#is not healthy for anyone. If that's what works for Jared then that's what works for him but it's not a prerequisite to being good.
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Jensen *very clearly and repeatedly via numerous sources*: "my acting process is that I read the script once the day of/night before we shoot, I like to do it this way because it keeps it fresh."
Spnfandom: "it's so amazing how Jensen puts in hours of work outside of the show. That's why he brings Such Depth to Dean and should be nominated for 1000 Oscars by now. Unlike that guy Jared who literally just shows up and reads his script and has never thought a single thought about Sam in his life."
Jared *reading 3 scripts ahead whilst on the treadmill, researching PTSD symptoms*: "Sam Winchester is my best friend."
To be CLEAR this is *not* a post critical of Jensen's acting/acting process. Neither of their processes is inherently superior to the other, it's what works for them!
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lightofraye · 3 months ago
The Reasons I'm Anti-Danneel (Redone)
I've decided to redo the original post, largely as most of it was heavily drawn/copy-pasted from @taraslittlecorner (now defunct/deactivated) and was not a good fit for me. Listing receipts/evidence of why I feel this way should be calmer, with citations, proof as much as possible.
Here’s a caveat: This is my belief. This is my stance. I am not here to shove this into anyone else’s face and go “You should not be a Danneel fan!” I'm not demanding everyone believe me. This is me explaining why I am not a fan of hers, as to why I dislike her. No, I do not “hate” her. No, I am not obligated to respect her or like her just because she’s Jensen’s wife. That’s absurd.
Whenever possible, I will provide citation. Some I am unable to, because they have been deleted from the internet and unfortunately, the Wayback Machine (aka the Internet Archive) did not archive it and no one else screenshotted/linked the evidence. I will try to keep that as minimal as possible.
I'm placing a content/trigger warning, as there may be descriptions of abuse to follow. If description of abuse bothers you, even emotional abuse, I advise you to skip.
I'll add a cut here because it's going to get long!
**Disclaimer** This are observations and opinions of what I’ve seen, as well as what others have seen on social media, in interviews, etc. Each relationship is different, and each domestic abuse case can vary in degrees of abuse, usually over time, but not always. These are just some of the things we can see publicly, and if things are shown publicly, it’s a safe bet there’s worse happening behind closed doors. I’m not a medical professional nor expert, again, these are opinions and observations. If you suspect someone you love is in an abusive relationship, please contact the proper outlets for battered women and men in your area.
Now to begin.
1. Fat Shaming Him
Jensen eating gummy bears. This post was made as a public stab at Jensen for the amount of gummy bears he was eating. It was a stab at not only his eating habits/weight, but it was also a stab at him being greedy or gluttonous.
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Jensen on the carousel. Another stab at Jensen about his weight.
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1A. The End Result Of Fat Shaming:
There was this. Yes, it was probably around the time he was training for the marathon with Jared, but this was a scary weight drop. Especially as marathons and running require you to really increase your caloric intake to keep your weight and energy up. On the heels of the public fat-shaming, this is rather shocking.
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Dated: January 17, 2018.
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Ignoring Danneel's claim of "marathon body", he did look skinny. You can compare how Jensen looked at the beginning of Supernatural to later seasons and there's a distinct difference. He's skinnier. Skinny does not always equate healthy, especially if it's muscle loss.
Unfortunately, other photos are in evidence of the massive weight loss.
This Tumblr post shows him still rather skinny during an event at FBBC.
Every time Jensen has to quarantine with her he starts to look like death warmed over, weight drop, sickly looking skin color, (which is also a sign of malnutrition), and that dead look we can’t get seem to forget. Then we get him back to work, and it’s almost an immediate improvement.
2. Unexplained Injury: There is the chunk that’s missing out of his nose now because of a nose injury that kept being explained in different instances at the same event as to how he even got it. It first appeared a day after the FBBC family reunion event that took place in May of 2018 in a post made by Danneel of Jensen playing with the kids, and people thought it was just a breathe right strip.
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If you look closely, you can even see that his eyes looked to be blacked, as if he’d somehow broken his nose. Once he got to an event for Danneel’s Limbo Jewelry line launch in NYC, he kept changing the story as to how he got said injury. First he told fans that he’d hurt it by hitting a pool wall while playing with his kids. Then he said he’d dropped a keg on it. Well, if you’ve ever worked for a bar or been around kegs you know those things are heavy, and that story is untrue.
Had Danneel been walking around with an unknown injury and her story kept changing, it would have gotten attention. Men… not so much, and it shows.
3. Public Humiliation: There’s this Valentine’s Day post. Imagine reading that post, seeing your spouse mention their “first” love and then jokingly say you’re the second and “more important” love. Especially on the heels of Jensen’s fairly recent share at a convention of how “he’ll do” as her “second choice”. Your spouse should’ve been your first and only choice!
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Posting him in his underwear just to garner some attention to her post. Honestly, it's pathetic, and adds to the narcissistic sociopath mentality assessment. What was the post about? To sell beer outside of Texas. But using Jensen to do it? Really, Danneel? God.
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Then there's the photo of him in the bathroom. Some say he was a willing participant in the joke. I say "That doesn't matter." It's gross, crude, classless. It demonstrates how selfish she is.
I absolutely have a sense of humor. However, a joke only works if everyone is laughing.
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Then there's this Jared photo. While not related to Jensen, it demonstrates just how much she doesn't care about people. She stated that she lied to Jared, that she deleted it, and then posted it anyway. How much you wanna bet that this was one of many reasons Jared and Genevieve pulled back from the Ackles? Because Danneel does not respect the Padaleckis, and Jensen cannot get Danneel to actually behave like a human being.
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There's the whole AD House Tour. The whole video, she’s taking swipes at Jensen left and right. Claiming he didn't help in changing the kids’ diapers, to not cleaning the house at all, to not cooking at all.
Time stamp 0:58: The way Jensen hastily goes "not swing", to this day, honestly makes me wonder. Especially about that orgy rumor tweet....
Time stamp 1:14: Implying Jensen would be against flowers because it'd be "too girly", but then claiming he loved it. This makes me wonder. You'll see why later on in this post.
Time stamp 2:10: How is it Jensen didn't know that was the sex plant of a palm until then? Did he know nothing about that house??
Time stamp 3:11: Claiming it was Jensen’s first time in the kitchen, which literally doesn't make sense. Unless he'd been barred from the kitchen, surely he'd been in there to grab a beer, a snack, something for the kids. By saying this, she's implying that he uses her as a servant to get him everything. (I’m intrigued by Jensen's statement about the stove/oven, and how it was “so unnecessary”. He's been overruled.)
Time stamp 4:00: Jensen is very, very shocked that the chair moves. How is he that surprised by a moving chair? Does he not live there?! With kids, stuff would move!
Time stamp 5:39: Again, implying Jensen never helps out with the kids, the diapers. Uh, Danneel, neither do you. You have nannies.
Time stamp 6:04: She says it’s “ridiculous” he’s doing a marathon? It’s for charity, Danneel! So much for being a caring, compassionate person.
Time stamp 6:39: Jensen has to go to the guest room when he comes home late at night? Does Danneel not want to greet her husband lovingly, regardless of how late it is? She prioritizes sleep over him? Ooookay.
Time stamp: 6:58: Persistently tortures Jensen with the creepy doll. She knows it bothers him, yet keeps it around and keeps torturing him with it. Yeah, cool, that’s love, folks!
