#is it a little weird a couple and a one year old child live above me in a weird off campus apartment?
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The way I’m about to m*ruder the family that lives about me if they start running laps one (1) more night at 10:30 at night
#is it a little weird a couple and a one year old child live above me in a weird off campus apartment?#a little bit but also I know their rent is only slightly more than mine and in this economy you’re not gonna get much lower#am in going fucking crazy with them seemingly running family lap at 10:30 at night???#oh absolutely#I finally snapped and did the classic slam a broom handle against my ceiling#how tf are four frat boys Silent but y’all are the loudest bitches I’ve ever had the misfortune of living near#I don’t think you are but I desperately hope you move#I was here first I’m not leaving bitches
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Is it possible we can get more info on MC’s family?
Yes! At the moment I'm still debating over a couple of things like naming them and how big the family is but!! As of right now (18/10/23) this is how the family is looking──
Mother, Amelia (placeholder name) is the current owner of the café/patisserie your family owns, she took over from her father who had taken over from his father. She's plump in frame and always covered in flour but her smile is always warm. Her eyes hold the 'don't mess with me' look but she's also fiercely protective of her child(ren) and anyone else she takes under her wing. She's a cool mom, in reality! She gives really good advice and is a very good listener. Inspirations include Molly Weasley (harry potter movies) Kitty Foreman (that 70s show) and Linda Belcher (bobs burgers).
Father, Andre (placeholder name) is a tall and bulky man with muscles for days and a thick mustache that grows very quickly and covers both of his lips more other than not! Strong but silent type, he doesn't talk much but he has a constant presence in your life. He took his wife's last name when they got married and was more than happy to help in the family business──he loves making bread. (Has cracked one or two 'breadwinner' jokes before) Inspirations include Tom Dupain (miraculous ladybug) and Jin (the dad from turning red).
Optional younger sibling, (unnamed) just moved up to middle school as MC moved to senior year. They're going through puberty and are in the middle of a growth spurt. (I have not fleshed them out further than this.)
Optional maternal uncle, Marco (placeholder name) has just gotten out of rehab (2 years sober now!) And has started living and working in the family café/patisserie until he can plant his feet firmly. He's a little closed off but it's mainly because he doesn't want to bother you or weird you out because of his past. He's very good at icing cakes/decorating pies!
Optional pet. I just love a family pet, however your family live above the café/patisserie so having a rambunctious pet may be an issue. I was thinking that the pet is rather old, having been your mother's since she was quite young. (In my personal headcannon it's a 13 year old jet black cat with an eye missing that just sits in the sun and graces the cafe/patisserie with their presence!)
I'm also thinking of giving players the option of choosing if they have two mother or two fathers... but if I do that I'll probably make them real characters instead of editable ones.
All in all, MCs family is very cosy, loving and supportive, which is the only thing not changing. With all the drama going on in this IF additional home life drama feels like it'd be too unbalanced.
+also what is this place called??? where you just sell sweet things/deserts and maybe also beverages??? Is it a café? Can café's be a family business????? I'm losing my mind every time I write café/patisserie pls help.
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7 9 29 38, and also A and D abt cass!! <3 (also this is the not-couples ask meme if it wasn't obvi c':)
7.What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? Cass kinda has a weird relationship to nostalgia- I think I've mentioned before that she has the Eidetic Memory merit, so time doesn't cloud the less pleasant parts of her memories, it's all fresh in her mind like the day it happened. So to them, "nostalgia" is often a sort of uneasy or uncomfortable thing, and generally specific places are most likely to trigger it- like, for example, she might have to drive past her old middle school on the way to somewhere and be like "fucked up that this is a place that still exists"
9.Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word? lmao. as evidenced above- yes Cass swears, and they do it quite a lot. They started pretty damn young too- they picked it up from their grandma, who used to vaguely keep an eye on them as a little kid since their mom couldn't afford daycare, and whose favourite word in the whole world is "fuckdamn" (or "damn fuck/fucking" or any combination thereof)
29.Do they usually live up to their own ideals? Cass' ideological framework can be summed up with a very simple and all-encompassing "I Do What I Want." and on a nightly-basis she does a pretty good job of sticking to that. There have been more than a few egregious breaches in the past, (the life of a fledgling is not one filled with a great many choices, and neither is the life of a human child), but they do their best to leave those behind them and not dwell on it.
38.What memory do they revisit the most often? At any given time, the memory she's going over is probably whatever is most pertinent to her job- their incredible ability to perfectly recall anything they encounter allows them to operate their business on the guarantee of "no trace left behind" both in regards to the information gathered as well as ancillary communication and records keeping (unless of course a client wishes to pay an extra fee for the acquisition of original documents) But, as far as "fond personal memories" go, probably the first time they left the apartment after their embrace. Sitting at the very top of the building's roof in the dead of night, staring out at the moon and the busy city around them, breathing air as fresh as it gets in LA even though they haven't needed to for years.
A) Why are you excited about this character? Mostly I'm excited to just be giving them a new lease on life. I'm not usually the sort of person who will like "maintain" old ocs- like I played her, and that game ended so her story was Over, and in situations like that I rarely think about those characters much ever again. But, in Cass' case, I stumbled across her old character sheet and backstory and some of my notes from the chronicle and realized that there was still a lot of good stuff there, and a lot more good stuff that I remember wanting to include in her story that I wasn't able to at the time, and I wanted to see what she would have been like if I could have. So now, even though I'm not in any active chronicles, I get to have the fun of reinventing her to show off to all my cool vtm mutuals.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? Basically the only thing that's really changed about her visually since I rebooted her was that I now imagine her as just sort of like an average weight for her height, instead of the rail-thin anime-character looking physique I drew her with when I was 12
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FULL NAME: Omari Jameson NICKNAME(S): N/A PRONOUNS: He/His BIRTHDAY: November 26 AGE: 35 STATUS: Master MAJOR: Auto Mechanics SPECIES: Fire Elemental SPECIAL POWERS: Usual powers associated with Fire Elementals SEXUALITY: Straight/Bi Sexual I AM A: Dominant /UTP I WANT A: UTP TURN-ONS: Rough sex, role play, voyeurism, temperature play, wax play, restraints (being restrained and restraining), choking (receiving and giving), marking (giving and receiving) TURN-OFFS: Bodily fluids, bathroom play, outdoor/public sex, exhibitionism , blindfolds/sensory deprivation, dub con, non con
Omari had a very normal life by most standards.
He grew up with two very present parents, his mother a palliative care nurse, his father an auto mechanic. He was the youngest of three children, the only boy, and he got along with his sisters just fine, always had. They were a close knit family living in a small, close knit town just outside of Maysville, Kentucky- they even had a white picket fence out front and a twelve-year-old Golden Retriever named Tallulah who’d been with the family since she was a puppy. Like the other two Jameson children, Omari got good grades all throughout school, and he went to the local college when he graduated to major in auto mechanics just like his father had decades before him.
The town was divided into two kinds of people- those who were trying their hardest to get out and those who had no intention of ever leaving. Omari fell into the latter category, always having planned one making a life for himself in his hometown. His oldest sister, Deborah, was of the other camp, and as soon as she’d graduated high school, she’d moved to state across the country for university. His second sister, Kendra, also left town a couple years after Deborah, this time for love, following her high school sweetheart out of state- they all still kept in touch, but it was clear that the two Jameson daughters wanted more for themselves than what their small hometown could give them. Omari, however, was content with the mundane. He didn’t want excitement or adventure- he wanted to live a simple life; get a job at the family garage and eventually take over one day, find himself a nice wife, have himself a couple kids. Normalcy. That was what he craved above all else.
Likely because his life wasn’t as normal as it seemed to be.
Omari found out he was a Fire Elemental completely by accident. He was probably in the second grade, out on the playground with his best friend, Keaton, when they were approached by some older kids who were intent on making trouble. A scuffle ensued, Keaton was hurt, and in a flash of rage at the injustice, Omari lashed out at the bully- only, instead of using his fists, he somehow managed to set the boy’s shirt on fire, sending the older kids scampering away in fear. The incident was never reported, as the other boys were both worried they’d get in trouble for starting it and because they were worried about retaliation from Omari, and the ordeal was brushed under the rug.
Nothing happened again for years, and it was easy for Omari to pretend it was a trick of the imagination or some sort of accident. Keaton remained his best friend in the ensuing years, and he too played along with the notion that it’d just been some sort of weird day dream.
Until it happened again.
he second time, Omari was closer to thirteen, during another instance where he lost his temper. This time, he ended up nearly setting his house on fire.
It was a lot harder to ignore things the second time around, harder to pretend like it was nothing. He knew he couldn’t go to his family with this, knew that they just wouldn’t understand, that I’d only disrupt the perfect life they’d built for themselves in their perfect little bubble. He’d always been an extremely empathetic and considerate child, he never wanted to trouble anyone else, least of all his family. Keaton was the only one who knew about what was happening, and together, the two of them tried their best to figure out what was going on. But with no knowledge of the supernatural, and never having heard about something like it outside movies and tv shows, they were at a loss. Eventually, they came to the conclusion that, if they couldn’t figure out what it was, they could try to suppress it so it didn’t happen anymore. As they’d noticed that the issue only came about when Omari was particularly angry or distressed, it was safe to assume that, as long as he could control himself and stay level headed, the mysterious powers wouldn’t manifest.
And sure enough, Omari began teach himself methods of relaxation and self control- he began to do yoga every day, immersed himself in things like reading and spending time with his family and loved ones. This was when his love for auto mechanics really blossomed as he’d spend all his afternoons with his father, learning the trade- he found out that he had a real knack for it, and the added bonus was that it cleared his mind in the same way yoga did.
For nearly two decades, Omari did not have another slip up- it was easy to forget it’d ever even happened in the first place. One night, on Omari’s thirty fifth birthday, he and Keaton were having a couple drinks when the topic came up again during a drunken conversation. It was his best friend who’d mentioned, innocently enough, why he’d never thought to revisit the situation, why he never thought to look into it again, now that they were older. Honestly, it’d crossed Omari’s mind now and again, but he was reluctant to do so because he somehow new in his gut that it’d turn his perfect, normal life right on its head.
That night when he got home, curiosity got the best of him, and he spent the entire night up doing research. He was on a forum in the wee hours of the morning, one that spoke of all sorts of rubbish like superpowers and magic, when he got a message from another member, a moderator, claiming to have the answers to his questions. Against his better judgement, Omari confided in this stranger, and the person sure enough did seem to have answers- only it was nothing he wanted to hear. Superpowers, Supernaturals, elemental magic- it had to be bogus. Omari had left the conversation abruptly and for a couple days, he completely put it out of his head.
But then curiosity got the best of him again.
He was home alone when he tried to access his powers, as the person from last night put it. If it was nothing, if it was fake, then nothing would happen, right? It took some time, long enough that Omari nearly gave up, relieved, but then it happened- a warmth racing through his arms, a tingle in his fingertips, and then there it was. Fire.
He was back on that forum in a flash, only to see that the person had left him one last message that he’d decided not to read before. If you want more answers, real answers, there’s a school for people like you. Interested?
Omari agonized over the message for what felt like hours, fingers hovering over the keyboard. Eventually, he typed out a response and hit send before he could stop himself.
✚ Assiduous, Humble, Focussed ▬ Reclusive, Pessimistic, Intolerant
Omari’s Face Claim is Jesse Williams. // Could Omari be right for you?
Bio written by Ara.
Can someone finally go toe-to-toe with the fearsome Headmaster Malvolio? And can The Institute survive the struggle? Only time will tell.
The Institute - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
The Institute is a supernatural master/slave roleplay established in 2015, set at a prestigious university on a tropical island--a prestigious university with some dark secrets. With our eight year anniversary approaching, we have some very exciting events planned. Want to be a part of it? Join today!
CURRENT BANS: Male Professors
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Nothing Is What it Was
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | epilogue
For the record, Dmitry did not believe in ghosts. He didn't have the luxury. Until he started living with one.
chapter 1 under the cut, otherwise click the ao3 link above ^
She was walking for days.
Her feet were blistering. The soles of her shoes were wearing thin, the cold slithering through the split seams. And yet she kept walking. One step, and then another.
Because that was all she knew how to do.
Step, step, step.
Someone had to be waiting for her.
For the record, Dmitry did not believe in ghosts.
Or any of the weird superstitions many Russians feared, for that matter. He just couldn’t swallow any of it. It was a waste of time to wonder whether or not such things existed when he had to scrape for bread to put on the table. There were worse things to fear— hunger, arrest, the cold. Even when his father told him myths and fairytales he still had trouble accepting any of it into reality. Ghosts were obviously make believe. Angels were in the same category as ghosts, so those didn’t matter to him either. Pixies? He could scoff.
So that was why he was more than a little annoyed to discover he shared residency with a ghost.
“Oi! boy,” a man behind a booth whispered to him, gesturing to step closer. Dmitry did as told but rolled his eyes. He’d been trading at this market for fifteen odd years, you’d think by now they’d stop calling him boy. “I hear you’re shacking up in the old Yusupov Palace now, yes?”
Dmitry felt defensive for some reason. “It’s been abandoned for years, no one would think to look for me there.”
“You’re better off in the streets. That place is haunted, you know.”
“We’re all haunted.” Dmitry crossed his arms. The winter chill was making him impatient. “Me and that palace aren’t special.”
“I’m just warning you. They say she appears in mirrors by candlelight, scares the daylight out of any raiders of whatever’s left that’s worth anything.”
Dmitry sighed. He couldn’t afford rent at his old apartment anymore. The place where he grew up with his father was long gone now. He was, as they put it, out of options. A week ago he decided to crawl through a boarded doorway of the dusty palace and, once the fireplace was clean and the furniture dusted and the kitchen restocked, it wasn’t a bad place to live. Those who needed new travel papers knew where to find him, and the law enforcement still had no clue. So far no unwelcomed fool disturbed him. It was perfectly empty and quiet, just as he had wanted his whole life. “How much is that music box?” He said, pointing to a trinket on the counter that caught his eye, successfully changing the subject.
“Ah, it’s from the very palace you currently live in. They say it was Anastasia’s when she was a child!”
Dmitry rolled his eyes. Anastasia was a myth he believed in least of all. Still, there had to be something valuable about this, something imperial and old.
“I’m afraid I could never part with it.”
“How about…” Dmitry reached into his bag and pulled out his dinner— two cans of beans. The merchant lit up and snatched the cans from his hands and Dmitry nodded. No matter how many new political regimes fought for their chance at power, everything stayed the same for the folks here. Everyone was hungry. And he’d learned how to use that as leverage.
He made it home— or what passed as a home. After that first night of exploring the palace he mostly just stayed in the same handful of rooms: the kitchen for meals, the entry hall, and the theater, because it was the warmest. Business hadn’t been very great that day. He’d found more than he’d sold. But what he did find would hopefully bring him more business later, and he was expecting a couple clients the next afternoon to pick up their new travel papers he’d just finished. Or, needed to finish.
He emptied his loot by the couch where he slept, onto a vanity that had been stripped of anything remotely of value. Even the gold leaf gilding around the mirror was scraped away. He lit the lamp on his desk, poured a glass of vodka, and got to work, finalizing the papers before they were ready. The last few details were the most important so he had to stay alert before he could start sipping his drink, especially after not eating anything tonight.
Finally, with a yawn, he decided he had done the best he could making these exit visas as authentic as possible, and finished his drink. He was debating if he wanted to pour himself another one when he heard a faint noise down the hall. Odd. Narrowing his eyebrows he stood, silently, wondering if he should investigate or hide.
But the noise never amounted to anything else, so he figured it was just his imagination running amok after this afternoon in town. Served him right for letting a ghost story get to his head. Or for drinking too much. Or not enough.
He stood to return to the kitchen for another drink. But on his way through the hall with the gilded vanity and his belongings something made him tense.
“Hey!” he called to the figure standing before the mirror, realizing he hadn’t used his voice in hours.
The figure glanced up, eyes wide. She was small in frame, wearing a white blouse and a long skirt, hair braided back from her face. She wasn’t a threat.
“What are you doing here?”
She blinked as he marched closer. “You can see me?”
“Yes, I can see you,” Dmitry said, obviously. “And I know a lousy thief when I see one.”
“I’m no thief!”
“Why did you break into this palace, then? No one ever comes here.”
“You’re here. Are you a thief?”
“No.” He snatched the music box away from her reach, checking it to make sure nothing had changed. He didn’t trade his dinner for this just for it to be stolen by some hungry girl. “How did you get in?”
But when he looked up she was gone. Vanished. He glanced left and right, she hadn’t left a trace behind, not even a footprint. Maybe he scared her off. He marched through to the kitchen and carried on with preparing his drink. His stomach growled in an angry voice, but he didn’t have anything to eat tonight. He would have to rally in the morning and get to the bread lines early.
