#is something else going to kill her?
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elizabeth-mitchells · 9 days ago
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dredgesnails · 3 months ago
it's very funny seeing the tuff guys talk about gem being so passive this season because on the one hand i totally see why, considering she's happy to let her barn burn down and she's brushed off the many attempts on her life and continued to stay allied with a number of them (even encouraged them to kill her), but i don't think she's as passive as they say.
i think she's being held back, like a hunting dog on a leash. gem likes to play the game and the game says green lives cant kill, but she's still bloodthirsty. she's so happy to convince everyone else to kill anyone but herself (mostly scott, to be honest). she helped scar build a trap and lured cleo in. all he had to do was pull the trigger. she planned to team up with jimmy to kill scott, and even when scott was no longer dark green she tried to convince him to go through with their plan anyway. she wants to pvp pearl, one on one, the honourable way. even back in episode three she was talking to her snail about what a great team they'd make (if only it wasn't targeting only her).
she's playing the long game but its only a matter of time before (like etho's apt volcano metaphor) she unleashes carnage on the server, and we've seen what that looks like in secret life.
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commander-revan · 7 months ago
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What the fuck was the point of all this
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shadowduel · 1 year ago
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We talked about making it I'm sorry that you never made it And it pains me just to hear you have to say it You knew the game and played it It kills to know that you have been defeated I see the wires pulling while you're breathing . . .
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holoship · 3 months ago
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pocketramblr · 11 months ago
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I would do anything to save her.
This was supposed to just be drawing the Taoden siblings hugging a bunch but ah guess that Falin as the tower/princess/dragon post got into my head too much
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llamaisllama777 · 6 months ago
Yesterday's episode were great I wonder what today's episodes will bring...
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HE'S HERE!!! TAURUS IS HERE! EVERYONE PANIC! let's see how badly this ends....
Surprisingly well actually.
The music in this episode was also really good. I usually don't pay attention to the background music, but the music in this episode was really good it kinda reminded me of Walking Dead mixed with Last of Us. I'm not sure if that was the intent, but it works really well I feel for this situation.
Taurus is obviously menacing, but he's also oddly calm. Not what I expected from a destroyer of worlds. He says he's just here to observe Lunar and the others and decided if Lunar and probably the whole world should live.
I ain't gonna lie, I don't have hope for this world.
Taurus is gonna take one look at the whole place and decided everyone is better off dead. Which will probably lead to some kinda of Astrals civil war or Nexus showing up and whooping Taurus and the others Astrals behinds and Lunar having to step in and save the Astrals. But that's a pipe dream I guess. We'll have to wait and see.
I can. Nebula isn't a big fan of Taurus, and he clearly isn't a big fan of her. The way he talks to her, I get she's just the messager, but she's still a person. Taurus is gonna be observing everyone and his next stop his Sun and Moon, and I don't have high hopes for what he'll say or think of them. Him and the other Astrals know about Nexus and his little stunt with star power. Sun, Moon, you guys better have a good space lawyer. I know Earth plans to befriend Taurus and make things easier on Lunar, but I have a feeling Taurus isn't the friend making type.
Gemini did say Taurus would threaten Lunar's family to get a reaction out of him. Taurus, I swear to gosh! If you hurt any of them.
Also, I think it's a matter of time until Earth runs into Nebula again, and if she does, I hope she can convince Nebula to help them with EVERYTHING going on.
We'll have to wait and see.
Now, let's see what Sun and Moon are up to maybe they'll have a calmer episode today...
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Nope. Just trauma and sadness.
Solar and New Moon reunite.
Probably not the way either of them wanted but here they are.
Okay, Nexus has just completely gone off the rocker!
