#is not coming out anytime soon
sphnyspinspin · 2 years
Lost And Found
Chapter One: Summer
“Summer vacation, is now in session everybody!” Hotshot enthusiastically shouted after charging into the lounge area and flopping onto the couch. Stretching his limbs across the cushions and ex-venting from a tiring graduation ceremony. Which they finished surprisingly early.
“Hey, move over a bit would ya.” Using his servo to nudge Hotshot’s pedes away, Wedge sat down next to him and proceeded to turn on the T.V. “The best course of action right now is for us to relax for a little bit, then to go pack up our stuff and be ready in time for departure.” Wedge stretched his arm behind his head while watching the T.V. He kept switching channels until Hotshot tapped his pede against his side, signaling to stop at the soccer play-offs.
“A very good point Wedge. I, however, will be in the lab if anyone needs me. I’ll be doing a last recount of all the supplies there.” Medix responded as he headed off down the hallway, towards the lab. He just didn’t want his bandages to think he would forget about them.
“I-am-beat. I’ll be meditating over here, so just give a tap on my shoulder when it’s time to pack please. I’ll be in my happy place from here on out.” Hoist strolled over to sit on the tire-chair and listened to some white noise to meditate.
At first, Whirl just couldn’t decide what to do with her free time. Play the arcade game? Nope, already beaten it twice. Clean the lounge area? Wait-they all cleaned it before they left. Go through the wind tunnel? Yeah! She can definitely go for a last round in the tunnel. “You guys can come get me from the wind tunnel when it’s time to pack. I’m going to treasure my last few moments at the academy doing loopty-loops!” She waved excitedly to her friends while heading out.
“Have fun!” Hotshot exclaimed, sitting up to wave back, but he went to laying back down when Whirl exited the door.
She kept humming a random tune and kept skipping down the corridor. Having a big grin spread across her face, she was so excited to go back to Cybertron. Everybody was excited to go back to Cybertron.
Wedge would be training a lot, to one day be a part of the Bee team. He’s been ecstatic about spending more time with Bumblebee outside of the academy. He even got a job as freelance engineer to continue his scale-model crafting hobby. And he might even get a couple of his Heroes if Cybertron cards signed if he keeps hanging out with Bumblebee.
Hoist is going to go back to doing cool sigma-ship repairs with his cousins. They’ve been bugging him non-stop, asking him all about the academy and what his new altmode is. He’s planning on surprising them by showing up in his dino-mode.
Hotshot would be touring with the Cyberbalzers and probably go to Caminus. Since he was, practically, the main reason the Cyberblazers have become one of the best cube teams ever. Who knew that when he showed them how to work as a team, that they would become twice as popular.
Medix is going to be interning with his uncle Ratchet at his clinic. His uncle even let him bring in a singular specimen from Earth for him to study and take care of. Ratchet doesn’t know what it is yet and Medix said it would be a surprise. He just promised it wouldn’t be like that bat incident again.
Oh, and Brushfire might come and visit her from Earth and tell her all about her adventures. Whirl is definitely excited to start hanging out with Brushfire again. Brushfire said that she might start going to the academy after this summer, which excited Whirl the most. Slash and Laserbeak would probably be starting the same year at the academy as Brushfire. So she’s going to have her hands full with her future team.
Whirl being Whirl, she took up a job of being a crossing guard for the local police station in her hometown. It’s not the flashiest of jobs, but she isn’t really experienced enough in the field to become full-time police officer. But she’ll do her part, and bring justice to jade-walkers everywhere.
Getting back on track, Whirl spent the majority of her free time doing a couple small tricks and stunts in the wind tunnel. A couple big loopty-loops, some relaxing gliding, and just to top it off with some ridiculous sideways and upside down flying. When it was time for them to pack up, Whirl got a call on her comm from Wedge about heading to the lockers.
:Hey Whirl. We’re heading to go pack up now. Time to wrap it up.:
:Okie dokie artichokie! Be there in a second!:
Whirl hung up and switched off the wind tunnel. She continued down the hall, through the academy. Just as she was minding her own business, a familiar, “Caw!” was sounded behind her. It was Laserbeak flying towards her, so Whirl lifted her elbow to let Laserbeak land on her forearm. As he perched on her arm, and he made another short but softer, “Caw.”
