#it feels like im goddamn free lmao
raineandsky · 2 months
tw: fire
The villain is woken to the smell of smoke and the flickering of flames in the prison corridor. The dingy little cell is only metal bars—it’s not exactly keeping either at bay.
They get to their feet to better watch the shit show. “Uh,” they say to no one in particular.
The villain in the cell across from them is also looking out at impending death. “Well, it was nice knowing you,” they say drily.
“We’re not going to die,” the villain snaps, though dying is incredibly likely. “The heroes, they’ll— they can’t leave us—”
“What, you think they’ll come back for us? They’ll use us for the media.” The other villain puts on a whiny voice that’s scratched slightly by the smoke now rolling over them both. “Awh, we tried to get the villains out but there was nothing we could do. Such a shame. Oh well, we won’t miss ‘em.”
The villain shuffles on their feet. “I should’ve learnt to pick locks before this.”
“That would’ve been nice.”
An alarm finally blares overhead. Clearly the fire’s gotten upstairs. The agency doesn’t care enough to put an alarm down here.
Shouting breaks out. Footsteps clunk overhead. Heroes, receding, saving themselves.
“A bunch of wusses,” the other villain offers with a scowl.
“Eh.” The villain tries to lean their arms on the door, but the bars are burning and they quickly pull back. “I’d be getting the hell outta dodge too. I wouldn’t come back for us.”
“Thank god it’s not you saving us then.”
The flames are licking at the cells next door now. Thank god the villain in there got released last week. The villain’s body is tense as the fire waves and laughs at them, crawling ever closer, and the other villain doesn’t seem to be faring much better. They spare each other a glance—shifty, nervous.
“Ha,” the other villain says flatly, “yeah, I think I’m done pretending I’m happy to die here.”
“Me too,” the villain replies shortly. With nothing more to say—or feign—the villain turns to bang on the wall. “Hey!” they shout, even though they know everyone’s long gone by now.
The other villain props themself up against the opposite wall, kicking a heel into the hinges of the door. It rattles horrendously as metal scrapes metal, but it doesn’t budge.
“These things are made of goddamn steel!” the other villain cries.
“Obviously, dumbass.” Another thump of fist on solid stone. “It’s prison.”
Footsteps thump on the stairwell down the corridor. The villain looks up—no way.
“Hey!” they shout. It comes out choked, the smoke tearing at their throat. “Down here!”
A silhouette appears through the grey fog, an arm up over their face, a cough announcing their presence. “It’s okay,” they say tightly, “I’m here.”
They pause outside the cell doors, their head bent to a janky set of keys in their hand. They turn to the other villain first, shoving a key in the lock and wrenching the door open. “Can you walk?” the person asks quickly. The other villain nods and they get shooed upstairs.
“No running!” the person calls after them. “Entire agency’s outside!”
They turn to the villain’s cell now, eyes back on the keys. Please, god, hurry up. “Okay.” A key in the lock, clunking as it heaves the door open. “You okay?”
The villain finally gets a glimpse of their saviour: a hero—an obvious conclusion, yet still surprising—one they don’t recognise. The hero shoots them a half-smile and ushers them out of the cell. “Come on,” he says shortly.
The villain wastes no time breaking for freedom. The hero’s right behind them. Fire laughs and chases them the whole way out. Smoke smears the villain’s vision.
After what feels like an eternity, the villain crumples onto cool pavement. Outside. A breeze dances through their hair, a million miles away from the thick stillness of the flames. Thank god, thank god.
The hero gives them a quick pat on the back, his hand much too warm to be comforting. “Get these two some medical help,” he says to someone distantly, “and get them in handcuffs before we regret it.”
These two. The villain glances up at the other villain, leaning down with their hands on their knees, heaving pained, charred breaths. They look up to meet the villain’s gaze, and they can see the same thought in their companion’s eyes that they can feel in their heart.
Too close. And perhaps more specifically, villainy was the wrong place for people who like not dying.
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thewickerking · 1 year
TOOK THE BUS TOO FAR BC I WAS READING RWBY DISCOURSE 💀💀💀on a related note are the tlt lesbians everyone talks about not even canon??????? no fucking way people were calling bumble.by QUEERBAIT compared to griddl.ehark WHEN ONE IS ACTUALLY A COUPLE AND KISSED ON SCREEN???? NO FUCKING WAY?????
