#it makes sense that they would since i did notice that og is getting less activity
featherdusterbelphie · 4 months
Logged into obey me nb for the first time today. Saw the new update.
The new app screams 'we're about to discontinue the original game soon!'
Which makes me a little sad
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taldigi · 1 month
Hi hello ur P4: Retransmission au has me positively foaming at the mouth(/pos), especially nyarukami and dorktective naoto!!! If you don't mind me asking i was wondering a few things,
is naotos design here based off the concept art? Is that why they don't have a hat (as far as I've seen lol)?
Does Naoto call chie any sort of nickname like "partner" or did Yosuke take the nicknaming in the swap? Does Yosuke call Nyarukami like, Pawrtner or smth?
Does anyone pun back at Nyarukami? Does Teddie still make bear puns?
Do you have any like, fav dynamics between characters in particular?
Sorry I've been thinking about this all day cuz this au is so cool and I love ur art and everything here is top tier o7
is naotos design here based off the concept art? Is that why they don't have a hat (as far as I've seen lol)?
Tumblr media
He looks so scrunkled and I thought it was a perfect look!
He gets his hat later, as a gift for performing a character arc.
Does Naoto call chie any sort of nickname like "partner" or did Yosuke take the nicknaming in the swap? Does Yosuke call Nyarukami like, Pawrtner or smth?
It kinda feels sacrilegious to have Naoto call Chie his partner- cause that's like... the Souyo petname. But, I think he uses it in a more formal sense. I think... He also uses "my dear" (in the sense of "my dear Watson" since this Naoto is more performative about it than canon).
There's been debate about the differences between aibou and partner and how there isn't much of a direct translation, but I think it would fall back into that for the Yoosk and Nyarukami. I think it starts with "buddy" before falling back into something like that... as Nyarukami does weird out Yosuke at first before they actually spend time together!
Seeing as Nyarukami isn't a 1-1 Teddie, and does have his calm demeanor and same interests- just lacking leadership qualities. I think they get into some mischief (something this Yosuke sorely needs) and start to click afterwards... then Yosuke not only goes through his gay crisis, but his furry crisis as well. it's great.
Does anyone pun back at Nyarukami? Does Teddie still make bear puns?
For Teddie, I think the puns were sort of a substitute for his verbal tic in the og, but the sentiment of "being annoying to stay remembered" remains. Nyarukami's puns are less jokes, and more in line with verbal tics. He doesn't even know he's making them most the time and is audibly confused when someone tries to pun back at him.. before going, "oh! It's because I am a cat!" and then trying and failing to make a cat pun in return- because when he tries, they are terrible. "That's cat-tastic"
Teddie, while annoying as ever- does not bear pun. It's sad, true, but Nyarukami's got it covered.
Do you have any like, fav dynamics between characters in particular?
Uh, suprisingly- Yukiko and Yosuke? I'm trying not to let favoritism happen toooo much, but Yosuke being the only one to be on Yukiko's side at first is frighteningly charming.
He calls out the IT initially for assuming Yukiko is the killer. And since he's the first victim after the second murder, it's Yukiko who- having been suspicious of the IT- forces them to help her find him.
Naoto yipped as he was suddenly grabbed and slammed against the wall, the impact eliciting a sharp wheeze as the balled fists of his assailant crushed him where they held him.
Chie reacted almost immediately, an arm shooting out defensively between Naoto and the assailant- though it did little in holding the assailant from crushing him entirely.
"Start talking, Shirogane." The assailant- whom Chie remembered as Yukiko Amagi -growled, "I don't know.. I don't even care, how you somehow duped the new kid into your stupid little buddy cop roleplay, but you've been snooping around my place."
"I don't.. I don't know what you're talking about-" Naoto squeaked out, hands raised defensively. The reply resulted in slightly more crushing and the sneer on Amagi's face growing larger.
"Amagi-" Chie tried, recoiling as Amagi snapped a firey glare at her.
"Shut up." Amagi snapped, before turning back to Naoto, "I'm not stupid, and you of all people are less than subtle- You know something about him, you're doing something. .. and I for sure know that junk closet you hid in didn't have exits!"
"H..him..?" Naoto managed out, prompting Amagi to pull back and slam Naoto back into the wall- eliciting another harsh wheeze
"Don't suddenly play stupid, shortstack. I know it was you who broke in last night, looking for 'clues' about those murders on the news. T-the people that went missing-"
Amagi took a breath.
"He never misses more than two days. His parents won't let him, even when he's sick." Her voice got quieter, though it still held a quiet crackle as she continued. "Yosuke's been missing for four days- and-"
"Okay." Chie cut in, causing Amagi to ease up her grip, "Okay. Let him go, and we'll tell you, alright?"
A moment passed, maybe two- then, Amagi sighed, and let Naoto drop to the floor with a thud. The little detective scampering up from where he fell- falling in place, safely, behind Chie.
"That's a funny way of asking for help." Naoto grouched, smoothing out his shirt and adjusting his tie.
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repurposedmeatlocker · 5 months
🔥🔥🔥 abt beavising butthead...share as many hot takes as you want i'd looooove to hear your thoughts and feelings :3
OH BOY OH BOY *cracks knuckles*
Obsession with which character has the "highest moral ground" is tired and unnecessary. Especially for a program like Beavis and Butt-Head. I've noticed a lot in cartoon fandoms there seems to be a focus some people have on which character is "evil and bad" and which is "pure and good". I don't know where this concern stems from, but it doesn't interest or make sense to me. Real people, and therefore fictional characters, are more complex than that. The fact that this argument surrounds young/child characters is even weirder for me, because I find that age is rife with bad behavior. Back to Beavis and Butt-Head though, while I do think a lot of fans are unfairly harsh in their perspective of him. I don't think Beavis is "morally higher" by any standard. They are both horrible teenage boys that find beating the shit out of each other entertaining because there is nothing else to do.
(speaking about the original series here, since I haven't completed the 2011 and 2022 revival yet) While I think the writing got way better and funnier in the later seasons, I kind of miss the "natural edginess" of the earlier "crude era". It has this messiness that I find super endearing. I can really see how the show got popular with teenagers/young adults back in the day since it really did feel like the script was written by some degenerate boys rather than adults trying to figure out how high schoolers act. There is a lot of horrible topics in the earlier season related to intoxication, animal abuse, and general illegal activity. A lot of it is 100% shock value. I'm glad it moved away from that, but also I admire the...grungey realism, I guess.
A lot of older fans complain about Beavis and Butt-Head reacting to clips of TV shows in the 2011 season and Youtube videos in the 2022 revival. I personally love it. I think they should react to everything possible. Some of their best lines come from their impressions of this stuff. I don't care if it is just being used as a way to "promote" that content. The music video reactions are doing the same thing. It is all promotion. Just very creative and based on hating which is inherently more entertaining. On that note, I've also seen the complaint by OG fans going around about how Beavis and Butt-Head feel like they aren't "metal-heads" anymore? Or it is just not as overt in their characters anymore since they don't react to metal music as much as they did in the original run. Personally, I...don't think they are any less metal-heads now than they were before. Maybe they aren't exclusively defined by it like they were in the first episodes. I think the question of "why is there less metal music in the show" has more to do with music culture when the show airs than it does with the actual writing. Which is kind of interesting. Generally, metal and rock doesn't make up popular music spheres the same way it did in the 80s and 90s. There is still rock music, but I don't find a lot of popular stuff being extremely "heavy" starting around the mid 2000s when the 2011 series was airing. If you'll allow me to get deep for a sec. The choices of what Beavis and Butt-Head react to during the show's entire run is a pretty interesting picture of popular US culture, actually. Anyway...I do think they could hit a bit heavier and varied in their music choices in the new season. Have them listen to hyperpop or something. I think they would love 100 gecs.