“Hi Laserbeak.” Whirl greeted with an excitable tone, while still being exhausted from her recent work-out. “Did you see some of my sick moves earlier?” She went and gave his little helm an itch with her digit. Which he kindly enjoyed. Until he bit her finger for her to stop.
“Ack! If you wanted me to stop you could’ve just asked…Ow.”
“Heh…No matter how much of a jerk you can be, I’m really going to miss you Laserbeak.” Whirl said with a smile, still having the tiniest scar on her digit.
Laserbeak responded with a solemn, “Caw...” as he hung his helm a little lower than before.
“Aw…You’re going to miss me too? That’s okay. I’ll make sure to try to visit you when I get the chance. Or-you visit me.”
“Caw!” Laserbeak cawed in approval.
Whirl and Laserbeak made it to the locker room where everybody was just beginning to open their lockers. Laserbeak flew down from Whirl’s shoulder and began to peck at one of the crates on the floor. Whirl went over to her locker, and began to pack. Pulling out her duffel bag that she shoved in her locker from her first day. Technically, it was her second first day, but the first day back nonetheless. Everybody began to chat, talking about what they were doing over the summer.
“I can’t wait to start training with Bumblebee! The-Bumblebee! Can you guys believe it?”
Hotshot sarcastically responded “Yeah, it’s not like you kept telling us that, after Professor Bumblebee offered to you to train under him. And-help me remember this correctly, Bumblebee said-“
“He said-‘And who knows? Maybe you’ll be a part of my team someday,’ Oh man! I’m so ready to get back home and start training.” Wedge said with a look of excitement on his faceplates.
“Well one thing’s for sure, I’m seriously stoked to go to Caminus with the Cyberblazers. Some say, that the city we’re playing at-is where Windblade lives! She might see our game! Maybe she’ll ask for my autograph?”
“That would be so cool. Honestly, I-I’m kinda nervous about going back home. I have no i-idea how my family will react to my new alt-mode. W-What if they don’t like it?” Hoist said, as he wasn’t the best at hiding his anxiousness about it.
Medix turned to him and said, “Hoist, it’s very unlikely for your own family to not like you for choosing an alt-mode you specifically picked for good reason. What makes you think that they won’t like your dinosaur alt-mode? Do they also have a fear of Dinobots?”
“Oh no, I just thought they would think i-it would be too...destructive. But now that you mention it, i-it does sound a little bit silly. They really aren’t the k-kind of bots that would do that. Thanks Medix.”
“You’re welcome.”
Medix continued to pack up his stuff after making Hoist feel better. He looked down to see Laserbeak pecking at one of his boxes and it began to shake from the inside. So Medix immediately, but carefully, set it into his bag. He then began to talk about his future occupation for their upcoming vacation.
“I’m excited to help my uncle Ratchet at his clinic again. I wonder if I’ll see any of the other patients I saw the last time I visited? Or maybe I’ll see some new ones with absolutely new injuries for me to study-I mean-to help with. To help with and study.” Medix continued, with a short and slightly awkward silence.
“Wow. Good for you Medix. It really sounds like a win-win situation for you.” Whirl agreed to with a reassuring smile, and a complimentary tone in her voice.
“Phew…I appreciate your input Whirl. I thought it sounded like I was a little bit-overly…enthusiastic about wanting to see patients for the wrong reasons. Not that I like seeing others in pain, but I do like it when they visit my uncle’s clinic for help. That’s what I meant.”
Whirl gave a muffled chuckle to Medix’s response, and they both returned to packing their things.
After the hallways began filling up with sounds of a few bad puns, giggling, shuffling luggage, a couple caws being followed by screams of shocking terror, they were finally done packing. Well, almost all of their things. Whirl quickly closed her empty locker and hastily stepped out the room, following Wedge, Hotshot, and Medix. While Hoist was the last one out of the room, he spotted a drawing on Whirl’s locker that she forgot to pack. Hoist, being the fantastic friend he is, carefully took the drawing off of her locker, so that it wouldn’t be ripped by the tape. Then he soon caught up to the others, and to Whirl, so he could return her drawing.