Time stamp 9:04: States rather publicly that he never cleaned the bathrooms. Danneel, honey, I’m fairly certain you don’t either—you have maids.
Time stamp 9:20: Embarrasses Jensen with the “where the magic happens” statement about the master suite. Jensen asked for it to not be included. Oh look. It's included. Overruled him again. He never has his way, does he, Danneel?
Time stamp 9:46: Of course Danneel doesn’t care that Jensen doesn’t like the big window and how people might be able to look in when they’re in the bathroom. She loves the attention and loves bragging about the man she trapped in marriage, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him. So considerate.
Time stamp 11:41: Puts Jensen down by saying she’s a little bit neater than him. Then puts him down again by saying he had help on cleaning up his side. Do you ever praise your husband, woman??
Yet, she praised him here, about how he’s been pitching in with mopping, preparing FBBC. Liar, liar, pants on fire at this point.
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The FBBC interview. Let's not kid ourselves. That interview was bad. The interviewer didn't really do a good job, but it revealed a lot about the dynamic between Danneel and Jensen. At one point, Danneel claimed Jensen didn’t smell good, and he tried to excuse it because he was mopping (wait, I thought he didn't do any cleaning, Danneel??). Then she was like “Oh yeah he did so...” Then she made that horrible joke about being pregnant and Jensen actually gagged. Yes, he tried to play it off as a joke, but the look on his face was not that of a man who was happy to hear his wife was pregnant again. (Not to mention, you should never make such jokes because it’s such a heavily sensitive topic. Jokes only work if everyone laughs.) All of it was meant to humiliate and put Jensen down for the work he did in making FBBC a reality. There’s also the part where they were asked if they were tired of each other. Jensen was quick to say “Yes”.
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Then there's Wales Comic Con. She made up the fib about auditioning for every single Supernatural female role, claimed she tried to use knowing/being with Jensen as a way in (that's called nepotism, dear), and all of that was... a lie. Then she tried to claim credit for helping Jensen drop the Dean voice while humiliating him about it. (He actually tried to defend himself by saying that was his voice.) The whole panel was humiliation after another. I detailed it in this post.
Not to mention her saying Jensen wasn't anything like David Spade and said “no, but you'll do”. Wow. Way to put your husband down and say he’s second best (again). Good lord.
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Yet, she also said this:
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Either he helps or he doesn’t, Danneel. Which is it?
4. Controlling. This part. I've gotten push back on this. “She doesn't work, she stays home all the time, how could she possibly control Jensen??”
By controlling his social media, and had been for years. No doubt this is largely to keep the facade of “happily married couple”, with her making posts on his Instagram in honor of her, praising her, and so forth. It’s also a way of monitoring his interactions with others, particularly women, and to keep track of who he’s been in touch with.
Indeed, I suspect up until Danneel’s birthday post this year, any comments, posts, that praised her were all Danneel, not Jensen.
Access to one’s cellphone, email address, and other social media is almost as good as attaching a GPS onto a person. If she accessed his cloud, she can access everything from text messages he’s sent to his most recent emails to his employers.
I have some proof but it will take time to document all of them.
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There’s also this post, showing the difference between Danneel and Jensen.
There are also indications, histories, of Danneel signing fan autographs that said something along the lines of “hands off bitches, he’s mine”.
Jealous much, Ms. Graul?
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It doesn't come across to me as "adorable" or "mischievous". It comes across to me as an insecure woman who knows her hold is tenuous at best.
But then she has a history of being controlling and jealous everywhere. Such as here and here.
She also insisted on him going out and looking for work all the time. Even after him wanting to reconnect with the family after the end of Supernatural. He suggested a three month trip around Europe, for the family.
Her response?
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Then there were the recent cons where he mentioned it again, where Danneel is pushing him to go work, work, work. He’s never allowed to be home, to be a father, to be a husband. A loving marriage? I don't think so.
To be continued in Part Two.
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smoooothoperator · 1 year ago
10: Every Breath You Take
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: Harry, stalking, manipulation, drug use, sexual assault.
a/n: every story needs their villain! And this is actually the first one I ever wrote in my life. I think I want to make ia longer story than usual, with complex characters and a full plot worthy of a book. Who knows, maybe I'll even write a book based in this story? 👀 (Would you buy it?) Anyway... I want you to know that if some of you know a person that behaves the same way, stay alert. This is not healthy, contact people and make sure that person is away. Be safe.
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Psychopath (noun). A person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
Narcissist (noun). A person who is intensely concerned with only his or her own self or interests and who seems to forget that others exist.
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He never liked how he looked at her. How he smiled when she walked inside the room. How he always got up first whenever she asked for something.
Who does he think he is? How dare he do those things?
But later he understood it. He fell for her. That guy fell for her.
Violet Sinclair.
When he met her he thought she was pathetic. A pathetic thing that could only be his, to be used by him. How can someone as her smile that much? The way she tried to be friends with everyone irritated him.
But then she smiled at him.
That girl, who was clumsy and dumb, smiled at him.
And he promised himself that she won't smile at anyone else.
But then she introduced him to her friend Eloise.
Eloise was different to Violet. And he didn't like that. He didn't like that she was an independent woman, someone that already works on her family business, someone that can make money on her own. But he can use her for his own pleasure. He can have her whenever he wants to please himself.
So when he saw Lando Norris trying to reach for her, he did everything to keep him away from her, to keep Violet for himself and making sure she wouldn't try to be close to him.
“See? He loves the attention” he scoffed walking next to her through the paddock.
“I mean, he's famous…”
“But you don't see the way he smiles at everyone? He loves to hear how people compliment him. What an asshole” he laughed. “You should see how he acts during the parties”
“Gross” she groaned, making him smirk proudly.
But he can't always have what he wants.
He despised every man that touched her. And he made sure to push them away from her and make her look that no one will love her how she deserves.
Jared was the first one he met. Apparently, they met during summer. He was a guy two years older than her that studied in Manchester. Too far, too easy.
“Violet, you won't believe this” he frowned, walking towards her, holding his phone in her hand.
“What's that?” she frowned.
“I won't say I told you, but…” he sighed, showing her his phone.
A picture of Jared with another woman. Staged, of course. He knows that woman is his cousin, but since Violet never met his family, why would she know?
“W-what? No… he promised me!” she gasped.
“I'm sorry… come here” he sighed, opening his arms for her, letting her cry on his shoulder.
Then Michael came. He hated him the first moment he saw him leaning against that Mercedes-Benz, waiting for her at the door of the college. It was so disgusting, watching how he looked at Violet like she was a trophy, someone to sit in his expensive car and take her to boring places. But still, it was too easy for him.
“He broke up with me!” she frowned, walking inside the classroom and sitting next to him.
“What? What happened?”
“He said I'm not of his level” she scoffed, throwing her arms to the air “That his mother doesn't like that I'm not from the high class or shit like that”
“His loss” he scoffed.
“And he had the guts to say that by text! Not even a call! Look!” she frowned, showing him the text he made sure that stupid man wrote in front of him.
“What an asshole” he laughed, watching with a hidden pride that screen.
Owen was a little harder. But not everything is easy, if it was, life would be so boring.
He had to see how his Violet loved that man, how she had heart eyes whenever they were together. And that made his blood boil. He wanted that man out of her life, away and making sure that he never comes back to her. And never sounded so good for him.
It took him longer than he wanted, but he enjoyed every second of the final result.
