#it is definitely a framing thing tho so like i understand some sides of it. just not generally
callixton · 1 year
i also don’t think political escapism fiction is evil. which does seem to be a slightly controversial take for reasons i don’t really understand
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bingbongsupremacy · 9 months
Camp Hawkins AU
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x plus sized reader
Warnings: Use of Y/N. This is my first time writing a plus size reader oneshot. As a plus sized person myself, I wanted to try it. I'm a little nervous tho. I know some people don't like it when ppl write insecure plus sized reader stories. I just feel like when I write, I put my emotions and my insecurities into the character as a way to work through them. I'm working on my confidence and some time I will write x confident!plus size reader oneshots, just not right now. Anyways, I hope you can understand that, and if you don't maybe try another story. Thank you.
P.S. I don't know how tf to flirt.
The story doesn't mention a lot about being plus sized but it is there.
Summary: It's your third year being a camp counselor at Camp Hawkins and your 7th year knowing Steve. Every year your crush seems to grow stronger and stronger.
*Not Proof Read*
ABC List Stranger Things Masterlist
" Bunk 23. " Eddie, one of the head counselors grins while handing me a set of keys.
I groan. " The bunk with the bats? Eds, are you serious. "
Last year a bat nest was found in the corner of one of the old wooden beds. Nobody had checked the cabin before letting campers and counselors inside, resulting in a nasty surprise halfway through the first week.
Eddie shrugs. " Sorry, kid. I don't assign the bunks, I just tell people where to go. " Eddie's eyes shift over my shoulder. " Steve! There ya are, my boy. Long time no see. What's going on? "
I feel my annoyance begin to melt away as the sound of boots makes its way towards us. It's quickly replaced with a flutter type feeling in my stomach, a feeling that's been stuck with me for the past seven years.
I turn to look at the cause of my emotions.
Steve grins at the man behind me. A large leather duffle bag hangs off of his left shoulder. In his right hand, a small rolling suitcase, the same grayish color as his coat, squeaks along. The same two bags he's used since I met him. Steve pulls off his glasses, sending a dazzling smile towards Eddie and I. " Same old, same old, Ed. Hi, Y/N. "
His grin sends waves of happiness flooding through my body. I love the way he says my name.
I do my best to keep my composure. I return the smile, adding in a small wave as well. " Hey, Steve. "
" So what's this I hear about you and Nancy? A little birdy tells me you're back together again. " Eddie asks, leaning against the desk in front of him.
Nancy and Steve. The always on and off high school sweethearts.
I have no shot with Steve. I mean, he's obviously still head over heels for her if he keeps going back to her. I guess deep down I hope he'll finally see me as someone other than his chubby fellow camp counselor.
Picking up my heavy bags, I excuse myself from the conversation. " Hey, I'll catch you guys later. I'm gonna go check out the cabin, make sure no bats are hanging around. "
" Do you need help with your bags? They look a little heavy. " Steve offers, moving to set his stuff down on the ground.
He's so sweet. He always have been. No wonder I have a huge crush on him.
" No, " I shake my head. " I've got it. It's not to far. " I smile.
" But Bunk 23's on the other side of the-" Eddie begins.
I interrupt him. " I'm probably going to stop at the dining hall and see if Robin's there yet anyways. I'll be okay. " I reassure them.
" Oh, okay. " Steve nods, glancing down at the heaviest duffle bag I have.
I'm definitely regretting packing extra crafts. I just didn't want any of the kids to get bored during free time.
" Cya guys. " I shuffle towards the door. The floor creaks beneath me as I walk out onto the main cabins' porch.
Maybe some day I'll mean more to Steve Harrington.
" He literally offered to help you. Why didn't you take him up on that? " Robin groans in frustration. Strands of hair that slipped out of her hat frame her flour splotched face. Bits of dough and other mysterious stains cover the front of her apron, making it look like a doughy murder scene.
She leans on the serving window counter, her arms cradling her head.
" He was just being nice. I mean, if I saw you carrying heavy bags of flour, I'd offer to help you. It's something everyone does- be nice to the people you know. It doesn't mean they like you. " I argue. I fidget with the lid of my water bottle.
" That's different. "
I narrow my eyes at the woman. " How is that different? "
Robin lets out an annoyed grunt. " You and me, " She points to the two of us. " have no chemistry. You and Steve on the other hand..." She waggles her eyebrows, sending a warm feeling climbing up my face.
I roll my eyes.
" Have a fuck ton of chemistry. Like sometimes I feel like it's choking me. " She makes a pretend choking sound. " Please! Y/N! Steve! Just make out already. Please, for the love of god! Save me! Save humanity from the horrors of watching you two interact while denying your feelings! "
I gently hit her forearm. " Shut up. That's not true, literally shut the fuck up. " I mutter.
Robin laughs. " It's so true. Ask literally anyone that hangs around you guys. Why do you think Nancy and Steve keep breaking up? "
That can't be true. Relationships have issues. There's no way in hell Steve and Nancy keep breaking up because he likes me. That's...insane.
" Your a catch, y/n. You need to start realizing that. People-they have crushes on you too. "
I turn my head to meet Robins gaze.
" You're not the only person in the world who doesn't have someone attracted to them. I mean, if fucking Mike Wheeler can have a girl crushing on him, so can you. "
It's just hard for me to believe someone like Steve, Ex Captain of the Hawkins basketball team, could like someone like me. I'm pretty sure he's only ever seen me as a friend. All these years, transitioning from campers to counselors, he's never made a move on me. In all fairness, I haven't exactly made a move on him either...in my defense, Steve and Nancy are on and off so much, a flickering light bulb has more predictability.
This is all so confusing.
" Welcome campers! " A loud voice booms from on the old cement stage.
Slowly chatter from the excited campers begin to die down.
Jim Hopper, a retired sheriff and the new owner of Camp Hawkins, begins to speak again. " We're so excited to have you here. Each of you have been assigned a bunk and a counselor... " Jim's voice begins to fade from my mind. The same words have been repeated year after year, not that I mind. It's a familiar introductory speech, something I know will never change.
I look behind the older man. The gorgeous quarry shines from the sunlight. Post card worthy.
" You're bunk 23, right? " Steve's voice asks from next to me.
I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed he took a seat next to me.
I send him a smile. " Yeah, The bat bunk. " I mumble.
Steve grins. " I'm bunk 24. "
" Oh nice, I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot then. Well, " Stupid, the kids do basically everything together. You're going to see him a ton anyways. " More than usual I guess. "
Steve chuckles slightly. A sound that sends waves tumbling through my insides. " I don't mind. You're good company. "
I feel a familiar warmth sprawl across my face. " You're not so bad yourself, Harrington. "
A look of amusement finds its' way onto Steve's face. " Hey, I know you're not a huge fan of bats...or other flying creatures, " He references my first year here as a camper.
I let out a groan at the embarrassing memory. " That was so long ago. The bird literally came out of nowhere. " I vividly remember that morning. It was still dark when Steve and our friends got the bright idea to go check out the quarry. A bird flew out of one of the nearby bushes, nearly smacking into my face.
Steve laughs, his milky brown eyes glinting from the sunlight. " Hey, birds can be terrifying. I'm not judging you. " He holds up his hands in a playful surrender. " I was just saying, if you want, I can come over to your bunk and check it out. Make sure no flying surprises are hidden anywhere. " He offers, leaning forward slightly in his seat.
My heart flutters. God, he's so sweet. " I don't want to inconvenience you, I mean, it's probably fine. I doubt the bats returned. "
" Really, I don't mind. It's not an inconvenience, if anything, I'm doing this for my bunk. I mean, I don't really feel like waking up to a bunch of people screaming at 3 in the morning. "
My eyebrow raises. " Oh? So you're doing this for you then...for your interests. "
Steve tilts his head slightly. " I guess you could say that. "
The campers around us begin to gather up their bags, making their way towards Eddie and Jonathan who have lists of where everyone's supposed to go.
Steve stands up, extending a hand towards me. " So what do you say, Y/N. Do you want Pest Control Steve to come take a look at your bunk? "
I cringe at his stupid name, causing him to laugh.
" Only if you never call yourself that again. " I accept his hand, standing up from the cement row.
Steve's hand firmly holds onto mine for a few seconds longer after we've stood up.
From over his shoulder Robin catches my eye. Her eyes flicker between our hands and back to my eyes. She mouths a silent ' He fucking likes you ', which I ignore.
I release Steve's hand, shoving mine into my pocket.
For a moment, a flicker of confusion? Maybe disappointment flashes across Steve's features. He obviously ignores it, moving to fold his arms across his chest. " Deal. "
I smile at the man. " Deal. "
I look at him for a second longer before I'm quickly swept away by the campers in my bunk.
My mind analyzes our conversation over and over again, completely ignoring whatever Eleven is telling me while we walk back to our bunk.
He couldn't like me. Right?
" I think you guys are clear. " Steve says, poking his head back out from under the last bunk. He glances up at the top of the bunk, making sure there's nothing hidden in the corners.
" Thank you so much, Pest Control Steve, what would I ever do without you? " I cringe slightly at my words, shaking my head. " You know what, never mind. I thought it would be funny but no. "
Steve laughs at my attempt at mockery. " You'd live in uncertainty. " He makes his way towards me, leaning against the open door frame.
Outside the kids are running around playing capture the flag, their yells echoing slightly around the bunk.
" Sure...I'd probably just get Eddie or Jim to look around. You know how much they love me. "
Steve slightly leans towards me. " They wouldn't check as well as I do. I do have a five star rating in customer service. " His voice is soft but teasing.
My eyes flicker down to his lips.
He's so close. Just a few inches away. If I wanted to, I could kiss him.
I do want to...
But I can't.
What if him and Nancy are still dating?
Fuck, I should've stuck around and waited to hear what he had to say about their relationship.
" Y/n! El got another bloody nose! " Dustin's voice suddenly shouts.
My head snaps towards the direction of the boy. His face goes from worried to grinning in a matter of seconds.
" Wait, " He looks between Steve and I.
Without waiting for him to finish, I snatch a roll of paper towels from the desk near the door. I hurry out of the bunk, leaving the two guys behind.
" Oh my god, Dustin... " Steve's voice groans.
" Were you guys about to..." Dustins' voice fades away as I make my ways towards a group of kids. I push past them, kneeling in front of El.
Perfect timing.
The dining hall is bursting with noise. Kids sit together, eagerly talking about their first day back at camp.
I grab a plate and nervously head into the kitchen.
Food. My least favorite part of the day. I don't know if it's just the fear or people watching me eat or the possibility of someone making fun of me for eating too much. I should be used to it by now, I've eating around people for my entire life, but I'm not.
Every meal time still brings unnecessary anxiety.
Robin leans against one of the walls, a iced drink in her left hand. As she raises the glass to take a sip, droplets of condensation run down her arm. " About time you showed up. I basically had to threaten Eddie with a knife for him to back away from your portion of chicken tenders. He does not go down without a fight, I'll tell you that. " She chuckles.
" Thanks. " I begin putting some food onto my plate.
There's a moment of silence. " So. " Robin looks at me expectantly.
" So? " I ask, confused. I lean against the counter across from her. The counter hidden from the view of the dining hall.
Robin rolls her eyes. " Aren't you going to tell me about it? "
" What are you talking about, Robin? "
Robin lets out a sigh of annoyance. " Oh my god, Y/N. The kiss! "
Still lost, I set my food down. " What kiss? "
Finally, Robin blurts it out. " Dustin told me he saw you and Steve making out in your bunk. "
My eyes widen. " What? No. Robin, we weren't making out, that little..." I shake my head. " Steve and I were talking. Just talking. "
Robin raises an eyebrow. " Are you sure, Y/N, I'm your best friend. You can literally tell me anything-you literally have told me basically everything. "
" Robin, I swear. If anything were to happen, you'd be the first to know. Steve and I didn't do anything. "
" Doesn't mean something won't happen in the future though. " Robin smirks.
I roll my eyes. " He has a girlfriend, Robin. I'm not making a move on a taken guy. "
" They'll probably be on break by the end of the month. "
I pick up my plate again. " I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't get myself wrapped up into that. I mean, they'll probably eventually get back together. I don't want to be a rebound or something. "
Robin hops onto the counter, taking a seat in the empty space. " Steve's not like that. "
Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that. But, hey, maybe I don't know him as well as I think I do.
" So Dustin's going around telling everyone? " I say in discomfort. Even if we had kissed, I don't want everyone to know.
Robin shakes her head. Her hair is finally free from her hat. " Fuck no. I was the first person he saw and the first person he told. I told him I'd feed him to everyone for dinner if he says anything to anyone. " She lets out a small laugh. " Scared him shitless. "
I shake my head. " Of course you did, Rob. "
The moon reflects off the quarry beautifully. Finally, there's bit of quiet. All of the campers are huddled together in the dining hall, playing random board games.
Their voices and music fade away as I walk closer to the water. I love being a counselor, but it definitely gets overwhelming at time. I look forward to going down to the Quarry every night, just for a little bit to clear my head.
As I get closer to the waters' edge, hear a twig snap. I snap towards my right side, the direction the sound came from.
A familiar jacket catches my eye.
Hanging over a nearby log, the sleeve of Steve's jacket shines in in the moonlight.
" Fuck, I'm sorry. " I blurt out as soon as I see the pair. On top of the jacket sits Steve. On his lap is Nancy, her arms wrapped around Steve's white t-shirt clad shirt. Nancy's legs are wrapped around his hips, pulling him into her embrace.
The pair pull apart, obviously surprised by my intrusion.
Nancy looks slightly embarrassed. " Oh I'm sorry. We didn't think anyone would be out here this late. " She apologizes, quickly getting off of her boyfriend.
I don't bother to look at Steve, knowing anything I see will send a pang of even more embarrassment and jealousy through my heart.
Don't be jealous.
Don't be jealous.
He doesn't like you. He never will. He's with fucking Nancy. It'd be wrong if he liked you.
Plus, Nancy is so sweet. How could I hurt her by dating Steve?
I turn around quickly, hurrying back down the path towards the dining hall.
Steve will never like someone like me.
