#it could've been more organized
bectoshi · 3 months
iwaizumi hajime, big ol’ nature fan.
i hc him as a pretty outdoorsy guy. he likes hiking and he loves camping.
i just know he’s a loyal patagonia and lululemon customer. reading every single one of their promotional emails and snagging those sale items. 
always suggests hiking as the team’s team bonding activity. always gets rejected by everyone else. (it’s because the last time they all went hiking as a team, he complained that they were all too slow. he got fed up and went ahead of everyone. they got lost, they blamed him).
camping with him would be a dream!!! builds the tent for you, chops up firewood, sets up the hammocks, etc. he says that it’s because you shouldn’t have to lift a finger, but you both know that he does it because he is a CONTROL FREAK! about his camping gear. 
always on the prowl (that phrase is so funny) for good camping spots. his requirements: body of water nearby. that’s all. 
HAS A PADDLEBOARD!!! i definitelyyy see this being a thing. would take you on lake dates where he paddles you around on it while you read!! would also include his dog on it next to u!
he’s such a dog person btw. into big dogs. i'm thinking dobermans, german shepherds, labradors! he’d want a dog that he could take on long walks and runs. 
SPEAKING OF DOGS I KNOW THIS IS OFF TOPIC FROM THE NATURE HCS BUT I CAN’T STOP so as an athletic trainer (🤓☝️) he would care very much about his dog’s nutrition. researches raw diets and gets high quality things to add to their meals. very dogfather!iwa. 
back to nature. when you go to the beach together and you’re tanning, he’d be digging holes, trying to catch fish, making you play fetch with him, and jumping over waves. guy cannot sit still. eventually you feel bad and let him drag you to the water.
OH and i feel like he would tan so easily?? always outside so it makes sense. always a few shades darker by the end of summer. #needthat.
always finds cool things on his little nature day trips. molted feathers from rare birds, shark teeth, animal footprints, seaglass, you name it. if he’s able to, he brings his treasures home to gift to you like a crow. one day he brings you a rock that perfectly matches your eyes, another day it’s one that matches your hair. 
and lastly, is so good at skipping rocks. gatekeeps his strategy from you (spoiler: there is no strategy, he also doesn't know how he does it).
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knightofleo · 3 months
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asinglesock · 1 month
just realized my fatal flaw and the great struggle of possibly the rest of my life. while watching a cdrama.
#a sock speaks#local construction#fundamentally I lack the confidence needed to be a writer or a teacher#on the one hand I can't brazen my way out of this by pretending to be confident. I need to actually have the knowledge and skills I claim.#on the other hand I can't just say I'll be confident once I have more knowledge and experience. I have a master's degree!#I want to get more school but more school on its own will not fix this#I've let opportunities pass by because I was depressed. I didn't see how I could be enough for them.#or I was too tired (because I was depressed)#but sometimes it's bc I'm not sure if trying would make things better or worse (that one's on the OCD more than depression)#it makes sense that I lack confidence because of inexperience. but I can only gain experience by going for it. doing things badly is good.#it makes sense that I'm scared to face criticism. I've faced my whole community against me.#I've been stuck at someone's house debating scripture for hours with a migraine and no food. I think that was mildly traumatic for me.#but in most cases I am physically safe and the physical fear is irrational. I can work on this with some gentle exposure therapy.#but I need to bring together the effort to organize my thoughts and the bravado to hold my ground in an argument#and I can only build up this confidence with practice. I need to write. I need to do public speaking.#I'd need a platform for speaking (I'd hate to do a podcast or vlog but it'd be good for me)#but I should write! why am I not writing more? I need to write. writing is the way forward#several years ago I was in such deep despair with life that in order to survive I told myself#that I just had to survive. I didn't have to achieve anything or prove myself in any way as long as I stayed alive#and I went to grad school in Georgia not because I saw a path to a career in biblical studies but because school made me want to be alive#(extremely bizarre case of grad school not being the problem. I know.)#I know I missed a lot of benefits I could've had if I'd been mentally healthy when I went. but it's okay because it kept me going#I can go back to school or not go back. do biblical studies or do something else. I don't have big expectations for myself#but as my mental health improves it occurs to me that I COULD do more if only I believed it was worth the effort#I don't need to fear failure when the alternative was not even attempting it#I need to write. I need to write. I need to write.#I'm thinking I might start a newsletter or blog or something. some Bible stuff and some church/social commentary. just kind of open ended.
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magentagalaxies · 5 months
i have so much work to do for finals season which is frustrating bc on the one hand i'm very glad all my classes have project-based finals where i get to be creative instead of just doing an exam or a paper. however. i have a bad habit with every project-based final ever of accidentally getting an idea that's way too ambitious and creating more work for myself than i need to do
however this semester even tho i fell into that exact same trap my two most elaborate final projects each involve 1. editing a video essay which contains an interview i did with paul bellini and at least 45 seconds of it are bellini talking about why he thinks i have great potential as a comedian, and 2. editing a ten minute reel of the documentary footage i got on tour with scott. which of course involves rewatching various videos of me and scott being extremely chaotic together. so i stay winning ig
#my other finals include ''powerpoint presentation detailing the historical significance of mel brooks the producers''#and ''live sketch show that i actually don't have a significant role in but that's fine i have a different sketch class next semester''#(this sketch class was technically ''creating characters and solo performances'' and i really wish i could've done more)#(but also that whole interview-footage-debacle drained so much of my creative energy so sometimes doing the bare minimum is self care)#so i don't have a solo piece in the show. but i do get to say my favorite line in the whole show in a group sketch which is great#and i did sign up to perform an aubrey monologue in a sketch show in a suburb of boston next week#which is gonna be super interesting bc i've been looking to do more performing outside of my college#bc i've found that i don't think college kids are actually my target audience??? or at the very least i want to perform to a wider audience#it's frustrating bc for that show i have to trim the monologue down to 3 minutes but it's the tightest monologue i have and it's 5 minutes#so trimming it down feels like a game of jenga since it's so tight lmao#but honestly even if the performance bombs i'm mostly doing this so i can tell bellini about it lmao#he's so supportive of my comedy and he's been such a great help with my aubrey monologues i feel like this is bellini homework lmao#anyway i probably won't post the video essay publicly bc it's not the style of video essays i want to make#and it's too specific to the class it's for#but if people are interested in watching it i'll send you the vid when it's done#and for the tour video i'll probably post that or at least some version of it#bc that's just gonna be a fun teaser of ''here's the level of behind-the-scenes content you'll be getting from this doc!!''#and also a fun way to be like. audiences don't know me nearly as well as they know scott#but they will definitely know me by the end of this bc there are so many wild interactions i have on camera of me and scott being chaotic#anyway this post was mostly to organize my thoughts of what i still have to do this week#i am so ready to be done with school lmao i'm gonna be spending a full month in toronto this summer#and it's shaping up to be such an exciting time i can't wait
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
I think Thomas needs a dedicated community manager or something if he doesn't want to face criticism directly or is too busy to give updates on what he's working on every week. One thing I particularly don't like is how it feels like he schedules the livestreams almost last minute, especially for weekdays in the evening for him, but at incredibly awkward times for other zones, often falling in the middle of the workday or late at night. This is particularly egregious for the writer's rooms, which aren't archived for people who can't attend live and makes me wonder why I am paying him $25 a month for a "bonus" that I can't participate in or even see what I missed, and that occurs less than monthly. I understand that he's busy and things slip through the cracks, but this is a pattern now and it seems so haphazardly slapped together that it feels like the Patreon is no longer a priority for him. I definitely feel like he was much more consistent about doing monthly livestreams when he was doing them for the YouTube members for $5 a month with no bonuses, and at least those were archived for months until he switched to Patreon.
