#israel aint real
paliwalls · 2 months
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Israel aint real | إسرائيل ليست حقيقية
San Francisco | سان فرانسيسكو
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sttoru · 9 months
jamie lee curtis posting palestinian kids thinking they’re israeli actually made me mad, what shocked me the most is lindsay lohan liking that post, like isnt your husband arab and you have a child with an arabic origin name?
omg she did that? ughhh i swear those celebrities/ influencers / ppl with a big platform r starting to piss me off. i’ve even seen some say that they’re on both sides??? HOW. also lindsay lohan — well, i havent expected any less lol her husband may be arab but shes still white .
also i have the feeling most influencers and celebrities dont do their research first. like they see smth happened that the media says it did and they go ‘ok posted on story’ ?? like if you do at least a LITTLE research (on reliable recourses & not the western media that obv paints israel as the victim) on this decades long war you’d realise that palestina and its people are the real victims ?? but some ppl see ‘300 deaths in israel due to palestinian attack’ and go ‘WHAAAAT unacceptable.’ OK so what about the thousands of palestinian ppl that have lost their lives the past DECADES becase of the same israeli violence???
if a ‘country’ (israel) oppresses and takes another country’s land by force (palestina), what do you think will happen?? what do you think the reactions of that other country will be?? they will be tired of the genocide against their people and will defend them by doing what??? getting revenge and counterattacking, duuuh! thats how it works aint it? open ur eyes ppl
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disco-cola · 9 months
dude i honestly think i lowkey to very highkey traumatized myself in the last few days by viewing raw footage from gaza and also israel. like i dont ever watch horror movies for a reason (i literally only have seen one in my life bc i was forced to and it was nightmare on elm street or something so most people would say this aint even a bad one but it was enough for me already), i get sick when i see just blood let alone more graphic stuff like i cant take it, i am just really sensitive... but ive seen stuff in these videos man thats absolutely out of my league (and im saying this seeing it on a screen in a safe home, having to see this irl is beyond words) like last night i literally cried and had a full on panic attack for over an hour again bc of new photos and videos. like i dont even wanna go into detail into what was shown its too gruesome. like im sure even people who are totally into horror stuff usually and can take it well would agree on this. and the fact these arent fictioncal scenes like from a movie but are so real. theres no way to calm down about it. and all day today these images just randomly kept popping into my head like i seriously can barely stop my brain from thinking about them. i thought about trying to avoid certain accounts like eye.on.palestine for a while bc the stuff on there is so fucking heavy but then again it also makes me feel uneasy and kinda guilty bc i know i have the damn privilege and choice to just stop looking at it if that makes sense? while the people there cant?
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calciferstims · 2 years
🔥✋🔥 (izzy hands) anon here once again lmfao. its getting better! i only had a fever this morning that went away by itself and havent had one since then! im hoping it wont come back later this evening or night though. and just because i now said this, watch it coming back within an hour after, jinxing tf outta myself 😀 < that emoji looks funny af lol...
i remember when you talked about it a while ago, but i would never have thought it was about gay pirates lmfao. but tbh i also never saw anybody else but you who talked about it.
"exposes his whore gay ass" lmfaoo PLEASE ahahah 😂 cut what? the moaning or the whole scene? lmfao i just had this view in my head where he just has the longest, most outdrawn daddy moan loll.
i feel like i have seen his face before, but when i looked up his wiki where he's been starring in films and series, i aint seen any of those. thats weird as fuck lol.
"the man looks like an izzy" lmfao. for sure he does. he look like an izzy hands person 😂
yall israel hands nickname was fucking basilica hands. thats weird af lol.
you're very welcome!
yep it is! we have talked a lot before tbh, but i have never been caught until now haha. 😅
aye thats a good idea! ima choose this nice koala emoji, so you know it is le moimoi 🐨
hello again!! sorry it took me a hot minute to get to this 😅 love the Izzy emojis, lmao.