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bulldagger-bait · 8 months
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starlightkun · 2 years
the final count is 132 albums across 40 different artists, purchased in the span of like 3 - 3 1/2 years (im estimating, i can find my last album purchase in dec 2020 but i cant find my first, im just guessing that it was spring or fall of 2017)
good jesus 🥴🥴
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kawaiianimeredhead · 11 months
If yall were ever curious what it's like to hold a mantis, at least an adult giant Asian mantis, it kind of itches
Fun facts for you all
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macveigh · 2 years
PSA. Communication works both ways.
It dosen't fall on JUST ONE PERSON to keep a friendship alive. I work, I'm tired all the time from my mental illness, but that dosen't mean I'm ignoring you or you tire/bored me or whatever. But I'm not going to be the sole person messaging you all the time fighting to keep a friendship alive. You don't think I get depressed not talking to you for x amount of time? You think it dosen't scare the living hell out of my anxious ass when I wanna message you but we haven't talked in forever so I don't wanna seem like I'm bothering you?
Message me just as I message you, understand that sometimes I'm slow and might not get to them right away and I will give you the same courtesy.
Or if you're really that impatient then just block me and move on. Because I don't have time for people who only see me as a means of entertainment or a free therapist.
I just want friends.
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obeymematches · 4 months
MC acting oblivious!
since you're accepting hcs now, how about an mc whos a big tease/bully (aka mammons worst nightmare lol)? im quick to realize when someone has a crush on me and when i like them back i turn into the biggest tease on earth until the other person confesses. im good at acting oblivious so its always "wait, they cant possibly know i like them, right??" poor, poor souls lmao. so im wondering how the brothers+undateables would handle an mc like that! keep up the great work! 💕
Hi, good to see you again !!! <3 
okay i love this so much lets go ! 
Okay so in his case it’s mentioned several times that he is in love with the MC so this ain’t just some crush he’s being teased about but that’s one of the reasons why he loves you so much.  
He is rather guarded emotianlly as his pride isn’t going to let him just fall for anyone. But once he does he is not going to deny it!  
Lucifer is someone who will ask you out on a date without a warning. The only thing you might notice beforehead is that he spends suspiciously lots of his time with you. (by a lot in his case I mean something in between 30 and 60 mins every second day. he’s a busy man) 
Him: My schedule is tight today but I would like to spend time with you, MC, would you care to join me at a confectionary?  MC: sounds like you’re very busy, are you sure about that? 🥺 Him,  slightly offended but still lovingly: Yes, MC. Let me express myself better... would you please have a date with me today? MC: oh....um-
● oh god, oh jesus, oh no
● We all know The Great Mammon has a hard time admitting his feelings out loud, with words, bluntly.
● So the way I see it, the situation is about to be Awkward As Hell.
● Mammon is clearly sweating, butterflies occupying his entire stomach, he fiddles with his nails.
● Him: So MC, I was thinking- I mean I'm thinking- wanna go skating with me tonight?
MC: Oh that's a very romantic idea- but I think friends don't just go skating, you know.
Him: Friends??! I don't wanna be just your friend MC-
You: Then? Then what?
Him: Goddamn I- I just want to be yours- Jesus ya are makin' it so difficult MC, it is not easy as is!!
● ahh the frustrated face he makes through this conversation isn't just a facade. He really is stressing right now.
● Him: MC.... there is something I must tell you. And you only. Please listen and don't tell anyone!
MC: Don't worry Levi, I too hate people who gossip-
Him: No it's not like that. I have a desire in my heart that I must share with you as you are the most special person I ever met and I can only hope you feel the same way for me and- I feel so embarassed but I've been meaning to ask you this- would you be my partner? My player 2?
MC: well if you wanted me to play you could have just said so like you always do-
Levi: What?? Is that what you understood? No MC you don't get it! Ahhh I knew I shouldn't have asked you my chances with you are close to zero-
MC: Wait Levi I'm so sorry-
● You could tell he was acting different these past couple of days. He was texting you more, he offered to spend more time with you- it was obvious he likes you.
● He knocked on your bedroom door and as you liked him just as much as he liked you, of course you let him in.
