#is sad
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
artistic-fool · 4 months ago
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I finally did it, I finally drew Banana Fish fan art🥲
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maze-mind · 1 year ago
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"What's the softest way to say, you took away my friend?"
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stardustneeko · 1 year ago
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"I hope that we meet in another life..."
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half-shadowgalra · 5 months ago
I haven’t done much, but I’m just really tired and unmotivated to do anything right now
Anyway that’s why I haven’t posted much of my own art recently
if anyone cares
I have been drawing, I’ve just only been motivated to draw some of my oc’s or just quick little doodles and they aren’t supper interesting, so…
imma stop blathering
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kalyc4t · 2 years ago
Ok, im gonna learn animation, but for now some void tears
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tanema123 · 11 months ago
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We got Carmilla fallen angel au.
I couldn't color this as my layers got merged after I saved yesterday. The evillness of technology peeps. :(
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drpoisonoaky · 1 year ago
I wrote my first tyzula fic and it’s fucking sad 🫡
Azula is on the run and Ty Lee is trying to catch her. But their story together hurts because she pretends that it didn't exist at all.
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the-heaminator · 8 months ago
I think I have writers block.
I shall now cry
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bluemoonperegrine · 8 months ago
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Hat tip to @overseer-picard for the "apple blossomed trees" text post
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brigitoshaughnessy · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daniel Jackson/Sha're (Stargate) Characters: Daniel Jackson (Stargate) Additional Tags: Angst Series: Part 17 of SG1: Writing Prompts Summary:
Daniel has an odd talisman that he carries with him on each mission.
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tammyhybrid21 · 12 days ago
Pokémon Aura Affinities(Humans with Typings)
The Tumblr Version
The saddest part of this is you don’t get the colours that I have in my original document version of this... well, not entirely... You’ll get it for at least the preview image for summarising everything. But-- So...
How’s about pokémon, people and typings... Whether called affinities or leanings, it’s a piece of worldbuilding I want to go completely feral over. Pokéverse humans, aura and how that is not just a background detail to me. It’s an influence in so much more. Be prepared, because this is going to be a really messy ramble.
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If you can’t read these, no shock... the colour choice is a bit... odd in some of them, because I was not great at picking colours and it was just for the vibes. But these are basically the dividing trio of categories for types and discounting the special cases that are Stellar and Shadow typings, though I will talk about those in this ramble... Much of this will be put under a Read More, because this will get LONG.
Also, shush, I am aware this is basically a big give away on my type preferences, it’s not subtle.
General Overviews:
I will not be ordering this in anything that makes sense...
Commonality is arbitrary. The choices of things is more like a fun thought experiment and me going somewhat feral over the idea of Humans in Pokéverse been pokémon themselves and how Aura works is nebulous enough that this is just going to go in circles if I try to say anything is more common over anything else...
Typing for humans is at least half the vibes anyway, a word association game. That said... Normal/Fighting/Psychic are the biggest culprits for human weirdness. The arguably most common type affinities for people to have.
HUMANS-- Humans are weird, but just like Pokémon, People have a wide variety of options with Typing, with how they mesh into the world. Most people are not aligned strongly enough to use moves, that generally comes from been really stubborn and determined, or you know... training as an Aura Guardian. THAT SAID-- there is arguments to be made about Aura been used in battles to support and boost your pokémon.
Z-Moves, Mega Evolution and even Terastallization all seem to draw from a trainer’s aura to charge up before transferring to the pokémon whether through tool or bond.
Dynamaxing/Gigantimaxing is the exception to this since it’s region locked so heavily
For humans I like to think of typing been something of a slots game almost. This is where human “evolution” can kind of come into play. You have three slots for type options... some people fill all three with the same type and become so... so heavily associated it’s funny. Others... Well, but it’s not even that simple because you can be typed one way as a kid and then grow up and into something completely different... or else events can happen and your affinities completely change.
Humans are a bit, a lot, like Eevee in their typing adaptability, but also more extreme.
Three slots, Primary, Secondary(Subtyping) and then Tera bonus slot.
Generally people settle into their Primary typing by the time they’re 4-5 years old. Encanto Rules
Typing doesn’t seem to follow any real strongly defined rules with humans, or pokémon really. Is it something in the environment, in the person, just random chance? All of the above even. Most people seem to assume it’s got something to do with personality and values, or even something on the soul level, but it’s not something that’s been really studied or delved into. Just like how most people can’t or don’t bother to try and get themselves a move set. Or think about if they have any specific ability inherent.
Usually if you want to guess someone’s type affinity you can look at their starter or their non-starter ace pokémon... it’s about a 45% give away.
There’s a bit of a chicken or egg situation with partner pokémon choice, did the type affinity come first, or the partner?
Most people’s typings are that subtle it all works out to be fairly neutral in most aspects... exceptions do clearly exist though.
There of course, are some other theories about how human typings work as well. Mostly from analysis of more recent discoveries. There are conspiracy theorists out there who swear up and down that the truth must be that humans are inherently typed with the recently discovered Stellar typing or just have the energy of all 18 basic pokémon types in them by default-- anything else is just what people have trained/cultivated themselves to be.
Not helping the arguments is just how many people seem to align to one type and folks who fill all three slots tend to be more exceptions than the rules.
OF COURSE, There’s also the matter of when you think about Shadowing or Shadow Pokémon, the idea of becoming Shadowed. Because yes, I do think there’s a risk here, it’s about closing off your heart. It is trauma expression, some people with really, really bad PTSD kind of have a half state of leaning into this, super effective against all that it is. It’s also very, very uncomfortable and unsettling to witness, uncanny vibes.
The picture at the top of this post is also the somewhat trio of how typings are grouped and associated. It’s not the rule, but it is a box system to try and make things neat and tidy because we humans do so enjoy that.
The Passionate: Types associated mostly with people with HIGH ENERGY, High movement. The folks who are active, who are out and about, loud. Unapologetic. Define Extrovert hours.
The Stoic: The most neutrally associated group, the ones who’re steady, calm, more “down to earth” which especially with that WEDGE been there... Somewhat basic, more associated with introversion.