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cursedvibes · 7 months
"I know why the fandom do it but I REALLY dislike to see these goddamn stitches on Kaori's head whenever she's represented in fanart. I know, it's Kenjaku! I know we never saw her without these stitches! I knoooow BUT I HATE IT she's Yuuji's mother and like what happened to her?! Was she pregnant with Yuuji before Kenjaku possess her body?! How did she get along with Jin? Is Kenjaku directly responsible to Jin being dead? And how Kenjaku found her? "
So what do you think about the post above? Do you think the og Kaori have CT all along? And, that Yuuji's personality is from Kaori not Jin?
I can understand the frustration to an extend. I rarely see it, but when Kaori is shown with stitches or Kenjaku without them it does rub me the wrong way. Kind of similar to people who tag posts who are solely about Kenjaku with "Geto", despite him having nothing to do with it.I can kind of understand it with fanart for a wider reach, but it unfortunately also means I can't block the Geto tag because that means I would miss out on over half of the posts in the Kenjaku tag (the anime caught up, why do people still call Kenjaku "Geto").
But at least one question of that post is easy to answer: Kaori wasn't pregnant with Yuuji before Kenjaku took over her body. Wasuke very clearly differentiates between Kaori and Kenjaku and he said Kaori couldn't get pregnant, that was only possible once Kenjaku took over.
Kaori always had a cursed technique, but it is unclear if she awakened it or if it was just lying dormant in her brain. Could go either way really, but the way Kenjaku worded it, it sounds more like she might have been able to use it, although I doubt she was an active sorcerer either way. I also think it would be more interesting and make her less of a passive participant who only got used for the dormant physical aspects of her body both by Kenjaku and Jin. I would like her to have had a little bit more agency and interesting background.
If Yuuji got some core personality traits from Kaori is impossible to say, since we know literally nothing about her as a person. Could be anyone's guess at this point. Yuuji got the humanity kanji 仁 from his father, but I don't think they have much in common personality-wise based on what we have seen of Jin so far. He is polite, sure, but he hasn't really shown that unconditional compassion Yuuji will give to people. He doesn't even seem like a particularly cheerful person. He was happy to have a child, but was ready to overlook over people's suffering in favour of his selfish goals. With how insistently Wasuke warned him and Kenjaku's bad acting skills I find it very unlikely that he didn't notice that something was wrong with "Kaori", but he went through with it anyway. He's also very cold to his father and we don't know how he acted around Kenjaku. I guess Yuuji is similar to him in that he also is distant towards his parent and family members, except for him Wasuke is the exception not the rule.
That also makes him quite similar to Kenjaku, who has shown trouble connecting with family members as well or people in general. They both have a very open and at times cheerful attitude towards others on the surface, but rarely allow themselves to make deep bonds with these people and over the course of their life have grown very hesitant (Kenjaku obviously moreso than Yuuji). The bonds they do form make them "weak", especially in the eyes of Sukuna and jujutsu society as a whole. They are both ready to sacrifice themselves and their body for the sake of a greater goal that is closely connected to a person they care about. Also they have a similar sense of humour. So I guess out of all his parents Yuuji is the most similar to Kenjaku in terms of core personality. I'd say he got Wasuke's stubbornness as well.
Also, another personal pet peeve related to Kaori is when people say Kenjaku calling Yuuji their son are subliminal feelings from Kaori coming through. That argument is already weak when people try it with Geto, but it makes even less sense with Kaori. She never met Yuuji, she might have never wanted to be pregnant for all we know and Yuuji was born at least a year after she was already dead. Where would those feelings come from? Not to mention that Kenjaku is very aware of their vessel (so far only Geto) influencing them and can differentiate between their own feelings and the ones coming from someone else. Not to mention that considering how Kenjaku treats the Death Paintings, suddenly developing parental feelings would definitely be something that would immediately trip Kenjaku up if it was coming from someone else.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
My favourite thing ever is the way Ashley gets Leon to smile. Honest to god, his most sincere and genuine smiles are the ones he's given Ashley.
Now if she could just get him to laugh, that would be something completely unprecedented.
Sorry, it just occurred to me literally today that Leon never laughs -- even one time -- at any point in this series. Other protagonists, at the very least, laugh at how stupid a villain's plan is sometimes. Not this guy. Not our Leon. He's too dead inside. Bro doesn't even laugh at OG Salazar, who may as well have circus music playing in the background any time he's on screen. We stan a depressed king.
I was actually thinking about this a little last night -- again, in the context of the whole "Ashley is Leon's anchor to reality/his road back to himself" thing that I've talked about before, while also paired with the shitpost-but-not I made the other day about Leon's sense of self-worth and identity.
Leon drifts further and further away from himself as the series goes on, and not only does he not smile anymore, he becomes downright sullen. There was a time -- a significant period of time, actually -- where you could have said that one of Leon's defining traits was his optimism. That stops being true by the time of Damnation; Leon's optimism is replaced by hollow machismo in a poor attempt at a coping mechanism in that movie -- and, by the time of Vendetta, even the machismo has fallen to the wayside. By the age of 37, Leon has completely and utterly embraced the creeping sense of despair that's been hounding his steps for years.
That has never been who he was. But it's who he is now.
And, as soon as I had that thought, something occurred to me that I somehow had not noticed in the 18 years since RE4 OG has been out:
Ashley is a foil for Ada.
That wasn't her intended purpose when she was created, but it's the narrative role that she's come to inhabit as the series has gone on and Leon's character has progressed without her.
In OG canon, Leon thinks of Ada as a part of himself that he can't let go. But the longer he clings to her, the less of himself he becomes.
And the last person to actually see him as his true self, lifted up from the despair, and without hiding (fully) behind a veneer of machismo was Ashley -- someone he did let go. Even in OG, he is very genuine and very sincere with his affection for her (platonic or not) in a way he really isn't with anyone after RE4.
So, when you point out that his smiles for her are genuine, there's really something to that. He trusts Ashley with a piece of his heart that he doesn't show to anyone else post-RE2. Like, literally, the last person who probably saw him like that was Sherry, and we already know that Leon estranges himself from her almost completely after they're taken into CIA custody following RE2.
And the Remakes make this way more obvious than the OG games did, too -- not only because of the RE engine being great for facial expressions, but because of the way the script changes make certain parts of Leon's character more noticeable. If you go straight from RE2make to RE4make, the entire opening sequence involving the cops and the hunting lodge is absolutely horrifying. If I was a new fan coming in from RE2make to RE4make, I would be knocked on my ass and going "This is not my Leon. This is not the sweet boy that I know. What the fuck happened to him?"
RE4make does such a good job with sharply juxtaposing who Leon was with who he is now. By the time of RE4make, Leon is so beaten down and tired and closed off and angry and, honestly, scared -- that he almost kind of feels like a completely different character. Except, he's not a different character. He's still Leon -- just, Leon with his blinders ripped off and his heart broken.
And, we know that he's still Leon, because every once in a while, the sweet boy that we know comes back. It's infrequent, and it's only for a few moments, but he's still in there. And it always -- every single time -- is only ever Ashley that pulls it out of him.
And Ada? She forces him to retreat again immediately, and he locks himself back up tight.
