lorelei ★
5 posts
x reader (side)blog; asian dramasrequests: OPEN
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skullpie · 2 years ago
annie ihy
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skullpie · 2 years ago
3:37 pm
tatta x fem reader smut
[cw: tummy bulge, riding, spit, the l word, doggy, begging, creampie, spanking]
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you ride his dick, slowly, letting the shaft drag along your walls in deep strokes. tatta’s head is thrown back against the head board, an arm thrown across his eyes and forehead like it’s too much for him–and it almost is.
you let your hands slip under his tshirt, gliding up and caressing his torso. his skin is hot, and he squirms at your feather-light touch. you brace yourself by planting your hands firmly on his chest just underneath his collarbones.
he moans at the slow pace. it sort of makes his brain go fuzzy. he’s never felt this good before and you know this. his mouth hangs open in an o shape. you look down, watching him slip in and out of you deliciously when you notice you can see the imprint of the movements in your belly.
the sight alone causes you to groan, and you speed up suddenly to watch the outline of his dick move. when you change pace, tatta jolts, not having expected the speed change. this makes you giggle.
“baby look,”
you urge, reaching up and moving his hand from his face, which is scrunched up in pleasure. is eyes flutter open, and he directs his attention down to where your bodies connect, following your eyes, and he lets out pathetic whimper at the sight of it.
“look at how deep you are.”
still holding onto his hand, you bring it down to your abdomen, applying pressure which makes tatta throw his head back again, knocking his head against the head board.
you roll your hips in a circular motion, eyes still trained on the bulge in ur tummy when he takes his hands and snakes them up your body, squeezing your hips and slipping them underneath your bathing suit bottoms to squeeze your butt.
he groans, sitting up more. he grips your back side so tightly but makes no move to guide your movements, though you wish he would. you look back up and make eye contact with him. his face is flushed red and what little you can see of his hair peeking out from underneath his cap is sticking to his forehead with sweat.
you lean down, still grinding your hips, and begin pressing open mouthed kisses to his neck, sucking and licking his skin while he writhes under you. you travel up, kissing him on the mouth and reaching a hand up to yank his hat off of him so you can run your hands through his hair.
“love you so much.”
he manages to get out between the kisses. you feel his dick twitch inside you when you bite down on the juncture between his neck and shoulder, and he bucks his hips uncontrolled at the feeling.
you yelp at the sudden movement, pulling away from the kiss. you see his face shift into an apologetic expression. he thinks he’s hurt you for a moment, but before he can apologize, you stop him when you spit onto your fingers and reach down to rub your clit.
“do that again, please,”
normally you’d find his obliviousness cute and all, but when you’re approaching orgasm, you feel frustrated.
“tatta, fuck me,”
you keep rubbing at yourself, watching the gears sort of turn as he processes the request-no-the demand. and, once again, he’s cute, but he’d be cuter if he was drilling you right now instead of thinking about logistics.
"please pound my pussy, wanna cum for you,”
your lewd language flusters him, but lights a fire in him.
“want you to come for me too.”
you add, leaning down close to his ear.
at your words, tatta groans, then slips out from underneath you, causing you to fall forward, chest pressing into the mattress. he’s behind you now, and you feel him caressing your butt briefly before he’s yanking your swimsuit bottoms all the way off, and pressing his hard dick into your backside.
you whine, wiggling your ass in an attempt to gain friction, but before you know it, he’s in you again, pounding your cunt with a speed you hadn’t expected out of him, causing you to let out a guttural moan.
“oh my god, yes.”
you pant, gripping the sheets. though you can’t see it, his eyes are trained on his own dick sliding in and out of your pussy.
“you’re so good.”
he praises, raising a hand to push his hair out of his face. when his hand comes back down to grip your hips again, he lands it much harder than he means. you expect him to apologize, but you realize your words must have gotten to him more than you thought when he does it again, intentionally this time, and harder.
“you’re so perfect, angel.”
he compliments again, smacking your ass again and again, fixated on the way it turns red and jiggles when he does so. you feel your stomach sort of knotting, getting tighter, and the pleasure you feel increases.
“tatta ‘m so close please please please.”
you don’t exactly know what you’re begging for. you know he’d never stop–he’s not the edging type–but you feel so good and your brain is so fuzzy that the words come spilling out anyways.
