#it already has a manhua
tox-tea · 9 months
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So Heaven Official's Blessing is really good huh? (sneak preview of a wip im working on)
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Chapt. 455: Missing Piece
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sennikold · 2 years
i emerge from the pit, aged 100 years.
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birbsong · 2 years
the fact that this is prequel,,, ugh i am not prepared to find out what happened
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weirdsht · 3 months
Cliché - LoTCF & Venion Stan! Reader
notes: ngl i took more time dwelling whether i should make this a series. but i never did two series at once because i can't handle the commitment, so i compromised by making it a long oneshot. ALSO TRIGGER WARNING: I put my psych major to work while writing this fic so...
tags: TRIGGER WARNING PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE TAGS (dw nothing too graphic for every warning) depression, eating disorder, anxiety, self-loathing, torture and abuse, guilt, like lots of guilt, passive to mild suicidal thoughts, not being able to control your body, catatonic depression, anhedonia, blood, cursing, vague novel spoilers, Taylor Stan being the best brother out there, open ending i think, can be seen as hurt/comfort
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
Buy Me Dessert
Navigation Masterlist Platitude (pt. 2)
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Tak Tak Tak
The sound of the horses of the carriage filled your ears as soon as you woke up.
…Wait horses?
How could there be horses when you were sure you were inside a lecture hall?
“Young master I’m glad you’re awake. We are nearing Viscount Tolz’s territory.”
Viscount Tolz? That sounds familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on it as you just woke up.
You observed the unfamiliar place you woke up in. You seem to be inside a carriage, years of reading manhwas, manhuas, mangas and web novels have gotten you familiar as to what they looked like. 
Observing the interior a bit more, you notice that the carriage you are in seems luxurious. That and the servant riding a horse outside the carriage window just called you “young master”. 
‘Did I transmigrate? I swear I was just nodding off during one of my lectures…’
“You. What date is it? My head feels fuzzy from sleeping in this uncomfortable carriage.”
‘I’ve rotten my brain reading that damn isekai genre. I already know the drill, I should be a villain or something. I guess I should be glad I didn’t end up as an animal, those things have gotten popular these days…’
You silently shivered at the thought of being a bird or a snake.
“I’m sorry about the seat young master. You’re custom cushion should be arriving tomorrow. As for the date, it is currently year 780 of the Felix Calendar.”
By the calendar mentioned you could already tell what series you transmigrated to. There was only one series you know that uses Felix Calendar.
Lout of the Count’s Family
And it looks like you got sucked into that novel a year before things began.
“As soon as that arrives install it in my carriage. This thing is as hard as a brick.”
Contrary to what you say, the seat is very soft and comfortable. However, if you really did transmigrate as a villain like in all those manhwas you’ve read then you figured you have to act as bratty as possible. 
“I understand young master. We are nearing the villa soon, I’m sure young master Neo has prepared your room so you can rest.”
Fuck. You’re fucked.
Out of all the small villains in existence you just had to steal the body of a dragon abuser. You just had to get in the body of Venion Stan.
Venion out of all people. Even Neo Tolz or Adin or Duke Fredo would’ve been better picks.
But no, the gods of this world just had to put you in the body of an atrocious villain that has no use.
Never mind running away in the countryside while enjoying all the inheritance, there’s no way that black dragon is going to leave you alone.
…And for sure the black dragon is already 3 years old, there’s no saving you now. Anger and despair are already planted in that poor baby’s heart.
Everything moved too quickly to your liking. One moment you were in the carriage, then next Neo was greeting you. After you blinked you’re already in the black dragon’s cell.
‘Can I survive a year before Cale comes here to get the dragon?’
The black dragon can’t use mana, let alone dragon fear. But his vicious gaze full of animosity is already enough to make you feel guilt and fear.
He looked so pitiful. The cell might be spacious, but a cage will still be a cage. He was just there, in the middle of the cell. Chained and unable to fight back.
The buffet in the middle doesn’t help the queasiness you feel in your stomach.
‘Don’t bother with it, I won't be visiting the dragon further.’
The words you want to say are stuck in your throat. Some unknown force is stopping you from uttering them out.
You figured it was so that things would still go according to the plot.
‘I know I wasn’t the greatest in my previous life, but was I so bad that I must experience this?’
Tap Tap Tap
Heels of your shoes tapped against the ground as you walked towards the table. You tried to stop your body, but it was useless. No matter how hard you try to stop yourself you just keep moving.
Your voice- no Venion’s voice said and the torturer started whipping the dragon.
There’s a bile in your throat threatening to show itself. However, you swallowed it. The scene may look horrendous, but you didn’t look away. You didn’t stop eating the feast in front of you. You didn’t stop laughing at the small dragon’s demise.
More like you couldn’t.
You wanted to cry. You wanted to go back to your world and curl up in your bed. You wanted all of this to be a dream.
‘Is this the doing of the gods? If so then why must they be cruel.’
“Is there anything else you want to do young master?”
“No just go out. All of you. I will follow in a short while”
Following your order, everyone in the dungeon started heading out. After a few seconds, there was no one but you and the dragon in the room.
As soon as there was no one else in the room you vomited. Good thing there was a bathroom attached in the dungeon. The bathroom door was wide open as you puked your gut out, showing the black dragon a view of your pale face. Despite that you didn’t care, your only focus was to get rid of the horrible feeling running through your body.
It’s not as if the dragon would care about its torturer.
That night you spent the entire time in your bed tossing and turning. Too tired to sleep but too scared to face the nightmares you have to combat every time you do.
“Go find a magician or something and commission a temperature-regulating device. I want it installed at the cave before we visit the Tolz territory again.”
“As you wish your highness. However, aren’t you spending a bit too much on a mere pet?”
“You dare think I’m buying all these things for that pesky dragon? I’m buying it for my own comfort, you should be aware of how I want to be comfortable all the time.”
“It seems I made a mistake. I shall prepare everything you desire for the next time you visit the villa.”
Six months has already passed since you became Venion Stan. Adjusting wasn’t easy, especially when there are more times when you can’t control your body than when you can.
But still, you persevered.
It wasn’t like you had a choice anyway. You have already taken over this body so you have to live in it. That and there’s also the fact that you want the original plot to go smoothly.
You want the black dragon to experience justice.
So you persist. Even when the atrocities you did make you puke. Even when you want to kill yourself.
You didn’t
It wasn’t right.
You may not be the original Venion Stan, but it wouldn’t be right to take away the revenge the black dragon deserves. That was why you decided to persevere.
Persevere now and suffer at the dragon's hands later before finally dying.
That was your plan.
You didn’t care about other things anymore. Money, territory, power; none of those things mattered to you anymore. Too disgusted with yourself and everything you have been doing to even attempt to enjoy those things.
There’s a silver lining in all of this.
After a month of being in your new body, you have found a loophole. You found a way to combat some of the restrictions to your actions. As long as you sound selfish and villainous enough, you can get away with saying and doing most things.
Using this knowledge to your advantage, you slowly made life for the dragon easier. You bought a lot of things such as cushions, a more comfortable collar, and the temperature-regulating device you just ordered. You also used this fact to lessen your hold on both Taylor Stan and the underworld.
“Venion, I heard you withdrew the people watching over your older brother.”
You scowled at Marquis Stan’s words as if the mere mention of Taylor Stan upsets you.
“Father, what can that cripple do? He has no legs, no power, and barely has any money. Putting people to watch over someone like that will only be a waste of resources.”
Luckily, the marquis agreed with your reasoning and let the situation go while praising how smart you are.
‘Hopefully by this Taylor Stan can gather more information now that my people are now hovering over him.’
That night you managed to sleep for approximately 30 minutes. The longest sleep you’ve experienced since coming over to this world.
It was another torture session and once again you were vomiting everything you ate that week after the session. 
