#it made me really sad
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doodlecrumb · 1 month ago
Just watched the newest Nosferatu movie and I had a thought
These two film stills, except it's Walburga in her forced marriage to Orion.
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I don't know, the themes of purity culture, and SA, and dehumanisation very much make me think of pureblood culture, and how women have to carry an heir. Idk if that makes sense
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professional-bulshitter · 9 months ago
i think i always found rory and lorelai to be completely normal human characters going through life in a manner that was more or less understandable of them as complex people who make mistakes and shitty decisions and have to live with them with a lot of luck and a whole shooting crew behind them.
but i think that AYITL made me despise Rory a little in regards to the way she behaved with the matter of the book and the content of it and the way she handled Lorelai's refusal (not to say that there aren't other points in the whole series where both Lorelai and Rory have their moments where you're screaming at the screen but this one was a big one for me and I don't know how to get back from this)
Because writing the book is one thing but writing it mostly centered around her mother and expecting her to be entitled to telling the story even without prior consent from her mother is a little insane to me (ik she goes and tells/asks Lorelai about it at the graveyard but its more of a given for her when she proposes the idea, as if its a given that Lorelai would be okay with it,,, and then she's mad at her for not immediately agreeing to it and giving her access to her complete life for other people's enjoyment) yes, she says that it's about their life together but the first few chapters she talks about? how the book would start when Lorelai was 16? I don't remember anything from the time I was in the womb so I don't really know how she could imagine herself having equal access to her mother's life story,,, the riches to rags to riches story is Lorelai's, not Rory's, and technically while she's writing a story about the 'Gilmore Girls' in actuality, she's writing her mother's story to which she was a witness, and I absolutely stand by with Lorelai when she says no
especially considering the kind of person that she is,, Ik she is not really looked at as a "private person," but that is with the people she knows and chooses to disclose her story to,,, in addition throughout the beginning, her story has been one about her desire to have and make something of her own so much so that she ran away at 16 with a newborn baby with no way to know where she was going or what she would do to survive,,, all of the decisions she makes in some way or the other go back to her wanting to exist separately and outside of her parents and what they could give her because she knew that, all of that was always and will always be theirs,,, so it astonishes me when this response is not expected out of Lorelai considering the life that she worked so hard to build and have, is now being taken away from her, by her own daughter,,, in a way it's again losing control of her story and life that she worked so hard for just so her daughter can write a book about it and feel relevant and with a purpose again,,
and ofc she agrees to it because she understands that Rory is at a point in time wherein nothing is happening for her (or at least that's what she feels like) and most of everything that she's done since Rory was born, is to help her survive in the world in the only manner that she understands she will be able to (even when she makes bad decisions, a lot of it stems from her understanding of what is good for Rory which while not always okay or correct for Rory, has good-ish intentions behind them)
and yeah,,, i don't think I will ever be able to move past the fact that this is an actual canonical thing that the writers felt was good for the storyline and their characters (I understand why Rory wanted to write it but no.) (also the fact that the idea came from Jess worsened the situation because, throughout her life, Lorelai has lived life on her terms and faced a lot of judgment and despise for it so I understand why she wouldn't actually be thrilled to know that Jess, a person she famously does not (or did not) get along with, telling her only daughter to write a book about their relationship when it could come from a similarly (perceived) antagonistic pov as Jess')
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fullmooneverynite · 2 years ago
guys NEVER let your boyfriend who prefers first person shooters and high intensity games play Disco Elysium,, I almost cried.
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 2 years ago
I almost started crying over Ghostbur what the heck…
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cyberebel · 7 months ago
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very-small-giant · 3 months ago
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you have been bad friends to riz gukgak
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astrophel143 · 1 year ago
One time in 3rd grade I worry an essay about something (I can’t remember) but then I went on for like a whole page about birds I liked and the whole thing was just a run on sentence. “I like toucans, and chickadees, and chickens, and etc etc” and my teacher made me rewrite it by erasing most of my examples and just writing etc but I was really sad because then people wouldn’t know all the birds I know and like
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starcurtain · 4 months ago
I think one of the funniest things about the Sabzeruz event is that the devs choose to go with Candace, Traveler, and Paimon having a whole "Ooh, two mysterious men are going into an alley to have a 'private' conversation; they must be bad guys!" only to then go "Oh just kidding, it was only Alhaitham and Kaveh doing typical Alhaitham and Kaveh things."
Except the "Alhaitham and Kaveh" thing in question this time was talking about Mehrak, a sentient robot that Kaveh built using absolutely forbidden technology, and which he then whole-heartedly willed would develop a consciousness of its own, violating one of the central taboos of his nation's governing agency, committing what amounts to an inherent and extreme felony punishable by law.
Alhaitham and Kaveh: Listen, we're not bad guys discussing illegal activity here. We're just two men having a private, personal conversation. Happens all the time.
Paimon, Candace, and Traveler: Oh cool, they're not doing a crime; they're just gay.
But they were, in fact, doing a crime.
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arcanefanpage · 4 months ago
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I can’t get over the fact that no matter what happens in Act 2 and 3 Vi will most likely never be this soft and trusting with Caitlyn again
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nymphelle · 2 years ago
Finally crying over how sad my birthday was over a week ago
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joneevarts · 2 months ago
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I just want to be happy but rusty quill said no.
Elias' version
Edit: y'all this is Peter Lukas not Martin lmaooo (tho they do look alike, plus I didn't made his white hair strands visible enough so my bad)
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tornadohoarder · 2 years ago
Took a six hour train ride the other day and almost every square inch of land I saw was designated for some kind of human use. The fields were just farms, the forest was divided by fences and walking trails. We are only one species out of millions but we’ve taken the whole world for ourselves
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pharmasrightarm · 2 months ago
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separate ways
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evilresidentz · 1 month ago
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anne-is-confused · 1 year ago
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Captain Francis Crozier, at Furthest North.
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sealsdaily · 26 days ago
Today's Seal Is: Mano A Borsa
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