So glad ur feeling a bit better!! Fingers crossed🤞
Wow…. Can’t believe you’ve just been living unaware of The Gay Pirate show…….. that’s ok tho bc now you know it exists.. you’re welcome 😌 everyone go watch it immediately right now 👁👁
GHSGSH OK SO LIKE,, yknow in the scene he does his whole weird gay bit and then he’s done and has that little Instant Regret face and moves on but APPARENTLY, according to an actor who did a livestream this one time, that whole bit just. kept going. like 3 times as long. I have no idea what con o’neill was doing but I know what he’s capable of and frankly I’m desperate to see the rest 😂 although I have to say the mental image of the longest ‘OOOOOOHHHHHHH DADDDYYYYYY 😩😩’ ever is KILLING me LMAO 😂😂
wait ok I can’t just keep talking about the daddy scene without showing it. here it is if you feel like being embarrassed lmao. he’s like??? mocking the other guys for laughing and flirting before I guess. but the look of utter horror on their faces murders me DHDVFH
hmmm 🤔 I eagerly try to produce a list of con’s entire filmography but like, you already said you looked him up so who knows lmao
yeah he was also known as basilica! but like, I haven’t been able to find where that comes from at all??? or if it’s even legit???? which is like why I was saying I wish we knew more about him/had more reliable resources, rip 😔 anyways I hope the real israel hands is watching with abject horror from the heavens as we all objectify a 55-year old homosexual version of him
eyyy love ur emoji selection! 😌 very cute
I feel like I’ve definitely recognized your Vibes when I’ve gotten asks from you before lol, just like ‘oh yeah this anon again! neat!’ but yeah 😂 just figured it would be nice to know for sure when it’s you!!! like,,, pen pal correspondence,, 😌😌
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killerwithknife · 4 months
heyyy just a heads up bout that palestine post u recently rbd i m just letting yk to not rly trust it cuz it's rly giving "all lives matter" vibes yk? like, totally missing the point of blm, or in this case, being anti-israel. there r no problems in citing the holocaust because that was a genocide of jewish people and what's happening right now is the genocide of palestian people — it'll NEVER be wrong to compare historical events as long as they share the same weight. also, that "dO u wAnT aLl jEwS eXpElLeD" like ??? yes???? not because they're jewish??? but because israel is not even a real state but an illegal occupation????? ive met people OLDER than israel. many people. we just want palestinian land back
like sorry if this is somehow 2long but tbh just not being antisemitic will do the work, im also sorry if i somehow sound bad at u?? bc i rly aint, its just abt the post. anywaysssss wishing u a good day
completely valid points, and Yeah I agree that just Not being antisemitic is enough but that’s really all I was trying to get across w/ reblogging it because I’ve had to fucking unfollow people who randomly thought that it was Okay to be antisemitic against zionists because they’re zionists ??
and no it’s not too long or anything and I didn’t take it in the wrong way:) thanks for ur input and I hope you have a good day too
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nnnneeev · 1 year
i get kinda thrown off when people make french brit etc hcs for solomon because aint that the king of israel... like i know he isnt FULLY like the real solomon but can't we at least keep that about him 😿😿😿😿
Aw i get where you're coming from. While it's true that he's based on The king solomon, in the end, headcanons are just a bunch of 'what-ifs'
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1/2) I'm relieved that you criticized rihanna even mildly because some of us have been getting shit and called "never real fans" for saying we disagree with her stance. Its come to light that puma, who she is partnering with, is based in the occupied Palestinian territories, which is what some speculate is the reason she refused to criticise israel.
2/2) Between this and it being revealed that her make up company used Indian child labour for her fenty beauty line, I cannot in good conscience support her financially. Rih, I love you, but you aint getting my coin no more, its now going towards the charities that support Palestine, and smaller WOC owned beauty companies, of which there are many who deserve so much love and support, some which I found through this very blog!
i aint even kno about the other stuff.... welp. - jess
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Solomon in game AINT wise enough to be king Solomon. I said what I said. 😂
King Solomon King of Israel and son of David as a queer wizard who can't cook for shit in a bolo tie- I really had a rough time w/ that shit. The poly checks out tho
I had to think real hard back to my fundie middle school days to remember much abt him, but i will say that story about him offering to cut a baby in half does sound in character to me
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lost-in-jessiland · 3 years
Jeff From Omegle
You're now chatting with a random stranger. 
You: hey
Stranger: Hi
You: whats up
Stranger: M 19
Stranger: Im fine
Stranger: U ?
You: sweet I'm a woman and I'm 10 years older than you. hows life kid?
Stranger: Eh well im growing up
You: how so?
You: I need life advice
Stranger: Feels like life ahead is gonna be hard
Stranger: From me
Stranger: Okay shoot
Stranger: I will try
You: just like what do you mean by growing up? I feel like i need to grow up
You: but what is growing up lol
Stranger: Im figuring it out lol 😅
Stranger: U tell me
You: okay fine, do you work? lol
Stranger: Nope Student
You: major?
Stranger: Electrical
Stranger: Engineering
You: oh so what do those guys do? lol fix laptops or build rockets?
Stranger: Nah Just build system which keeps flow of electricity
You: like what lol
Stranger: Yupp thats true
Stranger: Its sucks
You: it sounds hard lol
You: i didnt go to college
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: Hey can ask u something
You: yeah always
Stranger: A relationship advice
You: okay hit me
Stranger: Are u married ?
You: no lmao
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: When do i know i found that person
You: when you've seen someone at their worst but still think they are amazing. still think they are beautiful.
You: not like grumpy morning, i mean pressures on, balls to the wall at their worst.
Stranger: Damn Wow thats some very mature stuff there
You: haha well thanks
Stranger: Thanks for enlightening me
Stranger: Lol
You: oh i do my best
You: ill be here all week
You: $.25 enlightenments
You: just need ur social security and moms maiden name and I can enlighten your day!
Stranger: 😂😂😂
Stranger: Ur funny
Stranger: Hey u wanna ask something ?
You: thanks. thats my strong suit
You: and whats that young grasshopper
Stranger: U said before u needed a advice
You: nope I just need advice on life. like omg I am a mess
You: you have no idea little one. stay in school and get a good job. find you a beautiful, loyal hunny and settle down lol
You: parties are bogus
You: lol can you build a time machine?