While you were busy trying to not make a mess on the bathroom floor, you didn’t notice a certain young dragon observing you.
He may be three years old and he may not know much but his still smart because he's a dragon. That was why he noticed the changes in his captor that started around 8 months ago. 
The young dragon noticed the hesitation in your eyes whenever you entered the dungeon. How you were puking from self-hatred and not because of how bad the food was like you said. How your laugh is soulless, especially when he’s being tortured. 
How you stagger the slightest bit while standing up after those sessions. How your hands shook ever so slightly from guilt. How you tried to make the cell as comfortable as possible for him despite saying you were doing it for your own comfort. 
How your eyes look more lifeless each time he sees you.
The young dragon noticed all of it. He may not know what caused the change, but he knows that everything you’re doing is against your volition.
“Fuck I lost my appetite already. I’m going back to my room. Feed those scraps to that dragon.”
You ordered your servants on your way out. Walking as if your entire body wasn’t shaking ten seconds ago.
The black dragon just watches you with observant eyes. 
The “scraps” you were talking about were the feast that was barely even touched. It had always been like this for a few months now. You would barely touch your food and give it to the dragon in the guise of treating him like a dog.
For now, the young one accepts the food. He’ll figure out your intentions later.
“Lessen the guards at the dungeon. Remove all the cushions too, I’m going to change them. Do the same thing to the dragon’s collar too. While you’re at it increase the guards stationed at my quarters. Put the guards in the cave to my room.”
It’s the fated day. Time passed and now is already the day the black dragon will be rescued by Cale, Choi Han, and the cat tribe children. You already met them earlier and acted as arrogant as you could.
Hence the preparation. You need to make it look like the dragon was kept in a horrible condition. Of course, he was… but like much more worse conditions.
“Assassins have been increasing their attempts lately. If I see someone assigned to my room not doing your jobs I’m going to feed you to the sharks. Oh, and you.”
You pointed at a random servant passing by.
“Here’s some gold, buy some alcohol from the inn. Don’t tell anyone I was the one who bought it.”
“May I ask what you’re going to do with the alcohol young master?”
Everyone knows that Venion Stan deemed things not noble enough as disgusting. But you felt guilty for pushing that old man around earlier so you made an excuse.
“Depends on my mood. I’m feeling generous so if you all guard my room tonight then I’ll give you the alcohol tomorrow to drink.”
Everyone held in their shock.
“But if you don’t then I’m going to throw each bottle in your heads while drinking real wine.”
With that, you turned around to lie down on your bed.
That night was the same as every other night you spent in this world. Sleepless. However, that night you felt some weight being lifted off your shoulders as you heard the ruckus Choi Han was causing outside.
‘He should be curled up in Cale’s lap while looking at me viciously’
You stealthily peeked at Cale as you walked towards your seat. Just a moment ago he was trying to rile you up by acting obnoxious. It was hard to try and act like you were keeping your composure when you agreed with everything he said.
“What the..!” 
‘Shit did I not put enough strength into my acting?’
You barely felt your blonde hair sway as you slapped the table in supposed shock at Taylor Stan’s entrance.
‘Maybe I should’ve forced myself to eat a little bit more before coming here…’
Gritting your teeth, you ignore the black spots dancing in your vision. Today is a vital day, you can’t ruin the script by fainting because you only ate 3 spoonfuls during breakfast.
Luckily, it looks like everything is going according to the plot. Based on everyone’s reaction, you looked like an enraged noble.
Days following that event were even more chaotic. Not only was the terrorist attack in the plaza terrifying but trying to act as if you were trying to hold on to your position when you just wanted to give it to Taylor was even tougher.
As usual, you persevered.
Comforted yourself at the thought that in a few months, you can embrace death’s sweet presence.
“Do I look different without the blood?”
You felt scared and relieved at the sight of the black dragon that now goes by Raon Miru.
Scared because even though you have resigned yourself to your fate, and felt like you deserve it even, you still feel fear for what’s about to come.
Relief because he looks healthy. Chubby even. You were glad that he was living a good life after he got away from you.
Disregarding your feelings, you let the poisonous fog into your body. Resigning yourself to the four days of hell waiting.
Your body feels sluggish when you wake up.
“What the… It hasn’t even begun yet why does that bastard’s eyes already look dead?”
“That’s what I was telling you human! That punk's eyes tell a different story from his actions.”
Soft. Whatever you were lying down on felt soft. It wasn’t like what you’ve read in the novel where Venion was lying down on the hard ground. The magic collar was also soft. It felt similar to the one you bought for Raon a year ago. 
You would know because you made sure to pick the softest one yourself.
“His eyes look more dead than when I last saw him at that cave.”
Eyes? Were they talking about yours?
You didn’t know. You didn’t care.
You just want everything to end.
Someone gasped, you think it was one of the kittens.
“T-tears! Why is he crying? I only put paralysis in poison earlier.”
Crying? You were crying?
You sit up. It was hard because of the chains tying your arms but you still did it.
As you look down on your lap, tears are indeed flowing.
‘Why am I crying? Wasn’t I waiting for this day?’
Everything was already planned in your head. You get tortured then you will go crazy. Then you will kill yourself and make everyone believe you did it because you’re crazy.
So why are you crying now?
Why are you in tears as if you don’t deserve what’s happening to you?
Why do you weep as though you haven’t committed several crimes this past year?
How dare you do so.
How dare you act so pitifully when the child you tortured is right in front of you?
Shameless. Till the end, you’re so shameless.
Beacrox unlocked the magic collar. As he did you saw it falling on the ground.
“Ah, so there really was fur inside…”
Your voice sounded soulless. It sounded so dead that even you were shocked at how you sounded.
But it also felt cathartic.
After two years of trying to act lively. Two years of acting as if you were fighting for something.
You can finally let out your real emotions.
Two years. It took more than two years for you to be granted that privilege. 
“Speak. I heard you bought the same thing for Raon.”
“You really named him Raon…”
Beacrox grabbed your collar. He looked furious. If you remember things correctly, he just heard about the dragon’s story a while ago so you understand his feelings.
“He told you to answer. Why did you buy something like that after 3 years?”
“I was getting tired of looking at the hard metal… There was nothing in that cave but stone and metal…”
Your tears are still flowing. It looks like they were crying a whole year’s worth. 
Despite that, you were not shaking, nor were your eyes looked sad.
Contrarily, you looked like those creepy dolls with soulless eyes that cried in horror films.
That low-key scared everyone in the room.
“Before, when I was three, I saw you shaking every time you came to the cave. Why was that?”
What’s happening? Why is there a sudden interrogation? You signed up for torture not for a cross-examination.
Still, you answered the dragon.
“I can’t tell.”
“Is it related to how you can’t seem to say what you want at times?”
Just how much did that kid notice in the few times you visited him?
“Yes. When are you going to get started? I need to meet with my hyung after this…”
Meet him and then die.
So please hurry up already.
“Hey punk, you sound like you already know what’s going to happen.”
“It’s obvious. This place looks exactly like that damn cave.”
You were getting tired of talking.
Actually, you were tired. Period.
“But it doesn’t look like how I left the cave when you rescued him.”
“Yes, because that wasn’t how the cave I lived in looked like. It looked like this.”
And the “this” Raon was talking about felt more homey. There were soft lights and a bunch of pillows and cushions. There were even some stuffed toys and blankets.
Was this how you decorated Raon’s cave?
You can’t remember.
Not that you care.
“Can we get started already please?”
“I thought you were a sadist, not a masochist.”
Something snapped inside you at that moment. You didn’t know why it was Choi Han’s comment that riled you up. Maybe it wasn’t the comment but the waiting that set you off.
“Just do it already! Are you dumb?! This fucking plot will not move unless you fucking torture me!”
In that moment you felt a searing pain in your chest.
Blood flowed out from your mouth.