Sorry for the rant but these frustrations have been building up more and more. It's been two years since the Patreon started, Thomas and his crew should have had things better organized by now, or at least give the Patreon patrons some actual updates instead of spending all of his time on Twitter.
I understand your frustration and it makes sense that, after two years, you expect some more organization.
There could be a lot of reasons why Thomas' Patreon is still so disorganized: maybe Mr. Sanders doesn't have the actual time to work on it, he's too busy with other projects or he just doesn't feel like doing it.
And it's a real shame, because a lot of people use Patreon in great ways. I am not an expert, but as far as I know, some creators use it regularly and make it worth every cent people are paying. Some give updates about the progress of their works, including the most technical aspects (materials, softwares, editing, hiring process etc). Others show a lot of behind-the-scenes or post small previews of their projects before the full thing comes out. Others use it to talk with their followers and develop a stronger relationship.
There are a lot of possibilities and it’s very sad Mr. Sanders doesn't want to make the most of them. His Patreon doesn't give me the idea of a place regularly checked or fully exploited, but rather of a big room simply used as storage, in which sometimes Thomas puts a new box, then leaves again.
Don't get me wrong: if he doesn't want to spend too much time on it, he's free to do so. However, it would also look very unprofessional, because Patreon's purpose is exactly  to interact with people, give them something and make their money worth. Leaving something once in a while isn't exactly professional. And just like the other big problem of the series (the lack of a full outline), could be solved by hiring a professional who deals with it on Thomas’ behalf.
Speaking of leaving stuff, there is the mistery behind the livestreams. I tried so, so hard to understand why Thomas decided to keep the livestreams around for a very short time, then delete them. I am still searching for a reason and I still cannot find it. Why deleting them? What about the people who cannot watch them because of plans/personal problems/different timezones and want to watch them days later? What if they’re busy and cannot watch them days, but weeks later? They lose the chance, because the livestream disappeared.
Really, I have no explanation for this, so if someone knows something and can give me an explanation that makes sense, I would really appreciate it.
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diseaseriddencube · 1 year
I wonder if I should actually finish Bungou Stray Dogs, like I'm not reaaallyyyyy into the plot or any character specifically (dazai, you're disappointing me) but also I'm almost at season 3 so idk is it worth dredging through 2 more seasons just to say I watched it
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
700 more words TT
#have written 1700 words today aknjfkjgfhj#i wonder if my strategy of just writing whatever tf i can think of down first (what i've been doing today)#and then going back and organizing/elaborating/deleting/etc after will come back to bite me tho#idk i had a solid like 1000 words i think where i wasn't struggling too much to write what i wanted to write#and then i was like lmfao shit now what#ugh anyway i'm tired but i wanna finish the 2400 words today so i can do all that otehr stuff to actually make it coherent tomorrow#it's due tomorrow afternoon ;-; and here i am putting words on tumblr dot com instead LOL#and then i have exam on friday ;-; but i like that class but it is rly hard and i havent fully comprehended everything yet#bc i havent done any practice/studying yet ;-; so gotta cram after turning this project in lmfao rip#ahhhhfhajfghlsdbjksdfgjlkadhgaidrhg screaming so close yet so far still lol#bro i was like very productive for like a couple hours maybe this afternoon and then after that i've been . not as productive TT#1700 words tho !!!!! 700 more i can do it probably TT#i could've chosen a final project option that wasn't writing some kinda essay but iiiiiiii didnt :'')#i actually like somehow completely forgot about the fact that i was obsessed w rina's htg album and one of the options was like a playlist#option and i feel like a lot of the songs could fit w themes we discussed in class this asian am lit class :P#esp bc minor feelings and we read (parts of) the book minor feeligns lol#but i forgot about that until someone mentioned the song in class as part of Their project 💀#but oh well i mean i was thinking about the playlist project bc it#seemed like the easiest ngl LMAO but nothing was rly jumping out at me for songs#granted when i was thinking about it my mind blanked to just like taylor even tho i definitely haven't only been listening to taylor XD#ANYWAY WORDS 700 WORDS#sigh maybe that 12-3am grind will hit lmfao#jeanne talks#FINALS WE CAN DO IT GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YALL DOING FINALS SHIT ANDGJFHGDJKDJFK
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wereh0gz · 2 years
The metal virus arc really does get worse when the zeti are introduced huh.
