#it is just… not really accurate to canon
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green-square-anon · 2 hours ago
@staticymaticyyourlifeisatravesty @nightghoulz
This is art by Tim Remin.
He's been posting his stuff on reddit and making slight alterations to it over time. https://www.reddit.com/user/Tim_Remin/. Also, t rex arms and everyone having the same body type....
If you want official art a good source is
The guy is working on an advanced search function but hasn't added primarchs and published to it yet, you can search those but the results aren't accurate (you might get results that only match one of those words so please check the primarch art you find is ACTUALLY official art).
Here's some examples of canon primarch and human, which seems somewhat inconsistent. Dorn and Sangy are approximately the same height. Yet in one picture a baseline human (female) reaches above Dorns waist while in another two baselines (male) barely reach the top of Sangys legs.
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You could argue that she is taller than the two men despite how men are often taller than women and they also look old. If we wanna be really granular it dosen't make sense (I think?) to have such a generational height difference in the 40k universe given equal nutrition, but I really don't know if the artists were granular enough to think about that.
Also I vaugely remember pre demon Mortarion being described as like the height of two men standing on top of each other. So assuming ~180 cm for a grown man Mortarion is about 360 cm. And I think some reddit comment by Tim Remin himself mentioned lion being just under the three meter range. Which when put into one of those height comparions looks.... uhh...
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Rip the Non-tall Mortarion girlies I guess. You're gonna be a dog humping that mans leg.
If anyone wants to know what my Primarch heights are based on, it's this official art of them standing in a line
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My art for the first ever @destielaureversebb. You can check out the fic here by @ravenfuchs who wrote a beautiful story about queer joy and finding community and also saving the bees.
Sharing some details under the cut.
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So for the first piece which is what I submitted for claims, I really wanted a Dean who was just so comfortable with himself and happy and queer. In my head that means tons of tattoos and jewelry. The idea is these tattoos started out sort of impulsively with random flash like the little pizza and mom heart, but eventually he started putting more thought into it and got larger pieces like the solar system and the ocean. His jewelry is also all cosmic themed with stars, moons, suns, and the aquarius symbol which is his star sign. The bracelets I also imagine were made by a friend or maybe someone who came into the center where he works.
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Confession, I've never actually been to a Pride parade, I know. I have been to different pride events though including queer bingo hosted by a drag queen. But I thought about both tables I've seen at events and looking up different LGBTQ center websites to see what resources they had. I probably didn't need to type an actual list out but as you can probably tell I really went for the details with these pieces so we have a full list of real services and original pamphlets.
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From the second piece, we have some fun details with Dean's jewelry where he has this fun little charm bracelet a little inspired by Lucky Charms and earrings that match his frog t-shirt.
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So these guys along with the Yoda plush are things Charlie actually owns in the show. The Pez dispensers are at her desk at Roman Enterprises. I showed these to my dad who is a huge Tolkien fan to see if he recognized them and it was a success.
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Scooby Doo Clue is a real board game variant of Clue that Dean would 100% own. Drawing this board game with the actual details for all the rooms along with all the accurate game pieces took an insane amount of time but hopefully it was worth it? This is definitely the most detailed digital background I've ever done but it was very fun if time consuming.
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Some Charlie house details. The board games are all either common ones or ones I thought she'd enjoy. She does canonically enjoy TTRPGs but most of these are more traditional board games. I actually own a couple of Star Wars games including Star Wars Risk and Star Wars Life, but not Outer Rim or Rebellion. The books are all canon references. Charlie canonically is a fan of the Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire series and of course The Hobbit is very important to her and is what she used to read with her parents before the car accident. The rest of the books are all based on her aliases. She uses a combination of a Stephen King character + a sci-fi/fantasy author. So we have The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin, The Halloween Tree, Fahrenheit 451 (which yes I did misspell oops), and The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury, and a couple Stephen King books including Carrie and Fire Starter which is where Charlene comes from. These book titles actually took a really long time because Krita does not have the most robust text tool yet but oh well.