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skullpie · 2 years
anyways is it okay if you just do some silly relationship hcs with joonyeong (aouad) and jaeheon (sweet home) separately I WILL LITERALLY CRY TEARS OF JOY
relationship hcs x
joonyeong x reader; jaeheon x reader (separate)
summary: relationship hcs for joonyeong (aouad) & jaeheon (sweet home)
warning(s): series typical warnings!
note(s): anon based on this request i think u have a type.. side eye.. can’t blame u tho uptight dorks with wire framed glasses are hot ! hope u enjoy lovely :) and ty for being my first request on this blog!! i thought i’d have to put some fics out before i got any so this is rly encouraging. i appreciate you!
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such a little nerd
definitely started out as good friends
absurdly proud of the fact that he has a partner
like… him?? he feels so special
(he is)
study dates where he actually intends to study and you distract him the whole time by begging for kisses and sitting on his lap etc
sometimes he caves, sometimes he doesn’t, he takes his academics seriously
but idk the image of you wrapping your arms around his neck and telling him to take a break with you during exams week.. lord….
“i miss my boyfriend”
“we’ve been together for the past three hours”
“but you’ve not been paying any attention to me! :(“
he does help you with work though, he thinks it’s really important
your parents adore him, they think he’s a great influence on you (even if you’re also great at school)
he’s the type to think the secretly hate him, though, so you often go over to his to spend time with each other
really enjoys going to whatever events you’re involved in
even if he doesn’t understand jack shit about any of it
remembers really specific and small details about you for sure
very eager to introduce you to people as “my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner!”
really proud of you and your relationship–does not try to hide that he’s taken
but he overall prefers private intimacy and affection
and very small, gentle forms of it at that
you can fluster him pretty easily tho
i can definitely see a friendly academic rivals to lovers situation happening
when the virus breaks out he never lets you out of his sight
cliché, but if you’re ever accused of being infected, he’s defending you with his life
when you can’t sleep he holds you, which doesn’t make you sleep but it is comforting
tries his hardest to tell you how important you are to him very often while everything is happening
first (and last) l-word is said when he decides to jump out of the barricade to save everyone (sorry ouch)
wholesome wholesome wholesome
he admires you so much
you probably meet in the elevator
he tries talking to you about his lord and savior–you think it’s really endearing how passionate he is
genuinely believes god sent you to him personally like an angel
just always smiling with you
holding hands everywhere you go
very often being mistaken for a married couple when you’re out and even by neighbors
(hyein starts telling people you’re married, and referring to you as ‘that married couple’)
likes holding your face and just admiring you, pressing little kisses to every spot he can think of
basically worships you
not the type to get flustered, per-say but he does get very hesitant and shy about certain levels of intimacy
hugging you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder, up your neck and to the top of your head. omg
just very traditionally romantic in the ways he shows you affection
kissing your hand, getting you flowers often, opening the car door for you, etc
biggest gentleman
when you get locked in the apartment building, he becomes bolder, or at least less hesitant about things
literally would die to protect you (and he does)
is always holding onto you in some way in low-intensity situations
the thought of you asking him to teach you how to use his sword, and he does that cute thing where when he goes to teach you, he stands behind you and holds your hands and arms to show you IM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
forehead kisses. that’s it just forehead kisses
when either of you are given a task, he always makes sure to hold you for at least a minute or two before he leaves. in case it’s the last time (sobs)
really good friends with jisu during the lock-in
you two find comfort in each other after he’s gone (NOT LIKE THAT) ((but also maybe like that idk im not the boss of you))
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idleorbitals · 1 year
OF ep 2 watch through ...part 2
(part 1)
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sand he was inviting both of you *so* explicitly what is your move here. sand will complain repeatedly about this into the next scene but no one asked him to cancel his date. baby is in denial
side note ray enjoying begging sand so much?? side note also this is how we find out ray blacked out and sand left him their last night together? ouch
ohhhkay the extensive flirting in the car. "one night stand boy, huh?" sand patently enjoying himself /so/ much but whining the whole way. they are both in trouble and neither of them know it yet but sand is going to find out really soon and ray is not going to find out until they both are in much more trouble
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top has trauma-induced insomnia and he's serious enough about it to make this face. I'm still proud of mew for checking if he was trying to pull one on him and then being kind about it when it seemed like he wasn't
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alright tho didn't we just establish that your much comfier bed is right over there? mew no one did this to you but yourself
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I like these mockumentary cutscenes more than I thought I would. mew silently smirking as he checks off boxes is doing heavy narrative lifting and I'm into it
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the foreboding music the lighting the lingering on the photo of ray and mew boston what are you planning?? is he about to become a real antagonist? can't decide how I feel about this
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ray is sort of into sand insulting him? is this because he doesn't have the power to hurt him yet or masochistic kink
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...ray baby no. you're gonna be Learning
sand brings up the /who are you, my dad?/ except this time it's /who am I, your dad?/ convo again and ray makes this face:
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oh here we. fokking go
sand going "what am I supposed to be, your hooker" and ray saying "sure" and sand doing soft surprised pikachu for like ten seconds. ray doubling down and sand telling him to save it. instead of saying "I don't sleep with people for money" he says "I sleep with people I like for free" and we send silent thanks to screenwriters who understand the sex industry and have the cultural vocabulary to write compelling nuanced and still quippy conversations about sex. not to be heterophobic but queer people make better tv
anyway sandray are both playing a game and they both keep getting surprised to be one-upped. this is a very enjoyable dynamic to watch and they seem to be enjoying it too
...for now
at minute 8:30 sand's last vocal sound leaves his mouth. for thirty full seconds ray smokes and asks him leading flirty questions including "am I interesting enough for you?" and "are you open to someone like me?" and for thirty full seconds sand looks from rays right eye to his left eye and back again and lowers and raises his jaw infinitesimally and just generally:
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this boy is done for and I can't even be mean about it I'm right there with him
anyway at shortly after minute 9 they break the tension and kiss each other. they kiss each other! ray is the one leaning around from his cigarette to do khaotung's little smoke plume of high art but sand is very much matching him in coming in for this kiss. I love this framing so much. firstkhao have the absolutely ideal dynamic to pull this off*
*if anyone saw that one person copy pasting SANDRAYYYY SWITCHHH into the live comment box the entire end credits that wasn't me but I was there with them in spirit
they break away and sand says if they go further they won't just be friends and ray says some kinds of friendship start from sex you watched the same thing I watched I don't need to describe it but here I am. do you remember though that this was the look ray was giving sand while he said that because ho boy
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sand pronouncing that ray is going to keep wanting him but they're going to stay just friends right after he says we won't be just friends after this...what level to tackle this on. narratively this definitely feels like foreshadowing and I think he's right on the money on the first bit. but we know that sand is not going to get out of this remotely unscathed whether or not it could possibly be argued that he hasn't already lost that battle. sand showing his hand by contradicting himself out loud as well as internally?
they stub out their cigarettes Significantly and start making out again. can't coherently screencap this scene. it's so excellently done. top notch dynamic again. firstkhao are getting better at this with every go.
ok I do have one minor gripe
for some reason in the middle of sand pushing ray back onto the couch they have inserted a shot of ray on top of sand. it is from the beat that comes after the last little mockumentary cutscene—it's not a double, it's the exact same shot, just colored differently. screenshots below from 10:11 and 11:02
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editing mistake? intentional insert to lengthen the scene? I like this shot too but it breaks up the flow of the scene oddly and I want it gone from the first part
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mockumentary cutscene: even harder to focus on when I know what's coming back on screen right after but worth mention. obviously sand is reflecting on some past mistakes here. he knows he's playing with fire and he's denying it vocally and also not changing his behavior. self-awareness level relatable honestly. do we think he fell in love with someone he didn't want to? or fell in love freely and then got screwed over? why is he mr. one night stand boy
also don't know whether to credit ray or khaotung for this longest gayest look ever at his own pants. sublime
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okay back to the couch for our not-quite-ten-second final indulgence. ray's on top this time. I don't even like sex scenes that much I know what I am saying
I see, like sand's, my words are not matching my actions. and yet
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*trembling* sandray.... switch....
all ofts watch throughs
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 6 months
ok my opinion now that i finished y8's story (spoilers)
tldr; overall it's a flawed but better end for kiryu than 6 imo. n ichiban is there <3 don't play this as your first yakuza game please don't you will get so much more out of this if you actually know who tf anyone is
it wasn't as awesomesauce as it seemed like it was gonna n it fell into the usual rgg problems - while surprisingly fixing a big one
kiryu's story effected me a lot 🥲 while ichiban's was just mostly "well i get to see ichiban yay". not to say i didn't care at all lmao the hawaii plot definitely still had it's strong moments (especially the scene w chitose after the bryce boss!!!) it just didn't hit the same overall
positive: KIRYU. i honestly loved most of the kiryu stuff. letting him look back outside of traumatic flashbacks.... letting him have a nice time..... giving him all these new friends that won't die on top of reassuring him that his old connections are still alright.... getting his ass punched by akiyama lmao. it really makes you realize how weird of an ending y6 would've been if that was truly kiryu's last game. so nice to finally be able to acknowledge previously tossed out characters/story beats in-game. seeing shinada mentioned… i cheered (i wish he was actually in there tho). on the hawaii side: tomizawa n chitose r sooooo good i didn't even think i'd end up liking chitose but i lov her.... n ichiban is the ichiban as usual
n the main villains don't die this game!? they're expected to live w what they did, even the evil cult leader!?!? kiryu's line abt not being able to change anything if you're dead wow wow wow hearing that after the prev games where a lot of them die even when they were able to change wooooooow. the pre-credits ending was sooooooo strong. I LUV KIRYU :( :) :(
<3 the tweaks to gameplay were nice too + it was a very pretty game
it had to grow on me but i like kiryu's y8 look a whole lot it's very nice n goes well w his softer expressions
negative: not as well optimized for pc (or in general) as y7 it feels like? i already said i liked kiryu's plot more than ichiban's... yeah. pretty mad that hanawa died but whatevar i guess... i understand saeko's conflict w ichiban but don't really like how they wrote her at times it made me kinda frustrated. esp w the joke at the end. really the whole y7 party took a step backwards in some ways (tho they're still great mostly) it's just saeko got it the worst. also i really don't like how long they took to get me to actually like yamai bc his reason for being in hawaii was constantly in the back of my head n then at the very end after all the fun stuff already happened they were like "actually he didn't try to assault her she framed him" fuuuuuuck you at least tell us that way earlier instead of suddenly detouring in the penultimate chapter. "well they had you warm up to him so you'd know something was up! they wouldn't make an sa-er likable!" listen. listen. i love rgg but if you think i trust them w women.... n if you think i forgot y4......... i didn't realize they still had the dating thing from 7 in there either till i saw someone else mention it n i refuse to touch it :/
too many blonde blue eyed white ppl in the substories wtf why do they outnumber the natives
my one gripe abt the kiryu side is that we didn't get to see him actually reunite w haruka n haruto IN GAAAAME BEFORE IT ENDED. LIKE WE KNO HE WILL BUT I WANTED TO SEEEEEEEE ON SCREEEEEEEN
my current ranking:
y0 = y7 > y3 > y5 > y8?? (not entirely sure bc its like. the highs n lows are so drastic) > kiwami 1 = y1 > kiwami 2 (don't get mad at me) > y6 (doooon't get mad at me i started liking it less when 8 was announced) > y4
gaiden not there bc its a short side game but i liked it so i'll mention it. didn't play the og y2 </3
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seokjinsonlyone · 3 years
this what i think bts love language is
a/n: this just my thoughts besties i ain’t do no formal type of research or nun just let my lil imagination sprint 🥸🤪
physical affection/words of affirmation
okay so i said physical affection for one bc like he seem to like initiate contact with people around him a lot
like in interviews he be having his hand on whoever next to him thigh or like when he be performing if it’s someone next to him he throws his arms around them a lot
not to mention like whenever jimin or jk or whoever start feeling up on him he never rejects it or makes a face or anything like yoongi does he just accepts it
like there’s so many stage clips where jimin will come and rest his chin on joon’s shoulder and he just lets him
or jk will just start touching on him some way grabbing his arms or sumn and it doesn’t phase him at all
another example is like on day 2 of sowoozoo when tae randomly came and linked arms with him and hobi during mikrokosmos hobi was like 🥴🥴 but joon was just 😌
and then there was that magic shop muster moment when jk was talking about how much he loved joon and how he was his beginning you know as president of the joon fan club does and namjoon couldn’t help but to go over and give his number one admirer a hug you know the moment
same thing with compliments he lowkey be eating them up
like you know how whenever hobi gets complimented he be like “😶 don’t say those things” joon don’t do that
like when they was asked to take their jackets off during the butter shoot and namjoon was like yeah okay and everyone started hyping him up and he was just 💁🏼‍♂️😜
and again on day 2 sowoozoo when he pushed his hair back from his forehead and everyone went OHHHHHSWJJSJS SEXY NAMJOON and then he decided to murder us all by tilting his head back on top of that adding insult to injury i would insert the picture but for my mental health i will not
and again whenever they talk about him being such a great leader he never shies away from it doesn’t cringe always accepts it so you know it must mean a lot for him to hear those things
aside from that tho he’s such a poetic person
like he is definitely involved in an intimate affair with language so there’s no way he wouldn’t appreciate you verbally telling him how he makes you feel
like just think about how many times he’s said he wants to sit down with each army and listen to their story
that being said if this was your man i think you’d definitely have to both show and tell him how you feel
like if he was about to head out for work you definitely got to kiss him before he leaves
and if you on the phone with him the last words you’re saying are i love you
and he’s definitely gonna cherish it each time always gonna have that cute little smile dimples caved in his cheeks bc you love him and he feels it
acts of service/words of affirmation
alright so ngl the reason i said acts of service for seokjin is like almost 100% based on his reaction to tae setting up that birthday event for him where he had his friends send him messages
he talked about it for WEEKS like he was genuinely so moved that i just like he has to love it
and then there’s like how much he bothers jk to like do simple stuff like i’m specifically thinking about that one moment in bon voyage 4 when he was sitting down at the table and called jk to help him up
and then there’s also little things he does for others like when he peeled tae’s tangerines for him or when he offered to feed yoongi bc he was driving or how he always offers bites of his food before even gets a chance to taste it
now i say words of affirmation bc he always searching for a compliment
my minds going to when jk hurt his foot and jin was pushing him in the wheelchair and kept feeding him lines to say about how he was such a good hyung and how he loves him
or in the behind the scenes for the boy with luv video and he kept tryna get tae to compliment him for being witty
and my boy never misses a chance to introduce himself as worldwide handsome
even though he does a lot of those things jokingly there are moments when he’s serious too about giving compliments and shy when he receives them like in those be interviews when he called jk a singing genius and jungkook was talking about how he had the most range and he got all ☺️☺️
or that moment from in the soop when he was comforting yoongi about like not having regrets and when yoongi told him he wanted to be like him just those kinds of moments let me know words are important to him
which just made me remember how hard he tries with his lyrics and how important they are to him like when he was writing awake and he talked about how he kept getting rejected but he was super insistent bc it was important for him to sing the words he wrote and don’t even get me started on moon i just-
anyway jin done said many times he is a man of the present so if you’re with him you gotta actively show/tell him
if you’re at the store pick him up some gummies
if you know he’s got a long day ahead of him maybe pack him some snacks to take with him in the morning
if his hair looks nice tell him
send him messages throughout the day even if he can’t respond immediately
he claims he’s a man of the present but whenever he takes a moment to reminisce the past he’ll look back and know just how much you care about him
quality time/acts of service
listen as much as this man loves spending time alone the time he spends with others means a lot to him
like how he always go fishing with jin even tho he ain’t particularly fond of it
or how like in in the soop he had made plans to play games with jimin and did so extensively
also from in the soop when he had spent most of his day outside reading but then he had heard everyone starting to make the theme song and immediately ran to get his equipment to record and what not
not to mention his poem from the end of that one run episode where they went on like a mini trip or whatever and he was like “what a relief that we have seven members. what a relief that we have each other.”
