#is he officially a gilf now?
npc-tess · 5 months
Can't believe I joined the RGG Fandom just in time to witness Majima's 60th Birthday. In March I played as 25 y.o. Majima in 0 and now he's 60. It's surreal and makes me kinda nostalgic
Even though I joined RGG & the fandom just ~5 months ago. He wasn't a part of my childhood, yet he has such an impact on me. I want tell everyone "hey, look, my beloved maniac doll turned 60!! He old now and I'm so proud of him!!"
The Birthday fanarts really made my day. Shoutout to all the amazing artists, you are way too cool (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Can't wait to see more old man Majima with grey hair and wrinkles. And maybe old woman Goromi (because I am a total simp for her)
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shotmrmiller · 8 months
Need the reader to just have a change of heart and keep it for no good reason- stops coming home and instead makes Simon swear not to tell a soul. SHe’s such a good dad- helping her with any and everything. Vows to kill the bastard who did that to his little girl but promises to give his grandSON everything like he did with his daughter.
I can imagine him cracking jokes (that you can’t find funny at all in the state you’re in) about how you made him a DILF and now he’s gonna be a GILF.
Price doesn’t care at first, just shrugs it off. Idk how he’d redeem himself but at the same time you can’t keep his kid a secret forever
no no! i need my happy ending i on god just ruined my own day.
price cares, he's been itching for a baby.
but he can't expose himself as the dad! he's too old, simon will actually slit his throat, it's simply not possible.
so when he hears the news, he sticks his hands in his pockets to hide the way the tremble.
lowers his head, his bucket hat covering the way his eyes glisten with tears of joy.
from his loins, a life shall spring forth.
simon is furious and snarls at you in front of the guys.
"how could you be so stupid?" i'm on birth control, it's not like i got pregnant on purpose. that seems to melt away some of his anger.
"who's the father?" it doesn't matter, he is unavailable. simon grinds his molars so hard you can hear it.
"are you keeping it?" yes. my actions, my consequence— not what is to be my baby.
john's heart soars in his chest. what a blessing you've come to be, and he swears upon himself that he will take care of anything and everything if it's within his capabilities.
when you go back to college, john brings you whatever you want. lozenges for the morning sickness, peptobismol, apple juice, saltines— you name it, it's yours.
you record your checkups and when he hears the fetus' heartbeat for the first time, he goes home and calls a divorce lawyer.
he's officially a single man within a month.
whatever chance he gets, he takes you slow, savoring every moment, caressing the new curves, kissing the swell of your growing belly.
he offers to drive you places instead of letting you use uber or the bus.
"it's not safe for a vulnerable woman such as yourself."
simon questions him once about his unnatural attachment to his daughter, but what john says is nothing but the truth.
"she's your daughter, of course. i'd do anything to keep her safe and sound, especially now that she's growing a baby. i love her as if she was mine."
simon doesn't doubt him again.
it's all smooth sailing, and the baby finally arrives.
the boys visit, bringing teddy bears, balloons and the like. when kyle and johnny coo over the baby, simon bumps shoulders with john.
"now's your chance to come clean, Price."
guess the cat's out the bag, now.
unbeknownst to john, simon had seen how john's arm twitched that one time you said, "pass the salt, daddy," during dinner.
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Theory Time..!!!
*insert Conspiracy String Board Meme*
Higgs :
Lets be real....this mofo is going to be Higgs...
We know Higgs saw everything in Amelie and was her proud lil lap dog in the first game
She gave him a false sense of Purpose so in my eyes it makes sense thar after she disappeard with her world destroying duty unfullfilled, that he picks up on that.
"I want to be a god like her, I am the bringer of extincion, I finish what she started"
He Obsesses over Amelie and his pov of her trying to become what he things she was...
We know that Higgs likes to obsess over things (fragile back then, Sam...)
so it makes total sense for me...
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Fitting to his god Motive he rebuilds his old fraction but this time its going to be a Cult
Probably an Doomsday Apocalypse type of Cult with him as religious "godlike" Centerpiece and bringer of destruction yadda yadda...
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Maybe even trying to convince his followers that HE is Amelie
....and i think those two compared pics have something onto him...
Idk Why the name is APAC but the logo for sure gives me some religious and cult like vibes if you leave the official name away
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What does Higgs need to fully capture Amelies being and Life ..?
To fully transform into her Mentally?
A Child of course...
And what child does he know and maybe is the reason all his world destruction plans failed?
How can he make Sam repay what he did to him, How can he revenge Fragile and make them all suffer the best way?
Taking Lou
I dont think lou Dies in that sequence , but gets kidnapped by Higgs...
We can Hear Troy Baker sing Lous Lullaby in the Trailer and tbh ? It gave me an off feeling...., it was lacking warmth....love....and overall heart like the original..
A comment by Tumblr User @headlessstar gave me the final push beliving that higgs took lou as sort of revenge against Sam and co
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A mocking version of that song connecting Sam and his love for his Daughter just makes sense
I Remember a post some way back comparing Elle Fannings mocab Poses to Lou in her pod...wich makes me sure that elle might play a grown up version of Louise..
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Wich would explain Sams visual change because years have gone by on his probably search for his daughter...
If Lou was kidnapped with 2... and grows up at least 15-20 years will pass and our dilf turns into a gilf
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FRAGILE still looks unchanged tho..., but maybe that has something to do why she got her youthfull body back...
Maybe now she cannot age annymore at all..
Lou growing up with higgs would also explain Kojimas Marketing poster questioning Elle in big letters " WHO AM I " and Norman asking himself " WHY ME "
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Because of course our big Himbo daddy cant think of anny reason why someone would be after him and i love him for that...
Back to the Poster ...a kidnapped Lou also explains Leas Lettering of " How Come ?" Asking herself how the fuck she could let that happend in the first place
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I think Ds2 is going to be about Lou,
who grew up with higgs in a doomsday cult asking herself who she really is and where she comes from,
Because she feels that she belongs somewhere else...
Fragile trying to make up what she did to Sam...loosing his Daughter and Sam trying to find Lou at all costs..
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I have no Clue what the other actors are about...
How NWR is involved...
What is about Deadman or Heartman...
But i think i Connected the most important Dots so far!!!!