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fenrysmoonbeamswife · 3 days ago
I always found it strange* that people drone on and on about how obsessed Azriel is with Mor and how he needs to move on yet we've never actually seen or heard any sign from Azriel that he's obsessed or in love with her
*it's not really strange because so many ACOTAR readers will just allow themselves to be spoon fed information with 0 critical thinking but still*
The only times we're told (told, not shown) that is by the Inner Circle who don't exactly have a great track record for having accurate or selfless opinions about others so excuse me if I don't find them reliable. I mean jesus Feyre heard it once from Mor and that was it, bible truth, didn't even question it
I'm not saying he never had feelings for her but there is no sign that he still does. And I'm sorry I know people love him but he is a man at the end of the day, a bat boy no less, there is no way in hell he wouldn't have acted on it after 500 years if those feelings were still there (I don't think people actually comprehend these ridiculous timeframes that SJM uses). We know they don't care about women being willing or consenting (rip Nesta my love). But perpetuating this idea that Azriel is supposedly still "obsessed" with Mor is a way for all of them to keep the one, slightly, loose canon in their group in line. I mean as soon as Azriel says that Rhysand can't order him away from Elain, Rhysand brings up Mor. He uses the ultimate narcissist tactic and tries to quite literally guilt him into a corner to gain back control
Mor is constantly using it to control and hurt him. Which people don't talk enough about by the way. As I said, people love to drone on and on about how Azriel needs to leave her alone but what about her? Don't get me wrong, she doesn't need to come out, even though at this point just get over yourself, she doesn't owe him her truth, her feelings, whatever. But, she has said that she purposely hurts him, she sleeps with other men just to hurt Azriel. This is supposed to be one of her closest friends, her "brother", yet she has spent 500 years having sex with men just to hurt him? That's sick. Like listen she can fuck who she wants but doing it for the sole purpose of hurting someone close to her, that's some vindictive bullshit. She needs to see one of those therapists in the library asap
ib @vnfadinglight
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butch-bakugo · 2 days ago
I mean we all know doey is canonically a system, a did one at that, maybe osdd, but I really don't know if I, as a did system, can say if he is explicitly bad system rep.
Spoilers for Poppy's playtime chapter 4, Danganronpa 1 and the movie split.
Like i can point to a number of representations in media that are bad. Toko from Danganronpa has a homicidal alter. The monster from split. Split at least showed some of the more realistic representation via showing a little and protector and other alters but lost any good faith interpretation when it spread myths about blind bodies gaining sight from sighted alters and the whole .. the monster thing. Hell I can point to a few ambiguous representations that border good and bad like Sunnydrop and moondrop from Fnaf.
But doey is different. Doey is the enigma, litterally. His systemhood isn't explicitly demonized and his alters arnt the reason he attacks you. Even, Kevin, the "bad alter" dosent cause it. Sure his "bad alter" or the more aggressive one who doesn't listen to authority and throws tantrums has a short fuse but the reason he attacks in the end is because your actions killed the people he wanted to protect and didnt even achieve their goal. To an extent, he's justified.
He's more accurate and harsh system rep in the form of the fact most persecutory alters are meant to be or trying to be protectors in their own special ways. Its his voice, not Mathew's or Jack's, that repeats their mantra and warning, that people who speak gently to them often hurt them. Its a defense mechanism. Mathew and Kevin are both orphans in a facility that experiments on children who got sent there either due to having no where to go or being the children of employees who met similar fates. It wouldn't be a stretch to say Kevin was a victim of our broken foster/adoption system, one wrought with physical, verbal, emotional and sexual violence.
Jack is confused, Mathew is trying to hold things together peacefully and Kevin is just trying to keep everyone safe, including themselves. I don't know if I can see doey, even if he turns into a scary monster who tries to kill you in the end, as bad system representation. Because he's justified. You just litterally blew up the one thing he feels he can do right and feels like he can do to redeem himself. He's justified in attacking you. The visual of three people being trapped in the head of a body just trying to get out as they rip at the seems was viseral as a system. When I imagine my alters within my body, especially to defend it, it's similar. Like your head splitting at the seems like that girl from late night with devil and all these people coming out.
