#is this a Captain Planet episode?
vio-starclad · 1 year
So this fentanyl scare is just one big scam isn't it. Something something boost law enforcement budgets something something fearmongering among the populace etc?
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verrixstudios · 4 months
Treasure Planet X Wings of Fire
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Here’s some smaller screenshots with movie screenshots in them as well. Keep in mind I drew all of this after the watching movie I wasn’t really using references so it’s not like they’re a bajillion percent accurate
I drew all of this while listening to Epic the musical, and it was on the last song for Mr Arrow and bones, which is why they aren’t the same detail
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[ID: (in order of the singular images) 6 wings of Fire dragon references and two headshots, all digitally sketched in a red pencil-like brush. Each dragon is heavily referenced off some characters from the show Treasure Planet. Bedside each dragon is written the character they’re based on and the Wof tribe the dragon design is also based on. Each singular image has the dragon, it’s info, and an image of the character it’s based on.
The first dragon is a heavy set MudWing based on John Silver. His right legs and wing are mechanical, heavily based on the cyborg parts of the movie character. His wings are semi spread, held above him but curved so that they aren’t fully spread. He wears a captains hat that looks small on his head and has a large tail that has a scarred end, as if it were cut off at the very end. A small hoop earring is on his short ear, and his horns seem to have been sawed off halfway, given a flat cap over the end of them.
The second is a much thinner and lankier dragon based on Captain Amelia. She is listed as a hybrid of an icewing and a sandwing. Her wings are folded at her sides, showing off the frill had follows along her spine. It breaks apart in some areas, becoming small quills behind her head and neck and on the end of her tail. Her head is thinner, with sharp ears perked upward. A larger captains hat stands on her head.
The third dragon is another Mudwing based on Dr. Delbert Doppler. He is dwarfed by Silver, despite being the same tribe. His stance is less wide than Silver, though he also has a blockier head and shape. his wings are semi folded in the same way, though tilted a little upward. He has small glasses on his face and darker spikes and horns along his face and the back of his neck. Ears are rounded and folded over halfway.
The fourth image has two dragons which seem to be arguing. Furthest from the screen is a huge but lanky Sandwing. Based on the antagonist Mr. Scroop. His wings are outspread and the membranes are shown to be in tatters. A talon is outstretched toward the screen, curled like he were preparing to hit the smaller dragon in front of him. His face is thin but showing a wicked snarl, long horns jutting outwards opposite of his snout. A spiky frill lines the back of his head and down his spine. His ribcage is a pronounced shape, not in the way that he’s starving but to show how thin and lanky he is. His tail curls behind his feet and points its scorpion like barb directly at the chin of the other dragon. The other dragon is nearly half his height, facing toward Scroop and away from the screen, face in an open snarl with his ears pinned backwards. He is a Nightwing Skying hybrid based on the protagonist, Jim Hawkins. His wings are touching the grounds at his sides and the ends folded upwards. Spikes line his spine from neck to tail, which curls around him like it was mid-flick.
The fifth image is a side profile headshot of an old and thin looking Seawing based on the old and dying character, Bones. He has an underbite, large webbed frills along his head and spine, and catfish-like whiskers on his chin. small sharp teeth are visible on his closed mouth, and his horns look to be broken off.
The sixth image is a 3/4ths headshot of a thicker Nightwing with a wide nose and chin based on Mr. Arrow. His face his scrunched in what looks like a grimace. He has short but big horns, and spikes that stick out from his spine along his neck. A thick captains hat sits on his head.
The final image is a full body reference of a robot made to look like a rainwing. He is based on B.E.N. He is 3/4ths facing the screen in a sitting position, with a wide mouth open in a grin. Mechanical frills on either side of his head are open wide. His winds are semi open and pointed outward on either side, showing that they have minimal ‘membrane’ as if he wasn’t built for flying. His chest has a circle in it, which resembles the broken compass the character has in his own chest.
End ID]
Woaaah that was a lot of writing 😂
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awkward-tension-art · 3 months
Bacta and Bandages Chp.3 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 2. Chapter 4.
First Mission
CW: Clone mistreatment, Medical procedures, needles, Death, destruction, mentions of an epidemic, nothing graphic, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
You had a couple of weeks to establish yourself and settle with the 501st. It worked out well, because it allowed you to get to know the soldiers more.
Plus, no mission meant you had some free time to learn mando’a. It was basic at best, but you knew how to greet someone and find out where their pain is located, as well as other basic conversation.
It’s what you were doing at the moment. As you tidied up the medical bay, the robotic voice of a teaching droid came from the datapad on your desk. The holo was a program fit more for academy students, but you had to start somewhere.
“Ni cuy' a baar'ur,” You had managed to gear the learning towards medical language. Just to let you do your job better for the clones. Currently, the program was going over what to say when dealing with a patient.
“Very good. Where is your pain?”
“Vaii cuyir gar aaray?” You paused. The word for pain, aaray, always sounded off to you, “Vaii cuyir gar aaray?” Your words repeated.
You felt your damn soul leave your body when another voice interrupted.
“Ner kov'nyn bal ner haalas.” Rex was standing in the doorway, one hand on his hip, the other held his helmet. 