#ramblings#eggman didn't make a cure or vaccine and that's so dumb. he should've made one#starline wouldn't have gone asking the zeti for help if eggman did at least that#they already had the virus mutating and resisting his control#the stakes for him would be brought up if it mutates to resist the vaccine#and the only definitive cure would be like. idk chaos energy or something#ALSO later on sonic says that when he goes super he gets unlimited power but can't just do anything with it???? huh??????#and silver says chaos control is only capable of moving things a certain distance????#as if chaos control wasn't used for fucking TIME TRAVEL#messing with time combined with messing with space with the warp topaz#could've essentially reversed time on anything that got infected#turning them back to normal and separating them from the virus#instead of. idk what happened they like just pulled it off as if it was just a coating of metal??#and not basically fused with anything organic it came into contact with???#idk they didn't do a good job explaining what sonic and silver actually did so it feels weird#ANYWAY. if eggman had just made a vaccine the zeti wouldn't have been brought into the story#they could've stayed in lost hex like they should've#and the story would've gone in a different and more interesting direction i think#with eggman using the restoration's findings to make a definitive cure for himself and fucking the others over#he could also still 'fire' starline to take the warp topaz for himself seeing how it can be used in his favor#and because he gets sick of starline questioning his decisions#in the end it would've been what little remains of the restoration vs eggman and his army of zombots#instead of that anticlimactic battle with zavok#y'all still believe i like this arc right because i do#i love the concept i love the angst and the horror it's just the end that sucks#and eggman being dumb too#i gonna rewrite like the entire part where the deadly six get introduced btw that's why i've been re-reading this arc#anyway's i think that's enough talking about this arc for now lmao
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5uptic · 2 years
#i have moderate levels of tolerance for cringe but i gotta say. i cannot really watch the panel after the first few times#the more that i think about it the less that i like that it was a panel#like i was trying to think about way to make it less amogus focused... since i think 5up is like the only one that was actually-#-passionate about the game during its boom (but everyone else grew past it quick)#but even then we have 10 people who don't remember what they did two hours ago and it was def a bit awkward for ovilee#like you can't play 'best moments' stuff with them either for example#the best option would've been to have them play a game. like the mcyts did#it would've been great too because imagine 'someone' wins and gets the print just to gift it to hafu#or better yet. have our little tryhard win the game as she always does lol. it wouldve been an equally surprising moment#and we could've gotten a lot more sweet and organic interactions from them too#(also i'm so fed up with people being like where is dd where is dk where is [insert name])#like i know it's just me getting mad bc i know neither dd or dk live in LA or wanted to be in the convention#and a casual person probably isn't aware of that#but it's just so annoying!#it reminds me of that one command in hafu's chat sdjhfjksdhfkjs. i kinda wanted to use it as a copypasta#crewfu#i think irl stuff if always bound to be a little awkward and hard to watch#and it's hard to strike the balance between scripted (no chance for organic interactions) and unscripted (they don't know what to say/do)#and that's why cooking streams are Good and Fun#okay i think i got it all out of my system#oh one more thing#i love steve's stream title#even more now because he's third-wheeling both hafu/dog and gumi/brae
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melon-dot-com · 1 month
bonking my head against desk.mp4
I wasted time on something unimportant and that I didn't even care about again!!!!! I'm gonna Lose It!!!!
#neocells#AAAAA#It's so embarrassing like how did I even fixate on something like that!!!!#I mean it was an ''organize something'' ''put something together'' and ''match things''#so of course I did#but the thing itself was not even worth it#esp not at night#esp not when it's a bad dress up feature#esp not when it somehow took up to two hours#it was so unexpected too like it was rlly supposed to be just throw something together. it was BITMOJI. on SNAPCHAT#THIS ROUTE HAPPENED BECAUSE I REMOVED BITMOJI AND PUT IT BACK. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T LET U HAVE A NORMAL PFP#I feel insane dude#I am in disbelief#like surely I read the timestamps wrong from when I last messaged the person I was talking to. surely#I thought it was 30 min to an hour at best#really ignored said person and my cat (in my attempt to Escape and finish because I could tell I was losing time awareness)#because I get paranoid if I pause and go back I'll get caught up in it again and waste even more time!! yet in turn#that makes me waste more time anyways!!!!#now my cat is taking a nap nearby.#I was going to give her attention and she gave up!! because I pushed her away in my desperate attempt to get the dress up thing over with!!#not to mention I was tense the whole time- I thought I was ''about to get up'' and not uhhh sitting here for an hour plus#I know at least... 5-10 minutes was just messing with the filters since I hadn't been on snapchat in ages so I was curious#maybe another 10 trying to figure out if the pfp can be a normal one. though there is a separate profile where u can? for some reason?#so I was being indecisive abt the pfp and background for that#even though idk if that matters either like who even sees that. how does that work#and that still leaves all the rest of that time wasted#unless the profile setting stuff was more than I thought too..... who knows at this point#could've wrote all that in the post but was already doing it here. I'm not abt to attempt to put it in the post instead
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rxmye · 5 months
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𝐀 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 — you're his entire world, his only thought, the very illness that has corrupted his mind and body . . .
gender neutral reader / yandere oc x reader / mentions of sleep medication / pathetic yandere / suggestive content / a character slightly aimed towards people with a savior complex
masterlist | requesting rules | character info . . . a/n: edited, Lucas first fanfic is out !! . . click here to read it !! <3
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He was someone with fleeting attraction—yet a hopeless romantic, who'd spend most of his class time doodling away in his notebook instead of taking actual notes, writing these scenarios that played out in his mind—tired hazy doodles of small characters, blurry lines of writing, scribbled out text, as he struggled to stay awake—
He had never had a proper sleeping schedule, and if he did he'd never stick to it, a night owl who often faced the consequences of his own actions, sleep medication was something he was all too familiar with, the feeling of being restless without sleep, his nerves always on edge, dark circles under his eyes made him feel insecure, and alarmingly out of character.
He felt something touch his back, he froze, nerves all over the place, a pit growing in his stomach as he turned almost instinctively to face whoever touched him, pushing their hand off harshly . . . "Hey Yoichi . . what's up with you man, why so aggressive?!" Lucas asked . . and then he froze, letting out a nervous and rather embarrassed chuckle, "Ah—um . . sorry Lucas . . just feeling a little tired that's all", he replied softly, voice barely coming out.
To be quite honest, when he first saw you, Yoichi thought nothing of it, he sat at the very back and you for some reason, sat in front of him, not that he minds, you're presence covered him from the teachers eyesight, which allowed him to do whatever he wanted, he was even able to drift off to sleep during that period.
However, it wasn't until he found himself, drawing tiny versions of you in his notebook, little doodles, pink ink staining the paper as he hearted your initials together—his name then your last name . . your name then his last name . . . names of future children—that he realized he was crushing on you . . . big time.
His emotions was fleeting, it had always been, he didn't think much of it . . it was just a simple crush, everyone has one of those, and they go away with time.