He made it back to the theater where he would sleep for the night. He glanced around again, looking for the intruder, but saw no sign of her, so he settled into the chaise and took a sip. Peace and quiet.
“What are you drinking?”
He choked on his drink, the alcohol on fire in his throat and nose. “Holy shit,” he coughed, “where the hell did you come from?”
She didn’t answer. She was standing in front of him, hands on her hips, looking very stern down her nose. His spine automatically prickled with defiance, his jaw hardening. Her skin was so pale she was almost transparent. This winter must’ve been harsh for more than just him, he supposed. “You can still see me? And hear me?”
“Yes? You’re standing right in front of me, aren’t you?”
“Maybe you can help me!”
He wiped what had spilled on his shirt. The stench was already burning his nose. “With what?”
“Figuring out what my problem is.”
“That’s easy: you’re not where you belong,” he dismissed.
She didn’t miss a beat. “I know. I need your help to get me there.”
He shook his head, wiped his nose, and stood. “Exit papers are expensive.”
The girl deflated, shoulders dropping slightly. “That’s not what I’m—”
“And you’ll have to wait in line, too.” He brushed past her to set his glass down on his desk, where the stack of papers was waiting for him to finish. “There’s a lot of people trying to get out of here. You need to have a special case for me to bump you up to the top of the queue.”
When he looked back her attention had drifted, her eyes wandering the vast room. There was something odd about the light hitting her, the way she almost shimmered. Her gaze was fixed on the stage while she spoke in a voice so sad he almost felt sorry for her. “I’ve been in this room before,” she said quietly, like she just now recognized it. “There was a play…”
He shook the small ounce of sympathy out of his head. “I don’t care. You’re trespassing.”
She blinked out of her daze, and when her gaze fixed on him he almost couldn’t hold it, a chill shooting through his entire body. “I can’t explain what I’ve been through or how I got here.”
“Who are you running from?” he asked, annoyed.
“I’m not running!” She marched forward, and this was the first instance of real anger from her. “I have no one to run from, that’s the problem! You’re the first person who’s spoken to me in years!”
He frowned at that. “It sounds like your problem has nothing to do with me.”
“You’re not listening—”
“Look, there has to be someone else in Petersburg who can help you, who can speak cryptic gibberish, whatever.” He moved, intending to guide her to the exit. “I’m sorry, but good luck—”
But when he expected to feel fabric on her back where he would guide her out of his life, he only felt air and a light tingle against his skin. He yanked his hand away and stared down at it and then back at her. What the hell…
Slowly it came together. The rumors about this palace. Her confusion that he could see her. The sudden vanishing and reappearing. The paleness of her skin. And currently, the lack of a shadow under her feet.
Finally it made sense. Or, he thought of something that could be the only possible explanation, at least. “You’re dead, aren’t you?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. But I’m definitely not alive.”
Dmitry didn’t really believe her at first.
She said the first thing she remembered was walking through snow and mud, but it was a complete wasteland, no one was around to help. And by the time she found a village everyone was ignoring her. Until she realized they couldn’t see or even hear her.
Something horrible had happened, but she couldn’t quite piece it together, especially after so many years of nothing. She could talk to other spirits, but they eventually drifted away, and those conversations were usually depressing, anyway. But something made her believe she wasn’t dead yet. She had survived whatever happened to her, and that propelled her West, and she just recently made it to St. Petersburg. Something familiar had pulled her to this palace. That very thing was drawing her to Paris, but she couldn’t go until she could get her body back. But she needed help getting her body…
Dmitry rubbed the skin on his nose between his eyes. The oil in the lamps were getting too low, it was too late in the night for him to properly wrap his head around this.
“I don’t know how you’re the only one who can see me. Are you a psychic?”
“No.” He rubbed his face, unamused. “Let me get this straight. Anya— that’s what you’re calling yourself, right?— you’ve been dead for a decade—”
“I’m not dead. If I was dead, I’d surely be elsewhere.”
“Right. So you’ve been… in limbo for a decade, just wandering around, and your actual body is… somewhere?”
“Yes. It’s somewhere in Siberia.”
“And how do you know it’s… how do you know you’re not… how the hell haven’t you died??”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. But I need someone to take me to a hospital or something, and maybe I can… whatever this is will end if I find it and get it to Paris.”
“Don’t you have a family that can do all of that?”
“No— I don’t know. I don’t remember who I was.”
He hummed and crossed his arms. “You’re forgetting one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“None of this is my problem.”
She scowled. “So, what am I supposed to do, then?”
“I don’t know, go talk to an actual psychic or something, walk into a church, whatever! I do know you don’t have any money, and I don’t work for free.”
“Or you help me out of the little bit of kindness in your heart, and I get out of your hair. You have to admit that’s the simplest solution.”
“Or you leave me alone.” He tried using his height as leverage, lifting his head to make himself taller, but she still managed to look down at him.
“I’m sorry, I’d hate to interfere with your exuberant social life.”
Irritation made his lips purse. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She was wandering around his desk— no, through his desk— with her fingers ghosting over pens and papers and stamps, but nothing moved. It was like she was some sort of projection, like what they used at the cinemas. “You’re a real jerk, you know.”
He laughed. “I’ve heard worse.”
Her gaze wasn’t icy anymore. She smiled, and somehow that was worse. “You know what?” Her hands rested on her hips. “Have you heard of the term poltergeist?”
Her smile widened. She made it to the moth-eaten loveseat near the fireplace. Somehow she didn’t go through it, but when she sat none of the cushions squished. “I’m not going anywhere until you agree to help me.”
“That’s not going to happen, I told you I’m sorry—”
“Fine! But since this has been the most… well, the only conversation I’ve gotten to have in years, I still have a lot to say.” She crossed her legs to prove her point. “And, lucky for you, I lose nothing but time.”
His nostrils flared. Fine, he smelled a challenge, and he knew she would have to give in eventually. He could make this space uninhabitable. “We’ll see about that.”
read more on ao3!
#ghost au#dimya#fanfiction#anastasia broadway#anastasia#my writing#this has been a concept in my head for *so long*#and finally a first chapter is ready#if we all just close our eyes and ignore the timeline... this will be fun
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Wish upon - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Title: Wish upon
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You were close when Wanda’s grief took over and she inevitably started controling an entire town, including you. Being her closest friend, though, instead of simply playing along, you were given a normal life of your own, with a daughter and husband whom you knew very well but never thought you had feelings for. Months later as you try to figure out your emotions for Bucky, the man seems to be trying to find every reason to stay close to you. Including asking you to join him when he’s ready to follow Sam in his adventures.
“Is that... Is that what I think it is?” you blinked several times, head tilted as you took in the object your husband was, full of pride you could clearly tell, holding and showing off to you.
“You bet it is. Polished, glittered or bedazzled, I can never tell the difference it's equally sparkly anyway, but above all ready to deliver justice. It's finally finished. Right on time at that.” he set the small pink and sparkly shield on the kitchen counter, right next to the baby bottle you'd just filled, because he knew just as well as you did that it was honestly the only way you'd keep looking at the toy and hoped that you'd like it. Which you did, sure, but not in the way Bucky hoped. “Well, what do you say about it?”
“I say that it would certainly deliver justice, no doubt by dazzling the bad guys first and foremost. Besides-” you tore your eyes away from the toy to narrow them at your husband “Just on time for what?”
“Halloween, of course.” he shrugged casually as he slowly made to reach for a piece of the potatoes you'd cooked to have on the side for dinner, but you noticed him and slapped his hand away, earning a not-so-innocent smile in return “I mean... What else is there else to talk about, of significance, in a small town like Westview besides holidays and who the new otherworldly couples in town are. The second having little to no point when one's wife can read minds, amongst so many other things, and said one is a metal-armed 106-year-old.” he sighed, raising his metal arm which he usually kept covered when outside “Honestly, I don't know who're gonna get called out on it first. Wanda and Vision or us.”
“We're handling it great. Besides, oh well a 15 year old gap is so overrated anyway. I tell you, 106 is the new 30, don't you worry a second, dear. You don't look a day over that.” you smiled sweetly, leaning in to peck his lips as he grinned.
“Ah yes, coming from the woman who last time we fought you told me that it's time to stop mourning over my buddy Rexi the dinosaur cause they're all gone now.” he said with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged.
“I don't see what you mean, I was still right.” you brushed him off, checking once more the temperature of the milk “Besides, getting off track here? You still haven't explained to me how that lovely and sparkly shield is of any use to us in Halloween?”
“Well, not us, obviously.” he turned to, according to everyone including him, his little princess “Jean of course!” he picked one of her hands and let her tiny fingers wrap around one of his as she let a giggle when he kissed her belly “It's all you've been talking about with Wanda these days. Her boys have their suits already in mind, it wouldn't be right for Jean to not have hers. It's her first Halloween anyway, even if she can't do any proper trick or treat yet.”
“I'm well aware of that, seeing as I've been planning all of ours suits. And no-” you raised a finger when you saw him raise an interested eyebrow “No, I'm not wearing the skirt version of it. Besides, what we're talking about here is Jean and I still fail to see how a shield will be any part of our little Phoenix's suit.”
“Well, because it's Halloween and she's- Well, she's part of this and she'll- The shield is part of the suit, honey. Obviously. I don't see what confuses you so much as to-”
“And I don't see what confuses you so much that you'd make a shield for her, beautiful as it might be, even though it has no place in all of it. Especially after I made it quiet clear on what costume will be.” you pointed out, baby bottle back on the counter as you crossed your arms over your chest “Honestly, I would rather her have a sparkly version of Sam's redwing before incorporating the shield in her phoenix look.”
He let silence fill the room, save for your daughter's adorable baby noises, before he finally spoke in all seriousness “No, no you wouldn't. You hate that thing too... It was the main reason that made me ask the question, like when you realize you've met your soulmate.”
“I-” only half a pause before you nodded “Yeah, you're right. I hate it... although I can't really remember how it looks like sometimes to be honest. Huh weird.” you let out a breathless laugh, frowning nonetheless.
“Oh how I'd wish for that sort of blessing.” he huffed “Including its owner.”
“Hush you love him!” you hit his shoulder “And, well, that's still all besides the point. Because Jean is not going to have a redwing or shield to her phoenix look in any sort of way. Maybe next Halloween if you wanna choose the costume, fine by me. But this year I am following through with my plans and not changing my mind.”
“Plans of what? Her being a phoenix bird? I get it, it's all magical and what not but-”
“Not just any phoenix bird, geez weez, do you not even listen when I speak, Mr Barnes?” you shook your head with a roll of your eyes.
“Well, sometimes it gets impossibly hard when you look as stunning as today, Mrs Barnes. Sadly all words fade away and as I am captured by your beauty all I can seem to hear is kiss me. How can I not comply?” he said so innocently and with such an adorable smile you couldn't help your fond one in return.
Seeing such adoration and love written all over your face had your heart on overdrive again, as if it was the first time you realized you were in love with him again. It was incredible how you could barely remember that moment whenever you thought about it, however you didn't care. You couldn't find yourself to care when looking at him had your chest fill with warmth, a pleasant buzz all over your body and no weight dragging you down. He made things more simple, having his love and having him by his side made life have meaning and your future full of hope. It hadn't been easy, that much in a way you could remember, but you knew it was worth it because he was worth it. You wanted to give him all your love, wishing that it could live up to the one in his eyes for you in return, so that he could understand what you did from the first moment you met him: he deserved it.
And even if- you couldn't explain why you thought so, but even if there were ever people that would willingly leave him behind, even if you'd never understand that, you were ready to show to him that you could and would be with him till the end of the line. This love you had in you for him had sealed the deal long before you even knew about it.
If anything, you were more than willing to live in this small town, heavens in these four walls of your house, so long as you had him by your side and were able to give him all the love you didn't know you had for him.
You shook your head lightly and gave him “Sweet talking me will get you nowhere, darling. Or rather-” you paused, smirking at him “It might get you in one place. The bedroom.” you grinned when you saw his eyebrows raise in interest “To get Jean's suit. Cause I remember I have some adjustments to make.”
“Bet you do.” he huffed like a little child “Cause she'll be a bird and not a superhero who-”
“Not just a phoenix bird, Buck. The phoenix, that's different.” you pointed out, making him frown.
“How is that different? And what... is the phoenix?”
“Well, it's-” you started but paused abruptly, frowning at your own thoughts “It's actually-” you blinked several time and let out a nervous laugh “Funny thing, I... can't remember. Wow that's... it happens all the more often lately.”
“Can't be important then, right?” he brushed it off casually even though you kept frowning in deep thought which for some reason didn't lead anywhere “Certainly no more than Jean's suit that it... And how we could incorporate a shiel-”
“No.” you cut him off before he could get to complete his sentence “Not gonna happen. I've already got everything planned, you're not going to ruin my plans.”
“Is this how it's gonna go every Halloween now? Us fighting over what Jean's costume will be until she's old enough to choose herself?”
“Oh dear, of course not. It's not fighting when you don't stand a chance against me in the first place.” you shrugged innocently and he tried to look stern by narrowing his eyes at you but you smiled and pecked his lips before speaking “I mean, you could never say no to these pretty eyes, could you?” you batted your eyes at him and he very fast, much faster than last time, sighed in defeat and nodded his head “Besides, you don't have to worry. Next Halloween we'll make her a costume that incorporates the shield too, happy?”
“Always.” he breathed out with such ease that it took a few seconds for you to not openly stare at just how much relaxed he looked, how he truly meant it and how shockingly different he looked while admitting it compared to only a few months ago... months, you weren't sure of the time anymore but truth was that you didn't care, because if there was one thing you could remember was that he had not always been like this and to have him truly happy made everything worth it.
“However-” he cleared his throat, as if noticing how you'd zoned out “That doesn't really solve the problem. Having to compromise, you know. Why should any of us have to? However, if we were to have more than one option...” he trailed off, leaning in closer without any regard for your personal space, not that he needed to, as you narrowed your eyes suspiciously at him “Say... if we were to have more than one options then things wouldn't be this hard, right? Just... to make it easier on ourselves?”
“Make it easier... how exactly?”
His hands found your hips, earning a small giggle from you as he pecked your neck once, twice and three times before he kissed your cheek and the temple, whispering in the end “Let's make more.” it earned a squeal from your as your eyes widened but he grinned even more widely “Come on, think about it. A little boy or maybe another baby girl, Jean would make a great sister. And we wouldn't have to argue about the Halloween costumes. Besides... would be a fun process either way.”
“You have to be kidding me.” you gave him a serious expression but his hopeful smile- no, scratch that. His smile that was bordering that of an idiot, if not lovesick one (but you were on the same boat on that), didn't fade in the least bit “Oh you have to- Alright, Mr Barnes, how about you learn how to feed your daughter without making a mess first and then you can come and talk to me about a second or third one hm? Cause, good as you might be at changing diapers, it ain't just that.”
“She just makes a mess because she enjoys to laugh at my expense, just like you and Sam.” he pointed out and you fought back a smile “And- Hold up a second... did you just say third? You think you're gonna let me ask for a third one too?”
Your eyes widened when you realized that he was really considering the prospect before your lips parted, you being ready to retort-
Only for no words to be uttered after that from your lips. The only sound being a deep intake of air as you were startled awake. Soon followed by a groan as you took in your surroundings and realized you were sadly still in your room. Sadly? Really? You didn't know if that was the case but even if it was, you didn't want to think even more about it. You buried your face in your pillow, not ready to face the day yet because... who were you even kidding? You wanted to go back to it. If not that fake reality, if not the playhouse that Wanda had built out of her grief and had dragged you into it as well - and maybe you hated yourself for how part of you did want that - then at least your dream would be nice.
It's been months and yet it feels as if it's been just yesterday that you were all released from her control. How could you not feel that way after all? When you were awake, the fake reality you'd thought your life was constantly on your mind, and when you were asleep even if you were not thinking of it, you were dreaming about it. It was constantly on your mind. And as if the experience itself, mind-control and all, hadn't left you with a few mental scares to add to your already existing ones to take care of, then the realization of the truth that lay within your own heart, was more than enough to keep the events replaying on your mind day and night.
To put matters simply: when you had followed your best friend, Wanda, after seeing her so distraught, leaving SWORD, you had never thought you'd find yourself playing house with a fake copy of one and only James Bucky Barnes thanks to said best friend. But while there was a chance for that, you never thought there was a chance that you'd realize you had feelings for the man all along.
Your life had been different there. Maybe because you were always close with the other Avenger, who knew. While there were times where you'd experience Wanda's grief, her nightmares from time to time came to haunt you at night just like it did with the rest of the town, your life was mostly... good. No, forget that, your life was nearly perfect. You had everything you wished for and things you didn't even know you had wished for. Maybe deep down you had always wanted it, a normal life, peace and calm, a kid whether it was yours or not... Bucky. You had probably always wanted him but didn't know it yourself, no doubt you were too busy crushing over Steve.
