#it felt condescending
cozy-the-overlord · 2 months
I find it very fascinating how a simple change in color can completely alter the way a person views an outfit. When I bought this dress and tried it on, I was wearing black knee high socks, and my mom made a comment about how sexy the dress was — she asked me if I was sure I wanted it, because "it's a little risqué." I am currently wearing the exact same dress, styled in the exact same way, except my knee high socks are white instead of black, and my mom just told me that I looked like a little girl.
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zivazivc · 3 months
I could imagine Poppy moving in with branch and having her own spot while jd floyd and clay have one
Hmm maybe, tho I imagine Branch moving in with Poppy before the other way around. The bunker would just be his storage or something when/if that happens. I don't think JD would ever live live there because he has Rhonda. And i think Clay continues to live with the put put trolls and Viva after the movie.
@sapphireskeletons told me such a good fucked up headcanon where Branch moves out to go live with Poppy, and JD eventually gets antsy and starts traveling the Hinterlands with Rhonda again. And Floyd ends up all alone in the bunker, feeling stuck there because he had encouraged his baby bro to build it for him and he doesn't have a good enough reason to leave (even though he does not want to live there) and just feeling trapped like 🧍 ... Reap what you sow, bitch. (Sorry, but we are both a bit of Floyd haters and think he deserves to get yelled at by Branch)
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ladynicte · 1 year
Just finished reading the Mark of Athena and just started reading the House of Hades and man, can you imagine being Hazel during all this, especially talking about Nico.
Hazel is displaced in time, Nico is the only other person who can possibly understand that, Hazel has lived in both The Underworld and then back in the surface, Nico is the only other person who has done that, Hazel is a Child of Pluto, Nico is the only other Child of The Underworld left.
Hazel only shares being seen as a bad omen, and a bringer of bad news everywhere with Nico. They share having scary powers that seem capable of only bringing pain.
Children of Neptune are only seen as bad signs on New Rome, but they aren't there anymore.
At the end, Nico is effectively the only family that Hazel has left.
She never had a present dad of any sort, she still doesn't, she didn't have any siblings back then, and her abusive mother died together with her 70 years ago.
Nico as a half-brother is everything that Hazel has left in that department.
And then, before she even gets back to Camp Jupiter, she's already told that he has been kidnapped, and she doesn't know where, but she's too busy fighting to keep her city going, and her friends alive.
Then, when she's finally allowed to actually think about her missing brother for more than two seconds, and she lets her friends know because they are supposed to be her friends, they are all supposed to be on the same side, that her brother has been kidnapped, some of them don't even want to go save him.
And Hazel is told that her brother's life, her only family's life, just isn't worth the risk until Nico proves himself to be vital for the quest.
Whenever Hazel shows herself annoyed at how they are all treating Nico's kidnapping as something that can be dealt with later that isn't that crucial or primordial or important, that they can just come over last minute and free him.
They just sorta wave her off, and give her plain apologies. They reassure her at times for sure, but there must be something so isolating and maddening about being treated like what you are worried about isn't real.
They try to make her feel better because they care for her, but none of them are seeing what she's seeing, none of them are processing that her only family might just die in a couple of days, and her friends keep forgetting they are even supposed to be saving him.
There's nobody else in that ship who can understand what Hazel is going through.
The rest of the seven are constantly gambling with Nico's life, and saying, well hopefully we will be there in time, and if we aren't, well, don't think about it too much.
For which, Hazel has got no other choice, but to nod and go along with it, because it's either arriving just in the nick of time to save her brother, or not arriving at all.
Eventually, when she finally does see her brother again, Nico is painfully thin, with deep purple eyebags, and a faraway gaze, deadly pale, having issues walking and eating and even just talking.
Hazel's brother went through Tartarus without her even knowing and he came back with a part of him completely broken off, beyond salvaging.
And nobody else cares.
Just so lonely, to be the only person who cares. Having something so so important to you that nobody else sees in any way. So lonely being the only person defending what you care about.
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Regarding the “most fan content of a single character post”, there are people who are like “I can’t believe that I’m the only one that ships this pairing” but in Fire Emblem there are apparently 1753! possible ships, which is (next ask)
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oh anon bless your poor little heart. you are so wrong it hurts </3
its actually 2^1753 -1754 (removing single characters and no characters from the equation) which equals 5.0767 ×10^527 which is still a lot but is much smaller than your calculation of 1.128 x10^ 5367.
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orionsangel86 · 8 months
I know it's considered mean to say, but sometimes the phrase "go touch grass" is really needed in fandom spaces. Like seriously. At least turn off the TV, log out of social media, and go for a walk somewhere with some green. Even a drive somewhere. Get some fresh air. Do something that doesn't involve media consumption. Ground yourself back in the real world. Meditation perhaps? Anything like that. Please. I'm begging you. We all need it for our mental health and if you are at the point where your emotions over fictional characters have caused you to take personal offence to the extent that you are gonna go harass the creators for not keeping the story all sunshine and rainbows all the time believe me, you need the break. You'll feel better once you've had the break.