Pls tell me your Opinion on my Brainbarf
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brotherdusk · 1 year
it's time again for my favourite genre of post: tumblr user bee brotherdusk theorises wildly during the Foundation midseason!
on the menu this time is Poly and Constant's Imperial Vacation From Hell, or "oh god, I just wanted to make sure one of my favourite guys was going to be okay, but somehow I ended up sending over two dozen increasingly frantic messages to the discord while everyone else was asleep, pepe silvia-style"
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(today I learned that grandpa joe shows up when you type "pepe silvia" into the gif search. deserved)
I'm gonna stick this under a readmore as it gets pretty long and image heavy, and potentially contains big spoilers for upcoming episodes, and I know some people want to watch the show completely unspoiled. all theories are based on official promotional videos already released by apple. no leaks or insider book knowledge here!
so I sort of stumbled into this theory in three stages, and I'm going to stick to that template as I talk through my analysis here, starting with:
Part 1 - I'm Genre Aware Now And Everything Hurts
let's be real, nobody saw Hari's (apparent) death coming in the last episode. death is far less of a concern in this show than in others, as the narrative all but guarantees the long-term survival of its core characters. Hari (apparently) dying so quickly after having his body restored was a massive shock, and jolted us out of the complacency that the show had lulled us into.
when the title and description of next week's episode dropped, fan concern quickly turned to Poly, who @gaal-dornick and @aquitainequeen noted has started to exhibit the classic symptoms of Tragic Mentor Figure Disease:
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also, there's, y'know, The Guillotine Situation as shown in Trailer 1:
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Poly's death seemed so likely that I was beginning to dread the coming episodes, but something was nagging at me; I had a vague memory of seeing a trailer where he was on Terminus and in a situation that we haven't yet seen him in. maybe he does survive his brush with Brother Day, then? I started rewatching all of the trailers, teasers, and character spotlight videos that Apple released in the run-up to season two, and came across something way wilder than I'd expected:
Part 2 - Star Bridge 2: Council Boogaloo
I found another camera shot of Poly and Constant's apparent execution in the Brother Dawn character spotlight video - note the pillars in front of the crowd, the flags in the back, and Dawn, Sareth, Demerzel, Dusk, and Rue standing on the platform behind Day and the prisoners.
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note also the onlookers in the maroon robes, who are also visible in the guillotine closeup I posted above...
...hey, it's the Galactic Council as seen in 2.06, with their GILF-y leader at the front in both scenes!
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remember how terrified Cleon XII was of their judgement in the season one finale? we still don't know what their exact deal is, but they're clearly big cheeses politically if XII of all people is afraid of them:
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here's yet another angle of the execution from Trailer 2 - same setup, same arrangement of Empire on the podium:
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let's see what happens in that shot, will we? ..... oh
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... did an explosion just go off in the heart of Trantor and potentially take out the entire galaxy's government in one go???? (I mean, Empire are probably fine with their auras and nanobots and backups, but I'm not feeling too good about the Council's chances right now...)
wait - the pulse and shape that appear on the horizon bear a striking resemblance to the new Foundation whisper ships - especially Poly and Constant's ship, Spirit Rising, which is currently in the hands of Hober Mallow...
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why did he take their ship, again?
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holy fucking shit Hari Seldon you insane rat bastard (admiring, horrified, impressed). what have you DONE. a blade in case the religious hand of friendship doesn't work out, you say??
(sidenote: this was literally the Anacreon plan for the Invictus in the first season - the scale of the destruction would have been magnitudes worse due to the Invictus' size, but same concept)
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honestly, I kind of hope the entire Council perishes in the Mallowpocalypse, if only because it would make this exchange in 2.06 deliciously ironic:
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the worst detectives in the world finally found their shared braincell and made a deduction! I'm proud of them!
also, Glawen literally saw this coming in 2.04 and Bel brushed him off. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ sad!
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regarding casualties - I think this shot from Trailer 1 is the aftermath of the blast. Day was standing much closer to the explosion than the rest of Empire and Dominion, and so would have taken more damage, aura or not. I also see Sareth, Rue (?), and Dawn - jury's out on whether being dead is the latest item added to Dusk's rapidly expanding list of problems?
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a direct attack on Trantor would also explain why Day goes on a personal tour of the Outer Reach and ends up on Terminus, screaming for an audience with Hari Seldon (Trailer 1 again):
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and hey, Poly's right behind him! he's Empire's best chance of getting a personal audience with the Prophet, after all. Poly also pops up in Day's character spotlight video, in what I'm guessing is the execution scene again, judging from the collar and the guard restraining him. it might even be the aftermath of the blast, since the shot is pretty chaotic and dusty looking. what's got him so upset?
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... and it was at this moment that I realised that while Poly is present in the later Terminus scenes with Day, Brother Constant is not, and I started to worry that I'd been focusing on the wrong person the whole time, leading to...
Part 3 - What About Constant?
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oh no. the question of Constant's safety has been hanging over both Poly and the viewer since 2.02. oh no
I thought I might have caught a glimpse of her in the Teaser 1 video - being restrained in the background as Day does his infamously-giffed-to-hell Big Steppy on Hober's throat - but I still wanted more concrete proof of her wellbeing.
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and finally I found her in the Pillars of Foundation video, alive and well, but -
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if Constant's life is just barely saved by Hober showing up in the nick of time to prevent her decapitation by an insane tyrant I will literally never be normal again. romance. that's romance. (also incredibly shitty of Vault!Hari to take her blind faith and turn her into a pawn for the Empire to slaughter, but I guess that's expected behaviour from him by now.)
... I was literally about to hit post on this theory, but I just realised; that scene in Teaser 1 where Day is facing down a bishop's claw... we all assumed he was being attacked by a wild beast in the Outer Reach - but what if he's lying in the ruins of the podium on Trantor, and the bishop's claw is a freed Beki going on a rampage? god I hope this happens. imagine being Emperor of the Galaxy, about to perform some casual executions before dinner, and suddenly you're flat on your ass with a Hell Dinosaur about to bite your face off. incredible scenes
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and that's all I've got! TLDR; Hari knew that the emperors and Galactic Council would become increasingly paranoid and aggressive as the Empire contracted, and would jump at the chance to publicly end an attempted religious takeover by the "barbarian" Outer Reach. That mass gathering at the execution would be the perfect time to strike with a whisper ship, a technology which the Empire has no idea even exists. This enrages Day into visiting Terminus to deal with the Foundation in person, and potentially destabilises the Empire further if the Council have been wiped out. Empire's structure and dignity are decimated without a single shot being fired - and if there is going to be an eventual, physical war, the Foundation is now in a much better position to fight it.
again, this is just me making a theory and connecting everything together with red string etc etc. I haven't attempted to explain everything, such as the Spacers' or Riose's involvement, and have doubtless got some details wrong - but I'm really excited by how things are connecting and can't wait for next week's episode :}
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Things I want to see in the Sea Beast sequel
(The seabeastquel, if you will):
Little Jacob flashbacks! The little we know about the movie so far has indicated that it will be about Jacob learning parenthood with his newly adopted kid and- whoa, would ya look at that, his Own dad had to do the same thing! Parallels! Please and thank you!
