#it must be the end of the world
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cen-v4b · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day! :D (specially to them^^^)
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mothssoup · 3 months ago
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TRAFFIC SERIES RULE #1: don’t let grian at the explosives
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chaiaurchaandni · 1 year ago
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have humans developed a language that can accurately describe the intensity of this grief?
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disgracefulthings · 4 months ago
At Qian Cao Peak
Mu Qingfang: Shixiong has been stressed lately. What is weighing on your mind?
Shang Qinghua: I can't really say- wait! You're a doctor, that means you took the Hippocratic Oath! Which means that whatever I tell you, you can't repeat it to the other peak lords...
Mu Qingfang: What is-
Shang Qinghua, not listening: Well it all started in a previous life...
Shang Qinghua: ...and now Cucumber-Bro and I need to make sure the world doesn't end. Wow, it feels nice to get that off my chest. Thank you for listening, Mu-shidi! I'll be back in a week for our next session
Mu Qingfang: ...
Yue Qingyuan, walking up to him: What's wrong, shidi? You look spooked
Mu Qingfang: I can't say. Apparently I took a hypocrite oath
Yue Qingyuan: ?
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cak3iscake · 10 months ago
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"Basically what happens is, Grace and Max are right about to win. They're right about to do it. And then, there's a groaning. In the floorboards. Suddenly, the staircase gives out beneath Grace and Max, and they fall through the floors. They fall stories. Pieces of wood shove through their chests, and they both are killed."
"But keep this in mind, nothing truly dies in the Waylon house. Grace and Max become ghosts, and they're off doing whatever, but they're no longer involved in the tournament."
So.. that Pit Stop in Hatchetfield tag team deathmatch huh.
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vatelixx · 27 days ago
Ton 618,
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S3-S4ish Spencer Reid x Reader (no mention of gender).
Fluff (no angst… surprisingly). Autistic Spencer (present in all of my one shots bcos it’s canon to me).
──── domesticated time inbetween cases & blind adoration.
Warnings: literally none (who am i???), brief mention of past trauma (Hankel).
w.c: 1.5k
— They’re both nerds who are a little too invested in space. Light biblical imagery & Greek mythology references. My writing has been sufficiently domesticated (dw i’ll be back to angst soon, war is not over.)
Loosely inspired by:
a/n: just giving him what he deserved to have.
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For the first time, in a long time, there is little residing in Spencer’s mind. Beyond warm hands, and soft skin, and the pulse of someone else’s body. Obsessed is one word for it, a textbook definition that can’t truly articulate the ache he derives from the thought of you. Obsessed, fatefully ruined, if this is the work of divine intervention, then consider him, once obstinate in his atheism, entirely, profusely devout.
He’s still thinking about you. What’s new? The memory of your lips pressed against his, the tattooed promise of more, more because it will never be enough. He wants, god when has he ever wanted? Life before appears bleak now, black and white. Academia, pursuits of knowledge, lonely nights and the transient fear of forever being stuck in a cyclical cycle of loneliness.
You think he’s pretty. He smiles on the way home from work, Morgan pressing him, because ‘kid you can’t be that happy for no reason.’ There is a reason, a monumental, life-altering one that waits for him at the door. He likes that, the domesticity. He’s never asked for much, content in his mishaps of intimacy, always baring the weight because he wants needs to be good. For the people around him, for the home he’s carved into his skin, for anything that starves off the decades of isolation.
When he threads his arms around your waist, leaning all of his weight into the contact, you both go stumbling back.
He’s soft. Of course he’s endured more than anyone should, the sharp edge of addiction, the stifling weight of a morbid job that has him fixated, hook line and sinker, compass pointing South every time he’s thrown into the field. But for all of that, he still obtains naive, blinding light.
He burns. Or more so, he warms.
“Hi, hi. Sorry— that wasn’t very eloquent. Can I try again?” He’s halfway out of the door; you have to lean forward, grip his wrist, tug him closer, “Okay.” He laughs, “I’ll take that as a no?”
He’s certain your name is imprinted onto his heart. Carved just for you alone. There is no one else. There could never be anyone else.
That night he falls asleep on your shoulder. Hands interlocked, body splayed out across stressed leather, abandoning his book for the soft drab of safety. There’s a tangled wire of headphones draped between you, knotted further when you pull him, half conscious to bed. He follows mindlessly.
