#Ms. Merino
Things I want to see in the Sea Beast sequel
(The seabeastquel, if you will):
Little Jacob flashbacks! The little we know about the movie so far has indicated that it will be about Jacob learning parenthood with his newly adopted kid and- whoa, would ya look at that, his Own dad had to do the same thing! Parallels! Please and thank you!
More beasts. C'mon man, it's called The Sea Beast, we're gonna need more lil guys, creatures, if you will. You want them, I want them, give us more beasts
MS. MERINO. Listen, I know the Ms. Merino fanclub isn't nearly as big as the Jacob and Crow fanclubs, but I'm in love with her and I need more of her. She's the love of my life, pls Mr. Williams sir I need more
Idk if I'm just biased because I wrote a fic about it (The Honor of a Tired Old Man on ao3, check it out!), but for the love of all things holy I Need a Jacob and Crow resolution. You cannot expect me to believe Crow legitimately stopped caring about his kid after everything. He wanted to, sure, but no, he did not.
Gay people. Listen, this is already a very queer world, just make it official. I vote for Ms. Merino to be Sapphic and have a wife and for it to be me
More Crow backstory pls. Also, just more Crow. I love this crusty old man and I know for a fact that The Sea Beast tumblr would riot in the streets if their favorite gilf wasn't back for the sequel. More Crow please
More worldbuilding, simply because what we already have is so interesting and I desperately want to know what else they would do. How to other societies deal with the beasts? What do they think of the hunter society, especially now that it's collapsing.
Speaking of that collapse, PLEASE show me the revolution. I need details. This world is so fascinating I need to know about the revolution so bad
And finally, what jobs have old hunters started filling? I've made speculations about trade and fishing vessels, and I know that fishing and privateering is a popular headcanon. Maybe some of them go for actual piracy? I think some should go for actual piracy... as a treat.
Drop your thoughts in the tags and reblogs! I'm hyped for the seabeastquel, lmk what you think!
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trashfactorysstuff · 2 months
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I apologize to my the sea beast children that I neglected for almost 3 years. Here is food for those who are still alive.
I was only resurrected because I watched the podcast of the creation of The Sea Beast and that was how I woke up that side that was hibernating.
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I beg for Hornagold to be in the sequel. He has so much potential for a redemption arc.
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ariannalitvin · 1 month
"And I remember being younger and my mother told me the truth "Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you. Take heed when things get hard and don't you ever turn around. You'll find someone, someday, somewhere that grows you to the clouds."
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I possible just wanted to dump my photos from the sea beast BUT like I LOVE this movie SOOO MUCH, I'm back on my shit!!!!
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butterfly87676 · 2 months
if we made a smash cake what would it be on?
my would be a lot of Jacob holland and Sarah sharpe and general Lia and captain crow and ms. Merino on my side 😭😭 (and other Disney men characters)
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the-chaos-katzlein · 2 years
Me? In love with a side character?
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arianna-litvinalt · 1 year
Art dump cause im bored as fuck man
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lambtuft · 4 months
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lamb/ram themed npts 🐏🐾
names :: angus , celest , sara , saraph , saraphim , angel , divine , purity , pure , chasity , hoove , harvs , evie , lacey , ram , ramhorn , cherub , cherubim , merino , shet , shetland , suffolk , innocent , mary , colt , saint, mutton , goatie , tuft , curl , lamb , lambie .
prns :: it/its , hy/hyms , shi/hir , lamb/lambs , we/we's , h*/h*ms , sh*/h*r , he/hems , shy/shys, fwu/fwus , ram/rams , pure/pures , tuft/tufts , saint/saintself , shet/shetland , divine/divineself , cherub/cherubim , god/gods , godess/goddesself [ im aware god/goddess prns are controversial , however im adding for irls/introjects of religious figures.] 🐑/🐑's , 🐾/🐾's , 🦴/🦴's , 🗝️/🗝️ , 🐏/🐏's , 🪽/🪽's , ❕/❕'s , ❔/❔'s , 🐁/🐁 🦷/🦷's , 🕊️/🕊️'s .