The Whimsical/Aberrant: The Rest, Or not really, these are more for those who don’t cleanly fit into either other category, the more esoteric and nebulous, those who’re shifting or between states. Neither introverted or extroverted exclusively
Not helping this of course is you could theoretically resort most typings into any of the three categories if you done enough mental mathematics. They’re just the basic idea of how it works. People also tend to take a bit from multiple boxes, generally... and if they don’t well-- it doesn’t really matter anyway. It really is a word association game after all.
Also on human Aura, just as a small aside, PMDE colour ribbons, what determines this is basically just favourite colour. Not anything much deeper but still fun to think about. (I’m also pretty sure they’re selected by DS favourite colour settings lol)
A stately silver, Silver Bow
A subdued brown, Brown Bow
A fiery red, Red Bow
An uplifting pink, Pink Bow
A stunning orange, Orange Bow
An energetic yellow, Yellow Bow
A brilliant green, Lime Bow
A refreshing green, Green Bow
A deep green, Viridian Bow
A gentle mint green, Minty Bow
A clear aqua blue, Blue Bow
A cool sky blue, Sky Blue Bow
A smart marine blue, Cobalt Blue Bow
A mystic purple, Purple Bow
An elegant violet, Violet Bow
A vivid pink, Fuschia Bow
Basically just throwing that as a bonus. Other interesting things is thinking about Aura in terms of how Conquest shows linking up with Pokémon, it’s again in the vibes and projecting Intent. Modern day Pokémon Rangers use the stylus to basically cheat the process since the old way has been... somewhat lost/forgotten along with the rest of Ransei.
I would also talk something about how Pokéverse humans are uncanny valley here... but I might talk more about that when I’m actually rambling in each typings section. But even at their most basic, there’s something ever so slightly off about humans in this world. Eyes too bright, mouths slightly too wide, ears too mobile and noses twitching... body proportions ever so slightly wrong or off, the hair colour variety... SHINY GENE.
Humans are Pokémon still.
BEFORE Properly going into these... most weaknesses and resistances follow general rules like for pokémon themselves. The type chart is still in full effect on humans as it should be. That said, sometimes things get a little bit weird when you factor in how status conditions work, with some typings offering surprise shielding and others making you suffer even worse... the more interesting thing is usually how been typed even in the standard subtle way affects someone’s reaction to the environment around them or even their appearance in subtle... or not so subtle ways.
The appearance thing especially ranges depending on the individual, genetics or just how deeply someone has leaned into their type affiliation.
More often the appearance stuff is just vibes.
Or really, really subtle things that makes someone look twice.
I am inevitably going to come back to a lot of this and probably give each type their own post and time to shine at some point... excluding... certain ones, but that’s for future Hybrid to worry about... For now... this.
Normal - Balance/Stagnation
Alright, default settings first. Which is such a funny way to think of the Normal typing but it basically is. It’s no shock that it’s one of the most common typings for humans. Again, the association with Eevee comes to mind, but also com-mon the world over generally fall into the Normal typing.
Some folks have argued that Normal is so common because it’s the default setting that humans are born with. Which is not something that has been proven in any capacity. That said, it’s also the most balanced typing, a big hit and doesn’t have any major incompatibilities with anything or anyone aside some trouble and trickiness when it comes to handling Ghost types.
People with a Normal type affinity tend to get stereotyped as somewhat boring. Neutrality is all well and good, but sometimes it feels a bit much for how everyman this type tends to trend. It also tends to be negatively associated with stagnation, which does track. These people seem to find their comfort zone and then stick with it. It’s a pretty strong supportive type as well, the flexibility enabling people to basically fill whatever role they want.
Due to how everyman it is, these people tend to be much the same, just the slight uncanny valley affect, or sometimes people get vibes that are just ever so slightly to the left looking at them. A particularly notable person with the Normal type as an affinity is Larry from Paldea. So normal, so everyman that it actually goes into the uncanny.
He feels so neutral, so in the middle people theorise he has the Normalize ability.
Some people also wonder at how neutral his aura actually is, like does he even have it?! (He might be Isekai’d and that one theory never stops making me laugh)
All that said, there’s a reason it is default settings. Due to not having to really compete against the environment so much you can really be focused. You can adapt and change, it’s a balanced act. You don’t have to push back against anything, but at the same time you are at the mercy of the environment around you. Appearance tends to even out as well, these folks are arguably the ones who would be the most familiar to us. Maybe a bit softer, a bit rounded, but features that are familiar and comfortable...
Or mostly comfortable. Can feel uncanny when it is too normal. Like when everything is quiet and too quiet.
Paradoxically, I actually think that people who’re truly Normal Aligned are the minority, because there’s just so much else that folks can be. To truly be normal someone tends to have to want to be normal. It’s kind of an effort to find that balancing point. Aura Trainers and Specialists are generally normally aligned for a reason, but there’s just as equal a reason that they’re so few.
Move tutors and specialists actually might also tend to the normal affinity
That said, just to round it out... I do want to do my “Difficult types to Train” lists at the end of these. Which for Normal aligned people is basically... only one thing.
Hard Types:
Fighting - Discipline/Honour
Alright, next up Fighting Type affinity. Another kind of “everyman” type alignment.
Also not actually as hot blooded as they seem on the surface. Considering fighting type is in the “Stoic” box, it’s because it takes a lot of discipline to get good. Cultivation of the self. Fighting has a certain code of conduct to it... for better or worse. Not entirely sure how to get my thoughts running smoothly for this one.
An example of a canon character who I think has this Aura Affinity is Ash Ketchum, face of Pokémon itself. Yes, and the reasoning I think is pretty solid beyond just the fact he uses Aura like a Lucario/Riolu, but it’s also his personal code of honor and how he acts. With a few other things scattered around, while he’s scattered that doesn’t mean he isn’t... yeah.