“Hey Whirl, you f-forgot this.” Hoist waved the picture, so it would catch Whirl’s eye.
“Oh scrap! I can’t believe I almost forgot this. Thank you Hoist.”
“Oh, it’s no biggie. A-Anyways, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Go ahead.” Whirl gesturing with her empty servo.
“Who’s the bot in the picture? Are they a f-friend of yours? Family, maybe?” Hoist pointed to the large bot that was drawn next to Whirl. The bot had one optic, two big claws, and had abnormally skinny pedes.
“What? Pfft-Ha! What-Um…ha ha. Uh-what-uh…wha-what makes you say that?” Whirl darted her optics from side to side. And tried to shove her picture into her bag. Her smile looked uncomfortable. It’s like she was caught in a lie that she never told.
“W-Well, for one , you two l-look pretty close. And your b-both blue, and you both have yellow optics. Maybe you c-copied them, I assumed. Or that c-could just be me, but despite a couple d-differences, you guys do look a lot alike. I-I mean, like on p-paper-look-alikes. Uh, maybe not t-this paper, but uh….” Hoist after struggling for a bit to explain, gave a low sigh and began to apologize to Whirl. Because he probably felt that he made her feel embarrassed in some way. He felt embarrassed for sure. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
Whirl slowly relaxed her face into a neutral frown. But she did still feel the tiniest bit upset. She wasn’t upset at Hoist or his question at all. She was just caught a little off-guard, that’s all. Whirl then un-crumpled her drawing and looked at it, without turning her head away from Hoist. “It’s my….imag…ry….fri…n..” Whirl mumbled, but it was too hard to decipher.
“Uh, s-sorry. What did you say?”
Clearing her intake this time, Whirl said, “It’s my-They’re my…..imaginary…friend.” Whirl took a minute to look up, before she darted her optics to look up at Hoist with her helm directing to the floor.
“Oh. Y-You had an imaginary friend? That’s k-kinda cool. They look cool too.”
“Heh. To be honest…I actually didn’t know what an imaginary friend was until Cody asked me about the drawing a while ago.”
“O-Okay. So what were they to you, before t-they were your imaginary friend?”
“I honestly have no idea. When I started drawing this, Cody asked me who they were, so then I said-“
“Oh I don’t know. They’re probably just someone I’ve met before but I don’t remember.”
Cody was looking at Whirl’s drawing of her beside this tall guy, and he was asking who they were. Wondering wether or not they were a Rescue Bot or not, cause he definitely hasn’t seen them before.
“Well, they look interesting. What’s their name?”
“Their name is Whirl too?”
“No. Just Whirl.”
Cody looked confused for a second. But then it became a little bit clearer when he connected a few dots he thought were obvious. And it wouldn’t be that surprising for someone her age to have had.
“So, you both have the same unique name, you recognize them enough to draw them, but you’ve never actually met before?”
“I know right? It’s like they’re a cool ghost with mind erasing powers, that has a mysterious past. Pretty cool right?”
“I see. So they’re your imaginary friend?”
“A what?”
“An imaginary friend.”
Cody then sat up on the table and he began to explain the concept of an imaginary friend. It’s someone who a kid, or someone young creates, in order to feel less lonely, or to just have interesting company. But the catch is, they aren’t real, and the whole point of creating an imaginary friend was to imagine they’re features to your liking. Even if what you find comfort in is a one-eyed, blue, string-bean with servos that looked like they were stolen from a claw machine.
“Huh. I guess that makes sense.”
“I didn’t mean to diminish your friend. If I’ve offended you in any way-“
“Oh no no no-I just I didn’t know what they were to me at first. But it does make more sense to call them an imaginary friend. I really don’t mind.”
“Okay then. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t hurt your feelings. Or, your friend, Whirl’s feeling either.”
“Its okay Cody. It’s not like, they can hear you if they’re imaginary, am I right?”
“And let me guess. Y-You did mind?” Hoist asked, feeling bad for bringing it up in the first place.
“Well…not at first. But this was during the middle of our first year here. I’ve pretty much forgotten about it already. I just hung the drawing back up, because I liked what I did with the, uh…-line art! Yeah, it’s one of the neatest drawings I’ve ever done with the line art like that.” Whirl stated with full confidence.
