#is it my soul? do you want my soul?
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devastatedloyallute · 5 days ago
Under the Mask (18+ Guitarspear fic)
Tags on [AO3] 💕
Adam; The First Man, Dickmaster, The Original Dick™. The guy who was made to populate the Earth. Yeah, that Adam. He’s not actually getting as much action as he leads people to believe. Sure, he talks a big game; constantly boasting that he’s got all kinds of bitches who ride his dick, how many women he’s been balls deep in and had them screaming his name, etc, etc– But in reality, the most action his dick has seen in recent centuries has been his right hand. Literally. And top off his self-confidence and abandonment issues with his divorce track record? Oh yeah, he’s overcompensating. So his lieutenant calls him out on it.
Lute was not quite sure what got into her today.
It was the same as any other day; follow her commander around, make sure he was completing the things he was supposed to be doing, make sure he got to meetings on time, and stand by silently until spoken to as he hypes himself to the hordes of fangirls who stop him as they stroll down the promenade to wherever they were headed next.
Maybe she just didn’t get enough sleep last night. Perhaps she woke up on the wrong side of the bed for some reason. Maybe the reason was that her godforsaken vibrator fucking died just as she was on the edge of release and it ruined her night.
She tries to tune him out as his bragging continues to drag on; going on and on about how his dick is the biggest in all of Heaven, how “fucking bitches” is his favorite go-to pastime, and about how badly women want him.
Well, Lute knows he’s at least right about the last of those things. There certainly are women who want him, or at the very least, they like the idea of being with him. The first one is still left up for discovery. But the second one—
“Ain’t that right, Lute?” Adam beams in her direction, fully expecting her to vouch for his crude statement of just how much “pussy action” he gets.
Something about today really made Lute’s tongue loose, “Respectfully, Sir? No.”
“Heh, yeah that’s what I— Huh?” He blinks in surprise, the mask covering his face glitching sporadically in bafflement.
Lute rolls her eyes to look away from him, following with an annoyed nose exhale. “I spend nearly every waking day with you. I know your schedule inside and out, and ‘’fucking bitches’’ is not part of it,” she sneers, making the air quotes with her fingers for emphasis.
“W-what?!,” Adam stammers, quickly faking a laugh to try and collect himself. “Bitch, you don’t even know what you’re on about. I have a life outside of you tailing me around, ya know,” he wafts his hand at her and brings his attention back to his fangirls, “Don’t listen to her, she’s just jealous.”
Lute’s eye twitches aggressively. She grinds her molars together, trying to fight the urge to bite back at him.
“Prove it.”
The surrounding air fell silent. Many eyes quickly turn to Lute at her sharp remark. Adam scoffs, “Prove what?”
“Prove that you get this so-called ‘’pussy action.’’ Because, frankly, I don’t believe you,” Lute crosses her arms over her chest sternly.
Adam skeptically raises a brow at her, “What, who here do you want me to fuck to ‘’prove it‘’ to you?” He waves his arm broadly, gesturing to the women around him.
“ Me. ”
Lute feels her heart rate skyrocket as the word leaves her lips. Her blood turns to ice, her body going stiff as the stunned gasps from the winners hit her ears. It’s too late to take it back now, she has to stand her ground and live with the choice regardless of the outcome. Lute’s unwavering golden eyes pierce daggers through Adam’s mask and directly into his own.
“S-seriously!?” Hope soars in his chest as his heart skips a beat, his voice wavering momentarily from being caught off guard by her directness. Quickly shaking his gaze away from her, he scoffs, “I mean— Seriously? You? ”
“My apartment. Tonight. 7 'o'clock. Do not keep me waiting,” Lute snarls, turning on her heel and speed-walking away. Adam watches her in disbelief as she rounds a corner, disappearing out of his sight.
Rubbing the nape of his neck awkwardly, Adam lets out a half confident half nervous chuckle of an exhale. He tilts his head to side-eye the crowd, “Well, sorry ladies, guess I’ve got a date tonight.”
“Why did I do that? Why did I say that?!?” Lute screeches to herself upon entering her apartment, slamming the door behind her.
“And then why did I keep talking?!” She groans, making her way to her bedroom to collect fresh clothes for after her shower.
Right now, a shower is what she needs to get her mind off of this whole mess that she’s created for herself.
It’s definitely not to get prepared for tonight.
No, of course, it’s not. She always showers when she gets home from work.
There is no way that Adam took her proposal– (well, it came out as more of a demand, really) seriously, right? He’ll blow her off just like she knows he’s done to countless other women…
…Won’t he?
Sure he will, she’s no different to him. Why would she be?