like being all together is important to him
like i just think about that one scene from one of they movies ion remember which one but they were all gathered around the table and it was when he had told them how he actually hurt his shoulder and they was talking about how they was worried about jk and how he need to come out his room and it’s not even the content of the scene but just like the fact that he ain’t have to be there but he was
and also can’t neglect to mention how he whined for y e a r s about how ain’t nobody come to visit him on set when he was filming the videos for his first mixtape like mans wouldn’t let that go and then how touched he was when they made appearances on his daechwita set even if he couldn’t express it properly
and how he begged for them to make cameos in the video and how happy he was when jin and jk did
and he doesn’t ever forget to mention whenever him and hobi hang out he’s like yeah we went for a drink and dinner and talked and blah blah
he loves it when people make an effort to be around him
now acts of service i got this all on a whim okay like… listen… we all been there we have all watched an ideal type video on youtube don’t lie okay
and up there it be like he want someone to bring him food in the studio and take care of him and stuff like that and in this case the math maths
you really can see that in how he treats others
like just the other day i saw a gifset somewhere and the boys were like yeah yoongi always takes care of us he don’t make eye contact tho
not to mention how he always cooks for them when they go on trips
and even though he ain’t give seokjin his song yet we know it’s coming! eventually!
and whenever they be ganging up on jungkook yoongi always the first one to be like “stooooppp you gon make him cry”
my baby just always be doing little things for others to show he cares okay 🥺
so if you got with my baby you gotta take care of him 🥺🥺🥺
he really needs someone that understands him bc he not gonna say anything
if you’re all hanging out together make sure you’re by his side so he knows you want to be there with him
if he’s busy stuck in his studio drop by even if you just end up laying on the couch he’s gonna appreciate you just being with him
and bring food my baby getting buff he need all the veggies and protein he can get
receiving gifts
i really had to think about this one but once i connected the dots yeah it makes total sense
like he looooves shopping loves getting stuff so when other people give him stuff i know he just 🥰🥰🥰
hobi lights up when he gets gifts they don’t always have to be big but i know he very much appreciates them
like how in the army corner store festa video when asked to bring something meaningful to them he brought those figurines which was the first gift a fan gifted him
which makes me think about how those limited edition figurines dropped and hobi was like i need to get one for namjoon and then namjoon was like i need to get one for hobi and so they ended up with like two of them or something like that
also from festa in the little photo booth mission every time he won a prize he was like yaaasss omg and was thinking of ways to put it to use like when he got that picture frame he immediately stuck them film strips in it he probably got it hanging in his room or in his studio by now tbh
and i think it was on the canada run bts episode where jk bought him those slippers and he was super happy
even when they were in hawaii and him and jin were hungry on the bus and he asked jin for gummies like ofc jin had to get on his nerves first but when he finally gave him his snacks he went from 😐 to 😚
or how he still has that change purse that namjoon bought him in malta (probably still got the money in there too tbh)
speaking of malta got me thinking about how tae went out of his way to win hobi that flamingo bc he said he’d never seen one and when tae gave it to him he went parading it around telling everyone that tae won it for him and then said he was gonna put it in his studio
and he got that chicken leg pillow they gave him from you quiz on the couch in his studio
and i think it was from the 2020 winter package he was so happy when jin bought him those ugly little troll elf things with the hat you know what i’m talking about
and he commented like three times when jungkook drew that picture of him for his birthday
and we know mans be giving gifts too
like how he got yoongi that coffee truck on the set of daechwita
and when they were on the speak yourself tour and he went out shopping on a day off and bought jin a sweater or something
and how he slaved through like 2 or 3 lives making bracelets for the members and then gave it to them on the bang bang con live
and the most devastating one of all when they had to give each other gifts i think it was on the run episode with all the water games but i could be wrong anyway and like most of them gave each other gag gifts like their merch or whatever but hobi gave jimin (and the rest of the members) a cd for his song promise it had a little photo book in it and everything 😭😭😭
so like whoever gets with this fine specimen gon have to throw a few dollars together to make sure this man is kept
not really i’m sure he doesn’t expect you to sell your car for a gucci peacoat or your soul for a rolex
but if you did decide to save up for some time to get him a little extravagant gift i know he’d more than appreciate it
more often than not though it’d be the little things that got to him like if you bought a simple t shirt from the store but then kinda like upcycled it drew little doodles on it wrote “i’m your hope” somewhere on it there would definitely be a picture uploaded of him on weverse or twitter wearing it
or if you decided to compile the pictures of you two together into a scrapbook or something he’d keep it somewhere accessible like in a drawer in his desk in his studio and flip through it with a little smile on his face when he’s missing you
and even if it was something even smaller than that like say he mentioned in passing that like idk he was out of eggs or something and you bought him some he just might marry you
physical affection/quality time
the first thing that comes to mind with this for jimin is how he comforts his boys
like there’s so many behind the scenes clips from tour where like jk or tae will be upset with their performance and crying and jimin would be the one to come up behind them and hug them and wipe their tears
same concept for that one moment in bon voyage 3 when they told him that tae was crying and he just kinda hugged him and wiped his tears and hovered around him to make sure he was okay
or when they left hobi at the gas station in bon voyage 4 and then went back to pick him up he still hugged hobi even as he was laughing evilly
also in bon voyage 4 when they went on that helicopter tour and they was on the mountain and him and tae tackled each other and was rolling in the snow
and he is just like always in jk arms like he just jumps on him for no reason like in that video where lee hyun is acting as one of bts’ management
also in the behind from i think when they were practicing for the 2019 bbmas i believe at some point jungkook was holding that man spinning him in circles or sumn like that
and there’s also that one comeback show when him and tae were in the comic book cafe and they were just cuddled up together looking at tae’s phone practicing english i think
and on that one joon live when him and tae crashed and just caused a whole lot of commotion i’m pretty sure at one point they were cuddled on the couch and then jimin told tae his breath stinks and tae proceeded to open his mouth over the air purifier
anyway clearly he is a man with hands
but he also is someone who loves to spend time together it’s important to him
like i just think about how when they had their “break” back in 2019 he talked about how he just traveled the entire time and he went with various friends and family
and i’m pretty sure it was bon voyage 3 when they were doing their friendship trips and trying to make fresh pairings or whatever he was like i don’t think there’s any surprising pairing with me and it’s like… that’s true
like you got minimoni, minimini, jikook etc… all tried tested and true man gets around his band
and he’s the main one who’s always like “yeah bro we should live in the dorms until we’re 50”
and he always talks about how he can’t be alone and how he’s always gotta be doing something with someone
and his lives!!! his lives!!!! when he spends time with us it’s always so intimate and personable
like you can’t tell me that i ain’t have dinner with him and jin after a show in the hotel room and we drank off camera even after the staff told us we couldn’t 😤🤚
there’s also that time he went live and someone said they had some kind of condition and then he took it upon himself to look it up and try to find treatments
just liiiike whenever he goes live every minute counts bro and yes this is me trying to summon him bc we ain’t had a solo jimin live since october and i know they super busy but i miss 😓😓😓
so for this mans i just feel like you just gotta really be with him
just like he makes every second count you have to as well
like he’s gonna want to have your full attention and you’ll definitely have his he’ll be obsessed with you tbh
however he doesn’t always have the time and his schedule definitely isn’t the most accommodating so he’s gonna want someone to put in the effort
but as long as you make sure he knows you’re all in he’ll always meet you halfway
words of affirmation
now this one has been stated explicitly multiple times and he’s admitted it himself
specifically during let’s bts in their segment within the segment and namjoon was like taehyung the kind of person who grows from compliments
and i ain’t even got the right words to express how i feel about the smile he couldn’t help when hobi had them all tell tae that they like him
not to mention the story he told during the festa video last year about how he always tried his very best to get hobi to praise him and how disappointed he was when hobi didn’t get it
and i may be tripping but didn’t like earlier this year he didn’t post on weverse or twitter for like a month or so because he wanted to keep seeing us say how much we miss him???
and in bon voyage season 2 when they had to write letters to each other and he wrote his to jimin and then cried when he read it
there’s also a moment in bon voyage 4 when he and rm were about to sleep in the same space and he asked joon if he could cuddle him and joon was like 🥴🤚 how bout no and tae was like you do like me right? and rm was like yeah of course but let’s not cuddle bro
also in that weverse magazine interview they did he talked about how depressed he got when they weren’t able to perform and he only felt happy for a while when he was able to communicate with us
and in turn he’s very verbally supportive as well
like at that one fan sign they was talking about bon voyage and they asked army which season they liked better 1 or 2 and someone said 1 and taehyung was like “😐 now why would you say that bc namjoon won’t even in that” even though really it was only like 1 or 2 episodes he missed out on
and like he’s always hyping seokjin up like when they were doing the map of the soul 7 comeback live and jin was talking about how he wasn’t a good dancer and taehyung was like 😡 don’t say that bc it’s not true you’re good and you always been good
and in the let’s bts thing again it was important for him to let jimin know that he likes him best like they really are best friends y’all 😭
and when he talks about how much he loves suga’s raps
and that moment in the soop when he set up a date for him and jungkook to talk out whatever tension they had or whatever
and how during those individual be interviews he had hobi flustered when he complimented his passion for music
and he always be saying like the most comforting stuff on weverse letting army know he’s there as a source of comfort at all times even when he can’t be
like this man is literally the creator of borahae meaning that we’ll love and support each other for a long time
so if you get with tae communication is key!!!
you gotta tell him how you feel about him
if you’re out and about and see something that reminds you of him? tell him. if you like his hair that day? tell him. if he does something that pisses you off? tell him. if you miss him? tell him. if you love him? tell him.
like y’all gon talk about everything and nothing at all some days you’ll be discussing aliens and parallel universes other days you’ll be like discussing the future of your relationship
and ya know he a busy man so you not always gon be having long and drawn out heart to hearts so i think he’d love it if you just sent messages throughout the day something that let him know you were thinking of him even if it’s just a picture of a possum you chased down or if you spammed him with tiktoks you thought he’d like
he’d be looking at his phone like 🥰🤳 thinking about how much he loves you
physical affection
now this lil menace right here is touchy
always down for a cuddle
like on the canada episode of run when they were about to pick out rooms and he was like firmly latched onto hobi on the couch while they waited
and when they were practicing home for the magic shop muster and yoongi sat in the arm chair and immediately jk sat in his lap and tae sat in his lap
or how in in the soop after they were done eating he just went and latched onto jin’s back
and how tae had went to go wake jk up that one time and they ended up falling asleep
or how jk had went to wake up jimin that one time and they ended up falling asleep
there was just a lot of jk cuddles going on in in the soop so i’ll move on
let’s talk about the pool water debate run episode where in the end jk decided to latch onto jin’s back yet again
i’ll take this moment to mention the jinkook moment that lives in my head rent free for no valid reason it’s from the life goes on countdown video where they were reading the post cards and he was wearing that big pink sweatshirt and jin was wearing that pink and black bomber jacket and jk just grabbed jin’s arm and held onto it and played with it and when he was done he just threw it away i… i think about that moment a lot there’s an entire section in both my head and heart dedicated to that moment anyway continuing on
i’ll talk about that time they were backstage for a show and they had them blow up mattresses and suga was minding his business resting and jk just rolled up and moved his legs and laid beside him and then hobi decided to pile on top
and whenever they’re on stage he’s always the most delighted when joon would suggest a hug he’d be the first one over there nose scrunched up giggling he loves it
there’s also many instances in interviews and lives where he just can’t keep him hands to himself
just like that last butter live when tae ended up with a crown of forks thanks to mr kook
and he never misses an opportunity to feel up joon
which makes me remember that time he kissed namjoon on the forehead
and he is just always carrying jimin for some reason
so in conclusion… physical affection
and if he was your mans you’d be on the frontlines of receiving all he has to give
not necessarily in public or around a lot of people but in a space where you both were comfortable yes
you’d just have to accept that when you’re standing around he’s going to give you a shoulder/neck/back massage for no particular reason
and he will latch onto you in different positions for extended periods of time
and you gotta do the same! like that’s your man! go give him a hug! a kiss! let him know you love him
cuddle up to him while y’all chilling watching tv
hold his hand while y’all talking
just like grab onto him and never let him go
he’ll be hoping you don’t
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simplystefanie-rae · 2 years
Do I just do bullet points, like???? also why is the text functions so fucking different, c'mon man
people band wagon hate mike wheeler for almost (key word, almost) no reason
worst thing mike did this season was refuse to support lucas just because he had an interest outside of their nerd shit, but dustin and eddie (EDDIE, an adult, couldnt reschedule the fucking dnd session??? youre an adult and lucas is just trying to find a foothold in high school, reschedule your stupid game!!!) are equally guilty but they get no shit for this
mikes probably a little oblivious (regarding wills feelings) but that's the worst you could really say about him in this situation. It's not like he can read will's mind. i will say they could have did that scene better in ep 8 where will is crying like right next to him in the van and mike supposedly doesn't hear him even tho it was super obvious. He was clearly meant to not hear him, so maybe they should have blocked that out better.