You didn’t know the exact sentence, and you had to think for a moment before looking up at him, “Head and…chest?”
He smirked and nodded, “That’s correct.” the captain stepped to your desk and looked at the holo-program that was still waiting for a response from you. “You’re learning Mando’a?”
“I thought it might help the troopers feel more comfortable,” You approached, tapping the tablet and pausing the holo-program, “I hope that's alright…” 
“It's more than alright, it's…it's a wonderful thought.” Rex had a genuine smile, “The men will appreciate it.” However, he cleared his throat, “However, General Skywalker needs you on the bridge.” 
Your heart raced, did something happen? Did you do something wrong?
“It’s about our next mission.” The captain explained, most likely catching your rising anxiety, “It's a relief mission, and your expertise with medical care is needed.” 
Oh! The breath you let out was one of relief, “Yes, of course…let's go to the bridge then.” 
The walk was quick. You’ve gotten used to the halls and paths of the venator now. Though, admittedly, you’ve gotten terribly lost a couple times. Once, you ended up in the reactor section and if you hadn’t found R2-D2, you’d have to embarrass yourself by asking a soldier to help guide you.
Once on the bridge, you saluted the general and commander in greeting, “You called for me, sir?”
Anakin Skywalker nodded, “We need your expertise, doctor,” He tapped a button on the console, bringing up a holomap of a planet with 4 moons, “The planet of Cherenity had a planet-wide epidemic and a series of natural disasters that caused total societal collapse. There were riots, famine, civil war and complete chaos.”
You frowned, but let him continue. 
“The Jedi have been called to try and help rebuild and offer relief. We need your help in dealing with the wounded and establishing medical care again.” He finished, standing up. He put his hands behind his back and looked at you, “What do you say?”
Ah. set up a medical center, help with supplies and maybe teach some procedures to the locals. 
You raised a hand to your chin, mentally working out the logistics, “One hospital for an entire planet will be overwhelmed. I’d like to have Kix with me to help deal with the injured.” Your eyes met Rex’s, “If that's alright with you, Captain.”
“He’s all yours.” He nodded. 
You smirked, and turned back to face General Skywalker, “When do we arrive?”
“We have an hour to prepare.” He informed everyone, “Thank you, Doctor. Get to work everyone. Dismissed.”
First mission…
You’d be a liar if you didn’t say you were nervous. Yes, you were a capable doctor. But…
Well, in soldier terms, you were no better than a shiny. A rookie.
You were in the hangar double checking the crates of supplies when Kix approached and saluted, “Doctor, I’ve been informed I will be aiding you in this mission.”
Your tone was calm and even, “You and I are going to help establish something of a medical care center for the survivors on Cherenity,” You looked over to him, “But, this will be my first mission, and I’m a doctor before I’m a soldier…I might follow your lead if the situation calls for it.”
He gave you an understanding smile, “I remember my first mission…It can be overwhelming but you’ll get used to it,” The medic melted into a friendly, approachable attitude, “Since it’s a relief mission, it should be easy. But if there's any danger I’ll show you what to do.” 
How kind. Very polite too.
“Thank you, Kix.” 
Before you loaded up, you checked your gear. Because of your rank and position, you didn’t wear the same heavy, clunky armor as the other soldiers. You were outfitted with movement and supplies in mind. Armor was minimal, only enough to protect your chest, calves and wrists. The uniform, made of protective yet light material, was red and white, indicating your medical personnel status.
In a perfect galaxy, this would mean no one would try to kill you. But…well, war crimes weren’t unheard of. Sometimes adversaries would specifically target medics.
With a calming breath, you stepped on the gunship with Kix and a few other soldiers and prepared yourself mentally. There were certain things you were worried about. With no sterile location, infection rates would be high. Plus, even if the disease that caused the epidemic had killed all of its hosts, it may still be present on the planet. 
And you had no idea how it was spread.
“Something wrong, Doctor?” A trooper next to you noticed. He was a ‘shiny’ judging by his pure white armor. 
“I don’t know yet,” you responded, “Do your helmets have protection against contaminants in the air? Like a virus perhaps?” Your question seemed to startle the poor shiny. 
It was a trooper with a painted flower on his chest that answered, “We have temporary protection. Though it only lasts long enough for us to get out of an area, not really stay in it. Maybe a couple minutes at most.”
You nodded, “We know nothing about this virus that contributed to the planet's collapse. If you, or any trooper feels unwell, come to me.”
Another soldier to your left, Steele, you believe his name is, let out a soft laugh, “Don’t worry about us, Doc. We’re not meant to be a priority.”
“I’ll prioritize whoever I want, thank you.” You responded, just as the gunship landed and the doors opened. 
You stepped off, taking in your surroundings. 
Devastation. The capital of Cherenity, Fushi, from what you could tell, used to be an active, beautiful city. But now, it was a shadow of its former self. The ruins and rubble looked like the buildings used to be made of marble and glass. Now, it was all…destroyed. broken, painted glass was everywhere. Craters littered the formerly stone streets. Smoke billowed at multiple locations in the distance. Occasionally, blaster shots echoed around the ruins, bouncing off the once beautiful walls. 
Your heart twisted.