It was her birthday party. All of them planned to surprise her at a club, renting the local only for the party. Or more like, Owen decided to make a party and include all her friends.
How disgusting. He hated that man, watching how he smiled at everyone and making sure everyone knew he was her boyfriend.
But until today.
When the party started and people were on the dancefloor, he started his plan. He only needed a drink for him and a few drops of the little bottle he had.
“Hey, mate” he smiled walking towards Owen, patting his back. “Today you did an amazing job. Here, cheers!”
“Thank you” he smiled, grabbing the shot glass, drinking it.
It was the beginning of the ending. And he was in the first row to watch it.
He only needed to give him three shots before it started to make an effect. The smile on his lips grew wider when he saw him walk towards Violet, taking her to an empty corner. The way he held her, kissed her and touched her. How she tried to escape from him. How he held her again, how he kissed her even if she tried to push him away.
It was just perfect. He never expected the drug to make someone act that way. The way he cried in panic, escaping from his touch.
She looked beautiful.
“Eh! Get away from her!” he screamed, running towards them and punching Owen.
The pain on his knuckles was nothing compared to the pleasure of hearing Violet cry and hold onto him when he saved her.
After that, it was easy to keep her close to him. She saw him as her saviour, as someone she completely trusts. And he loved that. He loved to see that for a while she didn't trust other men, that during the races she stayed with him. He loved to see how she started to fell in love with him slowly.
And the best part of it? That Eloise didn't mind. He thought it was good, she liked that both of them were close and she never questioned it.
How stupid.
But then she started to get close with Max and Lando again. He felt proud when he saw her be distant with them, but the moment he realized that Lando was trying again to get closer to her, he tried to find a way to eliminate him.
It was funny. Following him around the clubs, sending girls to him making sure they distract him while he took pictures of them. It was something that pleased him.
But Lando never tried to be her boyfriend. And it was something that drove him mad. But still, he had everything planned. All the pictures, all the videos, the audios. It was perfect. His masterpiece.
Yet, he never suspected anything. He never noticed the boxes that arrived at her apartment every two weeks. He never noticed the amount of books she was increasing. He never noticed the short texts between them.
Until that trip.
If Eloise didn't ask her to come with them, Violet would be safe in her apartment alone, reading those stupid books.
If Eloise didn't mention that stupid secret admirer, his week would be more calm.
Eloise. He has to make sure she's out of the picture. Always ruining everything, trying to set Violet up with someone. Trying to take her away from him
Who does she think she is? How dare she?
He made sure to keep Violet away from her. What a better way of showing Violet that her friend doesn't care about her than making Eloise ignore her while she moans underneath her boyfriend? And somehow, he had to let all the anger out.
What he never expected was that he had to fight two battles at the same time. And he hated not having control of it.
That sneaky Lando took advantage of the situation and got closer to her. He kept her away from him. Maybe he's washing her stupid brain and telling her lies.
But he was losing control. He saw how he was losing her, and it made him mad. It made him go mad.
She will regret it. She will regret believing in Lando. She will regret everything.
Because Violet Sinclair is his property. No one else’s.
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She frowned looking at the packages and then at her phone.
If it's not from Lando… then who would have sent her the packages?
She left them on her kitchen table and searched for the sender, sighing with relief when she saw the names of her parents there.
“At least they sent something” she sighed, opening the boxes.
Inside them there were a lot of things. Her favorite chocolates, a few books, perfume and a little statue of Venus. She sighed looking at it, smiling. There was a note on one of the boxes and she grabbed it, smiling weakly.
‘I hope you had a good time in the snow. Happy birthday, love’
She frowned while reading it. She never told them she was going on a trip, nor to the snow.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings
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miz-chase · 8 months ago
Cam, for the character asks 😁
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
CAM is wonderful. I miss Goodman (he should have come back just for fun anyway), but I think Cam gave the lab a healthy balance by having a Grown Ass Adult who wouldn't be drawn into Nerd Bullshit over Hittites and Assyrians. Goodman, while a good politician with the FBI, was too much like the other squints for his own managerial good. She's so deadpan funny and her efforts to herd the kindergarteners that fill her lab with bullshit is deeply amusing. I also want to know EVERYTHING about her time in New York. Cam the beat cop?? Tell me MORE.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Have you heard the Good News about the gospel of ABC? Coined by @neurodiversebones, Angela/Brennan/Cam is a delightful trio, whether sexual or platonic. I drew some pictures and wrote a fic
Also Aristoo is a dreamboat (POETRY are you KIDDING me? His patience and understanding for Cam's needs and fears?) and I'm side-eyeing the fuck out of anyone who is good with Booth/Brennan but claims workplace harassment with Cam/Aristoo.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I'm putting Cam/Booth here. Booth has very few friends and Cam is the one person who can reliably say "Seeley, you're being a fucking idiot." to him. I love that so much, he needs the reality check and having a person in the lab who is always in his corner, even though she tries to be a neutral party.
I will say, Booth is overdue to pay Camille back for all the good she's done reality-checking him. He is not there for her in the same way and that sucks. Where's the subplot where she has to crash at his place? Where's Booth taking Michelle on for Paternal Counselling? Where's the B&B and Cam/Aristoo double date? Why doesn't Booth pull Aristoo aside for the 'Prove to me you're good enough for my daughter' bullshit and end up becoming sports buds with him to support Cam?
Also putting the other Booth here. Why is everything with Jared a dead end? I would love to know more about her and Jared's relationship and seen more of them together.
My unpopular opinion about this character
She would have been in the right to fire Brennan in season 2. Cam doesn't know Brennan is the title character of the show, she's just trying to do her job and make the lab as functional and prosecutorially successful as possible. Booth talks a big game about quitting if Brennan left, but he wouldn't actually. He needs the job too much and working with the Jeffersonian is the only thing that makes him special as an agent. I bet he wouldn't even stop his sexual relationship with Cam over it, really. Angela and possibly Hodgins (TBH I doubt he actually would, he is a playboy comfortable in a "job" where he does what he wants, where he wants) might have left, which would have been annoying but not impossible to replace. Brennan is special to our hearts, but she isn't actually the only person capable of doing her work. Finding someone who could do the work, would be a better team player, and a better court presence would be SO worth it. I would love to see how this canon-divergent AU would shake out.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Girl deserves career advancement. I would have loved (for her professionally, idk how well this would play out on-screen) for her to end up in a more formal role connecting the FBI and the Jeffersonian. She should not be stuck dealing with the daily ins-and-outs of herding neurodivergent cats. She's an experienced and competent cop, scientist, and manager, and all three of those skills combined would make her a good Director. IMO in the long run, the FBI is going to want their own lab instead of contracting out to the Jeffersonian forever. She should get to head that project as The Big Boss, not the nitty-gritty details manager.
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youcouldmakealife · 2 years ago
So I was thinking about Julius’ trade, and how Erin’s attitude was basically a mix of ‘fuck those assholes’ and ‘wherever you go…’ Not in a ‘stand by your man’ way, but b/c a huge part of all the Mathesons’ core value system is a belief in family, and family as team (with a healthy dose of sang froid for anyone who fucks with the team/family.) And, along with that, a strong work ethic. So, what does Erin do for work? Is it related to her degree? Future plans, esp in the US?
NB to my question about Erin. In YCMAL, Coach Samson tells Dan about how his wife (yet another Alberta girl! waves) was bored off her ass their first year after is trade from the Flames to the North Stars, because she didn’t have a green card. But I can’t see Don and Susan’s daughter sitting around for a year, so even if she can’t draw a paycheque, I bet she does something. Take up carpentry? Ultra marathons? Conquer human trafficking on the dark web?