You spend his allocated time off as recluses, abandoning civilisation. No sunlight, his apartment is permanently drenched in molten light. Scattered lamps, balancing off stacked books and messy surfaces. Every morning he’ll wake you with butterfly kisses and the promise of a breakfast he will consistently burn. He’s content, over the moon, to forget the world around him. For it to just be, just the two of you.
Today, as usual, you eat his charred attempt at food. He’s trying, he’s definitely trying, even if the end result is… a health risk. Still, you eat it regardless, without complaint, you eat it.. and then he’s just… kissing you senseless in the middle of his kitchen. Cold tiled floor, and mismatched socks. Fuck, he loves you, he’s never loved someone the way he loves you.
“I’ve been dreaming about falling into black holes recently,” he says when you cradle his face. Pretty features besotted with the sight of you. “Weird. Kinda cool. Please don’t eat anymore of my food.”
“No promises,” you grin, and he has the audacity to pout.
Because that’s not fair, burnt food can cause carcinogens to form, to obstruct digestion and metabolism. “My cooking is going to kill you. Your death will be on my hands. The grief will be immeasurable. I’ll become a hermit, never leave my apartment again. Don’t do that to me.” hands wrapped around your wrists, he preserves the contact. “Please don’t do that to me.”
“Well only because you said please—“
He sighs, audibly, ”You just died, you’re dead, and the only thing you can focus on is a word. A word I very generously repeat, at any given moment.” — he’s polite, he will use his manners, and he will unceremoniously echo please please please to obtain even a fraction of you.
He’s senseless. Too far gone.
You take his hand, press it against your heart. “Still alive. I think?”
“Yeah,” he scoffs, “For now.”
“You’re dramatic—“
He cuts you off, “Did you know one of the largest black holes ever recorded is 66 billion times the mass of the sun? Ton 618.” Pausing to kiss you (a vital necessity), his hands play aimlessly with your hair, strands sliding through the crevices of his fingers. “Imagine falling into that—“ kiss, “You would die obviously,” kiss, “But it would be a pretty cool death.” Kiss. 
Time dilation, worm holes, cosmic demise, you. Sigh— you.
“It would take over 10 billion years for its light to reach earth.” you say, and yeah. Okay. Just casually recite facts to him. That’s okay. He won’t melt, because he’s a rational, dignified, highly-cerebral adult.
Lie. You always know when to talk, sometimes, sometimes, he gets so lost in thought-loops and spirals of intellectual confusion that you have to draw him back to the present. He disintegrates. Every. Single. Time. One intelligent word and the threads of him are woven tightly around your finger.
”You’re stealing my job. And—and you’re doing it better than me. I’m taking a vow of silence. No more words. I’m becoming a monk. Except, maybe without the celibacy?”
“For you? Always.” he says, knocking his shoulder into yours, “You’re missing the important aspect to this. Don’t discard my threat.”
“Spence, if you ever stop reciting random facts to me at..” you scramble to check the time, early morning, it’s hard to differentiate the hours when they all bleed into one convoluted mess of intimacy. “At 9AM, we will have serious issues. I might get HR involved.“
He’ll ramble about the laws of thermodynamics. Dedicating hours to the philosophical differences between determinism and free-will. You’ll call him a nerd, and he’ll laugh, muffling your protests with his mouth. It’s routine. Something to fall back onto.
 “Hey! Don’t drag HR into our domestic affairs! That’s—“ he interrupts himself to kiss you, again. Just because he can.
Once he’s satisfied that his lips will ache for the next millennium, he continues. “Anyway. I think we should get old together, and then, when we’re losing our minds, and we can’t tell the days apart, we just.. take a casual trip to space, travel through Ton 618. I’d be scared, so I’d hold your hand when we fall. Getting sucked into eternal darkness would be an acceptable way to go.”
He laughs, “You know, as long as you’re by my side, or whatever.”
“Or whatever,” you repeat, before holding out your pinky. “Deal?”
He feeds his own through yours, “Deal.” 
Yeah, just promise eternal devotion to him. That wont have any lasting, fatal effects on his sanity. It’s not like he’ll cling to it for the remainder of his ephemeral existence.
Later that night, when you’re draped in limbs, skin pressed against skin, you sigh against the warm slope of his neck. “You’re reciting the periodic table in your sleep again..”
It’s a habit. A permanent, engrained idiosyncratic that he’s endured since adolescence. He stirs awake, turning to face you in the hazy light. Features swollen, sleep-soft and pretty. “Was I?” He murmurs, finding the audacity to ask, “What element was i on?”
Because that’s clearly essential.
“Osmium,” you say, tucking strands of tousled brown behind his ear. “Gonna continue?”