Yoichi was a punctual student—and a well organized one—he'd rarely forget his books, much less the notebook with his embarrassing doodles of him and you, it would ruin his image to be quite honest . . yet for some reason he had forgotten it in class today, it could've been his ever-growing restlessness due to a lack of sleep, or maybe the caffeine that's been fucking with his head since early in the morning—he sighed—knocking himself out of his own thoughts, as he twisted the doorknob, hopefully the teacher left the class unlocked.
The door was open, to his utter relieve . . . wait . . . "y/n?", he spoke, taken aback—you were soundly asleep on your desk—you looked so at . . peace . . . calm? . . . Nothing could describe the emotions he felt as he approached you, slowly reaching over to his desk and grabbing his notebook, quickly stuffing it in his backpack—he should go . . , that would be the best course of action . . .
Yet he couldn't . . . he knelt down on the floor, leaning his head on the desk, starring at your face, looking into every curve and line, in his eyes every imperfection just made you even more perfect, the pattern of your breath was soothing to his otherwise restless mind, a soothing scent radiated off of you, and for the first time in months, he felt sleepy . . . like he could sleep without a care . . . everything felt so right. . .—nothing felt displaced or disoriented.
That was the day that started it all, it seems, Yoichi had started forming something that was akin to obsession, he couldn't sleep at all without you—a piece of you—something that reminded him of that calming scent that he felt that day, you calmed his overdriven nerves, you halted his troubles for more than a fleeting moment.
Yoichi knew what he was doing was odd, especially when he found himself picking up the wrapper you threw out, and taking inhaling it, his eyes growing half lidded—he felt like a drug addict—drunk off of you . .
Fleeting touches would tick off his ever delusional mind, a small compliment could set him on overdrive and in the back of his head he knew he was growing addicted, a pit in his stomach grew as he felt slightly disgusted with himself, with the obscene and rather degrading things he'd do, just to get something touched by you.
Lucas stared at his friend, who seemed no better than dead, "Are ya' okay?" he asked, looking him up and down, "You look like a train-wreck", he stated half out of concern and half out of clear disdain and possibly curiosity, "Is it normal?", Yoichi spoke up, taking a gulp of air as he continued, "to want someone so badly that it's hard to explain—like—a part of me feels obsessed, like I feel like carving my own heart out and showing them just to prove my love wont be enough—they could claw out my fingernails—and from where I'm standing, I'd still look at them with only love . . . but at the same time I feel disgusted with the feelings I feel—", Yoichi kept blabbering on, until his friend shushed him, taking a sip of his drink as he jokingly replied, "I mean . . if you love them that much, then their clearly the one . . ."
Yoichi blanked out, as Lucas chuckled, he has no idea how much of his teasing words Yoichi would take to heart that day nor of it's lasting consequences . . .
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@ rxmye , do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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⋆ 「 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢’𝐬 (𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞) 𝐦𝐨𝐦. 」 ⋆
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feat. — toji fushiguro x f!reader, kid!megumi
word count. — 1.4k
content. — sfw, non-sorcerer au, established relationship (marriage), mostly just fluffy domestic stuff, reader is addressed as ‘mom/mama/mommy,’ toji’s kind of a bad parent but he’s working on it, brief mention of toji smoking (cigarettes), overprotective!toji, very minor suggestive themes (from toji 🙄 he’s a walking cw/tw)
notes. — idk. this has been incessantly on my brain pretty much from the moment i  woke up today, even to the point where i was writing half of this at  the laundromat lmao. mother’s day yesterday had me feeling some type of way, so here have some fun headcanons from a strange eldest daughter!!!! (i might end up doing a set of these for gojo x reader too 🤔)
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⋆ 「 — he’s not your biological son, but you’ve been around since you started seeing toji when megumi was still a baby. but now, a few years later, you might as well be his real mother. you certainly act like it and feel like it, so toji gladly initiates the conversation about official adoption. it just makes sense. you eventually explain the situation to megumi as best as you can simply so that he doesn't grow up thinking he was lied to or anything of the sort, but as far as he's concerned, you're his mom whether it's by blood or not.
⋆ 「 — and oh, megumi’s a mama’s boy. i imagine he’s just a little bit of a healthier kid vs. canon given the better family situation, but he’s still always a bit of a grumpy baby, appreciating his autonomy and trying to be as self-sufficient and mature as he can be. but he’ll most certainly run to you when he needs help, is truly hurt, or just needing a bit of comfort. you’ve always treated him so softly and kindly with understanding, so he honestly feels more comfortable coming to you most of the time instead of his dad.
⋆ 「 — he likes the way you organize the bookshelf in his room or fold and sort his clothes in special little ways. he gets upset any time toji tries to put a book back in the wrong place or can’t figure out where his damn socks are. gumi will scowl and say, “that’s not where it goes.” or go deadpan and be like, “mom always keeps the socks in the bottom drawer.” disappointed that his father can’t even remember. toji just grumbles and says, “your mama’s gonna ruin you.”
⋆ 「 — has called you 'mom' basically since he was old enough, but don't let him fool you. megumi will drop the big boy act and come out with 'mama' or 'mommy' when something's wrong or he's really excited. he'll come to you with quiet tears and sniffles, a little ashamed that he's crying, but present to you a scraped elbow, "mama... it hurts." you clean up the scrape and explain to him the little medical details in a somewhat understandable way to help him focus on something besides the pain, and you tell him that it'll be okay, and that it's alright to cry. or on the flip-side, you and toji take him to the zoo, little gumi on his dad's shoulders, and he gasps and points excitedly, "look, mommy! look at the big elephant!" and it feels incredible to see him be so spirited.
⋆ 「 — along the lines of the art from this post and the thought i had about it earlier, just imagine that you're at some event (maybe like a birthday party or something), and toji's been hauling megumi around. they're both so over it at this point and are like 'please get me out of this' so as soon as toji walks past the obnoxious inflatable bouncy house, he smirks and just YEETS that kid inside without a second thought. after regaining his breath, megumi just looks at his father with the most EVIL little scowl as other kids bounce around him with smiles. by the look on that child's face you could've swore that his father had just done him the ultimate betrayal.
so gumi slides out and hurriedly makes his way over to where you're sitting off to the side, quietly climbing into your lap for a little bit of solace. he wiggles in close to your chest and you tuck him under your chin with a ‘come here, sweetpea,’ rocking slowly and humming something soft because he always seems to like it when you do.
toji comes over and you look at him through narrowed eyes. "kids are supposed to like shit like that," he says.