Stranger: Man feels like u had a hard past
You: absolutely not
You: My life aint tragic, thank you for askin
Stranger: Ohh
You: yeah lmao I a mess is all
Stranger: How so
You: omg lemme tell you what
Stranger: Is it a relationship ?
You: what? no? lol its the wrinkles
You: men don't rule girl world lol
You: if youre a smart girl
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: yeaaaaaaaaa
You: is u a virgin?
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: Well yup
You: i'm sorry grasshopper, but maybe you do a party
You: get out there and put ur dick in something
You: male female it dont matter just perferrably human
Stranger: Well that's the plan
Stranger: 😂😂
Stranger: Ur funny
You: again thank you
Stranger: When did u lost ur Virginity
You: psshy
You: I was 17
You: blow jobs werent enuf anymore
Stranger: Damn
You: after a year I had to give it up
You: or this slut Robbi was gonna steal him
You: her name is ROBBI thats a boys name who sleeps with a chick named after a dude
You: i bet robbi would sleep with you
Stranger: Hahaha 😂
You: for free too
Stranger: Oh thanks thats a very generous offer there
You: shes like a year younger than i am
You: tho she has had twins
You: but hey find a wall and stick to my friend
Stranger: Where u from
Stranger: Us ?
You: the great united states
You: wby
You: you seem like a canadian
Stranger: Israel
You: omg
You: whyyyy
Stranger: Im original from Europe
You: i thought you were cool
You: ughhh Jeff, can I call you Jeff?....Jeff this sucks
You: why Jeff why?
Stranger: 😂😂
Stranger: Yeah go for it
You: Listen Jefffffff
You: dont hack my computer okay
You: I have lots of sick porn you dont wanna see
You: and some pretty awesome cat pics too
You: my cats are awesome'
You: Jeff you would love them
Stranger: I love cats
You: Captain Kush and New Jack are their names
You: they are the best things ever
Stranger: Wow
You: but if you get close they will claw you
You: cause they only like americans
Stranger: Cats are the most cuttest and adorable animal on this planet
You: they are racist cats
You: :/
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: Yeah is that so
You: oh yess
You: if you wear your head cover, they will make sure to rip it to shreds'
You: they wanna see your forhead
You: they get sus when they cant see ur forehead
Stranger: I can imagine that
You: yeah
Stranger: Lol
You: do you like foreheads
You: jeff do u like forheads
Stranger: Yup
Stranger: Its a kink or something lol
You: foreheads are your kink
You: jeff are you lying to me
You: jeff dont lie to me
You: we have a history jeff
You: listen jeff
Stranger: Sup
You: dont lie about kinks
You: those are serious stuff
Stranger: Whats ur ?
You: huh?
Stranger: Im kidding
Stranger: U don't have to answer
You: you didnt ask me anything Jeff
You: Try google translate that shit is legit
Stranger: Ok
You: whats ur ? Jefffffah
You: ?????????????
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: Idk
You: whatever Jeff
You: You can Call me other Jeff
You: okay
You: Jeff?
Stranger: Hey other jeff
You: thats my kink
Stranger: Wtf 😂
Stranger: Wow
You: what is other Jeff wearing
You: ;)
Stranger: U asking me ?
You: yeah what am I (other Jeff) wearing when you picture other Jeff?
Stranger: Wait a min
Stranger: Its confusing
You: okay anyting for Jeff
Stranger: Im jeff
Stranger: Lets call u Larry
You: yes and I am other Jeff
You: no
You: thats not sexy
Stranger: Okay fine
Stranger: Haha
You: ;)
You: yessss
You: that makes other Jeff happy
You: and horny
You: happy horny other Jeff
Stranger: U horny ?
You: other Jeff is so horny for Jeff
You: thinking about sweating forheads while Jeff thinks of what to say next makes me wanna wipe it off with my hand and make Jeff lick it off of other Jeff's hand.
You: then you can lick the sweat off of other Jeff's forehead
Stranger: Man that's Gross
You: you
You: said
Stranger: Really
You: forheads
You: were your
You: kink
Stranger: Nah
You: other Jeff was trying to be sexy for Jeff
You: the fuck
Stranger: Thast gross 😂
Stranger: Okay
You: so lick the forehead sweat Jeff
You: or other Jeff will spank you
Stranger: That sounds gross
You: okay fine what syour real kink then
You: dont lie this time
You: fucker
You: other Jeff can be real sexy
Stranger: Hey can i ask u something?
You: anything Jeff
You: u know that
Stranger: Hey can i ask u something ?
You: omg yes
Stranger: Its kinda sexual
You: yes Jeff
Stranger: How does a pussy taste like
Stranger: The fluid
You: hahahaha
You: hahahhahahhahahah
You: hahahhahah
You: og
help him see the light
Stranger: Yeah pls
You: you are the worst man I have ever met
Stranger: My pleasure
You: bow to God and beg that he forgives you JEff
You: Jeff
Stranger: Will do
You: may I ask a question?
Stranger: Shoot
You: what do you think pussy juice tastes like Jeff?
Stranger: I dk
You: guess stupid
Stranger: Sweet sour ish ?
