#is it clear that wukong is my favorite?
Puts this on the floor to feed you
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Yes I'll try n draw their faces tomorrow
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asurius · 1 year
Having Macaque x Reader x Sun Wukong timeloop thoughts and I’m considering the idea of, reader got isekai’d time traveled back to JTTW times and went on the journey and died.
And Sun Wukong is real broken up about it but as time goes on he starts to see the future that reader always told him about take shape and he realizes that if there’s ever gonna be a time where he finds them again it’s gonna be soon.
And he finds them! At first he thinks it’s a reincarnation and he gets another chance except-
Except things are too similar. Everything is unfolding just as they always talked about. Their home life is the same, their friends are the same.
This isn’t a reincarnation. It’s them. The them before they got sent back.
And that means they’re going to die.
And he could stop it! He could be there this time-
But…but what would happen if he did? Would that change things? Would he forget about them if he did?
But then the moment comes and while he’s been dreading it this whole time he reacts without thinking to save them from the truck or the stairs or the mugger or whatever else kills them and he saves them. He was there. No matter what else he can’t live with them dying when he could’ve stopped it.
But now. Now he realizes, the them that he fell in love with no longer exists because of him.
And oops that means they never get sent back so he has no reason to be there at that specific time to save them meaning they die and get sent back and the whole thing starts all over again.
Little things might change, Wukong and reader might feel immediately drawn to eachother. But they don’t remember. Not directly. It’s more like a sense of deja vu.
Macaque meanwhile, initially really only wanted Reader because they’re just another thing that he can take from Wukong, the best trophy he could have.
So when he starts to hear things that are happening way farther out than what he’s normally capable of hearing of? It doesn’t take much to start piecing things together, he doesn’t know specifics, but like a quiet whisper on a wind he starts to pick things up. Suddenly reader becomes forefront of his mind because they indirectly have given him a second chance. He did enjoy their company…He still hates Wukong but he’s found something he wants more than Wukong’s life.
So all the while Wukong and Reader are piecing together what’s going on, because Macaque sure as shit isn’t going to tell them, Macaque is busy doing his own scheming trying to put a stop to it and that usually involves kidnapping Reader and keeping them as far away from anything even remotely dangerous as possible. Hell at one point he tried bypassing Wukong entirely by replacing him from the get go and going around Five phases mountain, he lasted pretty long but still got murked in the end, (likely by the Samadhi Fire.). Eventually he grits his teeth, and temporarily sets aside his differences with Wukong and joins them in the journey but makes it very clear from the get go that he’s only interested in keeping reader safe.
And oops wouldn’t you know it without the prerequisite of stealing Wukong’s identity and cannibalizing his family Wukong is pretty chill with Macaque. The memories come back slowly and by the time Wukong remembers all that Macaque has done to him over several lifetimes…it’s hard to reconcile that bastard in his memories with this edgy loner monkey that’s been traveling with them.
Macaque meanwhile really wants to avoid having that particular convo but at the same time, he’s also getting exactly what he wants out of this. He’s on the journey, by his own merits! He’s getting recognition for his own acts, be appreciated for who he is. Shit if he keeps up this good behavior he has a real shot at being a buddha.
But he still committed very very serious crimes. And honestly he doesn’t even feel that bad about them. Didn’t then, and in this time he hasn’t even committed them yet so is he really responsible for them?
It would take a major heart to heart to finally get the two of them to reconcile everything that’s happened with where they are at now.
Could take the form of the Macaque arc in the book instead this time it’s actually dark reflections of themselves given form. (Like how it is in other tellings)
Eventually the timeloop would end by getting reader to the end of the journey and achieving the not-dying immortality. Because no doubt Wukong and Macaque both tried to feed them any and all manner of immortality granting fruit.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
have you watched Lighting Up the Stars 人生大事? its a jttw-adjacent movie but not really a jttw movie in the sense that jttw is a huge motif with the mc being a swk parallel, his friends being swj and zbj parallels, and their adopted kid being a nezha parallel but otherwise not really a movie "about" jttw yknow. its free on youtube with english subs (title: [中]人生大事) so i thought id bring that to your attention :3
Well anon given my lethal weakness to dad Wukong, Li Nezha who's given a decent parental figure, and stories about genuinely sucky people who genuinely try and succeed in doing better by themselves and others yeah I'm going to have to thank you for introducing me to this film. Have to note that of course it's not perfect & that some parts seem kind of overblown, but honestly I found this work to be a really touching piece on death, grief, selfish desires and their consequences, and how we might live with joy with each other even after our loved ones are gone.
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Here's a link to anyone who might want to watch it!
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comicaurora · 4 months
hi red!! i'm doing an analysis of sun wukong's (and journey to the west in general's) impact on modern culture for my world mythology final, and for some reason i'm having a hard time finding sources. is there anything you can recommend?
The fact that Journey to the West has contributed an enormous number of tropes to modern media is very clear when the media in question is examined, but I don't know of a specific secondary source that's already done that analysis for you. However, this IS a very good excuse for you to plow through a metric buttload of shonen manga, since the lineage is basically Sun Wukong -> Son Goku -> like a solid third of all shonen action heroes written in the last forty years.
Dragon Ball kicks things off:
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Started in 1984 and almost unquestionably the most influential manga ever made. Its first arc features the weird super-strong monkey-kid Son Goku - which is just the japanese pronunciation of the characters of Sun Wukong's name - meeting up with a wacky crew of thinly-veiled expys of the Journey to the West crew, with teen inventor Bulma filling the role of Tripitaka, Oolong the pig-man filling Zhu Bajie's role and Yamcha the desert-based bandit as Sha Wujing.
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Hijinks ensue, and while the story drifts pretty far from Journey to the West's original plot, it actually stays pretty solidly referential in weirdly unexpected ways. Several the villains of the week are JttW references, and even the later appearance of three more Saiyans lines up with the surprise reveal of three more Wukong-like mystical apes in the original story.
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The connection between Dragon Ball and JttW is very unsubtle and a frequent reference in the chapter covers and supplemental art.
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Not every subsequent JttW reference is the result of Dragon Ball popularizing it or anything, since it was already enormously popular, but I think it's pretty hard to extricate Dragon Ball's influence on anime and manga from the original influence of Journey to the West itself.
One way that a distinction can be drawn is in the differences in characterization between Goku and Sun Wukong himself. A lot of the next generation of shonen protagonists were kind of Goku-alikes - pure-hearted dumbasses who only care for the three Fs: Food, Fighting and Friendship.
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But the original characterization of Sun Wukong is not really all that similar. He's a trickster, sure, but he's far from a young, friendship-motivated goober. He's profoundly intelligent, pretty much the most well-educated entity on the planet, and routinely brings up that he's centuries older than most of his peers. The Goku-alikes from the later decades of shonen anime are tellingly far-removed from that original characterization. So you get characters based on Goku's cheerful idiocy, but it's just a small subset of the broader influence of Journey to the West on the space of literature.
In general, Journey to the West frequently shows up in very small, bite-sized tropes in other stories. It's less "this is wholly based on Journey to the West" and more "oh, I know where they maybe got this idea/aesthetic/power/weapon/villain of the week from." There are way too many to list, but some of the ones that tend to jump out at me are-
Sneaky characters with monkey motifs:
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Tricksy, highly mobile characters who fight with a staff:
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Characters afflicted with a magical restraint artifact that allows a much weaker character to stop them from misbehaving:
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Specific esoteric weapons, eg. magical fans, rakes, gourds, namedropping The Sword of Seven Stars, etc.
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Villains with prominent ox or pig design motifs:
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Characters whose primary combat strat is just making Shitloads Of Disposable Copies Of Themselves:
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Honestly it just keeps going like this. It's kinda everywhere. Finding the JttW in things is my favorite conspiracy theory rabbit hole because it's 100% harmless and more often than not completely correct.
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py-dreamer · 5 months
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Man I am on a roll these days!
I love this doll base for the lmk characters, I actually drew some designs for the other lmk characters in this base in a notebook and as much as I would like to post them, Idk if that'll be any time soon.
I know in the show, Mk's headband is his signature. Even since childhood, I get that but I also saw a design of kid MK with him without the headband and fell in love.
Also he has light up sketchers. Cause why not.
It was a lot of fun doing the crayon drawings and seems like red and yellow are our lil prince's favorite colors, though it was a bit difficult to do them on such a small scale and at a slanted angle.
why does Mk have random building blocks?....
(I genuinely don't know)
Looking back, I do wish I made the toys a little more scuffed up cause while I do believe Pigsy would buy some toys and new clothes for his son the kid but I do love the idea that many of MK's old toys were hand me downs or at least second handed from Pigsy's past or even any cousins giving old toys or heck. Maybe some of Tang's university students found out their teacher has a new kid and give some old stuff to help out since Mk is a sweet kid and his appearance was quite spontaneous.
Perhaps that doll is a clone Wukong placed to keep an extra eye on the boy
BTW that love heart is NOT romantic in any way you creeps. Like how a child loves a toy, there is nothing weird happening here.
