#island of the slaughtered au
kiraisrika · 8 months
Update for y'all that hungry for Harold kills the killer AU
Helped by my beloved beautiful friend @adriviyaa I made the dialog and she helped me with the paragraphs.
Original AU is by @eavee-ry my AU is just an AU of an AU
Invitation from an old friend.
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The silence is interrupted by a knock. The one who opens it is the one he'd come to recognize as Duncan's mother.
"Yes! Wait a minute," a voice answered from inside the house. The door opens with a creak. And her eyes widened in surprise, one that quickly melts into a smile.
"Oh! Mr. Mcgrady!" She said, her tone infused with the smile that can be seen on her face.
He smiled politely back.
"No need for formality ma'am, afterall, I am younger than you." He paused, before asking, "is Duncan home?"
She nods. "Ah.. yes he's inside,"
He gestures vaguely. "Can I have a chance to meet him?" He ask with a polite tone, although one of inquiry.
"Of course!" She brightens considerably. "He.. hasn't been himself lately you know, since the incident...." She trails off, her face sobering into a melancholic one.
He nods. A gesture to show he understand that much. "I see," he starts. "Well i wanted to make sure he's doing okay now," he says.
"So nice of you Harold," She opens the door and gestures for him to go inside. He does so with a practiced movement of being a guest in somebody's home. "He doesn't want to talk to anybody," She confesses with a sigh.
"That is a natural response to trauma," His sentence might not sound like it's one for comfort, but his tone definitely is. "Even I don't want to talk with any of my peers earlier. But luckily, I can pick myself up now." He explains, looking around the neat house.
"I hope you can convince him to do better..." She trails off, showing him the stairs to Duncan's room. He understood as much, he supposes.
"I will, don't worry," Harold assures, and ascend the stairs.
The door to Duncan's room shouldn't be that imposing, but really, maybe it's just the thoughts swirling around his head in that way.
The door creaks open, and Harold could see Duncan lying across the sofa, half of him sprawled on the floor.
His eyes are covered by his forearm, but the creak of the door got him opening his eyes.
His lips pursed.
"What do you want, nerd?" He scoffed half heartedly, moving to sit properly.
"Woah," he held up his palm. "The first thing you throw at me are insults?" There is a genuine grin on his face, one that unpromptedly made its way on it.
"That is so... you, I'm glad you haven't changed much," harold smiles. Duncan sits up with an aggression that he would've thought impossible.
"FUCK OFF! I don't need your pity," he shouted. And couldn't help but think of someone feeling cornered lashing out at anything that could go around itself.
"Pity? Now where did you get that from?" He raises an eyebrow in inquiry.
"I know your kind," Duncan's eyes trail down to the floor, but there's fury dancing in his eyes.
"Just because you got famous you go around parading yourself like you're better than anyone!"
Harold sighs, not wanting to push the argument uselessly.
"Assume what you want," he relents.
Silence hangs uneasily in the air. Harold swallows, hard. He starts, "Your mother."
Duncan's eyes snap up to meet his. "She's fond of the ocean, right?" He asks.
"Wh- yeah. She likes to go to beaches, how do that-?" His question got cut off by an awfully out of place cheerful tone from Harold, who is currently making space for himself on the floor, almost too easily.
"Do you know that murder on the international sea doesn't count as murder?" He says cheerfully.
Duncan's face scrunched up in confusion involuntarily. "Wh-?"
Harold laughs it off, like he just said an out of topic fun fact. Which he might be, but the fact doesn't seem fun at all.
"Haha, I'm being off topic. How are you?"
Perhaps it was the whiplash from moments before. But Duncan's truth slips out before he could process what was asked of him.
"Not fine, obviously." He seizes up when it caught up to him what he had said.
But Harold didn't look surprised, or concerned for all that matters. It looks to him that it's barely news, like saying the sky is blue.
"Of course," he offers easily. "Are you still in touch with Courtney?" He asks.
"...yes," there is apprehension in his lungs, but he ignores it like he always does.
"Thats good, that's good." nods, and while there is a sense that he might be planning something, Duncan finds himself... not minding.
"Spit it out," he says finally, because he wouldn't confess to anything if not prompted. "Why did you visit me, four eyes?"
"As observant as ever," the smile is far too sharp, too cold. "Duncan, do you remember our dear host?"
His throat constrict, and anger is easier than everything else that comes with the memory.
He shouts.
Harold shrugs.
"He didn't go to prison. As you know," he just says, and that answers nothing at all.
