a distance. Then, without hesitation, he captured your lips in a soft, lingering kiss.
“Why did you take so long?” he murmured, his voice low and smooth as he guided you toward the living room—still keeping your daughter at arm’s length.
“I ran into Shoko, and we grabbed some coffee. I guess I lost track of time.” You offered him an apologetic smile, knowing you had promised to be home earlier.
He hummed, pressing his nose into your neck and inhaling your scent. “I missed you…”
“Ew! Stay away from my mommy!” your daughter shrieked before launching herself at him.
Sukuna sighed, unimpressed, effortlessly catching her by the leg and holding her upside down like a squirming fish.
“Can you not, brat?”
She gasped dramatically, sticking her tongue out. “I’m Pumpkin! Take that back!”
You covered your mouth, trying to stifle your laughter as the towering, fearsome King of Curses held his tiny daughter like a ragdoll.
“You’re a fucking brat, that’s what you are—”
“Language!” she shrieked, still trying to land a hit on him.
“Oh, and by the way,” Sukuna added, carrying her toward the bathroom. “You’re the one cleaning all this glitter off me. Got it?”
“I don’t take orders from you!”
“Oh, you bet you do. I’m still your father, you little piece of sh—”
Their voices faded down the hall, their playful bickering echoing through the house. You smiled, shaking your head.
Sukuna had never imagined himself as a father, let alone this kind of father. But here he was. And deep down, you knew—he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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wlwsoccerfics · 3 days ago
World Cup Semi-Finale Drama(StephCatleyXGwinnReader)
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A/N: i Hope you enjoy this request.
Warnings: Lots of Angst and self doubt. Mental health struggles.
Summary: you are the captain of your national Team cause your sister is out injured and you Play against your wife's team. Australia wins and you blame yourself for the loss.
There it was. The final Whistle. You were Out of the world Cup. Losing in the semi Finals against Australia. Your wife's team. So there was now one Captain Catley that made it to the finals and one captain Catley that was doubting all of her skills. You were the second one.
You had been dreading this day. This Game. Everything felt like the world was ending. Which in a way it did for you. Not knowing If you would ever get another Chance to make it this far in the world cup.
Of course you were proud of your wife. She deserved it. But you felt like your team deserved it as well. You weren't a good captain and that's why they lost.
Your wife and her Team were celebrating. Well your wife was struggling. She was over the moon that she Made it to the finals but she saw you sitting on the pitch. Hiding your head in your Jersey. Your entire Body was shaking from the sobs. Your best friend Laura was sitting next to you. Hugging you close. Even though she was crying as well. Your sister made her way over to you as well.
"Babe..." Steph whispered out. You stood up quickly. Looking at your wife. Giving her a hug before pulling away just as quick.
"congrats. I am proud of you, stephy!" You told her, you couldn't even stop crying while talking her. She really wished she could make you feel better but she knew she couldn't. And the distance you put between you and her was a sign that you clearly couldn't deal with being close to her. Not while you had so many negative thoughts about yourself running through your mind.
"she is gonna come around." Your best friend and teammate whispered to your wife. Steph sighed sadly and walked away. Greeting Fans and giving Interviews. Thankfully you didn't have to give one. Sara & Klara did.
Harper ran over to you, hugging your legs so you picked her up.
"auntie Y/n. Don't cry! You can always win another Game!" She told you. It was the child Like innocene of not understanding how important this game was for you and your team. And that you felt like you also let the Fans down. Not only your Team. No you let everyone down.
"i will be okay. You are right. I can always try again." You told her. Then she just held onto you and you held onto her. She always managed to cheer you up or at least take a little bit of the pain away when things were rough. Giulia, your sister was rubbing your back, she was sad as well, you could tell because of how quiet she was and it looked like she was trying not to cry.
After a while you put Harper down cause she went back over to Mini and the rest of the team.
You and your team left the Pitch and walked inside to the changing rooms. You took a few deep breaths before you spoke up.
"i would like to apologize to you. I let you all down! I take full responsibility for what happened Out there! I wasn't a good Leader!" You told them.
"y/n...this isn't your fault! We are a Team! We win together and we lose together! It hurts right now! But we all were Out there and didn't make it work!" Sara told you.
"yeah Sara is right! Like i think you did so well as a Leader. You managed to Score the only Goal we Made. Yes we lost. 3-1 but this Is not your fault!" Felicitas stated.
"i am proud of you! You stepped in for me! You did a good Job! You were leading until the end. Sometimes things just don't work out in our favor!" Giulia answered.
Before you could speak up again, your other best friend showed up in the doorway. Kyra was also one of your teammates at Arsenal. Your coach also showed Up.
"y/n? I wanted to check in. Sorry about your loss Guys. But you all did a great Job." She said, walking over to you. Pulling you in for a hug. You hugged her back. Tearing up again. The rest of the Team congratulating her.
"thanks Kyra. I am proud of you!" You let her know. Hugging Kyra close. Sobbing again. "Where is Steph?" You asked her. Knowing you couldn't just let this go like this. You needed to talk to her. Maybe it was a good thing that Kyra showed up cause you were tempted to step down from international Duty for Germany and just Focus on your Club. It was something you had thought about before and this day kind of pushed you more towards it. But you were emotional right now so this might not be the right time to drop something like that in case you might regret it in a few days.
"she is in the changing room with the others. let's go See your wife. Cause she is struggling as well. She is over the moon we won but also sad and actually cried cause of the pain you are going through!" Kyra admitted. You frowned softly. You didn't intend to make your wife feel that way.
"Go See your wife!" Jule said.
"now!" Your sister stated.
"i agree!" You coach replied.
you left with Kyra to the other changing room.
"Steph? I have someone who wants to see you!" Kyra stated. You were greeting your wife and her team with a sad smile.
"hey, congrats guys." You spoke up.
"thanks. You did great as well. And we are all proud of you!" Mini told you.
"thanks you! It's appreciated." You answered and looked at your wife after replying. Walking over to her. Hugging her, giving her a soft kiss. Wiping away her tears. She hugged and kissed you back.
"auntie y/n is Not Mad at auntie Steph anymore!" Harper announced. You pulled away from the kiss and gently pushed a strand of hair behind your wife's ear.
