#it makes me not want to answer you period and simply just delete all the asks you've sent me.
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
thebekashow · 11 months ago
Bob is growth into a giant! now this is what you trying to do bob!
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(fine i'll humor you. but please stop asking about this.)
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okay-computer · 3 months ago
Okay-Computer Relaunch
I am reactivating this blog. Rather than having individual weekly posts sortable by computer type with screenshots of each computer for sale, I am simply going to make one weekly post listing each of the following:
1 New Desktop
1 New Laptop
1 Refurbished Desktop
1 Refurbished Laptop
The posts will have a description of each item with the specifications and a link to where you can find the computer for sale. None of these are going to be affiliate links, and I will not be linking to Amazon.
If you're wondering why I'm qualified to do this, it's because I am the entire procurement department for a small MSP and I've been buying anywhere between five and three hundred computers a week since 2011. This blog is an application of my professional expertise.
You can see posts with recommendations by clicking here.
I will answer asks to this blog once a week, any asks that I don't answer that week will be deleted. Do not send me time-sensitive asks. I will not answer all asks. If I haven't answered your ask, feel free to re-send; I'm not mad I just get a lot of asks.
If you want me to tell you if a computer you're looking at is a good deal, send me an ask (add spaces after the periods to break up the URL) and I'll give it a look (subject to the same rules as the other asks).
This is a US-based blog and I'm familiar with US-based pricing; unfortunately I probably can't help you with pricing outside of the US.
I don't know anything about gaming computers, I will not give advice on gaming computers.
If you want to know why the recommended computers are so low on storage, check out this post.
If you want my general guidelines on computer buying in case there isn't a recent link, here are the specs that I keep updated on my Wiki.
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certifiedsexed · 5 months ago
hi :) i asked about um.. pregnancy signs! I'm just resending my ask in case it got deleted in ur blog blipping away
In short: I've been told signs of pregnancy such as sickness will show up pretty fast after a sexual encounter if you are indeed pregnant? like in the days following, is that real? I am currently on the pill and active, and my gp recently forced me into a blood pregnancy test without even telling me and its now making me a bit.. pregnancy paranoid... i plan to get my tubes tied when i can but it is sadly not the focus of my life rn... would it be better to ask my partner to use condoms to be sure sure sure nothing happens or is the pill good in itself??? I never had any problems with it at all so .. yea :(
Hi! Yes, I legit answered that but I think it got deleted by tumblr, tysm for resending!! 💚
That's not real! Often, missing a period is the first sign many pregnant people notice, which can be quite a bit after you've gotten pregnant and some people don't experience any early symptoms at all! [Article about pregnancy symptoms here, if you're interested.]
I can understand how that would make you paranoid! I'm sorry your doctor did that, it's very wrong for them to have forced you into tests you didn't consent to.
As for the pill, it lowers risk of pregnancy but it doesn't guarantee it can't happen. Especially if you're regularly having sex that can get you pregnant without a condom, there is a risk!
If you don't want to take that risk [or, y'know, just want to make it lower], you're very much within your rights to simply ask your partners to use a condom if you're having sex that could cause pregnancy. But that's definitely your choice.
[Though if you're not regularly having sex that can actually result in pregnancy, like if you're doing fingering, oral sex, anal sex, ect, the risk is much lower already!]
I hope this helps! Lemme know. <3
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seraphimankh · 2 months ago
Alright this is going to be a very long post, but I’m going to make it here because I have to place down some ✨boundaries✨ because y’all can’t seem to behave on this damn app.
Last night was not okay. Period. I hope you all know that I do this for fun. I work 8 hours a day, and when I get home and want to have fun here. And when I get messages harassing me because of many things, it takes the fun out of it and makes me absolutely not want to be here.
I do apologize if I sound defensive and mean. I have a very hard time reading tone through text, so sometimes I can’t tell if you’re joking with me or being absolutely genuine. I’ve had a really bad history of harassment on here so I really take no shit when it comes rudeness.
That being said we’re gonna have some discussion about things that were said last night.
1. Asks. Anon will not be on until further notice. It seems because you can hide yourself you can come in and yell at me, be rude, etc. Nope not anymore. If I do not answer your ask immediately it could be many different things. I could want to draw something in response so it might take a bit, I could be at work, I could not have the right response at the moment and need to think about it, or I just don’t want to answer. I am not entitled to reply. I am only human, and I don’t know why some of you don’t have the empathy to think that, and send things that make me upset.
2. The Story. I’m sorry, but in the ao3 tags it does say ‘retelling’ aka a retelling of the Wizard of Oz in MY own way. It’s not anything new, so if you’re upset that I might have it end the same way the movie/the musical/ the book ends, then maybe this fic isn’t for you. I made this because I wanted to share my own twist on things, and don’t get me wrong I love each and every comment. It makes my day, but at the end of the day it’s my writing. It’s my choices. And if you don’t like it, simply don’t read. I’ve backed out on many good fics just because I didn’t like certain aspects. Doesn’t mean they’re suddenly terrible. It’s just not my cup of tea.
3. Characters. Certain characters will have certain endings. It’s really sad when I say I only have 3 chapters left of this fic and everyone already thinks they know the characters fate. I had a plan, a tentative one to make a sequel where everything is new and doesn’t go by the formula of the the movie, but at this rate if you all just want to yell and whine at me because things don’t go the way you want them to, I probably won’t write it. That being said, if a characters fate goes one way, let it be. It’s fiction. Not real. I have this happen for a reason, and arguing with me won’t change it. It will just frustrate me. So please respect that.
That’s pretty much all I can think to say. Just remember to be kind here. I’m a person, not a machine who just pumps out writing. I’m not getting paid to do this, I am doing this for fun and want to HAVE fun on here. I won’t delete this blog but if it ever gets like that again, I might.
My mental health is far more important than some silly blog on here that was meant to just post my art and talk about things that I love.
I appreciate all the nice comments and replies being said, and I hope everyone does have a good day. I’m sorry I had to put the adult pants on, but things really needed to be said here.
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feelingsstorm · 7 months ago
Well, I never thought I would write something like this again on this blog, and there will be many who are not interested or care about this, but I write it for my conscience.
I opened this account many many years ago, in another life it seems, when I was very young, innocent, and broken, probably if you go down far enough you will find old posts of mine, despite having deleted several, it was a blog that I did not use much, more than anything I used it to vent and feel accompanied in my depression.
Nowadays, despite having worked hard on myself, some days are very difficult anyway, I turned my content to something "more sexual" because in some way it helps me, and it always has, even in my worst moments, I resorted to porn and masturbating to help me, it may not make much sense to some, but it does to me.