"That fucker," he mumbles underneath his breath.
"I know you hate," Harold stops. "No, loathed him," he corrects himself.
"What do you expect?" His eyes meet a sharp glint of the glasses he wore, instead of the eyes. Somehow, that's ominous. "He left us on that fucking island and he makes you..." He trails off.
"Murderer of the killer. Yeah, I know." Harold nods.
"They should've kept that fucker locked for the rest of his life." He grit his teeth, and clench his palm. Harold opens it, indent left on the skin where his nails dug into.
It could've drawn blood.
He didn't feel much of that, though.
"Prison would only be a breeze for him. Prison is not enough, no. We have to torture him the way he torture us," Harold offers, and continuing the talk feels like making a deal with the devil.
That too, hadn't mean much when everything else had been taken into account.
"What are you trying to say, nerd?" It's a need for verbal confirmation, really. Because Duncan knows what went through Harold mind with the way his eyes sharpen.
He knows him well, he thinks.
"Let's hunt down the host, Duncan." Harold smile is too sharp, wrong. But Duncan had come to know that wrong, sometimes is _right_.
How does the saying goes?
The hunter has become the prey.
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abby-lynn-xx · 11 months
thought i'd share a snippet from my current wip because it's been really fun to write so far! island of the slaughtered au where sierra and alejandro head to the island to mess around as paranormal investigators and the gang has a lot of fun spooking them
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tommystown · 1 year
“I don’t like island of the slaughtered, it has too much unnecessary gore” my nigga it’s literally a HORROR AU. the reason why it has sm gore is IN THE NAME also it was made by like a 14 yr old RELAX
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hschl-fanficwriter · 7 months
Slaughtered Harmony: ((Full Story))
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Slaughtered Harmony is a Au of Danganronpa v3, inspired by the story:"Island of the Slaughtered",created by Eavee-ry on Tiktok. Mixing Gore and Creppy Elements, our cast has a group of ultimates instead of Campers, are they gonna be luck to survive or not? Lets figure it out!
(( No art for this au, you need to create your own and credit me))
- A group of sixteen ultimate students were invited to spend a year at a summer camp in order to improve their talents and at the same time, create great memories with each other, a complete package if you ask me.
- However, a fateful incident would be the necessary word for a big explosion, well, we can't always trust everything in the hands of destiny, can we? I just hope that nothing bad happened among our students, it would be horrible if the country's greatest source of hope was extinguished in the blink of an eye.
Victim 1#: "Shuichi Saihara"
Rule #1: "Don't go where you don't belong"
- From the beginning, the students thought about finding the Chin director who had now disappeared without leaving any trace. The students would then divide themselves into groups of eight to look for the director and try to get an answer.
- Kaede and Shuichi were together from beginning to end, both were named "Truth Duo" by Kaito who found it admirable to see the courage of the two, especially Kaede, in investigating the truth behind the disappearance. The duo ended up separating from the others when Shuichi heard a noise coming from the camera room, as he approached, leaving Kaede alone in the hallway, but as he touched the doorknob, a masked individual appeared from inside, grabbing Shuichi and scuttling him with a stick.
- The killer tied Shuichi to a chair and a rubber helmet was attached to his head attached to some electrical wires. Upon waking up and noticing things around him, Shuichi was unable to say anything before feeling the electrical charges dominating his body, he tried to scream but the muffled sounds of the machine made it impossible for others to hear him. Shuichi's eyes and ears bled and his skin turned bluish shortly after his electrocution.
- His body was found by Kaede who, upon noticing his disappearance, searched all the doors and found an electric shuichi in the camera room.
Victim 2#: Miu Iruma
Rule 2#: "Avoid talking more than necessary."
- The students noticed the seriousness of the situation, not only did they lose a colleague but they were afraid to know what the next steps of the now murderer among them would be. While many were corrupted by fear and doubt, some ignored it.
-Miu was one of those people, the mask that it was all just a big prank still remained, for her Shuichi's "death" was just a technical trick because according to her, Shuichi's stupidity would not be so great as to To die like that, it made a wave of hatred rise in a kaede before crying over the death of her friend. Both were removed by Kaito and Gonta, noticing the stupidity she did, Miu locked herself in her laboratory in order not to be bothered by any of the students, even KIB0 who was the only one to stay by my side even though she had started it all.