"i was never mad at auntie Steph. She is the best. I was just hurt cause i didn't feel like i was a good captain and that i let the fans and the team down!" You tried to explain to her. The reply surprised everyone. They knew you were heartbroken over the loss, but they had no idea how you put all the blame on yourself.
"Baby. You fought hard. You were an amazing captain. Don't blame yourself!" Steph said, kissing your forehead gently.
"i am working on letting that go. It just...i am sorry for not reacting more positive and congratulate all of you earlier." You explained.
"what are you sorry for? Your emotions matter. I understand how difficult this must be for you, love!" Your wife replied. You kiss her her cheek.
"means alot to me to hear! I love you." You replied.
"i love you too. Always will!" Steph answered.
"i Love your love!" Macca said. You smiled at her. There still was a hint of sadness which was probably gonna stay for a bit but you genuinely did feel a bit better being in your wife's Arms.
You talked to your sister, your best friends and your wife about your thoughts on ending your international career. They listened and didn't judge. They also helped you figure out that you don't want to retire just yet.
You played for the third place against spain and won. Your wife and her Team were there to Support you.
Australia won the world Cup against England and of course you were there wearing your wife's Jersey. Sitting in the stands with Harper & Harley in your lap. You were so very proud of the entire team.
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kabr0ztrousers · 2 days ago
Hiii :)))
I’ve been reading your work for a while now and its. so. fricken. good. 🥵🔥🔥 Seriously, you’re great at writing! Love! Also I have a request for you, I know you have a few on the docket but I wanted to send you one for whenever you have time/if you like it! It took me a bit to decide to send one (i was shy..) Anyway
I have sooo enjoyed your minotaur stories and I love the idea of the minotaur farm. I was thinking f/human + m/minotaur. She applies to work at the farm having a secret lust for the beasts and wanting to become a breeder (she doesn’t end up getting hired as one) BUT obvi she ends up getting bred secretly without her bosses knowing 👀 Some edging/orgasm denial and definitely him dominating the hell out of her!! Also knotting and him being in heat would be so hot… Thanks for taking the time to read this!! Again love your work xx
(hopefully will be submitting again so if the 🪽 emoji isn’t taken yet, just know that’s me!) thanks!!! 🖤❤️‍🔥🖤
Hopefully this is the same 🪽 anon I gave that emoji to before, because I saw that ask before this one!
Kabr0z Writes episode 57: Ranch-hand
Find the rest of the Kabr0z Writes anthology here!
CWs: group sex; sharing; mmmf; giving fellatio, including throatfucking; masochism; service top; creampie; size difference; edging; squirting; unprepared anal; hucow mention; alcohol use; coerced alcohol use (kinda); alcohol intox; hair pulling; impact play
A/N: I skirted the line a little here with the CWs, the POV character goes to the location to get aggressively fucked, and I tried to communicate her getting off on hair pulling and impact play, even going so far as to help the first minotaur along. On the other hand, I'm not sure if that'll cross lines for people so that's why you're getting spoiled in the a/n - it's still real good though and I hope you enjoy
You'd first applied for a job as a cow. You knew the ranch kept human livestock, they weren't the most subtle about it, and you'd had more than enough of the office 9-5. Of course, you didn't get the job. It's not a job you apply for, and it's definitely not something you'd find on anyone's CV.
Whatever. You'd gotten over it and quit your shitty desk job anyway. Who knows, you might be able to make a living selling pictures of your feet. Your phone pinged. An withheld number texted you. No name, just a time and the address of the farm. What did you have to lose?
You knew the way already. The minotaurs who ran the place seemed not to understand the concept of aerial photography, so allowed the women to graze, stark naked, on the field away from the road. Sure, you can't see it as you drive by, but if you know what to look for it really stands out on the LandSat data. The drive wasn't even far, though it's a little strange to be wearing so little on the way. You'd decided to only wear a skimpy nightgown, so your bare legs were sticking to the faux leather seats of your car, to say nothing of the snail trail coming from your slit. It's funny, if you're right, you're going to a life somewhere between monastic ascetic and sexed-up hedonist. Despite hoping to never see your clothes again, you'd still dressed in something you wouldn't care if it got ruined.
You turned off the main road. It's still about a mile of field until the farmhouse, but the road here isn't paved. Your tiny Vauxhall bounced up the path, snaking up switchbacks until halfway up the hill you arrived.
The house isn't large. Despite the three minotaurs living there and working the ranch, the building was about as large as your home (former home) and you wondered how they managed it.
You opened the door of your car. The cold predawn air made your nipples stand on end, pointing out of the almost-translucent fabric of your nightie as you walked barefoot to the door and knocked.
No answer.
Not even a peep. You wished you'd brought your phone to check the text, but knew better than to take a tracker with you to get semi-kidnapped into an illegal fuck-slave ring. That just seemed like a no-brainer. You knocked again.
Still nothing.
You tried the handle.
It opened. You stepped in, the front door went to a vestibule where you wiped your muddy feet before going further into the house.
Now the living room. A couple of well-worn sofas, a pile of beer cans in one corner and the remains of a takeaway littering the coffee table. The kitchen looked to be in a similar state, empty bottles of vodka and other cheap spirits on the counter, the fridge door ajar.
Someone had a good night
You padded up the stairs. The warmth of the house causing your goosebumps to settle down, but your nipples still stood out as you explored the house.
Four doors at the top of the stairs, the bedrooms and the bathroom, each opening onto the windowless landing. You picked at random. Snoring echoed through the upper floor, these minotaurs weren't light sleepers, especially after putting away enough booze to hospitalise a baseline human. You pushed the door, the latch clicking lightly as it opened and the smell of liquor hit you. The minotaur lay in his bed, mostly naked, still clutching a bottle of supermarket-brand whiskey.
You turned, meaning to leave the tiny bedroom, mostly filled with bovine beefcake. A hand grabbed your face. The smell of the liquor and last night's curry filled your nostrils.
"What you doing here?"
"Mmmmph!" You tried to speak through the hand over your mouth, but couldn't make a sound.
The minotaur pulled you into the dark room and forced you back onto his bed. The neck of the whisky bottle was at your face. The hand over your mouth moved, you opened and he poured the cheap spirit into your mouth. Great gulps went down your throat as the rest covered your face. The smell of the alcohol filled your senses, drowning out the smell of the man gripping your face. Your head started to spin as the alcohol hit you, filling you with warmth.
