#issho meta
ms-all-sunday · 9 months
i got reminded to elaborate on this: "why do i write zoro as blind/has shitty sight but uses observation haki to see " good question! honestly the reason ive never elaborated on this unprompted is the fact i forget its not directly canon.
it explains his directionlessness. i genuinely think its The Joke oda is intending when people make comments about how directionless zoro is because theres a joke in enies lobby that has him miss stairs that are right in front of him and im pretty sure the only explanation for that is his bad eyesight because the entire stairs are the same colour and i believe in the dub thats the explanation for why he couldnt see them? he says "they blended in" or some shit. correct me if im wrong??
zoro is a very intense person and while i think he tends to deny his feelings for a variety of reasons i dont think he doesn't acknowledge them or see them the way some people think he does (internally i mean i think he has an issue with externalizing feelings but he definitely knows what hes feeling) and because of this and the fact i think he is autistic ive always used haki as a way to externalize him having hyper-empathy. (which is often what observation haki is comparable to in a lot of ways i think) it just makes sense for zoros character to have a physical feeling of pain when other people are in pain he's just that type of person and furthers a lot of his themes i think.
the third reason is that this all ties in nicely with a little bow because of issho (my beloved) being his marine parallel and him also being blind and having observation haki to see which is not where i got this idea from (i hced it before then) but it was affirming to see that issho, the marine meant to parallel zoro, ALSO was blind and used observation haki to see.
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toastytoaster22 · 3 years
im always curious about how Teru reacts to no longer being a Hanazawa and instead being a Reigen. Like how does it feel when attendance at school is called and he has new name? When people call him Reigen-Kun? To suddenly having new grandparents and extended family?
Thank you so much for the ask!! These are great questions.
While we got to see Teru really relieved and excited to tell Sora that he was a Reigen, he was so scared of the alternatives to being adopted at the moment that it kind of overrode his previous feelings about it. The relief does fade after a few days, and yeah. Once he saw his new ID card with the actual words “Reigen Teruki” on them, it started to feel weird and real again.
Teru never feels like a “Reigen”. That’s... That’s his dad’s name, and it never truly fits right. Doesn’t flow off the tongue. Definitely feels strange in class, and Teru avoids talking about it for a long time because kids are nosy and are asking why his name changed enough as it is. He goes back and forth between politely declining talking about it and getting really snippy. 
Kids stop asking when Shigeo is around because he keeps pointing out that “That’s a rude thing to ask.” and no one asks when Ritsu is around after he starts matching his brother’s words with an impressively disapproving stare. Teru doesn’t like being asked, but he feels very loved when people defend him. Inukawa brags that he got taken in by a Kung Fu Master who can kick all their asses, and no one really believes him. Teru and Ritsu find that hilarious and happily let the rumor mill run wild. Mob accidentally fuels the confusion when he says it’s true with a completely straight face. 
When it comes to having grandparents... Teru has no idea how to interact with them. He never met his biological grandparents, or at least hasn’t seen them since he awakened, and he doesn’t remember that far back. He wonders once in a while what his parents told them. 
Teru does meet Reigen’s mom and dad, and I WILL WRITE THAT FIC. It’s like. 700 words long right now and good LORD D JKFSJGKSNFKS I need to get back to it. I got really busy in March and life is just starting to slow down. I did some writing the other day, and my creative brain is starting to warm up again.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ISSHO META ASKS!!! I am always happy to go further into Issho thoughts!
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
for want of a heart
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I love Law’s powers for the sense of ridiculous he puts others through. Body realignment. And the conversations those he’s disembodied have.
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But one of his most hardcore powers is Mes—the removal of an enemy’s heart.
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For all that, we’ve yet to see him squeeze a heart (I think. Correct me if I’m wrong). Unlike:
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Note that Caesar is holding what he thinks is Smoker’s heart, and he’s keen to squeeze that too, but he gets distracted by Monet before he can.
Then there’s this scene at the end of Punk Hazard:
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Where again, Caesar thinks he’s ridding the world of Smoker, but it’s Monet who perishes.
Let’s not forget Green Bit:
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Doflamingo assumes it’s Caesar’s heart, but like all of them cannot resist giving it a little
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squeeze, thereby letting us know just how much he actually values Caesar, and incapacitating one of Fujitora’s marines. Law, as we know, is actually keeping Caesar’s heart safe in his own body. 
So, I know I’m soft, and maybe we’ll see Law extract a heart and destroy it in the future, but it’s one of the reasons I believe him when he says things like this:
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Added bonus. Couldn’t find this in the manga, but maybe missed it:
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Cora’s wishes override everything, even if execution is a bit haphazard. At least in my head canons (even if Cora is referring to Dressrosa here—but also referring to the ope-ope’s healing powers, and Law’s doctor blood, really).
Extra added here.
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tangsakura · 2 years
Just Dinner Tonight?: What You Missed On That Hisoka X Machi Scene [A Dialogue Analysis]
+ mini lessons on Japanese language. 
Warnings: if you haven’t read chapter 55 of Hunter x Hunter or watched episode 32 of the anime, then it’s gonna be spoiler so don’t go any further if that's the case; bad grammar; unedited; typos.
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Remember reading the last three panels of this page, or seeing those in the anime? That time when Hisoka asked Machi for dinner.  
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In the official manga and anime translations, they translated these lines as Hisoka asking Machi dinner for the night, but that's not exactly the case. Plus, there’s more implications to his words that had been lost in translation and also difficult to express in English.
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In the official raws, he said the following lines, which were also said in the anime:
「ところでどうだい? 今夜♥ 一緒に食事でも........」
Pronounced as: Tokoro de doo dai? Konya issho ni shookuji demo.....
So the first part (excluding 今夜♥) is translated like this, literally:
"Anyways, how about it? (or 'how about this?')"
One thing that I found fascinating here is that his question ended with dai (だい). This ending is usually used in male speech and/or if the question they're asking is directed towards someone they're close with like friends and family (or some sort, whichever makes them be close or comfortable enough with each other) or anyone younger like children. Or when asking a question to someone informally and you’re, implicitly demanding or asking for an answer to the question; may sound rude especially if you’re not close with them (unless you’re intentionally rude or indicating you’re not close to them). 