I don't think doey is the most sanitized, clear and easy to digest system representation possible. I know some touchy just-realized-they-were systems in teen bodies and "endogenics" who have no business in this space are gonna cry from the roof tops with zero nuance that because he becomes a monster at the end and dies a sad death, he's bad rep. No if, ands or buts. We aren't talking about a well thought out, barely visible background character in some grifter qUeEr Netflix slop that's all fluff and no hard candy.
But. For what he is, it's... Good? Not great. Not the best *tm. But certainly way above the worst. Way above bad. Although I could argue it could be better and your fair to be on the fence, I think he is. I think he's good rep. He's raw. He's real. He's clear and he's justified. Although we could make arguments day and night about wether or not the team at Poppy's playtime intended for doey to be system representation or not, I think it's pretty clear he was and for being made by a group of people without a (outwardly) system amongst them, it's good rep. He's ok.
I think we finally have one. One who shows it's not a death sentence even if he dies at the end and shows it doesn't make you a monster even if he becomes one. He's no bigger, scarier or more ruthless than any other experiment, not by a long shot and I think that's good. I wish he survived, I wish he didnt turn into a monster. I wish he would of simply escaped but I think he's ok. I see the representation and I raise you, maybe let the next one live to the end but keep up the good work? Its clear from the outside you tried and did a fairly good job. We need more casual rep.
*edit: didn't know the persecutory alter had a name, fixed wording.
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If parasites used to be eliotropes, now it's iops!)
Well, the release of Bestiale is just around the corner, and as a person who was waiting for it and was very upset with how this project looks now, I am going to express my opinion. I apologize in advance if my language is rude - I only have complaints and do not want to offend anyone. Also, in this post, not only the Bestiale series will be mentioned, but also other works by ankama, including animated series, games and comics.
Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to get acquainted with many of them now due to studies and health problems, so feel free to point out errors that may be in the text - I will be very grateful. And now - let's go!
Narrative plan:
🥇🥈🥉1) W12 races and favoritism among them;
🥊2) Iops characters;
❗3) What's the problem
🌊4) Bestiale;
🐉5) "Year of Osamodas";
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🥇🥈🥉1) Races of the World of Twelve And favoritism among them;
The World of Twelve is a planet, a fantasy world where the events of all (with rare exceptions) stories of the krosmoz universe take place. This world is inhabited by people of many races/classes, which are revealed to varying degrees. Despite how Tot has recently abandoned the old canon and is having fun with fanfiction, I still suggest using marks that will indicate the degree to which we know about a particular race. (Important: the table is quite subjective and was compiled by me as an average consumer of content, so it does not claim to be absolutely accurate. I only write what I see.)
Marks: ❤️ = good, 💚 = not bad; 🩵 = little information, 🖤 = unknown / very little information;
1) Sadida ❤️;
2) Feca🖤;
3) Cra🩵;
4) Eniripsa🖤;
5) Osamodas🖤;
6) Sacrier 🖤;
7) Pandawa🖤;
8) Ecaflip💚;
9) Ouginak🖤;
10) Xelor🖤;
11) Iop🩵;
12) Enutrof🖤;
13) Zobal/Masqueraider🖤;
14) Foggernaut🩵;
15) Huppermage💚;
16) Rogue🖤;
17) Sram🖤;
18) Forgelance🩵;
19) Eliatropes and Eliotropes (formerly) ❤️;
20) Classless Humans 🖤;
21) Monsters and Others 🖤;
Even though we don't know much about Iop culture, they're literally everywhere because for some unknown reason Ankama loves them almost as much as Elia(o)tropes (Eliotropes were a waste of time and resources - are you ready for this conversation or not). Almost every project in the krosmoz universe has at least one Iop, and they look REALLY bad. I'll explain why I don't like them later, but first I'll give you a list of characters to back it up.