‘So that’s what happens when I try to push the restrictions.’
Coughing out blood when you’re body was already weak from not eating and sleeping enough was bound to cause you to faint.
And faint you did.
“Young master Cale said you were unconscious for 4 days. The doctor told me you were both malnourished and fatigued. One of your servants confessed that it’s an achievement if you eat 4 spoonfuls every meal. The young master also mentioned how it seems like you were forced to do everything you’ve done… Just what is happening? Hmm? Tell this hyung of yours.”
In the end, you didn’t get tortured…
“What’s going to happen now? What’s going to happen to me?”
You diverged from the fate carved out for Venion Stan.
That made you scared.
The restriction placed upon you to prevent you from straying from the plot scared you.
“Everything will be okay. But you need to tell me what’s going on.”
Taylor Stan hugged you, and you felt disgusted with yourself that you dare find warmth and comfort in that hug. Disgusted that you dared cry in front of him when you tried to kill him in the past.
But you couldn’t help it.
You couldn’t help that your hyung was soft and caring even though he was stern and strict. 
“I’m scared hyung. I’m a horrible person.”
As you speak you notice Cale in the corner of the room. He was trying to go out to give you two some privacy.
“Please stay.”
‘You deserve to hear the truth too.’
Cale stopped moving at your words. 
At that moment you decided to spill everything. Venion Stan’s role was already done. Even if it wasn’t, you already strayed from the path written for him. So you’re pulling all stops now.
“I’m a horrible person that did horrid crimes. I know that, I did them with my own hands after all. But I didn’t want to do them.”
You felt that stinging pain slowly coming back.
“There are times when I can’t control the things I say or do. No matter how hard I try my body won’t listen to me.”
The taste of blood in your mouth is back. You tried to act as calm as possible and nonchalantly spit it out in a napkin as if you were just wiping your mouth.
“I think it’s the god’s doing. It’s fated that I must be a bad guy for everything in the future to work out.”
You wiped your mouth again.
“I couldn’t resist it. But I found a loophole.”
“If I make it look like what I was doing is villainous then my movements will not be restricted as much.”
“So when you removed the people watching over my residence..?”
You nodded while wiping your mouth once again.
However, this time Taylor snatched the napkin out of your hands.
“You’re bleeding..!”
You were wiping so much blood that it already seeped out. Causing for Taylor and Cale to see the blood.
“I should’ve used a darker colour…”
“Stop talking. I’ve already heard everything I need to know.”
“I have nothing else to say to you anyway.”
The two men started walking out of the door when you called out to someone.
“Young master Cale, can you please stay? I must tell you something.”
The marquis and the young master exchanged a glance before one of them left the room.
“What is it?”
At Taylor’s exit, Raon undid his invisibility.
“It’s not fate.”
Cale and Raon looked at you as if you’d lost your head. Honestly, you wish you did. Being beheaded right now is better than living with these horrible feelings.
“It’s plot. You should know what I’m talking about.”
Luckily, Marquiss Stan left the napkin so you could wipe your mouth again.
“I think the universe, not the gods, made a mistake with me. But despite their mistake, they are insistent on going with the plot laid out.”
You discarded the napkin. It’s already drenched with too much of your blood that it can’t be used anymore.
“But don’t worry. This plot is very beneficial to you. You just have to follow whatever you think is right. You can disregard whatever anyone says. Even if that anyone is a god.”
‘Unlike me’
Cale handed you a handkerchief and you wiped your mouth with it.
“Lastly, I’m sorry Raon Miru-nim. My only choice was to either keep torturing you or throw you out. I couldn’t throw you out, because if I did then you wouldn’t meet the young master.”
“It’s okay… I am great and mighty so I figured out long ago that you were being forced.”
“Thank you.”
With that the dragon became invisible again and the two head out of the room.
Cleanup was easy. Of course, it was. Everything was already planned out beforehand.
The previous marquis was arrested and his people were successfully rooted out. You got sentenced to house arrest.
Meaning, you got a slap on the wrist.
It confused you. Why did you get such a light sentence when you did so many horrible things? It didn’t even feel like house arrest because your hyung always kept you by his side and personally took care of you.
“How about you? How are you and your brother doing?”
You heard Cale speaking on the other side of the communication device. But you just kept your head low and stared at your palms, unmoving.
Marquis Stan hesitated.
“His been listless since that day. I checked with an expert and they said his in a catatonic state.”
You blur out the rest of their conversation. It wasn’t like there was a need to listen anyway. There’s nothing for you to do now. Your role is done but you can’t die.
You're tired.
So so fucking tired.
Tired of waking up. Tired of moving. Tired of thinking. Tired of breathing.
Tired of living.
So you opted to not move. Tune out the world around you. Maybe if you’re lucky they’ll leave you to rot in that lavish room of yours.
“Your eyes look more lively today. Do you have enough energy to speak?”
You blinked once. Then twice. You don’t know how many days have passed already. All of them look like a giant blur in your mind.
For the first time in a while, you moved your body to look at your surroundings.
As you take in your surroundings you notice that there’s a storm outside. That and Taylor Stan seem to have put you in the wheelchair he used to use.
“Taylor Stan…”
“Call me hyung.”
Did you deserve to? Well, it doesn’t matter since he ordered you to.
“Yes, my dongsaeng?”
“Why won’t you kill me?”
The wheelchair stopped in its tracks. It was because the one pushing it stopped walking.
“Why would I kill you?”
“Why would you not kill me?”
You had no way of knowing just how scared Taylor was at this moment. Your voice sounded so soulless. As if you were asking about the weather and not about your death. He was already scared that one day he would just wake up to find you dead. Your questions and your way of asking them are not helping his fear.
“I told you, I wouldn’t kill my family.”
Silence lingered as the two of you went to your room. Inside, the first thing you noticed was the door on the wall.
“That’s a connecting door. It’s connected to my room.”
“Very fitting for a criminal like me that needs to be monitored at all times.”
“That’s not…”
Taylor Stan chose to sigh instead of answering. After he did, he called the servants to help you with your nighttime routine.
“You all can go now, I’ll take it from here.”
Servants filed out of your room as your brother took the brush from a servant's hand.
“You know that this is useless right?”
“Why is that?”
Taylor continued brushing your blonde hair that now reaches past your shoulders.
“It’s not like I’ll sleep. There’s never a night where I slept for more than 30 minutes. I think.”
“Maybe if I stay by your side you’ll sleep better.”
You didn’t respond. You just watched in the mirror how your hyung gently brushed your hair. At some point, you pulled your legs up to your chest and started hugging them.
Taylor Stan didn’t seem to mind your movements. In fact, he seems to encourage them.
“Let’s eat dinner now. Do you want to walk?”
The mere thought of moving more than you already did makes you feel nauseated.
Your hyung nodded and started pushing the wheelchair again. As he did the sight of the food prepared on your table caught your eyes. It wasn’t a feast like how you were served in the past.
Instead, there were just two simple identical meals on the table.
It reminded you of how you used to eat your meals back on earth.
“You’re eating too?”
“I haven’t eaten yet. I figure we can eat together since Cage is not here.”
She must be in the super rock’s villa or something.
Eat together was what you did. Well, more like Taylor ate while you take a few bites and play with your food.
“Do you not want to eat anymore?”
“It’s fine, just leave it there. You already ate thrice more than you usually would. It’s okay to take it slow.”
That’s true. You ate 10 spoonfuls today when you would usually just take a bite or two. Three at most.
Maybe a gentle company and a simple meal did the trick. But you aren’t sure.
After the meal, you brushed your teeth before lying down on the bed. Taylor was sitting on a couch beside your bed as promised.
That night, for the first time since you arrived in this world, you managed to sleep almost the whole night.