I try to respect different ships and opinions. I try my best.
But we see in the show, their father-son dynamic. I know there is a ship format of mentor x student but there is a clear parental relationship here!
It just feels icky, especially when you consider the inbalance of both power and experience in any 'romantic' context
Sorry, I just went on a tangent there, but hope you enjoy the actual piece and enjoy the easter eggs (>u ')/
(also out of curiosity, are any of you interested in the stopmotion film, Kubo and the two strings cause there might be a new au on the horizon!)
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mehiwilldoitlater · 1 year
"He's lying to you."
You turn around, finally facing Zhongli.
"...Come again?"
Despite your initial stubbornness to not even look at him, your eyes lock with each other. His golden eyes were fueled by his last resort to convincing you to finally come back where he thought you belonged, alongside your people, the people of Teyvat. Besides him.
"WuKong is lying to you. I'm not sure what he even promised you or told you about us, but I'm sure that everything is nothing but a lie."
Or at least, that was what he thought. 500 years was the period of imprisonment that he had held the Sage hostage on the mountain, or at least it was the right amount that had passed. Zhongli believed that the ape was everything he hated at the time. While he tried to create order, WuKong craved chaos. While he wanted to use contracts to create peace, WuKong believed in freedom of choice. And while Zhongli preferred to be steady as the mountain, WuKong preferred to be like the clouds in their everlasting movements.
But what Zhongli really hated most about that monkey was the fact that he wanted more for himself and was actually able to get it. That creature gained immortality, a taboo for many, and somehow he survived the erosion of the mind that creatures like the Archons were supposed to fall for. He hated that he laughed in his face when Zhongli asked him to become a protector of Liyue, preferring to be an enemy for the nation rather than a slave king.
Only he and the creator themselves were able to free him from his captivity, and there you were. Your poor body is still covered in the scars that Liyue and the other nations caused. It was natural for you to prefer the Sage rose. To have him as your favorite and as your protector.
But Zhongli couldn't. For him, that was the last reason for him to despise the monkey more and claim his head. You chose Wu Kong over him.
For him, it was reasonable to reach the island in secrecy, where you, Wu Kong, and his generals lived. It was reasonable to sneak into your room and try to convince you to leave your friends. But you weren't reasonable, not to him.
"He's not lying to me. He would never!"
"Why? Because he gave you his word? Trust me, that monkey word is nothing! You're just another god to use for his own ambition."
"No! I know it's true! We're friends! You were the one that hurt me!"
Your words were swords in his heart. He knew that he could never apologize enough for your atrocity, but the idea of you with him was unbearable.
For every word you said, a new crack in the stone pavement appeared. He didn't back down.
"I know that the evil that I committed could never be forgiven, but trust me! I will make it up! Just please, come with me!"
More cracks. A rumbling in the sky.
"I'll never, EVER follow you! I prefer to die here right now than spend a single day with you!"
He fell to his knees, his head touching the now-cracked pavement.
"He will never care for you in the same way I do! Please I-"
"Oh really? You think so?"
His tail movements were a clear sign of his irritation at the presence of the Geoarchon there. His body backed on the window; he must have climbed there from outside. He was ready to kill whoever decided to cross his territory, but since it was his longtime friend Morax, he wanted to hear every little stupid sentence about him. Pathetic, that's what he thought.
Zhongli and WuKong's eyes crossed. The Archon distraction gave you the chance to run to your friend. WuKong reached out his hand, grasping you before Zhongli could even get the chance. holding you close to him. He was guarding you.
"First you tried to kill this innocent small flower, and now you're trespassing into my house? You have fallen from high status, old man."
"This is not the place for them, not with you!"
"Oh? So it is with you? With the follower that tried to kill them, tortured them, and then tried to kidnap them because he realized how stupid he was?"
Zhongli's eyes were filled with rage, but he couldn't act, not when you were so close to his enemy. How much he hated that scene—you so close to him, searching for his protection in his arms, his tail wrapping around you in a possessive way.
"Go back to your city, old one. Before I really got mad."
Despite being the god of war, WuKong had many tricks up his sleeves, one of which was you. It was natural; the ones that are the Creator's favorites had access to great powers. Silently, the Archon withdrew, while your eyes followed him with such venom in them.
You two needed five minutes to finally exhale a sigh of relief. Wu Kong gently caressed your head.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded silently, refusing to loosen the grip on his nightrobe.
"Let's stay together for this night. Just in case, uh?"
"Yeah, just in case."
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nekohime19 · 2 days
Heart behind the lie # 19 : broken soul
The monkeys discover what MK was hiding
Macaque was ahead of him, Sock curled up on his shoulders. The little fluff ball had demanded to be carried the second they began to walk and the warrior conceded easily, even him couldn't win in the face of her sparkling eyes. Sun Wukong discreetly took one or two pictures, and if Macaque remained obvious, Sock turned once or twice towards the camera, her eyes flashing in the dark night.
They caught up with the kid quite easily, with Macaque's way of bending the shadows to his will, and his golden vision, it wasn't very difficult. Even if the sage insisted for the warrior to not push himself, he hovered around him each time his frown seemed a little too deep, peeking over his shoulder with worry. And each time he approached him, Sock pawed at his face. Macaque was annoyed with his hovering, but his frown eased each time Sock pawed at him, softness settling on his face for a second, before letting smugness take over.
MK wasn't going very fastly, he was walking along the shaded streets, singing to an old song blasting in his headphones.
Macaque jumped on a nearby trash can and climbed a wall, running on the roof. Sock was unbothered by it all, licking one of her paws and rubbing her fuzzy head as she rested on the warrior shoulders. Sun Wukong stilled a second, a bit stunned by the sudden jump. He took a deep breath, chasing away his insecurities, and tried to mimic the warrior. The first jump came easily, but he tripped when he landed on the roof, feet stuttering.
Macaque caught his wrist before he could stumble, and steadied him. Sun Wukong quickly regained his balance, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"Oh, wow. Guess I drank too much." Awkwardly chuckled the sage.
"Wukong, you drank tea." Replied the Macaque with a raised eyebrow.
"My statement still stands." Mumbled the King.
"You idiot." Laughed the warrior, he nuzzled the cat perched on his shoulders, Sock meowed happily and nuzzled back. "Look, she agrees with me. I'm her favorite." The King gasped, fasly outraged, and looked at his lil lady with teary eyes.
"Nooo, my fluffy triangle, how could you." Mumbled the sage, he leaned over his lil bud, Sock meowed at him joyously, happy to see him, and licked his snout. "Hmm, nah, I'm still her favorite."
"She just knows you better. She's on my shoulders now, so that's proof I'm her favorite."
"No, she's just curious." Refuted the sage. He leaned over his cat and nuzzled her lovingly. "Says, my lil sage, who do you prefer between me and Macaque?" Sock tilted her head and looked between him and Macaque. She pawed at him, and he beamed, going as far as to jump in the air in joy.
"That means nothing." Chuckled the warrior. "She's still on my shoulders." Sock meowed at the warrior and gently pawed his face (she was more gentle with him than with the sage). "Look, she's pawing at me now."
"Well, sure, you could be her second favorite, I suppose."
"Hm, guess it's better than nothing. Right, lil sage of floof ?" Sock purred happily, and hid in his neck, enjoying the warmth he provided. Sun Wukong looked over the both of them, a soft smile on his lips. His heart was fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird, it was so lovely to see the both of them bonding. He didn't know it felt so good to see two people (cat?) he cared about bonding with each other. Macaque must have felt his gaze, he looked up at him with inquiry. The sage stopped staring, and cleared his throat, trying to calm his beating heart.
"Let's go, MK will lose us."
"I doubt that, the kid is a snail."
"Hey, don't doubt my mentee. He's fast as a jaguar!"
"Hm, are you sure about that?" Asked the macaque as he pointed at the kid, who wasn't very far despite their little breather.
"… That's an exception."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."
"How dare you." Chuckled the King.
"I always dare, Wukong. You know me." Replied the macaque, he resumed their chasing, running on the roof with light footsteps. Sun Wukong ran after him, trying to smother his laugh in his palm to not blow their cover.
MK walked towards the outskirts of the city, he stretched a little there and turned into an eagle. Wukong wondered why he bothered walking, he could have flown right away, but he supposed he had his reasons. The sage summoned his cloud, fluffied it a little, and tentatively offered his hand to the warrior, eyes fleeting. Macaque passed by him without taking his hand, because of course he did, and climbed the cloud, settling comfortably. He put Sock in his arms, holding her tightly, and turned towards the sage with a fanged smile on his lips. The sage's heart skipped a beat, and he climbed his own cloud with a thumping tail. They soared after the kid, navigating through the clouds with ease, using the sage's piercing eyes to find shaded paths.