This was war. You signed up expecting destruction, but not…this….
Kix put a hand on your shoulder, “Doctor?”
“I’m fine.” you shook your head, getting yourself together, “Just…didn’t expect this.”
“You’ll get used to it.” Steele responded, unloading a crate of supplies.
You weren’t sure if that made you feel better or worse. 
You made it to the center of the broken, desolate city. That’s where the Cherians had tried to maintain some semblance of civilization. Innocent people were living either in haphazard tents or the surely dangerously unstable remains of the buildings around.
As you and your group made your way forward, the Cherians pause what they were doing to watch you. 
They were humanoid, with skin tones that ranged from bright red to deep purple that were dotted with scales. All of them had horns of various shapes and sizes that poked out from hair of many different colors as well. Their eyes were all solid white, pupiless and glowing. Among them were some humans, twi’lek and other races as well. 
That didn’t strike you as odd. After all, a planet capital such as Fushi would have a lot of diversity.
You pressed your com at your wrist and raised it to your lips, “General, we’ve made it to where the survivors are camping.”
After a second, Anakin’s voice came through the other end, “Good, start unloading supplies. Ahsoka and I have been…held up.” 
As soon as the Jedi finished speaking, Rex’s voice came through the com, “All units, be advised, thieves and pirates are in the area and may target the supplies and the civilians.”
You swallowed and shared a look with Kix, you were about to speak before getting interrupted by an approaching Cherian. Her pure white hair trailed behind her and her horns gave height over the troopers. Her skin was a soft lavender and she had an aura of peace and calm. 
“Peace,” She greeted, “I am Zenial Ill’ty the Senator of Cherenity.”
Senator? Why isn’t she on Coruscant? Did she come home to try and help the devastation?
“Ma’am,” You nodded in greeting, “General Skywalker is on his way with more supplies, in the meanwhile, I’m his battalion's doctor and am here to help reestablish medical care.” 
Zenial gave you a smile and bowed, “Thank you, healer of the 501st. What is left of our city is open to you. Most of the injured are located at the north end of our camp.”
You bowed to her and motioned for the troopers carrying medical supplies to follow. Kix was beside you as your steps lead you beyond a half shattered green building. Behind it, was the injured and sick. 
There had to have been a few hundred at least. Walking among them were Cherians wearing the same medical symbol as you. However, it was clear they were overwhelmed and unable to help without proper equipment, medicine and housing. 
You steeled yourself. You were a doctor. You worked in a hospital on Coruscant’s lower levels, and that wiped away any naivety you had even before the war. You remained silent, eyes roaming the people and bodies. 
From visual confirmation, you guessed the few doctors had set up ‘zones’ by severity of wounds and illness. 
Good. It made your job easier. 
With a steading breath, you got to work. 
You prioritized those with the most severe wounds. Internal injuries, amputations, massive amounts of blood loss…Your focus was razor sharp as you tended to those you could. The supplies in your pack dwindled to nothing quickly, much to your frustration.
Perhaps it was your expectations. Or maybe it was how you worked in the hospital, but you burned through the supplies in your pack trying to save everyone. 
A twi’lek, with royal blue skin and yellow eyes wheezed and sputtered as you tried to fix his burnt and ripped heart. According to his young daughter, he was searching for food when thieves shot him. It was sheer will that he survived this long. 
You reached for more bacta, only to be stopped by Kix, “Doctor, there isn’t anything else you can do.”
My old mentor told me those words once. You remembered. It was the first patient you had ever lost. A drunken speeder accident. You’d never forget it as their heart stopped beating under your hands.
“But…he can be saved. I know he can.” Your eyes must’ve been wide and confused, “I’ve seen worse wounds.”
The medic next to you had an understanding look, “Maybe in a proper hospital. But on the field…we don’t have the luxury.”
You looked down at the twi’lek, taking in his severe wounds. 
Kix is right. 
You made sure his daughter held his hand as you injected him with painkillers. He drifted off to sleep and was dead within minutes. 
Move on. There are others. 
At some point as you tended to the wounded, General Skywalker and Commander Tano had arrived with food, water and some ‘society rebuilding’ technology. It was hours later when you had gotten done with the most severe patients and were able to get the Cherian healers together to start planning properly. You did your best to ignore how the General watched your moves. 
He was most likely testing you. Making sure you could handle this.
“You’ll need clean water,” You explained, looking over your datapad, “The biggest worry is infection. You can save a life but lose them later to the same wound if it's not kept clean.” Your steps weaved through the wounded patients. Some were already much better than when you arrived, and others were resting peacefully, finally having their pain managed.
“You’ll need to boil the water at the very least to sterilize it,” Your words didn’t falter even after passing by the General who was with Captain Rex, “Same for metal scalpels and other tools. Put them in boiling water to clean them at the very least.”
Kix, who had been walking beside you, handed you a holomap of the immediate area. Once you activated it, you began to plan the new medical center for the Cherians, “It would be best if you had the injured in the most stable building, here.” You pointed at one of the more stable, least destroyed glass and marble building on the map, “The cover will be imperative for those with more severe injuries and illnesses. I’ve had some of the troopers make sure the supports are-”
One of those following you spoke up, “Can we trust what an artificial human says?” 