If only your current self could see your past self, or at least self of barely a year ago, you'd have smacked some sense into your stupid self who thought Steve Rogers was the only man you could ever have eyes for. While you had come to be very close with the Captain and ended up doing almost everything together, everyone thought there was much more to the two of you, that it hadn't even occurred to you to think that Steve wasn't really the one you wanted. Maybe you had convinced yourself so, in a way that now that he was no longer there you were more shaken by the fact that you were not shaken by how he had decided to live his life with Peggy in the past than his absence itself.
You had not felt any sort of betrayal, nor that you were suddenly all alone, certainly not as if anything was missing from your life. Granted, you had plenty to think about most of the time, day and night, but that didn't change things. You wished Steve had had a happy ending and you would on the occasion miss him the way you'd miss... a brother. You were always calm, no worries or fears, content with the fact that you knew he had been happy even if it was away from you because, in a way, you wanted it to be that way, it was natural. However, the mere thought of someone else leaving, someone that you thought far too often about, made your heart leap to your throat and your stomach tie in knots. The mere thought that Bucky could leave the way Steve had done made your throat close in a painful way and your eyes burn with tears, making you realize just who mattered the most.
If, again, Wanda plucking the truth about your feelings for the man to give you a life with him wasn't proof enough.
Your phone buzzing made you jump once more, eyes landing on the device on the nightstand. Reaching for it you were not surprised to see the messages that were pilled in your inbox. All from the same specific someone. A specific someone you had found yourself speaking with all the more often lately. Each time successfully managing to make you smile in one way or another, without fail.
Good morning. :)
Did I use that one correctly? I keep forgetting them, no matter how many times you show me.
And show him you had, just like that there was an option for him to choose from different ones instead of having to type them, but that was still work in progress. So even if Bucky learning emojis was a memory that you'd cherish forever, it wasn't the only important one at the moment.
On second thought, it's a bit too early.
You're probably still asleep. Nevermind. Sorry for bothering you.
And then more, shortly afterwards.
I only wanted to know if you're alright, that's all.
Anyway, hope I didn't wake you up.
He, much like everyone else, thought it was hard on you to deal with Steve being gone so he did his best to keep in touch and being as selfish as you were, you didn't bring yourself to tell him the truth that you cared more to know about how he was and wanted the contact for that. Maybe he was also worried about you after Wanda's mind-control too. But if Sam's words were anything to go by, then it was all an excuse for Bucky to stay close with you. You didn't let your hopes get up for that reason though. You could gladly take whatever you got without wondering.
Again it was followed not much later by another message.
I've actually got something to talk to you about. Something happened, though you could already know if you saw the news. Can I come over to talk with you? I need your opinion on the matter.
And shortly afterwards came.
I've already got your favorite breakfast. To make up for, probably, waking you up. :)
The next one had taken longer, he had probably been waiting for an answer all that time. You couldn't help but feel bad about it. That and the fact that the reason behind you not replying earlier was because of how immensed you were in your fantasy life with him that you had not told him a thing about.
(Y/n)... are you sure you're alright? It's getting late even for you.
Truth was you had more trouble waking up after having a dream of that time. But you couldn't tell him that. And then there was the latest one.
Alright, I'm coming over. I really hope you're not dead in there. I'm not going to let you hear the end of it if you are. Oh dear, I sound like Sam right now. Forget I ever said that. Both of it.
Before you even had the time to think about what he could mean, because no you had really not seen the news yet, let alone type back a reply, the door to your bedroom burst open. It earned a squeal from you as you looked with wide eyes at Bucky standing on the doorway. You weren't even surprised how you hadn't heard him, not when he already had keys to your apartment and could easily sneak up on you. Not that him surprising you was what you cared about at the moment. It was, and you could only admit it to yourself, more important how you looked at the moment – and having just woken up you weren't sure just how attractive you looked – than anything else. Especially when Bucky looked better than ever with that new haircut that you were sure he'd gotten on purpose, just to test how much your heart could take.
“I thought doors existed back in your days, Barnes. Maybe knocking was an option too.”
You saw him let out a sigh of relief, shoulders relaxing “What would have been the point if you were dead? You wouldn't have replied anyway.”
“Bold of you to assume I would miss on another chance to lecture you about the proper use of emojis, Mr Barnes. Even death could not stop me.” you broke into a grin and he chuckled.
“What, did I really mess it up?” he asked with a small, far too adorable for your own good, frown.
“Oh no you got it just right.” you said softly, adoring the proud look on his face before you added “However, I've told you, you don't have to type them anymore. There is an option on your keyboard with that kind of stuff for you to-”
“Eh alright, alright I get it. I suck at it. I'm not even gonna try using them anymore.”
“Wha- No!” you whined softly “No, Buck, I didn't mean that. Come on, you're good. You just... have a lot to learn still.” you shrugged “That's all. We didn't do great at first either. Nobody really got emojis a first, but you'll get the hang of it.”
“But you still think I am a grandpa when it comes to technology. And my age doesn't help on that case either.” he shrugged, as if he meant it casually as a joke but you could see a small hint of self-consciousness there as well.
“Nonsense.” you said softly, finally throwing the blankets off you “You're far from a grandpa, Buck. In fact, I strongly believe that 106 is the new 30, and you don't look a day over that.” the words were out of your lips before you could even think about it and when you realized what you'd said, your smile flattered a bit. You were glad his back was turned to on that second that he didn't notice. You cleared your throat, sobering up “Besides, new things are not everyone's cup of tea anyway.”
“Uh yeah...” you notice the relaxed, and almost happy, look fade away from his face as his eyebrows pulled back into a frown. He looked down for a second, leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets “Things do change. Sometimes faster than we can adapt to the new world around us.”
“Alright, unless you're channeling Charles Darwin right now, which I don't think you are, care to explain to me what's wrong? Because... I am guessing something is, judging by your expression.” you got up and approached “Is this... about the shield? I- I don't know if Sam giving it up is that much of a good choice however... he must have his reasons, right?”
“Well, yes, but- this is not just about that.” he sighed, finally looking up to meet your eyes “Something happened and I've been thinking about it, I wanted your opinion on it. You know it matters to me.”
“...And? There is more to that, come on. Tell me.” you knew him too well and you hadn't even realized when that happened too “You know you can... Always.”
“I do.” he paused for a moment, holding your gaze before he let a soft sigh “It's just, I am going to go find Sam and... I want you to come with me. If you're up for it, I would like you to be there with me... maybe?”
“You know... I should punch you just for doubting whether I'd follow you or not. But just because it won't lead anywhere for me-” you smirked at him “Buy me dinner too and consider yourself excused and me up for any challenge. Strongest Avenger at your disposal, Mr Barnes.” you patted his shoulder, enjoying the deep chuckle that came from him. Even if his next words made the air get caught in your throat.
“It's a date then.”
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SU Music Rankings
Bc I can and I wanna start some Disk Horse rip. These are all in order of preference, with explanations, etc. It’s a long bitch. That said, I’m not counting little short jingles or small joke songs like Little Butler. This is the meat and potatoes of SU music- just under 30 songs. I might do the rest if people like my takes lol.
I scored it mostly on three bases- how dear it was to my heart, how much/often I relisten to it, and also what it means to the plot. That said, little fun songs don’t automatically go farther down than big, plot-heavy songs either! It’s a strange little balance.
Special Note: I don’t dislike any of this music! I love SU and that includes its bumps and glitches. I just pick favorite children lol.
1.) Change
Was there ever a more Steven moment than when he wiped the blood off his face and kissed it into sparkles? I think not.
If “Be Wherever You Are” is an ode to young Steven, then this is teen Steven’s. Talking about change, and how much and how little it can do. How he holds his arms up for Spinel to hug him, so trusting. How he seems able to just. Break into soft tears at will, and not to be manipulative- it’s just his kind nature. The warmth in his voice. Fuck yesssss.
2.) Change Your Mind
This song is only fifty five seconds and it’s EVERYTHING to me. It really felt like someone was speaking the words I’d always held deep inside of me, unsure of how to say. It feels like a goodbye to someone who never really loved me.
As much as I enjoyed Future, if this was the finale of SU, I would’ve been perfectly okay with that.
3.) Drift Away
This song gave me legitimate shivers the first time I heard it, and it still haunts me to this day. Spinel stayed, and waited, and all she got was a transmission thousands of years later. Fuck.
4.) Here We Are In The Future
THE MOVIE IS SU AS ITS BEST AND I WON’T BE SWAYED ON IT. Steven being a teen who loves his weird family but is growing just a bit sarcastic to their drama. The adorable love he and Connie share. His slow realization that he will always be working, always have things to do, is both somber and real. The Crystal Gems won’t be safe with one epic battle. They’ll be safe with years of hard work and love. HIS LITTLE HANDSHAKE WITH AMETHYST.
This is a helluva bop and a great way to summarize the main character’s backstories.
5.) Let’s Only Think About Love
Did ya’ll know that Zach Callison killed his throat with that last note? He gave his all for this performance in a vocal range he no longer comfortably do and by god did it SHINE. The FLAIR. The FORESHADOWING. All of the Gems all being awkward about Rose and Steven trying to bring them to the present. Peridot having a mini-existential crisis in a cute yellow dress. I love Zach Callison’s normal singing voice but man is that a fucking bop. Nothing will ever beat it.
6.) Here Comes A Thought
This bad boy helped me out a LOT with some mental issues I was dealing with in high school. I was unmedicated, unsupervised, and full of anxiety. I’d have break downs when I tried to speak about certain things. I couldn’t function. This song inspired me. It helped me feel okay with my intrusive thoughts.
And the episode! -chef’s kiss-. Once again bringing up the morally gray area of training child soldiers. Connie expanding her social group. Steven’s trauma hauling ass in that second half. The ANIMATION. Stevonnie’s gorgeous singing voice. GOD yes.
7.) It’s Over Isn’t It?
Just barely squeaking above Stronger Than You, this ballad is everything gorgeous. The whole episode is. I think Mr. Greg stands in the top five of my episodes for the entire show. It even got nominated!
There’s just so much about this song that I love. The gentle melancholy of Pearl’s voice. How the crew had to redo the shots for this bit bc Deedee went so fucking hard. The hard cuts between Pearl, remembering the love of her life, and Steven, who has begun to feel like he took her away. I’d recommend this song to anyone, regardless of what they do or don’t know about SU, simply bc it tugs so many heartstrings of love, loss, and responsibility.
8.) Stronger Than You
Did you realize this episode aired SEVEN years ago? This bitch was what got me into SU! Hearing about Ruby and Sapphire made my little gay heart so happy inside, and then getting a whole song confirming that they were a couple, that their love powered the strongest Gem on the team? Aaaaaaaaa
To this DAY I get excited when I hear Estelle start singing. This song is timeless. This song will live in media history. God I fucking love this song.
9.) Other Friends
I’m not the biggest musical person, so I hadn’t heard of Sarah Stiles before her casting as Spinel, but JESUS CHRIST the lady went hard. She went SO fucking hard. Sarah Stiles started on 100 and somehow just kept CLIMBING. You can just hear the sheer manic energy building in her voice, the anger and resentment. 10/10 Sarah Stiles is a queen.
10.) Independent Together
This made the list entirely bc the crew was like “you’re gonna get a himbo ass Steven-Greg fusion singing with Opal while Garnet flies across the moon on Lion while floating” and I am forever thankful to them for it
11.) Who We Are
Bismuth deserved more songs. ‘Nuff said.
12.) Peace and Love (On the Planet Earth)
It Could’ve been Great is EASILY one of my favorite s2 episodes. I love the entire concept of this song. Of Steven making music to reflect how much Earth means to him and his family. Of him teaching Peridot some self-care. Also Peridot’s singing voice is really cute and squeaky.
I know it’s silly, but I would’ve really enjoyed a flip around of this in Future! Like Peridot reminding Steven how much he loves music, that he needs to take time to relax for himself, maybe with a new verse or just a remix of the original song!
13.) Something Entirely New
I watched this episode as it aired, and I legitimately almost cried. I love Charlyne Yi’s voice so much ya’ll- her raspy, not perfect singing voice against Sapphire’s deep soothing lull is great.
And to have Ruby and Sapphire’s meeting be the way it was- for Ruby to bemoan Sapphire losing Homeworld, to being stuck with a single Ruby, while Sapphire is a noble who has always been taught everyone in her “caste” is vitally important (and has, in her own mind, taken that to mean every Gem, as she should) and how they come together and make each other happy. Good shit good shit.
14.) I’m Just a Comet
The fact that Greg’s music career never really blasted off pisses me off to this day bc Tom Scharpling’s voice is fucking BUTTER. Also the song really feels like a jab at his parents now that we know the kind of dynamic he had growing up. “This life in the stars if all I’ve ever known” is definitely him wiping away their existence after reminding them (and himself) the things they used to say about him.
15.) Do It For Her
This episode. This fucking episode. This episode got me permanently hooked on SU. I’d just binged season 1 and was kinda meh about it overall after the bop of Stronger Than You. “Oh,” I thought to myself, foolishly, “I’ll probably just casually watch this from time to time.”
Like three days later Sworn to the Sword aired and that was it. I was hooked! Pearl’s gentle training song turning darker and darker, Connie’s accompaniment from nervous to determined to fully into such a toxic mindset. The fact that SU had the BALLS to discuss the repercussions of training child soldiers, now and later. This episode was everything to me, STILL is everything to me.
Six years and well over 100 fanfics written later, I think it’s safe to say this show swallowed me whole and never let go.
16.) System/Boot.pearl_final(3)
I debated putting this on the list because it’s not anything crazy important, just a way to show things are Wrong, but I had to do it entirely bc Pearl is so damn SALTY.
Like telling us about the Gems makes sense, she felt like she was given a duty, but she went so damn petty. WHY is that Ruby alone. Gross. This Amethyst is a trash dump. Wtf are you people.
17.) Full Disclosure
This episode really feels like a turning point for SU. Before, the show had its dark moments- but now we’re in the thick of it, and it’s not going away. Full Disclosure felt like an rebuff to the idea of returning to any normal we’d established in season 1. Gems are actually a giant species now. Gems tried to kill us now. There’s this Yellow Diamond bitch who got namedropped. Something about a Cluster.
The song itself is BALLER, with its ingenious use of Steven’s ringtone and photos as he tries to decide whether to clue in Connie on all this nonsense. Meanwhile we, the audience, already know damn well Connie about to yeet some common sense into him.
18.) What’s the Use of Feeling Blue?
I’mma admit it- I’m a Yellow Diamond stan. I’ve always loved her- her anger, her poise, her hardworking nature. I actively argued against the “Yellow Shattered Pink” theories back in the day. But, man, when this arc leaked? I got so overexcited I was too jittery to watch it for like two days. It’s easily my favorite arc of the series. The sheer alien nature of the zoo, the Famethyst, and absolutely Patti Lupone’s beautiful ballad. Goddamn. Yellow singing to Blue to try and help her regain her old status, the warble in her voice as she reminds Blue she misses Pink too, the movement of the bubbles as she talks about attack. It gives me shivers to this day. FUCK.
19.) Tower of Mistakes
This is, fun fact, that only SU song I have completely memorized. The story itself is kinda funny! See, we lost internet at my house for a solid 5 to 6 months when these episodes aired, so I only got a very brief window to view them all. But this was the first Amethyst song in a long while, and I didn’t want to forget it! So I keep replaying it in my head for ages. And that’s still definitely a thing.
Anyway will never not be sad that this entire song was about making it up to Garnet for Amethyst’s perceived slights with Sugilite (which was a two-way road), only for Garnet to pressure her into fusion later when pissed and never discuss it again bc Garnet probably never thought twice about it and Amethyst has the emotional openness of a clam that’s just been told its ugly. Helluva way to make someone feel like shit, G. Helluva way to bottle that shit, Ames.
20.) On the Run
I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Amethyst! Needed! More! Songs!
The dichotomy between Steven’s play and Amethyst’s honest desire to run away from home is so well-done, especially when you consider a lot of Steven and Amethyst’s actions are playing together. The song is also near and dear to me simply bc it’s my favorite Amethyst episode to exist (well, maybe second to What’s Your Problem, but not by much). Moments like these are all the proof I need that they were right to fuse first.
21.) Be Wherever You Are
This tune really just feels like an ode to who Steven was as a kid. Trapped on an island with no way home, and he’s just happy to be with his friends. The stars are beautiful and not oppressive. Also that one animatic with Lars and the Off Colors playing in the Homeworld Kindergarten to this music was iconic and made this song get stuck in my head for a solid month.