“Am I a fucking idiot?! Actually insane!?” Lute voices in distress as she undresses, tossing her uniform in the laundry basket. She connects her phone to her speaker, and hits shuffle on her shower playlist. She sighs frustratedly as she steps into the shower.
She basks in the refreshing cool water as it rains over her golden flushed face. As the first song concludes and the next plays, Lute turns the water temperature up, wetting her hair and scrubbing in shampoo.
Just as the following song begins, Lute’s breath catches in her throat, her heart thumping in her chest in tune with the music. The music carries weight, building up into lyrics that become eerily relatable.
����-I’m seeing visions, am I bad? Or mad? Or wise?-🎶
She sucks in a breath, trying to ignore the way the melody is calling her to sing along with the chorus. This wasn’t typically the type of music she listened to, but sometimes there’s just those songs that resonate with you, regardless of genre.
‘Of course it had to play this fucking song right now,’ she bites her cheek as she rinses her hair, then begins smothering in some conditioner, and reaches for her razor.
Let’s be clear, she’s absolutely not shaving her downstairs for him. No, she just prefers that area to be smooth is all.
Besides, it’s not like he’s actually going to show up at her doorstep in a few hours anyway.
‘...will he?’
She shakes the thought from her mind as she puts her razor away and rinses the conditioner out of her hair.
As the song plays on, Lute hums along as she scrubs body wash over her arms, slowly giving in and softly starts to sing along, “My bedsheets are ablaze, I’ve screamed his name, building up like waves...”
Her voice trails off as her thoughts fade back into previous nights where she had indeed screamed his name; one hand clutching onto the sheets for dear life while the other fumbled with a bullet vibrator against her clit. The nights when she laid on her back, stifling back moans only to cry out his name in ecstasy at her climax. The whole time imagining his voice praising her for taking his cock so well.
Lute shutters in anticipation at the thought, followed shortly by a wave of embarrassment. ‘But won’t this make things complicated between us? I mean, for fuck’s sake— he’s my superior! That’s wrong on a multitude of levels…’
‘…isn’t it?’
As the music picks up and pulls her from her mind, a euphoric smile creeps up her face. This time she allows herself to sing along with the chorus. Assisting the water to wash away the soap bubbles, she slides her hands down her chest, down her sides, and past her hips, swaying with the melody.
🎶-What if he’s written ‘mine’ on my upper thigh only in my mind? One slip and falling back into the hedge maze, Oh what a way to die~ I keep recalling things we never did–🎵
Her fantasy could finally come to fruition tonight. ‘Maybe this will be a good thing. Things will be fine,’ she tells herself.
If he even shows up that is, which Lute keeps trying to convince that tiny voice in her head that he won’t.
The song finishes as Lute steps out of the shower, lightly shakes the water out of her wings, and wraps herself in a towel. She dries her hair enough so that it’s not actively dripping before turning the speaker off and picking up the clothes she had brought in with her to head back to her bedroom.
She changes her mind about what she is going to wear at the last minute. She eyes the black silken nightgown hanging in her closet as she puts her clothes back into her dresser. Slipping into the dress, she pats the fabric free of its wrinkles.
Don’t be ridiculous, she isn’t putting this on for him. It’s just comfortable and low maintenance, that’s all.
And she’s only drying her hair with a blow dryer because she doesn’t have time to let it air dry like the feeling of it being wet and sticking to her neck.
She’s also not going to doll herself up for him either. She’s just reapplying her eyeshadow and mascara because she likes it. There’s no other reason.
Lute curls up on her couch and looks down at her phone for the time.
6:28 pm
Adam rushes back to his penthouse, barely managing to escape the curious questions of the group of fangirls from earlier. Flying through his balcony doors, disregarding the need to close them, he flings himself into his on-suite bathroom.
If he’s going to do this tonight, he’s going to do it right. He has to be presentable. Lute had asked him out. Fucking Lute of all people. He never thought he’d ever get this chance.
He can’t say no to her.
Not after those nights when he’d thought about her being snuggled up beside him in bed. The mornings that he would wake up with an erection because she was doing things to him in his dreams. Or the countless times he’s pictured himself railing her in the shower.
Not after all of his thoughts of her throughout the day; the way her face lights up when he calls her name, the sound of her laughter at his antics and jokes, the subtle way she dances along to his music in the office.
She’s perfect in every single way. He’s known he loved her from the second he laid eyes on her. But…
Adam has kept these thoughts locked away, refusing to so much as hint that he harbored any sort of feelings for her. Sometimes being outright mean, just so she might not catch on to any slip-ups and start to think he cares. Because…He can’t go through that heartbreak again.
It would suck if she were to reject him, but it would completely shatter him if she reciprocated his feelings.