You: okay then it tastes sweet sourish Jeff, Hope you like those Sour Patch Kids 
cuz thats what ur in for Jeff
You: you honestly got boring so fast Jefff like ugh . why? you suck at being a towel head.
You: islamijeff
You: orwhereeveryousaidurfrom
Stranger: Im not
You: likeugh
You: ihateyoujeff
You: istgihateyou
You: omg
Stranger: Bye then
You: i love you
You: dont leave me
Stranger: Me too
You: you love me JEFF
You: wil you move to america and be with me JEff
Stranger: Nah im bored . Thanks for talking .
You: go to the airport and say my name is Jeff
other Jeff has paid my ticket to Merica.
Stranger: Bye byee
You: b
Stranger has disconnected.
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afroasiamerican · 3 years
no i did not just someone lump isr*el in with other countries talmbout asian women aren’t appreciated and are fetishized. true. but israel aint real and they definitely not asian gtfo
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thejudahite · 5 years
Yes...Same girl who went in the #LionsDen & the News aired her cause she said she was an israelite. She's got demons seriously. - What we learn is it Doesnt matter if you say your an israelite. Tens and tens of millions of ppl are #Israelites whether they acknowledge it or not. All #Israel aint Israel according to scripture. The Real #Israelite obeys his Father & his King. (at Bronx, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5CGbGiH047/?igshid=nhxgfpg0yi50
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inactivesimblrr · 6 years
get to know me tag!
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tagged by @literalite (thank u lamer clone!) n im not tagging anyone bc.............. every1 i think i know has already been tagged so thats calm, there r 125 questions below!
3. BIRTHDAY? 23rd of nov!!!!! <3 (2001)
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? hmhmhnnnn,,,,, lotr, the hobbit, harry potter, anything from the grishaverse,,, idk man i like books a lot,,, the raven cycle,,, hnmgmg,,
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? aliens 100% i believe in them! ghosts? i mean... i half kind of do half dont but my kind of ghost aint the same as the usual idea of a ghost yanno? mine r nicer <3
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? leigh bardugo, tolkien, i would say j.k rowling but shes trash! her books r good tho ://
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? ??? idk so im gon pretend this means podcast and in that case im listening to the black tapes rn! 
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? matcha or strawberry!!!!!!
9. WHAT WORD WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? thats swag (i began using it ironically but now i cant stop)
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? uhhh eve or the wonderful world by mark joshua! orrr shiloh by little chief!! 
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  walking back to georgia by jim croce
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? honestly.... drop dead diva... im sorry.... but tbh i dont watch tv all that often!! ACTUALLUY HECK i would def recommend merlin the bbc tv series and ofc sherlock the tv series but keep in mind both those recs will rip out your heart MULTIPLE times,
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? .......... im down all the time lolol but tbh all the harry potter films + the 1st fantastic beasts movie, all the lotr films and all the hobbit films AND sherlock both the rdj and jude law films and then the bbc sherlock christmas special the abominable bride
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? yah! my all time favourite game is tes oblivion!! it has been my fav since i was 6!
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? my life not working out the way i want to!! i want my life to be happy and long and spent with the people i love and not having 2 worry abt money or health!!!
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i think maybe my ability to find everything funny??
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? my temper is beyond vicious honestly like im not kidding my temper is.... disgusting
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? im still a kid im only 17!!! and uh,, i miss the innocence!! i miss being oblivious!!
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? i dont have one!
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? brownn w/ a bit of green!
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? dark brown!
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my parents and my family!
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? jude law, sebastian stan, emma stone
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? back to school shopping!! also i get to eat fried chicken and cheesecake tonight because even tho my birthday was yesterday im celebrating it today!!!!
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? stationery??? video games?? FOOD??
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? jane and the dragon!
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? i dont know what a male is sorry
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? a baby bit only
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? n’aw i dont think so!
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? i mean... if i weren’t as ugly as i am id love to be in front of a camera doing fun acting stuff or whatnot! but bc i am ugly im usually behind the camera + i do film at school!
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? lettering/calligraphy!
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? what if its us by becky abertalli + adam silvera (its so cute but the ending was.... not satisfactory...)
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? fantastic beasts the crimes of grindelwald!!!
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? used 2 play piano, accordion, and violin! but i dont do tht anymore!
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? too many 2 pick from !!! im srry!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? gdgs all of them!!!!! maybe the power to warp reality bc i could do anything then?? a reality where im married to jude law or emma stone? done, a reality where i have all the powers in the world? done
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? a cliff somewhere where its cold and the water is vicious underneath!
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? babies, animals, happy couples, pregnant people, old people, a lot of things really!
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i used 2 do karate but now i dont do sports!
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? idfsng idk! strawberry milkshake maybe?? matcha boba??? milk!!