Erin has the most Erin of Erin jobs, a job Jared might even be jealous of, were he not, you know, a pro hockey player. She gets to correct people for a living. (She copy edits. She genuinely loves it, even when it's objectively boring subject matter.) It doesn't pay a ton, but it's flexible, which she likes, plus her boyfriend makes a bajillion dollars and she does not have the hang ups about her partner contributing more financially that Jared does. Like, for one: it'd be impossible for her to find something comparable, Julius makes almost eight figures, so why stress about it? And also: she provides quips and companionship. Julius is very lucky to have her.
She does contract work, so it's not as difficult a move as it would be if she had an employer, but the lack of green card does throw a wrench in the works, at least until the Scouts get that all sorted. She plays tourist at the beginning, trying find all the good spots and embrace the move if they do end up staying (and they do, so), and then it's almost a good thing she isn't working, because that's the year the Scouts get their third Cup, so there is a lot of moral support happening, particularly because Julius does not...have a lot of playoff experience, at this point. (They made it one year! Then got swept.)
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laf-outloud · 2 years ago
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Thank you for sharing, anon. I too find some of the excuses (particularly from Will) pretty ridiculous. I think some of the excuses from other fans come about because they know that if Jared really is breaking away from CE cons, then it won't be long before CE SPN cons are over (or at least, drastically reduced).
What they don't seem to understand is that if CE cons are reduced, it opens up the opportunity for Jensen and Misha to visit other cons in places not normally frequented by CE (much like Jared has done with RICC, FanX, and the other European cons). And who knows, if Jensen and Misha both attend the same multi-fandom con, the organizers might request they do an SPN panel together (and include other SPN guests). I see people panicking, but this really can be a good thing for all involved. Jared gets his autonomy, and the rest of the cast can cling to SPN as much as they want (without CE prices). It's a win-win! (Well, except for CE, lol!)
And I agree about J2 being mostly work friends now, and that's okay. Friendships change with circumstances, time, and location. It can happen even if there's no conflict, I mean, how many people are still friends with the people they spent the majority of time with in school? (Speaking as someone who just ignored their 25th school anniversary.) Whether Jared is closer friends with Jensen than we see, or whether he's not, whatever it is, it's working well for him. Jared looks healthy and happy, and that's all I really want for him.
As for your request, anon, you're welcome to send me more info. and I won't publish, but please don't feel like you have to, especially if doing so might violate NDA's or get you in trouble. You don't need to prove yourself to me, or anyone else on the internet. You know who you are and what you know, that should be enough. People are always going to have their opinions, but it's important to remember that it's the opinions of the people closest to you that really matter, not those of online strangers.
Again, thank you for sharing. I know it may have been hard for you after having been maligned, but I appreciate you reaching out. I wish you the very best and hope all goes well with your work!
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hologramcowboy · 8 months ago
look I’m just trying to understand you here, I’m not trying to start or insult you in anyway but I find it weird that you can accept the mistakes Jared has done and not talk about it or have critical thinking about him but when it comes to Jensen you are critical a lot of the time. Yes you do have some admiration for him and sure you can criticise the mistakes an actor makes but wouldn’t it be fair if you it for both Jensen and Jared?
Anon, you've clearly never read my posts. Why are you even on my blog? Jared has negative aspects too, just like any other human being, me included. I don't talk much about him on my blog because I am Jensen centric. I've had conversations where I very clearly and openly expressed things about Jared's acting.
Aside from this, when it comes to his personal brand he's managed to build a genuine brand. Why would you want me to criticize something that works?
Or are you talking about his drunken arrest? Because I challenge anyone to be that level of drunk and not do out of control things. Besides, I highly suspect Jared was drugged. That his drink was spiked. In the aftermath of all of that he's focused on being healthy and inspiring others to do the same. He's done the same thing with his mental issues, sharing through vulnerability and healing people or giving them a voice to heal. We ALL make mistakes, what shows who we truly are is HOW we handle them, how we make ammends. Jared is growing and learning while being a leader. I respect him deeply.
As for prequelgate, he had every right to react publicly and I condone his smart business choice due to dynamics I cannot share on this blog.
When it comes to doxxing fans, Jared never doxxed anyone, a bunch of fanatics did that. Besides, who are we to stop someone from publicly requesting support when someone is behaving abhorrently in real life? Jared did not dox the waitress, he simply made a social media post discouraging bad treatment. Some fanatics saw his post and doxxed the waitress. So please stop blaming Jared for what this sometimes very sick fandom chooses to do.
As for understanding me why do you even feel the need to do that? My thinking is very different from most people within this fandom because I have a different vantage point.
The reason I "criticize" Jensen is because I want to see him fulfill his fullest potential, something anyone that genuinely loves him (notice I said love not objectifies) should hopefully also want for him. What you perceive as hate is actually critical feedback to an artist and as artists there is always, always something to refine. Without being critical you cannot expand and grow. It's truly sad how people feel the need to turn everything into hate instead of recognizing the value of facing certain truths.
I tag my posts Jensen critical to keep the crazies away but my being critical comes from an art /acting centered perspective and sometimes from my value centered perspective. Hate is not in the equation but I get that people won't choose to see my heart. They'll choose to witch hunt instead because it's easier than facing certain truths.
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teamfreewill2pointo · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for explaining how both sides can co-exist for people who have been through similar experiences growing up. I used to be hit when I was younger that went far beyond a spanking or a belt, and yet I have a loving (and complicated) relationship with my father to this day. He realizes now the mistakes he made and because he has changed and is aware of how wrong he was, and after therapy I now realize this all had to do with generational trauma, I've chosen to forgive him for what I can and move forward in our relationship. So both sides can co-exist. You can condemn the abuse and that parent's actions while still having a different viewpoint on that parent and how you grew up (depending on the parent of course). It is possible and ultimately, whatever helps you to heal is what truly matters in the end for yourself.
While it is a fact that parenting methods were different back then (talking about back during Jensen's and Jared's childhoods), I hate it when people try to excuse any abuse by making that claim and just shrugging it off, especially when it comes to parasocial relationships with certain celebrities. No. That's not how that works. Abuse is not okay.
I can't speak to Jensen's childhood specifically obviously but I will say that any person who talks about being hit with a belt and having to choose said belt at times, and states they chose to do differently with their own children in the same breath, that is a very strong indicator of what their view of those actions were. Some people were spanked growing up and choose not to spank their kids. Why? Because they remember it hurt and they don't want to do the same to their kids, to make them cry or cause them pain, they don't want to be the same as their parents. It didn't just have to do with the change in parenting culture that was influenced by an outward evolving society.
Every person is different obviously and far be it from me to tell anyone how to feel about their experiences. I do appreciate though that you explained this ability to co-exist on both sides of the fence for individuals. It can be a complicated matter for some, like myself, and it's not always so cut and dry. So thank you for that.
I hope what I wrote here makes sense and comes across clearly.
It also helps to know the context of the time period and place. As I mentioned in my earlier posts on the subject, physical discipline was and is very common in many parts of the US.
In fact, Christian conservatives were instructed to hit their children as part of parenting. Focus on the Family was huge during this time period and people like James Dobson preached that punishment was necessary for children to be saved.
Jensen talked about how his father hit him out of sense of love. When you understand the background of why abuse happens, it's easier to see it as abuse and chart a better path forward.