“yeah, gonna cum for me?”
he asks, and hearing him talk so dirty almost pushes you over the edge alone. you whimper an ‘mhm’
“where should i cum?”
he asks, sincerely, and you can tell his confidence he’s gained in the short time beings to fade once he becomes unsure. you think (as much as your foggy mind will allow) and pleasure takes over when you answer.
“inside. give me your cum. need you to fill me up.”
it doesn’t take more than a couple strokes after that for tatta to shoot off inside you, shaking from orgasm. the feeling of being filled with his load pushes you over as well, and you’re open-mouthed moaning into the sheets beneath you.
you both stay there for a moment, breathing heavily and coming down from your orgasm highs. you push yourself up onto your hands, prompting tatta to finally slip out of you. he watches his cum drip out of you, and almost gets hard again from the sight.
you roll over onto your back, and see him still kneeling there, hair messy and skin flushed. you smile up at him. he flops down next to you, also on his back.
“hmm i need you do that again sometime.”
“do what?”
“fuck the shit out of me.”
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skullpie · 2 years ago
anyways is it okay if you just do some silly relationship hcs with joonyeong (aouad) and jaeheon (sweet home) separately I WILL LITERALLY CRY TEARS OF JOY
relationship hcs x
joonyeong x reader; jaeheon x reader (separate)
summary: relationship hcs for joonyeong (aouad) & jaeheon (sweet home)
warning(s): series typical warnings!
note(s): anon based on this request i think u have a type.. side eye.. can’t blame u tho uptight dorks with wire framed glasses are hot ! hope u enjoy lovely :) and ty for being my first request on this blog!! i thought i’d have to put some fics out before i got any so this is rly encouraging. i appreciate you!
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such a little nerd
definitely started out as good friends
absurdly proud of the fact that he has a partner
like… him?? he feels so special
(he is)
study dates where he actually intends to study and you distract him the whole time by begging for kisses and sitting on his lap etc
sometimes he caves, sometimes he doesn’t, he takes his academics seriously
but idk the image of you wrapping your arms around his neck and telling him to take a break with you during exams week.. lord….
“i miss my boyfriend”
“we’ve been together for the past three hours”
“but you’ve not been paying any attention to me! :(“
he does help you with work though, he thinks it’s really important
your parents adore him, they think he’s a great influence on you (even if you’re also great at school)
he’s the type to think the secretly hate him, though, so you often go over to his to spend time with each other
really enjoys going to whatever events you’re involved in
even if he doesn’t understand jack shit about any of it
remembers really specific and small details about you for sure
very eager to introduce you to people as “my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner!”
really proud of you and your relationship–does not try to hide that he’s taken
but he overall prefers private intimacy and affection
and very small, gentle forms of it at that
you can fluster him pretty easily tho
i can definitely see a friendly academic rivals to lovers situation happening
when the virus breaks out he never lets you out of his sight
cliché, but if you’re ever accused of being infected, he’s defending you with his life
when you can’t sleep he holds you, which doesn’t make you sleep but it is comforting
tries his hardest to tell you how important you are to him very often while everything is happening
first (and last) l-word is said when he decides to jump out of the barricade to save everyone (sorry ouch)
wholesome wholesome wholesome
he admires you so much
you probably meet in the elevator
he tries talking to you about his lord and savior–you think it’s really endearing how passionate he is
genuinely believes god sent you to him personally like an angel
just always smiling with you
holding hands everywhere you go
very often being mistaken for a married couple when you’re out and even by neighbors
(hyein starts telling people you’re married, and referring to you as ‘that married couple’)
likes holding your face and just admiring you, pressing little kisses to every spot he can think of
basically worships you
not the type to get flustered, per-say but he does get very hesitant and shy about certain levels of intimacy
hugging you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder, up your neck and to the top of your head. omg
just very traditionally romantic in the ways he shows you affection
kissing your hand, getting you flowers often, opening the car door for you, etc
biggest gentleman
when you get locked in the apartment building, he becomes bolder, or at least less hesitant about things
literally would die to protect you (and he does)
is always holding onto you in some way in low-intensity situations
the thought of you asking him to teach you how to use his sword, and he does that cute thing where when he goes to teach you, he stands behind you and holds your hands and arms to show you IM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
forehead kisses. that’s it just forehead kisses
when either of you are given a task, he always makes sure to hold you for at least a minute or two before he leaves. in case it’s the last time (sobs)
really good friends with jisu during the lock-in
you two find comfort in each other after he’s gone (NOT LIKE THAT) ((but also maybe like that idk im not the boss of you))
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skullpie · 2 years ago
kiss me (beneath the milky twilight)
arisu x fem!reader fluff
summary: talking about your pasts one night at the beach brings about a first kiss.