Even semi-hungover, he looked good, and this is why you came here, after all.
You were staring at each other. He looked puzzled. His thumb was next to your mouth. You opened a little wider, letting it slip in as you angled your head to suck on it, tasting the warm liquid on it. Slowly, he was getting the message as you held his hand to your cheek and slid off the bed onto the floor.
You yanked off his boxers, leaving him totally naked in front of you as you knelt on the pile of clothes next to his bed. You looked at his sheath, using one hand to rub it, marvelling as the flared head of his cock rose from it.
You licked the end, kissing it and rubbing your face on it. The hand on your face had softened already, feeling you rather than holding. That wouldn't do. You took his hand gently and put it on the back of your head, curling his fingers into your hair as you bobbed your head. His fist tightened, you felt your cunt twitch as he pulled on your hair.
You took his cock deeper in your mouth. You needed to encourage him a little, but he was pushing you down on it now. You helped him push himself past your throat barrier, forcing the thick cock down past your tonsils, feeling the flare pop in, out, in, out.
One hand juggled his balls, each one the size of a duck egg, the other slipped up your nightgown, one slender finger teasing your leaking hole.
You could hear him groaning, the sound mixing with your lewd slurping and moaning.
A hand banged on the door
"Jim! Turn off the sound! Fuck sake!"
"S'not a video" your minotaur groaned out
"The fuck?" The door opened. Another minotaur stood in the door, looking down at you
You saw him grin. He slipped off his sweatpants and started grasping his sheath, the cock rising in his hand.
They lifted you to the bed. Jim sat in front of you, his cock in front of you, glistening with slime from your throat, a strand of your spittle linking the twitching end with your lips. The other cock was behind you, pressing gently against your cunt. Your arms were being held behind your back, one huge hand keeping both wrists in place. You let your tongue dangle, eyes locked with the minotaur in front of you as both his hands gripped your hair.
The cock behind you sank in. Your eyes crossed
"Oh, yes, give it to me" you moaned
Neither of the minotaurs held back. The one behind you hilted himself in you as your throat was filled again. Every inch of his cock was being used, pulling almost out of your pussy before that flared end slammed back down into you, his hips hitting yours and hammering your face another inch down his brother's cock. Again and again, he pushed you forwards, each time the cock got deeper down your throat. Your eyes watered, the alcohol was keeping your gag reflex down, but he still hurt going this deep. You could feel it in your cunt, oceans of wetness lubricating the cock claiming your nethers. You felt yourself starting to clench, to twitch. You rode his cock even as he abused your hole. You're nearly there...
He pulled out. Your cunt clenched against nothing, the throbbing ache running down your legs and up your belly. Your hands were still pinned to the small of your back as the cock in your throat started to pulse. The one behind you slapped your ass before stuffing three fingers into your cunt, twisting them, massaging your hole as his brother spurted hot, thick, salty cum down your throat. There was so much, if it wasn't for the wide flare sealing your throat off you could feel it would be squirting out of your nose. As it was, you swallowed it down. Your swallows pulled him in further, your body trying to force the foreign object down. He pulled out instead, flare popping out of your mouth as he rubbed the blunt end of his cock on your face, mixing his cum in with your throat slime and tears.
"Gonna take a shower. Give Jack a turn" Jim left the room, sidling past his brother as he kept sliding his fingers in you
"You'd like that, huh? Have all three?" He snarled at you, thumb brushing against your clit
"Please?" You're still drunk, you just wanted to cum all over this beast behind you
"All right then" he snatched his hand away from your cunt, wrapping it around your torso and listed you so you faced him. Your tits pressed on his front as you held on. His cock was at your open cunt. You tried to push it in, but he held it just at the entrance. You rubbed against the tip as he walked to the end of the hall
"Jack! Got a surprise!"
"Fuck off, John!"
John pushed the door open with his back. You saw the last minotaur on the bed. He saw you too
"So that fuckmeat came after all"
"You know this bitch?" John sounded amused, using one hand to slap your ass again as the other pinned you to him "I just thought Jim pulled somehow"
"Yeah, she's a wannabe cow" Jack grabbed a handful of your hair. You whined as he pulled it
"Fuck, if only there was more of her..." His cock was at your asshole now, next to his brother's still grazing the entrance of your cunt "real painslut, aren't you?"
You nodded
He pushed.
Your asshole clenched as the cock forced its way in. John pressed you down, his cock impaling your cunt as the other barged into your unprepared asshole.
The tip slipped in. John fucking you was spreading your juices onto his brother's cock. It wasn't enough to stop it hurting as he forced it up you, but it helped.
Both cocks rubbed against each other, you felt them inside you, driving up as you fell down. The men sandwiched you, keeping you upright, stretched out and stuck on them, legs dangling off the floor as they fucked themselves with you.
Your head spun. The cock in your ass didn't hurt any more, or it did, but it was getting you off so you didn't care. Your moans and whines filled your head, getting closer to the edge as they rutted into you.
"What? You wanna cum" John growled into your ear
"Yes" you whined
"Yes what?"
"Yes, sir"
"You gonna be our cumrag?"
"Yes sir"
"Ok then, you can cum"
John grabbed one of your arms, pushing your hand between you and him. Your fingers rubbed your clit. Your eyes streamed as you wailed into his shoulder, cunt squirting onto the floor.
Both of your abused holes clenched and pulsed, the force of your finish milking the beasts as they railed you.
John came first, his cock hardening even more in you as he buried it, hot cum streaming out into your womb as you held each others bodies. You felt Jack slam his hips into your asscheeks, squeezing your hips as his flare expanded in you, seed pumping into your rear.
Both men held you there, enjoying the three-way embrace as they softened in you.
The shower came free, they let you go first on one condition:
You'd move in with them, to do this again and again
I just realised that if I catch up on Sunday, then that'll be early March... The question is, do I move to Volume 2 on Saturday with the calendar month, or at 60 episodes?
Doesn't make a difference to the day-to-day pornographing, only the contents pages, but it's a decision I wasn't anticipating...
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heesngirl · 22 hours ago
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Backstory : They say sleeping with your partner is better than sleeping alone, and honestly, you didn’t really get it, until now. After a month of dating, you’re finally sleeping next to Heeseung.
Genre : Soft, fluff. Heeseung x MC reader.