That being said, I am a grown woman today, doing the best I can, bad days and all, I try to put all the will I have into it to go forward. For starters, at least I don't hate myself constantly anymore, I've learned to love myself in spirit and in the way I look, and I work really hard for that, I'm a real person. Having gone through such a bad time in my life, I never judged or treated someone badly for their physique and I plan to not start now, if I'm not interested or attracted to them I let it go and that's it, so in that sense, I don't understand the need to comment negatively about me 😒.
I am aware of how I look, I have a mirror in my house, I'm not a model or the stereotype of a woman or a porn actress, I'm real, and I'm a great woman. And it's not an ego thing, I know how to fuck, I know how to please and I know how to make people feel good in sex, that's real and better than any false promise made online. So I'm not going to allow some random guy to come and downgrade me just because he doesn't see what he wants on my blog. Clearly, I can't upload porn videos because they'll close my account and also, why would I do it for free? I've never charged for any of this, I've done it because I like it, but believe it or not, I don't live to please others, I please myself, I'm the only one who counts, you guys have a ton of free content of all kinds at your fingertips but the problem is me? That I don't show enough? Get a life...
Finally I add, despite what I publish do not forget that behind all the facade this is what there is, it's a person, I don't appreciate bad comments or childishness from anyone, I like to talk about life as well as sexual things but always with respect, clearly I am not glued to the phone 24/7 because I have a life outside of this, I answer when I can and sometimes I don't succeed in being the sexy woman, because I'm simply tired.
I also understand that everything here is temporary, we all look to escape for a while and share a few things to pass the time, but it doesn't mean we can't talk and share for more than 5 minutes. I'm not a porn page nor do I live at your disposal, I don't send photos, because I do not want to do it for you, if I do it has to be because I wanted to, period.
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sophia-sol · 3 months ago
whoops I drafted this for crossposting but then never got round to it - just discovered the draft while cleaning up some files!
two question/answer memes* I did over on mastodon! reposting here so you can see my answers too :)
*shipping meme and fic-writing meme.
Shipping meme
1. three shipping tropes I love:
bodyswap, fake dating/marriage, sex pollen/fuck or die, inter-species communication, timeloop, whoops that's five but I'm not deleting any!
2. three shipping tropes I don't love:
soulmates, omegaverse, royalty au (I usually see that in the context of shipping so I think it still counts as a shipping trope!)
3. One emotional aspect of a ship that always gets you:
when you can tell how much they know each other on a deep level, and nothing they see of the other's full self puts them off!
OR when they're so different that there's no hope of them ever managing true and full understanding but they care about each other so much that they try anyway
4. One physical aspect of a ship that always gets you:
I'm fairly far in the direction of aphantasia; I simply do not picture my ships having physical existences because I can't picture them period!
anyway what I want my ships to have physically is for them to have the things that those characters in specific would be super into
5. Multiship or Monoship?
you can convince me of nearly any ship! me shipping one thing by no means stops me from simultaneously being into like five other ships that conflict with the first one. each ship has different dynamics to explore and it's fun to spend time thinking about all of them!
6. Rare pairs or Mainstream?
both! ship all the things!! I often start in one of a fandom's bigger ships because it's what's there to dive into, but over time I start hungering for variety and investigate all the possibilities
7. Polyamory or Monogamy?
either, both, whatever makes sense for the characters and ships in question!
8. If the ship is physical, reversible or not?
truly not something I have strong feelings about in any particular direction, shrug
9. Do you always have romantic ships for fandoms?
honestly…..almost any characters I'm into romantically shipping, I would also be into platonically shipping, unless that would be wildly out of character for them. I just want them to have intense feelings about each other! the specifics of those feelings are less important.
10. How important is the sexual part (if any) of your ship?
not a big deal to me! unless it is obvious from canon that sex is important to these characters, in which case, it's important to me because it's part of writing them in-character
11. Opinion on platonic ships?
love em! I like stories about people's relationships with other people, whatever shapes those relationships takes
12. List 3 ships you currently love:
I love so many it's ridiculous. I am into the major ships of all my current fandoms as well as plenty of other ships, but let me name three rare ones I like, just for fun:
jin guangyao/su she
ling wen/shi qingxuan
ning yingying/liu mingyan
13. List 5 OTPs from past fandoms:
chosen somewhat at random from the vast numbers I could pull out of my fandoms of yore!
14. Opinion on the importance of marriage?
not something I have any particular attachment to for my ships, one way or another. if it's something the characters would place high importance on, then that's great, but it's not something I feel any need to lead characters in the direction of if they're not already going there themselves
15. Opinion on OC kids?
I'm not personally into kidfic or other narratives that are inherently focused on themes of reproduction, pregnancy, parenthood, or the wonders of children/childhood/babies. OC kids are particularly likely to be props in a story that's about those themes, so they're a flag that a fic is likely not going to be for me!
fic writing meme
1. Fave genre to write:
I find it the most fun to write humour, I think, but I don't actually do it very often; only the occasional fic idea I want to write actually lends itself to being humour. I think a lot of my fics are…..idk, literary fiction that happens to be in an sff setting? focusing on style, character, relationships, and theme.
2. Preferred tense and pov:
strong preference for past tense as my default, but present tense can sometimes be useful for certain effects - I just don't like to use it unless I have good reason to!
for pov I like to mix it up, because different ones can serve different purposes. first, second, and third, but also within third doing either limited or omniscient. I like experimenting with the different things you can achieve with pov! fandom house style is limited third so I do default to that, but I think I have written fics in all the possible varieties of pov!
3. Tag you've used most:
Post-canon, with 5 uses out of 60 works on my ao3. You can tell I don't tag profligately - I mostly use tags as a way to tell readers who see the fic what kind of fic it is, rather than trying to draw in more eyes by having my fic show up in every possible relevant tag. I'm just not that interested in that style of marketing for myself I guess, for better or for worse!
4. What inspires you to write:
A number of intersecting factors! it's fun and interesting creative work, it's a way to engage with thinking about the fandoms and characters I love in a more structured way that lets me dig deeper, it's a way of regularly connecting with my cheerleader verity, it feels good to finish a thing and post it online for accolades, it's a way of connecting with others in fandom and being excited about our shared fandom together, and probably more!
you'll note that none of this is the type of "I am just driven to write" or "I have so many ideas I simply have to get out" that I often see from people who identify as writers. I don't think I'm an obligate writer, but it is a hobby that brings me lots of joy and pleasure regardless, and I love having it in my repertoire of hobbies!