"you know he likes when things are more quiet," you respond, and toji rolls his eyes at how you seemingly spoil your son.
"just thought it might be good for him to try and get along with the other brats." toji tries to cover up the fact that he tossed his kid for the sheer personal enjoyment of it.
you huff in disbelief. "oh, like you get along so well with everyone?"
he scoffs and moves in behind you, leaning down to place a kiss on your neck. "i get along with you," he says almost suggestively.
you just keep stroking megumi's hair and give the top of his head a gentle kiss. "yeah, well not today," you say, shooting a smug, resolute smile towards your husband, ultimately taking his son's side.
⋆ 「 — outside of his alone time, megumi would honestly much rather be with you instead of other children. toji thinks it's probably unhealthy and you're inclined to agree, but you also don't want to force megumi into situations that will just make him miserable. so, when appropriate, you don't mind at all pacing around with him in your arms or have him walk next to you (maybe holding your hand if he’s not in a ‘big boy’ mood), teaching him about the things you see in the woods, the park, or even the museum. when toji's not away working, he'll join too because it admittedly makes his heart feel soft to watch you two together. it always has, because you've been doing this with megumi since he was a baby. it never gets old. if it wasn't already so difficult trying to figure out how to do things right by his son, he'd want you to give him even more babies.
⋆ 「 — megumi likes doing things with his dad sometimes too, though. toji tries his best to do it right and watch both his mouth and his temper. you like seeing them getting along, even if it's just quietly watching tv or a movie (probably a cartoon where toji gets kind of into and will ask the occasional question like "why does that one stupid chick keep doing that?" and megumi just shrugs like, "i dunno. she is pretty dumb.") or playing ball outside because gumi's starting to show some athleticism. but you have to remind toji that he can't always be so rough or competitive with games because megumi is literally a child.
⋆ 「 — toji can also be way too overprotective of you two at times. you'll be out and about and he'll just be wearing such an intimidating expression as he walks behind you both, on the lookout for anyone who might want to cause trouble or take the wrong sort of glance at his wife. he'll even snap at people for walking too close or like cutting in line or something petty, and you have to tell him stop acting like an attack dog and looking like the grim reaper because dear god you're literally just having lunch at the park. even at his age, megumi's just eating his ice cream and looking at his dad with his little baby deadpan expression and thinking "this man really needs to take a chill pill." other times he can be more relaxed, however, obviously confident in his ability to protect you. it depends on his mood. but that still doesn’t stop him from being embarrassing and going off on people in public if something happens.
⋆ 「 — you also know all of gumi’s favorite meals and snacks. it’s yet another one of those things where, if his dad does it wrong, megumi expresses a disappointment beyond his years. toji will be making and packing his son’s school lunch just as instructed by the notes you gave him, but it’s by no means as neat and meticulous as when you do it. toji’s got a cigarette hanging out of his mouth with furrowed, concentrating brows, his free hand shakily reaching for a cup of fresh coffee, and megumi’s standing there with his little backpack, criticizing his father the entire time. “mom doesn’t do it like that,” he says.
“well mom ain’t here right now. and it doesn’t matter how the sandwich is cut, is still tastes the damn same.”
gumi doesn’t even physically react, still wearing the same neutral expression, just waiting for his dad to hurry up. “mom says you shouldn’t smoke. and she also says not to use bad words.”
toji scoffs and then smirks. “well mommy uses all sorts of bad words you don’t even know about when her and daddy have play time.”
megumi’s already almost late for school and can barely feel his feet from how tight his dad tied his shoelaces. he also asks you later about “play time,” and you want to absolutely murder your husband over it.
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1pepsiboy · 5 months
Car video with Matt Sturniolo - Fluff! (request)
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Matt Sturniolo x reader!
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: swearing, a little kissing
A/N: This one got away from me and I had to reign it back in because it's not supposed to be smutty lmaooo But here it is!
It’s close to midnight as Matt parks the van in a random spot at the favorite lot. The two of you got fries, chicken nuggets with sweet n’ sour sauce (mostly for him), and a large milkshake to share. You plan to do a car video to post on his individual channel.
You have no idea what you were going to talk about. Matt had fans submit their own questions for you two to answer.
After setting up the camera, which included Matt going out to check it, you start recording and picking at the food.
Matt starts the video off. "Hey everyone, (y/n) and I are here. Uhm... basically we're going to do our own car video without Nick and Chris. We don't really have a topic, but you guys submitted questions on instagram. Babe, have anything to start us off?"
Now, he looks at you as you’re mid fry. You chew quickly as possible, wiping your hands on a napkin, as he giggles under his breath.
"Thanks for the warning," you remark with a laugh. "Uhm, not really... I'm just here for the vibes."
"For the vibes?" Matt crooks a brow and looks you up and down. Then he takes a nugget and dips in the sauce.
You roll your eyes. "Don't yuck my yum."
Matt stuffs the nugget in his mouth. "Okay, Chris."
All you do is flip him off and take a sip of the milkshake.
"Just ask the questions."
"Okay, okay." He laughs as he readjusts in his seat after grabbing his phone. It's quiet for a couple minutes while he gathers them. "Oh, let's start with this one. What's our favorite thing about each other?"
"Oh, quick disclaimer, sorry babe." Matt shoots you a nervous smile. "I will edit screenshots of the questions onto the screen so you can see who they're from. And uh.. if you'd like to get featured in videos, follow us on instagram to see the next time I ask for questions. I'll put the @s on the screen and in the description below."
You slowly chew on your straw after taking another sip, patiently waiting for him to be done. It's already been fifteen minutes and you are almost positive Matt forgot the extra battery pack. Granted, you could've asked Nick where it was and brought it; too late.
"Okay, what were you going to say?" Matt prompts.
You think about making another snarky remark in how it'd been so long since he asked the question that you don't remember it.
Tapping the straw on your pursed lips, you pretend to think. "Well... I have many favorite things so it's an unfair question."
Matt lightly rolls his eyes. "Look, I know you love everything about me, but what's your favorite?"
"Oh, everything?" You laugh. "You think so highly of yourself, don't you, Matty B? Let's go the different route then." You look directly into the camera. "Guys, this kid will not accept anything sort of unorganized or clean. Not for more than five minutes if he can help it."