Count : 3.2k
Note : "I know that smut content tends to get more recognition on this platform, but this time, I brought a softer piece, as it's necessary to understand the reference in the next draft I plan to share. I still hope you all enjoy it <3"
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You had just poured the vegetables into the hot pan when the song playing on your Bluetooth speaker was interrupted by your phone’s ringtone, signaling an incoming call. You cursed under your breath, lowering the flame and pausing your sautéing to answer.
As soon as you saw your boyfriend’s name and contact photo on the screen, you regretted the words you had just muttered. You turned off the Bluetooth connection and answered the call, holding your phone between your ear and shoulder while refocusing on the pan on the stove.
— Hey, baby. You weren’t busy, were you? — his voice was the first thing you heard on the other end, and you couldn’t help but smile foolishly, as if he could see you.
— I was in the middle of making dinner when your call came in, — you replied, your tone a mix of mild reproach and excitement. At the same time, you added the sliced meat to the already sautéed vegetables. — But it’s not a problem. I don’t mind answering if it means I get to hear your voice for a while.
Your words made Heeseung chuckle, and he would have laughed even more if he could see the acrobatics you were performing to keep your phone from slipping off your shoulder while reaching for the spices to season the meat.
— I won’t take up too much of your time. I just wanted to ask if I could come over for a bit. I know it’s kind of late, but we were practicing until now, and they finally lifted my curfew, so I want to take the chance to see you, even if it’s just for an hour. What do you say?
You could hear the hopeful plea in his voice, and that was all it took for you to decide without a second thought.
— Have you eaten yet, or should I make extra for you? — you asked eagerly, secretly hoping he hadn’t eaten anything yet.
— Actually, I’d really appreciate it if you could save me some. The guys are going out to eat, but since I’m heading straight to your place, I guess that means you’ll have to feed me tonight. If you don’t mind, of course.
— Not at all. Just be careful on your way here. I’ll make sure everything’s ready when you arrive. — you assured him with a smile you could practically feel etched on your lips. You adjusted your phone again, stirring the meat in the pan.
— You really are amazing, you know that? — Heeseung said, his voice warm and affectionate, the kind of tone that always made your heart melt.
— It’s not a big deal, — you brushed off, though his words sent a flutter through your stomach. Wanting to move on quickly, you changed the subject. — I’ll be waiting for you, so don’t take too long.
After exchanging a final goodbye, you set your phone aside and went back to cooking. You chopped more meat and increased the portions, making sure there would be plenty for both of you. You wanted Heeseung to eat as much as he wanted until he was completely satisfied. The warm aroma of spices filled the kitchen, making you sigh contentedly, there was nothing better than the thought of sharing this meal with him.
Once the food was ready, you turned off the heat and let everything rest for a bit. Taking the chance, you headed to your room and quickly slipped into the bathroom for a short shower. You didn’t want the sweat from the kitchen heat or the lingering scent of spices clinging to you when Heeseung arrived. Under the warm water, you let the day's exhaustion fade away before getting dressed in comfy pajamas, something casual but still cute.
With your hair still slightly damp, you went back to the kitchen and started plating the food. You set the table, making sure everything was perfect, when suddenly, the sound of your doorbell made your heart skip a beat in anticipation.
You hurriedly finished the final touches, leaving the table set before making your way to the door. When you opened it, there he was Heeseung, his expression a mix of exhaustion from a long day and pure happiness at seeing you. Without hesitation, he stepped inside and pulled you close, his hand resting gently on the small of your back. He leaned in just enough to meet you, kissing you in that way that made sure you didn’t have to stand on your tiptoes—a sweet gesture that always made you feel special.
— Ready for dinner? — you asked, feeling the warmth of his presence.
— Ready for anything, as long as it’s with you, — he replied, his voice laced with affection and comfort, the kind of connection that made even the simplest moments feel invaluable. — By the way, I don’t know what smells better : you or the food. But both are making me dizzy.
— It’s the food waiting for you in the kitchen, that’s what smells so good. — you quipped quickly, trying to mask the nervous flutter his words caused. To distract yourself, you took his hand, intending to lead him to the table, but he gently stopped you with a slight squeeze of his fingers.
— Wait a sec, yeah? I need to use your bathroom first. I’m starving, but I’m even more sweaty and sticky from practice. — He let out a small, sheepish smile as he ran a hand through his damp hair.
— Of course, you can use my bathroom. There are clean towels in the lower drawers of the sink and a new toothbrush in one of the smaller compartments. — you informed him, gesturing toward the hallway.
— No worries, I brought mine in my bag. — he said, patting the backpack slung over his shoulder. It was only then that you noticed how stuffed it looked, as if he was carrying more than usual.
You watched as he made his way toward your room, his posture tired but still carrying that signature energy of his. His backpack piqued your curiosity for a second, but you brushed it off—guys always carried all sorts of things around. Returning to the kitchen, you took a seat, letting the peaceful atmosphere settle around you while you waited for Heeseung to come back and join you for dinner.
The distant sound of running water from the shower and the lingering warmth of the freshly cooked meal created a cozy ambiance. You felt lucky to share these little moments, and the thought of having dinner with him made it all the more special.
After a while, Heeseung appeared in the kitchen, his damp hair falling over his forehead, shirtless, wearing only sweatpants with a towel draped over his shoulders. He looked relaxed and effortless, but the sight of him like that— so casual and unexpected — made warmth rush to your cheeks. Flustered, you quickly lowered your gaze and focused on your phone screen, pretending to be completely engrossed in anything that wasn’t him.
Heeseung sits on the chair in front of you, and as soon as he does, you put your phone aside, focusing on the food in front of you both. You start eating together, and he fills the space with his voice, talking about his day and how busy they’ve been with practice. You listen attentively, but inevitably, you get lost watching how his damp hair falls in messy strands over his forehead, that new color shining differently under the soft kitchen light.
— Are you sure you like it? — he suddenly asks, interrupting his story as he notices your fixed gaze on his hair. His tone is a mix of curiosity and slight nervousness.
— What? Oh, yeah, of course, I like it… — you reply, somewhat surprised to have been caught staring at him. — It’s just that it’s a pretty drastic change. Going from black hair with green highlights to a nearly pink shade… well, it’s different.
— Do you dislike it? — he asks with a hint of concern, and you can see in his eyes that your opinion matters more to him than he lets on.