titles :: ' [prn] who bleets ' ,, ' the one with tufted fur ' ,, ' wolf in sheeps clothing ' ,, ' the pure creature ' ,, ' the holiest of symbols ' ,, ' the everlasting felt ' ,, ' [prn] is of holy decent' ' a horned puritan ' ,, ' sheltered lamb ' ,, 'pleet of clouds'
VERY self indulgent .... please rb + like to support a little lamb ^___^
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Review Blurbs: The Sea Beast
-This movie is a huge love letter to pirates. They made a point to use accurate accents from pirates in that time period and region, even making a dig at the inaccurate depiction of pirates saying "argh" that is popularly known
-On that note, it has a huge core theme of being critical of history, and the idea that "history is written by the winners". As a history buff I am begging you to get more into this topic, you have no idea how bad the inaccurate depictions of history go (some people still believe in the Thanksgiving story...)
-Sarah Sharpe is the best character I take no criticisms (and I lived for every time Ms. Merino's job was to just shout at people, I support her with my life)
-Minor detail but I noticed that the town is a matriarchy; the Queen seems to call the shots more often with her "King" either having equal power to her (and not more than her) or being a prince consort under her power. The "King" talks almost like a consort with giving debriefings and run downs of known information while she handles the real conversations and decrees, which is a cool detail to put for the world-building
-The movie's generally very racially diverse and has lots of diverse women (I'm talking in body type, facial animation, personality, occupation, etc.) in the pirate world and among the townspeople. Even the monarchy general was a woman, which makes sense when you consider the kingdom is actually a queendom
-There's seemingly no racism or sexism in this setting, but I feel the implication is there; Captain Crow has women and POC everywhere in his crew but he himself as a white man made Jacob, another white man, his heir without having to think too hard (many times these "draws" people have to those of their own archetype are subconscious). He also doesn't listen to Sarah much of the time (this is during his grieving process which could be chalked up to that but he also shows a distinct interest in what Jacob has to say more than anyone), and refused to listen to Maise about cutting the rope, even almost killed her for going against his orders. The monarchs are also white, which felt intentional (diverse society's can still be privy to racial bias, which you will see when you look at the demographics of the working class vs. the elite, in this case pirate society vs. the monarchy)
-Maise mentions when she's telling Jacob about how wrong their history is, and that the beasts attacked human ships after humans attacked them and encroached on their territory. Humans have done this to animals since we were first able, and the movie takes a strong stance towards wildlife preservation in the form of telling people we need to leave the wildlife alone, which I immensely appreciate and you should too
-The symbolism of Sarah Sharpe giving Maise the knife that started the whole journey. She first gave it to Maise as a precaution ('you're on a pirate ship, you need to be prepared' kinda deal) and Maise used it to cut the ropes that got her and Jacob flung off the ship and eaten by Red. This paralleled so nicely during the final act with Sarah telling Maise “I should’ve given you a bigger knife” and siding with Maise in cutting the rope and freeing Red. Its a subtle but very beautiful detail of a black woman supporting a black girl, particularly in breaking the rules made by a white man, stating her only regret was not encouraging her to have greater ambitions (the “bigger sword”), and eventually helping the girl on her path to achieving them
-Since its the core theme, it felt kind of glaring to me that the movie doesn't quite treat animals like animals. Red is made to be “friendly” and hyper-sentient in understanding humans, which is not accurate to real animals. The reason I harp on this is because people have a harmful habit of trying to humanize animals in order to give them value (i.e. "we shouldn't hurt the environment because animals are cute"). Its a good standpoint for getting people to sympathize away from extremist beliefs (Manifest Destiny/"animals are inferior so humans can do whatever we want to them" type ideology), but at this point I think we're ready for broader conversations about being actually accurate in our perception of wildlife, in that they are nothing like humans and don't need to be to deserve to be left the hell alone. They exist, and we should respect that.