warning(s): none
note(s): first fic to the blog! hope you enjoy :) i love arisu with my whole entire heart.
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he turns his head, and you’re very close to his face. his ears turn a flushed shade of red, and he turns back. you both sit at the foot of a bed, staring out of the window. the view from the room is quite a nice one, and if you weren’t in the position you were in, you think you’d be enjoying your time. especially with arisu here.
“what did you do before?”
“before what?”
“we got stuck here.”
he takes a moment, and doesn’t answer you. you’re still looking at him, and he can feel uour hot breath fanning his neck and the side of his face while he tries to think of an answer that won’t embarrass him. but he comes up with none when he finally replies.
you furrow your eyebrows. you weren’t quite sure if he was trying to avoid the question or not.
“a lot of nothing,”
you turn your body back as well, now accompanying him in staring ahead at the night view. the city looked beautiful. if it were any other circumstance, you’d even say the city looked peaceful.
“i sat around all day, playing video games, and i only left the house to hang out with the two friends i had. i was kind of a bum.”
you nod. you wait for him to ask the question back, to keep the conversation going, because you like talking to him, but he doesn’t. he just keeps staring out the damn window.
you say again, and he turns to look at you again. his eyes flitter from your eyes to your lips, but you don’t catch this. this time he doesn’t look away blushing, but stays there, soaking in your gaze.
“tell me about your life before.”
“but i already did.”
“i want to hear every detail.”
he reaches up and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. the world is ending, and for just a moment, while he’s looking at you and you’re looking at him, it’s like none of it matters. he looks to your lips again, and before you get the chance to tease, he’s kissing you, hand still on your face.
you don’t kiss back, not shocked, but sort of stunned. he quickly pulls away, eyes wide with fead.
“oh my god. oh my god i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i just-“
he begins to ramble, apologizing for literally nothing. you grab him by the shirt and pull him back, initiating the kiss this time. his lips are chapped and rough against your moisturized ones, and he closes his eyes, body relaxing. he lets out a breath through his nose.
he cups your face in his hands, so very softly, and your grip on his shirt is tight, as if he might be yanked away from you. frantically, you try to deepen the kiss, pushing against him, before kissing the corner of his mouth, then his jaw and down his neck, before you travel back up to his mouth again.
he’s sort of out of breath, breathing heavily when you come back to his face, but he kisses you fervently. for the short time your lips are on him, all of the air is sucked out of the world and time stops. you are the entire world in that moment, and if it were up to you, you’d stay there forever.
you both pull away to catch a breath, and when he chases after you in an attempt to kiss you again, you stop him, placing a hand on his chest. he thinks he’s done something wrong for a brief moment.
“what is it?”
he asks, anxiously anticipating your words.
“when we get out of here, i’d love do do nothing with you.”
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skullpie · 2 years ago
hihi it’s lorelei ✿ !!
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i’m a writer, welcome to my x reader blog!
about me: she/him, bi, sideblog . . .
this blog !! ; asian dramas mostly, fem reader unless specified by request, smut heavy (sorry!)
requests are . . . OPEN !! ⇩
fandoms i write for . . .
meteor garden
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daoming si
huaze lei
xi men
mei zuo
all of us are dead
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alice in borderland
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sweet home
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in terms of smut . . .
scat, rape play, race play, piss, ddlg, non-con
anything else i don’t want to…
requests . . .
i’m allowed to say no to anything i want!
pls be patient and kind.
i’m posting this fan content for free–you are not entitled to any of my fics. dont act like it.
fandoms (and characters) may fluctuate.
thanks . . . ! ❀꧂
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