— Not at all. It actually suits you. I just wasn’t expecting to see you like this today, but I definitely don’t dislike it. — you answer sincerely, letting a small smile escape.
Heeseung relaxes at your words, and the two of you continue eating, feeling comfortable in each other’s presence. The conversation flows unhurriedly, accompanied by the sounds of cutlery and occasional laughter, filling the kitchen with a warmth that goes beyond just sharing a meal.
After finishing dinner, Heeseung offers to do the dishes, and you gratefully accept without hesitation. You knew the most tedious part of cooking was cleaning up afterward, so you didn’t argue at all and let him handle it. You perch on the kitchen island, watching him from that elevated position. From there, you have a perfect view of his exposed back as he moves at the sink, his muscles subtly tensing with each motion.
Heeseung breaks the silence, asking how your recent trip to Jeju to visit your grandparents went. His words seem to dampen your mood a little, and although you try to hide it, your shoulders slump, and your gaze drops to your hands as you fidget with your fingers.
— It was wonderful… until I ran into my parents and Joo Han’s parents, — you respond, your tone dimming. — As always, it turned chaotic.
Heeseung turns around upon hearing the shift in your voice. He sets the dishes aside, the water still running in the sink, and looks at you with a mix of concern and regret in his eyes.
— I’m sorry, baby… I didn’t mean to bring up something that might upset you. — he apologizes, his voice low and filled with genuine remorse for making you recall something unpleasant.
You lift your gaze and offer him a small reassuring smile, though it doesn’t completely erase the shadow in your eyes.
—You don’t have to apologize. You have every right to want to know how it went... you’re my boyfriend, after all — you assure him, though your voice still carries a hint of weariness. — I just don’t want to burden you with all my family drama. It’s already enough for me to deal with on my own.
Heeseung steps closer, quickly drying his hands with the towel draped over his shoulder. He places a comforting hand on your knee and looks at you with that sweet intensity that always manages to calm you.
— It doesn’t bother me to listen, and even less to help you carry that weight if you need it. I just want you to know you can count on me for anything, even if it’s just to listen in silence.
His sincerity comforts you, and for a moment, you let that little gray cloud hanging over you dissipate. You nod, letting him finish washing the dishes while the conversation shifts to lighter topics. Being with him, in moments like these, made everything complicated seem a little easier to handle.
When Heeseung finishes with the dishes, you slide off the counter, and the two of you leave the kitchen. As you walk down the hallway, you suggest playing some games on the Switch to relax. Heeseung enthusiastically tells you he also brought his own in his backpack, and when he tries to go get it, you stop him gently by taking his hand.
You look at him curiously, taking in his appearance: the sweatpants he’s wearing aren’t the same ones he arrived in, they’re completely different. You remember how odd it seemed that he brought his own toothbrush, and now also his console. You can’t help but wonder why he came so prepared when he supposedly was only visiting for an hour. Unable to let it go, you address it.
— Hee, why did you bring so many things if you were only coming for a short visit? — you ask, crossing your arms as you look at him, waiting for an answer.
Heeseung avoids your gaze, lowering his head and fidgeting with the drawstrings of his sweatpants. He seems caught, searching for the right way to explain himself, while you simply watch him, not taking your eyes off him.
— The truth is… I came prepared to stay the night with you. — he finally confesses, a small pout on his lips and a tone that mixes nervousness and a bit of embarrassment.
You stare at him, surprised, processing his words, and then frown, not in anger, but in shock and curiosity.
— Did you lie about practice running late? — you ask, trying to figure out if there’s more behind all this. Heeseung lifts his gaze, sincerity gleaming in his eyes, making you relax a little.
— I didn’t lie about that, I swear. We did practice late, and the curfew thing is also true — he pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. — It’s just that… since I don’t have that restriction anymore, I wanted to take advantage and stay with you, to celebrate my new unlimited schedule by spending the night by your side. I didn’t tell you directly because I thought it might be awkward for you… and sometimes it’s easier to act than to talk. — he admits, scratching his neck, visibly flustered.
You stay silent for a moment, processing his words. The idea that he planned everything just to stay with you fills you with overwhelming fondness. Though his method caught you off guard, you couldn’t deny that you liked the idea of spending the night together. You slowly nod and let out a playful laugh.
— I guess you’re right. Sometimes it’s better to act first and talk later — you finally reply, relaxing and stepping closer to hug him. — But next time, you don’t need all that planning. Just tell me, I won’t say no. Honestly, I was wondering if we’d ever have the chance to sleep together.
Heeseung grins widely, relieved that he didn’t make you uncomfortable, and without saying more, you gently tug him toward the couch, ready to enjoy an hour of gaming.
The two of you quickly get absorbed in the game, entering a competitive mode that feels almost natural when it comes to Mario Party. If there was one thing that could bring out an entirely different side of you, it was playing games with intensity, completely immersed in the competition.
The match gets especially tense when Heeseung, with a strategic move, manages to steal one of your stars. You gasp indignantly, nearly throwing the console to the floor, but restrain yourself, determined not to lose focus, winning was still your goal.
The game continues with laughter, shouts, and playful banter until Heeseung finally wins. You get up from the couch, a mix of frustration and amusement on your face, pointing at him accusingly.
— You’re sleeping on the couch tonight! — you declare, jumping slightly on the sofa as if your anger were real. Heeseung bursts into laughter at seeing you so worked up, finding you both adorable and hilarious at the same time.
Without saying anything, he put the Switch aside and stood up, approaching you with a mischievous smile. Before you could react, he scooped you up in his arms and lifted you over his shoulder as if you were a sack of potatoes.
— Hee, put me down! — you protested, giving him small pats on his lower back while he laughed, but he kept walking toward the bedroom, unfazed by your weak attempts to struggle.
When you reached the room, he gently placed you on the bed and tucked you under the blankets, making sure you were comfortable. Then, he climbed in as well, lying beside you and snuggling close. He rested his head on your chest and took your right hand, guiding it to his hair; a silent request for you to pamper him a little.
You didn't complain, not even for a second. You started running your fingers through his silky hair, stroking it slowly. In that moment, all frustration over the game melted away.
— Can you sing me something? — you asked softly, feeling his breathing sync with yours. If there was something you loved more than anything, it was hearing his beautiful voice. This intimate, peaceful moment called for it.