It's hard to move away from a punishment system if that's how you were raised. Children are challenging and frustrating and if you've been taught to lead with fear, it's hard to know what to do otherwise without a good example. Jensen has made a conscious decision and effort to be better than his father because he's a good father who cares about his children. He isn't focused on his authority or being right, but on raising healthy, product people. I admire him for that.
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missionoffruition · 4 months ago
I Just Needed Fruit
My dad came into town for Thanksgiving weekend. Whenever he comes down from North Idaho, he stays with me. It's great - he gets to spend time with his grandson. Being able to see their connection actually helps me in reframing the relationship (or lack) we had when I was little.
My dad is definitely the best example I've seen of changing for the better. He had to hit his version of rock-bottom to realize that he was standing in his own way of healthier relationships. But ever since he decided to actively pursue a more meaningful life by reflecting on recurring issues, and then learning how to show up for people (including himself), I've seen a much, much better person.
We have a relationship now that is a complete 180 from what it was for so many years. He shows up for me now before I even have to ask. That's something I needed from him as a child that I never got, and I'm happy I have given him the opportunity to make amends. It would have been miserable for the both of us to continue on in life, avoiding one another and carrying our own pains from our relationship.
Carrying painful memories is not something we have to do. I think part of life's journey is learning that. I don't know why we store pain, but we do. And then it becomes work to try and rid ourselves of it. When we do carry painful memories with us through life, they start to weigh us down. When we're down, every single thing we do (aware of it or not) is affected.
The #1 reason I journal is to help myself.
It helps me to pull thoughts and feelings out of my head and put them in front of me. It is soothing in the moment and it gives me an opportunity to come back, re-read something that I offloaded in the heat of the moment, and to ultimately pinpoint and recognize what the fuck was going on in me. It's very validating once you've gotten past the first few journaling "sessions". It helps me to understand myself. It helps me to see motives I might have been hiding from myself (we all do it, don't think you're immune). And it's been putting a lot of my memories, experiences, and conceptualizations that I've formed of people into check. It's wild. And it's okay.
Soooo anyways, we cruised into the grocery store tonight. Dad, Hayden, me.
We stopped in to get Hayden some fruit. As we turned the corner into the produce area, boom. I nearly smacked faces with my brother.
Let me tell you about surreal.
I think we were all in shock. It was a weird, unemotional yet riveting experience for me. I'm sure it made my dad's heart swell. And I have no clue what my brother thought. His face was deadpan, but I have a feeling he was in borderline heart-attack mode.
Some backstory: my brother completely isolated himself from our family. He started doing this more than 10 years ago. It started with our grandparents. And then our dad. Then his best friend. Then Mom. His wife. Then me. Then his son. Then his twin. Literally every close relationship he's ever had.
My dad hasn't had contact with him in 7 years. It's been two for me. My dad and I both experienced heart-breaking, traumatic, and unexpected exits from him. Everyone has, to be frank.
Imagine growing up with someone your entire life - having the same friends, going to the same schools, riding bikes together on warm weeknights - and then one day (what feels like out of the blue for you) they decide to tell you that you mean absolutely nothing to them, and then they cut you off. Super healthy, yeah. Feels great on the receiving end, even though we know their actions have way more to do with their internal struggles than with anyone else.
I watched my dad and brother have their first exchange in years tonight. My dad was blown away at the sight of Jared. He waltzed up, gave him a hug, and asked to reconcile because he missed his son. Jared actually said, "Yeah, okay. I have your number still. I'll call."
He looked over at me once. Neither of us said anything to each other. He saw Hayden and went, "Woooow, that's Hayden! So big!"
I felt nothing, seeing him. I kept waiting for some type of emotion to emerge - maybe a tear, maybe anger, maybe even excitement to say hello, but no. I felt flat. Indifferent. Part of something surreal.
I know now that I felt nothing in that moment as a result of hitting my "freeze" zone. You should Google: "Fight, Flight, Freeze, & Fawn." There's two stress responses that our educators left out in school. All of them are defense mechanisms deployed by your nervous system.
As I recall that fleeting moment from tonight's grocery store run, I feel the sadness now. I don't know if it's his, or mine.
I also forgot to grab the fruit at the store.
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rejectclone · 9 months ago
I just realized that I never really talk about the few romantic relationships my OCs have, so here’s just a quick small blurb about each one 👍
Jared x Deangelo: They are in a very unhealthy on-again-off again kind of relationship. They both met and began to date a time before Jared got horribly mutilated in that botched raid, and before Deangelo was caught and arrested for stealing so many priceless pieces of art for his private gallery. Even before they both got their respectively messed up appearances, they already had trust issues with Deangelo being open to flings with others, while Jared wanted a more committed relationship.
Things broke off after Deangelo ‘disappeared’ (Jared is totally oblivious to Deangelo’s arrest, as any information of his arrest was scrubbed by the government, once Deangelo consented to being a test subject) and Jared moved on from the shoddy relationship, but clearly he still had lingering feelings for him. Once Deangelo finally reappeared out of nowhere (with more pale looking skin and more vividly striking blue eyes than what he formerly had…..) Jared initially balked at the idea of getting back together.
They only essentially got back together via hate-sex, usually during after Jared visits Ren’s place in order to get some totally-not-coerced information for the cases he was stuck on, as Deangelo is now always by Ren’s side, as his personal bodyguard. Things are still strained between the two, but Deangelo still needs to keep a bit of a low profile ever since he ‘returned’ + Jared feels like he’s become totally undesirable due to his mauled face and missing arm, so they still stick to each other, mainly out of desperation.
[REDACTED] X Cyrus: Definitely a bit of a odd relationship, as it was essentially hidden away from everyone, and Cyrus could only spend time with [R], whenever he was told by his superiors to stop by and collect more research data from B055. The fact that Cyrus is even aware that [R] is a total fluke, but it really was love at first sight.
[R], due to the fact that he is so heavily closeted from the real world, is very estranged in regard to knowing how to date someone and how to maintain a relationship, so he unfortunately come off as a very clingy and lovesick person. He literally becomes distraught when Cyrus doesn’t stop by in a few days, to the point where his weeping sobs during his sleep can literally be heard dozens of floors down in the station. Cyrus KNOWS that [R] is way too clingy with him, but he unfortunately kinda lets it slide (as he knows that he is essentially the only ‘normal’ person that [R] has a good experience with, and that he is content with Cyrus looking at his true appearance) thus making [R] become more and more infatuated with him, and thus more and more distraught when Cyrus ISN’T by his side. To say that [R] even accidentally scares Cyrus at times, due to his near obsession-like love for him is an understatement.
Thankfully once [R] is accidentally exposed to the entire world, and can finally go into public without the need of his hazmat suit, their relationship isn’t AS overbearing as it used to. [R] can now freely see Cyrus without waiting anxiously on when he’ll stop by, and Cyrus finally established some healthy boundaries between the two. [R], wanting to be the best boyfriend that he can, pretty just agrees to anything Cyrus tells him to do…… thankfully Cyrus is genuinely a good hearted person and doesn’t exploit the poor naive amalgamation at all in their relationship.