I don’t think the purpose of this question is the latter, but the former. For him to use this is like, well for me, breaking a bit of his mask. Showing us how close they are, or at least how much he trusts her. Maybe it's the part of him that wants to deepen their relationship that's peeking through the cracks. Whatever it is, their relationship is clearly not just a shallow, typical give-and-take one. At least, in my opinion, to Hisoka's POV.
Also, I find it funny that in this short scene, he's talking in a more masculine way. I've said before in my Hisoka meta analysis that he speaks in masculine language, but it’s not so masculine and it’s much closer to neutral. But when he transitions the subject from the Phantom Troupe stuff to this invitation, he started off strong, in a much more masculine manner than the usual. To think that he’d be more manly in asking her. Because he can just end the sentence with どう and it will still retain the same translation. 
Bonus points for the heart. He’s really presenting himself as excited or thrilled for his proposition to her for that night. 
(You can take a break here. Resume your reading when you’re ready.)
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The words on the second part, just before Machi slammed the door on him, literally translates to:
今夜♥ - tonight ♥  
一緒に - together
食事でも - a meal or something
You would’ve heard this by now that Japanese verbs normally goes at the end. Sometimes they are omitted, but those who know Japanese can infer what the ending is based on context.
So if Machi didn’t shut the door on him, the sentence might’ve ended like this.
今夜♥ 一緒に食事でも【しようか? ♥】
今夜♥ 一緒に食事でも【するか? ♥】
It can also end with the same verbs, but without the か and the question mark. The verb can also be conjugated differently, depending on how Hisoka wanted to present himself to her, his mood, or whatever the variables he’s considering that are present in that scene. (obviously the heart will be at the end cuz he ‘likes’ her)
So the possible full literal translation could be:
“Tonight ♥ [Let’s have] a meal together or something.”
“Tonight ♥ [Shall we have] a meal together or something.”
“Tonight ♥ [We should have] a meal together or something.”
And so on and so forth, depending on the verb conjugation.
But the main message is that he’s inviting her “to have dinner or something tonight”. Because of the formatting the translations team has to take into account and also the size of the speech bubbles in the panels, the proofreader and the quality checkers/control people had to make sure to rephrase the translation until they can perfectly fit it inside the bubble as they desired. 
So, we get: “How about dinner......?” in a nice format.
They’re not completely wrong. Hisoka did ask Machi to have a meal with him that night, but there’s also implications in that sentence that are lost in translation.
Allow me to explain that “or something” in my full literal translations previously.
So if Hisoka is just asking Machi to have a meal with him tonight, it would look like this instead:
「今夜♥ 一緒に食事を........」(Konya issho ni shookuji o......)
But we have でも beside 食事. でも means ‘but’ in English, but it can also be used as a particle to indicate open options.
So let’s say, you want to ask a friend to go out for a drink at Starbucks, you can say:
「スタバにコーヒーでも飲みに行こうか?」ー Should (or ‘Shall’) we go to Starbucks to drink coffee (or something else).
If you put を instead of でも, you’re only limiting yourselves to having coffee when you go to Starbucks for a drink. By using でも, you are not limiting yourselves to just coffee. If you change your mind or find something better, you can get other drinks like a frappuccino, iced tea, or whatever it is.
So Hisoka is inviting Machi to dinner, but he’s also open to doing other options should any of them find anything better than having a meal or change their mind about eating dinner for the night. Well, if they’re just gonna be in Hisoka’s room the whole night, then there’s just a couple options available to them if they don’t wanna eat....... and we should know what those are by now. And this is where the famous unofficial translation of the scene came from. You know, the translation when Hisoka asked Machi to spend the night with him directly.
What made me laugh with this 「今夜♥ 一緒に食事でも........」is that it’s so indirect. Like we know Hisoka is straightforward. He literally and directly would state his intentions, especially to those he wanted to fight. Unless it would get in his way or something, then he will lie or come up with a white lie. He’s even not scared of doing the taboo, like the infamous r*pe sign he did when he asked Illumi if he could go after Killua to ‘kill’ him. 
But this time he was asking it like normal guy to someone he’s in some sort of relationship with.......... Also, he looks like a shy guy asking this type of question, but this might just be me. Like where’s the bold Hisoka I know? Whomst. But then again, that might just be censorship done since it’s a shounen series......
Also this man staring at the door for moments after Machi slammed the door on him...... Poor boy.
Anyways, that’s the end of this analysis post. Let me know what you think of it. I would love to hear your opinions. As usual, I will answer comments or stuff when I am in the mood.
Until next time.
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
Sorry if you've been asked this before, but where do you read the most accurate (in your opinion) translations of hxh manga online?
hello !! it’s a tough question HAHA because fanlation and official translation both have their strength and weaknesses, it depends on what you’re looking for. 
When I do research for meta, I use fanlation, because they’re usually closer to the real japanese text and don’t twist words. Sadly, the official translation from Viz has a real problem with “no-homoing” the manga, they took a shitton of liberty with a few sentences that had gay subtext (like the lovers suicide line that completely lost its meaning in translation) - so that’s why if you want to do a comprehensive, in depth reading of HxH i recommend the fanlation. I read it here, but keep in mind that the quality is not that great and that sometimes there are some translation mistakes.
But if you want to just enjoy the manga in good quality and with relatively good translation, i recommend the official Viz translation that you can find here. It’s not the most accurate translation PER SE because they take a lot of liberties with the original text (see example below) but it’s nice if you want to enjoy the manga in good quality.
Here’s my problem with the Viz translation, they take a lot of liberties with the text :
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Viz translation (left) makes it seem like Killua is very dismissive of a pleading Gon, it makes it look like Gon is the one begging Killua to go on top of the World Tree to meet Ging, and Killua is like “nah sorry bro” which is just. Not what happens at all. If you check the original japanese, Killua says “hontou wa issho ni ikitai kedo Alluka iru (...)” which literally means “I really want to go with you, but Alluka’s here(...)”  - so here, the fanlation (middle picture) is more accurate than Viz’s. Viz makes the situation seem way more tense than it is, and that Killua is straight up refusing Gon’s offer in a rude way, while in reality, he’s the one bringing up the fact that he really wants to go with Gon but that he can’t because of Alluka. 