22.) Familiar
I ADORE how the crew use bright neon colors to show how alien Homeworld can be. And Steven recognizing that the Diamonds treat him how the CGs used to, and how prepared he is to “fix” a broken family. It’s a soft, gentle tune about melancholy. Also the Pebbles are beautiful.
23.) Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart
Such a cute little love ballad, but every time I listen to it now I just imagine the heart attack Rose must’ve had at the line “And if we look out of place/Well, baby, that's okay/I'll drive us into outer space.” like there’s a Vietnam war flashback if I ever heard one
24.) What Can I Do?
I’m kind of neutral on this one? Rose and Greg both have great voices, but the song itself lacks many lyrics. I think it was definitely a good way to show Rose’s flaws in thinking.
Also, I’m shocked they managed cram that much vaguely sexual innuendo into two minutes, followed by how Not Hetereo that dance between Rose and Pearl was, and not get their asses chewed by it. You go guys.
25.) Cookie Cat
I love a lot of the vibes this song has. The lyrics are so damn prophetic, but they also sound like the kind of weird 90s commercials I grew up on. It’s been like two decades since I saw the Shirley Temple commercial but I’ll be damned if I don’t remember “Animals crackers in my soup! Monkey and rabbits loop-de-loop.”
26.) Giant Woman
I am. NOT the biggest fan of Steven’s original singing voice. I feel bad saying that, since it was just Zach Callison as a kid, but he never jived well with me for some reason. So I wouldn’t listen to this on the fly.
The song itself is still really good though, with all sorts of fun animation of Amethyst and Pearl being bitchy to each other. It’s a bit sad in hindsight to see tiny Steven trying to get his moms to get along. Ahh, season 1.
27.) Strong in the Real Way
This song has SUCH a strong start. Pearl reflecting on Sugilite’s problems, but the show making sure to show us that Pearl’s lack of enthusiasm towards her also lends itself to jealousy as well as just general malaise. How much she cares about Steven, and wants him to grow up strong.
And then Steven just kinda. Ruins it? I appreciate his enthusiasm for tryna bulk up but to take what was starting as such a rich, personal song and broadcasting it to random strangers just makes me a bit sad. Almost a bit angry on her behalf?
28.) That Distant Shore
I KNOW this is gonna create some discourse, but I’m just not the biggest Lapis stan. I love her voice. I love the visuals of the song. And I get why she felt afraid and needed to flee.
But Lapis never got to take responsibility for her own actions. And, in the end, the song feels hollow to me- because we all know she’ll never talk to anyone about it, know she’ll burst back in and destroy the barn, and no one will ever question it. I like Lapis a lot, but I feel like her arc never was fully finished. She never got help. She never learned to feel safe.
29.) Dear Old Dad
I’ve yet to meet a single human being who likes this episode tbh. There’s some great discussion about what kind of parent Greg is from it, and what kind of dynamic he has with the Gems that he felt he had to fake an injury to hang out with his son. Honestly the first half was fine and dandy. It’s just that then they Greg just went out of his way to drag Steven away from missions and such. It never jived well with his character before or after.
Also, is it just me, or does Zach himself sound like he hates the song as he sings it? There’s no passion or heart in his voice. It sounds like they told him to read off cue cards and he did. Tom Scharpling’s best attempts didn’t save this one for being a skipper. But the episode, unfortunately, isn’t, so it gets a spot on here.
#Steven Universe#Steven Universe Future#SU Analysis#(I guess????)#Music#Steven Quartz Universe#Amethyst#Garnet#Pearl#Yellow Diamond#Blue Diamond#Blue Pearl#Yellow Pearl#Greg Universe#Bismuth#Spinel#Lapis Lazuli#Steg#Opal#Rose Quartz#Lars Barriga#Sadie Miller#Sapphire#Ruby#Stevonnie#Falc talks
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Levi Ackerman x F!Reader
(Requested) I changed a small part of it, I hope you don’t mind anon.
Overview: Levi has an s/o who works at a flower shop
Warnings: Cursing, smut mention, age gap (legal of course), mentions of death
Season: Not specified, but I imagine it in the 1-2 range
Most knew about the flower shop by the name of Sweet Stems within the walls of Rose. It’s funny, really, to have that kind of shop behind a wall with the same name as a flower. It’s been in the same spot for years, selling the most vibrant and smell good flowers anyone has ever encountered. Business hasn’t been slow since day one, everyone adored the place.
Women grew up dreaming a boy would buy them beautiful flowers from the shop. It’s a vibrant spot on a world of grey and fear, and everyone wants a peice of it. Most felt as if they’ve stepped into another world once they’ve gone in, and that’s why Levi Ackerman loves it so much. He’ll sneak off during his free time just to smell the flowers and bask in their energy.
Sometimes Levi can’t stop himself from buying a bouquet, falling in love with how it makes him feel. His favorite are the purple lavender flowers, the smell reminds him of his mother. It brings him comfort and warmth to have them around, to smell them whenever his mind is struggling.
Everytime he goes it’s the same sweet old lady standing behind the counter with a smile. She has a strong liking for Levi, he reminds her of someone she once knew in her younger years. “My granddaughter is going to start helping me out, so I won’t always be here.” She’d said to him one day, but he didn’t think much into it. He assumed it would be a child trying to make extra money for toys.
Levi was pleasantly surprised when a beautiful women approached him on his next visit, asking him if he was in need of assistance. Honestly, calling the girl beautiful is an understatement. She’s absolutely breathtaking, and had Levi at a loss for words. Her eyes sparkled when she spoke, and a smile was on her face. “Are you a regular?” She’d asked once he’d come back a week later, buying the same lavender flowers as before. “Somewhat.”
There’s no denying the mans attractiveness. Even with the stone cold expression she can feel his warmth within. “I’m y/n, possibly the new store owner.” Her hand was held out for him to take, and he accepts it. “I’m Levi.” “Oh, my grandmother has told me about you,” her eyes light up, “she said that you’re a kind soul.” No one has ever referred to him as that, most found him extremely intimidating. It was refreshing to know someone didn’t see him that way.
Visit after visit Levi began talking to her more. Conversation wasn’t his strong suit, but her personality made it easy. Everything he said, even the most random things, somehow she could say something about it. “How come you only buy Lavender?” She’d asked him as he was checking out, and he froze up. The old women had never asked him that so he assumed the question would never come up.
She saw the way his body stiffened and immediately regretted asking. “I, um, i’m s-sorry, it’s none of my business. I just didn’t know if you were buying them for a possible girlfriend or something-“”They remind me of my mother.” He cut her off from her rambling. “She died when I was really young and the smell makes me remember things about her that age has taken away from me,” there’s a small smile on his face. As if talking about it somewhat makes him feel better. “That’s wonderful.”
There was no clarification of when the relationship started. Maybe it was when she’d closed up the shop and he’d kissed her under the moonlight. Or maybe it was in her bedroom when he’d stripped her bare and kissed every inch of her skin. There’s no denying they are a couple, and Levi is madly in love. He noticed early on that her smell changed with the day. Sometimes she’d smell of lily’s, violet’s, or tulips, but his favorite on her is orchids.
Being with someone in the survey corps is hard on the young girl, even if many have said Levi is the worlds strongest soldier. She’s witnessed the titans unruly actions and it scared her senseless. But it was too late to turn back, her heart was already smitten with his. Months went by of laughter and kissing, and getting to know one another.
Levi didn’t like talking about his profession, it was too dark for her light heart. She made him feel as if nothing bad could happen as long as he is with her. It didn’t take much convincing for her to get him to occupany her on a picnic. They laid there in a field of flowers, looking up at the clouds. “That one looks like a elephant,” she says, her eyes doing the beautiful sparkle that he loves. Seeing her like this made him feel all tingly.
“You’re ethereal.” Her head turned quickly to him, seeing the pure adoration in his face. “T-Thank you.” He always knew how to have her stumbling over her words. They stayed like that for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes. Levi was first to break the silence, “I love you.” That isn’t something he just says, honestly he doesn’t think he’s ever said it. Not even to his mother, not that he can remember. “I love you,” she said back with a growing blush. His lips are quick to attack to hers under the warmth of the sun.
His comrades noticed his growing absences. It’s not like the man needs training, he’s strong and skilled beyond most. Yet they still found it odd and wondered where he always ran off to. “Where are you going?” Hange asked while she stepped infront of him, blocking his way out. “Don’t worry about it.” He slipped underneath her arm that was pressed against the wall next to her, running off before he could be stopped.
“He wouldn’t tell me!” Hange says in a frustrated tone, hands flying in the air. Erwin is determined to know where the man is running off to just like Hange. “What if we followed him?” Hange asks. The commander knows it’s a total invasion of privacy, but he can’t help himself. And even if he doesn’t follow through Hange is going to anyway.
It’s a beautiful day and the sky is clearer than it’s been in weeks. As soon as Levi saw the bright sun above he knew it’s a perfect time to see y/n. It’s a Sunday so the shop is usually closed, so he’ll walk to her home only a block away.
You’d think the worlds strongest soldier might notice a pair of nosey friends following him. But his mind is set on her, and what’s infront of him. Hange and Erwin are close behind, but not too close, making sure to keep their distance as best as possible. They hide behind corners a few times to let Levi get more ahead.
The walk began to feel like forever to the prying two, then Levi begins to approach a small home decorated in vines and flowers. It looks straight out of a fantasy book, definitely not this mans type of scene. He looks out of place standing infront with a black jacket on his upper half and dark brown pants on his lower.
Levi knocks on the wooden door and Hange doesn’t even blink as she waits for it to open. She literally lets out the loudest gasp that has anyone nearby turning their heads to look. Erwin is about to thump the back of her head but he’s soon left speechless as well. The door has opened, and the beautiful girl Levi has grown so fond of wraps her arms around his neck and presses a kiss to his lips.
“There’s no fucking way,” Hange says as she rubs her eyes. “I’m dreaming right? I’m going to wake up soon.” She keeps letting out random phrases. Erwin is surprised too considering all his years he’s known the man. At this point the commander wasn’t even sure if Levi was interested in girls, or let alone people.
“She’s beautiful,” Hange says while inching closer. Erwin grabs her shoulders and pulls her back, “Remember we are not supposed to be here.” He can definitely agree that she’s beautiful, and obviously a bit younger than the captain. He wondered how a girl like her had even met Levi.
Hange can’t help but giggle at the sight of thr girl kissing Levi’s cheek as heat rises to his face. “Oh my gosh- he’s blushing! Have you ever seen Levi have that look on his face?” “I definitely have not.” The comrad’s felt as if they are looking at a whole different person. In a way they were, this is a different side of Levi that only comes out for y/n.
“I want to go say something, I don’t even care if it pisses him off,” Hange says and she moves too quickly for Erwin to stop her. “Hange, no! Fucking shit.” Shes next to the couple in an instant and Levi almost faints when he sees his friends face. “What the hell are you doing here?” Is the first thing he asks, with a wildly confused look in his eyes.
The beautiful mystery girl, to Hange and Erwin, looks at the stranger with equal confusion. She didn’t know of Levi’s comrades or even how living situations worked. “Erwin and I,” Hange motions to the commanders frame peaking around a nearby corner, “wanted to see where you’ve been sneaking off to for months, and now we know.” “So you guys invaded my privacy?”
Hange rolls her eyes at him instantly, “Whatever, we just wanted to make sure you weren’t doing some weird stuff.” She turns her attention to the unnamed person before her, “I’m Hange, a comrad of Levi’s, nice to meet you!” “I’m y/n.” The two shake hands. “And what are you to dear, sweet little Levi?” It takes everything in him to not yell at Hange to leave right now. “I, um, i’m, his girl- well-“ “She’s my girlfriend, so please don’t scare her off.” Weight comes off the girls shoulders as Levi answers for her.
As said before, the relationship has never been established. It hasn’t even been labeled. So to be asking her that infront of Levi she wasn’t too sure what to say. But Levi calling her his girlfriend makes her feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. “Well i’ve gotten all the info I need, carry one.” Y/n definitely is beyond confused with what’s happening, and not used to Hange’s odd personality.
Before Hange can say anything else, or Erwin decides to but in, Levi is pushing y/n inside her home and slamming the door behind him. “Wha-“”Anywhere we go today my nosey comrades are going to follow,” there’s a dark look on his face, the same one he has that makes her knees weak, “so we are stuck inside.” Maybe it’s the annoyance with Hange and Erwin, or the fact that she looks stunning right now... little bit of both... but Levi just wants to get his hands on her.
His hands rest on her waist and she shivers, the slightlest touch feeling like waves. One hand trails up her waist, fingers pressing to the delicate skin of her neck. “I’m sorry they interrupted our day. Can I make it up to you?” She nods frantically and he smirks, “Use your words.” “Yes, please.” He immediately connects his lips to hers softly, slowly beginning to lead to her bedroom.
Today she smells of orchids.
#attack on titan#attack on titan season 4#attack on titan x reader#levi#ackerman#levi ackerman#levi x reader#levi ackerman x reader#levi imagine#levi ackerman imagine#levi fanfic#levi ackerman fanfic#levi ackerman fanfiction#levi fanfiction#anime#imagine#love#fanfic#romance#smut#levi x (y/n)#captain levi#levi ackerman x (y/n)#levi x f!reader#levi ackerman x f!reader#levi ackerman request
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young one | finale
(images at the end)
“Wakey wakey,” Jungkook says, about an inch away from your face. You slowly open your eyes, leaning in to give him a peck on the lips.
“Morning,” you mumbled, Jungkook scrunches his nose and pulls away, standing above you.
“You know, I was going to make this morning perfect since it’s our first day dropping off Sian at school together, as an ~engaged~ couple, and our first day of work… but you ruined it with that morning breath of yours,” he says, pinching his nose and closing his eyes. Dramatic much?
“I love you too,” you say sarcastically, ripping the duvet off of your body. “Did you make breakfast?” You say, sniffing the air. “It smells like… burnt pancakes.” He tilts his head at you and suddenly his eyes grow wide.
“S-SIAN,” he yells, running out of your room and to the kitchen. “I TOLD YOU TO WATCH IT.” You hear him yell.
“I DID!” You hear your son yell back.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME IT WAS BURNING?” Jungkook yells back.
“YOU JUST SAID TO WATCH IT.” You stay there, at the edge of your bed, laughing at their conversation.
“BABE,” Jungkook yells from the kitchen, “THERE’S ONE GOOD PANCAKE. DO YOU WANT IT?” You shake your head, standing up and walking to where your boys were at.
“No it’s okay, you guys can share it,” you say, sitting with Sian at the counter.
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Sian says, smirking at his dad. Jungkook squints his eyes at him, quirking up an eyebrow.
“RockpaperscissorssHOOT,” Jungkook mumbles quickly, shooting up ‘scissors’. Sian laughs as he holds up ‘rock’.
“Thank youu~” your son says, taking the pancake from Jungkook.
“Ah.. that’s my boy,” you say, petting your son’s head. You look up at Jungkook and see him pouting.
“Go ahead and get ready,” you tell him. “I’ll make more pancakes.” Jungkook’s face lights up immediately.
“Ugh YES, best wifey ever!” He yells with joy, running around to give you a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll pay you back with something special later,” he whispers in your ear, flashing you with a little wink.
“Who’s picking me up later?” Sian asks you two as you and Jungkook stand in front of him by his classroom door.
“Both of us,” Jungkook answers. Sian’s face lights.
“You and Mommy?!” he yells.
“Yeah of course,” you say. “Since mommy works with Auntie Sohyun now and daddy works with Uncle Jin, we’re able to take enough time off to spend with you together.”
“But mommy what about your college?” Sian asks you, concerned about your own education. You let out a small laugh as you thought it was cute that he knew and cared about that.
“Remember when we went to live with grandma and grandpa? I did school at home right?” Sian nods. “Well I’m still doing that, so I’m doing online schooling.”
“YAY! We get to be together all the time!” Sian yells, raising his arms. You laugh, pulling him into a hug.
“We do. But for now, you’re going to class and we’re going to work,” you say. Jungkook kneels down to give him a hug next.
“Love you buddy, we’ll see you in a few hours okay?”
You and Jungkook had an hour to spare before you had to start your first shift and before Jungkook had to meet up with Jin at his building. The two of you decided to stop by the convenient store to kill some time, and buy some snacks.
It was pretty cold out. You two had your hands in your pockets, but Jungkook didn’t let go of your hand and held your right hand in his pocket instead. He’s been super clingy lately.
You liked it.
“Is that Sungjae?” you ask. The two of you were walking to the front of the store when you saw Sungjae sitting on the tables at the front, drinking. “It’s seven in the morning..” you whisper to Jungkook.
Jungkook lets go of your hand and walked up to his old friend.