-I honestly would've removed Blue, the movie felt harder to take seriously with this character that's very much meant to be the "fun and lovable companion that the kids will like and maybe even buy merchandise for" insertion. Not accusing anyone of that last bit, but my point stands; you don't need to have "that" character for a kid's movie to be enjoyable to kids, and this movie is already more mature than most kid's movies so I would've removed them
Final Thoughts:
The Sea Beast is a very cute movie that's a love letter to pirates and history, and especially now in this era of critical analysis, its more important than ever to not only know our history, but to make sure our history is accurate. Definitely watch this movie if you love history, pirates, pirate history, or just cute stories about people finding their own unconventional families within each other (and some animals).
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
Chapter 52 – The Beginnings Of A Messy New Life
My name is Seven, I’m a 29-year-old merino sheep and one would say, I’ve got it pretty good. High education, high income, a high-class condo for me to live in alone – my life is on track. I’m your everyday dependable female.
I have a strange habit, however: I always take the carnivore cabin on the train to work. I’m aware that there’s a safe cabin for herbivores on every train, but travelling in a hybrid cabin is my decision and I will stick to it. Of course, my coworker keeps asking me about my goals and what do I want to prove. I don’t want to tell her anything. She doesn’t need to know. I don’t want to prove anything. I just want to treat carnivores like they’re my equals. But whenever I try to shake things off, she keeps telling me how I should never touch my face while riding the train, since tapping one’s cheeks three times in front of a carnivore means “you can eat me”. Just how suicidal should I feel to actually do that?
Where do I work do you ask? Well, I work for a big sporting goods company, selling sports gear mainly to male carnivores. I landed a job here thanks to my academic background and my passion for sporting goods. You see, I’ve always liked to look at sporting goods behind the frame. For a fluffy sheep like me though, a stylish pair of shoes looked like a faraway dream. I always work overtime, so that they can see how determined I am to make a change in this company’s workings. I don’t know how it would be possible for someone working at sales, however. Not that I would have to worry about it…
One day, my manager, who is a skunk, moved me to a different post. He told me that while I’ve done a lot for the company, the only reason I could’ve kept my position for so long is that he believed that I would bring a “nice change of pace” to the company. I could see clearly then that the manager and the other employees are all the same. They always call me “Ms. Lamb” or “Sheepish”. And while I was standing in front of my boss with my blood boiling, he told me that he had a very special job for me that night. My curiosity peaked and I heard him out. We went to a restaurant, where he had a business meeting with the executives of another sportswear company.
I was seated at the far end of the table, near the CEO of the other company, who was a Bengal tiger because apparently all sportswear companies must be run by large-breed carnivores, and while my boss and him were discussing the details, he was stroking the wool on my neck. I could feel his sharp claws gliding against my skin, worrying every second that he might slit my neck open. How ironic, that at that moment, they were discussing that the base color of our project should be red. Are you laughing, because I’m not!
Oh, and just to add some flavor to my misery, my boss introduced me as “Ms. Lamb, the company’s therapy animal”. How dare he!? I work my ass off for seven years just to become the company’s clown as a “therapy animal”!?
Anyway, the next day, as I was getting ready, I took a good look at myself and took a moment to reflect. With my new “promotion”, I no longer saw the use of red lipstick… nor the need for a high-class condo… I decided to move out… There was also a lesson I learned, when your co-workers make it a habit to bully you, they do it like it’s a secret. You don’t really get it, but the malice is all there. I think it was time for me to face reality… I’ve been heart-broken even without realizing it. Now I know that all this time, I’ve been riding in the hybrid wagon because I’m secretly suicidal. In the crowd, I was tossed next to a large grey wolf. He had a scar on his face. The perfect candidate for me to end it all. I looked him in the eye. Then I tapped my face once, then twice, but when I was about to touch my face for the third time, he grabbed me by my coat and tossed me out of the train.
‘That’s very rude!’ he said, scolding me. ‘You also shouldn’t ride in the hybrid wagon… It’s dangerous.’
Suddenly the doors closed. I could see him saying something but I wasn’t sure what. I couldn’t see him clearly from the tears fogging up my vision.
‘Rude…’ That word kept resonating in me for a while as I started walking down the street. As I was walking, a complete mess, I called in for a day of sick-leave, taking the opportunity to look for a new apartment.