MK flew across a desert, his wings piercing the chilling winds of the night. Sun Wukong had an inkling as to where his mentee was going. It wasn't hard to guess considering the kid mentioned Red Son. Soon enough, the Bull's fortress appeared on the horizon, a castle of steel standing strong in the midst of ruby red trails of lava. MK landed quietly, before the massive entry, and regained his form. He was brought in by Red Son, and disappeared behind the heavy door.
"Maybe they're just hanging out?" Mumbled the warrior as they hovered above the fortress.
"Do you really believe that?" Replied the King.
"They seemed quite chummy."
"Chummy as in…"
"I don't know… Maybe they're dating."
"What? MK is too young for that!"
"He's 22?" Retorted the warrior, an amused shine in his eyes, as if Wukong's plight was funny.
"Exactly. That's too young. Anyway, we're going in."
"Oh yeah ? And who's gonna take care of miss cutie over there?" Asked the warrior as he petted the lil lady spread on his lap, she meowed happily and chased after the pets. Sun Wukong frowned for a second, he took a bunch of his hair and invoked one clone.
"You, take care of Sock while we're gone." Ordered the sage.
"Got it boss!" Yelped the clone, he carefully took the cat from Macaque's lap, eyes lingering a bit too long on the warrior, before nuzzling the lil lady lovingly. "Aww, come on my lil sage, you're hanging out with the coolest clone tonight."
"Well, that's one way to solve this." Muttered the ebony monkey.
"Yeah, now come on!"
The sage leaped out of the cloud and transformed into a hawk, Macaque followed behind him, traveling through his shadows. They passed by an open window, quietly landing in one of the castle corridors.
"Hey, Macaque. You're good with magic or…?" Tentatively asked the sage as he regained foot, and changed back. Macaque flinched, tail shyly coiling on his ankle, and looked away. Sun Wukong wordlessly took one of his hands and pressed it against his forehead, giving bits of his magic to aid the other. Macaque yanked back his hand after a few seconds and muttered a wavering “thank you”.
The sage turned into a butterfly and flew away, his eyes glowing with a subtle shine to help him see through the dark. Macaque sank in his shadows, quietly following after the sage. Sun Wukong found his mentee rather quickly, MK was with Red Son, in a lavish room filled with papers and scrolls. The sage hid in one corner, listening attentively to the two chattering kids. Macaque settled in the sage's shadow, taking control of his silhouette, Sun Wukong tried to not let himself be affected by that. The feeling of having someone in his shadow was nostalgic, something he was used to in his youth. But it wasn't the time for nostalgic musing, he had to focus.
"So you found the next piece?" Asked MK with a beaming smile.
"Well, yeah. It's not that far from here but it's in a dangerous territory."
"I'm sure Mei and I can handle it! Besides, I'm the Monkie Kid."
"It's serious, Noodle boy. You're sure you don't want to ask your mentors for help? Actually, they should know, especially the black furred one." Sighed the little Bull as he turned towards a worn map carefully hung on one of his walls.
"No… They're going through a lot right now, I don't want to worry them." Mumbled the kid as he played with his hoodie strings.
"But it concerns them."
"Yeah… But I don't want to… you know how Macaque is. It's better if we do it this way."
"We don't even know if the black simian will agree to try-"
"I'm sure he will. I know he doesn't want to… you know."
"Alright." Conceded Red Son. MK suddenly sprang on his feet, eyes narrowed in confusion, flickers of gold passing through his iris. Sun Wukong was at the same time very proud of his mentee for sensing their presence, but also very worried. Before he could try to hide, he was pushed in the shadows, swallowed by the darkness.
The shadows were cold, snakes of darkness coiling around him, dragging him in their nest, trapping him inside. Macaque was the only thing he could grab in this place, the only thing he could sense. The warrior made them emerge outside, in front of the heavy door. Sun Wukong immediately called his cloud, and they soared away from the fortress.
"I thought you would take longer, what happened?" Asked the clone as he handed snacks to the lil lady. Where he got the snacks was a mystery, Wukong knew it wasn't made of hair.
"The kid spotted us." Sighed the King, the clone nodded, he poofed himself when he sensed the cold atmosphere between them. Sun Wukong took Sock and held her tightly, not willing to let her free on the cloud. They flew in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, musing about what they heard. "I… Do you know what the kid was talking about?" Finally asked the sage.
"No." Sighed the warrior, eyes downcast, a storm brewing in his twilight iris.
"Do you think it's linked to your state? "Macaque flinched, he turned away, arms clutching his own fur.
"Why do you think that?"
"They were scrolls about soul magic littering the room. And from how they talked about you… it's safe to assume it's linked."
"… I don't know, maybe." Silence embraced them once again, Sun Wukong let a few gusts of wind pass through his fur, letting the warrior catch his breath, before resuming the talk.
"I know… that you don't want to talk about it. And I understand, I don't want to push you. But if the kid is involved I… I can't let this go."
"I'll talk to the kid." Conceded the warrior, he curled up on himself, as if he was trying to hide from the sage's gaze.
"Macaque. I need to know what's going on."
"Can't you just let me handle it?" Quietly asked the warrior, tail shaked by nervous starts.
"I…why don't you want to tell me?" Mumbled the sage, throat clogged by unsaid feelings, unsaid fears. He petted Sock to calm his stuttering breath.
"I just… I’m not weak."
"I know you're not."
"You're gonna blame yourself."
"I'm already doing it." The warrior sighed, he straightened a little, but didn't turn to face him.
"I… The lady bone demon butchered my resurrection. I think you can guess what that means."
"Fuck. I… she really used necromancy. Macaque you… does the kid know?"
"He knows. I think he's searching for a cure or whatever. I didn't think he would put himself in danger I…" Macaque’s head dropped to his knees, shoulders shaking. "Fuck. Why does he do this?"
"Because he cares." Replied the King, he slowly approached the warrior, one hand hovering above him, but never touching him. "I care too." He quietly added.
"But it's hopeless. There is no cure."
"Don't say that-"
"I know so. I searched for a long time. There is no cure. I'm doomed to live the rest of my life as a fucking parasite or die because of her. Fuck. The last few months made me forget that."
"Don't… Listen, I'm going to confront the kid, and then we're going to help you."
"Don't make me hope." Hissed the warrior. "Stop making me hope, I'm tired of being deceived." Sock looked up once she heard the anguish in the ebony monkey's voice, she leaped out of the King lap and quietly approached the warrior, gently pawing at his arm. Macaque turned towards her and petted her, she meowed happily and climbed on his lap. The warrior curled up around her, shoulders shaking a little less.
"Okay… Don't hope then, just let me handle it." Sighed the sage. They were approaching flower fruit mountain, the volcano ring recognizable from afar. The King noticed the clouds brewing above his kingdom and cursed. "I… is it a bad time to tell you that tonight is a storm night ?"
"Are you for real?" Grumbled Macaque.
"Yeah, I think it's gonna be pretty bad. You.. Hm… you're welcome in the cave by the way. If you want to spend the storm here."
"… Yeah, okay, whatever. I'm tired."
They quietly landed in the water curtain cave, the rest of the troop already snuggling there, sleeping away without any worries. Macaque's expression softened when he spotted the troop, his body relaxed, and his hold on Sock weakened a little. Nonetheless he still didn't free her, Sock didn't seem to mind, enjoying being cradled so softly. Sun Wukong jumped out of his cloud and made it disappear with a flick of wrist, he turned towards the warrior, tail twitching nervously behind him, and cleared his throat.
"Hm, you can come inside my shack, if you want?" Macaque looked at him, eyes searching, before heading towards the shack. Sun Wukong repressed the joyous trill wanting to escape his lips and followed after the warrior.
Macaque settled on the couch, Sock on his lap, and busied himself with the lil lady, letting her pawe at his tail as she saw fit. Sun Wukong fled to the kitchen, trying to find something to eat to appease his worry. He took a peach popsicle and ate away his nervosity. His eyes lingered on the others popsicles, he hesitantly took another one and returned to the living room. Sun Wukong sat on the couch and nervously played with the tip of his tail.
"Hm, here, y-you hungry?" The sage handed the popsicle to the warrior, Macaque looked at him for a few seconds, before sighing and accepting the olive branch.
"You didn't do anything wrong." Mumbled the macaque as he ate the popsicle.
"I… Well, I made you uncomfortable."
"You wanted answers." Sighed the warrior. They ate their snacks in silence, both musing over what happened.
"I'm glad you apologized to the kid." Suddenly mumbled the sage.
"It was high time."
"Still, the kid deserved it. I should apologize to him too…"
"Hm, yeah, he doesn't deserve any of our bullshit."
"Yeah, I'm not a very good mentor, am I? He always gets dragged in my messes." Awkwardly chuckled the sage, he regretted saying that the moment the words passed his lips. This wasn't something he wanted to share, but yet his lips seemed strangely loose around the warrior.
"You're… You're not bad. At mentoring I mean." The warrior let his claws pass through Sock's fur, he began to groom her, a nervous tick perhaps. Sock was already used to living with a monkey, so she wasn't bothered by the grooming. Sun Wukong groomed her a lot when he was stressed.