🥊2) Iop Characters;
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When I say Iops are literally everywhere, I mean it. I want to point out that I haven't read the Dofus manga or the Ogrest manga, so I might be wrong in some places. I apologize in advance. Here's a list of Iop characters and roles, I think that's it:
1) Tristepin. Wakfu series (main characters), Wakfu manga (main characters), OVA (main characters), Waven (main characters). Also appears in other works as Iop God;
2) Goultard. Wakfu series (minor character), Waven (minor character), OVA (background character), Dofus Magna ( main characters), the protagonist of his own short film;
3) Eleley. Wakfu series (minor character), OVA (minor character), Wakfu manga (minor character), Waven* series (main character);
4) Pin. Wakfu series (minor character), Waven* series (main character);
5) Iop God . Wakfu (past incarnation of one of the main characters), Ogrest manga (minor character), Savara* (minor character or npc);
6) Khan. Dofus: Julith (minor character), Dofus mmorpg (npc), Welsh and Shedar* (minor character);
7) Bist. Lance Dur series (minor character), Lance Dur webtoon (minor character);
8) Karn. Bestiale* (main characters), Savara* (npc);
9) Savara. Savara* (main character);
*The featured animation/game product has not yet been released at the time of writing or has been abandoned;
As you can see, there are quite a few iops in important roles.
❗3) What's the problem
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In short: iops are CtrlC+CtrlV dummies that the creators of the universe play with instead of developing the universe (the same goes for eliatropes/eliopropes).
With rare exceptions, all iops look something like this: proud, very strong, sometimes not particularly smart, fight well and love to do it. Of course, each of them will have some individual traits, but they all remain a set of the above qualities (with rare exceptions). I won't even talk about the design - it's decadence and boredom (especially hairstyles - most often they are LITERALLY THE SAME).
Iops, as a rule, are needed to please the viewer with their image and it works, but apart from their charm (I still don't understand why they are loved so much) they bring nothing else. No lore, no interesting information, which will tell us something new (besides the character itmself). I can forgive mistakes in creating a story, but I don't forgive monotony.
And it would seem: if so, then you can create a character of another race and start revealing other peoples. Give content for fans of another class that are part of your own audience too. Even if it was never the main goal of the show, it would be cool to have some variety even in small amounts, right? NO! Every time we get a red-headed goof created for crowd entertainment. What about the other races? I'm not interested in watching iops - I want to understand what the world of twelve is, we barely know anything about it! Have you even seen the official map of the world of twelve? There are a HUGE number of regions and places that you can ONLY learn something about if you play Dofus/Wakfu/ect.! Moreover, Ankama still creates new classes, but they do not get enough attention, only the basic minimum. What about the old ones? How much, for example, do we know about srams or zobals?
This universe has been around for ten years for sure, and I want to know more about it, about the others, not read another Tot fanfic about some silly-billy! Ankama. What. Is. This.
And don't get me wrong - I don't hate Iops, I actually like some of them. But they get TOO MUCH attention and because they bring so little new to the table, it's very hard to take Iops seriously. You just see wasted potential and every new character starts to irritate you.
Okay, I'm starting to get too angry, so let's move on. Sorry for the bombing.
🌊4) Bestiale;
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Ugh, there will be a lot of complaining here too.
In fact, I didn't have any strong complaints about Karn's character until he was announced as the second main character. I don't mind him having having lots of fans' attention at all - let people enjoy what they like. But the creators of the show already give preference to him - he got the status of the main character, he is in the trailers, has some kind of biography, appears in the game and it is him, and not Yrehn, that we see in the videos advertising the series. Although there was no need for this. At all.
The main character herself appears only in the trailer and apart from the notes from the designer, we know nothing about her at all (well, she also has a special connection with Ilanthe, you could guess about it from the trailer, thanks). Are you serious?? I was expecting a cartoon about this girl saving her friend from a poacher, but it looks like they're making a cartoon about a POACHER guy who gets in the way of a teenage girl. I don't have any expectations for Bestiale, but as an osamodas fan, I was really looking forward to this series specifically because of Yrehn - and now she's being overshadowed by someone who used to only appear in an early poster. And I don't care if he's cool, a good father(yes, fatherhood doesn't mean anything, it's a cheap trick), and can cook - now I'm not going to like this character, even though his type's one of my favorites.