“Hey.. are you okay?” he asks. Sungjae, still holding onto his drink, turns and looks up to Jungkook. He laughs.
“Did you come here to rub it in my face?” he responds. You frown, standing behind Jungkook.
“No, we came here to buy snacks..” you say quietly.
“Well you were wrong about everything. A kid may change your life but I doubt it’s for the better,” he says, taking a big swig of his drink. You frown, you were confused. You turn to Jungkook to see if he knew what Sungjae was talking about and you watch his face turn from confused to a big smile.
“You and Yuri?” Jungkook says. “I would have never seen that coming.”
“What?” You ask, turning to Jungkook.
“Yuri is pregnant,” he says. Your eyes grow wide.
“Shut up.”
Sungjae rolls his eyes. “Go ahead and rub it in my face--”
“Oh.. um, Sungjae,” you say, “I know how you all feel about me.. But just know.. That this sounds sucky right now because it wasn’t in your plan, but it’s going to be the best thing eve--”
“Shut up,” he groans. Your eyes widen in surprise. “I don’t want to hear all that dramatic stuff okay? It’s my life, don’t butt in.”
Your face drops and you turn away, Jungkook notices and he felt his face heating up.
“Look, Yn is just trying to help you feel better. We went through this too. You know that. You know, we’re willing to help you and Yuri start out if you need it just like how our friends helped us,” Jungkook tells him. “But if you’re going to despise my family no matter what, we won’t bother you again. My family does nothing to make you hate them but you continue to hurt them with your words and push them away without a second thought.” Jungkook sighs, taking his hand out of his pocket to grab yours. “Maybe this baby will give you the love you’re clearly lacking. Good luck with your life.” Jungkook turns away to walk inside the store, dragging you behind him when Sungjae laughs.
“Before you think about mines, worry about yours,” he says. “Keep calling yourselves the perfect family. I don’t see a ring on her finger.” You smirk to yourself, taking your left hand out of your pocket and showing him your gorgeous ring. Sungjae furrows his brows at the sight of your diamond.
“Don’t expect a wedding invitation,” you say, making Jungkook laugh as you two finally make your way into the store.
“So Yuri and Sungjae huh,” you say, before biting into your kimbap. “Would have never seen that coming.” Jungkook nods, chewing on his. The two of you were in the car, in the bakery parking lot. There was still 15 minutes to spare.
“I didn’t either. But I could care less about them,” he says, taking another bite. You turn to him.
“So you’re really over them this time?” You ask, he nods. “What if we bump into them a few years from now?” Jungkook laughs.
“If I hit Yuri with my cart again, I’ll say ‘sorry ma’am I didn’t see you there’ and go about my way,” he answers. “They were good friends when we were younger, but I have to move on. If I want a good future for my family, I have to keep moving forward. I can’t do that with my friends that’s stuck in the past.” You smile at his answer.
“Wow, you sound… really mature.. It’s kind of weird,” you say, making Jungkook laugh.
“I have a son, a lovely fiancée, and I work for a big company now,” he answers. “I’m a big boy, I should act like one.”
“I like that,” you say, smiling up at him, “but I also like the child at heart Jungkook so don’t go changing too much.”
“Hey I’m the same JK, just more responsible,” he says, with a little wink. He leans into you and you think he’s going in for a kiss, but he passes your lips and leans into your ear instead.
“Make sure you sneak out some cookies for me and Sian,” he whispers. You roll your eyes, pushing him away.
“Whatever Jeon, I don’t think your Yoongi hyung will like that,” you say.
“Maybe he won’t, but I’m sure noona will be okay with it.”
You shake your head, smiling, this is really going to be the man you marry.










young one
♛ finale ♛
pairings: photographer, dad!jungkook x hostess, mom!reader
a/n: the end keep a look out for jin’s masterlist that should be dropped soon! i’ll open up the taglist for that once it’s posted <3
taglist: @kookietsukkie @brinnalaine @chocobetterknot @silentlyimpractical @aianloveseven @jayhope88 @preciouschimine @noelitaaaa @butterflylion @yogugui @jikachoo @samros95 @yoongis-cumsock @strwberry-jam @sope-and-shine @cosmicdaylight @eatjeanjin @rjsmochii @i-swear-im-a-soft-stan @peoplejustcanthandlemywierdness @prdshobi @marmaribelarova @ramyagovindraj @casspirit0705 @ssyubb @smauslut @taexmichi @codeinebelle @cecedrake2217 @hellotherehoneybee @ddofa @winterwidow27 @ephyra1230 @heartfeltscribblings @nightapple4jk @applejuice5000 @salty-for-suga @lemonteacyst @princessjazzyjazz @bamboozled-jaykay @bigimpression @dammit-jjk @kookie-sun0097 @kookoo-kachoo @waddlebby @taekookcaneatme @jikooksgirl19 @tanumiki @strawberryforever25 @hobiismyhopeu
to be notified when i post, please turn on my notifications! thank youu~
#bts-reveries#bts x reader#bts fluff#bts#bts au#bts smau#bts social media au#bts x you#bts dad au#dad bts au#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook fluff#jungkook au#jungkook dad au#dad jungkook au#jungkook social media au#jungkook smau#namjoon smau#jin smau#yoongi smau#hoseok smau#jimin smau#taehyung smau
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howdy! sorry i've been away for so long; i've been visiting family here in turkey but i'm gonna try to start this blog back up :) for now it'll mostly be journal pics
24th july - would you prefer your summer to be shorter or longer?
honestly? maybe a bit shorter. i feel like the days tend to blur together during summer break and not having school to focus on seems to make my mental health even worse :/ anyways! i'm very excited for senior year as you can tell haha
answering the rest down below!
1st July - What are your plans for this summer?
lots of traveling, working as a camp counselor in august, makin some sweet sweet money to save up for college, playing the new sims expansion pack (!!), and hanging out with friends as much as possible before schoolwork begins to bury me alive again :)
2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
i want to study really well for my sat in late august!! (i’ve already made some great progress) also i want to get a lot of college app stuff out of the way (write some more practice essays bc i don’t like my current one, get my letters of rec in place, figure out my major, etc)
3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school, university or your job this summer?
ooo ok we have to read a book and write an assignment for it for ap lit this year (except i think we start that once we get back to school?). also i need to do a bunch of summer hw for ap calc, but that’s pretty much it! and then i have a job for 2 weeks in august (as mentioned above hehe)
4th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer?
probably college app stuff ahhh don’t want to even think about it anymore
5th July - Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?
traveling to turkey to see my family!! staying in a couple of villas (there’s a lot of us!) and then my grandma’s old summer apartment for ~5 days
6th July - What do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?
going to turkey! a lifelong tradition since i was a lil baby :) last year we couldn’t go so this year’s extra special. also my first time doin a summer job!!
7th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
^^^ same as above haha
8th July - What’s your happiest summer memory from your childhood?
ooh probably one of the many from my grandma’s little summer apartment here. i have an 11 yo cousin so we share a lot of memories like running to buy our anneanne her newspaper in the convenience store downstairs, finding fish underwater at the local beach, staying up late gorging on magnum ice cream bars :)
9th July - Do you usually go on vacation during the summer?
10th July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? (note: doesn’t have to be a summer vacation)
oooh one time after flying into istanbul to stay with aforementioned cousin and my aunt, we all traveled to london for about a week! i loved that so so much, we never could really afford to go anywhere else for vacation so that was super memorable for me.
11th July - What is your favourite vacation memory?
swimming with my family in oludeniz, (called “blue lagoon”) a super pretty beach area. we swam to a little island and then jumped off its cliff :)))
12th July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on?
oh god ok vomit tw for this one but one time my aunt, cousin, mom, and i traveled back to istanbul after staying at my grandma’s in ayvalik and we had to take a boat for a couple of hours. everyone on the boat (and it was a big one) for some reason started vomiting everywhere. i was i think the only one who wasn’t sick so it was hell haha
13th July - What is your dream vacation?
like a month-long roadtrip around france!!!! i’ve wanted to go there since i was in elementary school
14th July - Would you rather stay in one resort for a month or travel across the country for one month?
definitely travel cross country omg
15th July - Are there any special events for you in the summer? (for example, birthdays, festivals, etc.)
bayram!! bayram is sick you get money for kissing the older people in your family sjfdsjj
16th July - Do you have any summer traditions?
renting a villa with the entire family!
17th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
at home, i usually wake up anywhere from 7am to 10am, take my dog for 2+ walks, read a ton, and avoid work ;)
18th July - How do you stay motivated during the summer? (for example, to study)
it’s pretty tough! i’m hoping to study daily in my town’s library for my sat once i get back home in august. i think that’ll be pretty handy!
19th July - Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
oh outdoors there’s no ac here so we’re constantly heading over to the beach
but at home in the us, probably indoors
20th July - Are you a ‘summer person’?
nOOOOOO i love any season/month that allows me to wear sweaters and pants, so obviously i’m not a big fan of summer
21st July - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
oh hm i’m not sure... most of the women in my family always wear bikinis when we go to the beach and i just really hate them? idk haha
also i think summer camps are kinda weird but that’s probably because i never went to one as a kid
22nd July - What does summer feel like where you live?
rather cool in the later afternoon. i also love how it smells there-- lots of freshly-cut lawns, grills constantly being used, the hydrangeas in our backyard
23rd July - Would you prefer summer to be hotter or colder than it usually is for you?
oh huh it can get reaaally hot midday so it would be nice if it was a bit cooler
#flpost#journal#lookrylie#studyvan#sonderstudy#philologystudies#myhoneststudyblr#heyzainab#heypeachblossom#athenastudying#jeonchemstudy#summer studying challenge
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been thinking about the really weird dynamics of the Honda family
and the ways they parallel with the Souma family.
Tohru's relationship with Grandpa Honda has always been really inscrutable to me. It seems like Kyouko liked him quite a lot, and the feeling was mutual, so their relationship ought to be close, right? But despite relying on Grandpa around the time of Katsuya's funeral, I get the impression that Kyouko and Grandpa aren't very close after that? He takes Tohru in after Kyouko's funeral, but doesn't provide a place for her to stay during the renovations, and they don't seem to keep in touch.
I figured this was for the convenience of the plot. If Tohru was close with her grandpa, then she wouldn't have no family, no one left, after her mom died. If Tohru had somewhere else to go, it wouldn't be so vital that she be allowed to keep living in the Souma house.
I've been thinking about Shiki, though, and about Akito and Shigure as parents within the Souma estate, and I'm wondering now if this wasn't actually a parallel playing out in brilliant Takaya fashion.
Starting with a recap, because a summary of info is always useful to me:
Kyouko grows up in a family that is very much about Keeping Up Appearances and Knowing Your Place. Her dad is verbally and emotionally abusive and isn't above slapping people either. Her mother isn't affectionate and doesn't protect her, probably because she's primarily concerned with protecting herself from the fallout when anything sets off her abusive husband. Kyouko has never had her emotional needs met and she's never been socialized to see others as real people with real feelings. Before even 7th grade she's become part of the gang scene in a cry for help and attention, and because these are the only people she can kind of understand. Her father has told her she's kicked out of the house at least once prior before he finally makes good on it and disinherits her at the end of 9th grade.
Katsuya and his younger sister grow up in a family that is also very much about Traditional Values and Keeping Up Appearances. Grandpa Honda is a teacher, and he puts a big emphasis on Proper Manners (and probably also other things like Good Grades, Fitting In, and Knowing Your Place). He's stern and pressures Katsuya to become a teacher as well. We don't know what Katsuya's mother was like, but I'm assuming she was also not particularly affectionate. It's only after her illness and passing, probably when Katsuya is somewhere around 20, that Grandpa Honda reevaluates his life and what's most important to him.
From a young age, Katsuya flew under the radar by heavily masking--ie, he made a cardboard cutout of what society expected him to be, so Polite, Quiet, Respectable, Studying To Become A Teacher, while underneath it all being filled with apathy, resentment, and loneliness. His moral compass is deeply skewed--see his teasing of people, his attitude of looking down on people, his bragging admittance to using his father's influence to get away with things, his creepy expressions that are identical to those of The Root Of All Evil (ie, Shigure). He has no real interpersonal relationships--family, friend, or romantic. He's a 23 year old TA who is fixated on and marries a 15 year old girl because she's the first person he ever recognized as human--he saw her in the middle of a violent meltdown and it was the first time he was ever really struck by the realization that someone else might feel the same feelings he does.
(Which, in addition to the dubious legality and widely-regarded ickiness, is just downright pathetic. I'm sorry, but it's true. Fruits Basket itself backs me up.)
The first parallel that jumps out at me is between the stories of Kyouko and Katsuya, and Ren and Akira:
Ren is an Outsider. We don't know what her family life was before joining the Souma clan, but based on everything about her I feel it's safe to assume it was also abusive. A large percentage of the Souma family is against the marriage, but Akira is adamant because Ren is the first person he's ever connected with. Similarly, the Honda family (save Grandpa) disapproves of Kyouko and she remains forever an outsider to them.
In Kyouko's case, Katsuya is able to ditch his family and start fresh with Kyouko. Ren, on the other hand, has to live within the toxic Souma family to be with Akira. Both husbands die, leaving a grieving widow and child behind. Kyouko treasures her daughter and finds a new reason to live in Tohru, away from the rest of the Honda family; Ren, already jealous of Akito for getting in the way of her relationship with her husband (and not dealing well with being pulled even further into the Souma family bullshit with all this curse stuff), and trapped within the toxic Souma family with no one on her side, chooses to perpetuate the cycle of abuse.
The thing I've been thinking about most is the parallels between Tohru and the Honda family and Shiki and the Souma family:
As I said before, Tohru's relationship with Grandpa Honda is very strange. It's not just me--Yuki and Kyou make comments to this effect also, I'm pretty sure. But I think I can finally make sense of it now, if I think of it in light of Shiki.
I think there are a couple chapters of FBA out there that I haven't read (the one with Akito, and were there other chapters beyond volume 3?), but Mutsuki implies--and I think we should take this at face value--that Akito and Shigure hope that Shiki will leave the Souma family. They are not kicking their child out. They want this as loving parents, who have done their best to raise their child in a good home in the midst of a very toxic environment. I like to think they will do a good job of explaining this to Shiki, explicitly and clearly. Akito could have walked away from the Souma family, but she chose to stay because she had a hand in perpetuating the toxicity and generational abuse in the Souma family and she is taking responsibility for trying to end the cycle. She has finally stepped up as the head of the family. She could have walked away, but she didn't.
Shiki had no hand in making the Souma family what it is. Shiki is not obligated in any way to put up with that bullshit. Shiki can and should walk away from that toxic environment, go somewhere new, and be happy. He and his parents and all his non-toxic relatives can visit and call each other and still maintain relationships, but in healthier places, as everyone learned to do at the end of Fruits Basket.
This, I believe, is what Grandpa is also doing for Tohru. He's just less explicit and messes it up at first.
I don't know exactly why we don't see more of Grandpa's relationship with Kyouko and Tohru after Katsuya's death. Is it because Tohru, as the narrator, is prioritizing Only Me And My Mom stories? Is it because Kyouko didn't want to be a burden (is that part of where Tohru absorbed it)? Is it because Kyouko couldn't maintain a good relationship with Grandpa with the Honda Family Toxicity in the background?
The Honda family toxicity shows up in full force again when Kyouko dies. Tohru is a riceball that doesn't belong in the Honda family fruits basket. No one, save Grandpa, will take her in.
And then he invites his daughter's family, which he knows is toxic and will abuse Tohru, in to live with the two of them.
I don't know who came up with the idea--if it's Grandpa, that's a bit cold, as he should be caring for Tohru. If it's his daughter ("Dad, you're getting older, you should be living with us so we can take care of you") that does make sense, both as a reasonable social expectation (which dad raised her to adhere to) and as a power move (the Outsider shouldn't be getting so cozy with dad, and dad's inheritance, without supervision). I'm leaning towards the daughter, as I don't think the family combining was intended to get Tohru to leave. I think the remodel, though, was something Grandpa Honda saw as a good opportunity to convince Tohru to leave the Hondas.
I think "I'm having the house remodeled and I'm staying with my daughter, but you weren't invited, I could pull my weight or maybe you could find your own accommodations with a friend?" was intended to give Tohru permission to not feel obligated to the Honda family. I think it was intended to let Tohru find someplace she would actually be happy, a found family living situation where she could flourish. I think Granpda sincerely thought Tohru would move in with Hanajima, instead of into a tent, and realize that she was so much happier and fulfilled there that she never came back to the toxic Honda family and had no regrets.
Grandpa's judgment was a little iffy there but he tried.