5. One line from a current WIP:
you're getting three whole paragraphs! :D
Bored and suspicious, Luo Binghe glanced through the memorial he held, ignoring the watchful attention of those around him. His reading skills were developed under the neglectful tutelage of a sect who did not appreciate the potential of the student whom fate had given them. Five subsequent years in the Endless Abyss provided few opportunities for practice. Luo Binghe was a slow reader, ashamed of it, and angry at being so ashamed. This added to the forbidding impression he gave to the anxious northern official. After looking at the paper in his hands for long enough only to take in a few phrases here and there, Luo Binghe's eyes snapped up again, glittering and dangerous. The memorial said something about a mating season, he thought. The location of the ritual seemed to be the problem at hand. Tedious business to a ruler who was used to focusing on duels and battles and power struggles, and vital in the working life of a career bureaucrat. “Why are you bothering me with this?” Luo Binghe asked, his voice soft.
6. Trope you want to write:
It's unconscionable that I have not yet written any time loop or time travel shenanigans in my entire decades-long fandom career
7. Favourite character to write
I like to mix it up, I would get bored writing the same character(s) regularly, but I do keep coming back to shen qingqiu of late - I think because the disconnect between his self-perception and his actions is enormously fun
8. How you choose your titles:
mostly: sighing, despairing, looking through the fic to see if there's a short phrase I can use that's thematically relevant, seeing if I can find lyrics I like in a song or poem that's thematically relevant, asking friends for help
9. Describe your writing style:
hmmm a tougher question! I would say - heavy on creating vibes and on interiority, precise and careful about choosing just the right words, and tending over-much towards very long multi-clause sentences. flowy rather than high-tension or rhythmic.
but I might be too close to my writing to describe it accurately! I'd love to hear how others would describe my writing style!
10. A comment you treasure:
one fic I wrote eons ago got a comment from a person who was deeply moved and grateful because they saw themself and a major struggle in their life reflected in my fic in a way they had never seen before. that comment has really stuck with me!
11. Favourite scene you've written:
I am extremely fond of the scene from Habitat, Behaviour where bingqiu transition from peaceful cozy homelike vibes of sqq writing an angry letter to a publisher while lbh brings him more paper and snacks, to a scene that's extremely sexual with sqq in lbh's lap while lbh hand-feeds him and escalates from there, and sqq has no idea how or why this counts as sex because lbh's pillar isn't involved at all. meanwhile lbh is sobbing into sqq's neck over how amazing it is. (sqq loves it too.)
I am really proud of the physicality I managed in this scene, the groundedness in sensation and tangible presence of things, as well as the conveyance of what sqq is actually feeling vs what you hear of his thoughts from his close pov!
12. Fic that best represents you:
hmmmm, probably Artifice and Affectation. from the pov of a secondary character who's not a man and who doesn't get much fandom attention, gen with ambiguously shippy vibes, About Gender thematically but not explicitly, interested in interrogating structures of power, doesn't actually have a plot.
13. A fun fact about a fic you wrote:
do I even have any fun facts? if I haven't written it down somewhere I've probably forgotten it!
goes to check my old fic notes
oh ok! so while I was writing precious treasure I was very aware of what I felt was needed from each side of the foursome to turn them into a viable ship from the state they start the fic at, so these were the things I had to be sure to make happen.
sqh needs: to be able to complain at lbh without being nervous of how he'll respond
lbh needs: to feel like he could be fussed over in a caretaking way by sqh
mbj needs: to find something in lbh that he can respect
sqq needs: nothing, he's soooo gay for everyone in pidw plus the creator of pidw, he's easy to get on board
14. How you handle writer's block:
I put the fic aside for the day and come back the next day. if I keep on not coming back to it, I try to think about whether there's something I feel unsure of in terms of where the fic is trying to go, and I either think it through on my own or talk it through with a friend, to get myself unstuck. if that doesn't feel like it's what's going on, I just accept that there are factors in my life that make writing harder for the time being and I let it go, because trying to force writing when it doesn't want to happen doesn't give me what I want out of this hobby!
15. Hardest thing for you to write:
in the past I would have said dialogue but I think I have really levelled up on that! I suppose now what I find hardest is plot. I'm working on it though!
16. Dialogue you loved writing:
every single line from the aquarium hobbyist discord fic!!! so much fun, and rereading it now, I still think I'm very funny :D
17. Your planning process:
Not a huge amount of pre-planning, usually! once I have the general concept of the fic, I dive into writing, and discover as I go whether more planning is needed. Sometimes I keep an outline of the fic in a separate doc as I write - a retroactive outline, showing what I've done so I can see what structure I'm creating. Sometimes I talk through the concept with a friend to figure out what I'm actually interested in exploring with the concept. Sometimes I get partway in and realize I don't know where I'm going and need to do some brainstorming on that front. But sometimes the concept is all the planning I need and I just….write.
I do usually end up having a notes document for any fic that's longer than 1-2 k words though, with little thoughts to remind myself about what my intentions are for the fic, or noting things I want to keep in mind as I write, and that doc gets added to and altered as I go. But the kinds of notes I keep in there vary fic by fic!
18. Your editing process:
I do a fair amount of editing as I go, both editing the bit I'm writing as I write it, and semi-regularly going back to the already-written parts of the fic to tweak when I have more distance from what I wrote and more sense of where the fic is going. When I'm done a draft I give the whole thing another read, fixing anything that stands out to me, then I send it to beta. I do another round of editing based on my beta's comments, and then I consider the fic done and I post it!
19. Your favourite writing tip:
(caveat: not all advice is right for everyone, ignore if not right for you!)
it's been big for me to have a cheerleader! a friend to send snippets of fic to as I write it, who will say encouraging things!
some reasons:
I get accountability, because they're expecting fic updates, so I don't get as caught up in the executive dysfunction failure to initiate task
I maintain a sense of perspective, that my fic is good and worth continuing to work on
Praise as a form of critique is under-valued! Having someone react excitedly to my writing as I go tells me which things I'm doing well and encourages me to do more of that! It can help me see things in my writing that I wouldn't have seen without that outside perspective! It motivates me to hone skills to do more of that better and on purpose!
I have a friend who is invested in my story to talk things through with when I run into issues!
A++++ would recommend.