"All it takes is one bad day" -Joker
Guess that saying was right for Nexus (Not really but still)
Solar tries to reason with Nexus and even says he can help him come back to the family, and Nexus just laughs! He starts spouting off all these lies about the family, like how Lunar never cared about him. He did! That Earth was just trying to fill the void cause her dad didn't love her. Earth still believed the creator loved her at that time, so that's a lie! And that Sun never cared and just took pity on Nexus. Nexus, you dense mother.... Nexus, you are just a terrible person. Knock off the oc act and get a life! Seeing as how you lost the one you had. I mean, you'll probably get yourself killed soon anyways so what's the point. But we probably should worry. Someone pointed out to me that Nexus could be a part of Rez's plan, and it's definitely looking like it. Maybe Dark Sun is Rez's master or at least is in league with Rez and his boss. I feel so bad for everyone here. (And I kinda feel bad for Nexus.... but not by a lot.) I more pity Nexus cause one day I hope he'll realize that he lost the BEST thing that ever happened to him and will never get it back and I hope he dies knowing that.
I more so feel bad for Sun and Solar.
Solar already had to kill his Moon once... and now he has to do it again. And Sun sounded so shocked and saddened when Solar suggested they kill Nexus. Nexus/New Moon was the Moon who actually showed he cared for sun. And he did at one point, but now he can't even say Sun's name without wanting to gag! Oof.
This is just sad all around.
And now they have Nexus, Taurus, and Creator after them.... LOVELY!
This is all going to boiling over and culminate in some crazy Infinity war level poo I hope.
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And now, it's a less sad one but still equally as worrying.
Puppet and Solar reunite! Yay! At least one of his reunions went well today.
Puppet filled in Solar to everything that has happened. Gosh, that must have been fun. This is like the second time someone has had to explain to him what's been happening since he's been dead.
Solar gave Puppet some advice on what to do about Eclipse, and Sun gave her some advice on what to do about the other Sun and Moon. I hope their advice works. Puppet expressed at the very end of the episode her wish to leave this new dimension and return to the old one.... Puppet...
Puppet, you left that universe to protect everyone from Puppeteer. Now, I'm not sure what the deal with Puppeteer is now. He's been weakened cause Puppet herself has been weakened, but there is still the risk of him coming back. Are you really gonna take that chance, Puppet?
Also, Puppet, you uprooted your entire family's life to go here. You don't have that apartment anymore! You can't just decide to move to a whole other universe and bond to said universe only to decide to leave it after what 3 weeks?
Yes, I know Foxy chose to go with her, and he could have chosen not to but did, but still, you can't just decide to ditch when the going gets tough Puppet, you stick it out and ride the waves till it all calms. I hope everything works out for Puppet and Eclipse and hope Sun and Solar's advice to her works. Also, sorry if it seems like I hate Puppet's character, I don't. I love her character and this flaw of hers. I'm just being critical.
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macbethisms · 8 months ago
underrated thing about wang baoxiang is how utterly pathetic he is. intentionally provokes his brother every time they interact because having esen be mad at him for something he did on purpose is easier than being vulnerable and then is like how could esen think i hate him :(( goes around rolling his eyes at all these Idiots who don't consider the Needs of the Common Folk and then gets grossed out whenever a servant dares to speak to him. constantly thinking about Hot Men Exercising and how much they all want to fuck each other probably. hasn't emotionally matured past the age of fifteen (he is twenty-three). thinks of himself as a Character instead of a person so much that he gets surprised whenever the things he did for their narrative significance have actual real consequences. while being quite literally haunted by a specter of his own guilt is like hm what could this mean. well time to not sleep for another 36 hours. kills people and then throws up about it and then goes off to kill more people because surely this is the one that will fix everything right. wants to be punished for what he's done because it's the closest he can get to admitting he feels remorse. looks for his brother everywhere but only ever finds himself.
which of course culminates with him stalking miserably through the hallways looking for someone to be mad at because there needs to be someone else responsible for making his life suck but there isn't anymore because no one has power over him anymore. and he can't go back but tries to convince himself that he doesn't want to because he also needs to see himself as being In Control of Everything That's Ever Happened to Him. he wanted it all along and he likes it here actually. and he won fratricide chicken and got himself tortured and tried to show mercy and did every evil dishonorable thing and now he just has to live with it all forever. loser!!!!