I'm realizing that, if everyone moved into Grandpa's house because it was bigger, and it's being remodeled specifically for that purpose...the fact that Tohru is sharing a room with her cousin is very significant. Grandpa was so confident, there is no place for Tohru in that house. Tohru was never supposed to come back after the remodel.
(I don't know that much about houses so it's possible that they just didn't have room; depending on whether that's the uncle or the son, you've got to have 4 or 5 separate bedrooms, which I guess could be a lot. But this is a manga, they aren't strictly constrained to realism, and Takaya makes every damn detail count.)
Tohru isn't supposed to come back after the remodel, but she does. She does, and the family is toxic to her, and Grandpa tells her more overtly that she is not obligated to live here out of familial loyalty. If there's somewhere else Tohru is happier, even if it's a really unconventional living situation, she should feel welcome to choose that instead.
Grandpa's a parallel to Akito here. He's been becoming aware, since his wife died, that his priorities were all wrong. That he raised his children wrong. That Katsuya appeared to have no real emotions and had never connected with anyone outside of Kyouko and their daughter. (Maybe he learned to make work friends?? But I doubt it.) That his daughter is judgmental and cares more about the appearance of being proper than about not being rude.
Don't think poorly of him, Grandpa says. Deep down, they're just evil people. But Grandpa recognizes that he had a hand in creating those evil people. And instead of being like Machi's mom, who goes "well maybe I fucked up" and then throws her out of the family, Grandpa takes responsibility for the family he made. He recognizes that he raised his kids in a way that caused them to be shallow and rude and to think of people as means to an end, and he also recognizes that it would be shitty to reject his kids for turning out exactly as he raised them. He has to live with them (and his choices), he says, but Tohru doesn't.
Looking at it like that, I respect Grandpa Honda more. He seemed a bit wishy-washy before--useful for some plot and character development points, but wishy-washy all the same. But it's a tough decision, and having to prioritize people is always shitty. Grandpa not rejecting his daughter means sacrificing a stable home for Tohru. Akito staying as the head of the Souma family so she can ensure the freedom of the former Zodiac means that her child will be subjected to the same generational abuse, no matter how loving and supportive of a home life she and Shigure provide.
But they're both trying to do a right thing in a crappy situation.
And Tohru, like so many of the former Zodiac, does find happiness and fulfillment in the new family she's able to make for herself. She learns to make her world bigger, and she learns that leaving doesn't have to be the same as cutting ties. And so I'm very optimistic that Shiki will find the same.
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Hey guys! Remember me? I was the rando that said i was gonna write Sally Face fanfic, wrote one headcanons post and yeeted off the internet for a couple days. Well, i’m back and I did indeed write a thing. This is the beginning of a series, if ya’ll like it that is. I don’t know if this will end up as Larry x Reader or Sal x Reader but hell, i guess we’ll see. Anyways, here ya go!
Also feel free to hit me up for Headcanons, they’re fun warm ups.
Words: 1624
TW: Mention of animal death, Parents leaving, and Juvy.
Y/n Is a girl and uses she/her pronouns, has freckles and glasses. Sorry haha, i have a hard time not writing in those features bc this did indeed start off as a shameless self insert. Y/N also has two dads bc happy pride month.
A tiny cry echoed through the hallways of the labor ward, as a new life had blossomed just merely a few moments ago. Her fathers welcomed her into their lives with open arms and tears shedding from their eyes, as they drank in ever tiny inch of her brand-new body. She was absolutely perfect to them, and everything that they had worked so hard for. Her tiny hand gripped tightly onto the finger of the man who held her, her small green eyes cried tears of confusion as the second man beside her smiled and placed a gentle hand onto the top of her tiny head of H/C hair.
“She’s so beautiful,” The first man spoke to the other, failing to contain his tears. The nurses watched in silent anticipation as the two finally introduced themselves to the newest member of their family. The woman who sat in the bed, smiled happily watching the two interact with the baby which she had carried inside her for nine months. She was finally meeting the family she forever deserved to be apart of, and the family which she had so graciously chosen to give her baby up to. After passing the baby girl off to the nurses, the two men embraced the woman into a teary hug, thanking her for all of her kindness.
“Thank you so much, for our little Y/N Moore.”
Days turned into weeks, which casually turned into months, leading to the sudden and unexpected change that occurs within the years of growing up. Five years into her young life, little Y/N and her fathers moved into their own little slice of heaven, room 402 of the Addison apartments in Nockfell. They happily lived along with the other residents, making friends with the Johnson family which resided in the basement below. Larry Johnson was the only child of his parents, Lisa and Jim, who was just excited to have another child his age in the complex. The two children eventually became inseparable, always in one room or the other inevitably getting into whatever trouble children at the age of five or six get into. Y/N eventually grew into a worrisome little girl, always anxious over whether or not the duo would get away with their latest antics while Larry easily concocted them in that little brain of his. Three years Into the Moore’s and Johnsons friendship Young Y/N and Larry played outside excitedly with a handful of firecrackers which Mrs. Lisa had brought home. Y/N expressed to the young boy how anxious she was about playing with something which her fathers would inevitably be angry about, but eventually calmed down and began to play after her best friend convinced her it would be alright.
“Larry, be sure to aim it away from the building!” She told him in between her high-pitched giggles. Snow outside fell from the sky and landed delicately into her hair, just to melt moments after.
“I don’t think you can aim them He-" Before the boy could finish his sentence, the firecracker went off, flying towards the building and into an open window, before exploding into a flurry of pops and whistles. The sudden silence after the firecracker ceased lasted for only a moment as a sudden screech emitted from Mrs. Gibson, the old woman who resided within the apartment. All color drained from the freckled face of the little girl as she gazed up at the window in horror, listening to the screams of terror and anger that omitted from just a few floors above her.
“L-Larry,” Larry had cut Y/N off before she could even form words. He gripped her wrist tightly, pulling her out of the sight of the window. Hurriedly he tugged her along to the side of the building so neither of them could be seen, glancing around the corner once for caution, before turning his attention to his friend. Y/N’s face had grown ghost-like as fat tears began to form in her eyes and roll down the center of her cheek.
“Larry, did we hurt her?” She cried, putting her face into her hands. Her sobs turned into hiccups as she constantly attempted to wipe the water off her face. The pressure of her best friends hands gripping tightly onto her shoulders, suddenly pulled her out of her panicked state. She looked up at Larry who seemed as cool as possible, his eyes were sharp as he looked down at her with determination.
“No Y/N, we didn’t,” He told her, nodding his head, “You were up in the treehouse by yourself, I asked you to play, and you were angry at me remember?”
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat as she realized the weight of the situation, “No, Larry, I can’t leave you by yourself!”
Larry shook his head.
“Go sit in the treehouse, and count to a thousand. Once you do, climb down, and go straight home. When your dad asks you what you did, you say you played in the treehouse by yourself,” He ordered her, as though he hadn’t been coming up with this plan on the spot.
“It’s not going to work!” Y/N continued to sob.
“Yes, it is! Tell them you were mad because I nocked your glasses off with a snowball! But you didn’t play with me today, promise me you’ll do what I say!” Larry shook her shoulders slightly in desperation, before the girl eventually nodded to him.
“Good,” Larry sighed, releasing the grip he had on her shoulders. He watched as his best friend turned on her heal and began to run towards the tree house.
Y/N didn’t hear from Larry for two weeks after that. Her parents kept her at arm’s reach for what felt like an eternity, as she constantly wondered what her friend was up to. Every day she would ask permission to make her way down to the basement to see her friend, and every day she was denied. Weeks turned into months, as her parents protective grip seemed to loosen ever so slightly, reluctantly allowing her to wander the complex on her own after a plethora of begging on the young girls part. She sauntered through the hallway, her eyes glued to the stained hardwood floor as she walked mindlessly, wondering about her friend who she knew was just five floors below. It wasn’t until the little girl had bumped mindlessly into another person that she was snatched from her anxiety inducing thoughts.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” She spoke meekly, fixing the round glasses that sat delicately on her nose. Upon looking up, Y/N immediately recognized the woman with long brunette hair and much more empty than usual eyes.
“Mrs. Lisa!” Y/N replied, her emotions suddenly too much for her small body to handle, “Is Larry here?”
Lisa looked down at little Y/N almost painfully, her eyes bore dark circles under them, and she held the mop in her hand tightly, “Larry is down in the basement right now Y/N,” She replied calmly.
Sheepishly, Y/N let out a small, “Oh,” and stared down at her feet as she rocked back and forth anxiously.
Lisa smiled just a little bit at the little girl and pulled a small card out of the back of her pocket, “Tell you what though, why don’t you just go visit him now?”
Excitedly, Y/N snatched the card from Lisa’s hand and hugged her with all her strength, excited at the opportunity to see her best friend once again, “Thank you Mrs. Lisa! You’re the best!”
In a hurry she quickly ran towards the elevator and stuck the keycard in, which allowed her access to the basement. It took her only a moment to get to the apartment that was underground, but when she did, she eagerly ran to the door. Not even bothering to nock, the little girl opened the door and ran straight for the room where she knew Larry was. She opened the door to his room, noticing him laying on his bed with his hands behind his head and bulky headphones covering his ears as his foot tapped ever so lightly.
“Larry!” She cried excitedly, jumping on top of the poor unexpecting boy, “I’ve missed you so much!”
Larry scrambled to take his headphones off and toss his Walkman to the side, “Y/N?! Where have you been?”
“Where have you been?!” She replied to his question, crushing him in the largest hug all while attempting to hold back her cries.
Larry grew silent, looking down at his hands before looking at Y/N in embarrassment, “The firecracker killed Mrs. Gibsons pet rabbit.”
Y/N let out a gasp and covered her mouth.
“And they sent me to Juvie for a couple weeks.”
“No!” Y/N cried, grabbing his hand in instinct.
“Y/N I-“ Larry paused, looking at her before sighing, “I think it drove my dad away.”
Y/N cocked her head in confusion and tightened the grip on Larry’s hand, “What do you mean?”
“My dad left a couple days after they sent me away,” He confessed, his face burning red in shame. He looked away from his friend and steadied his breathing, as though trying to contain his own emotions, “I thought I drove you away too.”
Y/N’s heart jumped to her throat as she defensively rose to her feet, “Larry, you couldn’t ever drive me away! Daddy and Papa have been acting so weird and protective, and now I guess I know why… but it wasn’t my choice I promise.”
Tears fell down her face, but she quickly wiped them from her face and continued to talk, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, but from now on, we do everything together!”
Larry smiled at her, pulling her into a hug.
“You promise?”
#sally face fanfic#sally face#sally fisher x reader#sal fisher x reader#larry johnson x reader#larry johnson#Sally Fisher#Sal Fisher#ashley campbell
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Secrets of the Deltarune
Okay so I was taking a closer look at the Deltarune and I started to notice some really weird things. It’s a symbol for the Kingdom of Monsters, right? Wrong. Gerson tells us “That's the Delta Rune, the emblem of our kingdom.The Kingdom...Of Monsters.” Okay so its the same thing, right? Nope. I looked up emblem and its distinction from Symbol. A Symbol represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity. While an Emblem is often an abstract that represents a concept like a moral truth or an allegory. And when it is used for a person, it is usually a King, a saint, or even a deity. An emblem crystallizes in concrete, visual terms some abstraction: a deity, a tribe or nation, or a virtue or vice and can be worn as an identifier if worn as say a patch or on clothing or armor or carried on a flag or banner or shield. So what does it matter? Well Gerson even tells us why. “That emblem actually predates written history.The original meaning has been lost to time...“ Hold up. Predates written history? The beginning of written history is approximately 5500 years ago. Somewhere around 3400 B.C.E. Thats a long time. And the prophecy that goes with the symbol talks about the Underground going empty, so it can only really be as old as The War Between Humans and Monsters. But...when was that? The game doesn’t tell us the exact dates. Well we have a couple clues. At the beginning of the game we have a little cut-scene of the war and then a bit where we see a human going up the mountain only to fall down into the Underground. Most players assume that this is you, beginning your adventure. Except its not. Later in the game, when you SAVE Asriel in the True Pacifist Route, we’re shown another cutscene with the exact same human figure in EXACTLY the same position, being helped by a very young Asriel and the silhouette of Toriel. It’s Chara, not Frisk. So our date of 201X (2010-2019) takes place long before Frisk even arrives. We don’t know how long before. That really doesn’t help with when they were first thrown down there though. So I took a look at the images before that, of the war. The first image shows a human who is very different from the later pictures. Both the make of the spear and the animal hide-like clothing suggest that it’s probably stone age. The text tells us a very general “Long Ago”when describing how both races ruled the earth together. In the next two images we’re shown the actual war. The crowd of humans have various things like torches and spears. Those diamond type spears are very similar to Roman Pilums. The Human figure with a sword was interesting though. He bore a mantle (cape or cloak) and is sporting a sword. Though there’s not much detail, we can still identify the general time period of the sword. The size isn’t big enough for a proper claymore or longsword, or even a hand and half sword. Since our figure appears to be moving forward, and we can guess that it’s not in a friendly manner given the context, yet still holding the sword in one hand instead of two, it’s probably a one handed broadsword. It also has a cruciform hilt (cross-shaped) that is slightly curved. The blade is quite wide with what appears to be straight edges (based on two images with limited detail). And it has a very narrow Ricasso, an unsharpened length of blade just above the guard or handle. Ricassos were used all throughout history, but they’re pretty notable for the Early Medieval Period in Europe. And the rest of the sword (blade type, length, crossguard, and method of use) is very reminiscent of a Medieval Knightly Arming Sword, the prominent type of sword in that period from the 10th to 13th centuries. So I had to take a closer look at my spears. Turns out, they actually more closely resemble a medieval cavalry lance or javelin. And many Javelins have their root in the style of the Roman Pilums, including the sometimes diamond shaped tips. The sword and mantle of the figure suggest heavily he’s a knight, and backed up by the spear carriers we can guess that its the Early Medieval Period, possibly the beginning of the Romanesque Period. So that would place us all roughly a thousand and at least ten years before Chara fell into the Underground in 201X. Asgore was certainly alive back then. In the Genocide Route Gerson says “Long ago, ASGORE and I agreed that escaping would be pointless...Since once we left, humans would just kill us.“ and in the Post-Pacifist when you go back to talk to everyone he’ll say this when talking about Undyne “I used to be a hero myself, back in the old days. Gerson, the Hammer of Justice.” He even talks about how Undyne would follow him around when he was beating up bad guys, and try to help, by enthusiastically attacking people at random such as the mailman. This tells us that Gerson and Asgore are as old as the original war and both had been part of the battle. And both lived long enough to survive till now. Gerson is quite old looking, while Asgore is not. He explains this by saying that Boss Monsters don’t age unless they have children and then they age as their children grow, otherwise they’ll be the same age forever. But Undyne doesn’t appear to be old. And I started to wonder how long normal monsters lived in comparison to Boss Monsters. A long time for sure. From the Undertale 5th Anniversary Alarm Clock Dialogue we can learn that Asgore once knew a character called Rudy (who also appears in the Deltarune Game), who he met at Hotland University and appeared to be generally the same age as Asgore. Since it takes place in Hotland we know that it was already when they were underground, Asgore was King and was already doing his Santa Clause thing, and that Asgore was trying to find ways to occupy his time aside from actually Ruling. In the dialogue he tells us that Rudy began to look older than him. “I was there for it all. His Youth, his Marriage, his Fatherhood. Then, suddenly, one day... he fell down. ... Rudy... I... was never able to show you the sun.” Monsters can live a long time. But Boss Monsters, as long as they don’t have a child, can live nearly forever as long as they aren’t killed. Based on that, Undyne is probably quite young and Gerson is incredibly old even for a Monster, and yet only recently he’s stopped charging around fighting bad guys. Since Undyne was with him, those bad guys were in the Underground, and his distinction of her attacking not so bad folk like the mailman, means that he was probably in an official capacity to fight crime, such as a guardsman, or maybe captain of the royal guard. So. Even though there’s plenty of time for a prophecy to spring up naturally. We have a number of Monsters who have actually lived that long that would be more than happy to correct mistakes and assumptions. Gerson is quite elderly and is a tad forgetful, but he still knows much. Characters such as Toriel and Asgore are still hale and hearty, and both had witnessed so much. Though we know very little about the character, Elder Puzzler is also implied to be quite aged and knows a great deal about the “Puzzling Roots” of Monster History. You’re probably wondering what all of this is leading to. Well with these characters in place to maintain knowledge of history in the populace, then we have an Underground which created a prophecy AFTER it was trapped there, which leads me to conclude that when the prophecy was created, it must have been referencing something older than the War of Monsters and Humans.