That question screeched your mind to a halt. You blinked, dumbfounded at the bluntness from the individual in front of you. Your mind had to take a minute to process what you heard.
After getting your thoughts together, you responded, “The troopers are hardworking, reliable men. I trust what they say.”
The Cherian opened their mouth, “But-”
You couldn’t hold back the venom in your words as you cut them off, “Do I need to repeat myself or are we going to have a problem?” Your eyes bore into the individual, practically daring them to argue with you. 
“...No, Doctor.” 
“Good.” Immediately, your tone became calmer, “Now, let's continue.”
Unknown to you, Captain Rex saw your exchange, he couldn’t help the small smile on his lips as you walked away. 
Anakin elbowed his side, smirking at his captain.
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eliavraay · 6 months
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"The Suit Episode" - Part 1
Jim and his crew are resting on a capital planet of the Empire and they are invited into a ball for the Navy.
Scroop is forced out of his "gremlin-mode" and has to wear something fancy. ^^;
I am also showing some of Dr. Araav, the medic of the ship.
(And one of the crewmates was inspired by a certain dwarven mining game <3)
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0rb0t · 2 years
ACTUALLY I HAVE MORE TO SAY on that Planetina episode. (Warnings for Rick Sympathizers, I go hard against him in this, even if I love him)
I noticed people were saying that they felt like the writers were more lenient on Planetina because she was a woman, but I don't actually believe that was the case.
The episode is extremely creepy but the thing is, we are seeing it from Morty's perspective. We have spent most of the series seeing stuff from Rick's perspective. This episode was uniquely NOT from Rick's perspective in either plot. It was Morty's or it was Summer's.
Planetina's creepy relationship with Morty was absolutely meant to parallel Rick and Morty's creepy relationship. The episode literally starts with Morty rejecting Rick to be with Planetina-- and not only rejecting Rick, but casting off "immaturity" in order to be with someone he idolizes but also wants to be mature for.
Yes it was mentioned that in the Toxic episode, Morty was with two older women, but you need to think about what that says about Morty at this point. His ideal Healthy was someone who was seen as mature, who wanted to be looked up to, who had confidence. Morty thinks that being a scared kid is toxic and that his ideal healthiness will be a man who has confidence and is mature and will have a mature woman with him. He's literally a middle school boy, this is not abnormal for middle schoolers, and it definitely gets worse when their needs aren't met.
Morty spends the entirety of the Planetina episode falling for this woman he admires, idolizes and thinks it's love, and Planetina takes advantage of that, both by having aspects of the "born sexy yesterday" trope but also because she's really kind to Morty and always says yes to him-- but let's examine that trope for a second here. In this case, Planetina is an adult woman who behaves in a childish manner that is appealing to Morty and makes her seem cute and he wants to do anything for her.
Hm. Rick is literally an adult who behaves in a childish manner that allows him to get on well with teenagers and kids but not so much fellow adults. Rick can also make Morty do almost anything for him, except he's not kind. His kindness is conditional.
I'm not saying here that anyone who is an adult that behaves childishly is automatically a predator. Rick and Planetina both are predatory towards Morty because they engage with him in highly inappropriate ways because he is a minor and they are adults. Boundaries are broken and reassured it's okay, there's a lot of "don't tell your parents about this" sometimes in actions and not words but Rick has LITERALLY said that out loud-- It's how you treat others that can make you predatory, and Planetina literally keeps encouraging this out of Morty, too.
In reality this episode is kind of an extension of the Toxic episode, because it shows that side of Morty that craves maturity because he can't connect to ANYONE around him, but also he wants so badly to be wanted, to be accepted, to be told he's good and perfect just the way he is. He wants to be loved so badly. So of course he latches onto the first woman who seems to be saying all those things to him because he HASN'T been taught how to avoid these creeps. And then when Beth finally starts stepping up as a mother for Morty, of course he sees this as betrayal-- because in his experience, his family has NEVER had his back. And the entire time, Jerry is playing a childish game where a little guy throws up everywhere LMAO Like, the writing and direction of this episode is so on point, it's Morty going "everyone around me is immature and they do not understand me and they don't want me to be happy" and Planetina takes advantage of that.
It really does not matter if she was genuine or not-- Morty is 14 and she is an adult who is going for the affections of a little boy HJSDFK LIKE. IF YOU FELT CREEPED OUT BY IT, IT'S BECAUSE IT'S CREEPY and it NEVER SHIED AWAY FROM IT. It just feels extra bad because we're getting it from Morty's perspective.
Morty finally puts his foot down when Planetina turns to outright murder--and she even tries to turn it around "You murdered my kids" EVEN THOUGH SHE BASICALLY TOLD HIM TO? She didn't use the words directly but she did tell Morty, KNOWING he was desperate for validation and love, that she was going to be taken away... Morty goes all out, arming himself to prevent that. As badass as this scene was, this entire episode really shows how middle schoolers (esp boys) are able to be groomed and radicalized by dangerous people they admire.