I was really hoping will was asexual/aromantic for some good honest rep (last season I swore up and down that was the direction they were going), but eh, whachu gonna do. This still works well enough. I'm curious where they're gonna take his character and this arc next season. I am looking forward to him getting back into the thick of the plot.
The nancy/steve plot confused the fuck out of me the entire season and i still can't really pinpoint... the point of it. From steves perspective I totally can, but nancy's side of things (and subsequently jonathans) i just got huge fat question marks over it.
i loved steve/nancy in season 1, was disappointed they decided to break them up even though they turned steves archetype on its head, but was willing to compromise for a thruple cuz like...cool. I coulda dug it. But they never did it (mainstream media really aint about poly relationships yet which is a shame), and learned to like nancy and jonathan well enough that to rehash this in season 4 with one season left seems... i don't wanna say questionable, because this has to go somewhere, but if it's just to reaffirm nancy and jonathans relationship while steve is just left to move on, again, i will be wondering why they bothered. You could say the point is for nancy to reject the idea of a typical suburban family lifestyle, but she already did that in season 1 so again...why? Definitely dug the tension between her and steve tho, and all his vulnerable moments with her. I'll enjoy it while it lasts lol
LUCAS. god, lucas. I hope they continue to give him great material next season because damn have they been sleeping on calebs acting. the only time i ever teared up this entire show was when he was holding max and crying out for his sister, which was improv!!! I hope he has a damn good storyline next season, he deserves it
i do have issues with some of his storyline this season tho. his stuff with max was amazing, i wouldnt change that for anything. but i really feel some type of way that they had his friends NOT go to his game... and wrote this in a way where lucas was in the wrong by framing his interest in basketball as a shallow quest for popularity. That is such shit, especially after they had a line where lucas said he was doing this because he was tired of being bullied, which is very understandable, tho i don' know why they couldn't simply have it as him really loving basketball since he seems to actually enjoy it, but i digress. I was waiting all season long for a scene between him, mike and dustin, where lucas got to be rightfully upset with them for ditching him when he stressed how important it was to him. But instead, naturally, we got lucas telling jason he was wrong for looking up to him and wanting to be like him... like look, just because Jason turned out to be a...bit of a dick (more on him later) doesn't mean lucas was wrong for wanting to focus on a sport he really liked and wanting his friends to support him in it. There was no way for him to know that the basketball team was gonna pop off like that, that's such manipulative writing and i hate that kinda shit. #justiceforjocklucas the team needs more jocks anyway!! steve cant be the only one punching the shit out of things
....i really zoned out of joyce and murrays storyline, it was just so boring compared to what was going on in hawkins. Hoppers was good tho, especially when he got to play off of enzo (forget is real name, antonov?) tho i do think they could have left him dead, it would have freed up so much more time for other characters that desperately needed it (mike, jonathan, and will most notably)
i got more to say but ill do it in another post, don't want this to be super long. I have stuff to say about max, el, vecna, eddie, chrissy, and jason
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alygatorwrites · 3 years
can I request a lil something? during the end of the manga or after the timeskip if you haven't read it yet, reiner still has feelings for historia and reader has one-sided feelings for him.
pieck gives reiner a small hint, saying he's wasting time while there's someone close to him that cares for him and points to you. he doesn't understand at first and maybe is conflicted about his feelings for you because of historia. reader is cool about it as she doesn't expect him to reciprocate her feelings.
a rollercoaster of emotions later, maybe there is a happy ending tho? i am curious to see what you can come up with 😭😭 i have dreaming of this scenario before bed and i can't help but get jealous of his crush on historia abjdsndks maybe you can help reiner reciprocate reader-chan's feelings or not
thank u so much aly 💖🥺
pairing: reiner braun x reader
a/n: OMG yesss! honestly, i was kinda annoyed at how reiner still had a crush on historia. i know that isayama wanted to show how everything went back to normal, but i was hoping that reiner would have a bigger role in the allied nations instead of being "dumbed down" to having an obsession with her. MAYBE THATS JUST THE JEALOUSY SPEAKING LMAO 😭 i was hoping this would be longer, although school has been killing me so im really sorry!! i hope its okay 💗💕 thank you honey!
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as reiner is handed historia’s letter, you fold your hands on the table and watch him without a word. when he reads the lines and smells the parchment - jean saying something snarky afterward - you say nothing.
you want reiner to be happy: you want to see him at ease like this more, face soft as the leaf of the page flits from his pinched fingers.
and so you let the man speak about historia like she’s a damn goddess, gushing over her handwriting, and keep your goddamn mouth shut. ignore your jealousy. your feelings.
the truth is, you’re in love with reiner.
you can’t even remember how it happened, but you can remember the first time you looked into those hazel eyes, and how you knew that they were going to stick with you for eternity.
you’ve come to accept his crush on the queen, though. reciprocation was never an option in your mind.
when jean begins to chew reiner out for lusting after a married woman, and reiner says something about jean being a horse, pieck’s gaze lands on you. “you’re rather quiet,” she says softly, resting her head on her palm.
you shrug, turning away from her. “i’m just tired.”
pieck catches your chin between her lithe fingers, and turns you to face her with a tiny smile. the young woman is very perceptive, and you’ve known her long enough. 
that’s when you notice the twinkle in her eye. she’s planning something.
pieck releases your jaw then, sitting up in her chair. “you’re wasting your time, reiner,” she says suddenly. “there’s already someone you know who cares for you.”
you pretend to not hear pieck - and definitely pretend you don’t see her faintly point at you through your peripheral. the movement of her fingers is barely there, but you catch it.
damn you, pieck.
the way you’re now pinned underneath armin, jean, connie, and reiner’s stares makes your stomach tie itself into knots with bubbling reluctance. shit, this is awkward. you want to run away.
still, you peer over to study reiner’s reaction. he looks confused at first, the contours of his face unreadable. you swear you see connie facepalm at the man’s cluelessness.
then reiner’s expression slowly changes: his eyes widen in awe, lips parting slightly, and brows knitting together. he seems genuinely surprised - and conflicted.
conflicted? why?
there’s no time to explain yourself though, because the door creaks open and annie steps in. her words fall on your deaf ears, and when everyone stands up to leave, you’re the first one out of the room. work beckons you as always.
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two days pass.
you’ve been busy filling out tons of paperwork pertaining to the allied nations, so when you’re finally given a day off, you take it with open arms. 
freedom at last.
you lean against a bench outside of headquarters, enjoying the salty breeze that flutters along your skin. it’s dusk, the sky covered in a gradient of neon colors as the sun dips below the horizon.
you haven’t seen reiner since that day in the conference room. you wonder how he’s doing, what he’s thinking, how he’s holding up -
speak of the devil. you glance over your shoulder toward the voice, low and familiar.
reiner approaches you, clad in his uniform: the suit hugs his large frame perfectly, showing every flex of his muscles, and his blonde hair is neatly parted. the black tie looped around his neck just pulls it all together. it has you weak at the knees every. single. time.
“hey,” you answer, giving reiner a smile as he stops beside you.
and that’s when your heart lurches at the sight of him.
the sunset highlights reiner’s profile in gold, a heavenly shine that settles upon his blonde lashes and the flawless slope of his nose. the flecks in his irises sparkle – a beautiful mixture of soft browns and muted greens. the only thing you can do right now is admire the man. 
his words are what breaks you out of your daydream.
“work has been crazy lately, huh?” reiner says, focused on the candy-floss clouds and their fluffy shapes.
“well - yeah, pretty much. i don’t want to look at a pen or a piece of paper ever again.”
“that bad?”
“you have no idea. i almost regret marley and paradis reconciling.”
reiner chuckles gently at the joke, but it’s strained. his forehead remains creased, and he’s not really smiling. the emotion there is more … doubtful. it’s like he’s having some sort of inner conflict.
hopefully reiner’s not acting cautious because of the other day. you know he doesn’t return your feelings, and that’s totally okay. you’re happy enough being with him like this. “i’m not mad or anything, y’know.”
reiner stiffens at that. there’s a white flash of teeth when he chews on his lower lip. “i know.”
“good,” you hum, breathing out a sigh of relief. your core twists with envy when you force a grin. bite it back. tease him like always. “so about historia … ”
reiner’s eyes go wide almost comically, and you hear the breath in his lungs leave his firm chest in one exhale. there’s a light blush staining his cheeks now. it’s funny; he’s so goddamn big, yet he’s such a teddy bear.
“y-yeah,” reiner mutters. you observe the way his brows pinch together as he awkwardly shifts in place. it takes a while before the man composes himself again, which is strange.
is he scared or something? what the hell?
“pieck,” reiner hesitates for a moment. the golden strands of his hair ruffle in the wind and he appears ... well, lost. “was she being serious?”
the question is a shocker - jeez, he could have at least let you prepare yourself. a firm ‘no’ almost slips out, but you’ve never been much of a liar. not to reiner, anyway. crossing your arms against your chest, you inhale sharply and nod. avoid staring at him face-to-face. “yep.”
“ … why me?”
reiner says the words with a mixture of spite and anguish, a casual and rumbling voice. you immediately turn your head, frowning. “what?”
“i’ve done so many horrible things.” reiner exhales heavily and stares down at his hands; perhaps he’s imagining all the blood they’ve been stained with. “i betrayed everyone. i killed innocent people - all because i was selfish.”
it’s no surprise that reiner is broken after everything he’s been through, but it pains you to know that he continues to suffer in silence. whatever war is raging inside his ribcage tears him apart piece by piece, and you wish you could carry the burden. 
there’s probably nothing you can say to convince reiner that he was just a kid, a victim of circumstance. there’s nothing that can persuade him to see himself the way you do.
so you decide to tell reiner why you love him. 
you explain the amount of admiration you hold for him. tell him that you love the way he just wants to be someone his comrades can lean on, like a big brother. tell him that you think he’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever seen and how you think he deserves the world.
the way you spill your guts out snaps every nerve in your body. you don’t say everything you want to – but you tell him enough. a dark flush spreading across your face, you find the courage to look at him.
the world seems to stop on its axis when you find reiner staring right on back. the intensity of his eyes is stunning; they’re lit up with astonishment and affection.
god, the affection. you see it clear as day. maybe one of the greatest regrets in his life is how he forced himself to see you only as a friend.
that’s when he reaches out to you.
reiner retracts his hand twice, unsure, before slowly brushing his fingertips against yours. the touch is so feather-light that you almost can’t feel it. it’s a test - he’s waiting to see if you pull away. you can’t even move if you wanted to, because his fond gaze keeps you rooted to the spot before him. 
when you don’t recoil, reiner finally moves to gently hold your hand; his palm is so much bigger than yours, and your fingers slot together perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle’s final piece. 
heart thrumming like a hummingbird has been stuffed into your chest, you’re almost at a loss for words and come to a realization.
this utterly amazing man likes you. always has. 
but reiner shoved away the feelings for one simple reason; you deserved ‘better.’ focusing on the old crush he had on historia was a distraction - an attempt to convince himself to stop thinking about you.
because looking at you everyday and not being able to act upon his feelings was too painful.
“is this okay?” reiner asks lowly. there’s a slight pinkness to his cheeks, the color of a selfless love.
by some miracle, you manage to nod dumbly. “yeah, of course. it’s fine.” it’s amazing is what you actually want to say.  
reiner squeezes your hand at the reassurance, a sigh escaping from his throat. “i really—”
you wait for him to finish, but he doesn’t. reiner just searches your profile for signs of discomfort, and then untwines your hands to bravely swipe a thumb along the length of your cheekbone. 
there’s no time to speak because he’s already leaning down.  
the sensation of reiner’s lips pressing against yours lights your skin ablaze; you can feel the curling flames of passion sear your soul, made even more intense by the warmth of the sunlight on your back.
it’s natural, it’s tender, it’s warm.
reiner’s breath rattles into your mouth when you rest both palms against his solid chest and deepen the kiss. the musky smell of his aftershave and cologne envelops you completely, and fuck, it’s so good. your arms wrap around him, fingers passing over the sharp slopes of his shoulder blades.
as much as you wish the kiss could go on endlessly, there are people gathering outside. avoiding any unwanted attention from nosy strangers is very much appreciated.
you pull away to nuzzle your nose into reiner, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, protective arms moving to loop around your waist. it’s such an intimate caress that it sparks your brain into overdrive.
as the rushing sound of the breeze comes back to your ears through the quiet, you tuck the kiss away to be remembered forever. that’s all there is to it. being close to reiner like this - swaying together like wildflowers in the wind - is more important than anything else.
“i like you,” reiner murmurs.
the suddenness of it makes you laugh, and you can feel the upward quirk of reiner’s lips - a whisper of a peaceful smile and a sweet, sweet promise.
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Be Careful What You Wish For
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Spencer gets exactly what he wished for, but it isn’t necessarily for the best.
Length: 5k 
A/N: this is based off of maybe one of the best requests i have ever received, thank you so much anon, your request really got my creative juices going! also i combined this request with another one, too <3 (angst, just straight up, with happy ending tho)
The sun was shining against the glass windows of the car. The sunset was so beautiful with its melting and merging colors, Y/N wished it lasted longer so she could watch it. It’d been feeling like beautiful moments were few and far between lately. 