"… You're sure? I think you are a way better mentor than me."
"I'm really not." Replied Macaque. "I mean, yeah, I'm awesome, and you're awkward." The warrior's tail brushed against his in a teasing manner, Sun Wukong chuckled.
"How kind of you."
"I'm the kindest I know. But seriously, you're great. You made mistakes but you're trying."
"Yeah… "Wukong played with his popsicle stick, spinning it between his claws. He bit his lips, not wanting to let the words out, but they passed his lips regardless of his wishes. "Did I ever hurt MK?" Macaque stopped playing with Sock and turned towards him, tail still. Sun Wukong curled on himself, belittling himself for asking that.
"What do you mean?"
"It's… no, it's nothing."
"No, what do you mean?" Sock jumped out of Macaque's laps the second he moved, the warrior scouted closer and Wukong turned away.
"Did I… ever hurt him when I was in my feral state?"
Macaque tensed, something almost unnoticeable, so small it could have flown past him if he hadn't paid attention, but Wukong had keen eyes, and this small shiver from the other was enough to fill him with dread. The thought wasn't new, he knew he had done something to MK, but some part of him was still trying to refute it.
"You… I mean you were attacking everyone so-"
"So I did." Mumbled the sage. "Did I hurt you too?"
"No, you were… really sweet with me."
"Great." Sun Wukong turned towards the warrior and dived in his eyes. "I guess I have one more thing to say sorry for, MK is gonna get a lot of apologies."
"Apologizing is hard. But you can do it." Macaque smiled at him, something awkward, and wavering, but real. "You're the great sage aren't you?"
"You bet I am." Sun I King turned away, unable to keep looking at the other without letting his emotions consume him.
The storm bursted out outside, loud and obnoxious, the sky was torn apart by lightning.
"You're alright? With your ears I mean?"
"Yeah, the dampening spell is still on."
The lights inside of his shack got out, perhaps disturbed by the lightning. Sun Wukong jumped on his feet, startled by the sudden dark.
"I'm getting candles, just wait here."
The sage tried to navigate in the dark, but he hit his feet on his table sides and fell on the floor.
"You're okay?" Asked the warrior.
"Yeah, yeah, just don't move." The sage held his feet, trying to repress the groans bubbling up in his throat. Sock jumped on his chest, because of course she did, and pawed at him. "Sock, wait, I'm suffering there lil sage don't pawe ate me" . The sage held his lil lady, she meowed at him, softly pawing at his hands to free herself. "I swear sometimes I feel like you're trying to kill me."
"You know you have gold vision, right?"
"Fuck… didn't thought of that."
Macaque bursted out laughing, the sage could hear his tail thumping happily on the couch. And even if he couldn't see him, Sun Wukong could easily imagine how he would look. The warrior would laugh unabashedly, fangs glinting, and eyes crooked like moon crescents. He would calm down after a while and try to hide his laugh with his palms, embarrassed by his own loudness, if he had his scarf he would hide in it.
Sun Wukong chuckled along, still holding his lil bud, heart beating just a little bit faster.
This was nice.
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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mksbigg3stfan · 5 months
Ok, I haven't seen people talking much about Sun Wukong and Macaque's relationship as platonic, so I'm going to do my take on it. No hate to the shadowpeachers! But I want to talk about their platonic dynamic!! If you want to take this for proof of relationship or whatever, anything like that with shipping, it won't bother me.
A pretty good example of the past flaws in their friendship was displayed in the S4 special. When Macaque goes to see Wukong, he brings an offering for him, one of friendship. He knows Wukong likes peaches, that they're his favorite food, and he is in a way returning the favor of Wukong always feeding him peaches as a sign of companionship. To Macaque, that is what they are, at least.
When he offers the peach to him, he is mirroring Wukong's behaviors. He's calling him bud, referring to the peach as "a lil somethin" in an attempto to cheer him up, because ironically, Wukong is the cheeriest and freest person he knows. Wukong is already extremely agitated, and as a reactive person, he lashes out at Macaque. To him, Macaque is looking down on him, demeaning him by offering him only a single peach. In his eyes, he has only come to laugh in his face.
Macaque seems to expect a reaction like this, barely phased. He just says, "Ok, you didn't have to be so you about it." Macaque can easily understand why Wukong is angry about being sealed under the mountain, but he is still tired of Wukong's self-importance and impulsive behaviors. It seems like most of the things he does are sweeped away by Wukong, deemed useless since he is clearly not as strong as The Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
S2 Episode 7 delves more into Macaque's insecurities while being companions with Wukong and how he felt simply brushed aside. Even though he felt this way, he didn't exactly hold a large resentment for Wukong, and it's clear that Wukong cared for him at that time, too. He brought Macaque along with him on journeys, ate with him, and called him bud.
Still, as Wukong drew further and further into his quest for power, he became so fixated on his goal that he pushed Macaque aside. As he grew more powerful, his achievements overcast Macaque, who was bound to him as a shadow is to the sun. Wukong, however, only became more and more frustrated. He wanted to be stronger and prove himself. And as Macaque watched silently, and Wukong dove headstrong into danger, the divide between the two grew deeper.
When Wukong says, "Oh, sure, 'cause normally you'd just rush to my rescue!" He is referring to him being the stronger of the two, Macaque only fighting alongside him and comparing the two's power. He is saying that Macaque is much too cowardly to fight for him. He feels betrayed by him, since he believes that if Macaque was in his position, he would fight to save him or try to remove the seal.
Not to mention Wukong's extreme fear of mortality. Every action he takes echoes his fear, his push to be stronger, more powerful, the most powerful. It's not enought to have seven failsafes, he needs more. He needs to know absolutely for sure that he is untouchable. Because the thought of death, of coming to terms with his own end, having all his power ripped away - it terrifies him. He's been mortal before, and his fear of death has never left.
Macaque by now is sick of this behavior, being cast aside like he's unimportant. So he attempts to leave. Until Wukong claims that he always runs away. But he's always by his side, he plays the loyal sidekick just like Wukong wants, what more does he possibly want from him? Why does he always want more? Can't he be happy with what he has?
To him, it seems like Wukong is dragging people much weaker than him around, putting them in danger because of his quest for power. People getting hurt, harsh repercussions, just because he can't quit when enough is enough.
Wukong, however, only sees this as Macaque disapproving of his goal. "You're not in this mess! You're still free!" As Wukong sees it, he's always been free to leave whenever he wants. But he hasn't. He's still here, and he can free him now! "Everything I did was for us!" He needed to be stronger to protect his friends, Macaque, most importantly, himself.
But Macaque sees through him. Protecting those he cares about may have once been his goal, but now, it's just a thirst for power out of fear and desperation. He warned Wukong he wasn't strong enough, but like always, he doesn't listen to anyone but himself. He stubbornly went in, and got himself trapped.
When Wukong says, "I really wanted that peach," it's obviously meant to insinuate his hunger, but he refused it from Macaque so as to not hurt his pride. But really, to Macaque and Wukong, the peaches remind them of the old times. Their companionship and close friendship. Dinners and conversations of days past, when they got along.
He wants to keep being friends, but like a fool, he refused Macaque's companionship. The peach.
Leaving him sealed underneath flowerfruit mountain, to sit and stay, a place where no one can hear him and nothing moves, almost like the stillness of death.
After a few hundred yearsx he begins traveling with Tripitaka and the group, forced to fo through a journey of self improvement. When Macaque meets him again, it's hard for him to admit that Wukong is changing for the better. He doesn't know what else to do with the hate and regret festering him besides hate Wukong.
However, now that Lady Bone Demon is defeated and Macaque is free, in his redmeption arc, the two are growing into closer friends again. The scars of the past are still there, but they're both improving.
I'm not saying that Macaque is perfect, absolutely not. I'm also not saying that Wukong is an evil, bad, super awful flawed guy. They've both done terrible things, they're both flawed. But they are redeeming themselves and getting over the past.
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1shcakes · 6 months
UIS Chapter 1
When MK came to his senses, he was greeted by a blinding light. He winced, his head pounding.
"Where am I?"
He tried to sit up, but a sudden sharp pain shot through his body.
"Argh! My… my back…"
He could barely move. His body felt heavy, like it was weighed down by some invisible force.
"MK, are you awake?"
The familiar voice echoed in his ears. He knew that voice.
"Yes, it's me. Don't worry, you're safe."
Safe? How could he be safe when his whole body hurt?
"What… what happened?"
"You fell, but I caught you. Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt. I won't let anyone else get hurt."
Macaque's voice was calm and reassuring, but his face was full of concern.
"I need you to stay calm. You need to breathe, and focus. You're going to be okay."
"Breathe… and focus.."
As soon as those words left his lips, his vision began to clear.
"Good, good. Just keep breathing, and focus on my voice."
As he regained his senses, the first thing he noticed was a strong smell of incense burning somewhere nearby. Then, the faint sound of a steady heartbeat filled his ears. He blinked, trying to get his bearings. He was lying on a bed, in a dimly lit room. He could make out the faint silhouette of Macaque sitting next to him, watching over him.