The original post said that the writers are lenient on women groomers but wouldn't act this way if it were men-- Morty likes girls, idk what to tell you. But also the EPISODE was from Morty's perspective. the Mr Jelly Bean episode was not-- it was horrifying but we were still generally from Rick's perspective. And as great as it was to see Rick kill that guy for trying to sexually assault Morty, Rick has not stepped up in a single way SINCE to help teach Morty how to protect himself, to safeguard himself from predators, etc. In fact, all he really aimed to do was make Morty more dependent on him.
I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS BUT I HAVE NO ISSUE SAYIN THIS SHIT CAUSE IT'S TRUE I'm glad Rick is trying NOW but the boundaries between them have long since eroded. Morty is used to being treated like this, and Rick is used to being able to get away with it.
That's why Evil Morty's finale was so poignant-- "I'm not evil, I'm just sick of him" Literally every single time Morty has pushed away from Rick, we get this perspective that Morty is bad and is being mean to Rick. HECK NO-- Morty is showing agency and trying to protect himself.
This episode is no different, he literally DOES break up with Planetina, and she (despite causing all of these situations and having the power in the relationship) blames Morty and acts like he did this to hurt her and leaves. And Morty wails openly into his mom's embrace, because Beth is there to comfort her son who is BROKEN over it.
And then these parallels are LITERALLY MET in the pre-finale episode where Rick is like I DONT NEED YOU MORTY I CAN REPLACE YOU WITH TWO CROWS--
The Planetina episode is MEANT to be watched with the finale episodes.
I don't think it's fair to blame the writers for something that they were really REALLY smart about writing in these episodes. To say that the writers didn't make it blatant is... frankly untrue... This show does not work as well when they have to look at the camera and go "THING BAD" because the entire show has had Rick grooming Morty into becoming exactly like him and that ends up being more acceptable to a lot of people because a lot of people are biased towards Rick.
And I understand the pull! I love Rick Sanchez! He's very relatable! But he's also quite literally a "do not be me" type of warning character LMAO He's a cautionary tale, at all times.
This show is entertainment first, it's not meant to be watched as education, its primary focus is to tell stories. If you learn something from it, GREAT! But the most bad faith interpretations because you're uncomfortable about how something is shown isn't actually conducive to anyone's learning.
Next time you feel uncomfortable while watching Rick and Morty, ask yourself why, and be prepared that those feelings of discomfort MAY BE MIRRORED IN ASPECTS OF RICK AND HIS GRANDSON'S PORTRAYAL. This is how I learned to stop believing anything Rick had to say about Jerry, because it's usually projection.
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theromanticscrooge · 1 month
Top 10 Favorite O.K. K.O. Episodes
Like any top 10 list, this is very subjective. These are ranked by how much I personally enjoyed a certain episode over anything else. For some context, I'm the kind of Star Trek fan that enjoys more dialogue and philosophy heavy episodes or really goofy love letter romps over big spaceship battles or anything particularly action-heavy. The same applies here even with a goofy, over-the-top cartoon. That's a huge part of why I picked some of these.
10.) "Presenting Joe Cuppa"
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Joe Cuppa is a middle-aged flop of a comedian with a routine full of bad dad jokes and coffee puns. Joe is absolutely convinced that because his time in the limelight is over that there's nowhere else he can go; he's all washed up. Rad and K.O. are determined to lift his spirits and help him rediscover his confidence as well as a new lease on life. The eventual coffee-themed fight with Shannon is a hilarious cap-off to Joe's short but satisfying brush with a mid-life crisis.
I love that this is a goofy story about an older man that is just starting on an exciting new chapter of his life. There's too many older people that get stuck in the rut of "my life is my job" and become empty husks of their former selves after they retire and don't know what to do with themselves or their time without their former day job. Joe is a friendly reminder that an old dog can always learn new tricks in the form of using his coffee in clever, creative ways he hadn't tried before.
Out of O.K. K.O.'s long list of weird, wacky side characters, Joe is one of my personal favorites. I wanted more of him after this episode premiered and I still want a Joe-centric series of webisodes or comics now (even if I have to make them myself and nobody reads them, hahah).
9.) "Your World is an Illusion"
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I'm a sucker for thoughtful and clever takes on fourth wall breaks. This one gets extra points for setting up a parallel between K.O.'s fourth wall break and someone getting a hit of existential dread from thoughts like "Am I just someone's Sim?" and the extra layer of "Can or do I exist after death?" In K.O.'s case, he decides to offset further nihilistic feelings and spirals by reaffirming how tangible and real his relationship with his mom and friends are.
As long as he values these people and his lived experiences with them, that's more than enough to give his life and reality value in turn. Its an especially insightful take, given how big the themes of friendship and found family are to this show as a whole. These are ideas I think about daily, to be honest. So, anything that tackles something close to Holo-Jane pulling the proverbial rug out from under K.O.'s feet is going to be a story that grabs my attention.
8.) "Bittersweet Rivals"
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After the build-up of Enid's history with Elodie, this is the turning point and beginning of repairing their broken friendship. The best scene, hands-down, is Elodie swooping in to rescue Enid; a dramatic sunset scene that encapsulates a chain of Elodie choosing Enid over her need to win at everything. Elodie herself is a fantastic portrait of someone struggling between personal morals and societal pressures to appear as the prettiest, strongest, most popular, etc. no matter what the cost. She knows how intimate and strong her connection with Enid was but she was also convinced that there was only one spot in the limelight. If she shared that spot, it would lessen the prestige of her position. Its artificial scarcity. Elodie was cornered by the capitalistic vision of competition where others have to be pushed aside and stepped on and there's only one clear-cut path or mold for the "perfect" hero.