● I think you acting like you don't know what's going on turns him on? Like he know you ain't stupid. He knows you like him at least a little bit too, otherwise he wouldn't be here talking with you.
● Him: So MC, are you free now?
MC: Well, it depends on how you define "free" I think.
Him: Oh quit it please.
MC: I would if I knew what you were up to right now-
Him: Alright. You are going to make it more complicated, I see. In this case, meet me at 4PM at the common room. Please. I'd like to take you on a date if you're free.
MC: Inside the house? Weird if you ask me-
Him: ...... you are right actually. Let's meet at the park then. Don't be late.
● Again he would absolutely love you acting like you noticed nothing when he couldn't be more clear about what he wants.
● He knows this game though & he is quicker than you are.
● Him, cuddling you: So MC I have been thinking about us....what are we?
● MC: We are.... the best. Me, a human, and you, a demon.
Him: Nooooo, you know that's not what I meant!!!
MC: Well I don't know what you mean Asmo. Aren't we though?
Him: Aren't we what? A human and a demon?? Ahhhhg stop playing with me MC!
● Ohh babe is going to believe you actually don't know what' going on-
● I think he'd find it funny when he realizes you were just acting like such-
Him: MC. I like you.
MC: Okay, I like you too. That's why I'm your friend.
Him: Yes we are friends I know... but to me you are the first person I want to talk to if anything happens, good or bad... you are on my mind all the time, no matter what- I haven't felt like this in my entire life- you are the most special person to me, MC.
MC: Ohhh... I didn't realize-
Him: I only went out with Mammon yesterday because I thought... I was hoping you'd be there to, that you'd join... I just wanted to spend more time with you. But you weren't there. Let's go somewhere together today- I mean, if you want to-
● MC you are about to annoy him to deatg to be fair.
● Depending on his mood he might join you though!!!
Him: So human- I mean MC. Let's hang out today.
MC: We already do.
Him: I meant as a date, stop playing stupid.
MC: I don't like being called stupid. Is this how you are asking me out on a date??
Him: See I knew you knew what I meant!
MC: Why would you ask me on a date though, aren't we just friends?
Him: .....
Him: We could change that- I want to be your one and only.
MC: Well if you are my one and only friend I might get lonely when you're too busy for me though-
Him: Stop it don't say another word. Are you coming today or not? MC? You listening?
MC: you just asked me to shut up-
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Today on “PCE Shut The Hell Up About OJV Kyle And His Chronic Pain”:
I feel the need to express that my dude could’ve made a full recovery from his knee injury in high school. He had a partial meniscus and anterior ligament tear and didn’t require surgery, was 15 and pretty healthy, but the guy jumped back into things too fast. The SECOND the doctor told him he could start slowly walking on it and regaining strength, Kyle’s stubborn ass took that as “IM FREE IM FREE” he was SO sick of crutches bro just wanted normalcy.
And like months later he’s like “damn why does my leg still hurt” “uhhh weren’t you supposed to do physical therapy or something?” “…I mean, it was recommended? But it’s chill.” “Damnit jewboy you probably let your goddamn fucked up joints heal wrong” (Cartman was right lmao) (and Kyle continues to ignore it until he moves his knee wrong or falls on it and gets mad)
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phantomannkaun · 10 months
Demon Slayer Male Character's Ideal Women !
I asked Demon Slayer characters what there ideal women was!! I used Character.AI to do this!!
I only did Males in this one but I plan on doing women soon!
Starting with the Hashira:
Gyomei Himejima:
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I wasn't expecting the appearance at all💀its kind of basic ngl LMAO. as for the personality, it makes sense haha.
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
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Honestly yeah this adds up. Pretty harsh but makes sense 😭
Giyuu Tomioka:
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Didn't have much to say but I can honestly see it!
Obanai Iguro:
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He REALLY likes Mitsuri 💀
Muichiro Tokito:
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Awww that's actually so sweet I love this one.
Kyojuro Rengoku:
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I love this one omg omg. I love Kyojuro smmm
Tengen Uzui:
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There seems to be a trend with tall women honestly 😭 but im living for it. Or if you look like his three wives I think you'll also be his type LMFAO
Demon Slayers:
Tanjiro Kamado:
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Honestly yeah what more do we expect from Tanjiro. Hot take this is the best one yet he's so accepting omg
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
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I saw this coming😭
Inosuke Hashibara:
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Yep this makes sense lmao
Genya Shinazugawa:
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Not much to say I guess!