No one ever said being in a relationship was easy, but she’d never expected to drift this far from Spencer. She couldn’t exactly place the moment at which the descent of their relationship began, if she was being honest. One day, they’d be happy, smiling, full of love and life. And then the next, waves of darkness and despair would appear. They weren’t even the kinds of waves that would disappear with the shining sun. No, they were there to stay and fuel the storm that continues to rage on. 
Today was one of those days. To be fair, the whole team was struggling, but Spencer had taken Morgan’s departure a little harder than everyone else. It was understandable, of course. Derek was a staple in Spencer’s life for so long. However, for a man who’s seen and been through so many losses, he sure was terrible at dealing with them. Spencer’s tendency to keep things bottled up had definitely been affecting the overall health of their relationship. In fact, it has been the root of a lot of their arguments lately. Y/N just wanted him to let her in, let her help him and she was willing to wait however long it takes. Spencer on the other hand grew more and more snappy, irritable, and private with each passing day.
When they were at work, they tried their best to avoid each other so as to not get on each other’s nerves. Their fights usually didn’t turn into screaming matches, but they both had a track record of saying things they don’t mean. Hurtful things. Turns out profilers are fantastic at rubbing salt into open wounds. 
Ever since they began dating, Spencer took the subway less, opting for car rides with Y/N. Sometimes she’d drop him off, other times they’d spend the rest of the day at each other’s houses. She enjoyed driving him around, at first he was never too picky with the music she played, but later on, his music began to overtake hers. It never bothered her, in fact, she took it as a sign of him being vulnerable and sharing parts of himself.
The days where car rides once filled with joyous singing and laughter were coming to a shocking halt. The silence nowadays was almost always louder than the music they used to play. Even small talk felt like too much of a burden sometimes.
“Should I just drop you off at your place? Or do you wanna come over to mine? I still have some of that lasagna you liked in the fridge.” She asked softly as they slowed down into traffic. Rush hour in DC was never fun.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just have whatever’s at my place.” Spencer was being curt with his responses. Thus, the warning signs began flashing in her head.
“Are you sure? We can even pick something up from that one grocery store on our way home, something that goes well with the lasagna. I don’t mind cooking today.” She offered, hoping he wouldn’t shut her out like he usually did.
He shook his head, keeping his voice eerily level and his gaze was set on the road in front of him, “I just really wanna be home, Y/N.”
She nodded and whispered, “Okay.”
A short silence ensued as traffic began to thin out. Cars that were stuck bumper to bumper were beginning to move.
“Is this about Derek leaving?” She asked tentatively. He sighed and pursed his lips in response so she continued, “You know he said he was always a phone call away.”
“I don’t want to talk about that.” Spencer said shortly, gazing out the window.
“You never want to talk about anything.” She said defeatedly, the car beginning to move freely on the road.
“Yeah, well maybe that’s true. Or maybe I just don’t want to talk to you.” Spencer spat, clearly growing impatient.
“Fine, don’t talk to me then. But talk to someone, anyone! Hell, talk to Derek himself. Tell him you hate him for leaving or whatever you’re feeling, but don’t take out your anger and unresolved feelings out on me, okay? I don’t deserve that! Everyday I try to get you to talk to me, but it seems like with every little step I take forward, you take two steps back. And it’s exhausting. It is fucking exhausting, Spencer.” She frowned, tears welling up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.
“I didn’t ask you for that! I didn’t ask for you to be my personal therapist. If I wanted to see a therapist, I would have gone to see one!” Spencer gestured wildly with his hands as he spoke.
“Spencer, in a relationship, we’re supposed to confide in one another. It’s supposed to be comforting. I don’t want to be your therapist, I just want you to talk to me!” She unconsciously began to press on the pedal, perhaps in an attempt to reach a destination quicker. He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Relationship? You call this a relationship? We can barely stand to be in the same room together, Y/N.”
“And that’s why we talk it out. No relationship is ever perfect! You should know that, Spencer!” She shrieked, gripping the steering wheel in frustration.
“That’s not true. What I had with Maeve was perfect until it was ruined.” He uttered.
“Maeve?!” She squealed incredulously, “Really?! What you had with Maeve was perfect?! Spencer, what you had wasn’t real like us! You spoke to her over the phone once a week! You wrote to her in letters, where you have time to-to think and to respond! It isn’t like real life, it isn’t like you and me! What we have is real! I-I’ve lived with you, I’ve seen you torn to pieces, I’ve seen you laugh until you cry. That’s the you I fell in love with, not some fantasy I created of you over the phone!” She spoke but the words were garbled between incoming sobs that she was frantically wiping the remnants of off her cheeks. The same sobs she’d tried so hard to suppress. She was barely aware of the words that came out of her mouth.
“If what I had with Maeve wasn’t real, then why do I wish she were the one here with me instead of you?!” Spencer defended, unaware of how sharp his words were or how deeply they’d wounded her.
Her breath hitched in her throat, taking her already blurry vision off of the road in front of her to face him, “What?” She whispered brokenhearted, but the utterance was immediately swallowed by the unmistakable, earsplitting sound of metal clashing violently against metal. They had no choice but to succumb to the inundating darkness that rapidly overtook them both.
Spencer woke with a violent start and sat up in his own bed. He sighed in relief when he realized it was just a dream and it was morning again. Turning his head to look at the left side of the bed where she usually slept, he expected to find her there and was taken by surprise when she wasn’t. He rubbed at his face and eyes vigorously before hearing some clattering in the kitchen. With long strides he saw a blurry figure in the kitchen making coffee and walked towards it. 
He sighed in relief, “Hey, there you are. I just had the worst dream.” He huffed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck in his half-asleep state.
“Hey, good morning, lovebug.” She smiled and turned around to hug him tightly.
Something felt off. Something wasn’t right.
He’d heard that voice before. He pulled back from the hug and was met by…
It wasn’t Y/N. It was Maeve.
Spencer could barely control his expression as complete bone-stilling shock washed over his entire being, “M-Maeve?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong, honey? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She said, a kind smile resting upon her features. If Spencer wasn’t so shocked, he’d probably have laughed at the absurd truth of that statement. Maeve brought her hand up to his forehead, “Are you feeling okay?”
He didn’t even have time to be confused before he jerked back quickly at the touch of her hand, “I-uh, uh...I’m not feeling too g-good. Um...what’s happening?” He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes again, almost like they’d be polished and he’d see more clearly. But when he opened his eyes again, she was still there. Right in front of him. There was no light emitting from behind her, she was totally opaque. It was eerily real.
Her face was full of color and life and she was dressed in one of his cardigans over her own set of matching pajamas. She was moving and...alive. And speaking to him. What is happening right now?
“But y-you’re...how are you here right now? Am I still dreaming? Am I...Maeve, am I dead?” Spencer shook his head in an attempt to wake back up.
She began to laugh and pulled out a chair for him to sit on, and so he did, still staring up at her in disbelief, “No, baby, you’re very much alive. You’re probably just still confused from whatever nightmare you had. Here, have some water.”
“Y-yeah, yeah, confused. Um, what day is it?” Spencer began to pat on his chest to make sure he was solid and alive. 
She looked at him curiously at his strange behavior, “It’s April 5th, 2016.”
April 5th? Derek left the BAU near the end of March. A light bulb went off in his head. 
The BAU! 
They’d have all the answers. He shot up from his seat immediately, “I uh, have to get to work.” Spencer rushed to his bedroom to get dressed. 
As he’s dressing, he spots a picture frame on his bedside table. He knows the picture by heart, it was of him and Y/N in the pumpkin patch last year. He’d had his arms tightly wound around her shoulders and was kissing her cheek. The leaves were the most colorful they’d ever been. He picked it up and almost dropped it immediately like it had burned his skin. It was the same picture. 
But Y/N was nowhere to be seen. In her place was Maeve.
No, no, no. This isn’t right. 
Spencer began to panic as he buttoned up his shirt, he threw on his cardigan and practically flew out the door. In the distance, he could hear Maeve in the background calling out for him to drink his coffee before leaving.
The train ride to work was truly a test of his patience. He couldn’t keep his knee still and checked his watch religiously. After the train stopped, was the first one off and ran as fast as his poor feet could take him. He stopped running when he got to the FBI Headquarters as to not alarm anyone, but raced to the sixth floor anyway.
As he opened the glass doors he searched frantically for any familiar face, “Garcia!” He yelled as he spotted her bright yellow clad figure across the bullpen. He pushed through tired agents and messy desks to get to her. Everything else was the same, the office was just as he remembered it.
“Good morning, boy wonder! How are you today?” She smiled graciously, holding a few files in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
“Have you seen Y/N?” He asked impatiently. She pulled her brows together.
“Do you mean Y/N...Y/L/N?” She asked slowly, as if trying to recall her name.
“Yes, of course I mean Y/N Y/L/N. Who else would I be talking about?” Spencer asked, once again losing more of his patience.
“No, I haven’t seen her, to be honest. I don’t see much of the White-Collar Crime division up here unless Hotch asks for them. Why do you need Y/N? Is she okay?” Garcia casually answered, as if her answer hadn’t turned his world--this world--whatever the hell he was experiencing upside down.
“White-Collar crime? No, that can’t be right.” Spencer muttered to himself as his brain raced a million miles a second.
“Reid, is everything alright? Is there a possible case? Should I tell Hotch?” Garcia asked, but Spencer was barely listening.
 He was on his way back to the elevators again, leaving an extremely confused Penelope in his wake. He raced down to the fourth floor, to the White-Collar crime division. As the elevator doors opened, his eyes scanned the crowded floor for her.
“Dr. Reid! It’s nice to see you down here. What can I do for you?” An agent, Agent Seymour, he’s met perhaps once before asked him.
“Hi, yes, I’m um..looking for one of your agents. Agent Y/L/N.” Spencer stuttered, it was weird saying her name so formally. But he had to see it with his own eyes.
“Yes, of course, right this way. I think she just came in.” The agent led him to a desk in the middle of the bullpen and left him, saying that she was probably getting coffee and should be back an second. Spencer looked over her desk and compared it with how her desk at the BAU looked like. Gone were the trinkets and books he’d given her. Gone was the candle she never lit, but kept anyway because she said it smelled like him. It was like staring at a stranger’s desk, so desolate, so...un-special.
“Jeremy, stop. I almost spilled my coffee!” She giggled from behind him. He’d recognize her voice anywhere. He turned to see her and his lungs filled with relief as he spotted her familiar face across the bullpen. There she was, in all her glory. Looking as beautiful as ever. His Y/N. But the relief was ripped away all too suddenly as he watched on. She had her coffee in one hand and the other was swatting a very sheepish looking Jeremy, he assumed.
“I’m sorry, baby. I just missed you.” He spoke, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her lips. 
She blushed immediately and shied away, “Jeremy, we’re in the office!” She giggled again and pulled away from him, glancing around the office as if to check if anyone saw the moment of affection. Spencer’s blood boiled before he realized.
She looked so happy. 
So much happier than she ever looked when she was with him. His heart sank to his feet and he felt like he was incapable of lifting it back up to its rightful place in his chest. He wondered if this was the universe’s cruel, cruel way of letting him know just how shitty of a boyfriend he’s really been. Fire of envy festered in the place where his heart used to reside. He wasn’t sure if it was jealousy, resentment, or guilt. 
It all felt so strange. It felt like there was suddenly way too much pressure in his head. Before he could begin to compute the events unfolding before him, he realized she had spotted him at her desk and was now making her way across the bullpen, separating from her Jeremy. Before he could freak out, she was speaking to him. And all he could focus on was the shape of her lips and the faint memory of how they felt pushing against his.
“Dr. Reid! To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?” She asked politely, but Spencer could tell that she was immeasurably confused by his presence, “Does Agent Hotchner need something from the White Collar crimes archives?”
Spencer panicked, “Yes! Um, he does...and um he asked me to ask you s-specifically. That’s why I’m here, heh.” He stammered like the nervous wreck he was and wiped his sweaty palms on the inside of his pockets.
“Okay, that’s no problem. Just tell me the number of the file and I’ll get it for you.” She smiled slightly, setting her cup of coffee down on her desk. At least her coffee order was still the same as it was. 
She disappeared for a few moments after he gave her a random sequence of numbers. Spencer wasn’t even sure how his legs were still capable of holding himself up. When she came back and he got a whiff of her perfume, his body completely stilled. He knows that scent like the back of his hand, he’d given it to her for their first anniversary. The fresh scent nearly sent him into anaphylactic shock. He’d accepted the file and scurried back to the sixth floor without another word, once again leaving a confused woman in his wake.
Spencer collapsed at his desk and rubbed his head like it would somehow fix this. Whatever this was. Everyone around him operated so normally and went about their day while he was seconds away from losing his mind. 
Was he having a schizophrenic scare? Did his symptoms bleed into his 30’s even though they weren’t supposed to? What was this alternate universe where he’d lost the one good thing he’s ever known? How was he supposed to get back? Did he want to go back? What would happen if he did? Would it be fair for Y/N to stick with him when he knew she would be so much happier with someone else? Would he try harder for her? Would he stop shutting her out? Would the woman he loved so dearly ever love him back?
He must not have ever been deserving of her love and the universe was punishing him in the worst way possible. To have her be within arm’s reach but to never be able to hold her. 
Once upon a time, he would have given up anything and everything to be with Maeve, but that was before Y/N. Before she gave him a new life, one he wanted to live. One where waking up wasn’t such a task. One where seeing her smile at him was enough to make him forget about all his worries. But now Y/N looked at him with barely a sliver of recognition. There was no affection or adoration behind those eyes and maybe he deserved that.
But how was this universe expecting him to go on like everything is fine? Like he hadn’t just lost the love of his life? No one else in this warped version of Spencer’s reality was feeling as dejected as Spencer was.
“Reid, are you feeling alright?” The voice of none other than Aaron Hotchner brought him out of his stupor. Spencer had unknowingly been sobbing into his hands for the past few minutes. Hotch was taken aback at the extent of Spencer’s disheveled state.
“H-Hotch, I need to go home. I can’t be here. I’m sorry.” Spencer packed his things and ran out the building before he realized he had nowhere to go. Home wasn’t his home anymore. He couldn’t exactly go back and see his dead girlfriend wandering around his apartment. He couldn’t be at work where Y/N was, so blissfully unaware of the crisis Spencer was in the middle of.