"Bittersweet Rivals" explores Elodie's side of her strained relationship with Enid. It also shows what kind of impact Enid has on her overall worldview and that Elodie can and will choose her friend and the personal changes needed to include Enid in her life. This is one of several examples of why its worth giving someone room to change if she shows the initiative and active desire to do so.
7.) "Back in Red Action"
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Red Action was my favorite character when I first kept tabs on O.K. K.O. back in 2017-19. Enid's crush on Red was obvious from Red's on-screen introduction. This episode reveals that the feelings are definitely mutual; Red is just as much of a wannabe cool kid and closeted dork as Enid is. When Enid learns about Red's Hue Trooper past, it levels the proverbial playing field. These two can and should be more open and vulnerable around the other. They're cooler together and are absolutely a power couple on the hero side of the Plaza to rival Mr. Gar and Carol.
Besides fantastic character building for Red, the entire episode is full of corny poses and fun references to the ridiculous transforming vehicles that litter Power Rangers and its super sentai source material. Granted, the Hue Troop is definitely more of an homage to super sentai. The eight-year-old me that always wanted a girl as the Red Power Ranger loves Red Action. She's the obnoxious, but charming punk Ranger I didn't know I needed until I checked out O.K. K.O.
6.) "Lad & Logic"
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As someone that's written a character analysis on Lord Boxman, I think this episode is core to any discussion about him as a character. I'm still fascinated by how much more open-minded, warm, and considerate Box Lad is when compared to present-day stern, manipulative, and cruel Boxman can be until a combination of his closer relationship with Professor Venomous and his redemption arc (with his kids, not in regards to his overall alignment).
At the very least, Boxman is an example of how a bright-eyed and hopeful person can lose themselves to an all-encompassing goal or obsession. Anyone could become a Boxman if they surrender to paranoia and get lost in their own head to the point they refuse to listen to anyone else.
Mr. Logic's story is roughly comparable to someone leaving an abusive relationship. Part of Boxman's deterioration is how someone can start a relationship with a kind, well-meaning person and that image of how they used to be eclipses what problems pop up later after that person removes their mask or in Boxman's case, something happens that leads to them becoming a horrible partner. Mr. Logic was "made" for a specific purpose but starts to discover who he wants to be after talking with Mr. Gar at the work-in-progress Plaza. Who Mr. Logic wants to be conflicts with what Boxman demands he should be.
This is what leads to Boxman creating his kids with the sole intention of them conforming to the exact vision of who and what he wants them to be. Thankfully, he pulls back on this motivation and starts work on becoming a better parent later. When Mr. Logic stands up for himself and leaves Boxmore, its the start of his own self-determination. He needed space and autonomy to become his true self.
5.) "Boxman Crashes"
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I almost put "Villains' Night Out" in my top 10, but this episode has the penultimate Voxman scenes in it. Or more specifically, it has my favorite Voxman scene where it looks like Venomous has a big, world-shattering epiphany about how to work through his ennui after he and Boxman attack the Plaza. He's been so bored for so long and now this weird cyborg man gave him the metaphorical missing puzzle piece to get his life that much closer to complete.
"Villains' Night Out" has the magic carpet ride and the Venomous "proposal" scene but "Boxman Crashes" shows the Professor's side of the story. Viewers finally have insight as to what his personal life was like and most importantly, what he thinks of Lord Boxman. Look, the Voxy Bunch found family dynamic is one of my favorite parts of this cartoon. I love that this episode gives me both perspectives of the relationship for my favorite gay mad scientists. I need both POVs for my bad fanfic-writing needs!
4.) "The So-Bad-ical"
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Setting up a villain plot of "ruin kids' education by teaching them nothing but blindly memorizing facts" is a stroke of genius. Its alarmingly accurate commentary on where American education is and how the end result can be made-to-order zombies (corporate drones that don't fight back or ask questions). Besides Boxmore shenanigans, Ms. Quantum paints a really sympathetic picture of teachers that honestly love their job and want to challenge students but are restricted by school boards, funding, and whatever else.
I'm tempted to put a pin in further discussion on this one considering how much stronger the commentary is now vs pre-pandemic conditions. In a nutshell, I love the social commentary here.
3.) "Second First Date"
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There are so few cartoons that let the male and female lead stay just friends. Rad and Enid are that much more interesting because they started out as a failed romance. Enid's first impression of Rad was that he is an insensitive macho meathead and not much has changed. At surface level, Rad doubled down on the toxic machismo and his more feminine interests or sensitive side are open secrets he refuses to acknowledge. This establishes that Rad will apologize and can have frank, honest conversations with people that are important to him. It also sets the stage for how Rad and Enid's friendship becomes more than coworkers and surface level from here.