I still couldn’t believe how some kid yelled at me for doing something crazy. With his large, white canines and great strength, he reminded me of my carnivore classmates from high school. They never tried to hide their true natures. And while they were sometimes rough around the edges, I always felt safe near them. However, when they turned into adults, they hid their carnivorous traits, becoming frightening in ways I cannot understand. I can only hope that that wolf will maintain his honesty.
After looking around for a bit, I found a real estate office. A female ox greeted me as the real estate agent of the office. I told her about my preferences: something small that would suit my miserable life. She laughed at me, of course, then searched on his computer.
‘Well, lucky for you, there are two vacant rooms in a place called, The Hidden Condo. The rooms are all very small and worn down and there are only communal bathrooms. Also, all the animals who live there have… What should be the right term? Special circumstances…’ the ox said.
‘Why would that make me lucky?’ I asked.
‘Because there happens to be another lost sheep who wants to live in the same apartment as you. He’s sitting right next to you. Why don’t you two try to be good neighbors?’
I looked over, only to see the wolf who tossed me out of the train wagon. I sent a soft smile towards him.
‘Sure, he is an ex-convict but this is the safety you can expect when you’re trying to buy a cheap apartment’ the agent continued, freezing the smile on my face. I signed the contract anyway and a teeny tiny room got into my possession.
I moved in the next day, bringing some of my furniture and ordering some online. The grey walls were moldy in some places and the wood floors were getting loose in some places, but that room was all mine. I called the electric company and the telephone company to order the lighting, phone and internet service. I also planned out the redecoration… A fresh cone of paint and some new flooring would sure do some wonders with this place.
Living in the Hidden Condo isn’t as easy as I first thought. First of all, the city center is 10 minutes by train while the Black Market is only 10 minutes on foot. Plus, that ex-convict of a wolf became my next-door neighbor and keeps causing a ruckus every night. After about a week, when I had literal suitcases under my eyes, I walked to the restroom to get some water then confront him about his behavior. Little did I know that he would soon join me. I stood there in silence, sipping my water, while he started the water then washed his face.
‘It’s now or never!’ I thought.
‘Good evening!’ I said after gathering every ounce of courage I had. The wolf looked at me with blank eyes, water dripping from his fur, showing off his canines as he slightly opened his mouth to breathe. I became terrified. ‘I’m Seven, a merino sheep! I’m your next-door neighbor! We saw each other at the real estate office!’ I yelled in fright.
The wolf remained silent, however, not saying anything. He just nodded then started walking back to his room. What a terrible attitude. I was sure he had no friends at all. I was proven very long very shortly. My neighbors were visited by a lot of others. His friends ranged from friendly, through stern, to outright vulgar.
The constant ruckus every night remained unchanged however. I finally had enough one night and went over to his room to see what’s going on. Immediately as I stepped in, he pinned me to the floor, saliva dripping from his mouth. I was sure that he was going to eat me.
‘Seven… My room doesn’t have any electricity… How do I fix that?’ he said instead of eating me. I was shocked of course, but I had to answer him. I was worried he would eat me otherwise.
‘You need to call the electric company and tell them your room number. That way, they can remotely turn on the electricity in your room’ I answered. ‘If you have a phone, you can even look their number up on Zoozle.’
He let go of me and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.
‘I’m also looking for a part-time job but I don’t know how to find one…’ he said. He appeared so nervous, I felt sorry for him.
‘Well, you could find some city work around the train station or go and look for one on a job offer website.’ The wolf sighed. He panted even.
‘Are you alright?’ I asked, reaching for him.
‘Absolutely do not touch me!’ he said as he backed away. I didn’t understand his reaction but I decided not to ask him about it and respect his boundaries. ‘This will be a weird question but… Why did you help me instead of running away from me?’
I looked at him while he lowered his head, reminding me of my high school classmates. Then I remembered my colleagues who didn’t even know my name.
‘Because it’s been a long time since a carnivore actually called me by my real name… And I’m happy that you did!’ I smiled at him. ‘But I still don’t know your name.’