More beasts. C'mon man, it's called The Sea Beast, we're gonna need more lil guys, creatures, if you will. You want them, I want them, give us more beasts
MS. MERINO. Listen, I know the Ms. Merino fanclub isn't nearly as big as the Jacob and Crow fanclubs, but I'm in love with her and I need more of her. She's the love of my life, pls Mr. Williams sir I need more
Idk if I'm just biased because I wrote a fic about it (The Honor of a Tired Old Man on ao3, check it out!), but for the love of all things holy I Need a Jacob and Crow resolution. You cannot expect me to believe Crow legitimately stopped caring about his kid after everything. He wanted to, sure, but no, he did not.
Gay people. Listen, this is already a very queer world, just make it official. I vote for Ms. Merino to be Sapphic and have a wife and for it to be me
More Crow backstory pls. Also, just more Crow. I love this crusty old man and I know for a fact that The Sea Beast tumblr would riot in the streets if their favorite gilf wasn't back for the sequel. More Crow please
More worldbuilding, simply because what we already have is so interesting and I desperately want to know what else they would do. How to other societies deal with the beasts? What do they think of the hunter society, especially now that it's collapsing.
Speaking of that collapse, PLEASE show me the revolution. I need details. This world is so fascinating I need to know about the revolution so bad
And finally, what jobs have old hunters started filling? I've made speculations about trade and fishing vessels, and I know that fishing and privateering is a popular headcanon. Maybe some of them go for actual piracy? I think some should go for actual piracy... as a treat.
Drop your thoughts in the tags and reblogs! I'm hyped for the seabeastquel, lmk what you think!
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wokelander · 20 days
question, do you think mads mikkelsen is a good example of a white handsome dilf?
made me giggle sorry. yah.. hes officially a gilf also omg but I think he wasn’t hot until he got really old like yah he was cute in hannibal but now that he’s older w the fucked up teeth it’s even better.. UGH also I think he’s very charming… like idk he’s silly and a slut and I like that
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ad0rechuu · 9 months
plz share ur thoughts on the other obey me chars👀
hey anon i wasn’t sure what you meant by other obey me characters so i decided to just give a small example of how i feel about different characters in order of my ranking. i hope this is what you meant and feel free to send me asks again <33
Mammon. — you give me a guy that is the black sheep of his family and i don’t know how to act …there is just something about guys that know nothing but love you and be a problem
Thirteen. — women Women WOMEN WOMEN!!! do have i to say any more just her, i want her to do things to me that i cannot discuss (would be 1 of i knew more abt her)
Lucifer (interchangeable with luke). — he’s the epitome of girl dinner how could i not want this traumatized ass man i think it’s the daddy issues
Luke (interchangeable with luci). — he’s my son, my sunshine, i would burn all the three realms down for him but most of all he’s a hater and i love that
Solomon. — i have to be honest he didn’t stand out to me until the later parts of omswd but once he became mcs mentor i really i needed a piece of that gilf
Simeon. — he’s sweet, kind, intelligent, loyal, selfless, has no dislikes and is a great parent, what’s not to like about this silly lil guy (also i don’t know why but something deep and dark inside of me wants me to see him as a yandere)
Satan. — him and me share an affection for cats (and dogs on my part) that goes so deep i can’t explain it and his growth just makes me really proud)
Asmodeus (interchangeable with belphie) — sure he gets on my nerves sometimes but in a hot way like one sided enemies to lovers however most this i adore him and he’s the only brother supportive of my poly play style
Belphegor (interchangeable with asmo). — this guy gives yandere like no other and i dig it, he’s mentally unstable im mentally ill and i need him in the most toxic way possible
Beelzebub (interchangeable with diavolo). — listen beel is my beloved, he’s my pookie bear, he’s so kind and caring but there are times i just feel more platonic affection (v rarely)
Diavolo (interchangeable with beel). — something about big strong powerful men with the personality of a baby girl (if he was an idol he’d be wonho)
Barbatos. — i can look past that ugly fucking hair cut but he rejected me once in the third part of omswd and i never truly been able to forgive him, still i like him a lot especially his beef with rodents and solomon, he can take care of me too ;) i think it’s the mommy issues
Leviathan. — i know a lot of people were offended by my placement of him but hear me out, i can handle him being cringy and fanboying i think that’s cute but i dont understand his hatred of ‘normies’ just let ppl enjoy stuff dude!! (i LOVE it when he gets flustered tho)
Raphael. — i realized he’s annoyingly loyal to the celestial realm and i kinda respect that because he clearly cares a lot abt the brothers and the angels, he’s just somewhat of putting in a way that makes me want make out with him
Mephistopheles. — gonna be honest with yall i did NOT like this motherfucker at first, his design is gorgeous but boy he’s a bitch but then the last few lessons happened and i’ve seen him in a new light, it’s official i like him now!
CERBERUS AND MC, fuck everyone else
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milkstoner · 1 year
please tell me im not the only one who wants to see silver and granddaddy zigvolt, whos name is apparently bael/baal, have a duel because sebek's granddad is pretty much a more intense version of him (i think it's be kinda obvious now that silver has a thing for old ppl😭)
and plus, since we know that there are different faerie clans and silver is technically adopted into the vanrouge clan its like two different generation of valley warriors interacting.......i just think they'd have some spicy tension...
HYPERVENTILATES… I’m a pervert so what I got what GILF sebek x silver.
I have a feeling peepaw is super patriotic and HATES humans… he tolerates papa zigvolt, however. He doesn’t let him touch the grill during family bbqs. He hasn’t passed the vibe check like that yet. But he loves loves LOVES his half human grandchildren, don’t get me wrong. He spoils them and he pretends to see them as full fae.
So he meets Silver, little human, who has the absolute audacity to present himself as the young prince’s knight… And while Silver is adopted by a Vanrouge, it’s likely he’s not officially recognized by the clan, since he’s been hidden from everybody but Malleus and the Zigvolts, AKA he has no documentation (the lack of last name is proof of this). He’s not even a citizen in the Valley’s eyes, therefore Baal has no obligation to see him as a true Vanrouge.