Heeseung looked at you with a warm smile, closing his eyes as he adjusted himself more comfortably on you. Without thinking twice, he began to sing a soft melody. The notes floated through the air, filling the space with an indescribable serenity. You let yourself be wrapped in his voice, feeling that, at that moment, there was no place in the world you'd rather be.
He continued singing with his mellifluous voice, each note resonating like a whisper full of affection, caressing your soul. With your eyes closed, your fingers kept sliding through his hair, slowly and tenderly, as if you wanted to memorize every strand and every second of that moment. The warmth of his body against yours, the feel of his arm wrapped around your waist, and the steady rhythm of his breathing made you feel at peace, as if everything was perfect just because he was there.
When he finished singing, he remained silent, his eyes searching yours with a gaze that spoke volumes beyond words. With a gentle movement, he lifted himself just enough to bring his lips to yours, kissing you slowly and deeply, filled with the tenderness and love you both shared. It was a kiss that conveyed so much, making you feel loved and safe, as if, in that simple gesture, he was giving you his entire heart.
As he pulled away, his lips lingered just barely touching yours, and in a whisper meant only for you, he said:
— I love you, gorgeous.
Your heart beat a little faster, and with a smile full of emotion, you responded, caressing his cheek before leaning in to give him another kiss—this time short, but just as meaningful.
— I love you too, Hee.
The two of you remained in silence, letting those words settle in the air, sinking into your hearts. Heeseung adjusted himself a little more, wrapping an arm around you as you embraced him in return, finding the perfect position for both of you. Entwined in that warm embrace, you stayed there, enjoying the kind of peace that only comes from being with the one you love.
Little by little, the exhaustion of the day and the comfort of the moment took over, and both of you drifted into deep sleep, still holding each other, your heartbeats falling into the same rhythm. In that shared quiet, without needing any more words, your bodies and souls rested together, knowing that you were exactly where you were meant to be : In each other's arms.
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The next post will be this couple making love for the first time.
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mapoeggplant · 21 hours ago
skip to loafer chapter 68 + shima analysis // spoilers
acceptance of the monster: how facing the past is necessary when the goal is a brighter future
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i think that those who have been following me for a while have seen all my analyses and random insights about shima. i have immense affection for him and he will always be one of my favorite characters ever. and chapters like this remind me of how important he is in my life. 
chapter 68 is very straight to the point, but it also hides some small and big changes that started to bubble up from previous chapters. for the first time, we no longer have small, not very explicit scenes from shima's memories or him being so afraid of finally facing the past: now we have the naked truth, laid out in front of us, so that we can understand a little more about how the childhood that shaped shima's entire life until now was.
unlike what i imagined, i didn't get angry with taiga now that he was introduced. of course, i don't think his actions were right or that he didn't influence shima in a negative way, but his appearance at that moment served as both a salvation and a tragedy for shima's life.
there are many layers to be analyzed. we know very, very little about taiga, but we can understand that he didn't have a very good relationship with his family either — the moment he talks about his parents' disappointment in him for giving up acting shows us that he was probably also forced to do something he didn't want to do. he is also the result of a desire imposed on him, causing him to rebel as the years went by.
in a way, meeting shima is like meeting your past self. i don't see much evil in his actions or see it as something malicious. i think he recognized in shima's face the same nervousness that he himself felt every time before his rehearsal, thus proposing that he also have an act of rebellion to feel a little freer.
however, the evil of all this is that taiga, without knowing anything, ends up entering shima's life at a time when he is most fragile and hurt by everything he has been facing (whether it be his abusive relationship with his mother or his growing fear of acting). shima sees taiga as an equal, someone who understands all the pain he has faced but managed to escape from it, while he’s still a prisoner. he sees the older boy as an inspiration, as a friend he longed for, who would show him what a life away from cameras and rehearsals would be like.
shima is still too young to understand everything that is happening around him, and too young to see any kind of problem in following his new friend. having a destructive act at a time of such fragility gives him a certain strength, because he understands this as the only way he has to face his mother and go against everything that is imposed on him. going out with taiga, even if secretly, is a message to his mother: you no longer have control over me.
unfortunately, we have known the result of these escapades for a long time. ririka, also worried about shima, decides to follow him and ends up being targeted by several online attacks. even though shima was the one who “took” her there, ririka, a beautiful and successful girl, is the perfect target.she is the one who suffers the direct consequences, and of course this is closely linked to the sexism that is rooted in society and how much people wait for a girl to make a small mistake so that they can destroy her in some way (i talk more about this in my exclusive ririka analysis).
now shima no longer has to face just two monsters: they have now multiplied into a thousand, becoming even stronger. the consequences of his rebellion come in an aggressive form, with his mother’s abuse and the new tarnished image he obtained in his artistic circle. his mother’s anxiety comes from the fact that shima would no longer get big roles, either because of this transgression or because he missed so many rehearsals, which did not lead to any improvement in terms of acting. blinded by all the anger she feels inside, shima's mother's direct response is no other than to attack her son.
child abuse is extremely common in the arts, whether by parents, the press, the public or co-workers. shima is just one of many young actors who have had to suffer the wrath of a parent who is disappointed by a dream that they themselves forced their children to have. and of course, this would result in years of being afraid to be who they are, to speak out and to live a normal life without carrying immense guilt. the prison that he has placed himself in for all these years is the evolution of the bonds imposed by his mother.
the turning point does not happen in this chapter itself, but in a sequence of long events that led him to where he is. it is impossible for shima to change overnight: it takes a lot of work and a lot, but a lot of analysis (even if it is self-analysis) to finally understand and be able to heal all this pain that he has been held hostage by for so many years. and the second part of the chapter shows exactly that.
shima is no longer afraid to face the monster of the past because he is no longer alone. he finally understands that there are people around him who care about him and fight to stay by his side. having people's support and love gives him the strength to move forward and continue this arduous battle of growing up. shima now understands what it is to be loved to the point of being happy about a past fight, as it resulted in an even closer relationship with mitsumi. he understands that being loved is being able to look back on the past and no longer feel pain or guilt, but to recognize the one who suffered so much, with no one by his side.