Manly Cupid is also a delight. He's an 80s brand of big, boxy, and rippling muscles in a bright pink toga. He's gruff but he also embodies the importance of open communication and vulnerability between romantic partners. He's very forceful in his approach but there's a promising note that he's open to learning from his own mistakes and admitting when he's wrong. He's a fantastic early example of positive masculinity in this series.
2.) "Special Delivery"
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The meat of this episode is addressing the sharper edges of how often Enid quips at Rad or makes fun of his 'softer' interests. Rad still struggles with owning the more 'feminine' side of his personality and interests but he's reached a point with Enid where he feels like he should be comfortable enough to be his full, uncensored self. Where "Second First Date" focused more on Rad's defenses, "Special Delivery" is a companion episode where Rad calls out Enid using sarcasm and blurring the line between playful teasing with outright bullying as her own set of defense mechanisms.
They're able to work things out with Enid addressing Rad's criticisms and promising to be more thoughtful and conscientious when Rad expresses genuine interest in something 'cringe.' While Enid has a shared arc of "being emotionally vulnerable is cool" with Red, Rad's more sensitive side complements and touches on what kind of self-awareness Enid would need otherwise. There's also K.O., but he manages to knock down her walls in an easy, affable way unique to him as an adoptive younger brother. Rad is a harder nut to crack. Empathizing with him means looking past his more awkward exterior and takes a little more effort on Enid's part than with Red or K.O.
1.) "The Power is Yours"
This is my all-time favorite episode as well as crossover event, hands-down. It single-handedly drummed up what interest I have in Captain Planet now and led to me going out of my way to watch more of the original series. If O.K. K.O. comes up, I mention this episode at least once every time and I was hellbent on showing at least this one to my partner or anyone else that expresses even an iota of interest. It lives in my head rent-free!
This is a love letter to how campy, goofy, but heartbreakingly earnest Captain Planet was as a warning about pollution, climate change, and other social issues. Dr. Blight is as over-the-top as she is in the original cartoon. Overall, its a fun, ridiculous romp that showcases the strengths of O.K. K.O.'s deceptively simplistic art style combined with surreal, goofy imagery only possible in an abstract cartoon world. The ending bit with Kwame and Captain Planet warning K.O. that climate change is an immediate and ongoing issue has the right amount of seriousness and gravity that message needs. There's so many episodes that I could similarly describe this way but this one managed to grab my attention in a way that I can't fully articulate.
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This is my current list as of late 2024! These may change as time goes on and I write enough essays to flesh out a short novella. For now, this was a means to get my creative juices flowing again in a lower stress way than a full blown character analysis or whatever else. The more focused stuff is returning soon!
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thresholdbb · 1 year
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Me with anyone who shows an inkling of romantic interest towards me
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Wild Kratts/Captain Planet AU where Chris finds out he was one of the folks Gaia was considering to give a ring and become a Planeteer, but she saw all the good he would do in the future with his brother and their friends and decided he was best suited for the path he was on.
The entire mission he's quietly laminating to his brother about having always wanted to be a Planeteer and how much more good he could do with it. Maybe even questioning why he wasn't, wondering if it was something he'd done wrong, or simply wasn't good enough for whatever reason.
At the end of it all Captain Planet or even Gaia herself comes to Chris and explains why he wasn't chosen and assures he him that he is indeed behaving like a Planeteer and has done an incredible amount of good things. Maybe they offer him some token of gratitude, a magical necklace or ring or some such that not only is a symbol of Gaia's protection and blessing, but also can be used by the Planeteers to contact Chris and the rest of the team should they ever need back up, or to contact the Planeteers should he ever need them.
Chris is, of course, touched and overwhelmed by this gift and accepts it graciously.
After the teams part and go their separate ways, Martin finds Chris just to make sure he's really okay, because he knows better than anyone just how much of an act Chris can put on to save face and mask when he really needs to.
He finds his baby brother tucked up on one of the catwalks or the engine room of the Tortuga and for a little while they're just quiet, sitting shoulder to shoulder, while Chris stares down at the medallion gifted to him by the ancient Titan and literal Mother Earth. Eventually Chris lets out a sigh and leans just slightly into his brother, which Martin takes as permission to touch him and gently reaches an arm around his brother and lightly rubs a hand up and down his back.
"It feels good to know that...what we do actually matters. I mean. I know it does, I can see the effects we've had on the lives on the animals we interact with. But...it feels good to have it acknowledged and by Lady Gaia and Captain Planet of all people? There's literally no higher honor and I know that, but..." he trails off with a shrug and Martin nods knowingly, sliding his hand around Chris's shoulder and giving him a light squeeze.
"It still feels like being rejected," he fills in what Chris cannot say. "Maybe it...feels a little bit like you're not enough. It makes sense, Chris, it triggered your Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. You can be grateful and hurt at the same time. Being a Planeteer has always been your dream, and I can't imagine how much it hurts to...have that dream taken away from you. But...do you really get why? Chris, we are doing things that the Planeteers...just can't do. You get that right? What we do is so important that Mother Earth herself, told us to keep going. The work you do is so important that Lady Gaia told you she needs you to keep going with it. Maybe she didn't ask you to be a Planeteer, but she did give you a mission, little brother. If you think about it, she kinda told you that what you're doing is too important to make you a Planeteer. I know you still need time to process and maybe even grieve a little, but she didn't reject you, Chris. She just gave you a different mission."
