#is it raising cubs?
rigberts · 2 months
i would want to be in the woods with a bear instead of a man bc bears are cool as shit. I'm in the general vicinity of men all the time and it's more or less the same. Never seen a bear anywhere other than the zoo. Totally novel experience. Love to see one trundle on by and ignore me and if it did attack me id be like wow this us so statistically unlikely i bet some naturalist will investigate the entire scenario to discover what provoked it, or make it part of an ongoing study into how bear behavior is changing in response to habitat encroachment. even the opportunity to fight a bear or survive an attack would be an honor for me and perhaps it's just ego but my sheer mass and overall tolerance for pain and blood are pretty good, i think ive got a chance. man on the street reporters are severely underestimating how exciting bears are and how boring men are to me.
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yaoi-islife · 3 months
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hollydogs · 3 months
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but i did everything right
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mangajams · 1 year
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From: I Raised A Tiger Cub
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astralprisms · 1 month
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Post-game naptime with D'jaxia, art by @greseadraws
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addie-lex · 5 months
Meanwhile, Jaheira: 👁👄👁. I see Minthara's tact did not make it to the surface.
She's not entirely wrong, and Basket is such a well disciplined child after all. But still, we could've gossiped about it later :))
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spotinthespiral · 18 days
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So apparently I never posted him, but here's my Pitty npc because I think my pirate would be far more attached to her Bear Family in Grizzleheim than her birth parents :) (His name is Dain Ironside)
#w101#p101#wizard101#p101 oc#w101 oc#silent ryan ironside#dain ironside#oc#pirate101#Ryan's birth name is Ryan Collins but when she was raised by Dain since she was about 5 she decided to take on his last name instead#her parents were close with the traders in Grizzleheim and when the mutiny happened the crew cut out Ryan's tongue and set her adrift#she was pickdd up by a Grizzleheim ship and was real stand-offish but just gravitated to Dain once she was brought#back to the clan. he'd known her parents and took her in so he's basically the only Dad she really remembers#she's his little cub#She gets caught while doing trading with the Grizzleheim bears when they steer into Armada territory by accident. ehen she tried to defend#the ship she was taken (about age 13-14) and the story starts from there#she mostly just wants to get back home to Dain and her clan but having a crew is slowly but surely alienating her from her own home#anyways#Dain used to be a great warrior and raised 3 proud sons who all died glorious deaths in battle. now he mostly carves runes and teaches new#cubs to forge and fight. Ryan was a weird one (too small for his normal lessons but eager to grab an axe too heavy fof her anyways) but he#taught her well. which is why she fights like a Bucaneer in Swashbuckler's clothes until Sarah Steele teaches her otherwise.#Dain is also her inspo for her ship's flag. a bear symbol w/ his clan colors isn't *subtle* but it marks her as a friend of Grizzleheim#she hopes to send word back to him that she's alive#or hear that he's alive#planning on Griffin's dog dad from Marleybone next but we'll see
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gynandromorph · 24 days
I dunno man 7 years life expectancy for honey badgers sounds pretty fake, they reach sexual maturity at 2 (females anyway) which means they'll be 2 by the time they get pregnant, then 2 more years til that cub is grown, then another 2 for another, and welp now they're 6 no more babies just gotta reproduce exactly one male and female baby and make sure they both survive with no mistakes
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bardkin · 9 months
i feel like a Ton of therians, alterhumans, nonhumans, & otherkin would get a kick out of Meadow~
it's basically a virtual world where you're a woodland critter and you just hang out & find collectables, and you communicate via emotes & pictographs + it's super pretty :3
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nikomedes · 7 months
realizing like a fool that shrike is, in both looks and temperment, just the dad from yotsuba&!. what have i done. can u even imagine. u hear dread whispers the bhaalspawn carved of the gods own flesh has returned to drown the world in blood, and u look over, and he’s
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
:( my first two cougars in planet zoo have died in such a sad way
The male Apricot died just before his newest cubs were born and then his mate Olive died just after. Luckily I kept their older sibling Apple to take care of little Apricot ii and Avocado
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
hmmmm….. thinking about my bbc merlin scarian au
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cunning-matriarch · 3 months
Shenzi had been in a rather piss poor mood most of the evening, deciding to go on a lone hunt for something small late in the night. the light of the full moon was working against her---but she could manage.
The lions of pride rock were asleep, as were most animals who could give her issue. She was stalking a porcupine when a squeaky noise reached her ears.
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"What in the...." She muttered, briefly debating following her stomach or the curious noise. Settling on following the noise. It wasn't one she immediately identified so curiosity got the best of her.
Her ears stood straight up, swiveling forward when she found what was making the sounds----a lion cub. Tiny, fuzzy and still covered in spots. The matriarch stood straight up to look around but there was no sign of any adult lions...who left their offspring unprotected? In the middle of the night away from any den?
There was a scuffle of her paws as she debated what to do.
She could just leave the furball or eat him...but no she didnt really want to. Deciding on her course of action; powerful jaws close around the little cub's midsection before she turns and starts to make a quick retreat back to the outlands with it.
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grapecaseschoices · 7 months
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zero pressure to respond to this or share anything about this, just wanted to say I saw this and love this 🥰 kendis with kiddos!!!!
aww. hehe ofc i will respond bc i appreciate that someone else appreciates the wonderfullness of such an image.
i have always felt that kendis would make an excellent parent and i love writing kendis with kids [and twice have played around in rp with them being a parent: 1. was a timey-wimey situation where kids from a possible future [and a grandchild!] showed up. 2. they became guardian of a missing friend's kids aka the only parent they remember. it isn't enough though. one day i really wanna write something with them and children, like the day to day fluffy stuff. the trouble. the woes. i had THOUGHTS but i havent had the energy for execution. ONE DAY.]
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zazagundam · 6 months
I know kuma has been around a while but he has wind god fist now!! And various heihachi moves. Apparently he's heihachis son? Or heir? Did heihachi have sex with a bear or? Is it like cloning?
she fucked that old man
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kayzis · 1 year
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noah & nugget got a new friend in the second session of our pokemon campaign <3
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