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he now takes on the role of the monster, but no longer to affirm his guilt, but to be able to show his past self and all the other monsters around him how it is possible for him to be happy. how it is possible to decide things for yourself and follow your heart. how it is possible to love so many people and be loved in return. how it is possible to look at a person and feel an immense warmth, an inexplicable desire to keep fighting, all so that he can be by their side. 
shima is finally reaching out to his past self, so that they can form a new future together.
before i finish, i would also like to touch on an important point that i see the possibility of being discussed in the future: shima's current relationship with his mother. chapter 67 brought something very important, which was shima's recognition when he admitted that he felt a certain pity for his mother, due to all the comments he heard about her. deep down, he feels a certain empathy for his mother and no longer sees her as an unbeatable villain. he has been slowly trying to change his relationship with her, and the first step is to invite her to watch the play he chose to be in. this in my opinion shows shima's desire to forgive his mother in order to move on, but also seek some kind of forgiveness from her (which can be a result of many years of manipulation, since he still thinks he is guilty for a lot of his mother’s pain). i feel that we will still see a type of closeness between them and a deeper conversation, so that shima can finally feel like he belongs to a family again. this can be a triggering moment to a lot of readers, so if it does happen, please be mindful of it. 
the layers that not only this chapter but this whole new arc has are much deeper than we imagine. building a character requires love, patience and conversation. you need to listen and understand what your character wants. respect is needed so that the story can grow. takamatsu misaki has a huge affection for her characters, for her story and for everything she has been building since 2018.
we're so lucky to be able to follow such amazingly beautiful story.
thank you so much for reading 💛💛!! don't forget to support sensei if you can! always here to discuss more about the chapter!
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mama-frog · 2 days ago
Rewatching NPMD so I decided to jot down all the biblical references in the show I find (at least that I think are relevant and not just super common phrases) and my thoughts about why they were included
Calling High School "Hell on Earth" at the beginning of High School is Killing Me
"Is God the one giving the test?" The morality test that starts the entire plot moving
"And we pray, and we pray" in Literal Monster. This is to set up Max's God complex
"I am only one man's girl, Max, and his name is Jesus Christ" First of all this is the funniest fucking line ever written. Second of all, girl he thinks he is God. You're just affirming what he already believes
"Forbidden Fruit, dickhole" Once again God complex
"You can watch as I rise" this man is likening himself to Jesus rising.
"I don't know what gave you the idea that you could break bread with Stephanie Lauter" Max gets to decide who is worthy of entering his house of worship
"I willed it into existence. I bring order to Hatchetfeild High. Light to Darkness. I'm your God" Ok the lighting change in this part is SICK the spotlight on Max really makes him feel so much bigger and scarier. but also the genesis reference is top tier on Max's part. He really makes it easy for anyone to understand his God complex
"Now on your knees, bitch. It's time to say your fucking prayers" Still just reinforcing the complex
The Chastity's "Amen" is comedic gold. Grace ending the prayer that Max started is lowkey symbolic of her ending his reign of terror later in the show
"I only believe in one ghost, the holy spirit that resides in all of our hearts" Papa Chastity my beloved
Max wearing a cross during Grace's sexual fantasy is so fucking funny, but also says a lot about the purity culture she grew up in
"I am expecting you to betray me" Grace later becomes the Judas to Max's Jesus when she has sex with him
"Dirty girl will you pray for me" Grace doesn't fully understand his God complex and has a savior complex of her own so this is how Max talks in her mind
"The trinity is more than two" LeAvE rOoM fOr JeSuS
"I'm singing a sacred song. On your knees pray along" unknowingly playing into the God complex there while also feeding her savior complex
"He's more than a boy, he's an idea. One that strikes fear in the hearts of the meek" God complex once again
"I am Jägerman! I am God!" He spells it out for us so much
"It was an act of God" ...Grace no
Max dying and coming back to life is so Jesus coded of him (I hate that I just typed that phrase)
"Who will pray for me" Dear lord Max is making Richie a prayer
"Or is this the eternal dark without a dawn?" TBH I don't think this is biblical I just love this line
"Relax ye of little faith" Love how Grace's savior complex is starting to morph into Max's God complex so she can take his place as the ruler of the school at the end of the show
"We're at Hell's gate" more like the black and white but yeah
"GOD'S PLAN" Grace is so unintentionally funny
"The Devil has won" The Lords in Black are really speaking directly to Grace now
"YOU FUCKING JUDAS" see the irony is that Grace is his Judas
I am not transcribing the bible flirting...just know it's to feed the God complex
"I AM JÄGERMAN I AM GOD" We know, bitch
It took me to the bottom of the list to realize that Grace's savior complex was to set her up to be a priest of the church of the starry children. So in conclusion, Max has a God complex
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sanni276 · 24 hours ago
fic idea (batfam + timkon):
Bruce Wayne is not Batman. In fact, "Batman" doesn't even exist. There are plenty universes that have a Batman, but not this one (or does it?). Of course Bruce considered becoming a vigilante but in the end he scratched that idea and instead decided to help Gotham through other means like for example lots of charity.
Since Bruce never became Batman, the Batfam never formed. Bruce didn't took litte Dick Grayson that just saw his parents fall in as a ward. Bruce didn't adopt Jason Todd because he never tried to steal the tires of the Batmobile. How would he after all, if the the Batmobile never existed in the first place? Similarly to that he never had a reason to meet what in another life perhaps could have been his children. There is a very important thing this brings with it: if Batman isn't a vigilante, so neither are his (should have been) children.
Except one of them.
When Tim Drake was about 9 years old he found an old camera in his attic. After a while he gets bored of photographing his backyard and decides he wants to see something more exciting, which is why he sneaks out at night. In another life he accidentily saw a certain duo of superheroes and became obsessed with them but this is not this life and there are no superheroes in Gotham. Tim witnesses the horrors and cruelty Gotham offers that night and since he is one of the rare people in Gotham that actually have enough money and available ressources, he decides that he has the responsibility to do something against them.
At first he only plans to support Gotham with charity like his neighbour and maybe occasionally send the police tips for cases through his photos but he keeps having this weird dreams that feel weirdly like memories that push him into wanting to do more.
When Tim is almost 11 years old he decides that he needs to become a vigilante.
The first thing he does is look for a martial arts teacher. This somehow leads to him meeting Lady Shiva which later takes him with her to the League of assassins where he trains for a few years.
During his training period he meets Cass and Damian (do not ask me how he exists, he just does). All three of them sometimes have this odd feeling of deja vu when their together but none of them mentions it out loud and so it remains a mystery.