So, when Ashley gets permanently erased from Leon's life and Ada becomes more of a permanent fixture in it, that sweet boy from RE2 disappears, and he's replaced entirely by the version of Leon that's heartbroken and angry all the time -- because Ada is a constant reminder of all that he's lost, whereas Ashley, as his only true success story, was a hopeful reminder of all that he could potentially be.
I honestly don't think that Capcom even realizes that this is how they've written Leon's character. I don't think it was intentional for Leon's smile to fade with Ashley's absence in his life.
But that's just kind of how it happened.
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jamiesfootball · 9 months
Hiiiii i saw your doing the ask game and the Leverage au??? Ooooo I would like to know more please!!!
also I hope you’re having a nice dayyy :)
The leverage au is the thing I'm not writing except that I have, in fact, written a smidgen of already (see 'leverage au' in the tags below for more). The gist of it being that Ted, in an effort to save Henry, did some hinky stuff and fled the States with Beard at his side.
Once in England, they set up shop as a sort of consulting group. The kind that finds the right people and brings them together to fix problems for people who just need a little extra help. From the other side of the law.
Ted and Beard - sort of duo/split the mastermind role between them, with Beard originally doubling as tech support with code scripts he got from less-than-savory contacts
Rebecca - Grifter. Former Mrs. Manion but she assures everyone that once she's on the grift, no one will recognize her (she is correct)
Roy - the hitter. Old. He's been looking for a way out for a while, and since his niece was born he's shifted into mostly doing retrieval work
Keeley - Jewel thief, mostly, but she'll steal anything. She'll nick the wallet from your back pocket, then send you flowers and chocolate at the hospital after she's tased you and stolen your Rembrandt.
Jamie - originally brought in to act as extra muscle, and ended up being trained under Roy - though with strict supervision. Most of the team (except Keeley) were wary about whether or not he was a good fit for the team.
So my idea for the fic is that the story opens with The First Second Job, which is the original team gets together / they kill it job. From there the new talent - Keeley, Rebecca, Roy, and Jamie - make a loose agreement with Ted and Beard that they'd be okay staying on retainer for other jobs he might have lined up.
Unlike the OG Leverage team, there are a few snags along the way:
There is no big score that ends up paying for the whole team. There is a reasonable score on the first job, which lends to decent retainer that Ted can use to keep these four going along with them. Beard cautions him about using the same people every time, but ultimately goes with it.
This also leads to the awkward 'invoicing-of-clients' thing, which becomes more of an issue the longer they work together, as each of them is secretly a bleeding heart.
Jamie and Roy. Having two hitters on the team sounds good in theory, but in practice is a struggle, especially when they come from two different schools of thought. Roy is a threaten first and the last resort is that you hit them fast and you hit them accurately - you don't prolong the fight. Except Roy isn't that fast anymore. Jamie is, but Jamie....has issues. It's clear that wherever he's been practicing his craft, it's been a 'hit fast hit hard and fuck not getting hit back, just mow them down' sort of lesson.
(He learned from his dad. If that wasn't clear.)
The lack of a hacker on this team gradually becomes a bigger and bigger obstacle going forward.
Nate is this universe's Sterling, of a sort, and starts sniffing them out.
Rebecca, it turns out, does have a sort of secret agenda going, mostly involving her ex-husband Rupert.
Ted, it turns out, also has a secret agenda, mostly to do with why he left the States in the first place, and these people are essential to that part of his plan.
Keeley doesn't have a secret agenda, but she's also not really believing that this is all going to last and she's ready to bail at a moment's notice.
Roy can sense that something fishy is going on in the air. He doesn't know what, and his senses can't tell who it's coming from. He's. Really disappointed in these people.
Jamie had no agenda. He is the last to know that everyone else saw this coming : (
Now that is not to say this will be a bummer! There are lots of found family moments and bonding and people caring about each other and general seriousness! But the more I plot this out, the more the tone shifts to a more realistic-feeling world than the one OG Leverage resides in.
Right now the overarching plot would be a sort of extended version of Leverage season one, building towards the reveal that both Ted and Rebecca have conspired to create a scenario in which the team helps them achieve their goals. Then everything goes to hell in a hand basket.
Then they work as a team to get out of trouble. Together.
Even in my head this feels like it's going to be a loooooong plot. I'm already writing another loooooong thing. Which is why I tell people I'm not writing it.
Except for the parts I've written.
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alteredsilicone · 4 months
[swap AU]
This time pondering Albrecht and he how got noticed by Executor Loid and how the Alloid dynamic develops.
-Loid is an Executor and also a Void researcher, part of the committee of the main Archimedean Symposium. I'm going to assume whatever Yonta talks about is some sort of main event that all Archimedeans know about, would make sense that an Executor is in charge of it/a major patron.
-Albrecht obviously attended said symposium with his research; he is a genius researcher, but dabbles in some "dubious" theories, gets criticized a lot. However, Loid takes interest - he has some knowledge that has not been published and gets a hunch that Albrecht is reaching similar conclusions to him. The two actually gel really well and can spend hours and hours talking about Void research - Loid sees Albrecht as a curiosity at first, since he's a human, but unknown to himself becomes infatuated with Albrecht ( follows the same routine of: Loid fell first, Albrecht fell harder). Albrecht is just happy that finally he has someone who is not his daughter who will listen to him ramble for 3 hours straight.
-Albrecht in general is more loyal to the Empire than his canon counterpart for two reasons: 1) he cannot afford to be openly heretical since he would easily get jailed, glassed or Jade lighted; 2) he is not an Orokin so was definitely raised to value the Empire and accept Orokin as superior. Plus I think it's safe to assume you have to be appropriately loyal to the Empire to become an Archimedean. You are a tool of the system after all.
-Of course once Loid becomes his patron and Albrecht builds his labs on Loid's estate, his research steers more and more into the heretical: rumors start spreading of Albrecht being an Alchemist. Loid also has to start maneuvering more carefully during social gatherings, as his influential Orokin "friends" become curious of his Archimedean.
-The Alloid dynamic is a slower burn and more oblivious on both sides: a) Albrecht reveres Loid the same way his canon counterpart does, but it's less of a "wow he's too good for me" and more of a "he's a splendid, perfect Orokin scientist and literally can do no wrong (and too good for me)"; b) Loid doesn't know how to deal with his feelings so he attempts to win Albrecht's affections by bankrolling his every need (he funds Albrecht's research, Euleria's education and helps her publish her books etc) - Albrecht sees this obviously as a non-romantic gesture and simply proof that his Orokin Master is on the same wavelength and approves of his research; c) Albrecht always to me seems as really dense when it comes to other's feelings. Loid could be lying half naked on a couch and Albrecht would go "Master Loid must be feeling hot in this heatwave". d) Loid is the one who steps into the Void portal and gets torn to shreds by Wally, Albrecht is put on the spot and having to take care of Loid is something he struggles with BUT it also gives a chance for their relationship to actually develop*
*Loid also has an entourage of servants who actually take care of him, but after the Void dive, Loid does a complete 180 and becomes a husk of his former self, locks himself in his room, refuses to talk to his servants and they all freak out because they don't know what to do or how to act without Master Loid leading them. So Albrecht is forced to step up because 1) He is Loid's closest confidant at this point. 2) He is higher class than Loid's servants so they actually kinda sorta learn to respect him and listen to his orders.
Albrecht then takes some actions closer to his canon self where he is the one who wants to fight the Indifference, because a "practical" solution is the only way to deal with it. Loid is cautious and scared, he does not want to prod the dragon any more, but Albrecht does not know any other way to protect the man that he has suddenly found himself in love with.