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? ppl who r rude for no reason and also ppl at school who just pick on other ppl for no reason looking at you rahni teagan and the other f*ckheads!!! hope u die literally i know thats a horrible thing to say but you all deserve it
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? i went to two twenty one pilot concerts!! the first one was in the forum in melbourne and then the other one was a few years or one year later and it was in a sold out stadium!! both were in the mosh! and then idk if this counts as a concert but i went to and did the meet and greet for dan and phil’s first tour! i dont like them anymore tho ! ://
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? a lot of things!!! famous actress, spy, war general, prime minister, pro wrestler, explorer, cartographer, filmmaker, architect, interior designer, dragon, PIRATE
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? i know this is a bad idea but honestly the harry potter universe PROVIDED i had magic!! bc like,,, yah
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? a lot of things! my future mainly lol :(
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? no but i gotta say sometimes in the middle of the night when i wake up and the undefined shape my clothes sitting on my desk chair looks like That i get a bit worried yanno it looks like a demon im not gonna lie
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? ya but i dont htink im any good at it!
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? only due to sickness, funerals, or holidays!
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? my house! OR the cliffs of moher :o)
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? in some old old old european castle in the middle of nowhere on a mountain and next to the sea
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? nuu :( but i do feed a lot of birds that come to my house and ive named them and love them even if the lorikeets dont love me back which is fine!!!! :(
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? early bird i guess
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? yes! but i dont have my full lisence only my learner’s permit!!
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? headphones (noise cancelling!!)
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yup!! they were green!!
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? soft rock, indie folk, indie-everything mainly except for indie-rock,,, country music dont hate my i love country music as long as its certain country music!! aint having none of this keith urban rubbish in my house!! we only listen 2 the james taylor brand of country music in this house!!! so i guess country folk. folk music in general is my jam!!! i love ballads as well and ofc blues!! theres so many more jbdsgjbas but i cant possibly list all of it!!!
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? the idea of me living out the future i want if that makes sense!
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? a lot of things honestly!!!! 2 many to list im really passionate!
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? real book but i read more on electronic devices bc its easy and i dont have to worry about lights !!
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? idk!!!!!!!! maybe history!
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? nup!! im an only child thanK GOD
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? movie tickets to crimes against grindelwald last night!!
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? i think im like 176cm??
75. CAN YOU COOK? only if i have a recipe! but i can make really good drinks (non alcoholic ofc!!)
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? rainy weather, good literature, my family
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? hubris, wrath, pococurantism
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? ?????????? who knows
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? my birthday yesterday lol
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? dont want youtube tht much anymore tbh
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? incredibly close with both parents but fight with my dad like cats n dogs
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? irish or strong strong american or posh english also scottish
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? israel, republic of ireland, and so many more places like nksgskbgs i cant list them also all the nordic countries
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? daring in terms of i like to do things that could potentially kill me for the adrenaline rush but not daring in terms of introducing myself to other ppl lol
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? ill happily admit i’m wrong provided the other person wasnt a douchebag about it but even then ill admit im wrong! aint no shame in recognising ur wrong ma dude
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? dont like the beach but i love the sea?? so forest i guess bc i dont like sand
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? "two things stand like stone, kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own” - adam lindsay gordon
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? an excellent one, but i dislike lying and value honesty so!!
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? ssssss slytherin!
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? cop out answer here but it depends on the situation
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? try and find the owner and track em down but if i cant ill hand it in to the place where it was lost
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? ears but theyre closed up!!
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? no, too many bad people are living good lives right now
115. DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS? nope! perfect vision here my dude!
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? in the future i want 1 child only
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? my little cousin
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? a few times only, but i value sleep
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? black and green
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? hell ya !
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? audience member for the xfactor!
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 17
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “so comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” -tolkien OR “always seek the giant.”
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creepingsharia · 14 years
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn: ‘Little Palestine’
February 5, 2010
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Where have all the Tony Manero’s gone?
After the disruption of a late-2009 terror plot by an Afghani Muslim, we posted on the origin of the plot – the Flushing area of Queens, N.Y. and its conversion by Afghani immigrants into Little Kabul .
More recently, in a Global Post article, author Matt Beynon Rees introduces readers to his latest work of fiction set in the Brooklyn, New York neighborhood of Bay Ridge.
Thirty-some years ago, Bay Ridge was the setting of another tale many will recall, that of Tony Manero and Saturday Night Fever. Today, as Rees and others note, Bay Ridge – an area that was once a first line of defense against the Redcoats – has been transformed into “Little Palestine.”
In “The Fourth Assassin,” Omar Yussef comes to New York for a U.N. conference. He visits the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, which these days is becoming known as “Little Palestine” because of the steady influx of immigrants from the West Bank.
Little Palestine isn’t a community of Palestinian intellectual emigres of the kind that emerged in most major Western capitals during the 1970s. It’s a new wave of mostly young men who come to drive taxis and work several jobs, until they can afford to bring their families over to join them. Theirs is the typical American immigrant story, in fact. Except for the FBI investigations.
Except also for the, not-so-typical of other American immigrants, intolerance of non-Muslims, particularly Jews. In Bay Ridge, ‘Palestinian’ Muslims protest the existence of the state of Israel, chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” A chant shouted by Muslims that calls for the elimination of Israel to be replaced with an Islamic state.
Except also that Muslim computer hackers deface Bay Ridge synagogue websites with Hamas propaganda, and that a majority of Bay Ridge Muslims believe, according to a lawyer for one of Little Palestine’s own convicted Islamic terrorist, that 9/11 was staged by the U.S. government.