Because if she felt the same, then he was sure it would only be a matter of time until she left him, the same as those before her did. Maybe she’d stay with him for a few years, but eventually, she’ll get bored or fed up enough with him and move on. He’ll be left alone to rot all over again.
And he’s scared.
That’s why he’s created this persona who is seen as Heaven’s charming, lovable, fuck-boy. If people believe that he’s the hottest shit since sliced bread, then that’s what he is…right?
He’s just got too many women after him that he can’t find the time for all of them. At least, that’s the excuse he uses.
In reality, he can’t convince himself to actually go through with the date proposals he makes. He doesn’t want to risk getting close to anyone because he knows they’ll just leave in the end.
But Lute…he hopes she’ll be different.
Lute’s stuck by him, for whatever reason. Which he’s grateful for, don’t get him wrong, but he can’t understand why. So why would he take the risk of confessing his feelings to her and wind up being destroyed in the end no matter what she says? He tells himself he’s better off suffering in silence.
But this feels different. She asked him. Not the other way around.
So he can’t back out.
Things between them will only get worse if he blows her off. He’ll be risking not only what they already have together, but also her trust in him if he did. He doesn’t want to blow her off, he wants to take this risk, really he does. It’s just…
Adam pulls off his mask, setting it on the sink counter, and stares pitifully into his own reflection in the bathroom mirror. His gold amber eyes are tired, with dark eye bags to match. He sees sweat pimples scattered along his hairline, probably from excessively wearing his exorcist mask. His bottom lip juts out as he holds and shifts his jaw between his index finger and thumb, surveying his thin, patchy, sad excuse for a beard.
He looks to the shower, then down to himself. He can’t even see his feet because his gut is in the way. He looks away to look at anything else. He gets that all too familiar pang in his stomach, the one that always appears when he thinks about his appearance. His golden wings tighten around his sides in insecurity.
He misses the way his body used to look back in Eden. But since he isn’t willing to put in the effort to change that, he begrudgingly is fine with it. Until he starts to think about it again and the mental battle repeats.
He stares at his beard once again, ‘I guess I should try to do something with this…’ He picks up his razor and runs it under the faucet. He takes the blade to his jawline, removing the inconsistent patches until he’s left with a mostly intact patch on his chin. ‘At least it looks better than it did, I guess.’
Adam shucks off his clothes and piles them in a corner before getting into the shower. He sets the water temperature to lukewarm and it remains there for the duration of his shower; he’s not a fan of boiling water scalding his skin.
He pours a puddle of his 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash into his hand and slathers it into his hair. As he works the lather in, his mind wanders into anxious thoughts he can’t shake:
‘What if I fuck this up?’
‘What if I’m so out of practice that I disappoint her…’
‘...What if I’m not good enough?’
He feels his heart sink into his stomach, wishing these thoughts of self-doubt would vanish. He spreads the body wash down his face, rubbing it into his beard patch before rinsing it all off. Wiping the water out of his eyes, he pours more liquid into his hand and washes his body as best he can, being sure to give extra attention to his groin. No one likes a smelly dick. Or sweaty balls.
With a heavy sigh, Adam steps out of the shower. He shivers from the change of temperature, over dramatically reflexing and shaking the water out of his wings, scattering droplets across the bathroom. He wraps his large towel around his waist before going back to his room.
‘This will be fine,’ he tells himself. Lute wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t want to do this. She doesn’t do things without thinking them through first. He trusts her judgment. Trusts her more than himself most days.
‘Ughhh…What the fuck do I wear?’ Adam grimaces, looking at the messily thrown clothes around his dresser. ‘Man, it’s a good thing she isn’t coming here…’
He picks up a hoodie, smell-checks it, and decides it’s good enough. ‘Oh shit, should probably check it for stains, right?’ He turns the hoodie a few times but doesn’t see any. He nods approvingly before hunting for some boxers and sweatpants.
After pulling on his clothes, he puts his mask back on and flops onto his bed, thinking he has enough time to dick around on his phone for a bit. You know, to calm the nerves.
He doesn’t.
He sees the time on his phone.
6:57 pm.
“ Shit. ”
Lute fiddles with her phone, having not moved from her spot on the couch.
7:07 pm.
She sighs with an aggravated, disappointed groan as she gets up from the couch. Not because he wasn’t here, but because she stupidly believed that he would be. That she even considered that he might.
Just as she was about to step into her bedroom, she pauses as she hears commotion coming from the apartment hallway. It sounds like running. Then it stops.
Lute steps cautiously towards the door, listening. She hears heavy breathing, but it sounds like whoever is doing it is trying their damndest to get it under control. She can hear them make a string of muffled curses.