It doesn’t seem to make THAT much of a difference, but when you do some character analysis/metas it’s a huge deal. There’s a big difference in meaning between Gon saying “wish you could go, i want you to come with me” with Killua being like “no.” and Gon just not saying anything, Killua being the one that brings up the subject, saying that he wants to come with Gon but he can’t. 
Ok I’m sorry this turned into an essay HAHAHA but !! if you want accurate translations - fanlation is the way to go. If you want to read for fun, I recommend Viz.
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idolish7-es · 7 years
Click en “Seguir leyendo” para la letra y traducción~
Thank You For Your Everyday ¡Gracias por todos estos días! Thank You For Your Everything ¡Gracias por todo!
声にするたび踊り出す 気持ちはなんだろう? Koe ni suru tabi odori dasu Kimochi wa nandarou? ¿Qué es este sentimiento que me hace bailar cada vez que canto?
離れていると寂しくて すぐに会いたくて Hanarete iru to samishikute Sugu ni aitakute Cada vez que nos separamos, me siento solo, ¡quiero verte pronto!
ひとりでにでも走り出す ワンパクの夢さ Hitori de ni demo hashiri dasu wanpaku no yume sa Por si solo, este sueño travieso empieza a correr
君の元へと じっとなんてしてらんないよ! Kimi no moto e to jitto nante shite rannai yo! en tu dirección, ¡y no se detendrá!
大切なことを気づかずに Taisetsu na koto wo kizukazu ni Sin darnos cuenta de lo que es verdaderamente importante
背中向けた日もあったけど Senaka muketa hi mo atta kedo o dándole la espalda, hubieron días así, pero
Jump! Jump! トビラあけるように Jump! Jump! Tobira akeru you ni ¡Salta! ¡Salta! Como abriendo una puerta
Dong! Dong! 進めばいいじゃんか Dong! Dong! Susumeba ii janka ¡Dong! ¡Dong! Sigamos adelante
Yes! Yes! 僕らの原点は Yes! Yes! Bokura no genten wa ¡Sí! ¡Sí! Después de todo, siempre empezamos
こういう情熱だよ! Kou iu jounetsu dayo! ¡Desde este tipo de pasión!
さぁ! Make It Now Make It Now! Saa! Make It Now Make It Now! ¡Vamos, hazlo, hazlo!
まだまだ のぼるんだ (Next Stage) Mada mada Noborunda (Next Stage) ¡Todavía podemos subir más alto! (Next Stage)
いつも見ていてくれたよね(Always Shining=Happiest!) Itsumo miteite kureta yone (Always Shining=Happiest!) Siempre has estado observándonos (¡Siempre brillando, más feliz!)
そう! Lucky Now Lucky Now! Sou! Lucky Now Lucky Now! ¡Sí! ¡Suerte, suerte!
この胸 あふれてる (Thank You) Kono mune Afureteru (Thank You) Nuestros corazones están rebosantes de (Gracias)
伝えたいのは まさしく Tsutaetai no wa Masashiku Y a quien queremos expresarselo sin dudas
君だから Kimi dakara es a ti.
夢中になって練習して 上手に出来た日は Muchuu ni natte renshuu shite Jouzu ni dekita hi wa En los días que estamos absortos y practicamos hasta hacerlo bien
寝れないくらい嬉しくて もっと踊りたいよ! Nerenai kurai ureshikute Motto odoritai yo! ¡Nos alegramos tanto que no podemos dormir! ¡Quiero bailar más!
重ねていくのさ よろこびを Kasanete iku no sa Yorokobi wo Estas alegrías continuarán acumulándose
夢ある人生は輝く! Yume aru jinsei wa kagayaku! ¡Una vida llena de sueños brilla!
Bang! Bang! 目標こえてこう Bang! Bang! Mokuhyou koete kou ¡Bang! ¡Bang! Alcancemos nuestras metas
Sun! Sun! 照らせよ 容赦なく Sun! Sun! Terase yo Yousha naku ¡Sol! ¡Sol! Brilla sobre nosotros con todas tus fuerzas
Yes! Yes! 僕らの頂点は Yes! Yes! Bokura no chouten wa ¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡Siempre hemos tenido
こういうアツさだよ! Kou iu atsusa dayo! este tipo de pasión ardiente!
さぁ! Make It Now Make It Now! Saa! Make It Now Make It Now! ¡Ahora, hazlo, hazlo!
ここから 本当の (Next Stage) Koko kara Hontou no (Next Stage) A partir de ahora empieza el verdadero (Next Stage)
いつも笑ってほしいんだ(Always Smiling=Happiest!) Itsumo waratte hoshiinda (Always Smiling=Happiest!) ¡Queremos que siempre sonrías! (¡Siempre sonriendo, más feliz!)
そう! Lucky Now Lucky Now! Sou! Lucky Now Lucky Now! ¡Sí, suerte, suerte!
こころが 叫んでる (Heart Dance!) Kokoro ga Sakenderu (Heart Dance!) ¡Nuestros corazones gritan! (Heart Dance!)
届けたいのは まさしく Todoketai no wa Masashiku Y queremos que llegue, sin ninguna duda,
君だから Kimi dakara a ti.
Thank You For Your Everyday ¡Gracias por todos estos días! Thank You For Your Everything!! ¡Gracias por todo!
さぁ! Make It Now Make It Now! Saa! Make It Now Make It Now! ¡Vamos, hazlo, hazlo!
まだまだ のぼるんだ (Next Stage) Mada mada Noborunda (Next Stage) ¡Todavía podemos subir más alto! (Next Stage)
いつも見ていてくれたよね(Always Shining=Happiest!) Itsumo miteite kureta yone (Always Shining=Happiest!) Siempre has estado observándonos (¡Siempre brillando, más feliz!)
そう! Lucky Now Lucky Now! Sou! Lucky Now Lucky Now! ¡Sí! ¡Suerte, suerte!