It would have been so much cooler if he stayed a villain (hello, i am a villain enjoyer) - but apparently Ankama lacks guts i guess. Plus, he would have been fresher and more interesting if he was a sacrier or a sram instead of the typical Iop. Remember the sacrier fight scenes? I think those two would have had so much more potential!
Anyway, I just hope Yrehn's arc doesn't get overshadowed. I'm really upset
🐉5) "Year of Osamodas";
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And as a conclusion, I will add that this year Tot declared the year of Osamodas, deciding to start with a series where Yrehn (osamodas) shares the place of the main character with an iop, who is given so much attention that there is no budget left for the animation of the FIRST PROTAGONIST's tail. Oh, and there is also a whole game about iops coming out, where the main character is Karn's daughter, also an iop, obviously (but she also could be any other race since she's adopted) .Perhaps Yrehn will appear there. Happy year of Osamodas, thanks for your attention!))
(Sorry if it's too emotional or too many mistakes ,my English is not so good)
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sunnylovesgirlythings · 4 hours ago
As a massive monster high g3 fan? You’d be surprised how much of the bigotry is tied to nostalgia.
Because a LOT of the queer and diverse elements incorporated into g3 were quite popular headcanons in g1-2.
Stuff like frankie being nonbinary (or just any non cis gender identity) and having prosthetics limbs? Draculaura being of a bigger body size than the others? Clawdeen actually ending up with a woman?
These were ALL over the fandom. People loved them! People said they wished they were canon!
Until they actually were. Until it meant monster high Changing to accommodate them.
Until it got in the way of their nostalgia. And the bubble of safety that creates.
They loved the idea of proper inclusive change until they actually got it.
Because being actually inclusive doesn’t just stop at confirming a few popular headcannons.
Everyone generally agreed Jinafire wasn’t particularly good Chinese representation and was an inaccurate westernised depiction of a Chinese dragon…
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Until they actually reworked her from scratch to be non stereotypical and more accurate to Chinese dragon mythology.
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Then suddenly g1 Jinafire was “perfectly fine, never needed changing and people are just. To. Sensitive.”
Because she Actually changed. A lot. And to people who’ve trauma bonded to their childhood media that feels like abandonment.
It’s why despite people adoring g3 Venus’ design a lot of bigoted g3 haters INSIST she’s not black coded in g3. Despite her clearly being so.
Because that’s a significant change.
Even though Venus was never given a specific ethnicity in g1 she was kinda just “ambiguously white” to them. And they refuse to shift that perception of her.
They can admit honey swamp from g1 was black coded. But not g3 Venus.
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There’s no difference in the way they’re coded.
Except they’re nostalgic for g1 honey and not g3 Venus.
G2 was easy to hate. Because a lot of its changes happened to be attached to legitimate objective quality errors. That didn’t really improve to any major degrees as time goes on.
But any level of quality disparity g3 had is being actively improved with every release passed… I’d say around monster ball onward?
They’re listening. They’re adjusting things. G3 has only gotten better over time.
And the more that happens? The clearer the actual source of frustration becomes. It’s not tied to specifics. It’s tied to fact improvement in diversity means moving away from g1 and its imagery.
And also the time period of their lives g1 was active in.
It really doesn’t matter what g3 did. They were ready to reject it from the word go.
The next g3 character we’re seemingly getting is river styxx. (her trademark just got updated and considering she was apparently gonna appear in the cancelled third live action film? A g3 doll makes sense)
And I REALLY hope they make her queer. And maybe give her back the pixie cut her g1 concept art had! That was scrapped due to gender stereotypes back then. Or any short haircut!
Would people reject it? Absolutely.
But that’s ok.
Because meaningful representation is more important than their nostalgia.
And I’m glad that’s the one part g3 has refused to bend on.