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gladiator-gladiolus · 2 months
Just as a cry for help from the MDZS fandom- (or more specifically: chengxian shippers)
I have seen multiple extremely questionable Jiang Cheng/Wei Ying posts now and before I want to cry my eyes out even more than i already do, can someone please explain to me the thought process behind this pairing? No hate to anyone's ship at this stage, i'm just very confused? it is my understanding that Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying are adoptive brothers? I have not fully read MDZS yet so my knowledge is based off 6 eps of the untamed, half the manhua and the 1st book. Is there something i'm missing here to understand?
For me personally, any defense in the region of 'they are not blood-related' is neither acceptable nor sufficient as someone who has an adopted sibling.
Just wanted an explanation from a place of genuine curiosity and gaps in my knowledge before i block the tag because rn i cant take it
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nyerus · 10 months
Hello! I'm really sorry to bother you with some stupid questions but I'm a little bit confused. Can you tell me about the TGCF revised version and what to expect from it? I made my research a little bit but I'm not sure I get the full picture. I just finished reading all the novels in official EN translation and it bugs me a little that I just got everything settled in my brain and now...smth will be changed in the revised version? What does it mean for canon?
I'm sorry it I make no sense, just a little bit disoriented. Thank you for answering in advance!
Hello Anon!
I totally understand how confusing it could be! I'll try to help clear it up, so no worries!
There are two main versions of TGCF now:
The original webnovel was released in a serialized manner, and this is the one all existing printed translations are based on. Including the official EN translation! This is also what the manhua and donghua are adapting. It was never released as a printed version in mainland China.
The revised version was released in early 2023, in mainland China only (thus far). It has significant changes here and there such as: removal of some minor characters, revision of certain characters' backstories, fleshing out of some inter-character relationships, expansion of existing Hualian-centric scenes, several additional scenes (mainly Hualian-centric), modification of some arcs/plots (e.g. the Bloody Banquet is quite different -- all the way from the lead-up to the ending -- though the broad strokes of it remain similar to the original). Plus just a lot of general streamlining! However, the overall structure of the story and the main plot remains the same.
The printed revised version that was released in China is also a censored edition (for obvious reasons). There is no publicly available uncensored edition available for us to read. That being said... the audio drama is actually working on the uncensored revised version (which they got from MXTX directly, it seems)!
The AD is absolutely fantastic, and if you're interested in checking out the revised version, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's easily my favorite adaptation, by far. This is an old guide on how to purchase + listen, but it still mostly works (you can purchase the entire season with google pay now too). Follow this for enabling EN subs (MTL). There are folks doing fanTLs, but those are not yet complete and still in the very early episodes as of now.
Additionally, there is a fan translation for a few select chapters from the printed revised version, done by Clearnoodle256. Though while yes, it's censored, the plot stuff and extra scenes are absolutely amazing. There's a lot of extra insight into Hualian especially, but also other characters like Lang Qianqiu! Check it out here!
If you'd like more information, I also made a twitter thread about the different versions, but it's similar to what I have already outlined here!
MXTX has said that both versions are just as "canonical" as each other, and fans are welcome to pick-and-choose aspects of both. Personally, I adore what I have seen and heard of the revised version thus far (though there are a few parts where I prefer the original ver). It doesn't feel like a whole new story, but more like seeing the same story with fresh eyes and getting a lot more details! It's very exciting to be able to somehow experience TGCF all over again! 💖
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meeblo · 1 year
@stalkiwi so, Muelsyse. This is just going to be extrapolations off of Mansfield Break, Dorothy's Vision, and the manhua. I think Mumu also appears in a vignette event or is hinted to, but I haven't read that one so I won't bring it up. No lone trail spoilers.
In 7-10, it's revealed that Elves are heavily discriminated against.
The Aegis of the Infected. The Yeti Squad was one of its subsets, and its members did not solely consist of Infected. The exiles, the fanatics, the maimed, Elves, Durin, and Sarkaz. The guerrillas did not fight for the Infected alone.
While the Durin can become recluses in their advanced underground cities, Elves have nowhere to go. We haven't seen any Elves besides Muelsyse. It's possible they have mostly died off as a result of this persecution. It's important to Muelsyse's character to recognize that she is a member of a persecuted minority, a minority that may have already been mostly killed off.
Mansfield Break introduces Muelsyse at what is in my opinion her lowest point. Saria is no longer at Rhine Lab, Ferdinand is swallowing up Energy and coming for Originium Arts next, Parvis is Parvis, and Muelsyse is entirely alone with no one to plead to but the negligent and indifferent Kirsten. Muelsyse's actions and plans regarding Anthony show just how bad things have become for her. She's so deep in the cuthroat game of Rhine's internal politics she's trying to adapt to Ferdinand and Parvis' tactics, but she isn't Ferdinand or Parvis. She can't manipulate people like Parvis or crush rivals like Ferdinand; her plan with Anthony is solely preventative. Gain custody of Anthony, Ferdinand can't get Simon Co and Muelsyse now has at least one bargaining chip... but what next? What does she do from there? It doesn't advance the situation, merely prevent things from becoming even worse for Muelsyse. It also reflects Muelsyse's increasing desperation that she's willing to think of Anthony as an asset and refer to Ifrit simply as the test subject in Mansfield Break. She's so deep into self-preserving fight or flight that her empathy is being pushed down. But this isn't working for her; she's still losing ground, her plan in Mansfield Break failed spectacularly when Saria freed Anthony rather than giving him over to Muelsyse, and pushing down her compassion is just paining her. Something has to change.
In the Rhine Lab manhua, we see Muelsyse before things at Rhine start to fall apart for her. She's working as an informant for Kirsten, but she's able to set that aside for what she actually believes in. Parvis is still Parvis, but Ferdinand hasn't amassed nearly as much power yet. After Saria and Muelsyse find the tape from Haydn Pharmaceuticals with the horrible things they put Ifrit through that lead to the explosion, Muelsyse closes the laptop solemnly and begins truly helping Saria rather than merely monitoring her. Throughout the Rhine manhua, we can see Muelsyse's compassion towards Ifrit. She has ulterior motives in visiting Ifrit to get some information, but we can see that Muelsyse cares about Ifrit, and continues to visit even after it's clear they won't get any info about Haydn from Ifrit. Ifrit isn't solely "the test subject" to Muelsyse, lil' Iffy is someone that Muelsyse wants to help save. Going against the cover up and continuing to dig places her in danger she could have otherwise avoided, but she continues anyway with Saria. Saria's presence at Rhine is crucial for Muelsyse to feel safe in taking risks for what she believes in. Saria is the backbone of integrity at Rhine and without her there are no checks in place on monsters like Parvis and Ferdinand. Even overwhelmed and weakening in influence, Saria's iron will provides a safety net for Muelsyse. It's implied in the Tin Man scenes that Muelsyse is the one leaking info from Rhine Lab (something Dorothy's Vision's opening scene confirms), an action very much in conflict with Muelsyse being Kirsten's informant. There is a clear struggle between Muelsyse doing what she believes is right, and Muelsyse doing what she believes she has to in order to survive among vipers like Parvis and Ferdinand. Muelsyse is so deeply trapped in the politics of Rhine Lab that she has no way out. There's a scene in the Manhua where she says something about having a good resume if things ever go south, but Saria calls that out. Muelsyse's resume means nothing in the face of the power Rhine has over its industry in Columbia. Saria can walk away because she's the only person Kirsten respects and because Saria has a will of steel, but no one else can escape Rhine Lab; Silence goes to Rhodes Island leading the partnership with Rhine, Mayer goes over as part of this partnership to escape Ferdinand's control over Engineering, etc. Rhine Lab has created a closed system in the Columbian scientific community where the only way out is to another Rhine affiliated company or one of Rhine's many puppet shell companies like HydeBro, Loken Watertank, and Haydn Laboratories. Muelsyse has nowhere to go, but she recognizes that she's clearly in danger, so she is forced to hedge her bets and lean on both Saria and Kirsten for aid.