Matt's jaw drops and he snatches the cup out of your hand. "Your least favorite thing is how organized I am?"
"Yeah, live a little! You won't die if there's like a wrapper or two on your desk, or if the toothbrush isn't in the holder."
"You are an absolute monster, (y/n)!" Matt cracks. He points between you and the camera. "Don't believe a single word she says. She leaves more than a wrapper or two, and her skincare is all over my bathroom counter after she does her morning routine."
You shrug. "I don't see a problem with that, and I don't think the fans will either."
"Guys, leave a comment if you're more like me or (y/n)." He barely scoffs under his breath, eating another fry. "You're lucky you have other amazing qualities that I overlook the messiness."
Now, you couldn't help blushing. “Such as?”
Matt shakes his head, a smile spreading on his lips. “You’re understanding about a lot going on, you know, like the channels, life, and stuff. So it’s easy to talk to you about it, like if I’m ever anxious or something.”
“Top fucking notch quality right there,” you say. “Anything else? I love the praise.”
“I thought this was reserved for in private, babe.”
Your eyes go wide and you almost spit out the fry you just put in your mouth. “Matthew! Stop!”
Matt giggles under his breath. “Sorry. Uhm… You can rock a men’s polo and make the best playlists for me… Obviously you have such a vibrant personality.” 
“That I do.” You nod in agreement. You reach out to brush back some of his hair, causing some pinkness to rouge on his cheeks. “I love how cautious you are about decisions, keeps me from letting impulsive thoughts win.”
“Which is a lot,” he shoots a look at the camera.
You can only roll your eyes in response. “Anyway… You’re the most caring person I know that will drop anything to help someone you love. The only time you won’t ask a lot of questions… Oh! You’re actually the best big spoon ever.”
He bites his bottom lip, failing to hold back a cheesy grin. “Really, babe?”
You close the space between you, and Matt instinctively rests his hand in the crook of your neck. You crawl over the center console onto his lap when you realize it wouldn’t be just a few kisses.
Time gets away and you sort of forget that you are filming. Your hands roam each other’s bodies over and under clothes. Both of you leave butterfly kisses on the other’s neck.
The lights in the van suddenly dim away.
“Shit. Fuck,” Matt says, his lips pink from yours and hair tousled more than usual. “I think the camera died.”
“And we technically only answered one question.” You bite your lip with a laugh. 
He laughs with you, running a hand through his hair. He lays back and looks you in the eyes. “I should’ve known not to start with that question.”
“Should we try doing this again on a different night?”
Matt sighs heavily. “Probably… It would suck to scrap all the footage though.”
A smirk rises on your lips as you move back to the passenger seat. “You want to include clips of us making out?”
“Obviously no.” He rolls his eyes. 
“Let’s just keep going then. Use my phone to record.”
Matt kisses the crook of your neck. “You’re the best, babe.”
You shoot him a look. “Be careful, Matthew.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He throws his hands up in defense. (He really wasn’t that sorry.)
*You can request others from this list or send me new ones!*
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oreoluvskento · 8 months
hate sex w nanami
a/n: uhhhh heres that hate sex fic i promised two months ago :D my bad yall i got really busy and lost all motivation to keep writing on here, but i'm back now :)
cw: female reader, wrote this with black reader in mind but no mention of specific race, NOT PROOFREAD, no use of y/n, cunnilingus, overstimulation, cum swallowing, brat tamer nanami, brat reader, im very horny, that should be me honestly
"fuck, what are we doing?" you ask as you and nanami kiss feverishly. he climbs up onto his desk with you, laying you down onto your back roughly.
"don't know," he growls, his hand coming up to cup your jaw as he kisses his way down to your neck. your eyes widen as he bites you, and you feel your knees go weak when he pushes his thigh against your throbbing core while sucking your neck at the same time.
"i thought you couldn't stand me," you moan, rutting yourself against him, to which he groans at. he reaches down and tugs your pants off, your legs kicking them away.
"i can't," he answers, now tossing your underwear to the side and kissing his way down your thighs.
about two minutes earlier, you and nanami were just yelling at each other about your recent mission. you had a plan and nanami completely disregarded it for it's lack of, well, planning. you were more erratic and spontaneous, wanting to go with the flow, while nanami was more calculated and careful, always wanting to stay organized.
you barged in immediately after your checkup with shoko, still fuming because he ignored you when you tried to ask him on your way back about why the plans changed. you complained to shoko about it, to which she said "instead of yelling at me, why not go yell at him," to which you took literally.
nanami didn't acknowledge you once ever since you came in, which infuriated you even further. although his face was stoic, a slightly noticeable vein was popping out of his forehead and his fingers were gripping his pen tighter.
you spun him around in his seat, still complaining in his face, your noses almost touching, which ended up being his last straw. "you are incredibly childish, irresponsible, and i simply have no respect for you at all! you endanger our lives every time we go on a mission together, but all you can think about is how much fun you're having! you're selfish, and honestly a little bit dense, and i wish you'd shut up and leave, you're disturbing my peace."
your eyes widen as he speaks, his voice barely raising but his anger clearly showing. "you can kiss my ass." you grit and the look of disgust that appears on his face makes you even angrier. before you can say anything, he beats you to it.
"please leave," he says, standing up and now looking down at you.
feeling stubborn, you stand your ground and cross your arms. "no," you childishly protest and he leans his head back with a sigh.
"leave or-"
"or what?" you interrupt, moving closer to him and something in the atmosphere changes. for you it could've been the way he looked at you with such an intimidating expression, one that made you submit almost too quickly. for him it could've been the way you were pressed up against him, your chest against his and your pelvises almost touching.
before you could process what was going on, you were sitting on his desk, his lips attacking yours furiously and you were kissing him back.
his mouth is now on your pussy, eating you out like you were his favorite meal, his anger fueling his actions. "fuck don't stop, it feels so good," you moan and nanami grunts against your clit.
"stop fucking talking," he growls, his tongue darting back out to play with your clit and you slide your hands into his hair.
"fuck...you," you respond, breathless as he continues to mercilessly eat you out. nanami sucks your clit into his mouth over and over again, essentially treating it as a pacifier, and just when you think you're about to cum, he stops and inserts two fingers inside you.