  In 2006 Shahawar Matin Siraj a Bay Ridge resident, was convicted and sentenced to a minimum of 30 years in a plot to bomb the Herald Square subway station in Manhattan.
Siraj’s defense maintained that his views that the United States government was involved in the 9-11 attacks were “community-based notions” held among many Bay Ridge muslims.
“In fact, in that entire Muslim community in Bay Ridge, the thought that the American government was responsible for bringing down the towers on 9-11 was common,” said one of Siraj’s attorneys, Martin Stolar. (Bay Ridge man guilty in terror bomb plot)
Ten years earlier, at a location shown in Rees’ video:
The Islamic Center of Bay Ridge spawned a killer of a young yeshiva student in Ari Halberstam in 1994.
“…On March 1, in 1994, Baz opened fire on a white van carrying rabbinical students, including Halberstam, onto the Brooklyn Bridge and that on March 5 Halberstam died from the shots. It was an act of terrorism that shocked the city as few events have.”
Ten days after the shooting,… “the Hamas movement in Gaza released a communique praising Rashid Baz’s attack on the van,” declaring him a martyr. http://www.nysun.com/article/28767?access=695821
Several years before that, another Islamic terrorist, the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and linked to the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane, made Bay Ridge his home:
He first took up residence in a house in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, then settled in an apartment across the Hudson in Jersey City, New Jersey.
More recently, the message has been clear:
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An anti-Semitic pamphleteer who terrorized Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill last week brought his hateful message to Bay Ridge overnight…
The objectionable offender scrawled the words “KILL JEWS” in thick black marker on dozens of fliers and dropped the slips of paper on Third Avenue between 75th and 95th streets just two days after Yom Kippur…
These hateful messages found in Bay Ridge…seem to have been scribbled on the backs of sheets of paper that contain printed information about taxi cab regulations, witnesses said.
As Jihad Watch notes:
Now what population in New York City contains a significant number of people who are cab drivers, and a significant number of people who want to see another genocide against Jews?
Despite Rees’ sympathetic tone, the FBI has good reason to be interested in Bay Ridge, as the supremacist Islamic sentiment is obvious:
On Memorial Day, patriotic residents of Senator Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues in Bay Ridge awoke to see the letters PLO painted on a garage, four trees, and a van. Only the houses on the block that displayed the American flag were attacked.
Police have charged a 12-year-old boy with a Memorial Day graffiti attack in which the acronym for the Palestinian Liberation Organization was written on the homes of some Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, residents who were displaying American flags.
A police spokesman, Detective John Sweeney, described the boy only as “male, 12-years-old, Arabic.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, and it’s not limited to Bay Ridge. It’s all over Brooklyn, including a Muslim youth gang named after the PLO.
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Image taken at a pro-Palestinian rally in Bay Ridge
MySpace, the popular social networking Web site, is also comprised of groups of like-minded members. One group, titled “PLO,” has many New Jersey and Brooklyn members.
“Dis is the Real PLO mafia No Fags All Green oLive Gangstas U kno how we do IF u aint Green U aint Mean,” the MySpace PLO introduction states (sic!).
One Brooklyn member promised to devote his life “to the holy war and crushing the Zionist pigs.”
Of course, none of these jihadi “pranks” are worthy of major media news and one has to wonder how much Hamas activity takes place in Little Palestine. But back to Rees’ fictional tale:
These days Little Palestine is dotted with basement mosques, Arab restaurants and boutiques selling slinky headscarves for religious Muslim women who want to observe the signs of their faith while also highlighting their beauty.
But the novel also takes Omar to Atlantic Avenue and Coney Island — iconic areas of Brooklyn we might be more accustomed to seeing in traditional thrillers, though they now have strong Arab presences. I put those locations into my novel so that readers would understand that the politics of the Middle East can’t be isolated. You can take the N train from Times Square and get off in Palestine.
Will anyone document Saturday Night Jihad in the 2010 version of Bay Ridge? No doubt, 2001 Odyssey, the famed discotheque featured in Saturday Night Fever, would find it tough going in Little Palestine. Especially after it was turned into a gay club years later, before shutting down for good.
Just like in Big ‘Palestine’, they are firing rockets, of a different sort, in ‘Little Palestine.’
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Sign that was located on the Brooklyn side of The Verrazano Narrows Bridge featured in opening of Welcome Back Kotter
On September 18, 2014 ISIS graffiti appeared on a house in Brooklyn, New York. The graffiti which appeared in three separate writings near each other read ‘ISIS is here’, ‘28 days’, and ‘9/11 is an inside job’. As reported in Home Reporter, A runner in Shore Road Park who saw the graffiti on the park house at 79th street said
“I was obviously upset,” .. adding, “I’m sure it was some stupid punks in the neighborhood.” “Local restaurateur Roger Desmond, who was out walking with his wife, agreed. “It sent a chill down our spine,”….. “You watch it on the six o’clock news, then you see it in Bay Ridge. “
Social Media Bias is Real. Please Click & Share.
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thenuanceddebater · 6 years
Ugh. You absolute ass. This is gonna be long.