Him challenging Silver to a duel would be funny but I see it😭 you think you’re on par with Vanrouge?? (Silver never said so!) you think you’re worthy of standing by the young prince?? (He never said that either!) okay then, let’s see if you can defeat a veteran. (Silver can’t.)
Obvi silver is not down but that old man insists!!! Like shit ok! He gives it his all. In the end he falls to the ground and Baal squats over him and leans super close, smug as hell. Yeah okay. He says he held back for the human child’s sake, just to rub salt in the (nonexistent) wound. Silver thanks him for the opportunity to train lol… hey that man is hot isn’t he. Bear with me. The man has stubble. No seriously HEAR ME OUT. Joseph Joestar (in part 3 of jojo) but like, green. Big ass man. Taller than Sebek (he’s going to grow to his height in time), big thighs, big chest, everything you know the man is old and well built. Barely broke a sweat. Could definitely crush Silver if he fell on his ass. All around handsome. (Don’t forget the slicked back hair) Silver couldn’t really take it in during the duel, but now that he’s in such a compromising position…!!! Baal on the other hand… fighting was a breeze, so he really took in Silver’s focused expressions, his rather impressive swift movements, the sweat on his fresh human skin… he is a charming little boy. Cant blame old Lilia for falling for him…
(had to stop myself from writing other nasty things but just know I’m imagining that gilf using silver. Will expand if I’m asked to DGFJSGFJ)
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Today I have officially completed the Barbenheimer experience!! It took me 3 tries to pick a good date to see Oppenheimer but I finally did it. When Oppie quoted John Donne's sonnet I wrote my MA thesis about I was so speechless!! Time is a flat circle. I left the cinema a changed woman. Barbie managed to confirm my identity as a whole and then Oppenheimer crushed me like an ant. Good experience, almost cried in the cinema during BOTH movies. (ㅠ‸ㅠ)
Baltazar also has a great time lately!! He's been romancing new Sims left and right, can you guess what trait they have in common? Brown hair, brown hair, brown hair. And also there's his mom's alien friend XD We seduced a GILF, now time for a MILF. Oh, it's a problem since she's not a mother? Don't worry, she will be soon when we get closer to her. ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
I think it's fair to introduce you all to the rest of Bal's romantic interests. Abeba had her spotlight and Pearl isn't new, so now it's time for: Katy Boles, Ramon Briscoe, and Laki Makani. The first two were made by my bestie @organized-decay just for me, and Laki is an Island Living pre-made put on Gallery from promo pictures!! Yeah, I'm letting myself to use another Maxis-made Sim for my gene pool, what of it? ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º) Stay tuned for more smexy times, Bal's aspiration is all about cheating and hurting. We're on that evil shit now!!
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woosbiter · 1 year
Well... if it’ll make you extra happy, then I’d love to share the treats with you, baby <3 I do like the cookies though so you dont have to worry about me forcing myself to eat them or anything like that!!
As long as you want to tell me about them, I would love to listen to you! All ears! I could just listen to you talk about anything for hours yknow? So please, be my guest. I’d love to know what great things happened that made my girl feel good :]
Hmmm welllll since youre so cute, of course you can~ You can help me decorate since I feel like I would suck at that 🤕 But be warned, I cant promise you that there wont be any flour bomb attacks hehe
My darling girl, you dont have to thank me for that 🤎 Silly biter~ Im always going to be here for you. I love you, it’s what I do. Im not ever letting my girl suffer on her own (unless you specifically tell me you want me to give you some space, then of course I’d respect that)
There's nothing I'd love more than to have you share this all and for you to call me baby all the time. I might be your biter but it's hard to swallow all in one go hehe!
I'll tell you in full detail under your request but this should keep your ears ringing for now hehe~ I made up with my one daughter's boyfriend. Both of their boyfriends (hoon and jake respectively) aren't my biggest fans. Lately though, Jake seems to have eased up on tolerating me and Hoon, after um having a very hard talk that resulted in him cutting me off completely in the beginning of the year, finally came forward to apologize (granted with Wonyo and Hee's nudging)... He was very sincere too! I got to apologize for what I felt was necessary too...
Yujinie, told me that she's engaged and getting married to Jake, and they also got their own mini on the way. So I'm officially adopting the gilf title at some point... Not sure if I should be sad or not since my age might start showing!
I think I'm going to walk her down the aisle. Hee will just have to sit on the sidelines for this one 🤚. I want you to help me pick a dress and suit... Only if you want, of course. Yujin was hesitant on a wedding in general, so it'll be a small intimate one, but despite that it seems she still wants to invite you!
And I hope it doesn't make you uncomfy but since Hee is their dad, I'm in contact with him, and we're on good terms. He was very kind to me while Hoon was apologizing to me since he knew that the conversation we had was one that stuck with me for a long time... I'll tell you anything you ask me if you're ever curious, and you can let me know if you're ever uncomfy with me interacting with their dad, okay? You come first. That chapter in my life has been read, you're the pages I'm reading now. That's what matters to me most.
I just thought this was kinda cute... I wanted to show you. It's small but it was somewhat touching? And I know wonyo likes you... They both do! On several occasions they've expressed that they'd take you in as a step-dad (if you ever I mean wanted to, there's no pressure. None. And like that's a long way down since I have to still um learn to call you my boyfriend I mean ya know... Ahem um...), I'm just happy they like you...
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Of course, I also had an amazing time with my current-soon-to-be-boyfriend which also... Made everything feel better too.
Ah! Don't feel pressured though! I know it all may feel overwhelming but don't think too hard! I just... Wanted to share these tidbits... It doesn't have to mean anything though. We've been taking things slow so don't feel like there's some responsibility you suddenly have to take on... But if you do feel that, then let me know... I'll do my best to ease your mind up!
I'm amazing at cooking and baking decorations, trust me. Pro in this house, actually- hehe... A flour war... Let's not get too movie scene-like and kiss with a face full of flour. It tastes weird when it's plain! Maybe icing or something instead-... Oh right there's a war first! Oh... Wait we have to bake first-
I know I don't have to thank you... I'm just grateful... Having someone at my side, that I love, and loves me back... Someone with only my best interests at heart in the present... I value that a lot... It'll be a while before I stop giving thanks... I just... I really hope I can provide you with that same comfort... And give you just as much as you give me.
I love you, wooyoung ♡
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hey there, everybody! Happy Halloween~!
Of course, our Halloween special was last episode, so we have to resort to something very scary.