"who knew something so sweet could come out of someone so bitter," he teases, watching as your pussy swallows his digits. you're unable to speak properly, your mouth open mid gasp and your back arching off the table. nanami speeds up, the sound making him even harder, and you finally gain your ability to speak again.
"shut up and eat- oh fuck- me out," you moan, pushing his head back onto your pussy and he complies, slurping away what has been produced by his ministrations. you choke on another moan and rut your hips against his face, to which he responds by holding your hips in place with his free hand. now completely controlling your pleasure, nanami fingers you faster, the tips of his fingers constantly brushing against your g-spot and before you knew it, you were having an orgasm.
you struggle to stay quiet as your body lights up but you find it difficult as nanami refuses to let up, his fingers fighting against your constricting walls and his tongue still hard at work on your clit. as you come down, you truly start to feel the overstimulation and try to pull away. "mm mm, stay right here. you should've left when i told you to. now it's my turn," he says, muffled by your pussy and you cry out when he starts sucking your sensitive clit again.
"please, its too much, i can't," you plead but it falls onto deaf ears as he goes on. nanami adds another finger and your eyes roll to the back of your head, the stretch adding a new sensation to focus on.
"if only you were as obedient as your pussy. look at how she sucks me right in," he coos and you subconsciously get tighter at his teasing. he chooses not to say anything about it yet, and focuses on stretching you out for his dick. your breathing picks up and nanami recognizes the cues for your next orgasm so he dives back onto your clit, spitting on it and slurping it loosely.
you cum unexpectedly this time and nanami keeps fucking you through it, your body thrashing against his hold. he finally pulls away from you, sitting up to look at your blissed out face. you open your eyes when he grabs onto your jaw with one hand and prods at your mouth with the other.
"open," he commands and you do as he says, the fuzz in your brain stopping you from thinking clearly. he puts his fingers into your mouth and you moan as you suck away the mess on them. he pulls you off the desk and leans you against it, your upper body folded over it now.
he pushes his clothed erection against you from behind and groans when you push back against him. nanami thinks about teasing you some more but he has a meeting with yaga about your partnership soon and he's racing against time. he quickly pulls his dick out, the tip turning slightly red as it's been begging for attention sine he kissed you.
your head is down when he pushes into you and you snap it up when you feel the way it stretches you out. a high pitched moan escapes you and nanami slaps his hand over your mouth while pulling you up to talk to you. "shut up, i'm not even all the way in yet," he rasps and you et out a sound of desperation.
once he bullies the rest of his cock inside of you, he pulls out and snaps his hips back into yours, and if it wasn't for his hand on your mouth, the entire academy would've heard the moan that came out of you. nanami sets a relentless pace, his anger towards you growing the louder you get.
"you really don't know how to be quiet, huh?" he growls, pushing all the way into you, shimmying his hips to get deeper, and you fall over, stopping yourself from moaning this time. tears come to your eyes and he fucks you deeply, the pleasure too much for you to handle and your knees going weak. nanami realizes you effort and scoffs to himself. "so you do know how to follow directions? i knew it wouldn't take much to put a brat like you in her place," he says and nod furiously, not even sure of what he's saying.
he speeds up now, his eyes fixated on the way your ass jiggles every time he thrusted into it. your pussy begins squeezing him like it did earlier but nanami isn't having it. he pulls you up by your hair and grabs you by your throat. "you'll wait, do you understand me? hold it until i say you can cum," he instructs and you let out a whine in protest. ultimately, you listen, and although it was extremely hard to focus on not cumming, you succeed.
nanami takes the hand on your throat and begins rubbing your clit with it. "make sure you stay quiet just like this. go ahead and cum for me," he says and not even a second later your gushing all over his dick. he moans out curses as you cum, your pussy holding onto his dick and when you're done, he pulls out. he yanks your shoulder and pushes you onto the ground, and you catch on, taking his dick in your hand and stroking it.
this is your first time seeing it and god was it big. you take the tip in your mouth and bob your way down his shaft, wanting to feel it in your throat. nanami moans as you suck him off and before long, he cums in your mouth. you swallow it as it comes and when he's done, he pulls you back to your feet. he carries you onto the desk and rubs the side of your hips as he comes down from his own high, his head on your shoulder.
"i'm sorry for barging in here and acting an ass," you say softly and he chuckles, his head still down.
"i'm sorry for calling you childish, irrisponsible, selfsih-"
"alright, i get it you're sorry!" you interrupt and he laughs a little harder. he stands up, tucks his dick away, and helps you put your pants back on before giving you a bottle of water and watching you leave.
later that day, during his meeting with yaga, at which he wanted to request a partner switch, he decided on sticking with you for just a little longer.
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minus-plus-zer0 · 1 month
Studying in Bakugou's Dorm Headcanons
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So Bakugou's dorm has never been shown in the anime. Nobody knows what it looks like...
But YOU'VE seen it.
Sometime after you two met, he invited you into his room.
He likely wanted to show off how smart he was in class by tutoring you privately.
But you're no fool! Although there are some subjects you struggle with, there are other subjects in which you can go toe-to-toe with the man in terms of smarts! This man isn't just taking care of you, you're taking care of each other.
But anyways, you're pretty shocked when you first step into his dorm.
For starters, it's very well organized and "smart".
It's a little modern, no bullshit strewn about, no cliche hidden naughty magazines (like Bakugou would ever care about that stuff), and maybe there's some All Might paraphernalia thrown around the place.
He's a little insulted that you're surprised by it being so organized. "You thought I'd be messy or something?"
The whole bedroom is very no-nonsense. You tease him for being a little sterile in his decorations, which irks him a lot considering he brought you here to impress you.
His room likely includes a lot of darker colors, maybe black and even red or orange. It probably has some nice darker brown hues for the wooden furniture as a fitting tertiary color. You tease him again for the room being a bit on the darker side in terms of colors (dark like his souuuul, you say) and again, he's mad. You also pay that no mind. You just say he's cute when he's pouty and move on.
You're both at his desk studying, him in his usual desk chair while you had to bring your much more cuter and comfier chair over from your room.
He admires your knowledge and work ethic but also envies you when you get something he doesn't immediately get. He's simultaneously trying to surpass you but also get closer to you. He's totally torn and it's definitely your fault.
Sometimes you give him advice on homework and purposefully lean in far too close to him and his notebook. You're secretly watching him get totally flustered by your presence but he'll still try to hide his embarrassment.