Chris rubs his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to breath, trying to collect his composure. Martin is right, he knows he is, but the pain in his chest is still a little too much. "But I could have been a Planeteer!" He cries holding his arms out in frustration. "And I missed it by having a brother and autistic friends!" He burries his face in his hands with a dramatic groan to hide the fact that he's crying.
Martin snickers sympathetically and pulls his baby brother close, kissing the top of his head. "I know, little bro, I know. It's gonna be okay."
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comradecowplant · 5 months
*sniffle* well, that's that then. voyager has made it back to the alpha quadrant (albeit i'm not the biggest fan of the "timey whimey antics save the day" means utilized but i've seen similar plots play out far worse so i'll accept it with minimal brow furrowing), my mind & heart are full with a new sci-fi obsession, and while i know i said i'm diving into TNG asap, i do think my little ticker needs a minute to process & say goodbye to the star fleet captain who-- no matter how good picard/other captains i can't wait to meet are-- will now forever be My Captain(tm), and her intrepid crew (i'll even miss the doctor!) of the U.S.S. Voyager o7
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sweetandglovelyart · 11 months
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I didn’t have time to draw something for Halloween, so here’s this old drawing I did a while ago of Meta Knight as Captain Picard/Locutus of Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation that I feel somewhat fits the Halloween theme. I call him Locutus of Borb.
#Kirby#Kirby fanart#my art#Meta Knight#I don’t think this looks very good this was one of my first Kirby drawings and I was still figuring out how to draw everyone#I’ll probably redraw this eventually but still wanted to share this since I didn’t have time to draw anything for Halloween#aside from being a Kirby fan I’m also a big fan of Star Trek I’ve seen all the shows and movies#and I see a lot of parallels between Star Trek and Kirby#literally the whole plot of Planet Robobot is just the Borg storyline in Star Trek lol#for Kirby fans who don’t follow Star Trek the Borg are a collective of cyborgs that can essentially mechanize other species#they appear as recurring antagonists and attempt to assimilate other species into their collective against their will#and once they’ve assimilated a person they can influence that person to do their bidding#in The Next Generation they assimilate Captain Picard and turn him into Locutus of Borg so they can use him to try and assimilate Earth#it reminded me a lot of what Susie did to Meta Knight in Planet Robobot so that’s where the idea for this drawing came from#I’ll have to draw more Star Trek and Kirby crossover stuff there’s a lot I can work with for crossovers lol#like Star Trek straight up has a mirror universe full of evil versions of the characters that’s literally just Amazing Mirror#and the episode of the anime where Dedede gets the Scarfies as pets is basically just the Tribble episode from Star Trek#anyways happy Halloween please enjoy Locutus of Borb
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storminormins · 2 years
This whole time-
I always liked how they paralleled the music from Tension with Crosshair and Chip Disorders- both scenes where the chip turns members of the Batch against each other, but what I’m realizing now, with the introduction of the scene with captain Wilco is, that the deep undulating electric growl isn’t just a parallel-
they gave the chip its own theme
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Kirk pre season 2 (and tbh most of the time anyways) with regards to the prime directive:
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sickmachete · 8 months
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eliavraay · 5 months
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"The Suit Episode" - Part 2
The reason Scroop was so against people seeing him without his vest, is his slave-tag and the scars he bears from that time. If wrong people see it, they might capture him and "return him to his rightful owners".
Also, I wish to speak about Dr. Aarav, the medic of the ship. His people are born to a very inshopitable world. So to survive in the ancient times, they bonded with a species of parasite. From that ancient times, parasites are a sign of nobility and strenght, since they transfer all the experiences of the previous owners. Very high ranking noble families have their parasite being inherited, making some speciments thousands of years old. Of course there are newer parasites, but they are considered lesser. Aarav's parasite is one of these ancient ones and the Medusias government make sure, they put these persons to good use. They usually stick to the family's previous jobs. So Aarav was forced to take up the mantle of his father and predecessors, who were excelent snipers and spies. Having all the experience of your entire bloodline being warriors and snipers, makes you quite a formidable opponent. But for this work, Aarav had to leave his family and little son behind. They are as disconnected as Jim is from his father and this creates a hard experience for Jim. Because Aarav wishes to return into the life of his son, who is completely closed off from him. Saying "he lost his father the day the Monarchy gained it's best spy". Aarav's son is part of a group rejecting union with parasites and that puts him into a dangerous position, should his father die, because the government would force the parasite on him to keep up the family line.
Jim has a very good relationship with Aarav, completely trusting him. He is actually afraid a little, that if he finds his father, will he be like Aarav or will he reject him again.
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ryssbelle · 23 days
Starred trek
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mokutone · 2 years
just got to the part where kakashi gives naruto the thumbs up and volunteers himself and yamato to escort naruto.
i totally get why yamato thought this was a bad idea now.
also. Yamato: nononono! this is a BAD idea! Kakashi, in front of their students and god and everything else: what? Don't you even want to hear what I have to say before you make up your mind, Tenzō? Yamato: Hey! You're not supposed to call me by that name, remember?!
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