Aura Guardian affinity
Real Protagonist Hours
Much like Normal Affinities... fighting type by itself doesn’t really change people that much actively. It’s pretty neutral on the settings and doesn’t offer much in terms of notable resistances or difficulties. Physically fighting types are hardy, with the energy to spare on exercising and keeping active. Stoic is really the wrong descriptor, but again it’s more about the discipline association that it comes from.
A dedicated training routine, or hiking, going out and keeping active.
There’s a different group of people who argue FIGHTING is actually the default nature of Aura. Especially because well, it’s definitely the one that’s “easiest” to learn and mould into actual substance. Aura Guardians are well recognized after all... along with other instances where people have meditated and called up aura for standard use. It’s very much the state of been, a collected head and discipline of body that leads to-- well.
Much like for normal types fighting on its own doesn’t really lend that much to anything really been different. Unless one counts the resilience and determination that codifies a fighter. Maybe some thicker skin, or more defined muscles... but it’s not really anything big. A fighter can range from been quite lean, to been more built...
That said, they can have a more steady way of breathing, and the body language is very deliberate... unless you’re meeting someone who leans more to the Mankey/Primeape side of fighting types... very feral, with sharper teeth and angles.
It’s kind of hard to think about how this type really affects people because much like normal type it’s really only a slight shift to the left from baseline. And again like Normal types most people with a fighting typing can handle almost all customers.
Hard Types:
Grass - Growth/Nature/Nurture
Oh, now I get to start to have some more FUN with things. We’ve gotten away from the boring types here. Or well, we’re starting to...
Grass is the first of the Starter Trio, and those three due to accessibility are themselves very common. Grass in particular the type of nature, of growth and nurture. Generally belongs to people who’re caretakers, gardeners, naturalists. Nurturing people.
Yet, yet, grass can choke and claim. Just as wild and prone to overgrowth and smothering.
Friendly and yet hiding thorns, the hidden danger just below a pretty surface.
People who’re grass typed are generally some of the friendliest folks out there, outdoorsy and thriving in the countryside. As all the best stereotypes claim, green thumbs and singing harmonies with nature itself. Other subtle things is the hints that they can gather energy from the sun, photosynthesis.
People tend to assume grass types rise with the sun, early risers and full of energy but dropping hard for the night, there’s also a big stereotype with vegetarianism and veganism. There’s also some consideration for cooking, but that’s a more ymmv thing.
A bigger one is grass types tend to have something of a floral scent to them, or cut grass, soft and light. Their hair and eyes can take on the slightest greenshift. Depending on how deeply typed someone really is, there’s also the aspects of claws(thorns) and whispers regarding the exact nature of how someone’s hair might feel. Ever so slightly off, almost plant, and sometimes people’s skin can be-- rougher.
Grass is where the wild things are.
Grass is also where the resistances also show their weaknesses. While a lot of people become a bit more resistant to been affected by spore based moves, sleep power, stun spore and poison powder, it’s not a perfect resistance and poisoning is actually still just as big an issue as for anyone else. Grass types also tend to wilt a bit as the day goes on if they don’t maintain their hydration or spend too long inside or around places like a cave. They also don’t do brilliantly in the cold, unfortunately, they’re prone to a bit of freezing.
Cave depression is common
Hard Types:
Water - Fluidity/Flexibility
No but seriously, the second of the starter type trio, and the typing with the most pokémon ever actually, water is a fun one. And it’s common for a reason, even in humans probably, though much more low-key. It’s just as much about additivity as the normal typing... but also dynamic, travelling, running, running, running.
Water is both the most go with the flow type and yet the one with a purpose, a direction. Water will race to reach its destination.
Speed and not haste
Woe betide you to get caught in the riptide flow though
Water types often actually pair well with grass types and it’s because they share a number of common interests. The green thumb at least seems shared, though not in every single case. Water is also the type of mystery seekers and those with a sort of wanderlust, respect and awe of the ocean...
Water folks are well known for their water escapades. If they’re not just straight swimmers, or surfers, or marine behaviourists they’re just enthusiastic about the water... fishermen and women often also follow the rule. A surprise is firefighters as well, because it’s well known that water types actually tend to flag in both directions on the temperature scale. Too hot or too cold they suffer the same.
There’s also a lot of debate about whether someone with a water typing can hold their breath for longer or not... Underwater vision is definitely something, sometimes this comes with a second eyelid, sometimes not. It’s a bit uncanny and leads to something of a joke about people with glasses been water typed as well. Eyes made for seeing below the waves rather than above.
Other subtle things can be a double layer in their hair, slight scaling to their skin and some folks have extra webbing between their fingers and toes. The more someone leans into a water typing the more extreme their features may be.
Hard Types:
Fire - Passion/Destruction
Of course this is the final of the starter trio, final of the really common alignments due to easy access... well kind of. But it is extremely common due to how passionate humans are in general. Fire is the passionate typing. Creation and destruction two sides of the coin... kind of. This is a bit where I get really messy and circular talking about the word association game... really I have been the whole time, it’s just here that it’s especially noticeable.
Burn bright, burn high and burn out.
Fire types are a bit like stars with their passions. They blaze brightly, loudly. These are the kind of people who will drag themselves up from nothing, they will not stop to reach their goals. Driven and bold, at the same time... they can be very much too intense, burning either themselves out or those around them.
Of course they’re resistant to heat and hot temperatures, why wouldn’t they be? They also tend to themselves run hot so they don’t mind the cold that much either... except when they’re hot enough to melt snow then it causes some... concerns. They make good human shaped space heaters.
There is debate about what kind of physical traits someone gets with a fire alignment-- or even if there is any really. Red-orange shaded hair and eyes, sharper teeth, the body temperature stuff... more subtle things seem to generally be the universal rule. A scent of smoke as well... Poor fire types get stereotyped as smokers even if they don’t really.
THAT SAID. Where water types can hold their breath much longer under water, fire type people are like the cat stereotype of water no. So many of them have either a fear or distaste to water... on the other hand... fire types don’t notice smoke in the air quite as easily as other people... or at all really.
Can you touch the fire? Maybe
Also haha, freezing who?
Hard Types:
Bug - Creativity/Invasive/Drive
You know what actually, we still aren’t beating the common complaint. BUGS!