- The killer, seeing the fight from afar, took the opportunity to enter and hide in Miu's laboratory until she was alone. Inside the laboratory, the killer surprised me from behind and hit her in the head with a wrench, then he trapped her on a metal stretcher leaving her with her legs open, he then arrested her and replaced the drill bit from a giant drill with a pipe, he activated the drill in the direction of Miu's vaginal canal, causing her to agonize before the killer put another pipe, this time inside the girl's mouth, she was subjected to choking while the drill pierced her vagina. Miu died some time later from choking and blood loss.
- Her body was found the next morning by KIB0 and Kokichi.
Day: 7
Victim 3#: Korekiyo Shinguji
Rule 3#: "Never test for danger"
- Things were going from bad to worse, if they didn't find a way to get out of that camp, how many more bodies would end up in the pile? Under the leadership of Kirumi and her recent assistant Angie, the students were ready to enter the dark depths of the forest to see the possibility of finding some way out or resources not found, logically some chose not to go out of fear or because they thought the idea was too crazy. like Maki who said that he would be handing himself over on a tray to the killer.
- Korekiyo whispered next to Rantaro how such losses meant the return of dark forces and said he was impressed by the way the killer managed to spread despair, wondering if they were worth resisting even if the end result was obvious. This caused him to die in the mouth because the other students abandoned him in the forest at the behest of Angie, who stated that she felt a dark energy around Korekiyo and that the best option would be to abandon him to reflect on his bad behavior. Korekiyo was confident that he would be able to return to camp quickly but this never happened before he was taken to an isolated area by his hair.
- Korekiyo tried to run as fast as possible but his body was split in half with a chainsaw and his face was cut into an elongated smile with a pair of scissors.
- His body was found by Angie and Tenko
Victim 4#: Ryoma Hoshi
Rule 4#:"Control your temper"
- Another day of calamity and yet another death, seeing how dangerous the trip to the forest was, the others chose to stay away from the vegetation for fear of going through the same thing as Shinguji, but that wasn't all when Ryoma approached of Angie blaming her for Korekiyo's death saying that if they weren't naive enough to go into the dark woods, maybe they would still have Korekiyo with them
- Everyone was surprised by the sudden outburst of a hitherto neutral and uncommunicative Ryoma, the fight grew when Himiko was Angie's shield, stating that her friend never thought of killing him but wanted to leave him alone to reflect on her feelings. negative thoughts. The discussion ended when Ryoma left the group to go take care of some things in his laboratory. Kaito proposed to go with him, scared of something bad happening, but Ryoma reassured him by saying that a cheap copy of Jason next to an entire mafia was a piece of cake.
- Being inside his laboratory, Ryoma noticed the movement coming from the shadows and out of it came a masked figure raising a knife, Ryoma quickly threw two tennis balls at the killer's face giving him time to run, but before he reached the door, The killer managed to hit him with tranquilizing data, making Ryoma lose consciousness. Minutes later he woke up tied to the tennis court beam when the killer placed a ball machine in front of him but replaced the soft tennis balls with table throws. Ryoma was hit several times by the balls that deformed his entire face, leaving him unrecognizable.
- His body was found Kirumi.
Day: 13
Victim 5#: Himiko Yumeno
Rule 5#:"A friend is the one who warns"
- Three days passed without any appearance of the killer or any corpse, this reassured and frightened the students now under the dictatorship/student council founded by Angie with the aim of preventing murders and disappearances. Many were shocked by such an attitude considering that she was responsible for delivering Korekiyo into the hands of the killer, but this did not make it impossible for her to create rules to bring peace in such a chaotic moment, logically a council cannot be made up of just one person and one One of the components to remain alongside their leader was Himiko.
- One day before the event, Angie proposed an activity capable of taking the focus away from the smell and blood of the corpses present and the activity would be a magic show prepared by Himiko, who was quite surprised that someone had considered her illusionistic skills, but this left her motivated delivering a performance to die for for his colleagues.
- The night everything was ready, the killer replaced the tanks, adding piranhas to the used tank. The next morning, Himiko would perform the trick of escaping from the tangle while she was handcuffed, the person responsible for handcuffing was Maki who made Himiko's request to appear as trapped as possible. At the side of the stage was a smiling Angie introducing the show as a curtain was lowered. Minutes passed and there was no sign of himiko worrying the viewers, tenko asked Angie to lower the curtains with a nervous expression which quickly turned into pure horror because in front of everyone inside the tank would not be the smiling magician but what was not eaten by the piranhas surrounding the red water.
- Her remains were found by all the students. Tenko stood in front of the tank crying for hours.