Muzan Kibutsuji:
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Makes sense, just make sure you're a demon so he doesn't eat you 😭😭 even then idk if you'll be safe
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Like Shnobu??🤨 ermmm hello??? Anyways I think this response suits him fairly well.
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Now i'm about to slut shame him but he'll take anybody bruh he got too many bodies. But I also think his response suits him well!!
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Solid answer tbh
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Wasn't expecting this! But I fw it
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😀well... odd but ignoring the last part i guess he values looks more 😭
Adding this man cause he is SO GODDAMN FINE BRUH
Mr. Haganezuka:
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Yeah he only really cares about swords at this point 😭😭😭
Thank you for reading! If any of these made you upset just remember this is just a fun lil AI thing this may not be there actual type it could be totally different I just thought it was fun to see what the AI them would say lol! If you were unhappy with it then feel free to visit Character.AI on your own time and do it all yourself!
I will be making more of these in the near future!
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ckret2 · 5 months
no idea if anyhting of the sort has been asked before but i was wondering mostly based off my past experiences
would bill be the kind of guy who is just Very Aware of like . sensations in his body and have it lead to shit like having a problem with chewing off old skin and stuff. In the sense that oh crud its just a Smidgen of old skin peeling off it's going INTO the Chomper or just out of boredom because He Can Do That
maybe both
like ohh . i think i feel a corner of my lip peeling off im gnawing that off or ohhh is that a little bit of skin slash nail at the tip of my finger i see i wonder if i can bite that off . Seems Cool .
apart from that your fic is feeding me so well and it took me a week to realize "lord almighty thats the same author that wrote those really fucking funny Alastor In Situations fics". i think a small part of my brain was in denial for whatever deranged reason there was .
ALASTOR IN SITUATIONS FICS LMAO. That really is what most of my fics about him are.
I think Bill is really aware of body sensations, but the sensations he is/isn't aware of have really low correlation to what a human who's overly aware of body sensations would be aware of. Like, this is the guy who's violently nauseous trying to comb his hair but who mixes mustard with maple syrup.
You and I have an idea of what our body should look like when it's Right—when our skin is whole and healthy and smooth, when our nails are cut correctly. If a little flake of skin is peeling off, if we have a hangnail, if there's a tear or a bump or a ridge that shouldn't be there, we know that's a Little Bit Wrong, and for some people that Little Bit Wrongness gets really really irritating until they remove it.
Bill doesn't have an internal conception of a Right human body. For him there's no such thing as a Right body that's human. You can't pick/chew at individual flaws when you perceive everything as one unending flaw. A human body is all skin flakes upon skin flakes, dead cells waiting to peel and slough free, odd little bumps and ridges and pores and wrinkles and folds... He could exfoliate his entire body down to the bone and then he'd find fault with the bone's texture.
Look at this image and remove the dots that are wrong.
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Do you have the slightest idea which of these dots are supposed to be "wrong"?
What criteria do you base it on? It's all just visual noise.
It's hard to even focus on any particular dots.
Even if I tell that the yellow dots are what's "wrong"...
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... is it any easier to see them in the image above? Even knowing what you should be looking for, you have to hunt for them. It takes hard focus to see the yellow dots separately from their neighbors in all that noise. You'll never find all of them unless you zoom in and go pixel by pixel. They just don't stand out. And still nothing about the yellow dots really feels "wrong" to us on an instinctive, visceral level. And if you do take out all the "wrong" yellow dots—do you know which color you're supposed to fill in instead? Even knowing what's wrong isn't enough for you to figure out what's right!
That's what flaws on human skin are like to Bill. It's nonsense on a plane of more nonsense. He's still grappling with the fact that he's bones slathered in meat rather than pure energy under a foil-thin shell of electrified gold. He is NOT in an emotional place to even NOTICE a hangnail.
When his skin starts to bother him, he's less likely to pick at little bits of it and more likely to be fighting the urge to claw it clean off.