Pointing to the piece of art she was holding up. Emphasizing how willing she is to prove that it didn’t have too much of a personal meaning to it. Nothing below the surface whatsoever within Whirl’s subconscious along with her self-doubt and anxieties. Nope. Nada.
“The..line art is r-really pretty…Now that you mention it.” Hoist said as he turned to give crinkled piece of paper Whirl’s digit was set upon his full attention.
“See. Nothing to worry about.”
“I-I see that, but why were you so g-guarded about it in the first place?”
“No….reason?” Whirl shrugged her shoulders and gritted her dente as her response left her voice box. Her insides felt twisted, her faceplates were hurting from pseudo-smiling, and her grip on the picture looked like she was hanging onto it for dear life. It really sucked that Hoist knew about how awkward the situation must’ve been. It was supposed to be just a simple answer, until Whirl’s big mouth just couldn’t keep shut. She thought she could try to convince herself and Hoist that the situation was fine. But, deep down she knew for a fact that she just couldn’t lie to friend. Especially Hoist, now that she knew he was worried about her. “Listen Hoist, I know, that you know, my feelings are a bit complicated at the moment, but i really just can’t talk about it right now. You’re a great friend, it’s just that-”
“Hey! Are you two coming with us or not?” Wedge yelled from down the hallway. Where everyone else were already at the groundbridge and waiting for them. Cutting off Whirl from explaining the rest to Hoist.
“Sorry Hoist, I really am. Maybe we can talk about this later?”
“Yeah. I understand. Take a-all the time you need.”
“Thanks buddy.”
And with that, they both met up with the others. The groundbridge flared a great big green and blue light. Electricity softly crackling, symbolizing their return home, and onto the train station back on Cybertron.
The beginning of summer vacation has now become just little bit more complicated for Whirl, but she plans on talking it out with Hoist once she gets the chance. But for now, she just wants to go home, take a stasis nap on her berth-slab, and sleep in.
Maybe then she wouldn’t have to worry so much about the other Whirl. She’s just so conflicted. Every part of her is conflicted. Her thoughts, her emotions, her…memories are all so confusing-
It’s the feeling she would always get from thinking too much about it. About…about….who was she thinking about? Oh yeah, her imaginary friend. She still had to apologize to Hoist about getting so worked up about it. It was like she was in a different dimension for a moment there.
Crazy right?
Short chapter, I know. I already posted it on ao3, but I’m not sure if want to keep posting it on there. So I’m just gonna switch it over to tumblr. Cause I can. It’s also slightly easier for me. I wanted it to start off slow, and just inevitably build up to the climax to the beginning of the story. If you look hard enough, there’s a teeny bit of foreshadowing. Ooooooh.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
So, I know you've talked about how Jevil and Grillby's relationship is strained, but does Grillby ever warm up to him? In your fight comic, Jevils been shown to comfort Grillby, in small ways anyhow, lending him his cape and letting him mourn. You've stated how Jevil sympathizes with him. Does grillby ever do anything back? Does he ever comfort Jevil or help take care of him in any way?
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Yes! Grillby did eventually warm up to him, although it took a while. And their relationship wasn't perfect after this event. There were still times afterwards where Grillby was in a low and hated Jevil all over again.. But this was the start.
The start to Grillby realizing that hating Jevil and being mean to him doesn't make him feel any better. And no matter how much he hates Jevil, its not gonna bring back what he lost. Its also getting harder and harder to hate Jevil anyways. He protects their group with all his might. And even with a horrible wound on his leg and exhaustion pulling at his soul.. he still stays up late to keep the fire going and guard the group.
And despite how mean Grillby has been, Jevil still treats him with the same care he does everyone else. Still sharing the same amount of food, still protecting him with all his might. Grillby doesn't understand why he does it. He doesn't know why Jevil would care about him despite how mean he's been. Why would Jevil be kind to him? Maybe that confusion is why that "thank you" made him light up so much. Its feels.. good, to be thanked. It feels good to be kind. Being kind feels much better than hating someone endlessly.
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velvetjune · 2 months
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“Reminder! The Bureau does not have windows. If you notice a window, immediately close your eyes and make your way to the nearest safe room.” — Control
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aaandbackstabbed · 3 months
Louie: damn it
Donald: Louie! We don’t use bad words in the house!