20. Your current writing goals:
keep having fun writing :)
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alilarew23 · 1 year ago
Okay first of all your page is amazing! I feel so comforted and safe here 😭 okay so since October is coming up, I want to manifest my desire the right way and just be tunnel vision. I do not wanna keep living in my same shitty reality when I know I can experience something different. So I want to manifest the lifa app, if you were me how would you manifest this? All I’m doing right now is whenever I think about I tell myself with conviction “I already have the lifa app became I’m God. it is done” and then I move on and watch my tv shows so I won’t think about my desire all day and when I doubt/worry I tell myself “would God worry about this? I already have it because I said so” I just want to make sure I’m doing it right because I’m deleting Tumblr and wanna focus on fulfilling myself. I can be hard on myself and considered myself as a failure bc I couldn’t manifest things that I actually wanted 🫠 a&p really traumatized me as if I was always doing something wrong but I CAN do this and it will all be worth it in the end when I’m living my dream life. Thank you for reading this, it’s kinda long lol 🫶🏻
it means so much to me that you’re here and that you feel safe and comforted. that’s what matters most to me in cultivating community, online and IRL, so thank you for telling me. 🥰 first off, you’re not alone - a&p wasn’t for me either. i know it’s great for some people, but for me, everything in my body kept saying, “this is not who I AM” when i focused on my desires 24/7. it felt like a complete abandonment of self, like i was putting all my energy on getting something in the physical world despite genuinely believing i already had it, or at least that, somehow, some way, it was all already done in my favor. i would go from listening to my intuition and knowing it was done to feeling like i was doing something wrong because it seemed like everyone else was putting in effort to get their desires—and succeeding—so shouldn’t i be doing the same? but then i would keep coming back to the question: if i truly believed i already had this—and i do—would i be putting in ANY effort to get it? (aside from taking inspired action, which is never a byproduct of any mental, manifestation-related acrobatics lol). and the answer was always no. i’d simply be focused on being the best, most loving, present, joyful, badass version of myself while trusting everything was already taken care of. it was only when i truly surrendered to that—to my deep, internal knowing, to my intuition—that things starting shifting rapidly—and i mean RAPIDLY—in my favor. all of which is to say, i believe it is BELIEF—in self, and in the inevitability of manifesting a desired outcome—that leads to materialization of said desired outcome in the physical realm. it’s not the techniques you do, the words you say, anything other than the feeling (knowing) that it is yours. that it is done. that god said yes. so my question to you is, simply, do you TRULY believe you have already received the lifa app? that, somehow, some way, it is making its way into your physical world right now? or does some part of you still believe you need to do something—affirm, focus on your state, yada yada—to get it? what i hear in reading your post IS genuine conviction, following a period of trauma and exhaustion (shouts to you for not giving up - that right there is proof of a winning mentality). “I know I can experience something different.” “I CAN do this and it will all be worth it in the end when I’m living my dream life.” well, that’s your starting place. and, as we say in the writing world, “in the beginning is the end.” belief in self, in already having received —> self-actualization + receiving. you know your end. you ARE your end. move with faith and conviction.
i believe in you, i love you, and i can’t wait to hear about all your successes.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year ago
babes is back
hello my lovies!!!!!!
i am back!!!! much to your pleasure and simultaneous screaming because yes, if i am back, the fics will be back. and they will be painful.
i thought i’d give you guys a little explanation as to why i kind of randomly stopped coming on tumblr despite my reappearances in december, which were because the lovely @neewtmas had her 12 days of christmas (FIND THAT HERE) and we’re online friends in real life (if that makes any sense at all) and i wanted to support her!!!! my wife!!!!
under the cut below is my little rundown, under a cut simply because i don’t want to take up a million scrolls of your dash if you don’t want to read my reasonings or you are just happy i am back (i luv u)
i have felt terrible since becoming inactive on tumblr since i made so many friends and had so so so many people supporting not only my fanfictions but the edits i also started making, so this is also kind of like my apology to you guys because i went so unexpectedly and without any explanation. so if you want to keep reading, then keep reading!
scary cut. i know. it’s ok. i am here to protect u.
anyways, like i said, my inactivity on tumblr was a completely out of the blue thing that even i didn’t expect. one day, i just found myself unable to go on the app out of pure dread which i had never felt because it was one of my faves.
and not dread because of anything that had happened here per se, just because my life had been becoming a bit of a mess.
that goes way back, but the crux of it was when me and my boyfriend of 4 years (who i had been staying with after my mum moved away) broke up
i won’t get into details about the breakup itself for both my privacy and his (very unique instances caused it), but basically it got worse and worse, and by october time it was getting to a point where i wasn’t feeling right at all. he was messaging me all the time, begging to get back together, the usual, but he was always wanting to come see me at my dads and for SOME REASON felt as though he had some entitlement to meet my new cats aka my little babies. he was saying creepy things to me (that he didn’t mean as creepy) and by november i blocked him.
i wasn’t feeling safe physically, worried i’d see him on my walks home from the shop in a different town that he comes to often to hang out in with his best friend, but also mentally. i wasn’t in a good mental space at all. i was scared. i was confused. he had pushed all of the blame of the breakup onto me. i was working 35 hours a week while being a student (still am) and my brain had no time for anything but work, studying, and worrying.
tumblr isn’t my job, but the pure guilt i felt when i deleted the app hit me like a tonne of bricks. i felt terrible. one of the only things that gave me solace was something i couldn’t bring myself to go on to. i couldn’t bring myself to write the requests i had piling in, ones i still have huge guilt for never getting around to writing. i couldn’t bring myself to keep answering messages or reblogging things because i didn’t have it in me. i didn’t even write at all october-november because i just had nothing in me, which is so so unlike me.
one thing that did keep me going though, was my emails. “eden ew ur job alert emails? ur period tracker app trying to get u onto premium? the emails from the joint account u had with ur ex for his music career that went kasplut?” no silly. maybe the job alerts - my job has too much drama.
no. 15 year old eden logging back into tumblr and setting email notifs on for comments, tags, and inbox was perhaps the smartest thing she did, and she got all A’s in her exams.
every now and then, i’d get a little tumblr notification. one of those “put this in the inbox of one of your favourite blogs blah blah blah” i luv em. can never get myself to do them because of the 13 year old in me screaming to never do chain mail again after carmen winstead and her creepy voicenote. but i love them, and i appreciate every single person who sent me one.
i could see people commenting on my fics, and absolutely loving them. i could see what my mutuals tagged me in, even if i wasn’t able to react to them.
it gave me peace of mind to keep going with my life while still being able to cling onto the happiness this site brings me while not actually accessing it.
i will always be sorry that i left so suddenly, but it was a spur of the moment thing and something i couldn't even explain myself.
i'm back now, but i likely won't be as active as i used to be. i'm prioritising work and my studies as much as i can while still finding time to write. this being said, i can't promise that all requests sent to my inbox/messages will be answered. part of my leaving was being so overwhelmed by them all (and i thank you all for choosing me to requests fics from, it means a lot!) so if your request doesn't get answered, i truly am sorry and it isn't anything personal! maybe I'll get around to it in the future, but for now i want to bring the joy back to writing for me so i will not be overloading myself like i used to!
i hope you can all understand, and know i love you all so, so dearly! i wouldn't have the friends i do or be where i am in life without all of you!
love u all lots lovies <3
-ur favourite person ever ever ever, eden MWAH
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beheworthy · 1 year ago
I understand that you appreciated enough things about Love & Thunder (as in Jane's scenes, Thorjane, etc) to consider it canon, but what are your thoughts on the Thor2 deleted break up? I can't help but prefer them breaking up because of the long distance, or Jane being so overwhelmed that she "couldn't imagine a life with him" after everything, than what we got in canon. Maybe my opinion would change if I watched the movie, not sure, but I'm interested in your take on it.