He's more often bothered by things like the sound/feeling of his own breathing and choose to stop it for a few seconds just to get some GODDAMN PEACE AND QUIET FOR ONCE before reluctantly starting to breathe again because he knows he has to, ugh. Sometimes he moves his arms and is conscious of ribs under his chest. Sometimes he turns his head instead of his whole torso and gets a queasy sensation from being reminded he has a spine rather than a hard exoskeleton. He still sticks food in his eye when he's distracted and he's uncomfortable that he can't see his food inside his mouth. THAT'S the level of "bothered by bodily sensations" he's on.
(However: if he gets a cut/scrape, he definitely licks the blood off. He's the specific kind of weirdo that fits the "licks his own blood as a deliberate conscious thing" archetype. You know the type. Adolescent pseudo-goths keen to develop morbid fascinations.)
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tangledinink · 11 months
Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
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oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
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THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
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oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
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it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
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ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
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HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
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omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
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if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
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@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
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EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
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thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
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THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
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not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
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oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
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ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
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i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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dani-ya-dig · 6 months
Written as I’m listening to the audio again so I don’t forgor.
I think it’s been out long enough to avoid spoiler but I’m gonna put the cut just because this post is probably gonna be really long.
The beginning of this audio scares the shit out of me not matter how many times I listen to, like he is fucking ZOOMING. At least this time he has a reason to be zipping all over the place. Unlike in his “talking about the future” audio where that motherfucker used vamp speed up the stairs for no goddamn reason
Also I appreciate the fact that Darlin ran into Sam, fully shifted. They hit him first and only then were like “oh yeah I’m a giant wolf rn”.
Ugh love me a Sam reverse comfort audio. This is DELICIOUS
Circling back to Sam’s tendency to bury his emotions in the moment, and only allowing himself to feel them when he is in a safe space (cough cough Darlin)
“I guess that says a lot about what family is to me” STOPPPPPPP
“Apparently I’ve got a knack for landing myself in shit. And then sticking around long enough to get convinced it’s all I deserve” IM ACTUALLY FUCKING CRYING I HATE IT HERE. HE IS ME FR.
Sam kind danced around this part but I noticed it immediately. The way he kind of paused when he talked about William putting giving him a house as a form of trying to make himself more favorable to Sam. Sam worded it as him favoring stability and needing that. But also like… one thing that Sam talks about repeatedly in his playlist is how important the idea of home is to him. And William gives him a house… an attempt at giving him a home, so that the “home” is inherently tied to him in Sam’s mind.
I know it was well intentioned on William’s part but god it feels fucking grimy nonetheless
Sam might not think that William is and evil mustache twirling villain, but I do /j
Real footage of William Solaire rn
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“I’m a healer. Not was. Am.” YES THE FUCK YOU ARE SAM!
No because actually Sam is so right. He IS still good. He CAN still help. I’m not 100% on the lord of vampire or how difficult it would be for a vampire of Sam’s age to externalize magic. But it’s pretty damn impressive that he can do what he can do even after his core was entirely replaced. He must have been a STRONG like super strong freelancer for that much of his powers to remain after his turning. But it’s also not just healing magic he can still manage even though that definitely would have been his specialty and the type of magic he studied the most. The other types of magic we have heard of him doing are also cleaning magic and earth elemental magic (WHICH YO???). Like that’s impressive imo.
Also we have all talked about Sam joining Shaw Security on night shift at this point. BUT!!! After Sam talked about how he wanted to be a healer still but only wasn’t because that wasn’t what the house needed from him. I hope that he gets hired on as Shaw Security’s professional healer <33
I don’t know how viable that would be. But I think it could work. I don’t imagine he would be patching up multiple huge injuries everyday so it could 100% work!! GUYS I SWEAR PLEA–
(Erik if you’re spying through your secret tumblr account give me what I want)
Sam will never have to go to another summit again 🤞
Sam and Darlin are so in love with each other. They deserve to be happy, just for a little bit. I need a moving audio with them. Them just packing up their shit <33
Okay did I love this video. Yes! It was Sam, so like that’s bound to happen with me lmao. But also like it was just nice. I enjoyed it. I hope Sam gets to find more of who he is outside of the house.