Lawrence X His unnamed wife: DIVORCED LMAO
Lydia X Her mysterious girlfriend: Lydia refuses to talk about her personal dating life to literally anyone, even B055, so her relationship and who she’s dating is a total enigma to everyone. All anyone can infer is that her girlfriend is NOT in the same organization that she works in, and that’s about it! Perhaps one day she will spill the beans on her seemly mysterious relationship (it’s actually super healthy and normal, as Lydia just doesn’t like talking about her life to anyone lol)
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glitternightingale · 3 years ago
Yeah so I'm also here post-animation process video drop and your brilliant break-down about Bruno's belly. Hi! I’m not on Tumblr and hope you mind a long ask in lieu of reblogging/adding to your OP.
The confirmation has been validating, is one big thing. But is it weird that with regard to the three whats/whys in your break-down (artistic choice, chub, malnutrition), I was like “ah but couldn’t it be a little, or be some combo, of all three?" - said with an intonation à la Mirabel’s "and I think it's all because of me?" I think I'm a bit of the mind that his belly is round (and "disproportionate") more due to malnutrition than from having actual healthy adipose, based on its shape? and stuff, but that's probably me reading way too into things.
There's this other part of me that's also like, what are the chances that someone like Jared Bush, who does answer questions about the canon on his Twitter, would further confirm… or maybe not confirm per se, but shed a lil insight into some of the choices?
And and: have you been able to compare the 1st and final passes at the chase scene animation? I’m no artist, but I feel like I noticed a few differences between the two Brunos (using side-by-side screen grabs bc I am 100% Like That). Ex. when he’s running toward the camera and goes to leap for the pipe: in the 1st test his stomach actually looks larger than it does in the final test; and, in the final his chest/rib cage/sternum area... and kind of his whole frame tbh... look smaller and more... shrunken/visible. Which I’m sure makes sense since it’s the final version and stuff like the muscle rigging(?) gets tweaked, but I just found the changes interesting in light of your post, the discussion, and because process stuff is cool.
This is all over the place, sorry! Last thing I swear: I love your fic, WAACH - and your art! More and more with each chapter. Always so happy seeing a telltale alliterative title in an email from AO3 :)
Oh, it could definitely be all three! I actually only broke it up into sections to structure my mess of thoughts on the matter. Well, then I forgot to point out exactly that. 😅
Here's the link to the referred post: Bruno's Belly: Artistic Choice? Chub? Malnutrition?
Bruno's Belly (2): Artistic Choice? Chub? Malnutrition?
When I wrote the first little meta about this topic, I was also really thrown off by the frames you mentioned:
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(I tried my best to keep them comparable, but the more rendered version is from a slightly different, more dynamic perspective.)
And then we have this, where his belly disappears completely:
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I know nothing about professional 3D animation, but this difference really strikes me. It doesn't seem to serve the purpose of exaggerating the action (like stretch and squash, for example), so where -- and why -- did it go?
Please, if anyone who reads this is brave enough, ask Jared Bush on Twitter! I need a concrete explanation. 😭
I once came upon a post where people were discussing the notion that these two Brunos aren't even the same model in the final version of the movie (correct me if I remember it wrong):
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At least there's continuity where Bruno's wrists and ankles are concerned and that is that they are skinny all the time:
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Here's my humble opinion on the matter in general:
I absolutely agree with your take, anon, and I think that it makes too much sense for it to not be canon. I believe Bruno is malnourished (as mentioned in my latest part of WAACH) in both meanings of the word. My fic works with the implications that Bruno had too little food (and that it wasn't of great nutritional value), as well as a diet with little variety.
I'm so glad you enjoy my fic! I'm always really scared that I'll ruin it with my updates and that everyone who keeps up with it will be disappointed. BUT! The next installment will be called "Building The Base" and you can already guess from the first letters who it'll focus on. 😉
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mysticaldeanvoidhorse · 3 years ago
A Supernatural Love
Chapter Eighteen: A New Life
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
Slow(ish) burn, some angst, alluding to sexy times, fluff
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Bad writing, maybe angst?
Word Count: 1502, a little shorter this time, sorry loves
No hate to any of the real people in this story, it is purely fiction and for enjoyment! No images are mine
First fic I wrote, please be kind but open to feedback, both positive and negative!
Tag List:  @streets-in-paradise​  @leigh70​ @sexyvixen7​​  @deandreamernp​  @universallyraylangivens​  @siospins2​ @let-me-luve-you​ @lyarr24​ @nancymcl​  @hobby27​
Tag list open
Masterlist here
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     Thank God for James.  You had made it two months on your own in Dallas and you had kept your head above water.  Barely.  You were still friends with him but long before you decided to move to Dallas he had been telling you about wanting a change in his life.  You started to become closer since your break up with Jensen and you realized you had truly missed his friendship.  You didn’t talk much about your break up with him but that was mostly because you didn’t talk about it at all.  You tried to grieve and process but that wasn’t working and quite honestly, you didn’t have the time.  You liked having the outlet of overwhelming schoolwork and normal job work because it made you keep your mind off your world crumbling.  Dramatic, but reality.  You tried to be as healthy about it as possible but shoving it down and moving on were the best you could muster.  At least you weren’t drowning your sorrows in alcohol but as Dean WInchester would say, “You shove it deep down and let it out in random spurts of violence and alcoholism”  Dean….NO.  You weren’t thinking about that.  You had stuff to get done before James would arrive.  James was moving to Dallas to work at Dallas Memorial with you.  It was his alma mater and quite honestly, his recommendation was what put you over the edge.  You were glad to have your friend be near you if you couldn’t have anyone else close by.  Gen was still working hard finishing up her season contract and looking for work God knows where.  You barely talked to Jared but he was kind and never mentioned Jensen.  You liked that you could have a friendship with him outside Gen or Jensen.  Unfortunately those days were becoming few and far between and you knew that your friendship with him would always be there even if you never talked again.  
      You picked James up from the airport and brought him to your apartment complex, where he leased an apartment as well.  You helped him unpack a few boxes then went out to eat and catch up.  It was nice having him around and you had always felt comfortable with him.
     It was now spring and you had felt like you had your footing under you and Dallas felt like home mostly.  You had made some friends and James had introduced you to all the right people to impress.  You liked your job and classes but were glad to be able to work at the hospital full time over the summer.  You would still be taking summer classes as you had not wanted to let up because you knew that if you weren’t busy you would probably end up being numb.  Or sad.  Or both.  Summer was just around the corner and you were thankful for the fresh spring air.  You were walking to a farmer’s market when your phone rang.
“Oh my gosh Gen!  I haven’t heard from you in forever!  How are you?  Have you finished filming?”
“Hey Y/N!  It has been forever since we have been swamped with finishing filming.  You are gonna love the plot twist for the season finale.”
“I am sure I would be but I am not watching the show, I just don’t have time”  It wasn’t a lie but since Christmas you couldn’t bear to even look at his face.  And watching a show that had become so close to you wouldn’t help the moving on process.
“Well maybe we can watch a few episodes when I come to see you”
“Wait what?  You are coming here?? When??”
“Two weeks!  Filming will be over then and I will stop by before I go see my parents.  I need to see my best friend. I miss you like crazy!! It’s just not the same without you here.”
“I feel the same way!  I like having James around but he just doesn’t compare.  I miss my roommate”
“Hey, I gotta go but I will text you my flight info.  We have a lot of catching up to do!”
“Okay Gen. Bye”  You hung up and felt genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.  Today was going to be a good day.
     Two weeks went quickly and before you knew it Gen was there.  You finished finals the week before and were in much need of some stress free friend time.  You picked her up from the airport and after many squeals, giggles, and hugs you took her to a diner.
“Where are we going?”  She asked.