*takes a deep breath* Buckle up.
1. I appreciate you saying whether I'd consider anything canon or not. Buddy, my acceptance is irrelevant. Anything Marvel puts out IS canon, regardless of how we feel about it. That's the whole entire reason I can't let this shit go. Because he's CANONICALLY drilled into the ground by Marvel with nowhere to go. And it depresses me.
2. I hate both break-up scenes because I simply don't want my OTP separated. Period. But if I have to validate any one, I'd go with Thor4 because at least its idea was understandable, the issue was its failed execution. The Thor2 breakup makes no sense and regresses their characters. The two reasons you present that the movie presents:
a) Breaking up because of long distance is such a bastardization of their magical relationship that transcends realms that I just cannot. He's not a coworker or a one-night stand she tried to have a relationship with and decided it wasn't working out. He's the Prince of the paradise in the clouds that's advanced to her realm by a millennium. He's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as far as boyfriends go lol. And his mother died to protect her. Why? Because she had all but accepted her as her daughter-in-law.
You don't just break up with THAT because of long distance, that's unbelievably simplistic.
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b) Jane being overwhelmed that she "couldn't imagine a life with him" is also against her character because she is such a zero self-preservation inquisitive soul that was so fascinated by Asgard's advanced technology, she would be at home on Asgard. She would want to be with him and explore his magical world she's studied about her whole life.
And ok, she was so overwhelmed that she would dump him. For what? To return to her boring 9 to 5 life and do theories of the phenomenons she could do practicals of on Asgard. That makes no sense with Jane's character.
Or she was so scared by the challenges of a life with him (even tho she was ready to die saving him a scene ago) that she just quit? That's not the Jane I know either. She takes challenges head-on and is not a quitter.
The ONLY reason she would break up with him is for him - like I said in my theory that Odin made her do it.
3. Even from a story-telling perspective, it was a terrible choice because it resets every character to their factory settings, rendering the development of Thor1 and 2 completely pointless. Jane becomes a meaningless person forgotten going forward. Thor and Odin are chilling in Asgard with nothing to do and Loki and Frigga are dead with their sacrifices for Thor and Jane amounting to a big fat 0. Why dedicate two whole movies to their romance only to break up because of freakin long distance?
You can't have the event of Ragnarok with Thor in Asgard. You can't have him on Midgard for Avengers movies. What is the point of this then?
Not to elongate an already long answer, but I always thought the plan was to make her the Queen of Asgard, the perfect foil for King Thor. Her love and quest for knowledge + kindness to help shirtless strangers combined with Thor's sense of justice and protection of his people would make them the PERFECT rulers. Do you know what I'd give for this to be Thor's final ending in the MCU?
Like, I thought she was written to be so fascinated with the stars beyond because that where she belongs. That's where she'll rule. That if anyone from Midgard in the MCU was meant to leave it and stay on Asgard their whole life, it's Jane because she's so far ahead of her time.
But I was Boo Boo the Fool. Her entire purpose in life was to die for him. Because Marvel's all about feminism.
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kyojurismo · 2 years ago
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🪼 welcome to my 1k followers celebration !
a/n : first of all, i wanna say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! i’m forever grateful for all the people who take their time to read my work, to show a bit of support and to even interact with me. i consider myself your friendly neighbourhood writer, someone you meet casually, but it’s up to you to decide whether staying or walk forward — what the . . ? ANYWAY, this is my first time doing a celebration, and i’m really excited hehe, so yeah if you wanna know more keep reading ^_^
opening period : well, the celebration starts today ( JULY 10TH ) and finish on ( JULY 16TH ), so have fun and please don’t send anything related to the celebration after this date or else they’ll get deleted. once again, thank you !!! ♡
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let’s chat : alright, if you wanna get to know me better, whether you’re curious or just bored, you can send me as many questions as you want and i’ll gladly answer them so we can get more cozy. i’m very shy and i usually tend to mind my own business, but i said this a lot: i love interacting with people. so yeah . . . this is your chance to discover how annoying i am & ask my opinions about literally anything >_<
grab your pen : i write after all, so we’re here thanks to this i guess. here you can find a bunch of lists about different prompts & scenarios you can use to send a request ( for short pieces so it will be easier for me ) to celebrate this milestone.
— nsfw pieces only if you’re 17+ !
— for this, i accept request only about reader x character(s) — i accept fem, male and gender neutral readers.
— the fandom i write for are: kimetsu no yaiba, jujutsu kaisen and spy x family. if you wanna know for which characters in particular, check this post or simply try your luck by sending a character anyway ^_^
— remember to tag the request with 1K CELEBRATION, so it doesn’t get confusing.
— write the full prompt please, not only the number / letter.
— affectionate gestures
— fluffy scenarios
— kiss prompts
— super soft intimacy
— protective prompts
— height difference prompts
— soft prompts
— excuses to hold hands
— short angst sentence starters
— soft angst sentence starters
— inexperienced smut prompts
— smutty prompts
— subtle smut sentence starters
— bdsm & dom/sub smut prompts
— five senses prompts
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— fluffy scenario [ sanemi shinazugawa x gn!reader ]
— “you’re gonna be fine. just stay awake for a little longer, help’s already on their way.” [ sanemi shinazugawa x gn!reader ]
— “i swear to you, that as long as i'm alive i won't let a single soul ever harm you.” [ ryomen sukuna x fem!reader ]
— “the way their eyes crinkle when they smile.” [ tengen uzui x gn!reader ]
— back hugs [ sanemi shinazugawa x gn!reader ]
— “i’ll be back very soon, but don’t come out. stay there hidden until i come back and try not to make a noise, hmm?” [ tanjiro kamado x gn!reader ]
— kisses to keep your lover quiet during sex [ kyojuro rengoku, tengen uzui, giyu tomioka x gn!reader ]
— napping together [ yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, suguru geto, ryomen sukuna x gn!reader ]
— feeding you their cooking and hoping you’ll like it [ sanemi shinazugawa x gn!reader ]
— “first one to make noises loses.” [ obanai iguro x fem!reader ]
— sliding hands under their clothes [ lady tamayo x gn!reader ]
— playing with their hair until they fall asleep [ giyu tomioka x gn!reader ]
— going in for a kiss and either bumping noses or foreheads [ kyojuro rengoku x gn!reader ]
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 5 months ago
Hello, I sent in an ask a while back and idk if it went through, or if my potato wifi ate it, or if Tumblr ate it, or if you're holding it for later, or if I accidentally committed a serious case of foot in mouth without realising it and you just deleted the ask.