He wandered the streets of DC aimlessly as he tried to reorganize the events in his head and somehow make sense of them. Just a few days ago, he and Y/N had been holding one another on his couch. Sure, they’d been in a rut recently, but they still loved each other. At least that’s what he thought.
He walked and walked, miles on end, keeping his gaze on his feet as he tried to piece bits together. An IQ of 187 and he had absolutely no idea how whatever was happening to him happened. Even the multiple universes theory didn’t have his back. If he was ‘here’, where has ‘here’s’ Spencer gone? 
His feet had taken him to the local park, where he and Y/N used to sit under the stars. He found himself reminiscing the times they were together. He saw himself and Y/N in every couple that passed him by. Exhausted, Spencer took a seat on a patch of grass. He buried his face into his hands and tried to relieve himself of the headache he’d developed. 
“Hey, mister! Watch out!!” He heard a child yell way too loudly.
Groaning at the volume, he looked up to see the vague shape of a spinning baseball increasing in size as it moved closer….closer. Spencer had no time to react before he was knocked out cold by the baseball.
The first thing she’d heard was the incessant beeping of...something next to her. After that, she’d heard faint chatter. The voices sounded familiar but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. She whimpered in pain which caught the attention of everyone in the room. The chatter ceased. 
“Y/N? Honey, it’s Pen, can you hear me?” A voice called. She fought to open her eyes.
Why was it so hard to open her eyes? It was like they were glued shut. Why did everything hurt? What is that smell?
She made a small noise of agreement to the voice that called, but could not coordinate herself enough to speak or open her eyes.
“Y/N, darling, you’re in the hospital, okay? You were in a car accident.” She spoke softly. 
But the words weren’t soft at all. Her words had opened up a Pandora’s box of previously suppressed memories. Suddenly it was hard to breathe. It was hard to breathe as she tried to remember the last moments before the fog. She remembered seeing him so angry, eyes so wild. Who is he? So...so close. She whimpered in pain as she fought the fog away. 
So much blood. 
So much pain.
The others watched as she began to writhe against the hospital bed in discomfort. Her eyes snapped open the second she saw his face in her mind, frantically searching the room for him.
“Sp-Sp--” She began, but couldn’t formulate the rest of the word. Exhausted and defeated by the lack of his presence, she lay back on the bed.
“Hey, hey, calm down. Spencer’s...Spencer’s fine, alright? You can’t see him right now, but you will be able to.” Those words were the last thing she heard before she slipped off into a silent slumber.
Hours later, she awoke again. But this time with enough strength to open her eyes immediately. Her limbs felt like they weighed tons, she could barely lift a finger. The room was empty besides a single chair with a blurry figure seated in it.
“Spencer?” She uttered almost inaudibly and the figure moved.
“Hey there. Sorry, I’m not Spencer.” The figure moved closer and she recognized the blonde sheen.
“JJ.” Y/N croaked with relief, happy to see a friend. JJ promptly gave her some water in a cup and adjusted the bed so that she would be able to swallow it.
“How are you feeling?” She asked, taking the cup from Y/N’s trembling hands.
Y/N shook her head imperceptibly, “Is...Spence--is he?” Y/N barely got to finish her thought before the tears settled in.
“No, gosh, no. He’s alive. Thankfully, you both made it out alive.” JJ said with relief, leaning her elbows against the side of her bed. Y/N felt her breathing get easier as she learned of the news. She blinked hard, trying to control the tears, but they just flowed out.
“It’s my fault, JJ.” she paused to take a deep breath and JJ took one of her hands in hers, “I was the one driving. I should have been more careful. I-I was so mad.” She sobbed, the tears escaping.
“Hey, no, it’s alright now. Okay, you’ve both made it out alive, that’s what’s important.” JJ rubbed Y/N’s knuckles.
“W-where is he? I need to see him.” Y/N attempted to sit up but winced from the sharp pain in her side.
“Um..yeah, about that. You can’t really get up yet. You’ve got three broken ribs, a broken leg, and a severe concussion.” JJ delivered the news and Y/N’s tears seemed to flow even harder.
Before she could respond, Hotch, Penelope, and a nurse walked into the room, “Oh, sunshine! It’s so good to see you awake!” Penelope squealed and kissed her wet cheek gently before wiping away her tears. The nurse checked all her vitals and gave her some extra information before she left. Y/N forced a smile and sat back, but something in the room felt heavy.
“What’s going on? What aren’t you guys telling me?” Y/N frowned, staring at her friends. She saw them all exchange a look and Hotch being the most straightforward man she knows decided to deliver the news.
“It’s Spencer. Unfortunately, Spencer’s brain has swelled significantly and doctors don’t know when he’ll wake. It’s already been almost 42 hours since the accident.” Hotch frowned, watching Y/N’s expression turn from a hopeful one into one of the most unbearable expressions of grief.
“Wh--what, what does that mean? Does that mean he’s--is he ever going to wake up?” She began to panic, her heart rate audibly increasing. She squeezed JJ’s hand as hard as she could.
“We can’t be sure yet, the swelling has to go down before doctors can make any claims. It’s still too early to say he’s in a coma, which is a good sign. He’s also been showing steady signs of improvement.” Hotch said and Y/N covered her face to shield herself away from the embarrassment of openly sobbing.
JJ and Penelope both looked at the bruised and broken girl on the bed with tears brimming their eyes, unsure of what to do.
“I have to see him. Please. Please, JJ.” Y/N sobbed, pleading at the woman beside her. JJ looked towards Hotch for guidance.
“I’ll speak with the Doctor and see what I can do.” Hotch nodded once and left the room. Aaron Hotchner was simply a man you couldn’t say no to. Thankfully, this extended to doctors as well. The next time someone came in, they entered with a wheelchair. After many screams and with the help of three nurses and a doctor, they managed to get Y/N into the wheelchair. They rolled her off into Spencer’s room where he lay motionless on a bed just like hers. The sight of him so frail with so many tubes going in and out of his orifices should have overwhelmed her, but she was just so happy to see him breathing. Once again she could barely control her tears as she weakly gripped at the hand that was closest to her. She pressed sloppy, uncoordinated kisses to the back of his hand and pleaded for him to wake.
The sight was overwhelming, even for Hotch. It was difficult to see their two youngest agents fight for their lives.
And for the next two days, this is how it went. Y/N would wake from her slumber, request to see Spencer and would not leave his side unless her Doctor absolutely required her to. She didn’t care about what he’d said to her before the crash, she didn’t care. It didn’t matter. She just wanted him here. She wanted to hear his voice again. What a luxury that was.
Slowly, Spencer began improving. He’d begin to open his eyes but shut them immediately afterwards. He’d make noises, even though they were very garbled, they were very welcome. Y/N would read to him, she’d have any one of their friends bring over his favorite books and she’d pass the time reading to him. It was difficult at first, but she’d improved too.
On the fifth day, he was awake and fully conscious before she even got to his room.
He heard his teammates speaking around him again and what a relief it had been to wake in a hospital bed rather than his own bed. He let out a heavy sigh of relief as they updated him of what happened in the recent days. 
It wasn’t real. 
None of it was.
Maeve wasn’t there, Y/N was his, no one else’s.
He’d been sure of it when they’d rolled her into his room and near his bed, eyes lit with hope surrounded by healing scrapes and bruises.
“Spence? Spencer!” She exclaimed, “Oh thank God you’re awake.” She whispered trying her hardest to lean towards him on the bed.
Spencer fought to raise his arm to touch her arm, “Y/N? A-are you really here?” He whispered back.
“I’m here baby, I’m here. I’m never leaving you.” She sobbed, leaning her face into his awaiting palm. Spencer’s chest filled with immense relief as his thumbs caught her fallen tears.
“Y/N, wait--Y/N, I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry about what I said. I remember. I didn’t mean it. You’re the one for me. Life is perfect with you.” Spencer frowned as tears of his own raced down his cheeks.
Y/N shook her head, “It’s okay, I don’t care about that anymore. I could have lost you. I-if I had lost you, I would have lost myself Spencer. I love you so much. I love you so much.” She repeated as she kissed the palm of his hand. 
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
How could he have ever wished to live without this? Without her?
The universe had taught him his lesson and boy was he glad he had learned it.
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meowthefluffy · 3 years
Homewrecker au finale part 3!
•Virgil has never driven so fast before
•he drives so recklessly he makes it to the pizza place in just over 3 minutes
That gives him just enough time to stew in the fear and dread
He also gets a chance to let the anger that’s been building finally bubble up to the surface
Whoever hurt Roman is gonna have hell to pay
He parks in the shadows away from the bright awning of the pizza place and waits
He ends up waiting for 10 minutes
He’s about to get out of the car when he sees a small frame slinking in the shadows towards the parking lot
Roman in 8 inch platform heels, and a cocktail dress shivering in the freezing night air
Roman carefully stays out of the street lights and makes his way to the side of the parking lot that his car is parked, obviously looking for Virgil’s car
Virgil rushes out to meet him
Virgil’s knows he looks disheveled in pajama pants and a hoodie he hastily pulled on but he couldn’t care less
“Roman “ Virgil sounds hoarse and close to tears
Roman spots him and his whole face shifts as he bursts into tears
Virgil runs over and Ro meets him in the middle
Virgil scoops him up in a giant hug and Roman sobs into his chest
Roman looks so small in his arms like this, so fragile, the anger from earlier flairs again but it gets pushed to the side when Roman whispers through his tears
“You actually came “ he curls further into V’s arms and the relief on his face is palpable, tho it’s concerning that Ro thought he wouldn’t come
“ of course I came Princey, how could I not? I-“
He wants to say more but he notices Roman is still shivering and ushers him into the car and out of the cold
“Your freezing, let’s warm you up and then we can figure out what to do next “
As ro warms up Virgil starts driving
He isn’t going anywhere in particular, he just wants to get Roman away for there as quickly as possible
Once he’s stopped shivering completely, v takes a deep breath and asks
“What happened?”
“I-they-they wanted-“
“Take your time okay? I only need to know enough to know how to help you, you don’t have to go into detail if it upsets you “
“Okay..” Ro takes a shaky deep breath, it’s a while before he tries to speak again
” they wanted me to leave with them.” Roman whispers so quietly Virgil nearly misses it
“What?” Virgil doesn’t understand at all but he doesn’t like the sound of it
“ the cheer coach, they-They wanted me to leave the country with them, they said that they ran out of customers in this area and wanted a fresh start.”
He started curling in on himself, visibly upset but he doesn’t stop
“ they said since I was the “ best seller “ I had to come. They had me in a corner and I knew if I said no-“ he started tearing up again “they would take me by force.”
“So I ran. They threw a big party, to try and squeeze some last cash out of this town, they ran out of pizza and I offered to go get some.” The tears fell harder now and Roman desperately rubbed at his face to keep the tears at bay
“ that’s when I called you… the only reason they let me leave is because they knew I couldn’t get far walking “
It seemed obvious in hindsight but the thought of Roman walking the half a mile walk to the pizza place alone at night scarred him terribly
“ I’m gonna kill them.” Virgil said before he could stop himself
“What?” The panic rose in Romans voice , Virgil pulled over,
“ I’m gonna kill them. “ the anger from before coming back yet again “ I’m gonna f$&@$ kill them.”
Roman looked terrified now
“ no!”
“… no one should be allowed to hurt you and live to see tomorrow.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel
“Virgil please stop” Virgil risked a glance at Roman
His makeup was smudged beyond belief , tears gleaming in his eyes
Against his better judgment reaches out and cups Romans face
“ I was so worried about you… I thought-“ he can’t bear to voice his thoughts, his voice cracks
“I don’t care about them right now, I’m just happy your here, that your safe”
Roman practically falls into his arms
The hug is a little uncomfortable, they’re leaning on to of the center console, and it’s definitely not the best hug either had ever had
But it didn’t matter really
Because maybe just maybe things were gonna be okay
This is the official ending! I’ll be doing a few more going into more detail on the aftermath but this is where I’m ending it for now.
I hope you enjoyed this! :)
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
fetus jimin baffled me a bit. there's no doubt he had a crush on JK in the past, otherwise why would he always seek his affection, teases him, asks for kisses, say suspicious things like wanting to hold hands with him while walking on the beach or when he didn't deny when tae said jm likes men (tae shouldn't have said that tho). he rly gave me gay vibes. but what i don't understand is when jm said to hobi that men don't kiss eo. idk it's just a stark contrast to his actions
Hello anon,
I'm just going to start with a small disclaimer that the word "fetus" in regards to the guys makes me visibly cringe. Lmfao I know its a kpop thing referring to members when they were young but why did this start?! Can we not say baby JM? Maybe its the medical training in me but I cannot see the word fetus and not just picture a small, somewhat deformed alien-esque creature that has barely functioning organs... which is just not a flattering image for our guys 🙈😂 you'll probably only ever see me refer to that time frame as "baby jm" or "debut jm" or "in their younger years" lmao okay, tangent over. Sorry.
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Look, in the younger years there was a lot of push and pull between Jikook and with the members themselves, how they acted and what they said. You have to keep in mind they were Essentially still kids. This all took place in the time of Jimin being 16 to 19 years old basically. Thats still so young! That is still peak time to figure yourself out age. That is still peak, idk how im feeling or what I'm feeling. That is still peak, I was raised in a homophobic and conservative country and now we are expected to be an ideal for them. Some back and forth and conflicting comments are to be expected. You cannot and should not expect a teenager to have life or themselves all figured out. We were lucky enough that Jimin shared his journey of learning who he is and how to love himself with us. It truly is a heartwarming and inspiring and teary eyed type of journey.
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He is so much more comfortable in his own skin now, in who he is and in how he behaves. I absolutely love to see it, his confidence and self love is great to see and encouraging to others around the world. He is a wonderful role model! And when we all say he had a crush, I don't know if he actually had real romantic feeling towards JK in the 2013/14 time frame, maybe an attraction that he didn't really know what to do with. I think he thought he was cute, i think he had a serious soft spot towards him, there may have been feelings there too, which we can infer from his I want to go on a date with jungkookie comments. I personally think it was more a major soft spot and wanting to be even closer to him.