“A burger place I found.  It’s not as good as Vancouver but it’s the best I have found.”
“I am definitely going to miss those burgers.  Worst thing about leaving.”
“Oh yeah?  That’s the worst?  I would have thought it was not being able to work with Jared everyday and be as cheesy as ever”  She nudged you.
“Oh please, I don’t do that”
“Oh yeah, whatever you say little miss I-draw-our-names-together-in-my-diary”
“I don’t do that!” 
“You would if you kept a diary.  How is he doing anyway?”
“He’s good, sad I am leaving and said to say hi he misses you.”
“I miss him too.  Have you talked about what you wanted to do now that you are leaving?”  She hesitated.
“We decided to try the long distance thing.  I don’t know where I will end up but I don’t want to go too far if I don’t have to.  I want to be with him”
“Good.  You belong together. And listen.  Just because Jensen and I weren’t meant to end up together doesn’t mean you and Jared are destined for the same ‘Happy ending’.  You are the real deal”
“Funny, I used to say the same about you and Jensen.”
“Well you haven’t always been the smartest”  You teased.
“Hey now!  I will let that slide only because you are still working through that whole thing.  You seem a lot better though”  She said seriously.
“I am. At least I think so.  I don’t really think about it.  I am so busy trying to create a new life here and I don’t need or want any baggage to follow.  I have been given an opportunity to do something here and as hard as it is to think that me and Jensen aren’t together doesn’t mean I don’t have something good here.  I just need to find out what it is.”
“That is very adult of you.”
“Well, believe it or not, I am one”
“Are you dating?”  She switched the subject, sort of.
“Are you kidding?  I don’t have time for that nor do I want it.  I just want to focus on school and become a doctor and not worry about anything else.”
“I am sure James would love to change that if he could”
“Stop, we haven’t talked like that in a year and he hasn’t made any moves.  I am sure he is long over it.”
“Do you want to be?”
“What kind of question is that?  I have never been interested in him like that”  You defended.
“No, but you talk about him a lot and it’s not in the same ‘we are just friends’ kind of way.”
“I turned him down, remember?”
“A year ago as you pointed out.  But that doesn’t mean that your feelings have changed.  You said that he said as long as Jensen was around he didn’t stand a chance.  Well Jensen is gone and now you can see him for who he is and not through the eyes of a taken woman.  You are hot, young, and single.  You are allowed to look at other guys.”
“Everything you say is right but that doesn’t mean I want to.  Not even six months ago I thought I was with the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Clearly my judgment isn’t the best.”
“Honestly you might have married Jensen.  You were perfect together.  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy with someone else.”  You didn’t say anything because you didn’t know what to say. It all made sense.  You would always love Jensen but that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t find someone else to love.  You deserved a good man and though you wanted Jensen to be it, he wasn’t.  James is here and he is a good man.  He was worth a chance, right?  You shook your head to clear away those thoughts.  You would be lucky to end up with James but he was just a friend and that was all….at least for now.
   Gen stayed a week and it was the best week of your life.  You missed her and you needed some girl time.  You showed her all around town and found so many fun activities to do around Dallas.  You were sad when she left but just like always James was there to comfort you when you needed him most.
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laf-outloud · 2 years ago
Your anon about not liking every stuff your favorite does and how us Jared aficionados never felt pressured to like all of his work is nailing on the head the difference between us and the hellers. We’re objectively loving a flawed yet lovable, trying his best and having a good heart, soul and brain human. They’re in a cult that taught them by violence means how to keep their grievances quiet and gloss them over with “It iS ALl JaRed’S FaULt”. They’re getting desperate because their favorite scapegoat is slowly but surely doing his grieving process of SPN and creating good, highly enjoyable content left and right, while they are bathing in a cesspool of frustration, misery, misplaced anger and abuse. And they’re even more angered at our maturity at “I only watched Friday the 13th for that tiny t-shirt” and “House Of Wax was hilariously bad” yet we still love him because guess what ? Bad stuff is a part of his story and what makes him so great today. They’re doing their so-called favs a MASSIVE disservice in thinking they poop glitter. Like everyone else, they poop faeces, and no amount of glitter will ever change it.
Welcome! Well said! Hellers (and AAs) use their obsessions to avoid their own insecurities and therefore cannot accept any flaws within their faves (or anyone pointing out those flaws).
"We’re objectively loving a flawed yet lovable, trying his best and having a good heart, soul and brain human."
This! Accepting a person for who they are, warts and all, and not who you project them to be, is the sign of a healthy relationship.
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hologramcowboy · 3 years ago
You're nothing but a disgusting Jensen hater. You pretend to like him. But it's fake. People can see right through you. It's vile. You don't even have reason to hate him. Hate Elta. That's there's plenty of reason to hate that... whatever she considers herself now days, but you're nothing but a cry baby Jared Stan, posing as a Jensen fan. It's not a good look.
First off, you're welcome for the voice I am giving you by posting this vile comment on MY blog. Secondly, I tag things appropriately and never, ever bother other blogs so if you are here and dislike the content and still stick around that's on YOU. How you interpret things is also on you. Thirdly, you don't get to define a thing about me, and who are these "people"? Are they all in your head? Because, so far, on my blog, aside from the occasional troll such as yourself, there are only highly intelligent people with diverse likes and dislikes who are capable of holding conversations and capable of critical thinking, I admire my followers and I often read their blogs because they are amazing, Some even dislike things I like or vice-versa and yet I am so happy to get to interact with them and to learn about their perspectives so not really sure what your problem is but this is MY blog, it's a harmless corner of the internet where I vent about things and I luckily get to do so with some pretty amazing people. Cry baby? lol Hilarious. Sweetheart, I don't stan anyone because I know the inner working of show-business so, even if I wanted, I could never fall under that spell because I'm touch with what's behind the scenes and see beyond the illusions, also, I, amazingly, can think for myself. Both Jared and Jensen are human beings, I respect and admire them but I would never encourage anyone to stan them. Or anyone for that matter. I strongly encourage anyone to stan themselves, aim for their dreams and enjoy this entertainment of loving a star in healthy ways that don't overshadow who they are and all they can be. Because it limits potential to give your power away to some false idol instead of focusing on your own power and actualizing your dreams. "It's not a good look." You mean all the things you delusionally imagine? So? Whatever you need to tell yourself. If it makes you happy to believe false things about me go ahead. It must be so hard to accept that I can love someone AND disapprove of ideas they have or actions they take, especially if I see the best for that person and want it intensely. Also, Jensen is his own person and needs to live his live the way HE wants, not how you or me or anyone thinks or feels. So don't make this about him because it's more about you and inner things you haven't dealt with yet. In others words, before projecting look in the mirror and check in with yourself.
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clouseplayssims · 2 years ago
Oregon Trail TS3 Sim Narrowdown
Below the cut for length.
The Bakers
"Svetlana and Heathcliff love their daughter Becky, so of course they took her in when she and her son Topher needed a place to stay. But will they be able to enjoy their retirement with a noisy toddler in the house?"
The Bunchs
"Despite Jack's staunch and formal military appearance, he is actually a fun-loving guy who loves to host neighborhood barbecues."
"Judy is a hardworking woman with three jobs: wife, mother, and scientist. She doesn't get a lot of time for herself these days, and it's taken a toll on her exercise routine and eating habits."
"Ethan Bunch is the oldest of the four Bunch children. He is extremely outgoing and independent. At school, he is one of the top students in his class as well as one of the most popular. He has a special place in his heart for his littlest sister, Darlene."