As I am on anon, you can't tell which is the question I asked, or even if you have received it, without me resending it. As the asker, I have no way of knowing if it landed into your inbox if you don't acknowledge it.
In this event, what should I, as an anon asker do? I don't want to flood your inbox when you are busy, or make you feel obligated to answer an ask, but at the same time it's difficult to tell if my potato connection ate the ask or if you just binned the ask because of any potential faux pas i might have committed. Does Tumblr still eat asks?
Should i try and resend asks after a set period of time?(One week, two weeks, a month?) Or should I assume a question to be binned after a while?
In the event I did a bad in the ask, (I sent in an ask if you had pictures/art of Chu Spirit, your OC. I wrote it half asleep so it probably had very bad grammar and/or autocorrect)I am very very sorry and didn't mean it. I can’t remember what exactly I wrote, or what part could be the issue but I am very sorry if it came through as mean or rude.
In the event it was just a case of never hitting your inbox, I guess I've re-sent the ask in this, and hopefully you will see it this time?
In the unlikely event that you already answered the ask and this was simply a case of me being as blind as a bat, know that I will simply perish from the sheer embarrassment.
I hope you have a lovely day. Do not feel like you have to reply if you do not want to.
In this case, the best thing you can do is send the ask a few times. If someone is not an anon, they can send me a DM or comment or send the ask again. If you flood my inbox, then I'll answer one and delete the rest. I don't see a big deal in that personally, but I know some people find it annoying.
No, I haven't answered that ask. I know I didn't delete it, and I couldn't find it. So I don't believe I got it at all.
As for the question, no, I don't have any pictures of Spirit. He probably should draw some, but I'll probably do that later. Maybe. Sorry to disappoint. Also thank you for pointing that out because yeah, I never received it.
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009720kakashi · 1 year ago
Rules (please read before interacting)
Hey all! I go by Mhiyah and rp for 20 years meaning yes, I’m an adult and so is the character. 
I do not want to interact with minors and I do not want them to follow the blog. I’m dead serious on that. No exception. It makes me uncomfortable. Please respect that.  
Please note the following rules:
1. I’m not a native speaker in English. I do my best but there will be mistakes. Please be lenient. 
2. No godmodding and don’t force your headcanons about my character on me. I’m very willing to adapt to the things you have created for your own character but not when it comes to my character. Also please note that if I make mistakes with your headcanons it’s not on purpose. I do my best but for many characters there are a lot of headcanons. Usually I try to check them again before replying. This is not possible if I reply on a mobile device though. Just tell me and I change the reply. 
2. No pairings with minors obviously.
3. No exclusives. 
4. No trigger warnings. I don’t do them. I just write with adults (as stated above) and I’m not responsible to curate other peoples internet experience. This is a public platform and naturally I won’t write gore or explicit sexual stuff on an open platform. However I do write an adult Shinobi. They are killers. People tend to forget that. So blood, wounds, fighting etc. comes with the source material.
5. No stress please. I’m a relaxed person and I do this for fun. It’s strictly character here. You won’t find me post all that much completely unrelated to the character or rp on this blog. If I do it will be deleted after a short period of time. I refuse to participate in any tumblr animosities. If people have problems with each other don’t drag me into it. I won’t take sides. I will block the person who pressures me into this stuff.
6. No hate of any kind. If I see any hate (be it homophobic, transphobic, racist or whatever) on your blog I block you immediately without any comment. I don’t want to interact with stupid hateful people. It’s as easy as that. 
7. If a rp blog posts too much ooc stuff I will unfollow it. I don’t automatically follow back. I also unfollow if I get the idea that you were not all that interested in writing with me after all which is totally fine. However then it’s pretty futile to have a thread in the future. If I unfollowed you but you are in fact interested in writing with me just drop me a note. I really am here to write. I barely ever read other people's threads. So I follow who I write with or want to write with. I’m also mutuals only. The exception is of course ‘ask’ which I will reply in character.
8. I won’t necessarily reply to threads in order. That is because sometimes I need to think about some replies longer than others and thus need a moment before replying. Some threads are also longer and take more time to reply to simply due to the length of them. It has nothing to do with you, your character or your reply. I just want to give you a decent answer because that is what you deserve for taking the time and effort to write. I also schedule replies to keep the blog active.
9. I don’t expect anyone to match the length of my replies. I sure tend to babble sometimes. However if I constantly just receive one or two sentence replies to a long paragraph  I will get the feeling that you are not awfully interested in the thread and then I’ll probably drop it. It’s just no fun for me then. It’s the same if everything I write is ignored. I usually do quite some research especially when it comes to fighting scenes and the jutsus used in these scenes. Fights are very difficult to write. So if a jutsu, attack or block fails (which they should at times of course) please tell me why so I know what to do with it. Usually there is enough room for interpretation after all. Also keep in mind that with battle stuff we eventually will have to go for exits and end the thread otherwise one character ends up dead :D
10. Relationships: Yeah well, that’s a difficult issue. I do not see Kakashi enter into a relationship. He sure has sex but definitely has issues committing to someone. He does not easily open up. Someone would have to be very understanding and persistent I suppose. As for sexual relationships. I think he does have those but no strings attached. 
11. I also tend to write him a bit more ‘serious’. There are two sides to him. One being rather goofy and the other being very serious. I think to a certain degree he tends to hide behind the goofy side. Though it definitely is a part of his character too. However he has had a very rough life and lost almost everyone dear to him. 10 years of ANBU sure did not help his mental health either. Caring for Team 7 pulled him out of that darkness a bit but that also was not exactly a win for him considering he did not manage to keep the team together. Sasuke lost to Orochimaru, Naruto went with Jiraiya and Sakura with Tsunade. It was quite a short lived experience. Kakashi has to deal with a lot of guilt and self-doubt and has a very low opinion of himself. That shines through in his dark moments in the anime and manga. I don’t think he ever overcame that really. He maybe can accept that others do not think that about him. It does not change that he thinks himself to be a fraud. He avoids the topic to the best of his abilities. 
12. The mask thing: I don’t think there is much depth to this really. Honestly he does reveal his face for instance while eating in the anime and it is absolutely impossible to hide your face constantly. Especially on missions. Also in the anime he is clearly sitting without the mask while Rin tends to his wounds. This is probably the one headcanon I have since it has never been confirmed. For me he started wearing the mask as a kid because he has a heightened sense of smell. To deal with that the mask helped and that’s it. Additionally he does have a pretty face but never gave the impression to enjoy attention. For that the mask also helps. Now he is just used to it and it still has it’s merits. However he will pull it down and not make a fuss about it. Just with Team 7 a bit for the sake of it. 