Should she open the door and make sure they’re alright? Or does she decide it’s not her responsibility to look after some poor idiot in a rush?
Her answer comes in the form of a hesitant knock at her door. She opens it.
His feathers are puffed and messy, his clothes look a bit disheveled, and the expression on his mask shows a mix of fear, embarrassment, and even a hint of sadness.
Lute puts a hand on her hip, “You’re late.”
Adam opens his mouth to spew an apology, only to be cut off by her stepping to the side and motioning him into the room. He slinks in nervously, looking around at the objects in the room. He finds a place to stand that's not in front of anything, playing with his hands as he looks at her, “So uh…You were serious about this, huh?”
“I suppose so,” Lute saunters up to him after shutting the door, swaying her hips to make her nightgown flow nicely. ‘He’s actually here. Might as well take this opportunity while I can. If this goes bad, I’ll just die I guess.’ She lays her hand on his arm, looking at him enticingly, “So, what are you thinking?”
He swallows, eyeing up her dress as she approaches him. He feels his heart jump to his throat and his dick begins to throb, ‘Fuck, she looks good. Tell her she looks good!’
He loosely trails a hand up her gown, and trying to muster his typical demeanor he says, “Damn, babe, you look amazing in this dress. But–” Adam draws a line up her neck with this finger, making her look up at him, “I bet you’ll look even better without it.”
Her cheeks flush a golden hue. With a smirk, she rolls her eyes as she tugs at his arm, indicating to him to follow, “Well, let’s see if you’re right.”
Adam gulps silently, following her to the bedroom, ‘Fuck this is really happening. Oh fuck oh fuck–’ As Lute circles behind him to close the door, his breathing gets shallow as he tries to steady his racing heart.
“Do you want to undress each other or just do it ourselves?” She asks playfully.
Adam’s shoulders tense, ‘Right. Clothes come off for sex.’ He is so paralyzed by his anxious thoughts that he doesn’t notice Lute’s hands at his hips. He blinks down at her, “I-I don’t–”
“It’s alright, let me help you,” she says sweetly, balling the hem of his hoodie in her hands and slowly beginning to lift, “Raise your arms, Sir.”
Adam does as she instructs, “H-hey, Lute?”
She’s lifted herself off the floor with her wings, now being eye level with him as she works his hoodie awkwardly off over his mask. Once it’s off she looks at him in wonder, “What is it, Sir?”
“Could you maybe drop the formal shit?” He looks to the side, his mask showing a blush neither of them was aware it was programmed to do. “It’s kinda weird…You know, in this context,” he voices anxiously.
Lute lowers herself back to the floor, “Of course, my apologies.” She tilts her head slightly as she looks at him. He looks…uneasy. Feeling her eyes on his body, Adam tugs his wings in closer, trying to conceal as much of his stomach as possible.
Lute’s posture softens and she exhales a patient sigh through her nose. She sits on the edge of her bed, and offers him a soft smile as she pats beside her, “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
He slowly sits down beside her with his hands clasped in his lap. Staring down at his shaky hands, he replies quietly, “I do though…It’s just–” Adam draws in a breath before looking into her golden eyes for a moment and looking away, “I haven’t done this in a long time. Like, a really long fucking time. And I…I want to do this right. For you. Fuck, I mean– I don’t know.” He can feel his heart pounding, getting more anxious with every wrong word that comes out of his mouth.
“If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t done this either,” she says reassuringly, placing her hand on his. “We can pretend like it’s the first time and you can follow my lead?”
He looks at her stupefied, “If you haven’t done it before, then how will you know what to do?”
“I just know what feels good, and go from there. Actual sex can’t be too much different, right?” Lute grins with a shrug. She hops off the bed to stand in front of him, her hands on his knees, “Are you sure you want this?”
Adam nods slowly with an exhale, “Yeah.” He raises his hand to lightly caress her cheek, “Yeah I– I want to. With you. Just with you.”
“Thank you, Si- –Adam. It’s an honor,” she smiles as she catches herself, her heart fluttering in her chest at calling him by name to his face. She closes her eyes and leans into his touch.
“Okay, let’s see what we’re working with here,” she says in a sultry tone as she slides her hands to the band of his sweatpants. He assists her slightly by shifting to either side allowing her to pull them down and off his ankles. She notices the bulge and growing wet spot on his boxers, “You weren’t kidding, you’re excited down here.”
“Heh, y-yeah,” Adam breathes as she works to pull off the boxers. “I gotta admit, I’ve thought about this before.”
“Yeah? Funny, me too,” she says, licking her lips absently as she stares in awe at his cock as it springs free. It was definitely bigger than she was expecting.