Bug types are also really common, which no wonder. They hold a special place... and I associate them with creativity, with drive... at the same time, they are invasive buggers. Also it’s just a classic, Bug Catchers, Bug Catchers everywhere.
Bug is a “beginner” type in and of itself really. Mostly because if you want a pokémon that’s easy to raise and accessible, step outside and you will probably run into a bug type. Youth is definitely another thing that can be associated with bugs as a clean result... but it’s a very surface level observation to make.
Creepy Crawlies, oh creepy crawlies. Bugs can also be spooky as a treat. Unsettling and invasive as I sort of pointed out with the title word associations. And I think this comes from the survival aspects of bugs... and how those affect people. Sharp senses, scales can come... and compound eye effect, pheromones is also... an interest point. Climbing skills enabled
Ariadosman, oh Ariadosman
Bugs tend to be able to thrive pretty much anywhere and everywhere. They have a messy web of resistances and weaknesses and any one bug typed person could have a completely different group of weaknesses to the next. A common one is the thread of insomnia and lack of vulnerability to sleep though. Also common is a level of poison resistance, though rarely a full truly immunity.
Rather hilariously, bug trainers take issue with sprayed repels, the effect repelling them just as much as it might a pokémon. This is commonly assumed to be from the way been bug aligned can affect your sensory perception, smell and pheromones and all.
Finally, the drive aspect. For all bugs are creativity in my heart, survival and creativity going into an interesting mix of artistic... there is drive. Bugs are DRIVEN, they are strategy. Bugs work together in a colony, or a niche with a goal. Bugs are driven, they have JOBS. Work ethic and duty, colonies and community... I’d also mention bug wars but well... yeah.
Hard Types:
Flying - Wanderlust/Freedom
You feel like flying kid?
Ahahhah, this is the free pidgey typing. Wanderlust and Freedom, what goes hand in hand. And yet Flying is not without its organization. Migration patterns and setting out with a plan on where and how you want to wander around and see the sights of the world.
Most obviously, many, many pilots tend to be flying types. And to be a pilot you need to be able to follow the regulations, your safety checks and all the routines and rules. Keep to the schedule of flights to avoid a crash in the air. It’s all about safety in the air... the closest they can get to the sky that they long for.
That said... another huge aspect of Flying is culture. Singing, Dancing, MUSIC. There’s this level of grace, of beauty, everyone knows songbirds, everyone knows how dramatic everything can get... flying types are stereotyped as theatre kids grown up just as much as anything else.
Flying types are... sharp... with their vision. Braviary Eyed as some will claim, or else taking after raptor pokémon with what they can see. Also the air pressure up high doesn’t bother them as much, some of them also tend to be sharper in features and something in the eyes just intimidates. How they spy so many little details.
Feathers, some of them seem to have fluffy downy, feathery hair.
While there isn’t really any notable status resistances afforded to people with a flying alignment, there is some notable weaknesses added due to a higher level of suffering when it comes to paralysis. ON AN EXTRA HAND... Flying types and their risk taking is there in a rather interesting way... the adrenaline seeking...
Watch your friend throw themself off a cliff just because they want to feel the air around them...
Altitude Sickness who?
Hard Types:
Electric - Erratic/Science/Energy
The end of the simple, and yet not really. Electric aligned folks are very, very easy to spot. Or at least people think they are.
Energetic and bouncing, electricity is of SCIENCE, or energy! Erratic and unpredictable. Electric types are charged and always changing, running, racing for a solution with the most speed. They run at their own pace and kind of leave it to others to keep up or drop off.
It’s also very associated with ADHD, which is a stereotype all of its own.
Similar to Flying types, Electric types are very big on their freedom. Wanting to get out, to go and see the world. Race off to see everything that’s out there on offer. But unlike their companion type, they’re a lot less likely to go out with a plan, more like throwing themselves out there and seeing where their feet take them.
Electricity is about spontaneity. It’s also a creative thing, but it’s more because of the energy that they build up. They need something to do with themselves. Something to direct excess energy to, else they sometimes literally build it up and get overcharged and overhyped. There’s a reason that they’re commonly in the sciences, not just technology wise, but anything that offers a challenge for them to chew on.
Feral behaviour really, electric types are the most common biters aside Dark types really.
Like electric pokémon, they’re immune to paralysis. Like flying types they’re not as affected by higher altitudes. Electric types also thrive in thunderstorms. They like and appreciate thunder and lightning and some particularly... bold folks go out and try to get struck.
The appearance thing is again mostly subtle, extra static hair, or spiky hair, sometimes it can feel a bit rubbery, insulated... or just so much static that clings in general. Tinges of yellow-gold in the eyes and hair... Or pouches, hilariously, pads on the hands or even the feet, beans. Pouches storing excess electricity. Or blush sticker pouches of course.  
Hard Types:
Ice - Comfort/Cold/Renewal
Ice is something I love to think about, but then hate to try and explain. Often the sterotypes for ice types is directly to the coldness. People expect them to be cold, to be harsh... Stiff and unwelcoming... but the reality is... Cold is a comfort. Or at least, the people who are ice aligned are comforting, warm. Friendly and open. People who will extend a hand out to offer help and assistance.
Ice, Winter and Renewal
I have... so many thoughts on Ice and Renewal, all the time. Winter is a time of comfort, of getting together into a snuggle pile and stocking up. It’s about been together with friends and companions just as much as it’s about the cold and the unwelcoming of the environment. So ice types... for how frosty they are... are actually going to lean into that comfort most times...
And renewal. Ice preserves and shields and allows new growth to thrive with the thaw. But I’m not entirely sure how to explain some of these things easily. The seasonal turn in ice and snow is just... mhmm nice.
Of course there’s so many obvious and less obvious aspects of how this affects people, the least of things been the sheer cold resistance that they get. Cold hands, cold bodies, but warm, warm, warm hearts. Also the temperature resistance is absolutely wild. Gaeric and Irida of the Pearl Clan and their everything in the cold of the Hisuian Icelands are iconic of cold resistance representation.