13. I'm afraid I'm very bad at plotting. Often enough it does not work out the way it was initially planned. Kakashi just has his own mind I'm afraid. I prefer spontaneous writing without plotting since it leaves more room for writing in my opinion. Plotting always makes me feel restricted in my reactions and at times forces me to go what I would consider ooc to adhere to the initial idea and I really don't enjoy that. Maybe I misunderstand plotting though however this is my experience so far with it more often than not.
14.I have a job.
15. Profile pic by and used with the permission of kpc-usagisan.tumblr.com
16. I also cosplay
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hanasnx · 1 year ago
Can you explain the difference between a request and a thirst so I'm sensing the right things? Sorry, kind of new to this!
it’s cool :) so i dunno how other ppl run their account but i run mine like this:
i cant take requests rn bcos i’m not equipped to handle them right now, so requests have been closed. i do foresee myself re-opening them in the future with some re-defined rules but i don’t have a determined date for that. requests would be someone requesting me to write something for them when they give me a prompt and a character.
i open thirsts periodically and often they’re only open for about a couple hours to a couple days. i usually post something like this i.e. “thirsts are open for (character name)” tagged with “announcements”. when i’ve had my fill of messages about that person, i’ll close thirsts either by reblogged it saying they’re closed or just delete the post. you can check my announcements by clicking the “announcements” tag in my pinned post navi page up at the top of my blog.
so if you want to send me a thirst you wait til i open them, and you comply with the au or character i say thirsts are open for. but if you don’t have anything to say, don’t feel pressured. it’s not a perfect system but it’s mine
examples of thirsts messages are anything from talking about the character in question, or detailing your own imagined encounter with the character, or confessing a dirty secret to me about the character. the sky is the limit. if i don’t like something i simply won’t answer it, so you don’t have to worry about being kink shamed by me or something like that.
i might be making this sound more complicated than it is, so if you have any more questions def let me know
EDIT: i’ve changed up the rules and now thirsts are being indefinitely accepted until further notice. all characters im accepting are listed here
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kalispitronhibernation · 1 year ago
Oooooh I'm always interested in peoples structure and outlining process so 👀 22?
ah thank you for this question, i looove talking about structure and outlining! under a readmore bc this answer is loooong
22. describe your writing process from start to finish.
most of the examples here r from telemachus' detachment, bc i am very proud of that work, and i also did a LOT of work for it, because i was going through a slightly insane period and focusing on that really helped me kept going.
usually, the writing process for me starts off with a single piece of dialogue / scenario. i half-remember a tennesse williams quote where he's talking about how he starts off w a single "luminous image", and it's kind of like that. something just occurs to me and sticks. it then has to be sufficiently emotionally complicated / interesting for me to want to write it out. weirdly what became telemachus' detachment started off with a scene of stewy in a hotel room in hong kong watching kendall's s2 finale speech on TV.
i will usually then write down a lot of random scraps of dialogue / tiny bits of action in one word doc, in a vaguely ordered fashion but mainly as they occur to me. then they start to cohere, and that's when i start trying to pull it together into an outline. for shorter stuff, i probably won't outline, bc it can be done in one push - or if i do outline, it's basically a few bullet points to get the structure down on paper. for longer stuff, i find that i need to know where i'm working to or i'll lose focus / enjoyment and drift away from it. usually the outline will morph into a very very loose first draft - including little bits of dialogue, etc.
HOWEVER. this outline is like - never what the actual writing ends up being. i always think 'no this time i really will stick to the outline' and then during writing it massively changes. so, for example, here's an outline of telemachus' detachment during the writing process: everything after the ch.3 bulletpoint was abandoned bc it didn't feel right.
"Ch.1 finished for now
Ch.2, college + Logan forcing K.’s hand; focalise that all through the K. & the fact of hiding: make it about the twin poles of shame & love
Ch.2: Frame it by opening w/ the board meeting, Roman / Shiv; then end with Stewy watching the interview, and then flashback to Stewy’s reaction – just, here, to being broken up with
Ch.3, KenFest + Ken’s wedding – mirrors of each-other; how did Stewy cope with all of the hiding? End ch.3 with the confrontation about the interview; this moment of hope that Kendall will be free.
Then the drowning; Jess calls Stewy and he ends up at the hospital; he refuses to have any part in the siblings’ plots; Roman calls him a parasite and Stewy doesn’t care, he just wants Kendall to be alive.
Flashback; the various times Stewy has waited in hospitals
Ch.4: Logan dies / Dodds confession – Kendall is dragged back in; Stewy becoming an accessory on his side; he keeps loving him, he can’t not, but Kendall is changing – every dream of escape calcifying."
when i know roughly where i want the thing to go, i then have a checklist - this needs to happen, these people need to have this conversation, and i just work through that - not necessarily in order. though, for telemachus' detachment i would basically only figure out what the next chapter should be when i finished the first one.
there are then 3 very important word documents!
1 is simply the draft - i will usually split this up into smaller ones / chapters for ease and manoeuvrability. i tend to have a "Actual Thing" doc, so i can noodle around in other documents & draft stuff out without feeling the pressure of having it contribute to the whole thing, then will assemble it together.
2 is a 'deleted bits' draft. i find this so so important, bc it is a lot easier to simply cut and paste something away than it is to delete it from the face of the earth. also i will sometimes come back and rescue things from this document.
3 is a running commentary - this is where i keep notes to myself, outlines, and also what i'm going to do next. i like to try and follow the advice that you should always stop working in the middle of something that's going well, bc you will want to come back & do it the next day. always leave yourself a clear goal / target for the next time!! i like externalising a lot of my thinking.
this does mean i end up with a lot of word docs for one thing. i just counted and there are a total of 34 docs in my folder for telemachus detachment.
in terms of the actual writing, i tend to write dialogue first, especially if it's fic for a TV show. i find getting the rhythm of dialogue right tricky & v important! i sometimes write random dialogue that's nothing to do with the story just to get into the voices. i'll then go back and fill in everything else. if i'm writing something, i tend to become completely and totally obsessed w it, and think about it all the time, i quite often end up writing scraps of dialogue in the notes app on my phone, and then fleshing them out later.
if it's fic, i tend not to edit massively once it's got to the stage of actually being assembled in that final doc - it's probably already been through a fair amount of revision to get to that spot, and i really only have so much time and energy. i have no idea how to explain when something feels done apart from that it just clicks into place, and feels right. i work very much on a vibes basis, and i think i've read enough that my vibes r fairly well honed!
anyway this is very long but thank you again for asking!! i love to ramble about this
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sevensoulmates · 11 months ago
he's not gonna fall for tommy, it's gonna be a casual fling where buck is exploring his sexuality. tim minear pretty much gave away today that tommy is not gonna be here longterm. he's gonna do his job like the plot device he is for buck and likely for buddie and then he's gonna leave.