“The original meaning has been lost to time... All we know is that the triangles symbolize us monsters below, and the winged circle above symbolizes... Somethin' else. Most people say it's the 'angel,' from the prophecy...” ‘Angel’. This is when we hear about the angel. We see the Deltarune on Toriel’s clothing and on the Ruins door. As well as behind Gerson himself. The thing he mentions clearly has wings of some kind. Surrounding a ball (note to self: Look into possible connection between mythical ball artifact from the piano room and the Deltarune Emblem). It looks a little like the fairy from the Zelda series. Those “triangles” are the greek letter Delta. That letter has a lot of connections and meanings to it. A river delta is shaped like the letter which is how it got its name. There are a number of maths and science connections. But the two connections you’d be interested in are that a Delta chord is another name for a Major Seventh Chord in music. The soundtrack of Undertale uses these chords to do fantastic things with the tone and aesthetic of its leitmotifs, changing them from a happy or hopeful tune, to a dark and despairing one without actually changing the melody. And in a subfield of Set Theory, a branch of mathematics and philosophical logic, it is used to calculate and examines the conditions under which one or the other player of a game has a winning strategy, and the consequences of the existence of such strategies. The games studied in set theory are usually Gale–Stewart games—two-player games of perfect information (each player, when making any decision, is perfectly informed of all the events that have previously occurred, including the "initialization event" of the game (e.g. the starting hands of each player in a card game)) in which the players make an infinite sequence of moves and there are no draws. But why is one of them turned upside down? I started looking things up again. Turns out there is such a symbol. The Nabla symbol is the Greek Letter Delta only inverted so that it appears upside down. Its name comes from the Phoenician harp shape, though its also called the “Del”. A musical connection is exactly what Toby would do. But its main use is in mathematics, where it is a mathematical notation to represent three different operators which make equations infinitely easier to write. These equations are all concerned with what is called Physical Mathematics. That is... Mathematics that calculate and have to do with measuring the physical world. Why is that relevant? Well the difference between humans and monsters is that humans have physical bodies while monsters are made primarily of magic. Well I also discovered that the Delta symbol for the ancient Greeks was sometimes used to as an abbreviation for the word δύση , which meant the West in the compass points. West, westerly, sunset, twilight, nightfall, dusk, darkness, decline, end of a day. All this symbolism for a couple of triangles. There’s entire books devoted to them. And he calls the whole symbol, deltas and angel alike, the Delta RUNE. Whats a rune? Well a rune is a letter, but specifically a letter from the writing of one of the Germanic Languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet. Interestingly... the Greek Letter Delta does NOT qualify as a Rune. In any stretch of the word. I searched for hours. What I DID find was the etymological origins of the word Rune. It comes from a Proto-Germanic word “rūnō“ which means something along the lines of “whisper, mystery, secret, secret conversation, letter”. Interesting. So since its paired up with the Delta... it could be taken to mean “The Secret of the Delta” or “The Delta’s Secret”. If we make a few assumptions we might even get something like “The Secret of the West” or “The Mystery of the Twilight” or numerous other variations that have different connotations. It’s conjecture, certainly, and possibly a few stretches. But it is certainly there to think about. My thoughts centered around the positioning of the letters. The idea that the one facing up represented Humanity, and the two ordinary Deltas were Monsters. With the Angel above them all. Or rather, SOMETHING above them all. We have no proof that the idea of an Angel existed before the Underground’s prophecy. I like to think it did because usually that sort of thing draws on previously existing beliefs and ideas. For all we know the symbol could represent an abstract idea that governed both monsters and humans. Like “Kill or be killed” or “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” or other basic idiomatic ideologies of that sort. Other than the realization that the Deltarune is older than the prophecy and the Underground, I didn’t have a concrete idea of what the Emblem actually means. Just a lot of theories and connective ideas. But there’s certainly a lot to be found. I don’t really know how much thought Toby actually put into this, but he’s quite well known for secrets within secrets. So its possible he knew all this going in. If he’s anything like me, and I am notorious for writing this sort of twisting references within references within references into my stories, then he’s probably at least aware of an existing connection. Its quite probably that the Deltarune is exactly what Gerson tells us. An emblematic set of symbols that is used to represent the continuing Kingdom of Monsters and has been since before written history. But as he says... its so old that it might have had a different meaning originally, whatever idea the Monsters wanted to remember, wanted to uphold enough to use it for their royal family and their kingdom, a reminder. Of something, or someone.
#undertale#deltarune#undertale deltarune#delta#greek delta#delta symbol#rune#delta rune#nabla symbol#runes#symbols#emblems#mathematics#musical theory#medieval history#gerson undertale#emblem#undertale theory#undertale analysis#video game analysis#video game theory
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tiny love || iv
➵ as tooru’s younger sister, falling in love with iwaizumi hajime was easy. iwaizumi ultimately decided to rebuff you. but that was a year ago - things are different now. and you have other things to worry about.
warnings: f!reader
wc: 2.6k
m.list | ch. 3 ↞ ch. 4↠ ch. 5
“Are you sure you’d be okay with that, Tooru?” You asked, trying to keep your voice as normal as possible.
Your heart stuttered in your chest. You were sat on the edge of your bed, phone pressed to your ear and fist twisted up in your sheets. There was a chill in the air that wouldn’t have bothered you under normal circumstances.
But after those words had left your brother’s mouth, something about the room felt sharp.
“I’m the one who suggested it, aren’t I?” Tooru chuckled. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pain blossoming through the muscle. “I don’t know,” you mumbled. “I just didn’t think you’d be comfortable with me living with one of your friends.”
“Iwa’s a good guy,” he said. You could hear the smile in his voice. “Besides, you guys have known each other for ages. He’ll look after you, I’m sure of it.”
You chewed on your lip for a moment, at a total loss of what to say.
“It’s not like he’s going to try and get in your pants or anything,” Tooru snorted.
Godzilla. The couch in your family’s entertainment room. The warmth of his lips on yours.
But you couldn’t tell Tooru about any of that. Although, the moment he’d suggested you move in with Iwaizumi almost made you crack.
By some stroke of bad luck – or perhaps as the set-up for some cosmic joke – you’d gotten into the same university as the boy you’d been so enamoured with as a seventeen-year-old. And you’d genuinely had no idea.
But it was too late to change your plans. You’d already gotten a scholarship, and you were sure you parents wouldn’t forgive you if you pulled out now. Even if your instincts were telling you to do just that.
“Have you spoken to him about this?” You asked. Perhaps this was your out. If Iwaizumi wasn’t all for it, then there was absolutely no reason for you to agree with it. Right?
“Yeah,” Tooru said. “He’s all for it.”
You frowned. Iwaizumi? Okay with this? Even though he was the one who’d decided that you needed to distance yourselves from each other?
But… it’s been a year. And he’s been a university student living in another country. A lot had probably changed for him.
A lot had changed for you.
And as much as you wanted to deny it, there were benefits to living with Iwaizumi, at least for one semester.
Moving to America is scarier than you’re willing to admit. The thought of living with an unknown roommate in a country you’d never stepped foot in before had kept you up at night a few times.
What if you hated each other? What if something went horribly, terribly wrong and you were left stranded? What if they were a creep?
At least Iwaizumi was a known quantity. One that you hadn’t necessarily left it on terrible terms one; just awkward ones.
“You still there?” Tooru’s voice shocked you back to the present moment.
“Oh, yeah,” you cleared your throat, “is his LINE still the same?”
“Sure is!”
Your throat felt dry. “I’ll call him later.”
You twisted your fists in your bedsheets, a weird knot forming in your stomach.
“Good,” Tooru hummed. “I think it’ll be good for you. You don’t need to be completely alone when you first move over there.”
Guilt twisted in your chest. You knew why he was saying that. He’d told you just how lonely those first few months in Argentina had been.
He didn’t want that for you. That’s why he’d suggested this damn roommates idea.
If only he knew.
“That’d be good,” you said. It wasn’t a lie.
Another thought sat at the back of your throat, forcing its way out.
“Tooru, I… I don’t know if I’m ready for it.”
Your voice was painfully quiet as you finally breathed life into the one fear you didn’t want to admit. You hadn’t even mentioned this to Amaya. But you knew you could trust Tooru with this – perhaps, he might even be able to say something useful.
“You’ll be fine,” he said, his tone as gentle as he could muster. “I didn’t think I was ready, either.”
“I figured,” you grinned. For all his bravado at the airport, a few dozen follow-up phone calls had really sowed that idea in your mind.
Tooru scoffed. “Here I am, trying to be a good older brother—”
“Sorry, sorry,” you laughed. “I appreciate the attempt.”
“You know, you’d think that me moving half way across the world would be enough to get you to finally be nice to me,” Tooru sighed, and you don’t need to see him to know that he was running a hand through his hair dramatically. “But alas… I’m doomed to be mistreated by my very own sister.”
“Have you considered being less dramatic?” You teased. “Then maybe I’d take you a bit more seriously.”
You held the phone away from your ear as Tooru started his tirade,
“If I’m being completely honest,” he said, his tone now much heavier than before, “I thought I was making a big mistake for a second there.”
“Yeah. Two weeks in and I wanted to run back home. I wondered if I could really do this.”
A part of your brain told you to be surprised. Another part told you that of course he’d be frightened.
Tooru is just a human, not some superhuman who’s above mortal concerns – no matter how much he tried to hide that fact.
“Turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.”
A gentle, relieved silence settled between the two of you, the only sound the distant din of traffic from Tooru’s end of the phone.
“I’m glad to hear it,” you murmured. Sincerity was rare between the two of you, but you weren’t about to pretend to be anything but relieved.
“Trust me, it’s going to be fine,” Tooru sighed. “And if it doesn’t end up working out, you’ve still got time. You’re young. And you’ve got a home to go back to.”
You searched for the comfort in those words as best you could. But you couldn’t find any. He hadn’t intended it, but within those words was a little reminder that you might fail. That you might not even come close to the brilliance that is Oikawa Tooru.
“Thanks, Tooru,” if all you could say. He’s just trying to be helpful.
“Besides, if it all goes to shit, you can join me in Argentina!” His voice was a tad more gleeful than you would’ve liked.
“I don’t think I’ll be doing that,” you chuckled.
“Aw,” he whined, “why not?”
“You’d be such a helicopter parent.”
Tooru gasped, the sound piercing over the phone line. “I would not!”
“You would!” You laughed. “You’d meddle in everything?”
“And?” He scoffed. “Is that such a bad thing?”
“Yes!” You protested. “I’m not a child anymore.”
“Ah, well you see,” Tooru tutted. “That’s where you’re wrong. You’ll always be a child to me.”
You rolled your eyes, a comfortable feeling of familiarity settling in your chest. Suddenly, your room doesn’t feel so cold. “I didn’t answer your call just to be coddled.”
“You should be used to it by now.”
“You know, whenever I start to miss you, I’m going to remind myself of this.”
“You are so mean to me!” Tooru wailed.
The bickering went on, an endless cycle of well-worn insults and epithets. But the conversation had to come to an end. You knew you couldn’t put off contacting him any longer.
Eventually you ended the call, holding the phone to your ear for a couple of moments after it was over.
You sighed, letting it drop onto the bed. You flopped back in tandem, staring up at your roof.
Life really was just one big joke, huh?
Although, you wished you understood what the punchline was.
✧ ✧ ✧
You stared at Iwaizumi’s LINE profile a little longer than you should’ve.
It’d been a couple of hours since you’d ended your call with Tooru, and you’d only just worked up the courage.
In your defence, you hadn’t been planning on this. You’d expected to have a very different phone call with a complete stranger, deciding from a handful of phone conversations as to whether or not they were trustworthy enough to live with.
But there you were, about to call The Iwaizumi Hajime.
It’d be fine, right? That little heartbreak had happened well over a year ago now. It’s irrelevant. And you’re well and truly over it.
Not that the thought of calling him didn’t make you feel like you were about to throw up from nerves.
God, why did it feel like you were about to sit an exam?
No, you weren’t going to let your anxiety get the better of you. Not when your education was – sort of – at stake.
With a heavy sigh, you clicked the little call icon and held the phone up to your ear.
The ringing sounded like a death march.
“Hello?” Iwaizumi’s unmistakable voice crackled through your speaker.
Yeah, you definitely felt like you were about to throw up. “Hello.”
The line fell silent.
You bit your lip. Maybe you shouldn’t have done this. Maybe you should’ve just lied and told Tooru that you’d already worked out lodgings. Sure, there’d be a last-minute scramble to get something in place before your parents caught wind of your little lie and—
“How are you?” The words were a little gruff, a little awkward.
This was going to be a very long conversation. You could feel it in your bones.
“I’m alright,” you said, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. “How about you?”
“I’m doing pretty good,” he said. There’s something different about his voice. Maybe it was a little deeper than when you’d last spoken? Or maybe you were imagining it.
Truth be told, you can’t really remember what he sounded like.
“That’s… good to hear,” you said, a paltry attempt at an implied olive branch.
“Yeah, uh…” He cleared his throat. He was probably scratching the back of his neck as he spoke. You hated yourself for even assuming. “Things have been going well.”
A long silence followed. A very painful silence.
A silence, you realised, that you had to break.
“What are you studying?” You asked. A nice, neutral question.
“Exercise science.” The response was immediate. Was that… relief in his voice?
“Oh, really?” You blinked.
“Yeah,” he said. “You sound surprised.”
Your mouth hung open for a moment, searching for a response. But nothing felt adequate enough. Did you really sound surprised? Why did you feel the need to defend yourself?
“I mean I…” You bit your lip, frowning. “I don’t know, I just… wouldn’t have picked that for you.”
Did he just chuckle? You could’ve sworn you heard a chuckle.
“What would you have picked for me, then?” He asked.
“I…” You racked your brain, trying to stitch together all the knowledge you had of the boy – no, the man on the other end of the phone. “I have no idea, actually.”
He distinctively chuckled that time. Damn the swell of pride in your chest.
“Why exercise science?” You asked, genuinely curious.
“It’s the only chance I have of beating Oikawa.”
It’s so instantaneous and ludicrous that you laughed.
“That… doesn’t make much sense, but okay,” you smiled. You were well-aware of the competitive edge that ran through their friendship. Good to see that hadn’t faded, at least.
“You’ll see,” he promised. “Just you wait.”
You chuckled in response as another silence settled over the two of you.
What was there to say? What did you want to say? It’d been so long that you weren’t even sure.
“So…” Iwaizumi said, voice unusually tentative. “Oikawa told me you’re coming out here.”
“Yeah,” you nodded. That’s right. That’s the whole reason you were calling him.
“That’s a big move,” he marvelled, as if he hadn’t done the exact thing he was talking about.
“I know,” you murmured. “I’m kind of scared.”
“What of?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted. Perhaps your lips were looser than they should’ve been. “I just… I’ll be in a whole new country. Alone.”
“I see.” There’s something comforting about his voice. Something stable. He’d always been a good listener, hadn’t he?
“And… it gets more daunting the closer it gets.”
“And I’m scared I’ll regret it.” There it was. The one fear that you hadn’t admitted to anyone else – not Amaya, not your parents, not Tooru.
“Why?” Iwaizumi asked.
“I don’t know, I…” You bit your lip, a frown settling on your face.
Now you’d given that fear a voice, you understood it less. Wasn’t the opposite supposed to happen?
“Do you regret moving so far away from home?” You asked.
Iwaizumi wasn’t Tooru. He wasn’t driven by the same insatiability. He had his ambitions, yes, but he didn’t break his back trying to reach for them. Maybe, just maybe, that meant he’d be easier to understand.
“Sometimes,” he admitted.
“Ah.” Not quite the answer you wanted to hear.
“But…” he sighed, “it’s been a good experience.”
“So… a net positive?”
“I’d say so,” he said. “I’ve had a lot of experiences I’m grateful for.”
“Right,” you nodded.
“I heard you got a scholarship,” he said.
“Did Tooru brag about that?” You groaned, running a hand down your face and bending over your knees.
“Sure did,” Iwaizumi chuckled. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” you sighed, biting back the urge to say, ‘it’s not a big deal.’ The last time you’d said that, Amaya had shot you quite the glare.
You swallowed roughly, looking down at your feet.
One deep breath, and it would be time.
“So…” you started, the back of your neck prickling. “Tooru said he’d spoken to you about me… potentially moving in with you?”
“Yeah, he did.”
Ah. Nice and blunt.
“Would you… be alright with that?” You asked, hands a little clammier than before. “I wouldn’t want to impose…”
“Well, I don’t like the idea of just dropping you in America with nowhere to go, so… the offer’s open.”
He sounded honest, at least. Not that you had reason to believe he would be anything but.
“Right,” you nodded. “Thanks.” You licked your lips, trying to stop your nerves from getting the better of you. “I appreciate it,” you added, unsure of how strange that might be to say.
“Not a problem.”
You couldn’t tell if he was lying or not.