Della, somewhere in the distance: fucking, fuck!
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cybervom1t · 3 months
*takes long drag from cigarette* happy pride month
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autumn0689 · 11 months
Lester Papadopoulos is a comfort character to me. I’ve been a huge Percy Jackson fan for years now, and I’ve loved many characters (Grover, Nico, Leo, Percy, etc) and when I first read TOA I loved it, but after rereading it…
I fell in love with Lester, this caring and complex character who had many layers to him, that came off as selfish, and yet just so happened to be one of the most selfless characters in the book.
He’s caring, he’s a former god, he’s selfless, he pees himself regularly, he loves his children, he drowned his ex that one time, he is a god of many things, he has had many lovers. He has so many aspects to him that makes him so interesting.
He has a redemption arc as he realizes that he has made mistakes, but also realizes that he has been abused by Zeus, that it most likely influenced how he view things, and how he may have picked up toxic behaviors from Zeus. He learns to be more human, which is such a beautiful arc to see him go through.
He cares SO MUCH about others. He grieves for Jason and Crest and Heloise and so many other people. He tried to sacrifice himself many times and has many heroic qualities, but he is an unreliable narrator and sometimes what he says doesn’t reflect what he does.
His and Meg’s relationship is one of my favorite friendships in the books. It feels like it’s the two of them against the world at times. Meg cares so much for him while also calling him out on his bad actions (like when they were on Sutro Tower) and Lester cares so much for her as he realizes that she has been abused, that she needs help, and that he wants to help her separate from Nero’s influence, that he is so proud of her for standing up to Nero. They both form such a strong bond with each other and I just- I love them!
He is also absolutely hilarious. I find myself laughing as he is just- so snarky sometimes? He also sometimes know random things? (Like the Goddess of Sewers Cloacina) He is also funny when he has no knowledge on how human things work (like not knowing the price of Tater Tot’s)
He also gets anxious and freaks out and cries and he just feels. He gets happy and laughs and gets sad and laments. He gets flashbacks and clearly has trauma but doesn’t let that excuse his bad actions as he feels guilt for his actions. He can also be quite harsh on himself, blaming himself often and sometimes projecting that onto others (like him saying that Piper is blaming him for Crest’s death??) He is such an emotional character and I love him for that.
I love whenever he gets his godly strength as it starts with small things and then it gets to the point that he can create fire with his hands just by simply mentioning cauterizing a wound and breaking Nero’s fasces and having enough strength to drag Python into the Underworld and is strong enough to hold on just enough to save himself from falling into Tartarus. He is such a strong person who has an incredible pain tolerance.
There are many other things that I love about Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo. I think I can positively say that he is my favorite PJO character. I often reread TOA more than the other books. I love the story and how dark it can get while also exploring the themes of how abuse affects you.
I just- I love Meg and Apollo. I need for fanfic of them!! I need more content of them! Their friendship is so underrated, so when I see people make fanfic of them I get so happy!
I also love the community. The fan-artists and the fanfic makers and anyone who just writes long posts, like me, are so talented and is honestly the best fandom I’ve been in.
I hope the PJO show becomes popular so that more people can read these amazing series. I hope there will be a day that TOA gets adapted, and even if it doesn’t, I still have the audiobooks to go back to.
Thanks TOA fandom, for still going strong, even years after the books ended and new books have come out and are still making fanfic about them. It feels like the books have never ended, like the TOA books are still going on and are still making posts.
I’m so happy to be part of such a passionate fanbase.
Anyways if anyone is willing to offer any good fanfics then let me know!
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vi-138 · 1 year
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look at this weird rat i found in the trash
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viviraptor-art · 2 years
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and real quick, here's the tweel drawing from my digital sketchbook by itself, i'm just especially proud of this one ^^ 🫧
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bitter--boxx · 8 months
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my new splatoon oc, her name is steph ,,, im not very creative with names sorry XD
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sophiethewitch1 · 20 days
finally got around one of the big mental blocks of chapter 8 because i finally figured out some bit with what jason would say to reader and oh my god guys this is all spoilers but. oh my god you dont know how much this is just tears tears tears tears why is he such a good fucking person after everything he has done and been done to him i hate him i hate him oh my god
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press1forf1 · 9 months
I am once again asking for people to leave Lance alone.