Eventually Tim has to leave the Loa and return to Gotham but not without taking Damian and Cass with him. Cassandra decides that she wants to explore the world to find out who she wants to be and leaves with a promise of returning in a few years. Tim finds out that Bruce is Damian's biological father and drops him of at his doorstep (he obviously gives Damian the means to contact him in emergencies).
Tim, now 13 or 14, finally has everything he needs and starts building his on mainly information (that he gets through a truly impressive spy-system and hacking) based empire and tries to use it to help as many people as possible.
Somewhere during that building process he meets Jason (a small time criminal that is mainly concentrated on theft, which Tim eventually hires as his personal chef and becomes a good friend of Tim (Tim will never admit to himself that the first time he looked at Jason's profile for a case his first thought was "brother?")). Tim also gets to know Dick (maybe he's an Olympi athlete or a police officer or maybe just a very broke gymnastics instructor), Barbara (a local librarian that actually taught him a lot of his hacking skills) and Duke (their friends? maybe there was a competition between their schools where they met?).
Now that we understand this world they all live in abit better let's get to the actual main plot of the fic:
One day, 17-year-old Tim is walking down the street during his lunch break (Tim's parents died when he was 15 so he had to become the CEO of Drake Industries), when he sees a guy about his age do something extremely stupid and Tim thinks "What an idiot". Suddenly the guy looks up and their eyes meet and Tim realises "Wait! That's my idiot!". All off these memories suddenly appear in his head of another life where he was a huge Batman fan and he was Robin and his best friend was the guy he was still staring at. Conner Kent, Superboy, Kon.
Kon also regains all of his memories in that moment which causes them to reconnect / reunite.
Tim, with the sudden knowledge of his past life, obviously wants his family back and the first step to accomplish that is finding out if they can remember their past life too.
All in all imagine this:
A fic where Tim is doing his best to have all the people he loves close to him again while simultaneously keeping a company alive and handling all the struggles being a teenage vigilante brings. There is of course also the little problem that is seeing what used to be his adoptive father at galas and wanting to do nothing more than throwing himself into his arms and getting his Dad back but Bruce doesn't even know who he is at this point. All of this interrupted by sweet Timkon fluff since at first they are the only ones that remember that their reality used to be very different and at some point of all of this they fall in love (or maybe they where from the start?).
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kykyonthemoon · 11 hours ago
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A Surprise For Him
After more than a month of training and being apart, you unexpectedly returned to Linkon without notice to surprise him.
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୨ৎ. Rafayel x Reader (MC)
୨ৎ. Tags: just pure fluff, cute and sweet, phone calls, no y/n as always
୨ৎ. Word count: ~800w
୨ৎ. Requested by Yuki
୨ৎ. Masterlist ♡ Request a fic (read more for current status)
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Rafayel went home with the beautiful moonlight overhead. The antique camera was slung around his neck. He gripped it in one hand while hastily searching his pocket for his phone. 
The first name that flashed on the screen was undoubtedly the girl he adored the most. He tapped the call button. One beep, two beeps, then three… He waited forever but you didn’t pick up. Rafayel regarded the phone in his fingers with a serious gaze.
You must be busy. With the new training program, the Hunters Association had sent you to another city for two months. Sixty days may not seem like much when compared to the lengthy life of a Lemurian like him, but it did not help the time pass any faster.
Rafayel missed you. He did not even try to hide it. The hour-long calls every night, the emails of encouragement every day, the pictures he took of the beautiful but empty landscape without you… He poured all his heart into them. When you get accustomed to someone's presence in your life, their absence creates an even greater void.
Putting the phone back in his pocket, Rafayel sighed and kept strolling along the lonely street. He fiddled with the camera in his palm, thinking about the photos he had taken at the festival and how he wanted to show you when you returned home. Then his phone rang. 
Rafayel picked up almost immediately.
“Where have you been, my Miss Bodyguard? It’s ten past three. What if something happened to me in those three minutes? Like… I could trip over my paintbrush and fall. Or a thief could steal those precious pictures I wanted you to see, along with my camera…”
“Rafayel!” You giggled on the other end of the phone. “I haven’t forgotten our nightly ten o’clock call.”
“Then what did you do in those three minutes?”
“I… just had some work to do.”
If you were here, you would have seen the sullen look on Rafayel’s face. But he just replied:
“No matter how much work you have, you have to rest on time.”
“I understand. Don't worry.”
You happily told him about your day. Then it was his turn to talk about the festival on the other side of the beach that he had just attended.
“…I took a lot of pictures. I should mail them to you.”
“You don't have to do that.”
Rafayel had just entered the little road leading to his studio. He was a little saddened when he heard that. You quickly added:
“Actually, I want to see the pictures with you by my side.”
"Huh? You mentioned that the facility where you were training was really secure, and I wasn't even permitted to see you," Rafayel recounted what you had said the day you had departed.
“That’s true.”
"So I have to wait another two weeks to see the photos with you?"
A few seconds of silence elapsed. You, like Rafayel, must have sensed that time was moving way too slow. Then, on the other end of the line, you spoke:
“We don’t have to wait that long. We can see them now.”
Rafayel was astonished. He asked: “How? I might not be able to find a seagull that can fly that fast to your side.”
His Miss Hunter chuckled.
"Just open the gate."
Rafayel didn't understand what you meant. However, he was already in front of the studio gate. He recalled locking it before leaving, but a little push revealed that it was wide open. While he was standing there, he heard your voice calling his name.
He heard your call, loud and clear as if you were present and not on the phone. Then, your figure rushed forward from nowhere and your arms were thrown around his neck.
It was you. It was really you.
“Am I in a dream?” Rafayel’s lips moved. He held you tightly, spinning you around with your feet dangling a few inches off the ground. When he put you down, you said, smiling:
“My training wrapped up early. Sorry for not telling you sooner. I wanted to see this surprised face of yours so much.”
You lifted your hands and softly pinched Rafayel's cheeks. As soon as you arrived at the airport, you rushed right to his studio. You were in such a haste that your hair was a mess. Rafayel gently brushed it with his hand, then grinned.
 “Now I'd want to see how frantic you were when you raced here. That would be a sight. Let's go inside. I’ll cook something for you while you take a look at my pictures, okay?”
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