"How do you feel?"
"My… my back hurts," he groaned. "It feels like I was stabbed by a bunch of needles."
"You did just suddenly fall unconscious, so it's normal that your back would hurt."
"And the headache.."
"That too."
He rubbed his temples, trying to soothe the throbbing pain.
"Do you remember anything?"
"No. Everything's still a bit hazy. And I gotta say, you're really caring for someone who's usually SO full of himself, Macaque." He nudged his shoulder lightly, trying to add a bit of humor in this… not so fitting situation.
"Hey, watch it," Macaque retorted, but the corners of his mouth quirked up in a smile. "And for the record, I'm only looking out for you because you're the king's favorite. If I let anything happen to you, I'd never hear the end of it."
"You're a real warrior, aren't you?"
"Whatever. Now, let's get you up. We've got work to do."
With a grunt, Macaque pulled MK up, slinging his arm over his shoulder.
"Whoa, easy. Let's take it slow, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah.."
As Macaque helped him get his bearings, the door swung open, revealing a distressed Tang.
"MK! What happened?!"
"Nothing. Just a headache-"
"Pigsy and I were so worried about you! We thought something bad had happened."
"Tang, please calm down. He's fine."
"Fine? He's not fine! He collapsed out of nowhere and hit his head on the table! Plus, look at his arm!"
Tang pointed to the large gash on MK's left arm.
"I'm fine, really. It's just a scratch. Nothing a little bandage won't fix."
"A scratch?! It looks like you were mauled by a wild animal! Come here, let me take a look at it."
"Tang, don't. If what we know about this.. 'infection' is true, we should probably just wrap it in a bandage and leave it alone. And wear gloves, probably."
"Macaque, are you sure? That seems like a rather severe wound, and I'd hate to see it get worse."
"We've seen worse, trust me. It'll be fine."
"I suppose you're right."
Tang sighed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a roll of gauze.
"Here, let me bandage it up."
Macaque carefully wrapped the bandage around MK's wound, tying it securely.
"There, that should do it. Now, MK, don't even think about touching the wound. When 2 days pass, we're going to replace it, alright? You can do this, bud."
Tang watched the exchange with an uneasy expression, but didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his attention back to Macaque.
"What do you mean, you've seen worse?"
"Ah. Right. I'll, uh… leave you two to it, then."
Tang cleared his throat awkwardly and turned to leave, but before he could, a sudden flash of pain shot through MK's body, causing him to cry out in agony.
"Ow ow ow ow!"
"What's wrong?!"
"It hurts!"
Macaque quickly moved closer to him, gently placing a hand on his back.
"Stay still, MK. I've got you."
"It hurts everywhere! Oh, god, my head… my arm… it's like something's trying to crawl out of my body…"
Tang watched the scene with horror, his mind spinning with dire predictions.
"This can't be good…"
He swallowed hard and looked over at Pigsy, who stood by his side.
"Pigsy, we have to do something! This can't go on!"
In 'old married couple' fashion, Pigsy held Tang's hand in his own.
"Tang, there's not much we can do. Let Macaque handle it, 'cuz he was there to experience it in the first place. We have to be careful around the kid, it could be worse for us."
"Pigsy! It could be worse for us? Don't you get it? It could be worse for MK! He could be infected like the Monkey King! This isn't some small bug, this is something life-threatening, and you're treating it like it's some common cold!"
"Calm down! We're all going through some stress right now, aight? Don't start shouting like a lunatic when we're trying to focus here."
"I am not shouting! I just don't understand how you can be so calm when our boy's life could be at stake! What if the ink spreads to the point where he's barely even human anymore?! Do you really want to see MK like that?! Huh?!"
"Now listen here-"
"You're being impossible, Pigsy, I can't believe you're doing this!"
"Shut up! I don't need you screaming at me all the damn time, Tang! What the hell am I supposed to do, huh? Do I gotta be all cheerful and hopeful 24/7 now?! 'Cuz let me tell you, I'm not gonna be like that!"
"Don't 'Pigsy' me! I'm not some stupid kid you can just tell to calm down, alright? We're not kids anymore! If you got something to say, you can say it like an adult!"
Tang was about to say something before the distressed screaming of MK cut him off before he could even get a word in.
"Shit." Macaque mumbled to himself, running over to MK and cradling his head as he kept on screaming and squirming in pain.
"What… What the hell do I do, kid?"
MK kept on screaming, not seeming to hear a thing Macaque said, writhing in pain on the bed as if he were possessed by the ink himself.
"Argh! Shut up, kid, shut up!" Macaque shouted, hoping the sound of his voice would break through MK's panic. But his words fell on deaf ears as the screaming continued.
Pigsy and Tang were just about ready to run over to the poor kid to see what was going on with him before he jerked and suddenly sat up, running towards the bathroom.
He was about to vomit, but it was too late.
MK fell down onto the floor and threw up a pile of black sludge onto the tiles.
Mei lay in her bed, scrolling through her phone. Her fingers swiped lazily through social media posts.
"Hmm. Nothing interesting going on in Monkiegram right now.. might go to MK's place and play Monkey Mech with him."
Mei sighed as she tossed her phone onto her nightstand. The glow of the screen dimmed, leaving the room in a soft, ambient light.
She shifted in her bed, the thoughts of the mundane scrolling through social media not providing the distraction she craved.
With a sudden decision, she pushed herself up and off the bed, the plush carpet under her feet muffling her steps as she made her way to the door.
The sun shone brightly through the window, painting the entire world in a vibrant orange hue.
As Mei stepped outside, she inhaled deeply, taking in the freshness of the morning air as she walked briskly along the pavement.
"Wow. It smells great out here today.."
She paused momentarily, closing her eyes as she inhaled deeply again. A breeze tickled her face, making her feel relaxed and refreshed.
Suddenly, her stomach grumbled loudly, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before.
"Oh, man, I haven't had lunch yet, have I? Well, good thing I'm headed towards ol' Pigsy's, might snag a bowl from Tang if I'm lucky! Mmm, I can just imagine the smell of the noodle soup!"
Feeling energized from walking, Mei picked up the pace, hurrying towards Pigsy's store.
As she rounded the corner, however, she came to a stop as she saw the "CLOSED" sign at the noodle shop. Mei couldn't help but stare blankly at the sign before her, her brow furrowed in confusion. She looked back and forth between the shop and the sign a few times, trying to figure out why no one was inside.
After looking around a bit more, she shrugged and began to walk away from the shop before she heard a loud clattering sound coming from MK's apartment, which was on top the shop.
"Wait, what? Did someone break in!?"
Without hesitation, Mei dashed towards the entrance of the shop, only to find the door locked, and a piece of paper taped neatly to the glass. She removed the piece of paper and read it, noticing that it read "Sorry. Please come back tomorrow".
Mei crumpled up the paper and tossed it somewhere without a second thought. Maybe Pigsy wouldn't mind anyway. Then she kicked the door open using a trick she saw online.
"Hey! Hey, Pigsy? Are you in there?"
She glanced around the shop, finding nothing else to indicate that anyone was home.
"Um… hello?" She called out, raising her eyebrows in concern. "Is anybody here?"
No response.
With that, Mei decided to look around further. As she passed the counter, she could hear muffled arguing from upstairs. Curiosity getting the better of her, she crept up the stairs until she reached the hallway, peering into the first door she came across. Inside, she found Macaque kneeling on the ground, his arm around MK as he dry-heaved.
As soon as he saw Mei, he raised his head with a frightened expression.
"Mei. Don't come any closer."
"Eh? Why not?"
"Just stay back please… I, uh…. I'll explain everything later. Just keep back, okay? You shouldn't see this kind of stuff."
"But, but I wanna know what's going on!"
"I said I'll explain later! Just stay back!"
Mei frowned. "Fine. But I swear if you hurt my friend or anything, I will personally shove this sword where the sun don't shine."
Macaque let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. And don't do that."
"Yeah yeah… Whatever. Now, are you going to give me answers, or what?"
"I promise, I'll tell you everything."
"I hope so."
The two remained silent for a while as Macaque patted MK's back while MK was suffering.
"O-Okay, I think I'm done…" MK sighed, wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist.
"Are you feeling better? How are your symptoms? Can you tell me?"
"Better, yeah. My throat still hurts though. And my body feels weak…"
"That's to be expected, considering what happened to you yesterday. Also, Mei's here to visit you."
Mei waved awkwardly at MK, who gave her a warm smile.
"Now, Macaque? Care to explain what happened to my best friend? Or are you not telling me something important?"
"Ah… well, I… actually have a lot of explaining to do, if you want to hear it."
"It must have been pretty bad, if you're acting like this."
Cue Macaque catching Mei up on everything. From the events leading up to it, to what happened after they left the dojo, to their current situation. The story ended with them sitting in silence, contemplating everything that had been said.
Macaque was the first one to speak up again.