There may not be any 1999 shenanigans, but that is only because I don't know why og-Albrecht did what he did, so if this AU survives my attention until we get WF 1999 I might add onto it.
Also this was supposed to be a silly "what if" but turned into a pretty in-depth rewrite lol
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ashlingnarcos · 1 year
two tests
771 word ficlet for @narcosfandomdiscord's #narcoctober challenge: write an og narcos and mx narcos crossover. tw for canon-typical events
Most men got tested three times; Carrillo only got tested twice. 
He was in another country, a de facto representative of Colombia, and as such, he was on his best behavior. When the first man offered him a bribe, he smashed the man’s head into his shitty little plywood desk, and although the desk broke and the head did not, he left it there. Zero broken bones, zero bullets: civilized. Gentlemanly, even.
“Going soft,” Trujillo teased him later, and Carrillo laughed as he told him to go fuck himself. 
Trujillo was the one good thing about being in Mexico, a true partner of the soft Carrillo hadn’t had since sometime in the early eighties after the last of his partners had finally been killed. In the interim, Carrillo had been forced to make due with Peña, who wasn’t as stupid as he looked and had the singular virtue of being unkillable as only American could be—but it wasn’t the same.
He had missed this, he let himself think as Trujillo grumblingly, happily, paid their tab for the night.
The next day, when the second man offered him a bribe, Carrillo was in a good mood. However, he felt he had neglected to make his point the day before, and so he decided to detain the man instead of arresting him outright. Trujillo knew the score, they found themselves a little hole in the wall, and the grim work began. 
Calderoni found them there during the cleanup, with Carillo marking new locations on a map in red marker, Trujillo sharpening his knife, and their assigned driver halfheartedly wielding a bloody mop.
“Carillo,” said Calderoni said in the voice of a reproving grandfather. “Thought this was supposed to be a fact-finding mission.”
“It is,” said Carillo, unbothered, not even looking up from the map as Calderoni’s men began to fill the space around him. “Good news: we’ve found some facts.” As the soldiers began to carry out the body, he started rattling off addresses one by one. 
Something was wrong, and he sensed it instinctively before he even knew why. Lifting his head, he saw that the soldiers around him were watching him with their hands resting on their weapons, and that Calderoni’s eyes were far too serious under his veneer of calm complacency.
Trujillo had stopped sharpening his knife. That was the wrongness he’d sensed.
On a hunch, Carrillo straightened up, put the marker down, and walked towards them, straying a little to the right to avoid the pool of blood. He discovered that he had been right. He hadn’t wanted to be right.
Calderoni had his gun jammed into the small of Trujillo’s back.
“What?” Carrillo said. 
It was a challenge, not a question. He was measuring the distance between himself and Calderoni with his eyes, but then, so was everyone else. 
He did not look at Trujillo.
“Repeat that last address,” Calderoni said.
“881 Lope de Vega.”
Something went over Calderoni’s face, brief as a twitch. 
“Wow,” he said, clapping slowly a few times, the loud sounds getting swallowed up in the dingy little room filled with men. As ugly as Calderoni made it, there was a hint of respect there, too; this was the sort of look Carrillo was used to receiving from all quarters, but never in this context. It made his whole body light up with pure animal instinct. To flee was not an option.
“They told me to watch out for you,” Calderoni said. 
Carrillo tilted his head a half-inch in acknowledgement; he was the sort of man that needed a warning, and he felt that was fair.
There was a moment of not-quite silence as Calderoni let out a long-suffering sigh. “I didn’t realize it would take you less than three days.”
“I don’t have time to waste,” said Carilllo.
“Neither do I.”
With that, Calderoni withdrew his gun from where it had been jammed against Trujillo’s back. To his pride, Carillo noticed that Trujillo didn’t so much as slump in relief, only letting out a barely perceptible breath. 
Then Calderoni handed the gun to Trujillo. 
“Well?” he said.
As Carrillo looked across the room through the sea of soldiers, Trujillo met his eyes without a hint of emotion, alive only as a question. For at the end of all things, they reverted to their oldest, truest selves: Carrillo as colonel who could bend for no one, and Trujillo as the one who would carry on when he could not.
Carrillo couldn't even nod, but he didn't need to.
Most men got tested three times; Trujillo only got tested once.
He passed with flying colors.
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chaosthatsmellsgreen · 7 months
Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender thoughts, part 3/5
about Team Avatar and side characters
Missing adventures: oh yeah, about that. so we had references to The Waterbending Scroll, The Great Divide and The Fortuneteller. basically these episodes are canonical in NATLA, although whatever run-in they had with the pirates was clearly not about a waterbending scroll since Katara already has it. (more on that later) and i'm not saying these are top tier episodes (i'm partial to The Fortuneteller because Sokka is fucking hilarious and also because kataang), but what's important to understand about ATLA is that even their little side adventures are important because they build character and relationships. that's not filler, it's very much the backbone of the original show. in NATLA, there is very little distraction for our heroes, and therefore we get to see less of their everyday lives and their bond
Team Avatar: i think this is an issue between Aang and Sokka as well, but their moments with each other are much better executed, and so it's less noticable, and then of course Katara and Sokka are family in a literal sense, but also get a lot of time to bond and work on their connection. the overall effect of all this is that Team Avatar (which they also call themselves waaaaaay too early for my liking, but eh, i'd look past it) doesn't feel as close and as bonded as the show is saying they are.
KOH. FUCKIN'... KOH. okay so you know how spirits are very neutral and self-serving in ATLA? they don't really give two shits about humans and their problems and just focus on their own goals? yeah so apparently Koh is just Evil (TM). this is the same issue as LoK had with the spirit world was having to make it more black and white than it was in ATLA. Koh... honestly, he wasn't really evil in the OG. he steals faces because that's what he does, that's his place in the universe. (if you read the comics, it's mommy issues, basically, but still that's not evil, that's sad, and clearly this Koh has the same origin story as the comics, because statue.) he's completely fair to Aang, even very, very helpful, as long as Aang plays by his rules. now, obviously we don't know what ATLA Koh would do if Aang's friends followed him to the spirit world, probably the same as he did in NATLA. he was just so much more intriguing in the original show where he was more than "creepy centipede spirit monster"'
Katara: Katara is so... timid. LET MY GIRL YELL!! she's a hothead, and a very passionate person. to be clear, i don't think this is Kiawentiio's fault, i think it's writing and maybe direction. she barely even gets to get mad during the water tribe episodes, a place in the story where in the original she was BIG mad. it's the closest Katara gets to original Katara, but even there she's very reserved and nowhere near as passionate as she should be. like her duel with Pakku was an on the spot, hot headed, unplanned decision, in this, she lets Pakku insult her, walk away, and then she goes off to contemplate whether she should fight him. i also like that she got quite far as a waterbender by herself, but i wish they gave her some time to train with a master and actually earn the title of master, not just be bestowed it after showing basic combat prowess. she was a very talented bender, but her having discipline and being a diligent, hard-working student is just as important a part of her character, and i don't love the "i'm a girlboss so i don't need anyone to teach me" arc. she's also very much idk, i call it perfect-washed in my head? all her flaws are removed (she doesn't steal the water bending scroll, she doesn't lash out at her friends and family when she's frustrated with her waterbending progress, and the whole thing about her not being nearly as angry or loud, too) and all that's left is this perfect, talented, flawless girl. which is, you know, i wanted to see the Katara i knew, and she didn't feel like the same person. if i try to ignore what i wanted to see, and focus on the character they were building, she does seem relatively consistent, i just find her boring because she ends up being pretty much a Mary Sue.