On the other hand, ice types are so vulnerable to burns and hot temperature that it’s almost too easy to laugh at your cold weather friends and their suffering on a lightly warm day. They otherwise don’t really have anything stand out and even the physical changes are incredibly subtle.
Also winter fun, Ice and snow is actually a lot more similar to Water than people want to admit in regards to changeability. The water cycle, ice is a big part of it after all. Some of their physical changes can blend a little bit with those recognized in water types... aside the eyes been more after... protection from snowblindness. Very reflective eyes actually, can be disorientating.
Hard Types:
Ground - Stability/Inflexibility
I was so... so tempted to lump these next three just into the same section and be done with them. The “Earth Wedge” of types how I kind of loathe thee.
The confusion here is not just me as a writer but in universe it’s hard for people to fully pinpoint their alignment for certain between Ground or Rock type especially. And then you add in Steel for something of a surprise twist to the issue.
Ground is the type for stubborn and hard-working folk. Stubborn to an absolute fault really. Headstrong folks as well, it’s the typing for those who aren’t scared to get down and dirty. Grab yourself by the bootstraps and pull yourself up, there’s work to do and it isn’t much but it’s honest. In a surprise or not so surprise twist, they also tend to nail been green thumbs.
Then you get at least a little bit of fun, Ground types are obviously very at home down on the ground, or in caves and mining. In the darkness of the Earth itself. But counterly, they are absolutely the worst about going up high, flights are pure evil and suffering and they will complain the whole time about the air pressure.
You are making them suffer, SUFFER
At least they can swim, with complaint but they can
Their comfort in the ground might actually come from a certain level of night vision, though it’s not something that anyone’s really done much looking into. Ground types also tend to always seem a little bit dusty/dirty and their skin layered-- and their nails more likely to be claws with thicker padding for digging. Subtle things still.
Resistances here are very standard by environment and they basically care little for electricity, paralysis who hours. Not that it protects them against stun spore. And they think nothing of a sandstorm. You get lost out in the desert it’s good to have a companion who is aligned with the ground type.
Of course, sadly a lot of people think that ground types are a bit boring, because just like normal types, ground aligned folks are at great risk to stagnation. It’s because they tend to find their niche and then stubbornly stick to it to the point of inflexibility. Unwilling to venture too far out of their sense of stability.
Hard Types:
Rock - History/Preservation
With all the similarities to Ground types a lot of what I could say for the rock typed folks feels really redundant. They’re the second type of the “earth wedge” and even in the case of pokémon with the typing it’s very, very easy to just lump them under the same umbrella.
They’re similarly stubborn, similarly inflexible and stagnant. With similar resistances and weaknesses bar a few key cases. Again they can just handle a sandstorm without much issue and it really doesn’t help the confusion. Same with living and working around in caves, maybe one of the few exceptions is how much more these guys lead into the history angle.
Of course, on the other hand... there are those who’re just in it for treasure. Just as likely is the treasure hunter side. Folks who only care for the minerals and stones that could get them something. Or finding and selling history back to people. Still a decent bit of hard work, but a bit more to the side of it.
Fossils and archaeology, looking to the past to plan for the future. And unlike their counterpart... Rock types are not so commonly able to be green thumbs... under or overestimating the level of tolerance plants will have for the soil around them. The differences are a lot more subtle, rock types have much hardier and thicker skin, more rocky for the pun, even if they share the somewhat night vision trait... and at times the almost claws for nails. They share the always seeming dusty/dirty on the skin issue as well.
On the other hand, while ground types can swim, rock types generally cannot. It’s a mirror situation, because rock types can stand higher altitudes relatively better, or at least on a more standardized level in comparison. It’s still not fantastic but they can.
Again, a lot of people think they’re boring for finding their thing and sticking to it. No respect for the grind truly. But it is a problem that’s understandable because stubborn breeds stubborn. But it’s not truly complacency, even if it can run into the wall of stagnation. Rock is even slower to move, to change than ground.
Hard Types:
Steel - Industry/Civilization
There’s something amusing... about how coming to Steel made me realise that I had split my thinking of the “Earth Wedge” into a lesson about past, present and future. It’s still not anything really amazing, not anything big because the blending of characters across all three and many of the traits stay the same but the focus is something to be stated.
Steel is the type of industry, of civilization and cultivation... knights and honor... and just that. It’s arguably the most and least malleable of the three. It’s another type associated with science, with technology... the magnemite line stands out... klink as well. Steel that can be melted down and reshaped... still stubborn, still just as bound to what they choose to be but-- yeah.
Once more the resistances offered by been steel typed is basically ones shared with the other two in the wedge. Sandstorms who, the general hardiness and comfort down in the depths of the Earth itself. Steel just also adds a poison resistance, sometimes a full immunity and gains a weakness to heat and burns that everyone can agree is suffering.
Their physical subtleties are also slightly different, something of a metallic sheen can be taken on their skin and sometimes, they kind of gain something like a connection with technology that’s... weird. Due to the many metal parts in machines it’s an interesting crossover that sometimes comes up in confused discussions and intrigue. Again they often can have almost claws, and steel aligned folks are a bit more likely to have sharper teeth and metallic seeming hair. They also are the ones who do not look dirty.
Also metal bones, r i p to going through an airport metal detector.
Hard Types:
Poison - Harm/Healing
I am so, so feral thinking about poison typed folks and their everything. While mostly associated with troublemakers, toxic folks and the worse side of society poison is... so, so much more complicated than that. Poison is not at all actually that.
Poison truthly is aligned more towards the clean up. Healing. The every medication is a poison issue. Poison Pokémon and people are often the ones most associated with the efforts to clean up and/or reduce the level of toxins out in the world. The ones who’re taking out the trash just as much as they are the trash.
These are the guys who take in the unwanted, the disliked and uplift their voices. Often pairing with dark types as well, to rebel.
Everything is a poison in the wrong dose, and just as much, a lot of poisons get retooled into their own antidote. You know Nurse Joy, a number of them are poison aligned, because the counterbalance of poison’s general association of harm is healing. So many people with poison typing tend to go into medicine. It’s a drive that’s strong and almost universal.