この胸 あふれてる (Thank You) Kono mune Afureteru (Thank You) Nuestros corazones están rebosantes de (Gracias)
伝えたいから一緒に… Tsutaetai kara issho ni… Juntos, queremos decírtelo...
さぁ! Make It Now Make It Now! Saa! Make It Now Make It Now! ¡Ahora, hazlo, hazlo!
ここから 本当の (Next Stage) Koko kara Hontou no (Next Stage) A partir de ahora empieza el verdadero (Next Stage)
いつも笑ってほしいんだ(Always Smiling=Happiest!) Itsumo waratte hoshiinda (Always Smiling=Happiest!) ¡Queremos que siempre sonrías! (¡Siempre sonriendo, más feliz!)
そう! Lucky Now Lucky Now! Sou! Lucky Now Lucky Now! ¡Sí, suerte, suerte!
こころが 叫んでる (Heart Dance!) Kokoro ga Sakenderu (Heart Dance!) ¡Nuestros corazones gritan! (Heart Dance!)
届けたいのは まさしく君だからね Todoketai no wa Masashiku kimi dakara ne Y queremos que llegue a ti, sin ninguna duda
これからも手をつないでさ Kore kara mo te wo tsunaide sa ¡Así que, de ahora en adelante, sigamos tomados de la mano!
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triviapw · 5 years
One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 recebe trailers destacando Doflamingo e Issho
One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 recebe trailers destacando Doflamingo e Issho
A Bandai Namco segue promovendo One Piece Pirate Warriors 4. Dessa vez, a publisher divulgou dois trailers para destacar as técnicas de combate de Donquixote Doflamingo e Issho (Fujitora). O vilão usa seus fios cortantes para dizimar os adversários. Já o almirante da marinha se aproveita das propriedades de sua Fruta do Demônio para controlar a gravidade e arremessar meteoros.
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tetrix-anime · 7 years
Tsugumomo OP (Band Ja Naimon! / METAMORISER)
doko ni itai?  koko ni itai! kotae wa kikanakute mo shitteta
tachiagare  kikkake nante chiisaku tte kamawan yo (sou!) yuuki nante sonna mon sa hitsuyou dakara waite shimau kanji sono uchi ni taisetsu na no wa dare katte ki ga tsuita (yoshi!) mamorunda  hitori ja dekinai koto wa kimira to issho ni
tsurai mirai Nonsense  hoshigari wa Nonstop jaa tanjun de meikai  kesshin  kesshin Go the way chikyuu mo uchuu mo mugendai  maru tto shuchuu ni shichatte mada tsuyoku nareru kokoro mo karada mo
kawari nagara kawaranai atsuku natteku natteku nigerarenai kono omoi junchou ni APPUDEETO da ne tamera tte rarenai yo  me no mae de ashita e no tobira ga hirakisou da
doko ni itai?  koko ni itai! minna ga omotteru kara  seeno de kotae wa onaji  kotae wa onaji tsunagari wa keshitakunainda uketotte?  uketotta! kizuna  kamigakari sugite chotto yabai hora namida ga koboresou na toki wa  sotto fuite ageru yo (Thank you) doko ni itai?  koko ni itai! kotae wa issho dakara  dakara makenai yo (yossha-!!)
furimukanai  yowaki na toki wa donden kaeshi neraou ze (ussu!) genki dashite tonjaunda sora ga wari to chikai ki ga suru yone sorenari wa monotarinai yo  zenryoku tte iitai jan? (ou!) ganbarunda  kousoku de yaritai koto e chikazukou issho ni
hawawa  kitaze Pin spot  bokutachi ga Main cast sokudan de sokketsu  isshin  isshin make a day kawaritaku natte kawatta! zentotanan demo joutou! iza mezashitaru wa kanzen de muketsu tsukamitakute tsukamenai itsuka zettai zettai kono te ga kanata e todoku sonzai ga SENSEESHONARU minogashicha ikenai yo  yume datte warawareta nozomi mo kanaisou da
dare to itai?  kimi to itai! yorokobi kanashimi subete gyutto sa dakishimete mite  dakishimete mite tsunagaru kara METAMORISER!! hirogatte?  hirogatta! sekai wa kimira o zutto matteta yo nara enryo wa shinai de dokomade mo  ikizama kizamitagare (Let's go) dare to itai?  kimi to itai! dakishimete mite  boku o  kimi o
METAMORU ze META-METAMORU ze ikioi de itte kamawan yo yuuki nante sonna mon sa hitsuyo sugite afurechimau kanji?
itten  kanashiku natte iratsuichatte kenka shichatte mo sugu ni ryoute tsunaide  nee, waraou! kore ga yuiitsumuni densetsu ippeejime tsunagatte, uketotte, hirogatta! koko kara da  mada METAMORU ze META-METAMORU ze boku to kimi to de GO!
doko ni itai?  koko ni itai! kotae wa kikanakute mo shitteta
doko ni itai?  koko ni itai! minna ga omotteru kara  seeno de kotae wa onaji  kotae wa onaji tsunagari wa keshitakunainda uketotte?  uketotta! kizuna  kamigakari sugite chotto yabai hora namida ga koboresou na toki wa  sotto fuite ageru yo (Thank you) doko ni itai?  koko ni itai! kotae wa issho dakara  dakara makenai yo (yossha-!!)
どこにいたい? ここにいたい! 答えは訊かなくても知ってた
立ち上がれ きっかけなんて小さくって構わんよ(そう!) 勇気なんてそんなもんさ 必要だから湧いてしまう感じ そのうちに大切なのは誰かって気がついた(よし!) 守るんだ 一人じゃできないことは君らと一緒に
つらい未来 Nonsense 欲しがりは Nonstop じゃあ単純で明快 決心 決心 Go the way 地球も宇宙も無限大 まるっと手中にしちゃって まだ強くなれるココロもカラダも
変わりながら変わらない 熱くなってくなってく逃げられないこの想い 順調にアップデートだね ためらってられないよ 目の前で明日への扉が開きそうだ
どこにいたい? ここにいたい! みんなが想ってるから せーので 答えはおなじ 答えはおなじ つながりは消したくないんだ 受けとって? 受けとった! 絆 神がかり過ぎてちょっとやばい ほら涙がこぼれそうな時は そっと拭いてあげるよ(Thank you) どこにいたい? ここにいたい! 答えは一緒だから だから負けないよ(よっしゃー!!)