He'll bark at you that you're going to suffocate him by breathing all of HIS personal air space but he'll never push you away. If you back away he'll just lean back over to your side and he'll smirk, saying, "Now who's suffocating who, huh?"
You scoff and lightly push him away in retaliation for what he said and he pouts sadly. He says he didn't finish hearing your explanation on how to deal with his homework problem and that you can check his notebook IF YOU MUST.
You do help him out, but you don't lean back over again. Irritated, he sidles up to you instead. You pat him on the head to calm him down.
It's a miracle that you two get any work done. You spend the next couple of hours in his bedroom just teasing each other and hanging out. Although you like to banter and bicker a lot, you both are great at supporting one another too. He especially likes it when you praise his hard work.
You originally thought Bakugou would get mad at you for getting distracted, but you noticed that much of his homework was already finished before you even stepped into the room. He probably could've finished it on his own, but he'd rather have the company.
Luckily for him, you feel the same. Now if only you two would just tell each other how you feel...
There'll always be time for that on a later day. Because fortunately for you, he's inviting you back over this weekend! But this time, you'll be studying at his childhood home.
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moonlightazriel · 3 months
My brave girl /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Reader comes home injured after a mission and Azriel takes care of her.
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
Word Count: 1,1K
Notes: I've been working on something and i ended up not being able to write for weeks, this was a little something that i wrote last night, hope you guys enjoy, i hope to be able to write more soon.
Main Masterlist
"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" She cursed, her knee colliding with the coffee table in the living room, the loud thud could've awakened the whole house, and this was far from the ideal. 
Her vision was blurry, the metallic scent of blood making her head spin even harder. She took a deep breath, trying to walk with her shaking legs, wavering steps towards the old room she called her own. 
She let her body rest against the wall, using it to support her weight, unaware of the trail of blood that followed her all the way to the room. She pushed the door open, her eyes feeling heavy as she blinked, stumbling inside the room, holding onto the doorknob to prevent herself from falling face first against the soft rug. 
Wincing in pain, she went to the bathroom, the House, so kindly, providing her with a first aid kit. She removed her soaked leathers, trying to use some of the white towels to stop the profuse bleeding state she found herself in. 
Unbeknownst to her, a few rooms away, in the room she shared with the so feared Shadowsinger, a stray shadow whispered, being joined by a constant chant of his name, waking him up from his slumber. 
Azriel groaned, stretching his wings and running a hand over his face, eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness, a few specks of moonlight providing illumination to his room. 
The first thing that alerted him was his eager shadows, the mist dancing away from him, urging him to follow with a chant of "Something's wrong, you must come now." And the second, was the pungent scent of blood, sweat and fear. 
With his beloved dagger clutched in between his right hand, Azriel got up, slowly pushing his door open and following the river that led him towards your old room, a room you haven't used in so long, why was someone there? 
His eyes caught the trace of blood, and his heart started to beat faster, no other unknown scent lingered around the house, he could smell the musky scent of Cassian, the wine and roses that belonged to Nesta, and then you, lavender, earthy rain and blood. This rang all the bells in his head and he ran. 
He entered your room, feeling anxious. The lights in the bathroom were on, he could see from underneath the door, and as he approached, slowly pushing it open, he gasped in horror and fear. 
Your waist and legs were covered in blood, you looked pale, hands covered in the viscous liquid as well. He swore he could see some of your organs spilling out of you, he wasn't sure. But he heard your yelp of surprise, or pain, he couldn't tell. And then you slammed the door in his face. 
"Let me in!" He demanded. 
"Nope, I'm fine." she replied. 
"I won't ask again, let me in, you are going to pass out." He tried to open the door again.
"I can handle it, don't worry." Came the answer to his plea.
"Love, please." He begged one more time. "You always take care of me, let me take care of you." With the loudest sigh ever, the door slowly creaked open.
"Please don't be mad." Her face was tinted with guilt and embarrassment, and he hated that look on her, it never suited her. 
"I would never be mad at you." He said, entering the bathroom. He snatched the things from her hand, helping her up to the sink counter, where he could see the gash across her abdomen. The wound was deep, and it smelled of ash, which made sense as to why she wasn't healing yet. "Wanna tell me what happened?" 
"They came out of nowhere, they knew I was there, took three of them down before this last motherfucker came from behind and slashed me open like a cow." She closed her eyes, holding them tightly as he pressed the towel on the wound, working to get it to stop bleeding. 
"Why didn't you come to me?" He asked again, the blood flow was thinner now, so he could clean and stitch her up with no problems. 
"I didn't want to worry you." He rolled his eyes and she gave him a middle finger.
"I worry about you because I love you, I will never be bothered to take care of my mate." She grasped the countertop harder, her knuckles turning white.
"Thank you." He started to stitch until  the wound was closed.
"No need to thank me, but next time, please, come to me." He begged and she nodded, staying silent as he finished his work, not the best stitches in the world, some bumpy parts and it would most definitely scar but once the ash was out she would be fine. "You should shower, it has more blood on your clothes than inside of your body." 
She nodded, getting out of the sink and immediately bumping into him, her weak knees collapsed and if it wasn't for his quick thinking, she would be on the floor now. 
"Maybe I should help you, we don't want to add a broken nose to the list." She gave him a big smile with half open eyes, the blood loss was finally catching up on her, the adrenaline vanishing. 
"Wise as always Az." She said and he helped her out of her clothes and in the shower, rubbing the blood from her body and helping her wash her hair. "I love you." She said, poking his cheek. "So so so so so so much." Her words were slurred and he worked quicker, finishing her bath and wrapping her in a towel, carrying her to their room. 
"I love you too, pretty girl." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, her body finally giving in to the sleep and carrying her consciousness far away from her, her chest moving softly, the wound slowly starting to close. 
Silly girl, he thought, how could she not know that he would bring the world down, fly to the sun, erase everything that was ever created just to ensure her safety? How could she not know he loved her to an extent that he would gladly give up his life for her? She would never know how much he loved her, and all he could do was try to show her. 
With a content sigh, he finished drying himself, climbing in naked behind her, pulling her by the waist, careful of her wound, nuzzling his nose in her hair, taking a deep breath and allowing her scent to invade him and calm his frantic thoughts, she hummed happily as she wiggled closer to his body. And he laid there, watching her sleep, his brave girl. His brave mate. 
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