Unfortunately of course, self-hatred and harm is somewhat common, because for all the toxic traits that people assume they have to outsiders... it’s just as likely for that toxicity to be turned inwards.
More common really, heal the world but you yourself don’t deserve saving issues.
I have a soft spot thinking about this and Melli actually...
Poison aligned folks are a mess when it comes to their environmental resistances. Because there’s so many different ways that poison can manifest and interact with the world. Radiation? Toxic smog? Who knows, they can still be poisoned actually, but not always by the same thing and poison types have some wild diets and habits because of how long it takes anything to build up enough to get past their own poison nature.
Absolutely no psychic resistance. They are suffering, and it’s painful. Confusion and Hypnosis is the worst.
Appearance wise they can get a bit “snakey” almost. Fangs, little fangs and the ability to deliver a venomous bite, poisonous blood. A kind of oil-slick sheen to their sweat, hair and saliva... claws... there’s a number of subtle things that can build or sometimes they’ll get none of them but it’ll all be internal.
Poison in their blood, poison in their veins
Hard Types:
Dark - Secrets/Subterfuge
Our reputation proceeds us. Another type where the association from the public is generally negative. Dark types are seen as shady, as dangerous and untrustworthy so often, automatically. Considering as well that Dark is alternatively called the “Evil” type... yeah, it’s very much a crooks and criminals stereotype...
It’s not even that it’s fully inaccurate. Dark types deal in secrets and subterfuge. They prowl around at night and tend to be up at odd hours. Nocturnal or Crepuscular at best. They also thrive in cave systems and absolutely have night vision... and reflect light back when encountered at night-- freaking folks out.
People who’re dark aligned are also commonly tricksters. It comes with dealing with secrets, whether they keep those secrets or if they’re the kind of people who go digging for secrets and rooting them out, airing your dirty laundry as well as everyone else’s. It’s surprisingly common for journalists to be dark aligned.
Dark is also the rebels, the counterculture kids, punks and the goth. They have a lot to say and are willing to be LOUD about it. It’s about how the darkness is a shield, a cover, the dark is a protection just as much as something that holds danger. People get uncomfortable thinking about how much more caring dark type folks are than they wish to admit... it’s similar to the shock people experience when they realise how many poison typed folks go into medical fields...
Ironically, hilariously, Dark typed folks have a big issue when it comes to having a psychic immunity and resistance. In certain situations... they miss half the conversation, or even more. There have been occasions when a dark type person will be left behind when a pokémon uses teleport because well...
At least their minds are automatically safe, no non-consensual mind readings here.
Dark type specialists are also really opinionated about their favourites. They will pick up favourites and run with them. For better or worse. This even bleeds into their appearances, dark type folks are the most likely to pick up something weird. Because they lean hard into things. Sharper teeth, reflective eyes, wild hair styles, claws-- some of them even have hand-pad beans as well... Eyes can take on a red or yellow tint and their hair generally gets darker or somewhat two-toned like an “edgy” fashion.
Hard Types:
Psychic - Mysticism/Spirituality/Foresight
Now we have the “esoteric wedge” of typings to deal with. The first of which is Psychic. And I’ll be real, I got so, so annoyed trying to figure out how I wanted to break down psychic into associations because it is not clean at all. Also because of terminology and crossing over real world associations verses fantasy ones...
In anycase, psychics are... frustrating to deal with. Mostly because they’re the type that’s most likely to come with extra abilities. Whether it’s something as subtle as future sight to something more dramatic like psychokinesis.
Psychics are very likely to have pride issues. A sense of superiority that gets almost bred into them from the glorification of their special abilities. And yet paradoxically they’re expected to have the most empathy and understanding of others. The expectation to be something more. Something great, something wondrous... It’s a lot to level on someone truly.
Truly they’re often off in their own heads, off in their own worlds. Somewhat floaty and disconnected from the here and now. Dreamers... It’s not always a negative obviously, they’re definitely able to be great forces of change but with the expectations on them it’s... a lot. There’s a reason many choose to somewhat distance themselves from others.
Obsession is always a risk. Unfortunately making certain disorders common, and overstimulation is incredibly common due to the extra sense that psychic types have. The world is very... busy around them.
They share a lot more traits with ghost than most would like to admit as well, the kind of willowy and faraway look that they have as well as a kind of fragility. It’s just psychics don’t get to have any big notable resistances as a trade of... And even in the appearance side, it’s very much mostly the vibes for them. Physical traits and tells are very much on the subtle side, maybe some floating hair, or general pink-purple tinge to eyes and hair.
So often they learn teleport as a quick escape... among other pokémon moves. Arguably another type alignment that allows somewhat “easy” learning of moves. If only because again, obsession with improving that aspect of their abilities is common. And yet the most likely type to lean into their specialty to the detriment of all else...
Tunnel Vision issues.
Hard Types:
Ghost - Life/Death
GHOSTS! I am absolutely, 100% feral about my thoughts regarding ghosts and ghost typing. With it been the second of the “Esoteric Wedge” and by far my favourite of the trio, the ominous one. Ghosts and their association with the dead, with mourning... and paradoxically, categorically, life.
Ghost is generally considered to be an... “unnatural” aura alignment to have. It’s definitely one of the least understood, a lot of people are unsettled and struggle to understand how someone alive can be ghost typed. It’s definitely one of the rarest of all affinities for people to have... but that’s truly because like the other rare alignments... it’s generally rare for people themselves to be into the associated things that strongly...
There’s a strong misunderstanding that for someone to be ghost typed they must have died before. Whether they’re a reincarnate... or if they were pronounced clinically dead and later revived in an incident. This isn’t strictly true though, people can be ghost without either factor been a necessary ingredient.
Past life memories are... incredibly common for ghost typed folks though. Almost hilariously so.
Ghost arguably doesn’t provide that many resistances to people. Sure it makes folks trend towards been nocturnal and can make them more tolerant to the cold but-- it’s a bit of a mess. Some people find themselves able to tolerate all environments to some degree, others find their resistances about the same as a baseline normal type person.