振り向かない 弱気な時はドンデン返し狙おうぜ(うっす!) 元気だして跳んじゃうんだ 空がわりと近い気がするよね それなりは物足りないよ 全力って言いたいじゃん?(おう!) 頑張るんだ 光速でやりたいことへ近づこう一緒に
はわわ 来たぜPin spot 僕たちがMain cast 即断で即決 一新 一新 make a day 変わりたくなって変わった!前途多難でも上等! いざ目指したるは完全で無欠 つかみたくてつかめない いつか絶対ゼッタイこの手が彼方へ届く 存在がセンセーショナル 見逃しちゃいけないよ 夢だって笑われた望みも叶いそうだ
誰といたい? 君といたい! 喜び悲しみすべてギュッとさ 抱きしめてみて 抱きしめてみて つながるから METAMORISER!! 広がって? 広がった! セカイは君らをずっと待ってたよ なら遠慮はしないでどこまでも 生きザマ刻みたがれ(Let's go) 誰といたい? 君といたい! 抱きしめてみて 僕を 君を
METAMOるぜ META-METAMOるぜ 勢いでいって構わんよ 勇気なんてそんなもんさ 必要過ぎて溢れちまう感じ?
一転 悲しくなってイラついちゃってケンカしちゃっても すぐに両手繋いで ねえ、笑おう! これが唯一無二伝説1ページ目 つながって、受け取って、広がった! ここからだ まだMETAMOるぜ META-METAMOるぜ 僕と君とでGO!
どこにいたい? ここにいたい! 答えは訊かなくても知ってた
どこにいたい? ここにいたい! みんなが想ってるから せーので 答えはおなじ 答えはおなじ つながりは消したくないんだ 受けとって? 受けとった! 絆 神がかり過ぎてちょっとやばい ほら涙がこぼれそうな時は そっと拭いてあげるよ(Thank you) どこにいたい? ここにいたい! 答えは一緒だから だから負けないよ(よっしゃー!!)
Spring 2017 Anime Song Lyrics (PDF): www.mediafire.com/file/1ivs3ph9i9c3022
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
I have been wanting to unleash this for weeks. Some of it for months. Please enjoy a butt-ton of meta, symbolism, character arcs, and foreshadowing.
Character Development:
Teru’s character development arcs directly relate to his relationship with adults and is in three (nearly equal, holy crap) sections.
1. Unstable (1-6): Teru’s parents are inconsistent, he fears what will happen if other adults find out what he is doing, and he does not 100% trust any adult in the fic. He likes Saburo and Mayuko a lot, but he doesn’t tell them much. 
2. Tentative/Growing/Healing (7-14): Teru is learning to trust in Reigen and be more open about his feeling and experiences. He starts really relying on Reigen to help him, and Reigen listens and responds, and that becomes a pattern he can rely on. Opening up brings up a lot of things he would rather not think of, but the corresponding talks he has with Reigen are very important to his understanding of what has happened to him.
3. Reliable/Solid (15-22): Teru and Reigen are on the same page. Rock Solid. Teru knows Reigen loves him, and knows that he would do anything to protect him. Reigen doesn’t have to worry if Teru is bottling things up anymore. Their communication is quite good, and their bonding is more in fun things and spending time together than in tough conversations. 
I Love You
Teru and Reigen say “I love you” to each other a few times throughout the later chapters, and I was very picky with when and why and how each time would be said and responded to. “I love you” has always been more about Reigen than Teru in my heart.
Teru says it first, in a moment of relief and absolute exhaustion. Reigen does not verbally respond, taken aback and not used to hearing such a sentiment out loud. His family was not one to say things like that. He does hug Teru tighter, and Teru takes that as a positive answer.
The second time Teru says it is a question. “Would you still love me if...?” He’s hurt and tired, and scared of what he has to tell Reigen, but he is confident enough to verbalize the need for reassurance. This is the first time Reigen says it out loud, but he can’t get it out right away and he can’t look at Teru when he says it.
Strawberry Milk has an interesting little moment when Teru is sick and miserable and actually crying about his mom for once, and says he loves Reigen. Reigen is too angry about what Teru just revealed to respond.
Chapter 17 is a special case: The next time is a question again, but it’s also a joke. The lightheartedness of the question combined with Teru and Reigen not quite looking at each other makes it easier for Reigen to respond and say he loves Teru. AND THEN. Then at the end of the chapter we get THE ONE TIME that Reigen says it first. THE ONE TIME Reigen says it and Teru DOESN’T. When Reigen asks if he can adopt Teru he says he loves Teru, asks if Teru knows that for real. Reigen isn’t playing around anymore. He is scared and he isn’t ready for this, but he IS going to do everything he can for Teru. Teru is too overwhelmed to say it back.
In the last chapter we finally get the most even “I love you” possible. Teru initiates, and Reigen does not hesitate. Reigen has moved beyond his own family induced hangups around saying it. He is Teru’s dad now and they can have their own little family that says things like that, bc they are important.
Being in Each Other’s Space
This is SUCH a small thing, but Issho is all about the little things. So. 
-In chapter 4 when Teru is finally getting all the attention he wants from his mom, I gave this interesting little line:
He stuck to his mother’s side like glue and didn’t complain when she accidentally kept bumping him with her elbow. 
Teru and his mother are completely out of sync. There is a mention of her bumping him. Of stepping on each other’s toes. The feeling of wanting to be close and having no idea how to do so.
-But with Reigen, we get moments like this, in chapter 20:
 His foster dad lifted an elbow in invitation and Teru folded himself into Reigen’s side seamlessly. Reigen didn’t stop his stream of texting.
Seamless. Teru and Reigen know how to be in each other’s space. How to curl close and not be clumsy or accidentally hurting each other. It’s such a small thing, but it was Incredibly Intentional.
Most of the foreshadowing in Issho is actually stuff that Reigen says :D The two biggest ones are these:
Chapter 12: “Kid, I would run someone over with my car before I let Claw take you, you hear me?”