‘It’s Legoshi’ the wolf replied.
And that’s how a new chapter began in my life.
Well, dropping out of school turned out to be way easier than I thought. When I walked into the principal’s office, he was waiting for me with the papers already written for me. All I had to do is sign them and I was no longer a Cherryton Academy student. I was only Legoshi.
Not knowing what to do after that (since I didn’t plan that far ahead), I went to Gouhin for some advice. He allowed me to stay for a week if I helped him with his work. I agreed to do it. He also told me about how can I actually look for my own apartment. Considering, however, that I didn’t have that much money even after having been paid by Gouhin for my previous work nights, the bar for an apartment was pretty low.
Gouhin allowed me to search for real estate offices on the internet and pick out rooms and apartments. Then I visited the places during the day and helped Gouhin during the night. Some of the places were in really good condition but they were too expensive for my budget. Others were a bit more worn down and affordable, but it turned out that ex-convicts, especially predatorial offenders were not allowed. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I found an advert on the website of the Ox Real Estate Office, listing a small room for 25000 Yen a month in a place called The Hidden Condo. I booked an appointment with one of the agents to help me with the paperwork so I can have the room and move in as soon as possible.
When the appointment arrived, I headed to the train station. I boarded the hybrid wagon so that nobody would stare at me or my wounds. It was quite full already when I boarded but it got worse at each station. Suddenly, I felt somebody fall at my right leg. It was a sheep, who looked me in the eye and started to pat her face. I knew exactly what the gesture meant and when she was about to pat her face for the third time, I grabbed her by the cot and threw her out of the wagon. I didn’t realize, however, that it was my station and that I had to get off and when I finally did, it was already too late because the doors were closing and I couldn’t get off. The next station was 20 minutes away so, of course, I ended up arriving late.
Thankfully, I could get the room still. I paid for the first month and was ready to sign the papers. Suddenly, I overheard a conversation with another agent and her client. I heard them talking about being good neighbors and that they were talking about me. As I looked over, I realized that it was the sheep who I threw out of the train. I felt really bad about it, so I drooped my ears and tried to appear as small as possible.
I could move in three days later. I didn’t really have any possessions so it was quite easy. I put my clothes in a duffel bag and I borrowed a mattress from Gouhin until I could afford a bed. The nights alone were extremely difficult, however. I could barely sleep and every night, I was violently throwing myself around. I could only imagine what the other tenants were thinking about me… This was all because of my meat deprivation… After all, the first herbivore I touched after Louis was my neighbor. The feel of her back against my hand made me imagine her taste, her texture and the juiciness of her meat. Every night I have the same dream of eating Louis’ foot. It haunts me.
When one night, I met my neighbor in the communal bathroom, she tried to greet me. She introduced herself as Seven. I think it’s a rather unique name. I’ve never known anyone named Seven before. Anyway, I didn’t want to scare her any further (since it appeared that she was actually terrified of me), so I didn’t say anything just nodded. Deep inside though, I was apologizing a lot, hoping she wouldn’t be mad at me.
During the next few days, a lot of my friends visited me. First the Room 701 boys paid me a visit after Jack guiding them to me. We ate and sang and altogether had a really great time. My room, however, felt a bit tight with all of us inside.
Then I was visited by Aoba and Bill. We had a little chat. Aoba told me that Bill would become the next leader of the Drama Club after Sanu graduated. I congratulated him, of course. They told me that Dom and Pina also wanted to pay me a visit, to which I just shrugged my shoulder. Really, I was just trying to avoid any contact with herbivores out of fear. The others, of course, laughed at me for how badly I was faking a tough guy then Bill scolded me how I need social ability.
Then, to my surprise, Gouhin visited me briefly, asking about my well-being and how I manage living alone. I told him everything was fine, which was a lie really, because even after two weeks, I still had no electricity nor internet in my room, plus the deadline for rent was rapidly approaching while my savings were slowly but surely plummeting. I really needed to find a job but I didn’t even know where to look.