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crimeronan · 9 months
i think the wildest cognitive dissonance i've had re: the realization that the average (?) tumblr user Truly Does Not Look At The News was when like. people started bitching and moaning that "everyone" was focusing on crimew being a trans catgirl anarchist without actually looking at the importance of her work in leaking the no-fly list.
when earlier that day i had clicked on a top CNN headline reading something like "hacktivist leaks US no-fly list, exposes racial discrimination, islamophobia, bans on two-year-old children"
(i don't remember the exact wording. i know it was About The Important Shit.)
and then i'd logged onto tumblr. and only THEN found out that the hacktivist was a trans catgirl anarchist. CNN's early reporting did not give A Fuck about that At All, because THERE WAS A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THE NO-FLY LIST.
so imagine my surprise scrolling thru tumblr's meme coverage like
me: oh shit the no-fly list leaker who exposed all that heinous shit is a trans catgirl? good for her that's delightful :)
a sizeable portion of tumblr's population, for some fucking reason: nobody would come to my house and click on article links for me so now i'm mad that my memes don't double as exhaustively researched current event bulletins :( HOW DARE THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA SILENCE US >:(
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wallylinda · 1 year
i don’t think that it’s possible to separate the christian themes of the spectre (2001) from its narrative. ultimately, this is a comic that means to combat the idea that the human spirit needs to undergo punishment in order to deserve salvation, and so it targets the religion which most often preaches that message. however, i think that it is extremely telling that the narrator of the comic is a jewish man whose goal within the series is to reject god’s wrath in favor of god’s redemption. so while this is a comic that is inherently christain, it is also a comic that strongly resonates with judaism because it spends so much of its time sympathizing with hal and his faith. and like viewing it from this perspective has made the series so much more enjoyable for me because the narrative is no longer in conversation with itself about religious dogma, but is instead engaging with the differing belief systems its main character has in comparison to its world.
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anunhingedme · 11 months
that smile..that damn smile...
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months
I need all the adults to stop scaring kids and teenagers telling about how miserable their life will get as they get older
Bullied kid from elementary school doesn't need to hear that school will get harder
Middle schooler who's signed up to way too many activities doesn't need to hear that there'll be even less time left in the future
High-school student doesn't need to feel like their life will literally end if they don't succeed academically.
They don't need to hear your condescending tone about how life is about to get harder for them. You're scaring the living shit out of them and they literally loose their hope for better future. Do you think it's funny? Don't you remember the depth of the despair you were absolutely capable to feel as a teenager or even as a little kid?
No one who's struggling needs to hear the word of wisdom about them having it easy, and you're an absolute piece of shit if you keep doing it thinking it's funny.
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carfuckerlynch · 6 months
u guys ever get. weird vibes from a guy
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onlyfangz · 3 months
this is such a hyperspecific vague (they dont follow me and i dont follow them), but it's not condescending for someone to remind you to be cautious when handling people's personal data on a survey you've put out, especially if you've given no fucking indication as to how youre protecting that data, are you fucking insane.
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bunnihearted · 14 days
i've also realized that there is no therapy that can fix what's broken inside of me
#therapy wont give me a place to belong. a person to call my home.#therapy where i sit and talk about how all i want is to love and be loved and i'll never feel whole without it wont solve anything#guess i just need to study and get an education for a job that i think i could be capable of#and then distract myself with books and shows and nature#the problem is that loneliness permeates my every cell and my every moment and being#im losing interest in humanity and society#literature is barely even interesting to me anymore bc i feel so fkn far away from humanity#and what makes u human.. that i cant connect with any of what i try to consume#i just... dont care. music doesnt even do anything for me anymore#i feel so numb in one way#but also i often feel like im panicking. how is this possible? how did i end up here?#im like actually fading away from this earth and it sometimes feels like#it wont even matter if i do#what is trying to take ahold of me and stop me from fading....?#idec anymore. even if i do get a job and an apartment i'll still be empty bc all i want is. smth i can never have? is that really how it is#i dont even require that much#that is what is so .. terrible almost#i just want one connection that is special to us both. smth close smth deep smth that i can pour everything into#i look around and almost everyone have more than one person even by them.... what did i do wrong?#i must've done smth very very wrong from the start to even end up here#it doesnt matter. i fade and i fade and i fade... i think i will keep doing so#because no matter how much other ppl - ppl who themselves have love and closeness in their lives. who have friends and partners and family.#no matter how much they parrot empty lines of 'learn how to be alone!!' 'life can be whole and fulfilled even alone' ..#i dont want that. i really dont. deep in my soul i do not want that#so their words are completely... condescending even. yes i CAN do all of that. i mean fuck#i am surviving feeling alone more than most of them are since they have ppl around them lmao#but i just dont want it. i am a person meant for a deep connection... i dont even need it with multiple people#without that i feel like i am dying and nothing else matters#besides i know it's possible bc i have felt that with a person at this time of my life#so i know that it's not smth distant or unachievable... it does exist and i want it bc it's the only thing that made me
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neverevan · 2 months
"trust me" okay but you're wrong 😭 it's in their contracts, but they are not paid extra for promo. An actor can be asked to do 1 interview or 10 they get paid the same regardless.
not paid extra ≠ not paid
doing promo isn't like doing overtime in the office and it will not be compensated the same way and I can't believe I have to spell this out.
actually, I'm just gonna put this into even simpler terms and paraphrase a quote by Michelle Pfeiffer: "you do the movie for free and you get paid for promoting it"
in other terms, it's included in your pay. so you do get paid for it; just because it's not broken down by the minute like on set, it is very much included in your pay as per your contract, in whatever terms it is expressed in regards to appearances and timeslots, etc.
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the-snadger · 22 days
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this photo of untouched books my mom gave me as a tween vs. books i checked out this week at the library feels like a poem in and of itself. i do not have the words but do you see me
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mellotronmkll · 3 months
I stopped to get a bite to eat at a restaurant while out and about and I'm alone and this lady just walked by and went "You are living your best life and I appreciate it" girl I'm just eating lunch alone that's normal 😭
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flameunquenched · 1 year
possibly an unpopular opinion but i personally HATED the "my alina/little saint" stuff from sab s2
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