But also because my hyperfixated menace ass can’t keep my nose out of spoiler I KNOW THAT SAM BITES DARLIN IN THE BA AND I JUST COSSBDKDBX
Look I get why it happened logistically. It’s been a long time coming, and now that Sam’s out of the house of Solaire, they aren’t going to be facilitating his need for blood bags anymore. So he is gonna need to feed on something. It makes sense.
But I wish that decision like that regarding trauma Sam has around his turning would stop being made in the aftermath of very emotional moments. Like when he decided he was ready to go further with Darlin, I wish it would have come from a place of “Ive worked through everything that happened to me, and I love you, so I really want to take this next step” instead of “I’ve seen so many people die, and I have been reminded how fragile life is, and I am terrified of the thought of not getting to do this”.
Idk maybe it’s just me, but things like that don’t feel like decisions that should be made when you feel like life is crumbling down around you??
Also it brings up the logistical issue of, Erik didn’t explain that to the non-patreon listeners. So like… if it gets brought up in future audios a lot of people are probably gonna be a little confused, since I only know because I snoop through Sam spoilers.
Eh. But all in all, live laugh love Sam Collins and stay livin la vida loca I guess
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tennisarchives · 8 months
warning for a clearly anxiety-ridden oversharing freakout below the cut. sorry. i’m too sensitive and i’m unfortunately acutely aware of it.
tldr; im being a drama queen. gonna take a tumblr break for a week or two. to my mutuals, feel free to dm for my insta. i’ll be active until i wake up tomorrow morning and then i’m gonna zip
gonna preface this by saying this is in no way directed to the people whom i actually talk to constantly on here like you lot were lovely and im just dealing with a lot of demons in my head :(
anyway. sometimes i feel more like a product manufacturer than a person on here. and idk. i know most of you guys are really just following me for gifs and content and whatever but. yeah. idk. i guess the things i say don’t matter to anyone unless it’s funny. or if people want to call me out. not that im mad abt that exactly btw i do appreciate when people respectfully call me out for my own mistakes but. sometimes. i feel like im in a fishbowl and you’re all just waiting for me to say something wrong and cancel me. or then again, maybe most of you already think im a shit person and you just stay for the gifs. or maybe you guys think i’m a loser who has nothing to do but spend all day on this goddamn website.
and i know, somewhere inside me, that that’s not true and that it’s clearly the anxiety talking. maybe it’s just me maybe i’m making this up in my head i dunno. but i’m just kinda tired right now. too tired to battle the anxiety like usual at least. and i don’t really feel wanted outside of the content i produce, beyond the notes of my gifs or my fun posts. which ik shouldn’t matter but. i’m a pathological people pleaser etc etc.
(god, seeing this all typed out, i can’t even fucking blame you guys if you actly don’t like me cause. i kinda wanna shake myself by the shoulders and tell myself get a grip girl the world doesn’t revolve around you shut up shut up shut your damn mouth—)
i’ve been trying to manage by unfollowing and blocking a few people (which btw, if i did that to you and we used to be mutuals, it’s probably nothing personal i mostly just kept people i’m a bit closer to). but i’m still not really settled. and considering how i’m posting like every other day about feeling like shit, you guys probably figured that out lmao.
and well. on a separate note. seeing that rat’s name alone is too much for me sometimes. i couldn’t watch his game with carlos. i spent hours in his match with daniil turned away from the television, wearing noise canceling headphones while trying (and failing) to talk myself down from a full blown anxiety attack. i’ve said this before but the way people talk about him, both the fucked up silence and the justified outrage, it reminds me way too much about a family problem i have right now. hits uncomfortably close to home. prior to this i kinda thought i’d made my peace with the whole family situation but no apparently not. had he won the semis, i wasn’t even sure if i would be able to stomach cheering for jannik if it meant having to watch that man play.
so. idk. between the way actual tennis has been making me feel and the way tennisblr in general has seemed for me lately, i figure i need some space.
long story short ive been spending way too much time on tumblr this ao. and its gotten really bad for my mental health i guess. so i think i need to take maybe a week or two, to clear my head. watch tennis without opening this app every other point. spend time with people i love. get back to therapy. try to be a functioning adult.