“Mhm— yeah. Iridium. One of my favourites, thank god you woke me up before I got to it.”
You humour his tendencies; you’re nothing if not a condoner of his weird quirks. “Discovered by Smithson Tennat in 1803.” is your response, “The name comes from Greek Mythology, Iris. Two stable Isotopes, 191 and 193.”
There you go again. Fracturing his mind, and stealing his information before it can fall from bruised lips.
He thinks you might be cut from the same cloth. He thinks he was probably just made for you. “I like the way you say Isotopes.” He mutters, “Like the way you kiss. You always take my top lip.”
There’s no epiphany. No sharp blade, dragging, penetrating, skin, forcing you to confront stifled feelings. They’ve always been there. Red string of fate, Plato’s Symposium: Aristophanes’ account of the ‘other half.’ Hero and Leander. It doesn’t matter. There’s only the here and now.
He does this thing. Often. Where he’ll moan into your open-mouth. Fingers sunk deep into your hair, keeping you impossibly tethered to him. You’re not sure what planet he fell from, but you’re glad they deported him, if only for your selfish benefit of circuiting around him.
“I’m in love with you,” the admittance is easy. Maybe the words have always been waiting for you to verbalise, bated breath, inexorably interlinked. Maybe they’re long overdue. Something pleading to be let out. But, maybe, it matters more to wait until this, when everything is soft and untouchable. Fresh, untainted. He’d like to live in your skin.
Here’s the thing, Spencer always thought he would be the first one to say it. Reciprocation was always a fantastical hypothetical, something he could only blindly hope for. But, to have his illimitable feelings, in their extensive capacity, matched? That’s— more than he ever thought he deserved.
He presses his forehead to yours, “Saying ‘i’m in love with you’ doesn’t measure up, doesn’t articulate even a fraction of what I feel for you.”
He’s pretty sure he could die right here, in this one fragile moment, and be happy with everything he’s accomplished.
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unburiedhatchet · 6 months ago
Shit, how old was Jimmy now? Good thing it wasn't Amanda asking the question - she'd have his ass for not even remembering his own kids age. "20 something? Fuck, they age every year so it's hard to keep track. Not to mention he acts worse than a toddler sometimes," he said with a light grimace. Perhaps, in this moment, he realized he was one of those people who should've never had kids.
"You know what? It's not all bad, I guess," Michael went on, speaking almost in a way that indicated he was attempting to convince himself, "I made the mistake of giving them everything they ever wanted cause I never really had much growing up. I didn't want them to go through what me and my brother went through. My mistake was not realizing there was a limit to that."
"And how old is this guy?" Thank god neither he nor his wife wanted kids; parenthood always sounded like a nightmare to him, and the stories told by people who chose to risk their sanity for the sake of propagating the human race only made him all the more certain that they made the right decision by staying childless.
"I mean, I don't have any, but my ex-sister-in-law does, and the worst thing they ever did to her, as far as I know, was to lock her in the bathroom so she couldn't drive them to school. And that was when they were teens, so, you know... at the very height of asshattery. Unless she neglected to mention that they sold her car for booze money or somethin', but, err... I doubt it."
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slymanner · 1 year ago
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hurt my heart why dontcha.
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khaoala · 24 days ago
i'm so pro-prison plot tbh, bc first of all, fadelbison are criminals yes, ofc, face justice and whatever BUT the most important part: kantstyle, convict's wives planning a whole ass volunteer thing just so they can bang their men. i'm really sorry if you're boring, but this is cinema
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blizardstar · 1 month ago
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Me when Ashton Greymoore is denied honorable and meaningful self-sacrifice, and now must face the reality that they MUST keep living after it’s All Over
#critical role#critical role spoilers#cr spoilers#ashton greymoore#bells hells#cr ashton#like#Tal and Ash were both so clearly ready#for Ashton to sacrifice themselves. and comparing that to Ashton’s backstory#to Ashton being left behind as a sacrifice. and becoming bitter(er) and lonely and denouncing ever growing close to someone again#to meeting letter. and learning from letters. and so much about telling letters not to self sacrifice.#but then letters does. and Ashton is ready to go to. he’s prepared to go out to save everyone#and he was so prepared for that to be where his story ends#but he doesn’t. and not through failure but through success#and now (though more trials still await) they must face the reality they must keep living after it all#and face the reality that they will not survive alone.#that they have come out the other side. alive but changed. but not in some miraculous way.#they are not healed. they did not go out protecting those they loved. and they are forced to contend#with the fact they will continue to walk this earth. as it is changed. but not miraculously fixed. but not sacrificed#and like. Ashton having to contend with the change. that the Thing is over. but they are not alone#they are alive. and have friends and a love. and a world familiar and new to love and learn#that they have a connection to but not an ancient force they are upholden to#that they and the earth will learn together#I’ll be honest only the first half of these tags was planned when I started typing about ash being forced to contend with having to live#having to live despite it all. that there’s no big change. no miracle. good or bad. but you must keep going. and how beautiful that is#for Ashton’s story and just in general for people who would resonate with him#but then like I remembered they’re gonna scare off the gods and so exandria is totally gonna change but like#consider my initial point and how beautiful it is#and how I managed to shoehorn it in to still make sense#babblestar
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jelliesparks · 2 months ago
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the year of shadow forced me to slot him in with these two in my mind palace
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secondbeatsongs · 2 months ago
going through some old logs, and I need you to understand just how truly unhinged early 2010s RP omegle was.