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solargeist · 9 months ago
for over a week now i keep thinking abt grian and kid xelqua. something abt him taking care of this alternate universe child version of himself. i just stare at the ceiling and my eyes blur
#I HAVE SO MNAY THOUGHTS I DONT DO ANYTHING ELSE#grian knows who xelqua is. he knows who this kid is. but xelqua does not remember nor know ! hes genuinely just a little kid#unsure if he knows Who exactly Grian is though#its also weird for pearl to see kid xelqua. bc thats technically her older brother ? from a different timeline ? as a kid ?#also an unkillable goddd ? oh but hes so cute tho his little cheeks WAHHH#Sometimes adult Xelqua appears on the server. sometimes the kid version#almost always at grian's house i think he just feels safe there#xelqua issss miserable. hes much older than he should be. i think he occasionally gets so stressed out he reverts into a kid#and cant remember anything. but knows he feels safe in HC so he ends up going there#but hes stilllll powerful as a kid he doesn't lose any of that strength. so if he throws a temper tantrum and kills a bunch of fish. well !#theyre soooo brothers but in a way where ur older brother has to take on a parental role and you fight a lot bc of the odd dynamic#ALSO SOMETHING SOMETHING abt grian not having parents. raising himself. craving that sort of attention which led him to the watchers#and then being able to parent this version of himself ? its sad rly. in quiet moments he wonders if he was too difficult as a kid#he doesnt find xelqua that difficult. hes just a little kid. hes silly. hes not hard to love and care for#godh man *head in hands* i collapse thinking abt grian and family themes and its a core part of how i write him haha#IM GOING TO THROW UPP
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loptrcoptr · 1 year ago
The blue eye samurai fandom, for some reason
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lokh · 1 year ago
in a world where the dungeon meshi cast are playing a ttrpg. did shuro just like inexplicably get roped in one day and he just. kept showing up
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heyclickadee · 6 months ago
You know, if/when we get Tech back, and if he had anything to do with CX-2 (either flat out was CX-2 and the impalement helped, or was CX-2 via direct control via something like my super niche operator theory), and he sees the batch before he’s completely recovered, part of me wants to see:
1. Tech back away from Omega when she sees him and runs to hug him, because he doesn’t remember her yet as anything but that kid Hemlock made him kidnap and he feels incredibly torn up about it and doesn’t know why. Omega’s little face crumbling when this happens would be devastating and it would be really great set up for Tech moving to hug her first once he remembers who she is. I don’t know, Omega deserves to have someone else be the first to initiate the hug.
2. Tech lose his entire shit at Crosshair and Hunter the first time he sees them without really understanding why. Not because they deserve it—they don’t—but because there’s some good good cronchy conflict there and it’s a good lead in to resolving the little bit of Hunter and little bit more of Crosshair that remains unresolved.
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wadewilsoncoreposts · 2 months ago
Idk if this is controversial or whatever but I think Vanessa is a seriously underdeveloped and underused character in the movies and I don’t think they should’ve fridged her in the second one
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noteclan · 4 months ago
Noteclan: Moon 3
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they're sooo. I am so proud of that Tallsilk and Ochrewillow scene. If anyone has any asks they want to send about any of the characters please do I would be So excited to talk more about them.
I'm also very excited about the newcomers! In game both Calakit and Bogpaw joined the clan, but in story, Bogpaw's still a fumbleclan cat. He's a mediator in game, technically existing but mostly there to help me sculpt the story. (Also: if anyone has advice on how to change who a mediator was mentored by, please help! I've tried to modify the code but there's clearly a place I haven't found yet)
also: by a Rough counting(I am sick currently and while I thought I was getting better apparently addition is beyond me rn), I've now drawn more than 100 panels of this comic! If I was doing the classic 3 panel updates lots of folks do I'd be on post 33.. jeez. makes me feel much better about how infrequently I post, LMAO
hope y'all have a nice rest of your day!