Oden. The story of a certain Don Momotaro and Sonoza of Ideon in that other Toei superhero team show I'm currently obsessed with features this Japanese culinary delight prominently. This food certainly brought smiles for them, but how will it fare in this adventure with our good friends in Oishi-Na Town? With baseball apparently!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yuin, good morning!
-Ah... your grandma made a mean Oden, huh?
-Ah, so Matsaburo-san is... not your grandpa, gotcha.
-...still a GILF.
-Ohhhhhh, I see.
-Come to think of it, I don't think Takumicchi was in the Halloween episode. That must've stung, forgot to invite the poor lad.
-C'mon, hit me with the deep oden lore!
-Mari-chan is... mostly at a loss for words!
-The secret flavor.
-Oh hey, Takumicchi's home!
-100 years of intense SHEF POWER!
-I wonder if
-Hot damn, do ALL the people who know Takumi and his dad have history with the CooKingdom? That boy is a magnet for culinary wizardry!
-Catboy confirmed
-Ah... I see.
-Ah, here we go, the conflict of the episode!
-Wanna play ball, but gotta become shef
-Takumicchi! My man!
-...does Yuin's jersey say 13 or 15? I think it's 15?
-Awww, fairy cheers :)
-How long do you reckon it took Amane to braid all that hair?
-Damn, everybody's here!
-I believe in you, Ranchi! Koko-neechan... well, she's definitely got the spirit, at least.
-Okay, I'm gonna be quite honest, I don't know an awful lot about Japanese baseball. I know that there're several bats in OFF named after famous players, and there was this one episode of Jimmy Neutron where Jimmy invented equipment that let him and his friends cheat their way to the major league only to get turbo curbstomped in the World Series when they decide to finally play fair because they never practiced a minute of it. It was a favorite of mine when I was a kid lol
-By the way Sheen, the Japanese word for "ambulance" is "Kyūkyūsha".
-Ahhhhhh, Takumicchi! Lad's got you pegged! Quick, deny it as vehemently as you can! You can't let this youngster know you think a girl is cute! What if spilling your secret releases the goblins who hide underground eating peeled grapes and peanut butter bacon banana sandwiches, waiting for the perfect chance to make fun of a teenage boy's feelings!?
-You may not realize it, but Black-Pep is an essential part of Yuin's PreCure Polycule. The PolyCure!
-I'd just like to clarify, I just find this whole thing extremely funny and don't really have any strong opinions on romantic relationships in this season. But, y'know, there might be a war involving Yui as the centerpiece in the shipping side of the fandom that is happening in the astral plane no mortal eye can see, I wouldn't know.
-Girl was like "Yep, but he DOES have a girlfriend in Canada I've never seen!"
-Ahhh, 15! I was right!
-Amane's got quite the arm.
-Going above and beyond for the sake of a gal, huh Kosuke-kun? Y'know, I notice that ladies tend to not recognize these
-Get doubled, Idiot.
-Yeah okay lad, you'd take that fastball right in the face for Yuin.
-Kome-Kome comin' to catch!
-Damn, her tail is strong!
-...well, if Kosuke's impressed then I suppose that's okay then!
-Spiritoru... you seem so dead inside, buddy.
-That was fun!
-Bagaa time!
-Baseball, borger... I wonder what kinda American cartoons he watches?
-Miss all your friends, huh Grandpa?
-I didn't expect to feel.
-I was gonna go crazy go stupid over every possible parallel between Yuin and Tarou but now I'm just really invested in this story.
-Don't know what you've got until it's gone.
-Yeah, let's go!
-Getting lectured by Takumi, you have really fallen.
-Oh fuck, we're interrupting lunch at an oden stand.
-You don't fuck with the oden, Seccy! You have officially gone too far!
-Sally forth, companions! Our delicious party festival has begun!
-Wahahahaha! Matsuri da, matsuri da!
-Curve balls! Suppose it is fitting for the baseball theme of this episode.
-Damn, Spicy's real pinned down.
-Yum-Yum do a run
-Smooth moves, Don Precious.
-That Precious oden!
-Hot damn, Precious bounced back real quick! Omoishiroi!
-A transcendent victory for the ages!
-Ei! Ei! Oh!
-The bonds strengthened by oden have returned to their strength!
-Yeah well have you considered paying for oden like a normal person, Seccy?
-We did it! A bond has been preserved! And just as much, a new bond has been formed with Kosuke-kun!
-Oden get.
-Donbura ko, donbura ko DON DON
Yurari yurete
Mezasu wa donna Happy End?
-Y'know, I'm kinda surprised there's not a lot of crossover fics between Donbrothers and Delicious Party. It'd kinda write itself, huh?
-...though to be fair, the Donbrothers are absolute lunatics, I'd imagine it'd be difficult for any writer to leave Oishi-Na Town in one piece after and have it feel natural.
-...y'know what, that's a fantastic challenge. I might have some ideas.
-Next episode!
-Feelings to share now, huh?
-Don't worry folks, Kokone's probably gonna be staying here, but that's not what the episode's all about, right? It's about her relationship with her family, that'd be wonderfully interesting.
-Alright, Happy Halloween again! Later today, I'm going to be talking Don Don Donbrothers! Not entirely sure when, but it will be before nightfall.
-If you'll pardon me, I do believe it is time for me to make my lunch~!
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Soooooo idk if you’ve already done this type of ask buuutttt M3+Rime being parents! The absolute softness of it alll!!!! My cheeks hurt from smiling about the thought it!!!!
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Yeah I can combine these
GN!Reader, everyone has daddy issues so that'll be interesting, love the modifier than Lucan and Balsam are the stinky godfathers
Felix Escellun
Have an honorary and legally required shout-out to this post by my friend @sweet-milky-tea705 (go give it some love)
Anyways whether you guys have a normal kid or an Amogus baby, Felix is nervous!! It's not like he had the best father figures growing up (much as he loves Florian, he has to admit the man was,, not,,, the best possible dad,,,,, though obviously leaps and bounds better than Escell). But once he holds that lil' baby in his arms and looks through it's shield visor all of those worries vanish.
They come back thirty minutes later but that's not the point.
He was gonna ask Scylla to be the godmother but I... really... don't think she'd want to. Nor do I think she'd be emotionally equipped for that. So the honor promptly gets passed to Anisa.
...how..... how horrible would it be of him to ask Rime to be the godfather? He doesn't trust Sage so... man...... that's a rough one.......
Anyways Felix as a dad would be so cute!