Sokka: i think Sokka is really well done. he's funny, he has depth, despite removing his sexism, he still has some of his rough edges, and so he doesn't suffer from this perfectisation. i'm glad they acknowledge both his humour and his intelligence, i think a lot of what they chose to build NATLA Sokka around is good insight into who Sokka is and why he was an important part of the Gaang. i find it weird that they are eluding to him not actually wanting to be a warrior, that it's something he's pushed to be - but, well, if that's a direction they want to take his story, i don't think it's necessarily bad. the one thing i hate about it is....
Hakoda: i'm so. fucking. bored. of everyone having to have a shitty relationship with their fathers. Sokka always wanted to live up to Hakoda, but Hakoda clearly didn't care if his children were like him. all he ever expected of them was to be good people, and all he ever did was love them. you're trying to tell me that a dad who was characterized as telling his daughter that he missed her and her brother by saying "I missed you so much it would ache" is going to publicly shit-talk his son because he didn't properly pass his coming-of-age ritual at <13 years old? (let's ignore that actually Sokka never even did the ice dodging because he was too young to, before his father left, another reminder that he was still a child when he was left as the oldest man of their whole tribe, and even though NATLA is putting a lot of emphasis on that, they somehow miss the point that Sokka wasn't even of age when this responsibility fell on his shoulders). it just doesn't follow. and yes, this is actually a bit of the story and Sokka's motivations that is technically done just fine, i'm just soooo bored of it. Sokka himself did want to prove himself to Hakoda, but Hakoda never actually needed any proof that Sokka was... idk "worthy"? of being his son. so yeah, i hated all of that, even though it was fine and consistent in execution
Bumi: is literally the same issue. i prefer ATLA Bumi, even though NATLA is probably more realistic in what 100 years of war and constant, impossible decisions would do to a person. i just... i always loved that there is someone, anyone that Aang used to know, one person who's still alive, still there, who knows who Aang is and what the world used to be like in his time. seeing Bumi be so... honestly, downright cruel to him, it just made me really sad. and in fairness, i think it was supposed to make me sad, so it did what it aimed to do. like i said, same issue as Hakoda, this was done alright, it's just too different from the OG for me to enjoy
Oma and Shu: i loved the animation style for the tale of two lovers, i think it was wonderfully done. as for them being F/F, i can take it or leave it, i don't really care. it's one of those Netflix-style token representation things, it makes no difference to me either way. i'm glad it's made a lot of people happy though
Yue: so the fox thing was a little weird? jury is still out on whether i liked that one or not, it might take me a rewatch to decide. other than that, i enjoyed how they fleshed her character out. the whole thing with Hahn was a little strange, but eh, i'm fine with that change. i liked the forbidden romance thing she and Sokka had going, but i think them just having a normal romance is completely fine. i thought their connection was done well, i was overall very happy with her and her relationship with Sokka
PART 3/5
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
In my super sour skittles induced pain I am once again having small brain thoughts about unhinged men
i was feeding my little silly obsession of the moment and I have notice something
I see so many writing Elijah as a creep or some sort of unhinged manipulator who gives zero fucks about anyone
I hate the headcanon of him not caring about androids or being like some sort of perv towards anyone. While I do think he has a god complex I don't think he's that narcissistic and mean as everyone makes him out to be
I know, I just know he tries to overcompensate how insecure he is by putting on this more cold and calculate persona. I feel like he's the type of person who struggles to find a something to fit in, he fears people and is scared of the idea they might get of him so he just distance himself before anyone can get close enough.
Like I can totally see him doing the most to create a specific idea of himself to others so they don't have the chance to hate on his real self. He prefers to be criticise for what he has choose to be seen as rather for who he really is
I was ready a character study a couple of days ago about him being bullied a lot growing up and it totally makes sense with how he is. Like this man put himself into creating basically a replica of human life perfect and you mean to tell me that the only reason behind it it's because he wanted to be seen as some sort of god? NO, THIS MOTHERFUCKER WANTED A FRIEND AND HE ALWAYS FELT LIKE NO HUMAN PERSON WOULD EVER WANT HIM.
Like no FR imagine being 16 and being the weird super smart kid in a college full of older fuckers who are always treating you either as if you were just a stupid kid or as the bottom of the joke because of the things you like or BC of the way you are. IMAGINE HOW LONELY HE MUST HAVE FELT
You can't fucking tell me that man didn't almost had s fucking heart attack as soon as Connor and Hank left
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Feysands have fanfics for days and I love them all so much, I would just say commissions became more popular in the last year or two so the older series pays the price of not being in this era where people do commissions unfortunately, but if fans would do art for them more often that’s when the content would be more balanced. But if we all don’t put in an effort it’ll be expected to dwindle yk. The difference is that and Acosf stans dedicate themselves to commissions, it’s a full thing. So what’s going on makes sense. But I do some people doing quite a few commissions lately! Which is amazing 😭 They’ll always be loved they’re just the og’s so they aren’t the main focus. In CC3 I think they’ll play a big role though so we have that to look forward too 😏
Sadly, I think it's very natural that the fandom is moving on from being Feysand-centric since ACoSF’s release. I also get the sense that the fandom, in general, is waning as the time between releases continues stretching.
I’ve seen this idea that Feysands should commission more art floating about quite a bit recently and I admit that I’m skeptical of its origins. I think that Feysands were originally less inclined to commission art because, as the main characters of the series, art of Feyre and Rhys arose more naturally than for side characters. I haven’t noticed that there’s less art of Feysand than other couples, even now, and I’m not convinced this narrative hasn’t come from people simply being upset that ships they don’t like are being commissioned/becoming popular. (Not saying this reflects you specifically, anon, it's just my thoughts on the narrative that’s been circulating).
Art is expensive to commission and I don’t love the idea that fans should feel pressured to do so in order to keep up with other ships. It’s not a competition. I honestly think the *best* thing we can do for the Feysand fandom is to just keep having fun with our ship and not worry about what other people are doing.
I know that me and @separatist-apologist and @highqueenmorrigan have all commissioned Feysand art for this month. We did it simply because we love the characters ❤️ Just today I got a delviery for a piece I'm really excited to share with y'all so I really hope you enjoy it!