"So, what do you think? Do you believe us now?"
"… I honestly don't know, Mac."
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So I recently got really into the Lego monkie kid series and noticed something on my second watch through, at first I expected this to be one of those things people would be all over but I haven’t seen a single post or TikTok about it even including the scene so I thought I’d bring it up.
I’d like to note it’s kind of a blink and you’ll miss it moment in season 2 and I definitely didn’t notice it my first time watching, I had to pause and go back a bunch to get a clear image.
So without further ado: in the episode shadow play we learn a lot about macaque’s relationship with sun wukong and while we don’t get the full story we do get to understand at the very least the dynamic between them.
This relationship is expanded on more in season 4 and I’m sure that in season 5 we’ll actually learn what really happened between the two.
But at the end of MK and Macaque’s fight when MK gets a burst of power and goes to strike Macaque we get three panels in quick succession.
One of macaque’s face suddenly dropping in fear (this one is the briefest and I for the life of me could not get the shot sorry)
The next is a flash of macaque’s shadow form, but without its usual grin, it two looks scared. And his scar takes up most of his face, much more than usual.
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And finally we see MK, who shifts into the shape of none other than sun wukong.
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Presumably going in for the kill.
Now I know that by season 2 Macaque is definitely still a bad guy or at least morally charcoal grey and I definitely don’t think he should be taking his issues out on MK or his Friends, but this scene really adds on to the whole sympathy for the villain thing that the episode is trying to create.
Anyways say what you want about my abandonment issues but macaque is my favorite character so I think I’m gonna be doing another post on him soon.
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purble-turble · 1 year
Au where brotherhood wins the first war, azure becomes emperor and makes wukong his co emperor. He is sure that marrying wukong will have him win the silent century long battle hes been having with macaque for wukong's heart.
Macaque is a monkey, he does not actually understand the human and celestial concept of marriage, and doesnt understand why he cant make out with a married man. Its just paperwork to him, why is everyone expecting him to be heartbroken?
Wukong doesnt even realize hes married even after the fancy wedding (thought it was just part of the coronation). And really, its getting annoying at how people are acting when he holds hands with macaque, or tells him how pretty he is, or spends the night in macaque's room rather than the shared one with azure
Oh man I absolutely adore AUs where Sun Wukong is completely fucking oblivious to the romantic relationships he is in! It's especially funny to look at Azure's point of view, because he's got to be thinking "YES! Finally I've won, I'm literally the emperor and my beloved Sun Wukong is literally married to me! This couldn't BE a more clear indication that I'm Wukong's favorite" And then Wukong just runs off and spends all his time with Macaque anyway :U
This is a huge disappointment, obviously, and Azure isn't even sure how to bring it up with Wukong.. I mean, this is how things were before too, so he shouldn't be that surprised, but he had really hoped that ruling Heaven together and being actually married would change things. He finds it hard to even focus on his heavenly duties at times because his Wukong is off somewhere with that other monkey and it drives him mad!
Obviously, everyone in the heavenly court is able to see the distress of their new emperor and the obvious cause of it, so all of Heaven starts gossiping about the Six-Eared Macaque being a homewrecker and sabotaging the reign of their new emperors by stealing one of them away. Meanwhile Macaque is just like, what's wrong with all you people?? Wukong and I are in love and a little marriage never got in the way of that before, did it?
Sun Wukong himself doesn't think that anything has changed. He had his sworn brotherhood and a great 'friends with benefits' thing going on with all of them, so he's not about to stop that now just because he's the Emperor of Heaven.
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hcdragonwrites · 1 year
Epilogue ( @journey-to-the-au Fic)
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This is what happens at the end of Tea trouble. It’s just short but it’s because I wanted to write fluff and cuddles and warmth.
The sun sank slowly into the sea, painting that great swath of liquid to fire. Willow felt the soft weariness sneak into her face as finally, finally her family mounted their heavenly steeds and kept back into the sky. The stars were beginning to appear in the darkening night. Gold, wood, water and fire. They marked the sky with their light as she waved her sisters goodbye.
From the mouth of babes came a second peace, a second chance. Lychee had offered the peach and Winter had taken a bite from it. An exchange and a wave of apologies. Willow had spent that time swapping tales and trading secrets of her home. Of her mountain. With her sisters. They listened attentively. They touched her hand- sought comfort and reassurance they had not lost her forever in their callous remarks. Willow reassured, reaffirmed and rebounded with each of her sisters.
She was exhausted. Willow sighed, itching her scalp. Her hairpins still bothered her, and her clothes felt too heavy. She wanted nothing more then to sleep for a fortnight. Anger was an emotion Willow rarely dove into, rarely utilized and unleashed. Calm rage? Yes. Anger that blinds like this one did ? No. It left her feeling achy and tired and o so sensitive to her skin.
Willow sighed. She was so thankful to the fruit troop, to Pear and Apple, Pomelo and Mulberry. And Lychee. The bravest little mischief maker ever. The first to offer a olive branch to her sisters and to forgive them. No one will talk that way to them ever again.
For now as the sun cast itself into the sea Willow felt her final strength ebb and fade with its light. She took a step back to rebalance herself —
Great large furred arms swung her up and over broad shoulders. She squealed in surprise as Wukong raised her up, growing in size himself.
“WILLOW!” He practically roared as the rest of the mountain followed suit. Thousands of the troop came racing forward, pressing close and reaching up to her from the spot on Wukongs shoulders. The rest of them were crowing and hollering and screaming. Calling her name.
“Gather the softest pillows and blankets ! The night will hold for us all- set the guards to chasing any beasts out of the groves. Light the fire pits! And everyone GATHER YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT!” Willow heard the roar of the crowd as they thundered off. Hammocks were pulled between trees, bundles of blankets and pillows and downy things were dragged and set down in the field. Monkeys lit the fire pits that lined the clearing, the great orange light casting dancing shadows as the sun continued its decent. Willow saw the troop laugh and chortle as they brought fruits out. A veritable second feast of food. Kiwis, grapes, oranges, watermelons, melons and nectarines.
Wukong kept Willow on his shoulders. Willow was too tired to ask why or deny the outward pouring of love from her earthen family. This was just the way they heaped support and love onto her. A veritable jungle of nests and hammocks, of blanketed caves and soft spots to lay soon covered the grass all around.
To tangle and tug and touch was the Monkey way of showing love. Willow sighed, laying against her husbands very soft and large head.
“What did I do ? It was all my fault.”
“Hush you I won’t hear you taking the blame for others ever again.” Wukong admonished. Several of the troop had gathered nearby, dragging a forest of bedding and plush to make nests and enjoy the night. Wukong set himself down in the thick of the troop, taking Willow up off his shoulders and into his lap. His tail coiled around her a hand against her middle. The giant monkey practically swamped her as he chirped and cooed, crooned and kissed her temples and nose.
“Wukong don’t swallow her!” Ba admonished. Willow peered from between the fur of Wukongs neck. She felt like a chick beneath a mother hen, completely covered and warm. She saw Ba setting up a little nest beside them. Beng was busy swinging Pomelo and Mulberry about-throwing them into pillows that bounced them slightly in the air.
“Save some for the rest of us please.” Ba snorted. Lychee was seated on Chestnuts shoulders talking his mothers ear off about his day and how he and his friends had gotten Little Weaver Girl to braid them flower crowns. He still wore his on his brow, eyes bright. They two set their bedding and nesting material down beside them.
“Are we all sleeping out beneath the stars ?” Willow asked. Wukong didn’t say yes with words. He was too overcome with an emotion, a puff of pride that expanded his chest. Here was his Willow Tree. The strong women who had been betrothed to him but had chosen him- heart and soul. Willow who had turned Huaguoshan into a protected area. Willow who had stalwartly sat beside him when he had been burning and boiling and close to madness inside that bronze prison. Willow who had bravely offered herself to the Imposter to save the rest of his family. And it had been Willow again who had chosen his people and family, his friends and loved ones, and had brought to heel celestial who thought they could talk down to him and what was his.
Whatever I did - whatever luck shot through my sky and made my stone sentient - I am glad it made me in time to be with her.
“Yes princess.” He softly whispered to her. “You defended all of us yet again. You brilliant warrior.” For she was a warrior. Not of blades or fists or claws of teeth. Words were her weapon and she used them brilliantly. More accurate then an arrows fall, she pierced Huaguoshan enemies with no bloodshed.
If I had met her when I was seeking my enlightenment … before I sought Heavens recognition… he wondered. Would his life have gone on a entirely new path? Wukong mussed her hair with his teeth, nibbling until she tapped his jaw in play.
His friends settled about them and the rest of the troop began to visit Willow, offering food and comfort. The little bundle of baby fruits ran across the clearing. They had been hero’s and they didn’t even know it.
Wukong lay curled over and around Willow like some large languid cat, tail tucked possessively about her. He became larger still, letting the little fruits climb onto his back in their play. Rin Rin came forward and Wukong allowed her to take Willows hair down, to groom and to ease her scalp.