"Lisa Bunch is a charismatic girl - as long as you don't cross her the wrong way. She's had her fair share of playground fights. Will she mature with age or wind up on the wrong side of the tracks?"
"Arlo is a superduperextremehyperactive ball of youth who is just not happy unless he's involved with something that requires running after something else. He's very close to every member of his family except his little sister, who drives him up the wall."
"As the youngest of the Bunch household, Darlene will do anything to get noticed and she's already had a few broken bones to show for it. She lives to torture her big brother, Arlo, but she absolutely idolizes her bigger brother, Ethan."
The Frios/Ursines
"Jared Frio isn't sure what he wants to do with his life. He knows he's good at cooking, but he just doesn't have the drive or ambition to become a great chef. He knows he's good at charming people, but he just doesn't have the desire to do more than scratch the surface of relationships. What will it take to aim him in the right direction?"
"A loner by nature, about the only person that Connor Frio doesn't mind having around is his brother, Jared. After all, his brother leaves him alone to be his own person, never trying to push him or mold him the way his parents and classmates did. No, Jared doesn't mind that Connor often likes to just sit alone, reading a good book, so why would Connor want to spend time with anyone else?"
"Claire Ursine is a reclusive angler living by the ocean. Since she lives alone, she is hopeful that no one will notice her unexpectedly changing waistline."
"If the pregnancy is left alone, the baby will almost always be born female. Addionally, the child will have red hair and light skin, as both parents share these features."
The Keegans
"Brennan and Julie appreciate the value of good healthy living and hard work. Can they impress these values on their three children?"
The Learys
"James and Kara Leary are old hippies from the '60s and have had a more… laissez faire approach to parenting. If you asked them, they love having their children around even if most of them are grown up."
"Rain just had to get away from her parents. She Couldn't stand all that constant praise over nothing. Now she can have some peace, enjoying "Good" Music and her last few days of High School."
"Cookie recently decided she'd like a kid of her own. And, just like that, it happened!"
"Helping others and putting a smile on someone's face are Sunshine's daily pursuits."
The Vazquezes
"Tyler loves to dote on his wife despite the ribbing he gets from his coworkers about marrying a older woman."
"Heather has been dancing on clouds ever since marrying her new husband Tyler."
"Elaine would have rather stayed with her bio dad after her moms divorce. She refused to change her name and tries to have as little to do with Tyler as possible."
"If Heather is left alone with story progression enabled, the baby will likely be a girl."
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chubby-derek-and-friends · 4 years ago
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Get Beached! Chubby Merman Derek
(Inspired by the wonderful art of Sterekschub on DeviantArt)
“Scott, you’ve gotta help me, man,” Stiles whined into the phone.
“Dude, you know I’m at work right now!” Scott replied.
“I know, dude! And you’re a Vet Tech! This is totally up your alley!”
“Stiles, I deal with dogs and cats all day.” Scott sighed.
“So? Think of him like a really big goldfish!” Stiles replied. “Like, really, REALLY big!”
“He’s not a goldfish, Stiles, he’s a merman. And he can probably hear you right now. Mer people have excellent hearing.”
“Shit! I forgot that!” Stiles spun around quickly to look out the window.
The merman in question seemed to be ignoring him if he could hear him. He still lay propped up on the edge of the kiddie pool, lazily eating the pizza Stiles had brought out to him.
“C’mon, man! He’s too heavy for me to carry all by myself!” Stiles whispered.
The merman turned his head and glared at Stiles through the window. He took an angry bite of pizza, showing off his razor sharp teeth.
Stiles swallowed. “Shit.”
“How did you even get him into your backyard?” Scott asked.
Stiles rubbed his aching lower back. “Long story.”
“Whatever, dude. Look, I’ll be there after I get off. I’ve gotta go. Mrs. Rodriguez is here with Toto again.”
“Wow, that’s the third time in two weeks! Is she going for a frequent visitor discount or something?”
“Goodbye, Stiles.”
Stiles sighed as the call disconnected, and looked back outside. The merman...Derek, if Stiles understood him correctly,...was still munching hungrily on the pizza. His heavy mounded belly jutted out proudly as he reclined on the edge of the small inflatable pool, topped by his equally proad chest...which was definitely looking thicker than when Stiles last saw him.
Never in a million years would Stiles have guessed that the merman he’d shared fast food with a couple of times off a hidden beach in L.A. would actually find a way to swim upstream to the Beacon Hills preserve. But that is exactly what seemed to have happened.
This had to be the most extreme case of “don’t feed the wildlife or they’ll follow you home” anyone had ever heard of...not that anyone else could know about it. Stiles’s dad was barely tolerant of the fact that Scott was a werewolf and Lydia was a banshee. Tell him that a merman had taken to him like some lost puppy and he’d probably have a heart attack, and Stiles had spent too long looking after that man’s heart to let that happen.
Outside, the merman finished the last slice of pizza and let out a loud burp before rubbing his stomach.
Stiles watched the motion with not a small amount of arousal. He’d discovered at college that abs were cool and all but chubby guys were really more his bag, and this merman was definitely chubby, or maybe pushing past it. In any case, Stiles definitely had a thing for his mer-stalker, which probably wasn’t healthy. But then again, he had spent the last semester sharing burgers and burritos with the guy while he vented on the beach. Mostly about his dad’s inability to lay off the doughnuts. Which of course had led to Stiles bringing doughnuts to Derek to try. (They had been quite the hit, ending up with Derek covered in patches of gooey glaze as he devoured the entire dozen.)
As if Stiles’s thoughts about his father and doughnuts were some sort of siren call, Stiles’s phone went off with a call from the Sheriff’s office.
“Hey, pops! What’s happenin’?” He answered the call with all the false bravado he could muster.
“Stiles, please tell me why I just got a call that someone has stolen the Miller’s kiddie pool from their backyard?” The Sheriff’s voice was tired and resigned.
“Wow, really? Why would someone steal a kiddie pool?” Stiles asked benignly.
“Apparently, according to Mrs. Miller, Jared says it was because someone was bathing a merman in their backyard.” Sheriff Stilinski responded. “You wouldn’t know why anyone would be doing something like that, would you?”
Stiles swallowed. “N...nope! Can’t say that I do! That kid must have quite the imagination, though!”
“Look, the kid said I could borrow it!” Stiles relented.
“The kid?”
“Rent it, really. Kid charged me twenty bucks! And it’s not even really big enough to hold a fully grown merman.”
Stiles froze as he realized what he’d said. On the other end of the line there was a pause of silence as well.
“...Stiles, are you telling me you actually have a real live merman in the backyard right now?”
Stiles looked out the window. The kiddie pool and empty pizza boxes sat in the yard, but Derek was nowhere to be seen.
“Stiles,” the sheriff growled.
“Definitely do not have a merman in a kiddie pool, dad. I could send you a picture if you want. But I gotta go. Talk to you later! Love you! Bye!”
Stiles hung up the phone, panic flooding his system. Where the heck was Derek?
A knock at the back door had Stiles jumping out of his skin. He flailed over to the door and pulled back the curtain covering the windows. On the other side stood Derek. Stood? STOOD?
Stiles wrenched open the door to find a fully naked man with legs standing outside his house.
“Derek?” Stiles asked.
Derek grunted. “No more pizza. I come inside now.”
Stiles’s eyebrows shot to the top of his head.
(To be continued…)
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