#it sounds like Bullets and I love it
symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Was anyone gonna remind me that PAX AM is literally just a punk album or was I gonna have to get jump scared by that on my own?
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might-be-tiny-gt · 6 months
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Welcome to Chapter 1 of the TAoLaW "dramatic" reading. What can I say, the theatre kid in me needed to record this in audio format. Have I mentioned how much I love this fic? Yes? Well I'm saying it again, I LOVE THE ART OF LOVE AND WAR!!! If you haven't read it please go read it.
The Art of Love and War Is written by @fireflywritesgt and the audio reading is recorded and posted with permision.
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pekoeboo · 15 days
man. I've been reworking a lot of content involving Act II of Home Is Where You Are and like. ugh. it'd work so freaking well in novel form but I just Do Not have the dedication or the drive to start from scratch and rewrite everything that happens.
idk how else to share the updated version of that part of the story with y'all tho, considering that Khalan's journal is insanely outdated now and isn't entirely canon anymore, so I'll probably just have to accept that I likely won't ever be able to update the story for y'all in the way I wish I could. >n<;;
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dazzelmethat · 1 month
Worst part of having ocs you made when you were 12 that you still use: changing their names is like pulling teeth.
Wanting to experiment with name meanings or what culture they're from feels impossible when you already have certain sounds associated with them...
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my-t4t-romance · 2 years
ah yes, my favorite pain medication, ibymbybmyl
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neeko-system · 1 year
finished my second playthrough of signalis, was going for the artifact ending. then loaded my save and got the memory ending. such a good game aaaa
the memory ending made me cry, it was really heartwrenching when ariane said sorry i dont remember, i just crumpled. watching elster be so exhausted was a lot.
not really sure if i understand the artifact ending. i feel like either its really vague (on top of all the other vagueness) or if im missing something. it kind of feels like a burial of arianes memory? like elster dies and we see ariane thikning about her and elster dancing in the wrecked ship? i’m not sure. maybe someone could give me their interpretation of it?
i also found out that theres a difficulty setting and really wished i had set it to survival before my second playthrough. woulda been nice!!! I do have one more ending so i might play the game again but might also just watch it on youtube and play the game again some other time(gotta let it ruminate so i can go back in with different eyes), I wanna get all the achievements anyways.
all in all i fucking love this game a lot. very rarely do i replay a game so soon after playing it for the first time. its really tragic i’ll never get to experience this game for the first time again, but, so it goes. its such a beautiful game i will be thinking about it for a longgggggggggggg time. ive been wanting to talk about it so badly for so long but none of my friends have played it yet kyaaa!!! >_<
its crazy to me that the game exists the way it does. the style, the mechanics, the story, the music, everything about it oozes so much passion and care and thought. very few games have made me want to stare at every part of it to figure out how they made it look the way it did (THE GAME IS SO STYLISTICALLY RICH LIKE HOIW DID THEY DO ALL THAT) and the game mechanics are so nice to my brain, everything is so tactile and clicky and inventory management and ammo management and horror stratgey and the flesh and rust and death and love and lesbians and robots and anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
amazing game thank you rose engine, i hope they make more stuff because i really want to see it
edit:(thinking about the first time i played compared to the second. i was considerably less scared since i had a clue of waht was going on but the fear that i felt playing the first time was special to me. i really like games with stories about ‘time loops’ because the replay-ability is baked in in a cool way. especially with how the game throws information at you, viewing things again having experienced perspective shifts from information is really cool. seeing scenes again re-contextualized makes my brain go ^-^(hots quest ding sound) but going in completely blind and being afraid of everything (i especially remember being scared of the dream beach, i had literally no clue what to expect and it was nice) it all had a different flavor than the second time which is cool because i feel like i experience that kind of emotion change *with* elster. (girlie needs a FUCKING cuddle nap)
the way the game balances reality and the surreal i think is super neat. i love surrealist dream stuff a lot and i think that a video game is a super good medium for that kind of experiential stuff that really inspires me to wanna make video games. especially because then theres also this super nerdy sci fi stuff going on about robots and space regimes and magical tech(my favorite) and planetary systems and military systems and all that good shit. i similarly wanna get nerdy about stuff like military logistics while also telling a story about gay robots and girls that keep missing each other just barely in the space time continuum. i love that the game tells you a lot but also is vague and also says fuck you (affectionate) stop looking for answers and just feel it. it explains just the right amount to not feel esoteric while keeping enough vague to leave a lot up to interpretation/figure it out by playing it again/thinking about it. it plays with themes and reality and reoccuring symbolism and all that good shit that makes stories addicting to think about.) ((also one of the endings requiring beating the game once among other things that keep between playthroughs, yummyyy. games that know they are games/stories/worlds that are aware of themselves., thats good shit right there))
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about this whole green/grey eyes debacle during the day and I’ve decide to lawyer up myself into denial.