Rin Rin heard the story as Wukong, Ba, Liu and Beng recounted it. They were now all here against Wukongs side, grooming and offering fruits or each other, to Willow. The love was a warm glow in the night , a glow that came from within and rivaled that of the dying sunlight. Ba kept off his pranks and offered Willow sour green grapes- and his deepest vows of loyalty. Wukong snorted happily, a large hand gently scratching along Willows back. Beng checked their little word warrior over and then gave her a single hardy shake. Ma was blubbering with Rin Rin who simply held on and brushed Willows hair out. Liu bowed and offered his own vows of loyalty- setting Ba to trying to outdo him.
Wukong waited till the stars were bright in the sky, the moon rising now to cast her silver light to whisper and speak praise and words of love. He wanted to drown her in the emotion that beat in his chest. It was a glow as steady as the sun and as wild as the world. It was not the same love Rin Rin or Liu or Ba or Chestnut Or Beng Or Ma experienced.
Forever and always. I will See her days filled with joy and peace. I will topple the very pillars that hold this world up to give her that. Wukong watched her burrow into his side, fingers curled in his fur. He looked to the sky, to the Heavens. To beyond that- to the cosmic sphere of reality. The universe beyond the Heavens.
“Thank you for making her. She’s perfect.” Words failed. Perfect was so silly of a word. Willow was more then perfect. She was victorious, stalwart, kind, compassionate, a stone to rest his back against and the shade that hid him from the burning sun.
“I will keep you. Forever. Until the very definition of eternity crumbles. Thank you Willow, for filling my days with your love.”
Wukong kissed her temple and pulled her into his warmth, pulling several of his with her. Tails and hands, feet and limbs all intercrossed and overlapped. They were tangled, intertwined like the roots of a tree. Grounding the willow tree they all loved to their earth, to their mountain.
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sketching-shark · 4 months
🔥 on Sun Wukong
Well @cryzyimp at the risk of sounding like a grimdark edgelord, they should let him be more evil.*
*AS IN & AS PER MY PREVIOUS RANTS, one of the things that really launched the Monkey King into being one of my favorite characters of all time is that while an important part of his whole thing is being a violent little shit, for me the thing that really stands out is that he's a self-aware and brutally honest violent little shit.
He casually talks about having killed more people that he can remember, wields his power to steal whatever he wants for himself and for his monkey family, and we KNOW he ruled as something akin to a warlord for ~20 years. And even after everything that goes down in the Havoc in Heaven and his entrapment under the Five Elements Mountain, he isn't sorry about any of it at all! But it's exactly this which is one of the elements that makes JTTW so interesting! As we go through the book every other figure in authority, from the Tang Emperor to other yaoguai walords, make it pretty clear that they're operating on a very similar wavelength to the Monkey King himself, i.e. they're willing to kill countless people if it helps them establish their rule and/or protect their loved ones. Hell, I'd argue that their free admissions of all kinds of atrocities is to the point where it compels a reader to ask if the Monkey King received the punishment he did less because of the ethics involved and more because he had the power to keep escalating his challenges until he faced someone he couldn't match!
So in this context, for me, the most interesting potential of SWK's arc isn't about having to learn that what he did was bad because he was just that naive; it's all about how he knew exactly what he did and the journey is about showing why he should recontextualize his actions, see how the violence he inflicted on others eventually came back to bite him and his loved ones in their collective ass, and thus learn why he should have compassion for others outside of his very select circle.
So yea big pet peeve that JTTW itself highlights him being impulsive and thus opened up the door for the endless "stupid idiot monkey a-hole" interpretations of the Monkey King, when at least for me it's far more interesting to go with the embedded interpretation that SWK was evil in the sense that he freely wielded violence in full understanding of the consequences for others and did it anyway, sincerely believing that his power could keep any blowback from hitting him or his loved ones until the Buddha himself proved the monkey wrong.
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Atrocious (Maniac Monkie King & Macaque)
Based, and Inspired by @dez-ku :'>
They're my favorite artist! When I saw, the fanart, I just had to whip up a quick fanfic.
Link to the Art!
" Monkie King? "
" Hey kiddo! You mind if I borrow, him for a bit?"
The way the dark-furred demon, cried made his heart tighten, clenching his chest badly.
More and more tears began to pool up, before big droplets of water, came rushing down Macaque's chin due to being overwhelmed.
His expression was hideous, absolutely disgusting. But those tears looked crystal clear, They reflected just the right amount of natural lighting in his surroundings, and they resembled glossy pearls.
It was a surprise that those pearly droplets came from someone so monstrous.
That made the orange-furred monkey, constantly demand his most loyal monkeys, to make the loudest noise, at places where he knew, Macaque would be resting. The immortal sage, made it clear to himself, that he'd do anything, to make his 'companion' feel explicit pain.
It was wrong to but as a demon. It was easy to give in, to temptation.
Could you blame him though? His high-pitched screeching, and the constant begging for the pain to stop, was something that Monkie King, secretly and desperately craved.
Even if that caused his six multicolored ears, to bleed daily.
When it did occur. A crimson liquid, coated the grass.
As if on cue, The Sage, would come to his rescue, acting like a hero, a protective savour to sooth his victim— friend, and immediately reassure him, that the monkeys are having mindless fun. It's not something done in a sinister light nor intention.
There laying on his lap, was pathetic excuse of a demon, slowly crippling away in self pity. Wukong's eyes, scanned every expression, every twitch, every grimace.
Tears, pricked at the corner of Lihou's eye.
It was awfully, distasteful for a Infamous Sage, to have to run his fingers across the messy locks of the black-furred monkey, but sacrifices, had to be made.
So he listened in to every word that spilled out from Macaque's quivering lips.
In this way, It was easy to know Macaque's weakness.
What sound, made the demon tick.
That made him beg, and fall down to the ground, begging for the noise to stop, while they shamefully, plead to be put out of their misery.
Despite his symphatic gaze, Wukong intrenally laughed, laughing at how pitiful his friend looked. He didn't care, whether or not, it was morally wrong or not.
All he cared about, was seeing him sob and writh in pain
He clenched on Macaque's chin, caressing his friend's hair and fur, before turning his head, and pretending to make the monkies to shush.
The immortal sage, desired, for his mental breakdown to never stop, the way he greedily gasped for air, made Wukong feel strange, in a good way. But alas, He had to look like his friends knight in shining armor, He wanted to be the only person Macaque could turn too.
In order to do that, He had to make Macaque go distant, with the others animals, It was easy especially with his ears.
Did he care for the monkey?
No , he didnt, Not a single ouce of his soul cared for him.
He, just didn't want anyone making him smile, He was the only one allowed to make him smile, and the only one allowed to wipe it off his face.
He wanted to see Macaque hurt, both physically and mentally.
Make him so broken, that nobody would want him, nor would he want anyone else.
Then come swooping his victim up his arm, saying "I'm the only one, that cares for you"
Even though the scrolls, written had stated that Li Hou, was a Trickster God, the most mischievous fellow. It was Wukong, that was cruel out the both of them.
In the stories, Macaque was said to have attack the precious Tripitaka and, Wukong, the brave hero was the one who killed the beast.
Not everyone knew, only himself know that Macaque was only trying to warn, the monk from Wukong, trying to save him, after figuring out the Sage's true intention.
He refused, for Wukong to have another victim to manipulate and hurt him.
But if an unknown demon comes running to you at full force, with six ears, disheveled fear and blood thirsty eyes, than anyone can mistake it, as an attack.
Wukong, swiftly pinned him down, and his fingers twitched, at the sound of the measly cries of the demon. It has been centuries, since he last heard that cry
The whole trip to the west and, being trapped under the mountain didn't exactly give him time to enjoy his odd hobbies.
The finger joints, of Macaque's, had a purple undertone now, and was severly bruised, indicating he was in excruciating pain from overuse, of his limbs as a result from fighting so frequently to defend his own life—yet no matter how much physical pain was inflicted, towards the demon monkey.
The Monkie king believed, that was never enough, after so long too, He craved for that heartwrenching feeling of hearing the sobs of his friend.
To him a friend, was someone that gave him immense happiness.
He, licked his eye, the one he plucked right out of the demon's face. It was slimey, had a weird texture but Wukong didn't care, He was giddy knowing it was Macaque's eye, and for him.
He defined that as happiness.
It was his last fight, the terrified face of his past friend, was just staring at him, no pulse can be seen.
Wukong, frowned for a moment, He wished the fight would have go on any longer.
There was no pulse, He sighed before swiftly kicking the body off the cliff. He, didn't really care about dead bodies, he preferred them alive,
He, would miss the way Macaque would cry, but right now, A dead body was such a liability, and a pathetic thing like him, didn't deserve a priper burial.
He knew, he'd just reincarnate. or be brought back to life or something.
Besides, Wukong had all eternity to wait for his pal, to raise back up from the grave or come back.
If he got impatient, than a trip to the underworld could be a must.