Tries to teach them magic ofc. Instead of bedtime stories, he reads them passages from his various textbooks. Will go on long-winded rants while the baby just looks up at him like 'o-o'
Or like
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If the kid makes mud pies then Felix will eat them (but get sicks afterwards. Now feels bad for all the times he made Florian eat his mud pies).
Spoils them with toys and outfits and games and anything else they want.
Probably is not the best at discipline. He doesn't wanna risk being too mean, y'know? Especially after everything with Escell.
Child's room has taxidermy animals in it. Felix says it's cute, like they're 'guarding' the kid or something.
Always indulges the kid's infinite questions. If he doesn't know the answer then he'll help the kid find it, either through research or experimentation.
Your kid ends up being tutored by Felix himself, so by the time they do get into the school system (private school presumably) they're several years ahead of the curve.
That's how your kid knows how to fix the wires in Electrical
Anisa Anka
If the spawn is biologically Anisa's then she's the most terrified out of everyone. She doesn't want her evil LoS blood infecting the little thing!!!
But when she sees how adorable they are, it's hard to imagine they could ever be evil. So that helps.
Anisa loves cuddling your kid. She always has them in her arms or on her hip.
When they're old enough to handle solid foods and more complex spices and stuff like that, she absolutely takes them out to the food market. Makes sure to be careful with allergies and doesn't let them eat enough to risk getting sick. You specifically told her not to let the kid spoil their dinner - actually you specifically told her not to spoil either of their dinners - but lo and behold once evening comes they're both too full to eat anything else.
If your kid is a baby then they constantly chew on Anisa's hair, skirt, ribbon, etc. And she just lets them.
A kid is picking on your kid and you have to hold Anisa back from committing a war crime. She is just,, really,,, really protective over them.
Tucks them into bed,, tells them stories about knights and royalty and fearsome dragons where good always triumphs over evil.
Wears matching outfits with them. Sorry not sorry.
For your birthday, they make you breakfast in bed! It doesn't go well but the effort is there.
Ayanna officially becomes a gilf. No further comment.
Saaros and Azimuth bringing toys and candies from Rivath!!
Sage Lesath
Okay so in Chapter 2 Sage mentions that his grandfather on his mother's side was nicknamed 'The Wolf' or whatever on account of his temper and my point is that that means Sage did know at least some of his bio family. So I ask you all, what do we think happened there?? Afaik we don't have a canon answer. And as far as I know we never hear anything about his father's side of the family, so I have to believe he probably had no idea who his dad was.
Which makes him stick to your side even more after your child is born/acquired. He doesn't want the kid having the same questions.
As expected he's also very protective of both of you.
If the kid is an ilephta or a half-ilephta, Sage makes sure they get enough play time and deals with any late-night zoomies.
Auntie Tulsi!!! Hand-makes toys herself. Sings a lot of the same lullabies that Sage used to sing for her. All very soft and sweet.
(Stinky) Uncles Lucan and Balsam! They take your kid out for day trips or overnight so that you and Sage can go on date nights and whatever. Love telling them stories about the dumb shit Sage has done in the past. Lets them cuss if they're old enough. I think they're both actually really good with kids! Lucan is like the excitable fun uncle and Balsam is the responsible in-charge uncle. Balsam gets his horns nommed on a lot. They both love your kid dearly and would go to the ends of the Earth to protect them.
There's a parade or something and Sage puts them on his shoulders so they can see.
s o f t
Rime Varela
We run into the same question, who would Rime pick as a godmother/godfather? Maybe Anisa to be the godmother because I think they were close (and it's not like he has friends anymore) but,,,, would,,,,,,,, would Felix be the godfather? That seems really awkward. I dunno. Think about that.
You start calling the kid Bambi. Rime doesn't really get it, especially when you grab him by the shoulders and tell him not to get shot by a hunter.
Rime frequently watches your kid sleep. Just kinda thinking about his life, how he got to where he's at and how thankful he is for it. Appreciating the good things. Living, I guess.
Is very anxious about your kid finding out about his cultist background but also kinda realizes it's inevitable. He's at least hoping it won't come up until they're old enough to maybe understand.
Hopefully understand.
If you guys are near Sage, Rime will conjure up a snowball and tell his kid to throw it at him. And what is Sage gonna do? He can't get mad at a kid. He glares at Rime but that's about it. Always very nice to your kid tho
Sorry but it'd be hilarious if over time that backfires and now your kid loves playing with Sage and calls him Uncle and Rime is just stewing.
Sings the kid to sleep. If they have nightmares then he's always there to chase the monsters away.
His horns also get nommed on a lot
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originlist · 3 years
ok ive been researching seimei bc i got sucked into the jstor hole so heres where im keeping any fun things i find and fgo seimei thots
this document is like “the only time we can conclusively prove seimei ever failed at anything via written record was a time he simply didnt show up for a festival he was supposed to work in” good lord. what the fuck is this man on.
he specialized in astrology good for him
this article argues that he achieved the most prominence between the ages of 50-80 so truly me making servant seimei a gilf is keeping ic
seimei as a “figure” and seimei as a “human” are differentiated. as an onmyoji his name is read as “seimei” and as a government official its “haruaki”. in fgo perspective, because he is exclusively seimei, i am going to conceptualize this as him leaving behind the human part of him. bc i have him as awakening his yokai abilities when he was killed and revived, it fits neatly that the human aspect stayed dead in exchange. ‘haruaki’ has been dead since the 1000s, while ‘seimei’ was who and what became an immortal sage in the fgo timeline
there were instances of what i am choosing to read as attempts at necromancy, which the official onmyoji were Not Fans Of. this is relevant to me bc of the above, fgo lore reason being why it was frowned upon is Whatever Comes Back Ain’t Gonna Be Human. seimei was just lucky hes a yokai.
seimeis frequent duties and talents include purification of illnesses, astrology, and purification of buildings that was required before entering a new house. curses are not done by court onmyoji, only un-done.
even in the historical record seimei is a chronic “i will now proceed to do whatever the fuck i want” menace. local guy schedules certain rituals, gets to them, goes ‘no actually i changed my mind’ and does something completely different and everyone just goes ‘oh seimei ur probably right anyways’.
seimei was commonly with two shikigami as his helpers specifically, which could represent the heaven and earth symbology used for a very specific type of divination within onmyodo. in this blog, they’ll be manifested as birdlike children who frequently manifest either together or alone when he needs an errand or fortune-telling done
onmyodo is generally a nighttime activity, so seimei tends to be a night owl, staying up late and sleeping in as a general rule.