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crehador · 2 years
how are we halfway through the season again it’s true what they say time flies like the wind and fruit flies like bananas
anyway winter 2023 mid-season thoughts:
nier and uniteup aren’t quite at the halfway mark yet due to their hiatuses (which were thankfully short, looks like no one is getting fucked like isekai ojisan this season knock on wood)
no new thoughts on nier since 3-ep ruling since lol it’s still at its third episode, but finally coming back this week! hype
uniteup is still adorable, though i’m starting to notice more immersion-breaking moments of the voice actors just... really sounding like they’re reading off a script
which is honestly kind of cute to me? they’re all very new of course and it’ll be nice to see them grow and improve as they get more work (well... if they get more work)
technoroid is shocking still the better idol anime of the season, though as i suspected it does struggle a bit to hold the perfect balance between its idol plot and its human/android tensions plot. they did a really phenomenal job of striking this balance at first, but the idol stuff has fallen by the wayside a little imo
it’s like if you’re going to do both you’ll need to do both well enough to justify having both, which technoroid is... still more or less accomplishing! i do wish we had a bit more idol stuff, but i can’t imagine how they would be able to do that without making the other themes suffer, so i think overall they’re doing as well as they can
that’s only for new idol seasons though because idolish7 is back from hiatus hell and continues to be the best idol series, like, of all time basically
trigun stampede is... well... i can’t say i’ve completed come around to it. i don’t so much mind that there are changes, it was always billed as a re-imagining after all, but so many of the changes (most of them, in fact) just make no damn sense to me
i’m not even a manga purist or anything, like yeah that’s my favorite version of canon but i do also love the og anime a lot even in how it deviates from the manga (i even like the og anime ending! so i’m really not like grrr grrr nothing can change from the manga grrr it just... doesn’t feel like these stampede changes are reasonable)
stampede is of course a gorgeous show and i’m loving the visual feast, also gotta give props for the crybaby livio flashback scene because that was quite literally everything i could have wanted
anyway i will continue to enjoy the visual feast and otherwise keep my expectations so low that they are buried in the ground, my only hope is please please please let legato be as unhinged about knives as he is in manga canon do NOT take this away from us gays we need it
fumetsu s2 is still good but ngl kinda losing me, i’m just sad enough already that i don’t really need this lol
blue lock is coming up on its first season ending, and no it hasn’t held the high quality of its earliest episodes, but i still personally find it to be an incredibly good adaptation. hoping s2 will be announced quickly so i can continue watching with my dearest
high card is still in the strongly okayish category in terms of quality, wihch puts it above ooyukiumi no kaina... and it pains me to say that because kaina had such a strong start, but i don’t feel like it’s actually done anything all that interesting with its very cool worldbuilding
or, rather, i guess i’m just not into what they are doing. it’s fine and all, but i’m not feeling invested in the characters. worldbuilding is still dope as hell though
tsurune remains gorgeous and... kind of baffling in terms of vibe lmao like what the hell happened in the novels because i’m so sure it’s not as sanitized as the anime, i can just feel it
even in s4 my memories and i are still in such a weird relationship with bungou stray dogs which is that i know i’ve read the manga up to this part at least, probably even farther, but the absolute most batshit things have to happen before i’m like “ohhh yeah i guess that did happen huh”
don’t remember anything else. how did kunikida even get in jail?! he’s my favorite so the fact that i forgot that makes me wonder what else i forgot lmao
tomo-chan and i guess we’re calling it ice guy are still both pretty cute, and i usually enjoy office romcoms much more than high school romcoms because hell yeah adults
but tomo-chan has a strong edge over ice guy. both these series are just in the pretty okayish category for me, but tomo-chan’s comedic beats tend to land while ice guy’s do not. ice guy has its very cute moments, and it’s so so so soothing that i’m definitely enjoying it, but its comedy (especially its comedic timing) is just not really working. very often there are sketches that go on for just waaay too long, to the point that i think ice guy may have benefited from being a half-length show like cool doji danshi
still very cute, though!
and speaking of cool doji danshi, it’s still asdkflajsdlfkj i want to PUNCH a CLOUD these idiots are so cute. eikyuu shounen, the other half-length series of the season, is still pretty enjoyable too! surprisingly, if we rule out idolish7, i think i’d actually say eikyuu shounen has the best music out of the currently airing idol anime. uniteup and technoroid are obviously better in many other ways, but the eikyuu shounen music is right up my alley
last but certainly not least, the vampire dies in no time s2 is still so fucking funny that i’d put it as a strong contender for anime of the season for me. i feel like we’re seeing a lot more of fukuma this season which is fantastic because the bits about ronaldo’s writing career are so incredibly relatable lmao
like where can i get a fukuma-san fr
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persefoneshalott · 2 years
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2 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
WHEN does the police find out who did the hit-and-run? I thought it was implied that they knew ever since they found his mom dead, but I'm rewatching to check and since they reveal it later on I guess it's possible that they knew post-funeral? But having the recording and all wouldn't they had found out right away?
Then finding out later would make more sense as to why they don't expect hyungsoo to turn on them, because they wouldn't done the association of 'his mom gets killed out of nowhere and then the gang of this guy he's trying to infiltrate happen to pay for his funeral and those two seem connected' BUT when I watched it yesterday I did took from the scene that they knew from the beginning??? Am I wrong?
also WAIT do the police know that he has told jaeho that he's a cop
I didn't think so but??????
2 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Mona Vanderwaal and Cheryl Blossom for Character Bingo!! ;)
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(Mona Vanderwaal my girlll <3 )
it might be bc I interacted with so few people in this fandom but I feel like most content I saw about her fit how I saw her pretty well so <3
Only reason she doesn't get the "they've never done anything wrong in their life" is that I remember some 'the liars should be nicer to her' comments but don't get me wrong I think she's neat and should get to do all the crimes she wants <3 also I'm stretching it with the 'done dirty' but the fact that they kept giving her boyfriends in the show... W h y. There was so many vandermarin, monison and spona (even monaria if they had played mona and mike dating right) material to work with pls.
See the full post
3 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
watching korean money heist and comparing it to og money heist under the cut
One of the first things I noticed is how it seems to be a lot more group focused, a lot more group scenes rather than having so much focus on tokyo and having all of them be separate? and how it seems the robbers like each other more as like, friends??? I've seen people say their characters are flatter and I agree but on the upside of that, Berlin is not a creep and Tokyo is a lot more likable so. I do miss og Nairobi and Moscu (and Denver, though korean Denver is very cute) because they were very very charming and rootable whereas I feel less attached to them (the Denver x Moscu dynamic is not hitting as hard for me as well?? it's hard to out-endear Paco Tous). Again, I think it's a mixture of the plot going faster and the downside of having more group scenes, because that means the individual relationships like Moscú and Denver or even the fun silly Nairobi and Mr Torres dynamic suffer :(
I don't know if this is a censorship thing or a choice that they made for this remake but there seems to be a lot less sex scenes or stuff related to sex which on the one hand, Berlin's rapist whole storyline doesn't happen as I mentioned which is nice, and it's less... annoyingly straight in some ways bc of this where in the og it was constant straight horny people (and being a bit homophobic as a joke, I don't the forget nairobi x tokyo dumb scene ) hvjcvhdkjsh BUT it is lessening the chemistry between Mónica and Denver on the downside and I don't know how to feel about korean Arturo just accusing korean Mónica of cheating before they get together? It felt more cathartic to have Mónica and Denver get together and then Arturo see it and seethe over it after what an asshole he'd been to her? (HOWEVER this might happen later, that and my favorite monica x denver scene bc it's on the ending of s1 which they haven't gotten to plotwise yet ! ) tbh korean Arturo is like... too much of a bad guy?? like I think spanish Arturo was a cowardly asshole in a way that felt realistic and you could see him still think he's a good person, but korean Arturo is a full blown super villain who fully gives her up not caring if she gets murdered and immediately thinks she's having sex with the robber and calls her a traitor and later tries to hit her. he doesn't seem like a real person. Another thing I'm very curious about is them dropping the abortion and then pregnancy storyline completely and having korean Mónica not be pregnant at all. I don't know why they changed that?? I guess it's not really important, I was never invested on the baby thing but it's just a strange change.
I'm very intrigued about it being set on a future where North Korea and South Korea have joined and whether they're going to go somewhere with that? because of course the whole Bella Ciao and professor's grandfather thing won't be a thing.