I feel disappointed every time when see terfs in monster high community (and different types of tphobic people overall, no matter, female or male). Like, did you forget the message given by "saint and untouchable" g1? Be a monster, be unique, no matter, who you are, you can express yourself as you want, nobody should judge you.
I can agree that most designs in g3 may look childish and too wacky, but serious, resent about nonbinary Frankie and blame tpeople for ruining the franchise and teaching modern children how to support gender stereotypes? Nonsense.
Also Gilda was revealed to be transfem, if I don't mistake. At a time when "agenda" was not "at every turn". So shut up and don't say anything bad about others pronounces >:(
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fefairys · 1 year ago
i think that vriska homestuck and vriska pesterquest are two distinct versions of vriska and i think that a lot of people are thinking more about PQ vriska than HS vriska when they discourse about her because they remember PQ more clearly than HS and so they don’t remember like… the true, canon vriska from the comic, they mostly just remember a version of vriska that was one person’s exercise in projecting onto a character to write about her experiences, but was actually not all that in character when you compare it to HS vriska. so the discourse goes nowhere because we are now talking about two completely different characters.
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tardis-technician · 3 months ago
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] punch through an azbantium wall
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dovewingkinnie · 4 months ago
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tom needs her
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luchwann-sp · 2 days ago
Yup! Marjorine is definitely a hc for Butters that really keeps the charm of old sp Butters! And honestly I've seen both takes of Marjorine's, the first and largely popular where she's just a girl and super slay (in fact in twt recently people was just saying how marjorine should be more of a girlfailure bc the fandom make her too perfect lmao and that's not butters no sir) and honestly? This version is pretty good because 1 it's easy to understand 2 it has its own conflicts about how being a trans girl in the STOTCH'S house is hard and all the repressed feelings over how liking girly things does not deserve a grounding and how she deserves to be who she is. So Marjorine is not a flat character as she may look like, like she started as a cute hc but she has struggles as well
The second version of Marjorine is the canon accurate, which is not really popular because if not portrayed correctly you're very likely to receive backlash. Let's start with how Marjorine in the episode described herself,,, that was basically a pick me girl. Anyway we can go through 2 ways here
1. We stick to canon and so the boys know Marjorine is Butters but the girls don't (remember how she got along WITH the girls) but however Marjorine felt like herself through the disguise and wanted to stay like that forever leading to shenanigans about coming out as a trans person haven't transitioning yet and social pressure me thinks
2. We go to au moment and make a brand new Marjorine with modern Butters ideals pretty much and this take I've seen a bit. She is internally misogynist and has struggles with her own gender bc she's trans but also thinks bad of women thanks to her teachings at home (when i catch u Stephen)? Its a very conflicted and messy mindset that requires a lot of good characterization to work imo and that's why if not worked properly it'd get backlash bc you could express so easily the wrong ideas
I personally love the hc a lot simply because it's cute and it's harming nobody c: I think of her as a silly little girl cheerful and bright as Butters haha
observation which relates to the Marjorine dissection i've been meaning to write... 2018, especially right around s22's premiere, is the first instance I've noticed the fandom begin to put her (being, either in the sense of trans!butters or viewing her as a separate entity altogether) into Butters' place in canon events. Prior to this as Marj grew in popularity within the fandom, there was a steady rise of people drawing her, but s22 was the first time I saw (and in multiple instances!! It wasn't just one person) people straight up drawing her into scene redraws taking Butters' place. Namely, for the episode Dead Kids, drawing her with the gun as the hall monitor. It's fascinating to me and I feel like for some reason that was a turning point in people's perception of taking her to the next level; no longer was Marj just another "skin" or outfit to dress Butters up in, but another state of being entirely.
And I'd like to offer the perspective of this: as Butters' character became more and more of an asshole, more questionable, more malicious... has Marjorine become a stand-in for a long past characterization? For the "old" Butters?