That’s when my guardian angel entered my room one night in the shape of Seven. After waking up to the opening of my room’s door, I immediately jumped at her, pinning her to the ground. I tried my best to restrain my instincts, but I couldn’t stop salivating. I could see the terror in her eyes.
‘You need social ability!’ Bill’s words resonated in my mind.
In an effort to try and control myself more, I thought of a way to start a conversation.
‘Seven… My room doesn’t have any electricity… How do I fix that?’ I said instead nervously.
‘You need to call the electric company and tell them your room number. That way, they can remotely turn on the electricity in your room’ she replied. ‘If you have a phone, you can even look their number up on Zoozle.’
I let go of her and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt.
‘I’m also looking for a part-time job but I don’t know how to find one…’ I said. I was shaking in fear, trying my hardest to resist the urge of eating her.
‘Well, you could find some city work around the train station or go and look for one on a job offer website.’ I started to hyperventilate. I could barely breathe. It took me every ounce of energy to restrain myself.
‘Are you alright?’ she asked, reaching for my hand.
‘Absolutely do not touch me!’ I said as I backed away to the farthest corner in the room. ‘This will be a weird question but… Why did you help me instead of running away from me?’ I asked after calming down a little.
I lowered my head, not wanting to see her eyes after what just happened.
‘Because it’s been a long time since a carnivore actually called me by my real name… And I’m happy that you did!’ she said while she smiled at me. ‘But I still don’t know your name.’
‘It’s Legoshi’ I introduced myself.
‘Pleasure:’ And that’s how my messy new life began.
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#the chords themselves are specifically c major‚ g major‚ a minor and f major. because they're all in the c scale they use only white keys
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customknitfactory · 29 days
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Wip game!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs!
Tagged by @cobalt-knave ! Thanks dude ✨️
Healing in the Sun When She Rises (TMA)
Urvidian be an ok dad challenge (EOS10)
Dadvineaux moment (Carmen Sandiego)
Gay ppl when trauma (RVB)
throwing ballister at the wall for views (Nimona)
SIBS. THATS IT GAYS (Carmen Sandiego)
Is maddox ok? ...nah (EOS10)
Operation Anti-Mongoose (KFAM)
Send me asks about my wips if any sound interesting!
@ex-bee @driftwooddestiel @steves-strapcollection (that's all i ould think of... sorry) hey gang ✌️
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coopsday · 5 months
ILO and UNTFSSE celebrate first anniversary of UNGA Resolution on the SSE with a global webinar.
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On Thursday, April 18, 2024, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) hosted an anniversary webinar. The event featured regional updates and reflections on the progress since last year’s adoption of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) for sustainable development. The webinar attracted nearly 400 registrants from 65 countries. Accessibility in French, English, and Spanish ensured inclusivity for a diverse audience.
A Year of Global Progress
The event kicked off with a welcome statement from Ms Simel Esim, Head of Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy at the ILO and Co-Chair of the UNTFSSE. “Each region brings its unique insights and challenges, enriching our dialogue and enhancing our understanding of how to effectively promote sustainable development across different contexts,” Ms Esim stated. Noting the ILO's role as a co-founder and leader of the Task Force for most of the past decade, she underscored the past year's key achievements for the UNTFSSE and the ILO in follow-up to the ILC resolution concerning decent work and the SSE. She notably highlighted the online self-learning modules for awareness raising on the SSE, developed for the UNTFSSE by the ILO and its International Training Centre in Turin, with support from the Government of Luxembourg.
Ms Chantal Line Carpentier, Head of Trade, Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development at UN Trade and Development and Co-Chair of the UNTFSSE, presented a summary of the UNTFSSE’s Strategic Action Plan for 2024-2026. She noted that the plan prioritizes implementing the UNGA resolution, preparing the UN Secretary General’s report, institutionalizing Task Force governance, and promoting key areas such as policy coherence, education and research, access to financial and non-financial support services, and statistics. Linking the SSE to a new economics for sustainable development she noted: “We see a lot of regional progress, and we need to make sure it goes global, and it goes national, and it goes local. And all of this we can do with our partners at all the levels, but it will require some resources.” 
