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There's an EU initiative going on right now that essentially boils down to wanting to force videogame publishers with paid games and/or games with paid elements such as DLC, expansions and microtransactions to leave said games in a playable state after they end support, or in simpler terms, make them stop killing games.
A "playable state" would be something like an offline mode for previously always online titles, or the ability for people to host their own servers where reasonably possible just to name some examples.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that having something you paid for being taken from you is bad, which is a thing that routinely happens with live service and other always online games with a notable recent example being The Crew which is now permanently unplayable.
Any EU citizen is eligible to sign the initiative, but only once and if you mess up that's it. You can find it here. (https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2024/000007_en)
Even if you're not European or you signed it already, you can share this initiative with anyone who is, even if they don't care about videogames specifically because this needs a million signatures and there is different thresholds that need to be met for each EU country for their votes to even count and could also be a precedent for other similar practices like when Sony removed a bunch of Discovery TV content people paid for.
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I'm like the most cis man ever.
Even when I spend all day daydreaming about being Isekai'd as a woman i'm always a tomboy.
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The master wasn't even as bad as Thatcher
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“ap gwilliam was the worst prime minister” doctor. babe. i know why you don’t tell your companions everything at once, but you’re really gonna tell them a bald-faced lie like that. your ex murdered a tenth of earth’s population and immediately turned the entire planet into a hellscape, there is some steep competition here
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I don't need therapy, I need to fall into a coma for 10 years and discover upon waking up that Mojang kept updating Minecraft as if every month was September 2011
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I always cringe when a Vulcan character is told to trust his instincts as if it's the next step of his character arc.
His instincts are only telling him to give you new orifices, and it's not even horny time yet
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The Kelvin trilogy is so much better once you know it's all about the Federation suffering from the technological jump that the prime directive is meant to prevent.
The enterprise only having phaser cannons when even the defiant has phaser strips isn't just a dumb design, but a meaningful dumb design.
That's why in the movie about Starfleet's return to normal the ship had to be destroyed in a battle where the prime version would just have switched phasers to wide beam and got home in time for dinner.
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my brother is teaching his cat how to high five by giving her a treat every time she successfully taps her hand to his hand, which is all well and good, but now she thinks that she is entitled to food every time she high fives someone.  i can’t eat in the same room as her anymore because she’ll just bap my hand rapid fire and then go nyoom straight in for my pizza like no Kelly that’s illegal go finish ur own dinner
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Remember this was the most popular kid entertainment for several generations.
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If I grew up like that I would also only watch media from back when the world was shit.
My one problem with Star Trek is that no one is ever consuming contemporary media. As in media that's contemporary for their time period. Everyone is always reading old novels and practicing classical music. They study Klingon Opera or read old Cardassian mysteries. No one is ever like really into obscure Klingon Nightcore. Nobody is reading shitty Ferengi pulp novels. There's no kids media of any kind. Where is space Sesame Street or junior novels about gaining superpowers from a warp core accident? What about comic books? Nobody is playing crappy indy holodeck games. It's always some recreation of a historical battle or just lounging in a mud pit at some alien spa. Someone give me angsty Bajoran protest music. I need some rebellious teens producing the worst most cacophonous death metal techno that they recorded in an empty cargo bay. I need contemporary pop culture in Star Trek.
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The mandalorian season 1: A lone bounty hunter has to fight a few imperial to protect a small child, far away from the plots and characters we are familiar with.
The mandalorian season 5:
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I’m in a dispute with my brother about which uniforms are the most practical. He says it’s Voyager because they’re mostly black so it doesn’t show if you get dirty during the day but I say he’s a fool who’s failing to take into account dust, dirt, etc which WILL show up on black. He also refuses to take future fabrics into account so don’t even bother thinking about that - just base it on what fabric it looks like/was probably used by the costume department.
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I was made aware of the existence of 'Tumblr sexymen' and after an overview of the people on the list I have come to the conclusion that his presence in this physical world is the only thing stopping you degenerates from drawing Henry Kissinger yaois
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Love how the new republic is like: "Sorry we can't save your planet, all our ships are busy! What do you mean look at the window... oh I get what you're misunderstanding. You see: big triangles bad !"
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Listen to me if my anxiety ridden ass is making the effort to answer at night just to prevent additional social interaction for the next 8 hours you better keep that phone down
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POV: you're 13 years old and just took the creed and your weird uncle din djarin forces you to have a paintball duel with his frog child. the frog beats your ass using magic powers and then you get captured by a fucking dragon for 12 hours.
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Picard is literally just like, "Let's take it to Admiral Janeway," like he assumes she's not kidnapped or killed, and a Changeling hasn't taken her place. Just cos well she's Janeway. And he's right to have that assumption
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