Then again, given that she hasn’t seen (and decidedly now won’t see) anyone else's, his dick is the biggest in Heaven for all she cares to know. A comfortable enough size to wrap her lips around to suck off the weeping tears leaking down his tip. She swipes her tongue along the underside of his shaft and back up to the tip, savoring the salty pre-cum as he lets out a small whimper from above her. “Calm down, I was just cleaning you up,” she suppresses a giggle.
Adam’s mask displays a blushed pout, “You’re a tease.” He reaches for the straps of her gown, sliding them off her shoulders and letting the fabric fall off her. His eyebrows raise as he realizes that was the only thing she was wearing.
Lute rests her hands on his shoulders as he finds her hips. She slides her hands up his neck to the base of his mask, “Do you want to keep this on?”
“Y-yeah,” he nods his head timidly.
She gives him a sad smile, trying to hide her disappointment, “That’s alright.”
For as long as they’ve worked together, Lute still hasn’t seen him without his exorcist mask on.
She crawls over to the center of the bed, coaxing him over as she lays back. She slowly spreads her knees apart with her hands, giving him a full view of her. He swallows hard, his cock twitching as he begins to position himself between her legs, his hands on the sides of her thighs. Lute runs her hand up his arm affectionately, “Nervous?”
“Of fuckin’ ‘course I’m nervous,” he whispers as a chill runs down his spine. “Are you not?”
She smiles up at him, her cheeks flushed, “A little.”
The silence hangs in the air deafeningly. Adam stares down into her eyes warily, “What do you want me to do?”
Lute slides her hands up and down his sides under his wings, squeezing his soft skin in her palms. “Um…I don’t know. You’re the one with experience,” she laughs with a twinge of nervousness.
“Obviously I know what to do, but what do you want me to do?” He says lowly, rubbing circles against her thighs where his thumbs rest, both as a sense of grounding himself in the reality that this really is happening and to see the way even the smallest touch from him has her shivering in anticipation. “I want to make you feel good, so you need to tell me what you want.”
Her eyes go wide as her heart thumps. Her pleasure wasn’t quite what she had expected his priority to be, given how he talks about women on the daily. Her breathing slows as she reaches her hand for his and places it at her hip, “I want to feel you. Inside and out. All of you.”
Adam wets his bottom lip and swallows anxiously. She really does want him. Him. He flinches as her hand slides up his side once more. The way her eyes look at his features adoringly makes his heart twist. ‘I can’t fuck this up. God, not this time.’
Lute gently runs her thumb over the scar covering his rib, her eyes softening. A reminder that he has given a part of himself to someone who wouldn’t do the same for him. Understanding that allowing himself to be this close to someone has only ever hurt him in the past. That being this intimate was a tremendous risk in his eyes.
Yet here he is, taking that risk. With her. Their naked bodies are mere inches from being connected.
“Do you trust me?”
Adam draws in a shaky breath before lowering his head, the crown of his mask meeting her forehead. The lights of his mask have turned off, indicating that he’s relaxed and succumbed to her control, his mind a blank slate. He harshly swallows and whispers, “More than anyone.”
Lute brings her arms around his shoulders, holding him tenderly for a few moments. She places a light kiss to the temple of his mask, before gently pushing his shoulders back, “Are you ready?”
Adam nods, flinching slightly as she slips her hand between their bodies to take his dick in her hand, lightly stroking him as she lines him up at her entrance. He bites his lip as she swipes his tip along her slit coating it with her arousal.
“Be gentle as you go in. And take it slow, there’s no rush,” she says softly, removing her hand as he inserts the tip and begins to roll his hips into her. A sharp gasp emanates from both their mouths as he slides in further than he meant to; things are slippery when wet you know.
Adam freezes, his body tense and afraid that if he moves he’ll hurt her. “You okay?” He asks frantically through a shuttered breath. Her face is scrunched in what he can’t tell is from pain or pleasure. Her nails dig into the flesh of his arms as he holds onto her waist.
“Y-yes. Keep going,” she pleads the demand, rolling her head to the side in ecstasy as her walls tense around his cock as they adjust to its presence.
Adam pushes into her the rest of the way, a whine leaving Lute’s throat as he slowly pulls out until just the tip remains still inside her. “You feel –amazing,” he pants as he glides into her warm cavern again, bit by bit.
“I don’t know how long I can keep up this slow ass pace, this is torture. Sweet, heavenly torture,” he groans as he agonizingly rocks back out and in again, trying to restrain himself and not to lose control and plow her like a madman.
“Just a little more…Ahmm–,” her sentence gets interrupted by a blissful moan as he bottoms out with his cock kissing her cervix, sending a white hot flash of lightning through her body. “Oh! — nevermind. Faster, I want you to hit that spot again.”