More to the point, ghost typing leads to weirdness. A lower resting heartrate, generally colder body temperature, off vibes, slower breathing and metabolism... Sometimes these factors can trick the unknowing into assuming that the person they’re talking to is ice typed. Sometimes they seem half a step out of the reality they reside in.
Typically this is compounded because yeah, ghosts don’t mind the cold as much, and sometimes bring it with them...
They have similar night vision to a lot of the other nocturnal types as well
Hilariously, a poison resistance is common, while not the rule it is definitely a trend.
...You can’t kill what’s already dead...
Again, they’re incredibly close to psychics. With extra abilities in a number of cases. Usually less well received ones. The subtle ones like a bit of levitation or the “shadow step” teleportation is all well and good, but people get funny when someone is able to communicate across the veil or sense(or even consume) souls.
A lot of ghost aligned people become mediums, priests or monks to do something with these abilities. Otherwise it niggles.
Spooky scary spirits, October is very much their month. But that said, ghosts really are just as much about life and the celebration of it as they are respecting the dead. While some folks lean into the death and mourning aspects, you’re just as likely to meet someone who is loud and proud and speaking about all the good there is in life to experience. Celebrate that we are here and living.
Quite hilariously, this leads to the mismatch of just how many people who’re ghost typed and yet generalists. Speaking and touting about how much life is worth...
Generalists may also be common for ghost types because well... ghosts are possessive and often don’t like sharing with each other.
Glowing eyes, a general wispiness, physical differences are a bit... interesting for ghost typed folks. They tend to just seem a bit off... sometimes it’s a dangerous vibes, other times it makes people look at them and just feel sad... They seem a bit sickly and not made for this world.
Hard Types:
Fairy - Dreams/Warnings/Fickle
The actual most frustrating of the “Esoteric Wedge” is the fairy types.
Generally my personal least favourite of the three, but also really, really fun. Because FAIRY lore is hardly ever consistent. Just like the other two players of this wedge fairies tend to have abilities beyond the norm whenever they pop up. But fairies are definitely the most esoteric of the esoteric.
Do you dare to make a deal with a fairy?
Fairies are both more and less constricted by the rules of the world around them. Truths and Ideals are very, very strongly associated and I am honestly salty that Unova as a region doesn’t have more to do with them... but that’s a rant for later. Fairies are a warning. They come to offer you all that you have dreamed but you need to stop and ask what it costs before you move ahead.
Magic tricks and real magic
The way that they mirror dark types and their trickery is really fun actually. Also a wasted opportunity in my heart
You cannot lie, Fairies are truth talkers... We offer you the Ideal, just not the cost upfront
Fairy abilities are somewhere between ghost and psychic... and true magic. It’s hard to define them very easily and it feels a lot like “if you know you know” type of deal. Fairy as a type also has so, so much to do with dreams. The association that makes me immediately think about the Dream World and just--
A lot of fairy is ideals in a warped looking glass, they’re dreamers and distant. They are looking for something far beyond themselves, beyond you-- Knowing and yet not, the fact they usually struggle with lying... it’s not good to lie. An adherence to rules and honor, exchange and deals.
Something, something Enamorus and Valentines, and romance
PINK, Opal knows all about it.
Once more, the environmental factor is a bit... weird with Fairy types. Their resistances much like ghosts tend to prove to be weird. Sometimes they’re good with almost anything, other times they’re really, really bad. Although at least consistently they’re good out in the wilds, in nature... where the veil is... weird.
Poison really is the worst in all the world and they also struggle with living in places with high level of smog and pollution and heavy metals...
They are truly the folks with the most uncanny looks. Even for pokéverse people. Fairy aligned folks tend to end up looking somewhat doll like when they really lean into their typing. Dressed up and pretty and yet almost too perfect seeming. Eyes too wide and clear, skin too smooth and clean, smiles just ever so too sharp, teeth too perfect...
Hard Types:
Dragon - Ambition/Pride
Finally... to round off the last of the types(discounting Stellar but we DO NOT go there). DRAGONS!
And honestly, oh boy we have a bit of a complication here. Mostly in the way it’s a mirror and yet not to Fairy types. But this is also mostly a me thing because ambition verses dreams verse other things... Dragons also have the PRIDE thing. So, so much pride. Pride, ambition... and I could chew the walls with how this all specifically makes me feel.
Dragons are kind of always, striving for something, and they’re greedy about it. But at the same time... honor, respect, protection. Dragon is complicated. So very complicated for me. There is a reason for Unova to have those strong and powerful dragons... the thematics there. Truth and ideals isn’t just something strong in fairies.
God the CLASH. I truly go feral when I think about the missed opportunity in Unova to really highlight the dichotomy in how fairies and dragons have the issues they do because it is literally... similar yet different, a warped mirror where neither side is willing to back down on the other.
Dragons are also very, very resilient. Environmental factors are literally nothing, they have resistances to spare really. It is harder to burn, paralyse or put them to sleep... there is of course one big downside... cold resistance is absolutely none and they are very vulnerable to freezing... and frostbite.
Poor Drayden when Opecluid City got frozen over, my man was at war...
Dragons are also very, very hardy and this translates to physical condition. In a bit of a similar way to fighting types. On the surface it seems very skin deep, but they also can get a bit of scaliness to their skin, claws and the teeth. Dragon types also tend to get some kind of-- deepness to their eyes and hair... something a bit more. They also tend to by default have this sense of just... authority... Dragons and rulers... they go together don’t you think?
Aside that, dragon is one of the few type alignments that really, really does seem to stick strongly in only certain family lines. It takes a certain kind of person to become a dragon... The most well known of those lines are the Draconids of Hoenn, the Blackthorn Clan of Johto-Kanto among others...
Those who keep the Dragon Totems in Alola
The messy snarl of a family tree of the Harmonia-Virtuoso family in Unova.
...There are whispers and wonders about the Oak family in Kanto...
But there’s not much else to really say.
Hard Types:
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al3xkr4li3 · 4 months ago
Alex i think jay is cheating on you............. divorce him....