He’s being ridiculous, but three chapters later he nails Ishiguro and we all jumped for joy.
Chapter 16:  “I don’t have psychic powers, Teru. You know I can’t fight for you.”
Reigen is stricken, and feeling helpless and useless. He can only do so much. He isn’t an esper. He can’t fight Teru’s enemies for him, and Teru is okay with that. And then when things go bad, suddenly, for the first time ever, Reigen has the power to do exactly what Teru NEVER ASKED OF HIM.
“It’s alright, Teru. Let the 21st Century’s Greatest Psychic do the fighting for once, okay?”
Okay, I have like 3 trillion more things, but I will come back and do more tomorrow!!!
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
MORE ISSHO META UNDER THE CUT bc somehow @babovens isn’t sick of me yet :D (definitely spoilers. discussing events of chapters 20+21)
Holy crapola, SO. I am finally going to give my breakdown of one of my favorite moments in Issho. I feel like my thoughts on the scene were much more organized back when I was writing it, but here goes. The scene that I layered like a goddamn onion:
Teru and The Knives
On the surface, the scene where Shimazaki throws Teru into that kitchen supply store looks like a fun nod to canon. And it is. The image of Teru surrounded by knives is one we all know (and probably love in a twisted way). It was something I always wanted to get into the story somehow, and I am overjoyed that I was able to place it at such a pivotal point.
Something I really wanted to explore in Issho was “What would Teru be like if he got all the same lessons that Mob did in canon?” And this scene wrapped it up so perfectly.
-In canon, Teru brandishes the knives but HE is the one to get “hurt”. He’s self centered, and his own malicious actions rebound. Mob isn’t even a threat, but he attacks anyway. In Issho, Shimazaki is a very real threat and Teru is in dire straights. He does not actively seek out the knives, but they are there and he can use them, which makes his following actions all the more meaningful. He does not go through with it. Teru drops the knives and nothing comes of them.
-Instead of thinking about himself, Teru is thinking of Shou. Of the people on the street. Is he hurt? What if Teru hurt someone else? By being present for the events of chapter 5 and Shigeo’s first explosion, something monumental has changed in Teru’s character. Not only can he afford to think of others, but he has a profound fear and respect for another Issho theme: ACCIDENTS.
-Unlike in canon, Issho Reigen actually had some context for when he talked to Mob (and indirectly, Teru) about using your powers responsibly. And he introduced the idea that not only can bad things happen if you point your powers at a person, but accidents can happen even if you don’t. Teru and Mob NEEDED this. Both of them blamed themselves for what happened to Ritsu. Someone had to explain to them that accidents happen and yes, while there are consequences, we can move on and learn how to get ourselves OUT OF SITUATIONS WHERE ACCIDENTS ARE MORE PRONE TO HAPPEN.
-Teru is in huge danger with Shimazaki. He is in a position where HUGE accidents could happen, and the knives, the direct parallel to what Reigen was talking about, is what reminds Teru that there are others around him. That while Teru is the “main character” in trouble here, all those people he ran by on the street are real, live people with their own families. He’s not better than them. People are just people, and how terrible would Teru feel later if he got a bunch of people hurt? He’s seen what hurt people look like. They all look like Ritsu in his head.
-So Teru chooses something else. He drops the knives and he tries to leave the situation. You know. Because IT’S OKAY TO RUN AWAY WHEN THINGS GET BAD.
I feel like I could have explained all that better, but ah well.
While it’s great to see Teru learn Mob’s lessons, let’s see what happens when...
Reigen Exemplifies Mob’s Canon Lessons:
Not going to lie, I had an absolute BLAST writing Reigen with Mob’s powers. Not only was it a fantastic callback to the end of season one, but it really hammered in the lesson that unfortunately, I feel canon fell through with. 
That sometimes you need to leave things to the adults.
Issho Reigen is quite a bit different than canon Reigen, especially by this point in the story. He’s had no choice but to grow up quickly to help Teru. And one of my proudest moments was figuring out that I could include THREE of Mob’s canon lines/thoughts/messages in a very short period of time. And that Reigen could be the one to express them. 
Mogami could not and would not ever fit into the Issho timeline, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to leave its themes out entirely.
Reigen pushed Suzuki back and marveled at the ease of it. He could lift skyscrapers. He could uproot the entire mountain if he so wished. Mob’s powers weren’t a hurricane, they were an entire universe.
Reigen could do anything.
And Suzuki was putting that kind of unfathomable energy into hurting people. Into facilitating kidnapping and torture and brainwashing.
A sound made its way past Reigen’s lips. A harsh noise saturated with disbelief and distain.
Suzuki crowed. “Are you laughing? Are you getting a taste for how exhilarating this power is? You won’t want to give it back now that you’ve experienced what it’s like to be more than human!”
Reigen narrowed his eyes, fists clenched at his sides.
“I did not laugh, you sick fuck.”
He didn’t wait to see Suzuki’s reaction, grabbing the man by the jacket and burying a knee in his stomach. Followed it up by whipping around and throwing him as far from the base as he could.
If Suzuki was going to use his powers to do terrible things, then Reigen was going to use Mob’s to save people.
Reigen is doing so much more than “using Mob’s powers” here. He is stepping up when all other adults could not. He is protecting the people important to him. He is confronting Toichiro in a way canon Mob could not: emotionally STABLE. He is upset, sure. Of course he is. He’s furious. But he is not out of control. He is not emotionally all over the place the way Mob was. He is angry and focused and mature.
He takes on Toichiro in a way a child could not. And that’s what makes the difference. 
The more canon things I could tie into Issho, the better. Canon is incredible, and I didn’t want to miss out on the important messages just because the general circumstances of the story had shifted.
I feel like I have more but they slipped away from me. I’ll be back :D
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
What a great reaction to me exploring why Reigen has a hard time saying “I love you” back to Teru in Issho.