(this is so fucking dramatic for a goddamn week of no tumblr i know that and i want to smack myself upside the head because why am i like this why do i make things snowball why why why—)
anyway. yeah. that’s it. if you actually read through all of that then. thanks. if not it’s okay too.
to my mutuals, the ones whom i’ve had at least some form of friendly interaction with in replies or dms, you can ask for my insta account btw. not that i’m crazy active on there but like. if you guys wanna be friends beyond the anonymity of this yknow. no pressure though.
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loopscereal · 9 months
You said to send you screenshots to redraw, so... Maybe one of these two? Personally my favorite of your redesigns have been for Owynn's gang and the twins (and Deuz but I didn't like any particular screenshot for him).
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It's also okay if you don't want to, no pressure fjrvdjdvdjevakavqj
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a month + 1 day late but HAHAHAH REDRAWWW
okiii sorry this took a goddamn month and sorry for no shading but i AM doing this for funa nd for free but i never forgot , i never forgot multi i promise, i even let my brogram record a timelapse thingy if you want it. 1) yes u redesigned town from the last time i drews him what about it??? (i also redesigned eak but i never did a digital drawing of his previous default ass ) anyways i was itching to make them both more. more ours i guess? Towns black now cause i want to and also lions are african animals and thats enough to convince me lmao. idk its fun, sue me. we dont uhhhh we dont suuuuper tie where the animal is from tot heir race, but sometimes we do and it works out nicely uhhh
2) multi, or anyone seeing this ig, if ya want zoom'in just tell me and ill reblog this with zoom ins n shit. yeah. 3) I REALIZED I FORGOT TOWNS FUCKING FRECKLES. iiii im iffy on adding freckles to him, they did look cute but im worried itll make his face too busy. eaks face is so busy and i do not need another. also busy-ness is why i didnt doshadeing. i tried, i really did try to ger some quick flat shading in, but it looked too busy and just a mess i couldnt do it kjerhblol lmao. 4)uhhhh feel free to ask questions ig. IF ANYONE ELSE ANTS TO REQUEST REDRAW REQUESTS FEEL SO FREE I LOVE DOING REDRAWS. also im totally gonna do the pup and chica one too dont you even worry about it
anyways tysm for the ask and request :) have a good dayyyy love ya fnafhsblr lmao
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hungharrington · 1 year
im embarrassed that i never saw your sleepover post sooner... BUT i come with a very pressing question... fuck, marry, kill... but its versions of steve ive written edition... so that leaves you with hot neighbour dilf steve, roommate steve, and last but certainly not least best friend steve
have fun with this!!
but you're not late! we have only just begun my dear <3 now... fuck, marry, kill..... why did i even include a kill in this, i'm changing that to kiss right now why would i ever wanna kill my pookie. im trying think who u would have the hottest sex with LMAO but..... i think.... come along with me for this as i try convince you....
fuck hot neighbour dilf steve. listen! this has the highest stakes for the hottest sex! this is like, the dude that's spent enough time in bed so he knows what he's doing and he can play your body like a goddamn instrument. it's ravenous but not like 'fuck-in-the--backseat-of-the-car-we-dont-have-time-to-go-elsewhere' its like 'my-big-house-is-free-lets-fuck-on-every-surface' yanno? :) like you guys fuck in the kitchen, you ride him on the couch, he takes you on the back balcony, and then many many times in the bed - he treats you right and you get at least more than one orgasm than you're expecting. and then you guys totally eye-fuck each other every time you see each other at the grocery store :)
kiss sweet roommate!steve. this is just sweetness actually :') how does one accidentally kiss their roomie? this is the kinda kiss that spirals off into both of you realising that you actually want to do that and a lot more. all of the time. this is the kiss that changes it all! maybe its a drunken party and there's a game of spin the bottle (because there always is) or one of them is in a tiff about a bad date they went on but either way, the kiss with roommate!steve, the hot guy you live with who you definitely think about too much in the shower, is the definition of a kiss with fireworks. it would be bomb and after a big song and dance, a little miscommunication angst, u guys absolutely end up dating and happier than ever <3
now.... cmon now auttie, you know i have to marry best friend!steve.... he's my best friend!! that means you goddamn stuck with him through all of the events of the seasons-- you're there post breakup with nancy to hold him together, there when billy beats the shit of him, pressing the tiniest bandaids on his face because you want to help, you're there when he starts scoops! and you provide ample teasing for the shorts even if they drive you crazy -- so of course, you're there when you all go down in the russian elevator and experience the worst night of your lives. so naturally, best friend steve and you? bonded to hell and back. your love would be easy, it would feel as warm as daylight on your skin and as sweet as the first fruit of summer -- and steve would love you so well. he dedicates himself to you, entirely, loves how you push him back out into the world and stand as his number one supporter and how you make each other better. there is no better foundation for marrying someone than being best friends and it just means that, some nights end in tender-loving ooey-gooey in love sex and some nights end in a pillow fight :D it keeps u on your toes
come join the sleepover!