I.. It's okay.. We weren't together to begin with.. SSigh..
Tumblr media
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chaos-proffessa · 4 months ago
Heyyy welcome to Chaos sad book hours, where he redescovers he has ocs and can put them through bad stuff to make him feel something
This is Onyx and Riely boyfs annndddddd some arguing verging on fighting
Tecknicly hurt/comfort more hurt than comfort but eh? Whatevs
Remember chaos can't spell
Riely slowly opened the door as quiet as he could, well as quiet as one can while trying to balance two mugs of hot coffee. He smiled watching the calm rise and fall of onyxs back as he slept, soft snores coming from the mound of twisted blankets. Riely gently placed down their mugs on his bed side table before climbing back into bed sitting up. He gently ran his fingers through Onyxs hair and down his back "onyx. Honey it's time to wake up now" he whispered. Onyx stirred with a groan peeking out from where his head had been nestled into one arm "wha?" He slurred, Riely huffed out a laugh watching the man untangle himself from the sheets and blankets. Riely gently helped him untangle and sat him up cupping Onyxs tired face, "you remember what today is?" Riely asked trying to coux him out of his tired state, Onyx yawned and shook his head, he just wanted to go back to sleep. He was so tired he'd only just gotten to sleep a few minutes before Rileys alarm rang. "Jus lemme sleep ri.." onyx mumbled, removing Rileys hands form his cheeks. Onyx leant against the headboard his head was pounding, he raised a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose with a groan. Riely looking confused tried calling out to his partner to no response, he tried again and again and just as he'd placed his hand onto onyx arm, his was shoved to the side "stop! Ok!?, will you just give me five muinits!!, fuck!.." onyx shouted shoving his hands over his face, his shoulders hunched to his ears, reily jumped back, shocked. Onyx never yelled not like this, we was worried and a little scared "honey.. are you sure you-" "YES! I'm FINE!" onyx interrupted "Just leave me alone!" He said turning away from the other laying down and burying himself in the blankets. Riely felt tears well up in his eyes, he felt that breath taking chocking feeling where you feel like if you were to speak even a single word you'd break, his lips quivering he nodded and squeaked out a small "mhm.." before slipping out of bed and walking back to his room.
Riely held a hand to his mouth suppressing any sobs that threatened to squeeze out, he closed the door and shuffled to the other side of the room his chest thumping, shoulders shaking as he silently cried. He'd never done well with people being upset at him, he hated that about him, that every confrontation made his throat seeze up and eyes tear up. He sniffled and hiccuped as quiet as possible the occasional small sob breaking through, he hugged himself tight trying his best to calm down. Wiping his tears as they came, he whimpered pulling his knees up to his chest.
Onyx sighed "shit.." he mumbled, he hadn't meant to just explode like that it's just, his head hurt so bad and any noise just felt like knives atacking him from the inside out. He needed to apologize... No wait he should give riely some time, Onyx hissed placing a hand to his temple, and he should take some Panadol, once onyx had cleared his headache for the most part he checked his phone, "oh shit... It's already 2pm, how long have I been in here. How long has riely been alone.... Fuck he must be so upset." Onyx quickly untangled himself from the blankets tripping over them slightly in his rush to find riely, he checked the kitchen but he wasn't there, not in the living room, not the bathroom. Onyx walked towards the back door when he heard it. "H-hiC.. s-snf!.." riely was crying. A pit formed in the bottom of Onyxs stomache "shit.. honey?" Onyx gently called out knocking on Rielys door. "Hun... Can I come in please, I wanna apologise.... I'm so sorry sweetheart. I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to make you cry" Onyx felt tears gather in his eyes, he wiped them away angryly, he didn't deserve to cry. Not after upsetting riely. "Honey.. it's ok If you don't wanna let me in I u-understand... Umm... Just. Please know I didn't mean to yell i- I'll try to explain later I just... I don't have the words t-to-" Onyx felt his chest jump a small hiccup as tears started to fall down his face. "Sh-shit" he whispered rubbing his face with a groan. Then the door opened, Riely stood there concern written all over his face "Onyx?" Riely croaked out his voice horse from holding back his crying. Once he saw Onyx peek from behind his hands. He slowly walked forward raising his hands as a invitation, a hug. Onyxs face crumpled before diving into Rielys arms.
Am hour or so later once they'd both started calming down onyx settled into Rielys chest "snFf! Msorry...." Riely gently placed his hand on-top of Onyxs head "don't be sorry sweetheart, you didn't mean it.." Riely said trying to calm Onyx down. Onyx shook his head staring up to Riely "sNff! I made you cry.... I yelled at you that wasn't ok" He Whimpered, his head starting to pound, he winced and shoved his face back into Rielys chest, it was dark there and comforting. Riely hummed playing with Onyxs hair "is it your migraines again?" He asked, Onyx nodded. "I thought so... That's what I was trying to ask by the way" Onyx looked up questioningly. "This morning, before ... Before you yelled, I was going to ask if you'd taken your migrain medication last night, I know they get worse after long nights and you weren't in bed when I went to sleep, so" Riely explained, Onyx shook his head "Forgot.... It hurts ri.... M'sorry.... Just noise hurts" Riely nodded sighing, "It's ok honey I forgive you, just maybe next time we could have a code word? Or something, maybe just say migrain? That might be easier." Riely whispered, Onyx hummed agreeing. "Try and get some rest honey, ok?, we'll take some meds when you get up" Onyx nodded nuzzling closer to Riely with a yawn.
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rapidreptile · 1 year ago
I don't like that kandi is being popularly associated with taylor swift fans. I don't want people to see me wearing kandi and think I'm normal. that's like. the whole fucking opposite of the point for me lmao.
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faggotwalkwithme · 10 months ago
worst bruce campbell movies you've had to watch?
the worst one was probably icebreaker, it was just extremely boring 😭 and maybe an unpopular opinion but i hated maniac cop so much/. (also because it was boring
OH I ALMOST FORGOT. the man with the screaming brain. that was REALLY BAD
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