Adam sits back righting himself, steadying her hips with his grasp as he pulls back to dive into her. His heavy breathing and her elated moans are making things very hard to concentrate. He leans over her again, panting heavily as he watches her mouth form into an ‘o’ shape with her tongue poking out. He blinks rapidly as sweat from his forehead drips into his eyes, “Fuck, I can’t see.”
His hips roll to a stop as he tries to reach a finger under his mask to wipe at his eyes. Lute raises her hands under his mask, lightly attempting to lift it, “I think you need to take this off, you’ve got to be dying under there.”
Adam hesitates giving a response. He’s already balls deep inside of her, so what’s the harm in taking it off now? He hangs his head defeatedly. “Okay, you win,” he whispers a low chuckle as she pulls off his helmet.
“Better?” She asks, her hands cupping his round cheeks. She rubs her thumb along his cheekbone, taking in the way his golden pupils are blown wide as he stares longingly, even if still wary, into her eyes. His sweat-soaked stray hairs cling to his forehead as he absentmindedly wets his lips, parting them as if to speak.
Before he could find the words he was searching for, Lute lowered her hands to frame his jaw and began to gently pull him down until their lips collided. Adam closes his eyes as he melts into the kiss, running his tongue over her bottom lip before sucking it in between his teeth.
He doesn’t notice how his hips begin to move on their own until he’s swallowing Lute’s moans as she roughly laces her fingers through his hair. Lute breaks off for air, pressing her forehead into his collar with a faint cry of his name, “Adam, I’m–”
“I know,” he growls, forcefully taking her lips and slipping his tongue in her mouth to wrestle hers. “I know you’re close, I can feel it,” he muffles into her mouth before rudely unsheathing himself from her cunt, leaning back on his heels with a smirk.
Lute stares at him in a mix of rage and horror, “What the fuck?!” He knew she was close and he does that? Seriously?
Her anger fades into perplexity as she watches him lower himself to his forearms, slip his hands under her to hold her ass, and look up at her slyly. He plants coy kisses on her inner thighs, the gentle sensation driving her wild.
“I wanna taste you,” he says sensually before placing an open-mouthed kiss over her sopping cunt. “Can I, please?” Adam pleads desperately, ever so slightly grazing his tongue between her folds.
Her body jolts at his touch, sending a chill down her spine. Her legs open wider and she runs her hand through his hair. “That was a very rude way to approach. Maybe I should tell you no,” she says teasingly, scoffing joyfully at the way his eyes plead; like a begging puppy who wants a treat. He whines against her, not breaking eye contact as he nudges her with his lips. She rolls her eyes with a laugh, “You’re lucky you’re cute. Go ahead.”
“Yes!” He chirps triumphantly to himself, excitedly dipping his tongue into her.
Lute gasps intensely, throwing her head back into the pillows in a wave of pleasure. The heat from his mouth mixed with the way his tongue explores every crease of her walls is more exhilarating than anything she has ever felt before. She pulls at his hair, unintentionally but welcomingly forcing him to press harder into her. He complies without complaint, flicking his tongue over her sensitive bud.
“G-good boy,” Lute stutters through labored breaths as she roughly runs her nails along his scalp.
Adam’s eyes light up at the praise. Knowing he was doing well and she was craving him only gave him more courage to continue to savor her sweet taste.
“I could get addicted to that,” Adam licks his lips as he comes up for air. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before realigning his cock with her awaiting entrance, “Now, where were we?”
He doesn’t give her time to respond before he’s thrusting fully into her, watching her glassy eyes roll back in bliss. The moan that erupts from her is music to his ears. Her mouth hangs open with her tongue spilling off the side as he pumps himself in and out of her.
Lute struggles to refocus her eyes onto his, every time he hits that sweet spot her eyes roll and she has to start over. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a breathy kiss.
“Adam! I’m—” Her legs begin to shake, her toes curl as she latches her legs around his waist. Adam keeps his pace but increases his intensity, colliding harder with each thrust.
He squeezes her hips and kisses her neck, “I know, I won’t stop this time.” He feels her walls clench and convulse around his shaft, pulling him in with no chance of escape. He grinds into her, riding through her orgasm as she repeats his name desperately. “F-fuck, Lute I’m gonna come too,” he grunts, trying to pull out of her before he does.
“Come in me,” she whispers softly, pushing her heels into his back and keeping him in place.
“W-what? L-lute if I do that, t-then—” his voice stammers fearfully. The last time he came inside a woman he got stuck with Abel. The last thing Heaven needs is another Abel.
Lute caressing his cheek cuts him off, “You don’t have to worry about that. It’s okay.” The horrified way he’s looking at her tells her he isn’t convinced. “Trust me.”