Dorothy's Vision shows Muelsyse beginning to change after her loss in Mansfield Break. Playing the game failed, utterly, so she's more openly doing what she believes in. If she can't win anyway, she might as well do as much as she can even if it makes her even more vulnerable, so she leaks even more documents. This catches the attention at last of the Columbian military, and leads to Ho'olheyak stuffing her into a mechsuit. Crucially in the opening scene of Dorothy's Vision, we see Muelsyse attempt to call Kirsten for aid. Kirsten doesn't pick up, because Kirsten doesn't give a shit about anyone except Saria. The implication here is clear, in my opinion: Muelsyse was never Kirsten's informant because she was given the task by Kirsten; Muelsyse was Kirsten's informant because she was desperately attempting to make herself useful to Kirsten so that she could have any sense of security that Control might protect her from Ferdinand, Parvis, or the military. These frankly tragic lines as Muelsyse is stuffed into the mech shed new light onto her character:
Cold hard steel clamps down on the limbs, preventing any attempt at movement, never mind resistance. If only tears would flow from the eyes. Mother always said tears were powerful weapons. But the eyes are not cooperating. They have seen too many mountains fall and too many rivers dry up over the centuries. They have seen too many loved ones die. They have become dry, like the land after a nomadic city has passed through.
Muelsyse is old. She has seen so much conflict, death, and tragedy. She has lost too many loved ones, and been placed into mortal danger many times herself for being an Elf. Despite being a compassionate person who wants to do what she believes is moral, Muelsyse is burdened with the weight of centuries of loss and the fear of losing even more. She tries to steel herself to this loss, to stop empathizing, to survive, but it just digs her deeper. She attempts to hide her identity as an elf, does her moral actions like leaking info and comforting Ifrit in anonymity and secrecy, so that on the surface she can appear a crafty and formidable force in Rhine Lab's internal politics, but it doesn't fool anyone. In Dorothy's Vision, she tries to let go and do more of what she thinks is right, and at first all it seems to get her is days on end of suffering. But the latter half of Dorothy's Vision begins to prove her wrong; Doctor and Saria begin to prove her wrong. Their actions are succeeding against Ferdinand and the military, they are able to walk straight in to Rhine, they are able to place themselves into danger to make the change that needs to be made and walk back out unscathed and successful. Whereas Muelsyse always hedged her bets and tried to walk the line between Rhine Lab loyalty and pushing against corruption, Saria and Doctor have no such reservations. Muelsyse is shown that stepping with full confidence towards a cause you believe in can work, and is shown that her own leaked information is making an impact.
I haven't had any Lone Trail spoilers, but I have listened to Muelsyse's song, Morning Dew. I could discuss the lyrics at length but here's some verses I find especially important. I'll put it under a cut if you haven't heard the song and don't want it spoiled.
Overall, Muelsyse is one of the most interesting characters of the Rhine Lab storyline to me. She is a silly elf, that's right, but there's so much depth to her. She's a kind person, a silly person, and yet she also makes an active effort to try and be both of those things in spite of the loss and sadness she's witnessed. I feel that it's less of a coping mechanism, and more of an ideal she wants to be. Muelsyse is fun and silly in spite of what she's been through, not to cover up what she's been through.
Don't let the loneliness stop you from being kind. Don't let them say that your peace is a waste of time. Don't let them crush all your dreams, then change their mind
This first verse reflects the trajectory of Muelsyse's character arc after Dorothy's Vision, and her compassionate nature. She's no longer going to let others disparaging her efforts or outright opposing them get in her way of what she thinks is right.
This room was built for one chair only. I'm not empty, I'm just lonely, tied to the ghost of you. I can be gentle too.
The first two lines here reflect Muelsyse's loneliness as one of very few elves and her isolation at Rhine Lab. She's not empty like Parvis and Ferdinand are, corrupt to the core; she's just alone and desperate. I'm not sure who "the ghost of you" is here, I assume Lone Trail will make it more clear, but I have a few guesses. It could be Kirsten, Muelsyse joined Rhine Lab because of the kind of person Kirsten used to be and is now trapped tied to the ghost of Kirsten attempting to appeal to her for safety against the other sector directors. It could be Saria, that Muelsyse is tied to the lingering influence of Saria that remains at Rhine Lab after her departure. It could be Muelsyse's presumably dead mother we don't really know anything about mentioned in that Dorothy's Vision text.
Oh-ooh... letting me go isn't the only answer. Oh-ooh... letting me go makes the world spin faster. "No one like me" doesn't mean you won't like me. Oh-ooh... I'll let you go, it's a pattern on repeat.
The chorus, reflecting the amount of times people have left Muelsyse behind. Saria leaving Rhine is the obvious one that sticks out, but it's clear that this is a pattern that keeps happening to Muelsyse, and the "No one like me" implies that some of these people leaving did it for racist reasons because Muelsyse was an elf. Muelsyse attempts to make connections, but inevitably she has to let them go as they leave her behind.
Don't let utopia haunt you, there's more to save. Don't stop the search for the perfect, you're smart and brave. Don't let them sail off in anger, just smile and wave.
The next verse continues to reflect Muelsyse's compassion and desire to save people, in spite of being faced with opposition preventing utopia from being possible. "Don't stop the search for the perfect", even while perfection is impossible it's still worth striving for. The last two lines show Muelsyse's acceptance of all the people leaving her life. She's resolved to smile as they go, rather than be angry at it.
The ship takes off, now I'm the captain. Gentle breeze, I'll make it happen. I'm gonna lock the doors, no one allowed on board. I won't choose, I'm not ungrateful; making peace to quell the hateful. Look at the mess you made. I whisper as you fade.
This last verse before the song ends with the chorus again I hope shows where her character arc goes in Lone Trail. Muelsyse is finally taking control of her own life and becoming the captain of her own ship, no longer having Kirsten fill that role. "Look at the mess you made" probably refers to the mess that is Rhine Lab under Kirsten's willful negligence, who is now fading into the distance as Muelsyse is able to finally sail off and escape.
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pastorfutureletthembe · 4 months
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Down into the VORTEX: the Curve Theory
I mentioned the Curve theory in a meta before but I wanted to dive even deeper into the fuckery of it.
I'll remind you what I call a Curve so you're all up to speed (cf: Rick and Morty):
The curve basically walls off the infinite number of universes, in which INSERT CANONICAL NODE happens, from the rest of the infinite multiverse. A model often used to explain is that the definition of a Finite Curve has no set parameters; it's just wholly random and infinite therefore can be represented as a repeating, immeasurable shape modeled with a circle. A Finite Curve would then present a finite collection of dimensions.
How is it relevant to Link Click? Well, I'm glad you asked.
I argued in the past that cakes on promotional artworks could represent curves and each curve would have hypothetically 12 repeats to offer. This is a conclusion I came to after my treasure hunt for the 5th timeline (for which I keep finding daily proofs of, by the way).
For the sake of understanding exactly how it can apply to Link Click lore, let me walk you through the basis.
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Rick&Morty season 6 // Link Click BREAK! PV Note: I'm using this analogy because it is the most accurate way to bring you where I want.
By the way, we kinda already saw what resembles a curve according to the LCverse
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If you count the circles, you'll find that five different rings turn around Saturn in BREAK! PV.
This being established, since the purpose of a Curve is to put a set of timelines sharing the same parameters together, I will argue the LINK here is a canonical unchangeable node. You guessed it:
Cheng Xiaoshi's death.
But honeslty, I don't believe that CXS is supposed to die in every possible universe - and for the sake of the argument, let's assume he isn't.
Actually, when we see flashes of him dying in LG's arms, my first thought was the first one to change the timeline and die doing it was probably CXS; that's why LG freaked out when his friend took a shot for Qiao Ling.
