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Reaching Out
We haven’t talked in a while,
It’s been busy, and time has flown,
hasn’t it?
We used to talk until the wee hours,
until twilight returned
from night’s dark clutches,
didn’t we?
About anything and everything,
and the stuff in-between
was fair game, too. We used to
talk a lot, you know.
Not so much.
Part of it was me,
part of it was you.
Just as it always is: a handshake, a gaze,
Two sides meeting at the coin.
Beep! Transaction complete.
Remember when I’d confide in you,
and you in me?
We’d go back and forth,
Questioning and answering,
Groaning and encouraging,
Laughing, yelling,
We don’t really do that anymore…
I guess we’ve grown out of it.
And we still get along fine.
I confide in you, and you in me.
We laugh and groan and scream,
But there’s something there that tugs,
It keeps us just at the fingertips,
Never quite touching ever again.
Is it me?
Is it you?
Is it them?
Perhaps it is for the best.
We have grown older,;
Time yields not,
And yields naught, sometimes.
Older as we are, we have moved on
To different conversations, different people.
We are different.
But we’ll always remember
The same moments when we were close.
The only future I fear is one without you,
So please don’t leave me behind.
Please don’t forget our friendship.
It’s okay if you do;
I’d probably grow bored of only one thing anyway.
But still-
We don’t talk as much anymore,
but I hope you are doing well.
I remember you.
#energeticallyfavorable’s poem#original poem#poem#poetry#poets on tumblr#writers and poets#acespec#friendship#college
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Tummy Ache
Sometimes, when I get a need,
it will start in the pit of my stomach.
It will roil and churn my insides until the rest of me notices,
and then it will condense into a tangible feeling
like a ball of lead pushing against the fleshy confines of my body.
Heavy and radioactive and still churning against my belly,
turning itself into an anxious desire,
urgent and burning itself away.
And then my stomach pit becomes so hollow
and filled with hot air,
like a balloon waiting to lift off else it explodes,
and that’s when I know
I have to find something that can open my esophagus
enough to fit a raging feeling of excitement through.
the need that created all these emotions can escape,
by disguising itself as a cornered animal.
All my abdominals tighten and the creature can race up through my mouth,
executing a daring breakaway, as it howls,
pushing forward with all its might
just to meet the outside world,
only to dissipate like an exhale,
never to be born again
in the quiet dungeons of suppressed thoughts
deep in the pit of my stomach.
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The Capital Hill Riot
I feel as if I’ll die
if I don’t give the TV my eyes
and ears. A glorious cascade
of ghostly vapor, a venom made
for the offenders, snakes down
triumphantly. The scarlet end
of a waving figurehead peeks
at me through the indiscrete
number of writhing pixels. Amassing
en route to glittering white, passing the
cowardly rooks who scamper,
leaving behind sparks of pampered
desperation. None of the souls
inside the fortress foretold
this ragged rage, rampant
through the winding paths like ants.
An army of inexperience, ignorance.
On shards of prosperity they dance.
Our democracy and our hope
shattered as we walk the tightrope
between hate and revolution.
#tw: politics#political#a little opinionated#energeticallyfavorable’s poem#original poem#poem#poetry#poets on tumblr#writers and poets
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Hugs <3
A flash, then I am running,
Dragging myself through the air as fast as I can.
Point A becomes Point B and next I am gathered, like a blanket,
Heaped into arms.
Soft, solid, warm, a breath rises out of me as a summer breeze,
Swiftly carrying cares and worries up and away.
I squeeze—a constriction reciprocated—and the last bits of air
Leave my lungs.
I remember that I am a living being, with a need for resources on which to live,
Otherwise I would forget it all in the sunny embrace I am held in.
Dandelions, poppies, summer grasses that ripple in the gusts,
And the warm smell of earth
Are the only things I think to compare this to.
My head on the concave nook of a shoulder, I breathe deeply.
Calm, content, comforted.
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Existential Immunity
The point of arrival,
Hovering in between edges of departure.
Both at once a moment of beginning
and a moment of oblivion. The void
slowly down;
or perhaps it is I rising up above?
Directionless, spinning.
The motions repetitive, smooth.
But the path, unlike the motion, is rough.
Unworn by the treks of few to none.
Space. Only space.
As far as existence could imagine.
But then there is light,
and another traveler barely beyond it—
yes, I see it, it is I!
The oblivion clears the darkness
and I am saved.
Irreparably damaged, saved forever,
the chaos seeps and churns
within the belly of the beauty.
Birth will be the point
at which all time will stop
to revere the horrid, beastly babe.
It will be a calm, comforting moment.
The start and the end will collide,
and the explosion will be like fireworks
hovering over a field at night,
obscuring all the stars
and drowning out all laughter.
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So Long Ago
I haven’t been able to feel
the left side of my body since I was thirteen.
That was half a decade ago,
and I probably won’t feel it fully
for another decade more.
Time and memory are funny this way,
It doesn’t feel so long ago
when I remember running without fear,
or jumping without self-doubt.
Hopping on one leg does seem easy enough,
or balancing on top of a log bridge
spanning the little creek
running behind my old house.