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And it was definitely two sided. JK adored him and they have always been close. JK even tells us in Rookie King that he likes JM hyung too much. Jimin tells us the same thing in a log in 2014 I think. Its definitely always been there for the both of them, even if it started as a good friendship and neither of them even knowing what it was or why it was. We may never know.
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I'll do a post series Jikook through the years and how their dynamics changed in my personal opinions at some point! I'm excited for that series
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parappah · 3 years
ok so i have a few thoughts about troy bolton from high school musical
I honestly think Troy has anxiety and that he's a people pleaser if not a complete pushover. and i feel like that shows in all of his relationships like with his parents, mainly his father, his relationship w gabriella, and his friendship w chad and like... whatever the situation is with him and sharpay. this shows in HSM1 by the like. dilemma he has with trying to choose between basketball and singing. like with basketball his interest in that is closely if not completely tied to his relationship with his father due to his father.... literally being his coach and its implied that Troy's father pushed him into basketball at a very young age and always pushed Troy to be the best into being the big star and that’s how Troy has always sought approval from his father is thru basketball. so when troy tries to pursue other hobbies that he might have not had exposure to because of his sole focus just being basketball, that puts his relationship with his father in jeopardy because that's the only thing their relationship is built on. And like of course that’s going to cause anxiety in Troy because he’s disappointing his father his coach his PARENT he feels worthless he feels like a failure like something is wrong w him for wanting to explore other hobbies and that shame doesn’t even just come from his father that comes from his friends and the entire school. My man troy’s entire personality his self image his entire humanity is based on basketball and other people’s views of him.
With his closest friend Chad, I won’t say that their relationship is also entirely based on basketball but like. Chad clearly hasn’t always been on Troy’s side at all times in the movies. In HSM1 he also gets mad at Troy for diverting his focus from basketball to other things (Stick to the Status Quo) and that whole nonsense with Gabriella and the webcam. And then in HSM2 when Troy is getting lots of attention from many different sources (which I’ll get into later). In HSM3 I think Chad takes a bit of a back seat but also he still expresses disappointment in Troy’s choices to go to a different college to be closer to Gabriella and seemingly choosing their relationship over a friendship that they’ve had since they were literally children. Like I honestly feel like Chad feels like Troy is constantly choosing other things over him and he’s justified in feeling like that even if the way he goes about expressing his disappointment isn’t always in the most…….tactful and considerate ways. But Chad definitely IS a major source of Troy’s anxiety and definitely affects the way that Troy views himself.
Ok so about HSM2 I feel like this is really the peak of Troy’s frustration and anxiety because it’s literally Troy being pulled in 75 different directions between Gabriella and getting to spend enough time with her and nurture their relationship, his friendship with Chad and being able to support him too in such a stressful work environment, trying to appease Sharpay, and also trying to think about his own future outside of everyone else (the college scouts and shit). Like this is literally everyone trying to rely on Troy and not being understanding that he’s under a lot of stress and he has other things going on his life other than them… but this is also affecting everyone else’s views of him because suddenly Troy is seen as unreliable and selfish and a bad friend/boyfriend who doesn’t actually care about his future. Like that total polarization from how everyone feels about him…. When he’s trying to please EVERYONE all at the same time because they’re all important to him in some way is seriously damaging… and the fact that no one else seems to understand what he’s going thru and all drop him like a hot potato when he doesn’t live up exactly to their expectations. This is exactly how it was in HSM1 too remember because as soon as Troy was trying to expand his horizons and do other things everyone turned on him!!!
Regarding HSM3 idk if I’m gonna write that much about it because when we were watching it we were mainly talking the entire time and pausing every 5 frames to take screenshots for art poses but like. Troy is under a lot of pressure to choose the right college. Like all of his options are between like… going to Julliard so he can nurture his newfound love of singing and music… going to a school that’s good for basketball because that’s what he’s worked toward for so long and also being a school that his bestie Chad is also going to… and then also a college that’s close to Gabriella because they’re in love and the center of each other’s universes or whatever bc it’s a high school relationship even tho they have their entire lives to become new people and find other relationships- okay that’s not the point but CLEARLY Troy has many decisions to make and it’s like. Does he want to please his father and his best friend does he want to please his girlfriend does he want to please HIMSELF…. And then as soon as he implies that he wants to choose something for himself for his own interests that gets everyone’s backs turning on him again. Troy literally cannot catch a break because ANYTHING he does to assert his own independence his own autonomy as a human being and make his own choices independent of anyone else’s thoughts are automatically disapproved of and everyone around him that he would expect to be loving and supportive just get angry at him. Like this constant cycle that Troy is thrown into would definitely cause him to be a people pleaser and a pushover because like. If he doesn’t do that then he’ll literally lose everyone and everything.
Anyway in conclusion this is basically why in every movie we have an angsty introspective Troy song (Get’cha Head in the Game, Bet On It, Scream). The dude goes thru a lot and no one else seems to care.
sorry i didn't talk about gabriella much because she's annoying and i don't think there's that much there LOL they barely have anything in common. like my friend luna said the only thing they have in common is the R in both their names.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 03
(Masterpost)(Previous Episode) 
Warning: Spoilers for all 50 episodes!
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 Wei Wuxian demonstrates the purple nurple technique of the Jiang Clan
Should’ve Used Trivago
The Jiang Clan’s reservation got cancelled while they were on the road, so they are going to wander around this small inn for hours being fussed about it, rather than trying another inn. Yes they say the other inns are all full but…so is this one, now. 
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The Jin Clan sends an advance party to fancy up the inn for them.
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Fuckboi Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian decides to use his considerable powers of prettiness to get them a room.  He drops some poetry on Mianmian and brazenly flirts with her before shifting to properly introducing himself and asking for a room. 
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This actually works.
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...until her boss shows up.
(Much much more after the cut!)
Worst Person // Best Jin
Jin ZIxuan is an ass and a snob. 
I guess we have to give him credit for having a beautiful sidekick and never hitting on her, given that his dad is a rapist and one of his half-brothers is (reputedly) a sex pest and the other half brother is (definitely) an incest perp. But I feel like it doesn’t take much to be the best Jin of his or his father’s generation.
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The Jin folks are snobs and talk about how great their fancy and expensive stuff is. It’s an interesting contrast with true connoisseur Nie Huaisang, who loves everything that is fine and beautiful and can quote stacks of poetry off the top of his head, but is not even a little bit of a snob. 
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This Tea Smells Like Farts
Ok, let’s talk about generation names in the Jin clan. Ru is the name for Jin Ling’s generation, hence his courtesy name Rulan. The name for the current generation is apparently Zi (子), because both Zixuan and his jerk cousin Zixun have that as their name.  Sect Leader Jin Guangshan would seem to be using the generation name Guang, but then names his son Jin Guangyao so…the whole system breaks down. 
Anyway, my point here is that even considering generation names, if I had a baby and named it Zixuan, and my sister-in-law promptly had a baby and named it Zixun, I would slap her. 
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Find you a lover who does not make you feel like this 
Jin Zixuan is mildly intrigued by his betrothed, and expresses it by being rude to her in front of Wei Wuxian, starting a chain of events that will culminate with Wen Ning’s fist going all the way through Jin Zixuan’s chest.
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Side Note: Look at these young Jiang Brothers and their casual shoulder hugs. Sigh.
Wei Wuxian’s Combat PlayBook
When Wei Wuxian wants to throw down, he starts with smack talk, moves along to boundary crossing, then to direct threats, and then brings out a weapon if he hasn’t won already. 
Here he starts shit with Jin Zixuan by complaining at him for taking up too much space and having too many sycophants.  Then he goes for the unwelcome shoulder touch. 
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Having been sufficiently provocative to get someone to draw a sword and threaten him with physical violence, he shifts to formal verbal sparring. 
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This gets the other guy to back down, because even at this age no-one actually wants to tangle with Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian gets to claim the moral advantage, although he still doesn’t get to keep his hotel room. 
Actually Not A Fan of My Sister’s Betrothal
Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli have the first of many, many moments of heterosexual ineptitude together. Wei Wuxian quickly rescues them.
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Hi, I’m Young Master Cockblock.
Neither of the boys understands what Yanli sees in Zixuan and neither do I, at this juncture. He does improve later after multiple beatings from Wei Wuxian.
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This Is The Day Your Life Will Surely Change
Yanli’s encounter in the Inn is the first step toward the inexorable end of the three of them as a unit, although it’s still a long ways off. They are all growing up and she and Wei Wuxian are both going to fall in love at summer camp, like in a 1980s teen movie but without the virginity betting (presumably). 
Meanwhile poor Jiang Cheng is going to be swept along just trying to keep up with events, which becomes the story of his life for the next two decades.
Welcome to Transylvania
We meet Wen Ruohan. He is boring and he sucks. Also I’m summarizing the Transylvania parts out of order because they break up the rhythm of the story. And are boring and suck.
We meet Xue Yang. He seems nice.
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Wen Ruohan’s living room is like a shitty nightclub where everyone is too drunk to dance except Xue Yang.
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Dee Jay: Undead undead undead, Bela Lugosi’s dead
[OP can’t get a video to embed in this post with looping enabled, so the alternate version of this joke has its own post right here. That will teach OP to get fancy.]
We meet Wen Qing. She is the bestest most wonderful girl in the world but this isn’t actually when we find that out. 
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Right now we just find out that she is absurdly pretty, that she loves her brother deeply, and that she is helping Wen Ruohan with his “take over the world by murdering cultivators” project. OKAY, PROBLEMATIC, BUT SHE IS THE BESTEST GIRL OKAY? 
The Jiang Clan don’t get another inn but they do manage to change into immaculate white robes while they’re out on the street, so - nice work, Jiang Clan. Be free!
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They get stuck outside the gate because they don’t know that the secret to getting into Cloud Recesses is to set the gate guard on fire. 
Walking Thirst Trap Hanguang-Jun
Lan Wangji shows up and everyone except Yanli, who is already in love with Sir Golden Pants, makes thirst faces at him. Including Jiang Cheng tho he will never admit it. One girl in the background is actually biting her knuckle. 
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Note: Lan Wangji knows exactly how fine he is. Look at his fucking hairstyle. 
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He is sixteen years old. The only person in the entire cultivation world with fancier hair is Nie Mingjue, and that’s because he indulges his dìdi’s braiding hobby. 
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Wei Wuxian loudly stage whispers that LWJ is their key to getting in and LWJ is is like, not fucking likely, person I didn’t glance at yet. 
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But then Wei Wuxian says a smart cultivator thing about the puppet dude, and Lan Wangji turns around and has the first of many long mutual staring sessions with this boy he totally isn’t going to like at all.
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Jiang Cheng has a bad feeling about the future: a 2-frame gif
Unrelated gardening note: the red-crack puppet is more commonly grown in Gusu and Dafan, while the black-line puppet is native to Yiling
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I Must Arrange a Date with this Uninteresting Boy
The rest of the evening is a series of tests that Lan Wangji puts Wei Wuxian through. Wei Wuxian doesn’t know this and Lan Wangji probably doesn’t exactly know it either. 
First he sends WWX back to town to get the invitation. Yes, go get it. Not your entourage; YOU, talky person who thinks he can manipulate me and is smart and looks...intriguing. Go find it and come back. 
When Wei Wuxian complains, Lan Wangji silences him, which is literally the most boss move he could have used on smooth talking Wei Wuxian. 
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You tried, Fuckboi.
Would you like to try some more because I think I would like you to try some more
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Jiang Cheng is the Better Baby Brother
Sorry, he just is. Wei Wuxian is all about being taken care of and adoring Yanli without actually doing much for her. Jiang Cheng is the one who thinks about her feelings and giving her what she needs, even to the point of arranging that wedding rehearsal dinner so she can be with her favorite brother again -- the favorite who isn’t him, much as she also loves him. 
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Date Test 1: Can You Get In.
Once Wei Wuxian is definitely gone, Lan Wangji shows up again and collects the entire retinue, guaranteeing that Wei Wuxian will be stranded outside the gate when he gets back.  LWJ doesn’t wait by the gate; he goes and waits up on the roof instead of going to bed or whatever else he’s supposed to be doing. Because he already knows the route Wei Wuxian will be taking. 
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Wei Wuxian passes the “get in through the wards” test with no problem besides a minor headache and bent fingers. 
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Is that Xiao Zhan’s hand or did they use a double-jointed hand model?
Date Test 2: Fight Me (Lan Wangji’s Combat Playbook)
As soon as Wei Wuxian shows up on the roof, Lan Wangji picks a fight with him. 
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LWJ fights all the time; he’s perfectly comfortable when he’s fighting and it’s a good venue for him to express himself. His style is graceful and aggressive. 
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Attack attack attack strike a pose, vogue, you know it.  
He starts by going all in on swordplay, but that doesn’t gain him the advantage; Wei Wuxian fends him off without ever drawing his sword. Which is probably the hottest thing that has ever happened to Lan Wangji in his young life.
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Do you like me better when I’m horizontal? 
Next Lan Wangji deploys the pettiness by breaking WWX’s wine. Then when Wei Wuxian starts insulting him he upgrades to next level pettiness by dropping another silence spell, this time with the added bonus of preventing WWX from drinking. 
Wei Wuxian’s Combat Playbook, Redux
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian is running his own fight routine, starting with a charm attack, which doesn’t work at all. 
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Are you admiring the moon? 
He keeps trying to de-escalate for the first phase of their fight, until they reach a pause and he reflects that Lan Wangji has real skills. As soon as he makes that determination he goes on the offensive - with words. 
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He very formally says he’s too busy to continue fighting, and turns away, which is a pretty solid roast when you say it to someone who’s been trying really hard to kick your ass. Then he continues defending easily until Lan Wangji uses the wine against him. 
At this point the gloves come off, with Lan Wangji lecturing Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian making ad hominem attacks, Lan Wangji forcibly shutting him up... 
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...and then throwing him on the floor in front of Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen. 
Sincere Grief for the Death of our Colleague
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Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen feel really bad for their disciple who has been horribly turned into an undead creature. Ha ha j/k
Date Test 3: Face the Authorities
Lan Wangji gets to pick Wei Wuxian’s punishment.  This probably won’t awaken anything in him. 