But let's review LG's side of everything first, shall we?
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LG used up 4 pictures to save his friend
LG's ultimate goal is to save Cheng Xiaoshi's life and he failed four times. Death is supposed to be an unchangeable node and LG knows that by trying to keep it from happening, he will destroy time itself. Does he care? (/rethorical)
We know little about his previous dives, except that either he never made it this far or Li Tianchen and Li Tianxi weren't part of the timelines he knew. And, CXS died in his arms at some point, giving him access to his Back In Time power, alike what happened between Li Tianxi and Qiao Ling.
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Here are some theories about them though:
If the Live Action reveals itself to be canon, it could be the Prime Timeline for Lu Guang. (We'll know for sure by the end of the month, I guess.)
In the Manhua, LG is protective and affectionate around CXS, in a very melancolic way. I'm not kidding, he's so soft it hurts.
The Daily Life in Lightime happens in another timeline and we can actually point out the moment Lu Guang dives in.
This time around, LG went and met CXS earlier than in the original timeline. (//Live Action)
It could be a coincidence that Lu Guang's character is more and more bored as we go through these examples. Keep an open mind here.
Lu Guang from the LCLA has dark hair but the promotional poster show one photograph of him with white hair. Why? There are so many jokes on LG's age in the donghua but mostly: he is so frail and remains in a sitting position if he can help it. Just like in Dive Back In Time, where he's the only one not standing. The man is exhausted. I'm just saying, perhaps his white hair isn't supposed to be white and the fact we see him with dark hair only in LCLA, played by a man of flesh, could be THE clue hidden in plain sight that this version is the original.
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Note: I purposefully didn't include the musical here. The repetition of the media itself is quite interesting. Every performance is unique but the script itself is the same. It could very well be a curve on its own. Just a idea, nothing consistent.
What tells us LG isn't at his first dive is the music! Now, I won't go too deep into it because I really want to craft ONE post about this particular topic. Dive Back in Time and VORTEX are the most obvious because most of us probably never skip the intro, aaaand we get it: they are doomed by the narrative.
So yeah, this is basically why I call those "chances":
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3 more to go
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Qiao Ling's birthday // Dive Back In Time
If you pay attention to the titlescreen, you'll notice free spaces in the center of the circle. By the end of the opening, one is filled, hinting that this picture has been used.
There are other winks on the number 3:
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Cause I'm about to lose my- Cause I'm about to lose my- Cause I'm about to lose my mind >> Dive Back in Time When my friend are holding hands, heading into abyss I ran my lungs out so I wouldn't have missed But I missed, I missed, I missed >> Keep in Mind So what's that sound sound sound Spinning all night long long long Temperature goes down down down Got my mind feelin' drown drown drown >> The Tides
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Let's assume that there are three chances left at the begining of the show. We still don't know when the inner monologue at the end of season 2 happens on the timeline, but LG mentioned his "last chance" to save CXS. The synopsis for Yingdu Chapter announced CXS died, as if it was common knowlegde (I love them for their audacity).
Are those the three last chances? To be continued.
The One True Curve
All these timelines happened inside the same Curve. Now, why do I think there ARE other curves to begin with when we already had to work so hard to get this far?
The camera isn't the same depending on who, Lu Guang or Cheng Xiaoshi, is taking the picture. The reflection changing is a way to show alternative timelines, which is different from repeats. It is a common visual clue, FOX used this technique to promote their show FRINGE for example (2 different universes crashing into each other).
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There are some visuals with several clocks (I'll make a post per PV one day eventually). The first one shows a lot of different broken clocks and two merged ones as the biggest, central. This is our current curve. Our three protagonists and the antagonists are fighting over it; Light against the Shadows, as bilibili's accounts often dub the artworks. This could be our time paradox. On the second screenshot, the word LEAVE is over distorded clocks, fracturing space. Also a hint on several other realities, which have probably been left behind.
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Train Trail // XETROVerthink
About that, the Vortex concept can be associated with a way to travel from one curve to another. Lots of science-fiction tvshows use this tool (Star Gate or SLIDERS).
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The general idea is that, in the center of another curve the unchangeable node is different: Cheng Xiaoshi is the one trying to save Lu Guang's life.
There is of course, another explanation, just as valid as the Curve Theory: they are repeating this cycle of saving their friend over and over again. Once they run out of repeats, they die and the other go back in time to save them, completely unaware of the repeats; turning the hourglass over once again. The biggest clue for this one is... Well, the hourglass, for obvious reasons.
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Link Click BREAK! PV // XETROVerthink
In XETROVerthink, we have LG appearing in the hourglass, probably in a bad shape, drowning perhaps, and CXS is swimming to him to save him; it's his turn. They are both unaware of their predicament.
By the end of BREAK! CXS's hair also turns white. It implies that he, too, went through many repeats to change their fate.
That's all folks! Of course I'm not close to other theories. I find the Curve Theory pretty cool. I would like to see them fight to actually get out of this canonical node, and find a place for themselves when they live their best idiots life.
I also have many additional thoughts about all of it: (Edit: you can find the meta here)
Some character presentations also hint at more than five repeats. Five repeats would be the current score for Lu Guang but Cheng Xiaoshi would have a higher number.
Some PVs enlight V for Lu Guang but X for Cheng Xiaoshi.
Some promotional posters or even VORTEX show LG and CXS as each other's reflection, as if separated by glass or water.
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I'll will post more about it but 'nough said for now haha
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razberryyum · 2 years
Manhua artist Mao Tuan Xiao Jian Jian-laoshi serves up the last part of WangXian's papapa scene from chap 111 of the novel (what would've been chap 256 if the world was a perfect place). Go to their Twitter @maotuanxjj for all the missing goodies 🍆 and to send them some love.
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Missing 🍆
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Again, I love this sexy gremlin so much 😭😭
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Hornee Lan Zhan is adorable.
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And that's it for WangXian's first full papapa scene! There are of course more ppp scenes in the extras chapters of the novel...the most famous of them ofc courtesy of the Incense Burner (WangXian's wonderful adventures in the Library Pavilion and Bichen's amazing journey up Wei Ying's 💮, for example), but again that's not ALL that the extras are about! They're really the happily ever after moments of WangXian and a lot of it is so freaking sweet and romantic! And while their dreamworld sexcapades may get a bit too adventurous for some, they're all bourne from their immense love and healthy lust for each other and we should all hope that we are blessed with what they have. Not to mention, one of the extras even gives us a flashback involving Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang, so again, it's not all just about the sex so don't be misled into skipping them!
Mao Tuan XJJ-laoshi has already illustrated the Incense Burner Library Pavilion scene a while back but I do hope they will continue with illustrating the Gusu Lan banquet extra and all the other extras in this unofficial way. I am deeply saddened that because this is all unofficial we will never see these scenes as a part of the official English release of the manhua, but I hope everyone will still support the Eng volumes by purchasing them, as a way of showing our support for MXTX-laoshi.
To purchase English releases of all of MXTX's novels, go to Sevenseasdanmei.
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dreamsarebutterflies · 4 months
Are you watching the live action Link Click? Thoughts?
Hi Anon! Glad you asked. This review will be spoilers free✨
Link Click is a particular show, very different from everthing I've ever seen. I got warped into the rabbit hole in the matter of 5episodes. The fifth episode being about the earthquake.
As for the live action, the narrative choices (/changes) are so weird to me and the pace is not engaging at all. The acting isn't too bad, but I don't see any chemistry between the actors, which is a shame. To be perfectly honest, I think the scenes are too long and only half of the dialog is useful. As a writer, I don't like the show on its own. It is kinda badly written. Sorry. In my opinion, the most annoying part is Qiao Ling (the acting is off, her job barely brings anything to the story and outside of it, she has no purpose - I only watched 8 episodes though).