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froggyphevoli · 3 years
My Thirst is Real, Though He is Not
[Warning! This post contains spoilers for Ghostbusters: Afterlife.]
I think this whole “bringing dead actors back with CGI” thing is officially starting to fuck with me. But not for the reasons you’re probably expecting.
When Star Wars did it, I know it was controversial because people weren’t sure if it was tasteful or not. I haven’t really made up my mind yet on how I feel about the Star Wars ones, but I do think the way that Ghostbusters: Afterlife handled it was pretty much perfect. Spengler had no speaking lines, and the only time you saw his face (other than the old commercial scenes) were when he was a ghost, which would have required CGI anyway. Plus the filmmakers got permission from Harold Ramis’s family first, and the entire movie was basically a tribute to him.
So, why did this version of CGI resurrection fuck with my head so much, despite being executed as flawlessly as possible? I’m just gonna be blunt here: Egon Spengler became a GILF.
It gets weirder though. Ramis died several years ago, so Grandpa Spengler was created by aging up archive footage from the original Ghostbusters movies. Not only did Spengler canonically live longer than the actor who played him, but the filmmakers also decided to keep him in the same physical shape as he was back in the ‘80s, rather than getting a body double who looked more like Ramis in his later years. And the result was… quite hot.
In other words, I suddenly found myself attracted to a version of a person that never existed, although the person himself was real (Ramis). I mean, I guess “I’m attracted to the character but not the actor” and vice versa are things that happen, but this seems a bit different.
Jesus fucking Christ, I grew up watching the first two Ghostbusters movies, and I was never horny for any of those characters until last week when I saw Afterlife and ghostly old Spengler appeared. Now I’m scouring the Internet for Spengler content, and even ‘80s Spengler is really doing it for me, despite that not previously being the case.
It also doesn’t help that Curtis keeps joking that I look like a nonbinary Spengler because of my hair, so on top of all the other things that make this weird, I’m also wondering if having a crush on this character makes me narcissistic and/or incesty.
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
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3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes? 
Elgar'nan: No, I don’t think so, I don’t even think that Dreag has unusual kinks.
Archer: Okay maybe, I have some. I am very much into puppy play. And also something called Autogynephilia, which is like being aroused by wearing woman’s clothing. And collars and leashes but that is kind of normal for like well puppy play.
Nicolas: I do like breath play, edge play and I think also BDSM, but that isn’t unusual kinks.
Sethius: No, not unusual.
Lyon: A suit kink maybe that is unusual.
Jeker: GILFs meaning I like older women, but given the fact that I am a very old man, well they might be in my age anyway. Also Katoptronophilia, which means having sex in front of mirrors.
Fenrir:  Odaxelagnia which means biting or being aroused by biting. I am a werewolf, so I do love biting things.
Etienne: Not really,  none of my kinks are that unusual.
Danny: No, i don’t have any kinks in particular.
4: Weirdest place you’ve had sex? 
Elgar’nan: Personally I cannot remember when I had the last time sex, but with Dreag, does a library count?
Archer: The Chantry...don’t ask and it just happend.
Nicolas: Where didn’t I had sex in my life. But I guess rhe weirdest place...some officials office.
Sethius: I have sex so rarely that I don’t think I have sex in weird places.
Lyon: In some well cell, not that I was ever in jail or anything.
Jerker: In the fade...not that weird considering i lived there for a well long time.
Fenrir: Somewhere in the forests, I don’t see any place as weird.
Etienne: In some temple, I am so sorry.
Danny: I will not tell.
5: Favourite sex position? 
Elgar’nan: I am kind of okay with what Dreag likes, and he likes so cool stuff. Like Doggy Style, Missionary, Against A Wall, On A Desk.
Archer: Doggy Style, Missionary, Standing, On Top
Nicolas: Standing, 69, Against A Wall, Missionary, Partner On Top, Doggy Style.
Sethius: Partner On Top, Missionary
Lyon: On His Stomach, 69, Doggy Style, Partner On Top
Jerker:  Doggy Style, Standing Up, Legs Over Shoulder, Reverse Cowgirls 
Fenrir: Anything. I don’t care.
Etienne: Missionary, Doggy Style, On Top, On His Stomach
Danny: None
13: Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with? 
Elgar’nan: Yes some nice elven girl and well that is kind of impossible.
Archer: Technically I am okay with not having sex right now.
Nicolas: Oh just a certain mage that seemes to be offended by me.
Sethius: No, unless it is my wife.
Lyon: Maybe...
Jerker: Not really, I am okay right now.
Fenrir: Oh maybe someone, but honestly sex isn’t that big on my mind.
Etienne: I live in a brothel and own one...I think I can get sex whenever I want.
Danny: Not really.
21: Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you? 
Elgar’nan: Yes I had one and I won’t elaborate about it. Technically anything with Dreag is a threesome.
Archer: Yes, I had one.
Nicolas: Of course, what kind of a question is that and yes I had it with two women and two men and one man and one woman.
Sethius: Maybe...I had one.
Lyon: Not really I didn’t have one yet but maybe in the future.
Jerker: No, and i don’t think I want to.
Fenrir: Yes. And yes.
Etienne: Of course, it is routine by now.
Danny: No, I don’t want any of that.
22: Do you/would you use sex toys? 
Elgar’nan: Usually prefer the real thing or use the real thing.
Archer: Sure why  not.
Nicolas: Yes although the real thing is always better.
Sethius: No.
Lyon: Yes.
Jerker: Why should I and I have extra things on me.
Fenrir: No.
Etienne: Sure I did and I own them.
Danny: No.
23: Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture? 
Elgar’nan: No.
Archer: Yes (in Modern)
Nicolas: Yes (in Modern)
Sethius: No
Lyon: Yes (in Modern)
Jerker: Maybe...(in Modern)
Fenrir: Yes...but not like I wanted to sent them.
Etienne: Yes (in Modern)
Danny: No, why should I sent pictures of me naked.
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny? 
Elgar’nan: Honestly I rarely get that horny, so I am unsure if there is a thing.
Archer: Kissing my neck, although that is still very close to wanting to sleep with me, but if you want to go that far, just do that.
Nicolas: Basically anything, I am a very sexual man.
Sethius: Be super intelligent and just spout some like information that makes you go all invested in it. That is super arousing. Intelligence is arousing.
Lyon: Just wear a uniform or anything like a suit.
Jerker: Puh...hard to say.