Trickle, sputter, gurgle;
water flows downhill,
time flows forward.
If I try hard enough, I can remember
what it was like to ride a bicycle.
Once, in elementary school,
there was a pogo-stick available for use.
My high score was three-hundred and fifty-two.
#energeticallyfavorable’s poem#original poem#poem#poetry#poets on tumblr#writers and poets#strokeawareness
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The Equalizer
Trapped in a whirlpool in the middle of the ocean
created by two strong currents,
one hot and rising, the other cold and sinking,
a little air bubble floats between the two,
tumbling and spinning, like soap suds in the washer.
Inside the air bubble, a tiny speck of light sits quietly,
offering up no disturbance to the battling forces,
because he knows that should he be swallowed up by the sea,
his light would flicker, and eventually vanish, like melting snow in water.
But he is running out of air, the bubble can only offer so much protection.
With spherical sides scraped thin as butterfly wings,
the tiny bubble of air desperately claws to stay afloat in these currents.
The bubble is also aware of the impending darkness
ready to smother her precious speck of light.
Sometimes, she thinks of pushing back against the currents,
slowing them down, moving them away from the light,
and parting the ocean for safe travels.
If only to let her light shine on sky and not the sea,
the little old bubble would turn water into ice
if needed to calm the currents and sail safely to shore.
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Oil and Tar
The ceiling’s dripping oil and tar
Oil and tar
Plip plip
Condensing on the ceiling and then falling
Plip plip
The floor is slippery, covered in oil and tar
Black and shiny
There is no traction
Slip slip
Oil and tar in my lungs
Oil and tar in my veins, my arteries
My body is filled with oil and tar
Oil and tar
I cry oil and tar
Drip drip
#energeticallyfavorable’s poem#writers and poets#original poem#poets on tumblr#poetry#poem#silly funny poem#im a greasy word-kisser#i cant deny it
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Cleanly Cut
I assumed that things would pack up nicely.
That the hurt and loss I kept close to my heart,
like treasures,
could be neatly stacked into a box.
One that I could flip the lid shut,
tape it closed,
and say, “Well, that’s that.”
But the wild, messy nature of growth
has taught me that my assumption is wrong.
The feeling of loss—grief—spills over often.
Even when you finally shove
that last bit of grief into the moving box,
wrap it with string, tape,
any kind of binding you can find,
and try to cart it,
on a moving truck or van,
to whatever destination you find yourself in.
Even then the box will tip over; spill its contents all over your new home
like an awakening volcano
weeping its motherland’s blood.
Even mother Earth is grieving.
All the objects of tragedy, of pain,
will clatter to the floor
and you will hear each one because
you can’t shut your ears
the way you can shut your eyes.
Each trinket will call out to you like a lost child
drowning in oceans of bitter
(or sweet)
Grief spills over,
and then you have to pick it up.
Make it tidy; make it clean
so that no one trips on the cords of the hospital monitor you heard beeping each night before falling asleep.
Counting, one-by-one, your heartbeats, like you count your life’s sad souvenirs.
Eventually you clean
even the spaces in-between,
the “lack-of”,
so that they don’t develop shadows
that suddenly reach out and clasp onto unsuspecting ankles,
yanking and pulling them down
to wallow in their dark pools of self-loathing
and sour resentment.
Everything smells of dust.
Ephemeral and surprisingly small
when we finally look back at it all;
pixie dust
floating in sunbeams.
#writers and poets#energeticallyfavorable’s poem#poets on tumblr#original poem#poetry#poem#this is a bit of a sad one#but also happy?
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Gather round, gather round
See this hearth?
Hearth of heart and heart of heat
And near this stone hearth, a hollow.
Hallow, worn and grey and sooty
Its utility? Mono-schematic in nature.
Utility narrow, but purpose broad.
A purpose felt in the air, on the ground,
in the fingers and toes of its worshippers.
Tradition, culture, ritual,
all made powerful by this haven
This alcove of altruistic anthropology
It sits, watching, warming, waiting
Until the fire dies.
But the desiccation is a release
into the hollow, the cave
That natural home of stone encasing,
chosen as the sturdy, lasting bones of a species’ sole comfort—
and though the younger home is softer, gentler,
both ignorant and—peculiarly—a zenith of mastery,
it is a resting-place of weariness and echoed ritual;
the tribute remains.
The tribute remains as coal-ash,
as stony hearth, as fiery communion
Cook with it, sing with it, think with it,
Regardless the choice, burn it shall
with you, in the night.
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nobody’s actor
And from my lips
honey drips
syllables and slips
of the tongue and its dips
it trips
in tandem with the sway of their hips
A callback for one of my clips
my belly doing flips
crushing my heart of its bloody drips
biting so hard it rips
my tongue and lips
syllables and slips
coming to grips
flashing tips
wine party sips
heartbreak, regrets, and tulips
syllables and slips
honey drips
no longer from my lips
#poetry#poets on tumblr#original poem#poem#writers and poets#energeticallyfavorable’s poem#teehee#honey#words words words
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