There are still interesting plotlines! The whole psychological aspect was surprising. The show literally broke me with CXS's PTSD after the earthquake episode. I didn't realize I needed this. It felt like the fanfictions I read everyday 😂🤌✨ I'm curious about the shrink who took an interest in CXS, and I believe he's played by the most charismatic actor in the show. The second good point is that we don't revisit the same photograph as in the doungha, except for the earthquake arc. Sadly, the "cases" aren't as interesting but it is still worth mentioning. We also get more of LG's background! And finally, the way CXS and LG dive is different. The set where they communicate is a good way to show their shared mindspace.
CXS and LG's relationship is slowly evolving into a caring one and I'm here for it. LG is an asshole and CXS is dumb, though. I don't mean it is a bad thing, but it is still disturbing that they are so out of character? The manhua made LG too sweet but it could easily be explained by his desire to make CXS happy. The doungha and the chibisodes gave them more complex personalities as well while the live action struggles to show them as flesh out characters.
That being said-
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Dear anon, you must know about my headcanon: EVERY DIFFERENT FORMAT/SUPPORT IS A DIFFERENT TIMELINE. Hear me out: the donghua, the manhua, the live action, the musical are all different timelines. The live action being release right before the yingdu chapter is not innocent at all, and it is the rawest version of the story so far.
Take Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's relationship for example. After so long, we have an understanding of Lu Guang's motivations. He knows more than he lets on, and the main reason for that is that he already lived through most of the events we, as viewers, are following. In the live action though, he doesn't understand, nor "like" Cheng Xiaoshi. He wants to test him. It could be the first or the second time Lu Guang is going through the storyline.
If this theory is revealed to be correct, the live action itself could serve as ORIGIN STORY, which would be so cool!
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helenkordart · 6 months
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This was a bit of an insane project! I decided to draw all the designs from the various official arts we have gotten over the years. A bit of an archiving project! I tried to make them as accurate as possible. It involved a lot of guesswork tho, since most of them don′t show the full designs. Let′s just say that only 5 of these (and I mean five figures, not design sets lmao) show any kinds of shoes.
I do love seeing the design elements that carry over between the designs tho. Ququ is a cold boy and has to have some kind of fur or a scarf. Feng-er doesn′t want a speck of dirt to touch him and prefers high collars and bracers and high boots (the boots ARE book canon tho). I also love that there′s only three designs that have Ququ wear some kind of crown, the rest is just ribbons or nothing at all, despite the jade crown being mentioned at least once. Like no, we want the boy to be cozy and prevent headaches...!
Please tell me which designs are your favourite! Mine is the official manhua design, mostly because it′s honestly such a smart design, especially Ququ. Like you can tell the artist looked at Ququ and his specific disabilities and worked from there. Besides the hair ribbon, my favourite small detail is the arm warmers that look like compression gloves used for arthritis 🥹 That one means so much to me. Also the difference in layers between Ququ (I′m cold) and Feng-er (ew no dirt touch me ew). It′s just. So nice 🥹♥️
If you want the corresponding official arts, I′ve posted them in the thread on twitter! Anyway here′s which is which with more commentary lmao sorry I cannot shut up about these so much thought actually went into making them and this is the only place where I can actually talk about them properly 🥹
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The designs from the first discontinued manhua- Some people in the fandom prefer these because they say they feel more adult but no, sorry, sure the art skill might be better but they just. Don′t feel like Fengcuis to me. Like I would′ve learned to love them but I′d never exchange them for the main ones we got. Plus the character designs changed between all the panels, so trying to chase down a specific design was hell. I′m glad Ququ showed up only in one panel so I didn′t have to do that again lmaoo
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The designs from the official manhua- I already explained above why I love them so much. Just. These are THE designs for me. I see these little guys and my heart goes doki doki. If (when) I make lil standees, I′ll very probably use these
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The designs from my favourite of the manhua covers- you don′t understandddddddddddddddddddddddddd I love this cover so much. To say I′m insane about it is an understatement. Just. Look at the cover art. Feng-er staring directly into the camera, challenging. Ququ looking soooo kissable. Their entwined fingers. Ququ wearing a jade bracelet in the colours of Feng-er′s robes. I′m just. Vrrrrrrr bark bark BARK. Also had to make MORE patterns for this one. Still not sure I did it proper justice tho 🥹
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The manhua-canon modern au outfits- I still can′t believe we got a canon modern au where singer-spy Feng-er kidnaps doctor Ququ on a mission-date and has him hold a silly baloon all day and wear a cute little cap with a silly little cockatoo on it and then they wish each other a happy new year during a sunset on top of the ferris wheel AND I′M SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT???????????? Anyway Ququ in his tweed collection is so cute. Mwah. Best boy. Feng-er come on tug on his scarf and kiss him. Do it. Now
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Designs from the covers of the traditional edition- these designs are pretty unique while still feeling in character, which is cool! Ququ is such a fancy lil lad here. And I′m obsessed with his... frog? Mousie? Front clasp. I made it a little fox because of course I did
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Design from the 1st cover of the simplified edition- I don′t have that much to say about these honestly except that they′re very pretty. I love that Feng-er′s top robe is sheer and I love the silver embroidery, even if it took me some time to figure out how tf to draw it
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Design from the 2st cover (Ququ) and 3rd cover (Feng-er) of the simplified edition- that Ququ design drives me crazy. He looks so soft and cozy, you wouldn′t guess that this is the meanest most repressed bitchiest man in all of ye olde Sui dynasty. I want to squeeze him. Cute agression overload. Meanwhile I couldn′t figure out what Feng-er′s belt and hem was doing pattern wise so I just winged it lol.
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Fengcuis cosplaying a married couple with designs from the Thai vol. 1+2 freebie- God. Funniest arc in the entire book. They′re insane. They′re perfect for each other. Peerlessly matched. One day I′ll draw more of unhinged wife Feng-er because seriously. Their idea of heterosexual marriage is SO funny. They′re so real for that. And the og chibi designs are SO cute. Ququ′s sweaty little face. This was your idea gay boy, suffer
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Audio drama designs from first half of season 1- These are so funny bcs the difference of the designs is like. Main covers: beautiful and ethereal. Minisode covers: Ququ is A Tube with a head on top. Slappy fights. Beautiful. No notes. TubeQu is a god′s perfect creature
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Audio drama designs from second half of season 1- I said it before but these just feel too generic to be properly them. While drawing them they did kinda grow on me, at least Feng-er, since his expression is kinda perfectly smug. Im still ehhh on the Ququ tho. He′d look better without the crown.
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Designs from Thai covers 1+2- oh man lol the thai covers. I was joking that I could not save the Feng-er, but he did grow on me. It might be that he looks proper manic with the chibi base I drew 😂 But he′d look so much cuter with bangs. Idk why the artist did him like this. Meanwhile Ququ is the most beautiful man alive. I mean it′s what he deserves, but it′s still very funny. Also LOVE how big and fluffy his collar is.
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Designs from Thai cover 3- besides my other issues with the thai design, the colours on Feng-er just clash lmao I′m sorry, again why did the thai artist have to do him like this 😂 meanwhile the coat on Ququ is not a colour I′ve ever seen him in, but yknow what it works surprisingly well. He continues to be the most beautiful man around. Sorry king is that horrible peacock bothering you
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naehja · 5 months
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You know, i find that interesting that in the donghua, Jin Guangyao has used Nie Huaisang (taken hostage by Su She to the Burial mounds) to capture Lan Xichen and so seal his spiritual power.
Which is 100% In Character: of course Xichen wouldn't dare to do anything and would let himself being captured if Huaisang was JGY's prisonner. Of course, it was the best way to deal with him.
And i love that Huaisang is genuinely pissed about it. Offended in Xichen's name that his kindness has been used against him.
I think that at this point of the Donghua, Huaisang has maybe not thought to use Xichen to gave the final blow to JGY. I think that in all supports, it was a last minute decision, taken in few seconds before doing it.