“O-okay,” Adam swallows dryly as he nods. If there’s one last person he trusts in this afterlife, it’s Lute. If she insists everything will be okay, then it will.
He dips his head to tenderly take her lips in a long passionate kiss, bracing himself above her on his forearms as he continues to rock into her cunt. Finding the perfect rhythm, with her nails digging into the flesh of his back leaving golden crescent shapes, he spills out inside of her.
She runs her fingers through his hair as he collapses on top of her, his head on her chest as it rises and falls with her breathing. She drapes her arm over his shoulder and rubs small circles in the space between his wings.
They lay peacefully in this serene moment until Adam began to stir beneath her, carefully tucking his arms under her to hold her. He nestles his head up under her chin before barely whispering, “Lute?”
“Yes, Adam?”
He draws in a shallow breath and lets it out shakily as he asks, “You won’t leave me too…right?”
Lute inhales sharply in astonishment. She brings her hand up to hold his cheek and makes him look her in the eyes, “Of course I won’t.”
Adam tries to look away as he feels tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes, but Lute does not allow him to, “I have always been with you since first becoming your lieutenant. If anything, this entire interaction has only reinforced my decision.”
“I believe you,” Adam whispers, a soft confident half-smile crawling up his face as his eyes close, laying his forehead against hers.
Lute chuckles, “So, what’s going to happen to this “fuck-boy” personality you put on? You plan to keep that facade up but now you’re blowing off all the other bitches for me?”
Adam blinks at her awestruck, “That’s a fucking great idea. And! And! I can say shit with some truth to it! I’ll just twist it into shit you and I have done.”
“We can build up to exploring those fantasies of yours. One night at a time,” Lute smirks, kissing his excited face.
Adam settles his head on her shoulder, looking up at her adoringly. Lute looks down to him, brushing her hand over his cheek and kisses his forehead, “I love you. And I will always mean it..”
“I love you more.”
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ducklingpia · 26 days ago
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When these 3 puppies pull this face on you …. 🫠
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lilybug-02 · 1 year ago
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Pain is a great motivator…
Part 26 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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emacrow · 7 months ago
Constantine is noping this situation, you can't make hi-..ah fucking damn it
John was already paled when Kronos got revived, but seeing the eyes scalding blinding Fear of God staring into your very soul and judgment every inch power that was in that godlinng babe was enough for him to started drinking his emergency booze.
He is not dealing with Greek Gods bullshits, especially if that what he puzzling in the pieces together Then Kronos's story was becoming twisted all together. Nope, he isn't. Batman can bribe him all he wants. He is fucking leaving now!!
Fucking with THAT right there especially with the contract he still owed Kronos for, he rather suffered the complete obliteration of his soul being torn to shreds once he dies then have that god find him. He is escaping of here before She even noticed that he is Here with her ol time relic still in his pocket.
Before he can even get one step in the portal ready, he already felt his chest tightening as if his entire chest was being squeezed like a kid's teething toy.
Fucking dammit, he should've left right when Kronos was still having that psychic backlash, he knew he should've trusted his gut, fucking time Goddess and her all knowing of when and where.
Part 6 << >> Offical Quiz that Decision the Fate of this continuing fic >>> Fic Released
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vaguely-concerned · 8 months ago
the fact that iron bull opens his recruitment conversation with pretending he doesn't quite remember the name of the the inquisition's ambassador. Jose-what's-her-name-again. he's just a big dumb jock no thoughts head empty mercenary who likes fighting and drinking don't worry about lil old me inquisitor! I'll hit things for you if you'd like as long as you pay me! ],) and then right after he reveals he's a spy he drops that he knows not only the name of your spymaster and how she operates but also her haircolour. (but like in a safely bro-y way tho! make that fighting and drinking and fucking! I'll be useful to you but in a real meathead non-threatening kind of way I'll be too busy bedding chantry sisters to do any real harm ],) continue to not worry about lil old me inquisitor!)
god bull you're so multidimensionally and fine-tunedly full of shit I love you so much fhdksah
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zira-draws · 5 months ago
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he wants his cookie so effing bad....
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tinartss · 2 months ago
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otayuri fanart in the year 2025 because the first yoi rewatch after nearly 9 years goes crazy hard
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chaos-bringer-13 · 1 year ago
I've seen a lot of people writing Danny as a space ancient and Dan and Dani as ghosts with moon and sun cores, being sort of parts, versions of Danny and therefore weaker. Now, consider: Dan and Dani are both powerful ghosts with really cool cores and stuff but Danny is just some guy™
Dan, who came from an alternate timeline and is kind of from the future but also not, is Clockwork's apprentice and will eventually become an ancient of time. He probably only agreed to have some lessons with Clockwork to understand better what happened to him, but he enjoys his apprenticeship now.