Another upside I forgot is that the ambassador's daughter is very cool and competent? I don't dislike og Allison per se, I think she gets a bit lost in the storyline at some point but I liked her evolution and I liked her scene with Nairobi, but it's interesting that this one is so competent and hasn't gotten in trouble at all so far. (she has now, as of ep finale but she's still. different)
Also korean denver is a baby, a himbo, a softie, even more so than og. Not complaining about that part at all. ( I love og denver as well though )
All in all I'm enjoying the show and am interested in it but I don't think the very emotional scenes that hit me hardest in the og will hit me (not just bc I know they'll happen). A fun watch though ! And generally the robbers are more likable and more like a cute found family. And korean Tokyo is my wife < 3333 she's so cute and is cold without being a complete asshole which is nice ! hoping for some bonding between her and nairobi in the future (this has now happened a bit nairobi x tokyo let's goo)
4 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ramble about kevin mcclain american vandal s2
the thing is Kevin LIES constantly. Dylan in s1 knows he's innocent but isn't believed by a lot of people, being doubted by peter at some point and with him the audience. But kevin KNOWS that he did it and yet encourages Peter & Sam to suspect in other people and keeps lying about being innocent until the truth leaks out. And we never get his pov of it, really, we only get his narration after he's already lied A TON. I think probably him lying started in part because he didn't want to disappoint Chloe after she was trying to help him and reached out after them having distanced in the past, but he's also a bit resistant to trusting her and reconnecting with her again at the beginning, I think because he felt angry and betrayed by her and with that comes the second part of why he lied, which to me is that he ultimately didn't regret what he did THAT much, not enough to be punished for it. And then when it seems like other people might take the blame for it, he goes with it.
And the people who are being suspected are the people that Grayson WANTS to take the blame, with DeMarcus acting as a substitute for the knight dude for him. And not only does Kevin go with that but he misjudges DeMarcus in the same way that Grayson does, he makes comment about him being a dumb jock and both him & chloe see him as this 'untouchable' person who can get away with anything because of his popularity. which is the exact reason why grayson wants him framed (an assumption, but that seemed like his original plan).
And THEN when drew gets framed in his place, someone who we don't think he has any problem with, he still lets that happen (and Grayson never gives kevin up or leaks their messages which *eyes emoji* is just INTERESTING why would he be so loyal to kevin but that's another story). This is the LAST EPISODE and kevin is still going with the 'I am innocent : ( I've been framed' act.
so when the time comes for Kevin to tell the 'truth' about Brooke I am VERY skeptical lmao because his story sounds very fake and he gives such a non reaction to being told grayson was behind it all. Also, this is another thing that was probably not intended by the writers, but the fact that they wrote him as so obviously gay is another thing that makes the 'I did it to impress Brooke' seem fake to me. I think, considering the condoms is one of the only stuff we have proof of (he did buy SOMETHING), he might've thought he liked her, but I don't buy that he didn't know brooke wasn't brooke after her last text, and that he didn't think back on all those familiar conversations with this person and connected some dots. (also we don't know that they didn't meet in person after *puts conspiracy glasses on*!) He even SAYS 'this girl that I had fallen in love with had never existed', and 'Brooke' tells him that she's a fake ('you're full of shit just like me') SO HOW DOES 'I was trying to impress her' MAKE SENSE. it doesn't.
but anyway I just think it's so interesting and I find what we know of his dynamic with grayson so fascinating, because they're childhood friends before, and he's the only one who grayson didn't get pics from, the only one who wasn't blackmailed because they both agreed on the plan. And grayson could've given him up at any moment, specially with the documentary happening, and he does not, even when he's arrested, even when he leaks everyone elses' part on the plot, he leaves Kevin alone, frames drew so the four acts match four people, and wipes his phone and laptop!! (of course to try and lessen his sentence, but if that had worked, that'd have left no evidence of kevin's involvement as well)
so all in all Kevin is a liar who lies and I love him and I love that dark side of his character that doesn't really get explored in the show and I like to think he's being an unreliable narrator until the end (: and idc if the writers intended him to seem genuine and want me to take what he says in finale at face value, I'm going watsonian and trying to make it make sense for the character, and it doesn't to me if he IS being fully honest.
I'm not saying he's a supervillain or anything to be clear lol, he's just flawed and I do think he didn't enjoy seeing the brown out happened. But again, there's feeling bad and there's feeling bad enough to accept punishment for it. and I find it very funny that he spends the whole season being like uwu I'm innocent I've been framed knowing full well he has not. He even admits 'it was thrilling' to fill the lemonade it but peter buys the 'he fell in love and was trying to impress a girl' story which. even if true. that's still his revenge fantasy. that they both joked about. this isn't him going after people who he has no trouble with bc he's being influenced. but no one ever doubts it! (and again, I'm not saying he wasn't manipulated bc he was for sure, but more in a veronica from heathers the movie way where it's all very ambiguous )
10 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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knowlessman · 6 months
okay, if every episode is 20-odd minutes, then I should have about 2 hours and change left of this arc. …I'm gonna end up making it at least 4 aren't I. bnha s6e20-25
"My Villain Academia." "okay class, say hi to Mr Rotten, he'll be subbing in for this one" saxophones start up
I remember hearing about a song from this show called You Say Run. …Was that one of the other openings? …shit, looks like it was and I didn't even notice. plays song I… don't really recognize it? : / Like, it's good, just… generic. Maybe it's been playing throughout the show whenever stuff gets real and I just kind of didn't take notice of it cuz it seems to be an instrumental.
Merry-Go-Round does go pretty hard tho
don't you have hedgehogs to plot against?
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Tomura: "I'll burn it all down. The most beautiful horizon you've ever seen!" Toga: "except for Deku, right?" Tomura, prolly already killing her in his mind: "of cooourse"
okay so that weird duck-dog thing controls the puke-teleport quirk ig
"his body gets bigger during combat. he attacks every three hours. he finds shigaraki no matter where he hides" okay so, you get a million dollars, but there's this giant snail…
"a voice changer?" I mean, the principal of UA is a capybara or whatnot, why couldn't Twice's contact be a chipmunk?
Tomura: "You're right, Meta Liberation Army, I can't beat you." pointing over his shoulder at All for One's number one fan "But he can."
ah, it's not the little red book of commulism. it's the little red book of libertarianism.
buh? oh right, I forgot about Captain A-Pose 'XD guess it makes sense that a guy who looks so much like Mr Incredible would be a libertarian. : /
"they won't release the nomus. you don't have any; the last ones you had were weak; and you tried to get the last one you released back." Mr Green here making lots of assumptions. eh, or maybe he's just saying stuff hoping the hostage will accidentally tell him something
(toga's villain origin) so, yeah, more or less what you'd expect
oh, yeah, I guess we have seen this Giran guy before. dint recognize him without his glasses and cigarette
"I've been trying not to get hurt because I was worried that I was a clone!" huh. twice dun oops'd himself into a breakthrough. good for him, I guess? -- "so as I pray… Unlimited Shadow Clone Works" -- "what about your trauma?" "love and courage fixed everything!" 'XD love, courage, and crucially, the opponent accidentally unlocking your power because he didn't fully understand why you weren't using it
oh yeah, and Spinner's here too. completely forgot about him. …and about whether he even has a quirk.
♪ they were looking kind of dumb with their fingers and their thumbs in the shape of an L on their foreheads… ♪ (been thinking this since the first time Mr Green did it)
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"show the world that everyone is a hero, and no one is!" ohai syndrome, you got a very different gameplan this time around. heck, OG syndrome thought he was a commulist.