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Surprise surprise, Wei Wuxian actually passes the Authority test with flying colors. Lan Qiren doesn’t like him, but listens respectfully to his thoughts about the undead cultivator. And Lan Xichen clearly does like him.
When Wei Wuxian learns that Lan Wangji was nice to his sister, his entire demeanor changes, to such an enormous degree that Lan Wangji starts to run away.
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He’s not going to let this boy (who has passed all the tests oh no he passed all the tests) make out with him in front of his family like he is obviously planning. 
But once again, Wei Wuxian’s cultivation knowledge captures Lan Wangji’s attention and breaks through his reserve. 
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This Hardy Boys moment is the beginning of their cultivation partnership.
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Lan Wangji is brave but is extremely constrained: by the authorities in his life and by his own rigid reserve. Wei Wuxian is brave and is also free. His companionship gives Lan Wangji an opportunity to engage with a much broader range of the things that interest him than he’s ever had before. 
After Wei Wuxian has been sent to bed, Lan Wangji stands outside and -- just as WWX had suggested at the beginning of their date/fight -- admires the moon, with an expression that’s anything but upset. 
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Sure, sex is cool (probably), but have you ever analyzed a walking corpse with a beautiful boy in the moonlight?
If you’ve got your true honey Life can be pretty funny If you've got money, money to burn Rooty toot toot for the moon It's the biggest star I've ever seen
The Fine-as-Hell Brothers
Alone together, Lans Xichen and Wangji talk over the various things on their minds. 
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Xichen: What the fuck is up with you? ...Rooftop fights and dropping spells on boys?
Wangji: You and uncle were ignoring me so I was making my own fun
Xichen: Yeah, we are dealing with this zombie situation; shit’s going to hit the fan
Wangji: what are you going to do about it?
Xichen: fuck-all
Wangji: Well, you can rely on me
Xichen: I totally do. So how about you get to know this Wei kid, he seems like a fun ride.
Wangji: *death glare*
Xichen: You know, since Dad died you’ve become even more uptight. I wonder if I’ve been too strict with you?
Wangji: Um, you think? 3000 fucking rules, dude. Fortunately I’m not going to go off the rails and fall in love with my polar opposite and cause havoc in the cultivation world or anything like that.
Xichen: good, me neither
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Writing prompt: Lan Xichen’s secret nightly letter to his Mom’s memory or spirit (your choice), in which he confides in her about his day. May be written in flute solo form. 
(As always if you use this prompt feel free to post a link to your fic in comments!)
Soundtrack: 1. This Is The Day by The The  2.  Bela Lugosi’s Dead by Bauhaus 3. Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon, Greg Brown version 4. Madonna, Vogue
Bonus: FineAsHell-Jun
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Episode 04 Restless Rewatch coming soon!
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sophsicle · 3 years
Just some 'ask the author' type of questions if you are ever bored
Did you expect Choices to become this popular? How are you dealing with its popularity? Atyd (which I’m personally not the biggest fan of for some of the liberties taken while labeled canon compliant as well as certain writing quirks which just aren’t for me) and Choices are arguably the most influential Marauders era fanfics
What made you decide to write such an epic story? Where you ever intimidated by the eventual length of it?
Do you have any regrets about any storylines? Or regrets in general?
How has writing Choices impacted your day to day life?
Thank you for sharing your beautiful writing with us ❤️
Hello lovely! Oof okay, did I expect Choices to become this popular? No. I mean, it's a Jegulus fic so I figured that was probably a strike against it, and also I don't really understand how anyone finds anything on ao3, like it seems like luck more than anything else. How am I dealing with the popularity? Prior to this last chapter I would have said that I didn't really think about it. But I definitely feel like I've recently become way more aware of having an audience and while I'm always a little nervous of what people will think of the new chapters it definitely felt more intense this time. I think the hard thing with a WIP is people are like "I love it" but it's not done yet, which means that there's always the chance that I'll ruin it for them. Endings are the hardest part of a story to write I think so it's a lot of pressure - or at least it's starting to feel that way. I don't think you can compare Choices to ATYD tho, like I appreciate the compliment, really, but ATYD is a cultural phenomena. It may not be my favourite, but credit where credits due, I think MsKingBean89 really wrote stand alone novels, whereas I think Choices is written like a fanfiction in that I have no patience for exposition. So I just assume the reader understands the Wizarding world and the major backstory plot points for the Marauders.
I don't know if I really decided to write anything epic, and I've said this before, but I also didn't really think it would be this long. Like the time frame I always saw as being the same (Sirius showing up at the Potter's to James's death), but there were lots of stretches of time I thought I was going to skip over that I didn't (like the summers for example, and the fall of James's sixth year and Regulus's fifth went on way longer than I meant it to). But I did feel like there was potential with Jegulus that seemed rushed in a lot of the fanfic I read and I kinda wanted to play it out and see what it would look like if we spent more time with them. Heck yeah I have regrets (what a timely question). I think it's hard to write and publish chapter by chapter because I can't really reflect. I think I harbour the most regret around James and Sirius and their characterizations. It's hard to write Sirius in a fic that is so Regulus heavy and I think that results in him being kind of unlikeable which hurts me a little bit. And James, I feel like there is this big soft gooey romantic side to him that I get lost in (because Regulus has so little of that in his life) and he doesn't have much of that snarky mischievous edge that is also part of his character. I regret not having him be harder on Regulus too. I mean, I have my reasons for writing him the way I did, but I do think he could stand to put up just a tiny bit more of a fight. It's impacted my day to day life in that I spend more time on it than I probably should. I mean, on the one hand, as someone who wants to be a writer, writing things and having people interact with them and care about them is kind of the best thing ever. But I have also completely stopped working on my original material which is probably not good.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I know some people just aren’t comfortable engaging with parts of canon where Bruce is abusive, because that’s just not the version of the character they’re here for, and I get that.
But the second a fic shows a willingness to address or even center itself around something like RHATO #25 or the Batman issue from King’s run where Bruce hits Tim......but DOESN’T acknowledge any of the many, MANY times that Bruce has been abusive to Dick on both sides of the Reboot, from post-Forever Evil to after Jason’s death post-Crisis and times in between?
Yeah, that’s when I see red.
Cuz that’s when it starts to look an awful lot like people are viewing abuse as some kind of narrative spice that they can selectively dole out only to those characters they like, while ignoring the times its applied to characters they don’t like because it might make them too sympathetic or interesting or what the fuck ever.
And I know people aren’t viewing abuse that way, right? Like surely there’s got to be some other explanation for why fics that heavily reference every single time Bruce has done something bad to Jason or Tim seem to act like Dick was just passively at Bruce��s side through all this, backing him up or else just being too naive to think Bruce could ever be like that, instead of like....actively a victim of their father’s abuse as well.
Look, its one thing for a certain character to not be your focal point or someone you’re particularly interested in, but you GOTTA look at the way this looks when you treat a character who has had instances of being a victim of Bruce’s abuse going back over thirty years, as like, being enabling, uncaring of or even party to Bruce’s abuse to the others in more recent years. Like, I focus a lot on the times he’s done it with Dick like in NW #30 or NTT #55 and just talk about Bruce and Dick in reference to those, because I’m trying to keep the focus limited to just Bruce and Dick for the purposes of whatever point I’m making, but the thing about that is.....I’m not CLAIMING that Bruce has never been abusive with any of the others, they’re just literally not even coming into the post because it isn’t about them. 
But the second you open things up to a full fic where things from all points of canon are being referenced in characters’ issues with Bruce, and you have a full cast list assembled.....it doesn’t work the same way because now you’re not just not talking about Dick’s experiences there because he’s not the focal point, now you’re actively writing over his experiences with a veneer of oh Dick and Bruce are fine, nothing like this has ever or would ever happen with them. That’s when you’re making for whatever reason a conscious CHOICE to depict certain kids of Bruce’s as victims at his hands, but NOT depicting the one who inarguably has been written that way the LONGEST and going back the furthest....because you simply don’t WANT him to be as sympathetic or the others or someone who can relate to them on this front, you want him to be an OBSTACLE to all that.
That’s shitty. I don’t know how else to tell you that that’s shitty. Please stop reserving abuse as some kind of ‘prize’ that’s only awarded to your personal faves’ backstories, because oh my god is that an offensive fucking take both coming and going. Not only are you unintentionally framing abuse as something ‘that can be quite good, actually, cuz it makes characters (people) interesting,’ you’re also again, as I said, seeing absolutely zero problem with taking a canon abuse survivor and making him part of the issue instead of someone similarly affected by it, simply because you don’t like him or find him interesting and you don’t want him to be the same as Jason or the others in this regard.
Frankly, this applies to the way this fandom treats a LOT of specific kinds of traumas. Like catch me side-eyeing the massive trend of Jason-as-Robin era fics that have Jason view Dick as spoiled, pampered, and harder to relate to or understand even than Bruce because god forbid one of those fics go with the juvie origin for Dick. I’ve more than once heard people say “I just don’t like that origin for Dick because I find it too angsty” and I gotta say, its a good thing that Cass and Damian’s origins aren’t too angsty to avoid and that nobody has ever extrapolated from what we do know about Jason and Tim’s childhoods to go into extremely elaborate and angsty detail about every possible facet of abuse or neglect they might have endured. 
I mean nah, this isn’t yet another way in which people deliberately depict Dick as just ‘not getting it’ because he hasn’t been through the kinds of stuff the others have, and its like. Okay but see thing is, he actually HAS, and you not acknowledging any of those instances is a CHOICE that you’re making as a writer, and as readers, we’re allowed to question those choices. We can look at what you’re presenting in the way that you’re presenting it, and think okay, but one of these things is not like the others, and the way you treat various characters as extremely sympathetic because of various aspects of their canon stories or their backstories while acting like the same could never ever be true of a character it absolutely has been true of on many different occasions....its super uncomfortable. And it kinda casts a shadow over everything you write into your story about abuse or specific other traumas because now there’s actually this implicit undertone where its like, okay but we actually only care about these things when they’re affecting someone or some character we LIKE, and that’s.....yeah. Not awesome.
I’ve ranted many a time before about the abuse apologism that runs rampant in this fandom, particularly in the vein of people refusing to acknowledge Bruce’s abusive actions (which again, I understand and am fine with up UNTIL...) but being perfectly comfortable sticking with any and all of Dick’s REACTIONS to literal abuse, but now deliberately separated from the inciting actions which makes it look like he’s just instigating shit or upset for no reason whatsoever. That’s literal abuse apologism, no matter what your intentions are, because hate to break it to people, but “Avoid Acknowledging An Abuser’s Actions And Flip The Focus To What The Abuse Victim Is Doing Wrong Instead” is literally chapter one of Abuse Apologism 101. But this shit? Abuse only happens to people I care about or find sympathetic already, because weirdly I seem to be able to make excuses for or overlook any instances of abuse that happen to someone I DON’T like?
That’s literally chapter two of the same damn book.
And good god but am I tired of people harping endlessly on about how much they care about these topics while blithely doing nothing BUT reinforce abuse apologism tropes and narratives in the process of shining a spotlight on the abuse that happens to personal faves and personal faves only.
And this definitely falls into the same pattern of people who happily talk about taking a match to canon and watching it burn at the exact same time they make the deliberate choices to depict Dick as the one Batkid who just doesn’t truly get the others and never will, or is unrelatable or all these other things.....
And its like hey guys? 90% of the stuff you hold against Dick Grayson or cite as your reasons for not liking him? When we say those aren’t canon its not because we’re trying to be the canon police always showing up to bust up your fun and be like no no no you naughty people, that never happened so you’re not allowed to write that. No. That’s not a thing. That’s not what that is. What it ACTUALLY is, is us pointing out all the times and ways where when Dick comes across as a giant asshole in fics, and we’re like why tho, we’re just literally trying to understand where your interpretation of his character is coming from, and you guys are like bitch its canon, and we’re like okay no but thing is, its really actually not. Its us just being like hey, the vast majority of the stuff you say you dont like about the guy or the times you leave out all the stuff that you cite as what you DO like about other characters, its like....
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But anyway....
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
Sometimes I wonder if this show would be better if we binged it. We’ve had to wait 6 months for this vm from Jug. I know the pandemic didn’t help but still. You said it from the moment it was mentioned and then glossed over. What did Jughead say in that vm? We find out tomorrow And after months of the fandom blaming Betty for jugs problems, we have people excusing whatever he said because Betty deserves it. If Betty can make a mistake, why can’t Jughead? I cannot wait to hear it, and learn more.
this season would be 100% better binged. mostly because of the painfully exposition heavy front half of the season.
and i am not a fan of the way bingeing shows has basically taken away people's ability to read a narrative or understand nuance since they miss it while scrolling on their phone (and i definitely do this too, so i am judging myself as well) because the scene they're supposed to be watching has become background noise.
(see: the way people will, with almost arrogant confidence, tell you what happened in the 5x08 b/a scene while being wrong and then admit they only saw it once or watched part of it)
oof, people went on the defensive the second they heard it was going to be bad (why on earth did they ever think it was going to be good!?! it had to be bad enough to make betty stop contacting him because she thought that's what he wanted. hence the scene where he asks why she stopped reaching out and she answers him). listen, there's one thing that remains the same in fandom: some people who stan will blame anyone else for mistakes their faves make.
no one said jughead isn't allowed to be hurt or angry and heartbroken over what happened with him and betty. that doesn't absolve him or preclude him from making his own mistakes. and i'm sorry but if we're not catching on that his substance use issues are framed in a negative light, please watch 5a again.
betty is not the sole cause of jughead's problems because jughead makes his own choices. and sober jughead would (will??) probably be horrified at what under the influence jughead said to betty. he's had tangible consequences for his substance use this season so yeah, that seems like it could be part of it. it doesn't seem or sound like he wanted to lose contact with her but she can only go on the information she's given. which is how most miscommunication tropes play out.
personally, i'm side-eyeing the idea that some people think mistakes automatically make someone "the bad guy".
i'm all for some good angst tho, so i'm definitely interested in hearing what was enough to make betty think he didn't want to talk to her. especially since, without context, it's all speculation and interpretation.
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