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xcerizex · 3 months
I will never get over how in Floor 12, everyone's just facing each other off. Everyone's angry and hurt by Sirius' betrayal and what does he do? Laugh it off, play the role as the villain and is interrupted by Pollux saying something along the lines of, "All of you are treating me like a fool!"
And it's just, such good character dialogue??? Pollux knows he's the youngest, and therefore naive. But he doesn't want to be treated as such even though he knows that so very well that out of everyone, he is also the least experienced. And that people will undeniably see him as such.
He trusted Sirius, and instead of getting angry at his betrayal like everybody else, he is hurt. You don't get hurt by someone like that unless you've trusted them to a certain emotional degree, and Pollux must have felt a certain level of kinship with Sirius with the both of them being Queen Tet.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 4 months
Can I be mega autistic here and vent for a second and ask if anyone else is lowkey scared for whatever the next RE game is HSBWHDNDJ
#having hyperfixations/special interests combined with a PARALYSING fear of change SUUUUUCKSSS MAAAAANN. IT SUCKS ASS#like realistically I KNOW it’s silly and I KNOW I’ve got nothing to stress over BUT ITS STRESSING ME OUT BAD AND THERES NOTHING I CAN DO#RE4R/Luis has been SUCH a massive comfort of mine and turned into a full blown special interest and I guess the thing I’m most scared of is#the fandom moving on and forgetting abt re4r/luis as a whole which again I KNOW is silly but I can’t control my brain!!!!#and also combined with the fact that Luis probably isn’t coming back to the franchise at least anytime soon is HEARTBREAKING man. like thats#my special interest!! that’s the thing I’ve poured hours of my time into!!!!! I’m scared to see people move on#he’s already a fairly unpopular character in the wider fandom too!! and the fact that the content we do have of him is ALL we’re gonna have?#I dunno that makes me so much more stressed out and anxious than I should be which. again. I KNOOOOOOWW IS SILLY BUT I CANT HELP IT MAN#THE AUTISM!! THE AUTISMMMMM#I dunno I’m expecting Capcom to announce their next game this summer fest and it’s genuinely stressing me out sm which I hate#I hate being so afraid of change it sucks so much man#anyways sorry for the massive vent I just had to get this off my chest cuz it’s been weighing me down massively and making me more anxious#than it has any right to BCNDNENDJXJ#and again the fact that there’s a solid chance we may never see him again at lest not anytime soon is so so so so so devastating to me it#again makes me so much more upset than it has any right to HDNSHENDJDJ#not to mention people who are already weirdly mean and nasty to people who DO like him. I’m Not having a Time rn
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0vergrowngraveyard · 28 days
will i finish a friend of a friend chapter 1 before the sonic movie 3 trailer releases? place your bets!
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mychlapci · 8 months
Dude the mommy kink now has a fucking choke hold on me.
Ratchet letting Drift spike warm him and bury his face in hit titties, telling him to drink and make sure to not waste a drop of mommy's milk, Drift doing as he's told and leaving many, many marks on his mommy's titties until he's pinned down and fucked into, Drift chestplates are off and his semi smaller titties and pressed against his mommy's
Ratchet fucking Drift silly and all Drift is moaning is how good his mommy is making him.
mommy kink dratchet is something i’ve indulged in before, I just fucking adore it so much. I'd imagine it’s a kink Drift roped Ratchet into experimenting with and it turned out that they’re both actually very, very into it. 
Drift on his knees for Ratchet, eating his mommy out until he feels the lubricants gush onto his tongue, swallowing obediently. Drift riding his mommy’s lap until his poor valve is aching from all the overloads, but his mommy’s telling him what a good boy he’s being, telling to just keep going, just for a while, until mommy’s spike is all spent <3 
Drift with his spike buried deep inside Ratchet’s valve, not allowed to move until he drinks mommy’s titties dry. And you know Ratchet’s hiding big refineries underneath that chest-plate, poor Drift’s fuel tank is gonna ache by the time he’s allowed to start moving his hips, crying for his mommy while milky energon drips down his chin...
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