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 4 months ago
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jesus christ, doc, i thought you were a goner! warn a guy next time, will ya? jesus christ, doc. jesus christ
bonus doodle post-extra-long-hug:
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(listen im a sucker for the forehead kisses alright. whenever it happens in a fic i eat that shit UP. it's the cutest thing ever idc)
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year ago
more clone^2 memes because i think they're funny
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#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is not the ghost king#so canon to clone^2 and clone damian the portal that ends up transporting damian to amity park is left pr ambiguous#so really how he got there could be one of many things whether it be through divine intervention or clockwork's doing or hell#it could've also been quite literally the 1 in 1 millionth chance that a natural portal opened up beneath him and sent him to amity#and was a happy accident#but the idea that the laz pits or another adjacent such entity heard damian wanting an older brother (he meant og damian but oops never-#specified) and then sends him to the one person who could fulfill that wish and make him happy at the same time.#was really funny to me within the context of the lilo and stitch meme. the meme can also be seen the other way around with danny as lilo#and damian as stitch. but danny being stitch was infinitely funnier and ~technically~ more accurate imo#danny technically IS a nice angel but also. he's a developing menace to society (just ask wes) and he's going to make damian one too#danny being from the midwest means he has a midwestern accent and thats not something the bats know how to handle when they finally meet hi#hey look at that! my meme making skills are steadily improving. im no longer making the same joke six different times in different formats#those first two images i made a few days ago the rest i made in the last thirty minutes in a spur of clone^2 induced inspiration#and procrastination of writing the cfau rewrite of the first post. we are 10k words deep folks and just barely got past the 1st gala reunio#dunking on the giw is a god-given right and danny WILL pass it down to damian
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month ago
Hi! I drew a little fanart of your MDZS Warrior Cats AU 👉👈 This is how I see the first time Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian meet as teenagers aka the iconic fight on the roof from the donghua XD
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Get Booped Idiot!
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thereisabearonmyceiling · 8 months ago
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 months ago
you mentioned the arrows stealing tim from the bats and i just had the hilarious idea of that + jaytim
poor oliver would lose his mind bc he goes and saves tim from the bats and then tim brings one of them home
put it back tim you don't know where that's been
i'm CRYING this is so funny. it's even funnier given what Jason did to Mia. like of all the morally questionable mob bosses Tim could've dragged home, he had to pick *that one*? Oliver is trying to be supportive of Tim and give Tim more agency than Bruce gave him, bc Oliver worked *hard* to steal this one and he's not going to lose all of the progress he made. and it does seem like Tim's doing *somewhat* of a decent job of making Jason less murdery. and Jason agrees to the rule he'll keep out of the Star City scene, but Gotham's still his fair game. and honestly, that makes Oliver like him just a *little bit* because if he's going to make Bruce's life more difficult, maybe Jason is alright.
it also does *not* help that when Oliver goes to Roy for support bc Roy agrees that Jason is untrustworthy as hell. but Roy is *also* the guy who had a daughter with Chesire, so the best he can do is give Oliver a shrug.
also think it's fun if Tim is sort of tense, expecting Oliver to put his foot down and tell Tim no. like he's not used to a vigilante parental figure who's actually good at the parent part, so it's weird having this level of freedom, esp when he knows Oliver does disapprove. but Oliver lets Tim figure out hs own love life and make his own mistakes, even if he's ranting to Dinah about Jason until two in the morning. it doesn't help that Jason makes no move to try to get along with Oliver. he's just a shit to be a shit. at this point Tim is pretty sure Jason enjoys driving Oliver up a wall more than he enjoys dating Tim. who's to say if it's true.
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hawktims · 2 years ago
since my pacific rim brain rot doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon, i'm thinking about how losing your drift partner while still connected to them through the neural handshake is the cruelest way to lose anyone ever. even crueler when you consider ghost drifting. so after all those years of piloting together how much of yancy's mannerisms thoughts etc has raleigh retained? has he dreamt yancy's dreams? how much of him is now yancy too? yes, raleigh might have lost a piece of himself when yancy died, but it's also the way yancy's ghost will forever be inside his head (in a very literal sense). he has to grieve someone who will live inside him forever and that makes me very sad because how are you supposed to move on from that?
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