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toastytoaster22 · 3 years
4, 17, and 20 for the asks :D
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Oh man. I have a lot. I've written so much in the past three years and with each new project I'd like to think I improve, so I get more fun lines that I really like. Most of my favorites come with evoking really intense or specific emotions :D
I'll grab a couple if that's okay. (and some of these are more than one line bc they all are lovely together)
From Issho:
Teru shrugged, tightening his grip on her shirt before letting go and pulling away. His gaze lingered on one of her hands though, and he wondered if he was being a baby for suddenly wanting to hold it. No one would try to take him right out from under Mrs. Kageyama’s nose but the appeal of the extra assurance, of the connection, was tempting. His stomach cramped with longing.
His mother hadn’t so much as touched him this morning. She was a ghost in their own home, drifting around and staring sightlessly at the debris littering the floor.
The wind picked up as they made their way to the train station, the streetlamps illuminating the flakes streaking sideways beneath them.
Shimazaki popped it with a swipe of his leg and stood back. He looked down at the fading wisps of color and then towards Teru. Understanding dawned over his features. Whatever it was brought a frightening grin to Shimazaki’s face.
“Oh? Well isn’t that interesting? Not just any parasite, huh? I’ve never personally visited the Seventh Division, but there isn’t a single person in the upper echelon who hasn’t heard of a certain. Someone. Named. Hanazawa.”
Shimazaki took a step closer with each word. He stepped into the light of a hotel and his shadow fell over Teru.
The trail wove through the trees, sporadic puddles mirroring the canopy and the sky above. Teru avoided stepping too close and disturbing them. He had the oddest feeling that if he wasn’t on stable ground, he’d slip through to somewhere Reigen couldn’t follow.
The fog shifted and thinned, and through it, huge forms took shape. Glossy mounds of black stone, warped like the bones of the earth peeking through a wound.
It was a gradual change when the ground tilted. The path remained flat, but the earth slanted around them. Large swaths of the undergrowth had sloughed away from the hill and beneath was nothing but steeply angled stone.
Smooth. Dark.
Teru shouldn’t look at it.
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Oh, this is a really cool one! For the most part I think my readers have a pretty good idea of my motivations. I write what I want to read! But I do think that there's likely a misconception out there haha, Devi talks about it all the time when we edit together.
I write some really deep emotional trauma. PTSD in detail, the slow, non-linear recovery, struggling with shame and guilt and not liking yourself. From the thoroughness of some of my descriptions and the realistic feelings my characters go through, I expect to some degree that my readers think I've experienced this process firsthand.
I have not. I've done extensive research on childhood development, taken courses on how trauma manifests in different children at different ages, the right and wrong ways to address issues, Japan's child welfare systems (as well as the US and China's), and spoken to a few people who have master's degrees in Children's Psychology and are active school therapists.
I have worked with hundreds of children myself and have a strong connection to children's (and adults!) emotions and how they react to life events. I am happy to say that I haven't experienced much trauma in my life (not nearly on the scales that I depict at least, life is rough for everyone in different ways).
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Damn, I really wish I had more time (I'm on a work break right now haha) bc I would go ham on this if I could. My first instinct is to scream to the high heavens about Nightjar, but i won't because spoilers.
Okay, quickly!!
Issho meta:
-Mayuko has a picture of Teru asleep on the couch with his arm burned from chapter 5. Keeps the photo in case the police ever need it for evidence. When the police DO ask for photos in chapter 19 when he goes missing, she does not give them the picture bc "its too old" AKA, he's grown a lot and cut and dyed his hair so the photo is useless as a current reference. I have a whole post about this somewhere, but I'd have to dig it up. -Reigen spends an ungodly amount of time researching how to raise a kid and gets sucked into threads in online group chats that are entirely unhelpful. Bad habit. -The sweatshirt from the beach is Reigen's from high school! It was cheaply made and the writing peeled off a while ago. It's the old fashioned kind. No pockets. Not a hoodie. Just a worn out grey blob with saggy sleeves. -Daigo is a distant relative of Mezato's! Her mom's cousin's wife or something. Hopefully some day I will get around to the fic that has Mezato in it! -Reigen and Teru have been to a lot of therapy, but are mostly done with the major parts by the time Somersaults rolls around. Resonate might change that haha
Resonate meta:
-The new chapter includes a reference to Issho chapter 6! Teru's father explains what happened when Teru first awakened, and in Resonate chapter 5 when Mogami's world cracks and Teru gets his powers back, he remembers it for real.
Post Manga TeruMob Meta:
-Teru and Mob WILL end up with a third kid if I EVER GET BACK TO WRITING THAT. I have at least 4 fics in a waiting list but Nightjar just knocked me like 2 years back on them. -Nobody in the world was ever going to ask, but Mihoko is a gigantic lesbian. Just. GIrls. GiRLs. They're so Pretty! She's definitely going to have crushes like wildfire and her tastes are all over the place.
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
Issho thought that made me really sad: Reigen doesn’t have any of Terus baby photos.
Allow me to make you even sadder: The only photos of Teru between ages 3 and almost 10 were taken by his school. Or by the police/children’s services. 
Except for two.
One of those was taken by Claw. Right in the beginning when they claimed him as a target.
The other photo was taken by Mayuko. If you recall in chapter 19, the police officers ask for photos of Teru, and while Shigeo is a darling and offers his whole phone full of selfies Teru took... Mayuko’s reaction is this:
“I only have one…” Mayuko said in a hush. She glanced at Reigen worriedly. “But it won’t work. It’s too old.”
It’s true. The photo she has of him is from before he cut his hair. Before it was blond. The photo Mayuko took of him was from CHAPTER 5.
After she got Teru all fixed up on the couch with a new shirt, and burn cream, and some strawberry milk, and a movie, Mayuko sat on the stairs out of view of the kids and cried. And then she pulled herself together and asked her boys to go get something for her. And once they were gone she made sure Teru was asleep, and then she used her nice camera to take a picture. 
One photo of Teru. One photo of Teru at nine years old, pale and exhausted, with his arm propped up on a pillow and that hideous handprint shaped burn on display. She took it for evidence. Took it because she knew the police hadn’t been informed. If they had, Teru would have gotten more formal medical care, so there was no way. She had it printed twice. Dated with an explanation on the back handwritten in shaky pen. 
One copy went along with her negligence report. One copy stayed in an envelope in the back of one of her drawers, just in case.