In the book/manhua/The Untamed, Xichen is captured when he helped Jin Guangyao after the "murder attempt" (probably organised by JGY) and when he has then lowered his defense.
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And i guess JGY did that because he knew that Xichen had doubts about him and capturing him was the best way to deal with him (a important hostage is the best thing that he could have). I bet that Xichen, seeing Jin Guangyao's wound ran to his help and gave him spiritual energy. So he was close, his defense was low and in the perfect position for JGY to seal his spiritual power.
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So because he was "careless" when both his brother and WWX told him to be careful but his kindness is still used against him.
Meanwhile Huaisang is randomly captured (let himself being captured) by Su She after everyone else was already captured.
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chryza · 1 year
I’m super mega not interested in discoursing about this so if you disagree please just scroll but. I suppose people being confused about Rosmontis’ role in Lone Trail is sort of expected given that she is like. Only referenced but she is and has been a Rhine Lab kid from the beginning. I can’t remember if Rhine is mentioned explicitly in her files but I think it’s at least referenced that Loken Watertank was funded by RL, and then of course she does pop up briefly in Dorothy’s Vision, so I for one really enjoyed getting some much needed closure on her story. Besides which. The entire plot of Dorothy’s Vision was predicated on the Rosmontis experiment. So.
As for the argument that it took the place of Ifrit’s character development. I mean sure I would always be down for more Ifrit Screen Time because she is daughter. But to be honest she’s kind of already had that character development I think people wanted off-screen. I see a lot of “well I shouldn’t have to read the manhua to know what’s going on in the story” and that’s fair (even if the manhua is free and is better than like 90% of the VN but whatever) but just going off her module and her oprec it’s clear that she’s growing up fast and developing a strong sense of responsibility. I think she’s forgiven Saria and Silence and she’s too laid back to care about much more, and that in and of itself was a delight to see in Lone Trail. We just happen to be catching the tail end of her character development and I for one felt just as much a proud mama bird as Silence. She got plenty of screen time it just wasn’t…her growing up I guess? But we already have quite a lot of that even without the manhua.
Literally my only Ifrit Complaint was that she didn’t get a confrontation with Parvis, or show any sort of emotional reaction to him being there whatsoever which was. Out of character for sure, thinking about her module. But that was about it, and I still enjoyed the wrap-up with Parvis and Silence. Ifrit is one of my favorite characters and LT got my stamp of approval so do with that what you will.
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nyerus · 6 months
TGCF Audio Drama Season Two Releases on May 26th! 🎉
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I'm a little late to the party, but very happy to share the news that the next season of the marvelous TGCF Audio Drama has been officially announced for May 26th! It will be available on MaoerFM/Missevan just like season one!
The first two episodes will drop simultaneously on May 26th, with the remaining episodes most likely releasing weekly for a total of 18 episodes. We will also get at least 4 mini-theaters (short bonus episodes).
We will have more info soon, so stay tuned for further clarifications! Here's a link to the original announcement on weibo.
There is an official trailer up on MaoerFM to listen to already, and I highly recommend it! Judging by the content of the trailer, season two will cover the first flashback arc, the whole of the Black Water arc, and up to the start of the Mt. Tonglu arc. So that's the entirety of webnovel Book 2, and a significant part of Book 3! (Not to be confused with the volumes of the various translations!)
Please note that the Audio Drama is in Chinese only! It is possible and very easy to listen to it with English MTL subtitles, however, until fan-translations catch up! I don't recommend it for new fans, but fans who have already read the books will likely be just fine after getting a little used to it!
Additionally, unlike the manhua or donghua, the audio drama is based on the revised version of the novel! If you do not know what that is, please check out this post where I've gone over that in more detail.
I have old guide for how to make a MaoerFM account and purchase the AD here. It is still mostly relevant, however there is now the option of using GooglePlay for Android users! This works in the US and many other countries, but of course is going to vary by region.
I also have a guide on how to turn on the MTL subs and how to deal with the barrage/scrolling text on the website here (twitter post).
Hopefully I'll be able to make a new guide soon, but for now these may be of service!
Please do buy and support the Audio Drama if you can! It's made by a very passionate team who have been doing their best to make it a very accurate and faithful adaptation! The voice acting and sound design are absolutely fantastic, and it's super affordable--only a couple of bucks per season! It's possible to pre-purchase the new season already, as well as tip the team directly via the app so please do so! 💖
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veliseraptor · 8 months
February Reading Recap
Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Dederer. I didn't find a whole lot new in this book, as far as thinking through questions of how to deal with art made by people who have done things or hold opinions that one finds morally reprehensible, but it was a well-written and thoughtful probing of the subject nonetheless. I really appreciated the fact that Dederer was comfortable (or, if not comfortable then at least accepting) of coming to a place with no easy answers. rea
Stars of Chaos: vol. 1 by Priest. I'm not sucked into this one yet, but I am intrigued by it enough that I'm going to keep reading. I haven't hooked into the main relationship, and it hasn't had the same level of delightful banter (at least, as yet) that I have enjoyed in other Priest novels I've read, but I do have volume 2 sitting on my shelf and I'm looking forward to reading it.
System Collapse by Martha Wells. I find that I've liked the early Murderbot books a lot more than the later ones, and this one unfortunately continued that trend. I don't think the series has overstayed its welcome for me yet - I'll probably continue to read it, at least for now - but I find myself losing interest.
Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone. I said I was going to reread it and I did! And it didn't blow me away in quite the same way I remember it doing when I read it the first time around several years ago, but I still really enjoyed it, and I enjoyed it enough this time around (and was still compelled enough by the worldbuilding, which I do remember being a big part of what stood out to me), that I plan to reread the rest of the series as well. But while, again, it didn't blow me away the way I remember, I would say that I generally recommend it, particularly as a fantasy that is doing some things different.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Manhua): vol. 5 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. I am only and specifically reading the volumes of the manhua that have Yi City in it, so I'm pretty much exclusively assessing this based on my Yi City feelings. And while overall I feel like the art style isn't working for me in a way that is impacting my ability to really get into it there was at least one panel that really conveyed something and made me Feel Things, so it gets credit for that. I am enjoying the experience of doing Yi City in a whole new format, though, that's enjoyable for the sheer "getting to do Yi City, again, but in a different medium this time" reason.
We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinker. I read this book for a book club I'm in and I found it rather too didactic and the ending a little too pat. The family dynamics were strongly written and I sort of feel like Pinker could've written a stronger book that was just about a family without the part about New and Suspect Technology. I wouldn't even say that I necessarily disagree with the points I think she's making in this book, but I would say that it went a little too hard and a little too obviously on making those points.
Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer. I liked this one and particularly as of the last...idk, five pages or so, I'm so on board for what comes next. I am promised that it gets even weirder and given that it was already fairly weird...I'm fascinated by the worldbuilding here, and the conceit of the Enlightenment-style contrasted with the future setting is a fun one. I'm looking forward to more.
Ring by Koji Suzuki. I was neither scared by this book (though perhaps I was ruined by knowing the whole thing more or less beat for beat) and did not particularly enjoy the experience of reading it, and then the part where Sadako was revealed to be...genderweird? somehow? unclear to me what the author was going for exactly, sort of tanked it for me. I probably will not be reading the rest of the series unless I get truly desperate for horror to read.
Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler. I don't know that I'd say this was the highest quality fantasy I've read recently but it might be the new-to-me one I've liked the best in a while. It was a lot of fun, very fast-moving, and I was intrigued enough by the entire set-up that I pretty much immediately put the second book on hold at the library after finishing this one. Maybe it's just been too long since I read a new-to-me fantasy book that really grabbed me, but I liked this one rather a lot and even if it was maybe more "fun" than "good" I'm still calling that enough to give this one a loose recommendation.
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