Fenrir: Biting, in any way or form.
Etienne: Intelligence. Above everything else.
Danny: Nothing, I am sorry to say nothing gets me aroused or horny.
28: Favourite body part on the opposite sex? 
Elgar’nan: Everything, female bodies are a gift of god. But okay maybe breasts, no matter the shape or size.
Archer Hawke: Anything, I am not picky about what I like about women or well men in my case.
Nicolas: Ass, very clearly ass.
Sethius: Oh ehm all things, all assets.
Lyon: Oh just ehm ass I guess.
Jerker: Breasts and like arms, arms are lovely.
Fenrir: Everything.
Etienne: I do enjoy everything about them.
Danny: Nothing.
29: Favourite body part on the same sex? 
Elgar’nan: Maybe I am crude here but dicks, seriously.
Archer: I do like breasts and yes I say breasts since I am female and women would be the same sex.
Nicolas: Ass same as with women.
Sethius: Honestly, nothing that much. Sure I do sleep with men, surprise. But I am not like particular with a specific thing. I do like it when the man is like trained and have some muscles.
Lyon: Oh well, everything but I would say a good sized dick is the best.
Jerker: Hmm. Not that much.
Fenrir: Hmm, I do like certain things but I cannot remember what things.
Etienne: Dicks, Ass, all things you can think of.
Danny: I don’t like anything.
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chenqingssuibian · 4 years
You have a lqr x emperor au?? tell us please!
First off: sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to this! I simply have a lot in my brain, particularly concerning this AU of mine, and so I needed time to collect myself.
Basically, it started with someone in the Xuanli discord, can’t remember who, mentioning that there is, apparently, a canonical emperor in MDZS, disconnected from the chaos of what actually goes on in the novel. I thought (and still think) this is very funny, and made a joke about how he’s probably getting people coming to his court to petition, or something, complaining about the YLLZ digging up dear old grandma and using her in some cultivator war, and the Emperor having to be like “Sorry, citizen! Not my juristiction!”
After that, someone (again, cannot remember who - might’ve been me, even!) brought up the idea that someone from our cast of cultivators, probably the old generation, is keeping him updated on the ongoings. “Probably Lan Qiren,” I said. “Maybe they’re pen-pals!”
And then I spiralled.
See, LQR was hot. (Is hot, if you’re into... GILFs? I wouldn’t really call him a DILF. I think it’s the length of his facial hair.) With that in mind, I had what I would comfortably call a galaxy-brain moment: what if the Emperor is in love with LQR?
So. I started plotting. Perhaps they met while the Emperor was still the Crown Prince, long before the births of the Twin Jades and everyone else in their generation - some 40 to 50 years before canon. Maybe LQR’s/Papa Lan’s father was the pen-pal of the previous Emperor, or every twenty years or so the various Sect Leaders of the cultivation world come together (with or without their heirs) to meet the Emperor, or something. IDK politics. Either way, during this time period, LQR and the Crown Prince meet, maybe have a romantic couple of days, and promise to exchange letters. In this scenario, they would continue to exchange letters throughout the events we know of in the canon timeline of MDZS, from Papa Lan taking Madame Lan as a wife and going into seclusion, to the births of the Twin Jades, and so on. With this set up, there comes a point where the Crown Prince-who would, obviously, become the Emperor somewhere in there-becomes perhaps the only true friend LQR has.
So. Some point, after LXC comes out of seclusion after healing from the events of canon and after Wangxian come home from their honeymoon across the cultivation world, LQR. Has enough. It’s not that he’s leaving, per say - he’s going to the capitol city of whatever dynasty MDZS is vaguely set in on official business! He just. Stays longer than he has to. Visiting an old friend, if anyone bothers to ask.
This is, of course, the first time in some... 30 or so years since the Emperor and LQR have seen each other face to face. The Emperor, who has a harem and many children and is, now, probably in his mid-to-late 60′s, freaks out. LQR looks roughly the same as when they last saw each other, bar some gray hairs; meanwhile, the Emperor has deep crows’ feet at the corners of his eyes, and laugh lines, and after some injury or another he walks with a slight limp. He is also still very much in love with LQR, which he thought he wasn’t, since he genuinely did love his wives! He does! It’s just... Not the same. (No love is the same, is what his first wife, the Empress, tells him when he confesses this to her in tears.)
The Harem start scheming. Not in the whole... Harem intrigue, I’m-the-Emperor’s-true-love sort of way, but in the let’s-get-our-husband-a-husband way! They don’t all like each other, because of course they don’t; I think I wrote somewhere in my very messy outline that there are, like, 14 of them. However, they all do care about their husband, in some way or another, and it’s been around 10 years since the Emperor took another spouse, so, frankly, the Harem could use some entertainment. The New Crown Prince, the eldest of the Emperor’s male children, and a couple of the younger ones, are all in on it, too, because the Emperor is well-loved, damn it, and they want to see their Royal Father happy!
I imagine Parent Trap-esque shenanigans from the Princes and Princesses in on the Harem’s plot to get LQR and the Emperor back together, and completely unsubtle talking-up of the Emperor’s prowess and kindness, or something, from the Harem. LQR is not stupid - he would notice something is going on! He’s also dealing with his own thing, though; namely, that he is not as removed from human desire as he thought he was, and he still very much carries a torch for perhaps the one man he cannot have.
That’s right. Mutual pining, peanut gallery shenanigans, supportive-if-petty Harem members, insecurity, and the different ways you can love a person (or people!) throughout your lifetime! Those are the essential parts of this AU!
It’s going to be a long time coming, though. As you might’ve noticed, I have not named the Emperor. I’m going to need to look through the various names of real Emperors throughout China’s various dynasties, as well as naming conventions for royal families, which may or may not be different from the sorts of names members of the aristocracy or common folk may have (I do not know! I need to find out!) and I haven’t had the time to do so. So, no name for the Emperor yet, but I know the vibe I want the name to have. I want the name, and the Emperor, to have an inherent gentleness to it. I imagine him to be a kind man with a strong sense of justice, and I want a name that says that. Some of the Harem members have place-holder names, for now; in my outline, I mostly refer to them with surnames. (The Empress’s surname, in case you’re wondering, is Zhou!)
So. That’s the AU, dear anon. Took me a while to type this out! Not as long as it took to answer this ask, though :P If you, or anyone else, for that matter, have any further questions-or name suggestions, please help me-feel free to ask! I love talking about my more out-there AUs, and this one... is out-there, I think. Fun to think about, though!
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