Day: 16
Victim 6#: K1B0
Rule 6#:"Hope is the last to die"
- The chaos intensified when the killer surprised the students during the afternoon, amidst the frantic chase he focused his eyes on K1B0 and Kokichi who separated from the group during the race. K1B0 appeared to be showing signs of malfunction because without Miu it would be impossible to carry out adequate maintenance, but this did not prevent him from protecting Kokichi, who was grabbed by the scarf, with impressive strength he managed to push the killer, leaving Kokichi to fall to the ground, K1B0 ordered him to run and Kokichi reluctantly complied and ran away.
- The killer used a rock to rip out the parts of K1B0 and thus remove its wires, replacing the electrical material with trash while the lenses of his eyes were ripped out and lit candles illuminated that day called a hopeful beacon.
- His body and remains were found by Gonta and his head was found by Kokichi which was placed next to the door of his laboratory.
Victim 7#:"Tsumugi Shirogane"
Rule 7#: "Watch where you are going, don't get caught"
-That day, another surprise affected the group when Kaito started spitting blood, he said it was just an allergy, but an analysis carried out by Kirumi proved the opposite, asking if there was something they could use to treat him, Kaede remembered There was a medicine session in Shuichi's laboratory, but she was against going alone, which Tsumugi chose to help her, in fact two are better than one.
- Both walked through the quiet room with only the shock of their improvised weapons echoing through the environment, when Kaede entered the room next to Tsumugi, she saw a shadow on top of her but she fell asleep thanks to a gas before even identifying the source.
- Tsumugi had been kidnapped and taken to his laboratory, the killer used scissors to cut off part of her clothes and replace them with parts of Enoshima's cosplay. Her long blue hair was violently ripped out while she was alive having the junko wig stapled to the sides of her hair. The killer also removed one of her eyes by placing a sphere of blue light and then tried to hang Tsumugi to death with a rope, but it didn't help, hitting her head several times using a weight throw, thus taking the girl's life, then taking the girl's life. he wrapped ropes around her arms, legs and neck hanging her as if he was performing.
- Her body was found by Rantaro and Kaede.
Victim 8#: Angie Yonaga
Rule 8#:"Recognize, Confess and Accept"
- Angie was determined to complete her plan so she stole a vial of poison from Shuichi's laboratory and poured it over the dough that Kirumi would use for breakfast the next day, but before she could hide her trick the killer drugged her and took her into the woods.
- She was tied against a tree and the killer stare at her coldly, the killer asked her to recognize her faults over the days and if she did that he would let her live, surprisingly, Angiu laughed and looked at the killer with disdain and justified his actions claiming to be the work of Atua in order to punish those unable to recognize the greatness of his power over those lost in soul and heart just like him. This enraged the killer who hit Angie in the head using a piece of iron, suddenly making her lose consciousness.
-  Then he used the girl's sculpting materials to open her back into a pair of wings, after which he twisted the iron into the shape of a halo and inserted it into the center of Angie's head, which was placed on the camp statue. Now everyone could admire the radiance of Saint Angie.
- Her body was found the next morning by all the students.
Day: 24 and 25
Victims 9#/10#:Kokichi Ouma and Kaito Momota
Rule 9#:"Don't try too hard"
Rule 10#:"Leave him free"
- Kaito's physical health was depleted as the days went by and he would have less chance of life if he continued in that hell, the antidote which was supposed to have some effect actually made what was already bad worse. To their surprise, old Kaito still maintained his carefree expression because if he was going to die, it wouldn't be at the hands of a murderous son of a bitch, but rather alongside his best friends, even Ouma, however the lights in the cafeteria were cut off, indicating the presence of the killer and so everyone started running around the back of the place while Kokichi held Kaito over his shoulders.
- Kaito and Kokichi ended up hiding inside Kaito's laboratory. Both were physically tired, especially Kaito who was waiting for death to arrive, Kokichi tried to motivate him by telling him not to give up but his attempts were in vain when Kaito took his last breath, at the same moment one of the windows was broken by the killer, Kokichi tried to attack him. but a pair of arrows were stuck into his chest.
- The killer, dissatisfied with not being able to take Kaito's life, grabbed the bodies of the two boys and trapped them inside the rocket in the middle of the room and thus attached several blades to the center of the replica and then made it rotate several times until the bodies of both merge into a mixture of human flesh.
- Their remains were found by Kaede and Maki.