genuinely you could stay on there for hours with just one person, hashing out complex traumatic backstories, drawn-out love confessions, detailed action scenes...collaboratively describing graphic violence, past abuse, comfort, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, any number of sex acts...and then one of you would be like, "oh haha it's 2AM! I have to sleep :(" and the other person would say, "omg saaaame. :( gnight!!!" and then you'd exit the chat and never speak to each other again, and this was. fine.
you could just spend an entire evening shoving your wretched, bleeding soul into a chat log with someone you'd never meet or learn the name of, achieve some form of emotional catharsis, and then go about your day or night like this was an average way to spend your time.
I'm really normal about this, actually
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astrugglingacademic · 1 month ago
Post-canon jayvik waking up in the physical state of being they were in upon death. S2 Jayce, scruffy beard and thinner from malnutrition. But Viktor doesn't completely register his own attire: his typical lab-wear, singed and scorched and torn all over. He's never seen it with his own eyes, after all.
Jayce staring meanwhile, lost in the horrible memory of the Council Room Explosion. Running his hands over Viktor to try and assure himself that this is different, he's alive, and this is their new chance.
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ozymandien · 1 year ago
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later, ouyang thought esen wouldn't even had noticed: the moment his stillness of anticipation flicked into the stillness of shame, as quickly as capping a candle. his blood ran cold; his body burned. it was the feeling of a blade slid gently into his heart.
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rubberduckyrye · 1 month ago
I think it's really cool that we've got names to the sprites for all the characters, because the names of the sprites can give us insight as to what the artist/writers intended to convey with them, or at least in part. That gives us a new way to analyze the characters from a psychological perspective, taking what we know about the sprites and their names and applying it to certain scenes with new context.
Like for example: Knowing that the creepy sprites are mostly named after Madness, we can thusly guess that they are used when Kokichi is experiencing madness or insanity over maliciousness.
For example:
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Considering that this line was delivered with the sprite labeled as "Madness with a Smile", it implies that he is showing madness from the knowledge he is relaying here. The madness you can only find at the end of the world.
Actually, this whole scene is full of Kokichi using his "madness" sprites, indicating that the boy has fully fucking lost his marbles--and I really don't blame him.
You'd have to be at your wits end (and severely desperate) to turn yourself into the villain in order to take back control and try to save everyone who you've now made despise you.
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nyoomerr · 4 months ago
Just months before the Immortal Alliance Conference, Luo Binghe discovers the cure to Without-a-Cure. With his own heritage still sealed and mostly unknown to him, there seems to be only one solution: Shen Qingqiu must receive the cure from the last known Heavenly Demon, Tianlang-Jun, even if it means that Luo Binghe has to grit his teeth and set his precious Shizun up with another man. Shen Qingqiu does not want to receive the cure from Tianlang-Jun. He doesn't particularly want to receive anything from Tianlang-Jun. Shen Qingqiu somehow ends up fake-dating Tianlang-Jun anyway, if only to swindle the System into delaying the Endless Abyss plot for as long as he can.
🌹 bingqiu 🌹 no-abyss AU, misunderstandings, light-hearted 🌹 lbh tries to get his shizun medicinally laid 🌹 65k, 5/5 chapters, complete!
the final bit of my Fandom Trumps Hate fic went up last night - i hope that it can provide a moment of distraction and buoyed spirits to those who need it.
as always, thank you to everyone who's been reading along, and an extra big thank you to the incredible @mock-speed for being the reason this fic exists :>
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