1: What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Graduated college, won a Spanish award, wrote over a 30 page paper, lived alone in a single apartment, ended the process of Yud Bais Chodesh (year-long Jewish Mourning process), probably some other stuff that I’m forgetting. 
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn’t make any last year. I did make some for this year which are holding strong and making a positive difference in my life so far. 
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
 Nope. No births in the family. 
4: Did anyone close to you die?
Also no deaths.
5: What countries did you visit?
I didn’t leave the country- last year of schooling and all and I graduated in the summer. Planning on going to Israel again this summer though. 
6: What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A good job after college. An apartment with my girlfriend. That’s about it. 
7: What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 3, 2017 when I graduated from college. There are specific memories I will always have (my swan song, watching my girlfriend’s thesis defense for her honor’s major, etc.) but I’m really bad with actual dates. 
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year
Graduating from college. That’s a pretty big one. 
9: What was your biggest failure?
Letting my anxiety rule my life too much. Part of the reason why I don’t have what I want was that I let my anxiety control me until it was too late. Getting better at that now. Always improving, right? 
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
No injury. But the aforementioned anxiety was officially diagnosed in 2017. I also started therapy. 
11: What was the best thing you bought?
Probably the six case law books from my college’s law library that they were going to throw away because they bought the new editions. It was around $5 for each and they had a wealth of knowledge. I had used them in some of my essays. They were good books. 
12.Whose behaviour merited celebration?
My girlfriend’s. She got out of her house, has an apartment with roommates now, bought a car, and has a good job in her field. That’s pretty damn good. 
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled?
Trump. And also my brother who stole money out of my wallet to pay for vaping stuff that he’s legally not allowed to have, and spent over $ 9,000 (according to an ongoing fraud investigation) in microtransactions. But mostly Trump. 
14. Where did most of your money go?
Books for college/ pleasure reading, living expenses. 
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Graduating college and moving on with my life. 
16. What song will always remind you of 2017?
Probably Despacito. Just because of how ubiquitous it became and the Spanish connection which was the last class I needed to take before graduating. 
 17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
Happier, fatter (though also more muscular, and working on that), slightly poorer. 
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Job applications, hanging out with friends and letting people know how much they matter to me. Oh, and studying. 
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Procrastinating. Worrying about everything and being paralyzed by anxiety. 
20: How did you spend Christmas
With the entirety of my paternal family for Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) and then with my mother, stepfather, brother, and sister for Christmas Day. 
21: Did you fall in love in 2017?
I was already in love in 2017. I did fall more in love though. I’m apparently a hopeless romantic like that. 
22. What was your favourite TV program?
New program? Mindhunters. 
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don’t really hate people or hold grudges in general. Even when most people think I probably should. So, no. 
24: What was the best book you read?
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America by George Packer, or The Dark Continent by Mark Mazower. Runner-up is One Nation After Trump (which was fun, but I knew most of already). 
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
New band wise? The Deer Hunter. Personally? Increasing my range while signing and seeing that I’ve somehow improved in sight-reading on the clarinet are probably tied (also re-familiarizing myself with the clarinet would be up there., but that’s not really a “discovery”). 
26: What did you want and get?
Most of the books I wanted, a week-long skiing vacation with my girlfriend. Video games. 
27: What did you want and not get?
A new PC. A good job. An apartment with my girlfriend. 
28: What was your favourite film of this year? 
Honestly, probably The Disaster Artist because I love The Room. And that movie was fantastic. That or Guardians of the Galaxy 2 which wasn’t quite as good as the previous one, but was still pretty great. Not The Last Jedi. Just. No. I really need to watch more movies though. I didn’t see nearly as many in 2017 as I usually do. 
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
My relationship. More than that, I refuse to say here. Though you’re welcome to ask. 
30:  How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017
I have no real style outside of dress clothes (where I really do have style). I mostly wore things that were comfortable and pretty casual this year. Much less preppy than 2015-2016. 
31: What kept you sane?
My friends and my girlfriend who listened to way too many rants. Good outlets. My mother and grandmothers (both of them). 
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I really, really don’t care about celebrities. I don’t get crushes on them (never really have), and I don’t follow their lives. Sorry. 
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
A lot of stuff. But the most would have to be a three-way tie between human rights concerns, Antisemitism rising in the United States, and the potential decline of the rule of law. 
34: Who did you miss?
My grandfather. Every single day. He never got to see me graduate. And he was definitely my father figure. That was hard. Alav ha-shalom Grandpa. 
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017
You are more than you let yourself be.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“Aint no grave can hold my body down” from the song “Aint no Grave” by the great Johnny Cash. Because I’m much stronger than I thought I was. 
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mishabricot · 5 years
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Im tired of this place. Tumblr is toxic. No one can give an opinion without being insulted or something.
Yes, this world is mean. And racist. And sexist. And a lot of thing should be better and are worth fighting for. But come on, why do you need to expose and humiliate people with different opinions that yours ?