Regional Level Highlights 
The webinar showcased updates from various regions, beginning with two video messages from Spain and Chile, two co-sponsors of the UNGA resolution, that highlighted the launch of the Ibero-American Network for the Promotion of the SSE. On the Iberian side, Ms Amparo Merino, Secretary of State for the Social Economy from Spain’s Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, praised the resolution as “a true example of international cooperation in these times in which conflict and international disorder seem to prevail.” On the Americas side, Ms Claudia Fuentes Julio, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Geneva, stated: "Our commitment to social justice is at the heart of our efforts to promote the SSE. This dedication transcends borders as demonstrated by the participation of more than a dozen governments of the Americas in the ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice." 
Following these two video messages, Mr Patrick Klein, Head of Sector for Social Economy and Social Enterprise, and Ms Margit Perko, Policy Officer at the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, both representatives of the European Commission, discussed the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan. Mr Klein underlined the importance of supporting “social economy actors to be a beacon in … the green transition [and] the digital transition." Ms Perko presented highlights of progress, such as the adoption of the Council Recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions and the launch of the EU Social Economy Gateway.
Participants then heard from Mr Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of Labour, Employment, and Migration Division at the African Union (AU) Commission. He discussed the AU’s engagement with the SSE, including the development, with ILO support, of a ten-year SSE Strategy and mapping studies to inform policy making. The strategy is set to be endorsed by Ministers responsible for Social Development, Labour, and Employment at the end of July in 2024. “The strides made so far,” he noted, “stand as a testament to the transformative potential of SSE in advancing socio-economic progress across the Continent.” 
And lastly, Mr Denison Jayasooria, Former Chair of the Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC) and Head of Secretariat, All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on SDGs, shared the perspective of SSE actors in Asia and the Pacific, in the absence of an intergovernmental regional initiative on the SSE. Mr Jayasooria emphasized the vibrancy of the SSE movement in the region as “an alternative model of doing business and development … towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and just development.” Discussing the policy situation, he underscored the need to build on the multi-country research initiative with the ILO.
Participant Reflections & Re-Commitment
The presentations sparked a period of reflection among designated participants, including representatives from the Ministry of Microfinance and the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Government of Senegal, which co-sponsored the UNGA resolution, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Global Social Economy Forum and SSE International Forum. Joining the ILO’s Global Social Justice Coalition was emphasized as a key opportunity to promote the SSE. Looking ahead, upcoming milestones include the UN Summit of the Future, the Second World Summit for Social Development, and the second UN International Year of Cooperatives in 2025.
A video recording of the event is available here.
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ariannalitvin · 4 months
CALLING ALL THE SEA BEAST FANS!! CALLING ALL THE SEA BEAST FANS!!! Arianna Wallen Litvin (My OC for The Sea Beast) is turning 27 in 2 weeks and guess what... YOU'RE INVITED!!
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If you can't read cursive here's what it says
You are invited to, Ariannas 27th birthday. June 8th, 1804, at 5:30 p.m. CDT Location: Castle Whiterock Formal Dress code We hope to see you there.
it's on a saturday! If you can draw, draw urself in an outfit tagging me (for those who cant draw you can just find dress to wear to the party on Pinterest or smth!!!!)
EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! even jacob. i cant wait to see all of you there :33
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butterfly87676 · 1 year
oh my gosh look!❤️
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It’s old nick, fen, Ms. Merino and that dude with no hair (we were robbed!)
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Name: Ms. Tuan Merino Color: Pearl #Fbfcf8 Symbol: chinchilla Strife Specibus: staplerkind Handle: ghastlyCalamity Animal: pony Pronouns: she/her Age: 56 Birthday: 254th day of the year Sexuality: straight Interests: powerlifting and coloring Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Bard of Mind Land: Land of Brains and Glitter, a creepy place, with encouraging Leopard Gecko consorts. It is a place full of the grand clock and the grand clock. Adanos seeks rest. Instrument: flageolet via homestuck-human-generator https://ift.tt/kLwZlu8
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