"Who hurt you?" The brunette questioned, his voice was soft spoken and tinted with concern. Macaque, couldn't answer that question, not now.
"Please.." The child, persisted and even pleaded, while he wrapped the bandages, around the demon's waist. Basing heavily on the wounds, He took quite the beating.
Macaque was getting mended by MK. Working quietly tailed behind them and thought how much waste of materials, That could be.
That six-eared bastard's only purpose was to be his plaything.
Wukong knew that bastard would just come back, over and over again, so there was no point in wasting such good materials.
Besides, There was that never-ending cycle that would come back, with torturing, making him cry, and seeing his last breath before dying. Then getting reincarnated.
Buddha knew not to interfere with his affairs, after all.
"Heya Bud! Mind if I borrow, Macaque over here?" The orange-furred monkey snickered, and interrupted him mid-sentence, with his hands behind his back.
He smiled at Macaque, and Macaque knew what that smile meant.
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rorynn · 1 year
I'm so sorry I wasn't active I was doing something. Drawing some shit like this. I even made my sketchbook a bit chunky. (I'm using gramarly cuz English is my second language)
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The first is Monkey Y/n, who is a half-human and half-monkey demon. And like she is a witch. I like thinking something about witches. THEY ARE MY SECOND FAVORITE MONSTERS. Like she used to be friends with Six-eared Macaque. Macaque was a pre-teen (9-11) and Y/n is in her early teens (13-14). Later as adults, they started a relationship. Y/n is a chill and confused gf while Macaque is like flirty and crazy in love. Everything changed when Y/n back from a mission while being away for like half a year until she heard that Macaque was killed by the hands of Monkey King. It outrages her and wanted to get her revenge on Wukong but realized her neckless wasn't with Macaque anymore. It was odd. You thought Monkey King stole it but you managed to find it it was covered in dirt and broken. It almost looks like it wasn't needed. Then there was a realization and breakdown then y/N promised to fall in love again or get tricked and yadayadayadayada she diseppierd for centuries. Then they met again
2. Then for the next hundred years, they meet again AND Macaque thinks Y/n will come back to him but nahh "Do you really think I the great Witch of Abomination? Think again" Then shoves the neckless she gave him when they were young adults.
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3. In the Lego Monkie kid universe ( It's how I designed Macaque I mean people say drawing a character 'in my style' so yee) AS it is written on small papers what happens in different universes. So in the Lego Monkie kid universe Y/n just kicks him away because she has a job to do and doesn't want anyone to mess it up. While in my universe Y/n tries to kill him. Macaque has to die again. But he can't stop falling in love even more while Y/n fell out of love. She moved on and already has 3 kids. well, 2 are Macaques and y/ns while her youngest is fully human but has powers like Discord from mlp.
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4. Okey so the woman that is standing next to Monkey Y/n is me as a Celestial guard or something. Monkey y/n needed help for something so she went for some help. Then I the Celstal guard would gladly helped.
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5. I made myself as a Spider-woman. But like it says on icecream Chopstick. A mutated. This is very short so like there was a spider that had a mutated venom on her fat bunda. How I was bit well....I was filling my water bottle and I didn't see a spider inside so I drank it and bam I was kicked out of my home and became a vigilant Spider-woman, I have 16 eyes, I can spill my venom when I bit someone and forgot my toxic family, my school. my old life..... And 1 year later a Spider sociality came to invite me but I refused cuz.. Why should I mean they have a thousand spider people on it why do they need another one???? I refused multiple times.. heck they even tried to force me but I made it again very clear I will not join. So they stopped bugging me until an Indian Spider-man give me some weird tech bracelet and said to keep it if I in case need their help. Then this boy named Miles Morales came into your universe and said this was whole a misunderstanding that he came from the wrong universe and that he needs to go back to his universe to save his dad but he is being chased by multiple spider-people who is leading them is Miguel O'hara. Ahh that annoying bitchy grumpy man with a problem temperature. Then he explained that he is also being chased by a powler-version of himself. And I explain powler-version of himself is also the enemy I'm trying to put him in jail and also my sister's best friend. He was shocked. But I had no time to explain so I told him to stay at my place. I MADE HIM A BUREK S MESOM AND HE LOVED IT. Then he said that he will never be able to save his dad the one I wrote on a pic was a mistake. So i told him to not worry about them.
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6. This is like a small doodle of me, Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, and Monkey witch y/n who sleeps naked alone. The reason why she sleeps naked it's because it itchy for her to sleep with pj's and sweets a lot which causes the bed to get wet and she stinks a lot and hates to take a shower twice a day. She only does it alone- when Y/n started to have a relationship with Macaque she was embarrassed to ask Macaque if she could sleep with no clothes on nothing sexual it is normal for monkeys to be naked which of course Macaque notices that and tells her that it won't bother him after all a lot of tribe monkeys sleep naked or be naked. It is actually common for monkeys to be naked :)
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7. This is actually funny to me. I made an Eagle Y/n a very long ago I wanted to draw more of her with Golden Winged Peng From Lego Monkey Kid she is also a sister figure of a Macaque. I was listening to 'Ayesha Erotica - 9 am in Calabasas where there is a scenario where he talks about starting to fall in love with Eagle Y/n and yadadada not gonna make it longer and you guys probably that one trend on TikTok lalalalala ˛& okokokokok, yeah they are both okokokokok. Don't ask me why It's my opinion cuz they both are listening to each other.
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And here is a little note for everyone to see better. I was even going to make Y/n shorter before I searched about eagles' height. What I was mostly curious about is the height and the types of eagles are called. Y/n is a golden eagle. MEANING he can sit on her lap whenever he can I even searched about Peng's origin in Buddhism. Mostly wiki. Also, Y/n has leopard-like teeth and it looks something like this:
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8. And another Y/n Oc from Rise of the Guardians as Halloween spirit. A love interest for Easter Bunnymund. Yes, it is from a headcanon on Tumblr and l read it and loved it. The reason why I designed it like this is that I tried to find some clothes for her like:
-a witch hat and has a goth neckless,
-a Vampire cape,
-a stone candy that it's attached on her neckless,
-she has clown makeup on her face exept her lips,
-bones painted on her body,
-has a crow mask behind her back,
-witch reaped dress,
-wolf form
!and fun /sad facts about the Halloween spirit!:
After Halloween, Y/N'ween typically takes a walk in a dark forest and disappears.
When there is a child or a teen that is too scared of going alone to get jumpscares, Y/N'ween will make it less scary and leaves lollipops to feel better.
if selfish parent/s would force their child/ren to steal candies from others. Y/N'ween would give them a thousand of jumpscares till they learn a lesson.
Y/N'ween is actually shy but when you get to meet her she is really outgoing.
Hates it when she is called 'puppy'. mostly from Jack
has ADHD
has a mark that one of the Toothiana's fairies had pinched her thinking Y/n'ween was a threat.
she uses withes magical mop to fly.
Y/n'ween is being misgendered due to her muscular arms and makeup, which happens a lot.
at a Halloween a kid was being laughed at for being a scared cat which angered the teen, this teen started throwing rocks at them then the kids did the same thing to her but a boy threw a rock on her head. It knocked her out and her head started bleeding. The kids were scared and ran off leaving her dying. When Y/n'ween smelled blood she rushed to s find where the blood was coming from and hoping she wasn't too late...
unfortunately she was late....but the moon chose the kid to become her left hand as to help Y/n'ween with celebrating Halloween.
All Y/n designs are free to use EXCEPT!
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starsfic · 9 months
(The Stolen Prince au) Macaque and Azure had a hunch that Wukong would show since the host had Wukong's favorite things in the party, including his out most food, peaches
"hmmmmm there you are Monkey King" Azure admitted he wanted Wukong to rule heaven with him and here was his chance to begin his plan
He turned to his conversation partners. “Apologies, but I do believe I see my love.” One of the women’s face lit up in an angry red as the others cooed at the words. “Excuse me.”
Azure headed to the dance floor. It was almost like a spotlight was on Sun Wukong, painting his features in a flattering light even as others moved off and on the floor. The song came to a stop just in time. He cleared his throat and Wukong went stiff.
“Hello there,” he said, putting on a charming smile. “May I-”
“-have the next dance?”
Azure and Macaque both blinked at each other, one on either side of the seeming woman in gold. Wukong’s first dance partner stepped back with a nervous chuckle. “It seems like you’re the most popular woman here, my lady.”
“Yep.” Wukong tried to take a step forward, but Azure and Macaque stepped with him. “Although I wish it wasn’t happening.” He finally relaxed, but his smile was wide and fake as it turned them to Azure. His heart gave a flutter, even at the fakeness. “Is there any way I could ask you two to dance together?”
“With him and his left feet?” Macaque chuckled. “No way.”
“It seems you have to.” All three blinked at the new voice. Wukong made a noise as a hand wrapped around his waist, pulling him close. The older gentleman smiled at the two. “My fiance and I do need to announce our engagement.”
Wukong sighed. “Trap.”
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