Now the good news is that after age 10ish, there are tons of pictures of Teru. Of Teru and Shigeo. Of Teru and Shigeo and Ritsu and Shou. Of Teru and Reigen making horrible faces at the camera. At the beach. At the park. At birthday parties and school events and anywhere and everywhere else pictures should be taken.
There’s no baby pictures, but that’s okay. He looks so much happier in these ones anyway.
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
MORE ISSHO META FOR @babovens <3 
Again, under the cut for spoilers.
The stinker who yells at Teru for being loud in the movie theater in chapter 16 is none other than Jodo. I cannot stand that man. He can shut the hell up.
In chapter 16 Inukawa talks about his cousin who goes to a high school where there is a film club. I absolutely meant Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken.
In chapter 17 Reigen talks about having called around to other psychics to gauge their pricing, and one tells him he should have just checked his website. That was our good friend Shinra :D
Fun OC Facts:
Officers Hayakawa and Seki- These two policemen are named in chapter 19 as the police that show up when Teru and Shou are taken, but it is not the first time they have appeared! They are actually the same officers that came when Teru was attacked in the parking garage in chapter 4. Teru’s mom flew off the handle at Hayakawa when he mentioned that the owners of the cars that had been damaged and that someone needed to be responsible for the damage, but he in no way was trying to imply that Teru was at fault. He meant it from an insurance perspective so that the owners could file claims, but Mrs. H was not listening and Teru didn’t know any better. They were ALSO present in chapter 13 at the Kageyama house after Ritsu awakened. Teru was too out of it to recognize anyone. They care about Teru quite a bit and are just as dedicated to his case as Daigo. They just get less screen time.
Nurse Sora- Sora is a darling love of mine, and they are damn good at their job. They’ve been working in Pediatrics for only a few years, but is a favorite of many of the kids who pass through. I wish I could write a whole fic from their pov. It would be really soft. I had to get every hospital thing I wrote approved by Devi (my roommate/proofreader) who works in a hospital lab. 
Chibana Daichi- This EMT was never meant to show up more than his one appearance in chapter 11, but Nap asked if we would see him again, aaaaaaaand so I brought him back around in chapter 15 as well. And.... maybe he will show up again in one of the side fics. No promises.
Daigo and Yagami (that girl at the children’s home that said Teru just wanted attention)- I try really hard to use original names for all my OCs, but hot damn, I couldn’t stop myself from using some from Digimon.
Teru’s Imagery:
I didn’t get a whole lot of opportunities to do this, but I tried to bring in Teru’s canon association with stars. While his canon talk about stars is a self centered lecture, I adore that he is indeed... bright? His name means sparkly. He has bright hair and a bright aura, and I managed to get in the smallest reference I possibly could hahah.
In chapter 4, right before the slider incident, Teru is watching TV in the middle of the night, and he is watching a nature documentary about nebulas and stars forming.
Stars On My Ceiling was a little more blatant hahahhaa
Princess Mononoke:
Fun fact, I have never seen this film and probably won’t ever. It was popular with my cousins when I was smaller, but I have officially deemed it much too violent for me. Teru watching the film in chapter 1 was my first way to establish that his parents reaaaaaaaaally were not monitoring him or what he was watching.
In chapter 18 Teru wants to watch a movie after coming back from dissociating and is looking for something familiar. Something from before Reigen, and Claw, and everything else. But he does not want to watch Princess Mononoke anymore. And that is solely because I looked more into the film as I was writing and found out that one of the main character’s parents literally abandoned her to a pack of attacking wolves when they were in danger (that they caused themselves).
The accidental parallels had me lying on the floor for an hour.
There was no way in HELL Teru would ever want to watch it again after his own parents left him.
The Elementary Schools:
Teru and Shigeo originally go to Togarashi and Shichimi Elementary in the beginning of the fic. Schools that I 100% made up. Schools that I am way too amused by, because “Shichimi Togarashi” is a popular Japanese 7-spice blend.
On that note...
Mount Fugu:
I really have way too much fun naming all the places I make up in the mp100 universe, and this one took the cake. 
For the most part it seems like all the schools are named after spices, and all the parks after body parts. I pushed this and let the Children’s Center be named after a seasoning as well (Mirin), but I expanded the naming pattern to include foods as well as seasonings. When I wanted to name the mountain that was hiding Claw HQ, I wanted something that would be clearly recognizable as Mount Fuji, but you know... a food hahaha.
I googled “Japanese foods starting with F” and wouldn’t you know it? Fugu was the first one that popped up. And what is Fugu?
Something horrifically poisonous if not prepared properly. No antidote. Can kill in as little as 17 minutes depending on how much someone consumed. 
A food that sounded so much like Fuji, and was dangerous as well? I couldn’t have been happier to hide Claw there.
Okay. This is getting long and there is MORE jfdksgjskgl but I have to go to bed. More tomorrow? Bc I think WAY too hard about Issho? Yes.
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
For the fanfic day meme, 16?
What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
Hahah, don’t worry, I got you.
Hmm, I suppose this differs for each fic or chapter that I post. I sneak cameos, references to specific canon events, and all kinds of things for readers to catch. It’s hard to know if they do unless they say something in the comments though, so I am always curious.
I’ve been putting a bunch of Issho meta up lately, which is a way for me to make sure that readers are seeing everything I’ve layered into the story. I’ve had a few people message me or comment saying that they saw those things, and other people being like WOW I HADN’T REALIZED. Both responses are fabulous, honestly.
If you have a specific fic in mind, let me know and I can see what little detail I hoped people got from it.
Thank you for the ask!! <3 I haven’t talked to you in AGES 
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toastytoaster22 · 4 years
There won’t be an update for Issho this week, but I’m aiming for next weekend for chapter 17. I am going to attempt to pace myself hahaa. Half my problem is that my brain is suddenly giving me 100 ideas for chapter 18 instead, so. That’s kind of annoying.
In the meantime I will be posting some fun meta for my fics bc I like sharing <3
1st fun fact: The heckler in the movie theater in chapter 16 of Issho was actually Jodo. @kittykatz009 called it. I cannot stand that man.
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