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 days ago
how do i tell my roommate that her cat repeatedly pissing on and destroying my things is something that people usually offer to clean or replace or apologize for instead of shrugging off
#there's always garbage scattered along the floor she has a million shoes that somehow end up under my bed#she fucking leaves her cat alone for days and days bc 'if he gets hungry he'll rip open the cat food bag' ?????#her cat killed one of her turtles bc of their shitty housing and the other one's visibly terrified to bask in the fucking#led light that gives off no heat that i TOLD her was wrong and unhealthy months ago#she never cleans said turtle's tank even though the algae bloom is currently insane#her shit takes up like 80% of the room for exactly zero reason#and i cant use my closet because rascal pissed in it over the month long break and she did nothing about it#meaning the whole closet smells so much like piss that any clothes that stay there will smell like piss#it's fucking filthy in here and she never cleans obviously but it also makes it harder for me to clean bc her shit's everywhere#can you please maybe just take some of the trash out before you go cheat on your boyfriend please#(<- at least im pretty sure that's what's going on? might be more of an open relationship)#your cat is fucking violent and filthy because you never hang out with him or clean anything#and next year i'll be gone (im Not living like this for another year) and someone else is going to put you into debt#charging you for the things your cat ruined or they're going to abuse him again and you don't even seem to care#bc you're too busy buying sorority merch and thinking about new tattoos and shit#i want broke ppl to have fun and to buy/do things that make them happy but her negligence literally has a body count now#bc she refuses to keep a turtle she's had for over a year in anything but shallow unprotected tupperware#a small glass tank isn't that expensive especially not compared to tattoos!! you Can save for this#and more importantly you Should have saved for this before getting a fucking living thing in your house#she kept her dead turtle rotting in our room for about three weeks. just. in a cup by the sink#and there's nowhere the cat can't reach so im terrified every time i leave that he's gonna piss on my mattress or something#that i'd be financially responsible for (or else that'd leave the poor inheriter of this room in filth) and couldn't really clean properly#and unfortunately i like talking to her so much and im so dogshit with confrontation that i never say anything#world's biggest sucker award!! fucking. christ on a cracker#like he's pissed on my SHOES. he's scratching up everything in here#and i don't want to pay outta my ass or spend a bunch of time trying to fix her cat for her#because contrary to popular belief i have shit to do!! i do not have the energy to have a cat That's Why I Don't Have One!!!!!#and i can't go to the RA bc she's not supposed to have any of these animals#if rascal gets taken from her chances are he's gonna get euthanized at our local shelter and i can't take him in bc of my dogs#but why doesn't she ever stop to think about how this might be affecting me?? my standards are not that high!!!!
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months ago
theres just so many interesting things you could do if you staged chimes of midnight tbh....
#two actors for edith (older and younger) and having the older sing behind other dialogue#separate actor for edward grove so when he possesses shaughnessy the two actors speak at the same time#to be honest you could have two actors for just about everyone except maybe the doctor#and probably not shaugnessy since he doesnt die. but whenever the others die have understudies either play the corpse or stand around in the#background outside the lights. so theyre just visible but clearly shelved#as the mystery gradually becomes clear slowly have the older edith shadowing the staff as they say things that were said to her#the screams when the older edith is explaining - just have younger edith and mary and mrs baddeley and whoever else offstage and scream with#with their mics off - then you get a surround sound effect too - esp if you have them offstage behind or to the side of the audience#YOU COULD HAVE A DOLLHOUSE IN THE PARLOR WHEN THE DOCTOR'S CALLED UPSTAIRS TOO#itd be even more effective if you showed it at the beginning#maybe as the audience is filtering in you just have the lights up on that set so they SEE it yk?#then once everyones seated have the lights go off suddenly (maybe even play the theme song)#idk how youd do the jam jar im not a theater person. maybe red fabric for the jam that can 'spill' all over charley in a concerning looking#way (that can look like how edith looks when she kills herself) but that doesnt necessitate a costume change or any sort of cleanup for the#stage itself. BUT. the problem is the jar. i wouldnt want to use breakaway glass bc 1) cleanup 2) id want to have something you could put#back together quickly that would be indicative of the time loop#but again im not a theater person so i dont know stuff maybe that would be easy and you COULD use breakaway glass. or whatever im NOT a#person who knows really much at all about theater#ari opinion hour
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