Victim 11#: Kirumi Tojo
Rule 11: "An Act of Heroism"
- The survivors climbed the mountain to see several boats approaching the camp, everyone was tired, exhausted but happy to hear about the signal sent by K1B0's AI, when they were about to leave, the killer jumped from one of the bushes and grabbed Kaede by the hair and threatening the blonde with a knife. When Kirimu jumped on the killer's shoulders, making Kaede fall to the ground, the other students saw Kirumi fight the killer, ordering everyone to flee and smiled, thanking them for allowing her to be their maid and thus perform her last service.
- Everyone nodded frighteningly and ran towards the boat, Kirumi was beaten and scratched by a knife and before the killer could escape she grabbed him by the shirt towards the edge of the cliff making them both fall, killing them both on impact.
- No one found their bodies.
- Kaede Akamatsu
- Tenko Chabashira
- Maki Harukawa
- Rantaro Amami
- Gonta Gokuhara
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florisgrad · 8 months
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Y'know what? Fuck you. *reincarnates your island of the slaughtered* This is Eliza. She was born an exact year after the murder of Ezekiel Miller, the first camper to die during the Wawanakwa Massacre of 2007. Her circumstances are ironic, as her previous life would have her direct sexist remarks towards girls... and now she IS the girl. This time, her dreams won't be cut into pieces. After years of being bullied so badly in school that she had to switch to homeschooling, she feels she is ready for the outside world once again! Can this homeschooled heroine win the million?
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sierranumberonehater · 2 months
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tobylovesick · 1 year
Stretch neck Tyler !!
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mkayyclxwn69 · 1 year
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Noah of the water
au by eavee-ry
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sh1r0r1 · 1 year
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A lil edit for @eavee-ry
I love your AU sm 😭❤️
(sorry, if I did something wrong in the designs)
I will make a second edit of the remaining characters
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corrupted-sav3 · 2 months
Love wins I think.
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"God he's fucking ugly" (thought with love)
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vxzii · 3 months
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Wow dead teenagers (i forgot Dj I’m so sorry)
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Have a little mermaid Noah doodle
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abby-lynn-xx · 11 months
hey! posted my silly little island of the slaughtered fic! more funny than spooky. hope you all enjoy!
feat. paranormal investigators sierra and alejandro
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kiraisrika · 10 months
What if Harold actually managed to kill the killer?
TW/blood, murder
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AU BY @eavee-ry
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malicical · 1 year
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u guys deadass need to check out island of the slaughtered 😨 the au is so creative and the creator has some amazing shit on their page PLS GO CHECK THEM OUTT
btw i also have a tiktok my user is malicical👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
creds :: @eavee-ry (literally their work is amazing)
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Tw for blood, gore, Spoilers for don’t hug me I’m scared kind of, body horror
Dhmis x iots au. Idk what else to say.
Red Guy - Chris Mclean
Duck - Alejandro
Yellow Guy - Sierra
Sketchbook (?) - Heather
Tony the Talking Clock - Noah
Shrignold (how do you spell his name) - Courtney
That unicorn guy - Lindsay
That rabbit guy - Beth
That purple man - Tyler
Furry boi - bird
Special one - Cody but it’s not actually him idk
Idk who Malcom is
I also don’t know who the globe is
I also don’t know who the laptop is
Collin - Harold
Steak - Owen
Spinach - Geoff
Bread - mouse
Fridge - DJ
The can guy - Sadie
Sadie didn’t actually eat Alejandro the wolves did she just watched
Lamp - Ezekiel
Idk who Roy is
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chris-mcdirty-redux · 12 days
part of a webcomic adaptation of iots a team that i'm in is working on
WARNING FOR MENTIONS OF DEATH BY THE WAY!! island of the slaughtered is a pretty gruesome horror au, and it's bound to have things as such. it's a really good au, but i suggest looking through with utmost caution!
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the text if you can't read it because of my dookie handwriting
Chris, worried for his life, fled Camp Wawankwa alongside his closest confidant, Chef Hatchet. Having left the campers on their own in a panic, Chris then broke contact with anyone who tried calling him, essentially going on hiatus to avoid the indirect deaths he would cause. Nobody heard from him after his escape, until..
Returning to Camp Wawanakwa a month later with Sierra and Alejandro, the exact motives for his return are initially unknown. Whether it may be guilt, sympathy, or to seem like a hero, it will all be told in page.
more info soon chat,, for now have this,,, i've been sitting on my booty just coloring this for like 2 hours
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