Dani, with her love of travelling, loves seeing all the different places the world offers to her, and that includes space and different planets and maybe even parallel universes, and she accidentally ends up being an apprentice of the space ancient. For now she's probably a baby ancient of freedom or something like that, but she might become an ancient of space in the future.
We can also have something like Dan having a core of destruction or Dani being the Speed Force if you want it to be dcxdp, or any headcanon of yours about their cool powers.
And then there's Danny. And yeah, everyone knows that he's super powerful, but also he's just some guy.
It can go different routes. Does everyone know that Danny is just Danny? Or do they think that with siblings (well, technically a clone and an alternate version, but whatever) so powerful, he must be even stronger? Is Danny actually something terrifyingly eldritch and ancient and strong, almost a god, but he just doesn't know himself? Or is he just really some guy?
Now, because it's obvious that I have a dcxdp brainrot, have a regular "JL summons/meets a powerful ghost" but its Dan and Dani, and they keep mentioning their original/brother who won a fight against them at some point. The JL is very concerned about Dan and Dani's godlike powers, and they can't imagine what Danny is like. And then they meet him (in his human form), and it's just a young adult in casual clothes, very friendly and helpful, with no evident powers. Imagine the confusion. Imagine Dan and Dani, radiating power, in their eldritch ghost forms, admitting that fighting Danny for real is the dumbest thing to do and not even they would succeed... And then there's Danny is jeans and silly t-shirt, waving shyly.
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qualityrain · 5 months ago
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call out my name when you need me again
if you know who I am, why won’t you call my name?
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cosmicdreamgrl · 2 months ago
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behind the scenes cutie 🥺 for @hyyhhope [ cr : namuspromised ]
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braisedhoney · 1 year ago
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well wishes from the void
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cowardlykrow · 9 months ago
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Even a hero needs some hope
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Hey (With the intention of being murderously obsessed and possessive of you).🔪
#I’ve been standing in the shadows of my little mouse’s dark room for a while now. I’ve been watching her sleep#watching her breathe. I’ve been debating whether I want to touch her or not. Whether I want to wake her or not.
I approach#approach her bed and slowly pull down the comforter covering her perfect body. She’s curled up on her side and wearing only a white silk br#No other man could fucking touch her. Her body#her mind#her soul#her very being were mine and mine alone. She was my little mouse I’d made sure fuciking knew she knew it.#And every fucking one. and make her fucking mine again and again and again#until the only name she knew was mine#Alll I wanna do is stick my cock in that dripping wet pussy and claim it#Manhandled Lifting your arms above your head open them legs. Don’t make me restrain them oh I can assure you you will wanna make that#pussy a personal throne for my face but if you wanna so badly we can always make it happen now lil mouse#this sweet lil pussy deserves to worshiped growls run you know I love chasing you.#Grips yoiur throat squeezing it does it tie you on knowing I hold your life in my hands her pussy gets so fuckinvwet when she’s scared#I kkow you love it the way o make this sweet lil pussy feel showing you knew religions like I’m your god#cnc brat#desperate slvt#cnc daddy#daddy's good girl#bd/sm daddy#edging and denial#edging kink#cnc knife play#brat taming#bratty#bimbo training#bimbo doll#bimboification#needy slvt#slvt training
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
The hardest, but most important, part of my transition has been untangling what my personal dysphoria is, and what is more a result of cissexism.
What I mean by this is that I learned that I am not dysphoric about certain aspects of myself, my body, and my life, but my discomfort in these aspects was influenced by the cissexist culture I live in which told me I couldn't exist as myself.
It's definitely a slow process, but I have found that it helps me self-actualize and actually see myself instead of what others demand of me.
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ganondoodle · 3 months ago
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did a little sketch yesterday that i really liked and tried to get it done today just so i got literally anything to post- but i fell into the trap of 'making sketches to elaborate and thus really stiff and non fun' (for me), ... soooooo .. im redoing the whole thing
but the idea was a mummy ganondorf for my (yes still existing) totk rewrite; i wanted to make him more scary looking and also emphasize just how horrid it must be to be kept in between life and death by having your heart grabbed by a cold and vengeful magical hand for thousands of years (in this case the ancient queen .. which i also tried to sketch despite not showing up aside from her dissolving hand)
the spell starting to fail and his body being more damaged in some parts (jaw being only the bones left for example) and his chest open from being slowly eaten up by the queens magic, the ribs contorting around it like its a gravitational pull- sounds cooler than it looks bc this sketch did not work out, so im saving the details for the .. hopefully, better version
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makenna-made-this · 1 year ago
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Feel like shit just want them back
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