Here are some reals "unpopular opinions"
Feminism is good. But way to much feminists are bashing males and being such bitches to other that they make feminists look dumb and crazy. And don't try to protect them by saying "we have to be heard ! This is the only way" shut up its not. This is not the only way so please give me a break. Because you are a feminist doesnt mean you can do and say whatever you want in the name of feminism. You aint being a "fierce woman" you're just a being huge bitch.
Religions should be all accepted. But stop trying to act like you treat then equally. Muslims can be critisied and judged. Christian can be laugh at. Juives ? Untouchable. Say a thing against a juiv and you are down. Even if it had nothing to do with him being from that religion. Don't say it aint true bc it is. Hell yeah it is. Look at palestinians being forgotten and killed. Why ? Because no one, no country ever, will ever go against this community. Yes. They went trought a genocide, but does that justify that they kill palestinians by hundred in Israel ? That is to, my friend, a genocide. Open your eyes.
Rasicsm is real. But can we please stop with that "you can't be racist when you are victim of racism" thats bullshit. Huge bullshit. Yes, of course you can be racist even if you suffer from it. Racism is a form of discrimination and no one is imune against it.
"You cant be racist if you're a victim of it because black people hating white people is normal because of history." Oh please Racism is everywhere. You can go to litteraly every country on this planet and i swear that they are always prejuges and discrimination against people from aboard, and when Im saying people I mean everyone. Racism as to end. It is a fact, but it was born from a fear of strangers and from our survival instinct. Everyone can be racist.
LGBTQ + community. Stop saying you are against labels and discriminstion when you put label on everything. Kids dont always need them. You re telling them to be whatever they want but if any of them dares not to choose a label then he is "fake" doing it for attention. Kids needs to be themself not to be labeled like a steak in a supermarket.
Im done.
#racism #feminism #lgbtq #opinions
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gretasalome · 7 years
post show eurovision 2017 top 42
get ready for some onions my dudes
Bulgaria (+1): slay my entire existence kristian best staging of the year some of the best vocals and mmmmm what a song
Finland (-1): reallllll close between this and bulgaria for my fave but man what the fuck europe blackbird made me cry
Italy (+6): the lyrics and story behind this song are real neat the background was captivating and namaste? ale! #iconic
Belarus (+1): this was pure happiness in a song and naviband are the!!! cutest
France (+6): nice song nice vocals nice staging just real nice also im gay for alma
Moldova (+7): the power of memes goes a long way
Hungary (+19): this took me way too long to appreciate but like!!!! i love this song and all it represents also the background was amazing and the violin mmmmm
Azerbaijan (+7): really really memorable staging totally unexpected but cool still dont know why she wrote thorns on the board tho
Iceland (-4): really solid vocals!! this song means a lot to me i think the message is super important its just a shame nothing was really happening on stage
Sweden (-4): my pop music hoe ass is not ashamed to like this
Israel (-1): some shaky vocals but what a BOP also im straight for imri
Armenia (+4): im still a bit conflicted by what i think of the song but the ethnic instruments are SPICY the staging was great also im gay for artsvik
United Kingdom (+5): the mirror thing was cool im optimistic for the uk’s future in the contest
Cyprus (=): yall this was really Not Bad i enjoyed it a lot
FYR Macedonia (-12): a Bop in studio....less of a Bop live
Norway (+11): the effects were really nice the song really grew on me
Belgium (-5): loved it studio....less so live there was so much wasted potential in the staging and blanche had like no stage presence
Switzerland (-10): whyyyyyyy didnt they keep the staging from the nf :((( apollo is such a good song but the staging ugh
Estonia (-2): they tried so hard to hide how koit and laura had no chemistry but at the end it was like fuck....we gotta actually interact now a solid song just slightly awkward live
Serbia (-16): the studio version of this is so good!!! really wish they had brought elements from the mv into the staging which was kinda boring, tijana’s vocals also werent the most stable
Georgia (-2): i’ve always liked keep the faith and tamara was really good live
Romania (+8): a fun song, enjoyable live but i cant listen to it more than once in a row
Latvia (+5): loved the colours in the staging the song was nice and didnt deserve last in their semi
Montenegro (-3): a hero, he died for our sins
Denmark (-3): anja can sing thats for sure but the song was just kinda...there?
Australia (-2): pleasant to listen to but forgettable
Austria (-7): its a cute song but its just a bit too empty for my liking
Poland (+4): pretty staging and kasia has a great voice the song just bores me
San Marino (+2): i cant believe europe would betray valentina like this they just wanted to have a good time
Albania (-7): a lot of long notes...thats about it
Germany (-6): i have tried so hard to be optimistic about perfect life the song aint bad but the staging was so dull
Greece (-3): generic af, disappointed demy couldnt hit that note in the chorus
The Netherlands (+5): i appreciate their vocal talents but i cannot get behind the song
Ukraine (=): not gonna lie i honestly cant remember this one very well
Czech Republic (-2): its a sweet song just not that memorable
Croatia (+3): still dont understand what exactly happened???
Ireland (=): not my thing, why was there a balloon again?
Lithuania (-2): really liked the staging, didnt like the song
Portugal (-4): nah
Spain (=): i never liked this song and the staging was exactly how i imagined it to be. no surprises here
Malta (=): i got real bored during this one
Slovenia (=): no thanks
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