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sapphicdib · 3 months
Actually just sending an ask:
How many hours of rain world have you played?
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This many!
Also because I feel like it I'm gonna explain how I do my Hunter runs so some tips n general shit below the cut :3
(just to preface this: even though I call these "score/points runs" I dont actually use the "official" score run rules, so I can't help you if you actually wanna be able to submit these to like a leaderboard or smth. I use karma caching and vanilla exploits and stuff, mainly bc im just doing this to have fun)
Okay so the initial setup is:
Get a king vulture mask on the first cycle. This makes it so if you die, you just restart and don't have to re-do a ton of stuff. Use the vulture grub in LF_A04 and fight them in that long room to the left of it.
You can feel the difference between a regular vulture mask and a king vulture mask. Getting a king vulture mask specifically is crucial.
Taming the blue lizard that spawns in LF_D03 with a noodlefly or centipede is pretty easy, although those motherfuckers are SO GODDAMN STUPID it might take you a minute to actually get them to cooperate. Or not die.
Den with your new friend in LF_S02. This is my base of operations until I actually...start playing the game lol. I use vanilla exploits and karma cache/starve cycle (whatever u wanna call it) until I have the survivor, the friend, the martyr, and the saint passages.
Next, I go and get the echos in subterranean and farm arrays, letting myself get teleported back to LF_S02 each time.
After that, I go up to sky islands and den in SI_S04, and the next cycle I get the sky islands echo.
This is where the run actually starts lol. Some tips I have are:
Rush Pebbles. Start working up to getting the monk passage by eating the poppycorn in sky islands, eating pebbles' neurons when you get to the top of the wall, eating the poppycorn at the top of chimney, etc and so forth. Getting the monk passage is WAAAAY harder than the hunter so I always go for it first.
Don't get the chimney echo the first time you pass it. When you're back down from Pebbles, go down to CC_C13 and grab the vulture grub, then go back up to CC_C09 and cheese vulture kills by summoning them and killing them while they're passed out. This also helps if you somehow lost your mask along your journey.
Let yourself kill scavengers. They're 6 points each and take only one or two hits to kill. You can always repair your rep in the later cycles of the game, it actually doesn't take as many cycles as you think.
Technically reviving Moon is sub-optimal, since it only gives you 100 extra points. I don't care I will never not revive her <3. However if you do actually wanna get like, the highest score possible, skip this. Shoreline is ass for spawns and you don't get many kills.
For me, once I'm done reviving Moon, I like hanging around Industrial, Pipeyard, Outskirts, and Farm Arrays to just start killing tons of shit. There are plenty of green and caramel lizards, which each give you 10 and 11 points respectively, and cyans are also everywhere. Just be careful in outskirts bc the red lizards there are free-roaming, unlike industrial where it cant get out of that one room.
My personal route to getting the wanderer is: Farm Arrays -> Sky Islands -> Skip Chimney go straight to The Exterior -> Five Pebbles -> Chimney Canopy (den near the echo) -> Industrial -> Shaded -> Shoreline -> Garbage Wastes -> Industrial -> Pipeyard -> Industrial -> Outskirts -> Drainage -> Subterranean. You will likely get the nomad easily doing this, I usually get it going from Farm Arrays to Pebbles.
BE BRAVE!! You have to kill in order to get points, after all! A death is only -3 points. Even if it's frustrating, you can easily make that up by killing a squidcada or whatever. Sometimes you gotta run headfirst at that vulture, man. You'll be surprised how strong Hunter actually is.
That's my advice, other than play the game obsessively for 700 hours LMAO. At this point I have hunter's spawns memorized so I know where to go to find stuff to kill. It also doesn't help that I have chronic lilypad hunterbrain so.........yeah!
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