"I'm sure he will touch the tower. It's what I would do." …Twice's clones of other people can not only think, but know themselves well enough to predict what their originators will do. Twice makes smart zombies, like in Return of the Living Dead. Kinda hated that movie tbph; the zombies were OP. …Twice is OP, but in the cool way where you can still write a story around him. -- This also means that Twice is even more of a horror story than I thought; not only did he think he might be a clone, but the clones that he does make are entire people. It's like that one arc of Schlock Mercenary. … : / Or Mr Meeseeks I guess.
somebody skipped… uh, head day? okay, not so sure about that one tbh
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-- yeah this… okay no I did forget his name completely. Mr Green, then, has been reminding me of Mosquito from Soul Eater with the suit and the limb embiggening -- and the nose, come to think of it
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"that means you have big guts!"
"re-destro! it's coming your way!" 'XD I completely forgot about godzilla. on the one hand, it's starting to look like they won't need him, but on the other, they also might be able to handle him now, since the Liberation Army keep accidentally powering them up
full pants? and they're PINSTRIPED? dude, Bruce Banner and Ben Grimm are BOTH laughing at your fit
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(tenko villain origin) …well I guess this is easier to understand than Stain's gibberish, at least. oh joy, and there's a part 2. part 1 had him killing his dog, let's see if this gets darker than that
aye, bystander effect.
the sheer… accidental appropriateness of that episode being followed up by the OP coming in with "whoa, whoa, it's alright, everything will be alright" 'XD
(pajama sam's the new president of liberty city) …yup. absolutes about freedom tend to just become the freedom to oppress. the strong/rich get more freedom than anyone else, which in practice means they're the only ones who get any at all. -- "these nine people are my lieutenants. other than that, we do what we want!" no rules, but there's a chain of command, but no rules. -- also hang on, I thought Tomura said he'd split up the League after that fight during his epiphany? he said "after this, the rest of the League can do what they want"?
"Feel Good Inc"? Feel Good Inc? "Now watch me as I navigate, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"
I must be hella shallow, Laserguts can turn his lasers into a sword now and I'm like "okay, maybe I could get to like him" 'XD yeah tho, gawd this random feelgood stuff with the UA kids is needed after all that heavy shit
"I never thought I'd be able to talk… normally? With Kacchan" Have better goals Deku, jesus. …The whole entire rest of this mess, well okay most of it, is stuff that more or less makes sense. Why is Bakugo? WHY is he?
"Tsukauchi wants you to postpone your meeting with Stain" !!!??? I thought the fucker was dead! …Gawddammit, I didn't want another chance to attempt parsing whatevertf his whole deal was. 'XD
"We all have an expeditionary assignment on the same day?" is it another tournament arc
…exactly. four. hours. maybe like ten minutes short of it. …well, que sera or whatever.
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redrose-arrow · 2 years
maybe some more modern headcanons but about the older generation ( you know halt pauline arald duncan etc)
headcanons about underappreciated characters???? YES PLEASE
Crowley did some digging, found out about Halt's past and baited him into telling him. he then convinced Halt to tell Duncan and Arald, if only for the sake of convience, since you never know what happens.
Pauline didn't need to be told. soon after Duncan's coronation, she toured neighbouring countries in his name, to establish good diplomatic relations. one step into Dun Kilty's throne room and she knew. so when Halt sat her down to tell her, she smiled and said she knew. it was a huge relief to Halt that he didn't have to put so many words to his story, and it was the beginning of them >finishing each other's sentences<, if that makes sense.
together, Crowley and Duncan visited Rosalind's grave.
setting up a ward was something Arald and Sandra had already been talking about since they'd been married a few years with no children. the war was, ironically, a perfect excuse to finally turn their plans into reality.
Rodney is absolutely terrible with kids under the age of 13 and for that reason is not even allowed near the ward.
for several years into Cassandra's childhood, Duncan is still struggling with the loss of Rosalind. he tries not to be around Cassandra when he's having a bad day, but that's hard, and he slips up once or twice. thankfully, Crowley gets really good at reading him and helps out whenever he can.
Halt and Arald soon find out where Gilan got his talent for moving unseen because where tf did David just come from and why did neither of them notice him approaching in a room full of people???
rip i literally only just now realised it said "modern headcanons", so here come those ig
out of the entire OG gang, Duncan is the worst with technology, and Crowley's the best.
Pauline. gets. breastcancer. and the entire gang takes turns taking her to the hospital.
Pauline is the only one with a PhD and she's a icon legend queen.
my brain once suggested Pauline being muslim and i never forgot.
Rodney specialises in domestic terrorism.
David has so many medals on his chest it's ridiculous (and admirable, of course)
Arald and Sandra don't have a full-on orphanage, but are foster parents to teens, mostly. like, when there's kids who only have a couple of years or less left in the system, they stay with Arald and Sandra, who help them get set up for adulthood.
Sandra was offered a morning talkshow but declined.
Duncan, as most male royals, had to serve in the military for a few years. that's where he met and became friends with David.
Halt has a fake driver's license and it takes years for Crowley to find out, somehow.
Arald doesn't have a driver's license and refuses to get one for reasons only Sandra knows.
Sandra dresses like a 50s housewife and looks absolutely amazing.
Duncan really wanted to personally fund a zoo, or actually, their expansion to offer more space to their animals. no one understood why, until they realised the expansion was originally intended for the leopard's home.
Duncan has several denim jackets that he looks lowkey cool in, though his daughter would rather die before admitting that.
Halt refuses to wear a tie with his bottom-up. absolutely refuses. like Cassie, would rather die.
Crowley unironically and unapologetically has a pumpkin spice latte addiction. Halt disapproves of most Starbucks drinks.
Duncan unironically favours Dunkin Donuts above all else. it's where he and Arald go for most of their coffee breaks.
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
Isn't awful that the Duke and his family from death is the only ending are so protective over the FL and actually listen to her whereas the real Penelope was treated as a scapegoat and deserving of the abuse because she was immature and irrational. Like what's up with that
And isn't it so sad and depressing that no one realised that og Penelope turned into a completely different person overnight. Like damn! Did you not care about her that much??😳
And I honestly thought it was so weird when Derrick was like "l loved you the moment i saw you🥺" to Penelope when she was 12 but he never even realised that she was a different person
Just asking.
Manhwa logic. Everyone has to love MC even if she was reincarnated as a villainess. Their behaviour doesn’t make much sense honestly. Og Penelope couldn’t even dream of doing half of the things our Penelope did simply because she would have immediately gotten killed for her insolence.
*spoilers (?)*
I read somewhere that Callisto wasn’t brainwashed and knew Ivonne was evil but killed Penelope regardless, because he found her annoying. That’s the worst. Apparently the spoiler is wrong? I still think that making him the male lead was a mistake when Iklies was such a promising canidate. Why would I cheer for an imperialist who enslaved a country and killed an innocent girl in the most gruesome ways when we have Iklies who felt pity for her despite being brainwashed by Ivonne. People love revenge stories about an underdog getting back at the people who wronged him, we could have gone this route but nooo it had to be the blonde CP who killed her the most in her previous lives.
When I first started reading the manhwa I thought Penelope and her family from her previous life got reincarnated as well since her situation to og! Penny was eerily similar. This would’ve explained why people didn’t notice a major change in personality. But since this theory has been disproven I question how much Derrick an Penelope interacted on a daily basis. It’s possible that he knew neither og! Penelope nor our! Penelope and was just projecting on her. Or his type in woman is “abuse victim” (I remember someone was joking about Derrick being a repressed sadist once).
I suspect the “I never considered you as my sister. I loved you since I met you” is done in attempt to make it less weird but usually it comes off as creepy because some authors don’t care about the timeline..
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