1. Until futher proof comes along, a sole testimony (which, regardless, we thank the anon for) is not enough to breach our claim beyond any reasonable doubt.
2. Even is Alycia herself claims are greenish, she can be conditioned for that answer since childhood (by people telling her she ‘has green eyes’) and her use of contacts, which do actually cause color changing effects due to lightning.
3. More than her confirmation, I feel the answer will come to us in the form of some unsung hero who will (be lucky enough to meet her and) fight the urge to blush to death and find their voice among the stutter/babbling to consult her about it and ask her if they can hold a staring contest long enough to provide the evidence.
Until then, I’ll gadly stay on your side even if we sink with this ship 🫡
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Sister in arms 😤
Honestly I don't think I'd ever entirely give up my stance with every ounce of my soul unless she stared directly into the camera and went "Andi, I'm sorry but my eyes are green" in her little koala accent 😩 like I absolutely do want someone to ask her one day if they meet her regardless. It'll be the strangest question she ever got and that's ok, it just means you'll be memorable it'll be a moment that stays with her and that's fine, but I believe in one of you. I believe in one of you to just be like hey, by the way, would you consider your eyes purely green or greenish-grey/grey? If she asks why just say because it's a hot debate spearheaded by a stubborn bitch who never shuts up (wording entirely optional). And just see what she says! Just see what she says. Just see. What. She says. And I will shut up.
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lucaonthropy · 3 months
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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tell me if you think I'm breathing good...
[collaboration with @dxppercxdxver again]
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lilgynt · 1 year
watched hannibal the movie and i was so sad ardelia wasn’t there :((((((
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if the characters were pirates on a pirate ship what would their roles be 👀
Oh my gosh, I just finished all of the One Piece episodes on Netflix I'm so qualified to answer this ask, thank you 😤!! (I still needed to search up pirate roles though, haha...)
From the main cast, Momoka would say he's the captain, but Chiaki would probably run the show behind the scenes (probably the Quartermaster, if I wanted to use the technical term). In practice, I think Momoka would serve as the navigator, haha.
I suppose Katsuo would serve as the "second mate" in name (since he's always around "Captain" Momoka), but I could see him being in charge of all the ship things (sails, driving... stuff like that). Rankou would be the cook. He does not make good nor nutritious food, but he's the only one who likes to cook so everyone else has to suck it up. He and Katsuo would also man the cannon together.
Achlys would be the surgeon (believe it or not, his family does have a history of being doctors), but he wouldn't be happy about it.
Sui wouldn't be anything special, he'd probably just be the low errand boy or something like that. Poor guy 😢.
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n9ph · 1 year
yelling at my puter becaujse i cant beat a fn/f mod </3
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nastymajesty · 1 year
touhou is my rebound from project moon she can fix me though. if i believe hard enough she can fix me
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blog-of-reaction · 2 years
I finally watched bullet Train and man, that is a good movie. It was kind of startling to go from the first half of the movie being a straight up comedy to everyone dying. I know Tangerine is the only one who actually died, (aside from Prince who is literally the worst) but I seriously thought Lemon and that other dude was dead. I had to pause the movie and just stare at the wall for a few seconds when Lemon died I was so upset. And then Tangerine found his body and yeah basically every moment between the two, when they found the other dead, when Lemon saw the truck carrying Tangerine’s and used it to kill Prince, I was near to crying if not outright crying. I was emotionally devestated during that last half hour. Also, it felt like a movie that was a longer than two hours, or at least, a lot happened during those two hours. I loved all the hints we got about stuff. Also the sheer fate/karma of it all was fucking beautiful and also hilarious. I saw most of the plot points coming except for the fact that the white death hired them all and that Prince is his daughter, which I should’ve seen coming. Also the surprise Ryan Reynolds cameo was fun.
Ladybug is the best. He’s a disaster man trying to not be a disaster and the entire movie shit is just happening to him and he has to try and survive. Also his face and voice when he said, “but I dont wanna carry the seven sorrows :(” was perfect. There is so much about this movie that I love and my one complaint is that Tangerine died, except not really because story wise it was the perfect choice but it also emotionally devastated me.
Oh, and the flashback from the water’s perspective. Impeccable. Anyways yeah, I fucking love this movie and it’s amazing and I don’t know how I’m going properly enjoy other stuff after this.
As much as I love (most) of the characters Ladybug is my favorite. Literally 85% of the best scenes have him in it. The other 15% are scenes with Tangerine and or Lemon.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
literally so fucking over my job.
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