“I can send you the information over email,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“The lease and stuff like that. Also, the address so you can actually see where it is.”
“Oh, right…” you swallowed. “Yeah, that’d be useful.”
“Alright, I’ll get that ready for you.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled. “I need to discuss this with my parents, so I’ve got to go…”
“All good,” Iwaizumi said. “Talk to you later.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, lowering the phone from your ear and tapping the red ‘END CALL’ icon.
You tossed your phone at your pillow, watching it land with a muffled ‘thump’. It pinged with a notification – probably Iwaizumi asking for your email, you realised.
Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
You groaned as you flopped back onto your bed for the second time that evening.
What was going on? How had you ended up in this situation? Which cosmic force had it in for you?
Everything was so confusing.
One thing was for certain, though.
Amaya’s going to kill you.
✧ ✧ ✧
a/n: hhhhhh thank you for your kind words about the last chapter! this one is also unbeta’d but Oh Well
#iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi hajime x reader#iwaizumi x you#iwaizumi hajime x you#iwaizumi hajime#haikyuu x reader#tiny love
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Phantom Children Ch. 6
Hi guys! I'm back <3 (also, I'm currently looking for alpha/beta readers for Phantom Children, so if you're interested, feel free to shoot me a message!)
In Which: Danny Attempts to get Answers, Bruce Learns, and Dick Finally Learns What's Inside the Door that Doesn't Exist
AO3 | Prologue | 5 | [ 6 ] | 7
DANNY IS KNOCKED DOWN three, four, eight times on the ice. Each time made his back ache, his bones bruised and tired, and his mind burning with embarrassment and a drive to lash out. But each time he gets back up. Each time he lasts a little bit longer against Talia.
The ice still shifts, cracks and rumbles with every wrong move. Danny learned to roll with it. Move on light feet but attack with a firm stance, gauge which parts of the ice are stable and which should be avoided. Multi-tasking has never been Danny’s strong suit, but he’s good at learning and learning quickly.
Talia corrected his form as much as she beat him down. Exploited every one of his openings until he learned to defend them and praised him whenever he managed to pull one over her. The League’s martial arts was the holy amalgamation between almost every single fighting style there is, mashed and refined to perfection to become almost unpredictable to the untrained. A vast improvement to Danny’s previous ‘fuck around and see what works’ brawling and had the added benefit of meshing together with his spontaneity.
“You are doing well, Daniel,” Talia said as she sheathed her sword, hand resting just above her hip. “You have improved greatly in such a short time, as I have expected.”
It takes every ounce of Danny’s superhuman energy to not collapse to his knees, his every breath a ragged shudder as he tries to get his breathing under control. “Still can’t beat you, though.”
“Very few can boast that feat.”
“I’m not exactly sure if that’s supposed to make me feel any better or not. Do I get my prize at least?”
Tahlia tossed her braid over one shoulder with a laugh. “Come, then, let us rest in the caves. The sun is to set soon and we must make camp before we freeze to death.”
“Hypothermia is so last season. I’m way too cool for that.”
He didn’t know whether to be disappointed that Tahlia didn’t react to his pun. It was pretty clever, in his opinion.
('Puns are the lowest form of comedy,' said mind-Jazz.
Says the one who named the Box Ghost the ‘Crate Creep.’
'That’s alliteration, not a pun.')
It was kind of pathetic that even his mind-version of Jazz was smarter than him.
“What would you like to know first?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Sarcasm dripped from Danny’s voice. He sheathed his sword and let it hang loose at his side. “Maybe how old this mysterious brother of mine is?” Ancients, his life was weird enough already, it wasn’t supposed to sound like the B-plot to a bad soap opera.
“Damian is younger than you by a little over four years. He will turn eleven this year.”
“Huh. Never been an older brother before.”
“Perhaps you might have been, if circumstances had been different.”
Cryptic. Great. Danny stepped over a particularly large crack in the ice and scampered over to solid ground. “You gotta give me more than that. What’s he like?”
“Prideful,” she said. “But skilled enough to warrant it. He was raised like a prince—as how you should have been.”
“And he lives with…our dad?”
“Yes. In America.” The cave was deep enough to shield them from the worst of the eventual mountain winds. Tahlia had already started building a campfire with equipment from her knapsack, embers eating away and growing into a steady flame. He sat down, legs crossed, beside the fire, hands tucked beneath his armpits.
He bit his lip, a question forming in his mind. “Do…do we have the same dad?”
Tahlia looked up at him. “Of course. Only your father has had the privilege of being called my beloved, and only he is worthy enough to have sired my children.”
Once night fell, it fell quickly. Blanketing as far as Danny could see from the mouth of the cave in a thick darkness. Snow fell from the skies in thick tufts and covered their footsteps.
“Does he—do they know about me?”
“No, they do not.”
“And you probably aren’t going to tell them anything about me, if you could help it.”
“That is very perceptive of you, habeebi.”
“You won’t tell me anything more about them, will you?”
“In due time, I will.”
Danny blew part of his fringe away from his face. Figures.
Despite the ever-present niggling at the back of his mind, Bruce had yet to see what was in the flash drive. The weeks since his strange meeting with Vlad Masters suddenly exploded with criminal activity with the recent breakout in Arkham and the brewings of another gang war in the shadows of Gotham’s paved streets. It was all hands-on deck. And Bruce, whether as Batman or Wayne, had always prioritized Gotham and its citizens over anything else.
The flash drive remained on his person despite the crisis, tucked away in one of the sturdier compartments of his utility belt to prevent the data inside from becoming damaged. Sometimes he found his hands gravitating towards it, fingers brushing against the button that would release the mystery from its confines before he realized what he was doing and steeled himself. Hands fisted to his side and attention forcibly directed elsewhere.
Eventually, the rogues were placed back into Arkham, and Gotham let out a shuddered breath of relief as it remained standing for another day.
Most of the family were out on a light patrol, cleaning up the remains of the breakout and helping where they can. Jason and Dick bickering over the comms whilst Barbara laughed in her clocktower.
(“It’s not that bad.”
"‘It’s not that bad’—shut the fuck up.” Jason spat. Bruce could hear him revving his bike. “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that? Certified Grade A idiot. B’s gonna kill you.”
He could hear Dick roll his eyes. “Sure, pile it all on, Jaybird. Blame the victim.”
"It was your fault.”
“It’s not my fault I didn’t see it there!”
"You tripped and got a concussion. From a stick. A. Stick.”
“Can we please just leave that out of the report?” Dick groaned. Barbara laughed. “Oh god.”
“Richard motherfucking John Grayson. I swear if you vomit on me then—”
“I’m not gonna vomit on you! You just turned the corner a little too fast. It’s nice to see you care though.”
"Fuck no, I just don’t wanna smell like regurgitated cereal.”)
Damian was benched from a patrol. Their last conflict with Poison Ivy ended with Damian sticking a bad landing and twisting his ankle. He dealt with it with as much grace as can be expected. Meaning that he spent the last few days sulking as he caught up on his missed schoolwork and shooting daggers at everyone else who came back from patrol.
Bruce flicked the flash drive open and plugged it into the computer. The flash drive contained only a single folder dated six months ago.
He clicked it, and a news headline popped up.
Beneath it, a picture. Blue eyes. Black hair. A familiar face.
Blood pounded in Bruce’s ears. He could hear nothing except a sharp gasp from Damian behind him.
When Dick and Jason arrived at the batcave, it was to an eerie silence. Not that it was usually loud, only that Bruce spent most of his free time down in the cave and Dick had come to expect hearing some signs of him around. Typing on keys, the clicking of a mouse, the heavy thuds of a fist meeting a punching bag or a training dummy, etcetera, etcetera. Or maybe even Alfred cleaning up around the cave, feeding the bats, or restocking their med bay.
(Dick, it turned out, didn’t have a concussion. Probably. Not a severe one anyway. What mattered most was that he managed to convince Jason to have dinner at the Manor. Alfred was making a tarte tatin for dessert tonight and those were absolutely to die for. )
One of Tim’s cases took him to the other side of Gotham. The only person in the cave was Damian, who was staring agape at the batcomputer.
“Why the hell is the demon spawn looking at old pictures of Bruce? We get it. They look alike.
“Uh, Dami? What’s up?”
Damian snapped his mouth shut. “I believe it might be best if you asked father that, Grayson.” Despite his clipped tone, there seemed to be little anger in his voice. His proud shoulders were hunched over on the chair, eyes trained on his lap.
He looked so small.
Damian clucked his tongue. “He’s upstairs, if you need him. So is Pennyworth.”
Dick shot a glance at Jason who raised his hands in mock surrender. “You’re up golden boy. Whatever the fuck the old man’s problem is this time, I’m not dealing with it.”
Dick sighed. “Fine.”
There was a door in Wayne Manor that didn’t exist.
When Dick was a child and recently adopted by Bruce Wayne, one of the first things he did was explore the manor. It’s the prerogative of every child that somehow found themselves in a large mansion—even more so given the castle-like exteriors of Wayne Manor. All castles have secret passages, and if the Batcave lay in the subterranean depths below, then surely the manor proper must have its own secrets.
Dick would tumble and cartwheel along the hallways, opening any and every single door he came across. A lot of them were just empty bedrooms or unused parlors and sitting rooms; the furniture covered by white sheets to keep the dust away. Alfred was probably magic, but even he can’t keep the entirety of the manor dust free.
The majority of the unused rooms were unlocked.
Except for one.
It was a room in the west wing, on the second floor. A couple doors down from where Bruce’s and Dick’s were. Why it was locked, Dick never found out. But he was curious since it was the only room on that floor that remained shut.
When he asked Alfred about it, the old butler only said that it was an unused storage room they preferred to keep locked just in case. When he asked Bruce about it, he’d be quick to change the subject. Usually something Batman related. Which, well, always worked, because it was Batman related. And Dick, young and spry and itching to fly under Batman’s wings, would quickly forget about that curious little mystery in favor of punching bad guys in the face and flipping over rooftops.
At some point that locked door quietly disappeared, leaving a blank expanse of wallpaper and a decorative vase where it once stood. It was never brought up again. And Dick slowly forgot that it was ever there in the first place.
Until now.
The wooden table and vase were shoved off to the side. Wallpaper sliced away to reveal the lines of a doorway. The door, covered in its faint damask wallpaper, was kicked open, the wood around the bolt splintered and cracked. He could hear voices—Alfred’s and Bruce’s—speaking softly on the other side.
He pressed his back against the wall and kept his breathing quiet.
“Three times, Alfred.” Bruce’s voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper. “Three times she’s done this to me.”
“Master Bruce…”
“I don’t—I don’t understand why—” Bruce choked, swallowing a shuddered breath. “Damian, I can understand. Jason, I can too. But…This? I—” Bruce suddenly quieted. Dick knew the jig was up.
He unlatched himself from the wall and slowly slid through the once-hidden-door, a hand kept on the frame. “Um. Hi, Bruce? Alfred?” The words fell flat, stilted. Dick winced as he said them. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but, uh…” He trailed off the second he registered what was in the room.
It was large, as so many rooms in the manor were. The room was covered in peeling green wallpaper with faded pictures of baby deer and owls and other woodland creatures prancing about. There was a dresser on one wall. A shelf filled with little picture books and stuffed animals on the other. A brown teddy bear had fallen on its face on one of the shelves.
In the middle—where Bruce was hunched over—was a crib. The wood streaked and aged with time, the beddings within pristine and untouched, if not dusty. Hanging overhead was a mobile with little animals dangling on a string.
“Worry not Master Dick. It is good that you are here since it will inevitably involve the rest of the family at some point.”
Dick nodded absentmindedly, trying to lock eyes with his guardian. “B? What’s—what’s going on?” Dick took one step deeper into the room. “The pictures in the cave. I thought they were you since they were too old to be Damian—” Bruce’s hands on the crib’s railing flinched.
Dick’s breath hitched.
“They’re…not your photos, are they.”
Bruce took a deep breath in, the lines of his shoulders tense. “No. They’re not.”
In their line of work, the answer could have been anything. Clones, magical doppelgangers, alternate universe counterparts, hell, even just someone’s genetic code being coincidentally similar to another person. But…this room, this nursery, pointed towards only one conclusion.
“Who is he, Bruce?”
Bruce angled his head towards Dick, unshed tears glimmering in his eyes. “He’s my son, Dick.
“He’s my son.”
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Alright, next up on the roster for prompt night! Another oldie of mine that I originally conceived for an old Rarepairs Week and then never did anything with. XD I really love the premise of it, though, and think it would make a fantastic little story on its own. Please enjoy. ^_^
Prompt: Chris Miller is living a charmed life by all accounts: good job, gorgeous wife, happy baby boy, the works. The poster boy for the American Dream.
That all changes when he returns home after a long night shift to find his wife's things gone and a note on the table explaining why she'd left him and their son, that she just couldn't take it, that looking after a small child was too taxing, especially when he worked such unpredictable hours, that she's been unhappy for a long time, etc.
He only looks away from her words at last when his son cries out for him. And it's now that it hits him: he's been left alone to care for his child. For all intents and purposes, he's a single father. Just how is he supposed to manage now?
When he drags himself into work later that day with his son bundled up in his arms and a diaper bag slung over his shoulder, he gets both some weird looks and also a talking to from Captain Fowler. It's only day one and he can feel the weight of it all crashing down on him. How will he do this alone?
Turns out, maybe he won't have to.
The first time he's called out to a crime scene, he snaps his head worriedly his son's way. He can't take a baby to a crime scene. But he needs this job, he can't screw it up.
"Hey Chris, don't worry, I'll watch the little guy while you're gone. Been through the ringer with my own kids and grandkids, don't you worry." Ben Collins, apparent baby whisperer, is already reaching down for the giggling Damian.
When he needs to do patrol: "Awww, does widdle Damy wanna hang out with Aunty Tina! Does he? Does he?"
When his son begins crying while Chris is escorting some violent criminals: "Don't worry, Officer Miller! Young Damian and I have been studying the flora growing in the small lot out front! I think he would enjoy another walk? Does that sound alright, Damian?" Connor was surprisingly good with kids, it seemed.
Even old Hank took the kid off his hands a couple of times. "Eh, don't even worry about it, kid. Babies are easy; you're gonna have a much harder time dealing with that riot out there."
And things are... not great now, but they're not dire, either. He has friends--good friends--he can rely on and he's been managing to stay afloat. Even if he comes home every night to a house haunted by his ex-wife's memory. Even if he still sees her face when he looks too long at his son. Even if he still wakes up weeping and hugging her pillow.
But still, things are alright. They're managing. Until they aren't.
When Chris is injured (knife wound to the hand) one day on a routine arrest, he finds just how compromised he might be trying to keep a curious child who has now learned to crawl safe.
"Hey, c'mon. I'll help you get him home and shit." The voice startles him and he looks up at the DPD's angriest detective, Gavin Reed. "You ain't gonna be able to even buckle him in with the way he wriggles. So yeah... Let's go."
Chris has no idea where this unasked-for charity came from but he's not about to waste it. He scoops up his things even as Gavin buckles his son into his carrier and scoops the whole thing up like he's been doing it for years. They all go home and Gavin gets things in order, gets Chris settled, gives Damian a bath, even cooks them dinner. And yeah, Chris considered the other man a friend but this went so above and beyond he had no idea what to even say except-- "Thank you, Gavin."
The other man just grunts as he puts on his boots and jacket, giving Chris a backwards wave as he saunters through the door.
He doesn't expect Gavin to show up the next morning with coffee and croissants from the bakery over by his place. He doesn't expect him to return home with him night after night for two weeks, to come back every morning, to be so damn reliable. And he certainly, certainly doesn't expect him to be so good with Damian.
And he realizes that he hasn't thought of his ex for days now. He hasn't cried for her in a week. And he's been looking forward to watching the other man putter around his house, helping him out even though his injury is healed enough that he can definitely take care of it all now. He likes watching Gavin playing peak-a-boo with Damian. He likes... the picture they all make.
It's then, four months after his wife abandoned him, four months after the DPD adopted him and his son, four months of being "on his own..." It's then that Chris realizes he might actually be in trouble.
It's then that he realizes that he might be in love with his best friend.
#Veil's Prompts#dbh#chris miller#damian miller#gavin reed#DPD Squad#chris x gavin#rarepair#friends to lovers#raising a baby together#domestic#falling in love with your best friend#man this would make such a nice story#wish I had the wherewithal to write it#alas#at least I can post this lol#but come on you know this is a cute idea XD#grumpy-ass Gavin looking after Chris' son?#showing the kiddo his soft side?#(and Chris too aw)#the awkwardness of realizing you're falling in love with someone#and not knowing if they'd return it#it's about the pining XD#(and probably the miscommunication too omg)#(that'd be a good trope to stick in here)#anyway enjoy
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