Okay....I don't think your anon is being rude per se but I just got bombarded with a lot more anons than usual, and this plus three other anons I just got that were more rude made me want to address this in one response.
When I said "fall for" I did not mean "fall in love with". "Fall for" can mean a lot of different things. I don't think Buck's gonna fall IN LOVE with Tommy, no. But develop a crush? Develop a fling? Develop physical and sexual attraction? That could all reasonably happen.
Just like we got with Taylor Kelly and all of Buck's (and Eddie's) love interests, I firmly believe every last one of them are TEMPORARY.
Nowhere did I say Buck was gonna fall in love with this man. Please don't get it twisted.
But the way Tommy looked at Buck though??? 👀 IDK that man just might fall in love with Buck and get his heart broken.
Keep in mind all of this is still SPECULATION. FOR FUN. It's not that serious. (this is not directed at you in particular but this other anons I just got saying something similar about this "fall for" comment I made).
Also, this isn't jumping ship, for the other anon. I'm not going to answer your anons directly cuz you're being rude and that won't be tolerated here.
I am happy as hell to celebrate Tommy as a plot device for Bi buck. I am still firmly in the camp that Buck being with Tommy (TEMPORARILY) will lead to eventual canon buddie. Buck could have 80 more boyfriends (or girlfriends) right after Tommy and I would still firmly believe that he will eventually end up with Eddie. Bi Buck means that the show is acknowledging that Buck COULD end up with a man, and if Buck CAN end up with a man, then he WILL eventually end up with Eddie. Why? Because the show already made Eddie Buck's perfect partner. They're just now finally removing the last barrier of sexuality.
Also I'm seeing a lot of anons similar to the ones I'm getting in other people's inboxes for people who even *minutely* enjoyed the buck/tommy scene and to you guys, I implore that you simply stop raining on other people's parades, and utilize the block or blacklist features Tumblr has offered you for free.
Any other rude anons will be deleted without a response. If you'd like to genuinely discuss these topics, please make sure to approach me with kindness and not condescension. You will not be tolerated. Period.
As for the rest of the perfectly lovely anons I just received, I'm so excited to respond to you and will do so as soon as I am able (though it might be tomorrow because it's getting late in the Pacific Northwest and I'm getting tired.)
Have a good night!
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ukerukokoro · 13 days ago
Rules (please read before interacting)
Hey all! I go by Mhiyah and rp for 20 years meaning yes, I’m an adult. 
My second blog is https://009720kakashi.tumblr.com
I do not want to interact with minors and I do not want them to follow the blog. I’m dead serious on that. No exception. It makes me uncomfortable. Please respect that.  
Please note the following rules:
1. I’m not a native speaker in English. I do my best but there will be mistakes. Please be lenient. 
2. No godmodding and don’t force your headcanons about my character on me. I’m very willing to adapt to the things you have created for your own character but not when it comes to my character. Also please note that if I make mistakes with your headcanons it’s not on purpose. I do my best but for many characters there are a lot of headcanons. Usually I try to check them again before replying. This is not possible if I reply on a mobile device though. Just tell me and I change the reply. 
2. No pairings with minors obviously.
3. No exclusives. 
4. No trigger warnings. I don’t do them. I just write with adults (as stated above) and I’m not responsible to curate other peoples internet experience. This is a public platform and naturally I won’t write gore or explicit sexual stuff on an open platform. However Shinobi are killers. People tend to forget that. So blood, wounds, fighting etc. comes with the source material.
5. No stress please. I’m a relaxed person and I do this for fun. It’s strictly character here. You won’t find me post all that much completely unrelated to the character or rp on this blog. If I do it will be deleted after a short period of time. I refuse to participate in any tumblr animosities. If people have problems with each other don’t drag me into it. I won’t take sides. I will block the person who pressures me into this stuff.
6. No hate of any kind. If I see any hate (be it homophobic, transphobic, racist or whatever) on your blog I block you immediately without any comment. I don’t want to interact with stupid hateful people. It’s as easy as that. 
7. If a rp blog posts too much ooc stuff I will unfollow it. I don’t automatically follow back. I also unfollow if I get the idea that you were not all that interested in writing with me after all which is totally fine. However then it’s pretty futile to have a thread in the future. If I unfollowed you but you are in fact interested in writing with me just drop me a note. I really am here to write. I barely ever read other people's threads. So I follow who I write with or want to write with. I’m also mutuals only. The exception is of course ‘ask’ which I will reply in character.
8. I won’t necessarily reply to threads in order. That is because sometimes I need to think about some replies longer than others and thus need a moment before replying. Some threads are also longer and take more time to reply to simply due to the length of them. It has nothing to do with you, your character or your reply. I just want to give you a decent answer because that is what you deserve for taking the time and effort to write. I also might schedule replies to keep the blog active.
9. I don’t expect anyone to match the length of my replies. I sure tend to babble sometimes. However if I constantly just receive one or two sentence replies to a long paragraph  I will get the feeling that you are not awfully interested in the thread and then I’ll probably drop it. It’s just no fun for me then. It’s the same if everything I write is ignored. I usually do quite some research especially when it comes to fighting scenes and the jutsus used in these scenes. Fights are very difficult to write. So if a jutsu, attack or block fails (which they should at times of course) please tell me why so I know what to do with it. Usually there is enough room for interpretation after all. Also keep in mind that with battle stuff we eventually will have to go for exits and end the thread otherwise one character ends up dead :D
10. As for Gaara I will write him at any age but will mostly go for adult Gaara. That's because I'm not 12. I also tend to divert from canon when it comes to Shukaku. So I will write him still having Shukaku. It's just more fun and I love the tanuki. Gaara is a deeply thraumatized character. The end of Shippūden makes absolutely no sense to me. I just do not see this happy go lucky behaviour for someone with such a past. So expect the regular dose of weird ass behaviour, stoicism and seriousness.
11. When it comes to relationships I do not see that for him. Gaara does not even really understand friendship and is basically just learning social interaction. It would be very very very slow if at all. My OTP for Gaara will forever be Rock Lee. I will die on that hill.
12. I'm afraid I'm very bad at plotting. Often enough it does not work out the way it was initially planned. I prefer spontaneous writing without plotting since it leaves more room for writing in my opinion. Plotting always makes me feel restricted in my reactions and at times forces me to go what I would consider ooc to adhere to the initial idea and I really don't enjoy that. Maybe I misunderstand plotting though however this is my experience so far with it more often than not.
13.I have a job.
14. Did I just steal nearly all rules from myself because I'm lazy? Yes I absolutely did.
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